An Evaluation Model for Selecting Part Candidates for Additive Manufacturing in the Transport Sector

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An Evaluation Model for Selecting Part Candidates for Additive Manufacturing in the Transport Sector
An Evaluation Model for Selecting Part Candidates for Additive
Manufacturing in the Transport Sector
Rumbidzai Muvunzi * , Khumbulani Mpofu                             and Ilesanmi Daniyan

                                          Department of Industrial Engineering, Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria 0183, South Africa;
                                 (K.M.); (I.D.)
                                          * Correspondence:

                                          Abstract: There is a need to develop guidelines for identifying situations where it is more beneficial
                                          to apply Additive Manufacturing (AM) as opposed to conventional methods of manufacturing. Thus,
                                          the aim of this paper is to propose a model for evaluating the sustainability of applying AM in
                                          the manufacture of transport equipment parts. A literature review was conducted to identify the
                                          parameters for selecting the part candidates. In the next stage, the criteria were ranked according
                                          to the needs of the transport equipment manufacturing industry using the Analytical Hierarchy
                                          Process (AHP) technique. The next stage featured the development of the decision matrix using
                                          the weights and classified levels. To validate the proposed decision matrix, different case studies
                                          from literature were used. The weights obtained from the case studies were in agreement with the
                                          proposed evaluation model. This study will add to the understanding of how the AM industries
                                          can effectively screen potential part candidates, thereby promoting the overall sustainability of the
                                          AM process in terms of material conservation, geometric complexity and functionality. There is
                                          still a dearth of information on the evaluation models capable of identifying the core functions of
                                the products and the applicable environment. The work presents a proposed framework for part
                                          selection using the evaluation model.
Citation: Muvunzi, R.; Mpofu, K.;
Daniyan, I. An Evaluation Model for
                                          Keywords: additive manufacturing; AHP; evaluation model; Industry 4.0; part candidates; sustainability
Selecting Part Candidates for
Additive Manufacturing in the
Transport Sector. Metals 2021, 11, 765.
                                          1. Introduction
Academic Editor: Miguel Cervera                 Due to pressure from international organisations, the current global trend is aligned
                                          towards the adaptation of sustainable manufacturing technologies [1] (Additive Manu-
Received: 23 February 2021                facturing (AM) is an important element of Industry 4.0 with the potential to positively
Accepted: 12 April 2021                   transform the transport equipment manufacturing Industry [2–4]. In South Africa, most
Published: 6 May 2021                     transport equipment parts are imported from other countries [5] According to the Ob-
                                          servatory for Economic Complexity (OEC), $3.07B worth of vehicle parts were imported
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral      from other countries in 2019 [6]. As a flexible technology, AM can be used as an enabling
with regard to jurisdictional claims in   technology for increasing local production of transport equipment parts This is possible
published maps and institutional affil-   due to the benefits of this emerging technology. Firstly, AM can be used to produce parts
iations.                                  directly from digital models, thus, resulting in shorter process chains [7]. Additionally, AM
                                          offers design freedom, allowing the manufacture of parts with complex geometry without
                                          the need for tooling [7]. Additionally, AM has shown the potential to reduce or eliminate
                                          the costs of inventory, logistics and tooling [8]. As a result, a wide variety of parts can be
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.         produced [9]. For example, AM has been used in the medical industry to produce complex
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.        implants. Yadroitsev et al. [10] studied the application of the Ti6Al4V alloy for biomedical
This article is an open access article    applications. Du plessis et al. [11] conducted a study on the mechanical properties of
distributed under the terms and           lightweight lattice structures that can be applied in developing bone implants for the medi-
conditions of the Creative Commons        cal industry. Unlike conventional manufacturing techniques, such as machining, casting
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
                                          and forming, AM creates the final shape by adding materials, thereby eliminating wastage
                                          of raw materials. A lot of studies were done to improve the quality of parts produced

Metals 2021, 11, 765.                                           
An Evaluation Model for Selecting Part Candidates for Additive Manufacturing in the Transport Sector
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                       with AM [12–14]. Furthermore, the implications of the global pandemic and need for local
                       manufacturing capability call for exploitation of available manufacturing technologies.

                       1.1. AM Opportunities in the Production of Transport Equipment Parts
                            As mentioned earlier, AM offers many advantages to the transport equipment manu-
                       facturing industry. The following section explains some of the opportunities in which AM
                       can exploited to increase local production of parts in the transport sector.

                       1.1.1. Production of Lightweight Parts
                             One of the most important goals of the transport industry is to reduce fuel con-
                       sumption while improving safety [4] This can be achieved through reducing the weight of
                       components. AM offers the opportunity to processes advanced lightweight materials which
                       are difficult to process using conventional methods such as machining [15]. Additionally,
                       the freedom of design offered by AM can be exploited to allow the production of parts with
                       complex designs that are able to meet functional requirements while using lesser materi-
                       als [16,17]. Most cases in the literature that involve the use of AM to produce lightweight
                       parts are mostly for the aerospace and automotive industry [18–21]. Shi et al. [22] addi-
                       tively manufactured a lightweight aerospace bracket which was designed using topology
                       optimisation. Kim et al. [21] used topology optimisation and structural analysis to develop
                       a lighter automotive knuckle part with improved stiffness and structural safety. Moreover,
                       Calleja-Ochoa et al. [23] developed a method for producing ultralight components with
                       improved functionality using the Laser Bed Powder Fusion Process (LPBF). In this study,
                       the part produced using the developed approach exhibited high structural properties in
                       terms of compressive strength, stress and strain distribution.

                       1.1.2. High Performance Critical Parts
                             Some of the transport equipment parts are exposed to extreme conditions and require
                       high performance designs to function properly [24]. Typical examples include engine
                       components that are exposed to high temperatures and may benefit from the use of inno-
                       vative cooling systems which can be produced using AM [15]. Other extreme conditions
                       include corrosive environments or heavy mechanical loads. As mentioned previously, AM
                       gives opportunities to use high performance materials which can withstand the extreme
                       mechanical or chemical loads and optimised designs with improved functionality [15].
                       Calleja et al. [25] developed a method for ensuring uniform deposition in the manufacture
                       of blisk blades using the laser cladding AM process. The blades were produced using the
                       Iconel 718 super alloy for improved mechanical performance.

                       1.1.3. Producing Spare Parts in Low Volume
                            Transport companies are often faced with difficulties to manage spare parts inven-
                       tory [26]. A lot of downtime is experienced while waiting to replace a broken spare part [27].
                       Sometimes, a lot of inventory is kept, this ties up capital and the parts may become obsolete
                       in the warehouse [28]. AM offers the potential to switch to digital inventory so that the parts
                       can be produced on demand since no tooling is required [28]. Obsolete components can be
                       reverse engineered to obtain the original models so that they can be printed [26]. Using
                       AM to produce spare parts on demand will eliminate the logistical and warehousing costs.

                       1.1.4. Production Tools with Special Features
                            Due to the current trends in technological advancement, transport equipment manu-
                       facturers are continuously compelled to develop new vehicle designs which require new
                       parts [2]. Accordingly, flexible production tools are required to cater for the new compo-
                       nents. AM offers the opportunity to produce flexible tools with specialised features [29].
                       Typical examples include the use of AM to produce reconfigurable parts [30,31] AM also
                       allows the production of tools with special features such as embedded sensors or conformal
                       cooling systems [32]. Marin et al. [33] developed a hybrid process chain for producing an
An Evaluation Model for Selecting Part Candidates for Additive Manufacturing in the Transport Sector
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                       injection-moulding tool for an automotive component. The developed tool caused a 60%
                       reduction in the SLM manufacturing time.

                       1.2. Importance of Selecting Parts for AM Application
                             When compared to conventional production methods, metal AM is associated with
                       higher production costs [34]. Accordingly, not all parts are economically and technically
                       beneficial for AM application. The success of AM application depends on how the unique
                       capabilities of the technology can be exploited to cater for the needs of the industry.
                       Potential AM users often struggle to include AM in their production operations because
                       they lack the knowledge and skills necessary to identify applications that are beneficial
                       for AM application [27]. There is a need for more knowledge on the identification of part
                       candidates, which are suitable for AM adoption for the transport sector. Selection of part
                       candidates for AM is important to fully realise the economic and functional benefits of
                       the technology [35]. Klahn et al. [36] proposed a criterion for selecting part candidates
                       and assemblies with manufacturing processes that can be substituted with AM. In their
                       study, they concluded that AM can be replaced with conventional processes if there
                       are opportunities for integration of components, light weighting, efficient designs and
                       individualisation. After applying the criterion on real life parts, the results showed that
                       it was both economically and technologically beneficial to produce the parts with AM as
                       compared to the traditional processes. Booth et al. [37] developed a worksheet for assisting
                       designers to assess the potential quality of parts manufactured with AM. The worksheet
                       was also used to identify and rectify bad designs before they were built with AM. However,
                       the worksheet was purely technical and only focused on design issues. Reiher et al. [38]
                       developed a trade-off matrix to select part candidates for AM. The selected parts were
                       further evaluated for technological and economic feasibility of applying AM. This was
                       followed by redesigning of the selected part(s) to increase the technical and economic
                       benefits of AM application. However, the matrix was generic and not dedicated to a specific
                       application. Considering the fact that the needs of industry sectors are different, the matrix
                       may be subject to change. Yang et al. [39] developed a framework for selecting suitable
                       assemblies and parts which can be consolidated if manufactured with AM. According
                       to Materialise, an additive manufacturing company, there are five generic parameters
                       that determine whether AM is a suitable manufacturing process for a part [40]. These
                       include size, geometric complexity, value, function and production volume [40]. Although
                       those parameters are important to provide a general guideline for selection of parts, there
                       is a need to consider opportunities for design optimisation when considering transport
                       equipment parts. Yao et al. [41] proposed a machine learning algorithm which can be used
                       by designers and engineers to recommend part candidates for AM based on the geometric
                       features. The results obtained indicate that the proposed hybrid machine learning method
                       is feasible for generating conceptual design solutions for part designers. Merkt et al. [42]
                       developed a method of measuring geometric complexity of parts to assess whether they
                       are suitable for Selective Laser Melting (SLM) production. In their paper, they argued that
                       geometric complexity and lot size are the major factors for selecting parts suitable for SLM.
                       However, other parameters such as the material requirements, value of the part and its
                       functionality should also be taken into account. Based on previous studies, there is a need
                       for more information on screening of parts for AM application in the transport equipment
                       manufacturing industry to guarantee technical and economic benefits. Thus, the aim of this
                       paper is to propose an evaluation model for choosing part candidates for metal-based AM
                       applications depending on the needs of the transport equipment manufacturing industry.
                       In its structure, the paper firstly presents the parameters to be considered when developing
                       the model. Secondly, the model is developed using the Analytic Hierarchy process. Thirdly,
                       the model is evaluated using typical case studies from the literature. Lastly, the results are
                       discussed and a conclusion is given.
An Evaluation Model for Selecting Part Candidates for Additive Manufacturing in the Transport Sector
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                                       2. Parameters for Selecting Part Candidates for AM Application
                                            The first step involves identifying all the factors which can be considered in selecting
                                       AM as an alternative manufacturing process. Table 1 gives a summary of the parameters
                                       identified from the literature for selecting part candidates for AM application.

                           Table 1. Summary of the parameters used to select part candidates for AM application.

           Author(s)                     Criteria for Selecting Part Candidates for AM               Type of Method Used
                                   Opportunity for design improvement through:
                                   •     Integrated design                                    Selection of part for AM substitution
       Klahn et al. [36]           •     Efficient design                                      depended on the opportunities for
                                   •     Lightweight design                                           design improvement.
                                   •     Individualisation

                                   •     Geometric complexity
                                   •     Quality/Functionality                               Developed a worksheet for identifying
        Booth et al. [37]          •     Material removal                                   part designs suitable for AM application
                                   •     Thin features                                         depending on geometric features.
                                   •     Tolerances

                                   •     Part classification
                                   •     Opportunity to suppress assembly
                                   •     Geometric factors
                                   •     Processing time                                     Developed a tradeoff matrix to screen
    Lindemann et al. [35]          •     Opportunity to improve part through                 parts for AM application and evaluate
                                         design optimisation                                             the benefits.
                                   •     Material factors
                                   •     Processing time
                                   •     Economic factors
                                                                                                 Developed a modularity-based
                                   •     Physical attributes of product (Geometry)            framework for identifying parts and
        Yang et al. [39]
                                                                                               assemblies that can be consolidated
                                                                                                           using AM.
                                                                                              Hybrid machine learning method to
         Yao et al. [41]           •     Geometric complexity                               select potential parts for AM application
                                                                                                depending on geometric features.
                                                                                                Method for measuring geometric
       Merkt et al. [42]           •     Geometric complexity                                  complexity and using it to identify
                                                                                               potential parts for AM application.

                                   •     Size
                                   •     Geometric complexity
        Materialise [40]           •     Value                                               Analysis of parts based on the criteria.
                                   •     Series size (production volume)
                                   •     Function

                                   •     Raw material optimisation (material usage)           The criteria were ranked using three
                                   •     Weight savings                                      decision-making approaches in order to
     Cruz and Borille [43]
                                   •     Time to manufacture part                             determine whether AM was the most
                                                                                                        suitable method.

                                           The parameters in Table 1 are combined and classified into technical and economic
                                       parameters, as shown in Table 2.
                                           In the following sections, each of the parameters are further explained.
Metals 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW                                                                                                                  5 of 19
      Metals 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW                                                                                                                  5 of 19

Metals 2021, 11, 765                       The parameters in Table 1 are combined and classified into technical and 5economic
                                                                                                                      of 18
                                           The parameters  in Table 1 are
                                       parameters, as shown in Table 2.   combined and classified into technical and economic
                                       parameters, as shown in Table 2.
                                       2. Summary
                                 TableTable       of the
                                            2. Summary   parameters
                                                     Metalsthe    11, xfrom
                                                            2021,           the
                                                                        FOR PEERliterature.
                                                                                   the literature.
                                      Table 2. Summary of the parameters from the literature.
                                                   TechnicalTechnical                                                        Economic
                                   Geometric      factors
                                             factors               Technical                                          Economic
                                       • Complexity   factors
                                                Complexity                                            The parameters in Table 1 are combined an
                                       •  Presence
                                                Complexity                                             •
                                                                                                • parameters,
                                                                                                   Production Production
                                                                                                               as shown involume
                                                                                                              volume       Table 2.
                                                Presence   of thin
                                                       of thin      features
                                                               features                                •      Production volume
                                           Tolerances
                                               Presence of thin features
                                                                                                     Table 2. Summary of the parameters from the literatu
                                           ofTolerances
                                       Size      part                                                      •     Time to manufacture the part
                                                                                       •              Time to manufacture the part
                                         of part
                                       Needoffor part
                                                    design improvement through                                 •         Time to manufacture
                                                                                                                                     Technical the part
                                   NeedNeedfor design  improvement
                                                for design            throughthrough
                                       •        Weigh   reduction                                    Geometric factors
                                   • • Weigh      reduction                                                    •         Material usage
                                       •        Weigh   reduction
                                                Part consolidation                     •             • Material
                                   •      Part consolidation                                                   •  usage Material
                                                                                                                         Amount of    usage
                                                                                                                                          material removed
                                       •        Part consolidation
                                                High   performance     material change                  Amount
                                                                                                              Presence       of thin removed
                                                                                                                        of material     features
                                   •      High performance material change                                        Amount of material removed
                                   • •• Efficient
                                                High   performance
                                                    design design      material change                  Tolerances
                                       ••       Efficient
                                                           of part                                   Size of part
                                   • • Function     of partof part
                                                Function                               •               Value•of part     Value of part
                                                                                                     Need for  • design  Valueimprovement
                                                                                                                                  of part           through
                                               In the following sections, each of the parameters     •        Weigh  are reduction
                                                                                                                          further explained.
                                 2.1. GeometricIn theComplexity
                                                        following sections, each of the parameters   •        Partare     further explained.
                                       The    competitive
                                      2.1. Geometric Complexityadvantage      offered   by  AM    is •
                                                                                                     freedom        of  design,
                                                                                                              High performance      as it allows
                                 turers  to Geometric
                                              produce      Complexity          According      to     •
                                               The competitive advantage offered by AM is freedom of design, as it allowsthe
                                                          complex      parts.                     previous       studies,
                                                                                                              Efficient       AM
                                                                                                                             design  can   outperform          manu-
                                 conventional  The subtractive
                                                     competitive     processes
                                                                      advantage   foroffered
                                                                                       parts with
                                                                                                by AM•high  isgeometric
                                                                                                               freedom of
                                                                                                              Function        complexity
                                                                                                                                 part        as[44].
                                                                                                                                                 it    This manu-
                                                                                                                                                    allows     is
                                      facturers      to produce complex          parts.    According       to  previous       studies,           can   outperform
                                 mainly     becausetoinproduce
                                      facturers           AM, thecomplex
                                                                      complexity      of a According
                                                                                 parts.    part has noto    effect    on thestudies,
                                                                                                               previous        efficiency  AM of the
                                      the conventional          subtractive processes       for parts with         high geometric         complexity      [44]. This
                                      the   conventional
                                             conventional      processes,    no  additional     effort   is  required       when     producing       the part.
                                      is mainly        becausesubtractive
                                                                  in AM, the   processes
                                                                                 complexity for parts     with
                                                                                                  of a part  In the following sections, each [44].
                                                                                                                 has     nogeometric
                                                                                                                             effect    on complexity
                                                                                                                                           the  efficiencyof theofThis
                                 When is  itmainly
                                                        to conventional
                                                                  in AM, the  processes,
                                                                                 complexity increasing        thehas complexity        of the   part   resultsof the
                                      process.      Unlike conventional         processes,     noofadditional
                                                                                                      a part             no effect
                                                                                                                      effort           on
                                                                                                                              is required  the when
                                 in increased
                                      process.      production       costs. Onprocesses,
                                                                                   the otherno  hand,     the production            costs in AM whenare     not
                                      the part. Unlike
                                                     When itconventional
                                                                 comes to conventional              additional
                                                                                                processes,            effort
                                                                                                     2.1. Geometric           is the
                                                                                                                            Complexity  complexity       producing
                                                                                                                                                         of  the part
                                      the    affected
                                             part.       by  the  complexity     of  parts  [35].   From     the    literature    presented      above,     it is
                                      results     inWhen      it comes
                                                      increased           to conventional
                                                                    production      costs. Onprocesses,
                                                                                                 the other       increasing
                                                                                                             Thesuitable   the
                                                                                                                                  the complexity
                                                                                                                                       advantage costs   of
                                         that high      complexity
                                                  in increased         of parts  is  considered     as  more                  for   AM    when     compared
                                      not directly       affectedproduction         costs. On
                                                                     by the complexity       of the
                                                                                                                  From     the
                                                                                                                     to produce
                                                                                                                                 literature      costs in AM
                                                                                                                                               presented           are
                                 to low complex parts. In this study, the approach                        taken to       evaluate complex           parts. According
                                                                                                                                       the complexity          of
                                      it is directly
                                              noted that affected    by the complexity
                                                            high complexity         of parts of  parts [35]. From
                                                                                              is considered         as  morethe suitable
                                                                                                                                 literature    presented
                                                                                                                                             for  AM    when   above,
                                 parts is derived from the study that was conducted                  theby conventional
                                                                                                              Booth et al. subtractive
                                                                                                                                [37]. According  processes
                                                                                                                                                        to thisfor parts w
                                      it  is noted
                                      pared      to lowthatcomplex
                                                            high complexity         of parts
                                                                       parts. In this         is considered
                                                                                         study,   the   approach    as more
                                                                                                                                 to          for AM
                                                                                                                                      evaluate    the   when com-
                                 study, components with low geometry are classified as parts with basic shapes that are like of a p
                                                                                                     is  mainly       because      in  AM,    the   complexity
                                      of parts   to low   complex      parts.  In thisthat
                                                                                              wasthe    approachby       taken   to evaluate
                                                                                                                                         al. [37].the  complexity
                                 common       stockismaterials
                                                        derived    from   theare
                                                                    or that    study
                                                                                 two-dimensional.    conducted
                                                                                                     process.      Unlike
                                                                                                           Additionally,    Booth
                                                                                                                              conventional           According
                                                                                                                                                     parts   are notoaddi
                                      this  parts
                                              study,is  derived
                                                        components from   the
                                                                         with  study
                                                                                low     that  was
                                                                                       geometry      conducted
                                                                                                     are   classified   by  Booth
                                                                                                                           as  parts  et al.
                                                                                                                                        with  [37].
                                                                                                                                               basic According       to
                                 those with interior features or those with surface curvatures       the part. When   whichitare comes           to machine. that
                                                                                                                                            to conventional
                                                                                                                                     difficult                     process
                                      this    study,
                                             like       componentsmaterials
                                                   common                with loworgeometry          are classified as parts            with basic     shapes     that
                                 In this            medium stock complex parts will     that  are two-dimensional.
                                                                                          be regardedresults     in increased
                                                                                                            as parts      which Additionally,
                                                                                                                                    can  be machinedhigh
                                                                                                                                                     costs. complex
                                                                                                                                                            butOn the oth
                                      parts  like
                                                     those      stock
                                                              with      materials
                                                                     interior        or that
                                                                               features    or are  two-dimensional.
                                                                                               those    with    surface         Additionally,
                                                                                                                             curvatures       which high
                                                                                                                                                      are   complex
                                 require additional operations to achieve the required               not directly
                                                                                                           geometry.     affected by the complexity of parts [
                                      parts     are those
                                      to machine.             withstudy,
                                                         In this     interior  features
                                                                            medium         or thoseparts
                                                                                        complex         withwillsurface
                                                                                                                      be     curvatures       whichwhich
                                                                                                                                                      are difficult
                                                                                                     it is noted      thatregarded       as parts
                                                                                                                             high complexity         of partscan    be
                                                                                                                                                                 is consid
                                      to    machine.
                                 2.2. Value    of the butIn this   study,   medium      complex
                                                       Partrequire additional operations to          parts    will
                                                                                                         achieve      be  regarded
                                                                                                                       thecomplex        as
                                                                                                                            requiredparts.   parts
                                                                                                                                          geometry.  which     can  be
                                                                                                     pared     to low                            In this study, the ap
                                      machined but require additional operations to achieve the required geometry.
                                       Considering the high production cost of metal                 of parts      is deriveditfrom
                                                                                                         AM processes,                      the study
                                                                                                                                     is important      tothat
                                                                                                                                                           con-was cond
                                 sider the monetary value of the part [34]. For highthis              value     partscomponents
                                                                                                            study,        which are costly with tolowproduce
                                                                                                                                                         geometry are
                                 with conventional processes, there is more economic                       benefit
                                                                                                     are like     commonwhen stock
                                                                                                                                AM ismaterials
                                                                                                                                          used as an  or alter-
                                                                                                                                                          that are two-
                                 native. Typical high-value parts for AM application                     areare
                                                                                                     parts     presented
                                                                                                                     those within the    literature
                                                                                                                                      interior        [45,46].
                                                                                                                                                 features     or those w
                                                                                                     to machine. In this study, medium complex part
                                 2.3. Production Volume                                              machined but require additional operations to a
                                       Additive manufacturing is more economical for parts produced in low volumes to
                                 eliminate the cost of tooling [38]. If the parts are produced in high volumes, the initial
                                 tooling investment costs are distributed among all the products and the production cost
                                 per part becomes low. On the other hand, if the product is required in low volumes, the
                                 tooling costs are spread over a few parts and this makes the costs of producing individual
                                 parts very high. Production volume can be classified as low, medium and high volume.
                                 In this study, low volume production is when the annual units produced are 1000 or less,
                                 medium volume parts vary from 1000 to 10,000 and high-volume parts are above 10,000.

                                 2.4. Lightweight Design
                                      In the transportation industry, there is an increased need for improving fuel efficiency.
                                 This can be realised by producing lightweight transport equipment parts. To reduce weight,
                                 the design of a part can be altered by removing excess material so that more emphasis is
Metals 2021, 11, 765                                                                                           6 of 18

                       placed on the functionality [47]. In that regard, geometries that are difficult to attain with
                       conventional processes are achievable. Another way to reduce weight is by shape and
                       topology optimisation [18].

                       2.5. High Performance Material Change
                            The material of a part can be substituted with a high-performance material to improve
                       functionality and extend the life cycle of a product. High-performance aluminium and
                       titanium alloys are material candidates for achieving improved strength of transport
                       equipment parts [47]. Accordingly, high performance materials can improve the value of
                       components. Typical examples of materials that are currently under investigation include
                       composite materials and particle reinforced metal matrix composites [48]. Titanium- and
                       nickel-based super alloys can also be processed using AM to produce high-performance
                       parts [49].

                       2.6. Improved Efficiency
                             AM gives opportunities to incorporate complex design features to improve the oper-
                       ating efficiency of engineering components. This includes the introduction of conformal
                       cooling channels to improve thermal performance of hot stamping tools for the automo-
                       tive industry [50]. Another typical example is on the use of AM to allow integration of
                       sensors in engineering components to allow monitoring and control of manufacturing
                       operations [32,49].

                       2.7. Reducing the Number of Components in an Assembly
                             The number of assemblies of a component can be reduced through part consolida-
                       tion [51]. This helps to reduce the costs and time needed to assemble parts. The function-
                       ality of the product should not be compromised. It is important to do an initial technical
                       evaluation before part consolidation is considered [26].

                       2.8. Material Usage
                            The amount of material removed from the part using machining should be considered.
                       Depending on the cost of material, if more than 50% of the material is removed from the
                       original stock, then the part is a potential candidate for AM application. This is a measure
                       to avoid material wastage, since AM uses the layer wise addition strategy to produce parts.

                       2.9. Function of the Part
                            The functionality of the part should be considered. The more critical the function, the
                       more suitable it is for producing with AM. This is because AM gives the opportunity for
                       further improving the performance through design optimisation. Examples of critical parts
                       which are suitable for AM application are explained in the literature [45,46]. It is important
                       to ask whether the part is a high-end industrial solution or not. If the functionality of the
                       product is not of greater concern than the cost, it becomes expensive to produce with AM.
                       Based on previous studies in the literature, the greatest economic benefits were realised
                       when AM was applied to produce high-value parts [52].

                       2.10. Time to Manufacture Component
                            The time taken to produce the part using the conventional methods should be com-
                       pared with the time for manufacturing with an AM integrated process chain. In most cases,
                       the AM route is time consuming; however, depending on the complexity, the conventional
                       methods may involve a lot of processes. Additionally, the time taken to produce the
                       necessary tools for conventional manufacturing should be considered.

                       2.11. Size of the Part
                          It is important to determine whether the part size can be accommodated by the
                       machine build envelope. In the event that the part is large, it can be subdivided into
Metals 2021, 11, 765                                                                                                         7 of 18

                                 segments that can be separately manufactured and assembled afterwards [53]. This is
                                 possible if the functionality of the part is not compromised. In summary, the criteria
                                 considered are classified as shown in Table 3.

                                                Table 3. Classification of criteria.

               Criteria.                                                     Classification
                                                 Low                            Medium
                                                                                                     Parts with interior features
                                    Parts with basic shapes that      Parts which can be machined
       Geometric Complexity                                                                            or those with surface
                                    are similar to common stock          but require additional
                                                                                                       curvatures which are
                                           materials [37]                      operations
                                                                                                      difficult to machine [37]
            Value of Part                       Low                              Medium                         High
                                                Low                             Medium                         High
  Production Volume (per year)
                                               ≤1000                           1000–10,000                    >10,000
 Necessity for Design
 Improvement Through
 •     Lightweight design                None of the design             At least one of the design   More than one of the design
 •     Improved efficiency             improvement methods               improvement methods          improvement methods
 •     High performance                    are necessary                      are necessary                 are necessary
       material change
 •     Part consolidation

                                                Low                                                           High
                                       Less than 50% material                                         More than 50% material
         Material Removal                                              50% material removal using
                                           removal using                                                  removal using
                                                                         conventional methods
                                       conventional processes                                         conventional methods
                                               Low                                                             High
          Function of Part
                                          Non-critical part                                                 Critical part
                                                                                                     Time to produce a part with
                                    Time to produce a part using
        Time to Manufacture                                                                           an AM-integrated process
                                    the conventional processes is
            Component                                                                                  chain is less than using
                                         less than using AM
                                                                                                        conventional methods
                                                                       The part can be subdivided
                                        Size of a part can be          into segments which can be    The part is larger than the
             Size of Part             accommodated into the                built separately and      build envelope and cannot
                                      machine build envelope                assembled without              be subdivided
                                                                               the function
                                                                          Material required for
                                                                        producing the part is not
                                        Material required for        available in powder form. An       Material required for
               Material               producing the part is not       alternative AM material can       producing the part is
                                      available in powder form              be used without           available in powder form
                                                                           compromising the

                                 3. Development of the Evaluation Model
                                      In the next sections, the analytic hierarchy process is used to develop the evalua-
                                 tion model.

                                 3.1. The Analytic Hierarchy Process
                                      The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is considered for assigning weights to the criteria
                                 because of its credibility in engineering decision-making applications. The AHP method
                                 was also extensively applied in manufacturing applications [54,55]. In the first step, the
                                 parameters are evaluated in pairs to determine the level of importance between them using
                                 the scale from 1 to 9, as shown in Table 4.
Metals 2021, 11, 765                                                                                                                           8 of 18

                       Table 4. Pairwise comparison scale, data from [56]

                                     Level of Importance                                                             Rating
                                   Extreme Importance                                                                   9
                                  Very Strong Importance                                                                7
                                    Strong Importance                                                                   5
                                   Moderate Importance                                                                  3
                                     Equal Importance                                                                   1
                            Compromise between the above values                                                     2, 4, 6, 8

                           The values obtained from the pairwise comparison are used to populate a matrix
                       using Equation (1) [55]:
                                                                                                                         
                                                                  a11          a12               ...          a1m
                                                                 a21          a22               ...          a2m         
                                                 PM =                                                                                            (1)
                                                                                                                         
                                                                   ..           ..               ..            ..         
                                                                   .            .                  .           .         
                                                                  am1          am2               ...          amm

                           The matrix is normalised by dividing each element with the column sum as shown in
                       Equation (2) [56]:
                                                              a11               a12                               a1m           
                                                            ∑im=1 ai1         ∑im=1 ai2
                                                                                                      ...       ∑im=1 aim
                                                                a21             a22                   ...           a11
                                                                                                                                
                                                                                                                                
                                        PMw =                   ..              ..                   ..             ..                          (2)
                                                                  .               .                      .            .
                                                                                                                                
                                                                                                                                
                                                               am1               am2                               amn
                                                            ∑im=1 ai1         ∑im=1 ai2               ...       ∑im=1 aim

                            The next stage involves calculating the weights of the criteria C using Equation (3) [56]:
                                                                                                   
                                                                                                                                
                                                                                                                              
                                                 C1                                                                             
                                                                                                                                
                                                                           a11               a12                       a1m
                                                  .
                                                         
                                                                      ∑im=1 ai1
                                                                                  +       ∑im=1 ai2
                                                                                                        +...        ∑im=1 aim
                                       C=         ..
                                                        =                                                                                      (3)
                                                   .
                                                         
                                                                                               m                               
                                                                                                ..                              
                                                 Cm       
                                                                                                 .
                                                                           am1               am2                       amm
                                                                                  +                     +...
                                                                                                                                
                                                                        ∑im=1 ai1         ∑im=1 ai2                 ∑im=1 aim

                             The next stage involves checking the consistency of the calculated weight. To achieve
                       that, the product of PM and C is calculated using Equation (4):
                                                                                                             C                        
                                                    a11          a12             ...           a1m                 1                 x1
                                                    a21          a22             ...           a2m             ..      
                                                                                                                                          
                                                                                                                       
                                  PM.C =                                                                               =                       (4)
                                                                                                                                          
                                                     ..           ..             ..             ..                                  ..
                                                                                                              ..
                                                     .            .                .            .
                                                                                                                         
                                                                                                                                      .   
                                                   am1           am2             ...          amm               Cm                   xm

                           The next stage is to calculate the principal eigenvalue (δa ) using Equation (5) [55].
                       The principal eigenvalue is obtained by averaging the consistency values obtained from
                       Equation (4):
                                                           1 m ith entry in PM.C
                                                          m i∑
                                                     δa =                                                     (5)
                                                                  ith entry in C
Metals 2021, 11, 765                                                                                                                       9 of 18

                                    The consistency measurement CI is calculated as shown in Equation (6) [56]:

                                                                                       δa − m
                                                                                CI =                                                               (6)
                                 The ratio CI/RI is then used to evaluate the consistency of the weights. The quantity
                            RI represents the random indices, which are shown in Table 5.

                            Table 5. Random Indices (Ishizaka and Nemery, 2013).

                               n          1             2     3           4            5         6            7        8        9             10
                               RI         0             0   0.58          0.9      1.12         1.24         1.32     1.41     1.45        1.49

                                 If the ratio is less than or equal to 0.1, the calculated weights are considered consistent.
                            Likewise, a ratio more than 0.1 indicates inconsistency in the calculations. In the next
                            section of the paper, the proposed method is evaluated using a typical benchmark part.

                            3.2. Application of the AHP Method to Assign Weights to Criteria
                                 For the proposed evaluation method, size and material compatibility are considered
                            the most important factors and are used for the initial screening. The rest of the parameters
                            are used in formulating the model. As mentioned in Section 2.1, the first step is to come up
                            with the pairwise comparison matrix of the criteria using Equation (1), as shown in Table 6.

                                              Table 6. Pairwise comparison matrix.

                          Design Im-      Geometric          Production           Value          Material                       Time to
                          provement       Complexity          Volume              of Part        Removal                       Manufacture
   Design improvement         1                 1/3                1/3              1                  5               1               4
   Geometric complexity       3                  1                  2               2                  6               3               5
    Production Volume         3                 1/2                 1               1                  6               5               5
     Value of the Part        1                 1/2                 1               1                  5               1               4
     Material removal        1/5                1/6                1/6             1/5                 1              1/5              1
         Function             1                 1/3                1/5              1                  5               1               5
   Time to manufacture       1/4                1/5                1/5             1/4                 1              1/5              1

                                    The matrix is normalised using Equation (2), as shown in Table 7.

                                                  Table 7. Normalised matrix.

                          Design Im-      Geometric          Production           Value          Material                       Time to
                          provement       Complexity          Volume              of Part        Removal                       Manufacture
   Design improvement       0.106               0.110             0.068            0.155             0.172           0.088            0.160
   Geometric complexity     0.317               0.330             0.408            0.310             0.207           0.263            0.200
    Production Volume       0.317               0.165             0.204            0.155             0.207           0.439            0.200
     Value of the Part      0.106               0.165             0.204            0.155             0.172           0.088            0.160
     Material removal       0.021               0.055             0.034            0.031             0.034           0.018            0.040
         Function           0.106               0.110             0.041            0.155             0.172           0.088            0.200
   Time to manufacture      0.026               0.066             0.041            0.039             0.034           0.018            0.040

                                 The weights in terms of the degree of importance and consistency values are calcu-
                            lated using Equations (3) and (4). Table 8 gives the obtained weights and consistency
Metals 2021, 11, 765                                                                                                            10 of 18

                           Table 8. Criteria weights.

                                       Criteria                    Weight                  Consistency Measure             Rank
                              Geometric complexity                 0.291                          7.577                     1
                               Production Volume                   0.241                          7.961                     2
                                Value of the Part                   0.15                          7.343                     3
                                    Function                       0.125                          7.186                     4
                              Design improvement                   0.123                          7.255                     5
                                Material removal                   0.033                          7.251                     6
                              Time to manufacture                  0.038                          7.122                     7

                                The consistency ratio is calculated as shown below:

                                                                   CR =           = 0.0107                                          (7)
                                The computed value is below 0.1; hence, the obtained weights are considered consis-
                           tent and they are applied in the decision matrix, as shown in Table 7.

                           3.3. Proposed Evaluation Method
                                 As mentioned previously, the most important factors when evaluating parts for AM
                           application are the size and material compatibility. Considering that most AM machines
                           have a build volume of around 250 × 250 × 250 mm, it is necessary to first evaluate whether
                           the part dimensions will be accommodated into the machine. Large parts can be divided
                           into subcomponents, which can be built separately and assembled afterwards. However,
                           this can only be done if the functionality of the part is not affected. Another way is to build
                           certain portions of the part additively while other portions can be machined. If the material
                           required for producing the part is not available in powder form, an alternative material
                           which does not alter the functional properties of the part can be used.
                                 The next stage is to evaluate the part using the calculated criteria in Table 8.
                                 To use the evaluation matrix in Table 9, the total weight of each criteria is calculated
                           by obtaining the product of weight (C) and level j. The total weight for the part is obtained
                           by summing all the separate total criteria weights as shown in Equation (8):

                                        V=   ∑ aij .Ci                        Criteria i = 1 . . . 6 and level j = 1.2.3            (8)
                                             i =1

                                Using the total weight (V) obtained from Equation (8), the following conditions apply:
                                Not suitable for AM application 1 ≤ V ≤ 1.5.
                                Part is suitable for AM after changes in design 1.5 < V ≤ 2.0.
                                Part suitable for AM application without necessarily making design changes 2.0 < V ≤ 2.55.

                                 Table 9. Decision matrix for selecting part candidates.

        Criteria (a)      Weight (C)                                            Classification
                                                         Low                       Medium                         High
  Geometric Complexity      0.291
                                                          1                            2                            3
                                                         High                      Medium                         Low
    Production Volume       0.241
                                                          1                            2                            3
                                                    Non critical                                                 Critical
          Function          0.125
                                                          1                                                         3
                                                                           At least one of the design     More than one of the
 Opportunity for Design                                 None               improvement methods is         design improvement
                            0.123                                                  necessary              methods are necessary
                                                          1                            2                            3
Metals 2021, 11, 765                                                                                                                   11 of 18

                                                                 Table 9. Cont.

        Criteria (a)            Weight (C)                                              Classification
                                                                                                                  Time to produce parts
                                                      Time to produce part
                                                                                                                  with an AM-integrated
   Time to Manufacture             0.038               using conventional
                                                                                                                 process chain is less than
                                                      processes is less than
                                                                                                                    using conventional
                                                           using AM
                                                              Low                         Medium                          High
                                                     Less than 50% material         50% material removal          More than 50% material
    Material Removal               0.033
                                                         removal using               using conventional               removal using
                                                     conventional processes               methods                 conventional methods

                                  4. Evaluation of Model
                                       The next stage is to evaluate the model by using case studies from the literature.

                                  4.1. Case Studies
                                       In the following sections, case studies from the literature are presented and analysed.

                                  4.1.1. Case Study 1
                                          The first case study component is a turbine blade. The part has been considered for
                                     AM application by different authors in the literature [57,58]. The turbine blade is a critical
                                     high value component for extracting combustion energy by diverting current flow. As a
                                     result, it is exposed to high temperature conditions. The conventional processes involved
                                     in producing the part are time consuming and costly due to the tooling required [57].
                                          A study was conducted by Dimitrov et al. [59] to measure the cost and material usage
         Metals 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW                                                                                      12 of 19
                                     when the turbine blade is produced using three process chains. Those include machining
                                     only, forming with machining an AM with machining.
                                          Based on the graphs in Figure 1, using AM results in the least material usage while
                                     machiningBased has aonhigher
                                                            the graphs
                                                                          Figure 1, using
                                                                            material.  In AM  results
                                                                                          terms       in overall
                                                                                                 of the  the leastcosts,
                                                                                                                   material usage while
                                                                                                                         forming  with
                                           machining has a higher usage of material. In terms of the overall costs, forming with ma-
                                     machining is cheaper for high volume production (100), machining is the cheapest option followed by AM with machining. However,
                                           machining is the cheapest option followed by AM with machining. However, considering
                                     considering the high material wastage involved in machining, it would be more sustainable
                                           the high material wastage involved in machining, it would be more sustainable to apply
                                     to apply AM for low-volume part production.
                                           AM for low-volume part production.

                                  FigureFigure  1. (a) Material
                                         1. (a) Material  usageusage  results;
                                                                 results;      (b) cost
                                                                          (b) cost      results,
                                                                                   results,      reproduced
                                                                                            reproduced      from
                                                                                                         from     [59],
                                                                                                               [59],    with
                                                                                                                     with thethe permissionfrom
                                        from  IOP  Publishing,
                                  IOP Publishing, 2018.         2018.

                                           4.1.2. Case Study 2
                                  4.1.2. Case Study 2
                                               Case study 2 was obtained from a study by Abdi and Wilderman [60]. In the study,
                                       Case study 2 was obtained from a study by Abdi and Wilderman [60]. In the study,
                                        a brake pedal for a special formula race car was considered for AM application. This was
                                  a brake pedal for a special formula race car was considered for AM application. This
                                           motivated by the need to improve the design through increasing stiffness (reducing com-
                                           pliance) of the pedal. Since the brake pedal is for a customised vehicle, the production
                                           volume is low. The brake pedal is a critical safety component for stopping or slowing
                                           down the special vehicle and is considered a high value component. The shape of the
                                           pedal is shown in Figure 2 and it is considered to be of medium complexity using the
                                           criteria in Table 3.
Figure 1. (a) Material usage results; (b) cost results, reproduced from [59], with the permission
                               from IOP Publishing, 2018.

                               4.1.2. Case Study 2
                                    Case study 2 was obtained from a study by Abdi and Wilderman [60]. In the study,
Metals 2021, 11, 765                                                                                                               12 of 18
                               a brake pedal for a special formula race car was considered for AM application. This was
                               motivated by the need to improve the design through increasing stiffness (reducing com-
                               pliance)  of the pedal.
                                  was motivated           Since
                                                     by the needthe
                                                                  to brake
                                                                     improve  pedal
                                                                                        for a through
                                                                                               customised   vehicle,stiffness
                                                                                                       increasing    the production
                               volume    is  low. The   brake  pedal   is a  critical safety  component   for  stopping    or
                                  compliance) of the pedal. Since the brake pedal is for a customised vehicle, the production slowing
                               down    the is
                                  volume    special  vehicle
                                               low. The  brakeand  is considered
                                                               pedal                  a highcomponent
                                                                       is a critical safety   value component.    Theorshape
                                                                                                        for stopping      slowingof down
                               pedal  is  shown    in Figure  2 and   it is considered    to  be of medium    complexity
                                  the special vehicle and is considered a high value component. The shape of the pedal       using  the is
                               criteria in  Table 3.
                                  shown in Figure 2 and it is considered to be of medium complexity using the criteria in
                                  Table 3.

                               Figure  2. (a)
                                  Figure      Original
                                           2. (a)       design.
                                                  Original      (b)(b)
                                                           design.  Optimised  design
                                                                       Optimised      1. (c)
                                                                                  design     Optimised
                                                                                          1. (c)        design
                                                                                                 Optimised     3, reproduced
                                                                                                           design             from
                                                                                                                  3, reproduced  from [60],
                               [60], with  the  permission  from  Inderscience,
                                  with the permission from Inderscience, 2018.  2018.

                                     Figure  3 shows
                                        Figure  3 shows thethe
                                                               maximum   Von Mises
                                                                           Von      after
                                                                                Mises      conducting
                                                                                       after  conducting simulation
                                                                                                             simulationof the designs.
                                                                                                                          of the  designs.
                               Table   10 10 shows
                                          shows   the the  volume,
                                                       volume,        maximum
                                                                 maximum     Von Von
                                                                                  MisesMises    and stiffness.
                                                                                          and stiffness.          Optimised
                                                                                                           Optimised    design design
                                                                                                                                 1 was 1
                                  was considered
                               considered             for the application
                                             for the application             because
                                                                    because it        it in
                                                                               resulted   resulted   in the
                                                                                            the highest       highest(lowest
                                                                                                           stiffness   stiffness  (lowest
                               ance).  A maximum  A maximum       stress constraint
                                                       stress constraint   was not was   not considered
                                                                                    considered              in the design,
                                                                                                   in the design,    althoughalthough
                                                                                                                                 all theall
Metals 2021, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW                                                                                                   13 of 19
                                  the maximum
                               maximum             Von Mises
                                            Von Mises     valuesvalues
                                                                  were were
                                                                        belowbelow  the yield
                                                                               the yield        strength
                                                                                          strength   of theofmaterial
                                                                                                              the material
                                                                                                                              which which
                                  is a selective
                               a selective       laser-melted
                                            laser-melted         Ti-6Al-4V.

                                  Figure 3. (a) Existing pedal (b) Optimised design 1 (c) Optimised design 2 Map showing the Von
                                  Mises   3. (a) Existing pedal (b) Optimised
                                                        reproduced             design
                                                                    from [60], with the1 permission
                                                                                         (c) Optimised design
                                                                                                    from      2 Map showing
                                                                                                         Inderscience, 2018. the Von
                                   Mises distributions, reproduced from [60], with the permission from Inderscience, 2018.
                                  Table 10. Comparison of the three designs.
                                   Table 10. Comparison of the three designs.
                                                                                           Max Von Mises
                                                                    Volume (m3 )        MaxStress  Mises Stress Compliance
                                                                                              Von (MPa)
                                                                   Volume (m )  3                                         Compliance
                                        Existing Pedal (a)               72.1                      (MPa)
                                                                                                  5012                     95.312
                                     Existing Pedal (a)                 72.1                       5012                       95.312
                                    Optimised Design 1 (b)               70.8                     458                       0.994
                                   Optimised Design 1 (b)               70.8                        458                       0.994
                                     Optimised Design 2 (c)              54.6                     976                       2.032
                                   Optimised Design 2 (c)               54.6                        976                       2.032

                                   4.1.3. Case Study 3
                                       Case study 3 is a hot forming tool for a gear pan for an automotive powertrain com-
                                   ponent [32]. The part is considered a critical component of the powertrain which is pro-
Metals 2021, 11, 765                                                                                                                   13 of 18

                                   4.1.3. Case Study 3
                                       Case study 3 is a hot forming tool for a gear pan for an automotive powertrain
                                  component [32]. The part is considered a critical component of the powertrain which is
                                  produced in low volumes. The shape of the tool was such that it does not have space
                                  for drilled channels to allow for thorough cooling of the part during hot forming. As
                                  a result, the tool was exposed to increased thermomechanical wear and the produced
                                  parts did not have the uniform hardness required. The conventional tool is considered
Metals 2021,
Metals 2021, 11,
             11, xx FOR
                    FOR PEER      to have a medium complex geometry because it did not have internal cooling channels.
                        PEER REVIEW
                             REVIEW                                                                                 14 of
                                                                                                                    14 of 19
                                  The tool is produced as a singular unit; hence, the production volume is considered low.
                                  The additively manufactured tool had innovative adaptive cooling channels, as shown in
                                  Figure 4.

       Figure 4.
      Figure  4. (a)
              4.      Gearpan
                  (a) Gear
                      Gear   pancomponent;
                            pan   component;(b)
                                 component;    (b)gear
                                              (b)  gearpan
                                                  gear  pan
                                                       pan   tool
                                                           tool    system
                                                                system     with
                                                                        with    adoptive
                                                                              adoptive    cooling
                                                                                       cooling    channels;
                                                                                               channels;      (c) temperature
                                                                                                         (c) temperature
                                                                                                         (c) temperature  mapmap
                                                                                                                          map       of
                                                                                                                               of con-
                                                                                                                               of con-
       ventional tool
      ventional    tool (top)
                      tool    and
                        (top) and  additively
                                 and additively
                                   additively  manufactured
                                               manufactured   tool  with
                                                              tool       adoptive
                                                                     withadoptive cooling
                                                                          adoptivecooling  channels
                                                                                    coolingchannels (bottom),
                                                                                            channels(bottom),    reproduced from
                                                                                                     (bottom), reproduced   from [32],
      with  thepermission
            the  permissionfrom
                 permission   fromiCAT,
                              from  iCAT,2016.
                                    iCAT,  2016.

                                           According     tothe
                                                        to  theresults,
                                                            the  results,the
                                                                 results, thecooling
                                                                          the coolingtime
                                                                              cooling  timewas
                                                                                      time  wasreduced
                                                                                            was   reducedfrom
                                                                                                  reduced   from10
                                                                                                           from  10to
                                                                                                                 10  to333s,
                                                                                                                    to     s,which
                                                                                                                          s,  whichtranslates
                                                                                                                             which  translates
                                   to      reductionof
                                    to aa reduction
                                          reduction     of70%.
                                                       of   70%.Additionally,
                                                          70%.     Additionally,
                                                                 Additionally,   thethe
                                                                                the      quality
                                                                                     quality      of parts
                                                                                              of the
                                                                                             of  the the
                                                                                                     partsparts improved
                                                                                                           improved           to increase
                                                                                                                       to increase
                                                                                                                       to  increase        the
                                                                                                                                     the hard-
                                                                                                                                     the hard-
                                   ness          uniformity.
                                    ness uniformity.
                                            uniformity.   The   The  additively
                                                           The additively
                                                                additively        manufactured
                                                                             manufactured     tool tool
                                                                                             tool   waswas
                                                                                                   was        expected
                                                                                                        expected      betomore
                                                                                                                   to be
                                                                                                                  to         be more
                                                                                                                           more       durable
                                                                                                                                 durable   as aa
                                   as  a result
                                   result    of   of reduced
                                             of the
                                                the  the reduced
                                                     reduced        thermomechanical
                                                                thermomechanical      wear.

                                   4.1.4. Case
                                   4.1.4.  Case Study
                                          Case  Study 444
                                         Case  study444isis
                                               study     isa aacabin
                                                                 cabin       connector
                                                                       bracket         forfor
                                                                               connector   airbus
                                                                                          for     A350XWB
                                                                                              airbus A350XWB
                                                                                                     A350XWBas shown  in Figure
                                                                                                                as shown
                                                                                                                as shown         5 [15].
                                                                                                                           in Figure
                                                                                                                           in Figure  55
                                   [15]. The       part
                                          The improved    was
                                              improved part       produced
                                                            part was         using
                                                                   was produced    Selective
                                                                        produced using       Laser
                                                                                   using Selective Melting
                                                                                         Selective Laser   (SLM).
                                                                                                   Laser Melting
                                                                                                         Melting (SLM).

                                   Figure 5.
                                   Figure 5. Cabin
                                             Cabin bracket,
                                                   bracket, reproduced
                                                            reproduced  from[61].
                                                                       from  [61].

                                         The part
                                              part is
                                                    is aa high
                                                          high value
                                                                value component,
                                                                      component, which
                                                                                    which is is produced
                                                                                                produced inin low
                                                                                                               low volumes.
                                                                                                                    volumes. The conven-
                                    tional process
                                           process ofof manufacturing
                                                     of   manufacturing the
                                                          manufacturing    the part
                                                                                part is
                                                                               part   is milling
                                                                                     is  millingusing
                                                                                         milling   usingaluminium.
                                                                                                  using  aluminium. The
                                                                                                        aluminium.       The design
                                                                                                                              design ofof the
                                    part was
                                         was enhanced
                                              enhanced      usingtopology
                                                            using topologyoptimisation
                                                                  topology   optimisationto
                                                                             optimisation     toreduce
                                                                                             to  reduceweight.
                                                                                                reduce  weight.As
                                                                                                        weight.    Asseen
                                                                                                                   As  seenin
                                                                                                                      seen  inFigure
                                                                                                                           in  Figure5,
                                                                                                                               Figure   5,the
                                                                                                                                       5,  the
                                    original part
                                   original  part geometry
                                                  geometry can  can be
                                                                     be considered
                                                                        considered asas having
                                                                                         having medium
                                                                                                  medium complexity
                                                                                                            complexity using
                                                                                                                          using the
                                                                                                                                 the criteria
                                    in Table
                                   in  Table 9.
                                              9. When
                                                 When the  the component
                                                               component waswas manufactured
                                                                                  manufactured usingusing the
                                                                                                           the laser
                                                                                                                 laser powder
                                                                                                                       powder bedbed fusion
                                    process (LPBF),
                                   process   (LPBF), aa weight
                                                           weight reduction
                                                                    reduction of
                                                                               of 30%
                                                                                  30% waswas archived.
                                                                                               archived. The
                                                                                                          The manufacturing
                                                                                                                manufacturing timetime was
                                    reduced by
                                   reduced    by 75%.
                                                 75%. Figure
                                                         Figure 55 shows
                                                                   shows the
                                                                           the original
                                                                               original and
                                                                                          and improved
                                                                                               improved design.
Metals 2021, 11, 765                                                                                                        14 of 18

                                    original part geometry can be considered as having medium complexity using the criteria
                                    in Table 9. When the component was manufactured using the laser powder bed fusion
                                    process (LPBF), a weight reduction of 30% was archived. The manufacturing time was
                                    reduced by 75%. Figure 5 shows the original and improved design.

                                    4.2. Validation of Model Using Case Studies
                                         The next step is to evaluate the model in Table 9 using the case studies presented.
                                    Table 11 shows the calculated weights for the four case studies.

                                          Table 11. Weight calculations using the case studies.

    Criteria (a)       Weight (C)                      Classification                        Case 1   Case 2   Case 3     Case 4
   Geometric                              Low             Medium              High
   Complexity            0.291                                                               0.873    0.582     0.582     0.582
                                            1                 2                 3

    Production                            High            Medium               Low
                         0.241                                                               0.723    0.723     0.723     0.723
     Volume                                 1                 2                 3
                                       Non critical                          Critical
     Function            0.125                                                               0.375    0.375     0.375     0.375
                                            1                                   3
                                                       At least one of    More than one
                                                        the design         of the design
   Opportunity                            None         improvement        improvement
    for Design           0.123                                                               0.123    0.246     0.246     0.246
                                                        methods is         methods are
  Improvement                                            necessary           necessary
                                            1                 2                 3
                                         Time to
                                                                             Time to
                                      produce part
                                                                         produce parts
                                                                         with AM is less
    Time to                           conventional
                         0.038                                             than using        0.114    0.038     0.038     0.114
   Manufacture                         processes is
                                     less than using
                                            1                                   3
                                          Low                                 High
                                     Less than 50%                       More than 50%
                                                       50% of material
     Material                          of material                         of material
                         0.033                         removal using                         0.033    0.033     0.033     0.033
     Removal                         removal using                       removal using
                                      conventional                        conventional
                                        processes                           methods
                                            Total                                            2.208    1.997     1.997     2.073

                                    4.3. Results and Discussion
                                         In the first case study, the total weight calculated was 2.208, which is within the region
                                    for considering the part for AM application. According to the information from the case
                                    study, it was more economical in terms of costs and material usage to produce the part
                                    with AM in low volumes. However, no further changes were made on the geometry. This
                                    is mainly because the main motivation of using AM was to reduce the effort and time
                                    to manufacture the part. In the second case study, the total weight calculated was 1.997,
                                    which is within the region of applying AM after making changes on the part design. In case
                                    study 2, it was necessary to change the part design as a measure of improving the stiffness.
                                    The improved design had a low Von Mises stress and higher stiffness when compared to
                                    the original design. In case study 3, the total weight calculated was 1.997, and this indicates
                                    the need for design improvement before applying AM as an option. Accordingly, the
                                    design of the hot forming tool was enhanced to incorporate conformal cooling channels.
Metals 2021, 11, 765                                                                                              15 of 18

                       Based on the information from the case study, a significant economic benefit would be
                       derived from using the tool in mass production. This is because of the massive reduction
                       in the cooling time of the part, which can outweigh the initial investment cost of producing
                       the tool using AM. In the last case study, the total weight obtained was 2.073, which is
                       within the region for AM application without necessarily making design changes. This is
                       slightly different from the situation on the case study because the part design was further
                       improved before it was additively produced. The reason behind this deviation is that the
                       designer wanted to fully exploit the design capabilities offered by AM since there are no
                       extra costs for complexity.

                       5. Conclusions
                           In conclusion, if proper measures are put in place, AM has the potential to positively
                       impact the transport sector. The following contributions were made in the present study:
                       •    The opportunities offered by AM in the production of transport equipment parts were
                            explained using previous studies from the literature. These include producing high
                            performance parts with improved designs and high value parts which are produced
                            in low volumes.
                       •    An evaluation model for choosing part candidates for AM application in the transport
                            sector was developed. To formulate the mode, the AHP processes was used to rank
                            the criteria and assign weights depending on the needs of the transport equipment
                            manufacturing industry. The criteria used were obtained from previous studies.
                       •    Different case studies from the literature were used to validate the proposed decision
                            matrix. The calculated weights obtained from the various case studies were in agree-
                            ment with the evaluation model. Hence, the proposed model is a suitable tool that
                            can be used to guide the user to identify parts suitable for AM application.
                       •    The proposed method is not only useful for identifying parts for AM application but
                            also gives direction on value addition of the selected part candidates through design
                            improvement. Hence, this study will add to the understanding of how transport
                            equipment manufacturing industries can effectively screen potential part candidates
                            and obtain value, thereby promoting the overall sustainability of the AM process in
                            terms of material conservation, cost effectiveness, and functionality.
                       •    The study will add to the understanding of how transport equipment manufactur-
                            ing industries can effectively screen potential part candidates, thereby promoting
                            the overall sustainability of the AM process in terms of material conservation, cost
                            effectiveness, and functionality.
                       •    Future studies should include a thorough cost–benefit analysis to further provide the
                            economic justification of the proposed model.

                       Author Contributions: R.M. developed the model and wrote the paper. K.M. supervised the research
                       and assisted with the methodology. I.D. assisted with information regarding the case studies and
                       editing of the paper. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
                       Funding: The DSI—NRF SARCHI Chair in Future Transport Manufacturing Technologies funded
                       this research.
                       Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
                       Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
                       Data Availability Statement: All the data used are presented in the manuscript.
                       Acknowledgments: The authors would like to acknowledge the Department of Industrial Engineer-
                       ing for their support in the research.
                       Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Metals 2021, 11, 765                                                                                                                 16 of 18

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