ANALYST STOCK PICKS FOR FY19 - Our analysts share their outlook and top stock picks - Bell Direct

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Our analysts share their outlook and top stock picks.

July 2018
To learn more about the stocks mentioned in this         CONTENTS

report, speak to your adviser or refer to the Client     BANKS & GENERAL INSURERS					3
Access Research Library.                                 DIVERSIFIED FINANCIALS						5
                                                         FIXED INCOME							6
Please note that Speculative securities may not          AGRICULTURAL FMCG						7
be suitable for retail clients (refer to final page of   TECHNOLOGY								8
this report).                                            DISCRETIONARY RETAIL & PROFESSIONAL SERVICES		   9
                                                         INDUSTRIALS 							10                                    RESOURCES								11
1300 0 BELLS (1300 023 557)                              HEALTHCARE & BIOTECH						14
BANKS & GENERAL INSURERS.                                                                                                                                         TS Lim

The banking sector has never been stronger in terms of capital and liquidity            Macquarie Group (MQG)
including funding and asset quality. However, emerging revenue headwinds will now       MQG’s long term value lies in its          We continue to regard MQG as a
have a greater impact on the bottom line.                                               ability to understand risk and adapt its   global asset and risk manager with
These include NIM pressure on the asset side (repricing tailwinds easing,               strategy and business mix to changing      world-class expertise in infrastructure
differential between the front and back books narrowing and price competition           market conditions. This has enabled        investment (leading player with
effects as big and small banks alike fight for volume growth) and the liability side    the company to transform itself and        $495bn AUM and $86bn EUM) and
(higher funding costs from elevated 90 day BBSW rates impacting the wholesale           push for higher and more sustainable       also in the finance, banking, advisory
funding space including securitisation and from price competition to secure stickier    revenues. The more obvious benefits        and risk and capital solutions space.
term deposits) as well as decreasing sources of non-interest income (driven by          of the transformation are the higher       These attributes in addition to
removal of ATM fees and wealth contributions, competition and fewer trading             margin and capital efficiency achieved     predominantly lower-risk annuity-style
opportunities).                                                                         that have resulted in higher profit        earnings streams (~70% of Group net
                                                                                        contributions and Group ROE in return      profit contribution) and strong capital
While the major banks have the capacity to further reduce operating expenses to
                                                                                        for lower volatility. Our estimates        management flexibility (~$2.4bn
cushion the blows, the smaller players appear to be caught in the perfect storm
                                                                                        suggest this transformation occurs         surplus capital based on 10.5% RWA)
where top line constraints are combined with the relative inability to quickly reduce
                                                                                        on average once every 4-5 years for        continue to underpin our bullish view
costs given their lack of scale. Given these constraints and ongoing concerns
                                                                                        annuity-style revenue components           of MQG. As a lower risk, higher return
over how the Royal Commission will ultimately impact the sector, we believe the
                                                                                        such as net interest income and base       investment proposition, MQG remains
prospects are better in the next 12-18 months for players with diverse earnings and
                                                                                        fees.                                      our top sector pick.
offshore exposure such as MQG and CYB. Of the majors, WBC is now our top pick.
                                                                                        We also believe MQG’s performance          Buy, Price Target $125.00
                                                                                        fees now have some annuity-style
                                                                                        characteristics, given the timeline
                                                                                        of AUM growth and pipeline of
                                                                                        realisation, and this should be
                                                                                        stable at around 50bp of EUM. Other
                                                                                        fees and commissions were first
                                                                                        rebased after four years but appear
                                                                                        to have stabilised at ~$1.5bn while
                                                                                        capital markets facing M&A fees and
                                                                                        trading income also show a level of

                                                                                                                                            ANALYST STOCK PICKS FOR FY19.    3
BANKS & GENERAL INSURERS.                                                                                                                                         TS Lim

Clydesdale Bank (CYB)                                                                  Westpac Group (WBC)
The Boards of Virgin Money Holdings       Upon completion, Virgin Money                WBC has a reputation for producing         WBC’s corporate memory over credit
(UK) plc (Virgin Money) and CYB have      shareholders will own ~38% of                clean results and its 1H18 was no          losses remains intact in our view (after
agreed the terms of a recommended         the merged entity. Virgin Money              exception. Cash earnings were mainly       having had a near-death experience
all-share offer to be made by CYB for     shareholders would also be entitled          driven by strong NIE including stellar     in the early 1990s) and the bank
Virgin Money. The merger would create     to any dividend declared and paid            NIM growth, stable other income, cost      continues to recognise the need for
the largest mid-sized bank and the        in the interim period ended 30 June          discipline and strong and conservative     quality credit and operational risk
sixth largest bank in the UK that would   2018. The transaction is expected            credit risk management on top of a         management (in addition to managing
be active in the retail and SME space     to be materially earnings accretive          benign credit environment.                 for profitable growth) and a very strong
with scale and national presence,         based on estimated annual pre-tax                                                       balance sheet (capital, liquidity and
                                                                                       As in the past few years, WBC’s
leading digital and mobile banking        cost synergies of £120m (BP estimate                                                    funding). This is the conservative side
                                                                                       consumer and business banks remain
capabilities and ~6m customer base.       £118m based on £85m after tax and                                                       of Australia’s oldest bank which we
                                                                                       the key drivers of earnings and ROE.
CET1 ratio for the merged entity is       effective tax rate of 28%) with a full run                                              think will continue to underpin lower
                                                                                       Group ROE was at the top end of the
expected to be >12% and this should       rate to be achieved after 30 September                                                  risk and steady earnings growth (in
                                                                                       13-14% target range while CET1 ratio
further increase following near-term      2021. The proposed cost synergies                                                       line with GDP) in the years ahead.
                                                                                       was 10.5%, equal to APRA’s 2020
capital optimisation initiatives and      equate to ~19% of CYB’s underlying
                                                                                       minimum requirement. The interim           Buy, Price Target $31.90
mortgage risk weight accreditation.       cost base and ~12% of the merged
                                                                                       dividend was unchanged at 94cps and
                                          entity’s underlying cost base.
CYB would acquire all the ordinary                                                     WBC intends to maintain dividends
share capital of Virgin Money using       All else being equal, the proposed           until the payout ratio normalises to the
an exchange ratio of 1.2125 new CYB       deal should be highly value accretive        70-75% target range.
shares for each Virgin Money share        in terms of underlying EPS (up to
(i.e. ~547m new CYB shares will be        16% upside given the full run rate for
issued for Virgin Money’s ~451m           cost synergies) and ROE (this should
shares). The offer implies a 19%          improve by up to 2.4% in absolute
premium to Virgin Money shareholders      terms). The merged entity would be
based on Virgin Money’s closing price     valued at $6.23, in line with our $6.30
of £3.12 per share and a 35% premium      price target.
based on its three-month VWAP of          Buy, Price Target $6.30
£2.76 per share.

                                                                                                                                           ANALYST STOCK PICKS FOR FY19.     4
DIVERSIFIED FINANCIALS.                                                                                                             Lafitani Sotiriou

Pendal Group (PDL)                         Challenger (CGF)                           Janus Henderson Group (JHG)
PDL (formerly BTT) returns as              CGF is set to benefit from some of         JHG is set to continue its post-merger
one of our Key Picks for FY2019,           the biggest changes to the Australian      success into FY2019, with the company
with the company continuing to             Superannuation system in a number          expected to realize further cost
focus on future growth through the         of years. We see the forthcoming           synergies, and revenue opportunities
selective expansion of its investment      introduction of Deferred lifetime          arising from its broad cross-border
capabilities, and significant investment   Annuities (DLAs), and the Federal          distribution base.
in seeding new offerings.                  Government’s Comprehensive Income          We foresee JHG delivering double
                                           Products for Retirement or CIPRs
PDL is expected to exceed A$100bn                                                     digit EPS growth over CY18e &
                                           framework as being significant
in FUM during FY19, and we believe                                                    CY19e, supported by a recently
                                           catalysts for CGF over the medium-
PDL’s strategy remains supportive of                                                  announced buyback. We believe JHG
our double digit EPS growth forecast                                                  is a compelling growth and yield
over the medium term. We continue to       We estimate these changes have the         opportunity over the medium term.
rate the stock as one of our top picks     potential to create over $10 billion       Buy, Price Target A$70.00
in the sector.                             in additional market demand for
                                           annuities products, which represents
Buy, Price Target $15.50
                                           a significant opportunity for CGF to
                                           capitalize on given its strong brand
                                           recognition, expertise, and broad
                                           distribution reach within the Australian
                                           Buy, Price Target $17.49

                                                                                                                               ANALYST STOCK PICKS FOR FY19.   5
FIXED INCOME.                                                                                                                          Damien Williamson

After a strong start to 2018, the ASX     Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Convertible      Crown Subordinated Notes II                Westpac Capital Notes 5
listed debt and hybrid market saw         Preference Shares 3 (BENPF)                (CWNHB)                                    (WBCPH)
weakness over February and March.         BENPF remains attractively priced          Since being priced at a margin of          The launch of the WBCPH issue on
This was associated with the digestion    relative to other hybrids from financial   4.00% in March 2015, Crown has             5 February 2018 coincided with the
of over $3bn of new issuance and the      issuers. Paying half yearly income         significantly de-risked, focusing          2018 peak in the hybrid market. The
negative reaction to Bill Shorten’s       at a margin of 4.00% above 180 day         operations on its casino monopoly          subsequent weakness has seen
policy proposal on scrapping cash         bank bill, BENPF has benefitted from       in Melbourne and Perth, and its            this security trade below $100. The
rebates on excess franking credits        the recent spike in bank bill rates. Its   Barangaroo development in Sydney.          likelihood of redemptions exceeding
announced on 13 March. These factors      December 2018 dividend of $2.1871          Net debt has reduced from $2.4bn           hybrid issuance over the next 6
contributed to both WBCPH and             fully franked will be the highest          (Dec 2014) to $250m (Dec 2017),            months provides a catalyst for WBCPH
CBAPG listing at a discount, breaking     dividend payment since June 2016,          following the A$4.3bn divestment of        to narrow its discount to face value.
the winning sequence of 14 bank /         having been reset at the 180 day bank      its 34.3% stake in Melco. In early 2018,
financial hybrid lists spanning back to                                                                                         Call Date 22 September 2025
                                          bill rate on 15 June 2018 of 2.1644%.      Crown realised US$264m from the
December 2015.                                                                                                                  Fair Value $98.06
                                                                                     sale of the Alon Las Vegas site and
                                          Call Date 15 June 2021
We have seen some stabilisation                                                      A$150m (including advanced loans) for
since early April, when investor          Fair Value $102.72                         the sale of its 62% stake in CrownBet.
sentiment received a boost with the                                                  CWNHB is likely to see support from
resumption of positive new listings,                                                 the $2.4bn pipeline of pending ASX
after the MQGPC new issue was                                                        listed debt redemptions over the next
priced attractively enough to list at a                                              6 months.
premium on 8 June. One catalyst for                                                  Call Date 23 July 2021
a recovery is the $4.5bn pipeline of
redemptions over the next 6 months,                                                  Fair Value $102.69
spanning 6 ASX listed debt and hybrid
securities. We expect a refinancing
issue for the $2.0bn CBAPC, where
the refinancing requirement has been
reduced via the $1.365bn CBAPG
issue completed in April. The $2.4bn
pipeline of pending ASX listed debt
issue redemptions will most likely be
refinanced through the wholesale debt

                                                                                                                                       ANALYST STOCK PICKS FOR FY19.    6
AGRICULTURAL FMCG.                                                                                                                         Jonathan Snape

Investments in the Agricultural &         The a2Milk Company (A2M)                 Synlait Milk (SM1)                        Select Harvests (SHV)
FMCG sector should be considered          Despite a recent profit downgrade        The key driver of earnings and value      In the near term we see SHV as the
high risk and come with volatility. For   for FY18e, A2M continues to achieve      at SM1 has been the transition from a     beneficiary of tighter global supply-
this reason we tend to focus on stocks    strong levels of earnings growth while   producer of bulk dairy ingredients to     demand dynamics in almond markets
where we see either: a structural         generating high levels of operating      a producer of higher value consumer       following weaker than expected
uplift in ROIC through the cycle (A2M,    cash realisation. Near term we see       packaged and IMF products. To date        projection for the Californian crop
SM1) or cyclical growth stories (SHV).    China as a key driver of earnings        this process has been driven by A2M       (~80% of global supply). In the long-
                                          growth as both the distribution          branded products but increasingly         term we see SHV as the beneficiary
                                          footprint expands and sales velocities   we expect SM1 to benefit from             of rising production (on an expanded
                                          improve, however, we are also            supply agreements with New Hope           acreage) at a time when global almond
                                          optimistic about other growth levers     Nutritionals, Bright Dairy, Munchkin      prices look to have moved through the
                                          open to A2M including the US, UK         and Foodstuffs. Over the coming           low of the current long-run pricing
                                          and adult nutrition. Longer-term         twelve months we see potential share      cycle. We see SHV as having greater
                                          we see both the geographic and           price catalysts for SM1 including:        operating leverage to elevated almond
                                          product expansion strategy for A2M       (1) receival of CFDA registration for     prices in this cycle than the last, with
                                          as providing the next legs of growth,    New Hope and Bright IMF products;         production at its peak (FY24-26e)
                                          with the company’s success in the IMF    (2) USFDA approval for the Munchkin       forecast to exceed FY15 levels (the
                                          category allowing A2M to internally      grassfed product; (3) completion of the   previous peak in almond prices when
                                          fund both its geographical expansion     liquid beverage plant and clarification   SHV generated EBITDA of $100m) by
                                          and product diversification strategy.    on the RTD nutritional strategy; and      ~50%. With modest net debt (excluding
                                                                                   (4) completion of the Pokeno facility     lease liabilities) and tailwinds
                                                                                   and transition from base ingredients      emerging in almond prices and
                                                                                   to nutritional’s products supporting an   volume growth, we see SHV entering
                                                                                   improving ROIC profile in FY21-22e.       an extended period of improving ROIC.

                                                                                                                                    ANALYST STOCK PICKS FOR FY19.       7
TECHNOLOGY.                                                                                                                                      Chris Savage

We continue to be positive on the          The Citadel Group (CGL)                   Integrated Research (IRI)                 Technology One (TNE)
technology sector in Australia as, in      Citadel is a software and services        Integrated Research is a software         Technology One is an end-to-end
an environment of low interest rates       company that provides integration         company that has one key product –        provider of enterprise software in
and low growth, we believe there are       and managed services solutions to         called Prognosis – which monitors         Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia and
a number of good quality stocks in         state and federal governments and         the performance of a customer’s           the UK. We regard Technology One as
the sector with reasonable to strong       the private sector in Australia. The      network. The company has many             one of the highest quality listed tech
growth outlooks. We acknowledge that       stock is currently trading on an FY19     of the attributes we look for in a        stocks in Australia and accordingly the
many stocks in the sector have had a       PE ratio of c.22x and so, in our view,    tech company: global presence,            stock tends to trade on a forward PE
strong re-rating over the past year or     is being priced by the market as a mix    leading market position, high quality     ratio of >30x. The share price – and PE
so but we believe there is still some      of both software and services which       customers, large recurring revenue,       ratio – has recently fallen, however,
value in the sector with a number of       is probably reasonable. Over time,        long history, barriers to entry, strong   due to a contract dispute with a
good quality stocks on reasonable          however, we believe the company will      balance sheet and good management.        customer (that has now been resolved)
forward PE ratios. Our goal is to find     become more like a pure software          The share price has recently fallen       and a modest reduction in growth
good quality tech stocks with strong       company and so will get re-rated by       on no new news but some apparent          in both FY17 and FY18. The outlook,
growth outlooks that are currently         the market and trade on a forward PE      concern on the growth outlook.            however, is for a return for strong
trading on forward PE ratios of around     ratio of c.30x or more. We believe this   We, however, believe the stock can        growth in FY19 and so over the next 12
25x or less and that, over time, can re-   transition will become increasingly       continue to deliver strong double digit   months we expect the stock to re-rate
rate up to over 30x as has happened        evident during FY19 and so the re-        EPS growth over the medium term           and return to a forward PE ratio of
with stocks like WiseTech Global (WTC)     rating will gradually occur over the      and so see good value in the stock at     c.30x or more.
and Altium (ALU).                          next 12 months or so.                     present on an FY19 PE ratio of c.21x.     BUY, PT $5.50
                                           BUY, PT $7.50                             BUY, PT $4.15

                                                                                                                                      ANALYST STOCK PICKS FOR FY19.      8
DISCRETIONARY RETAIL &                                                                                                                               Sam Haddad

Premier Investments (PMV)                  Our positive view on PMV is supported     Propel Funeral Partners (PFP)             IPH (IPH)
                                           by the company’s strong long-term
We continue to prefer retailers with                                                 PFP is the second largest provider of     IPH wholly owns Spruson & Ferguson
                                           earnings growth outlook underpinned
the following key attributes:                                                        death care services in Australia and      (which now includes former FAKC and
                                           by three key growth pillars: Smiggle’s
-- Leveraged to global growth                                                        New Zealand. PFP’s portfolio footprint    Cullens), Pizzeys and AJ Park. IPH
                                           global expansion (the primary growth
 opportunities;                                                                      comprises 105 locations including         is the leading Intellectual Property
                                           pillar), Peter Alexander and online.      24 crematoria and 7 cemeteries. We        (IP) services group in the Asia-Pacific
-- Elements of scalability on a global     We note these growth pillars are          believe PFP’s location footprint is       region employing ~635 staff. Over
 platform;                                 higher margin and therefore a tailwind    difficult to replicate as many of its     recent reporting periods, IPH has
-- Preferably own their own brands;        to group margins. We believe the          funeral homes have been operating         been impacted by external issues
-- Preferably own differentiated brands    Smiggle brand can become a global         since the late 1800s and early            primarily relating to the America
 or have a unique market position;         brand given its leverage to youth         1900s. Management have significant        Invests Act (AIA). This resulted in a
                                           education and hence universal appeal      experience investing in the death care    series of negative earnings surprises
-- Are market leaders in their category;   across cultures, and differentiated       industry spanning over 10 years and       and a de-rating in PE. However we
-- Strong omni-channel capability; and     market position.                          is strongly aligned through significant   believe AIA impacts are now behind
-- Have defensive attributes.                                                        equity ownership, the majority of         and expect underlying IP market
                                           The growth opportunity for Smiggle
                                                                                     which is escrowed for 10 years.           trends to normalise moving forward.
Amongst the retail stocks we cover,        is significant, with the brand only now
                                                                                     Based on a proven growth strategy,        The key positive factors we see for
we believe LOV and PMV meet these          entering Continental Europe and yet
                                                                                     the leadership of an experienced          IPH include: 1) the resumption of
key attributes very well, although we      to enter North America. Management
                                                                                     management team and the backing           solid growth, especially in IPH Asia;
recently downgraded our rating on LOV      has guided for Smiggle annual sales
                                                                                     of a strong balance sheet, we believe     2) the recent expansion into China,
from Buy to Hold based on valuation.       to exceed $450m by FY20, which
                                                                                     PFP is well positioned to drive further   opening significant long-term growth
This leaves PMV as our key retail pick.    represents a significant doubling vs
                                                                                     industry consolidation. Both markets      prospects; 3) the realisation of FAKC -
                                           Smiggle’s FY17 sales.
PMV is an investment company whose                                                   in Australia and New Zealand are ripe     Cullens merger efficiency benefits; 4)
major investment is in discretionary                                                 for consolidation with a long tail of     material efficiency opportunities in AJ
retailer Just Group. Just Group                                                      independently owned operators.            Park; 5) neutralising losses in the Data
operates specialty retail brands Just                                                                                          Services business; and 6) potential
                                                                                     PFP also stands to benefit from the
Jeans, Jay Jays, Portman’s, Jacqui E,                                                                                          FX tailwinds on the back of recent
                                                                                     compelling fundamentals of the death
Dotti, Peter Alexander and Smiggle.                                                                                            weakness in the $A/$US FX rate.
                                                                                     care industry, including the positive
                                                                                     long term trend in the number of
                                                                                     deaths underpinned by an increasing
                                                                                     and ageing population, the industry’s
                                                                                     highly defensive attributes and the
                                                                                     relatively high barriers to entry.

                                                                                                                                           ANALYST STOCK PICKS FOR FY19.   9
INDUSTRIALS.                                                                                     Tim Piper

Corporate Travel Management (CTD)        Johns Lyng Group (JLG)
Our longer term investment thesis        We like JLG’s exposure to growing
on CTD is based on the opportunity       general insurance claims and extreme
to continue growing market share         weather related events which we
in large, highly fragmented global       expect to deliver ~20% EBITDA growth
corporate travel markets driven by       in FY18e. The FY18e result will benefit
CTD’s customer value proposition.        from strong CAT earnings from
While the share price has rallied        Cyclone Debbie, however we note that
recently resulting in a slightly full    underlying business as usual (BAU)
forward P/E multiple, we believe         Insurance Building revenue also
this multiple will be justified by a     continues to track well. The current
strong FY18e result in August and        Suncorp trial contract presents
the likelihood of further accretive      another growth opportunity running
acquisitions in the near term. Macro     into FY19e if secured, but we do
drivers also remain in CTD’s favour      note that JLG is carrying some extra
with strong business confidence levels   overheads through FY18e to support
across key markets such as Australia     this Suncorp trial. The company
and North America driving higher         recently reaffirmed FY18e guidance.
business travel activity levels.         BUY

                                                                                   ANALYST STOCK PICKS FOR FY19.   10
RESOURCES.                                                                                           David Coates, Peter Arden & Stuart Howe

Resource equities overall have            Together with a weaker Australian           Despite the price drop, iron ore has
had a solid start to 2018, with the       dollar we believe this helps explain        held up well, having maintained
broader Metals and Mining Index           the relative stability of the equities.     an average price for 2018ytd above
up approximately 7.1% for the year        Notwithstanding that, it is our view        US$70/t and consensus has come up
to date. Having said that there is a      that it is difficult to find compelling     to meet our US$64/t price forecast for
sense in some corners of the market       value in the sector.                        2018. However, the increased spread
that valuations are full. Over the last   In the energy sector, the lift in the oil   between benchmark 62% prices and
month or so concerns around free          price from the combination of supply        lower grade 58% grade product has
trade restrictions and a stronger         constraint and increased demand             remained a feature of the market.
US$ are dampening sentiment, with         has reduced oil stockpiles with the         Gold has been mixed with a weaker
the Index 4.2% down from the high         result that OPEC is talking about           US$ price offset by gains in the A$
reached in mid-May.                       lifting output slightly, so prices may      gold price. What has emerged as
The underlying commodities are            flat-line for a while. Gas prices in        a strong feature of the market is
generally off the elevated levels at      Eastern Australia have retraced from        the strong outperformance of gold
which they started the year, with the     recent peaks after improved supply          equities, particularly over the last
latest round of free trade rhetoric       but are set to remain at elevated           quarter. The ASX Gold Index has risen
and US dollar strength driving further    levels as the global LNG market faces       10% in this time and share prices of
price drops. For 2018 year to date zinc   strong demand growth. The continued         the larger producers are at or near
is off 13.5%, iron ore 10.0%, copper      expansion of electric vehicle models        all-time highs.
6.8%, aluminium 4.0%, lead 3.4% and       by the major car makers and
tin 0.4%. The exceptions are nickel up    forecasts of strong growth in storage
15.7%, thermal coal up 9% and the         batteries points to very strong supply
Australian dollar gold price up 9%.       growth requirements for lithium
In the base metals, however,              and associated battery components
fundamental indicators remain             (nickel, cobalt and copper). Significant
encouraging with all markets              potential expansions of lithium supply
facing supply deficits and stockpile      have caused some forecasters to
drawdowns over 2018. Copper in            predict lithium prices will begin to
particular looks tight over the balance   decline in 2018. However there is
of the year. The global composite PMI     considerable doubt about the ability of
has remained in growth territory as it    many forecast new lithium projects to
has for key economies such as China       achieve their slated output, pointing to
and the US.                               firmer lithium prices.

                                                                                                                               ANALYST STOCK PICKS FOR FY19.   11
RESOURCES.                                                                                                                                       David Coates

Aeon Metals (AML)                           Pantoro Limited (PNR)                    We have switched our third top pick      Breaker Resources (BRB)
                                                                                     from FMG to BRB. Ongoing wide
AML is focused on the exploration           PNR is a growing gold production                                                  BRB recently released a maiden
                                                                                     discounts to the benchmark iron ore
and development of its 100%-owned           company, operating its flagship,                                                  Resource for its Bombora gold
                                                                                     price are dampening the upside for
Walford Creek Copper-Cobalt-Zinc            100% owned, Halls Creek Project                                                   discovery at the Lake Roe gold project
                                                                                     FMG. In contrast, BRB has suffered a
project in NW Queensland. Following         (including the Nicolsons Gold Mine)                                               of 11.8Mt @ 1.6g/t Au for 624,000oz,
                                                                                     strong selloff while at the same time
the delineation of a small, high grade      in the Kimberley Region of Western                                                of which 42% was in the higher
                                                                                     achieving a significant de-risking
Resource in 2017, AML has developed         Australia. Over the course of 2017 it                                             confidence Indicated category and
                                                                                     milestone in the release of a maiden
a robust geological model for the           grew production, lowered costs and                                                of which ~240koz is within 50m of
                                                                                     Resource for its Lake Roe Gold project
Walford Creek deposit. This model has       strengthened its balance sheet. PNR is                                            surface. BRB has also put forward
                                                                                     in WA, making the upside compelling
since successfully intersected high         now debt free and has just completed                                              an Exploration Target of 1.1-1.3Moz
                                                                                     from this point.
grade extensions of the Resource and        a major capital investment program                                                which, for a greenfield Resource
points to the potential for significant     which is planned to lift production                                               limited largely by the extents of
Resource growth over +20km of               from ~50kozpa to 80-100kozpa by                                                   drilling, we view as highly likely to be
prospective strike length. A $30m           the end of CY18 and result in All-In-                                             achieved. We estimate the Resource
capital raise in late 2017 is funding a     Sustaining Costs (AISC) dropping to                                               has been delineated at a discovery
major drilling campaign through 2018        A$1,000/oz. Exploration upside and                                                cost of A$23/oz – which we view as
which has commenced and yielded             Resource and Reserve growth remains                                               both competitive and value adding.
exciting results. It is likely to drive a   compelling and we expect this to                                                  Clearly market expectations were not
material Resource upgrade in early          underpin mine life extensions, adding                                             met. The share price has been hit by
2019 with strong newsflow in the            further value.                                                                    ~35% since the Resource has been
interim. In our view AML has entered                                                                                          released and this is disappointing.
                                            Buy, TP $0.36/sh
an exciting period of cost effective                                                                                          However, looking at the Resource as
discovery and growth which we expect                                                                                          it stands, we see a good foundation
more recognition of in 2018.                                                                                                  that is likely to grow and an opportune
                                                                                                                              entry point created by emotional
Speculative Buy, Valuation $0.54/sh
                                                                                                                              rather than rational selling.
                                                                                                                              Speculative Buy, Valuation $0.96/sh

                                                                                                                                      ANALYST STOCK PICKS FOR FY19.      12
RESOURCES.                                                                                                                                Peter Arden

FAR (FAR)                                  Metals X (MLX)                             Xanadu Mines (XAM)
FAR currently has a 15% interest in        MLX is a copper and tin producer.          XAM is an advanced copper-gold
several major oil discoveries it has       Its 100% owned Nifty mine in WA is         exploration company based in
made in offshore Senegal that are          transitioning to producing 35ktpa          Mongolia. Recent drilling at XAM’s
economically attractive and now about      of copper in concentrate after             effectively 76.5% owned Kharmagtai
to enter the development phase. With       overcoming several production issues       Copper – Gold Project in the South
2C Resources of 641 million barrels        related to the rundown nature of           Gobi porphyry district has discovered
(Mbbls) (recoverable), the SNE field is    the operation, which it acquired in        significant higher grade extensions
still one of the largest oil discoveries   August 2016. Nifty’s future operation      outside the existing Resources at
in the last four years and along with      is based on a new Resource containing      the White Hill and Stockwork Hill
the nearby FAN discovery (with 2C          a significant component of recently        Prospects and a major new porphyry
Resources of 198Mbbls) is nearing a        discovered ore outside the historic        centre nearby at the Zarra Prospect.
development decision in early 2019.        mining area. MLX also owns a 50%           The latest drilling has benefited from
FAR has also been very active in the       interest in and is Operator of the world   several recent studies that have given
adjoining areas, where it is Operator      scale Renison tin mine joint venture       XAM new insights into the nature and
and is farming down to a 40% interest      (JV) in Tasmania where tin output is       extent of the porphyry mineralisation,
in Blocks A2 and A5 in The Gambia,         currently being lifted by about 15%        and has indicated potential for high
close to and in the same geological        using ore sorting technology and the       grade bornite-rich mineralisation at
play as the SNE field. FAR has             JV partners are considering a further      depth, confirming Kharmagtai is one
identified the Samo Prospect in these      55% increase in tin output to about        of the most attractive undeveloped
blocks containing P50 Prospective          13ktpa (100% basis) from the Rentails      copper-gold prospects in one of the
Resources (best estimate) of 825Mbbls      fuming project. MLX also has 100%          most pro-mining jurisdictions in the
that will be drilled by a well in late     of the large Wingellina nickel-cobalt      world at a time when there are few
2018 under a favourable farm-out           limonite deposit in Central Australia      quality new copper projects. Recent
arrangement with global oil major,         which is now focused on advancing the      drilling at XAM’s other Mongolian
PETRONAS.                                  high grade cobalt deposits.                project, Red Mountain, continues
                                                                                      to discover significant new zones of
Speculative Buy, Valuation $0.26/sh.       Buy, Target Price $0.98/sh.
                                                                                      high grade copper-gold porphyry and
                                                                                      epithermal gold mineralisation.
                                                                                      Speculative Buy, Valuation $0.58/sh.

                                                                                                                               ANALYST STOCK PICKS FOR FY19.   13
HEALTHCARE & BIOTECH.                                                                                                                          Tanushree Jain

The fundamentals and demographic trends for the healthcare and biotech sector         Mesoblast (MSB)                           Pharmaxis (PXS)
remained strong in FY18 and we expect this momentum to continue into FY19,                                                      Pharmaxis is a biopharmaceutical
                                                                                      Mesoblast is a biotechnology company
based on the following 3 key themes:                                                                                            company focused on the development
                                                                                      commercialising the therapeutic use
1.   Friendly regulatory environment – the US FDA not only approving more drugs,      of mesenchymal lineage cells (MPCs        of drugs for inflammatory and fibrotic
     but also making efforts to expedite the approval of much needed innovative       and MSCs) – a kind of adult stem cell.    diseases. Its lead assets Phase 2
     drugs.                                                                                                                     SSAO/VAP-1 inhibitor BI_1467335
                                                                                      It is the leading allogeneic
                                                                                                                                partnered in a multi-million dollar
2.   Increased activity in licensing and M&A – driven by large pharma and biotech’s   regenerative medicine player with
                                                                                                                                deal with Boehringer Ingelheim (BI)
     need to replenish pipelines following the expiry of patents on their legacy      one of the most diversified pipelines
                                                                                                                                and currently unpartnered Phase 1
     blockbuster products and US tax reforms. We have already seen an uptick in       and several products in late stage. We
                                                                                                                                LOXL-2 inhibitors are targeting Non-
     licensing and M&A activity in 1H18 in both US and Australia.                     view the positive results to date from
                                                                                                                                alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH),
                                                                                      the company’s paediatric GvHD (Graft
3.   Companies approaching maturity phase - several of the ASX listed biotech and                                               a multibillion dollar market with
                                                                                      vs. Host Disease) Phase 3 trial as an
     healthcare stocks we cover will reach maturity, with sentiment overall likely                                              currently no approved treatments.
                                                                                      important de-risking milestone for it
     to be driven by late stage trial read-outs, regulatory approvals and launches,                                             PXS’ LOXL-2 assets have successfully
                                                                                      which not only validates its technology
     increased commercial momentum and partnering activity.                                                                     completed the first stage of its
                                                                                      platform and clinical design strategy,
In view of these factors we believe the following stocks stand out as potential                                                 Phase 1 program indicating no
                                                                                      but also takes it closer to having
winners:                                                                                                                        safety or tolerability issues and
                                                                                      its first product approved in the US
                                                                                                                                have demonstrated significant and
                                                                                                                                long lasting inhibition of LOXL-2
                                                                                      MSB is currently focusing its             highlighting its best-in-class profile.
                                                                                      partnering efforts on its Tier 1 assets   PXS is already engaged with multiple
                                                                                      and we expect late stage data read-       companies in discussions around
                                                                                      outs, followed by potential partnering    partnering this asset.
                                                                                      deals to act as re-rating catalysts for   The company has a strong cash
                                                                                      the stock over the next 6-12 months.      position and several upcoming value
                                                                                      Next Key catalysts: Day 180 safety and    inflexion points which include: results
                                                                                      survival data from Phase 3 GvHD trial     from Phase 2A trials in NASH and
                                                                                      in 3QCY18 and Top-line results from       Diabetic Retinopathy for partnered
                                                                                      Phase 2B end stage heart failure trial    asset with BI in 1HCY19 and results
                                                                                      in 3QCY18.                                from Phase 1 trial with LOXL-2
                                                                                      Buy, speculative, Valuation $3.75/sh.     assets are expected in 3QCY18, with
                                                                                                                                a partnership deal expected to follow
                                                                                                                                later in the year.
                                                                                                                                Buy, speculative, Valuation $0.52/sh.

                                                                                                                                        ANALYST STOCK PICKS FOR FY19.     14
HEALTHCARE & BIOTECH.                                                                                                              Tanushree Jain

Bionomics (BNO)                                                                    Starpharma (SPL)
Bionomics is an Adelaide-based            The company has also recently started    Starpharma is a Melbourne-based
drug discovery company focused on         a third Phase 2 trial with the drug      platform company commercialising
development of drugs to treat CNS         for agitation in elderly patients with   the science of nanoscale polymers
disorders such as anxiety, Alzheimers     results due in 1QCY19. With currently    called dendrimers. Its proprietary
disease and post-traumatic stress         no approved treatments for agitation     dendrimer technology is versatile
disorder (PTSD).                          positive results from this trial would   with wide applicability across the
                                          further enhance the assets licensing     pharmaceuticals sector. In drug
The company has recently sharpened
                                          prospects.                               delivery the company is focused
its focus on its core strength in ion
                                                                                   on oncology (cancer) with platform
channel biology and drug discovery.       The stock represents compelling value
                                                                                   validated by partner AstraZeneca.
The platforms supporting this have        ahead of the upcoming results from
been validated by partner Merck           the BNC210 trials and a partnership      In 2018, SPL licensed its VivaGel BV
who has inked two multi-million           deal later in FY19.                      (Bacterial Vaginosis) product for most
dollar deals with the company and is                                               of Ex-US markets to Mundipharma
                                          Buy, speculative, Valuation $0.92/sh.
also a shareholder in BNO. Clinical                                                with launch expected in 2019. Key
stage non-core oncology assets are                                                 upcoming catalysts include a)
in the process of being monetised.                                                 licensing deal for VivaGel BV for North
Recruitment has been completed for                                                 America followed by approval and
BNO’s Phase 2 PTSD trial with lead                                                 launch, b) initiation of Phase 1 trial
asset BNC210, with results expected                                                with SPL/AZN’s AZD0466 asset which
in 3QCY18 which would be a key                                                     triggers a US$3m milestone to SPL,
inflexion point for the stock. Positive                                            c) launch of VivaGel BV by Aspen in
results from this trial when combined                                              Australia and Mundipharma in Europe
with previous strong results from                                                  and other licensed markets and d)
Phase 2 General Anxiety Disorder                                                   initial data from ongoing Phase 2 DEP
(GAD) is bound to attract strong                                                   docetaxel trial and Phase 1 cabazitaxel
partnering interest.                                                               trial.
                                                                                   Buy, speculative, Valuation $1.88/sh.

                                                                                                                             ANALYST STOCK PICKS FOR FY19.   15
HEALTHCARE & BIOTECH.                                                                                                                             John Hester

Avita Medical (AVH)                                                                Zenitas Healthcare (ZNT)
Avita Medical is a medical device         The device is predominantly for          The company has recently completed a      -- the company allows allied health
company specialising in the treatment     hospital use and the hospital must       series of acquisitions which we expect     care professionals to retain a
of 2nd and 3rd degree burns requiring     be able to justify the use of new        will drive the 45% EPS growth during       meaningful equity stake in the
hospitalisation. The major catalyst       technology by either cost savings or     FY19. At the time of writing the stock     business, effectively providing
over the course of the next 6 months is   additional revenue generation. ReCell    was trading at $1.00 representing a 1      important cash incentives for
expected to be FDA approval allowing      can potentially achieve both criteria.   year forward price earnings multiple       founders.
it to commence commercial sales in                                                 of 8.7x.
                                          This clinical data is available for                                                In addition Zenitas does not pay
the US.                                   marketing in the US today and the        ZNT remains a relatively young            upfront goodwill for single practitioner
Following years of frustrating delay,     product is available on a highly         company whose earnings thus far           GP’s and neither does it have a
Avita has completed clinical trials       limited basis via Continuing Access      have been acquisition driven. In our      dependence on expensive capital
in the US and is now awaiting Pre-        and Compassionate Use programs.          view the investor market will re-         items (such as radiology equipment).
Market Approval (PMA) so that it          In addition the company expects the      rate the company if it demonstrates       Consequently free cash flow is
may commence selling the ReCell           first large procurement order from       adequate levels of organic growth.        normally quite strong.
device. We believe the risk of the PMA    the Biomedical Advanced Research         In our view there is ample scope for      Our target price of $1.49 represents
application being unsuccessful is low.    and Development Authority (BARDA)        revenue synergies across the various      an upside of 49% to the current share
The data from the US clinical trials      in CY2018. This is part of a long term   allied health businesses now operated     price.
demonstrates ReCell has an excellent      contract expected to generate tens       by the company. The challenge is now
safety profile with comparable            of millions in revenues over the next    for those businesses to be integrated     Buy
healing rates in burns patients. The      three to five years.                     and to capture cross referrals.
major benefits of the device are the      Speculative, Buy                         The key aspects of the business model
~30% reduction in the size of the                                                  which differentiate Zenitas from
donor site for grafting, improved                                                  healthcare role ups of the past are:
aesthetic outcomes and shortened
length of stay for hospitalisation. The                                            -- the large components of self-pay –
shortened length of stay is equally as                                              particularly in allied health which is
important as the clinical outcomes for                                              generally not covered by Medicare;
commercial adoption.                                                               -- the absence of key man risk – the
                                                                                    business does not employ medical
                                                                                    specialists upon whom the entire
                                                                                    practice revenue relies; and

                                                                                                                                     ANALYST STOCK PICKS FOR FY19.      16
HEALTHCARE & BIOTECH.                                                                                  John Hester

Elixinol (EXL)
Elixinol is an established, leading brand     The company has not provided earnings
in the nascent US market for hemp based       guidance for FY18, however, 1Q18
nutraceutical products. The category is       revenues grew by 24% over the prior
currently experiencing explosive revenue      sequential quarter. We expect further
growth following recent regulatory            double digit growth for at least the
changes to legalise the growing of hemp       remainder of the year and for some
in the US and a growing acceptance of         period thereafter.
the clinical benefit from these products      We believe the imminent approval of
in controlling the symptoms of numerous       the first medicinal cannabis product by
chronic medical conditions.                   the FDA in the US will provide further
The Australian operations of the group        validation of the efficacy of CBD based
include Hemp Foods Australia (HFA)            medicines. Epidiolex is owned by GW
being a company focussed on the               Pharma and used for the treatment of
development of the market for Hemp            Epilepsy in children. In our view this
Foods. This category is also expected         event is likely to have a flow on effect for
to grow rapidly from a zero base. The         other market participants including for
catalyst for the sector was the inclusion     the over the counter hemp CBD products
of hemp foods on the Foods Standards          markets by Elixinol US.
Code.                                         Our target price of $2.16 represents an
The Group is led by Chief Executive           upside of 56% to the current share price.
Paul Benhaim who is the co-founder            Speculative, Buy
of both Elixinol US and Health Foods
Australia. Following the IPO he retains
53% of the listed entity and is the largest
shareholder by a considerable margin.
Mr Benhaim is considered an expert
in the field of industrial hemp and
medicinal cannabis following more than
two decades of experience in the sector
both in Australia, the US and Europe.

                                                                                             ANALYST STOCK PICKS FOR FY19.   17
The following may affect your legal rights:                 Disclosures                                            Bell Potter Securities acted as Lead Manager and          Stocks with ‘Speculative’ designation are prone to
This document is a private communication to clients         TS Lim holds 125 shares in Macquarie Group (MQG).      Underwriter for the Placement of Mesoblast (MSB) in      high volatility in share price movements. Clinical
and is not intended for public circulation or for the use                                                          March and September 2017 and received fees for that      and regulatory risks are inherent in biotechnology
                                                            Lafitani Sotiriou holds 7,000 shares in Pendal Group   service.                                                 stocks. Biotechnology developers usually seek US
of any third party, without the prior approval of Bell      (PDL); and 10,000 shares in Challenger (CGF).
Potter Securities Limited.                                                                                         Bell Potter Securities acted as Lead Manager of Avita    FDA approval for their technology which is a long
                                                            James Filius holds 1,585 shares in Pendal Group        Medical’s (AVH) Placements in March 2015, November       and arduous three phase process to prove the safety,
This is general investment advice only and does not         (PDL).                                                                                                          effectiveness and appropriate application or use of the
constitute personal advice to any person.                                                                          2017 and June 2018 and received fees for that service.
                                                            Jonathan Snape holds 22,500 shares in The A2Milk                                                                developed drug and even after approval a drug can be
Because this document has been prepared without                                                                    Bell Potter Securities acted as Lead manager of          the subject of an FDA investigation of subsequently
                                                            Company (A2M); 7,000 shares in Synlait Milk (SM1);     Zenitas Healthcare ‘s (ZNT) IPO in 2016 and Capital
consideration of any specific client’s financial            and 5,000 shares in Select Harvests (SHV).                                                                      discovered possible links between the drug and other
situation, particular needs and investment objectives                                                              Raise in 2017 and received fees for that service.        diseases not previously diagnosed. Furthermore,
(‘relevant personal circumstances’), a Bell Potter          Peter Arden holds 850,000 shares in FAR Ltd (FAR);     Bell Potter Securities acted as Lead Manager of          the Australian exchange listed biotechnology sector
Securities Limited investment adviser (or the financial     150,000 shares in Metals X Ltd (MLX); and 300,000      Elixinol Global’s (EXL) IPO in 2018 and received fees    is subject to influence by the global biotechnology
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arrangement with Bell Potter Securities Limited)            Bell Potter Securities acted as Co-Manager in                                                                   experience sharp movements, both upwards and
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                                                            Macquarie Group’s (MQG) May 2018 Capital Notes 3                                                                downwards, in both valuations and share prices, as
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                                                            Bell Potter Securities acted as a Broker to the        regarded as speculative in character. Since most
While this document is based on information from            Westpac Banking Corp’s share sell down of BT                                                                    cognisant of these risks before buying such a stock.
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Bell Potter assumes no responsibility for updating          the $90m Institutional Placement and SPP of Select     in exploration programs that usually have multiple       compensation was, is, or will be, directly or indirectly,
any advice, views, opinions, or recommendations             Harvests (SVH) in October 2017 and received fees for   phases to them where positive results at some            related to the specific recommendations or views
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                                                            Bell Potter Securities acted as Lead Manager and
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                                                            Underwriter to Propel Funeral Partners’ (PFP) IPO in
reliable indicator of future performance.                                                                          development of an extractive operation and there is
                                                            November 2017 and received fees for that service.
                                                                                                                   still significant risk that even a development project
Except insofar as liability under any statute cannot        Bell Potter Securities acted as Joint Lead Manager,    with favourable economic parameters and forecast
be excluded, Bell Potter Limited and its directors,         Joint Book Runner and Sole Underwriter for Johns       outcomes may fail to achieve those outcomes.
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otherwise) for any error or omission in this document       Bell Potter Securities acted as Lead Manager for the
or for any resulting loss or damage (whether direct,                                                               Biotechnology Risk Warning:
                                                            $30.0m Placement of Aeon Metals (AML) in December
indirect, consequential or otherwise) suffered by the       2017 and Manager to the $5.0m Placement in August      The stocks of biotechnology companies without
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Disclosure of Interest:                                                                                            ongoing service revenue should always be regarded
                                                            Bell Potter Securities acted as a Participant in the
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                                                                                                                   companies fit this description, the speculative
consultants and its associates within the meaning           received fees for that service.
                                                                                                                   designation also applies to the entire sector. The
of Chapter 7 of the Corporations Law may receive            Bell Potter Securities acted as Lead Manager for the   fact that the intellectual property base of a typical
commissions, underwriting and management fees               $15.4m placement of Xanadu Mines (XAM) in October      biotechnology company lies in science not generally
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this document(which its representatives may directly
                                                                                                                   the riskiness with which biotechnology investments
share) and may from time to time hold interests in the
                                                                                                                   ought to be regarded.
securities referred to in this document.
                                                                                                                                                                                       ANALYST STOCK PICKS FOR FY19.                    18
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