Annual 19 - INTREC Management

Page created by Alma Jacobs
Annual 19 - INTREC Management


                         73 Reserve Road
                     Artarmon NSW 2064
                          8 Gardner Close
                              Milton 4064
               Level 2, 95 Coventry Street
                  South Melbourne 3205
               Level 1, 88-96 Bunda Street
                            Civic ACT 2601
Annual 19 - INTREC Management

    A picture says a thousand words ….. and the key word for INTREC is AGILITY. Our 2020 Vision has come
    together this year through not only the projects we have delivered, but the way we have delivered them.
    INTREC is a company that has the rare ability to grow and change at the same time and this year’s Annual
    demonstrates INTREC’s capability in both scale and complexity.

    We live in an incredible time of change, where technology is moving at a rate never witnessed before,
    businesses must adapt through new technologies and the search for innovation. For INTREC, change is the
    stimulus that excites our business and drives us forward into new spaces and opportunities.

    As a leader of the business I challenge our team to remain agile and embrace a new way forward through
    partnerships and collaboration.

    Thank you to all that have contributed to a year of INTREC.

    Clint Bragg
Annual 19 - INTREC Management
Annual 19 - INTREC Management
“With the project complete on time and budget, we     “The INTREC team delivered a quality result for our    “INTREC were committed to the project, easy to
reflect on the pleasure it’s been working with the    office, which has transformed the way we work and      work with, always happy to investigate and find
team at INTREC. Throughout the project we found       given us an office for the future where it is a joy    solutions to any issues, successful project in
them to be professional, proactive, responsive,       to work. INTREC were very responsive and helpful       terms of timelines, budget, staff and quality of
effective and practical in resolving design issues,   in delivering our refurbishment in a live working      workmanship. I would, and have, recommended
whilst always working to achieve a high quality       environment that required staged construction          INTREC for other projects and would be pleased to
outcome. This high quality outcome has been           over a number of phases. Their onsite team were        work with the INTREC team again.”
successfully achieved and is evident through the      excellent to work with and understood our business
positive industry and client feedback. They have      needs as we worked alongside their construction        Stuart Lobley
delivered value to UoW as our client.                 site. They were always available when needed and       Project Manager
                                                      had a commitment to excellence, customer service       CFA Land & Building Services
INTREC’s commitment to the success of the project     and quality that drove the excellent final outcome.
was commendable. They clearly understood the          I would definitely highly recommend INTREC to
scope and complexity of the projects including        deliver a quality office fitout project.”              “The INTREC team managed to complete the
working within live environments. We would be                                                                project within a very stringent timeline. The
pleased to strongly recommend INTREC for any          Stephen Giblett                                        project required construction to start after animal
complex, high quality and innovative projects.”       Project Manager                                        relocation and to finish before medical equipment
                                                      Mott MacDonald                                         installation. INTREC managed to prioritise defect
Kyle Watson                                                                                                  works to get fixed and work right after Christmas, to
Senior Project Manager                                                                                       enable the timely start of equipment installation by
APP Corporation                                       “Lendlease Retirement Living has developed a           the specialised vendor.
                                                      strong relationship with INTREC over the last
                                                      six years through delivery of several successful       INTREC is good in communications with all project
“Overall, the INTREC team went above and beyond       upgrades of our communal resident facilities.          stakeholders, and in this project particularly well
to meet the clients requirements and I would          Most recently, INTREC delivered an upgrade of the      with the specialised equipment vendor.
recommend their services throughout the industry...   Clubhouse at our Brentwood village in Kincumber.
taking into consideration the challenge of this       This is the largest and most complex of the projects   We as the client, appreciate the team’s hard work
project, an exceptional outcome.”                     that we have worked with them on to date and we        and high quality delivery of the project,
                                                      partnered with INTREC early in the project to help     and we look forward to working with you in future
Renzo Trivarell                                       us work through some of the initial challenges we      projects.”
Security and Facilities Manager                       faced.
Henry Schein Halas                                                                                           Cecilia Liu
                                                      Overall, the project was a major success and           Project Manager
                                                      INTREC were great to work with, performing to          RMIT University
                                                      the same high standard as they have on all of their
                                                      previous projects with us. Well done INTREC and we
                                                      look forward to working with the team again on our
                                                      next project.”

                                                      Nigel Towse
                                                      Regional Property Manager NSW & ACT,
                                                      Retirement Living
Annual 19 - INTREC Management
Health and Medical                           Rail                                  Retirement and Aged Care
West Gippsland Hospital SSU and TOT     11   Victorian Tunnelling Centre      17   Brentwood Retirement Village           27
Henry Schein Halas Dental Showroom           Ballarat Line Upgrade            67   Emmy Monash Aged Care                  43
and Head Office                         49

Property Development                         Infrastructure                        Retail

Essentia Stage 2                        51   Building Refurbishment and            ALDI Refresh Rollout                   35
                                             Infrastructure Upgrade           73

Commercial                                   Government                            Education

INTREC National Office Refurbishments   07   Queensland Museum Sciencentre    15   New South Wales and Queensland DOE     19
100 Brookes Street Lobby Upgrade        29   Crown Solicitor’s Office		       39   University of Wollongong TLS Upgrade   23
222 Londsdale Street QV                 59   Transport for NSW, Service NSW        RMIT University                        31
Mott MacDonald Kent Street              63   and Sydney Trains                45   University of New South Wales          55
The Barracks Commercial Upgrade         69   IndigiScapes Centre Expansion    61   Goodstart Early Learning               65
                                                                                   University of Technology Sydney
                                                                                   B11 Innovation Hub                     71
Annual 19 - INTREC Management
Annual 19 - INTREC Management

                INTREC National Office

                 INTREC Management   The last year has reflected a     The INTREC NSW office            The growth of the team in
                                     remarkable period of growth       refurbishment saw the team       Victoria was highlighted in its
                 Lead Architects     for INTREC, nationally. To        taking over another level        expansion to take over three
                                     accommodate this growth,          of the existing Artarmon         adjacent offices in the existing
                 Jones Nicholson     our NSW, QLD and VIC offices      building, which featured         South Melbourne location,
                                     have all received major           a gym, new workstations,         adding a long-awaited kitchen
                 Various             refurbishments, transforming      offices, meeting rooms and a     and breakout area, as well as
                                     them into state-of-the-art        kitchen/breakout area.           new meeting rooms.
                                     spaces for our staff and valued
                                     stakeholders.                     This newly designed office       INTREC QLD moved to an
                                                                       space was founded on             open plan office space,
                                     Designed by Lead Architects,      sustainable design with          featuring greenery and warm
                                     the offices are strikingly        a 35kW roof-mounted              timber tones, overlooking the
                                     similar in appearance, boasting   solar system, reducing the       Brisbane River.
                                     an industrial modern feel.        building’s carbon footprint by
Photographer                                                                                            The opening of our new offices
                                     Distinctive architectural         75%. Driven by a commitment
Chris Sanos                                                                                             marks the celebration of our
                                     elements, recycled materials      to sustainability, INTREC
(VIC)                                                                                                   INTREC story. It is about the
                                     and innovative lighting have      NSW were able to reduce
                                     been combined to create           electricity costs by 65%.        journey through the past
Murray Harris
                                     a unique and progressive                                           two decades; from our first
                                     workspace that illustrates                                         NSW office in Alexandria, to
                                     INTREC’s investment in the                                         the cutting of the ribbon at
                                     future.                                                            the contemporary new office
                                                                                                        space in Artarmon.
Annual 19 - INTREC Management

Chris Sanos
Annual 19 - INTREC Management

Murray Harris
Annual 19 - INTREC Management

               West Gippsland Hospital Short Stay
               Unit and Third Operating Theatre

                West Gippsland       Johnstaff Projects on behalf      The Third Operating Theatre      growing Gippsland population;
                                     of West Gippsland Healthcare      was built over three levels,     expanding capacity, improving
                Healthcare Group     Group, engaged INTREC to          inclusive of a Third Operating   efficiency and reducing
                                     deliver the construction of       Theatre and a plantroom,         waiting times for treatment.
                Johnstaff Projects
                                     a new eight bed Short Stay        constructed in conjunction
                                     Unit (SSU), Third Operating       with an anaesthetic bay,         Recognising the need for local
                Lyons Architects
                                     Theatre (TOT) and 50-bay car      set-up bay, equipment bay and    employment in Warragul was
                                     park, as well as the design       new offices.                     a vital part of acknowledging
                                     and implementation of a new                                        our responsibilities as a
                                     Nurse Call System at Warragul     Working within a live            building partner on this
                Meinhardt                                              hospital environment was a
                                     Hospital, located in regional                                      project. Local subcontractors
                                     Victoria.                         considerable risk throughout     not only provide a wealth
                1,100m2                                                the project’s duration. This     of knowledge to our regional
                                     Constructed on concrete           environment highlighted          works, but they are familiar
                                     columns, with a suspended         the importance of clear and      with the surroundings
Photographer                         concrete slab and steel           concise signage, frequent        and the local suppliers and
Chris Sanos                          structure above, the Short        communication with               businesses.
                                     Stay Unit saw the delivery of     patients, staff and visitors,
                                     eight short stay beds, a staff    as well as the significance of   INTREC are proud to have
                                     base and offices. Extensive       stringent traffic management     been a key player in the
                                     external car park works were      implementations when             development of these Health
                                     also undertaken in front of       working adjacent to an           facilities to the Warragul
                                     the existing hospital building,   ambulance bay.                   community, in an upgrade
                                     creating more efficient access                                     that will continue to benefit
                                     for the growing number of         The construction of the SSU      the patients and staff of the
                                     patients and visitors at the      and TOT will meet increasing     hospital for many years
                                     hospital.                         demand for elective and          to come.
                                                                       emergency surgery from the

Chris Sanos

                Queensland Museum and
                Sciencentre SparkLab

                 The Queensland Museum    INTREC were engaged by the        These were backlit with feature
                                          Queensland Museum to deliver      lighting and were surrounded
                 Steele Wrobel            an interior refurbishment of      by interactive displays from
                                          the Sciencentre SparkLab          around the world. These
                 Architectus              in Southbank, Brisbane. The       displays were incorporated into
                                          first major renovation since      locally manufactured joinery
                 Arup                     it’s opening in 2004, the         components.
                                          project was made up of over
                 Norman Disney & Young    40 interactive exhibitions.       An impressive amount of
                                          These exhibits show how           feature-lighting was installed
                 1,200m2                  science contributes to our        throughout the works, along
                                          daily lives and is a showcase     with projectors and special
                 2019 Queensland Master   for STEM (Science, Technology,    cameras to enhance the
                                          Engineering and Math).            entertainment of the children.
                 Builders Award
Photographer                              The project required extensive    Home to the World Science
Andrew Carter                             sound proofing to perimeter       Conference in 2019, the
                                          walls and the slab above,         Sciencentre SparkLab was
                                          due to the large number of        successfully delivered within
                                          children that will occupy         the proposed timeframe
                                          SparkLab at any given time.       alongside Arup, Norman Disney
                                          The bespoke, high specification   & Young and Steele Wrobel.
                                          refurbishment featured a          The INTREC team won a 2019
                                          core of partially exposed,        Queensland Master Builders
                                          limewashed plywood walls          Award for Best Tourism and
                                          that were lined with various      Leisure facility up to $10
                                          coloured Perspex sheets.          million for this colourful and
                                                                            creative project.

                Victorian Tunnelling Centre

                 Homesglen           INTREC are privileged to              The new facility will include
                                     have secured the position             a replica mined tunnel and
                 AJM Joint Venture   of Head Contractor on an              bored tunnel with a full-height
                                     Australian-first project - The        entrance, three multi-purpose
                 1,600m2             Victorian Tunnelling Centre           engineering workrooms and
                                     at Holmesglen Institute’s             training facilities including
                                     Drummond Street campus                tunnel shaft and concrete lining
                                     at Chadstone, funded by the           spray simulators, as well as
                                     State Government through Rail         virtual reality experiences.
                                     Projects Victoria (RPV),
                                     North-East Link Authority,            Construction of the Centre,
                                     West Gate Authority and               which is modelled on the
                                     Suburban Rail Loop Authority.         successful Tunnelling and
                                                                           Underground Construction
                                     In developing the next                Academy established as part
Photographer                         generation of tunnelling              of London’s Crossrail, is in
Mike Jaballah                        professionals, the new Victorian      its first stages.
                                     Tunnelling Centre will offer
                                     both existing and new courses         The Centre will support
                                     at this site, including Certificate   Victoria’s growing construction
                                     and Diploma qualifications, as        and engineering industry by
                                     well as safety-based training         training the local workforce
                                     for working underground. By           in underground tunnelling.
                                     2021, it is estimated up to           It will also play a crucial
                                     5,000 students will participate       part in upskilling thousands
                                     in training courses at the            of apprentices, trainees
                                     Victorian Tunnelling Centre           and cadets who will deliver
                                     each year.                            Victoria’s future pipeline of
                                                                           infrastructure projects.

                New South Wales and Queensland
                Department of Education

                 Department of Education   The NSW and QLD Department       With works ranging from the      Working to carefully time noisy
                                           of Education (DOE) have          construction of a Performing     works and ensure deliveries
                 Various                   committed a combined budget      Arts Centre in QLD, to the       occur outside of peak drop-off
                                           of $15.92 billion towards        construction of a General        and pick-up times, the INTREC
                 Various                   school infrastructure in 2019-   Learning Area housing            team have developed positive
                                           20.                              10 classrooms in NSW,            relationships with each School
                                                                            the structures have been         based on the shared priority
                                           The record investment into the   designed with innovation at      of an uninterrupted learning
                                           construction of new schools      the forefront.                   environment for students.
                                           and education facilities, and
                                           significant enhancements         Approachability and              INTREC are proud to have
                                           to existing buildings, is a      sensitivity are fundamental      been able to facilitate a safe
                                           demonstration of the DOE’s       parts of the INTREC ethos and    learning experience for trade
                                           commitment to delivering a       have been instrumental to our    students of Ipswich Regional
                                           world class education system     successful delivery of over 15   Trade Training Centre, and
                                           for the students of NSW and      DOE school projects over the     educate the students of North
Murray Harris
                                           QLD.                             past two years.                  Rocks Public School about the
                                                                                                             process of constructing a new
DroneAce                                   Throughout 2018 and 2019,        Safety is the leading priority   building.
Photography                                INTREC have been engaged         on each and every project
(QLD)                                      as Head Contractor to deliver    INTREC undertake, and our        Our team is committed
                                           construction projects at North   primary regard on DOE school     to continuing our long-
                                           Rocks Public School, Prestons    projects is maintaining the      standing association with
                                           Public School, Ipswich State     safety of students, staff,       the DOE and contributing
                                           High School and Augusta State    subcontractors and the           to the quality education of
                                           School in NSW and QLD.           wider community whilst           future generations through
                                                                            construction works are           construction works.

Augusta State School - QLD                                                                         North Rocks Public School - NSW

On behalf of the Department of Education, INTREC were engaged by Steele Wrobel to undertake        Schools Infrastructure NSW (SINSW) appointed INTREC as Head Contractor in a Design and
the construction of a new state-of-the-art, two-storey, eight classroom facility with bathrooms,   Construct capacity to deliver construction works at North Rocks Public School. Works include
a teacher’s area and future space for additional classrooms. The project required highly           the construction of a two-storey complex accommodating 15 air-conditioned classrooms, a hall
detailed falsework to be set up on the steep embankment to support first floor formwork and        extension and the refurbishment of an Administration Building. The Administration Building
two suspended concrete slabs, with a mix of CFC and metal cladding wrapping the exterior of        refurbishment consisted of state-of-the-art spaces for teachers to operate within, inclusive of
the building. A large outdoor play area will accompany detailed landscaping, with the external     an indoor/outdoor space for staff and a brand-new kitchen. The design has accommodated for
walkways to connect with the new building to existing school classrooms.                           meeting rooms and interview spaces, as well as private offices.

Ipswich State High School - QLD                                                                      Prestons Public School - NSW

Honeywill Consulting appointed INTREC on behalf of the Queensland Department of Education to         INTREC were engaged by Schools Infrastructure NSW (SINSW) in a Design and Construct capacity
construct a new two-storey Performing Arts Centre which towers over 17m high and is built into       to carry out two new build projects at Prestons Public School. The first building will house 10
a sloping site. This new centre includes state-of-the-art features comprised of a large auditorium   air-conditioned classrooms and was designed to create smaller areas within classrooms for
which is dividable into three areas by using 11m high operable wall systems. The Auditorium          individual tutoring and small group tasks, as well as large integrated spaces utilising forward-
is complete with retractable seating, a dance area with sprung timber flooring, a large stage        thinking design features. Due to be completed in February 2020, this project is accompanied by
including back of house facilities such as costume/dress rooms, and prop and equipment stores        the extension of a hall, administration facilities, a new library façade and landscaping works, all
accessed via a loading dock.                                                                         delivered by our female-driven team.

Assisting UoW to      06
reach approximately
1 million kilowatt-
hours per year in
                      University of Wollongong Thermal,
renewable energy      LED and Solar PV Upgrade

                       University of Wollongong   The use of sustainable energy       Spanning from one side of         The INTREC team has
                                                  is becoming an increasingly         the campus to the other, the      permanent residence at the
                       RPS Project Management     important responsibility            Stage 1 upgrade included the      campus, coordinating major
                                                  in all industries across the        installation of solar panels on   complete building mechanical
                       Northrop Consulting        globe, and like education, has      6 buildings, LED lighting in 8    upgrades, LED lighting retro fit
                       Engineers                  never been more important           buildings and thermal services    projects and Solar PV system
                                                  to our future. In response to       in 6 buildings. The projects      installations.
                                                  this trend, The University of       were completed in a live
                                                  Wollongong (UoW) has made a         university environment over a     At the completion of Stage 2,
                                                  commitment to reduce energy         period of six months.             INTREC will have assisted UoW
                                                  consumption by 20 percent                                             to reach a renewable energy
                                                  over the next 15 years.             Following the successful          generation of approximately 1
                                                                                      delivery of Stage 1, INTREC       million kilowatt-hours per year
                                                  In 2018, INTREC were engaged        were awarded the Managing         in renewable energy, reducing
                                                  under an Early Contractor           Contractor role for the second    the University’s energy
                                                  Involvement model for the           stage of the TLS project.         consumption and electricity
                                                  design and investigation of the     INTREC are now well underway      expenses.
                                                  projects included within the        with the delivery of Stage 2,
                                                  initial stage of the Thermal, LED   with the detailed design of 15    This TLS upgrade is a long-
                                                  and Solar PV (TLS) project. At      projects completed, alongside     term investment into a more
                                                  the completion of the design        the delivery of four Solar PV     sustainable future at the
                                                  phase, INTREC were appointed        projects and four LED projects.   University of Wollongong.
                                                  as the Managing Contractor          We have also progressed           INTREC’s partnership with
                                                  for the delivery of TLS Stage       through the design phase of       UoW has been key to the
                                                  1; a vital leap in UoW’s            three thermal projects, which     efficient implementation of
                                                  Environmental Strategic Plan.       are now all in the procurement    sustainable infrastructure at
                                                                                      phase.                            the campus.

Murray Harris

                Brentwood Retirement Village

                 Lendlease Retirement     Lendlease Retirement Living        Additional works consisted
                                          provides homes for retirees,       of a mechanical and services
                 Living                   supporting an independent          upgrade, as well as the
                                          lifestyle, whilst simultaneously   refurbishment of Brentwood’s
                 Mostaghim & Associates   encouraging a community that       pool house and amenities
                                          provides security, support and     block.
                 Lucid Consulting         a sense of belonging. INTREC
                                          were engaged to undertake          Positioned on the central coast,
                 CSG Engineers            works at a new community           our team had to accommodate
                                          facility at Brentwood              for travel time, ensuring that
                 500m2                    Retirement Village, situated in    location would not play a
                                          Kincumber, NSW.                    part in creating any delays
                                                                             to the programme. Our team
                                          Our team was responsible           mitigated this potential risk by
                                          for updating the recreational      engaging new subcontractors
Photographer                              facilities that inspire an         situated throughout the central
Murray Harris                             active, meaningful and             coast region, managing these
                                          socially engaged lifestyle.        new relationships throughout
                                          Various entertainment spaces       the process of the build, whilst
                                          were also updated, including       simultaneously upholding the
                                          the installation of a new          INTREC standard.
                                          commercial kitchen, café and
                                          residents bar. Additionally,       Despite fostering new
                                          the games room, media room         relationships and traveling
                                          and lobby spaces were also         from Sydney’s CBD, our team
                                          refurbished.                       managed to deliver a quality
                                                                             finish that the client was
                                                                             extremely satisfied with.

                100 Brookes Street Lobby Upgrade

                 Hines           Hines is one of the largest and      suspended steel bulkhead
                                 most innovative real estate          above curved pre-cast concrete
                 Knight Frank    organisations in the world. With     seating. These elements housed
                                 a pioneering commitment to           large glass panels that formed
                 Blight Rayner   sustainability and quality, Hines    the new facade of the building.
                                 have developed, redeveloped
                 Xburo           and acquired over 1,362              Extreme care and coordination
                                 properties around the world.         were required to ensure that
                 800m2           As part of Hines’ portfolio of       all elements of this complex
                                 premium Brisbane properties,         design feature fitted together
                                 100 Brookes Street is widely         seamlessly when delivered to
                                 regarded as an A-Grade               site.
                                 commercial office building that
                                 offers superior services.            Internally, the new lobby
                                                                      featured a backlit Profilit glazed
Photographer                     Partnering with Knight Frank on      wall and extensive stone tiling.
Andrew Carter                    behalf of Hines, INTREC were         Externally, the entire forecourt
                                 engaged to upgrade the existing      was re-tiled and new planter
                                 lobby and external area with the     beds installed together with
                                 goal of bringing new life to the     large feature signage.
                                 building and to better reflect the
                                 business and lifestyle balance of    Working within a live
                                 its inhabitants.                     environment and managing
                                                                      long lead items, the INTREC
                                 The project comprised some           team succeeded in overcoming
                                 highly challenging architectural     significant logistical challenges
                                 detailing, including the             to deliver an outstanding end
                                 installation of a curved             product.

RMIT University

 RMIT University   RMIT University (RMIT) is a     RMIT is currently working        INTREC are dedicated to
                   global University with three    towards its 2020 Strategy.       delivering projects across a
 Various           main campus locations in        Their vision is to offer a       range of fields for RMIT. While
                   Melbourne; City, Bundoora       tertiary facility that is        we are currently refurbishing
 Various           and Brunswick. Providing        inclusive, diverse and offers    highly specified laboratories
                   tertiary programs for more      all students an opportunity to   and research facilities,
 Various           than 75,000 students and        thrive and succeed in life and   we have previously delivered
                   employing over 5,000 staff,     work.                            lecture theatres, bathrooms,
                   INTREC are proud to have        An important part of strategy    classrooms, cafés, business
                   become a trusted construction   is developing and upgrading      centres, student spaces and
                   partner for RMIT in the last    campus facilities to align       staff offices. Recently, INTREC
                   four years, working with many   with this strategy. INTREC       Victoria were reselected to
                   RMIT Project Managers to        are proud that we have been,     tender for upcoming works as
                   deliver over 27 new learning    and will continue to be, an      part of the RMIT University
                   and research facilities,        important part of achieving      Builders Panel for the next
                   student connect facilities,     this strategy; creating spaces   three years.
                   student hubs, cafés and staff   for research, teaching and
                   workspaces across all three     education in Victoria.           As our relationship with
                   campuses.                                                        RMIT grows, so do our
                                                   Our work with RMIT has           opportunities. We look
                                                   become frequent since 2016;      forward to continuing our
                                                   consistently rolling onto        relationship with RMIT in the
                                                   new projects. Victoria now       future.
                                                   has a project team entirely
                                                   dedicated to RMIT projects,
                                                   who have become specialists
                                                   in RMIT processes and

                    RMIT BUNDOORA


RMIT University - Building 14 Arc Centre of Excellence   RMIT University - Building 10 and 12 ITS Office        RMIT University - Building 5 ECP Laboratory

RMIT University - Bundoora Tennis Facilities Upgrade     RMIT University - Building 201 Medical Radiation Lab   RMIT University - Building 202 and 204 Student Hub

               ALDI Refresh Rollout

                ALDI                      The implementation phase of       Each project consists of a         With projects running at
                                          ALDI’s strategy to refurbish      comprehensive refurbishment        multiple stores concurrently
                Various                   the majority of its stores into   including demolition works,        each month, precise planning
                                          the new ‘Fresh’ format began      extensive structural works,        and safety management are
                Various                   in 2017. Developed around         new flooring, ceiling, lighting    paramount.
                                          ALDI’s primary objective to       and wall panelling, along with
                Various                   align all stores in the nation    electrical, data, security,        INTREC have a team of staff
                                          with the current design,          mechanical, refrigeration and      solely dedicated to the
                2019 Victorian AIB PEA    the ‘ALDI Project Refresh’        hydraulics upgrades.               delivery of the ALDI Project
                                          programme is designed                                                Refresh Programme. Their
                Professional Excellence   to standardise ALDI’s national    To ensure the Refresh is           thorough understanding of
                in Building Award         brand presence.                   beneficial for both employees      ALDI requirements guarantees
                                                                            and customers, new joinery,        efficient handovers and
                                          Engaged as a Head                 workstations and new or            stakeholder satisfaction. This
                                          Contractor, INTREC have           refurbished registers are also     team has continued to grow
Photographer                              partnered with ALDI to deliver    installed.                         as the level of responsibility
Chris Sanos                               refurbishment projects across                                        and opportunities for ALDI
(VIC)                                     Victoria since 2017. Between      The prominent challenge for        has increased, with additional
                                          2017 and 2019, INTREC have        the project is the compressed      projects outside of the Refresh
                                          successfully delivered interior   programme and management           scope now being delivered
                                          refurbishment projects at         of procurement lead times.         across VIC, NSW and QLD.
                                          65 ALDI supermarkets around       Each store requires a defit
                                          regional and metropolitan         and refit within nine to fifteen   This commitment to quality
                                          Victoria; from Portland,          days, often implementing           secured the INTREC Victorian
                                          Traralgon, Ararat and Echuca      split shifts over a 24-hour live   ALDI Refresh team a 2019
                                          through to Bairnsdale, Epsom,     programme.                         Victorian Institute of Building
                                          Sale and Benalla.                                                    (AIB) Professional Excellence
                                                                                                               in Building (PEA) award for



Murray Harris

Chris Sanos

                Crown Solicitor’s Office

                 NSW Public Works      The Crown Solicitor’s Office      Optimal storage was provided        Split into three stages and
                                       (CSO) is a Public Service         for necessary resources and         conducted over a period
                                       Executive Agency that provides    new kitchens and dining areas       of seven months, INTREC
                 Group GSA             legal services for thousands      were installed on each level.       programmed all demolition
                                       of matters per year. A large      The works also included new         work overnight, to
                 Medland Engineering   focus of the CSO is aiding the    flooring and ceiling finishes, as   accommodate for the
                                       NSW State Government in legal     well as quality joinery, lighting   surrounding live environment.
                 6,600m2               cases, whilst still competing     and blinds.
                                       with law firms in the private                                         Being a historic building, the
                                       sector for select, commercial     Another component of this           infrastructure in place did
                                       legal projects.                   project was the installation        not naturally lend itself to
                                                                         of a new fresh air riser to         an operational building site,
                                       NSW Public Works Advisory         accommodate the new                 which proved a challenge
                                       engaged INTREC to carry           mechanical system for               for the INTREC team. This
                                       out the modern commercial         each level. Additionally, all       placed limitations on the
Photographer                           interior refurbishment of         IT backbone cabling was             transportation of materials
Murray Harris                          Levels 4 through to 9, of the     upgraded to fibre and CAT           and products to various floors,
                                       CSO’s existing office space on    6a, running between the             as the team were moving
                                       Elizabeth Street, Sydney.         newly built main comms room         between a small lift space and
                                                                         and comms cupboards on              conducting the refurbishment
                                       Each floor was stripped down      each floor. The main comms          in a live environment.
                                       to a shell and transformed into   room was handed over
                                       an open floor plan to maximise    early to facilitate the overall     INTREC were able to achieve
                                       communication, creating a         completion, including IT            the critical change over dates
                                       highly functional, comfortable    establishment, for immediate        throughout the upgrade,
                                       workspace for employees to        client occupation.                  and completed all stages of
                                       carry out confidential work and                                       the refurbishment to client
                                       intensive research.                                                   satisfaction.

               Emmy Monash Aged Care

                Emmy Monash Aged Care   Delivering in independent         spaces, a new reception,         Improved facilities such
                                        living, residential aged care     hairdresser, café and two        as this, provide rewarding
                DPPS Projects           and respite services, Emmy        commercial stainless steel       opportunities for residents;
                                        Monash is a not-for-profit        kitchens.                        encouraging new programs
                Bates Smart             Jewish Aged Care provider,                                         and partnerships. INTREC
                                        located in Caulfield North.       Such a large site required       are proud to play a part
                Sokolski                                                  strict organisation and          in supporting the growing
                                        Having recently completed         communication between the        demands of Aged Care
                7,200m2                 their five-year strategic plan    project team and the client,     services throughout Australia.
                                        over a period of significant      who INTREC formed a strong
                                        growth, Emmy Monash have          relationship with over the
                                        continued to provide ongoing      course of the project. INTREC
                                        improvement for the lives of      managed frequent design
                                        the Jewish community.             changes within a particularly
                                                                          tight programme, which
Photographer                            As part of this strategic plan,   included facilitating work
Chris Sanos                             INTREC worked with DDPS           around Jewish holidays.
                                        Projects to deliver the major
                                        upgrade of 17 independent         Throughout the duration
                                        living apartments and 49          of the project, INTREC
                                        ensuites, in addition to          successfully maintained safe
                                        refurbishing various medical      access routes through live
                                        facilities including physio,      construction zones to allow
                                        treatment rooms and clinics,      staff to continue to care for
                                        staff administration and office   residents still living at Emmy

For the last 10 years   13
INTREC has provided
services to TfNSW,
Service NSW and
                        Transport for NSW, Service NSW and
Sydney Trains
                        Sydney Trains

                         Transport for NSW   Transport for NSW (TfNSW) is       INTREC’s commitment to            Owing to our extensive and
                                             currently delivering the largest   providing appropriately           diverse subcontractor and
                         Various             transport infrastructure           resourced teams, no matter        supplier base, INTREC have
                                             program this nation has            where the project is located,     been able to consistently
                         Various             ever seen - $55.6 billion of       has led to a long-standing        deliver these projects within
                                             investment over four years         working relationship and client   the specified programme
                                             for game-changing projects         satisfaction with TfNSW.          milestones.
                                             like Sydney Metro, light rail,
                                             motorways and road upgrades        Our teams have developed
                                             that will shape NSW cities,        a strong knowledge of
                                             centres and communities for        operational requirements,
                                             generations to come.               allowing us to truly partner
                                                                                with TfNSW as either a Head
                                             For the last 10 years,             Contractor, Construction
                                             INTREC has provided                Manager or Design and
                                             interior refurbishment and         Construct provider.
                                             construction services to
                                             TfNSW, Service NSW and             The geographical location of
                                             Sydney Trains to help support      some of these sites remains
                                             this substantial program of        one of the main logistical
                                             works. Projects have included      challenges of this ongoing
                                             new Transport Monitoring           tranche of work, with projects
                                             Offices, Service Centres,          located within Sydney’s
                                             Heavy Vehicle Inspection           Metropolitan areas, through to
                                             Stations and corporate offices.    remote NSW Regional areas.

Murray Harris

Murray Harris

                Henry Schein Halas Dental
                Showroom and Head Office

                 Henry Schein Halas   For over 60 years, Henry         This space accommodated             Another challenge was the
                                      Schein Halas (HSH) has been      the needs of the staff at           unique shapes of the walls
                 nettletontribe       providing Australian Dental      HSH, creating a comfortable         and ceilings, which required
                                      Professionals with many of       environment for employees to        attention and expertise to
                 nettletontribe       the best dental products the     carry out a high volume of work.    meet the Architect’s design.
                                      market has to offer.                                                 When programming, the
                 BSE                                                   Stage 2 included a state-of-        INTREC team allocated
                                      On behalf of HSH,                the-art sales showroom with         appropriate time to focus on
                 2,400m2              nettletontribe engaged           a 2D and 3D imaging display,        these details, which ultimately
                                      INTREC to conduct an interior    dental chair display, laboratory,   made a significant visual
                                      refurbishment for their office   project display areas as well as    impact in the space.
                                      space and functioning sales      a training room and boardroom.
                                      showroom in Mascot, NSW.         During this stage, our team         The project was successfully
                                      The INTREC team provided         operated within an occupied         delivered as per the
                                      an intelligent and innovative    live environment, signifying        intricate design submitted
Photographer                          perspective for the project      the importance of ensuring          by nettletontribe. HSH were
Murray Harris                         in alignment with Henry          minimal disruption to the daily     thrilled with the quality and
                                      Schein Halas’ commitment         operations.                         detail of the refurbishment,
                                      to excellence as Australia’s                                         which will comfortably
                                      largest dental distributor.      Completing this scope of works      accommodate current and
                                                                       during a 15-week programme          future employees.
                                      This refurbishment was           was challenging. In meeting the
                                      conducted in two stages over     specified handover date, INTREC
                                      a period of 15 weeks. During     were required to commence
                                      Stage 1, our team delivered      Stage 1 of the refurbishment
                                      an open plan office space,       works, whilst the base build was
                                      featuring common areas and       under construction.
                                      meeting rooms.

                  Essentia Stage 2

                   Mulpha Australia       Mulpha Group (Mulpha) is one        Incorporated into the design,     This process demanded a
                                          of Australia’s most experienced     each home will feature 12         detailed and well considered
                   A+ Design Group        real estate and hospitality         solar panels and in-built smart   programme, which was
                                          investors, committed to             living technology, including a    implemented to allow for long
                   Sparks and Partners    creating extraordinary places.      home battery storage system       lead times on products and
                                          INTREC partnered with Mulpha        designed to reduce power          adequate time for all trades to
                   Nastasi & Associates   to deliver a new generation         costs, plus rainwater recycling   complete their works.
                                          of Luxury Townhouses to the         and double glazing.
                   2,888m2                Norwest district, ‘Essentia’.                                         INTREC are extremely proud
                                          The new estate of medium            The state-of-the-art design is    to be involved in developing
                                          density homes brings a level        inclusive of voice controlled     smarter living solutions and
                                          of complexity, elegance, and        home automation compatible        providing infrastructure
                                          innovation to the area.             with Amazon’s Alexa or Google     to sustainably improve
                                                                              Home, and features circadian      quality-of-life for future
                                          Currently seeing out Stage 2 of     rhythm lighting systems. This     generations. The level of detail
Images supplied                           this residential development,       advanced technology has           conceptualised by Mulpha has
by Mulpha                                 these 15 new-age townhouses         proven to be a more energy        made for an interesting yet
                                          are nearing completion. INTREC      efficient and cost-reductive      challenging project.
                                          has been the lead construction      environmental solution to
                                          contractor on the project,          living.                           This significant project has
                                          overseeing the completion of all                                      strengthened the professional
                                          building processes throughout       Each individual house in this     relationship between INTREC
                                          this major development.             project has been completed        and Mulpha, leading to Mulpha
                                                                              systematically, allowing          engaging INTREC in an Early
                                          Essentia will be the first large-   different trades to work          Contractor Involvement
                                          scale residential development       on separate aspects of the        capacity to finalise the design
                                          in Australia to have fully          project simultaneously.           elements for Stage 3.
                                          integrated solar and battery
                                          storage solutions for residents.

Images supplied
by Mulpha

                University of New South Wales

                 University of New      The University of New South       laboratories, lecture theatres,   Another large facet of the
                                        Wales (UNSW) was established      library facilities, student       project was the upgrade of
                 South Wales
                                        in 1948 and is regarded as one    accommodation, teaching and       the Equipment Cooling Water
                 Various                of the world’s leading research   learning classrooms, office       (ECW) infrastructure and
                                        and teaching universities.        accommodation, amenities          control system, to provide
                 Various                For over a decade, INTREC         upgrades, infrastructure          a pressurised flow and non-
                                        have had a strong presence        upgrades, DDA upgrades and        pressurised return cooling
                 2017 UNSW Most         at the University. Since 2008,    façade upgrades.                  system to the H6 Energy and
                                        we have completed over 100                                          Technology Buildings.
                 Valuable Consultant/   projects within UNSW’s built      Our team recently delivered
                 Contractor Award       environment.                      INTREC’s most complex             INTREC also increased the
                                                                          project to date at the UNSW       cooling capacity of the ECW
                                        In 2017, INTREC were awarded      Kensington Campus, involving      for future use and provided
                                        the UNSW Most Valuable            a major upgrade of the existing   a backup heat exchanger
                                        Consultant/Contractor             facilities and systems.           should a rooftop chiller fail.
Photographer                            Award as a testament to the
Murray Harris                           specialised capabilities of       The scope of works included       INTREC worked
                                        our highly committed team,        the installation of a new Life    collaboratively with all
                                        who consistently work with        Safety System to ‘Safety          stakeholders during the
                                        the University to deliver high    Integrity Level 2 – SIL2’         preliminary design and scope
                                        quality projects.                 compliance, the modification      finalisation, as well as the
                                                                          of the mechanical system to       delivery and maintenance
                                        Since the collection of this      improve containment and fire      phases of the works,
                                        award, INTREC have continued      mode requirements, air quality    ensuring that this technically
                                        to partner with the University,   improvements to provide the       challenging project was
                                        handing over approximately 50     exhaust capacities required,      delivered to the highest
                                        projects in the last two years    as well as strict acoustic        standard.
                                        alone including research          requirements.
                                        facilities, science

                                  UNSW PADDINGTON

                  UNSW RANDWICK

                                           Completed between
                                           2017 - 2019

UNSW - St George Medical Research Facilities   UNSW - Flip                                  UNSW - E15 Level 1 DEX

UNSW - E12 and E15 Teaching Precinct Stage 2   UNSW - H13 Built Environment Research Labs   UNSW - CQC2T Lab Expansion

               222 Londsdale Street QV

                Dexus Property Group    INTREC has a long-standing        Situated on the Basement            The staging of works to
                                        relationship with Dexus           Level of 222 Lonsdale               accommodate live tenanted
                Architectus             Property Group, an Australian     Street, the EOTF received           areas has been a significant
                                        Real Estate investment group,     refurbishments to all               risk at this stage of the
                Norman Disney & Young   that manages the trades of        amenities, inclusive of             project, as well as managing
                                        Australian office spaces and      custom-raised showers,              heavily trafficked entry points
                2,900m2                 industrial property for third     detailed joinery units, luxury      while working within the CBD.
                                        party clients. Since 2014,        vanities and a fully secure bike
                                        INTREC has worked closely         rack.                               By maintaining clear and
                                        with Dexus on the delivery of                                         concise correspondence with
                                        many projects, assisting in the   Stage 2 of this major revamp        all stakeholders and upholding
                                        creation of highly functional     will consist of upgrading the       strict quality measures,
                                        and atheistically outstanding     lift lobbies over multiple levels   our relationship with Dexus
                                        commercial spaces.                throughout the building.            Property Group has thrived
                                                                          In the coming months, the           over the course of this project.
Photographer                                                              Ground Floor Lobby will
                                        INTREC were engaged by
Chris Sanos                                                               also undergo a significant
                                        Dexus Property Group to
                                        deliver a stylish End of Trip     makeover, resulting in a highly
                                        Facility (EOTF) at the Dexus-     aesthetic space. Featuring
                                        owned QV Building at 222          motion-controlled lighting to
                                        Lonsdale Street, sitting in the   save energy and expansive
                                        heart of Melbourne’s CBD.         windows to optimise natural
                                        This EOTF forms Stage 1 of an     light, this space will provide
                                        extensive scope of works, to      direct access to the EOTF.
                                        be completed over five levels
                                        within the building.

IndigiScapes Centre Expansion

 Redland City Council   The Redlands in Queensland       INTREC partnered with              The upgrades have been
                        covers 539 square kilometres,    Redland City Council to            designed to keep with the
 Ranbury                offering a blend of island       undertake the extension of an      IndigiScapes environmental
                        and coastal life with thriving   existing education/theatrette      standards and aim to retain
 AECOM                  urban centres and regionally     facility and the construction      the community spirit.
                        significant bushland. With a     of a brand new Administration
 AECOM                  population of around 130,000,    Building.                          The extension component of
                        the Redlands is one of the                                          the building works has been
 400m2                  fastest growing areas in         The works consist of an            carefully considered to avoid
                        Queensland.                      elevated platform frame held       and protect significant and
                                                         up by 83 bored piers, with the     veteran vegetation onsite.
                        Redlands IndigiScapes Centre     structure of both buildings
                        has been operating as a          comprised mainly of timber         The project is a welcome
                        highly popular environmental     – a highly unique element of       addition to INTREC’s growing
                        education facility and           the project – including timber     portfolio of specialised
                        community space since its        bearers, joists, walls, roofing,   projects within the
                        opening in 2000. After nearly    skirtings, architraves, sills,     Sustainability sector. With
                        two decades of operation,        window reveals, trims and          the project wrapping up in
                        some areas of the existing       350m2 of hardwood timber           December 2019, the Redland
                        centre needed refreshing to      decking for the amphitheatre.      community can look forward
                        better serve the community.                                         to new opportunities to use
                                                         The environmental focus is a       the Centre facilities.
                                                         particularly interesting aspect
                                                         of the project, as the site lies
                                                         within a nature reserve.

                Mott MacDonald Kent Street

                 Mott MacDonald          Mott MacDonald is a global         Our team operated within a
                                         engineering, management            live environment throughout
                 Project Support Group   and development consultancy        the works, accommodating
                                         focused on guiding their clients   for the client’s needs by
                 Project Support Group   through many of the planet’s       programming a six-day
                                         most intricate challenges.         working week to eliminate
                 Mott MacDonald          Mott MacDonald sought an           disruptions to the workplace.
                                         experienced building contractor    Demolition and all noisy works
                 1,750m2                 to undertake the Office            were conducted out of hours
                                         Accommodation Program on           and over the weekend. During
                                         Level 10, 383 Kent St, Sydney.     the refurbishment process,
                                                                            our team were careful to
                                         Mott MacDonald required a          protect the existing lift lobbies,
                                         space that represented their       amenities and remaining
                                         commitment to innovation           carpet.
Photographer                             and quality. The project
Murray Harris                            therefore included the interior    Despite the tight multi-staged
                                         refurbishment of their existing    programme, our team was
                                         office to create modern open       able to deliver the project
                                         plan workstations. This design     to the satisfaction of Mott
                                         consisted of meeting rooms, a      MacDonald. The space was
                                         boardroom, a breakout area,        handed over early, despite
                                         a brand-new kitchen, open          potential delays presented
                                         collaboration spaces, lobby,       by the refurbishment taking
                                         reception and new townhall.        place over the Christmas/New
                                                                            Year shut down period, which
                                                                            impacted the initial desired
                                                                            completion date for Stage 2.

               Goodstart Early Learning

                Goodstart Early Learning   Caring for over 70,000 children,    To provide uninterrupted         Building a regional
                                           Goodstart Early Learning is         ongoing operations of the        subcontractor base and
                APP Corporation            a not-for-profit organisation,      centre, internal works can       forming relationships with
                                           transforming the early learning     only take place over the         local trade partners has
                Various                    landscape throughout the            weekends. Our project team       been key to success of our
                                           nation. With more than 644          has drawn from the successful    Goodstart works across
                Various                    centres across Australia, over      programming of the INTREC        various locations in Tasmania
                                           500 of these centres have           ALDI Refresh Model, splitting    and Victoria.
                                           received upgrades in the past       both day and night works into
                                           three years.                        sets of three-hour packages to   Health and safety measures
                                                                               ensure that the centre is live   are evidently imperative
                                           As a part of these upgrades,        and operational by Monday        for sensitive works within
                                           INTREC have been engaged            mornings.                        childcare facilities. INTREC
                                           by APP Corporation (APP) to                                          have implemented stringent
                                           undertake various internal          The external scope involves      safety requirements for our
                                           and external refurbishments         a complete makeover of the       trade partners, project teams
Photographer                               of existing Goodstart Early         Centre’s play space including    and stakeholders alike to
Scott Adams                                Learning Centres throughout         demolition and civil works,      provide the ultimate care upon
                                           Victoria and Tasmania. Each         new artificial turf, softfall,   the handover of each job.
                                           project is broken into two          play equipment, dry creeks,
                                           scopes; internal upgrade works      sandpits and mud kitchens.       Frequent communication and
                                           and external upgrade works.         These works are delivered        structures around progress
                                                                               in normal hours and staged       reporting and forecasting
                                           The internal upgrade scope          according to the Nursey,         mechanisms, have also proved
                                           involves the replacement of floor   Pre-kinder and Kinder            vital in informing both parents
                                           vinyl, new plumbing fixtures        programmes, working with the     and staff of our works.
                                           and joinery units, and the          Centre to ensure play space is
                                           refurbishment of all bathrooms.     always available.

               Ballarat Line Upgrade

                Coleman Rail and         In the 2017-2018 budget,          deliver various building           Requiring the procurement and
                                         the Australian Government         refurbishments at Maddingley       installation of environmentally
                Leandlease Engineering
                                         established the $10 billion       House, Toolern Station and         friendly and sustainable
                                         National Rail Program, a          Rockbank Station, as part of       materials, Maddingley House
                Kyriacou Architects      major, long-term commitment       the Ballarat Line Upgrade Major    achieved a five-Green Star
                                         to invest in passenger rail       Works Project in Victoria.         rated certification.
                                         networks in our big cities, and
                                         between our cities and their      Works on Rockbank and              Coordination and the proactive
                                         surrounding regional centres.     Toolern include the internal       facilitation of trade partners as
                                                                           refurbishment of the stations’     well as extensive administration
                                         The 10-year National Rail         PSO spaces, public and             requirements, called for high
                                         Program is designed to help       PSO bathroom facilities,           levels of organisation between
                                         make our cities more livable      ticketing areas, waiting areas     our own internal project team.
                                         and efficient as the population   and comms room. INTREC             INTREC were communicative
                                         expands; providing reliable       successfully arranged the          with the client in our approach
                                         transport networks and            completion of a central            to potential project risks.
Photographer                             supporting our efforts to         induction process for all
Chris Sanos                              decentralise our economy. In      site personnel, in line with       These jobs, coupled with
                                         the 2019-2020 budget, the         Ballarat Line Upgrade’s strict     previous projects delivered
                                         Government allocated $2 billion   requirements.                      by INTREC such as the Pacific
                                         to the development of the fast                                       National Enfield Yard Office
                                         rail project, running between     Maddingley House comprised         Alterations in NSW, mark
                                         Geelong and Melbourne.            of a full internal refurbishment   INTREC’s early steps into Rail
                                                                           of offices situated within two     projects, a sector of work which
                                         INTREC were engaged by            newly constructed buildings.       we are particularly excited to
                                         Coleman Rail and Lendlease        These open plan offices            engage in.
                                         Engineering, along with           contained staff amenities,
                                         Kyriacou Architects to            utilities, storage and training

                The Barracks Commercial Upgrade

                 Challenger Investment   Challenger Investment Partners      Working within a heritage
                                         (CIP) originates and manages        building meant the team
                                         assets for leading global and       were required to work around
                 Case Meallin            Australian institutions. Since      council restraints. With works
                                         1988, CIP have managed an           underway on multiple levels
                 Arkhefield              extensive portfolio of domestic     simultaneously, clear and
                                         and international real estate       considered programming was
                 Medland Metropolis      assets on behalf of institutional   necessary.
                 10,000m2                                                    The Level Three slab infill was
                                         On behalf of CIP, Case Meallin      particularly challenging as it
                                         engaged INTREC to deliver           was conducted within a live
                                         an upgrade of their existing        office environment, giving us a
                                         asset, a commercial office and      very narrow window of time to
                                         retail space at The Barracks        carry out the works in order to
Photographer                             in Brisbane. A vibrant precinct     minimise any disruptions.
Andrew Carter                            located on the edge of the
                                         city, The Barracks Commercial       INTREC are specialists
                                         Upgrade project was designed        in commercial interior
                                         to offer more opportunity for       refurbishments, and the team
                                         businesses to blend work and        applied this expertise to ensure
                                         lifestyle.                          that the multiple handover dates
                                                                             were achieved. The slab infill
                                         The works consisted of a            was carried out without incident
                                         refurbishment of the existing       or disruption to the building
                                         End-of-Trip-Facility, a lobby       occupants, which is a credit to
                                         upgrade, Level Four make-           the flexibility and sensitivity of
                                         good, Level Three slab infill and   the INTREC team.
                                         heritage building minor works.

                University of Technology Sydney (UTS)
                B11 Innovation Hub

                 University of Technology,   With a total of 44,000            This project consisted of        Other projects which we have
                 Sydney                      students, the University of       the refurbishment of a new       undertaken for the University
                                             Technology Sydney (UTS) is        learning area for students,      in 2018 include: DAB Masters
                 Stanisic Architects         one of the largest universities   that included new flooring       Workshop Refurbishment
                                             in Australia, spanning across     and joinery as well as a new     Building 6 Level 4, the interior
                 Level 5                     three building clusters           kitchenette and breakout         refurbishment and external
                                             within Sydney’s CBD, as           space.                           remediation of the newly
                 PTID                        well as additional scattered                                       established UTS Building on
                 Levels 6, 7 and 9           administration and student        Conducted over six weeks, our    Buckland Street, and Science
                                             buildings across Sydney.          team worked closely with key     Buildings 4 and 7 Laboratory
                 250m2                       INTREC have completed many        consultants to complete the      refurbishments located on the
                                             projects across multiple sites    space within programme.          City campus.
                                             at UTS since 2011.
                                                                               Long lead times for the
                                             Recently, UTS sought              procurement of FF&E
Photographer                                 an experienced building           items accommodated the
Murray Harris                                                                  challenging short programme.
                                             contractor to complete
                                             an interior refurbishment         The INTREC team managed
                                             of their Innovation Hub, a        potential delays by adjusting
                                             collaborative study area for      the programme to allow
                                             the Faculty of Engineering        realistic time frames for the
                                             and IT(FEIT) in Building 11,      transportation of supplies,
                                             located on the City campus.       as well as conducting all
                                                                               noisy works over night to
                                                                               ensure minimum disruption
                                                                               to the daily operations of the

                Building Refurbishment and
                Infrastructure Upgrade

                 Various   Maintaining and upgrading         Whether the project involves      INTREC’s staff are suitably
                           existing infrastructure that      Industrial, Commercial, Retail    experienced to manage a
                 Various   has reached or is nearing the     or Educational Sectors, one       wide range of infrastructure
                           end of its design life provides   of the most important factors     improvements including:
                 Various   an ongoing challenge for all      in the successfully delivery      Mechanical, Electrical, Wet
                           Property Owners.                  of these projects involves        and Dry, Hydraulic, Roof
                                                             detailed planning and a high      Replacements, Façade
                           In order to reduce overall        level of communication with       Remediation, Structural
                           energy costs, minimise            all key stakeholders.             Strengthening, Flooring, DDA
                           disruption to the existing                                          Upgrades and Asbestos or
                           tenants, ensure ongoing           Infrastructure upgrades can       Lead Paint Removal.
                           public safety and comfort,        entail a single element or a
                           reduce risk to operations         combination of the following
                           and maintain the building         items, with a main objective of
                           asset, these projects are         significantly reducing ongoing
                           predominantly required to be      maintenance and running
Murray Harris
                           carried out outside of normal     costs throughout the life cycle
                           working hours.                    of the plant or asset.

Propertylink Campbelltown - NSW                                                                     Propertylink Campbelltown - NSW

Propertylink sought an experienced building contractor to undertake the works for a major           This project involved the extensive replacement and installation of new mechanical services,
services infrastructure upgrade within a fully tenanted commercial building in Campbelltown,        including new roof-mounted cooling towers, new pumps and new water-cooled package units.
NSW. INTREC were engaged by Propertylink to comprehensively deliver the works including             Additionally, our team installed hydronic heat exchangers to decouple the condenser water
finalising all design documentation, undertaking all necessary calculations, engineering and        network, as well as new air handling systems on each floor. The electrical services upgrade
investigations required to verify the new systems, whilst ensuring that all staging and programme   consisted of new main, house and tenant switchboards, upgraded cables from rising mains, new
requirements were extensively reviewed and agreed upon with Propertylink Stakeholders and           sub-mains and new house meters. INTREC were also responsible for the relocation of all power
existing tenants.                                                                                   and communications cabling.

ALTIS Bankstown Airport - NSW                                                                         Cooler Schools - QLD and Cooler Classrooms - NSW

On behalf of Bankstown Airport C/- ALTIS, Forge Venture Management engaged INTREC to                  INTREC have been heavily involved in both the Queensland Cooler Schools and New South Wales
undertake the procurement and installation of a new colourbond roof, as well as a major               Cooler Classrooms programs throughout the last seven years, delivering building services and
compliance upgrade of Building C, Site 533 at Bankstown Airport. Minor interior works to the          replacement projects at over 17 schools thus far. The air conditioning component of the works
doors and windows, as well as the removal of timber flooring were also included. The project team     includes the removal of the existing evaporative coolers and the installation of energy efficient
conducted a make good of the existing internal facility, in addition to the installation of new DDA   systems, comprising of split systems, cassette units, evaporative coolers, under-ceiling units
compliant concrete ramps and handrails, and the installation of bollards and signage.                 and the installation of CO2 sensors and external controls. In carrying out these projects, INTREC
                                                                                                      have built a reliable and quality regional subcontractor base and have provided countless local
                                                                                                      employment opportunities.
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