Page created by Darlene Long
                                   39 STATE STREET, WESTERLY RI 02891
                   OFFICE PHONE: (401) 596-2404 Mealsite: 401-596-7216
                                      8:30 a.m.— 3:30 p.m

                                      AUGUST 2021
DINE-IN MEALSITE RETURNS                                            MER RAFFLE
        ON JULY 19                                    The Westerly Senior Center has begun its
Great news! The Mealsite finally                      annual Summer Raffle under the                  co-
opened for dine-in on Monday,                         chairmanship of Wayne and Marcella Bartolo.
July 19th with hot meals. Grab                        Because we will not be selling at stores this
and go meals are still available                      year, members of the Center will be receiving 8
for take-out through the month of                     sheets of tickets, or the equivalent of four books
July for those who do not wish to eat in and also     of tickets, which they are requested to buy or
serve as the alternative for hot meals. Grab and go   sell. Tickets also will be available at the Center
meals include a side, fruit, and chips. A Mealsite    Office for $1 each, 3 for $2, or 10 for $5.
menu is on page 7 so that you can see the meal        Prizes of $500 (1), $250 (1), $100 (1), $50 (2),
choices. The requested donation continues to be $3    and $25 (2) will be drawn on September 10.
per meal. You may order a meal by calling the
Mealsite office at (401) 596-7216 or signing the          TAI CHI AND YOGA NEWS
clipboard outside the Mealsite office. You need to    Finally, tai chi and yoga have
let Edie know your daily meal choice before Thurs-    returned to the Senior Center
day the week before so that she knows whether         much to the delight of tai chi
your meal is grab and go OR regular entrée or al-     and yoga participants. Tai chi is
ternative.                                            Tuesday at 10 a.m. and on Fri-
                                                      days at 1:30 p.m. If you ar e
         BEA SMITH’S SALE                             joining the class for the first
Bea Smith’s will be holding a special event truck-    time or returning for the first
load sale at the Westerly Senior Center on Thurs-     time since Covid, you are asked to come in 15
day, July 29th from 10 am to 2 pm. Join us for a      minutes early with proof of vaccination and mem-
fashionable fun day of browsing, buying, and good     bership. You are expected to wear a mask which
times with Bea Smith’s, ”your traveling fashion       will be provided. Dorinne, Bette and Candace have
show.” You can save up to 75% off Alfred Dun-         returned to lead the class
ner, Rafael, Mackintosh, handbags, and much           Heidi Waddell is teaching our summer yoga classes
more.                                                 on Mondays at 1:30 p.m. and Fridays at 9:00 a.m.
                                                      So bring your yoga mats and be ready to stretch
                                                      You must be a member of the Center to join either
  SUM-                                                of these classes.
PAGE 4                  WESTERLY SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER                       SUMMER 2021

                     BIRTHDAYS—SUMMER 2021
June 1               Phyllis Roberts       Mary Ellen Shulda         Shirley Rae
Ann Songs            Darlene Allegreto     July 5                    July 25
Carol Salisbury      June 15               Rose Marie Weston         Parents’ Day
June 2               Madeline Gingerella   July 6                    Holly Capalbo
Theresa Delicato     June 16               Geri Johnson              Bernice Sminkey
June 3               Rita Collins          Donna Jean Wolstencroft   July 26
Donald Moylan,Jr.    June 17               July 7                    Mary Archer
June 4               William Banks         Jessica Chighine          July 28
Edward Ligouri       Judith Smith          Mary Bowler               Lori Gulluscio
Arlene Brothers      Norman Brothers       Wayne Bartolo             Gerald Capalbo
Gail Cory            June 18               July 8                    July 29
June 5               Virginia Cillino      Kay Daniele               Roger Shawn, Sr.
Rick Reynolds        Nancy Dwyer           Sandra Gencarella         Dolly Collins
Kathy York           Barbara James         Anita Severns             Frank Tate
Gary Donovan         June 19               July 10                   Shirley Lunaas
June 6               Fathers’ Day          Lois Tate                 July 30
D-Day                Phyllis Roberts       John Chandler             Mary Ann McElhaney
Marcella Bartolo     Jean McNutt           July 12                   July 31
D’Ann Sposato        June 20               Jane Wlochowski           Winnie Weeden
Lois Larkin          Welcome Summer        Frank Antoch              Therese Daly
June 7               Cynthia Walker        July 13                   Robert Boies
Pamela McVeigh       June 21               Ruth Szklany              August 1
Jayne Staley         Ida Manzella          Michelle Reehl            National Friendship Day
Adeline Danielson    Fred Woerner          Jinny Plasse              Karen Hanson
Andrea Scott Ram     June 22               July 14                   Rosemary Jette
June 8               Bruce Ripepi          Peggy Canevan             Rosemarie Kingsbury
                                           July 15                   Donna Vuono
World Peace Day      Nancy Turrisi
                                                                     Christine Fox
Mildred Rose         June 24               Linda Kotyk\              Irma Federico
Jean Good            Nancy Kapple          Mary Costanza             August 2
William Grove        Sue Rackett           July 17                   Joyce Shawn
Valerie Sayles       June 26               Joan Sceuerman            Laura Gagnon
Pat Debigare         Forgiveness Day       July 18
June 9               Lauren Vancans        Carolyn Gencarelli
Patricia Lorenson    Mark Mitchell         John Toscano
Margaret Donion      June 27               July 19
Alice Frizell        Katherine Balbat      Jane Barstow
June 11              June 30               July 20
William Montiville   Scott Bill Hirst      Joanne Haytaian
June 12              Alexander DaSilva     July 21
Leilanie Hill        Nancy R. Lewis        Dr, John Garvey
Charles Maine        July 1                Kathy Willis
Stephen Ornberg      Beatrice Wright       July 22
June 13              Anita Severns         John Paride, Jr.
Peggy Bosket         July 2                Patricia McKinney
Thomas Peckham       Stephen Scibilio      July 23
Anthony Clancy       July 4                Linda Prizito
June 14              Happy 4th             Robert Vredenburg
Flag Day             Paul Holland          July 24
PAGE 5               WESTERLY SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER ACTIVITIES                      SUMMER 2021

              THANK YOU                             success.
Thank you to Representative Sam Azzinaro for                               WANTED
once again securing a $2,000 Legislative grant      Hard cover and paperback books for the new
for the Senior Center which will be used for the    bookshelves in the shuffleboard/”library” room
Center Kitchen Employment and Training              Puzzles and dvds in good condition
program.                                            Aluminum “pull tabs”
        CHECK OUT THE                               Cell phones to be donated for soldiers
                                                    Used eyeglasses for the Lions Club
For our bingo players, check out the new bingo             KNIGHTS BREAKFAST
machine. It is connected to the large screen tel-   The Knights of Columbus have begun Sunday
evision in the cafeteria so that viewing numbers    breakfasts once again on the third Sunday of the
as they are drawn is much easier.                   month fro 7—11 the Senior Center.
This television is one of three made possible                      BRIDGE NEWS
through a Washington Trust grant obtained by  Thursday Bridge winners:
the Town so that programs like the AARP Safe   1st—Muffie DiOrio & Carolyn LeRoy
Drive class will be easier to see and follow.       7 wins & 2 losses
                                               2nd—Marianne McAllister & Susan Barrett
              THANK YOU                              6 wins & 3 losses
Thank you to all those who made the Springfest High Bridge Score—4,500 points
such a success. Over 60 people attended the         Achieved by Marianne McAllister &
breakfast prepared by George Routhier while         Susan Barrett
others took part in the ever popular Penny So-
cial chaired by Michelle Reehl, and Sally
Gagnon, with help from Marcella Bartolo, who
sold tickets. Also, thanks from Dale Quattroma-
ni, the chair of the “Bakeless” Bake Sale to all
those who contributed to make this a major
August 3                Marilyn Fabian              Mary Lennon               Susan McGrath
Silvina Costa           Laurie MacKenzie            August 19                 August 28
August 4                August 12                   Marsha Whewell            Barbara Bliven
Gail Cockfield          Bill Meyer                  August 20                 Sandy Hayes
August 5                James Wilgis                Helen Oliverio            Jeanne Mance Dauray
Edward Lunaas           Joanne Faiola               Larry Jacoinski, Sr.      August 29
Larry Rutter            August 14                   Laura Corina              Eugene Higgins
August 6                Sue Patria                  August 21                 Charles McGrath III
Clara Buck              August 15                   Senior Citizens Day       August 30
August 7                Sally Gordon                Marilyn Main              Joyce Tillinghast
David Brannick          Patti Thompson              August 22                 August 31
Cecile Salonia          August 16                   Mary Cassese              Patricia Sunderland
Rosalie Harris          Joyce Street                Barbara Lynch             Pat Prizito
August 8                Joan Shea                   Peggy Fraser              Judith Kaplin
Josefa Ritacco          Mary Hatfield               Deborah Fox               Jacqueline Blinn
Nichole Woodward        August 17                   August 23
August 9                National Non-Profit Day     Patricia Page
Victory Day             Theresa Foresta             Suzanne Doherty
Virginia Algiere        David Capizzano             August 25
Nancy Zabel             Jeanette Cole               Darryl Kotyk
August 10               Russell Smith               Joe Iacoi
Lee Kissinger           Eugene Najim                August 27
August 11               August 18                   George Kipp
Theresa Wills           Sharon Mueller              Jackie Murray
PAGE 6                       WESTERLY SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER ACTIVITIES                                                 SUMMER 2021

                                                   JULY 2021
       Monday                Tuesday                        Wednesday                       Thursday                      Friday

 AA 7:30 am                AA 7:30 am                   AA 7:30 am                    AA 7:30 am                   AA 7:30 am
 Woodshop 8:30 a.m.        Woodshop 8:30                Woodshop 8:30 am              Woodshop/ Billiards 8:30     Yoga 9:00 am
 Billiards 8:30            Billiards 8:30               Billiards 8:30                Wood Carving 8:30 am         Woodshop 8:30 am
 Bridge 1:00 am            Chair Caning 9:00 am         Ninigret Quilters 9:00 am     Pitch 9:00 am                Billiards 8:30 am
 Line Dancing 1:30 pm      Table Shuffle 9:00 am        Dream Quilters 10             Painting 9:00 am             Cribbage 9:30 am
 Yoga 1:30 pm              Tai Chi 10 am                Bingo 6:30 pm                 Bridge 1:00 pm               Mahjongg 1:00 pm
                           Mahjongg 1:00 pm             AA 7:00 pm                    Line Dancing 1:30 pm         Tai Chi 1:30 pm
                           AA 6:00 pm                                                 TOPS 6:30                    AA 6:30 p.m.
                         2 TOPS 6:30 pm          3                               4    Painting 6:30 pm         5                       6

    CENTER                 AA 7:30 am
                           Woodshop 8:30
                                                        AA 7:30 am
                                                        Woodshop 8:30 am
                                                                                      AA 7:30 am
                                                                                      Woodshop/ Billiards 8:30
                                                                                                                   AA 7:30 am
                                                                                                                   Yoga 9:00 am
 CLOSED FOR                Billiards 8:30               Billiards 8:30                Wood Carving 8:30 am         Woodshop 8:30 am
 VICTORY DAY               Chair Caning 9:00 am         Ninigret Quilters 9:00 am     Pitch 9:00 am                Billiards 8:30 am
                           Table Shuffle 9:00 am        Dream Quilters 10             Painting 9:00 am             Cribbage 9:30 am
                           Tai Chi 10 am                Bingo 6:30 pm                 Bridge 1:00 pm               Mahjongg 1:00 pm
                           Farmers Mkt. 10:30 am        AA 7:00 pm                    Line Dancing 1:30 pm         Tai Chi 1:30 pm
                           Mahjongg 1:00 pm                                           TOPS 6:30                    AA 6:30 p.m.
                         9 AA 6:00 pm                                                 Painting 6:30 pm
                           TOPS 6:30 pm          10                              11                          12                        13

 AA 7:30 am                AA 7:30 am                   AA 7:30 am                    AA 7:30 am                   AA 7:30 am
 Woodshop 8:30 a.m.        Woodshop/ Billiards 8:30     Woodshop 8:30 a.m.            Woodshop/ Billiards 8:30     Yoga 9:00 am
 Billiards 8:30            Chair Caning 9:00 am         Billiards 8:30                Wood Carving 8:30 am         Woodshop 8:30 am
 Bridge 1:00 am            Table Shuffle 9:00           Ninigret Quilters 9 am        Pitch/ Painting 9:00 am      Billiards 8:30 am
 Line Dancing 1:30 pm      VFW 11:00 am                 Dream Quilters 10             Bridge 1:00 pm               Cribbage 9:30 am
 Yoga 1:30 pm              Tai Chi 10 00 am             Bridge 1:00                   Tai Chi 1:1:30 pm            Mahjongg 1:00 pm
                           Mahjongg 1:00 pm             Bingo 6:30 pm                 Board Meeting 1:15 pm        Tai Chi 1:30 pm
                           AA 6:00 pm                   AA 7:00 pm                    Line Dancing 1:30 pm         AA 6:30 p.m.
                           TOPS 6:30 pm                 Coin Club 7 pm                TOPS 6:30
                        16                      17                               18   Painting 6:30 pm        19
 AA 7:30 am                AA 7:30 am                   AA 7:30 am                    AA 7:30 am                   AA 7:30 am
 Woodshop 8:30 a.m.        Woodshop 8:30 a.m.           Woodshop 8:30 am              Woodshop/ Billiards 8:30     Yoga 9:00 am
 Billiards 8:30            Billiards 8:30               Billiards 8:30                Wood Carving 8:30 am         Woodshop 8:30 am
 Bridge :1:00 am           Chair Caning 9:00            Ninigret Quilters 9 am        Pitch 9:00 am                Billiards 8:30 am
 Line Dancing 1:30 pm      Visiting Nurse 9:30          Dream Quilters 10 am          Painting 9:00 am             Cribbage 9:30 am
 Yoga 1:30 pm              Tai Chi 10:00                Bridge 1:00 pm                Bridge 1:00 pm               Mahjongg 1:00 pm
                           Mahjongg 1:00 pm             Blue Cross 2:00 p.m.          Line Dancing 1:30 pm         Tai Chi 1:30 pm
                           AA 6 pm                      Bingo 6:30 pm                 TOPS 6:30                    AA 6:30 p.m.
                        23 TOPS 6:30 pm        24       AA 7:00                25     Painting 6:30 pm       26
 AA 7:30 am                  AA 7:30 am
 Woodshop 8:30 a.m.          Woodshop/ Billiards 8:30
 Billiards 8:30              Chair Caning 9:00 am
 Bridge 10 am                Tai Chi 10;00 am
 Line Dancing 1:30 pm        Mahjongg 1:00pm
 Yoga 1:30 pm                Auto Club 6:00 pm
                             AA 6pm
                             TOPS 6:30 pm
PAGE 7                              WESTERLY SENIOR CITIZENS MENU                                        AUGUST 2021
   Westerly Senior Citizens
        Center Menu                      AUGUST 2021                                        FOR RESERVATIONS
                                                                                             CALL(401) 596-7216

     Monday                    Tuesday                Wednesday                 Thursday                  Friday
   Fresh Fruit Cup   2      Chicken Soup     3        Vegetable Soup   4 Tossed Garden Salad 5     N. E. Clam Chowder 6
  Sausage & Pepper      Seafood Salad on WG        Sweet & Sour Boneless Open Turkey Sand. W/            Baked Fish
Sand. on Whole Wheat     Pita Bread w/ L&T               Chicken                 Gravy              Oven Roasted Potato
    Spinach Salad      Pasta Salad w/Vegetables      Fried Brown Rice     Whole Wheat Bread             Sliced Carrots
       Dessert                  Dessert                    Peas              Mashed Potato                  Dessert
         OR                       OR                      Dessert             Green Beans                    OR
Ham & Cheese on Roll     Turkey & Provolone                 OR               Dessert   OR          Chicken Salad on Wheat
                              On Wheat              Egg Salad on Wheat     Roast Beef on WB                  Roll

    MEALSITE          9        Tossed Salad    10 Pineapple w/ Cottage 11   Mixed Green Salad 12        Lentil Soup    13
    CLOSED                   Baked Rigatoni w/              Cheese              Baked Ham            Meatloaf w/ Gravy
                            Meatballs & Sausage      Chicken Teriyaki           Sweet Potato           Mashed Potato
      FOR                        Green Beans         Stir Fry Vegetables      Mixed Vegetables         Peas & Carrots
    VICTORY                   Whole Wheat Roll           Brown Rice           Whole Wheat Roll       Whole Wheat Roll
      DAY                          Dessert                 Dessert                 Dessert                 Dessert
                                     OR                      OR                      OR                      OR
                          Italian Grinder on Wheat Turkey on Wheat Roll      Egg Salad on Wheat    Tuna Salad on What Roll

  Fresh Fruit Cup   16 Escarole & Bean Soup 17 Tomato & Cucumber 18    Chicken Soup    19            Tomato Soup       20
 Baked Macaroni &         Chicken Fajita w/              Salad        Roasted Pork Loin w/          Sloppy Joe w/ Whole
       Cheese           Chicken, Peppers, &    Salisbury Steak/ Gravy     Applesauce                    Wheat Roll
Roasted Green Beans &           Onions             Mashed Potatoes     Whole Wheat Roll                Broccoli Florets
        Carrots               Rice Pilaf            Sliced Carrots        Sweet Potato                    Dessert
  Whole Wheat Roll           WW Tortilla              WW Roll           Mixed Vegetables
         OR                     Dessert                 Dessert             Dessert                         OR
 Turkey & Cheese on              OR                       OR                  OR                    Roast Beef on Whole
        Wheat           Ham & Cheese on Roll Chicken Salad on Wheat Seafood Salad on Wheat                 Wheat

  Fresh Fruit Cup   23       Navy Bean Soup 24     Chicken Noodle Soup25 Tossed Greek Salad 26      NE Clam Chowder 27
Smothered Chicken w/        Swedish Meatballs       American Chop Suey      Beef & Broccoli             Tuna Salad
  Spinach, Potato,           Mashed Potatoes        Tossed Garden Salad       Brown Rice             Whole Grain Bread
    Mushrooms                  Green Beans              Garlic Bread            Dessert              Greek Tomato Salad
  Whole Wheat Roll          Whole Wheat Roll              Dessert                                          Dessert
       Dessert                    Dessert                    OR                   OR
         OR                        OR                Egg Salad on Wheat    Turkey & Swiss on                OR
 Roast Beef Sandwich      Seafood Salad on Wheat           Bread              Wheat Roll            Tuna Salad Sandwich

 Minestrone Soup 30         Beef Barley Soup 31                              Grab ‘N Go meals         The suggested
Pub Burger on Whole       Oven Roasted Chicken                                 with be available     donation is $3 per
    Wheat Roll                Sweet Potato
  Mixed Vegetables           Broccoli Florets                                  for take-out or as   meal. Thank you for
      Dessert               Whole Wheat Roll                                  the second option. your donations which
                                 Dessert                                     They will include a     help maintain the
         OR                       OR                                        side, fruit, and chips.   meal program.
  Turkey & Swiss on         Ham & Swiss on
    Wheat Bread                Wheat Roll
PAGE 8                  WESTERLY SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER ACTIVITIES                    SUMMER 2021
    MEETINGS, PROGRAMS, SPECIAL                                   JUNE CALENDAR CLUB
            ACTIVITIES                                                  WINNERS
AA Meetings—AA Meetings are held Sunday through            June 1—$25—Kathy Capizzano
Saturday at 7:30 a.m. in the triple room, on Tuesdays at   June 2— $25 - Jacqueline Murray
6:00 p.m., on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m., and at 6:30
p.m. Fridays. New members are welcome to attend, re-
                                                           June 3— $25 - George Routhier
gardless of Center membership.                             June 4—$75—Ellen James
                                                           June 5—$50—Fay Luzzi
Board Meeting—The Board of Directors will be hold-         June 6—$200 –Janice Butler
ing its monthly membership and business meeting on .       June 7—$25—Sandra Vitterito
July 15 at 1:15 p.m. in the Confer ence Room.              June 8— $25—Charlotte Pillmear
Health Insurance – A representatives from Blue Cross
                                                           June 9—$25—Evelyn O’Donnell
will be available on Wednesday, July 21 at 2 p.m.          June 10— $25—Sofia Cillino
                                                           June 11— $25—Judy Greene
                                                           June 12— $50—Kelly Lee
Knights of Columbus – The Knights of Columbus              June 13—$50—Kay Daniele
breakfast will be held on Sunday, July 18 from 7 am to     June 14— $200—Sue Patria
11 am. The menu varies from month to month. Tickets
are $7.
                                                           June 15—$25—Terry Routhier
                                                           June 16— $25—Patricia Cote
Ninigret Quilters—Ninigret Quilters will meet at the       June 17—$25—John Parise
Senior Center on Tuesday, August 10 at 7:00 p.m. Ni-       June 18—$25—Dolly Collins
nigret Quilters and Dream Quilters also meet on            June 19—$50—Dorinne Meyer
Wednesdays at 9:00 & 10:00 am                              June 20— $200— Wendy Donoghue
Pawcatuck Valley Coin Club—The Pawcatuck Valley
                                                           June 21—$25—Joann Dowbekin
Coin Club will holds its July meeting at the Senior        June 22—$25—Marjorie Benson
Center on Thursday, July 15th at 8;00 p.m. Monthly         June 23—$25—Barbara Monahan
meetings are open on the second Wednesday of the           June 24—$25—Estelle Misto
month.                                                     June 25—$25—Charles Greene
                                                           June 26—$50—Donna Currie
VFW - Project Outreach of Westerly, sponsored by the
VFW and DAV, will be offering assistance on
                                                           June 27—$50—Kathy Capizzano
Tuesday, July 13th at 10:30 a.m. A r ep will be avail-     June 28—$25—Mary Lennon
able to help with VA disability claims and health bene-    June 29 -$25—Claudia DeBernardo
fits.                                                      June 30—$300— Martha Beal
Visiting Nurse – The Visiting Nurse will be holding a
Blood Pressure Clinic on Tuesday, July 27th fr om
9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Congratulations to the winners of the June Calendar
Club. Thank you to those who took part to make
this a successful fundraiser.
PAGE 9                WESTERLY SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER ACTIVITIES                              SUMMER 2021

             NEW MEMBERS                               Friday:
                                                                      Line Dancing 1:30 p.m.—no charge
                                                                      Yoga Class—9:00 p.m.—$3 per
  Welcome to the following new members of the                         class— taught by Heidi Waddell
 Senior Center. In order to become                                    Cribbage—9:30 a.m.—$1 per day
 a member, you must be 50 years old by December                       Tai Chi—1:30 pm.—$2 per class
 of the year you join. Won’t you join our growing
 group? Dues are only $25 a year.                 For some groups, the fee is used for a special activity
                                                       or materials for the group members. For groups with a
 Heinz Schab            Christopher Lyman              teacher, the fee goes toward paying the teacher for the
 Gina Lyman             Wendy Walsh                    class.
 Frederick Davis        Joanne Davis                   ****************************************
 Raenato Patria         Lawrence Hayden                If you take part in an activity or activities, you are
 Wendy Mazzarella       Ed Cullen                      expected to become members of the Center, so it
 Donna Parkinson        Ann Mason                      is advisable to try a class such as painting, tai chi,
 Ann L. Smith           John MacKenzie                 or yoga before joining in case you find that the
 Karin Giguere          Michele Viola                  class is not what you want.
 Shirley Sposato        Chuck Carvetti                 ***************************************
 Mary Lanoie                                                  WANTED AND NEEDED
  ***********************************                The Senior Center is proud to be able to lend members
       ACTIVITY GROUPS                               equipment available to seniors and their caregivers
 Westerly Senior Center has a variety groups for     over the past few years. However, the closet is depend-
 those who enjoy getting together with others their ent on the generosity of those who donate various
                                                     goods for the use of others. Being able to lend this
 own age and of their own interests. Membership is equipment helps us make medical equipment, which is
 expected. Please note that class times have         often used for a limited time, affordable to those who
 changed from before Covid.                          may not be able to afford it.
                                                     The Center is desperately in need of the following
 Monday:      Billiards—Monday—Friday                equipment:
              8:30—3:30 on your own—no charge        Wheel Chairs           Transport Chairs
              at this time                           Shower chairs          Seated     walkers     (Rollators
              Bridge—10 a.m.—Social bridge—$1 Shower benches                Bedside Commodes
              per day                                 4 Pronged canes       Toilet Extenders
              Line Dancing 1:30 p.m.—no charge       “Reachers”             Adult Diapers of various sizes
              Yoga Class—1:30 p.m.—$3 per            Bed Rails              Hospital Trays
              class— taught by Heidi Waddell         (Sorry, but we do not have storage room for Hospital
 Tuesday:     Chair Caning—9 am—own projects         Beds or Stair Lifts)
              and materials—$1 per day—caning        Thank you to those who have donated medical equip-
              material available                     ment over the years. You have made the lives of others
              Summer Shuffleboard Tournament a little easier. Please make sure that donations are
              9:00 am 10 weeks—$2 per day            clean and safe. There is no charge to borrow medical
              Tai Chi—10:00 a.m.—$2 per class        equipment.
              Mahjongg—1:00 p.m.—$1 per day
 Wednesday: Ninigret Quilters—9:00 a.m.—own
              projects and machines - no charge
              Tournament Bridge—1 p.m.— The
              same partners are used all tournament.
              —$1 per day
 Thursday: Wood Carving—own projects—$1
              per day
              Pitch—9:00 a.m.—$1 per day
              Painting—9:00 a.m.—$3 per class—
              taught by Laurie MacKenzie
              Tournament Bridge 1:00 p.m. The
              same partners are used all tournament.
PAGE 10               WESTERLY SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER ACTIVITIES                        SUMMER 2021

                                  PENNY SOCIAL PRIZES
Thank you to everyone who took part in the Penny Social on June 12, especially chairladies Michelle
Reehl and Sally Gagnon and Marcella Bartolo who did such a great job selling tickets. If you have not
picked up your prize yet, a list of winners is included below:

Money Jar—Glen Lowell             Snickers Box of Candy—Leilani       $25 Cheesecake—Sue Melanson
                                  Hill                                $25 Christina’s—Lorraine Cordeiro
Stuffed Sheep—Geri Johnson        Cat Throw—Joy Smith                 $25 Happy Dining—Barbara Cillino
Piggy Bank—Beth Walrath           Red Sox Hat & Towel—Marilyn         $25 CVS—Barbara Cillino
Picnic Basket—Diane Rafferty      Maine                               $15 Dairy Queen—Robin Buck
Shell Towel—Pat Anderson          Big Brown Bear—Jennifer Stich       $25 Dunns Corners Mkt.—Ida Hall
Stuffed Fox—Jean Nardone          Bird Feeder—Winnie Weeden           $15 Dunkin—Kelly Scott
Cat Mat—Robin Buck                Coffee Maker— Lois Larkin           $15 Dunkin—Jane Fishman
Black Fan—Rose Richmond           Micro Wave—Pam Parisi               $15 Dollar Tree—Leilani Hill
Dog Mat—Sherry Hill               Bicycle—Ann Songs                   $25 Dunns Corners Mkt.—Jean
Glassware—Corey Leong             Brown Purse—Sandy Seekins           Desautell
Mr. Coffee—Ann Marsh              Back Pack - Ann Marsh               Ginger’s Car Washes—Grace
Reeboks—Bill Moloson              Dog & Cat Throw—Lorraine            Cipriano
Giraffe & Book—Denise Pillmear    Cordeiro                            $25 Guytano’s– Lynn Fongemie
Knife Set—Andrew St. Clair        Beauty Basket—Carolyn McCrae        $25 Haversham—Carol Boldt
B&D Toaster—Lois Larkin           Black Purse—Pat Anderson            $25 Home Goods—Carol Boldt
Bracelet—Kathy Denton             Anchor Towel—Glen Lowell            $25 Joyce’s —Geri Johnson
Purse Alarm—Cheryl Lance          Tower Fan—Marcella Bartolo          $25 Kelley’s Deli—Sue Gaccione
Wine Glasses—Denise Pillmear      Elephant & Book—Cathy               $25 McQuades—Betsey Hom
Butterfly Wind Chimes—Rose        Robertson                           $25 “99” - Paula Niedermann
Discuillo                         12 Piece Cookware—Patti             $25 “99” - Sandy Labrecque
Turtle Puzzle—Marian Balestri     Thompson                            $20 Stop & Shop—Patty Lorenson
White Jeans—Marilyn Maine         Twix Box of Candy—Mary              $25 Vetrano’s—Lois Larkin
Dog Throw—Ida Hall                Krupinski                           $25 Tractor Supply—Kathy
Slow Cooker—Robin Buck            Mickey & Minnie Apron, Towels       Mosunic
Paint By Numbers—Cheryl Lance     & Hot Mitts—Sandy Seekins           $25 Supreme—Joy Smith
Flag Towel—Claire McPhee          Tea Basket—Mary Lanoie              $25 Supreme—Cheryl Lance
Dog Toys—Chuck Sposato            Dog Toys & Bowls—Ann Marsh          $25 Vetrano’s—Vanessa Melhouse
Large Grocery Basket—Theresa      Dog Toys & Bowls— Paul              $25 Westerly Packing—Sue
Church                            Chiaradio                           Rackett
Scarf Holder—Leilani Hill         Dog Toys & Bowls—Mary Lanoie        $25 Bomb Burritos—Jen Stich
Travel Tote—Will Dittman          Stationery Basket—Sherry Hall
Lottery Tickets—Denise Pillmear   Purse Alarm—Ann Marsh
Celtics Towel—Geri Johnson        Cat Toys & Bowls—Joann
Flamingo Towel— Doreen Brown      Dowbekin
Yatzee Game—Leilani Hill          Bailey’s Irish Crème—Mike
Insulated Bag—Laurie MacKenzie    Terranova
Medium Grocery Basket—Avery       Picture—Carolyn Perez
Roberts                           Humming Bird Chimes—Leilani
Panda & Book—Diane Rafferty       Hill
Mickey Mouse Glassware—           Hanging Plant from Pleasant
Dolores Theriault                 Acres—Suzette Luther
Red Sox Yankees Chess—Efrain      Gift Basket from Sandy’s—Sally
Rivera                            Gagnon
Blue Bowl—Michelle Reehl
Red/White Bag—Linda Kotyk         GIFT CARDS
Pelican Pillow—Diane Rafferty     $25 Ace Hardware—Jean Nardone
Black Purse—Bonnie Wright         $50 Agway—Gloria Hazard
Picture Frames—Pat Lorenson       $25 Amazon—Tom Oliverio
                                                                                              U.S. POSTAGE
                                                                                             PERMIT NO. 24
                                                                                             Westerly RI 02891

                       Luis Angel Ortiz—Maintenance Supervisor

The Westerly Senior Citizens Center
39 State Street
Westerly RI 02891


                                 WSSC MISSION STATEMENT
            The mission of the Westerly Senior Citizens Center is to provide opportunity for
           the “young at heart” to meet and enjoy a wide variety of social, educational, health,
           recreational activities and programs and to promote the positive aspects of aging to
                             them, their families, and the community at large.
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