Brumadinho disaster: contributions to public policies and sanitation management in emergency periods

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                                         Brumadinho disaster: contributions to
                                         public policies and sanitation management in
                                         emergency periods
                                         Desastre de Brumadinho: contribuições para políticas públicas e
                                         gestão do saneamento em períodos emergenciais

                                         Deborah Chein Bueno de Azevedo1, Graziella de Araújo Toledo1, Simone Cynamon Cohen1,
                                         Débora Cynamon Kligerman1, Telma Abdalla de Oliveira Cardoso1

                                         DOI: 10.1590/0103-1104202012416

                                         ABSTRACT This article aimed to analyze the vulnerability of post-disaster sanitation, adopting as a case
                                         study the experience of Brumadinho, in the state of Minas Gerais, in January 2019. It was developed from
                                         qualitative, descriptive and exploratory research, carried out through documentary analysis and a case
                                         study, through the collection of data published on institutional websites. The analysis of the components
                                         took place after the critical reading, based on aspects relevant to the approach of the article. After as-
                                         sessing the material collected it was concluded that the lack of urban planning as well as the precarious
                                         investment in actions involving basic sanitation and the lack of inspection at the Córrego do Feijão dam
                                         were determining factors in the outcome of the disaster. The mining company Vale S.A. did not have an
                                         emergency plan, which could assist in the reduction of damages and in making post-disaster decisions.
                                         Sanitation measures are essential to prevent the spread of diseases and thus minimize impacts on the
                                         affected population. Disasters from mining areas underline the importance of stricter environmental
                                         policies that promote healthy and safe environments.

                                         KEYWORDS Disasters. Sanitation. Public policy. City planning.

                                         RESUMO Este artigo objetivou analisar a vulnerabilidade do saneamento pós-desastre, adotando como
                                         estudo de caso a experiência de Brumadinho, no estado de Minas Gerais, em janeiro de 2019. Desenvolveu-se
                                         a partir da pesquisa qualitativa, de natureza descritiva e exploratória, realizada por meio de análise docu-
                                         mental e de um estudo de caso, mediante coleta de dados publicados em sítios eletrônicos institucionais. A
                                         análise dos componentes se deu depois da leitura crítica, pautada em aspectos relevantes para a abordagem
                                         do artigo. Após a apreciação do material coletado, concluiu-se que a falta de planejamento urbano assim
                                         como a precariedade de investimentos nas ações que envolvem o saneamento básico e a ausência de fiscali-
                                         zação na barragem Córrego do Feijão foram fatores determinantes no desfecho do desastre. A mineradora
                                         Vale S.A. não dispôs de um plano emergencial, que poderia auxiliar na redução dos danos e na tomada de
                                         decisões pós-desastre. Medidas de saneamento são fundamentais para evitar a propagação de doenças e,
                                         assim, minimizar os impactos na população atingida. Os desastres provenientes das áreas de mineração
                                         acentuam a importância da adoção de políticas ambientais mais rígidas, que possibilitem a promoção de
                                         ambientes saudáveis e mais seguros.
1 Fundação  Oswaldo Cruz
(Fiocruz), Escola Nacional
de Saúde Pública Sergio                  PALAVRAS-CHAVE Desastres. Saneamento. Política pública. Planejamento de cidades.
Arouca (Ensp) – Rio de
Janeiro (RJ), Brasil.

                This article is published in Open Access under the Creative Commons Attribution
                license, which allows use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, without
                restrictions, as long as the original work is correctly cited.                     SAÚDE DEBATE | RIO DE JANEIRO, V. 44, N. 124, P. 221-233, JAN-MAR 2020
222      Azevedo DCB, Toledo GA, Cohen SC, Kligerman DC, Cardoso TAO

                                Introduction                                           emergency situations, adopting as a case
                                                                                       study the experience of Brumadinho, in
                                According to the United Nations World Report           the state of Minas Gerais, which occurred
                                on Water Resources Development, the right to           in January 2019.

                                    clean, safe and adequate drinking water is vital
                                    for the survival of all living organisms and for   Material and methods
                                    the functioning of ecosystems, communities
                                    and economies1(84).                                The study is based on qualitative, descrip-
                                                                                       tive and exploratory research, conducted
                                   However, more than two million people               through document analysis, and a case
                                worldwide do not have access to safe drink-            study, through the collection of data from
                                ing water and the number doubles when it               materials published on institutional web-
                                comes to proper sanitation facilities and              sites such as the United Nations (UN),
                                proper disposal of sewage, which further               the Pan American Health Organization
                                aggravates the unavailability of water                 (Paho), Brazilian Ministry of Health
                                resources1.                                            (MoH), Brazilian Institute of Geography
                                   Ac c o rd i n g t o t h e Wo r l d He a l t h       and Statistics (IBGE), Instituto Trata Brasil
                                Organization (WHO), access to sanitation               (ITB), National Health Surveillance Agency
                                impacts a nation’s economy and health by               (ANVISA), National Information System
                                providing a healthier environment and re-              on Sanitation (SNIS), Brazilian Ministry of
                                ducing investments in the area. This access            Justice (MoJ), National Sanitation Policy
                                generates better indicators of education,              (PNS – Política Nacional de Saneamento
                                real estate and tourism valuation, disease             Básico) and the legal framework on sanita-
                                reduction, less waste of resources and                 tion. The set of laws, decrees and resolu-
                                greater job creation2.                                 tions was considered as an integral part of
                                   The lack of adequate sanitation is one of           the study.
                                the aggravating factors of natural disasters              The bibliographic research was based
                                in Brazil, given that few cities have an ef-           on the search for authors who wrote about
                                ficient system to support heavy rainfall and/          the topic of interest, in order to support the
                                or other extreme natural events3.                      discussion of the theoretical framework.
                                   From 1999 to 2009, Brazil witnessed                    For the case study, we used data ex-
                                a solid economic growth cycle, in which                tracted from Brumadinho City Hall, the
                                GDP grew at an annual rate of 3.27%, while             Municipality Register (2015) and the public
                                the employed population increased at an                hearing of the state of Minas Gerais, refer-
                                annual rate of 2.29%4. This process has also           ring to the sewage treatment of Brumadinho
                                brought internal migratory movements and               (2018) and the Regulatory Agency for Water
                                rapid and disorderly urban growth. This                Supply and Sanitary Sewer Services of the
                                scenario associated with the deficiency of             state of Minas Gerais (Arsae – Agência
                                essential services—mainly basic and sani-              Reguladora de Servicos de Abastecimento
                                tation infrastructure—contributed to the               de Água e de Esgotamento Sanitario).
                                increase of anthropogenic origin disasters,               The analysis of all these components
                                which shows the vulnerability and fragility            was grounded on critical reading, based
                                in risk management5,6.                                 on aspects relevant to the approach of the
                                   This article aims to analyze the vul-               article, being alternatives in response to
                                nerability of post-disaster sanitation and             the proposed objective.
                                propose actions to be implemented in

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Results                                            for their development and expansion10.
                                                      Chapter 1, Art. 2 addresses urban plan-
Urbanization in Brazil, which began after          ning, aiming to organize the spatial distribu-
the 1929 Great Depression and World War            tion of population and economic activities
II, brings challenges to be overcome. The          to correct distortions in the urban growth
national industries sharply expanded with          process and control the negative effects on
the policies promoted by Getúlio Vargas and        the environment.
Juscelino Kubitschek, after the shortages             Also noteworthy is Art. 4, Chap. 2, Section
generated by the war. With the production          I, on the goals of urban planning, the par-
expansion, as a result of the industrialization    celing of land use and occupation; environ-
process, there was a disorderly population         mental zoning; multiannual plan; budget
growth in the cities7,8.                           guidelines and annual budget; participatory
   According to data from urbanized areas          budget management; sector plans, programs
in Brazil, provided by IBGE, the Brazilian         and projects; and economic and social de-
urbanization rate jumped from 31.24% in            velopment plans.
the 1940s to about 85% in 2018; encouraged            Art. 41, Ch. 3 of this Law shows the master
mainly by the attraction that life in the city     plan as an instrument of urban planning,
exercised over the rural environment—where         making it mandatory for cities with more
the migrant populations sought quality of          than 20,000 inhabitants and which are in-
life, health, education and employment. This       tegrated in metropolitan regions and urban
fact, driven by the mass media of that period,     agglomerations.
made the urban environment a paradise for             In 2012, Federal Law No. 12.608, which
those unaware of its dynamics7-9.                  discusses the National Policy of Protection
   As a direct consequence of the urban-           and Civil Defense, in its art. 42-A, incorpo-
ization process, the lack of urban planning        rates the promotion of diversity of uses and
afflicted the cities in the country. Rapid         the generation of employment and income
growth has contributed to the emergence            in urban planning11.
of subnormal clusters, places without in-             The challenge of urbanization in Brazil is
frastructure, unhealthy housing conditions,        largely associated with the need for territo-
vulnerable to risks and disasters4,8,9.            rial reorganization, so that the laws cited are
   The consequences of the lack of urban           put into practice to promote a fair and equal
planning are marked in space: excess of            territory for the entire population, without
vertical buildings, for better use of urban        discrimination of social class, income and
land; narrow, winding streets causing mobil-       skin color. Integration actions between the
ity problems for pedestrians and vehicles;         political, economic and social sectors can
poorly spaced recreational areas, located          bring satisfactory results if interventions are
only in upper-middle-class neighborhoods;          planned, well executed and more perennial.
intense slum process; housing deficit; con-
structions in landslide and flooding risk          Sanitation
areas and lack of sanitation5.
                                                   Most Brazilians do not have access to basic
Urban legislation                                  sanitation services such as water supply,
                                                   sewage system and solid waste collection.
In response to the problems of cities, on July     The lack of these services brings health risks
10, 2001, Federal Law No. 10,257, known as         and cooperate with environmental degra-
the City Statute, was enacted. This Law de-        dation. The transmission of diseases such
termines the responsibility of municipalities      as cholera, dysentery, hepatitis A, dengue,

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                                malaria, zika, chikungunya and typhoid is           Janeiro and Bahia, totaling 63.3%. And the
                                linked to problems related to poor sanitation       worst investments, about 1.7%, occurred
                                and contaminated water12.                           in the states of Amazonas, Acre, Amapá,
                                   In the country, investment in sanitation         Alagoas and Rondônia13,15.
                                is short. According to the National Plan for           The Plansab also suggests that there has
                                Basic Sanitation (Plansab – Plano Nacional de       been a readjustment in service fees, which
                                Saneamento Básico), approximately 40% of            have been frozen for years and do not cor-
                                the Brazilian population has no water supply;       respond to the socioeconomic and demo-
                                60% do not have sanitary sewer; and 40% lack        graphic changes that have occurred in the
                                proper management of municipal solid waste.         country in recent decades.
                                Limitations in service management are re-              In this sense, it is essential to rethink how
                                sponsible for it13. The most common problems        sanitation services can operate in emergency
                                are the poor capacity of planning adequacy          situations.
                                and the execution of the works; the precarious
                                inspection system regarding the use of public
                                resources; the inability to promote sustain-        Disasters
                                able interventions; the difficulty of long-term
                                planning; inappropriate tariffs; lack of services   According to the Civil Defense command
                                regulation and difficulty in integrating propos-    and operations system, disaster is the result
                                als from government spheres14.                      of a phenomenon, whether natural (such as
                                   All of these limitations result in ineffective   drought, hurricanes, extreme temperatures,
                                and unavailable service. It also alludes to high    forest fires), or caused by man or even by
                                spending, whether due to mismanagement              the combination of both, which is called an
                                of public resources or even inefficiency in         adverse event, a disaster-causing phenom-
                                their application14.                                enon. Thus, a particular episode such as
                                   Plansab projects the possibility of uni-         heavy rain, chemical explosion, fires, dam
                                versal access to water and waste collection         disruption, or a prolonged period without
                                in urban regions by 2030. Water supply in           rain may turn into disaster, depending on
                                rural areas could be increased by 2033, from        the consequences and vulnerability of the
                                61% to 80%; sewage collection from 53%              affected system16. They are also associated
                                to 93% in urbanized areas and from 17% to           with the intensity of human, material or
                                69% in rural areas; the volume of treated           environmental losses due to the phenom-
                                sewage from 53% to 93%; from 27% to 70%             enon and the economic and social losses.
                                the collection of solid waste in rural areas        In emergency situations, health issues take
                                and a reduction of losses in water supply           on special characteristics. First, basic data
                                systems, from 39% to 31%13.                         on the affected area should be gathered
                                   According to the Instituto Trata Brasil,         after the impact of the adverse event, such
                                the cost of universal access to sanitation          as sanitation and health infrastructure and
                                services will be R$ 508 billion from 2014           the affected population17.
                                to 2033, with 50% of Federal investments                Disasters require immediate response
                                and 41% by other agents. Annually, the              actions by public bodies to minimize loss of
                                government should invest R$ 13.5 billion.           life, as well as the definition of a location unaf-
                                Resources from non-federal agents would             fected by the event to be used as a support area,
                                come from international loans and from              where provisional shelter work will begin17.
                                state and local governments. Currently, the         Adequate facilities and technologies for restor-
                                largest investments occurred in the states          ing sanitation, such as the management of solid
                                of São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Paraná, Rio de          waste, wastewater, and drinking water, should

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be quantified. Establishing a suitable burial       of urban households had solid waste collec-
site, as well as vector control, also become        tion at that time. However, the percentage
important health measures, as it minimizes          decreases when addressing the water supply
disease transmission17.                             and sewage sewer requirements, 76.4% and
   An environment with sanitation is one of         65.2%, respectively, only in the urban area.
the fundamental needs in emergency situa-           The rural area has a rudimentary pit to
tions to protect the health of the population.      collect its sewage and the water supply is
Thus, it is crucial for the immediate recovery      made by insurgency capture, with shallow
of the affected population the reestablishment      (up to 20 meters deep) and deep wells (more
of the local sanitation system15.                   than 20 meters deep). In addition, there
   The occurrence of a disaster, such as the        is no separation between the urban drain-
one that occurred on January 25, 2019, with         age network and the sewage system; which
the rupture of the ore tailings dam B1, at the      together with unplanned urban sprawl,
Córrego do Feijão Mine complex, in the munic-       population densification and riparian forest
ipality of Brumadinho, Minas Gerais, owned          clearing, contribute to flooding.
by Miner Vale SA, reinforces the importance            The city has two wastewater treatment
of adopting a structured policy that enables        plants (WWTP): Mirante and Ecológica,
the preservation and maintenance of a safe and      located in the Retiro das Pedras condo-
healthy environment, especially regarding the       minium (north sector, sub-basin 1 and 2;
compromise of rivers and springs around the         south sector, sub-basin 3, respectively).
cities, as in the case of Brumadinho-MG18,19.       Both are privately owned but have a
                                                    30-year service agreement with Copasa,
Case study: the Brumadinho disaster                 since 1995. The method used is the septic
                                                    tank followed by an anaerobic filter. The
Brumadinho is a municipality located in the         average flow, according to data from the
metallurgical area of the Belo Horizonte            Municipal Secretariat of the Environment21,
Metropolitan Region (BHMR), state of Minas          was between 3.09 and 3.96 l/s. The receiv-
Gerais. Its economic activity is mining and         ing bodies are the Mirante Stream and the
small agriculture. Its urbanization rate cor-       Ribeirão Retiro das Pedras River, belonging
responds to 72.8% of its population, which is       to the Paraopeba River Basin.
estimated at 39,520 inhabitants20.                     A third WWTP was built in 2010, serving
   Its territorial extension is 639.4 km², being    about 170 households (approximately 760
one of the largest cities of BHMR in terms          people) and biologically treats, from anaerobic
of area. Its territory is divided into 5 dis-       digestion, domestic effluents and rainwater,
tricts: Brumadinho, Aranha, Conceição do            which reach the same gallery. The treatment
Itaguá, Piedade do Paraopeba and São José           consists in the generation of a bacterial colony
do Paraopeba. It has a tropical climate and its     (primary treatment), where they are stabilized,
biome is the Atlantic Forest20.                     pass through biological filtration and aeration.
   The Brumadinho City Hall prepared in             Afterwards, all bacteria originating from filter-
2010 the Municipal Plan for Basic Sanitation        ing are retained21.
(PMSB – Plano Municipal de Saneamento                  The last survey by Copasa, conducted in
Básico) in order to plan the actions and            2008, showed that 61% of the population had
define the priorities of the Municipality19.        sewage collection system, and 87% in urban
However, regarding basic sanitation, there          areas. In locations where there is no network,
is no total coverage in the municipal-              especially in rural areas, septic tanks have
ity. According to data from the Municipal           been adopted as a means of collecting and
Secretariat of the Environment13, about 95%         treating effluents21.

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                                   Water supply in the urban region is pro-       would be January 201922.
                                vided by Copasa through the Brumadinho               Although COPASA did not conclude the
                                Water Treatment Plant (WTP). The catch-           contract for sanitation of the Municipality,
                                ment takes place in the lake originating          in 2019, the Dam 1 broke containing mining
                                from the Manso River Basin. Conventional          tailings from the Córrego do Feijão Mine,
                                type treatment was used in the WTP, cover-        located in the Ferro-Carvão stream, in the
                                ing about 3.8 m³ of water per second. The         Córrego do Feijão region18,19.
                                sludge production is about 50 m³/day. As             The tailings dam, classified as ‘low risk’
                                mentioned, in the rural area, households          and ‘high potential for damage’, was con-
                                are supplied from wells, and there are            trolled by Vale S.A company. It is under-
                                no restrictions on the use of municipal           stood as dam: any structure in a permanent
                                groundwater21.                                    or temporary watercourse for the purpose
                                   Solid waste is appropriately disposed          of containment or accumulation of liquid
                                of, as the city has the only BHMR landfill        substances or mixtures of liquids and solids.
                                (which has a wastewater treatment plant),            The dam break released about 12
                                which was built with resources from the           million cubic meters of tailings, forming
                                Growth Acceleration Program (PAC –                giant waves that reached a speed of about
                                Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento)            80 km/ hour, advancing over the refec-
                                and started its activities in 2012. About 710.1   tory and the administrative area of the
                                t/day of organic waste is collected and since     Company, heading towards cars, houses,
                                1998, about 6.17 t/day of recyclable waste        trees, animals and people. The mud con-
                                has been collected by selective collection21.     taminated the Paraopeba River, leaving the
                                   In 2017, a public hearing was held with        water unfit for consumption in at least 20
                                representatives of Copasa, the executive          municipalities19,23.
                                and legislative powers and the population            This has resulted in one of the largest
                                of Brumadinho to clarify the agreement            mining tailings disasters in Brazil, classified
                                between Copasa and the Municipality to            as an industrial, humanitarian and envi-
                                obtain information on the progress of the         ronmental disaster, as well as the largest
                                implementation of the system for waste-           workplace accident in the country. To date,
                                water treatment and the lack of water in          more than 228 people have been found dead
                                several neighborhoods and localities of the       and about 49 people are still missing, creat-
                                city22. This contract signed in 2008, with a      ing a situation of public calamity24,25.
                                30-year term, for the implementation of a
                                complete sanitary sewer system: collection
                                networks, interceptors, pumping stations          Discussion
                                and WWTP; encompassing the headquar-
                                ters of Brumadinho and other areas. But           In disaster situations, sanitation-related ill-
                                only in 2015 the company signed the com-          nesses can lead to preventable diseases and
                                mitment term with the public prosecutor           deaths. To this end, sanitation management
                                to provide the municipality with a sani-          contingency actions must be preventive
                                tary sewer system suitable for the region.        to avoid accidents that may compromise
                                This agreement was canceled and, in 2018,         the quality of services provided and the
                                another public hearing was held to discuss        safety of the workers involved. Such actions
                                the environmental and social impacts that         require strategic maintenance, planning,
                                could occur in the implementation of the          operational management, quality control,
                                WWTP, since the deadline for the imple-           communication support and supply. A con-
                                mentation and operation of the WWTP               tingency plan addresses scheduled actions

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with specialized labor, materials and equip-                   disease. In the short term, within 6 months,
ment to recover sanitation services in the                     services are expected to stabilize. It seeks
shortest possible time12,26-28.                                to reduce morbidity and mortality by taking
   For a better response to services, post-                    preventive actions so that diseases do not
disaster emergency stages are reported,                        spread. Finally, in the long term (which may
divided into 3 periods (chart 1). In the im-                   last for years), it is expected that everything
mediate phase (1 to 2 months), immediately                     will be normalized, that the affected popula-
after the disaster, the sanitation program is                  tions can already return to their homes or be
initial, because of the great instability in the               moved to other appropriate places. The goal
provision of sanitation service due to the                     of sanitation in this period is to promote the
event and the high mortality rates. The ob-                    health and well-being of the inhabitants, as
jective of this phase is to find a safe place to               well as their self-sufficiency12.
receive sanitation infrastructure to prevent

Chart 1. Activities, emergency program stages and duration of disaster actions
 Activity                                        Goal                                                 Phase
 Complete assessment checklist to set priori- Rapid assessment and priority setting                   Immediate

 Produce program outline incorporating           Design a program                                     Immediate
 logical study, estimating sanitation require-
 ments, costs, staff and time.

 Work with experts to produce detailed           Program detailing                                    Immediate
 program and action plan.

 Select and implement immediate actions.         Immediate action                                     Short-term

 Implement, monitor and evaluate sanitation      Implementation                                       Short/long term

Source: Adapted12.

Water supply management in                                     treatment process that will provide enough
emergency situations                                           for everyone; post-emergency treatment; need
                                                               for disinfection of drinking water; water ac-
Not enough drinking water may be available                     ceptance; need for places to collect and reserve
to meet the basic needs of all those affected                  water; epidemiological considerations; reli-
by the disaster. Therefore, the first aspect of                ability at source; quantity and equitable access
sanitation to have emergency measures is the                   to water12,26-28.
water supply system. In this case, the correct                    Regarding the quality of groundwater cap-
administration of the resource is important to                 tured by underground wells, no evidence
ensure survival28.                                             of change in quality is noticed, although it
   Before supplying water, it is necessary                     is recommended to intensify quality moni-
to assess the quality of raw water and pos-                    toring, making sure the population receive
sible sources of contamination; to carry out a                 potable water.

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                                   Water monitoring can be done primarily in                     places of food preparation28.
                                two ways: sampling and analysis (through kits                       When implementing an alternative method
                                for a small amount; or laboratory for a large                    for the disposal of human excreta, some basic
                                amount, which can be assembled on site)12.                       precautions should be taken beforehand, es-
                                   In the analysis, the quality of the water is                  pecially regarding availability. In the immedi-
                                evaluated considering the pH, turbidity and                      ate term, 50% of the affected population is
                                residual chlorine parameters. In the sam-                        expected to have access, especially in medical
                                pling, a sanitary inspection is made, based                      centers and cafeterias. In the short term, 75%;
                                on some indicators: proximity to sources of                      in the long term, 95%, being 100% in medical
                                fecal contamination, color, smell, presence of                   centers and cafeterias12,28.
                                dead fish or animals, debris, etc.; thus, water                     For the sanitary sewer, some measures
                                quality can be deduced27.                                        are a priority: 1) in post-disaster assembled
                                                                                                 settlements, sanitation facilities should be
                                Sanitary sewer management in                                     established immediately; 2) to design and
                                emergency situations                                             build sanitary facility shelters after an as-
                                                                                                 sessment of the topography, location of
                                After establishing the parameters for water                      groundwater reserves to avoid contami-
                                collection and treatment, sanitary sewer                         nation; 3) to design the sanitary facilities
                                must be a priority. Some points should be                        aiming to avoid any contact with possible
                                considered, such as: socio-political issues;                     vectors; 4) to evaluate all technical options
                                area availability; soil conditions; material                     for the construction of toilets, with aimed
                                availability; cultural issues; financial issues;                 at minimizing threats to users, especially
                                human resources; system operation and                            women, children, people with mobility
                                maintenance12,28.                                                impairment and those in charge of main-
                                   The area reserved for toilets must meet                       tenance; 5) to collect data on the affected
                                some criteria, such as: distance from water                      population to build an adequate number of
                                reservoirs and water treatment units to                          toilets that minimize risks to public health
                                avoid contamination (minimum distance is                         (chart 2); 6) to include a soapy water reser-
                                50 meters); they should be installed in loca-                    voir for hand cleaning, as well as intimate
                                tions below subdivisions and water sources;                      hygiene material; 7) if possible, to accom-
                                away from roads and public buildings; outside                    modate people with chronic diseases and
                                agricultural fields; far from water, food and                    older adults closer to the toilets12,26,28.

                                Chart 2. Quality criteria, quantity and use of sewage disposal sites

                                  Criterion       Immediate                         Short Term                        Long Term

                                  Quality         Latrine with technically basic    Appropriate and sustainable       Appropriate technology;
                                                  material;                         technology such as Biodigester    Socially accepted;
                                                  Socially acceptable;              Septic Tank (BST) and Evapo-      Without Risk to Health;
                                                  Basic health protection;          transpiration Basin (ETB) up to   Up to 3 Years.
                                                  Sustainable Technology up to 1    6 months;
                                                  month.                            Socially acceptable;
                                                                                    Minimal Health Risk.

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Chart 2. (cont.)

Criterion          Immediate                             Short Term                               Long Term

Quantity           For medical centers: 1 latrine per    For medical centers: 1 toilet for        For medical centers: 1 toilet for
                   50 beds or 100 patients.              20 beds or 50 patients.                  10 beds or 20 patients.
                   For schools, 1 latrine for 50 girls   Schools: 1 toilet for 30 girls and       Schools: 1 toilet for 15 girls and
                   and 1 for 100 boys.                   60 boys.                                 30 boys.
                   Cafeterias: 1 latrine for 100         Cafeterias: 1 toilet for 50 adults       Cafeterias: 1 toilet for 20 adults
                   adults and 1 latrine for 50 chil-     and 1 toilet for 20 children.            and 1 for 10 children.
                   dren.                                                                          Offices: 1 toilet to 20 employees.

Usage              50% of the affected popula-           75% of the affected population;          95% of the affected population;
                   tion; 100% medical centers and        100% medical centers and caf-            100% medical centers and caf-
                   cafeterias.                           eterias.                                 eterias.

Source: Adapted12.

   Regarding sanitary sewer in the munici-                            Policy, Law No. 12.305, waste can be discard-
pality of Brumadinho, it was not affected                             ed materials, substances, objects or goods
by the dam rupture, although the company                              that result from community activities and
responsible, Copasa, has not yet completed                            are classified according to their origin and
the sanitation work, as provided for in the                           hazardousness29. For this discussion, we
contract.                                                             will consider only the waste from the Dam
   Proper and efficient decision-making of                            1 disruption, since the solid waste from the
emergency actions involving basic sanita-                             Municipality of Brumadinho already has
tion has great importance to public health.                           proper disposal, that is, the BHMR landfill.
Mainly, the spread of sanitation-related dis-                         Solid waste from mining activity is divided
eases is to be avoided, which are transmitted                         into: sterile and tailings. Barren are exca-
via the fecal–oral route (diarrhea, bacillary                         vated materials from mining activity in the
dysentery, shigellosis and hepatitis), skin and                       mine stripping, and are usually arranged
eye diseases (scabies and other skin infec-                           in piles. The tailings are the result of the
tions), soil (hookworm diseases), diseases                            beneficiation process to which the mineral
spread by rodents (typhus, leptospirosis and                          substances are submitted. The disposal of
bubonic plague), and also by water transmis-                          tailings in reservoirs created by dikes or
sion, vectors that reproduce in poor sanita-                          dams is the most commonly used method
tion environments (malaria, dengue, yellow                            in the country. These dams or dikes may be
fever, zika and chikungunya)28.                                       made of natural soil or constructed from the
                                                                      tailings themselves and are classified in this
Management of solid waste and                                         case as tailings-containing retention dams,
tailings in emergency situations                                      and in the other case as conventional dams30.
                                                                         For the waste from the dam rupture,
Solid waste management, as well as water                              there is no management plan for the tail-
supply and sanitary sewer, are essential in a                         ings so far. They are still at the disaster
disaster situation28.                                                 site and Vale, according to the Arsae-MG
   According to the National Solid Waste                              report, has not notified any measures for

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230      Azevedo DCB, Toledo GA, Cohen SC, Kligerman DC, Cardoso TAO

                                the final disposal of these wastes.             Final considerations
                                   According to information from the
                                State Secretariat for the Environment           The lack of adequate urban planning proves to
                                and Sustainable Development (Semad –            be an aggravating factor in disaster situations,
                                Secretaria de Estado de Meio Ambiente           as it leads to population occupation in more
                                e Desenvolvimento Sustentável), the Vale        vulnerable areas, such as river banks, hillsides
                                dam tailings have traveled for 125 km from      and areas near tailings dams.
                                the rupture site to the Paraopeba River. This      Proper management of post-disaster en-
                                river flows into the Três Marias Dam res-       vironmental sanitation is essential for public
                                ervoir, 330 km from Brumadinho. Officials       health actions, as it can minimize the impacts
                                and public agencies expect these wastes         that could aggravate the scenario in disaster
                                to be contained by the Retiro Baixo Power       situations.
                                Plant, located on the Paraopeba River (300         Another important factor that should be
                                km from the catastrophe site), thus prevent-    considered is the lack of investments in basic
                                ing pollution from reaching the Três Marias     sanitation, since every R$ 1.00 invested in
                                Lake and the São Francisco River. This mud      sanitation saves R$ 9.00 in health32. With
                                from ore tailings has a high concentration      this investment it is possible to reduce the
                                of heavy metals, which can cause a series of    incidence of diseases and make the care of
                                harms to human health, as well as irrevers-     those most affected a priority, resulting in
                                ible damage to the environment.                 optimization of time, material and labor, as
                                   As previously reported, the planning of      well as reducing hospitalizations and spend-
                                disaster risk reduction actions is critical     ing on public health.
                                to the success of life-saving activities and       In Brazil, there are 24,000 dams, accord-
                                emergency operations, as it enables them to     ing to the Dam Safety Report, of which only
                                prepare in advance the actions required to      13,997 (58%) are in good standing. Also, 204
                                minimize the impacts of disaster relief17,31.   dams have structural problems, 45 of which
                                   In emergency situations caused by a di-      are located in the state of Minas Gerais.
                                saster, such as the one in Brumadinho, it is    Emergency measures need to be carried
                                common for the water supply to be inter-        out so these dams can go through specific
                                rupted due to damage that may be caused         technical inspection processes more often,
                                to the distribution network. Therefore, the     in order to avoid other human-induced di-
                                time needed to restore conditions prior to      sasters, such as those at Brumadinho and
                                the event imply the need to carry out alter-    Mariana. Those disasters caused deaths, as
                                native ways of water supply and/or storage.     well as endangering neighboring popula-
                                The same is true for the sewage system13,16.    tions, and caused environmental degradation
                                   In Situation Report No. 01, by Arsae-MG,     in these areas. Reduction of vulnerability
                                an agency that acts in the regulation and       can be achieved through mitigation and
                                supervision of water supply and sewage ser-     preparedness measures17,24.
                                vices in the municipalities, it was informed       In the country, many factors contribute
                                that the headquarters of Brumadinho has,        to the increase of vulnerability and impacts
                                so far, a system of water supply, which is      of disasters due to lack of urban planning.
                                collected in the Águas Claras stream. The       When analyzing the vulnerability of a com-
                                information is that the water supply system     munity, human factors must be considered,
                                was interrupted only for a few hours due        as they generally influence the severity of
                                to unavailability of electricity. As soon as    a disaster.
                                electricity was restored, water distribution       Thus, in order to reduce the risk of disas-
                                was normalized19.                               ters, the relations between sanitation, public

SAÚDE DEBATE | RIO DE JANEIRO, V. 44, N. 124, P. 221-233, JAN-MAR 2020
Brumadinho disaster: contributions to public policies and sanitation management in emergency periods   231

health and the environment constitute an        quality monitoring study on the waters from
initial and important step in the develop-      the region’s watershed.
ment of a health planning model. In terms         Disasters from mining areas underline the
of plans, the identification and analysis of    importance of stricter, better structured and
the effects of implementing a particular        enforced environmental policies that promote
system—be it water supply, sewage and solid     healthy and safer environments.
waste collection/treatment—should provide
the means to establish priorities and point
the most appropriate direction, since each      Collaborators
beneficiary population has distinct char-
acteristics and sanitation actions cannot       Azevedo DCB (0000-0002-9768-4757)*,
always be oriented in the same way.             Toledo GA (0000-0002-0842-6108)*, Cohen
   Considering the severity of the event at     SC (0000-0001-6228-6583)*, Kligerman DC
the Córrego do Feijão dam, it is currently      (0000-0002-7455-7931)* and Cardoso TAO
impossible to measure the impacts caused        (0000-0002-5430-7273)* have contributed
to the springs of the affected municipali-      equally to the conception, data collection,
ties. The municipal and state spheres should    preparation and writing the draft, critical
prepare, together with the company respon-      review of content and approval of the manu-
sible for the BHMR water supply system, a       script’s final version. s

                                                                                                                               *Orcid (Open Researcher
                                                                                                                               and Contributor ID).

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232      Azevedo DCB, Toledo GA, Cohen SC, Kligerman DC, Cardoso TAO


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