Casimir effect meets the cosmological constant - Ulf Leonhardt, Weizmann Institute of Science, 5 May 2022

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Casimir effect meets the cosmological constant - Ulf Leonhardt, Weizmann Institute of Science, 5 May 2022
Casimir effect meets the cosmological constant

            Ulf Leonh rdt, Weizm nn Institute of Science, 5 M y 2022
Casimir effect meets the cosmological constant - Ulf Leonhardt, Weizmann Institute of Science, 5 May 2022
The discovery came as a complete surprise even to the Nobel Laureates themselves. What they saw would be

                       Dark energy − cosmological constant
                like throwing a ball up in the air, and instead of having it come back down, watching as it disappears more
                and more rapidly into the sky, as if gravity could not manage to reverse the ball’s trajectory. Something simi-
                lar seemed to be happening across the entire Universe.

                                                                    dark energy




                                                     acceleration                     acceleration
                           big bang                  decreases                        increases

                                      40                                                                                       dark matter
                                      20                                                                                       dark energy
l Foundation.

                                      14 billion                                         5 billion                   present
                                         years ago                                         years ago

                Figure 1. The world is growing. The expansion of the Universe began with the Big Bang 14 billion years ago, but slowed down during the
Casimir effect meets the cosmological constant - Ulf Leonhardt, Weizmann Institute of Science, 5 May 2022
Casimir effect meets the cosmological constant - Ulf Leonhardt, Weizmann Institute of Science, 5 May 2022
Casimir effect meets the cosmological constant - Ulf Leonhardt, Weizmann Institute of Science, 5 May 2022
..............................................................                                                                                                                     Reduced water potential due to
The limits to tree height                                                                                                                                                       the turgor of living plant cells that
                                                                                                                                                                                leaf expansion11. To determine if th
                                                                                                                                                                                declines with height, we estimat
George W. Koch1, Stephen C. Sillett2, Gregory M. Jennings2
                                                                                                                                                                                potentials from pressure–volume m
& Stephen D. Davis3
                                                                                                                                                                                declined linearly with height, h, as
  Department of Biological Sciences and the Merriam-Powell Center for                                                                                                           þð1:30 ^ 0:07Þ, n ¼ 4 trees, rang
Environmental Research, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona 86011,                                                                                                  0.48 MPa at 110 m. At night when
USA                                                                                                                                                                             turgor gradient was less steep,
  Department of Biological Sciences, Humboldt State University, Arcata,                                                                                                         þð1:39 ^ 0:19Þ, and turgor was
California 95521, USA                                                                                                                                                           midday.
  Natural Science Division, Pepperdine University, Malibu, California                                                                                                              Given the role of turgor in lea
90263-4321, USA                                                                                                                                                                 height may underlie the distinct ver
                                                                                                                                                                                redwoods (Fig. 2). Leaf shape varied
Trees grow tall where resources are abundant, stresses are minor,
                                                                                                                                                                                lower crown to small and scale-like
and competition for light places a premium on height growth1,2.
                                                                                                                                                                                variation in terms of the leaf mass:
The height to which trees can grow and the biophysical determi-
                                                                                                                                                                                increased exponentially over a fou
nants of maximum height are poorly understood. Some models
                                                                                                                                                                                LMA ¼ (37.1 ^ 12.3)exp(0.0260
predict heights of up to 120 m in the absence of mechanical
                                                                                                                                                                                0.0001 # P # 0.003, n ¼ 5 trees).
damage3,4, but there are historical accounts of taller trees5.
                                                                                                                                                                                the highest published value for te
Current hypotheses of height limitation focus on increasing
                                                                                                                                                                                variation in LMA has been attr
water transport constraints in taller trees and the resulting
                                                                                                                                                                                canopies13,14. In our study trees, we
reductions in leaf photosynthesis 6 . We studied redwoods
                                                                                                                                                                                (DSF), an index of direct solar ra
(Sequoia sempervirens), including the tallest known tree on
                                                                                                                                                                                photographs, decreased by 14% o
Earth (112.7 m), in wet temperate forests of northern California.
                                                                                                                                                                                decrease in height. Relative to w
Our regression analyses of height gradients in leaf functional
                                                                                                                                                                                light on LMA was small, howeve
characteristics estimate a maximum tree height of 122–130 m
                                                                                                                                                                                explained variation of within-crow
barring mechanical damage, similar to the tallest recorded trees
                                                                                                                                                                                analysis including DSF (P ¼ 0.002
of the past. As trees grow taller, increasing leaf water stress due to
                                                                                                                                                                                (P , 0.0001) as independent variab
gravity and path length resistance may ultimately limit leaf
                                                                                                                                                                                samples from five redwoods over 1
expansion and photosynthesis for further height growth, even
                                                                                                                                                                                vations (Fig. 3) also support the hy
with ample soil moisture.
                                                                                                                                                                                more important than light environ
   According to the cohesion-tension theory, water transport in
plants occurs along a gradient of negative pressure (tension) in the                                                                                                            ture in redwood: (1) leaves of a 2-m
dead, tube-like cells of the xylem, with transpiration, water adhesion                                                                                                          in soil near the top of a 95-m-t
to cell walls, and surface tension providing the forces necessary to
Casimir effect meets the cosmological constant - Ulf Leonhardt, Weizmann Institute of Science, 5 May 2022
..............................................................                                                                                                                     Reduced water potential due to
The limits to tree height                                                                                                                                                       the turgor of living plant cells that
                                                                                                                                                                                leaf expansion11. To determine if th
                                                                                                                                                                                declines with height, we estimat
George W. Koch1, Stephen C. Sillett2, Gregory M. Jennings2
                                                                                                                                                                                potentials from pressure–volume m
& Stephen D. Davis3
                                                                                                                                                                                declined linearly with height, h, as
  Department of Biological Sciences and the Merriam-Powell Center for                                                                                                           þð1:30 ^ 0:07Þ, n ¼ 4 trees, rang
Environmental Research, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona 86011,                                                                                                  0.48 MPa at 110 m. At night when
USA                                                                                                                                                                             turgor gradient was less steep,
  Department of Biological Sciences, Humboldt State University, Arcata,                                                                                                         þð1:39 ^ 0:19Þ, and turgor was
California 95521, USA                                                                                                                                                           midday.
  Natural Science Division, Pepperdine University, Malibu, California                                                                                                              Given the role of turgor in lea
90263-4321, USA                                                                                                                                                                 height may underlie the distinct ver
                                                                                                                                                                                redwoods (Fig. 2). Leaf shape varied
Trees grow tall where resources are abundant, stresses are minor,
                                                                                                                                                                                lower crown to small and scale-like
and competition for light places a premium on height growth1,2.
                                                                                                                                                                                variation in terms of the leaf mass:
The height to which trees can grow and the biophysical determi-
                                                                                                                                                                                increased exponentially over a fou
nants of maximum height are poorly understood. Some models
                                                                                                                                                                                LMA ¼ (37.1 ^ 12.3)exp(0.0260
predict heights of up to 120 m in the absence of mechanical
                                                                                                                                                                                0.0001 # P # 0.003, n ¼ 5 trees).
damage3,4, but there are historical accounts of taller trees5.
                                                                                                                                                                                the highest published value for te
Current hypotheses of height limitation focus on increasing
                                                                                                                                                                                variation in LMA has been attr
water transport constraints in taller trees and the resulting
                                                                                                                                                                                canopies13,14. In our study trees, we
reductions in leaf photosynthesis 6 . We studied redwoods
                                                                                                                                                                                (DSF), an index of direct solar ra
(Sequoia sempervirens), including the tallest known tree on
                                                                                                                                                                                photographs, decreased by 14% o
Earth (112.7 m), in wet temperate forests of northern California.
                                                                                                                                                                                decrease in height. Relative to w
Our regression analyses of height gradients in leaf functional
                                                                                                                                                                                light on LMA was small, howeve
characteristics estimate a maximum tree height of 122–130 m
                                                                                                                                                                                explained variation of within-crow
barring mechanical damage, similar to the tallest recorded trees
                                                                                                                                                                                analysis including DSF (P ¼ 0.002
of the past. As trees grow taller, increasing leaf water stress due to
                                                                                                                                                                                (P , 0.0001) as independent variab
gravity and path length resistance may ultimately limit leaf
                                                                                                                                                                                samples from five redwoods over 1
expansion and photosynthesis for further height growth, even
                                                                                                                                                                                vations (Fig. 3) also support the hy
with ample soil moisture.
                                                                                                                                                                                more important than light environ
   According to the cohesion-tension theory, water transport in
plants occurs along a gradient of negative pressure (tension) in the                                                                                                            ture in redwood: (1) leaves of a 2-m
dead, tube-like cells of the xylem, with transpiration, water adhesion                                                                                                          in soil near the top of a 95-m-t
to cell walls, and surface tension providing the forces necessary to
Casimir effect meets the cosmological constant - Ulf Leonhardt, Weizmann Institute of Science, 5 May 2022
Casimir force in nature: gecko feet
Casimir effect meets the cosmological constant - Ulf Leonhardt, Weizmann Institute of Science, 5 May 2022
Casimir effect meets the cosmological constant - Ulf Leonhardt, Weizmann Institute of Science, 5 May 2022
The discovery came as a complete surprise even to the Nobel Laureates themselves. What they saw would be

                       Dark energy − cosmological constant
                like throwing a ball up in the air, and instead of having it come back down, watching as it disappears more
                and more rapidly into the sky, as if gravity could not manage to reverse the ball’s trajectory. Something simi-
                lar seemed to be happening across the entire Universe.

                                                                    dark energy




                                                     acceleration                     acceleration
                           big bang                  decreases                        increases

                                      40                                                                                       dark matter
                                      20                                                                                       dark energy
l Foundation.

                                      14 billion                                         5 billion                   present
                                         years ago                                         years ago

                Figure 1. The world is growing. The expansion of the Universe began with the Big Bang 14 billion years ago, but slowed down during the
Casimir effect meets the cosmological constant - Ulf Leonhardt, Weizmann Institute of Science, 5 May 2022
The Cosmological Principle: homogeneity and isotropy
The Cosmological Principle: homogeneity and isotropy
Take an arbitrary point in homogeneous space
Pick another point and consider their distance a

Acceleration on particle at distance a: Gauss’ law

Acceleration on particle at distance a: Gauss’ law

Relativistic acceleration on particle at distance a

Einstein’s cosmological constant Λ - “dark energy”
Einstein’s cosmological constant Λ - “dark energy”

                  Einstein’s eld equations with cosmological term
Einstein’s cosmological constant Λ - “dark energy”
Einstein’s cosmological constant Λ - “dark energy”
Einstein’s cosmological constant Λ - “dark energy”
Einstein’s cosmological constant Λ - “dark energy”
Einstein’s cosmological constant Λ - “dark energy”

Einstein’s cosmological constant Λ - “dark energy”

                       70% of all ε at present time
The discovery came as a complete surprise even to the Nobel Laureates themselves. What they saw would be

                       Dark energy − cosmological constant
                like throwing a ball up in the air, and instead of having it come back down, watching as it disappears more
                and more rapidly into the sky, as if gravity could not manage to reverse the ball’s trajectory. Something simi-
                lar seemed to be happening across the entire Universe.

                                                                    dark energy




                                                     acceleration                     acceleration
                           big bang                  decreases                        increases

                                      40                                                                                       dark matter
                                      20                                                                                       dark energy
l Foundation.

                                      14 billion                                         5 billion                   present
                                         years ago                                         years ago

                Figure 1. The world is growing. The expansion of the Universe began with the Big Bang 14 billion years ago, but slowed down during the
The gravity of vacuum fluctuations
SOVIET PHYSICS USPEKHI                      VOLUME 11, NUMBER 3                     NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 1968


                                               Ya. B. ZEL'DOVICH
                          Institute of Applied Mathematics, USSR Academy of Sciences
                                      Usp. Fiz. Nauk 95, 209-230 (May, 1968)

I NTEREST in gravitation theory with a cosmological         of matter and of the radius of the world at the present
 constant was revived in 1967. Three papers were            time.
published, by Petrosian, Salpeter, and Szekeres in the         At first glance such an explanation is on the whole
 USA[1J and by Shklovskii [2] and Kardashev [3] in the      unlikely. It must be borne in mind, however, that other
 USSR, in which universe evolution models in such a         attempts at explaining the predominant absorption with
theory (the A models) are considered. The stimulus          z = 1.95 are at present no less far-fetched and arti-
for the revival of the theory was provided by new ob-       ficial. In a paper at the 13th Congress of the Inter-
 servational data on remote quasistellar sources            nation Astronomical Union in Prague (August 1967),
 (quasars and quasags, QSR and QSG in the English -         Burbidge spoke of z = 1.95 as an argument in favor of
 language literature)* It turned out, first of all, that    the local theory of quasars. According to the local
for these objects the connection between the brightness     theory, the distance from us to the quasars is less than
 and the red shift does not fit the simple models without   100 Mpsec, and the red shift of the emission and ab-
 a cosmological constant (and without assumptions con-      sorption lines is of gravitational origin and is connected
 cerning the evolution of the quasars!). In addition, as    with the work function of the quanta from the gravita-
 noted by the Burbidges , in ten quasars whose spectra      tional field of the quasar [ 5 j *. However, no concrete
have revealed absorption lines the red shift of these       model which yields precisely z = 1.95, or at least an
 lines z = (A - Ao)/Ao lies in the narrow range 1.94        equal value of z for the quasars with different masses
                                                            during different stages of evolution, was proposed by
The gravity of vacuum fluctuations
SOVIET PHYSICS USPEKHI                      VOLUME 11, NUMBER 3                     NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 1968


                                               Ya. B. ZEL'DOVICH
                          Institute of Applied Mathematics, USSR Academy of Sciences
                                      Usp. Fiz. Nauk 95, 209-230 (May, 1968)

I NTEREST in gravitation theory with a cosmological         of matter and of the radius of the world at the present
 constant was revived in 1967. Three papers were            time.
published, by Petrosian, Salpeter, and Szekeres in the         At first glance such an explanation is on the whole
 USA[1J and by Shklovskii [2] and Kardashev [3] in the      unlikely. It must be borne in mind, however, that other
 USSR, in which universe evolution models in such a         attempts at explaining the predominant absorption with
theory (the A models) are considered. The stimulus          z = 1.95 are at present no less far-fetched and arti-
for the revival of the theory was provided by new ob-       ficial. In a paper at the 13th Congress of the Inter-
 servational data on remote quasistellar sources            nation Astronomical Union in Prague (August 1967),
 (quasars and quasags, QSR and QSG in the English -         Burbidge spoke of z = 1.95 as an argument in favor of
 language literature)* It turned out, first of all, that    the local theory of quasars. According to the local
for these objects the connection between the brightness     theory, the distance from us to the quasars is less than
 and the red shift does not fit the simple models without   100 Mpsec, and the red shift of the emission and ab-
 a cosmological constant (and without assumptions con-      sorption lines is of gravitational origin and is connected
 cerning the evolution of the quasars!). In addition, as    with the work function of the quanta from the gravita-
 noted by the Burbidges , in ten quasars whose spectra      tional field of the quasar [ 5 j *. However, no concrete
have revealed absorption lines the red shift of these       model which yields precisely z = 1.95, or at least an
 lines z = (A - Ao)/Ao lies in the narrow range 1.94        equal value of z for the quasars with different masses
                                                            during different stages of evolution, was proposed by
The cosmological have aproblem
          Steven Weinberg
          Theory Group, Department of Physics, University of Texas, Austin, Texas 7871Z
          Astronomical observations indicate that the cosmological constant is many orders of magnitude smaller
          than estimated in modern theories of elementary particles. After a brief review of the history of this prob-
          lem, five different approaches to its solution are described.

CONTENTS                                                                       II. EARLY HISTORY

   I. Introduction
                                                                                 After completing his formulation of
  II. Early History                                                     1
                                                                              in 1915—1916, Einstein (1917) attempted
 III. The Problem                                                       2     theory to the whole universe. His guid
  IV. Supersymmetry, Supergravity,    Superstrings                      3     that the universe is static: "The most im
   V. Anthropic Considerations                                          6     we draw from experience is that the rel
      A. Mass density                                                   8     the stars are very small as compared w
      8. Ages                                                           8            "
                                                                              light. No such static solution of his
      C. Number counts                                                  8
 VI. Adjustment Mechanisms
                                                                              could be found (any more than for Ne
 VII. Changing Gravity                                                 11     tion), so he modified them by adding a
VIII. Quantum Cosmology                                                14     ing a free parameter A. , the cosmological
 IX. Outlook
                                                                      21            R„—'g    —,     R   —g„= —8e GT„

References                                                            21
                                                                               Now, for    A,   &0, there was a static soluti
The cosmological have aproblem
          Steven Weinberg
          Theory Group, Department of Physics, University of Texas, Austin, Texas 7871Z
          Astronomical observations indicate that the cosmological constant is many orders of magnitude smaller
          than estimated in modern theories of elementary particles. After a brief review of the history of this prob-
          lem, five different approaches to its solution are described.

CONTENTS                                                                       II. EARLY HISTORY

   I. Introduction
                                                                                 After completing his formulation of
  II. Early History                                                     1
                                                                              in 1915—1916, Einstein (1917) attempted
 III. The Problem                                                       2     theory to the whole universe. His guid
  IV. Supersymmetry, Supergravity,    Superstrings                      3     that the universe is static: "The most im
   V. Anthropic Considerations                                          6     we draw from experience is that the rel
      A. Mass density                                                   8     the stars are very small as compared w
      8. Ages                                                           8            "
                                                                              light. No such static solution of his
      C. Number counts                                                  8
 VI. Adjustment Mechanisms
                                                                              could be found (any more than for Ne
 VII. Changing Gravity                                                 11     tion), so he modified them by adding a
VIII. Quantum Cosmology                                                14     ing a free parameter A. , the cosmological
 IX. Outlook
                                                                      21            R„—'g    —,     R   —g„= —8e GT„

References                                                            21
                                                                               Now, for    A,   &0, there was a static soluti
The cosmological have aproblem
          Steven Weinberg
          Theory Group, Department of Physics, University of Texas, Austin, Texas 7871Z
          Astronomical observations indicate that the cosmological constant is many orders of magnitude smaller
          than estimated in modern theories of elementary particles. After a brief review of the history of this prob-
          lem, five different approaches to its solution are described.

CONTENTS                                                                       II. EARLY HISTORY

   I. Introduction
                                                                                 After completing his formulation of
  II. Early History                                                     1
                                                                              in 1915—1916, Einstein (1917) attempted
 III. The Problem                                                       2     theory to the whole universe. His guid
  IV. Supersymmetry, Supergravity,    Superstrings                      3     that the universe is static: "The most im
   V. Anthropic Considerations                                          6     we draw from experience is that the rel
      A. Mass density                                                   8     the stars are very small as compared w
      8. Ages                                                           8            "
                                                                              light. No such static solution of his
      C. Number counts                                                  8
 VI. Adjustment Mechanisms
                                                                              could be found (any more than for Ne
 VII. Changing Gravity                                                 11     tion), so he modified them by adding a
VIII. Quantum Cosmology                                                14     ing a free parameter A. , the cosmological
 IX. Outlook
                                                                      21            R„—'g    —,     R   —g„= —8e GT„

References                                                            21
                                                                               Now, for    A,   &0, there was a static soluti
The cosmological have aproblem
          Steven Weinberg
          Theory Group, Department of Physics, University of Texas, Austin, Texas 7871Z
          Astronomical observations indicate that the cosmological constant is many orders of magnitude smaller
          than estimated in modern theories of elementary particles. After a brief review of the history of this prob-
          lem, five different approaches to its solution are described.

CONTENTS                                                                       II. EARLY HISTORY

   I. Introduction
                                                                                 After completing his formulation of
  II. Early History                                                     1
                                                                              in 1915—1916, Einstein (1917) attempted
 III. The Problem                                                       2     theory to the whole universe. His guid
  IV. Supersymmetry, Supergravity,    Superstrings                      3     that the universe is static: "The most im
   V. Anthropic Considerations                                          6     we draw from experience is that the rel
      A. Mass density                                                   8     the stars are very small as compared w
      8. Ages                                                           8            "
                                                                              light. No such static solution of his
      C. Number counts                                                  8
 VI. Adjustment Mechanisms
                                                                              could be found (any more than for Ne
 VII. Changing Gravity                                                 11     tion), so he modified them by adding a
VIII. Quantum Cosmology                                                14     ing a free parameter A. , the cosmological
 IX. Outlook
                                                                      21            R„—'g    —,     R   —g„= —8e GT„

References                                                            21
                                                                               Now, for    A,   &0, there was a static soluti
The cosmological have aproblem
          Steven Weinberg
          Theory Group, Department of Physics, University of Texas, Austin, Texas 7871Z
          Astronomical observations indicate that the cosmological constant is many orders of magnitude smaller
          than estimated in modern theories of elementary particles. After a brief review of the history of this prob-
          lem, five different approaches to its solution are described.

CONTENTS                                                                       II. EARLY HISTORY

   I. Introduction
                                                                                 After completing his formulation of
  II. Early History                                                     1
                                                                              in 1915—1916, Einstein (1917) attempted
 III. The Problem                                                       2     theory to the whole universe. His guid
  IV. Supersymmetry, Supergravity,    Superstrings                      3     that the universe is static: "The most im
   V. Anthropic Considerations                                          6     we draw from experience is that the rel
      A. Mass density                                                   8     the stars are very small as compared w
      8. Ages                                                           8            "
                                                                              light. No such static solution of his
      C. Number counts                                                  8
 VI. Adjustment Mechanisms
                                                                              could be found (any more than for Ne
 VII. Changing Gravity                                                 11     tion), so he modified them by adding a
VIII. Quantum Cosmology                                                14     ing a free parameter A. , the cosmological
 IX. Outlook
                                                                      21            R„—'g    —,     R   —g„= —8e GT„

References                                                            21
                                                                               Now, for    A,   &0, there was a static soluti
A general argument? : general covariance of the vacuum
The vacuum
The vacuum state | 0⟩
Unruh-Fulling-Davies effect: view of an accelerated observer
                                                                          PUBLISHED ONLINE: 31 MARCH 2011"|"DOI: 10.1038/NPHOTON.2011.39

The Casimir effect in microstructured geometries
Alejandro W. Rodriguez1,2, Federico Capasso1* and Steven G. Johnson2

In 1948, Hendrik Casimir predicted that a generalized version of van der Waals forces would arise between two metal plates due
to quantum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field. These forces become significant in micromechanical systems at submi-
crometre scales, such as in the adhesion between movable parts. The Casimir force, through a close connection to classical pho-
tonics, can depend strongly on the shapes and compositions of the objects, stimulating a decades-long search for geometries
in which the force behaves very differently from the monotonic attractive force first predicted by Casimir. Recent theoretical
and experimental developments have led to a new understanding of the force in complex microstructured geometries, includ-
ing through recent theoretical predictions of Casimir repulsion between vacuum-separated metals, the stable suspension of
objects and unusual non-additive and temperature effects, as well as experimental observations of repulsion in fluids, non-
additive forces in nanotrench surfaces and the influence of new material choices.

     luctuation-induced electromagnetic forces between neutral           produce an induced dipole moment p2 ~ d–3 (ref. 4). Assuming
     bodies become more and more important as micromechani-              positive polarizabilities, the direction of the dipole fields means
     cal and microfluidic devices enter submicrometre scales. These      that these two dipoles are oriented so as to attract each other,
forces are known by several different names, depending on the            with an interaction energy that scales as d–6. This leads to the van
regime in which they operate, including van der Waals, Casimir–          der Waals ‘dispersion’ force, and similar considerations apply to
Polder and, more generally, Casimir forces (of which van der Waals       particles with permanent dipole moments that can rotate freely.
forces are special cases)1–4. Casimir forces arise from electromag-      The key to more general considerations of Casimir physics is to
netic waves created by quantum and thermal fluctuations5–21. The         understand that this d–6 picture of van der Waals forces makes two
dramatic progress made in the theoretical understanding and              crucial approximations that are not always valid: it employs the
measurement of Casmir forces over the past ten years may soon            quasi-static approximation to ignore wave effects, and also ignores
allow them to be exploited in novel microelectromechanical sys-          multiple scattering if there are more than two particles.
tems (MEMS) and microfluidic devices8,22–24.                                The quasi-static approximation assumes that the dipole moment
   Experimentally, Casimir forces have been measured with ever           p1 polarizes the second particle instantaneously, which is valid if d is
greater precision25–34 in microstructured geometries that increas-       much smaller than the typical wavelength of the fluctuating fields.
ingly deviate from the original parallel-plate configuration26. They     However, the finite wave propagation speed of light must be taken
have even been measured in fluids that allow the sign of the force       into account when d is much larger than the typical wavelength, as
to change35. Theoretically, the calculation of Casimir forces was tra-   shown in Fig. 1b, and it turns out that the resulting Casimir–Polder
ditionally limited to planar or near-planar geometries, but recent       interaction energy asymptotically scales as d–7 for large d (ref. 47).
                                                                                PUBLISHED ONLINE: 31 MARCH 2011"|"DOI: 10.1038/NPHOTON.2011.39

 The Casimir effect in microstructured geometries
 Alejandro W. Rodriguez1,2, Federico Capasso1* and Steven G. Johnson2

 In 1948, Hendrik Casimir predicted that a generalized version of van der Waals forces would arise between two metal plates due
 to quantum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field. These forces become significant in micromechanical systems at submi-
 crometre scales, such as in the adhesion between movable parts. The Casimir force, through a close connection to classical pho-
 tonics, can depend strongly on the shapes and compositions of the objects, stimulating a decades-long search for geometries
 in which the force behaves very differently from the monotonic attractive force first predicted by Casimir. Recent theoretical
 and experimental developments have led to a new understanding of the force in complex microstructured geometries, includ-
 ing through recent theoretical predictions of Casimir repulsion between vacuum-separated metals, the stable suspension of
 objects and unusual non-additive and temperature effects, as well as experimental observations of repulsion in fluids, non-
 additive forces in nanotrench surfaces and the influence of new material choices.

      luctuation-induced electromagnetic forces between neutral produce an induced dipole moment p2 ~ d–3 (ref. 4). Assuming
      bodies become more and more important as micromechani- positive polarizabilities, the direction of the dipole fields means
      cal and microfluidic devices enter submicrometre scales. These that these two dipoles are oriented so as to attract each other,
 forces are known by several different names, depending on the with an interaction energy that scales as d–6. This leads to the van
 regime in which they operate, including van der Waals, Casimir– der Waals ‘dispersion’ force, and similar considerations apply to
 Polder and, more generally, Casimir forces (of which van der Waals particles with permanent dipole moments that can rotate freely.
 forces are special cases)1–4. Casimir forces arise from electromag- The key to more general considerations of Casimir physics is to
 netic waves created by quantum and thermal fluctuations5–21. The understand that this d–6 picture of van der Waals forces makes two
 dramatic progress made in the theoretical
                                                       understanding and crucial approximations that
                                          PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
                                                                                                               are not always valid: it employs the
                                                                                                             6 JANUARY 1997
 measurement of Casmir forces over the past ten years may soon quasi-static approximation to ignore wave effects, and also ignores
 allow them to be exploited in novel microelectromechanical sys- multiple scattering if there are more than two particles.
 tems (MEMS) and microfluidic devices8,22–24.                                        The quasi-static approximation assumes that the dipole moment
                       Demonstration         of the  Casimir      Force  in  the  0.6  to 6 mm Range
    Experimentally, Casimir forces have been measured with ever p1 polarizes the second particle instantaneously, which is valid if d is
 greater precision25–34 in microstructured geometries           that increas- much smaller than the typical wavelength of the fluctuating fields.
                                                        S. K. Lamoreaux*
 ingly deviate from the original parallel-plate configuration26. They However, the finite wave propagation speed of light must be taken
                   Physics Department, University of Washington, Box 35160, Seattle, Washington 98195-1560
 have even been measured in fluids that allow         the sign28ofAugust
                                                   (Received             1996) into account when d is much larger than the typical wavelength, as
                                                                    the force
 to change35. Theoretically, the calculation of Casimir forces was tra- shown in Fig. 1b, and it turns out that the resulting Casimir–Polder
               The vacuum stress between closely spaced conducting surfaces, due to the modification of the zero-
 ditionally limited   to planar   or  near-planar  geometries,     but recent     interaction energy  asymptotically
             point fluctuations of the electromagnetic field, has been conclusively demonstrated. The measurement
                                                                                                                     scales as d –7
                                                                                                                                    for large d (ref. 47).
Precision measurements and manipulations of Casimir forces

                                                                             Fig. 1. Stable Casimir equilibrium enabled by a low–refractive index
                                                                             coating layer. (A) By coating a thin layer of Teflon on a gold substrate, a stable
                                                                             Casimir equilibrium is formed so that a gold nanoplate can be trapped at an
       R ES E A RC H                                                         equilibrium position in ethanol. (B) Casimir interaction energy between the gold

       PHYSICS                                                                                          forces can be repulsive at short separation dis-
                                                                             Zhao et al., Science 364,     984–987
                                                                                                        tances          (2019)
                                                                                                               and attractive          7 June 2019
                                                                                                                               at long distances.
                                                                                                           Stable Casimir equilibria were predicted in
       Stable Casimir equilibria                                                                        theory by arranging one of the interacting ob-
                                                                                                        jects enclosed by another (16, 17) so that the

       and quantum trapping                                                                             surrounding repulsive Casimir forces could
                                                                                                        shroud the object at the center. This special
                                                                                                        topological requirement limits possible applica-
       Rongkuo Zhao1*, Lin Li1*, Sui Yang1*, Wei Bao1*, Yang Xia1, Paul Ashby2,                         tions and also makes experimental verification
       Yuan Wang1, Xiang Zhang1,3†                                                                      extremely difficult. Because Casimir forces at large
                                                                                                        separations are mainly contributed by low electro-
       The Casimir interaction between two parallel metal plates in close proximity is usually thought  magnetic frequencies and at small separations
       of as an attractive interaction. By coating one object with a low–refractive index thin film, we by high frequencies, a stable Casimir equilibrium
Optical analogue of expanding, spatially flat universe

Lifshitz theory
Renormalization: bare vacuum energy is infinite
S | FOCUS                                      NATURE PHOTONICS DOI: 10.1038/NPHOTON.2011.39

               b Casimir–Polder (waves/retardation)                         c Casimir effect (macroscopic bodies)

              Wave effects
     p2                                                     p2

                                               Multiple scattering


Waals, Casimir–Polder and Casimir forces, whose origins lie in the quantum fluctuations of dipoles.
 ting electromagnetic dipole field, which in turn induces a fluctuating dipole p2 on a nearby particle, leading to van
  When the particle spacing is large, retardation/wave effects modify the interaction, leading to Casimir–Polder
 ract, the non-additive field interactions lead to a breakdown of the pairwise force laws. c, In situations consisting
 ween the many fluctuating dipoles present within the bodies leads to Casimir forces.

   the contribution of the elec-        U ~ −p (E − E0), which is finite even for a point dipole (whereas
  oint energy (U) of the parallel       E and E0 themselves diverge at the source point). This energy must
S | FOCUS                                         NATURE PHOTONICS DOI: 10.1038/NPHOTON.2011.39
            Renormalization: compare vacuum energy at finite distance
                  b Casimir–Polder (waves/retardation)                      c Casimir effect (macroscopic bodies)

              Wave effects
     p2                                                        p2

                                                  Multiple scattering


Waals, Casimir–Polder and Casimir forces, whose origins lie in the quantum fluctuations of dipoles.
 ting electromagnetic dipole field, which in turn induces a fluctuating dipole p2 on a nearby particle, leading to van
  When the particle spacing is large, retardation/wave effects modify the interaction, leading to Casimir–Polder
 ract, the non-additive field interactions lead to a breakdown of the pairwise force laws. c, In situations consisting
 ween the many fluctuating dipoles present within the bodies leads to Casimir forces.

  the contribution of the elec-            U ~ −p (E − E0), which is finite even for a point dipole (whereas
 oint energy (U) of the parallel           E and E0 themselves diverge at the source point). This energy must
 d an attractive force between             be integrated over fluctuations at all frequencies, multiplied by an
 netic modes that have nodes               appropriate frequency distribution such as a Bose–Einstein dis-
vity, the mode frequencies (ω)             tribution, which includes the effects of thermal fluctuations at
he plates, giving rise to a pres-          non-zero temperatures. The key fact is that computing Casimir
                                           interactions reduces to solving classical scattering problems, and
                                           this fact carries over to more general problems involving interac-
      –27     2                            tions between macroscopic bodies — such bodies consist of many
S | FOCUS                                       NATURE PHOTONICS DOI: 10.1038/NPHOTON.2011.39
             Renormalization: compare vacuum energy at finite distance
                b Casimir–Polder (waves/retardation)                         c Casimir effect (macroscopic bodies)

              Wave effects
     p2                                                      p2

                                                Multiple scattering
                                                                                                    NATURE PHOTONICS DOI: 10.1038/NPHOTON.2011.39
                         c Casimir effect (macroscopic bodies)
            a van der Waals (quasistatic fields)                       b Casimir–Polder (waves/retardation)                      c Casimir effect (macroscopic bodies)
Waals, Casimir–Polder and Casimir forces, whose origins lie in the quantum fluctuations
                                                                                                of dipoles.
 ting electromagnetic dipole field, which in turn induces a fluctuating dipole p2 on a nearby particle, leading to van
  When the particle spacing is large, retardation/wave effects modify Wavethe
                                                                               interaction, leading to Casimir–Polder
  p2         Fluctuating
 ract, the non-additive  field interactions lead to a breakdown of the pairwise force laws. c, In situationspconsisting
             dipole                                                                                           2
 ween the many fluctuating dipoles present within the       bodies leads to Casimir forces.
    p2 contribution of the elec-
                                       p1 U ~ −p (E − Ep0), which is finite even for a point dipole (whereas
 oint energy (U) of the parallel         E and E0 themselves diverge at the source point). This energy must

    an attractive force between          be integrated over fluctuations at all frequencies, multiplied by an
                                                                                                  Multiple scattering
 netic modes that have nodes             appropriate frequency distribution such as a Bose–Einstein                dis-
vity, the mode frequencies (ω)           tribution, which includes the effects of thermal    p3
                                                                                                   fluctuations at
he plates, giving rise to a pres-        non-zero temperatures. The key fact is that computing Casimir
                                         interactions reduces to solving classical scattering problems, and
 origins lie in the quantum fluctuations of dipoles.
                                         this van
            Figure 1 | Relationship between   factder
                                                      Waals,over  to more general
                                                              Casimir–Polder       problems
                                                                             and Casimir forces,involving    interac-
                                                                                                 whose origins     lie in the quantum fluctuations of dipoles.
 duces a fluctuating dipole p2 on a nearby particle, leading to van
      –27   a, A                         tionsabetween
               2 fluctuating dipole p induces             macroscopic
                                                fluctuating             bodies
                                                            electromagnetic     —field,
                                                                            dipole suchwhich
                                                                                          bodies  consist
                                                                                              in turn inducesof many
                                                                                                                a fluctuating dipole p on a nearby particle, leading to van
Einstein’s field equations: all energy is supposed to curve space-time

                      All energy should gravitate
No gravity from the bare vacuum.
No evidence for the bare vacuum.

 Neither does it do mechanical
      work nor gravitate.
Casimir cosmology: turn from space
S | FOCUS                                      NATURE PHOTONICS DOI: 10.1038/NPHOTON.2011.39

               b Casimir–Polder (waves/retardation)                         c Casimir effect (macroscopic bodies)

              Wave effects
     p2                                                     p2

                                               Multiple scattering


Waals, Casimir–Polder and Casimir forces, whose origins lie in the quantum fluctuations of dipoles.
 ting electromagnetic dipole field, which in turn induces a fluctuating dipole p2 on a nearby particle, leading to van
  When the particle spacing is large, retardation/wave effects modify the interaction, leading to Casimir–Polder
 ract, the non-additive field interactions lead to a breakdown of the pairwise force laws. c, In situations consisting
 ween the many fluctuating dipoles present within the bodies leads to Casimir forces.

   the contribution of the elec-        U ~ −p (E − E0), which is finite even for a point dipole (whereas
  oint energy (U) of the parallel       E and E0 themselves diverge at the source point). This energy must
Casimir cosmology: turn from space to time

         NATURE PHOTONICS DOI: 10.1038/NPHOTON.2011.39
ardation)                                      c Casimir effect (macroscopic bodies)
         Multiple scattering
es, whose origins lie in the quantum fluctuations of dipoles.
  in turn induces a fluctuating dipole p2 on a nearby particle, leading to van
ardation/wave effects modify the interaction, leading to Casimir–Polder
 lead to a breakdown of the pairwise force laws. c, In situations consisting
 ent within the bodies leads to Casimir forces.
  ~ −p (E − E0), which is finite even for a point dipole (whereas
 and E0 themselves diverge at the source point). This energy must
e integrated over fluctuations at all frequencies, multiplied by an
ppropriate frequency distribution such as a Bose–Einstein dis-
 ibution, which includes the effects of thermal fluctuations at
on-zero temperatures. The key fact is that computing Casimir
 teractions reduces to solving classical scattering problems, and
  is fact carries over to more general problems involving interac-
ons between macroscopic bodies — such bodies consist of many
uch dipoles, and correspondingly one must solve many scattering
roblems for many current sources or incident waves. This has
  ree consequences, which are discussed in more detail below.
 rst, it is evident that standard computational techniques from
 assical electromagnetism can be used to solve for the Green’s
  nction and hence the Casimir energy, although many classical
roblems must be solved to yield a single U. Second, the non-
dditivity is clear because classical scattering involves solving
Casimir cosmology: continuous n(t)
Surprises in Casimir physics with three students and a postdoc

   William Simpson   Itay Griniasty   Yael Avni   Efi Shahmoon
   PhD student       PhD student      Masters     postdoc
   2010-14           2013-19          2015-17     2014
Two years of work in solitude
Casimir force in cosmology?
Some say in ice…”*

  *Robert Frost, Fire and Ice
What’s the difference?
                                What is the fate of the Universe? Probably it will end in ice if we are to believe this year’s Nobel Laureates.
                                They have carefully studied several dozen exploding stars, called supernovae, in faraway galaxies and
                                have concluded that the expansion of the Universe is speeding up.

                                The discovery came as a complete surprise even to the Nobel Laureates themselves. What they saw would be
                                like throwing a ball up in the air, and instead of having it come back down, watching as it disappears more
                                and more rapidly into the sky, as if gravity could not manage to reverse the ball’s trajectory. Something simi-
                                lar seemed to be happening across the entire Universe.

                                                                                dark energy




                                                                 acceleration                     acceleration
                                         big bang                decreases                        increases

                                                    40                                                                                   dark matter
                                                    20                                                                                   dark energy

                                                    14 billion                                       5 billion                 present
Equivalence principle: space-time is the same for everything
Equivalence principle: space-time is the same for everything

 Horizon                                               Planck
The result(s)

  UL, Ann. Phys. (NY) 411, 167972 (2019)

  D. Berechya & UL, MNRAS 507, 3473 (2021)

  UL 2022
Renormalised vacuum energy depends on changes in n

      NATURE PHOTONICS DOI: 10.1038/NPHOTON.2011.39
ardation)                                                      c Casimir effect (macroscopic bodies)
     Multiple scattering
es, whose origins lie in the quantum fluctuations of dipoles.
  in turn induces a fluctuating dipole p2 on a nearby particle, leading to van
ardation/wave effects modify the interaction, leading to Casimir–Polder
 lead to a breakdown of the pairwise force laws. c, In situations consisting
 ent within the bodies leads to Casimir forces.
  ~ −p (E − E0), which is finite even for a point dipole (whereas
 and E0 themselves diverge at the source point). This energy must
e integrated over fluctuations at all frequencies, multiplied by an
ppropriate frequency distribution such as a Bose–Einstein dis-
 ibution, which includes the effects of thermal fluctuations at
on-zero temperatures. The key fact is that computing Casimir
 teractions reduces to solving classical scattering problems, and
  is fact carries over to more general problems involving interac-
ons between macroscopic bodies — such bodies consist of many
uch dipoles, and correspondingly one must solve many scattering
roblems for many current sources or incident waves. This has
  ree consequences, which are discussed in more detail below.
 rst, it is evident that standard computational techniques from
 assical electromagnetism can be used to solve for the Green’s
  nction and hence the Casimir energy, although many classical
The anomaly
PH   YSICAI, RK VIE% 0                           Vol       UME      17,    5 UMBER 6                               15 MARCH 1978

          Trace anomaly of a conformally invariant quantum field in curved spacetime

                                                            Robert M. %aid
                                Enrico Fermi Institute,     University of Chicago,   Chicago, Illinois 60637
                                                          {Received 19 August 1977)

           %e    analyze a point-separation prescription for renormalizing the stress-energy operator T„„ofa quantum
          field in curved spacetime, based on the assumption that the expectation value G(x, x')         =
                                                                                                       (+(x)iIi(x ') + P(x ')~Ii(x))
          has the form of a Hadamard elementary solution. An error is pointed out in the work of Adler, Lieberman,
          and Ng: The "locally determined" piece G~(x, x') and "boundary-condition-dependent"         piece    6(x, x')
          of G(x, x') do not separately satisfy the wave equation in x', as required in their proof of the
          conservation of the boundary-condition-dependent     contribution to T„„.This error affects the point-separation
          renormalization prescription given in my previous paper describing an axiomatic approach to stress-energy
          renormalization. It is now seen that this prescription yields a stress-energy tensor whose divergence is not
          zero but is the gradient of a local curvature term, However, this deficiency can be corrected by subtracting
          off this local curvature term times the metric tensor; as a direct consequence the trace of T„, becomes
          nonvanishing. Given this result it is shown that any prescription for renormalizing            T,
                                                                                                        which is consistent
          with conservation (axiom 3), causality (axiom 4), and agreement with the formal expression for the matrix
          element between orthogonal states (axiom 1) must yield precisely this trace, modulo the trace of a conserved
          local curvature term. Hence, for consistency with the first four axioms and dimensional considerations, we
          find that the trace of the stress tensor of the conformally          invariant scalar field must be T"„
          =                  ~ ~C           ~R —                                                    R. This confirms
Energy conservation: a thermodynamic argument
Energy conservation: a thermodynamic argument
Energy conservation: a thermodynamic argument

The anomaly: a thermodynamic argument

n)                                        c Casimir effect (macroscopic bodies)
ultiple scattering
 ose origins lie in the quantum fluctuations of dipoles.
 n induces a fluctuating dipole p2 on a nearby particle, leading to van
on/wave effects modify the interaction, leading to Casimir–Polder
 o a breakdown of the pairwise force laws. c, In situations consisting
ithin the bodies leads to Casimir forces.
Casimir cosmology: astrophysics, analogues & more

                       Itai Efrat    Nikolay Ebel
       Dror Berechya
                       Masters       Masters
       Masters 2020
                       2019-21       2020-
       PhD student
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 104, 235432 (2021)
Editors’ Suggestion

                  Van der Waals anomaly: Analog of dark energy with ultracold atoms

                                                 Itai Y. Efrat    and Ulf Leonhardt
                  Department of Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 761001, Israel

            (Received 16 September 2021; revised 5 December 2021; accepted 7 December 2021; published 27 December 2021)

              In inhomogeneous dielectric media the divergence of the electromagnetic stress is related to the gradients of
           ε and µ, which is a consequence of Maxwell’s equations. Investigating spherically symmetric media we show
           that this seemingly universal relationship is violated for electromagnetic vacuum forces such as the generalized
           van der Waals and Casimir forces. The stress needs to acquire an additional anomalous pressure. The anomaly
           is a result of renormalization, the need to subtract infinities in the stress for getting a finite, physical force. The
           anomalous pressure appears in the stress in media like dark energy appears in the energy-momentum tensor in
           general relativity. We propose and analyze an experiment to probe the van der Waals anomaly with ultracold
           atoms. The experiment may not only test an unusual phenomenon of quantum forces but also an analog of dark
           energy, shedding light where nothing is known empirically.

           DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.104.235432

                      I. INTRODUCTION                                    vanish, and the stress would get lost in renormalization. So
Comparison with astronomical data
MNRAS 507, 3473–3485 (2021)                                                         
Advance Access publication 2021 August 6

Lifshitz cosmology: quantum vacuum and Hubble tension
Dror Berechya               and Ulf Leonhardt‹
Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 7610001, Israel

                                                                                                                                       Downloaded from
Accepted 2021 August 9. Received 2021 June 15; in original form 2020 November 24

Dark energy is one of the greatest scientific mysteries of today. The idea that dark energy originates from quantum vacuum
fluctuations has circulated since the late ’60s, but theoretical estimations of vacuum energy have disagreed with the measured
value by many orders of magnitude, until recently. Lifshitz theory applied to cosmology has produced the correct order of
magnitude for dark energy. Furthermore, the theory is based on well-established and experimentally well-tested grounds in
atomic, molecular and optical physics. In this paper, we confront Lifshitz cosmology with astronomical data. We find that the
dark–energy dynamics predicted by the theory is able to resolve the Hubble tension, the discrepancy between the observed
and predicted Hubble constant within the standard cosmological model. The theory is consistent with supernovae data, Baryon
Acoustic Oscillations and the Cosmic Microwave Background. Our findings indicate that Lifshitz cosmology is a serious
candidate for explaining dark energy.
Comparison with Pantheon supernova data





                                                RMSD   CDM   = 0.22
                                                RMSDLT = 0.15

     0.0          0.1          0.2        0.3                         0.4


                         Hubble diagram
Casimir cosmology: continuous n(t), varying Λ
parameter w is model-dependent and                           data that may perhaps reveal systematic                                    CM
         w = –1 corresponds to a cosmological                         errors or shortcomings of the standard                                     the
         constant) along the way. The model                           six-parameter model?                                                       met
         calibrated on early-Universe observations                        Several talks meeting
                                                                                          addressed thereport
                                                                                                           first question.                       nex
         predicts the present-day value of several                    In addition to the well-known small                                        the
COSMOLOGYcosmological parameters, some of which                       difference between the inference of H0 from                                that
         can be empirically measured locally                          low- and high-angular-resolution Planck                                    of o
Tensions between the early and late Universe
         (for z < 1) with little or no model                          and Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe                                   para
         dependence.     In  particular,     the model                data,  all of the early-Universe
A Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics workshop in July 2019 directed attention to the Hubble constant
                                                                                                          data   seem to                         som
discrepancy.           withshowed
              New results    data from
                                    that it the
                                                 not appear to depend be
                                                        mission          consistently
                                                                      on the             predicting
                                                                             use of any one          a low
                                                                                            method, team     value of H0.
                                                                                                          or source.                             or n
Proposed predicts
           solutionsthe  Hubble
                     focused       constant,
                              on the            today’s era.
                                     pre-recombination                The Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT)                                      won
         expansion rate, to a remarkable                              and the South Pole Telescope (SPT) are in                                  earl

         early a century of cosmological          1% precision, 67.4 ± 0.5 km s–1 Mpc–1.           agreement with Planck, and any CMB data
         research has led us to a standard        Is this whole story right?                       used to calibrate the sound horizon and
         model         ASTRONOMY
                 of cosmology, the Λ cold| VOL 3 | OCTOBER      2019
                                                      The simplest  test| 891–895    |
                                                                          of this paradigm, from   subsequently the BAOs leads to a low H0
dark matter model, or ΛCDM, with its              end to end, is to compare the absolute scale     of ~67–68.5 km s–1 Mpc–1, even without
six free parameters and several ansatzes.         provided through the application of early-       Planck. A completely independent and
This model is dominated by dark                   Universe physics (for example, the physical      statistically consistent value of H0 can be
components (energy and matter) with still         size of the sound horizon used to interpret      obtained by using light-element abundances
uncertain physics. With some simplifying          the CMB and BAOs) to the absolute scale          to calibrate the sound horizon, BAOs and
assumptions about the uncertain bits, the         measured by the Hubble constant in the           other lower-redshift probes.
version of the model calibrated on physics        local, late-time Universe. Because the              As far as the second question is
prior to recombination (63% dark matter,          Universe has only one true scale, and            concerned, some curiosities among high-
15% photons, 10% neutrinos and 12%                in light of the uncertain physics of the         redshift probes at the level of ~2σ were
atoms) is used to predict the physical size of    dark sector, comparing the two calibrated        identified. The most compelling ones
density fluctuations in the plasma — that is,     at opposite ends of the Universe’s history       appear to be the departure from unity of
how far sound, or any perturbation in the         is natural and potentially insightful.           the nuisance parameter Alens, which is used
photon–baryon fluid, could have travelled         (To determine whether a measurement              to match CMB anisotropies (temperature
from the beginning of the Universe to             is truly derived from the ‘early’ or ‘late’      fluctuations around z ≈ 1,000) and
recombination — the sound horizon and its         Universe it is necessary to trace back its       CMB-lensing data (from the deflection of
overtones, as well as the primordial baryon       chain of calibration — a useful check is to      CMB photons by gravitational masses,
density. By comparing the fluctuation             determine whether or not it depends on, for      such as clumps of dark matter). If


Indirect determination of Hubble constant from
        Cosmic Microwave Background

E. Di Valentino,
MNRAS 502,
2065 (2021)
Correlations in the Cosmic Microwave Background


DT T [µK2 ]




               600                                               60
               300                                               30

                 0                                               0
              -300                                               -30
              -600                                               -60
                     2   10   30   500   1000   1500   2000   2500
Correlations in the Cosmic Microwave Background



DT T [µK2 ]



              1000                                                     d = 46.2 Gly
                 0                                                     t = 13.8 Gy
               600                                               60
               300                                               30

                 0                                               0
              -300                                               -30
              -600                                               -60
                     2   10   30   500   1000   1500   2000   2500
Correlations in the Cosmic Microwave Background



DT T [µK2 ]




               600                                               60
               300                                               30

                 0                                               0
              -300                                               -30
              -600                                               -60
                     2   10   30   500   1000   1500   2000   2500
Observed Hubble constant is consistent with Lifshitz theory




             65                                                 Lifshitz theory

              0.00         0.01           0.02         0.03       0.04           0.05

                  Direct measurements of H0 usinge various metods:
                     Cepheids - SN Ia            TRGB - SN Ia     Tully Fisher

                     SBF          SN II      Time-delay Lensing
                                       10 theories

                                                                            Classical and Quantum Gravity
Class. Quantum Grav. 38 (2021) 153001 (110pp)            

                  Topical Review

In the realm of the Hubble tension—a
review of solutions
                  Eleonora Di Valentino1,∗∗ , Olga Mena2 , Supriya Pan3 , Luca
                           4                5                            6
                  Visinelli , Weiqiang Yang , Alessandro Melchiorri ,
                               7                8,9                8,10,11
                  David F Mota , Adam G Riess and Joseph Silk
                    Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology, Department of Physics, Durham
                  University, Durham DH1 3LE, United Kingdom
                    IFIC, Universidad de Valencia-CSIC, 46071, Valencia, Spain
                    Department of Mathematics, Presidency University, 86/1 College Street, Kolkata
10 theories, new fields, new GR, new cosmology

                                                                                  Classical and Quantum Gravity
      Class. Quantum Grav. 38 (2021) 153001 (110pp)            

                        Topical Review

      In the realm of the Hubble tension—a
      review of solutions
                        Eleonora Di Valentino1,∗∗ , Olga Mena2 , Supriya Pan3 , Luca
                                 4                5                            6
                        Visinelli , Weiqiang Yang , Alessandro Melchiorri ,
                                     7                8,9                8,10,11
                        David F Mota , Adam G Riess and Joseph Silk
                          Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology, Department of Physics, Durham
                        University, Durham DH1 3LE, United Kingdom
                          IFIC, Universidad de Valencia-CSIC, 46071, Valencia, Spain
                          Department of Mathematics, Presidency University, 86/1 College Street, Kolkata
No new fields.
No new fields, but new ideas in fields as old as QED
No new fields, but new ideas in fields as old as QED

                 Why only QED?
No new fields, but new ideas in fields as old as QED

                 Why only QED?
                 Experimental tests?
No new fields, but new ideas in fields as old as QED

                 Why only QED?
                 Experimental tests?
                 Astronomical tensions?
No new fields, but new ideas in fields as old as QED

                 Why only QED?
                 Experimental tests?
                 Astronomical tensions?
No new fields, but new ideas in fields as old as QED

                 Why only QED?
                 Experimental tests?
                 Astronomical tensions?
Some say in ice…”*

*Robert Frost, Fire and Ice
                              What is the fate of the Universe? Probably it will end in ice if we are to believe this year’s Nobel Laureates.
                              They have carefully studied several dozen exploding stars, called supernovae, in faraway galaxies and
                              have concluded that the expansion of the Universe is speeding up.

                              The discovery came as a complete surprise even to the Nobel Laureates themselves. What they saw would be
                              like throwing a ball up in the air, and instead of having it come back down, watching as it disappears more
                              and more rapidly into the sky, as if gravity could not manage to reverse the ball’s trajectory. Something simi-
                              lar seemed to be happening across the entire Universe.

                                                                              dark energy




                                                               acceleration                     acceleration
                                       big bang                decreases                        increases

                                                  40                                                                                   dark matter
                                                  20                                                                                   dark energy

                                                  14 billion                                       5 billion                 present
Some say in ice…”*

*Robert Frost, Fire and Ice
Let there be light!
                              What is the fate of the Universe? Probably it will end in ice if we are to believe this year’s Nobel Laureates.
                              They have carefully studied several dozen exploding stars, called supernovae, in faraway galaxies and
                              have concluded that the expansion of the Universe is speeding up.

                              The discovery came as a complete surprise even to the Nobel Laureates themselves. What they saw would be
                              like throwing a ball up in the air, and instead of having it come back down, watching as it disappears more
                              and more rapidly into the sky, as if gravity could not manage to reverse the ball’s trajectory. Something simi-
                              lar seemed to be happening across the entire Universe.

                                                                              dark energy




                                                               acceleration                     acceleration
                                       big bang                decreases                        increases

                                                  40                                                                                   dark matter
                                                  20                                                                                   dark energy

                                                  14 billion                                       5 billion                 present
You can also read