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LOCAL EXPERTISE – ACROSS GERMANY                                                                                                                                     MARKET REPORT | LOGISTICS/INDUSTRIAL/STORAGE | INVESTMENT/LETTING 2017/2018

As leading commercial real estate companies of our respective      one service provider for all your commercial real estate
regions, we have joined forces to form a nationwide real estate    needs in Germany: from us. Thanks to our network and our
network. We are four strong partners.                              respective market positions, we have excellent knowledge
                                                                   of locations and priority market access across Germany.
With offices in Hamburg and Berlin, Grossmann & Berger pro-
vides real estate services in Northern Germany, while E & G Real   Our staff members have been with our companies for many
Estate with branch offices in Stuttgart and Munich takes care      years, making German Property Partners a very reliable     LOCAL EXPERTISE - ACROSS GERMANY
of Southern Germany. ANTEON Immobilien is your partner for         partner.
the property market of Düsseldorf and the surrounding region                                                                  GERMAN PROPERTY PARTNERS
and GREIF & CONTZEN Immobilien is always on top of things re-
garding the metropolitan region of Cologne and Bonn.                                                                          Dear Readers,

Our goal is to provide outstanding services in all of Ger-                                                                    The investment market for industrial and logistics pro-                                  and warehouse letting markets. The investment topics are
many’s most important property regions through our                                                                            perties reached unprecedented heights in 2017, due to                                    further complemented by an account of the development
German Property Partners network. What makes our ser-                                                                         sales of a number of major portfolios comprising pro-                                    of land prices.
vices so special is that you are able to seek advice from                                                                     perties across the country. Various property transac-
                                                                                                                              tions in all size categories took place in the top seven                                 This market analysis is made possible through the coope-
                                                                                                                              cities Hamburg, Berlin, Düsseldorf, Cologne, Frankfurt,                                  ration of leading commercial real estate service providers
 Partners                                                                                                                     Stuttgart and Munich and the respective surrounding re-                                  from Northern, Central and Southern Germany in the
                                                                                                                              gions. The interest of German and foreign investors in this                              German Property Partners (GPP) network. Thanks to our
Grossmann & Berger                          ANTEON                                                                            asset class continues to increase - and so does their wil-                               detailed local market expertise, we have access to data
The real estate consultancy firm with       ANTEON is an owner-managed real                                                   lingness to pay high prices.                                                             for the logistics regions that include the surrounding re-
experience stretching back for over         estate consultancy firm that specia-                                                                                                                                       gions as well as the respective central cities.
80 years is among the leading service       lises in brokering rental and investment                                          In this market report, we are going to provide you with an
providers for sale and letting of com-      transactions for commercial, logistics                                            overview of the market situation in the seven logistics re-                              We hope that you will find this report an informative and
mercial and residential properties in       and residential properties. ANTEON is                                             gions listed above for the entire year of 2017. In addition                              insightful read. We would also be pleased to get in touch
Northern Germany, and is an affiliate       also a leading provider of property mar-                                          to a comparison and summary of these locations we are                                    with you personally and to offer support regarding any in-
of the HASPA group of companies.            keting, project support and research                                              going to take an in-depth look at the individual investment                              dividual real estate related matters.
                                                                                                                              TOP 7............................................................................... 4   Guido Nabben
GREIF & CONTZEN                             E & G Real Estate                                                                 HAMBURG....................................................................... 8         Spokesman for German Property Partners
The owner-managed service company           With many years of experience in the                                              BERLIN.......................................................................... 10
has been providing consultancy,             areas of commercial and residential                                               DÜSSELDORF................................................................ 12
evaluation, brokering and management        property investments as well as com-                                              COLOGNE....................................................................... 14
services for commercial and residential     mercial letting of office, retail, indus-                                         FRANKFURT.................................................................. 16
properties in the metropolitan region of    trial and logistics space, E & G Real                                             STUTTGART................................................................... 18
Cologne | Bonn for around 40 years, and     Estate is among the leading real estate                                           MUNICH......................................................................... 20
is experienced in the entire value chain    service providers in Southern Germany.
of real estate transactions.

LOCAL EXPERTISE – ACROSS GERMANY                                                                                                                                                                MARKET REPORT | LOGISTICS/INDUSTRIAL/STORAGE | INVESTMENT/LETTING 2017/2018

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      TOP 7
FACTS & FIGURES 2017/Q1-4                                                                                                                                                                   KEY FIGURES 2017/Q1-4

      Investment: Largest transactions                                                                       Letting: The largest contracts
      per region based on floor space                                                                        per region
                                                                                                                                                                                            HAMBURG                                                                                                                                 BERLIN
                             Business park in Schenefeld,                                                                           Holsten brewery, approx. 24,000 m²                      1   5.80 €/m²                                                                                                                            1   5.00 €/m²
       Hamburg                                                                                                 Hamburg                                                                      2   4.25 €/m²                                                                                                                            2   4.30 €/m²
                             42,200 m², buyer: Sirius Real Estate                                                                   warehouse space in Hamburg-Hausbruch
                                                                                                                                                                                            3   4.60 %                                                                                                                               3   4.50 %
                             Logistics facility in Nauen, 44,000 m²,                                                                Asos, approx. 47,000 m² warehouse                       4   200-240 €/m²                                                                                                                         4   60-170 €/m²
       Berlin                                                                                                  Berlin
                             buyer: China Investment Corporation                                                                    space in Großbeeren                                     5   130-150 €/m²                                                                                                                         5   55-140 €/m²
                                                                                                                                                                                            6   60-85 €/m²                                                                                                                           6   30-90 €/m²
                             Logistics centre in Mönchengladbach,                                                                   Amazon, approx. 152,000 m² warehouse
       Düsseldorf                                                                                              Düsseldorf
                             64,000 m², buyer: RLI Investors                                                                        space in Mönchengladbach
                             Logistics centre in Bedburg, 100,000 m²,                                                               Papyrus Deutschland, approx. 22,000 m²
       Cologne                                                                                                 Cologne
                             buyer: China Investment Corporation                                                                    warehouse space in Cologne-Niehl
                             Logistics centre in Bodenheim, 41,000 m²,                                                              BLG Logistics, approx. 64,000 m²
       Frankfurt                                                                                               Frankfurt                                                                    1   5.40 €/m²
                             buyer: AXA Investment Managers                                                                         warehouse space in Frankfurt-Fechenheim                 2   4.60 €/m²
                             Logistics centre in Ludwigsburg,                                                                       BOSCH, approx. 38,000 m² warehouse                      3   4.75 %
       Stuttgart                                                                                               Stuttgart                                                                    4   300-350 €/m²
                             27,000 m², buyer: RLI Investors                                                                        space in Tamm
                                                                                                                                                                                            5   200-250 €/m²
                             Logistics centre in Eching, 35,500 m²,                                                                 Rhenus SE & Co. KG, approx. 41,500 m²                   6   70-90 €/m²
       Munich                                                                                                  Munich
                             buyer: China Investment Corporation                                                                    warehouse space in Munich-Neufahrn

 Key Figures Top 7

                                               Hamburg                Berlin          Düsseldorf            Cologne            Frankfurt           Stuttgart       Munich       Top 7
                                                                                                                                                                                            COLOGNE                                                                                                                                 FRANKFURT
                                   2017             4.60 %              4.50 %              4.75 %              4.70 %              4.60 %              4.50 %      4.40 %     Ø 4.58 %
                                                                                                                                                                                            1   5.00 €/m²                                                                                                                            1   6.20 €/m²
    Net prime                      2016             4.90 %               5.10 %             4.95 %              5.00 %              5.00 %              5.10 %      5.00 %     Ø 5.01 %     2   4.80 €/m²                                                                                                                            2   5.40 €/m²
                                                                                                                                                                                            3   4.70 %                                                                                                                               3   4.60 %
                                change              -0.30 pp            -0.60 pp            -0.20 pp           -0.30 pp             -0.40 pp           -0.60 pp     -0.60 pp     -0.43 pp   4   130-185 €/m²                                                                                                                         4   230-330 €/m²
                                                                                                                                                                                            5   80-145 €/m²                                                                                                                          5   65-235 €/m²
                                   2017                  240                 170                 350                 185                 330                 410       700     max. 700     6   70-100 €/m²                                                                                                                          6   50-190 €/m²
    Land prices
      city area                    2016                  230                 150                 300                 160                 300                 360       550     max. 550
    (max., €/m²)           Year-on-year
                                change                 +4 %              +13 %               +17 %               +16 %               +10 %               +14 %       +27 %

                                   2017                  150                 140                 250                 145                 235                 300       660     max. 660
    Land prices
    surrounding                    2016                  140                 130                 200                 130                 230                 240       380     max. 380
       region                                                                                                                                                                               STUTTGART                                                                                                                               MUNICH
    (max., €/m²)           Year-on-year
                                                       +7 %                +8 %              +25 %               +12 %                +2 %              +25 %        +80 %
                                                                                                                                                                                            1   6.50 €/m²                                                                                                                            1   6.80 €/m²
                                change                                                                                                                                                      2   6.50 €/m²                                                                                                                            2   6.10 €/m²
                                   2017           450,000             480,400              437,000            280,000             659,000             409,800      271,000     2,987,200    3   4.50 %                                                                                                                               3   4.40 %
                                                                                                                                                                                            4   260-410 €/m²                                                                                                                         4   390-700 €/m²
    Take-up of                     2016           665,000             434,500             275,000             200,000             701,300             241,000      321,000     2,838,000    5   150-300 €/m²                                                                                                                         5   175-660 €/m²
    space (m²)
                                                                                                                                                                                            6   30-170 €/m²                                                                                                                          6   125-430 €/m²
                                change                -32 %              +11 %               +59 %               +40 %                 -6 %              +70 %       -16 %          5%

                                   2017                 5.80                5.00                5.40                5.00                6.20                6.50       6.80       Ø 5.81
  Prime rent *
    city area                      2016                 5.80                4.90                5.60                5.00                6.10                6.50       6.80       Ø 5.81
 (€/m²/month)              Year-on-year                                                                                                                                                                              KEY FIGURES INVESTMENT/LETTING:
                                change                   0%                +2 %                -4 %                  0%               +2 %                   0%        0%           0%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       1 Prime rent logistics* (city area)                                             4 Land prices** (city area)
                                   2017                 4.25                4.30                4.60                4.80                5.40                6.50       6.10       Ø 5.14
  Prime rent *
  surrounding                                                                                                                                                                                                          2 Prime rent logistics* (surrounding region)                                    5 Land prices** (surrounding region)
                                   2016                 4.25                4.20                4.60                4.50                5.40                6.75       6.00       Ø 5.10
 (€/m²/month)              Year-on-year                                                                                                                                                                                3 Net prime yield                                                               6 Land prices** (greater area)
                                change                   0%                +2 %                  0%                +7 %                  0%                -4 %       +2 %         +1 %
* Logistics: min. 5,000 m², 10 m height to lower edge roof trusses, min. 1 dock loading bay / 1,000 m², state-of-the-art, new building or first letting period                                                 * Logistics:min. 5,000 m², 10 m height to lower edge roof trusses, min. 1 dock loading bay / 1,000 m², state-of-the-art, new building or first letting period
                                                                                                                                                                                                               ** Land: commercial / industrial area, from 1 hectare, developed, contamination-free, virtually rectangular in shape

4    Source: German Property Partners (GPP)/bulwiengesa for Berlin, Frankfurt and Munich                                                                                                                                                                               Source: German Property Partners (GPP)/bulwiengesa for Berlin, Frankfurt and Munich               5

LOCAL EXPERTISE – ACROSS GERMANY                                                                                                                                                MARKET REPORT | LOGISTICS/INDUSTRIAL/STORAGE | INVESTMENT/LETTING 2017/2018

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      TOP 7
INVESTMENT                                                                                                                                                   LETTING
Thanks to a number of sales of large, nationwide logistics                                average yield gap to office buildings has decreased from           The seven top markets achieved a combined take-up of             AVAILABLE AND VACANT SPACE
property portfolios in the past year, investment transac-                                 150 to 132 base points. At 60 base points, the decrease            around 3.0 million square metres of warehouse space              In 2017, all seven top markets were characterised by
tions in this segment have reached an unprecedented                                       of prime yields was particularly noticeable in Berlin,             in 2017. This corresponds to an increase by around 5 %           scarce availability of space that failed to sufficiently cater
scale in Germany’s seven top markets of Hamburg, Berlin,                                  Stuttgart and Munich. The highest sales prices were                compared to 2016. The percentage of owner-occupiers              for the demand. Demand has been excessive, on the one
Düsseldorf, Cologne, Frankfurt, Stuttgart and Munich.                                     achieved in Munich, where yields are down to just 4.40 %.          remained relatively stable at around 22 %.                       hand, in the segment of large, modern warehouse units.
                                                                                          At the other end of the scale, there are Düsseldorf and Co-                                                                         This was the case in Stuttgart, for example. In Düsseldorf
INVESTMENT PROPERTIES                                                                     logne with returns of 4.75 % and 4.70 % respectively.              TAKE-UP OF SPACE                                                 and Cologne, on the other hand, there has been a lack of
The take-over of the logistics platform Logicor by China In-                                                                                                 The largest take-up of warehouse space was realised in           warehouse units of less than 2,000 m². Development pro-
vestment Corporation involved particularly big properties in                              LAND PRICES                                                        the logistics region of Frankfurt, with around 659,000 m².       jects for new buildings played an important part in most of
the regions of Berlin, Cologne, Frankfurt and Munich. These                               The lack of available land has caused purchasing prices            Figures for space let or dedicated to owner-occupation in        the regions when it came to covering companies’ demand
transactions are among the biggest sales that occurred                                    for industrial building land to increase further in the com-       Stuttgart, Düsseldorf and Berlin range between 410,000 and       for large units. The biggest facility completed in 2017 were
in each of these regions in the past year. This is especially                             mercial and industrial areas of the seven top markets in           480,000 square metres. 280,000 m² and 271,000 m² respec-         around 64,000 m² for Amazon in Logistikpark Hamburg 1
true for a 100,000 m² warehouse in Bedburg near Cologne.                                  2017. In Stuttgart, Düsseldorf and Cologne, the highest            tively were taken up in Cologne and Munich. This corresponds     in Winsen. Nevertheless, plots of land that are suitable for
In the course of the portfolio sale by REIT Hansteen to the                               prices realised have increased by double-digit percen-             to double-digit year-on-year growth rates of up to 70 %          building new warehouses have become rare even in the
joint venture of Blackstone and M7 Real Estate, individual                                tages. The highest prices achieved in Hamburg increased            in Stuttgart, Düsseldorf, Cologne and Berlin. Demand for         surrounding communities of Hamburg and a number of
or multiple logistics facilities changed hands in almost all of                           by between around 4 % and 9 %, depending on the location.          space from retail companies and logistics service providers      other towns in the greater area.
the seven top markets. One of the biggest properties of the                                                                                                  made up around 30 % of the overall turnover of space in each
portfolio with 30,000 square metres of warehouse space is                                 OUTLOOK                                                            of the seven regions. Large units of more than 10,000 m²         OUTLOOK
located near Düsseldorf. In Hamburg, the highest sales price                              The continuously strong pressure to invest in the capital          accounted for almost half of the total take-up. However, a si-   According to economic forecasts, the economic upswing in
in this market segment was realised with the “Magnet Port-                                markets is pushing investors towards the real estate in-           gnificant share of 32 % was also contributed by small to me-     Germany is going to continue in 2018 and there are going to
folio” which comprises around 27,600 m² of space, located on                              vestment market. Yields in the asset class of industrial           dium-sized units of up to 5,000 m².                              be further stimuli from abroad. It is therefore to be expected
the street Essener Bogen, with a price in the mid-double-digit                            and logistics properties are on a relatively high level,                                                                            that demand for industrial and logistics space is generally
million euro range. The biggest individual sale in the economic                           despite the fact that purchasing prices have meanwhile             RENTS                                                            going to be high. However, in Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart
region of Stuttgart concerned a logistics property in Lud-                                increased. Interest from investors is expected to intensify        The average prime rent for the seven logistics regions, for      and Munich in particular, the take-up of space is going to
wigsburg with around 27,000 square metres of warehouse                                    further in 2018, as a result. It is therefore likely that yields   large-scale warehouse units with more than 5,000 m² re-          be limited by a lack of available space. There are even signs
space. RLI Investors bought the property from alstria REIT-AG.                            are going to decrease further over the course of the year.         mained on the same level in 2017 as in the previous year,        that companies from the economic region of Stuttgart may
                                                                                          However, this development is expected to be less pro-              at around € 5.80/m²/month. Rents increased slightly in           choose to move to other metropolitan areas. In Berlin, Co-
YIELDS                                                                                    nounced than it was in 2017. The overall transaction               Berlin and Frankfurt, by around 2.0 % and 1.6 % respec-          logne and Frankfurt, it is becoming apparent that the share
There has been a further significant increase in 2017, when                               volume is going to decrease, as it is unlikely that there are      tively. Prime rents ranged between €5.00/m²/month in             of space taken up in the respective surrounding regions is
it comes to the willingness among institutional investors                                 going to be portfolio transactions on a similar scale as           Berlin and Cologne through to €6.50/m²/month and €6.80/          going to increase owing to the better availability of space
for industrial and logistics properties to pay high prices.                               last year. Owing to the scarcity of land, the upward trend         m²/month in Stuttgart and Munich. Median rents in the            outside of the city areas. In most locations it appears likely
On average, net prime yields have decreased in the seven                                  of prices for industrial building land is going to continue in     regions surrounding the top 7 cities were around €4.50/          that slight increases of rent can be realised over the course
top markets from 5.01 % to 4.58 % over the past year. The                                 most of the seven top locations.                                   m²/month on average.                                             of the year, owing to the scarcity of available space.

    TOP 5 transactions in the TOP 7 cities (based on floor space)                                                                                               Take-up of space by industry                                      Take-up of space by unit size

                                                                                                                                                                                  10 %           12 %
             Region                 Property/location                     Buyer                      Seller                         Floor space
                                                                                                                                                                                  21 %
                                    Logistics centre,                     China Investment                                                                                                       26 %                                                      49 %                 47 %
       1     Cologne                                                                                 Logicor - Blackstone           100,000 m²
                                    Bedburg                               Corporation
                                    Logistics centre,                                                                                                                             33 %
       2     Düsseldorf                                                   RLI Investors              Redevco                        64,000 m²                                                    30 %
                                    Mönchengladbach                                                                                                                                                                                                                             21 %
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           22 %
                                    Logistics facility,                   China Investment
       3     Berlin                                                                                  Logicor - Blackstone           44,000 m²                                                                                                                                   11 %
                                    Nauen                                 Corporation                                                                                                                                                                      14 %
                                                                                                                                                                                  36 %           31 %                                                                           12 %
                                    Business park,                                                                                                                                                                                                         11 %
       4     Hamburg                                                      Sirius Real Estate         Unknown (equity fund)          42,200 m²                                                                                                                                    9%
                                    Schenefeld                                                                                                                                                                                                              5%
                                                                                                                                                                                  2016            2017                                                      2016                 2017
                                    Central warehouse,                    China Investment
       5     Berlin                                                                                  Logicor - Blackstone           42,000 m²                       Logistics service providers / transport      Retail             up to 1,000 m²      up to 3,000 m²     up to 5,000 m²
                                    Berlin-Buch                           Corporation
                                                                                                                                                                    Industrial / production / craft businesses   Other                       up to 10,000 m²      from 10,001 m²

6   Source: German Property Partners (GPP)/bulwiengesa for Berlin, Frankfurt and Munich                                                                                                                                         Source: German Property Partners (GPP)/bulwiengesa for Berlin, Frankfurt and Munich   7

LOCAL EXPERTISE – ACROSS GERMANY                                                                                                                                                              MARKET REPORT | LOGISTICS/INDUSTRIAL/STORAGE | INVESTMENT/LETTING 2017/2018


                                                                                                       Bad Oldesloe
                                           € 3.00 – € 5.00 /m2      Norderstedt             € 3.00 – € 5.00 /m2
                                                                                                Ahrensburg                                                         Compared to the extraordinary results of the year                harbour (Hamburg South) and to a certain extent in Bill-
                                                                                                                                                                   before, take-up of industrial, storage and logistics space       brook/Allermöhe (Hamburg East).
                                               Halstenbek                                         1                                                                in Hamburg and the surrounding region has decreased
                                                                                                                                                                   by almost one third. At 450,000 m², take-up was signifi-         AVAILABLE SPACE
                                                    Schenefeld                         Stapelfeld                                                                  cantly lower than the record figure of the previous year         Over the past few years, the availability of space has
                                                                   HAMBURG              Barsbüttel                                                                 (665,000 m²), but on a similar level as in 2013 and 2014.        decreased steadily and there is a lack of suitable plots for
                                                      23                                   24                                                                      The share of owner-occupiers rose from 18 to 27 %.               property development projects.

                                                           € 4.50 – € 5.80 /m2                   Reinbek                 Schwarzenbek                              TAKE-UP OF SPACE                                                 OUTLOOK
                           Buxtehude      Neu Wulmstorf                          25
                                                                                                                                                                   In 2017 there was no transaction that could be compared          Owing to the lack of available space, take-up is likely to be
                                                                                                               € 2.50 – € 5.50 /m2
                                                                                                                                                                   to the Amazon deal in 2016 (around 64,000 m²). The two           on a similar scale in 2018 as it was in 2017. With two spe-
                                                           7                                                    Geesthacht                                         biggest units taken up in 2017 were accounted for by the         culative new building projects in the harbour area and a
                               € 2.50 – € 4.50 /m
                                                2                                                                                                                  commencement of construction of two buildings for ow-            number of large, immediately available existing units, the
                                                                        Seevetal                                                                                   ner-occupation. The brewery Holsten took up around 24,000        market continues to be dynamic, while the demand is high.
                                                                    1                   Winsen (Luhe)                                                              m² in the commercial district Hausbruch (Heykenaukamp,
                                                                                                                                                                   Hamburg South). On Kuehnstrasse in Jenfeld (Hamburg                TOP 3 PROJECTS COMPLETED IN 2017
                                                      Buchholz                                                                                                     North-East), Olympus Deutschland expanded their de-
                                                      in der Nordheide                € 2.50 – € 4.50 /m   2
                                                                                                                                            city area
                           1                                                                                                                                       velopment and production centre by around 20,000 m².               1. WINSEN - Logistikpark Hamburg 1, for Amazon,
                                                                                                                                            surrounding region
                                                                                                               39                                                  Just as in the previous year, the biggest share of the take-up     approx. 64,000 m² warehouse space
                                                                                                                                          customary rents for      (34 %) was accounted for by the segment of units of more           2. HAMBURG-BILLBROOK - Still logistics centre,
                                                                                                                                          units of 500 m² and up
                                                                                                                                                                   than 10,000 m². Unlike 2016, however, retail was under-re-         approx. 27,000 m² warehouse space
                                                                                                                                                                   presented with a share of just 20 % in 2017 (down from 44 %).      3. HAMBURG-WALTERSHOF - Goodman Interlink for
                                                                                                                                                                   Instead, the market was dominated by the logistics and             unknown tenant, approx. 14,000 m² warehouse space
                                                                                                                                                                   forwarding industries with a share of 36 % and the area of

INVESTMENT                                                                                                                                                         production/industrial/crafts with 33 %. Furthermore, the
                                                                                                                                                                   distribution of take-up was reversed compared to the year
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      TOP 3 UNITS TAKEN UP

HAMBURG                                                                                                                                                            before: Hamburg accounted for 67 % and the surrounding             1. HOLSTEN-BRAUEREI, HAMBURG SOUTH approx. 24,000 m²
                                                                                                                                                                   region for 33 % of space taken up.                                 warehouse space, owner-occupier, start of construction Q4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2. OLYMPUS DEUTSCHLAND, HAMBURG EAST approx. 20,000 m²
The asset class of logistics properties is affected by                  of around 5 %. Land prices in the region surrounding                                       RENTS                                                              warehouse space, owner-occupier, start of construction Q4
the general scarcity of products available in Hamburg’s                 Hamburg ranged between €130 and €150.                                                      Compared to the previous year, the average rent increased          3. PROP AND COSTUME DEPOT FOR THE HAMBURG
investment market. An overall transaction volume                                                                                                                   to €4.90/m²/month, while the prime rent remained stable            STATE OPERA, HAMBURG EAST
(Hamburg excluding the surrounding region) of only                      OUTLOOK                                                                                    at €5.80/m²/month. Prime rents are realised in the vicinity        approx. 17,300 m² warehouse space, Q1
around 65 million euros was registered in 2017. This cor-               The ongoing scarcity of available products may continue                                    of Schnackenburgallee (Hamburg West), in the area of the
responds to a year-on-year decrease of 58 %. The share                  to curb the development of the transaction volume. Land
of the total volume dropped from 10 to 2 %.                             prices are likely to remain on a high level. Pressure on                                      Take-up of space by industry                                     Take-up of space by unit size
                                                                        yields is going to continue, and yields are therefore likely
DEVELOPMENT OF YIELDS                                                   to be compressed further.
Further pressure on yields is exerted by the demand
surplus in the logistics segment. The net prime yield
                                                                                                                                                                                            11 %                                                                   6%
decreased further compared to the year before. It
dropped from 4.9 % to currently 4.6 % for industrial,                                                                                                                                                                                                                    16 %
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      34 %
storage and logistics properties and could be realised in                                                                                                                                                 36 %
the sub-markets of Hamburg East (Billbrook/Allermöhe)                     TOP 3 TRANSACTIONS BASED ON UNIT SIZE
                                                                                                                                                                                     33 %                                                                                  13 %
and Hamburg South (Veddel).
                                                                          1. SCHENEFELD, approx. 42,200 m² warehouse space,
LAND PRICES                                                               buyer: Sirius Real Estate, Q3                                                                                            20 %                                                         31 %
Land prices increased in all parts of Hamburg and the                     2. HAMBURG-LANGENHORN, Magnet Portfolio,
surrounding region since the previous year. The highest                   approx. 27,600 m² warehouse space, buyer: PGIM Real Estate, Q2
prices were paid in the city area of Hamburg (sub-markets                 3. NORDERSTEDT, Casio European headquarters, approx.
Hamburg East and South) with between €200 and €240/                       25,300 m² warehouse space, buyer: Berenberg Real Estate, Q1                                     Logistics service providers / transport      Retail            up to 1,000 m²      up to 3,000 m²     up to 5,000 m²
m², which corresponds to a year-on-year increase                                                                                                                          Industrial / production / craft businesses   Other                      up to 10,000 m²      from 10,001 m²

8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                9

LOCAL EXPERTISE – ACROSS GERMANY                                                                                                                                               MARKET REPORT | LOGISTICS/INDUSTRIAL/STORAGE | INVESTMENT/LETTING 2017/2018

                                                                 Oranienburg                11
                                                                                                                                                     BERLIN                                                                                                     Author: bulwiengesa
                                                       € 3.30 – € 5.10 /m2

                              € 3.40 – € 4,50 /m2                                                                                                    A total of 480,400 m² of storage and warehouse space           to be very important, in order to create new available space.
                                                            Henningsdorf                                                                             was let in the logistics region of Berlin in 2017. Very
                                       Nauen                  111              114                                                                   strong growth could be observed compared to the pre-           OUTLOOK
                                                     Falkensee                                                                                       vious year.                                                    As designated sites for storage and warehouse space
                                            10                                                        Neuenhagen                                                                                                    are severely limited within the city area of Berlin, availa-
                                                                      BERLIN                          bei Berlin                                     TAKE-UP OF SPACE                                               bility and demand are going to be focused mostly in the
                                                                  € 2.80 – € 6.40 /m2                                                                There was a very high take-up of space in the past year,       surrounding region. Once again, demand for smaller units
                                                           115                                                                                       with a total of 480,400 m² of warehouse space. The unit        of less than 3,000 m² and demand for large units of more
                                                                    103       100                        10
                                                                                                                                                     let to the British online retail company Asos accounted        than 10,000 m² is going to be of particular significance
                                                    Potsdam                                                                                          for around 10 % of the total annual take-up. The retail in-    in 2018. Rising rental levels are to be expected in the city
                                                                                                                                                     dustry was the most important group of demanders, ac-          area and on the outskirts.
                                                        € 3.30 – € 5.10 /m2                                                                          counting for some 43 %, followed by the logistics and
                                                                                        113                                   12                     transport industry (25 %). Owner-occupation is less signi-
                                  10                             Ludwigsfelde                     Königs Wusterhausen
                                                                                                                                                     ficant in Berlin than in other markets. Around 85 % of the
                                                                                                                                                     total take-up of space in 2017 were let and around 11 %
                                        9                                                                                                            were built for owner-occupation. Take-ups of units of more       TOP 3 PROJECTS COMPLETED IN 2017
                                                                          € 3.40 – € 4.50 /m2                              city area                 than 10,000 m² accounted for around 40 % of the total ta-
                                                                                                                           surrounding region        ke-up. Furthermore, smaller lettings of storage and logi-        1. GROSSBEEREN - for Asos,
                                                                                                 13                        and connected areas
                                                                                                                                                     stics units of less than 1,000 m² in commercial estates,         approx. 47,000 m² warehouse space
                                                                                                                        customary rents for          contributed a significant share of transactions, at 30 %.        2. BERLIN-SPANDAU - expansion for BMW plant,
                                                                                                                        units of 500 m² and up
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      approx. 35,000 m² warehouse space
                                                                                                                     © Greif & Contzen/bulwiengesa   RENTS                                                            3. TREBBIN - central warehouse Porta Möbel,
                                                                                                                                                     The prime rent in the city area of Berlin was around €5.00/      approx. 25,000 m² warehouse space
                                                                                                                                                     m²/month, owing to high demand paired with scarce availa-

INVESTMENT                                                                                                                                           bility of space. The average rent was around €4.40/m²/month.
                                                                                                                                                     Average rents of €4.10 and €3.90/m²/month respectively could
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      TOP 3 UNITS TAKEN UP

BERLIN                                                                                                             Author: bulwiengesa               be registered in the surrounding region and connected areas.     1. ASOS, GROSSBEEREN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      approx. 47,000 m² warehouse space, Q2
                                                                                                                                                     AVAILABLE SPACE                                                  2. DM-DROGERIE MARKT, WUSTERMARK
The four transactions for logistics portfolios with pro-            OUTLOOK                                                                          There has been a strong demand surplus in Berlin’s storage       approx. 25,000 m² warehouse space, Q1
perties all across Germany contributed to a significant             The compression of net prime yields in Berlin’s logistics                        and warehouse space market. Newly developed properties           3. BLG LOGISTICS, FALKENSEE
increase of the transaction volume in the logistics region          property market continued in 2017. Higher purchasing                             could be marketed quickly and featured only an insignificant     approx. 22,000 m² warehouse space, Q2
of Berlin. It is in particular due to the ongoing upward            prices have become financially feasible, due to the current                      share of vacant units. Newly constructed buildings continue
trend in the area of e-commerce that investors are fo-              economically favourable low-interest phase. However,
cused in particular on small to medium-sized storage                they have reached a level that only allows for slight further
and logistics properties.                                           reductions of yields. Considering the low availability of                           Take-up of space by industry                                   Take-up of space by unit size
                                                                    space and the growing demand, it is to be expected, ne-
DEVELOPMENT OF YIELDS                                               vertheless, that prices will increase slightly in 2018.
The compression of yields is an ongoing process in Berlin.
While rents for storage and warehouse space increased,
purchasing prices increased even more. The net prime
                                                                                                                                                                         24 %              25 %
yield decreased considerably compared to the previous                                                                                                                                                                                                    30 %
year, dropping by 60 base points and reaching a record low
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     41 %
of 4.50 % in 2017.                                                        TOP 3 TRANSACTIONS BASED ON UNIT SIZE

LAND PRICES                                                               1. NAUEN, logistics facility, approx. 44,000 m² warehouse                                                                                                                      13 %
Purchasing prices for building land of up to €170 /m² were                space, buyer: China Investment Corporation, Q2                                                            43 %                                                     7% 9%
registered in Berlin’s city area, owing to a low availability             2. BERLIN-BUCH, central warehouse, approx. 42,000 m²
of space, paired with strong demand. In the surrounding                   warehouse space, buyer: China Investment Corporation, Q2
region and in connected areas, land was sold for prices                   3. KETZIN, transshipment facility, approx. 13,000 m²
ranging between € 55 and €140 /m² and between € 30 and                    warehouse space, buyer: Frasers Centrepoint Limited                               Logistics service providers / transport      Retail          up to 1,000 m²      up to 3,000 m²     up to 5,000 m²
€90 /m² respectively.                                                                                                                                       Industrial / production / craft businesses   Other                    up to 10,000 m²      from 10,001 m²

10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               11

LOCAL EXPERTISE – ACROSS GERMANY                                                                                                                                                            MARKET REPORT | LOGISTICS/INDUSTRIAL/STORAGE | INVESTMENT/LETTING 2017/2018


                                                      € 3.75 – € 4.80 /m2

                                                                Krefeld                                       € 3.50 – € 5.30 /m2                                           DÜSSELDORF
                                                                      € 4,00 – € 5,00 /m2
                                                                                                                  Ratingen                                                  A total of around 437,000 m² of warehouse space were            of available modern units of around 700 m² and up in com-
                                                                                                             44      3                                                      taken up in the logistics region of Düsseldorf in 2017.         mercial estates. Units in the smaller segment of around
                                                               Willich            Meerbusch                                                                      1          This corresponds to an increase of 59 % since the pre-          400 m² were even harder to come by.
                                                     € 3.50 – € 4.60 /m2                                                                                                    vious year (2016: 275,000 m²).
                                                                            52           DÜSSELDORF                                                                                                                                         OUTLOOK
                                                                                                                                                                            TAKE-UP OF SPACE                                                The supply situation is going to remain tense in 2018, with
           52              Mönchengladbach                                                    € 4.00 – € 5.40 /m2          € 3.00 – € 5.10 /m2
                                                                                                                                                                            Retail companies accounted for half of the total space          continuously strong demand. This is going to lead to a
                                                                                 Neuss                                                                                      taken up (50 %). This was due in particular to the 152,000 m²   slight increase of rents for modern existing units that are
                           € 3.50 – € 4.50 /m   2
                                                                                                                                                                            logistics unit let to Amazon in Mönchengladbach. Logi-          available at short notice. Potential for new property de-
                                                                         € 4.00 – € 4.60 /m   2
                                                                                                                                                                            stics service providers and industrial / production busi-       velopments is limited by a lack of available building land.
                                                                                                                                                                            nesses followed on ranks two and three. Owner-occupiers         A total take-up of around 300,000 m² is forecast for 2018.
                                                                                                                             (Rheinland)                                    made up around 24 % of the market.
                                                                                                                             € 3.00 – € 4.50 /m2                            RENTS
                                    61                                                                                                                                      The prime rent of €5.40/m² was realised in a property
                                                      € 3.50 – € 4.80 /m2
                                                                                                                                                                            development project in Düsseldorf-Heerdt. The average             TOP 3 PROJECTS COMPLETED IN 2017
     46                                                                                                                                                                     rent for modern and functional existing properties re-
                                                                                                                                                     city area
                                                                                                                                                                            mained stable compared to the year before at €4.50/m².            1. KREFELD - for Expeditors,
                                  44                                                                                                                 surrounding region
                                                                                                                                                                            Facilities in mint condition in the region surrounding Düs-       approx. 16,900 m²
                                                                                                                    57                             customary rents for      seldorf were let for up to €4.60/m²/month and for around          2. DÜSSELDORF-HEERDT - for Rhenus home Delivery,
                                                                                                                                                   units of 500 m² and up
                                                                                                                                                                            €4.00/m²/month on average.                                        approx. 12,000 m² warehouse space
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              3. DÜSSELDORF-HAFEN - for neska,
                                                                                                                                                                            AVAILABLE SPACE                                                   approx. 10,500 m² warehouse space
                                                                                                                                                                            Functional logistics space in existing properties cont-

          INVESTMENT                                                                                                                                                        inued to be scarce in 2017. This was the case in particular
                                                                                                                                                                            for coherent units from about 3,000 m² and up that made
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              TOP 3 UNITS TAKEN UP

          DÜSSELDORF                                                                                                                                                        up a large share of the potential demand. Property de-            1. AMAZON, MÖNCHENGLADBACH
                                                                                                                                                                            velopment projects became more important, as a result.            approx. 152,000 m² warehouse space, Q4
                                                                                                                                                                            However, these failed to cater sufficiently for the high          2. IMPERIAL INDUSTRIAL LOGISTICS, KREFELD
          The investment market for logistics properties was do-                         OUTLOOK                                                                            demand. One of the reasons for this was that such units           approx. 21,000 m² warehouse space, Q1
          minated by high-volume portfolio transactions and                              Based on the latest forecasts, net initial yields are going to                     were often not available for moving in, in line with pros-        3. SPEDITION BÖNDERS , GREVENBROICH
          the take-over of entire platforms. This led to a record                        continue to decrease and to settle at about 4.6 % or even                          pective tenants’ requirements, as they frequently needed          approx. 12,000 m² warehouse space, Q4
          transaction volume of around 256 million euros that cor-                       4.4 %. The scarcity of available products across various                           space at short notice. Furthermore, there has been a lack
          responds to a year-on-year increase of approx. 42 % in                         segments and the continuously high demand are going to
          Düsseldorf, too.                                                               provide for a dynamic investment market this year once
                                                                                         again. Investors are going to comply with short reaction                              Take-up of space by industry                                    Take-up of space by unit size
          DEVELOPMENT OF YIELDS                                                          times and to accept high purchasing prices. Further lar-
          The continuously high demand paired with a lack of avai-                       ge-scale portfolio transactions are expected to take place                                                       1%                                                              2%
          lable products led to a steady decrease of the prime yield                     in 2018; it is therefore likely that the transaction volume
          for logistics properties to around 4.75 %. Core and core                       will be on a similar level as in 2017.                                                                                                                                             5%
          plus transactions continued to be on a low level in terms                                                                                                                                12 %                                                                          8%
          of yields. It was very noticeable that investors were under
          strong pressure to invest.                                                                                                                                                                               37 %
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   15 %
                                                                                                  TOP 3 TRANSACTIONS BASED ON UNIT SIZE
          LAND PRICES
          Purchasing prices for development sites in the city area of                             1. MÖNCHENGLADBACH, logistics centre, approx.                                                 50 %                                                           71 %
          Düsseldorf rose to up to €350/m². An analogous trend could                              64,000 m² warehouse space, buyer: RLI Investors, Q3
          be observed in the immediate vicinity of the city, where                                2. HILDEN, approx. 30,000 m² warehouse space,
          prices of up to €250/m² were realised. Prices in the greater                            buyer: Blackstone / M 7 Real Estate, Q2
          area remained largely stable at €70 to €90/m². On the whole,                            3. NEUSS, approx. 29,000 m² warehouse space,
          it can be said that there has been a noticeable increase of                             buyer: Institutional investor, Q4                                                Logistics service providers / transport      Retail           up to 1,000 m²      up to 3,000 m²     up to 5,000 m²
          prices across all sub-markets.                                                                                                                                           Industrial / production / craft businesses   Other                     up to 10,000 m²      from 10,001 m²

          12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             13

LOCAL EXPERTISE – ACROSS GERMANY                                                                                                                                                   MARKET REPORT | LOGISTICS/INDUSTRIAL/STORAGE | INVESTMENT/LETTING 2017/2018

                         46               57
                                                                 59         3

                                                     Dormagen                                           1
                                  € 2.40 – € 4.70 /m2            Monheim
                                                                             € 2.80 – € 4.40 /m2
                                                                                 Leverkusen                                                                    LETTING
               Bedburg                                                                       Bergisch Gladbach
44                                                           1
                                                                                                                                                               A total take-up of around 280,000 m² of warehouse                 Space that is available in property development projects is
               61                                                                                                                     4
                         Bergheim                                                                  € 2.50 – € 4.20 /m2                                         space was realised in the logistics region of Cologne in          very important for potential tenants, as a result.
                                                                            COLOGNE                                                                            2017. This corresponds to an increase of 40 % compared
                                                 4                                                                                                             to the previous year.                                             OUTLOOK
                                               Frechen                 € 3.80 – € 5.00 /m2                                                                                                                                       The ongoing economic upswing is going to continue driving
                    € 2.90 – € 4.50 /m2                                                             3
                                                             Hürth                                                                                             TAKE-UP OF SPACE                                                  the demand for space in 2018. The majority of transactions
                                  Kerpen                                                                                                                       This growth is based on a number of letting contracts con-        is going to take place in the surrounding region, owing to the
                                                                                                                                                               cluded for large units as well as on construction measures        scarcity of space available within Cologne’s city area. State-
                                                             Brühl                           59                                                                regarding facilities for owner-occupation with more than          of-the-art warehouse space is currently being provided to
                                               Erftstadt                   Wesseling               Troisdorf                                                   10,000 m². The paper manufacturer Papyrus Deutschland,            the market in the form of a number of property development
                                                                                                                                                               the IT service provider Computacenter and the online retailer     projects. However, these cater mostly for users that re-
                                                                                                                                                               benuta took up the biggest units of around 22.000 m² each         quire large units of more than 5,000 m². Rents may increase
                                                                       € 3.50 – € 4.50 /m2
                                                                                                                                                               in Cologne-Niehl, Kerpen and Dormagen. Construction mea-          further in 2018, especially in the city area of Cologne.
                                                                                                                                                               sures and property purchases by owner-occupiers account
                                                                                                   BONN                                                        for about 16 % of the total take-up of space. Retail companies,
                                                                                                                                                               in particular from the field of e-commerce, were the biggest        TOP 3 PROJECTS COMPLETED IN 2017
                                                                                                                                                               group of demanders at around 41 %. Users from the areas of
                                           1                                        € 3.30 – € 4.80 /m2              3                    city area
                                                                                                                                                               industrial, production and crafts accounted for about 27 %          1. BEDBURG - for NEX Logistics, 1st and 2nd construction
                                                                                                                                          surrounding region
                                                                      61                                                                                       of space taken up. Small and medium-sized units of up to            phase, approx. 40,000 m² warehouse space
                                                                                     565                                             customary rents for       5,000 m² each made up a significant share of around 33 %.           2. KÖLN-FELDKASSEL - for unknown tenant,
                                                                                                                                     units of 500 m² and up
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   approx. 11,000 m² warehouse space
                                                                                                                                                               RENTS                                                               3. WESSELING - for archiving services and medical products
                                                                                                                                                               The prime rent in Cologne’s city area is €5.00/m²/month. In         (2 tenants), approx. 10,000 m² warehouse space (3,000 m² / 7,000 m²)
                                                                                                                                                               the surrounding region it increased from around €4.50 to

     INVESTMENT                                                                                                                                                €4.80/m²/month over the course of the year. The average
                                                                                                                                                               rent in the surrounding region went up from around €3.80
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   TOP 3 UNITS TAKEN UP

     COLOGNE                                                                                                                                                   to €4.30/m²/month.                                                  1. COMPUTACENTER AG, EUROPARING, KERPEN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   approx. 22,000 m² warehouse space, Q1
                                                                                                                                                               AVAILABLE SPACE                                                     2. PAPYRUS DEUTSCHLAND, COLOGNE-NIEHL
     Investment transactions in the logistics region of Co-                       OUTLOOK                                                                      Vacancies have decreased significantly both in the city             approx. 22,000 m² warehouse space, Q1
     logne increased significantly owing to the sale of four                      Purchasing prices for logistics properties have already                      area and in the surrounding region. The number of available         3. BENUTA, DORMAGEN
     nationwide logistics portfolios. In addition to this, a                      reached a very high level. Only slight further yield reduc-                  existing properties is generally low. In particular when it         approx. 22,000 m² warehouse space, Q4
     number of smaller and medium-sized properties were                           tions appear possible, as a result. However, considering                     comes to smaller warehouse units between 800 and 2,000 m².
     sold. These often changed hands between private in-                          the ongoing economic upswing, a high demand for space
     vestors and owner-occupiers or corporate investors.                          is going to continue to be met by very limited availability in
                                                                                  the market for building plots. Prices are therefore likely to                   Take-up of space by industry                                      Take-up of space by unit size
     DEVELOPMENT OF YIELDS                                                        increase further in this segment.
     Over the past few years, purchasing prices for logistics
     properties have increased far more than rents. The net
     prime yield dropped from 5.00 to 4.70 % over the course                                                                                                                                                                                                       5%
                                                                                                                                                                                               11 %
     of 2017. The yield gap to office properties is therefore                                                                                                                        21 %                                                                                12 %
     1.0 % points.

     LAND PRICES                                                                      TOP 3 TRANSACTIONS BASED ON UNIT SIZE                                                                                                                         47 %                     17 %
                                                                                                                                                                                                       41 %
     Owing to the scarce availability of land and the high
     demand, prices for commercial building land have in-                             1. BEDBURG, warehouse Spedition Hammer, approx. 100,000 m²                                  27 %
     creased to up to €185/m² in the city area of Cologne.                            warehouse space, buyer: China Investment Corporation, Q2                                                                                                                       20 %
     Prices between €80 and €145/m² are being realised in the                         2. FRECHEN, cross docking facility, approx. 18,000 m²
     surrounding region and between €70 and €100/m² in the                            warehouse space, buyer: Fund by AXA Investment Managers, Q2
     greater area.                                                                    3. BRÜHL, DHL distribution centre, approx. 16,000 m²
                                                                                      warehouse space, buyer: CBRE Global Investors, Q1                               Logistics service providers / transport      Retail             up to 1,000 m²      up to 3,000 m²     up to 5,000 m²
                                                                                                                                                                      Industrial / production / craft businesses   Other                       up to 10,000 m²      from 10,001 m²

     14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             15

LOCAL EXPERTISE – ACROSS GERMANY                                                                                                                                                      MARKET REPORT | LOGISTICS/INDUSTRIAL/STORAGE | INVESTMENT/LETTING 2017/2018

                                                               45                                                                                          7

                      3                                                                     Butzbach                                                               LETTING
                                                                                                                                                                   FRANKFURT                                                                                                  Author: bulwiengesa

48                                                                                                                                                                 The logistics region of Frankfurt and the Rhine-Main area     OUTLOOK
                                                                                  € 2.60 – € 5.60 /m2                                                              experienced high demand for space in 2017, thanks to its      Most of the units that are going to be let within Frankfurt’s
                                                                                                                                                                   geo-strategic location as well as other factors. A total of   city area in 2018 will be smaller than 1,000 m². A moderate
                                                                                       Bad Homburg                                                                 around 659,000 m² of space was taken up over the course       increase of rents is to be expected, owing to the cont-
                                                                    € 3.90 – € 6.70 /m2           Bad Vilbel                                                       of 2017. Demand from the logistics and transport indus-       inued scarcity of available space. Large rental units and
                                                                                                                                                                   tries was at a high level, once again.                        properties are clustered in particular in the surrounding
                                                                                 FRANKFURT AM MAIN
                                                                                 66                                                                                                                                              region and connected areas of the region Rhine-Main and
                                                                                                 Offenbach am Main                                                 TAKE-UP OF SPACE                                              Frankfurt and are going to make up a major share of the
                                                                         € 3.70 – € 6.30 /m2                                                                       These take-up figures are the result of a number of letting   total take-up.
                                                                                                                                                                   contracts for large units as well as various large-scale
                                                            Mainz                                                                                                  build-to-suit developments. Construction measures and
               61          Bingen                 60           € 3.90 – € 6.70 /m2         661                                                                     property purchases by owner-occupiers accounted for a
                                                  63                                                                                                               share of 21 % of the total turnover of space. The logistics
                                                                                                            € 2.60 – € 5.60 /m2                                    service provider TST, for example, realised the region’s
                            € 2.60 – € 5.60 /m2                                            Darmstadt                                                               biggest owner-occupation project with around 36,000 m²
                                                                                                                                                                   in Gernsheim. Another logistics service provider took up        TOP 3 PROJECTS COMPLETED IN 2017
                                                                                       5                                                  city area                the biggest unit let, which has around 64,000 m² and is
                                                                                                                                          surrounding region       located in the eastern part of Frankfurt.                       1. GERNSHEIM - for TST Logistik,
                                                                          Gernsheim                                                       and connected areas
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   approx. 36,000 m² warehouse space
                                                                                                                                       customary rents for         RENTS                                                           2. GINSHEIM-GUSTAVSBURG - VGP-Park,
                                                                            67                                                         units of 500 m² and up
                                   63                                                                                                                              The prime rent for the core area of the logistics region        approx. 35,000 m² warehouse space
                                                                                                                                   © Greif & Contzen/bulwiengesa   of Rhine-Main and Frankfurt stood at around €6.20/m²/           3. KELSTERBACH - for multiple unknown tenants,
                                                                                                                                                                   month in 2017. This corresponds to a slight increase of         approx. 31,000 m² warehouse space
                                                                                                                                                                   around 2 % compared to 2016. A prime rent of €5.40/m²/

     INVESTMENT                                                                                                                                                    month was realised in the surrounding region. The average
                                                                                                                                                                   rent for the entire logistics region including connected
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   TOP 3 UNITS TAKEN UP

     FRANKFURT                                                                                                                    Author: bulwiengesa              areas was around €4.70/m²/month.                                1. BLG LOGISTICS, FRANKFURT-FECHENHEIM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   approx. 64,000 m² warehouse space, Q3
                                                                                                                                                                   AVAILABLE SPACE                                                 2. GORILLA SPORTS, GROSS-GERAU
     More than 30 properties were sold in the logistics region                       OUTLOOK                                                                       Vacancies continue to be scarce in the city area of             approx. 35,000 m² warehouse space, Q4
     of Rhine-Main and Frankfurt in 2017. Some of these were                         The logistics region of Rhine-Main and Frankfurt cont-                        Frankfurt and they are limited mostly to used properties.       3. REWE GROUP , RODGAU
     part of nationwide logistics portfolios and have once                           inues to benefit from its central location in Germany as                      Letting opportunities are considered to be very favourable.     approx. 25,000 m² warehouse space, Q1
     again contributed to a very active transaction market.                          well as in Europe and the area features a very well-de-
     Some of the buildings from the Logicor portfolio, such                          veloped logistics infrastructure. It is to be expected
     as the Fresenius logistics centre in Biebesheim, were of                        that investment demand will be high once again in 2018,
     particular importance in this context.                                          leading to a further increase of purchasing prices. The                          Take-up of space by industry                                  Take-up of space by unit size
                                                                                     compression of yields is meanwhile likely to slow down to
     DEVELOPMENT OF YIELDS                                                           a certain degree.
     The logistics market of the Rhine-Main/Frankfurt region
     is among Germany’s most expensive markets, along with                                                                                                                                                                                                      6%
     Munich. In this area, too, purchasing prices have increased                                                                                                                                                                                                     12 %
     significantly stronger than rents over the past few years.
     The net prime yield stood at 4.60 % at the end of 2017. This                                                                                                                   20 %
     corresponds to a yield spread of 1.30 % points compared                           TOP 3 TRANSACTIONS BASED ON UNIT SIZE                                                                               48 %                                   49 %
     to centrally located office buildings in Frankfurt.
                                                                                       1. BODENHEIM, logistics centre, approx. 41,000 m²
                                                                                                                                                                                         23 %                                                                        27 %
     LAND PRICES                                                                       warehouse space, buyer: AXA Investment Managers, Q2
     Greenfield sites for commercial developments in Frankfurt’s city                  2. BIEBESHEIM, logistics centre, approx. 29,000 m²
     area were sold for purchasing prices of up to €330/m². Scarce                     warehouse space, buyer: China Investment Corporation, Q2
     availability and high demand in particular in the southern part                   3. MAINZ, logistics centre, approx. 13,000 m²
     of the logistics region, led to prices of up to €235/m² in the sur-               warehouse space, buyer: Frasers Centrepoint Limited, Q4                            Logistics service providers / transport      Retail         up to 1,000 m²      up to 3,000 m²     up to 5,000 m²
     rounding region and up to €190/m² in connected areas.                                                                                                                Industrial / production / craft businesses   Other                   up to 10,000 m²      from 10,001 m²

     16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       17

LOCAL EXPERTISE – ACROSS GERMANY                                                                                                                                                          MARKET REPORT | LOGISTICS/INDUSTRIAL/STORAGE | INVESTMENT/LETTING 2017/2018

                                   € 4.00 – € 6.50 /m   2
                                                            Bietigheim-              Backnang                                                                        STUTTGART
                                  Vaihingen                 Bissingen
                                  an der Enz
                                                                                                                                                                     Around 409,800 m² of space were taken up in the eco-             OUTLOOK
                                                                                          € 4.50 – € 5.60 /m2                                                        nomic region of Stuttgart in 2017. This corresponds to a         Companies may choose to move to neighbouring metro-
                                                                                                                                                                     significant increase of about 70 % compared to 2016.             politan areas, owing to the lack of sites provided by the
                                                                           Waiblingen                                                                                                                                                 communities on which large buildings can be const-
                                    Leonberg                                                                                                                         TAKE-UP OF SPACE                                                 ructed for industrial as well as logistics purposes. It is to
                                               STUTTGART                                                                                                             The total take-up of space is made up of 240,600 m² of           be expected that the share of existing space let is going
                                                                                          Schorndorf                                                                 space let plus 44,700 m² of space bought by owner-occu-          to decrease further in 2018. The ongoing trend towards a
                   Weil der Stadt
                                             € 3.70 – € 6.50 /m2          Esslingen                                                                                  piers and 124,500 m² of space in construction projects for       supply shortage is going to intensify.
                                                                          am Neckar                                                                              7
                                  Sindelfingen                                                                                                                       owner-occupation. Two transactions that accounted for a
                                                                          Wendlingen                           Göppingen
                                                                                                                                                                     large share of the total take-up were around 38,000 m² of
                               Böblingen                                                                                                                             newly built warehouse space let to Bosch in Tamm and the
                                              Leinfelden-                                                       € 3.30 – € 4.90 /m2
                                              Echterdingen                               Kirchheim                                                                   start of construction work for a goods and service centre
                   € 3.30 – € 6.50 /m2                                   Nürtingen       unter Teck
                                                                                                                                 Geislingen                          for Breuninger with around 52,000 m² in Sachsenheim
                         Herrenberg                                                                                              an der Steige                       (both sites are located in the rural district of Ludwigsburg).
                                                                            € 3.20 – € 4.75 /m2                                                                      The greatest share of demand was accounted for by the
                                                                                                                                                                     industrial/production segment (including the automotive            TOP 3 PROJECTS COMPLETED IN 2017
                                                                                                                                                                     industry) with around 55 % and the retail industry with
                                                                                                                                          city area
                    81                                                                                                                                               around 23 %.                                                       1. FREIBERG A.N. - for Porsche/LGI,
                                                                                                                                          surrounding region
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        approx. 20,000 m² warehouse space
                                                                                                                                        customary rents for          RENTS                                                              2. WAIBLINGEN - for Schmalz+Schön Logistics,
                                                                                                                                        units of 500 m² and up
                                                                                                                                                                     A slight decrease of the average rent for existing warehouse       approx. 15,000 m² warehouse space
                                                                                                                                                                     space from €4.63/m²/month down to €4.60/m²/month could             3. ESSLINGEN-PLIENSAUVORSTADT - for Gmähle-Scheel
                                                                                                                                                                     be observed in the economic region in 2017. The average            (media group), approx. 5,000 m² warehouse space
                                                                                                                                                                     rent for newly constructed space was €6.10/m²/month and

    INVESTMENT                                                                                                                                                       therefore slightly higher than the average rent of €6.04/m²/
                                                                                                                                                                     month in 2016.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        TOP 3 UNITS TAKEN UP

    STUTTGART                                                                                                                                                                                                                           1. BOSCH, TAMM
                                                                                                                                                                     AVAILABLE SPACE                                                    approx. 38,000 m² warehouse space, Q4
                                                                                                                                                                     Demand for large and multi-functional warehouse units re-          2. PORSCHE/LGI, FREIBERG A.N.
    As in previous years, a strong interest could be observed                  OUTLOOK                                                                               mains high and cannot be satisfied, despite the high new-          approx. 20,000 m² warehouse space, Q1
    from both institutional and private investors. A total of                  Considering the great economic strength, it is to be ex-                              build ratio. A growing supply shortage has meanwhile led to        3. MÜLLER LOGISTIK , BENNINGEN A.N.
    twelve transactions with a combined floor space of around                  pected that demand for both functional existing units                                 units on the outskirts of the economic area, for which there       approx. 15,300 m² warehouse space, Q3
    147,200 m² of warehouse and production space could be de-                  and in particular for modern warehouse space is going to                              had previously been little or no demand to be accepted.
    termined. The estimated overall transaction volume for the                 increase further. Due to the lack of greenfield sites that
    economic region is around 185 million euros.                               can be built on, brownfield sites are becoming more and
                                                                               more significant for developers and owner-occupiers. Ho-                                 Take-up of space by industry                                     Take-up of space by unit size
    DEVELOPMENT OF YIELDS                                                      wever, demand cannot be satisfied at short notice, as pre-
    The net prime yield in the economic region was 4.5 % in                    paratory work such as examinations regarding possible                                                                                                                                 4%
    the 4th quarter of 2017. In the same period of 2016, it had                contamination, procurement of building permissions and
    been 5.1 %. It is to be expected that the net prime yield will             approval processes may take years.
                                                                                                                                                                                               9%     13 %
    decrease by a few further base points in 2018.                                                                                                                                                                                                                        13 %

    LAND PRICES                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               9%
    A sharp increase of land prices can be observed, owing to the                  TOP 3 TRANSACTIONS BASED ON UNIT SIZE                                                                                     23 %                                      53 %
    scarcity of available plots in the city area of Stuttgart. Prices
    for commercial building land increased from between €210                       1. LUDWIGSBURG, logistics property, approx.                                                          55 %                                                                               21 %
    and €360/m² in 2016 to between €260 and €410/m², which                         27.000 m² warehouse space, buyer RLI Investors, Q3
    corresponds to a growth rate of more than 13 %. This trend                     2. FREIBERG A.N., newly build logistics facility, approx.
    also applies to the surrounding region, where land prices                      20,000 m² warehouse space, buyer: Frasers Centrepoint, Q4
    range between around €150 and €300/m².                                         3. MAGSTADT, light industrial, approx. 17,000 m²
                                                                                   warehouse space, buyer: Alpha Industrial, Q3                                             Logistics service providers / transport      Retail            up to 1,000 m²      up to 3,000 m²     up to 5,000 m²
                                                                                                                                                                            Industrial / production / craft businesses   Other                      up to 10,000 m²      from 10,001 m²

    18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             19

LOCAL EXPERTISE – ACROSS GERMANY                                                                                                                                                      MARKET REPORT | LOGISTICS/INDUSTRIAL/STORAGE | INVESTMENT/LETTING 2017/2018


                                                                                                             an der Isar
                                                                                        Freising        92
                      8                                         € 4.30 – € 6.10 /m2                                                                         MUNICH                                                                                                      Author: bulwiengesa

                                                                                                                                                            A total take-up of around 271,000 m² of warehouse             the central area, leading to a relatively low number of
                                                                                                                                                            space was realised in the logistics region of Munich in       planned construction projects.
                                                   Dachau                                                                                                   2017. Demand decreased compared to the previous year,
                          € 4.30 – € 6.10 /m2                                9 – € 7.00 /m2
                                                                 92      € 5.10                                                              94             but it continues to be on a high level, nevertheless.         OUTLOOK
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Demand for space remains on an undiminished high level.
                                                          99                9
                                                                                                                                                            TAKE-UP OF SPACE                                              Take-up continues to be limited by the lack of available
                           Fürstenfeldbruck           8                                                                                                     The biggest rental transaction took place in Neufahrn,        space. A major share of the space taken up will be located
                                                Germering          MUNICH
                                                                                          94                                                                where the logistics service provider Rhenus rented around     in the surrounding region and in connected areas. Ho-
                                                                € 5.90 – € 8.20 /m  2                                                                       41,500 m². The next biggest transactions were on a scale of   wever, available space is becoming increasingly scarce in
                                            Gräfelfing                                                                                                      around 12,000 m². At about 10 %, the share that owner-oc-     these areas, too. A further increase of rental levels is to be
             96                                                                                                                                             cupiers contributed to the total take-up was low, owing to    expected.
                                                                      € 5.10 – € 7.00 /m2                                                                   the lack of available space and high prices. Almost three
                                                                                                                                                            quarters of the space taken up were accounted for by the
                                                                                                                                                            industrial, production and crafts sector (41 %) as well as
                                                 Wolfratshausen                                                                                             the logistics and transport industries (33 %). Transactions
                                                                                                                                                            concerning units of more than 10,000 m² accounted for the       TOP 3 PROJECTS COMPLETED IN 2017
                                                                                                                                    city area               greatest share of the size categories analysed, at 31 %.
                                                          € 4.30 – € 6.10 /m2         € 4.30 – € 6.10 /m2
                                                 95                                                                                 surrounding region                                                                      1. KIRCHHEIM - for online retailing, industrial and medical
                                                                                            Holzkirchen                             and connected areas
                                                                                                                                                            RENTS                                                           products (3 tenants), approx. 26,500 m² warehouse space
                                                                                                                                customary rents for         The prime rent in Munich in 2017 was €6.80/m²/month.            2. SULZEMOOS - for various tenants,
                                                                                                                     8          units of 500 m² and up
                                                                                                                                                            A peak level of €6.10/m²/month was registered in the sur-       approx. 22,000 m² warehouse space
                                                                                                                            © Greif & Contzen/bulwiengesa   rounding region; rents in connected areas were slightly         3. MAISACH - for Freudenberg, approx.
                                                                                                                                                            lower at €5.70/m²/month. The overall average rent for the       19,300 m² warehouse space
                                                                                                                                                            entire logistics region was around €5.40/m²/month.

INVESTMENT                                                                                                                                                  AVAILABLE SPACE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            TOP 3 UNITS TAKEN UP

MUNICH                                                                                                                     Author: bulwiengesa              The logistics region was characterised by a very low va-        1. RHENUS SE & CO. KG, MUNICH-NEUFAHRN
                                                                                                                                                            cancy rate in 2017. In Munich’s city area, there were           approx. 41,500 m² warehouse space, Q2
                                                                                                                                                            virtually no available modern existing premises. Tenants        2. METRO CASH & CARRY, SULZEMOOS
In addition to properties that changed hands as part                        OUTLOOK                                                                         could quickly be found even for speculative warehouse           approx. 12,000 m² warehouse space, Q1
of major portfolio transactions, the investment market                      Considering the high investment demand, it is to be expected                    units, in the surrounding region and connected areas.           3. BAYERISCHE STAATSBRAUEREI WEIHENSTEPHAN,
of the logistics region of Munich was characterised by                      that purchasing prices for logistics properties in the Munich                   Property developments were essential to cater for the           FREISING, approx. 11,900 m² warehouse space, Q2
transactions concerning smaller to medium-sized pro-                        area are going to increase further in 2018. It remains to be                    demand, however, available land was scarce also beyond
perties in the past year, in particular in the segment of                   seen, however, whether the yield compression will continue
light industrial facilities. This type of property is very po-              at the same rate as in previous years, owing to the fact that
pular among private and institutional investors.                            prices are already very high. The situation on the property                        Take-up of space by industry                                  Take-up of space by unit size
                                                                            market is extremely tense, especially in the city area of
DEVELOPMENT OF YIELDS                                                       Munich that is the core area of the logistics region. Owing to
Munich was Germany’s most expensive market in 2017,                         the lack of suitable sites, there is virtually no pipeline of up-
once again. Over the course of the year, the net prime                      coming property development projects. Property developers                                                                                                                    5%
yield lost 60 base points, dropping from 5.0 % to 4.4 %.                    are paying ever higher prices for commercial building land.                                           17 %
As in previous years, purchasing prices increased more                                                                                                                                                                                                          18 %
                                                                                                                                                                                                   33 %                                      31 %
strongly than rents.
                                                                                TOP 3 TRANSACTIONS BASED ON UNIT SIZE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 22 %
The scarcity of available land paired with high demand                          1. ECHING, logistics centre, approx. 35,500 m²                                                  41 %
is reflected by the land prices: up to €700/m² were paid                        warehouse space, buyer: China Investment Corporation, Q2                                                                                                          24 %
in Munich’s city area in 2017. Prices for commercial                            2. POING, multi use logistics facility, approx. 32,000 m²
building land in the surrounding region ranged between                          warehouse space, buyer: China Investment Corporation, Q2
€175 and €600/m², and between €125 and €430/m² in                               3. KIRCHHEIM, “Multipark Kirchheim“, approx. 26,500 m²
connected areas.                                                                warehouse space, buyer: CBRE Global Investors, Q2                                  Logistics service providers / transport      Retail         up to 1,000 m²      up to 3,000 m²     up to 5,000 m²
                                                                                                                                                                   Industrial / production / craft businesses   Other                   up to 10,000 m²      from 10,001 m²

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        21

                 LOCAL  KOMPETENZ– ACROSS
                                    – DEUTSCHLANDWEIT
                                          GERMANY                                                                                                                                                             MARKET REPORT | LOGISTICS/INDUSTRIAL/STORAGE | INVESTMENT/LETTING 2017/2018

GERMAN PROPERTY PARTNERS                                                                                                                                   Across Germany                                                                          Services

AVERAGE RENT                                                               PRIME YIELD                                                                    » Hamburg                                                                            »   Real estate investments
The average rent is the rent paid in the market for logistics space on     The attainable prime yield is the initial yield that can be achieved with
                                                                                                                                                          » Berlin                                                                             »   Commercial letting
average. The figures indicated refer to the base rent excluding bills.     a state-of-the-art property with a long-term standard lease (credit-
It can be determined based for example on the arithmetic mean or           worthy tenant) in a very good location. It is indicated as the net initial     » Düsseldorf                                                                         »   Corporate real estate management (CREM)
the median.                                                                yield in percent, i. e. as the ratio between the gross purchasing price (net   » Cologne | Bonn                                                                     »   Research
                                                                           purchasing price plus land transfer tax, notary fees and broker’s com-         » Frankfurt                                                                          »   Banking and financing services
DEFINITION OF MARKET REGIONS                                               mission) and the annual rental income minus non-apportionable an-              » Stuttgart                                                                          »   Equity financing of development projects
The logistics regions covered in this report each comprise the admi-       cillary costs.
                                                                                                                                                          » Munich                                                                             »   Fund and asset management
nistrative area of their central city or agglomeration and usually also
                                                                           TAKE-UP OF SPACE                                                                                                                                                    »   Property management
include the adjacent surrounding area. It depends on the individual
cases and the established business connections of local market             The take-up of space is the total space of all warehouse units that were                                                                                            »   Real estate evaluation (valuation reports)
participants, how much of the surrounding region is included in the        let or sold to an owner-occupier or constructed by an owner-occupier in                                                                                             »   Agriculture and forestry real estate
market region.                                                             a specific period of time. The date the rental or purchasing contract was
                                                                           concluded or construction was taken up on the base plate is considered
                                                                           to determine if a transaction is included. Renewals of existing leases are
                                                                           not registered as take-up. Calculations are based on the floor space in-
The land price refers to the customary purchasing price paid per
                                                                           dicated in the rental contract.
square metre of developed and contamination free building land in a
commercial / industrial area, for plots with a minimum size of 10,000 m²
and a virtually rectangular shape.

The prime rent is the highest rental price realised for logistics units
of 5,000 m² and up.

                                                                                                                                                          Please note that all statements included in this report are non-binding. They are based mostly on information provided by third parties. The market report is inten-
                                                                                                                                                          ded for the sole purpose to provide general information to our clients.

SERVICES                                                                                                                                                  Grossmann & Berger GmbH • I Immobiliendienstleister • Bleichenbrücke 9 (Bleichenhof) • D-20354 Hamburg

GERMAN PROPERTY PARTNERS                                                                                                                                  Phone: +49 (0)40 / 350 80 2 - 0 • Fax: +49 (0)40 / 350 80 2 - 36 • • Managing directors: Holger Michaelis,
                                                                                                                                                          Andreas Rehberg, Lars Seidel, Axel Steinbrinker
                                                                                                                                                          Chairman of the supervisory board: Frank Brockmann • Entered in the commercial register: Hamburg B 25866
                                                                                                                                                          Supervisory authority: Bezirksamt Hamburg-Mitte, Fachamt Verbraucherschutz, Gewerbe und Umwelt, Klosterwall 2, 20095 Hamburg VAT identification number
                                                                                                                                                          pursuant to section 27a German VAT act: DE 118 556 939
We are your single point of contact for competent expert                   We are well-versed when it comes to the conventions of
support in all matters regarding commercial real estate                    the finance industry, as two of our partners have a backg-                     ANTEON Immobilien GmbH & Co. KG • Ernst-Schneider-Platz 1 • D-40212 Düsseldorf
                                                                                                                                                          Phone: +49 (0)211 / 58 58 89 - 0 • Fax: +49 (0)211 / 58 58 89 - 88 •
in Germany.                                                                round in banking. Benefit from our local expertise and re-                     Managing partners: Guido Nabben, Heiko Piekarski, Jens Reich, Dirk Schäfer, Marius Varro
                                                                           gional networks, when looking for office, retail, industrial,                  Trade licence: a licence pursuant to Section 34 c of the German Industrial Code/GewO was granted with no restrictions by the Municipal Government of the
Our range of services covers property investments as                       storage, logistics or special use space.                                       State Capital Düsseldorf
                                                                                                                                                          Phone: +49 (0)211 / 89-23223 • ANTEON Immobilien GmbH & Co. KG, registered in Düsseldorf, registry court Düsseldorf HRA 19934,
well as commercial letting. We are familiar with all risk                                                                                                 General partner: ANTEON Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH, registered office in Düsseldorf, registry court Düsseldorf HRB 58418
classes and property types. For investors we arrange                       Furthermore, we will provide you with corporate real estate                    VAT identification number pursuant to section 27a German VAT act: DE 259 465 200
for purchases and sales of office, hotel, storage, logi-                   management and research services that are tailored to-
                                                                                                                                                          Greif & Contzen Immobilien GmbH • Pferdmengesstraße 42 • D-50968 Köln
stics and retail properties as well as apartment com-                      wards your specific projects. With further financing, fund                     Phone: +49 (0) 221/93 77 93 - 0 • Fax: +49 (0)221/93 77 93 - 77 •
plexes across Germany, whether it be individual buil-                      and asset management as well as property management                            Managing directors: Theodor J. Greif, Rainer Krauß
dings or portfolio transactions. We are also pleased to                    services, our range includes everything you will need to                       District court: registered in: Cologne, trade register no.: 11414
                                                                                                                                                          Supervisory authority: Stadt Köln, Ordnungsamt, Postfach 103564, 50475 Köln
provide support during the preparation of property de-                     promote your projects in an effective and sustainable                          VAT identification number pursuant to section 27a German VAT act: DE 123 055 006
velopment projects.                                                        manner.
                                                                                                                                                          E & G Real Estate GmbH • Börsenplatz 1 • D-70174 Stuttgart
                                                                                                                                                          Phone: +49 (0)711 / 2148-300 • Fax +49 (0)711 / 2148-290 • •
                                                                                                                                                          Managing directors: Mario Caroli, Björn Holzwarth
                                                                                                                                                          Supervisory authority: Amt für öffentliche Ordnung, Gewerbe- und Gaststättenbehörde, Eberhardstraße 37, 70173 Stuttgart
                                                                                                                                                          Trade register and registration number: District Court Stuttgart, HRB 733293
                                                                                                                                                          Responsible under Section 55 par. 2 of the Interstate Broadcasting Agreement (RStV): Björn Holzwarth, Managing Director
                                                                                                                                                          VAT identification number pursuant to section 27a German VAT act: DE 257 361 630

22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          23

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