Competition between birds and mammals: A comparison of giving-up densities between crested larks and gerbils

Page created by Douglas Beck
Evolutionary Ecology 1997, 11, 757±771

Competition between birds and mammals:
A comparison of giving-up densities between crested
larks and gerbils
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago, 845 W. Taylor St., Chicago, IL 60607, USA
and Mitrani Center for Desert Ecology, Blaustein Institute for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University,
Sede Boqer Campus, 84 993 Israel

We combined the concept of mechanisms of co-existence with the approach of giving-up densities to study
inter-taxon competition between seed-eating birds and mammals. We measured feeding behaviour in food
patches to de®ne and study the guild of seed-eating vertebrates occupying sandy habitats at Bir Asluj, Negev
Desert, Israel. Despite a large number of putatively granivorous rodents and birds at the site, two gerbil
species (Allenby's gerbil, Gerbillus allenbyi, and the greater Egyptian gerbil, G. pyramidum) dominated noc-
turnal foraging, and a single bird species (crested lark, Galerida cristata) contributed all of the daytime
foraging. We used giving-up densities to quantify foraging behaviour and foraging eciencies. A low giving-
up density demonstrates the ability of a forager to pro®tably harvest food at low abundances and to pro®tably
utilize the foraging opportunities left behind by the less ecient forager. Gerbils had lower giving-up densities
in the bush than open microhabitat, and lower giving-up densities in the semi-stabilized than stabilized sand
habitats. Crested larks showed the opposite: lower giving-up densities in the open than bush, and on the
stabilized than semi-stabilized sand habitats. Despite these patterns, gerbils had substantially lower giving-up
densities than crested larks in both microhabitats, all sand habitats, and during each month. Several mech-
anisms may permit the crested lark to co-exist with the gerbils. Larks may be cream skimmers on the high
spatial and temporal variability in seed abundances. Larks may rely on insects, fruit or smaller seeds. Or, larks
may rely on adjacent rocky habitats.

Keywords: foraging theory; Galerida cristata; Gerbillus allenbyi; Gerbillus pyramidum; giving-up density;
granivory; habitat selection; inter-taxon competition; mechanism of co-existence; Negev Desert; patch use;
predation risk; sand dunes

MacArthur and Pianka (1966) envisioned foraging theory as a conceptual tool for understanding
population and community level phenomena. The expectation that organisms should feed sensibly
greatly restricts the set of observable behaviours (prey are unlikely to exhibit behaviours of nuz-
zling up to their predators) and greatly increases the likelihood of successfully using feeding
behaviours to investigate population interactions (Rosenzweig, 1981), population dynamics
(Fryxell and Lundberg, 1994) and communities (Kotler and Brown, 1988; Werner, 1992). Com-
bining optimal patch use behaviour from foraging theory (MacArthur and Pianka, 1966; Charnov,
1976) with mechanisms of co-existence from resource theory (Tilman, 1982) generates the giving-

* Address all correspondence to J.S. Brown, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago, 845 W.
Taylor St., Chicago, IL 60607, USA.
  Present address: Department of Zoology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706, USA.

0269-7653                                                                                      Ó 1997 Chapman & Hall
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up density (GUD) approach to studying feeding behaviours, predation risk, habitat selection and
species co-existence (Brown, 1988, 1992). Conceptually, a forager should abandon a depletable
food patch when the bene®t derived from its present harvest rate no longer exceeds the sum of
metabolic, predation and missed opportunity costs of foraging. Empirically, measuring GUDs (the
amount of food remaining in a patch when abandoned by a forager) from experimental food
patches measures the forager's costs and bene®ts of feeding. At the community level, the GUD, as
the density of food to which a forager can pro®tably exploit the patch, provides one measure of
competitive ability (Tilman, 1982). When species co-existence involves the ability of feeding ani-
mals to thoroughly exploit the resources of particular environments, the predictions of the asso-
ciated mechanisms of co-existence can often be couched in terms of GUDs and other measures of
activity and feeding behaviour.
   The giving-up density approach has been applied to examine the mechanisms of co-existence in
desert rodents (Brown, 1989; Kotler et al., 1993a,b; Brown et al., 1994a; Hughes et al., 1994;
Bouskila, 1995), squirrels (Smith, 1991; Jedlicka, 1993) and bark-feeding insectivorous birds
(Morgan, 1994). In these examples, as in most studies of species co-existence, members of a feeding
guild (Root, 1967) are close taxonomic relatives. This eases the task of studying the mechanisms
that promote or inhibit co-existence. Close taxonomic relatives share most traits in common and
di€er in just a few salient features such as body size (in birds and mammals) or bill size (in birds).
Close taxonomic relatives are generally amenable to the same sets of experimental procedures.
And, close taxonomic relatives generally respond to experimentation on similar temporal and
spatial scales.
   In reality, feeding guilds contain more distantly related taxa (e.g. Paine, 1966; Dayton, 1971;
Colwell and Fuentes, 1975; Brown and Davidson, 1977; Lubchenco and Menges, 1978; Brown
et al., 1979, 1981, 1986; Turkington and Harper, 1979; Inouye, 1981; Morse, 1981; Davidson et al.,
1984; Thompson et al., 1991). For example, desert granivores (Brown et al., 1979, 1986) include
mostly birds, rodents and ants. Any of these taxa can consume nearly all of the annual productivity
of seeds (see Price and Jenkins, 1986, and references therein).
   In an e€ort to deduce mechanisms of species co-existence, we applied the giving-up density
approach to measure habitat selection and foraging eciencies of seed-eating birds and mammals
inhabiting sand dunes of the Negev Desert, Israel. We de®ned guild composition as those species
feeding from our food patches. Despite a high diversity of putatively granivorous birds in the
vicinity (see Table 1), only crested larks (Galerida cristata) fed from our food patches. From among
®ve rodent species, two gerbils, Allenby's gerbil (Gerbillus allenbyi) and the greater Egyptian gerbil
(G. pyramidum), were responsible for most (> 95%) of the rodent GUDs in our patches (Brown
et al., 1994a).
   Competition between the diurnal larks and the nocturnal gerbils occurs only through the joint
exploitation of seeds. Co-existence between gerbils and larks can occur if: (1) each species possesses
a habitat in time or space in which it has the lowest GUD; (2) each species possesses a class of
foods on which it has the lowest GUD; or (3) the species with the higher GUD has a compensatory
competitive advantage in terms of priority at food patches (Kotler et al., 1993b), lower travel costs
(Brown, 1986, 1989) or higher foraging eciency at high resource abundances (Stewart and Levin,
1973). We tested from among the ®rst category of mechanisms of co-existence. Failure to support
any from this category will indicate a need for the second or third categories to understand co-
existence of gerbils with larks.
   On the sand dunes at our study site, potentially relevant habitats in time and space include
season (habitat selection in time), the areas near and away from perennial shrub cover (bush and
open microhabitats), and the mosaic of habitats distinguished by di€erent degrees of sand stabi-
lization due to algal soil crusts and vegetation. If larks and gerbils each possess seasons, micro-
Competition between birds and mammals                                                                759
Table 1. The granivorous and partially granivorous birds and mammals in the habitats of Bir Asluj

Species                                                                   Habitat
Chukar (Alectoris chukar)                                                 rock and loess
Sand partridge (Ammoperdix heyi)                                          rock
Quail (Coturnix coturnix)                                                 sand and loess b
Black-bellied sandgrouse (Pterocles orientalis)                           rock and loess
Rock dove (Columba livia)                                                 rock and loess
Turtle dove (Streptopelia turtur)                                         rock and loess a
Palm dove (Streptopelia senegalensis)                                     rock and loess
Desert lark (Ammomanes deserti)                                           rock
Short-toed lark (Caladrella brachydactyla)                                loess a
Lesser short-toed lark (Calandrella rufescens)                            rock b
Crested lark (Galerida cristata)                                          sand and rock
Skylark (Alauda arvensis)                                                 loess b
Corn bunting (Emberiza calandra)                                          loess b
Cretzschmar's bunting (Emberiza caesia)                                   rock and loess b
Ortolan (Embiriza hortulana)                                              sand, rock and loess
Green®nch (Carduelis chloris)                                             sand and loess
Trumpeter ®nch (Rhodepechys githaginea)                                   rock and loess
House sparrow (Passer domesticus)                                         rock and loess
Allenby's gerbil (Gerbillus allenbyi)                                     stabilized sand
Greater Egyptian gerbil (Gerbillus pyramidum)                             semi-stabilized sand
Pygmy gerbil (Gerbillus henleyi)                                          sand and loess
Wagner's gerbil (Gerbillus dasyurus)                                      rock and loess
Common jerboa (Jaculus jaculus)                                           sand and loess
Buxton's jird (Meriones sacrementi)                                       stabilized sand
Gentle jird (Meriones crasus)                                             loess and rock
House mouse (Mus musculus)                                                loess
    Present in spring, summer and autumn.
    Present in winter and during spring and autumn migration.

habitats or sand stabilization habitats within which they have the lowest GUDs, then the patch use
behaviour of the birds and rodents across the relevant habitats promotes co-existence. Here, we
compared the GUDs of gerbils and crested larks to examine how season, bush and open micro-
habitats, and habitats varying in the degree of sand stabilization in¯uence GUDs.

Interpreting the giving-up density
Charnov's marginal value theorem can be generalized to show that a forager should leave a
depletable food patch when (Brown, 1988):
H ˆ C ‡ P ‡ MOC                                                                                       1†
where H, C, P and MOC are the quitting harvest rate, metabolic cost, predation cost and missed
opportunity cost of foraging, respectively. In general, H and C can be thought of as having units of
energy per unit time (e.g. J min)1). P can be converted into units of energy per unit time by
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multiplying the predation risk (probability of death per unit time) by the marginal rate of sub-
stitution of energy for safety. The marginal rate of substitution considers at what rate the animal
can sacri®ce energy for safety and still maintain the same level of ®tness (Caraco, 1979; Brown,
1988). The cost of predation includes such terms as predation risk, marginal value of energy and
the animal's state (Brown, 1992).
   The missed opportunity cost gives the marginal value of time in units of energy per unit time. As
such, it measures the quality of the environment following exploitation by the feeding animals. In
an in®nitely repeating environment (one that does not deplete following some ®xed time period),
MOC is positive, negative or zero depending upon whether the forager's expected per capita
growth rate is positive, negative or zero, respectively. If the environment becomes depleted during
the course of a day, night or other relevant time period, then the foragers should cease feeding and
retire to a burrow, nest or den as a way of conserving energy and remaining safe. In this case, MOC
becomes the negative of the cost of resting in one's refuge (Brown, 1992; Brown et al., 1994b).
   A number of studies have indicated that the patch use behaviour of feeding animals conforms to
Equation (1). In appropriate experimental food patches, there is a monotonic relationship between
the forager's quitting harvest rate and its GUD (Kotler and Brown, 1990; Brown et al., 1994b;
Smith, 1995). As predicted, GUDs increase with metabolic costs (Kotler et al., 1993a), predation
(Brown et al., 1988; Kotler et al., 1988, 1991) and missed opportunity costs of foraging (Brown
et al., 1992b). Giving-up densities in depletable food patches have been used to investigate animals'
diets (Brown and Morgan, 1995), patch use strategies (Valone and Brown, 1989), predation risk
(Kotler et al., 1991) and habitat preferences (Brown and Alkon, 1992; Bowers et al., 1993; Hughes
and Ward, 1993; Hughes et al., 1995).
   As an approach to studying community level processes, GUDs measure foraging eciencies
(Tilman, 1982; Vance, 1985; Brown, 1988). The species with the lower GUD has an advantage over
other species in that it depresses resource abundances below the other species' subsistence levels.
The only exceptions occur when environments are unusually rich or poor. In a rich environment, a
high GUD may manifest the forager's high state, or low marginal value of energy (both of which
raise the predation cost). Such an environment is not sustainable, in that either the forager's
population size will grow accordingly, or the environment's richness will deplete. Similarly, the low
GUD of animals in a poor environment may re¯ect the desperation of an animal's low state and
high marginal value of energy (both lower the cost of predation). This `Stalingrad' e€ect (manifest
in the behaviour of starving German soldiers in the winter of 1942 prior to their capitulation to the
encircling Russians; Craig, 1982) is also not stable, in that the forager's population size will decline
accordingly, or the environment's quality will recover.
   In summary, for the purposes of this study:
· Giving-up densities in experimental food patches provide a surrogate for the forager's quitting
   harvest rate.
· Giving-up densities provide an estimate of foraging costs.
· The species with the lower GUD is the more ecient forager.

Study site
We established two grids of 16 stations each on sand dunes at Bir Asluj, Holot Mashabim Nature
Reserve, northwestern Negev Desert, Israel. The grids were 4 ´ 4 arrays with 40 m intervals
between stations. The site o€ers a hierarchy of habitats. At the largest scale, distinct boundaries
separate extensive and continuous tracts of sandy and rocky habitats. Each of our grids lay entirely
Competition between birds and mammals                                                                761
within the sandy habitat, with distances of greater than 100 m between grid margins and the closest
rocky habitat.
   The sandy habitat o€ers a mosaic of sand stabilization types based on soil crusts and organic
matter. Zvika Abramsky, as an expert and independent observer, scored the sand habitat at each
station on a scale of 1±4 based on the degree of sand stabilization within a 5 m radius of the station,
where 1 ˆ sand completely stabilized by algal soil crust (7 stations), 2 ˆ sand partially stabilized by
algal soil crust (10 stations), 3 ˆ mostly shifting sand with broken patches of soil crust (7 stations),
4 ˆ shifting sand bare of any soil crust (8 stations). Substrate habitat scores of 1 and 2 correspond
to stabilized sand dune, and habitat scores of 3 and 4 correspond to semi-stabilized sand dune. At
the smallest scale, each station o€ered bush and open microhabitats: bush ˆ next to the canopy of
a perennial shrub, open ˆ about 2 m from the nearest shrub. The dominant perennial plants are
Artemisia monosperma and Retama raetam (Abramsky et al., 1985).

Seed-eating rodents and birds
The ecologies of Allenby's gerbil and the greater Egyptian gerbil at Bir Asluj are well known
(Abramsky et al., 1985, 1990, 1991; Abramsky and Pinshow, 1989; Mitchell et al., 1990; Kotler
et al., 1993a,b; Ziv et al., 1993). Allenby's gerbil (25 g) occupies all sand habitats found at the site,
whereas the greater Egyptian gerbil (39 g) occupies primarily the semi-stabilized sand (sand hab-
itats 3 and 4). Analysis of the rodent data from this project (Brown et al., 1994a) revealed that both
gerbils had lower GUDs on the semi-stabilized than on the stabilized sand habitats, and in the bush
than in open microhabitat. In all sand habitats and in both microhabitats, Allenby's gerbil had a
lower GUD than the greater Egyptian gerbil. Other rodents found on the sand dunes were in-
consequential either because of their low abundances (pygmy gerbil, G. henleyi, and Buxton's jird,
Meriones sacramenti), or because of low foraging eciencies that usually precluded them as the
®nal forager in the food patches (common jerboa, Jaculus jaculus).
   Allenby's gerbil and the greater Egyptian gerbil co-exist via daily renewal of resource patches
and a trade-o€ between foraging eciency at high versus low resource abundance (Kotler et al.,
1993b). The greater Egyptian gerbil arrives at resource patches earlier than the smaller All-
enby's gerbil, leaves earlier and, on average, forages on richer patches. Allenby's gerbil forages
later in the evening, but depletes resource patches to a lower GUD than the greater Egyptian
   Bir Asluj o€ers a diverse community of birds as potential foragers in our food patches. All of the
species listed in Table 1 were seen on, over or within 500 m of our grids. Throughout the 15 months
of the study, however, crested larks were the only birds known to forage from our food patches,
based on visual spot checks of birds in the food patches and from footprints in the patches' sand.
Of the birds at Bir Asluj, crested larks are distinct in having a long hindtoe, followed by a similarly
long claw. Crested larks range over most of Europe, North and East Africa, the Middle East and
the steppes of Central Asia. Their diet includes insects and fruits, but mostly seeds. In comparison
to other granivorous birds of the Negev, the crested lark (39 g) uses habitats opportunistically, digs
vigorously with its beak to break soil crusts, and biases its diet towards larger seeds (Shkedy, 1990,
1992; Shkedy and Safriel, 1991).
   At Bir Asluj, the crested larks moved in pairs or singly during the breeding season (February±
March). For the rest of the year, crested larks could still be found singly or in pairs, but more
frequently they associated loosely in ¯ocks numbering 4±10 individuals. On a grid, one or two of
these ¯ocks would move from station to station when exploiting the food patches. Frequently, the
¯ock would spread out so that individuals simultaneously exploited food patches at two or three
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Experimental protocol
From November 1986 until January 1988, we completed nine rounds of data collection (see Brown
et al., 1994a). A round consisted of live-trapping small mammals, measuring rodent activity in
tracking stations, and measuring the GUDs of rodents and crested larks from food patches. Food
patches consisted of aluminium seed trays (45 ´ 60 ´ 2.5 cm deep) ®lled with 3 g of millet seed
mixed into 5 litres of sifted sand. Each station of each grid received a pair of food patches. One tray
of a pair was placed in the open and the other in the bush microhabitat.
   Data collection consisted of identifying the forager species based on footprints in the tray's sand
and in the surrounding sand, sifting the sand from the tray to recover the remaining seeds, and
recharging the tray's sand with 3 g of millet. The GUD of the tray was credited to the one or
several species whose tracks were visible in the tray. If a species' tracks were found adjacent to, but
not in, a foraged tray, then we assumed that it foraged in the tray, but that individuals of other
species came later to forage from the tray and covered the sand with their own tracks. Seeds
recovered from trays were cleaned of debris and weighed to measure the forager's GUD (Brown,
1988). Data were collected at dawn and dusk. Seed trays set up at dawn and collected at dusk
measured the foraging behaviour of crested larks, and those set up at dusk and collected at dawn
measured the foraging of the two gerbil species. For each round, we collected GUD data for 6±7
mornings and afternoons. Days of data collection were consecutive, weather and logistics per-

To test for the e€ects of season, microhabitat and sand habitat on the GUDs of larks and gerbils,
we used a partially hierarchical ANOVA (Brownlee, 1965), with taxon (gerbil or lark), month (the
nine rounds of data collection), microhabitat (bush and open), sand habitat (1±4; stabilized to
semi-stabilized sand dunes, respectively) and station (32 stations) as independent variables. Taxon,
month and microhabitat were fully-crossed factors, and station was a factor nested within sand
habitat. As the dependent variable, we used the mean GUD at a station across the 6±8 days of a
round. We calculated separate means for the gerbils (morning data collection) and the larks
(afternoon data collection). This analysis gave us 1152 data points (2 taxa ´ 9 rounds ´ 2 mi-
crohabitats ´ 32 stations).
   By using the mean GUDs across days, we simultaneously lose information, streamline the
statistical analysis, and avoid possible non-independences associated with repeated measures of the
same tray. We lose two types of information. The ®rst is the e€ect of day within a round of data
collection; day is a variable nested within round. Including day as a variable when analysing data
for gerbils or larks separately may be useful. However, while it is possible to pair lark and gerbil
data by station, it is arbitrary to do so for day because the taxa are temporally separated. Does one
pair the previous night with the subsequent day, or vice-versa? The second loss of information
occurs because the mean GUDs do not discriminate between the two gerbil species. We did not
discriminate because we were interested in comparing the mammalian granivores with the avian
granivores in their eciencies at depressing seed abundances. Elsewhere, we report on the results
from comparing the foraging behaviour and GUDs of Allenby's gerbil, the greater Egyptian gerbil
and the common jerboa (Brown et al., 1994a).
   The largest e€ect in the ANOVA (Table 2) showed that crested larks had a signi®cantly higher
GUD than the gerbils (2.149 vs 0.593 g). The higher GUD of larks occurred across all months,
microhabitats and sand habitats, despite the signi®cant interaction e€ects of taxon with month,
microhabitat and sand habitat. The three-way interactions were not signi®cant. The main e€ects of
Competition between birds and mammals                                                                        763
Table 2. The ANOVA showing the e€ects of species (lark vs gerbil), microhabitat (bush vs open), sand habitat
(four grades of stabilization from stabilized to semi-stabilized) and month on giving-up densities. Station is a
variable nested within sand habitat. The model yields r2 ˆ 0:89

Factor                                             d.f.                    MS                        F
Species                                              1                   683.11                7101.90   ***
Microhabitat                                         1                     1.318                 13.71   ***
Sand habitat                                         3                     0.375                  1.87
Month                                                8                    13.45                 139.80   ***
Species ´ microhabitat                               1                     6.91                  71.80   ***
Species ´ sand habitat                               3                     2.133                 22.20   ***
Species ´ month                                      8                     2.757                 28.70   ***
Species ´ microhabitat ´ sand habitat                3                     0.040                  0.41
Species ´ microhabitat ´ month                       8                     0.120                  1.25
Species ´ sand habitat ´ month                      24                     0.071                  0.74
Station (nested within sand habitat)                28                     0.201                  2.14   *
Error                                             1063                     0.094

* P < 0:05; *** P < 0:001.

month and microhabitat were signi®cant, but are not particularly interesting in light of the strong
interaction e€ects with taxon.
   Because of the strong interaction e€ect of taxon with month, we performed an array of post-hoc
tests (Bonferroni adjustments to experimentwise error rate) (Fig. 1). These tests compared the
GUDs of the gerbils with those of the larks on a month by month basis (nine comparisons).
Among gerbils and larks, respectively, we made all of the pairwise comparisons of months (an
additional 72 comparisons). During each month, gerbils had a signi®cantly lower GUD than
crested larks (P < 0:001 for all comparisons). For gerbils, months fell into two categories. Feb-
ruary and April had signi®cantly higher GUDs than the other 7 months (P < 0:001 for the 14
comparisons, and P > 0:5 for the comparison of February with April). For crested larks, months
fell into four categories. February, April and June had similar GUDs (P > 0:4 for the three
comparisons) that were signi®cantly higher than the other months (P < 0:001 for the 18 com-
parisons). November 1987 had the lowest GUD followed by January 1987 (November 1987 <
January 1987, P < 0:001). Both of these months had signi®cantly lower GUDs than other months.
A Spearman rank correlation revealed a positive, but non-signi®cant, relationship between the
GUDs of gerbils and larks R ˆ 0:55; P > 0:1†. Most striking were the high GUDs of both gerbils
and larks during February and April. June was the most divergent month because larks had a
relatively high GUD and gerbils had a relatively low GUD (Fig. 1). But, monthly variation within
each taxon paled in comparison to di€erences between taxa.
   We analysed the interaction e€ect of sand habitat with taxon in a similar fashion to that of
month (Fig. 2). We compared the GUDs of gerbils and larks for each of the sand habitats (four
comparisons) and then compared among sand habitats separately for gerbils and crested larks (an
additional 12 comparisons). In all sand habitats, gerbils had signi®cantly lower GUDs than crested
larks (P < 0:001, Bonferroni-adjusted post-hoc test). For gerbils, the habitats fell into two cate-
gories. The least stabilized sand habitat (#4) had a signi®cantly lower GUD than the other three
habitats (4 and 1, P < 0:001; 4 and 2, P < 0:05; 4 and 3, P < 0:01), which did not di€er signi®cantly
from each other. For crested larks, habitats also fell into two categories. In contrast to the gerbils,
larks had a signi®cantly lower GUD in sand habitat (#1) than in the other three (1 and 2,
Figure 1. The monthly giving-up densities of the gerbil species and the crested lark. The species' bars have
been superimposed, not stacked. Hence, the top of each species' bar indicates its GUD. During each period,
the crested lark had a signi®cantly higher giving-up density than the gerbils. The error bars indicate one
standard error around the mean.

Figure 2. The e€ect of sand habitat on the giving-up densities of the gerbil species and the crested lark. The
habitat scores of 1±4 represent a continuum from stabilized to semi-stabilized sand habitats. The crested lark
had a signi®cantly lower giving-up density in the most stabilized sand habitat. The gerbils showed the
opposite, and had a signi®cantly lower giving-up density in the least stabilized sand habitat.
Competition between birds and mammals                                                                     765

Figure 3. The e€ect of the bush and open microhabitat on the giving-up densities of the gerbil species and the
crested lark. The gerbils had a signi®cantly lower giving-up density in the bush than open microhabitat, and
vice versa for the crested lark. The error bars indicate one standard error around the mean.

P < 0:001; 1 and 3, P < 0:01; 1 and 4, P < 0:001). A perfect negative rank-correlation existed
between the GUDs of gerbils and larks across sand habitats.
  For the interaction e€ect between taxon and microhabitat, we used a Bonferroni-adjusted post-
hoc test to compare gerbils and larks in each microhabitat (two comparisons) and to compare bush
and open microhabitats separately for each taxon (two additional comparisons) (Fig. 3). Gerbils
had a signi®cantly lower GUD in the bush than in the open microhabitat P < 0:01†, while larks
had a signi®cantly lower GUD in the open than in the bush microhabitat P < 0:001†. In both
microhabitats, gerbils had signi®cantly lower GUDs than larks (P < 0:001 for both comparisons).

On the sand dunes at Bir Asluj, the two gerbil species (Allenby's gerbil and the greater Egyptian
gerbil) were more ecient granivores (as measured by giving-up densities) than the crested lark
during every month, on every sand habitat, and in both the bush and open microhabitat. Several
related issues merit discussion:
1. Is the lower eciency of larks more apparent than real?
2. What mechanisms of co-existence might promote the presence of larks in the community?
3. What is the role of predation risk in shaping the foraging behaviour of larks and gerbils?
4. How does the foraging behaviour of gerbils and larks ®t into the larger desert landscape of
   sandy, rocky and loessal habitats?
5. Do birds and mammals restrict each other's distribution and diversity?
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Foraging eciencies of gerbils versus larks
Within our food patches, gerbils harvested millet seeds to a much lower level than larks. We feel
that this supports the conclusion that gerbils also deplete native seedbanks to a lower density than
larks. Two concerns must be addressed. First, the experimental food patches might give an ad-
vantage to gerbils that is not relevant under natural conditions. If larks cannot exploit the full
depth of 2.5 cm of sand, then maybe larks are more ecient foragers on surface seeds while gerbils
can access deeper recesses of the patch. This is unlikely. Larks swung their beaks from side to side
to dig thoroughly through the sand and, based on their lowest GUDs, larks are capable of
depleting the seeds to less than one-third of their average GUDs. The high GUDs of the larks in
our trays stem from an unwillingness to forage longer, rather than the inability to access all of the
seeds in the patch.
   Secondly, larks may overtake gerbils in foraging eciency as seed size declines. Millet is a
relatively large seed (c. 6 mg). However, it has recently been demonstrated that the foraging
eciency of the crested lark changes little with seed size, although that of the gerbil species drops
sharply on smaller seeds (c. 1.5 mg; J. Garb, B.P. Kotler and J.S. Brown, unpublished results).
Regardless, the gerbils had lower GUDs than larks on all seed sizes examined (1.5±6 mg).

The mechanism of co-existence between larks and gerbils
When a lark leaves a food patch, the patch remains a valuable feeding opportunity for a gerbil. In
contrast, when a gerbil leaves a food patch, the patch must experience considerable resource
renewal before providing a pro®table foraging opportunity for a crested lark. The conditions for
gerbils to persist in the presence of crested larks are obviously met, but less clear is how crested
larks co-exist with gerbils. Larks forage during the hours of resource renewal by wind action
(mornings and afternoons; Kotler et al., 1993b). In this way, a mechanism of co-existence would
involve temporal and spatial variability in seed abundances, and a trade-o€ among the taxa in
eciency (higher in gerbils) and speed/mobility (greater in larks) (Brown, 1986, 1989). Larks and
gerbils would function as `cream skimmers' and `crumb pickers', respectively. Alternatively,
mechanisms such as diet selection may explain co-existence. Gerbils may be more ecient foragers
on seeds, whereas crested larks may be more ecient foragers on insects (J.S. Brown and B.P.
Kotler, unpublished results). Habitat selection at a larger scale may provide yet another mecha-
nism of co-existence. While individual gerbils are restricted to the sand dunes, the mobility of larks
and the landscape of Bir Asluj permits individual larks to exploit rocky, loessal and sandy habitats.
Larks may require the other habitats to prevent competitive exclusion.

The role of predation risk for crested larks and gerbils
Crested larks had lower GUDs in the open than bush microhabitat, and lower GUDs on the most
stabilized sand habitat. Because the same ¯ocks of larks had access to food patches in both
microhabitats and all sand habitats, the di€erences in GUDs should re¯ect predation costs rather
than metabolic or missed opportunity costs of foraging. At Bir Asluj, predators of crested larks on
the sand dunes include the great gray shrike (Lanius excubitor), hen harrier (Circus cyaneus), pallid
harrier (C. macrourus) and monitor lizard (Varanus griseus). Lima (1992, 1993), in his review of
escape tactics of birds, found that several granivorous sparrows and larks of arid and semi-arid
habitats should favour the open rather than the bush microhabitat. Similarly, for the crested lark,
the bush microhabitat may o€er higher predation risk by constraining escape ¯ights and facili-
tating ambushes by monitor lizards and perching shrikes.
Competition between birds and mammals                                                            767
   The GUDs of the lark suggest that predation risk increases as the degree of sand stabilization
declines. The soil crust surrounding the experimental food patches (the patches themselves were
identical) may be important to crested larks walking on the ground. Soil crusts may provide better
traction and support for initiating and directing escape ¯ights or for running across the surface.

The role of other habitats in the interaction between gerbils and larks
The primary interaction and co-existence of seed-eating birds and mammals may actually occur at
the larger scale of rocky and sandy habitats. Rodents may predominate on the sand by virtue of
high foraging eciencies and may be less abundant on rocky habitats by virtue of high predation
costs (e.g. escape substrate; Brown et al., 1992) and competition from birds. Allenby's gerbils had
much higher GUDs on sandy habitats than on rocky or loessal habitats. And, their GUDs in-
creased steadily the farther into the rocky habitat the gerbils ventured from the sand (Brown et al.,
1992). Interestingly, the GUD of crested larks on the sand (about 2 g) was similar to that of gerbils
in the same seed trays placed in the rocky habitat.
   The diverse community of granivorous birds (Table 1) may rely on and occupy the rocky and
loessal habitats. In this way, each major habitat (sand and rock) may possess a taxon-speci®c guild
of vertebrate granivores. But, the ghost of competition past that drives species to occupy di€erent
habitats (Rosenzweig, 1981; Brown and Rosenzweig, 1986) may not be complete. Crested larks join
the gerbil species on the sand; and some rodents (Wagner's gerbil, G. dasyurus, and common spiny
mice, Acomys caharhinus) join diverse species of birds on the various grades of rocky habitats.

Do birds and mammals restrict each other's distribution and diversity?
With a few exceptions (e.g. Thompson et al., 1991), studies of community organization in mam-
mals or birds have not considered the in¯uence or role of the other taxon. Examples of potential
resource competition between birds and mammals include fox squirrels and blue jays consuming
acorns, nutcrackers and red squirrels consuming pine nuts, frugivorous birds and primates in
tropical forests (Howe, 1980, 1990), sugar gliders and honeyeaters or lorikeets consuming nectar,
shrews and thrushes consuming invertebrates among leaf litter, and mustelids and owls consuming
voles. In these examples, the similarities in diets between the mammal and bird species often
contrast with di€erences in foraging tactic and foraging scale. Super®cially, mammals often appear
to forage more intensively while birds forage more extensively.
   These features of tactic and scale that promote the co-existence of birds and mammals may
partially explain the absence of joint community studies of birds and mammals; the scale and tools
for studying one taxon often fail to yield meaningful data for another taxon. In addition, if
mammals and birds do competitively exclude each other, then feeding guilds with high diversities
of mammals may tend to be depauperate in birds and vice versa. On the other hand, there may be
situations where birds and rodents, through their foraging behaviour, create opportunities for each
other. Thompson et al. (1991) suggest that granivorous birds and rodents may facilitate each other
through an indirect mutualism. By preferentially consuming large seeds, rodents promote plants
producing the small seeds favoured by some birds.
   In general, the mechanisms of co-existence (diet choice, habitat selection, variance partitioning)
reported for mammal communities (e.g. Rosenzweig, 1966; Terborgh, 1983; Kreuger, 1986; Kotler
and Brown, 1988; Morris et al., 1989; McNaughton, 1993) are the same as those reported for bird
communities (e.g. MacArthur, 1958; Cody, 1974, 1985; Dunning, 1986; Terborgh et al., 1990;
Benkman, 1991; Sohonen et al., 1993). It is likely that these mechanisms also explain co-existence,
and limits to co-existence, between birds and mammals.
768                                                                                            Brown et al.
We thank Charles Eesley, M.F. Eyphat, Matthew Goldowitz, Oren Hasson, Reuven Yosef, Berry
Pinshow, Jean Powlesland, Aziz Subach and Laurie Zaarur for assistance with ®eldwork and seed
sorting. We thank Zvika Abramsky, John Fryxell, Douglas Morris, Michael Rosenzweig and
James Thorson for stimulating and valuable comments. B.P.K is a Bat-Sheva de Rothschild
Fellow. This work was supported by United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation Grant
No. 86-00087 (to B.P.K., Z. Abramsky and M. Rosenzweig) and Grant No. 93-00236 (to B.P.K.
and J.S.B.). The Jacob Blaustein International Center for Desert Studies provided ®nancial as-
sistance for J.S.B. and W.A.M. This is publication #225 of the Mitrani Center for Desert Ecology.

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