CPMR REGIONS ACT ON CLIMATE CHANGE - A concrete and strategic know-how - Europe en Bretagne

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CPMR REGIONS ACT ON CLIMATE CHANGE - A concrete and strategic know-how - Europe en Bretagne
  A concrete and strategic know-how
Member Regions
of the Conference
of Peripheral Maritime
Regions (CPMR)                                                                                                   Dear reader
                                                                                                       The first signs of impact that can be           As the following pages will show Regions
                                                                                                       associated to climate change are already        of the CPMR implement a wide array
                                                                                                       observed on the ground. Coastal areas and       of policies in the fields of renewable
                                                                                                       islands most of all, being at the first line,   energies, smart technologies, transports,
                                                                                                       are the most vulnerable to intense climate      financial innovation, social creativity
                                                                                                       phenomena or disruptions of long-lasted         as well as carbon emissions accounting
                                                                                                       equilibriums. This publication is the first     and assessment. All subjects which
                                                                                                       of its kind and compiles information from       will determine the success of the Paris
                                                                                                       maritime regions all over the periphery         agreement in the long run.
                                                                                                       of Europe, who are witnessing such              The CPMR will continue being present in
                                                                                                       disruptions.                                    the global dialogue on climate and advocate
                                                                                                       At the very heart of a global response          solidarity also towards fellow regions of the
                                                                                                       to climate change, lies the need to reduce      southern hemisphere. The CPMR promotes
                                                                                                       greenhouse gas emissions and adapt              a clear territorial dimension in climate
                                                                                                       to a new climate reality. As the climate        policies, which would undoubtedly enable
                                                                                                       negociations in Paris demonstrate, the          more effective tailor-made solutions and
                                                                                                       Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions       ultimately facilitate the implementation
                                                                                                       (CPMR) feels strongly that there won’t be       on the ground of the post-2020 global
                                                                                                       an ambitious global climate policy without      climate agreement.
                                                                                                       the strong commitment of subnational
                                                                                                       levels. Being closer to citizens and all        Climate change constitutes the most
                                                                                                       stakeholders of the civil society and more      important challenge for sustainable human
                                                                                                       flexible than national governments, the         development in the 21st century. The
                                                                                                       prospect of regions to deliver solutions        mobilisation of all levels of governance
                                                                                                       within their areas of competence is             towards this global challenge is a
                                                                                                       significant. Regions’ initiatives can and       fundamental necessity to any solution.
                                                                                                       will represent an important contribution        This publication is the initial contribution
                                                                                                       to the fight against climate change,            of how Regions can deliver on grounds of
                                                                                                       and is a key driver for the effective           sustainability and long-lasting solutions.
                                                                                                       adaptation of territories.                      Enjoy reading!

                                                                                                                 Vasco CORDEIRO
                                                                                                                 President of the CPMR,
                                                                                                                 President of the Azores Government
                 Document edited by Région Bretagne, in partnership
                 with the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR)
                 on the basis of a survey conducted among its member Regions

                 © Graphic design : www.pollenstudio.fr – Printed by : Média Graphic – November 2015
        Every member region of the CPMR has a front row seat when it comes
      to observing the initial effects of climate change in its territory. Although
    the link between climate change and the rise in the frequency and intensity
                                                                                                The gradual rise in temperatures
  of certain natural events has not always been scientifically proven, the following            has direct environmental, social
      reports are priceless in terms of the knowledge they provide and decisive                 and economic consequences. In French
             in terms of the regions’ ability to cope with global warming.                      Polynesia, it has become more difficult
                                                                                                to grow pearls, in particular in the lagoons
The effects observed                             few years. Västra Götaland (Sweden),           of Polynesian closed atolls. The flora and
                                                 which is in the same situation, is concerned   fauna in Southern Holland are gradually
prove that ecosystems                                                                           changing. In Hiiumaa (Estonia), global             At the same time, new invasive species
are changing                                     about the rising sea level.                                                                       and harmful organisms have appeared
                                                                                                warming is delaying the formation
                                                 On land, the risks of forest fires have        of sea ice, reducing the availability              over the last few years. New parasites
Coastal erosion, which is becoming more                                                                                                            and pathogens have been reported
marked because of the rise in sea levels         significantly increased as a result of long    of the ice roads that connect the island
                                                 periods of drought. Central Macedonia          to the mainland.                                   in Brittany (France) and Cornwall
and the increased frequency of storms,                                                                                                             (United Kingdom). Increasing numbers
constitutes a threat to the environment          (Greece), the Peloponnese, Northern
                                                                                                                                                   of cyanobacteria have been observed
and housing in certain regions such as           Portugal (Portugal), Shkodër (Albania) and     Changes in species                                 in waters in the Hiiumaa region, a concern
Southern Holland (Netherlands), Pärnu            Västra Götaland have all observed greater      distribution are creating                          because excessive proliferation of these
(Estonia) and the Peloponnese (Greece).          risks and all of them have introduced          new challenges                                     bacteria can be dangerous for humans
In the Skåne region (Sweden), coastal            higher levels of surveillance.
                                                                                                                                                   and fatal for animals.
erosion poses a threat to almost 23,000                                                         Because of changes in environmental
homes in the medium term and meanwhile           There has been a noticeable change             conditions, certain species are moving             The ecosystem of Lake Shkodër,
Tuscany (Italy) has, over the past decade,       in the distribution of rainfall. Catalonia,    northwards to find the environment                 the largest fresh water lake in the Balkans,
lost 147,000m² of beaches.                       the Valencia region (Spain) or some            they require and extend their territory.           is now under threat from invasive species.
                                                 archipelagos of French Polynesia (France)      Tiger mosquitoes, for example, have                And last but not least, Provence-Alpes-
Major weather events are occurring with          have had less rain and this has a knock-on     appeared in Poitou-Charentes (France)              Côte d’Azur is facing a challenge
greater frequency and are more intense.          effect on crop growth, the characteristics     and the movement of fish, jellyfish                from the appearance of toxic fish
This has been reported by regions such           of ecosystems and the replenishment            and other living marine animals has been           which are negatively impacting
as Aberdeen (United Kingdom) and Skåne,          of aquifers. Wales (United Kingdom)            observed by the regions of Alentejo                on the biotope by feeding on its algae.
where the number and strength of storms          and the Nord-Pas de Calais region              (Portugal), Gozo (Malta), Hordaland
are increasing. Provence-Alpes-Côte              in France have noted greater frequency         (Norway), the Basque Country (Spain),              To adapt to the consequences of climate
d’Azur (France) has regularly been the           and intensity of rainfall, with stormwater     Nord-Pas de Calais (France) and Central            change, local measures have been
victim of coastal flooding over the past         drains occasionally unable to cope.            Greece.                                            introduced by regions in the CPMR.

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                 STRATEGIES                                                                       deal with rivers bursting their banks. The         water resource management and planning.
                                                                                                  Basque Country has drafted a provisional           The Peloponnese is building infrastructures,
       Global approaches have been introduced over the past decade or more,                       hydrographic timetable to prepare for              tanks and retention basins for stormwater.
       as well as specific systems aimed at managing flood risks and securing                     floods after periods of drought. Finally,
                                                                                                  the plan drawn up by the region of                 Towns in Catalonia are being encouraged
                                 access to fresh water.
                                                                                                  Pärnu includes a guide to the measures             to share local water resources to ensure
                                                                                                  required for flooding or rivers in spate and       fair distribution in case of need.
Adapting to climate                                entitled, Prévoir pour agir : Les impacts      recommendations for building work.                 In the same vein, Provence-Alpes-Côte
change is often the subject                        du changement climatique en Aquitaine                                                             d’Azur has introduced “Guidelines
of a global strategy                               (Planning for Action: the Impact of            To gain greater understanding of these             for the Reasoned, Shared Use of Water
                                                   Climate Change in Aquitaine) and it is         weather events and find more efficient             Resources” (Schéma d’Orientations pour
General adaptive strategies have been              continuing to implement a broad-spectrum       ways of combating their occurrence,                une Utilisation Raisonnée et Solidaire
developed. The Valencia region has                 approach, defining indicators to measure       many members of the network have taken             de la Ressource en Eau, SOURSE) to
produced a strategy that includes                  the extent of the effects of the changing      a forward-looking view. Crete and the              counter any spatial disparities made more
100 measures to tackle climate change,             climate.                                       Peloponnese are studying their wetlands,           noticeable by a gradual drop in available
with actions specifically targeting                                                               which are extremely useful for their ability       resources across the territory as a whole.
adaptation issues. All French regions              Taking account of an                           to absorb and partly retain rainfall, while
have introduced a regional climate, air            increasing flood risk                          French Polynesia has begun modelling               Low rainfall, or rainfall concentrated in
and energy scheme (SRCAE) to implement,                                                           marine flooding caused by cyclones.                only part of the year, has created recurrent
at local level, objectives that have been          As far as the management of flood risks                                                           difficulties for certain regions. Faced with
defined nationally. Crete (Greece)                 is concerned, regions such as Aberdeen         Systems have been introduced to combat             a negative balance of fresh water, Gozo
and the Azores (Portugal) have included            or Shkodër have introduced or updated          flooding, in Skåne and Southern Holland,           is renovating and building infrastructures
sections in their Operational Programme            strategies that comply with the European       for example. They involve sand carting             to harvest and store rainwater while
and regional strategies dealing specifically       Floods Directive (Directive No. 2007/60/       to beaches to slow erosion and prevent             increasing public awareness of the need
with adaptation to climate change and, with        CE). Others, such as Cornwall or Tuscany       coastal flooding.                                  for reasoned usage. On the island of
this in mind, have drafted regional plans.         with a contingency plan of 190 million                                                            Réunion, a drought committee of experts
                                                   Euros for the improvement of its coastlines,   Securing access to fresh                           is assisting the Prefect to ensure that,
CPMR Regions have also included                    have developed investment programmes           water is a fundamental                             if the need arises, effective measures can
adaptation measures in their public                for the introduction of effective tools        issue                                              be introduced to limit the use of water.
policies through studies with wide-ranging         to combat the threats.
spatial and temporal components. In 2009,                                                         As regards security of access to fresh             In addition to policies designed to improve
the Poitou-Charentes Region published              Risk prevention plans are already in           water, regions at risk are preparing               their ability to cope with climate change,
a prospective study on potential impacts           place in most CPMR regions. Hordaland,         for potential extreme droughts.                    CPMR regions are making efforts in every
on its territory. Aquitaine (France),              Central Macedonia, the Azores and              The Alentejo region is working to ensure           sector to mitigate the effects of human
for its part, has published a reference work       Réunion (France) have drafted plans to         the compliance of the legal framework on           activities on the climate.

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                                                                                                                                                      The search for new
         ARE RESOLUTELY COMMITTED                                                                                                                     sources of energy is
                                                                                                                                                      stimulating creativity
           TO ENERGY TRANSITION                                                                                                                       in territories
                                                                                                                                                      CMPR regions play host to most of the
        The diversity of the regions in the CPMR results in a very wide range                       Whether on the mainland or islands, CPMR          technological innovations and projects
    of initiatives being brought together within a single organisation. The wide                    regions are an ideal testing ground for the       for sea-based energy production.
    array of experiences is representative of diversity within Europe as a whole                    energy sources of the future. Bretagne            Brittany is using marine current turbines
  and has one objective – a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and the design                    and Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur regions,           to capture energy from the sea, tidal
    of new practices that make extensive use of technological, social, territorial                  among others, combine production and              power is due to be captured in Wales by
                               and financial innovation.                                            supply resources for renewable energies           means of a manmade lagoon, La Reunion
                                                                                                    in a smart grid, giving greater autonomy          and Polynesia are using sea-water air
                                                                                                    to isolated areas. An initiative of the           conditioning (SWAC), the Basque Country
Innovation is the corner                            on sectors of business deemed                   Tuscany region led to the creation of a           and Peloponnese are harnessing wave
stone of the Third                                  to have the greatest potential. Cornwall        technological cluster of more than 300            power, R&D centre in Mecklemburg-
Industrial Revolution                               and Wales have both designed ambitious          companies dealing with energy efficiency,         Pomerania... The maritime characteristics
                                                    policies for energy transition based on         renewable energy and green economy.               of CMPR regions provide a unique basis
Many regions have joined with civil society         innovation. Poitou-Charentes is combining
                                                                                                                                                      for experimentation and industrial
to draft a global strategy for economic             technological and territorial innovation        Energy transition                                 development.
and social change in their industrial fabric.       by testing solar energy assessment tools        encourages social
Authorities in Spain (Basque Country,               that enable each community to know its          innovation                                        The use of gas in place of fossil fuels
Catalonia, Valencia), the UK (Wales,                potential solar power production.                                                                 is also being explored by CMPR members.
Cornwall) and France (Aquitaine, Brittany,                                                          CPMR Member Regions enjoy a direct                For example, Aberdeen and Mecklemburg-
Poitou-Charentes, Provence-Alpes-Côte               A negative carbon footprint is the aim          relationship with civil society and they          Pomerania are considering hydrogen
d’Azur) have decided to do this on a                of regions such as Hiiumaa, which hopes         have realised that energy transition is           technology for their public transport
territorial level. For its part, the Nord-Pas       to reduce its emissions by 102% compared        impossible without the approval of their          vehicles. Aquitaine and North Denmark are
de Calais region has decided to launch              to the figures for 2005. Certain regions are    citizens. Thus Mecklembourg-Pomerania             promoting biogas, produced by anaerobic
change through a master plan inspired               focusing their attention on an increase in      (Germany), for example, systematically            digestion. Other Regions, such as
by Jeremy Rifkin, author of the book,               the use of renewable energies, sometimes        involves local authorities and local people       Tuscany, are exploring the development of
The Third Industrial Revolution.                    going far beyond the target figures set by      in the building of wind farms so that its         geothermal resources to create heat loops.
                                                    the European Union. One such is Northern        citizens become co-operators.
Innovation plays a key role in any such             Denmark (Denmark) with 43% of its energy                                                          Wales has set an extremely ambitious
change. In Brittany’s regional strategy             provided by wind power, taking the total        The same type of approach is being                target – a 40% reduction in its emissions
for economic development, innovation                produced by renewable energy sources to         implemented by the regions of North and           by 2020 by means of low carbon
and internationalisation (SRDEII),                  66%. A number of regions are even aiming        South Denmark, which take full advantage          technologies, the development
ecological transition is central to the             at totally abandoning the use of fossil fuels   of the obligation imposed on operators            of renewable energies and the creation
region’s future. The RIS3CAT research and           - Västra Götaland is expected to achieve        to offer 20% of wind farm shares to people        of a carbon sink by planting 100,000
innovation strategy in Catalonia is based           this by 2030.                                   living within a 4.5 km radius of the site.        hectares of forest.

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Smart technologies are                               Personal and public
rationalising energy usage                           transport is on the
The actions being taken by regions
                                                     threshold of a major
are not limited to energy production;                change
a reduction in usage is an essential                 The reduction of emissions generated
additional component. The region of South
                                                     by transport is also among the actions
Denmark has invested 80 million euros in
                                                     being prioritised by our regions.            The same principle was used by the
a smart grid that enables 14 towns to save
16,000 tonnes of carbon every year.                  In Hordaland at the beginning of 2015,       Nord-pas de Calais region in 2004
                                                     30% of cars sold were electric, bringing     when it launched its “Création
Catalonia is supporting the installation of a        the current market share of electrically-    Dévelopment Eco-Business” association
million smart meters in Barcelona to create          powered vehicles to 4% of the total.         and a partnership with the Ellen MacArthur
a new, more economic electricity supply              Catalonia also aims to extend its fleet      Foundation. The eco-business association
model with a more rational organisation.             of electric vehicles, with 76,000 sales      is spearheading industrial ecology,
Cornwall has set up the “Smart Cornwall              per year thanks to the availability          specialising in eco-production, industrial
business development team” to grow local             of more than 90,000 charging points.         ecology and eco-design.                            Monitoring the reduction
business initiatives and develop a domestic                                                                                                          in carbon footprints
market capable of using locally-produced             In some cases, the transport sector gives    Energy transition requires                         is already planned for
technologies. Aberdeen is promoting                  priority to alternative sources of energy.   new financial tools                                the post COP21 period
the “Accelerate Aberdeen” project                    By the end of 2015, all public vehicles
which combines digital technologies and              in the Skåne region will be powered          CMPR regions have had recourse                     Carbon footprints are being recorded
electricity supply. The Island of Réunion is         by biogas; all its trains are already        to a number of innovative financial tools.         to calibrate progress, in systems
setting up a smart grid to manage energy             powered by electricity produced              Aberdeen has introduced European                   introduced by CPMR regions. Because
production and supply from some one                  by renewable energy.                         financial engineering to support its energy        they have such in-depth knowledge
hundred photovoltaic panels.                                                                      transition plans. Poitou-Charentes                 of their own territories, the regions
                                                     The circular economy                         has funded its solar energy project with           are the ideal testing grounds in which to
CPMR regions have also become involved                                                            a 400 million euro loan from the European          measure emissions and determine methods
in economic smart building policies                  reduces raw material                         Investment Bank.                                   for the collation and checking of the data
that can be applied to the renovation                waste                                                                                           supplied to them (MRV approach). They
of existing housing. Nord-pas de Calais,                                                          Cornwall’s Low Carbon Society                      are also key players in intended nationally
for example, has decided to renovate                 The CPMR’s regions make extensive use        and Brittany’s Eilañ project have seen             determined contributions (INDC).
a total of 100,000 homes by 2020. The                of the principles of the circular economy.   an investment fund being used as leverage
regions of Hiiumaa and Poitou-Charentes              The Basque Country has set up                to stimulate private investment and                Both these subjects will be central in the
are researching positive energy housing.             an ecodesign institute which integrates      assist with renewable energy projects.             follow-up to the Paris conference and the
In Brittany, the concept is being applied            the potential future recycling of products   The regions of Skåne and Aquitaine have            CPMR regions fully intend to become part
to agricultural infrastructures.                     in the original design phase.                created a regional carbon credit market.           of this approach.

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       IN THE TERRITORIALISATION                                                                     our policies include                               encouraged research on relevant key topics
                                                                                                     all aspects of climate                             and we also had to invent new financial
           OF PUBLIC POLICIES                                                                        protection                                         tools to use European funds, grants and
                                                                                                                                                        loans at our best, as well as mobilizing local
                                                                                                     CPMR regions from the Arctic Circle                investors.
                                                                                                     to the Mediterranean, from the Atlantic
It is not time for business                           appearance of pests, increasing scarcity       to the Black Sea represent a unique data           Finally through their own carbon footprint
                                                      of traditional species...                      bank for figures, facts and policies to            disclosure, our regions anticipate one of
as usual                                                                                                                                                the main aspects of the COP21 outcome.
                                                                                                     tackle climate change in Europe. Through
With a new set of climate targets for 2030            In the years to come we will be at the first   our experiences in physical, social and
Europe has the vision to continue leading             line of defence against increasingly intense   economic impacts of a warming climate as           Together we deliver
the fight against climate change. However,            phenomena. Climate change will enhance         well as the intimate knowledge of our own
the fight will be won or lost on the ground,          those disruptions and accelerate their         territory we gather a first-hand inventory         Our network, the Conference of Peripheral
                                                      secondary effects leading to aggravated        of the early signs of climate change.              Maritime Regions (CPMR), the oldest
as President Juncker put it in his first State
                                                      contrast between traditionally dry                                                                and most efficient network of regional
of the Union speech. The challenge of
                                                      and wet areas.                                 The severe risks that we face on our               authorities, reflects our creativity and
addressing climate change is global yet an
                                                                                                     economies and also on social cohesion              spirit of cooperation. Since 1973, within
effective response and long lasting results
require a decentralised implementation.               regions are an essential                       require a bottom-up development of                 this collaboration platform, together we
Regions, among others, have a key role                link for public policies                       policies, concrete plans and actions.              have addressed our common challenges
                                                                                                     Having assumed this role and responsibility        and together we achieve our common
to play in the delivery of the EU climate             Our competences in areas directly              we have already taken action to adapt              goals. Throughout these years, the CPMR
targets.                                              influencing the levels of greenhouse gas       to extreme phenomena, based on
                                                      emissions or addressing impacts of climate                                                        has worked very closely with the European
                                                                                                     our experiences and competences.
The CPMR Regions are                                  change are significant. We are closer to       Our adaptation policies represent a wide
                                                                                                                                                        Parliament and the European Commission
on the front line                                     citizens and we are more flexible compared     array of territorial actions enshrined in          and has gained valuable competence in the
                                                      to National Governments. A clear territorial   global action plans or aiming at specific          territorial dimension of EU policies as well
The peripheral and maritime regions                   dimension, as well as complementary            aspects of climate disruptions.                    as in the implementation of those policies
of Europe are very vulnerable. Spread                 multi-level governance can undoubtedly                                                            at regional level. It is these characteristics
within the sea basins of the Baltic Sea,              enable the successful formulation of           We have also been engaged in the energy            that can make CPMR a privileged
the North Sea, the Atlantic,the                       effective tailor-made climate policies.        transition and can display extremely wide          interlocutor of the European institutions in
Mediterranean and the Black Sea,                      Our initiatives, at regional level can         scope of action in social innovation, new          the context of the implementation of the
and island and outermost regions even                 represent an important contribution            sources of renewable energy, smart grids           post-2020 global climate agreement.
more, they already experience the first               to greenhouse gas emissions’ reduction         and building technologies optimizing
signs of climate change : stronger droughts           for climate change mitigation, as well as      energy use, low emission for individual            The mobilisation of all levels of governance
and floods, longer and stronger heat                  to actions on the ground for adaptation        and collective transports, circular economy        towards this global challenge is a
waves, acceleration of coastal erosion,               to a new climate reality.                      reducing waste. To this end, we have               fundamental necessity to any solution.

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In this context, we, the CPMR Regions,                 Mobilise funds, build capacities and         Further encourage and enable                     We are also ready to cooperate with
have assumed our role and responsibility          strength institutional support to develop     the implementation of concrete projects              the European Parliament and the European
through a series of political commitments.        and implement adaptation and mitigation       on the ground across our territories on              Commission to study and enhance the
We have committed to:                             plans and strategies in favour of:            climate change mitigation, with emphasis             territorial dimension of EU climate action,
                                                  - reducing greenhouse gas emissions,         on renewable energy, energy efficiency and           in particular in those areas where regions
    Increase framework cooperation within                                                       transport, including maritime transport,             have competences.
sea basins and identify, collect and share        - developing new, more sustainable energy
                                                                                                as well as on adaptation to climate change.
relevant good and bad practices and                  solutions,                                                                                      The change of paradigm towards
case-studies                                      - facilitating whenever possible marine          Get further involved in innovative               a more climate-friendly economy can be
                                                     energy production technologies,            climate initiatives, such as Climate-                an opportunity for a more collaborative
    Promote peer-review for the potential                                                       Knowledge and Innovation Communities                 Europe, the invention of new forms
                                                  - setting the example of an industrial
for scaling up and replication within and                                                       (Climate-KIC).                                       of development and active citizenship
                                                     model shift by boosting a low carbon
between sea basins, prioritizing key areas                                                                                                           encouraging the creation of wealth
                                                     and circular economy,
where threats are faced, as for instance                                                        In addition, in the framework of the                 and jobs and the boost of innovation
floods, water management etc.                     - adapting to climate change in              Bologna Charter, Mediterranean Regions               and competitiveness.
                                                     continuation of the Mexico Pact (2010).    have developed a Joint Action Plan
   Further promote the use of inventories                                                       to protect the Mediterranean coasts and
and monitoring methods of our greenhouse              Support and contribute to the
                                                                                                enhance their resilience to climate change.
gas emissions, as well as transparent             creation of effective multilevel governance
reporting procedures.                             models to enhance the implementation          The CPMR will continue working closely
                                                  of policies related to climate change         with its member-regions to facilitate
                                                  mitigation, as for instance stated in         the implementation of these commitments.
                                                  the Ljubljana Declaration aiming to           With a forward-looking approach, we will
                                                  enhance energy efficiency in buildings        be aiming at attracting investments in
                                                  in the Mediterranean.                         our territories and we will also be exploring
                                                                                                the available opportunities to benefit
                                                                                                from European funds that support research
                                                                                                and innovation.

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