Current chance of unprecedented monsoon rainfall over India using dynamical ensemble simulations

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Current chance of unprecedented monsoon rainfall over India using dynamical ensemble simulations
Environmental Research Letters


Current chance of unprecedented monsoon rainfall over India using
dynamical ensemble simulations
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Current chance of unprecedented monsoon rainfall over India using dynamical ensemble simulations
Environ. Res. Lett. 15 (2020) 094095                                              

                              Environmental Research Letters


                              Current chance of unprecedented monsoon rainfall over India
                              using dynamical ensemble simulations
23 August 2019                Shipra Jain1,2, Adam A Scaife3,4, Nick Dunstone3, Doug Smith3 and Saroj K Mishra1
REVISED                       1
17 February 2020                  Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Hauz Khas, Delhi, India
                                  School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH9 3FF, United Kingdom
2 March 2020
                                  Met Office Hadley Centre, Fitz Roy Road, Exeter EX1 3PB, Devon, United Kingdom
                                  College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences, University of Exeter, Exeter, Devon, United Kingdom
3 September 2020              E-mail:

                              Keywords: Climate Historical Forecasts Project, seasonal hindcasts, extreme rainfall, seasonal predictions, multimodel ensemble
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Any further distribution      In the past, India has suffered severe socio-economic losses due to recurring floods and droughts
of this work must
maintain attribution to
                              during boreal summer (June–August). In this analysis, we estimate the chance of extreme summer
the author(s) and the title   rainfall, i.e. flood and drought over India for the present climate using the UNprecedented
of the work, journal
citation and DOI.             Simulated Extremes using ENsembles (UNSEEN) method. This is the first application of the
                              method to the hindcasts from multiple coupled atmosphere-ocean models. We first test individual
                              models against the observed rainfall record over India and select models that are statistically
                              indistinguishable from observations. We then calculate the chances of floods, droughts and
                              unprecedented rainfall using 1669 realizations of summer precipitation from the selected set of
                              models. It is found that the chance of drought is larger than the chance of flood in the present
                              climate. There is a clear El Niño (La Niña) signal in dry (wet) summers and the occurrence of more
                              frequent and intense droughts than floods in both models and observations is partly due to El Niño
                              Southern Oscillation phase asymmetry. The chances of record-breaking drought and flood are
                              1.6% and 2.6%, respectively. There is also an estimated chance that a 30% rainfall deficit could
                              occur around once in two centuries, which is far beyond the record deficit over India.

                              1. Introduction                                                      in ensembles made for seasonal forecasting, here we
                                                                                                   improve on the chances of extreme drought and flood
                              The human population of India is increasing at a                     than can be made from observations [see 2–5].
                              much faster rate than many other nations [1]. Sev-                       The Indian summer monsoon rainfall shows
                              eral sectors, such as food and agriculture, water                    large year-to-year fluctuations. Over the last cen-
                              and energy supply, employment, etc, are facing an                    tury or so (1901–2013), around 25% were drought
                              increase in demand due to this rapid increase in pop-                or flood years, where droughts/floods are defined as
                              ulation. These sectors are directly or indirectly related            the June–August (JJA) rainfall exceeding ±10% of
                              to the rainfall received over India during the sum-                  the long-term mean climatological rainfall over India
                              mer monsoon season (June–September) and there-                       (figure 1). For instance, 2002 and 2009 were both
                              fore there is a growing interest in the current chances              severe drought years, with the JJA rainfall ~19% and
                              of extreme summer rainfall. Estimates of the chance                  ~16% below normal, respectively. The 2002 drought
                              of extreme rainfall can be of enormous help to the                   was the third largest over the last century and the
                              government to reform the policies that are affected                  impact of this drought was severe [6]. India faced
                              by the variations in rainfall and cater to the needs of              phenomenal losses in agriculture and economy that
                              the increasing population. These estimates could be                  affected the lives of millions of people. The year 2002,
                              made using observations. However, the observations                   though extreme, was not unprecedented and there-
                              are just a single realization of the past evolution of the           fore perhaps the possibility of this event could have
                              Indian summer monsoon and are therefore limited                      been anticipated in advance, but its probability would
                              to just one value per summer, giving high statistical                be hard to estimate from observations as it is close to
                              uncertainty. By using perturbed model simulations                    the lowest recorded rainfall. Note that natural internal

                              © 2020 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd
Current chance of unprecedented monsoon rainfall over India using dynamical ensemble simulations
Environ. Res. Lett. 15 (2020) 094095                                                                                        S Jain et al

   Figure 1. Observed Indian monsoon rainfall. Time series of the % rainfall anomaly with respect to the long-term climatological
   mean rainfall for JJA using India Meteorological Department (IMD) observations.

variability is inherently present in all observations and           method is that the dynamical circulation associated
cannot be ruled out as a cause of this drought [7]. In              with the extreme events can be studied. For example,
principle, if a model simulates realistic rainfall and              Thompson et al [3] showed that extreme hot sum-
has internal variability similar to the observations,               mers over south-east China are either associated with
it should be possible to use large ensemble simula-                 the westward shift in western North Pacific subtrop-
tions to better determine the chances of such extreme               ical high or the occurrence of a circumglobal sta-
events and the chances of events that are outside the               tionary wave (Silk Road pattern), or both. This illus-
current range of the observed record.                               trates another advantage of the use of ensembles over
    In this paper, we examine the possibility of                    extrapolating the observations outside their range;
drought or flood for any given summer using                         using model realizations allows unobserved dynam-
UNSEEN (UNprecedented Simulated Extremes using                      ical states and their remote teleconnections associated
ENsembles). The UNSEEN method, proposed by                          with the unprecedented events to be identified. Note
Thompson et al [4], is a statistical framework under                that we estimate the chance of extremes by sampling
which the chance of unprecedented rainfall extremes                 the internal variability in current climate using a
can be estimated using a large ensemble of initial-                 large ensemble of simulations with current climate
ized climate simulations to sample a broad range of                 forcings.
internal variability. Thompson et al [4] have used this                  We estimate the chance of drought or flood for
method to estimate the chance of rainfall exceeding                 any given summer over India using the precipita-
the present record rainfall over the United Kingdom                 tion outputs from an ensemble of models, avail-
(UK) and showed that for any given winter, there                    able through the Climate Historical Forecast Project
is a 7% chance that the rainfall would exceed the                   (CHFP) [12]. It is worth noting that though this
observed record rainfall in at least one month over                 method has been applied to an ensemble of sim-
south-east England. Thompson et al [3] have also                    ulations from a single model, none of the studies
used this method to understand the chance of unpre-                 so far has applied it using a multi-model ensemble
cedented hot months in south east China and found                   (MME) or applied it to the Indian monsoon. Using
that for each summer, there is a 10% chance of an                   multiple models allows us to (a) increase the num-
unprecedented hot month.                                            ber of samples compared to any single model or
    Many studies have shown that the large inter-                   observations and (b) examine the driving dynam-
annual variations and occurrence of extremes in                     ical and meteorological conditions leading to extreme
temperature or precipitation may also arise due                     events in similarly forced models. The total number
to the dynamical circulation [e.g. 3,8,9] in addi-                  of summer rainfall realizations that are used to cre-
tion to the dynamical and thermodynamical for-                      ate the MME is 1669, which is more than an order of
cings [e.g. 10,11]. An advantage of the UNSEEN                      magnitude greater than the full observational record

Current chance of unprecedented monsoon rainfall over India using dynamical ensemble simulations
Environ. Res. Lett. 15 (2020) 094095                                                                                         S Jain et al

Table 1. Details of the rainfall data used in this study. The models that pass the UNSEEN fidelity test are highlighted in bold. The MME
is from models that pass the test.

                                                                        Ensemble       Total (model)
Model/Source        Centre, Country             Period, years           members            years          Reference

GloSea5,            MetOffice, UK               1992–2012, 21                24               504         MacLachlan et al (2015)
ECMWF-S4            ECMWF, UK                   1981–2010, 30                15               450         Molteni et al (2011)
CanCM4              CCCma, Canada               1979–2008, 30                10               300         Von Salzen et al (2013)
CFS                 NOAA, USA                   1981–2007, 27                 7               189         Saha et al (2006)
JMA-CGCM2           MRI-JMA, Japan              1981–2010, 30                10               300         Takaya et al (2017)
MIROC5              CCSR, Japan                 1980–2011, 32                 8               256         Watanabe et al (2010)
                                                                                                          Imada et al (2015)
MPI-LR              MPI-ESM, Germany            1982–2011, 30                 9               270         Baehr et al (2015)
POAMA               CAWCR, Australia            1980–2009, 30                30               900         Cottrill et al (2013)
MME                 Multiple sources            1980–2012, 33                63              1669         shown above in bold
IMD                 India Meteorological        1901–2013, 113                1               113         Pai et al (2013)
(observations)      Department, India

(1901–2013) available over India. We first examine                    JJA and JJAS seasonal rainfall is 0.91). The JJA rain-
individual model performance in simulating the JJA                    fall anomalies exceeding ±10% of the long-term cli-
rainfall over India using the observations from the                   matological mean rainfall are considered as floods or
IMD. The models that pass our fidelity tests are then                 droughts [7]. For the current observational record
used to create a large multimodel ensemble, to estim-                 (1901–2013), the long term JJA climatological mean
ate the chance of flood or drought.                                   rainfall is ~7.503 mm day−1 . The record flood year
                                                                      was 1988 with JJA rainfall exceeding ~16% and the
2. Data                                                               record drought year was 1972 with JJA rainfall show-
                                                                      ing ~23% rainfall deficit with respect to observed
Observational rainfall is taken from the IMD                          climatological mean (figure 1). The rainfall values
0.25◦ × 0.25◦ daily gridded rainfall product [13],                    exceeding the current flood and drought record are
which is one of the longest observed rainfall data sets               referred as unprecedented.
over India. Pai et al [13] have compared these data                        The monthly Niño 3.4 index (centred-base
with four existing daily gridded data sets over India                 period) is obtained from the Climate Prediction
and found strong consistencies between the interan-                   Centre, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin-
nual variations and extreme seasonal mean rainfall in                 istration (NOAA). The definition of centred base
all the data sets.                                                    period is provided on the NOAA website. The
     The monthly mean hindcasts are taken from the                    data that support the findings of this study are
CHFP [12], which is a multimodel seasonal hindcast                    openly available at and
database established by the World Climate Research          
Programme (WCRP). The hindcasts, which are ini-
tialized around 1 May, have been used in this ana-                    3. Model fidelity
lysis. The precipitation and sea-surface temperature
(SST) outputs from eight different models are used                    Before using these models to study rainfall extremes,
for their corresponding hindcast periods (table 1).                   it is important to first assess whether they repres-
The GloSea5 hindcasts from the Seasonal-to-Decadal                    ent observed rainfall variability realistically or not.
climate Prediction for the improvement of European                    As standard in seasonal prediction, the precipitation
Climate Services (SPECS) database are available for                   time series from each model is first bias corrected
a longer hindcast period with a greater number of                     using the IMD observations for the corresponding
ensemble members compared to the CHFP and there-                      hindcast period. The bias correction is applied to
fore this larger data set has been used in this ana-                  each ensemble member, using the climatological dif-
lysis. The IMD data is available for the land region at               ference between the ensemble mean and observed
quarter degree resolution, whereas the model outputs                  rainfall for each model. The bias-corrected precipit-
are only available at 2.5◦ over both land and ocean.                  ation time series are then re-sampled to form 10 000
For the models’ area average, first the IMD data is res-              representative time series (of the same length) for
caled to 2.5◦ (resolution of the models) and the grid-                each model. Re-sampling for each individual model
points thus obtained are used to mask the model out-                  is done by randomly selecting an ensemble mem-
puts and calculate area averages. All results presented               ber precipitation from each year’s ensemble. The
in this paper are area averages for land only.                        representative time series are then used to obtain
     The seasonal average is taken from 1 June to 31                  the distributions of mean, standard deviation, skew-
August (JJA) for each year for both models and obser-                 ness and kurtosis for each model using all ensemble
vations (note that the correlation between observed                   members and all years. We also explain the fidelity

Current chance of unprecedented monsoon rainfall over India using dynamical ensemble simulations
Environ. Res. Lett. 15 (2020) 094095                                                                                       S Jain et al

   Figure 2. Fidelity of ensemble predictions of Indian monsoon rainfall. Observed mean, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis
   as a percentile of the model distribution for each model. Grey lines denote the percentile values at ±2.5%. Observed values are
   calculated using the full observational record, i.e. 1901–2013. Models that pass the tests (MPI, MIROC5, CFS, ECMWF and
   GloSea5) are used to calculate the metrics for the MME.

   Figure 3. Distribution of Indian monsoon rainfall in models and observations. Distribution of seasonal mean (JJA) bias-corrected
   precipitation (land only) for MME (red) and IMD observations (black). Sm and So show the standard deviation for MME and
   observations, respectively.

test for individual models using an example of                      bias correction. The 10 000 representative time series
the CFS model. First, the climatological difference                 of the same length (i.e. 27 years for the CFS model) are
between IMD and CFS ensemble mean precipitation                     created by randomly selecting one ensemble mem-
is calculated for the period 1981–2007. The mean                    ber precipitation for each year from 1981–2007. These
precipitation difference thus obtained is removed                   representative time series are then used to obtain the
from each ensemble member precipitation for the                     four statistical metrics given above.

Current chance of unprecedented monsoon rainfall over India using dynamical ensemble simulations
Environ. Res. Lett. 15 (2020) 094095                                                                                          S Jain et al

   Figure 4. Chances of extreme Indian monsoon rainfall. Probability (%) versus excess or deficit in bias-corrected JJA mean
   precipitation (%) with respect to the observed climatological mean rainfall. Orange, and light blue lines show the observed
   probabilities for drought and flood, respectively, for the IMD observational record (1901–2013). Probabilities are given on a
   log scale.

    Similar metrics are obtained for the IMD obser-                   illustrate that the MME and observed distributions
vations. Note that there is no significant trend in                   are statistically indistinguishable.
observed JJA mean rainfall or 11-year running stand-
ard deviation and therefore for IMD observations we                   4. Estimated chance of floods and
use the full-length observational record (1901–2013).                 droughts
The percentile of the observed value in the model dis-
tribution is identified and marked for all four tests                 The chances of flood and drought during a given sum-
(figure 2). The models for which the observation per-                 mer are now estimated from the MME. The probab-
centile lies within the 95% confidence interval (shown                ility versus percentage excess (or deficit) in rainfall
by grey lines in figure 2 at 2.5%–97.5%) of the model                 with respect to the observed JJA climatological mean
distribution for all four metrics are then taken to                   is shown in figure 4. The observed JJA mean rainfall
be statistically indistinguishable from the observa-                  is calculated for the full observational period (1901–
tions. Models whose distributions do not contain the                  2013). The flood and drought events are defined as
observed values are rejected. Figure 2 shows that five                the rainfall anomalies greater or less than 10% of the
models, MPI, MIROC5, CFS, ECMWF and GloSea5,                          observed mean [7] and therefore, in figure 4, we only
pass the tests for all measures, whereas the other                    show the probabilities for model rainfall exceeding
remaining models fail the test for skewness or stand-                 ±10%. The probabilities of the flood (light blue line)
ard deviation or both and therefore are not used. The                 and drought (orange line) in the observational record
MME is created using the precipitation output from                    are also shown. The chances of flood or drought are
these five models. For the MME, the re-sampling is                    much better sampled by the MME than the more lim-
done for the longest hindcast period possible, i.e.                   ited observed record and therefore give a smooth and
1980–2012. The percentile of the observed value for                   more statistically stable estimate of extreme rainfall
the selected MME is noted and shown at the top                        well beyond the level possible with observations. The
of figure 2. The MME is indistinguishable from the                    observations under-sample the probability of extreme
observations for all four metrics.                                    floods and droughts. The smaller ensemble from any
    Figure 3 shows the distribution of JJA mean pre-                  single model may also underestimate the chance of
cipitation from IMD observations (black hatched)                      high-intensity extremes and therefore we use the large
and the MME (red solid). Due to the much larger                       MME to sample the largest possible range of vari-
sample size of the MME, which is more than an order                   ability with these data. The MME indicates that the
of magnitude larger than the full observational record                chance of exceeding the worst drought (>23% defi-
length, the MME distribution is smoother than the                     cit) observed over the last century is ~1.6% and the
observed distribution and it samples extremes bey-                    chance of a record-breaking flood (>16% excess) is
ond the range of the observations. Figures 2 and 3                    2.6%. The data also suggest that there is even a chance

Current chance of unprecedented monsoon rainfall over India using dynamical ensemble simulations
Environ. Res. Lett. 15 (2020) 094095                                                                                         S Jain et al

   Figure 5. Link between SSTs and extreme Indian summer monsoon rainfall. Difference in SSTs for the top ten extreme wet and
   dry summers in multimodel ensemble. Stippling denotes the differences that are significant at 95% confidence level using the
   two-tailed student’s t-test.

   Figure 6. Effect of ENSO on Indian monsoon rainfall. Probability (%) of drought (flood) versus deficit (excess) in bias-corrected
   JJA mean precipitation (%) with respect to the observed climatological mean rainfall for the MME. Black line is for El Niño years
   and grey is for La Niña years. Probabilities are given on a log scale.

of a 30% deficit of summer rainfall with a probabil-                 Indian summer monsoon [14–21]. To understand the
ity of once in two centuries (probability 0.5%). Such                dynamical conditions leading to the extreme rain-
a drought would be well beyond anything seen over                    fall events, we examine the global JJA SSTs for the
the last century and would have an unprecedented                     ten wettest and ten driest summers in the MME.
impact.                                                              The difference between the SSTs for composite wet
                                                                     and dry summers clearly shows the influence of
5. Dynamical conditions                                              ENSO on the rainfall extremes (figure 5). Lower SSTs
                                                                     over the tropical Pacific during wet summers indic-
The seasonal mean rainfall over India is known to                    ates the association of La Niña (El Niño) with the
be influenced by large-scale dynamical phenomena                     wet (dry) summers over India [22]. This shows that
in the oceans such as El Niño Southern Oscillation                   despite the reported non-stationarity of the observed
(ENSO) and the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), which                      ENSO-monsoon relationship over the last few dec-
drives some of the interannual variability of the                    ades [23], ENSO provides a clear impact on the

Environ. Res. Lett. 15 (2020) 094095                                                                            S Jain et al

chance of drought and flood in the Indian summer
     Figure 4 suggests that as well as being stronger,
droughts are also more probable than floods in both
models and observations, and careful inspection of
figure 3 confirms this negative skewness. The prob-
abilities of drought (flood) with % deficit (excess)
in rainfall as estimated from the MME are shown
in figure 6 for El Niño and La Niña years separ-
ately. The ENSO years here are identified using the
Nino 3.4 index from NOAA. The model years with
Nino 3.4 index higher than +0.5 are identified as
El Niño and lower than −0.5 are identified as La
Niña. During the strong El Niño years, most ensemble
members for any given model show a large reduction
in JJA mean rainfall [see also 22], indicating higher
chance of drought, whereas the opposite is noted dur-
ing La Niña. Figure 6 also shows that the probabil-
ity of severe droughts during El Niño is higher than
floods during La Niña. By sub-sampling further, the
asymmetry between the drought and flood chance
can be partly attributed to the asymmetry in the
ENSO itself. Figure 7(a) shows the frequency of JJA
SST anomalies over the Nino 3.4 region (5◦ N–5◦ S,
170◦ W–120◦ W) from the models. Figure 7(a) con-
firms the asymmetry between El Niño and La Niña
events in models with El Niño events reaching greater
magnitude more frequently than La Niña events for
SST anomalies exceeding 1.6 K. Such asymmetry and
its possible causes were also demonstrated by Liang
et al [24].
     The influence of ENSO on Indian summer mon-
soon rainfall increases with the amplitude of ENSO
anomaly and given that El Niño frequently reaches
larger amplitude than La Niña, a larger chance of            Figure 7. SST and rainfall intensity. (a) SST anomaly (K)
                                                             frequency over the Nino 3.4 region from models. SST
drought is expected than flood. This can also be con-        anomalies for each model are calculated using the ensemble
cluded from figure 7(b), which shows the chance of           mean SST from that model (b) % fraction of flood and
flood and drought over India as a function of SST            drought over India as a function of SST anomaly.
                                                             Precipitation (bias-corrected) anomalies for each model are
anomalies over the Nino 3.4 region from the MME.             calculated with respect to ensemble mean precipitation
For each SST anomaly range, starting from −3.00 to           (bias corrected) for that model. Flood is >10% and drought
Environ. Res. Lett. 15 (2020) 094095                                                                             S Jain et al

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