Dispersion of plasmons in three-dimensional superconductors

Page created by Rhonda Burgess
Dispersion of plasmons in three-dimensional superconductors

                                                                                          T. Repplinger, M. Gélédan and H. Kurkjian
                                                                 Laboratoire de Physique Théorique, Université de Toulouse, CNRS, UPS, 31400, Toulouse, France

                                                                                                     S. Klimin and J. Tempere
                                                                            TQC, Universiteit Antwerpen, Universiteitsplein 1, B-2610 Anvers, Belgique

                                                                     We study the plasma branch of an homogeneous three-dimensional electron gas in an s-wave
                                                                  superconducting state. We focus on the regime where the plasma frequency ωp is comparable to
                                                                  the gap ∆, which is experimentally realized in cuprates. Although a sum rule guarantees that the
arXiv:2201.11421v1 [cond-mat.supr-con] 27 Jan 2022

                                                                  departure of the plasma branch always coincides with the plasma frequency, the dispersion and
                                                                  lifetime of the plasmons is strongly affected by the presence of the pair condensate, especially at
                                                                  energies close to the pair-breaking threshold 2∆. When ωp is above 1.7∆, the level repulsion is
                                                                  strong enough to give the plasma branch an anomalous, negative dispersion with a minimum at
                                                                  finite wavelength. At non-zero temperature and at ωp > 2∆, we treat in a non-perturbative way
                                                                  the coupling of plasmons to the fermionic excitations, and show that a broadened plasma resonance
                                                                  inside the pair-breaking continuum coexists with an undamped solution in the band gap. This
                                                                  resonance splitting is associated with the presence of multiple poles in the analytic continuation of
                                                                  the propagator of the Cooper pairs.

                                                        Introduction: Despite being a very mature experimen-          damental understanding of superconductivity and long-
                                                     tal platform, supporting numerous technical applications,        range interactions in many-body physics, those modes
                                                     superconductors still hold some of the most fundamental          can also be used in plasmonics, or to probe and ma-
                                                     open questions of many-body physics. The impressively            nipulate superconducting materials [18]. Experimental
                                                     high critical temperature (Tc ) and the unconventional           research on Josephson plasmons, which describe trans-
                                                     Cooper pairing in cuprates and iron-based superconduc-           verse plasmonic excitations is superconducting layers is
                                                     tors are the most famous of those fascinating questions.         still very active today [19].
                                                     However, even some properties of conventional Bardeen-
                                                                                                                         At low energy-momentum, plasmons can be described
                                                     Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) superconductors are still inten-
                                                                                                                      by phenomenological approaches based on London elec-
                                                     sively discussed, such as the existence of an amplitude
                                                                                                                      trodynamics [20], but a microscopic theory is needed
                                                     collective mode [1–3], reminiscent of the Higgs mode in
                                                                                                                      when the eigenfrequency of plasmons approaches the
                                                     high-energy physics.
                                                                                                                      pair-breaking threshold. In this regime, the theoreti-
                                                        In fact, even for such usual behavior as plasma oscil-        cal literature is still hesitant, in particular in the cases
                                                     lations (the collective modes of the electronic density),        where a complex plasma mode describing a damped res-
                                                     superconductors are still not fully understood. In a pio-        onance is expected. Here, we reveal that remarkable
                                                     neering work, Anderson [4] has shown that the phononic           phenomena affecting the plasma dispersion in presence
                                                     (Goldstone) branch that exists in a neutral fermionic con-       of superconducting order have been overlooked. Like
                                                     densate acquires a gap corresponding to the plasma fre-          Anderson, we consider the reference situation of an
                                                     quency ωp in presence of long-range Coulomb interaction.         isotropic three-dimensional (3D) s-wave superconductor
                                                     This mechanism later became famous due to its analogy            but our study can be readily extended to layered ge-
                                                     with the phenomenon of mass acquisition in high-energy           ometries or anisotropic pairing. Due to the repulsion of
                                                     physics. The work of Anderson has then been revisited in         the pair-breaking threshold, the plasma branch acquires
                                                     the context of high-Tc superconductivity [5–9], and nu-          a negative curvature and thus a minimum at non-zero
                                                     clear/neutronic matter [10]. While Anderson focused on           wavenumber when ωp is between 1.696∆ and 2∆ at zero
                                                     the regime of large ωp , the frequency of transverse plas-       temperature. At larger wavenumber, nonzero tempera-
                                                     mons in layered superconductors such as cuprates often           ture or when ωp > 2∆, the plasma branch enters the pair-
                                                     lies below the pair-breaking threshold 2∆ [11–13], such          breaking continuum but remains observable with a finite
                                                     that an undamped plasma branch can be expected. The              lifetime that we calculate using recently develop technics
                                                     departure of the plasma branch was shown to always co-           [21–23] to treat the coupling to the fermionic continuum.
                                                     incide with ωp [9], and as temperature or excitation mo-         We find a rich resonance structure in the density-density
                                                     menta were varied, a duplication of the plasma resonance         response function, with several peaks both above and be-
                                                     was observed, with a low-energy branch at energies below         low the pair-breaking threshold, which we relate to the
                                                     2∆ and a high-energy one above [14–16].                          existence of multiple poles in the analytic continuation
                                                       The existence of such low-energy plasmons was cited as         [21, 23, 24] of the propagator the density-phase fluctua-
                                                     a possible explanation of the critical temperature increase      tions. In the quasiphononic regime ωp  2∆ correspond-
                                                     in cuprates [17]. Besides their importance for the fun-          ing to the experimental situation in cuprates [13, 15], the
plasma eigenfrequency behaves as ωp2 + ωq,n  2 where ω
                                                      q,n    We give here its generic expression
is the phononic dispersion of the neutral fermion conden-
                                                                                 +                     −
sate [14]. Finally, we show that when temperature in-                         X πij (1 − f+ − f− )   πij (f+ − f− )
                                                               Πij (z, q) =                          −
creases towards Tc , the plasmons gradually recover their                        2
                                                                                z − (+ + − ) 2    z − (+ − − )2
normal (undamped) dispersion [25], except in a region of                                                            (4)
size ∆2 /T around the pair-breaking threshold. All these     in terms of the Fermi-Dirac occupation numbers f± =
unusal behaviors should have important consequences on       1/(1 + exp(± /T )), free-fermion ξ± = ξq/2±k and BCS
the electromagnetic and transport properties of super-       energies ± = q/2±k with ξk = k 2 /2m − µ and k =
conductors.                                                  p                               ±
                                                               ξk2 + ∆2 . The coefficients πij   can be deduced from
   Linear response within RPA: We study an homoge-           Eq. (36) in [28]. The first term in Eq. (4) gives rise to
neous electron gas evolving in a cubic volume V with         the pair-breaking continuum {q/2+k + q/2−k }k , gapped
a average density ρ, defining the Fermi wavenumber           at low q by the pair-breaking threshold 2∆. The second
ρ = kF3 /3π 2 . Electrons interact through both the long-    term exists only at T 6= 0 and gives rise to the gapless
range Coulomb potential VC (r) ∝ 1/r and a short-range       quasiparticle-quasihole continuum {q/2+k − q/2−k }k
part, responsible for s-wave Cooper pairing, and mod-
                                                               The spectrum of the collective modes is found as the
elled by a contact potential of coupling constant g:
                                                             poles of χ, hence as the zeros of M :
         V (r1 , r2 ) = gδ(r1 − r2 ) + VC (r1 − r2 )   (1)
                                                                                   detM↓ (zq , q) = 0              (5)
We note that a momentum cutoff at the Debye frequency
should be used to regularize the divergence caused by        The ↓ sign recalls that when the collective mode is cou-
the contact potential, although in the following discus-     pled to the pair-breaking [21] or quasiparticle-hole con-
sion this cutoff can safely be send to infinity. In terms    tinuum [23, 31], it is complex energy is found only after
of the electron mass m and wavenumber q, the Fourier         an analytic continuation of M from upper to lower half-
transform of the Coulomb potential is VC (q) = mωp2 /ρq 2    complex plane.
(we use ~ = kB = 1 throughout the article).                     The present analysis of the plasmon dispersion focuses
   We imagine that the system is driven at fixed frequency   on the typical weak-coupling regime of superconductors,
ω and wavenumber q by an external field (for example         with ∆ much smaller than the Fermi energy F , and the
an electromagnetic field) and we study the collective re-    excitation wavelength comparable to the Cooper pair size
sponse within linear response theory. The response func-     ξ = kF /2m∆. In this regime, the fluctuation of the mod-
tion can be computed either using a path integral formal-    ulus of the order parameter are decoupled from the phase-
ism [26] with both a pair and density auxiliary fields, or   density fluctuations:
in the Random Phase Approximation (RPA), neglecting
as in [4] the exchange-scattering diagrams (the effect of     detM↓ = 0 ⇐⇒ M11,↓ M33,↓ − M13,↓   2
                                                                                                    = 0 or M22,↓ = 0
those diagrams is discussed in Ref. [27]). In a supercon-                                                           (6)
ductor, since the density response δρ is coupled to the      The second condition gives rise the “pair-breaking” or
fluctuations of the order parameter, in phase δθ and a       “Higgs” modulus mode which in the weak-coupling regime
priori in modulus δ|∆|, the linear response function χ is    is insensitive to Coulomb interactions [22, 32]. Here, we
a 3 × 3 matrix:                                              study the density-phase modes, fulfilling the first condi-
                                                         tion.
            2i∆δθ(q, ω)                uθ (q)
                                                                Anomalous dispersion of long wavelength plasmons:
           2δ|∆(q, ω)|  = χ(ω, q) u|∆| (q) ,       (2)
                                                             We first study analytically the plasmon dispersion in the
             gδρ(q, ω)                 uρ (q)
                                                             limit q  1/ξ, where, by analogy with the normal case
                                                             [25], one can expect the quadratic law [7]:
where uθ , u|∆| and uρ are respectively the phase, modulus
and density driving fields [28]. The response matrix χ
is expressed in terms of the bare propagator Π as χ =                                        q2
                                                                               zq = ω0 + α      + O(q 4 )          (7)
−M −1 Π with                                                                                 2m

                                                             The expansion in powers of q is more easily performed
                                                  
                              V /g 0         0
    M = Π − D and D ≡  0 V /g               0      (3)     using the recombined matrix:
                               0    0 V /2VC (q)                                                                   
                                                                            M11               zM13 + 2∆M11
Remark that due to the Coulomb potential M and Π                      zM13 + 2∆M11 z 2 M33 + 4∆zM13 + 4∆2 M11
do not commute, such that χ is not a symmetric matrix.                                                              (8)
The matrix Π was computed for instance in Refs. [28–30].     In particular the origin ω0 of the plasma branch is found

simply by solving M
                  f33 = 0 to lowest order in q. We have                                0                       1.696
                                                                                  10                                              2

                       z2                                                          8                                              1.5
          ρV q

                                                                                                                       ∆Im α/F
    M33 =
    f            1− 2                                                                                                             1
            2m         ωp                                                          6

                                                                       ∆Re α/F
                 +                                                                                                                0.5
            Xm e 33 (1 − f+ − f− ) me − (f+ − f− )                                 4
          +      2             2
                                  − 2 33                       (9)                                                                0
                z − (+ + − )     z − (+ − − )2                                 2                                                  2         3         4     5       6
                 k                                                                                                                                      ωp /∆
where we have used a sum rule1 to sim-                                            −2
                                                                                                 T =0
                                                                                                 T /∆ = 10
plify the first line,       and we  set m   e± 33  =                                           T → Tc
[ξ+ − ξ− ] [+ ± − ] + − ∓ ξ+ ξ− ∓ ∆ /2+ − .
          2                            2
                                                    The                           −4
                                                                                       0   0.5       1       1.5       2                  2.5       3     3.5       4   4.5
summation on the second line is of order q 4 and will                                                                   ωp /∆
only affect the expression of the dispersion parameter
α. Thus, the origin ω0 of the plasma branch always                     FIG. 1: Dispersion parameter Re α (multiplied by ∆/F to
coincides with the plasma frequency [9]                                have a finite weak-coupling limit), in function of the plasma
                                                                       frequency at zero (black curve) and high temperature (red
                                 ω0 = ωp                     (10)      curve). The normal dispersion 6F /5ωp is shown by the red
                                                                       dotted curve. The value where α changes sign at T = 0 is indi-
This expected results shows that superconductivity does                cated by the black dotted line. Inset: the damping parameter
                                                                       Im α, which becomes nonzero inside the pair-breaking contin-
not affect the departure of the plasma branch. As we                   uum [2∆, +∞[ (red area).
now explain, the situation is quite different for the low-q
dispersion and lifetime.
  To extract the curvature α of the plasma branch, we                  ωp  2∆, the second term in (12) becomes negligi-
expand M f33 to subleading order in q, and consider the 2
                                                                       ble, such that we recover the normal plasmon dispersion
other matrix elements                                                  α → 6F /5ωp [25]. In the opposite « quasiphononic »
         X  m+ (1 − f+ − f− )                                         limit ωp  2∆, which corresponds to the experimental
                                     m− 11 (f+ − f− )
M11 =            11
                 2             2
                                   − 2               2
                                                         −             situation of Refs. [13, 15], rather than expanding for fixed
                z − (+ + − )      z − (+ − − )         g           z as prescribed by (7), one should expand for q → 0 while
               e 13 (1 − f+ − f− )      −
                                     e (f+ − f− )                      keeping z/vF comparable to q [14]. This yields2
         X m                                          
f13 =
                 2             2
                                   − 2 13                (11)
                z − (+ + − )      z − (+ − − )2                                                    q
                                                                                        zq     −→        ωp2 + c2 q 2          (13)
with m±11 = (+ ± − )(+ − ± ξ+ ξ− ± ∆ )/2+ − and
                                             2                                                           cq/ωp fixed
e 13 = ±(+ ± − )(2ξ+ ξ− + 2∆ − + − − )∆/2+ − . At
m                               2     2    2
zero temperature, this yields the fully analytic expression            where c = vF / 3 is the speed-of-sound of the weakly-
of α:                                                                  interacting condensate of neutral fermions.
                                                                          At nonzero temperature, α depends on the dimen-
                         6F   32F ∆2 Arcsin (ωp /2∆)                 sionless temperature T̄ = T /∆ and plasma frequency
             α=              −                               (12)
                                                                       ω̄p = ωp /∆. We find
                         5ωp   15ωp ω 4∆2 − ω 2
                                       p           p
                                                                                     F 6ω̄p                     8
which is shown as a black curve on Fig. 1. This expression                       α=           (I3 + J0 − J2 ) −      I1   (14)
                                                                                     ∆    5                     3ω̄p
remains valid when ωp > 2∆ and the plasma branch is
embedded in the pair-breaking continuum. In this case,                 in terms of the dimensionless integrals In                      =
one should use ωp → ωp + i0+ and Im α < 0 describes                    R +∞      th(/2T̄ )                     R +∞
                                                                             dξ n (ω̄2 −42 ) and Jn = 2T̄ ω̄2 0
                                                                                                          1               dξ
                                                                         0                                           n ch2 (/2T̄ )
the nonzero damping rate of plasmons. We note that                                    p                       p

                                                                                ξ + 1. The red curve in Fig. 1 shows α in
                                                                        =       2
the repulsion of the pair-breaking threshold leads to a
squareroot divergence of Re α and Im α when approach-                  the vicinity of the critical temperature T /Tc = 0.9989
ing the pair-breaking threshold respectively from below                (T /∆ = 10). We observe that α tends to its normal
and above. This opens an interval ωp ∈ [1.696∆, 2∆[                    limit 6F /5ωp uniformly except in a neighborhood of size
where plasmons have an anomalous negative dispersion                   ≈ ∆2 /T around the pair-breaking threshold 2∆. There,
at the origin (Reα < 0). In the conventional limit                     the divergence of the real and imaginary part is preserved
                                                                       whenever T < Tc , showing that a regime of anomalous

    Explicitely,   we have used       k [(1 − f+ − f− ) (+ + − )
     + − − ξ+ ξ− − ∆ −(f+ − f− ) (+ − − ) + − + ξ+ ξ− + ∆2 ]
                        2                                              2    Note that this is consistent with the behavior of α in the limit
    /2+ − = ρV q 2 /2m.                                                   ωp /∆ → 0.

plasmon dispersion subsists until the transition to the                 2.2                                                        2.5

normal phase. In usual situations, ωp is fixed in units
of the Fermi energy F , but the ratio ωp /∆(T ) can still                                                                         2

be adjusted by varying the temperature. The negative                     2
plasma dispersion will thus eventually occur when in-                                                                              1.5

                                                             ωqmin /∆

                                                                                                                                       qmin ξ
creasing the temperature provided ωp < 2∆(T = 0).                       1.9
Near Tc , we note that the plasma branch may also in-                   1.8
teract with the phononic Carlson-Goldman excitations
[7, 29, 33] describing the motion of the superconduct-                  1.7
ing electrons embedded in a majority of normal carri-
                                                                        1.6                                                        0
ers. A convincing description of this phenomenon re-                          1.6 1.70 1.8     2        2.2     2.4    2.6   2.8
quires going beyond the collisionless regime of undamped                                                ωp /∆
fermionic quasiparticles [34], which is beyond the scope
of this work.                                                FIG. 2: The dispersion minimum ωqmin and the wavenumber
   One could be surprised than plasmons remain un-           qmin at which it is reached in function of the plasma frequency.
damped (Im α = 0) for ωp < 2∆ despite the nonzero            For ωp < 1.696, qmin is identically 0 and ωqmin coincides with
temperature, which provides a decay channel through          ωp (oblique dotted line). In the limit ωp → +∞, qmin diverges
                                                             linearly and ωqmin tends to 2∆.
quasiparticle-quasihole excitations. In fact, to absorb
a plasmon (i.e. to satisfy the resonance condition ωp =
q+k/2 − q−k/2 ) quasiparticles need to have a wavenum-
                                                             the analytically continued matrix M . At T = 0, the pair-
ber k > 2mωp /q. The plasmon lifetime thus follows an
                              2  2                           breaking threshold 2∆ and the second branching point
activation law Imzq ∝ e−2mωp /q T which is exponentially     [14]
suppressed in the limit ∆/F , T /F → 0 with ωp , q of
order ∆, 1/ξ. Intrinsic plasmon damping at ωp < 2∆ is
thus essentially a strong-coupling effect.                                                   ω2 =   4∆2 + F                       (16)
   We conclude this section by computing the matrix
residue Zq = limz→zq (z − zq )χ(z, q), which quantifies      divide the real axis in three analyticity windows (I, II and
the spectral weight of the plasma resonance. Writ-           III, see the inset of Fig. 3), each supporting a separate
ing χ = −1 − M −1 D and using d(detM )/dz →                  complex root (ωqI , zqII , zqIII respectively) of Eq. (5). This
                                                             suggests a splitting of the plasma resonance into 3 peaks.
M11 M22 dMf33 /z 2 dz together with M11 = z 2 M33 /4∆2 =
                                                                 While the quadratic Eq. (7) give the low-q dispersion of
−zM13 /2∆ to leading order in q, we obtain, in the phase-
                                                             ωqI and zqIII (respectively for ωp < 2∆ and ωp > 2∆), the
density sector:
                                                             pole of window II starts from 2∆ and departs following
                      ωp 4m∆
                                    !                        a non-integer power-law:
                      ρg q 2
           Zq = ∆ ωp2 2m              + O(q 2 )      (15)
                              ω  /2∆
                                                                                s                            3/2
                                                                           i±1                  4∆2
                       ρg q 2  p                                                    8                   kF q                  
                                                               II                                                          7/4
                                                             zq = 2∆ − √                   1 −                     + O   q
 Note that the phase and density excitation channels (re-                     ∆ 3π 2             ωp2    2m
spectively first and second line of Zq ) dominate respec-                                                                  (17)
tively in the limits ωp → 0 and ωp → +∞.                     where the sign of the real part of zqII − 2∆ is negative
   Dispersion minimum and resonance splitting at non-        if ωp < 2∆ and positive otherwise (in either case zqII re-
vanishing wavenumber: Outside the limit qξ  1, we           mains outside the natural interval [2∆, ω2 ] of window II).
study the dispersion of plasmons by numerically evaluat-     Remarkably, when ωp = 2∆ the quadratic law reemerges
ing the M matrix. We first characterize on Fig. 2 the dis-   zqII = 2∆ − (0.0184 + 0.9953i) ∆F 2m       + O(q 4 ). Those re-
persion minimum of the plasma branch. For ωp > 1.696,        sults are obtained by expanding at low q as prescribed
it is reached at a nonzero wavenumber qmin (blue curve       by Eq. (10) in [21].
in Fig. 2), such that the band gap of the plasma branch          On Fig. 3, we show the dispersion relation of these
(black curve) is strictly lower than ωp . As visible on      solutions for ωp = 1.9∆. In this case ωqI supports the
Fig. 2, this undamped plasma branch at ωq < 2∆ persists      main plasma branch departing in ωp (while for ωp > 2∆
even when ωp > 2∆. This is a first sign of the splitting     the main branch would be supported by zqIII ), zqII belongs
of the plasma resonance. However, in the normal limit        to an indirect region of the analytic continuation (specifi-
ωp /∆ → +∞ the undamped branch tends uniformly to            cally RezqII < 2∆) and zqIII follows rather closely the angu-
2∆ with a vanishingly small spectral weight.                 lar point ω2 . This subtle analytic structure is reflected in
   Since we expect the plasma branch to eventually enter     frequency behavior of the density-density response func-
the pair-breaking continuum, the characterization of the     tion shown on Fig. 4. Besides the Dirac peak below 2∆,
resonance at finite q requires a numerical exploration of    one (black curve) then two (grey curves) broadened peaks

                                                                 Sec I                                            5
                                                                Sec II                                                                             qξ = 0.2
           3                                     Sec II, modulus mode                                                                              qξ = 0.5
                                                               Sec III                                            4                                qξ = 1.0

                                                                                                 χρρ (ω + i0+ )
Reωq /∆

          1.5                                (I)                                                                  2
                                            ωq        2∆               ω2         Rez
                                             ×         ×               ×
           1                                 I              II              III                                   1
                                                    (II)                        ×zq(III)
                0   0.5       1         1.5             2        2.5        3              3.5                        1.8   2   2.2   2.4    2.6   2.8        3
                                                 qξ                                                                                    ω/∆

FIG. 3: The eigenfrequency Rezq of the plasma branch in                                          FIG. 4: Density-density response of the superconductor in
function of the wave vector q (in unit of the inverse pair radius                                function of the excitation frequency ω at fixed plasma fre-
ξ = kF /2m∆), with ωp = 1.9∆. The angular points 2∆ and                                          quency ωp = 1.9∆ and excitation wave number q = 0.2/ξ,
ω2 (Eq. (16)) are shown as dotted lines. The analytic windows                                    0.5ξ and 1.0ξ (corresponding to the vertical dotted lines in
are shown in colors: white for ω < ω1 (window I), blue for                                       Fig. 3). The angular points 2∆ and ω2 (q) are marked by verti-
ω1 < ω < ω2 (window II) and red for ω > ω2 (window III).                                         cal dotted lines. Besides the Dirac peaks below 2∆, broadened
The solution of Eq. (6) in each window in shown as a solid line                                  peaks are visible inside the pair-breaking continuum. Thin
in the corresponding color. The inset shows their schematic                                      dashed lines show the modulus response ρg/F M22 (ω + i0+ ).
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