Effective tables and graphs in official statistics - Guidance for producers Second Edi on Version 2.1 February 2018

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Effective tables and graphs in official statistics - Guidance for producers Second Edi on Version 2.1 February 2018
Effective tables and graphs in official statistics
Guidance for producers

Second Edi on
Version 2.1
February 2018
Effective tables and graphs in official statistics - Guidance for producers Second Edi on Version 2.1 February 2018
Wri ng about sta s cs                                                                                                                   Guidance for producers

                                                       Good Prac ce Team
                                                       Government Sta s cal Service
                                                       1 Drummond Gate                      Twi er: @GSSGoodPrac ce, @UKGSS
                                                       London SW1V 2QQ                      Email us: goodprac ceteam@sta s cs.gov.uk

   There are more resources on this topic on the GSS website: h p://bit.ly/goodprac ceresources

   This is the second edi on of “Effec ve tables and graphs in official sta s cs”. It was first released in January 2015. We have updated it to include a new
   sec on on maps and to include other minor changes based on our experience delivering the associated course, feedback from colleagues and finding
   out more about data visualisa on.

   This guidance was developed in collabora on with the Office for Na onal Sta s cs Data Visualisa on Centre (ONS DVC). It was based on original source
   material developed by ONS DVC for the one‐day course “Data visualisa on – an introduc on”. The Good Prac ce Team would like to thank Alan Smith,
   Steve Rogers, John Nixon, Zoe Hartland and Rob Fry for developing the original content and advising and suppor ng us in wri ng this guidance.

   We draw on material developed by Adam Li le, Greg Wye and colleagues from NHS Digital in their document “Presen ng informa on visually” and Full
   Fact’s internal “Charts in brief” guide. Other source material (including web content wri en by other authors) is cited in the text and described in the
   references sec on at the end of the document. The guidance on tables was devised originally by Nicole Choong during her Fast Stream summer intern‐
   ship with the Good Prac ce Team, while the guidance on maps was devised and collated by Sylvia Bolton (née Kwan) during her 2016 secondment to
   the Good Prac ce Team.

   Finally, we would like to thank colleagues from the GSS and wider government who have par cipated in the “Effec ve Tables and Graphs” course and
   provided feedback and construc ve comments about this material.

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Effective tables and graphs in official statistics - Guidance for producers Second Edi on Version 2.1 February 2018
Wri ng about sta s cs                                                                                                                                       Guidance for producers

 Introduc on .................................. 5                    Posi oning summary rows and columns10                          Dot maps ............................................ 20
   Who is this guidance for? ..................... 5                 Shading ............................................... 10     Propor onal symbol maps ................. 20
   What is its aim? .................................... 5           Titles and labelling .............................. 11         Cartograms ......................................... 21
   Why do we need it?.............................. 5                                                                               Colour on maps .................................. 22
   What does it cover?.............................. 5             Graphs ........................................ 12               Map projec ons ................................. 22
   Don’t forget... ....................................... 5         When to use a graph........................... 12              Legend ................................................ 22
 The big picture .............................. 6                    Choose the right graph for the job ..... 12                    Insets .................................................. 22

 Tables............................................ 7                Bar graphs ........................................... 13      Labels .................................................. 22
                                                                     Line graphs .......................................... 13
   Reference and demonstra on tables ... 7
                                                                     Pie charts ............................................ 14   Colour .........................................23
      When to use a demonstra on table
      instead of a graph ............................. 7             Focus on the story .............................. 15           Using colour: what users need ........... 23
   Presen ng numbers for comparison .... 8                           Should the y–axis start at zero?.......... 16                  Consider accessibility ......................... 25
   Rounding............................................... 8            On bar charts…................................ 16           Defining colour digitally...................... 26
   Grid lines ............................................... 9         On line charts… ............................... 16          Hue ..................................................... 26
   Grouping ............................................... 9                                                                       Satura on (Chroma) ........................... 26
   Fonts ..................................................... 9   Maps .......................................... 18               Luminance (Lightness) ........................ 26
   White space .......................................... 9          Choropleth maps ................................ 18            Alterna ng colours ............................. 27
   Alignment ............................................. 9         Categorising the values ....................... 19             Shading edges to improve contrast.... 27
   Ordering categories ............................ 10               Isolines and grid shading .................... 20              Colours on line graphs ........................ 30
                                                                                                                                    Colour and highligh ng ...................... 31

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Effective tables and graphs in official statistics - Guidance for producers Second Edi on Version 2.1 February 2018
Wri ng about sta s cs                                                                                               Guidance for producers

   Background colour.............................. 32
   A word about images.......................... 32
 References and resources............ 33
   References cited in the text ............... 33
   Other useful material ......................... 35
      General references ......................... 35
      On colour ....................................... 35

                                                                                                                       © Crown copyright 2018
                                                                You may re‐use this document (not including logos) free of charge in any format
                                                                or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence v3.0. To view this
                                                                licence visit h p://www.na onalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open‐government‐
                                                                licence or write to the Informa on Policy Team, The Na onal Archives, Kew,
                                                                Richmond, Surrey, TW9 4DU; or email: psi@na onalarchives.gsi.gov.uk.
                                                                This document is available at www.sta s csauthority.gov.uk
                                                                Any enquiries regarding this document should be sent to us at:
                                                                Office for Na onal Sta s cs
                                                                1 Drummond Gate
                                                                SW1V 2QQ

                                                                Email: goodprac ceteam@sta s cs.gov.uk

                                                             Page 4
Effective tables and graphs in official statistics - Guidance for producers Second Edi on Version 2.1 February 2018
Wri ng about sta s cs                                                                                                    Guidance for producers

 Who is this guidance for?                           Sta s cal tools provide all sorts of techniques
                                                     for graphing and tabula on. Some are useful,
                                                                                                        Don’t forget...
 This guidance is primarily for producers of         but many of these features can encourage bad       Think clearly and carefully about the
 official sta s cs who must design data                prac ce. For example, it is simple to introduce    informa on you are trying to convey when
 visualisa ons that are clear, consistent,           3D effects and shadows which reduce clarity         crea ng tables, graphs and maps. Consider
 informa ve and easy to use.                         and obscure the message. It is vital that we get   the requirements of your audience. Choose
                                                     the basics right.                                  and tailor your visualisa on method
 What is its aim?                                                                                       accordingly.
 The aim of the guidance is to ensure that the
                                                     What does it cover?
 visualisa ons we produce convey key messages        The guidance explores principles and               “The use of tables and
 quickly and effec vely.                              approaches for the effec ve presenta on of          graphs to communicate
 The guidance is not a set of standards. Instead,    sta s cal data in tables, graphs and maps. It
 it sets out some principles to think about when     also discusses principles around the effec ve       quan ta ve informa on is
                                                     use of colour.
 visualising and presen ng sta s cal data and                                                           common prac ce, yet few
 illustrates them with examples.                     It brings together good prac ce from a range of
                                                     exis ng sources and provides references for        of us have learned the
 Why do we need it?                                  further reading.
                                                                                                        design prac ces that make
 It is our responsibility to ensure that important   While the guidance does not cover dynamic or
 pa erns and trends in sta s cs are clearly          interac ve visualisa on directly, the principles   them effec ve.”
 described and easy to see.                          outlined here are also generally applicable in
 This helps informed decision making and             those contexts.                                    Stephen Few
 debate.                                                                                                Show Me the Numbers [1]

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Effective tables and graphs in official statistics - Guidance for producers Second Edi on Version 2.1 February 2018
Wri ng about sta s cs                                                         Guidance for producers

 The big picture
 The UK Sta s cs Authority requires that
 producers of official sta s cs ensure that                     “[Sta s cs] should be
 charts, tables and maps conform to good
 prac ce standards. Graphs and tables must be
                                                              illustrated by suitable data
 presented impar ally, so that they avoid
 favouring a par cular viewpoint.
                                                              visualisa ons, including
 We must also follow good prac ce in mee ng                   charts, maps and tables,
 requirements for accessibility. This ensures that
 the informa on we produce is helpful to the
                                                              where this helps aid
 widest possible audience.
 As members of the Government Sta s cal
 Service, it is our role to show people what the              interpreta on.”
 numbers mean – clearly and consistently. We
 must also think carefully about choosing
 appropriate visualisa ons to convey the
 messages in the numbers. Careful design                      Prac ce V3.2
 underpins and supports this role.
                                                              Code of Prac ce for Sta s cs [2]

                                                     Page 6
Effective tables and graphs in official statistics - Guidance for producers Second Edi on Version 2.1 February 2018
Wri ng about sta s cs                                                                                                Guidance for producers

 Tables should be used to present numbers in a     When to use a demonstra on
 clear and systema c way.                                                                           “Na on sizes will look different in
                                                   table instead of a graph
 Reference and demonstra on                                                                         the future”
                                                   Messages may be illustrated using
 tables                                            demonstra on tables or graphs.                   Any differences in growth rate
 When we want to make sta s cs available for       Use a graph when you want to show pa erns,       accumulate into significant
 future reference, we supply them in a reference   trends and rela onships in the sta s cs, where   changes. Note how the United
 table. These typically have a large number of     the actual values are not required to make the
 entries covering a wide variety of different       point and all values share the same units.       States and the Soviet Union grow
 sta s cs broken down into different categories.    Use a demonstra on table:
                                                                                                    rela ve to Western Europe.
 They are usually supplied away from the main
 commentary in an appendix or an                    If you are asking the reader to compare       (Source: United Na ons)
 accompanying spreadsheet. Because of this           individual values.
 volume of informa on, it is important that the     If you want to include both the values and
 design of the tables allows the user to iden fy     derived measures such as percentages or
 the right sta s cs with minimum effort.              indices.
 If we are using a table to demonstrate a point     If you want to include summary sta s cs
 that we are making in the text, we create a         such as means or totals.
 demonstraƟon table. These use sta s cs,
 extracted from reference tables, laid out so as
 to quickly reinforce the point. The design
 should ensure that “the pa erns, and
 excep ons should be obvious at a glance, at
 least once one knows what they are.” [3], [4]

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Effective tables and graphs in official statistics - Guidance for producers Second Edi on Version 2.1 February 2018
Wri ng about sta s cs                                                                                                         Guidance for producers

 Presen ng numbers for                              Rounding
 comparison                                         Simplifying by rounding assists comparisons by
                                                    making numbers easier to read and remember
 If you are invi ng the reader to compare
                                                    [5] [6]. In making decisions, we usually focus on
 numbers, try to ensure that those numbers are
                                                    the most significant digits. By presen ng too
 physically close together.
                                                    much detail we can make things harder.
 If this is a series of numbers, it is simpler to
                                                    The extent of rounding will depend on the
 make the comparison and discern pa erns if
                                                    intended use: a commentator may be content
 the numbers are arranged in a column.
                                                    to report that the popula on of the UK is 64m,
 To help the reader make comparisons:               or that this has changed from 63.7m to 64.1m.
  use the same level of precision in each         An analyst performing further calcula ons will
    column,                                         want to work with more precise figures.

  use commas to separate thousands, and           Rounding does reduce precision. This also
                                                    usually means that the reported totals no
  right align the figures.                        longer equal the sum of the component parts.
 Decimal frac ons less than one should always       While demonstra on tables should present            Making a decision on rounding can be difficult
 begin with a zero.                                 suitably rounded numbers to illustrate the point    when the values show a variety of magnitudes
                                                    being made, reference tables usually retain         (as in the table above). If so, consider rounding
                                                    most or all of the precision so that users can      to a fixed number of (for example two)
                                                    decide on their own rounding.                       significant figures, as in the third column of the
                                                                                                        table, to enable rapid comparison, or similarly
                                                                                                        to two effec ve digits [7].

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Effective tables and graphs in official statistics - Guidance for producers Second Edi on Version 2.1 February 2018
Wri ng about sta s cs                                                                                                      Guidance for producers

 Grid lines                                          White space                                     Alignment
 Grid lines can help to separate different parts of
                                                     As well as separa ng groups, white space can    The rates on the right of the table are
 a table and group together related items. In this
                                                     be used to associate items together through     associated with par cular age groups through
 example, lines are used:
                                                     con nuity.                                      alignment. To achieve this associa on, it is
  to indicate where the body of the table                                                          important that the columns are not too far
                                                     Here the age group‐specific sta s cs are
    starts and finishes;                                                                             apart. This ensures that there is no break in the
                                                     grouped with the headline sta s cs, but shown
  to separate the headings and bring together
                                                                                                     implied con nuity when reading across.
                                                     to be together at the lower‐level through
    the columns for the two sets of sta s cs;        indenta on.
  to show that two of the columns refer to
    change rather than level.
 Excessive use of grid lines clu ers the page,
 confusing foreground and background objects
 and interrup ng numerical comparisons.

 Objects grouped together are assumed to be
 associated. Here the different measures are
 grouped in rows and the different types of
 es mate in columns.

 Different fonts can signal related items through
 similarity. Here, they indicate main headings
 and differen ate between es mated totals and

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Effective tables and graphs in official statistics - Guidance for producers Second Edi on Version 2.1 February 2018
Wri ng about sta s cs                                                                                     Guidance for producers

 Ordering categories                                 It’s interes ng to note that   Posi oning summary rows and
 Ordering the categories in a table is a very
                                                     Samuelson didn’t include       columns
 effec ve way to aid rapid interpreta on. In the
                                                                                    Summary rows and columns, par cularly for
 example on the right, the table from page 7 is
 re‐ordered to emphasise annual growth levels.
                                                     Japan in his comparison of     totals, were tradi onally placed at the bo om
                                                                                    or right of the table. To help set the context for
 For some categorical variables, like me or age      growth rates                   the subsequent sta s cs, it may be more
 group, there is a natural order for presenta on.                                   helpful to place the totals at the top or le .
 Others may have standard or harmonised
 orderings. Use these whenever possible. An                                         Shading
 appropriate order may also be obvious from                                         In reference tables, shading is some mes used
 knowledge of the subject ma er.                                                    to indicate the degree of uncertainty in an
 Alterna vely, consider ordering categories                                         es mate.
 according to the sta s cs in one of the                                            For demonstra on tables, shading can be used
 columns. In our example, the rows are ordered                                      to highlight the point being made in the
 using the summary column on the le with the                                        commentary. We return to this point in the
 largest value at the top. This shows the rankings                                  sec on on colour.
 of the categories on that sta s c, and may also
 show where some of the sta s cs depart from
 the overall pa ern.
 Be aware when ranking a table by outcome that
 this deliberately emphasises the rela ve
 posi ons of the entries, even in cases where
 this is largely determined by random varia on.

                                                                Page 10
Wri ng about sta s cs                                         Guidance for producers

 Titles and labelling
 When designing a table, bear in mind that the
 reader may not read the commentary or that
 the table could be copied and used in another
 We cannot be completely prescrip ve about
 what should be included, but you should
 consider including the following informa on in
 the tles, labels, headings and footnotes
 accompanying the tables:
  Analysis units (people, households,
  Types of sta s cs (totals, rates, means, etc)

  Units (thousands, km, £, etc)

  Classifica ons used to categorise

  Geographical or sector coverage

  Time periods

  Source of data

  Informa on about where sta s cs are not
    comparable, e.g. over me
  Where to find further guidance

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Wri ng about sta s cs                                                                                                       Guidance for producers

                                                      Distribu on e.g. popula on by age group        several graph op ons. The effec veness will
 When to use a graph
                                                      Correla on e.g. exploring rela onship          depend on both the sta s cal rela onship and
 Graphs are an excellent way to tell a                  between weight and height)                     the par cular values in your data. We
 memorable story or summarise something               Spa al e.g. iden fying geographical clusters   recommend you try out different op ons, look
 complex. They can also reveal insight that             of no fiable diseases                          cri cally at how well each graph works for your
 would otherwise be hidden if the sta s cs were       Flow e.g. value of trade between countries     par cular situa on and pick the best one.
 only presented in a table.                          For any sta s cal rela onship there are usually
 Use a graph when you want to show pa erns,
 trends and rela onships in the sta s cs, where
 the actual values are not required to make the

 Choose the right graph for the
 What is the sta s cal story that you want to tell
 with your graph and what type of rela onships
 does that involve?
 We think the sta s cal rela onships you may
 want to represent can be covered by nine
 categories [8].
  Magnitude, e.g. average income by region
  Time series e.g. price infla on shown over
  Ranking e.g. schools ranked by performance
  Part‐to‐whole e.g. economic produc on by
    industrial sector
  Devia on e.g. rail company performance
    compared with target                                                                                      h p://bit.ly/FTVisVoc

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Wri ng about sta s cs                                                                                                      Guidance for producers

  Bar graphs                                         If you find yourself labelling individual bar    Line graphs
                                                     values, consider whether a table would be
  Bar graphs are versa le, used for comparing        be er. If you do add bar values, make sure       Line graphs are the default op on for me
  magnitude, showing me series, ranking, part‐       they are well presented for comparison, as       series. They are also used to represent
  to‐whole, devia on and distribu on.                described in the tables sec on.                  cumula ve distribu ons and in a simple form as
                                                                                                      a slope chart to compare ranks.
                                                     You could also try using spark lines [9]. This
                                                                                                      When you can, label lines directly rather than
                                                     approach combines table text and a miniature
                                                                                                      using a legend. This reduces effort because
                                                     graph, and can be very effec ve. Here is an
                                                                                                      readers do not have to look across the page. If a
                                                                                                      legend is unavoidable, place it prominently near
                                                                                                      the lines.

  They can be used ver cally or horizontally.
  Horizontal bar graphs are useful when you have
  long category labels that do not fit under
  ver cal bars.

  When you have clustered bars, as in the
  example above, the gap between the clusters                                                         Line graphs with more than four lines are
  should be slightly wider than a single bar. For                                                     usually hard to follow, even if you vary line
  non‐clustered graphs, the gap should be slightly                                                    textures and point markers. Consider using
  narrower than a bar.                                                                                small mulƟples (“panel charts”, “la ce plots”)
                                                                                                      to present many series in a line graph. See page
                                                                                                      30 for an example.

                                                                        Page 13
Wri ng about sta s cs                                                                                                            Guidance for producers

 Pie charts                                          Use a pie chart or donut chart:                       You can also represent a part‐to‐whole
                                                      If there is a dominant value in the sta s cs,
                                                                                                           rela onship using stacked bars. For the sec ons
 Pie charts (or donut charts) are designed for                                                             at each end of the stacked bars, the size of the
                                                        which would dwarf the other categories in a
 showing part‐to‐whole rela onships, clearly                                                               sec on and comparisons with neighbouring
                                                        bar graph
 indica ng that the ‘parts’ add to the ‘whole’.                                                            bars are clear, but for sec ons in the middle,
                                                      If the varia ons shown are not significant         without a common base, this is more difficult.
                                                      To break up a page of bar graphs

                                                     Donut charts are an alterna ve to pie charts.
                                                     The central space is a convenient place to show
                                                     the value of the total, as in this example from
                                                     ONS, or for an icon to indicate the category. It is
 As for many rela onships, the bar chart is an       some mes argued that it is simpler to compare
 alterna ve, but does not give the same              the sizes in a donut than in a pie chart.
 immediate indica on of the whole.

 Use a bar graph for part‐to‐whole:
  To accurately show small varia ons across
    categories which aren’t obvious in a pie chart
                                                                                                           The impact of this will depend on whether the
    (as in the example above)
                                                                                                           outcome variable is categorical or ordinal: for
  When there are more than four or five                                                                  an ordinal variable, each level of the stack has a
    categories                                                                                             meaning and can clearly be compared.

                                                                         Page 14
Wri ng about sta s cs                                                                                                              Guidance for producers

 Set the scene                                       Focus on the story                                 Unemployment Rate
 A graph should always make sense when seen          Some graphing packages include numerous                 Labour Force Survey

 on its own as it could poten ally be copied and     chart features by default and these can distract
 re‐used elsewhere.                                  from the story you’re trying to tell. Aim to
 Title and source. Give your graph a meaningful      simplify your graph, focusing on the story for
  tle, so readers know what it shows, even if        your readers.
 removed from its original context. Include the      Maximise the data to ink ra o [9]
 source of the sta s cs underneath your graph.
                                                     Remove anything from your graph which isn’t
 Axes. Label the axes so it is clear what the        required. Some common “chart junk” includes:
 graph is showing. Horizontal labels are much         legends
 easier to read and interpret than ver cal or
 diagonal ones. In par cular, it’s usually best to    shaded backgrounds
 place the ver cal axis label on the top of the       borders
                                                      pa erns, textures and shadows
 Annota ons. Consider adding annota ons to
                                                      3D shapes
 the graph, if this helps to tell the story. Work
 Programme Sta s cs [22] by the Department            data markers on line charts
 for Work and Pensions includes good examples
 of annota on, explaining some of the features
 of the series and avoiding misinterpreta on.        Grid lines. Keep them to a minimum, so they
 They also include a descrip on of the overall       don’t clu er the graph. Mul ples of two, five
 pa ern in an ac ve tle, above a more formal         and ten work well for grid line increments.
 sub tle.                                            Make the grid lines pale grey.

                                                                        Page 15
Wri ng about sta s cs                                                                                                         Guidance for producers

 Should the y–axis start at zero?                  With bar charts, the length of bars gives an         On line charts…
                                                   immediate indica on of the rela ve magnitude
 Including zero in the scale for the outcome       of different quan es. Even if the axis is clearly     In contrast to bars, lines do not give as strong
 variable can concentrate the main story in a      labelled and a break signalled with a gap, this      an implica on of a ra o scale. So, we think it is
 small part of the plot area. Whether to break     impression of a ra o scale is s ll conveyed.         acceptable, with clear labelling, to break the
 the axis to focus in on the story is a point of                                                        axis here.
                                                   So always include zero on bar charts and, if this
 conten on.
                                                   prevents telling the story clearly, consider using
 On bar charts…                                    an alterna ve like a dot plot, which removes
                                                   the invita on to the reader to compare rela ve

                                                                                                        With line graphs, the most precise indica on of
                                                                                                        the movement in the series is given when the
                                                                                                        lines are banked at around 45° [10]. You should
                                                                                                        also consider the quality of the sta s cs, to
                                                                                                        avoid focusing too closely on a vola le series. In
                                                                                                        some cases there will be a substan ve point in
                                                                                                        the scale, such as a policy target or, for an
                                                                                                        index, the ‘100%’ line that is important to
                                                                                                        include in the scale.
                                                                                                        Finally, if you are describing a substan al
                                                                                                        rela ve change in a series, like a halving of a
                                                                                                        rate, it makes sense to include the zero in the
                                                                                                        chart to reinforce that point.

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Wri ng about sta s cs                                                                                 Guidance for producers

 Graphs should be the same size as a
 paragraph of text
 A graph that is about the same size as a
 paragraph of text becomes part of the natural
 flow of content.
 When a graph is too big, it interrupts the eye’s
 journey through the page. Over‐sized graphs
 are perceived as being unprofessional and lack
 If a graph is too small the change to a smaller
 font disrupts the flow of text and it is hard to
 see what the graph is showing.
 Graph text should be about the same size as the
 body text in the document, with the tle a li le
 larger, as in the example on the right.
 The reader should be able to take in a graph at
 a glance. They should not need to click, scroll
 or enlarge a graph to view it

                                                              Source: Department for Transport [20]

                                                    Page 17
Wri ng about sta s cs                                                                                                     Guidance for producers

 Thema c maps are a powerful way of                                                                    within each area is skewed, use the median
 visualising geographical varia on in official                                                           rather than the mean for averages.
 sta s cs. Before you start mapping, think                                                            Explore other demographic data at your
 about whether a map is the right tool for                                                             chosen geographic level to check how this
 displaying your data. Maps are there to reveal                                                        may affect the pa erns seen. For example, a
 geographical pa erns. Success depends on the                                                          map of cancer incidence may look very
 input data, the geographical areas that are                                                           different once rates have been age‐adjusted.
 relevant to your message and the level of
 granularity that you require.                                                                        Qualify your conclusions. Be clear about the
                                                                                                       geographical level used and the limita ons
 Choropleth maps                                                                                       associated with this. This flags to users that
                                                                                                       different trends may appear at other levels
 Choropleth maps are the most common type of
                                                                                                       of aggrega on.
 sta s cal map and the “go to” op on in most
 cases. Sta s cs are linked to predefined
 geographical areas and values are represented
 by shading those areas in different colours.       The level of geographical aggrega on may
                                                   impact on the message conveyed because
 Choropleth maps are appropriate for:              aggrega on can smooth out differences. The
  Data that follow geographical boundaries.      posi on of boundaries can also affect the
                                                   message (a property that is abused in
  Con nuous or categorical data.
  Standardised data like rates, percentages or
                                                    Try the map at different levels of
    densi es, rather than counts or totals.
                                                     geographical aggrega on to assess the
    Counts usually increase with area size, and
                                                     impact on the pa erns you see.
    can be misleading.
                                                    Check that you have enough data for your
                                                     chosen geographical breakdown ‐ ensure
                                                     that pa erns are not just noise.
                                                    Use appropriate measures. If the distribu on

                                                                      Page 18
Wri ng about sta s cs                                                              Guidance for producers

 Categorising the values                                      Natural breaks minimise within‐class difference
                                                              and maximise varia on between classes.
 How many categories?                                         Results are usually good, but be aware that
                                                              class intervals are unlikely to be consistent
 Aim to group your values into no more than six
                                                              across a series of maps.
 non‐overlapping categories. It may be difficult
 to dis nguish between colours if there are                   Standard devia on measures distance from the
 more.                                                        mean. It is best used with data that are
                                                              normally distributed, although the median and
 Where should the breaks be?                                  suitable quan les can be used to build a more
 This depends on the distribu on of your data.                robust alterna ve.
 Examine the distribu on and consider the                     Manual adjustments can make intervals more
 pa erns you see and what works best to                       intui ve – but consider the impact on
 convey the important messages in your data.                  comparability across a series of maps. You
 Equal intervals divide the data into equal class             might also consider inser ng breaks at key
 sizes. Use it with normally distributed data, or             target value, to show areas that fall above or
 to highlight the differences between a small                  below them.
 number of areas and the rest. It is not very
                                                              How to deal with outliers?
 effec ve for represen ng skewed data.
                                                              If they are important, outliers should be
 Quan les assign an equal number of
                                                              highlighted in a unique category. If they are
 observa ons per class. This produces a more
                                                              simply noise, they can be hidden by widening a
 balanced map for non‐uniformly distributed
 data and works well in most cases. However,
 categories may have very different ranges and
 different values may be grouped together.
 Check that ed values are assigned to the same

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 There are other, more specialised mapping            Dot maps
 op ons. Here are three common ones.
                                                      Dot maps can provide a quick visual impression
 Isolines and grid shading                            of the density of observa ons in space. Each
 These maps are designed for visualising              dot represents a fixed number of events.
 measures which vary con nuously across space         Ge ng this right requires careful
 like density, temperature, or rainfall. They are     experimenta on. The size, posi oning and
                                                      number of dots can give very different
 normally based on a surface model built from
 point measures. They use lines of equal value
 (“isolines”) or equally sized shaded grid cells to
 visualise density. The two techniques are
 some mes combined to enhance clarity.

                                                      Propor onal symbol maps
                                                       Here, symbols are placed in each area on the      Most readers find it hard to compare the
                                                      map (or at given data points) and sized            rela ve sizes of propor onal symbols, especially
                                                      according to the variable of interest. A variant   circles. Careful legend design can help, but a
                                                      (the second map on the right) is the graduated     choropleth map or cartogram is a safer way to
                                                      symbol map, where a fixed set of symbols           convey varying magnitude if your data are area‐
                                                      depict the data classes.                           based.

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 Cartograms                                        Area cartograms (where the size of an area is      Equal area cartograms use equally sized units
                                                   propor onal to its value) are useful for           to represent areas. They are useful when areas
 Cartograms distort map geometry to convey a       highligh ng contextual informa on, par cularly     are very different in size but the land area is
 specific message about the data. They can be      in small areas. However they cannot display        irrelevant to the message. Larger areas
 very effec ve, especially if displayed             areas with zero, nega ve, or missing values. The   dominate regular choropleth maps. Equal area
 interac vely alongside a standard map, but are    cartogram below showing bus journeys per           cartograms solve this problem, but it is harder
 less familiar than other types and will require   head across the country is scaled by the           to iden fy specific areas. Appropriate labels
 some suppor ng explana on.                        number of journeys in each area. This gives a      may be needed.
  Areas on cartograms will not be recognisable   sense of the overall impact for the whole
    by their shape. If they need to be             country.
    iden fiable, use labels.
  A standard choropleth map should normally
    be displayed for reference alongside the
    cartogram in a sta c display.

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                        Colour on maps                                   Legend
                        Use a single colour with dark                    Use appropriately rounded numbers.
                        shades for high values and lighter               Show the number of areas contained within
                        shades for lower values.                         each category or include a bar chart or
                        Use a diverging colour scale if the              frequency distribu on with the key. This is
                        purpose is to show devia on                      par cularly helpful when large areas dominate.
                        from a value, such as a na onal
                        average.                                         Insets
                        If there is no natural order to                  Use an inset to dis nguish small areas, or to
                        categories, use a different hue                   highlight details for a par cular region or
                        for each.                                        provide context. Insets for Greater London are
                                                                         common, for example.
                        Avoid white as a foreground colour except to
                        represent 0, “no data” or the centre of a        Labels
                        diverging scheme.
                                                                         Include meaningful tles, footnotes, source
                        Check that colours are dis nct when viewing on   statements and annota on, as with tables and
                        the intended display (see Colour sec on).
                                                                         graphs. Aim for your map to be self‐contained.
                        Map projec ons                                   Include a copyright statement when required,
                                                                         e.g. if the map is based on Ordnance Survey
                        Map projec ons affect the size and shape of       informa on.
                        areas. Maps for prin ng should use the Bri sh
                        Na onal Grid projec on and you should also
                        use it when calcula ng densi es or areas.

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Wri ng about sta s cs                                                                                               Guidance for producers

 Colour can fundamentally change how we              Colours are usually chosen because of a
 understand the informa on in graphs and             combina on of three factors:                      “Avoiding catastrophe
 tables. Colour used well can enhance and clarify
 sta s cal content. Colour used poorly will
                                                     Graphic design. Illustrators may prefer           becomes the first principle
                                                     par cular colour combina ons. House styles
 obscure, muddle and confuse [11].
                                                     might use specific pale es.                       in bringing colour to
 This sec on sets out some key principles for
 working with colour in graphs and tables. It also
                                                     Cultural context. Colours can have cultural
                                                     associa ons. We react to these consciously and
                                                                                                       informa on.
 provides examples of their applica on in
                                                     unconsciously and they vary widely across
 prac ce.
                                                     countries and groups. Recent research [12]
                                                                                                       Above all, do no harm.”
 Using colour: what users need                       shows that using colours that people would
                                                     expect to see when represen ng familiar           Edward Tu e
 We add colour to make graphs, tables and maps       concepts (like blue for water) can improve the
 more effec ve. Users need to be able to tell         quality and speed of informa on processing.       Envisioning Informa on [19]
 which colour is which (idenƟficaƟon) and to tell    Counter‐intui ve colours (red for grass) do the
 the difference between dis nct colours               opposite.
                                                     Think about whether your choice of colours
 The way the brain perceives colour can affect        could have a cultural associa on, and, whether
 the ability to do this, as can the context in       this is appropriate in the context of the
 which the colours are used.                         informa on that you are presen ng. Take care
                                                     not to mislead.
                                                     Science. Biological and psychological knowledge
                                                     can help us to design colour schemes that take
                                                     account of how the human brain and visual
                                                     system process informa on. This can really
                                                     improve the usability of graphs and tables.

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 Use colour sparingly and with restraint             The colours in this first graph add no
                                                     informa on value, but their presence suggests
 Never use colour to specify something on its
                                                     that they do.
 own. People o en print documents in black and
 white and some users are colour‐blind.
 Use different colours only when they represent
 helpful differences of meaning in the data.
 Colours are most effec ve when they are not
 overused. Limi ng colour increases its impact
 by drawing on the brain’s ability to highlight
 differences quickly.
 Think carefully before you introduce addi onal
 colours into a table or graph. Do you really need
 them? Do they enhance the clarity of the
 message that you want to get across?                When people look at a data display like this one
                                                     and see visual differences, they try to
 This example, adapted from Stephen Few’s            determine the meaning of those differences.
 Perceptual Edge website [13] illustrates the        Sugges ng meanings which aren’t there makes
 point. The two graphs show the same data on         the reader waste me and effort trying to
 sales levels by country for a product. The labels   understand them.
 along the x‐axis tell us which countries the bars
 represent.                                          The second version of the graph, on the right, is
                                                     more effec ve. The reader is much more likely
                                                     to compare the bars when they look alike than
                                                     when they look different.

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 Consider accessibility                                                                                 A safe star ng point is a blue pale e:

 Colour blindness affects the ability to
 dis nguish between some groups of colours,
 especially reds and greens. It affects about 1 in
 12 men and 1 in 200 women – 4.5% of the UK
 popula on – with varying levels of severity [14].
 Consider this graph, which uses a red, green
 and grey colour scheme:

                                                     This scheme has the addi onal issue that it is
                                                     not helpful to anybody in greyscale:
                                                                                                        This one also works be er in greyscale because
                                                                                                        the colours have been chosen to be op mally
                                                                                                        dis nct from one another.

 While the graph is reasonably clear for a reader
 with normal vision, it is much less effec ve for a   To minimise the impact on colour blind readers,
 reader with red‐green colour blindness, as the      avoid using greens and reds in the same display.
 next graph shows.

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 Defining colour digitally                           Luminance (Lightness)
 Colours are represented digitally using several     Luminance is the brightness of colour. It is
 common schemes. For our purposes, the most          perceived as a con nuous, ordered scale from
 useful of these is the HSL model [15]. HSL allows   dark to light. Changes in luminance are easy to
 us to define colours uniquely using three           detect, and humans can rank levels of lightness
 proper es which are fairly intui ve:                quite well unless the change is very subtle.

 Hue                                                 How we perceive luminance depends on hue.
                                                     Consider these coloured squares:
 Hues are colours like red, blue or yellow. They
                                                     Although they all have the same luminance and     Source: Robert Simmon / NASA [15]
 are not generally perceived as having an agreed
                                                     satura on, the yellow and green squares look
 sequence, so readers may have difficulty in
 assigning a logical order to them. Small changes
 in hue are easy to detect – but colour blindness
 can have an impact here. This is discussed later.
                                                     lighter than the blue, red and purple ones.
 Satura on (Chroma)                                  Colour pale es can be designed to adjust for
 SaturaƟon is the intensity of colour. It varies     this effect.
 from grey or white (no satura on at all) to rich,   The diagrams on the right provide a visual
 glowing colour. Satura on is perceived on a         representa on of hue, satura on and
 con nuous scale, but small changes are hard to      luminance and how they are inter‐related.

                                                                                                        Source: Wikipedia [18]

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 Because luminance is perceived as having a        Changes in luminance of 10‐20% are enough to      Shading edges to improve
 natural order, it can help us to op mise colour   dis nguish shades in bar graphs, pie and donut
 schemes for maximum dis nc on and                 charts. Changes of 30‐40% are needed to           contrast
 differen a on.                                     achieve the same effect in line graphs.
                                                                                                     Edges can also enhance clarity. Using a dark nt
 Consider this chart. It is easy to dis nguish     Alterna ng colours                                for the edges of light bars makes them stand
 between the bars. The only changing colour                                                          out more.
 parameter is luminance.                           Consider alterna ng dark and light colours for
                                                                                                     The dark bars below have the same outline and
                                                   categorical data to improve clarity. This graph
                                                                                                     fill colour, while the light bars have darker
                                                   uses the same pale e as before, but alternates
                                                                                                     outlines than the fill colour to improve contrast.
                                                   the dark and light colours to improve
                                                   differen a on.

 Here is the colour sequence from the bar chart
 above, with the percentage changes in
 luminance shown.

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 Do not overuse saturated colours                       Consider the three graphs on the right. Hue and   No Satura on
                                                        luminance are held constant as the colours
 Use bold, saturated colours only when you
                                                        move from no satura on at all in the top graph
 want to draw a en on to a specific piece of
                                                        through to full satura on in the bo om graph.
 informa on, rather than for all of the colours in
 a graph.                                               The third graph is actually quite uncomfortable
                                                        to look at on a screen. Saturated colours like
 Do not use saturated colours to highlight
                                                        this are best le for highligh ng key messages
 informa on in a table.
                                                        or to draw a en on to small, hard to see
 Bold, saturated colours have a powerful and            elements like points on a graph. Avoid using
 drama c impact. This can include unse ling             them to cover large expanses in a graph or
 visual side‐effects. They may appear to glow for        table.                                            Medium Satura on
 many readers, can generate a er‐images and
                                                        For point and line graphs, experiment with
 their presence can affect how colours viewed
                                                        colours of medium satura on to see if you can
 subsequently or nearby appear.
                                                        achieve an effec ve result before resor ng to
 Lots of saturated colour actually reduces impact       bold, saturated ones.
 and clarity. If all the colours in a graph are bold,
 this can destroy any logical visual hierarchy in
 the data.
 Mid to low levels of satura on are easy on the
 eye. High levels are bright and vibrant.
                                                                                                            Full Satura on

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 Be consistent in your use of colour               Use colour logically in sequences
 Use the same colour to mean the same thing in     For sequences of colours, ensure that these
 a series of graphs.                               progress in a way that the user would expect
                                                   (e.g. in luminance order).
 Make sure that your use of colour is consistent
                                                   When represen ng a sequence, use a single
 and logical. Where possible, use colours that
                                                   hue (or small set of closely related hues) and
 users would expect to see to represent familiar
                                                   vary lightness from pale colours to dark colours,
                                                   rather than alterna ng.
 Changing what colours represent in a sequence
                                                   This example uses a sequen al blue pale e to
 of graphs or tables increases the reader’s
                                                   portray ascending age bands. The order of the
 cogni ve workload. It can also cause them to
                                                   colours is a ma er of experimenta on. A logical
 mistake one data series for another, especially
                                                   sequence here might be to go from light
 if skim reading.
                                                   (young) to dark (old). However, the reverse
 Using unexpected colours to represent familiar    means that the small bars are easier to pick out
 concepts (such as red for grass) slows down       and the biggest are less overly dominant.
 informa on processing [12] and forces the
                                                   Use colours that are clearly dis nct from one
 reader to work harder. These effects are small
                                                   another given your choice of hue.
 and subtle, but do accumulate.

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Wri ng about sta s cs                                          Guidance for producers

 Colours on line graphs
 We have already seen that graphs with more
 than four lines are o en hard to follow, even
 with varia ons in line texture and shading.
 Introducing addi onal colour is unlikely to solve
 the problem.
 The example on this page includes seven lines.
 We have used Stephen Few’s op mised, mul ‐
 colour, medium satura on pale e from the
 book “Show Me the Numbers” [1]. A pale e like
 this is sufficient for four lines (although prin ng
 it in greyscale may s ll be problema c), but
 with seven lines, the graph is hard to follow.
 Even this pale e is not very successful for so
 many lines.
 A be er approach to visualise five or more lines
 is to use a “small mul ples” plot (also known as
 a la ce or panel chart) [16], which picks out
 varia ons in the different series at a glance. In
 this example, the UK data series appears in all
 of the plots for easy comparison with other

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Wri ng about sta s cs                                                                 Guidance for producers

 Colour and highligh ng
 Colour can be used to highlight elements of
 graphs and tables to aid interpreta on.
 In graphs, use a dis nct foreground colour to
 draw a en on to specific features. Muted
 pastel or grey shades can be used to reduce the
 impact of the other elements in the graphic.
 The graphs on this page use a red highlight
 colour, with muted greys for the other
 elements. Note the use of a more saturated red                 The following colours and mixtures of colours
 on the line chart than on the bar chart. Even                  work well for this purpose:
 here, it is not usually necessary to use very high              Grey
 levels of satura on to achieve helpful results.
                                                                 Blue
 Carefully chosen background colours can also
                                                                 Grey with any one of blue, purple, red, pink
 be used to improve the clarity of tables by
                                                                   or orange
 highligh ng par cular rows or columns. Use
 subtle shades rather than bold, saturated ones                  Blue with any one of purple, red, pink or
 for highligh ng in tables.                                        orange
                                                                Unless you use very light shades green, cyan
                                                                and yellow should be avoided. Remember not
                                                                to mix greens and reds.
                                                                Don’t overdo highligh ng in tables. It is best to
                                                                restrict this to one or two columns.

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                                                     In general, background colour should be
 Background colour                                    avoided completely in tables unless it is to
 Effec ve use of colour applies as much to graph       provide subtle highligh ng in a limited
 annota on and background as it does to data          subset of cells.
 elements like bars and lines.
                                                     Avoid using white as a foreground colour in
 Use a white background                               graphs. It should also be avoided on maps
                                                      unless it represents 0, “no data” or the
 Most colour pale es are designed to appear on
                                                      centre of a diverging distribu on.
 a white background.
 Human vision adopts colour percep on rela ve       A word about images
 to the local defini on of white. A white
                                                     Never use images as backdrops in graphs or
 background provides a helpful reference
                                                      tables. These simply distract the reader and
 “anchor” for the visual system.
                                                      make it more difficult to pick up the
 The only func onal reason to use a non‐white         important messages.
 background is for viewing the image in the dark.
                                                     Maps some mes include backgrounds such
 The use of modern digital projectors, which
                                                      as aerial photography or Google Map data to
 work well under normal ligh ng condi ons [10],
                                                      provide context. If you do this, take care to
 make this issue is largely irrelevant today.
                                                      ensure that the messages of your map are
  Confine use of colour to foreground items in      not obscured or compromised by the
    graphs. Always use white for background.          addi onal complexity of the background.
    Use grey pale es for drawing and labelling
    axes and annota on.

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References and resources
 References cited in the text
 [1]   S. Few, Show Me The Numbers ‐ Designing Tables and Graphs to Enlighten (2nd. Edi on), Burlingame, CA: Analy cs Press, 2012.
 [2]   UK Sta s cs Authority, Code of Prac ce for Sta s cs, 2018. Available at h ps://www.sta s csauthority.gov.uk/code‐of‐prac ce
 [3]   A. Ehrenberg, “Rudiments of numeracy,” Journal of the Royal Sta s cal Society, Series A, vol. 140, no. 3, pp. 277‐297, 1977.
 [4]   M. Chapman and C. Wykes, Plain Figures, London: HMSO, 1996.
 [5] J. Anseau, “Sta s cal literacy guide: rounding and significant places,” July 2007. [Online]. Available: h p://www.parliament.uk/briefing‐papers/
 sn04443.pdf. [Accessed 11 December 2014].
 [6] S. Bigwood and M. Spore, “Rounding figures for clarity,” in The designer's guide to presen ng numbers, figures and charts, New York, Allworth Press,
 2013, pp. 16‐21.
 [7]   E. Swires‐Hennessy, Presen ng Data: How to Communicate Your Message Effec vely, Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 2014.
 [8] A. Smith, “Simple techniques for bridging the graphics language gap,” Financial Times, 17 August 2016. [Online]. Available: h ps://www. .com/
 content/304419ec‐63a3‐11e6‐8310‐ecf0bddad227. [Accessed 16 11 2016].
 [9] E. R. Tu e, “Sparklines: Intense, simple, word‐sized graphics,” in The visual display of quan ta ve informa on, Connec cut, Graphics Press, 2001, pp.
 [10] N. B. Robbins, in Crea ng more effec ve graphs, Wiley, 2005.
 [11] M. Stone, “Choosing colors for data visualiza on,” 17 January 2006. [Online]. Available: h p://www.perceptualedge.com/ar cles/b‐eye/
 choosing_colors.pdf. [Accessed 25 September 2014].
 [12] S. Lin, J. Fortuna, K. Chinmay, M. Stone and J. Heer, “Selec ng seman cally resonant colours for data visualisa on,” 2013. [Online]. Available: h p://
 idl.cs.washington.edu/files/2013‐Seman cColor‐EuroVis.pdf. [Accessed September 2014].
 [13] S. Few, “Prac cal rules for using color in charts,” February 2008. [Online]. Available: h p://www.perceptualedge.com/ar cles/visual.../
 rules_for_using_color.pdf. [Accessed September 2014].
 [14] Colour Blind Awareness, “Colour Blind Awareness,” [Online]. Available: h p://www.colourblindawareness.org/colour‐blindness/. [Accessed
 September 2014].

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References and resources
 [15] R. Simmon, “Subtle es of color,” 5 August 2013. [Online]. Available: h p://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/blogs/elegan igures/2013/08/05/subtle es‐of
 ‐color‐part‐1‐of‐6/. [Accessed 5 October 2014].
 [16] E. R. Tu e, “Small mul ples,” in The visual display of quan ta ve informa on, Connec cut, Graphics Press, 2001, pp. 168‐170.
 [17] J. Camoes, “Is your chart really answering your ques on?,” 24 November 2008. [Online]. Available: h p://www.excelcharts.com/blog/2008/11/.
 [Accessed 15 08 2014].
 [18] Wikpedia, “HSL and HSV,” Wikipedia, 28 November 2014. [Online]. Available: h p://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV. [Accessed 3 December
 [19] E. R. Tu e, Envisioning informa on, Connec cut: Graphics Press, 1990.
 [20] Department for Transport, “Annual Bus Sta s cs: England 2013/14,” Department for Transport, London, 2014.
 [21] A. Li le and G. Wye, “Presen ng informa on visually,” Health and Social Care Informa on Centre, Leeds, 2014.
 [22] Department of Work and Pensions, “Work Programme Sta s cs,” 6 October 2014. [Online]. Available: h ps://www.gov.uk/government/sta s cs/
 work‐programme‐sta s cal‐summary‐data‐to‐30‐june‐2014 . [Accessed 16 October 2014].

                                                                        Page 34
Wri ng about sta s cs                                                                                                              Guidance for producers

References and resources
 Other useful material
 General references
 Bigwood, S., and Spore, M., 2013, The designer’s guide to presen ng numbers, figures and charts, Allworth Press, New York.
 Camoes, Jose, Excel Charts blog, h p://www.excelcharts.com.
 Cleveland, W.S. and McGill, Robert, Graphical percep on: theory, experimenta on and applica on to the development of graphical methods, Journal of
 the American Sta s cal Associa on, Vol. 79, No. 387, pp. 531 – 554, 1984.
 Evergreen, Stephanie D., 2014, Presen ng data effec vely – communica ng your findings for maximum impact, Sage Publica ons.
 Ferdio.com, 2017, h p://datavizproject.com.
 Few, Stephen, 2013, Informa on Dashboard Design, Analy cs Press.
 Few, Stephen: Perceptual Edge website: h p://www.perceptualedge.com.
 Government Sta s cal Service: “Communica ng Sta s cs” web resources: h ps://gss.civilservice.gov.uk/sta s cs/presenta on‐and‐dissemina on/.
 McCandless, David: Informa on Is Beau ful website: h p://www.informa onisbeau ful.net/
 Office for Na onal Sta s cs, Infographic Guidelines, Version 1.0, h ps://gss.civilservice.gov.uk/wp‐content/uploads/2012/12/infographic‐guidelines‐v1‐
 Office for Na onal Sta s cs: The Infographic Superhighway blog h ps://blog.ons.digital/2013/10/29/the‐infographic‐superhighway/
 Office for Na onal Sta s cs: Style.ONS guidance on data visualisa on: h p://style.ons.gov.uk/category/data‐visualisa on/
 Robbins, Naomi B., 2005, Crea ng more effec ve graphs, Wiley.
 Schwabish, J., and Ribecca, S., 2014, The Graphic Con nuum, h ps://policyviz.com/2014/11/11/graphic‐con nuum‐desktop‐version/
 Swires‐Hennessy, E., 2014, Presen ng data: how to communicate your message effec vely, Wiley.

                                                                        Page 35
Wri ng about sta s cs                                                                                                         Guidance for producers

References and resources
 Tu e, E.R., 1990, Envisioning Informa on, Graphics Press.
 United Na ons Economic Commission for Europe, Making data meaningful Part 2: A guide to presen ng sta s cs, available from h p://www.unece.org/
 stats/documents/wri ng/ .
 Visualising data website: h p://www.visualisingdata.com/
 Yau, N., Flowingdata.com website: h p://www.flowingdata.com
 Yau, N., 2011, Visualize this: The FlowingData guide to design, visualisa on and sta s cs, Wiley.
 Yau, N., 2013, Data points: visualisa on that means something, Wiley.
 On colour
 Brewer pale es website: h p://mkweb.bcgsc.ca/brewer/
 Colorbrewer website: h p://colorbrewer2.org
 Colour usage guidance and tools at NASA Ames Research Laboratory: h p://colorusage.arc.nasa.gov/guidelines.php
 Colour FAQ: h p://www.poynton.com/PDFs/ColorFAQ.pdf
 I Want Hue website – colours for data visualisa on: h p://tools.medialab.sciences‐po.fr/iwanthue/
 Kosara, R., 2013, How the rainbow color map misleads, available at h p://eagereyes.org/basics/rainbow‐color‐map

                                                                           Page 36
You can also read