EU Space Surveillance and Tracking: State of play and main developments - EUSST

Page created by Karl Adkins
EU Space Surveillance and Tracking: State of play and main developments - EUSST
EU Space Surveillance and Tracking:
State of play and main developments
Military Space Situational Awareness Conference 2021

                      The EU SST activities have received funding from the European Union programmes, notably from the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreements No 760459,
                      No 952852, No 785257, No 713630 and No 713762, and the Copernicus and Galileo programme under grant agreements No 299/G/GRO/COPE/19/11109, No 237/GRO/COPE/16/8935 and
                      No 203/G/GRO/COPE/15/7987. The content of this presentation reflects only the view of the SST Cooperation and the European Commission and the Research Executive Agency are not     29 April 2021 1
                      responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
EU Space Surveillance and Tracking: State of play and main developments - EUSST
Evolution of EU SST into an
EU Space Programme component
Dr Pascal Faucher, Chairman
EU SST Consortium (CNES)
                     The EU SST activities have received funding from the European Union programmes, notably from the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreements No 760459,
                     No 952852, No 785257, No 713630 and No 713762, and the Copernicus and Galileo programme under grant agreements No 299/G/GRO/COPE/19/11109, No 237/GRO/COPE/16/8935 and
                     No 203/G/GRO/COPE/15/7987. The content of this presentation reflects only the view of the SST Cooperation and the European Commission and the Research Executive Agency are not
                     responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
EU Space Surveillance and Tracking: State of play and main developments - EUSST
What is EU SST?

             Decision of the
                                 Our goals:
             Parliament and of    Ensure resilience of European space infrastructures
             the Council of 16
             April 2014           Higher level of strategic autonomy
             establishing a
             Support              Global SSA burden-sharing
             Framework for
             Surveillance and
             Tracking (Dec.
             541)                 are operational: sensor network, database, services, users
                                  perform research and innovation activities to improve the level of
                                  performance: upgrades of sensors, architecture studies, etc.
                                  are security relevant: security and data sharing
                                  mature and expand: upcoming EU Space Programme

                                                                                 EU Space Surveillance and Tracking   29 April 2021   3
EU Space Surveillance and Tracking: State of play and main developments - EUSST

 EU SST Consortium:                                             Cooperation with
 7 EU Member States                                             EU SatCen as Front Desk

     France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Poland, Portugal, Romania

                                                                Overseen by
                                                                European Commission

                                                                        EU Space Surveillance and Tracking   29 April 2021   4
EU Space Surveillance and Tracking: State of play and main developments - EUSST
Governance ▪ Security

                                    Dual dimension of SSA
                         Civilian   Collaboration between civilian, military and security actors

               ES                   Contributing sensors remain under control of Member
          PT                        Precise information on the nature, specifications and
               RO                   location of certain space objects may affect the security
                                    of the EU, its Member States, or Third Countries

                                                                     EU Space Surveillance and Tracking   29 April 2021   5
EU Space Surveillance and Tracking: State of play and main developments - EUSST
Service Provision Model

  Sensor Network                                 Data Processing                     Service Provision
                                            Tasking Requests

                                                                                           High Interest Events
                                                                            CA Service
           Sensor                   National                   EU SST
           operation                databases /                Database /
                                    catalogues in              EU SST       RE Service        Front Desk                  Users
           & control +
           correlation              LEO / MEO / GEO            Catalogue

                                                                            FG Service

                                                                                                  EU Space Surveillance and Tracking   29 April 2021   6
EU Space Surveillance and Tracking: State of play and main developments - EUSST
Sensors Network

                    4 Lasers
                    10 Radars
                    (3 surveillance, 7 tracking)
                    32 Telescopes
                    (17 surveillance, 15 tracking)

                  EU Space Surveillance and Tracking   29 April 2021   7
EU Space Surveillance and Tracking: State of play and main developments - EUSST
Service provision ▪ 3 Operational Services

               Collision                                      Fragmentation                                 Re-entry
               Avoidance (CA)                                 Analysis (FG)                                 Analysis (RE)
               Risk assessment of collision                   Detection and characterisation                Risk assessment of space
               and generation of collision                    of in-orbit fragmentations                    objects re-entry into the Earth’s
               avoidance alerts                                                                             atmosphere

Key features     User-tailored service (SCD)                   Short-term notification to confirm quickly     Long-term (within 30 days) re-entry
                 Hot redundancy scheme involving ES            an FG event                                    predictions
                 (S3TOC) and FR (COO) with harmonised          Medium-term FG analysis based on the           Short-term (a few days) overflight
                 service level and single service provider     orbital parameters of the catalogued           predictions with ground tracks over
                 per registered user                           fragments e.g. Gabbard Diagram                 customizable areas of interest
                 Enhanced Analysis & Risk Mitigation           Long-term FG analysis (with simulations
                 support (e.g. covariance estimations, HBR     with breakup model)
                 estimations, PoC sensitivity analysis, CAM

Products         Autonomous and enhanced CDMs                  Short-term notification                        30 days list
                 CA Reports                                    Medium-term report                             RE reports
                 Monthly reports                               Long-term report                               Technical notes
                                                               Technical notes

Portal           Download and upload information (API and      Download information (API and web              Download information (API and web
                 web interface)                                interface)                                     interface)
                 Access documentation and configure            Access technical notes and dedicated           Configure notifications
                 notifications alerts.                         content (e.g. fragments video)                 View evolution of re-entry window
                 View evolution of key parameters e.g. PoC
EU Space Surveillance and Tracking: State of play and main developments - EUSST
Service provision ▪ Galileo 1st Collision Avoidance Manoeuvre

                                                 EU Space Surveillance and Tracking   29 April 2021   9
EU Space Surveillance and Tracking: State of play and main developments - EUSST
Perspective ▪ EU Space Programme
Following EU Space Strategy (2016), legislative proposal for an EU space programme 2021-2027
(2018), agreed by Council and European Parliament (2020), foreseen to enter into force in 2021
All EU activities in one programme:
  Galileo/EGNOS               SSA (SST plus SWE, NEO)
  Copernicus                  GovSatCom

EU SST as…
 Working example of multilateral cooperation at the intersection of space safety and space security – new SST
 partnership under construction with 18 EU MS
 Important R&D activity to improve performance and strategic autonomy at European level
 New possible services to ensure the safety and sustainability of space operations
 Fundamental operational capability in Europe “...precursor of a European Space Traffic Management system” -
 Commissioner Thierry Breton*

                                                                     *Closing Speech at the 12th Annual Space Conference on 22 January 2019

                                                                                             EU Space Surveillance and Tracking   29 April 2021   11
Development of a European catalogue
and considerations for SST data sharing
Marc Becker, Chairman
EU SST Security Committee (DLR)
                     The EU SST activities have received funding from the European Union programmes, notably from the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreements No 760459,
                     No 952852, No 785257, No 713630 and No 713762, and the Copernicus and Galileo programme under grant agreements No 299/G/GRO/COPE/19/11109, No 237/GRO/COPE/16/8935 and
                     No 203/G/GRO/COPE/15/7987. The content of this presentation reflects only the view of the SST Cooperation and the European Commission and the Research Executive Agency are not
                     responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
Service Provision Model

  Sensor Network                                 Data Processing                     Service Provision
                                            Tasking Requests

                                                                                           High Interest Events
                                                                            CA Service
           Sensor                   National                   EU SST
           operation                databases /                Database /
                                    catalogues in              EU SST       RE Service        Front Desk                  Users
           & control +
           correlation              LEO / MEO / GEO            Catalogue

                                                                            FG Service

                                                                                                  EU Space Surveillance and Tracking   29 April 2021   13
EU SST Database and Catalogue

                          EU SST Database                             EU SST Catalogue
                                                                                                    Measurement data from
                                                         Database                                   the Database will be pre-
                                                     as starting point                              processed, analysed,
   Measurement Data
                                               for catalogue building and                           and correlated
     Joint platform for                               maintenance
 efficient data sharing
                                                                                                    measurements will be
 and tasking requests
                                                                                                    used to determine and
 Operational since 1st                                                                              refine the orbit of objects
           April 2019
                                                                                                    Initial development &
                                                                                                    operation from 2019 to
                                                                                                    Dec. 2021

                                                                     MS Operations Centres will use the
                      Measurements from MS sensors
                                                                            EU SST Catalogue

                                                                                                   EU Space Surveillance and Tracking   29 April 2021   14
Evolution of Data Sharing

                   EU SST Database as central platform for data sharing, managing
                   sensor tasking requests, and hosting additional information (e.g. status
                   of sensors)
                   EU SST partners have agreed on joint definitions of terms and
                   concepts that guide the operational exchange of SST data and
                   Continuous evolution of data sharing: More than 17M autonomous
                   measurements of space objects shared through the EU SST Database
                   in 2020

                                                               European Space Surveillance and Tracking   29 April 2021   15
Security and Data Policy

                     The EU SST Security Committee oversees all matters relating to
                     data security and operational risk, and includes, inter alia,
                     representatives from the ministries of defence and national
                     security agencies
                     In the absence of a comprehensive set of SSA data sharing
                     agreements in Europe, EU SST deals with the security interests
                     of the respective partners and their allies through an internal
                     Data Policy
                     Security principles put in place by the Consortium include
                     Database access control, ownership control of any generated
                     data, and provisions on the use of shared SST data
                     The EU SST Security Committee develops classification guidance
                     and security requirements that cover for instance how EU SST
                     protects sensitive information such as data on allied space objects

                                                             European Space Surveillance and Tracking   29 April 2021   16
Security and Data Policy
                           Need to consider the existing architecture of bilateral SSA
                           sharing agreements in Europe:

                                                                             Classified & unclassified
                                                                             SSA and SST data

                                                                             Unclassified SSA and SST
                                  *       *                                  data

                           * IT and ES are working on the MoD-DoD channel to update the current
                             SSA data sharing agreement at classified level

                                                              European Space Surveillance and Tracking   29 April 2021   17
Security Framework of the new Space Regulation

                        EU SST as a fully-fledged, security-relevant programme as part
                        of the SSA component of the upcoming EU Space Programme
                        General governance and security principles will remain in place:
                        Role of the Member States in security accreditation; sensors
                        remain under sovereign national control
                        At the same time, EU SST will be integrated in the institutional
                        security framework of the EU Space Programme, joining the
                        current flagships Galileo and Copernicus
                             Interface with EU programme committee in security
                             configuration (27 MS), independent Security Accreditation
                             Board (SAB) hosted by EUSPA, EEAS/HR and COM
                             Elaboration of general security requirements in view of
                             potential threats to the confidentiality, integrity and
                             availability of SST services
EU Space Regulation,         Exploring synergies between the security aspects of the
Final Compromise Text        different Programme components

                                                                European Space Surveillance and Tracking   29 April 2021   18
EU SatCen as EU SST Front Desk and
part of the SST Cooperation
Amb. Sorin Ducaru Ph.D., Director
European Union Satellite Centre (EU SatCen)
                      The EU SST activities have received funding from the European Union programmes, notably from the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreements No 760459,
                      No 952852, No 785257, No 713630 and No 713762, and the Copernicus and Galileo programme under grant agreements No 299/G/GRO/COPE/19/11109, No 237/GRO/COPE/16/8935 and
                      No 203/G/GRO/COPE/15/7987. The content of this presentation reflects only the view of the SST Cooperation and the European Commission and the Research Executive Agency are not
                      responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
SST Cooperation

 EU SST Consortium:                                             Cooperation with
 7 EU Member States                                             EU SatCen as Front Desk

     France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Poland, Portugal, Romania

                                                                Overseen by
                                                                European Commission

                                                                        EU Space Surveillance and Tracking   29 April 2021   20
EU SatCen, the EU SST Front Desk

SST Consortium                        SST Front Desk                                                        SST Users
Responsible for generating the        Interface for the delivery of the SST services in                     SST services to be provided to:
SST services and their information    accordance with the Data and Information Policy

                                                                                                               All Member States;
                                     SST             User            Service          Engagement &             the Council;
                                     Portal          Coordination    Performance      Promotion                the Commission;
                                     Delivery of     User            Key              Communication,           the EEAS;
                                     the SST         approval,       Performance      Dissemination
                                                                                                               European public and private
                                     information     support and     Indicators       and interaction
                                                                                                               spacecraft owners and
                                     and services    needs           evaluation       activities
                                                                                                               operators, and
                                                                                                               European public authorities
                                                                                                               concerned with civil protection.

                                                                                                   * Future Space Regulation (next MFF) proposes
                                                                                                       services to be open also to non-EU users

                                                                                                    EU Space Surveillance and Tracking   29 April 2021 2323
SST Portal & Helpdesk

      SST Portal
                                                           User coordination
      User platform for the delivery of the SST services
                                                           Highly available user support

                                                            EU Space Surveillance and Tracking   29 April 2021   24
Key Performance Indicators Overview: 2020 metrics
                  sensors      data sharing             database               tasking                services         front desk / users

Data Sharing                CA service                                                                                    FG service
                                           >5.8M CDMs processed*                                                                      8 events
        >17M                        >1.8M          18th     SPCS CDMs processed                                                      21 reports
  measurements                    377 High Interest Events                                                                     8 autonomous reports
                                                                                                                          RE service
                             >140 000 CDMs provided to users**
   >9 500 space                           ~23 000 autonomous CDMs                                                                         65 events
     objects                           >31 avoidance manoeuvres
                                                                                                                                   238 reports | 197 30DRL
                                                                                                                                   34 autonomous reports
                                                                                            148 satellites registered

                            *Includes total number of CDMs processed by the OCs(based on EU SST data, 18th SPCS, user data).
                            **Includes enhanced CDMs (based on 18th SPCS, user data) and autonomous CDMs (based on EU SST and user
                            data). The CDMs are provided to users according to the thresholds (e.g. PoC, miss distance) set in the SCD.

                                                                                                                                     EU Space Surveillance and Tracking   29 April 2021 25

                   Collision                Re-entry          Fragmentation

                   Avoidance                Analysis          Analysis
                               +25                     +80                               +80
          ORGS                 ORGS                    ORGS                                ORGS
        22 EU MS

                                                               EU Space Surveillance and Tracking   29 April 2021   26
                    LEO                                             MEO                                                 GEO

                                                     47                                                 46                                                120
                    BIROS                    ELISA E12, E24,        GSAT / Galileo                                      COMSATBW-1, 2                 ATHENA-FIDUS
                                             W11, W23
                    SAR-LUPE 1, 2, 3, 4, 5                          0101, 0102, 0103, 0104, 0201, 0202, 0203,           SICRAL 1, 1B, 2               SYRACUSE 3A, 3B
                                             HELIOS 2A, 2B          0204, 0205, 0206, 0208, 0209, 0210, 0211,
                    TET-1                                           0207, 0212, 0213, 0214, 0215, 0216, 0217, 0218,     XTAR-EUR                      HELLAS-SAT 2, 3, 4
                                             VENµS                  0219, 0220, 0221, 0222
                    TANDEM-X                                                                                            SPAINSAT                      INMARSAT 3F1, 3F2,
                                             CSO-1, 2               O3B PFM, O3B FM 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,                                   3F3, 3F5, 4F1, 4F2,
                    TERRASAR-X                                                                                          METEOSAT-8, 9, 10,            4F3, AF1, 5F1, 5F2,
                                             CALIPSO                12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20                  11
                    REAKTOR HW                                                                                                                        5F3, 5F4, GX5
                                             JASON 3                                                                    HYLAS 1, 2, 4                 EUTELSAT 10A, 16A,
                    DEIMOS 1, 2
                                             PLEIADES 1A, 1B                                                            ASTRA 1D, 1KR, 1L,            172A, 21B, 25B, 28A,
                    METOP A, B, C                                                                                       1M, 1N, 1G, 2A. 2B, 2C,       28B, 36A, 36B, 3B,
                                             SMOS                                                                       2D, 2E, 2F, 2G, 3A,,3B,       5WA, 65W, 7WA,
                    SENTINEL 1A, 1B, 2A,                                                                                                              70B, 7A, 7B, 8WB,
                    2B, 3A, 3B, 5P, 6A       BRITE PL-1,PL-2                                                            5B
                                                                                                                                                      9A, 9B, HB 13B, 13C,
                                                                                                                        AMC 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 11,        13D, KASAT 9A,
                    PAZ                      EYESAT
                                                                                                                        15, 16, 18, 21                12WB, 172B, 7C,
                    UPMSat-2                 ANGELS                                                                                                   5 WEST B
                                                                                                                        SES 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
                    ION-mk01 Lucas           ELO3                                                                       9, 10, 11,12, 14, 15 ,        AMAZONAS 2, 3, 5,
                                                                                                                        16/Govsat-1                   HISPASAT 30W-5,
                    CHEOPS                                                                                                                            30W-6, 36W-1,
                                                                                                                        NSS 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11,       74W-1, 143W-1
                    TRISAT                                                                                              12
                                                                                                                                                      TURKSAT 5A*
                                                                                                                        SIRIUS 4, QUETZSAT
                                                                                                                        1, CIEL 2                     BULGARIASAT-1

     Commercial   130        Govern./IGOs                      58    Military                    23             Universities                2
                                                                                                                                                              * Support only for LEOP

                                                                                                                                                                             29 April 2021 27
User feedback

                                                    “The CA service was really appreciated during
                                                    LEOP operations”

             8.5/10             8.6/10
             feedback          Front Desk
                                                    “The reports from the Collision Avoidance
                                                    service are very comprehensive
                                                    and meet our needs”

9.1/10              8.1/10            8.4/10        “Excellent support provided for troubleshooting
 Collision          Re-entry        Fragmentation
Avoidance           Analysis             Analysis   and to access
                                                    the functionalities of the Front Desk”

                                                       *Feedback obtained at the latest User Feedback Campaign (December 2020)

                                                                                         European Space Surveillance and Tracking   29 April 2021 28
EU SST Taskforce: Potential Collision of two large
inactive space objects SL-8 R/B – DMSP 5D-1/F-3

                              EU SST
                      Taskforce is activated.                   Time of
                  Led by SatCen, it coordinates             Close Approach:
                 monitoring and communication of              9 April 2021
                         major SST events.                     17:18 UTC
                             T-51h                                    T0
                                                                                         Six radars
                                                                                         confirmed                  Post-event estimates
                                                                                         there was                     (T+96h): miss
                                                                                        no collision.                 distance of 9m.

           T-57h                        T-51h to T-2h                         T+2h
     National Operational                   Sensor network
     Centres (NOCs) detect        tasked and predictions refined by
         the event. First            ES & FR OCs. Fragmentation
      estimates point to a          event simulated by IT OC. Last
     probability of 1.5%1           estimates: 21m miss distance,
     and miss distance of          20% scaled probability. SatCen
              40m.                    coordinates with NOCs and
                                     communicates on the event.
                                                                                     17 contributing sensors shared data.
                                                                                                 EU Space Surveillance and Tracking   29 April 2021   29
Thank you   User Registration

            General Information
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