Fall - CITY.FLA.AMIE - City of Laramie

Page created by Annie Caldwell
Fall - CITY.FLA.AMIE - City of Laramie
Fall                   2020

Fall - CITY.FLA.AMIE - City of Laramie
Fall - CITY.FLA.AMIE - City of Laramie
Social Distancing and limited capacities are still in effect as per the Wyoming State Health Orders and we
thank you for your understanding.

General Facility Use
Members—Equipment and various areas (gym, cardio, weight room, track, and pool) are available for
reservation by members. Please just call us at (307) 721-5269, opt. 7 to reserve the equipment or space
you wish to use. You may reserve equipment a day in advance. Please leave a message as appropriate.
Non-Members—We welcome non-members to drop in and use equipment and facilities that are not
already in use. Regular day-use fees apply and memberships will be available to purchase for
interested parties.

Facility and Equipment Sanitation
In order to provide the safest environment equipment will be sanitized between use and available to
check out.
Please check the gym schedule for availability.

Fitness Classes
A selection of fitness classes will be available virtually and in-person to members and for purchase with
a fitness pass. Please check out the schedule with a link to log in or register for virtual classes at www.
cityoflaramie.org/fitness. If you are interested, a membership will gain you access to all drop-in classes
at no additional charge. Non-members will be able to participate at the drop in rate. Some select class-
es are also available for registration. Please call us at (307) 721-5269 opt. 7 or sign up on-line at www.

Facility Guidelines

Open Hours-We will be open from 5AM-7PM M-F and 8AM-5PM on Saturday. We will be closed on
Sundays. Pools open a half hour later and close at the same time as the rest of the facility.
Face Coverings in the Facility-All facility users will be required to wear face coverings over your mouth
AND nose unless you are swimming or at your work out station during the hours of 5-7AM or 4-7PM.
Temperature Check-We will have a person stationed at the front door to do a quick, no-touch tempera-
ture check when you arrive. If you have a fever above the CDC recommendation of 100.4 degrees you
will not be permitted entrance.
Facility Reservation Required-In order to meet social distancing standards facility reservations are re-
quired either upon your drop in visit or a day in advance for members.
Children under age 16 must be accompanied by an adult-We still welcome families and your children,
but with additional supervision. Thank you for your understanding.

As restrictions relax we will modify our restrictions, so please anticipate changing requirements. Thank
you for your understanding as we work through these changing circumstances.

- The Laramie Recreation Team

Updated 09/29/2020
Fall - CITY.FLA.AMIE - City of Laramie
Fall - CITY.FLA.AMIE - City of Laramie
Recreation Center Hours
  Mon-Fri            Saturday              Sunday
  5AM-7PM               8AM-5PM              CLOSED
Pools open and close at slightly different times than
the rest of the facility. Please see Page 12 for pool
schedules, cityoflaramie.org/pools to check the
regular schedule prior to your visit or call
(307) 721-3585 to speak with Aquatics.

The Recreation Center is a place for all and generous
community members have made scholarships
available for Recreation Center or Ice & Event Center
Multi-Passes and activities for qualifying families.
Scholarships are need based and awarded on a sliding
fee schedule. Applications available at:
cityoflaramie.org/scholarships. To make a donation
to the scholarship fund visit please stop by the
Recreation Center, call (307) 721-5269, or donate
online at cityoflaramie.org/scholarships.

       Membership Discounts
You may be eligible to receive a discount of 15-20%
on your membership! Employees of several local
businesses, organizations and non-profits are eligible
for membership discounts! Inquire at the Recreation
Center Front Desk or visit: www.cityoflaramie.org/

            Online Schedules
     Check our up-to-date schedules online at:

   Stop spending time filling out paperwork!
                                                                   Recreation Center Policies
You can now sign up for a membership without the           •   Please see Pool Policies on page 12 for
renewal hassle! Select monthly billing when you set
up your membership and you only have to renew if               additional pool guidelines.
you cancel your membership. Find additional details        •   See page 3 for COVID-19 policies.
and membership paperwork at www. cityoflaramie.            •   For information on discounts, refunds,
org/membership. Email your application to
parksandrecinfo@cityoflaramie.org      for   easier            cancellations, and other membership
processing.                                                    policies, please call (307) 721-5253, visit
                                                               www.cityoflaramie.org/refunds, or stop by
 (You must still complete the term of your original            the Recreation Center Front Desk to view
membership. Additional details may apply.)
                                                               our membership contract.
                                                           •   The City reserves the right to deny
               Locker Rentals                                  admittance or suspend the membership
                                                               of anyone who violates facility rules and
If you are a member, rent a locker and eliminate the
hassle of remembering your gym gear! Small or large            regulations and anyone appearing to be
lockers are available for a monthly fee and include a          under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
lock. For fees, information and availability please call
(307) 721-5269.

                                                                                            Fall 2020        5
Fall - CITY.FLA.AMIE - City of Laramie
Alpine Tennis             www.alpinetennis.org             Laramie Lumberjacks    Rugby-laramierugby@gmail.com
    American Legion           Aaron Lozano                     Laramie Rifle Range    www.laramieriflerange.com
    Baseball                  www.laramielegionbaseball.com
    Common Outdoor            www.commonoutdoorground.org      Laramie Soccer Club    www.laramiesoccer.org
    Ground                                                                            admin@laramiesoccer.org
    Eppson Center for         www.eppsoncenter.org             Laramie Swim Club      www.laramieswimclub.org
    Seniors                   (307) 745-5116
    Figure Skating Club       Katherine Montgomery             Laramie Wrestling      www.facebook.com/
                              kmontgomery92@gmail.com          Club                   CowboyKidsLaramieWrestlingClub
    Friends of Community      www.fcrlaramie.wixsite.com/      Laramie Youth          www.laramieyouthbaseball.com,
    Recreation                friends                          Baseball               laramieyouthbaseball@gmail.com
    Friends of Laramie        Joshua Kaffer                    Laramie Youth Football www.laramieyouthfootball.org,
    Skate Park                www.facebook.com/LaramieSkate                           help@laramieyouthfootball.org
    Friends of Undine         irvingswoodfurnishings.com/      Laramie 4-H club       Mary Louise Wood |
                              indexfoup.html                                          woods8@uwyo.edu
    High Plains Archery       www.highplainsarcheryclub.com    Medicine Bow Nordic    www.medbownordic.org
    Club                                                       Association
    High Plains Disc Golf     www.discgolfscene.com/clubs/     Medicine Bow Rail      www.medicinebowrailtrail.org
    Club                      high_plains_disc_golf_club       Trail
    High Plains Harriers      www.highplainsharriers.org       Naughty Pines Derby    naughtypinesderby@gmail.com
    Jacoby Golf Course        Joe Jensen | jacobygc@uwyo.edu   Parent Information     www.wpic.org | (800) 660-9742
    Krav Maga Wyoming         www.kravmagawyoming@gmail.       UW Club Sports         Adam Burke
    Martial Arts              com                                                     adam.burke@uwyo.edu
    Laramie Amateur           laramiehockeyclub@               UW Indoor Tennis       www.gowyo.com/facilities/?id=8
    Hockey                    laramiehockey.usahockey.com      Facility
    Laramie Bicycling         www.laramiebikenet.org           UW Intramural Sports   www.uwyo.edu/rec
    Network                                                                           imsports@uwyo.edu
    Laramie Civic Center      Melissa Danielle                 WY Health Fairs        www.wyominghealthfairs.com
                              (307) 745-8000
    Laramie Fire Basketball   www.laramieball.com              Wyo School of          Rob Mitchell
                                                               Gymnastics             wsglaramie@wyogym.com
    Laramie Girls Fastpitch   laramiegirlssoftball@gmail.com   Wyoming Pathways       www.wyopath.org
    Laramie Kempo Karate      Amber Travsky                    Wyoming MTB Camps      www.wyomtbcamps.org
    Laramie Lanes Bowling     www.laramielanes.com             Wyoming Territorial    Deborah Cease
                              laramielanes@gmail.com           Park                   deborah.cease@uwyo.gov

Fall - CITY.FLA.AMIE - City of Laramie
Pickleball: Nets, paddles and balls are all                     Volley, spike, block & have fun! Join us on Saturday
    provided. Please wear non-marking shoes on the                  mornings for a 5-week round-robin. We will have 1
                                                                    qualified supervisor/scorekeeper at each game, and
    gym floors.                                                     NFSHSA rules will govern all play. A minimum of 6,
                                                                    maximum of 12 players allowed per team. Capped
    Pickleball 101 - Age: 18 years & up                             at 6 teams. Individuals looking to join a team, email
                                                                    parksandrecinfo@cityoflaramie.org. Prior to the first
    This class is designed for adults who want to learn the         game, all captains are required to attend an organizational
    fundamentals of pickleball. Pickleball is a fun sport           meeting (TBA). Face coverings required in the facility and
    initially designed with adult players in mind; it is easy for   during games.
    beginners to learn, and has quickly become a community
    favorite in Laramie. Each week we’ll focus on one or two                Section 323200-03 is a competitive league
    skills. This class is taught by a nationally certified adult
    pickleball instructor.
    Location: Undine Pickleball Court                               Dates           Days    Time        Fee        Activity #
            11/18 and 12/16 will be at the Rec Center               10/10-11/7      Sa      8-11AM      $100       323200-01
                  and limited to 4 participants                     11/14-12/19     Sa      8-11AM      $100       323200-02
    Dates      Days        Time             Fee    Activity #       11/14-12/19     Sa      8-11AM      $100       323200-03
    9/28       M           7:50-9:50AM      $20    329027-01
    9/28       M           10AM-12PM        $20    329027-02
    10/3       Sa          7:50-9:50AM      $20    329027-03
    10/3       Sa          10AM-12PM        $20    329027-04
    11/18      W           5-7PM            $20    329027-05
    12/16      W           5-7PM            $20    329027-06

    Pickleball Improvers - Age: 18 years & up
    Understand your strengths and desired improvement
    areas and let us help enhance your game! This class is
    designed for adults who have learned the fundamentals
    of pickleball and desire to improve their play. Attention
    will be placed on each of pickleballs five game situations:
    serving, receiving the serve, approaching the non-volley
    line, keeping opponents from the non-volley line and
    play at tat the non-volley line. Taught by a nationally
    certified adult pickleball instructor. All equipment is
    Dates           Days    Time            Fee Activity #
    9/21            M       7:50-9:50AM     $20    329025-01
    9/21            M       10AM-12PM       $20    329025-02
    10/10           Sa      7:50-9:50AM     $20    329025-03
    10/10           Sa      10AM-12PM       $20    329025-04
    11/4            W       5-7PM           $20    329025-05
    12/2            W       5-7PM           $20    329025-06

                           Volleyball League

7                                                                                                             Fall 2020
Fall - CITY.FLA.AMIE - City of Laramie
Youth Volleyball: Ages 8-10
    Bump up your volleyball skills! Join us as we begin with the basics and progress to
    learn higher level techniques as the players develop. Games will be included during the
    practice times so our players can showcase the skills they are developing throughout
    the program. To work with COVID-19 restrictions and to take advantage of our Laramie
    fall weather, we will meet outside at the Undine Volleyball court this year. This activity is
    open to boys and girls. If you would like to volunteer as an assistant coach (we provide a
    head coach, guidance and lesson plans) contact Laura at Ltangeman@cityoflaramie.org.

                                             3rd/4th Grade
    Dates          Days           Time              Fee            Activity #
    9/10-10/5      M,Th           4-4:50PM          $40            310300-01
                                             5th/6th Grade
    Dates          Days           Time              Fee            Activity #
    9/10-10/5      M,Th           5-5:50PM          $40            310300-02

Fall - CITY.FLA.AMIE - City of Laramie
Adventure Kids is an enrichment program School’s out, but Adventures abound!
that provides a safe, supervised after-school     In addition to our daily after-school program,
environment where children, grades K-6, are       Adventure Kids will be in operation during
inspired to learn. Activities include theme-based the following dates designated by ACSD #1
clubs; recreational sports such as swimming,      as Staff Development and Early Release days.
ice skating, and roller skating, homework time,   Pre-registration is required for each of these days,
indoor and outdoor free time. A healthy snack is  and enrollments are taken on a first come, first served
also provided each day. Students from all Laramie basis, with a maximum of 40 children accepted
elementary schools and LJHS are bused to the      each day. The fee of $36 for Full Days, and $18 for
Recreation Center by ACSD #1.                     Half Days, must be paid at the time of registration.
                                                  Please note: you do not have to be enrolled in
Registration for the 2020-2021 school year is now our regular after school program to register.
open. For more information and to register, go to
www.cityoflaramie.org/adventurekids.              Full Days: 9/28, 11/3, 4/12

Based on a sliding fee scale. Fees range from $6.25-   Half Days: 10/16, 10/21, 1/22, 2/12, 3/26, 5/28
$18 a day, or $29.50-$85 a week.
                                                       Please note: Adventure Kids will not be in session
                                                       on days ACSD #1 has designated as No School days.
                                                       For 2020, these include Sept 7, Oct 22-23, Nov 25-
                                                       27, and Dec 21-31. For 2021, these include Jan 1,
                                                       Feb 15, Mar 15-19, and May 31.

                                                                                           Fall 2020        9
Fall - CITY.FLA.AMIE - City of Laramie
Personal Trainers                                     Group Fitness Classes
     Whatever your fitness needs, consider a personal          Drop-In classes are a part of your membership! No
     trainer to begin your individualized fitness program!
     Offered by appointment and per trainer availability.      need to pay extra when you have a One-Month,
     Must be a member. For ages 16 and up. Find trainer        Month-to-Month or Annual Membership. Drop-In
     profiles and additional information online at:            Fitness is available for $8 a class for non-members.
     Let our certified personal trainers work with you to          Drop-In Class Non-Member Rates
     start out on the right foot with an orientation to the
     facility, design an individualized fitness program, and        Per Single Visit         10 Visit Multi-Pass
     help to keep you on track with your fitness goals!
                                                                          $8                         $80
               Personal Trainer Fees
                                                                   Multi-Fitness Class Pass (10 Visits)
          Individual                Group (2 People)
                                                                      Speed up your check-in with a Pass!
         $30/Session                  $40/Session                    Now available online and non-expiring!
         Stop in and meet our Personal Trainers
        Katherine Goyn               Clint Swierczek
                                                               COVID-19 Changes: Limited spaces for
          Carla Luckie               Cheryl Johnson            Revolutions, Step & Body Power. In person
                                                               classes available in the gym. Water Aerobics
                                                               and Yoga are also available for in person
                                                               attendence. Other select classes available
                                                               online. Check the schedule out at cityo-
                                                               flaramie.org/fitness and sign up today!

Step Aerobics
          Group Fitness Policies                        “Step” right into these easy-to-follow choreo-
                                                        graphed routines, shake up your cardio workout,
 •   Space is available on a first come, first served   and have some fun. This workout flies by as you
     basis.                                             step, kick, and turn in time with energizing music.
 •   Fitness classes are co-ed and open to anyone       Classes will include a short toning portion using
     16 years of age and older. Children are not        hand weights and core focus.
     allowed in the group exercise room during
     classes.                                           Foundation Yoga
 •   Proper gym attire is recommended. Please no        This class is great for new participants! Learn all
     jeans, cutoffs or clothes with buttons. Street     the fundamentals in a less intense yoga class. This
     shoes are not allowed in the gym or group ex-      is also a great class for stretching your ailments
     ercise rooms.                                      away. Come to Foundation Yoga to feel better one
 •   Participants must recognize that fitness           day at a time!
     programs involve some risk, and by partici-
     pating in these programs there is an assump-       XaBeat
     tion of risk by the participant. You need to be    XaBeat is a dance-fitness program where you can
     aware of your own limitations for your own         sculpt your body and burn calories in a party-like
     safety and protection when starting a fitness      atmosphere. Easy-to-follow routines are designed
     program. It is strongly recommended to con-        to provide you with a great workout and a sense of
     sult with your physician prior to starting any     accomplishment. Making fitness fun gives you the
     type of fitness program.                           opportunity to reshape your body, create com-
                                                        munity, achieve fitness goals, and increase your
						                                                  self-confidence, all while dancing.
Revolutions                                             Shallow Water Aerobics
Together you and your instructor take a ride but be     Join us in this fun low impact water workout. In-
prepared for a workout. Hills, flats, turns, sprints,   crease your balance, flexibility, and strength as you
and races are all simulated for a truly fantastic       move through the water. All are welcome!
high-calorie burning and cardiovascular class. We
recommend padded bike shorts, a towel, and wa-          Body Power
ter. Be ready to Sweat! Pedals accommodate SPD          Sculpt, tone, and strengthen your entire body.
style cleats or regular shoes.                          Body Power is a strength training class that focuses
                                                        on low weights with high repetition. Join Susie for
       Kickstarter Revolutions                          a workout that challenges all your muscle groups
       Haven’t tried revolutions before? This is        as you lift, squat, and curl to the best music.
       a great class to get started! Go at your own
       pace and learn the fundamentals with our         Social Step
       experienced instructors! They are here to        It’s more than just stepping when you are wel-
       welcome you into a great way to burn calo        comed into a fun and dedicated group. Get your
       ries and have fun!                               cardio on with upbeat music and fun routines. But
                                                        that’s not all; add weight training and floor work
       Early Bird Revolutions                           that could include weights, tubes, balls, and any
       Looking to get your workout done first           other of the latest tools!
       thing in the morning? This class is perfect
       for you! Join us for Early Bird Revolutions      Pilates
       to start your day on the right REVOLUTION!       Pilates works to strengthen the internal stabilizing
       Get up early and get your day going! This        muscles of your body so your posture, balance and
       class is designed to wake you up!                core strength all improve. Pilates is great for ath-
                                                        letes, active older adults, women rebounding from
       Beat Revolutions                                 pregnancy, dancers, and people at various stages
       It’s all about moving those muscles to the       of physical rehabilitation, or anyone who wants a
       “beat”. You can burn 500-800 calories            core-focused workout.
       in this class that includes upper body work
       with weights while driving those cycling
       legs. The music is the key to your low im
       pact, power-packed workout!

                                                                                              Fall 2020         11
Indoor Leisure/8 Lane                           CPR/AED/First Aid - Age: 15 years and up
                                                            First Aid/CPR and AED for Adult/Child/Infant. In
                 Pool Hours                                 this course you will gain the skills and knowledge to
                                                            immediately care for someone who has an injury,
       Mon-Fri           Saturday           Sunday          becomes ill, experiences a cardia or breathing
                                                            emergency until advanced medical personnel arrive.
      5:30AM-7PM        8:30AM-5PM          CLOSED          This course will provide students the opportunity
                                                            to confront the fear of providing care and gain
     The pools are occasionally closed due to               confidence to assist others in their communities,
     necessary maintenance, special events or due to        homes, schools, and workplaces. Member discounts
     unforeseeable circumstances. The 8 Lane Pool will      apply. Registration deadline 5 days before start date.
     close at 10AM on Tuesdays for chemical transfer.
     The pool will be reopened as soon as the transfer      Date    Day     Time                 Fee   Activity #
     is complete. We recommend calling (307) 721-           11/14 Sa        9AM-2PM              $80   327100-01
     3584 to check on the status of the pools prior to
     your visit. Indoor Leisure Pool is closed and the 8
     Lane Pool is partially closed during swim lessons.     Lifeguard Training - Age: 15 years and up
     Swimmers under 48” tall must pass a swim test to
     swim in the 8 lane Pool.                               This course is designed to provide lifeguard candidates
                                                            with the skills and knowledge necessary to keep
                                                            patrons of aquatic facilities safe in and around the
         Indoor Water Slide Hours                           water. Completion of the class will lead to the American
                                                            Red Cross Lifeguard certificate including: CPR/AED,
                                                            Water Park, and Administering Emergency Oxygen.
      Mon-Fri           Saturday            Sunday          Certification is good for 2 years. Recommended
                                                            preparation: the student must possess swimming
         CLOSED            CLOSED             CLOSED        proficiency and strength. This is a blended learning
     The water slide and the spray features are on during   environment so students will be required to complete
     these times. You must be 48” tall to use slide. The    on-line components before the start of class. Thursday-
     slide will close when lightning is detected and is     Sunday will be a mix of video and in-person training.
     closed during swimming lessons.
                                                            Dates    Days    Time             Fee      Activity #
              Diving Board Hours                            9/17    Th       6-9PM            $225     327000-01
      Mon-Fri           Saturday            Sunday          9/18    F        5-9PM
        CLOSED           CLOSED            CLOSED           9/19    Sa       9AM-5PM
     Forward dives only; no specialty dives allowed.        9/20    Su       1:30-5PM
     Diving board may be available upon request based       9/20    Su       10AM-12PM
     on staffing.
                                                            11/19 Th         6-9PM            $225     327000-02
      Sauna & Steam Room Hours                              11/20 F          5-9PM
     			CLOSED                                              11/21 Sa         9AM-5PM
                                                            11/22 Su         10AM-12PM

                Whirlpool Hours                             11/22 Su         1:30-5PM
                                                            10/28-10/31                       $225     327000-02

     Capacities during COVID-19:
          Leisure Pool: 47 (including those on deck)
          8 Lane Pool: 1 person per lane
         Stop by the Front Desk or call (307) 721-5269 option 7 to makre a reservation!

For the health and safety of our patrons and our staff, we have made some significant changes to our swim
lesson program during this current pandemic. We will conduct a mandatory parent informational and orientation
meeting via Zoom scheduled the Thursday prior to the start of each session at 1PM. If you cannot attend the
Zoom meeting in-person, we’ll provide parents with an access code to attend at a more convenient time. We have
decreased our class sizes, implemented cleaning protocols after each class, and revamped the schedule of our
lesson sessions. We will require parents in the water with their children to help support and assist them, allowing
the instructor to remain on the pool deck and practice social distancing. If your child is sick, please do not come
to lessons.
              Aqua Tots - Age: 6 mo-3 years                                 Level 2 - Age: 5-12 years
A parent and child class designed to help prepare            Level 2 builds on to the fundamental skills gained in
young children to be comfortable in the water, teach         Level 1. Participants learn to glide and float without
swimming readiness skills, water exploration, and            support and recover to a vertical position. Proper body
provide water safety information. This class teaches         positioning, breath control, kicking, and additional
parents techniques they can use in water play and            skills taught include alternating arm and leg actions
exploration, to help prepare their children for a more       on the front and back. New water safety topics are
fun and safer aquatic experience. This class is for          introduced, and previously acquired water safety
children and their caregiver.                                knowledge and skills are reinforced.
Dates           Days   Time            Fee    Activity #     Dates          Days    Time            Fee    Activity #
9/21-9/30       M,W    6:15-6:45PM     $24    316102-01      9/21-10/1      M-Th    5:30-6PM        $48    316106-01
10/12-10/21     M,W    5:30-6PM        $24    316102-02      10/12-10/22    M-Th    6:15-6:45PM     $48    316106-02
10/31-11/21     Sa     9:30-10AM       $24    316102-03      11/2-11/12     M-Th    5:30-6PM        $48    316106-03

         Preschool Aquatics - Age: 3-4 years                                Level 3 - Age: 6-12 years
A parent and child class engages children to explore         Level 3 expands on increasing proficient swimming
the water in a safe manner while learning basic              skills with new stroke development and a strong focus
swimming skills. Children will learn the basic skills such   on water safety survival. Breaststroke, back stroke,
as bubble blowing, breath control, floating, kicking,        front crawl, rotary breathing are taught, as well as
arm circles, and water safety concepts and develop           the introduction to survival strokes, elementary
basic independent movement through the aquatic               backstroke, treading water, survival floating, and safe
environment.                                                 headfirst entries into the water. New safety topics are
                                                             introduced, as well as previous ones are reinforced.
Dates           Days   Time            Fee Activity #        Upon completion of Level 3, swimmers are considered
                                                             to have achieved basic water safety competency in a
9/21-10/1       M-Th   5:30-6PM        $48    316103-01      pool environment.

10/12-10/22 M-Th 6:15-6:45PM $48              316103-02      Dates          Days     Time           Fee Activity #
11/2-11/12      M-Th   5:30-6PM        $48    316103-03      9/21-10/1      M-Th     6:15-6:45PM $48       316107-01
                                                             10/12-10/22    M-Th     5:30-6PM       $48    316107-02
                Level 1 - Age: 5-12 years
                                                             11/2-11/12     M-Th     6:15-6:45PM $48       316107-03
Level 1 introduces basic aquatic skills, which
participants continue to build on as they progress
through Learn-to-Swim. In addition, participants start
developing positive attitudes, effective swimming                           Level 4 - Age: 6-12 years
habits and safe practices in and around the water.
Basic skills learned include breath control, floating,       Level 4 is for participants that have successfully
gliding, and independent movement through the                mastered Level 3 skills and want to increase their
aquatic environment. Learn-to-Swim Level 1 skills            endurance and proficiency. Sidestroke is introduced,
overlap with the Preschool Aquatics.                         as well as butterfly, and open turns and additional
                                                             headfirst entries. Water safety is a continued discussion,
Dates          Days    Time            Fee    Activity #     with new ideas and concepts introduced as well as
                                                             previously ones reinforced. Swimmers will be expected
9/21-10/1      M-Th    6:15-6:45PM     $48    316105-01      to tread water and swim longer distances. This class is
                                                             mostly held in the 8 Lane Pool or deeper water.
10/12-10/22 M-Th       5:30-6PM        $48    316105-02
                                                             Dates          Days Time               Fee Activity #
11/2-11/12     M-Th    6:15-6:45PM     $48    316105-03
                                                             9/21-10/1      M-Th 5:15-6PM           $72    316108-01
                                                             10/12-10/22    M-Th 6:15-7PM           $72    316108-02
                                                             11/2-11/12     M-Th 5:15-6PM           $72    316108-03

                                                                                                     Fall 2020            13
     For the health and safety of our patrons and our staff, we have made some significant changes to our swim
     lesson program during this current pandemic. We will conduct a mandatory parent informational and orientation
     meeting via Zoom scheduled the Thursday prior to the start of each session at 1PM. If you cannot attend the
     Zoom meeting in-person, we’ll provide parents with an access code to attend at a more convenient time. We have
     decreased our class sizes, implemented cleaning protocols after each class, and revamped the schedule of our
     lesson sessions. We will require parents in the water with their children to help support and assist them, allowing
     the instructor to remain on the pool deck and practice social distancing. If your child is sick, please do not come
     to lessons.

                    Level 5 - Age: 6-12 years
                                                                Private and Semi-Private Swim Lessons
                                                                Participants experience a customized lesson plan
     Level 5 participants continue to increase endurance        to efficiently and effectively meet the participants
     and refinement of all six strokes (front crawl, back       goals. The instructor considers their abilities and
     crawl, elementary backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly
     and sidestroke) through drills and practice. Flip turns    water comfort level and develops a lesson plan
     are introduced. Swimmers will be expected to tread         that focuses on specific skills from a multitude of
     water and swim longer distances. This class is mostly      levels. Water safety is interwoven into all lessons as
     held in the 8 Lane Pool or deeper water.
                                                                a point of discussion and practice. If you have never
     Dates         Days    Time          Fee Activity #         swam before, or need extra help to perfect a stroke,
     9/21-10/1     M-Th    6:15-7PM      $72    316109-01       private lessons can help you. Private lessons are
                                                                available for all lesson levels, are 30 minutes each
     10/12-10/22 M-Th      5:15-6PM      $72    316109-02       lesson and are set up based on your availability and
     11/2-11/12    M-Th 6:15-7PM         $72    316109-03       pool schedules. Lessons may require a parent to
                                                                join the child in the water. Private lessons are for
                                                                participants that are at least 3 years old or older.
                                                                Semi-Private lessons (two participants at one lesson)
                    Level 6 - Age: 6-12 years
                                                                may be arranged, however both participants must
     Level 6 objective is to refine strokes to be performed     be of a similar age and aquatic skill ability, as well
     with greater efficiency and effectiveness. Level 6         as have similar goals to focus the lessons around.
     offers options to meet specific goals and interests of
     the participant to prepare them for more advanced          Register online or go to www.cityoflaramie.org/
     courses, or other aquatic activities such as competitive   PrivateSwim to complete the Private Lesson Request
     swimming and diving. Lessons can be customized to          form, and bring it into the Recreation Center and
     meet the objectives of the participants, and this level    register onsite. The form must be submitted along
     may be repeated with a different focus each time.
                                                                with payment before Aquatic Staff will assign an
     Dates         Days    Time           Fee Activity #        instructor. Please allow up to five business days for
                                                                an instructor assignment. Member discounts apply.
     9/21-10/1     M-Th    5:15-6PM       $72    316110-01
     10/12-10/22 M-Th      6:15-7PM       $72    316110-02                      Private Swim Lessons
                                                                 Pack Dates         Time            Fee     Activity #
                                                                 1      9/1-12/31 5:30AM-8PM $25  316100-01
                                                                 4      9/1-12/31 5:30AM-8PM $72 316100-02
                                                                 8      9/1-12/31 5:30AM-8PM $124 316100-03

                                                                             Semi-Private Swim Lessons
                                                                 Pack Dates         Time            Fee     Activity #
                                                                 1      9/1-12/31 5:30AM-8PM $30  316101-01
                                                                 4      9/1-12/31 5:30AM-8PM $104 316101-02
                                                                 8      9/1-12/31 5:30AM-8PM $188 316101-03

Public Skate Admission
                                                           2 years and younger                FREE
                                                         Children (3 & 4 years old)       $2.00/session
                                                                Skate Rental                  $1.00
                                                              5 Years & older             $5.00/session
                                                               Skate Rental                    $2.50
The Ice & Event Center will be open for
Ice Season September 3rd, 2020 through
March 21st, 2021. We offer public skating            Private Event Rental Rates:
times, as well as hourly rentals available for       Events without alcohol
leagues, tournaments, clinics, birthdays,            Monday-Sunday: 8am-11pm $500/day or $40/hr
                                                     Monday-Sunday: 11pm-1am $75/hr
      school skates, & group parties.
                                                     Events with alcohol
Looking for an alternative activity to keep fit or   Monday-Sunday: 8am-11pm $600/day or $50/hr
for recreation? Come to the Ice and Event Center     Monday-Sunday: 11pm-1am $85/hr
for our public skate sessions which include recre-   Open Container Permit: $25
ational skating, figure skating and stick and puck   (Required for non-vending consumption)
sessions.                                            Alcohol Catering/Vending Permit: $50
                                                     (Required for vendors providing alcohol)
***Check out cityoflaramie.org/ice or our            Private Insurance for events with Alcohol: Required
     Facebook page for up-to-date
              schedules***                           Must provide proof of insurance to the Ice & Event
                                                     Center with the City of Laramie as an additional
  Ice & Event Center Multi-Passes                    insured. See cityoflaramie.org/opencontainer for
                                                     more information.
20 Visit Pass: Saves you money versus the regu-
lar daily rate! New for the 2019-2020 season are
our upgraded punch pass packages! Now you can        COVID-19 Requirements:
choose the right fit for you or your family and
friends!                                             •    All guests shall complete a short health
                                                          screening before entering the facility.
                                                     •    Guests who are feeling unwell will be asked
Public skate passes can be used for all                   to leave to avoid potential exposure to the
designated Public Skating Sessions (including             Covid-19 virus.
ice skating in the winter and roller skating in      •    Guests shall maintain a distance of 6 feet
the summer). Drop-In Activity passes can be               between one another whenever possible.
used (summer and winter) for Roller Skating,         •    The facility has a capacity of 70 individuals at
Stick and Puck, Curling or Figure Skating                 any time.
sessions. Both Multi-Passes offer savings            •    Locker room capacity is 5 individuals per
between 18 - 25%.                                         locker room.
                                                     •    Face Coverings shall be worn in the facility at
                                                          all times except as specified below.
             Public Skate 20 Visit Pass
Individual Admission Only                    $75     FACE COVERING EXCEPTIONS
                                                     • When a guest is seated and consuming food
Individual with Skate Rental                 $112       or beverages in the lobby.
Bulk Pass Admission Only (Can be shared)     $85     • For skaters when they are on the ice (during
                                                        games and practices).
Bulk Pass with Skate Rentals                 $127    • When Ice & Event Center staff are required to
                                                        be on the ice face masks are required by all

                                                                                          Fall 2020          15

     Be sure to bring warm clothes, gloves, and a personal                     Snowplow Sam 3: Ages 3-5
     helmet is encouraged! Section 3, Tuesday and
     Thursday classes will not be held during the week            This level builds on Snowplow Sam 1 and 2. Skaters will
     of Thanksgiving! Due to COVID-19 Restrictions,               learn forward skating, forward one-foot glide, curves,
     we are following social distancing practices and             and forward and backward swizzles. Skaters need to
     requiring face coverings while enjoying our facility.        have passed Snowplow 1 & 2 or have permission from
     We also have a maximum number of patrons in the              the Skate Director to enroll in this class.
     facility of 70! When you arrive you will be asked a
     few questions, your name, phone number, and how              Dates         Days    Time           Fee Activity #
     you’re feeling. Please plan ahead to check-in! When          9/8-10/1      Tu,Th   5:45-6:15PM $80       311803-01
     you are in the facility there will be plenty of sanitizing
     stations available for use. Our staff will be sanitizing     10/6-10/29    Tu,Th   5:45-6:15PM $80       311803-02
     the facility each hour to ensure our patrons are safe
     while visiting. We hope you’re as excited to skate as        11/3-12/3     Tu,Th   5:45-6:15PM $80       311803-03
     we are!                                                      9/6-9/27      Su      1-1:30PM       $40    311803-04

                                                                  10/4-10/25 Su         1-1:30PM       $40    311803-05
                   Snowplow Sam 1: Ages 3-5
                                                                  11/1-11/22 Su         1-1:30PM       $40    311803-06
     Little to no skating experience required! The skaters
     will learn to fall and recover on and off the ice. Among
     the skills the skater will be able to execute upon
     passing this level; Sit and stand up with skates on,                      Snowplow Sam 4: Ages 3-5
     march in place, march forward, and dip in place.
                                                                  This level builds on Snowplow Sam 1, 2, and 3. Skaters
     Dates         Days    Time            Fee Activity #         will learn forward skating, backward two-foot glide,
                                                                  rocking horse, two-foot hop, and backward swizzles.
     9/8-10/1      Tu,Th   5:45-6:15PM $80        311801-01       Upon completion of level 4, the skater may move on
                                                                  to either Basic 2 or 3 after assessment. Skaters need to
     10/6-10/29    Tu,Th   5:45-6:15PM $80        311801-02       have passed Snowplow 1, 2, and 3 or have permission
                                                                  from the Skate Director to enroll in this class.
     11/3-12/3     Tu,Th   5:45-6:15PM $80        311801-03
                                                                  Dates         Days    Time           Fee Activity #
     9/6-9/27      Su      1-1:30PM        $40    311801-04
                                                                  9/8-10/1      Tu,Th   5:45-6:15PM $80       311804-01
     10/4-10/25 Su         1-1:30PM        $40    311801-05
                                                                  10/6-10/29    Tu,Th   5:45-6:15PM $80       311804-02
     11/1-11/22 Su         1-1:30PM        $40    311801-06
                                                                  11/3-12/3     Tu,Th   5:45-6:15PM $80       311804-03

                                                                  9/6-9/27      Su      1-1:30PM       $40    311804-04
                   Snowplow Sam 2: Ages 3-5
                                                                  10/4-10/25 Su         1-1:30PM       $40    311804-05
     This level builds on Snowplow Sam 1 with skaters
     learning to dip while moving, backward walking,              11/1-11/22 Su         1-1:30PM       $40    311804-06
     backward wiggles, and forward swizzles.
     Dates         Days    Time            Fee Activity #                            Basic 1: Ages 6-16
     9/8-10/1      Tu,Th   5:45-6:15PM $80        311802-01       This class is for skaters with little to no experience on
                                                                  the ice. The skater will learn about balance, weight
     10/6-10/29    Tu,Th   5:45-6:15PM $80        311802-02       transfer, and inside edges. Among the skills that
                                                                  the skater will be able to execute upon passing this
     11/3-12/3     Tu,Th   5:45-6:15PM $80        311802-03       level; ability to snowplow stop, forward swizzles, and
     9/6-9/27      Su      1-1:30PM        $40    311802-04       backward wiggles, forward two-foot glide, and dips.

     10/4-10/25 Su         1-1:30PM        $40    311802-05       Dates        Days Time               Fee Activity #
     11/1-11/22 Su         1-1:30PM        $40    311802-06       9/8-10/1     Tu,Th 5:15-5:45PM       $80 311805-01
                                                                  10/6-10/29   Tu,Th 5:15-5:45PM       $80 311805-02
                                                                  11/3-12/3    Tu,Th 5:15-5:45PM $80 311805-03
                                                                  9/6-9/27     Su       1:45-2:15PM $40 311805-04
                                                                  10/4-10/25 Su         1:45-2:15PM $40 311805-05
                                                                  11/1-11/22 Su         1:45-2:15PM $40 311805-06

Be sure to bring warm clothes, gloves, and a personal                      Basic 4: Ages 6-16
helmet is encouraged! Section 3, Tuesday and
Thursday classes will not be held during the week       This class builds on Basic 1, 2, and 3 with skaters
of Thanksgiving! Due to COVID-19 Restrictions,          learning forward outside edge on a circle, forward
we are following social distancing practices and        inside edge on a circle, forward crossovers, backward
requiring face coverings while enjoying our facility.   one-foot glides, and beginning two-foot spin
We also have a maximum number of patrons in the         Dates         Days Time                 Fee Activity #
facility of 70! When you arrive you will be asked
a few questions, your name, phone number, and           9/8-10/1      Tu,Th 5:15-5:45PM         $80 311808-01
how you’re feeling. Please plan ahead to check-in!
When you are in the facility there will be plenty of    10/6-10/29    Tu,Th 5:15-5:45PM         $80 311808-02
sanitizing stations available for use. Our staff will   11/3-12/3     Tu,Th 5:15-5:45PM $80 311808-03
be sanitizing the facility each hour to ensure our
patrons are safe while visiting. We hope you’re as      9/6-9/27      Su      1:45-2:15PM $40 311808-04
excited to skate as we are!
                                                        10/4-10/25 Su         1:45-2:15PM $40 311808-05
                  Basic 2: Ages 6-16
This class builds on Basic 1 with skaters learning                         Basic 5: Ages 6-16
scooter pushes, forward one-foot glides, backward
two-foot glides, backward swizzles, and two-foot        This class builds on Basic 1-4 and the skater will learn
turns from forward to backward.                         fundamentals for beginners to jump, proper position
                                                        on the ice, and weight transfer. Among the skills that
Dates        Days Time                 Fee Activity #   the skater will be able to execute upon passing this
                                                        level; backward outside and inside edge on a circle,
9/8-10/1     Tu,Th 5:15-5:45PM         $80 311806-01    backward crossovers, forward outside three turns,
10/6-10/29   Tu,Th 5:15-5:45PM         $80 311806-02    and advanced two-foot spin. Skaters will need to
                                                        have passed Basic 1-4 or receive permission from
11/3-12/3    Tu,Th 5:15-5:45PM $80 311806-03            the Skate Director to enroll in this class.
9/6-9/27     Su      1:45-2:15PM $40 311806-04
                                                        Dates         Days Time                 Fee Activity #
10/4-10/25 Su        1:45-2:15PM $40 311806-05
                                                        9/8-10/1      Tu,Th 5:15-5:45PM         $80 311809-01
11/1-11/22 Su        1:45-2:15PM $40 311806-06
                                                        10/6-10/29    Tu,Th 5:15-5:45PM         $80 311809-02
                  Basic 3: Ages 6-16                    11/3-12/3     Tu,Th 5:15-5:45PM $80 311809-03
This class builds on Basic 1 and 2 with the skaters     9/6-9/27      Su      1:45-2:15PM $40 311809-04
learning backward snowplow stop, forward slalom,
beginning backward one-foot glides, and forward         10/4-10/25 Su         1:45-2:15PM $40 311809-05
half swizzle pumps on a circle.                         11/1-11/22 Su         1:45-2:15PM $40 311809-06
Dates        Days Time                 Fee Activity #
                                                                           Basic 6: Ages 6-16
9/8-10/1     Tu,Th 5:15-5:45PM         $80 311807-01
                                                        This class builds on Basic 1-5 with skaters learning
10/6-10/29   Tu,Th 5:15-5:45PM         $80 311807-02    forward inside three turns, backward stroking,
                                                        beginning one-foot spin, T-stop, and bunny hop.
11/3-12/3    Tu,Th 5:15-5:45PM $80 311807-03            Skaters will need to have passed Basic 1-5 or receive
9/6-9/27     Su      1:45-2:15PM $40 311807-04          permission from the Skate Director to enroll in this
10/4-10/25 Su        1:45-2:15PM $40 311807-05
                                                        Dates         Days Time                 Fee Activity #
11/1-11/22 Su        1:45-2:15PM $40 311807-06
                                                        9/8-10/1      Tu,Th 5:15-5:45PM         $80 311810-01
                                                        10/6-10/29    Tu,Th 5:15-5:45PM         $80 311810-02
                                                        11/3-12/3     Tu,Th 5:15-5:45PM $80 311810-03
                                                        9/6-9/27      Su      1:45-2:15PM $40 311810-04
                                                        10/4-10/25 Su         1:45-2:15PM $40 311810-05
                                                        11/1-11/22 Su         1:45-2:15PM $40 311810-06

                                                                                                  Fall 2020        17
Learn to Skate Hockey: Ages 3-16                            Speedskate: Ages 3-16
     This class builds on Basic 1-5 with skaters learning    Join Wyoming’s only speed skating program! This
     forward inside three turns, backward stroking,          class is for participants of all ages and abilities who
     beginning one-foot spin, T-stop, and bunny hop.         want to learn and practice speed skating. Coaches
     Skaters will need to have passed Basic 1-5 or receive   will work with participants individually and in
     permission from the Skate Director to enroll in this    groups to learn and improve technique, and classes
     class                                                   will include drills and races. Participants should
                                                             have basic ice-skating skills. Helmets, long sleeves,
     Dates         Days Time            Fee Activity #       and long pants are required. Participants may also
                                                             choose to wear elbow and knee pads.
     9/8-10/1      Tu,Th 5:45-6:15PM $80 311811-01
     10/6-10/29    Tu,Th 5:45-6:15PM $80 311811-02           Dates         Days Time               Fee Activity #
     11/3-12/3     Tu,Th 5:45-6:15PM $80 311811-03           9/6-9/27      Su      4:15-5PM        $60 312700-01
                                                             10/4-10/25    Su      4:15-5PM        $60 312700-02
                      Freeskate: Ages 3-16
                                                             11/1-11/22 Su         4:15-5PM        $60 312700-03
     These levels are designed for skaters ages 6-16 years
     old. The Skaters will need to have passed Basic 5 &                     Adult Skate: Ages 16+
     6 or received permission from the Skate Director to
     join. Skaters will be learning backward crossovers,     Have you had the desire to learn to skate so that
     step sequence, power pulls, advanced spirals, spins     you could go out with your friends and family? This
     and jumps. There are five different jumps, Lutz,        is the perfect class for you! This class is designed for
     Salchow, Loop, Toe Loop and Axel. Skaters will start    the beginning Adult Skater who needs to learn the
     with learning half jumps before going on to single      fundamentals of skating.
     rotation and combinations. Spins include an Upright
     Spin, Sit Spin, Layback and Back Spins.                 Dates         Days Time               Fee Activity #
     Dates         Days Time            Fee Activity #       9/8-10/1      Tu,Th 1-1:30PM          $80 321800-01
     9/6-9/27      Su     2:30-3:15PM $60 311812-01          10/6-10/29    Tu,Th 1-1:30PM          $80 321800-02
     10/4-10/25    Su     2:30-3:15PM $60 311812-02          11/3-12/3     Tu,Th 1-1:30PM          $80 321800-03
     11/1-11/22 Su        2:30-3:15PM $60 311812-03
                                                                             Adult Skate: Ages 16+
                     Speedskate: Ages 3-16                   Want to advance your skating skills? This is the
                                                             perfect class for you! Advanced Adult Lessons are
     Can’t make our evening classes? Here is a class         for those adults that have passed Beginning Adult 3
     for you! This is a hybrid class that will combine       and would like to move towards Adult Gold levels.
     Snowplow levels through Basic 2. This One-Rink
     Classroom will teach the skater how to fall and
     stand on the ice, stopping, forward and backward        Dates         Days Time               Fee Activity #
     glides and swizzles, two-foot turn, and curves. The     9/6-9/27      Su      3:15-4PM        $60 321801-01
     first day of class will be an evaluation day to see
     what we need to concentrate on to get the most          10/4-10/25    Su      3:15-4PM        $60 321801-02
     out of the skaters and get a good foundation so
     that they can be comfortable on the ice. Be sure to     11/1-11/22 Su         3:15-4PM        $60 321801-03
     bring warm clothes, gloves, and a personal helmet is
     Dates         Days Time            Fee Activity #
     9/6-9/27      Su     2:30-3:15PM $60 311814-01
     10/4-10/25    Su     2:30-3:15PM $60 311814-02
     11/1-11/22 Su        2:30-3:15PM $60 311814-03

Integrated Mosquito Management (IMM)                 the Parks, Tree & Recreation Advisory Board have
The City of Laramie mosquito control program is      opened 1/4 mile sections of our trail system
an Integrated Mosquito Management Program            for adoption by individuals, companies, service
(IMM), as recommended by the Center for Disease      groups or organizations. Adopt-A-Trail program
Control (CDC) and the Environmental Protection       sponsorships are for two years, and the sponsor
Agency (EPA). It considers many various forms of     receives a sign indicating their involvement with
control and uses the most environmentally friendly   our program. This program is administered by the
methods of control available that will achieve the   Parks & Recreation Department and encourages
desired control outcomes. IMM programs use           citizens to get involved in the care of our trails.
pesticides, but only after a systematic monitoring   For more information please call (307) 721-5267.
of pest populations indicates that there is a
need. All mosquito control products used within      Bench and Tree Memorials
the United States fall under EPA guidelines and      Memorialize the memory of your loved one
are evaluated for safety by EPA before being         with a tree or bench placed in a park or along a
registered for use.                                  trail. A plaque may be placed by memorials or
                                                     donations if desired by the donor. The Parks &
The City of Laramie has chosen its pesticides        Recreation Department
based on several factors including: environmental    accepts donations
impacts, cost, effective use in our cool climate,    of trees, shrubs and
and citizen sensitivities.                           park benches for
                                                     beautification and
For more information contact Tyler Shevling,         enhancement of our
Mosquito Control Crew Supervisor:                    parks and trails. Prior to
Phone: (307) 721-5258; Hotline (307) 721-5056        planting or installation,
Email: tshevling@cityoflaramie.org                   staff and the Parks, Tree
Internet: www.cityoflaramie.org/mosquito             & Recreation Advisory
                                                     Board must approve
IMM Components                                       the donation and the
There are many components to the city of             location. The donor may
Laramie’s Integrated Mosquito Management             plant the tree or shrub
approach.                                            they have donated with
                                                     the assistance of staff
These include but are not limited to larval          members. All trees,
surveillance, biological larval control, reduction   benches and memorial plaques purchased by the
of larval habitat, adult mosquito surveillance,      City are invoiced at wholesale cost to the donor.
West Nile Virus testing and monitoring, adult
mosquito control thought the use of ULV (ultra-    Washington Park Horseshoe Pits
low volume) foggers and EPA approved chemicals,    The horseshoe pits have been installed. Posts and
and mosquito bite prevention education.            backboards have been added to each new pit.
                                                   Currently there are crusher fines that line each
Adopt-A-Park                                       of the pits, this spring/summer, the areas around
The City of Laramie & the Parks, Tree & Recreation the posts will be excavated and a clay added to
Advisory Board have an Adopt-A-Park program mirror the other pits in the location. A new entry
that provides an agreement with individuals, sidewalk has been installed on the north side.
companies, service groups or organizations to The fencing is in need of repairs/replacement and
assist with the maintenance and development will be scheduled for an upgrade when the City
of our park system. Similar to the Adopt-A-Trail releases money for projects again.
program, sponsorships are for two years and the
sponsor has a choice to purchase a sign indicating
their involvement with our program.
This program is administered by the Parks &
Recreation Department and encourages citizens
to get involved in the care and development of
our parks. For more information please call
(307) 721-5267.
With the adoption of the Bicycle Trail Master Plan
in 1999, the City of Laramie has developed the
Laramie River Greenbelt, the Cirrus Sky Trail and
the Jacoby Ridge Rural Trail. Trails are important
for the health of our community, as well as an
integral part of our economic vitality. From
walking, running, biking, skateboard and roller
blading, people young and old utilize our varied
and vibrant trail system. The City of Laramie and

                                                                                         Fall 2020         19
Community Forestry
     Tree Care Mid to Late Summer
     Several smaller trees of many species throughout
     Laramie did not leaf-out this year. Mostly due to a
     dry winter and well below freezing temperatures
     in May. It is difficult to protect trees from
     unseasonal low temperatures, but dry conditions
     can be moderated with irrigation. Trees watered
     well throughout the year, including the dormant
     season, can survive other stressors from climate
     extremes to insects. Trees planted in lawn areas
     can be stressed from the competition of the lawn
     getting first shot at irrigation and precipitation.
     Automated irrigation systems are set for lawn
     needs. Trees need additional water in their root
     zone beyond what the lawn gets through frequent
     light applications of water. Deep root watering is
     defined as using a soil needle with holes in the tip
     attached to a garden hose to apply water directly
     into the soil to depths of four to eight inches. Apply
     approximately a gallon of water in each soil needle
     hole or to the point of runoff. Space the holes a 1½
     feet to 2 feet apart. Start deep root watering near
     the trunk on younger trees and 3 to 5 feet away
     from the trunk on larger trees. Extend the watering
     application beyond the drip line (the outer edge of
     the leaf crown) of the trees. The remaining holes
     from the watering needle insertions will allow
     needed air exchange in the soil for root growth and
     will still allow water to soak into the soil below the
     lawn grass layer.
                                                         Greenhill Cemetery
     Broadleaf herbicide applications in the lawn to killThe Greenhill Cemetery is located at 455 N. 15th
     weeds can be detrimental to trees. Many herbicides  Street and is Laramie’s only municipality owned
                                                         cemetery. Family, visitors and friends are always
     have active ingredients that easily vaporize. Just the
     herbicide vapor can curl leaves on several species  welcome at Greenhill Cemetery. The cemetery
     of trees. Minimal spot spraying of herbicides on    is open for visitation daily from 5AM to 9PM, or
     weeds works best around trees.                      sunrise to sunset. The Sexton’s office is open
                                                         Monday through Friday from 8AM to Noon and
     Mower and string trimmer damage on the trunks available by phone at (307) 721-5267.
     of trees causes irreparable damage which can kill a
     tree over time. Protect the trunk of the tree from Cemetery upkeep involves a lot of work in the
     mower and string trimmer damage with a trunk summer. Staff will be continually mowing, string
     guard or bare ground around the trunk. The bare trimming, irrigating, pruning, and performing
     ground should be covered with a coarse mulch general maintenance of grave spaces. If you come
     such as, wood chips bark chips, shredded bark or across a grave space that needs maintenance,
     rock. Keep all types of mulch from touching the please report the issue to the sexton. Items that
     tree trunk.                                         do not meet the rules and regulation requirements
                                                         will be removed from grave spaces two weeks after
                                                         Memorial Day. This includes all glass items.
                                                              If you are unfamiliar with the rules and regulations,
                                                              you can visit the City of Laramie website, under
                                                              Parks and Recreation, or call the office to get a
                                                              copy of the regulations. For more information,
                                                              please contact Loni Wilson, Cemetery Crew Leader
                                                              at (307) 721-5268 or lwilson@cityoflaramie.org.

1st Street Plaza Park - .09 Acres                      O’Dell Mini Park - .2 Acres
1st St. & Grand Ave.                                   Albin Rd. & Mill St.
Features benches, tables, a drinking fountain and Features a picnic area and playground.
an aesthetic fire pit.                                 Optimist Park - 28.8 Acres
Boswell Park - .04 Acres                               Garfield St. & Spruce St.
3rd St. & Boswell near Interstate 80                   Features three picnic shelters, restrooms, a
Features a picnic shelter, tables, and benches.        basketball court, playground, a soccer field and a
                                                       dog park.
Depot Park - 2.7 Acres                                 Sandy Aragon Softball Complex - 12 Acres
1st St. between Garfield St. & Park St.
The historic Snow Train display is located in Depot 22nd      St. & Armory Rd.
Park. Depot Park is the only unfenced, off-leash park with two
                                                                        softball fields and an off-leash dog
                                                                        agility items.
dog area within the City of Laramie. Depot Park
features barbecue grills, picnic tables, a playground/ Scout Park - 12.43 Acres
children’s play area.                                  2nd St. & Reynolds Ave.
Harbon Park - 2 Acres                                  Features soccer fields and a fitness course.
14th St. & Harney St.
Due to past community requests, the Parks, Tree, Undine          Park - 9.6 Acres
and Recreation Advisory Board has designated Features Ord
                                                       5th  St. &      St.
                                                                   three   picnic shelters, a barbecue pit,
Harbon Park as a chemical-free park. No insecticides a splash pad, pickleball
or herbicides will be used except for emergency basketball court, a lightedcourt        sand
                                                                                             with lights, half
                                                                                              volleyball court
care on endangered trees, turf, or shrubs. The use of and a playground/children’s play area.        Undine is
fertilizers and mosquito spraying will be permitted Laramie’s oldest park.
only as necessary. This will give Laramie citizens
who are chemically sensitive a city park to utilize Washington Park - 13 Acres
and enjoy without concern of possible exposure 22nd St. & Sheridan
to chemicals and pesticides. Harbon Park features Features four picnic shelters, 8 lighted horseshoe
barbecue grills, picnic tables and a playground/ pits (2 ADA accessible), the Edgar J. Lewis Band Shell,
children’s play area.                                  a walking/jogging path, a fitness course, barbecue
Imperial Heights Park - 4.8 Acres                      grills, a lighted basketball court, picnic tables,
Sherman Hills Rd. & Morgan St.                         restrooms, a sand volleyball court, soccer fields,
Features playground/children’s play area, basketball playgrounds/children’s play area and a wading pool.
court, rural trail, benches, picnic tables and a shade
Kiowa Park - 8.4 Acres
Bannock St. & Kiowa St.
Features a playground/children’s play area and a
small grass play area.
                                                                Park Facility Reservations
Kiwanis Park - 8.4 Acres                                 Individuals, groups or organizations who
Highway 130 & Wyoming St.                                wish to reserve picnic shelters or any Parks &
Features barbecue grills, picnic tables, baseball        Recreation Department facilities such as sand
backstops, restrooms, soccer fields and a shelter.       volleyball courts, horseshoe pits, softball fields,
                                                         or basketball courts in any of the city parks must
LaBonte Park - 30 Acres                                  make reservations at least five days in advance.
Canby & 9th St.
Features barbecue grills, a basketball court,
community garden, a fitness course, picnic tables,       Reservations may only occur within the hours
two playgrounds/children’s play areas (one is            of 7AM to 9PM. Please call (307) 721-5269 with
shaded), restrooms, baseball/softball fields, a          questions or to check on shelter availability.
walking/jogging path, a lake, and a skate park.          To process your reservation we must have
LaPrele Park - 29.1 Acres                                a completed facility reservation form and
23rd St. & Spring Creek Dr.                              payment. Refunds will be issued for reservations
Features barbecue grills, picnic tables, shelters, a     that cannot be accommodated. Please visit
disc golf course, the Huck Finn Fishing Pond (youth      www.cityoflaramie.org/parkreservations        for
only), ADA playground/children’s play area and           more information or to complete the facility
                                                         reservation form.
LaRamie Park - 8 Acres
Television St. & Armory Rd.
Features multiple soccer fields.

                                                                                              Fall 2020          21
                                                                                                                                                                HWY 287 HWY

                                                              80                                                                                      £
                                                                                                                                                      ¤        287
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  City of Laramie
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Parks & Recreation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         15TH ST


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   REYNOLDS ST

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           30TH ST

                                                                                                                                                  287 HWY 30


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       I LL



                                                                                                                                      3RD ST HW Y

                                                                                                                                                          26                                                                                                                                         GRAYS GABLE


                     12                                                                                                       CLARK ST
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   7                            23
                          COLORADO AVE




                          SNOWY RANGE RD



                                                                                                                                                               20              SHERIDAN
 230                                                                                                                                                                            PARK
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              25                                                        1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               SPRING CREEK
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           14                                      2

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   NUMBER                                               NAME                                                                       29



                                                                                                                                    80                                                                                                     0
                                                                                                      6                                                                                                                                    1        ICE & EVENT CENT ER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           2         RECREAT ION CENT ER
                                                       O                                                                                                                                                                                   3        DEPOT PARK
                                                CO                                                                                                                                                                                         4        DET ENT ION POND #1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           5        DET ENT ION POND #2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           6        GREENBELT PARK
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           7        GREENHILL CEMET ERY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           8        HARBON PARK
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           9        UW JACOBY GOLF COURSE                                                                         80
                                                              R                                                                                                                                                                           10        JERRY ULRICH PARK
                                                 R        IVE                                                                                                                                                                             11        KIOWA PARK
                                              IE                                                                                                                                                                                          12        KIWANIS PARK
                             R           AM                                                                                                                                                                                              13         LABONT E PARK
                          LA                                                                                                                                                                                                             14
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    LAPRELE PARK
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    LARAMIE SOCCER COMPLEX
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         16         O'DELL MINI PARK
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         17         OPT IMIST PARK
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         18         SANDY ARAGON SOFT BALL COMPLEX
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         19         SCOUT PARK
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         20         UNDINE PARK
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         21         UW/CIT Y COWBOY FIELD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         22         UW/CIT Y LIT T LE LEAGUE COMPLEX
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         23         UW/CIT Y RECREAT ION FIELDS
                                         0     1,250 2,500                                         5,000                                                                                                                                 24         UW/CIT Y T ENNIS COURT S                                                                               July 2015
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         25         WASHINGT ON PARK                                                                                       Contacts:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         26         PARKS SHOP                                                                                City of Laramie Parks & Recreation
                                                                                                                                     287                                                                                                 27         1ST ST REET PLAZA                                                                                    307-721-5269
                                                                        Feet                                                                                                                                                             28         VISIT ORS CENT ER PARK                                                                       Shawn Kraft-IT Division - GIS

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         29         IMPERIAL HEIGHT S PARK                                                                               307-721-5249
City of Laramie Park Rules
 Pursuant to City Ordinance #12.52.050, the
 following are the rules and regulations for
 parks within the City of Laramie:
 •   Dogs must be on a leash.
 •   Remove feces at once.
 •   No golfing.
 •   No bikes on park pathways.
 •   No alcohol without permit. If you will be
     consuming alcohol at your event in one
     of Laramie’s Parks, you will need an open
     container permit. Permits are issued with
     park facility reservations and must be
     made a minimum of five days prior to your
     event. There is a $25 fee for the permit and
     you must furnish proof of public liability
     insurance. For full details please call (307)
     721-5269 or visit: www.cityoflaramie.org/
     No overnight sleeping/camping.
     No damaging facilities.
                                                                  Dog Park Etiquette
 •   No vending without license.                        When you and your canine companion are
 •   No damaging of vegetation.                         enjoying one of the our dog friendly off-
 •   No metal detectors or digging.                     leash areas be sure to abide by the dog park
                                                        etiquette listed below. Dog park etiquette
Dog Parks/Off-Leash Dog Areas                           allows everyone to fully enjoy these great
The City of Laramie has currently identified            community amenities in a safe manner.
Depot Park as a dog friendly park and people are
encouraged to utilize this area as an off-leash area.     • Clean up after your pet(s).
The Optimist Dog Park and Aragon Dog Park are             • Dogs must be leashed when outside the
fully fenced locations that patrons can run their           dog friendly off-leash areas.
dogs. The Aragon Dog Park includes agility course         • Aggressive dogs must be under control.
items. Fenced athletic fields are NOT to be used          • Dogs residing in the City of Laramie must
as dog parks, these areas are used by children and          be licensed.
adults for sporting activities.                           • All dogs must have up-to-date vaccinations.
                                                          • Limit three (3) dogs per person.
                                                          • No infants or children under 5 years of
                                                          • No puppies (under 4 months).
                                                          • No human food - dog treats are permitted.
                                                          • No dogs shall be left unattended; owners
                                                            must accompany their pets within the dog
                                                            friendly off-leash areas.
                                                          • Children must be supervised at all times.
                                                          • You must carry a leash at all times.
                                                          • Keep gates closed.
                                                        In rare occurrences, should a user become
                                                        a nuisance, whether in the dog friendly off-
                                                        leash area or in any of the parks, they can be
                                                        ejected from the park under Chapter 12.52.050
                                                        & 12.52.060 Parks Rules & Regulations.
                                                        The Parks and Recreation Department reserves
                                                        the right to close the dog friendly off-leash
                                                        area(s) for maintenance and/or health reasons
                                                        at any time. Closures will be posted on the
                                                        website, social media as well as at the dog
                                                        friendly off-leash area. Please call (307) 721-
                                                        5264 for more information.

 Pictured: Mike Malloy helping an injured goose
        out at the Aragon Softball Fields.

                                                                                          Fall 2020       23
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