On-Campus Course Listing Summer 2021 - Harper College ...

Page created by Carolyn Mckinney
On-Campus Course Listing Summer 2021 - Harper College ...
Course Listing
Summer 2021
On-Campus Course Listing Summer 2021 - Harper College ...
InZone Summer 2021
       On-Campus Course Listing
These courses open for registration 4/12/21.

Please note: Information in this listing is subject to
change; please check harpercollege.edu/inzone for
the latest course information and InZone updates.

3D Printing and Aerospace Engineering
Get an introduction to 3D printing through a focus on aerospace
engineering. Learn how to use TinkerCAD to design rockets,
gliders, and hand helicopters. In addition, explore the concepts
behind aerospace engineering with hands-on projects.
Ages 11-14
06/28-07/02    9:00 am-12:00 pm     LKD0076-004       $249.00

3D Printing and Harry Potter
                                                                      A Matter Of Chemistry
Take your love of Harry Potter to a whole new level when you
learn the basics of 3D printing while completing Harry Potter         Elephant Toothpaste? Bath Bombs? What do these have to do
themed projects. You will learn to use Computer Aided Design          with Chemistry? Chemistry is about relationships that matter.
(CAD) to create and print 3D objects right before your eyes. Proj-    Some matter plays nicely together while others create explo-
ects include Wands, a Deathly Hallows necklace, a Time Turner,        sive pairings. You become the chemist mixing and measuring to
and various Hogwarts house items. In addition, your Harry Potter      explore physical and chemical reactions in the college chem lab
themed activities will include a potions lesson and a Quidditch       what really causes that explosion? You will be the scientist exper-
match.                                                                imenting with different amounts (variables) to find just the right
                                                                      reaction you like. We will (safely) explore the 4 states of matter
Ages 11-14                                                            (yes, there are really four!), as well as acids bases, and design
06/21-06/25    9:00 am-12:00 pm     LKD0091-004       $249.00         your own t-shirt using chemistry!

3D Printing Through Art                                               Ages 11-14
                                                                      08/02-08/06     9:00 am-12:00 pm      LKD0023-007        $249.00
Focus on the artistic aspects of 3D printing as you learn about the
amazing art creations that can be developed through the use of a
                                                                      Advanced Sew Fantastic
3D printer. Create computer-aided-design (CAD) artworks using
the TinkerCAD system and then print them in 3D right before your      In this faster paced advanced sewing class, you will learn how
eyes. Projects examples include sun catchers, necklace pen-           to read and lay out a pattern, choose fabric, and sew a simply
dants, the Eiffel Tower, and more.                                    sensational garment that you can be proud to wear. Bring your
                                                                      creativity, we will provide the fabric. NOTE: This class does not
Ages 11-14                                                            provide an introduction to sewing or machine operation and is
07/19-07/23    9:00 am-12:00 pm     LKD0075-004       $249.00         designed for students with previous sewing experience.

3D Printing Through Stem                                              Ages 11-14
                                                                      07/06-07/09     1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LKD0145-004        $165.00
Get a great introduction to the exciting world of 3D printing by
learning how to use the TinkerCAD computer-aided-design (CAD)
                                                                      Adventures in Knitting
system to create and print 3D, kid-friendly projects. Explore the
world of science and engineering with hands on STEM projects          With some sticks and string and a little know-how, you’ll be
including Pokemon and Minecraft characters which you’ll take          knitting in no time! In this class you will learn about how yarn is
home.                                                                 created, supplies needed to begin your knitting journey, how to
                                                                      cast-on, knit, purl, and bind-off. At the beginning of the session,
Ages 11-14                                                            you will knit a practice square to learn the knit and purl stitches.
06/14-06/18    9:00 am-12:00 pm     LKD0074-004       $249.00         Then you will learn to knit a cat hat!
07/12-07/16    9:00 am-12:00 pm     LKD0074-005       $249.00
                                                                      Ages 8-14
3D Printing with Minecraft                                            07/06-07/09     9:00 am-12:00 pm      LKD0094-003        $175.00

Learn about the world of 3D printing with a Minecraft twist. Class
will learn the basics of TinkerCAD while making Minecraft themed
projects including Creeper, tools and more. Class will also include
other non-3D printing Minecraft themed projects and games.
Ages 11-14
08/02-08/06    9:00 am-12:00 pm     LKD0186-003       $249.00
On-Campus Course Listing Summer 2021 - Harper College ...
Adventures In Robot Building                                            American Sign Language Expressive
The staff at Robot City Workshop return to lead you through this        The goal of class is to get you to become more fluid in signing.
intense robotic adventure. Learn the basics of electronics and          Previous introduction to American Sign Language is helpful, espe-
mechanical science, from gears and motors to the types of energy        cially in the area of the alphabet, numbers, and greetings. You will
used to power robots. This year will feature a number of all the        increase speed in fingerspelling and concentrate on expressive
newest programmable STEM robots for children that will allow            and receptive skills while communicating with American Sign Lan-
students to play and learn at the same time. The Edison, Smart          guage as each of us explains what we have done in the past day
Cleaner Robot and featuring Cam Robot are just a sample of the          and see stories, as well. You will leave with more comfort social-
robotics projects. You will build multiple robots related science,      izing with people who regularly use ASL. This is a great course to
technology and mechanics and STEM arts that you get to take             follow LKD0010 American Sign Language.
them home for further experimentation.
                                                                        Ages 11-14
Ages 8-11                                                               06/21-06/25    1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LKD0189-004      $199.00
06/14-06/18    9:00 am-12:00 pm      LKD0017-010       $299.00          07/19-07/23    1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LKD0189-005      $199.00
07/12-07/16    9:00 am-12:00 pm      LKD0017-011       $299.00
08/02-08/06    9:00 am-12:00 pm      LKD0017-012       $299.00
                                                                        Basketball League and Game Play
All About Astronomy                                                     Take it to the boards with 3-on-3, 4-on-4 and 5-on-5 team games.
Daylight is nice but the night sky can be amazing! Some things          Daily instruction will center on team play, motion offense footwork
can be seen while the sun is up, but the really stellar objects are     and timing for jump shots, three-point shots and free throws. Play-
found after the sun goes down. We will learn how our solar sys-         ers will change teams within their skill group. Open to any level of
tem works and discover how to see other matter on a clear, dark         player.
Ages 8-14                                                               08/09-08/13    1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LPK0022-003      $215.00
07/12-07/16    1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LKD0140-005       $199.00
                                                                        Basketball: Skills and Competition
                                                                        This camp is perfect for players of any level. In this energetic
                                                                        camp, you will develop solid fundamental skills, including: foot-
                                                                        work, stance, setting and using screens, passing and receiving,
                                                                        live ball moves, layups, shooting and game competition. Campers
                                                                        will be grouped according to their skill level and age.
                                                                        Ages 8-14
                                                                        07/06-07/09    9:00 am-12:00 pm      LPK0026-008      $175.00
                                                                        07/06-07/09    1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LPK0026-009      $175.00

                                                                        Be Your Own Artist
                                                                        As you develop your identity as an artist you must also become
                                                                        more versatile in your ability to draw, paint, sculpt and more. Your
                                                                        creativity emerges as you think about what you want to create and
                                                                        the techniques to use. We will discuss which forms of art are best
                                                                        for you to use on your projects.
                                                                        Ages 8-11
                                                                        06/21-06/25    9:00 am-12:00 pm      LKD0125-007      $199.00

American Sign Language                                                  Biotechnology
Imagine that you are working in a school, hospital, or court and        Many people may not realize our lives have improved because of
helping people by translating between two languages. Interpreters       biotechnology. We have new medicines, food, and alternative fu-
do this each day. This class uses interactive activities to teach you   els because of work in the fields of biochemistry and bio-engineer-
how to communicate using American Sign Language, the sixth-             ing. Lots of hands-on activities gets kids involved with the science
most used language in the U.S.A. with more than a million users.        behind this exciting and burgeoning field. We’ll actually capture
You will be introduced to Deaf culture as you learn the alphabet        samples of DNA; learn about what goes into bio-robotic coding
and more than 250 ASL signs.                                            that is used to create new medicines; and make exciting chemical
                                                                        reactions that overlap with bio-engineering. Kids love the popular
Ages 8-11                                                               cryptography challenge!
06/14-06/18    1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LKD0003-007       $199.00
                                                                        Ages 11-14
                                                                        07/26-07/30    9:00 am-12:00 pm      LKD0071-007      $249.00
On-Campus Course Listing Summer 2021 - Harper College ...
Bones and Blood                                                         Clayology
How many bones are there in your body? Why is your blood red?           Let your imagination run wild in this hands-on clay experience. By
Why do you burp? What happens inside you when you get the               learning the hand-building techniques of clay sculpture, you will
flu? These are just a few of the questions you will be discovering      create your own art. You will also learn how clay is glazed and
the answers to in this exciting class. Join our team to discover        fired in this down and dirty clay class. Harper has a well outfitted
how the human body is put together and how it works.                    three-dimensional art studio where you will make a music box,
                                                                        frame, mask and so much more. New activities and designs in
Ages 8-11                                                               each class.
08/02-08/06     1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LKD0126-004       $199.00
                                                                        Ages 8-11
Build Your Own Doll House                                               07/06-07/09     1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LKD0011-020       $175.00
Have you dreamt of living in a castle or a modern luxury home?          07/12-07/16     9:00 am-12:00 pm      LKD0011-021       $215.00
Design your dreams with us! This class provides the creative            07/19-07/23     9:00 am-12:00 pm      LKD0011-023       $215.00
environment for you to flourish and learn more about planning           07/26-07/30     1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LKD0011-026       $215.00
and designing of home space, color schemes and different styles:
contemporary, modern, and traditional. Students build a 3D-model        Ages 11-14
doll house scaled for an eight-inch American Girl Doll. This is a       07/06-07/09     9:00 am-12:00 pm      LKD0011-019       $175.00
great opportunity for students to develop spatial (3D) sensitivity.     07/12-07/16     1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LKD0011-022       $215.00
You will learn to manipulate and plan exterior and interior spaces
as you unwind your imagination and have fun manipulating space.         07/19-07/23     1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LKD0011-024       $215.00
Each student works on his/her own unique Doll House.                    07/26-07/30     9:00 am-12:00 pm      LKD0011-025       $215.00

Ages 8-11                                                               Code Breakers
08/09-08/13     9:00 am-12:00 pm      LKD0042-005       $215.00
                                                                        Calling all future coders, programmers, & designers! Learn the ba-
                                                                        sics of coding languages like HTML, JavaScript, and CSS through
Checkmate Chess                                                         a series of web projects and design challenges each day and be
                                                                        on your way to becoming the next tech star! Whether you want to
Develop your child’s intellect through the royal game of chess!         be a silicon valley CEO or the high school student who just made
Current research has shown a strong link between chess and ac-          $1 million dollars for programming in her bedroom, this course
ademic performance in a variety of areas, including mathematics         has the essentials you need to begin your journey. Projects will
and language arts. Chess has been proven to enhance children’s          be available on a Black Rocket website to share with friends and
motivation, concentration, focus, social skills, and creativity.        family. Returning students can create more advanced projects that
Each class will consist of a fun, interactive teaching period with a    build on previous years.
live instructor and guided practice time where students can play
remotely against other Chess Scholars students. Both beginner           Ages 11-14
and experienced players are welcome and will learn under the            06/21-06/25     9:00 am-12:00 pm      LKD0235-005       $215.00
guidance of an experienced Chess Scholars coach.
Ages 8-14                                                               Coding and Game Design
06/28-07/02     9:00 am-12:00 pm      LKD0038-017       $199.00         You will learn the basics of programming, creating your own char-
07/12-07/16     1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LKD0038-018       $199.00         acters, animated stories and apps using Tynker technology. You
08/02-08/06     9:00 am-12:00 pm      LKD0038-019       $199.00         will build skills in problem solving, logic, physics, storytelling and
08/09-08/13     1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LKD0038-020       $199.00         design in a hands-on, fun environment. Collaborating with the
                                                                        instructor and other students, you will strengthen communication
                                                                        skills and make new friends who share similar interests.
Chicago Cubs Baseball Camp
                                                                        07/06-07/09     1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LKD0043-011       $175.00
It is the bottom of the ninth, bases are loaded, and you step up to
the plate wearing the coveted blue and white uniform of the Chi-
cago Cubs. No, it is not a dream. You are attending the Chicago
Cubs Baseball Camp! The Cubs coaching staff will provide on-
field instruction to build your skills, develop character and team-
work, and instill confidence. Best of all, you will receive exclusive
access and privileges during the week, including Cubs player
visits and autographs, an exclusive all-access VIP tour of Wrigley
Field, an official Cubs uniform and an invitation to participate in
the annual on-field Camper Parade during a Cubs home game at
the end of the summer. Registration is online only at cubs.com/
Ages 5-13
07/12-07/16     9:00 am-3:00 pm       LPK0001-005 Pay at
On-Campus Course Listing Summer 2021 - Harper College ...
Coding for Real Life Applications                                     Coding with Drones
The staff at Sylvan Learning Center will help you move beyond         This exciting course will allow you to program fun and useful
the theory of most coding classes and into real world examples.       missions using block programming on a Tello drone. You will com-
Create your own discord bot, facial tracking system, Amazon           mand the drone to perform a variety of different missions as you
Alexa application and hacking/security system. Python and             learn how to use geometry to determine the best angle to tilt the
Javascript will be used, so exposure (not proficiency) to these       drone camera, how to loop commands, how to fly in a star pattern,
languages is preferred, but not required.                             how to take panoramas using the drone camera, and much more.
                                                                      Students will use drones during class times, but do not get to keep
Ages 11-14                                                            their own drones at the completion of the class. You will work in
07/12-07/16    1:00 pm-4:00 pm      LKD0191-005       $215.00         small groups on all projects.
08/02-08/06    1:00 pm-4:00 pm      LKD0191-006       $215.00
                                                                      Ages 8-11
                                                                      08/09-08/13     9:00 am-12:00 pm      LKD0180-012       $215.00
Coding: Animation Studio                                              Ages 11-14
The Sylvan Learning Center teachers will help you create animat-      08/09-08/13     1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LKD0180-013       $215.00
ed cartoons just like the pros. Learn the basics of animation as
you draw your own characters and bring them to life through Cod-
ing. You will use visual programming to control the speed and type    Comic Book Creations
of animation as you add animals, dragons, monsters and avatars        Do Wolverine or Batman inspire you to create a comic book series
to your projects. Create animated games, cartoon strips, music        of your own? Join the pros! Develop your own characters and
videos and interactive worlds to share with friends. No Coding        stories as you learn composition rules, the importance of detail,
experience required.                                                  and the techniques of line, perspective and balance used in the
Ages 8-11                                                             graphic novel world of comic books. Learn to draw movements us-
06/28-07/02    9:00 am-12:00 pm     LKD0154-009       $215.00         ing watercolors, color pencils, ink pens and more. Basic drawing
08/09-08/13    1:00 pm-4:00 pm      LKD0154-010       $215.00         skills and previous figure drawing are helpful, but not required.

                                                                      Ages 8-11
                                                                      06/14-06/18     1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LKD0132-011      $215.00
Coding: Augmented Reality
                                                                      Ages 11-14
Sylvan Learning Center teachers help your child learn Augmented
                                                                      07/06-07/09     1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LKD0132-012       $175.00
Reality: a way to extend coding beyond the screen, using motion
recognition, physics and special effects. You will discover how to
use the webcam to build interactive experiences that blend the        Construct a Critter
real and virtual world. Physically stand in front of the camera and   Making your very own fabric stuffed animal will be a special
participate in games thru movement. Build and play games like         unique addition to your collection. You will learn to sew on a
Human Pong, Brick Breaker and Fruit Ninja.                            sewing machine, follow pattern directions, and stuff your new little
                                                                      friend to chubby perfection. An assortment of fabric will be provid-
Ages 11-14                                                            ed so each creation will be the only one of its kind.
06/21-06/25    1:00 pm-4:00 pm      LKD0153-005       $215.00
                                                                      Ages 8-11
                                                                      07/12-07/16     1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LKD0036-004       $199.00
                                                                      Ages 11-14
                                                                      08/09-08/13     1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LKD0036-005       $199.00

                                                                      Crafting with Nature
                                                                      The world of nature is your canvas in this exciting hands-on arts
                                                                      and craft class. Using natural fibers and materials, you will create
                                                                      innovative projects designed with colorful sticks, feathers, stones,
                                                                      and so much more. Make a dragonfly out of maple seed pods
                                                                      that will look great in your room or as a gift for a friend or family
                                                                      Ages 8-11
                                                                      06/14-06/18     9:00 am-12:00 pm      LKD0101-007       $199.00
                                                                      06/28-07/02     1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LKD0101-008       $199.00

                                                                      Creative Coding
                                                                      Go beyond the coding basics and incorporate sound, animation
                                                                      and drawing into your game creations. You will develop creativity
                                                                      and problem solving skills just like coders do in the real world.
                                                                      Staff from Sylvan Learning bring their expertise to take you into
                                                                      the world of coding.
                                                                      Ages 8-11
                                                                      07/06-07/09     9:00 am-12:00 pm      LKD0050-007       $175.00
On-Campus Course Listing Summer 2021 - Harper College ...
Crochet Plushies                                                       Duct Tape Art
Do you know what is constantly trending on social media? It’s cro-     Tap into your creative side and let your imagination run wild in this
chet, yes crochet. Learning how to crochet is taking over TicTok       fun class that uses duct type as the art medium. In this environ-
and Instagram. Learn the basic stitches and create a cute, soft        ment you will create such stand alone projects as jewelry, boats,
plushie to take home at the end of the week!                           animals and even Minecraft characters. Working with both 2D and
Ages 8-14                                                              3D projects will you be simply amazed with what unleashing the
06/28-07/02    1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LKD0061-005      $199.00          power of duct tape can do.
                                                                       Ages 8-11
                                                                       06/21-06/25     1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LKD0054-005       $199.00

                                                                       Fashion Design: Bermuda Fantastic
                                                                       Do you dream of designing and making your own clothes? Devel-
                                                                       op the skills necessary to build your future as a fashion designer.
                                                                       Learn the principles of sketching and pattern-making, along with
                                                                       the special techniques the top designers use. You will have a wide
                                                                       variety of materials available as you work in small teams to de-
                                                                       velop portfolios highlighting your creations. You will complete the
                                                                       class as part of a class fashion show highlighting your designs.
                                                                       Ages 11-14
CSI: Observe, Collect and Inspect                                      07/12-07/16     1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LKD0008-006       $215.00
Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) combines the work of many
professionals to ensure that all crime scene evidence is collected     Fashion is the Passion
and no details are overlooked. The class studies professions such      Do you dream of designing and making your own clothes? Devel-
as K-9 units that do evidence searches, pathologists for fingerprint   op the skills necessary to build your future as a fashion designer.
analysis, psychiatrists for human profiling, and many more. Learn      Learn the principles of stretching and pattern-making, along with
skills in handwriting and shoe print analysis, and other evidence      the special techniques the top designers use. You will have a
evaluation techniques as you and your classmates investigate           wide variety of materials available to develop portfolios highlight-
to help process crime scenes in the Harper College Crime Lab.          ing your creations. You will complete the class as part of a class
Crime scenes change each year.                                         fashion show highlighting your designs.
Ages 11-14                                                             Ages 8-11
07/26-07/30    1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LKD0136-010      $199.00          06/28-07/02     1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LKD0183-006       $215.00

Design a Mario Kart Style Game                                         Film Acting Camp-Quiet on the Set
On your mark, get set, create! Blast off in making your first 3D Ma-
                                                                       This extensive 3-week program will teach all aspects of film pro-
rio Kart® and Crash Team Racing® style game! Design your own
                                                                       duction from professionals at this intensive camp, where everyone
tracks and customize your karts and characters. Using a profes-
                                                                       will get in front of the camera to star in a short film, and go behind
sional 3D game development software, students will combine their
                                                                       the scenes to find out what movie-making is all about. Learn about
creations into their own kart racing game that they can play with
                                                                       script creation, acting on film, and all the preproduction activities
friends and family at home. Students can participate in eSports
                                                                       of a working set, including camera techniques, on-location shoot-
League races against other schools across the country with a
                                                                       ing, wardrobe, make-up and editing. All participants will have roles
chance to have their tracks featured in the Black Rocket master
                                                                       based on their preferences. Either on film, behind the scenes and
build of the game! Student projects will be available on a pass-
                                                                       in most cases both. Experience and learn everything from produc-
word protected Black Rocket website to share with friends and
                                                                       ing and directing to acting. All students will receive a copy of the
family. Students work in pairs or teams for most of the program.
                                                                       movie and if allowed we will premiere the film at Harper College
                                                                       for family and friends after editing is finished.
Ages 8-11
                                                                       Ages 8-14
08/02-08/06    1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LKD0205-012      $215.00
                                                                       07/12-07/30     9:00 am-12:00 pm      LKD0025-004       $399.00
Ages 11-14
06/28-07/02    1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LKD0205-011      $215.00          Fun in the Sun
                                                                       Sew a zippered pocket to a beach towel. Construct a window
                                                                       screen tote bag, and, if time permits, decorate a sun visor or flip
Design the City of the Future
                                                                       flops you provide that will make you the envy of the beach or pool.
Design your ideal city of the future, including everything from
buildings and areas where people live and work to the transporta-      Ages 8-11
tion systems and natural spaces. Using large flat panels, you will     06/21-06/25     1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LKD0121-004       $199.00
plan building zones, explore recreational areas, and create a grid
system for the streets as you bring your vision to life. Work with
scales and measurements and add color to your booming metrop-
olis as your city comes alive.

Ages 8-11
06/28-07/02    9:00 am-12:00 pm      LKD0021-006      $215.00
On-Campus Course Listing Summer 2021 - Harper College ...
Group Piano All Levels and
                                                                           Group Guitar All Levels

                                                                           Group Piano All Levels
                                                                           Never played any instruments before? No worries. Play piano
                                                                           already but need a little more push? Join in! In a fun, relaxed, and
                                                                           supportive environment, our instructors will help you grow as a
                                                                           musician. Learn or enhance your technique. Learn or get better at
                                                                           reading sheet music and hone your right and left-hand skills. You
                                                                           will have fun playing songs and lots of music games and activities
                                                                           every day. Instructional materials will provided and it’s strongly
                                                                           recommended for children to have a piano or keyboard at home.

                                                                           Group Guitar All Levels
                                                                           Never played any instruments before? No worries. Play guitar but
                                                                           need a little more push? Join in! Learn or enhance your picking
                                                                           technique and strumming skills. Learn or get better at reading
                                                                           sheet music and chord charts. Hone your right and left-hand
                                                                           techniques. In a fun, relaxed, and supportive environment, our
                                                                           instructors will help you grow as a musician. You must have a
Girl Power: Technology for Girls                                           guitar (acoustic or electric) to enroll in this class. An update will be
Along with other girls who are interested in technology, you will          provided regarding the ability to provide musical instruments for
explore graphic arts, multimedia, video creation and networking.           individuals who require this service.
You will also learn about a variety of computer-based careers from
a woman who is successful in the technology field.                         These two courses are bundled in one package. Children will
                                                                           attend the first course and will then be escorted to attend the
Ages 8-11                                                                  second.
08/02-08/06     9:00 am-12:00 pm       LKD0005-009        $215.00
                                                                           Ages 8-14
Ages 11-14                                                                 06/21-06/25     9:00 am-12:00 pm       LMY0117-001        $199.00
06/28-07/02     9:00 am-12:00 pm       LKD0005-008        $215.00

Group Guitar All Levels and Point
and Shoot Photography I

Group Guitar All Levels
Never played any instruments before? No worries. Play guitar but
need a little more push? Join in! Learn or enhance your picking
technique and strumming skills. Learn or get better at reading
sheet music and chord charts. Hone your right and left-hand
techniques. In a fun, relaxed, and supportive environment, our
instructors will help you grow as a musician. You must have a
guitar (acoustic or electric) to enroll in this class. An update will be
provided regarding the ability to provide musical instruments for
individuals who require this service.

Point and Shoot Photography I
Point and Shoot Photography I, is a beginner digital photogra-
phy course tailored for kids ages 8-14. Kids will have fun learn-          Group Piano All Levels and Make Music on Your
ing about their cameras as well as the basics of photography,              Computer I
including lighting, composition, and color. In this fun photography,       Group Piano All Levels
course kids will learn to create amazing photographs, beginning            Never played any instruments before? No worries. Play piano
with a flashback through photo history and the work of famous              already but need a little more push? Join in! In a fun, relaxed, and
photographers. We’ll explore how to choose the best settings on            supportive environment, our instructors will help you grow as a
the kids’ cameras, and explore and discover how to compose                 musician. Learn or enhance your technique. Learn or get better at
and create unique images using camera angles and the zoom.                 reading sheet music and hone your right and left-hand skills. You
Participants must bring a digital camera, tablet, or camera phone,         will have fun playing songs and lots of music games and activities
No SLR or film cameras, please.                                            every day. Instructional materials will provided and it’s strongly
                                                                           recommended for children to have a piano or keyboard at home.
These two courses are bundled in one package. Children will
attend the first course and will then be escorted to attend the            Make Music on Your Computer I
second.                                                                    Learn how a song evolves from an idea into a hit. You will learn
Ages 8-14                                                                  the basic elements of music production for Rock, R&B, Country,
06/28-07/02     1:00 pm-4:00 pm        LMY0116-001        $199.00          Dance, Hip Hop or Pop styles. Hands-on activities will help you
On-Campus Course Listing Summer 2021 - Harper College ...
build your own song from the very beginning. Using loops, sam-
ples, MIDI, audio and music technology you will learn to use the       Harper Coaches Baseball Camp
tools that craft a hit song. Create beats from scratch and add your
own unique melodies and sounds. No previous music experience           This specialized baseball camp will focus on essential skill
required. This is for anyone who wants to learn about making           development for all aspects of the game. Under the guidance of
music using computers.                                                 Harper’s baseball coaching staff, this camp will emphasize hitting
                                                                       mechanics to become a better hitter and defensive skills to take
Ages 8-14                                                              your game to the next level. You will also receive instruction in
06/14-06/18    9:00 am-12:00 pm      LMY0114-001       $199.00         bunting, base running, and sliding in addition to throwing and
07/06-07/09    1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LMY0114-002       $169.00         pitching. Players will be grouped according to age and ability.
                                                                       NOTE: Bring your own equipment and wear comfortable clothing.
                                                                       Ages 11-14
                                                                       06/21-06/25    9:00 am-12:00 pm      LPK0010-003      $215.00

                                                                       Harper Coaches Basketball Camp: Boys
                                                                       Basketball players are made in the off-season! Let the Harper Col-
                                                                       lege’s basketball coaches help you become the best player you
                                                                       can be. This class will drill you on the basics and challenge you
                                                                       to reach your potential. You will work on fundamentals, including:
                                                                       ball handling, passing, shooting, footwork, and rebounding. You
                                                                       will participate in individual and group drills as well as game play
                                                                       between appropriate skill levels, finishing with a better under-
                                                                       standing of how to be a well-rounded player.This camp is for all
                                                                       levels of player.
                                                                       Ages 8-14
                                                                       06/14-06/18    9:00 am-12:00 pm      LPK0006-004      $215.00
                                                                       07/12-07/16    9:00 am-12:00 pm      LPK0006-005      $215.00
                                                                       07/26-07/30    9:00 am-12:00 pm      LPK0006-006      $215.00

Group Piano All Levels and Point and Shoot Pho-                        Harper Coaches Basketball Camp: Girls
                                                                       Under the guidance of the Harper College’s basketball coaching
tography I
                                                                       staff, you will develop the skills you need to take your game to the
Group Piano All Levels                                                 next level. You will learn the fundamentals of the game, including:
Never played any instruments before? No worries. Play piano            ball handling, passing, shooting, footwork and rebounding. Drills
already but need a little more push? Join in! In a fun, relaxed, and   will be individual and group-based, with game play between ap-
supportive environment, our instructors will help you grow as a        propriate skill levels. This camp is for all levels of player.
musician. Learn or enhance your technique. Learn or get better at
reading sheet music and hone your right and left-hand skills. You      Ages 8-14
will have fun playing songs and lots of music games and activities     06/21-06/25    9:00 am-12:00 pm      LPK0021-005      $215.00
every day. Instructional materials will provided and it’s strongly     07/26-07/30    1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LPK0021-006      $215.00
recommended for children to have a piano or keyboard at home.
                                                                       Harper Coaches Softball Camp
Point and Shoot Photography I                                          With the help of Harper College softball coaches, you will develop
Point and Shoot Photography I, is a beginner digital photogra-         the skills necessary to become a well-rounded softball player.
phy course tailored for kids ages 8-14. Kids will have fun learn-      Focus is on swing improvement, slap bunting, base running, lead-
ing about their cameras as well as the basics of photography,          offs, and sliding. Drills based in defense and pitching will also be
including lighting, composition, and color. In this fun photography,   covered. Players are grouped according to age and ability. Bring
course kids will learn to create amazing photographs, beginning        your own glove and wear softball-appropriate clothing.
with a flashback through photo history and the work of famous
photographers. We’ll explore how to choose the best settings on        Ages 8-14
the kids’ cameras, and explore and discover how to compose             06/14-06/18    9:00 am-12:00 pm      LPK0009-004      $215.00
and create unique images using camera angles and the zoom.             08/09-08/13    9:00 am-12:00 pm      LPK0009-005      $215.00
Participants must bring a digital camera, tablet, or camera phone,
No SLR or film cameras, please.                                        Harper Coaches Track Camp
                                                                       Directed by the five-time Men’s National Championship-Winning
These two courses are bundled in one package. Children will            Harper coaching staff, this camp will introduce you to a variety of
attend the first course and will then be escorted to attend the        events in track and field. You will learn about safety and proper
second.                                                                techniques for engaging in shot put, discus, high jump, long jump
Ages 8-14                                                              and hurdles.
07/12-07/16    1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LMY0115-001       $199.00         Ages 8-14
                                                                       07/19-07/23    9:00 am-12:00 pm      LPK0003-007      $215.00
                                                                       07/26-07/30    9:00 am-12:00 pm      LPK0003-008      $215.00
On-Campus Course Listing Summer 2021 - Harper College ...
Harper Coaches Volleyball Camp                                            Harry Potter: Storytelling and RPG
Learn from the College’s volleyball coaching staff while you mas-         Delve into the world of Harry Potter with this pen and paper game.
ter or reinforce basic skills, team fundamentals and how to play          Learn the basic rules of roleplaying, while writing one shot adven-
at higher levels of competition. You’ll practice serving, passing,        tures that take place in the Wizarding World. Youwill learn the art
defensive positioning, setting and attacking. Camp includes daily         of story-telling, create unique characters, and play through their
instruction on the court, along with game-like situations where you       adventures!
can apply the skills you are learning.This camp is for all levels of
player.                                                                   Ages 8-14
                                                                          07/06-07/09    1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LKD0245-001       $175.00
Ages 8-14
06/14-06/18     1:00 pm-4:00 pm        LPK0020-003       $215.00
06/28-07/02     9:00 am-12:00 pm       LPK0020-004       $215.00          IDEAShop: Arduino Programming Powered by
07/19-07/23     9:00 am-12:00 pm       LPK0020-005       $215.00          TechGirlz
08/02-08/06     9:00 am-12:00 pm       LPK0020-006       $215.00
                                                                          Funded by a grant from the Fabricators Manufacturers Associa-
                                                                          tion, this exciting Arduino Programming Camp puts the tools and
                                                                          technology into the hands of middle school girls. The students
                                                                          will learn programming, basic electronics, and engineering using
                                                                          the Arduino microcontroller. During the week-long day camp,
                                                                          students will build an obstacle avoiding robot controlled by an
                                                                          Arduino microcontroller. Students will learn about product design
                                                                          careers in the electronics industry. The final day will be a demo
                                                                          day for campers to present their robot to fellow campers and their
                                                                          Ages 11-15
                                                                          07/12-07/16    9:00 am-4:00 pm       LKD0248-001       $149.00

                                                                          IDEAShop: Artificial Intelligence, the Mind in the
                                                                          Funded by a grant from the Fabricators and Manufacturers Asso-
                                                                          ciation, in this high school aged program you will learn about the
Harper Soccer Coaches Camp                                                prevalence, applications, and potential for computers and artificial
This camp will encourage young and emerging players to develop            intelligence. You will gain an understanding of the importance
their skills through the guidance of the Harper College womenrs           and challenges of image analysis and build data sets to train
soccer coaching staff. Participants will build the skills, tactics, and   machine learning algorithms. You will consolidate your knowledge
fundamentals needed to perform in matches and strengthen their            by studying machine learning and augmented reality applications.
overall game. This camp will include both offensive and defensive         From facial recognition to autonomous cars, you will discover that
skill development.                                                        computers and artificial intelligence are everywhere around us!

Ages 8-14                                                                 Ages 14-17
06/21-06/25     1:00 pm-4:00 pm        LPK0013-011       $215.00          07/19-07/23    9:00 am-4:00 pm       LKD0251-001       $149.00
06/28-07/02     1:00 pm-4:00 pm        LPK0013-012       $215.00
07/19-07/23     1:00 pm-4:00 pm        LPK0013-013       $215.00          IDEAShop: Become an Entrepreneur Maker
08/02-08/06     1:00 pm-4:00 pm        LPK0013-014       $215.00          Funded by a grant from the Fabricators & Manufacturers Associa-
                                                                          tion, this Entrepreneur Summer Camp puts tools and technology
Harry Potter: Second Year                                                 into the hands of middle-schoolers and lets them take the lead
As a Second Year Hogwarts student, you will sew a wizard hat,             in creating new ideas and building their own businesses in a
create a wizard chess set, start Quidditch practice and make your         supportive, professional environment. During this weeklong day
own Nimbus 2009. You will also attend classes, including The              camp, students will go from idea generation to presentation of
Care and Handling of Magical Creatures (with an introduction to           their prototype and business plan under the guidance of experi-
Pygmie Puffs) and Potions and Transfiguration. Watch out! The             enced facilitators and developers. On the last day, we will invite
traditional competition for the House Cup gets a bit more difficult.      parents and the local community to attend virtually as the students
                                                                          present their businesses to compete for a prize!
Ages 8-14
06/21-06/25     1:00 pm-4:00 pm        LKD0052-004       $199.00          Ages 11-15
                                                                          07/26-07/30    9:00 am-4:00 pm       LKD0250-001       $149.00
Harry Potter: Third Year
Third Year Hogwarts students create spell books to use in class
and house badges. They also get to write for the wizarding news-
paper (The Daily Prophet), finger-knit house book scarves, and
attend classes like Advanced Care of Magical Creatures and The
History of Hogwarts and Divination. The competition for the House
Cup rivals the Tri-wizard tournament in difficulty!
Ages 8-14
06/28-07/02     9:00 am-12:00 pm       LKD0144-004       $199.00
On-Campus Course Listing Summer 2021 - Harper College ...
Innovative Robot Building
                                                                        The robot revolution has arrived from the future, and generations
                                                                        of artists and engineers must be prepared! Explore robotics led
                                                                        by the Robot City Workshop staff, learn the concepts of electric-
                                                                        ity, mechanics, sensors, programming, and how to apply them
                                                                        artistically while building Do-It-Yourself robot kits you get to take
                                                                        home! This year will feature a number of all newest interactive ed-
                                                                        ucational robots such as Edison, Moto Bot and the Chain Robot is
                                                                        just a sample of the robotics projects. You will build multiple robots
                                                                        related to science, technology and mechanics and STEM arts that
                                                                        you get to take them home for further experimentation.
                                                                        Ages 11-14
                                                                        06/21-06/25     9:00 am-12:00 pm      LKD0048-009      $299.00
                                                                        07/19-07/23     9:00 am-12:00 pm      LKD0048-010      $299.00
                                                                        08/09-08/13     9:00 am-12:00 pm      LKD0048-011      $299.00

                                                                        InZone Swim and Sports Camp
IDEAShop: Build Your Own 3D Printer
                                                                        This camp will focus on making you a better swimmer and will
Have you ever dreamt of having your very own 3D printer? In this        strengthen a variety of different sports skills in a fun environ-
exciting class, you will build your own 3D printer from a kit and       ment through game play and organized drills. Participants will
take it home when completed. Learn the fundamentals of how              be divided into groupswith half of the students swimming during
3D printers work and the essentials of using CAD (computer-aid-         the first half of class and the other halfparticipatingin gameplay.
ed design). The first thing you print will be your own creation. A      The groups will rotate at the mid-point of class.Students will be
thorough discussion on the usage of your new printer and ways           assigned groups the first day of swim class. Please bring towel,
to upgrade it will be covered so you are comfortable using the          appropriate clothes for sports activities and water bottle every day
machine once you have it at home.                                       to this exciting camp.
Ages 11-14
                                                                        Ages 8-14
08/02-08/06     9:00 am-12:00 pm     LKD0077-004       $349.00          06/14-06/18     1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LPK0024-003      $199.00
                                                                        06/21-06/25     1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LPK0024-004      $199.00
IDEASHOP: Girls in Engineering Powered by                               06/28-07/02     1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LPK0024-005      $199.00
TechGirlz                                                               07/06-07/09     1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LPK0024-006      $175.00
Funded by a grant from theFabricators Manufacturers Associa-            07/12-07/16     1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LPK0024-007      $199.00
tion,this week-long camp for middle-school girls, will dive into the    07/19-07/23     1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LPK0024-008      $199.00
engineering design process, career opportunities, basic 3D mod-         07/26-07/30     1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LPK0024-009      $199.00
eling software, 3D printing, programming, and machine learning.         08/02-08/06     1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LPK0024-010      $199.00
Students will learn to think and design like an engineer by utilizing   08/09-08/13     1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LPK0024-011      $199.00
the engineering process to design a roller coaster using pipe insu-
lation, marbles, and objects within the room. Additional activities
will include designing and printing a 3D model, creating wearable       Java Coding
electronics, and experimenting with machine learning/computer           Sylvan Learning Center staff will help you learn about Java Cod-
vision. The IDEAShop Girls in Engineering camp is perfect for           ing, including syntax, IDE’s, binary systems, variables, loops and
young and creative minds who have interests in engineering.             arrays. This is an excellent class for students with exposure to
Ages 11-15                                                              and interest in coding, who might be considering AP level Coding
07/19-07/23     9:00 am-4:00 pm      LKD0249-001       $149.00          classes in high school.
                                                                        Ages 11-14
Improv Games                                                            06/28-07/02     1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LKD0192-005       $215.00
Ever play an old game a new way, with your own rules or no              08/09-08/13     9:00 am-12:00 pm      LKD0192-006       $215.00
rules? Sometimes we have the most fun when we ‘think out of
the box’ and let our imaginations run wild. That is improv! Improv
lets you live in the moment, and it can be very funny to see what       JavaScript Developer Jam
comes next. Develop your improv skills through fun techniques           Learn programming tools so powerful they seem like magic!
and games.                                                              Start off by learning an array of core programming concepts with
                                                                        JavaScript by experimenting in a series of digital challenges. Start
Ages 8-14
                                                                        with programming your first animated memes, then tackle more
06/14-06/18     9:00 am-12:00 pm     LKD0016-012       $199.00
                                                                        advanced skills such as interactive 3D experiences and game
06/21-06/25     1:00 pm-4:00 pm      LKD0016-013       $199.00
                                                                        creation. Projects will be available on a password protected Black
                                                                        Rocket website to share with friends and family. Compatible with
                                                                        MAC, Windows and Chrome OS.

                                                                        Ages 11-14
                                                                        08/02-08/06     9:00 am-12:00 pm      LKD0236-007       $215.00
Let’s Build It: Robotics
Enter into the fascinating world of robotics. In this exciting STEAM
program, students will design, build and test their very own robots
under the guidance of an experienced AES instructor. Projects
include remote control cars, claws, cranes, crawlers, and battle
bots. Educational components include gear ratios, mechanical
design, electronics, and robotics engineering. No previous experi-
ence is necessary- just a desire to have fun, build, and learn.
Ages 8-11
06/14-06/18    1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LKD0246-001      $215.00
06/28-07/02    1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LKD0246-002      $215.00
07/06-07/09    9:00 am-12:00 pm      LKD0246-003      $175.00

Let’s Build It: Snap Circuits
Wacky Waves is an exhilarating, cutting-edge area of engineering.
In this unit, students will design, build, and test various circuits
and electronic projects. Instructors will guide students through
core concepts of electrical engineering, introducing them to cir-
cuits and electrical components. Students will use hands-on proj-      Make Your First Video Game
ects and experiments to explore how electricity is part of our daily
                                                                       If you love playing video games, this is the camp for you! Make
lives. No previous experience is necessary, just a desire to learn
                                                                       your first video game in this one-of-a-kind class that shows you
and build. Projects will include: various sound producing circuits,
                                                                       the keys to designing your first 2D platformer game. Conceptu-
musical instruments, a simulated telephone, and even both their
                                                                       alization, play experience, level design, graphics, sounds, and
own radio...and radio station!
                                                                       simple coding are just some of the concepts that we’ll explore.
Ages 8-11                                                              No prior experience necessary,just a desire to have fun. Student
06/21-06/25    1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LKD0247-001      $215.00          projects will be available on a password protected Black Rocket
07/12-07/16    9:00 am-12:00 pm      LKD0247-002      $215.00          website to share with friends and family. Games are only com-
07/26-07/30    1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LKD0247-003      $215.00          patible on PC computers. Returning students can create more
                                                                       advanced projects that build on previous years. Compatible with
                                                                       Windows OS only.
Let’s Code It: Digital Design                                          Ages 8-11
You will have a blast in this exciting new STEM based program.         07/19-07/23    9:00 am-12:00 pm     LKD0237-005      $215.00
Our innovative approach to coding is sure to spark your interest
in computer science. This fun-filled curriculum is designed around     Ages 11-14
the block-based system called Scratch and stresses critical            08/09-08/13    1:00 pm-4:00 pm      LKD0237-006      $215.00
thinking, creativity, confidence, teamwork, and problem solving
skills. Class topics will include video game design, loops, control
structures, conditional expressions, control statements, object-ori-   Making Documentary Films
ented design concepts, data structures, and variables as well as       This 2 week course dives into the world of documentaries and
mathematical expressions.                                              how to capture the real life stories of real people like you. This
                                                                       class will specifically document the experiences that kids have in
Ages 8-11
                                                                       the InZone program. You will learn film production from profes-
06/21-06/25    9:00 am-12:00 pm      LKD0066-006      $215.00
                                                                       sionals as you move around the campus filming InZone classes.
07/19-07/23    9:00 am-12:00 pm      LKD0066-007      $215.00
                                                                       You will learn to create a storyboard and receive tips on how to
Ages 11-14                                                             conduct good interviews. You will be involved in all the pre-pro-
08/02-08/06    1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LKD0066-008      $215.00          duction activities of a working set including camera techniques
08/02-08/06    1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LKD0066-009      $215.00          and on-location shooting. All participants will participate in a
                                                                       variety of roles both on and off camera ranging from producing
                                                                       and directing to acting and editing. At the end of class, we will
Make Your First Fortnite Style Video Game                              premiere the completed film at Harper for family, friends and the
Fans of Fortnite we need you! Instead of playing the game, design      public. NOTE: While the goal is to premiere the film the last week
your own. Using a professional 3D game development software,           of InZone, if more editing is required, we will show it at a later
build levels and assets inspired by popular battle royale games        date.
like Fortnite. This course includes cartoonish action and battle se-
                                                                       Ages 8-14
quences. Student-created games will be available on a password
                                                                       06/28-07/09    1:00 pm-4:00 pm      LKD0147-005      $275.00
protected Black Rocket website to share with friends and family.
                                                                       08/02-08/13    9:00 am-12:00 pm     LKD0147-006      $299.00
Please note, this class uses Fortnite for inspiration, but you will
not be playing Fortnite as part of the curriculum.

Ages 8-11
07/06-07/09    1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LKD0168-017      $175.00
Ages 11-14
07/12-07/16    9:00 am-12:00 pm      LKD0168-018      $215.00
Math Edge                                                              Minecraft: Redstone Engineers
Become a Math Whiz and Master Problem Solver through                   Create the next popular animated Minecraft video on YouTube!
challenging and kid-friendly activities. In partnership with Sylvan    Practice the same skills professionals at Pixar and Disney
Learning, this class will help avoid the “summer slide” in math        Animation Studios use. Discover the process of keyframing and
skills while challenging you to start next school year at a higher     tweening, how to use it to bring your own animated stories to life,
level. Math Edge kids increase confidence by building math profi-      and how to publish your content on YouTube. Student projects
ciency and fluency, but also by becoming master problem solvers        will be available on a password protected Black Rocket website to
and independent thinkers. This five-step approach ensures that         share with friends and family. Students will work in pairs or teams
you will successfully master math concepts while developing            for most of the program. Mac users can play their project athome,
self-learning techniques that drive independence. In addition,         butwill not be able to edit the project without a PC. Returning stu-
there are math challenges, puzzles and brainteasers that you           dents can create more advanced projects that build on previous
work on in small groups to build problem solving, logic, reasoning     years.
and collaboration skills. Most importantly, we make it fun! Sylvan     Ages 8-11
will gather parent input prior to the class to customize math topics   06/14-06/18     1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LKD0204-009       $215.00
based on that input.
Ages 8-11
07/12-07/16    9:00 am-12:00 pm      LKD0044-010      $215.00
07/19-07/23    9:00 am-12:00 pm      LKD0044-011      $215.00

                                                                       Multi-Sports and Game Play
                                                                       This is the perfect class to get involved in a variety of different
                                                                       sports activities. Activities will be determined by the interest of
                                                                       the group and input from the instructors and will include kickball,
                                                                       dodgeball, basketball, soccer, flag football and many other activi-
                                                                       ties. Emphasis will be on participating in fun group activities while
                                                                       learning and playing. Activities will be inside and outside for this
                                                                       Ages 8-14
                                                                       06/28-07/02     9:00 am-12:00 pm      LPK0015-024       $189.00
                                                                       07/06-07/09     9:00 am-12:00 pm      LPK0015-025       $169.00
Minecraft Modders                                                      08/02-08/06     9:00 am-12:00 pm      LPK0015-026       $189.00
Use your favorite game to learn the basics of modding and foun-        08/09-08/13     9:00 am-12:00 pm      LPK0015-027       $189.00
dations of programming. Learn scripting and logic statements as
you create your first mod! Introductory coding will also be taught
through a simulated environment inspired by Minecraft. Your            My Dream Room: Designing Indoor Spaces
projects will be available on a Black Rocket website to share with     Interior design is about the spaces where you live, work, and play.
friends and family.                                                    Create a three-dimensional interior scale model of your dream
Ages 8-11                                                              room or fashion studio. Learn contemporary, modern or traditional
08/09-08/13    9:00 am-12:00 pm      LKD0046-013      $215.00          styles that best fit your personality. You will work with scale and
                                                                       measurements, attend to color and detail, and use various medi-
                                                                       ums and materials.

Minecraft Pillows                                                      Ages 8-11
                                                                       07/06-07/09     9:00 am-12:00 pm      LKD0028-011       $215.00
It’s time for true fans to take their fandom to another level. On a
sewing machine, you will create your favorite Minecraft pillows.
Prove your devotion by making a Creeper pillow, a TNT pillow,          On the Case: Detective Fiction
and maybe more. Bring your enthusiasm for Minecraft and be
prepared for an experience you will be sharing with your family all    If bumps in the night, missing jewelry, or false suspects and crazy
summer long.                                                           plot twists has you donning your best hat and searching for your
                                                                       spyglass, then this class is for you. Learn about different types of
Ages 8-11                                                              crime stories and the detectives who solve them. Then, try your
07/26-07/30    1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LKD0111-004      $199.00          hand at solving a few whodunits yourself. Play a game of Clue
                                                                       and create mysteries for your family and friends to solve!
                                                                       Ages 11-14
                                                                       06/21-06/25     9:00 am-12:00 pm      LKD0092-004       $199.00
Origami                                                                 Python Programmers
In this exciting class you will learn the art of traditional Japanese   Want to learn the world’s fastest-growing programming language
origami and transform your art from a flat sheet of paper into a fin-   favored by Google, NASA, YouTube, and the CIA? Learn how
ished sculpture. You will create a variety of crafts, some of which     to code with Python to create engaging apps and games. Each
include animals and traditional greeting cards.                         lesson takes you step-by-step on a programming path that will
Ages 8-11                                                               let you challenge friends with fun content you create from start to
06/21-06/25     9:00 am-12:00 pm     LKD0139-007       $189.00          finish!? Returning students can create more advanced projects
06/28-07/02     9:00 am-12:00 pm     LKD0139-008       $189.00          that build on previous years.
                                                                        Ages 8-11
Peace, Love and Macrame                                                 07/12-07/16     1:00 pm-4:00 pm      LKD0085-020       $215.00
Get ready to get groovy and take a trip back to the 70’s with a
modern twist on macramé. You will be knotting a cool macramé            Ages 11-14
projects such as plant hanger, a far out wall hanging, and book         06/14-06/18     9:00 am-12:00 pm     LKD0085-019       $215.00
bag charms. Let the knotting begin!
Ages 11-14                                                              Roblox Makers
06/28-07/02     9:00 am-12:00 pm     LKD0196-003       $199.00          Unlock the power of ROBLOX Studio, the world creation tool used
Ages 8-11                                                               by real-world ROBLOX developers! Learn how to build 3D models
08/02-08/06     1:00 pm-4:00 pm      LKD0196-004       $199.00          and create an adventure in your ROBLOX world. Bring charac-
                                                                        ters to life with unique animations you design. Student-created
Photoshop                                                               projects will be available on a password protected Black Rocket
Expand your ability to make fine art photography with Adobe Pho-        website to share with friends and family.
toshop as you develop an understanding what each tool means             07/06-07/09     9:00 am-12:00 pm     LKD0171-015       $175.00
and how it fits into the process. Through daily projects, you will
practice utilizing the different tools in Photoshop to create unique    Roblox: Coders and Entrepreneurs
                                                                        Discover how to code in the Lua language while playing and
Ages 8-11                                                               designing worlds in ROBLOX an online universe where you can
07/12-07/16     9:00 am-12:00 pm     LKD0122-008       $215.00          create anything you dream of. This class combines game design
Ages 11-14                                                              concepts, coding, and fun! Young entrepreneurs will also learn
07/19-07/23     9:00 am-12:00 pm     LKD0122-009       $215.00          how to navigate Robloxrs fast growing marketplace to publish
                                                                        their games. Games will be available on a password protected
                                                                        Black Rocket website to share with friends and family. You will
Pre-Algebra Edge
                                                                        work in pairs or teams for most of the program.
Sylvan Learning Center staff helps you build math proficiency and
confidence by connecting algebra skills to real-life scenarios and      Ages 8-11
applying skills to word problems.                                       06/21-06/25     1:00 pm-4:00 pm      LKD0086-014       $215.00

Ages 11-14                                                              Sew Comfy
07/26-07/30     9:00 am-12:00 pm     LKD0105-007       $199.00
                                                                        Learn to sew an easy pair of shorts with an elastic waist. You
                                                                        will learn to measure yourself to get the right fit, layout a simple
Python Coding                                                           pattern, pin and cut out fabric using the pattern, maintain a con-
                                                                        sistent seam allowance, construct a casing, insert elastic, how to
Sylvan Learning Center staff will introduce you to Python syntax        turn up and sew a hem, and so much more! All fabric and notions
and programming logic as you solve fun puzzles, build your own          provided.
projects and stories, and create a portfolio of Python games, in-
cluding Connect 4, Snake and Tetris. By learning Python, you get        Ages 8-11
a taste of what people who code for a living use in the real world.     06/14-06/18     1:00 pm-4:00 pm      LKD0165-004       $199.00
Ages 11-14
06/14-06/18     1:00 pm-4:00 pm      LKD0104-013       $215.00
                                                                        Sewing Circuits
07/26-07/30     1:00 pm-4:00 pm      LKD0104-014       $215.00          Be a Maker! Learn how to combine sewing and electricity. You will
                                                                        add easy, lively details and a touch of magic when you use safe
                                                                        LEDs, batteries, and conductive thread to add simple circuits to
Python Coding: The Next Level                                           fabric projects you create. All material provided.
Sylvan Learning Center staff will challenge coders who have been        Ages 8-11
exposed to Python before, moving into arrays, algorithms, math          07/19-07/23     1:00 pm-4:00 pm      LKD0195-004       $199.00
operators and functions.With hands-on coding practice, students
learn to design, build, and debug programs, and independently           Ages 11-14
solve advanced coding challenges                                        06/28-07/02     1:00 pm-4:00 pm      LKD0195-003       $199.00
Ages 11-14
08/02-08/06     9:00 am-12:00 pm     LKD0193-005       $215.00
Step Into Tolkien's World: Lord of the Rings
                                                                          Join Bilbo, Frodo, and all their friends in the Shire! Create your
                                                                          own map of Middle Earth, learn how mythril is made, write a song
                                                                          for the dwarves, and learn a little Elvish. You will explore the my-
                                                                          thology of Middle Earth and learn what inspired J.R.R. Tolkien to
                                                                          write The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.
                                                                          Ages 11-14
                                                                          06/14-06/18     1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LKD0093-003       $199.00

Spa-tacular Sewing
Everyone loves a good spa day and this class will allow you to be
pampered in style. All projects are designed to make the perfect
partner for your spa day. Relax at home with a terry hair wrap,
soothing eye mask and a microwaveable neck pillow that you
make yourself as you learn to sew on a sewing machine. Fabric
and lotions provided.
Ages 11-14
08/02-08/06     1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LKD0164-003       $199.00

Stand Up and Sketch Comedy Creation
Comedy comes in many forms and this class will highlight and              Summer Reading: Catch-up, Keep-up and Get-
develop two of the most common. Throughout this course youwill
earn how to find comedy in everyday life and work on comedy
sketches and stand-up comedy routines. You will create a comedy           The Sylvan Learning instructors can help your child bridge the
routine with the help of the teachers that best fits your voice.          gaps that might be in place due to Covid-19.Students will build
Learn to spot the set-up and the punch line. Modeled (loosely) on         key reading foundational skills like Vocabulary and Comprehen-
theDrybarsocial media platform you will learn that good comedy            sion, and learn to apply those skills through extended response
is built from experiences, is smartand a good comic can develop           (writing activities). We work with both Informational Text (like So-
material that is from the most random of subjects and be enjoy-           cial Studies) and Literary Test (like non-fiction) to give your child
able for all. Sketch work will be solo and in teams. You will learn       broad exposure. Prior to the class, we will gather parent input on
how to put skits together, timing and how to deliver the line that        goals and reading levels. Have fun this summer, while building
will have everyone laughing and wondering what you are going to           reading skills and getting ready for next school year!
say next.                                                                 Ages 8-11
Ages 8-14                                                                 06/14-06/18     9:00 am-12:00 pm      LKD0222-006       $199.00
06/14-06/18     1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LKD0224-004       $199.00           07/19-07/23     1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LKD0222-008       $199.00
07/12-07/16     1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LKD0224-005       $199.00           Ages 11-14
08/09-08/13     1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LKD0224-006       $199.00           06/21-06/25     9:00 am-12:00 pm      LKD0222-007       $199.00

Stars of the Stage                                                        Virtual Reality: The Future is Now
This 2 week program will help you fully experience every element          Embark on an EPIC adventure in virtual reality! In this cut-
of creating a theatrical project. Start by learning the language of       ting-edge class, you will learn the foundations of VR design by
theater, from the basics like stage right and stage left to more          creating your own virtual worlds, exploring simulated environ-
advanced concepts like arc of the narrative and raising the stakes.       ments, and crafting memorable 3D experiences. VR projects will
Utilizing a collection of short plays, you will participate in an audi-   be available on a password protected Black Rocket website to
tion, a blocking rehearsal and a technical rehearsal. The result will     share with friends and family.
be a performance of live theater to share what you have learned
over the course of the class.                                             Ages 8-11
Ages 8-14                                                                 07/26-07/30     9:00 am-12:00 pm      LKD0087-017       $215.00
06/21-07/02     9:00 am-12:00 pm      LKD0027-005       $325.00           Ages 11-14
07/26-08/06     1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LKD0027-006       $325.00           07/26-07/30     1:00 pm-4:00 pm       LKD0087-018       $215.00
Weave it, Achieve it
The world of weaving is one that can open your eyes to creativity
and art exploration. You will be exposed to projects focusing on
textures and colors as you create projects such as your very own
dream catcher, a set of cool mug rugs and a Bohemian wall hang-
ing. Guided with expert tips, tricks and techniques you will weave
way to a fun art experience and possibly new hobby.
Ages 11-14
06/14-06/18     1:00 pm-4:00 pm      LKD0167-006       $199.00
08/02-08/06     9:00 am-12:00 pm     LKD0167-007       $199.00

Young Architects: Frank Lloyd Wright
Focusing on the works of legendary architect Frank Lloyd Wright
as an inspiration, you will build a three-dimensional scale model
of the interior and exterior of your very own home. This will be a
great opportunity to develop spatial sensitivity while learning to
work with scales and measurements. You will develop your plan
using different color schemes, media and materials.
Ages 8-11
06/14-06/18     9:00 am-12:00 pm     LKD0058-009       $215.00
Ages 11-14
07/12-07/16     9:00 am-12:00 pm     LKD0058-010       $215.00
                                                                        InZone Junior Explorers
Young Architects: Glass House                                           This exciting new addition to the InZone program is designed for
Focusing on the works of legendary glass house architect Ludwig         students 6-8 years of age and is intended to focus on the already
Mies van der Rohe as inspiration, you will build a three-dimen-         established principles of the InZone camp for older students.
sional scale model of the interior and exterior of your very own        Rooted in hands-on exploration students will participate in activ-
home. This will be a great opportunity to develop spatial sensi-        ities structured around science, technology, art, music and play.
tivity while learning to work with scales and measurements. You         The program will be designed to rotate between multiple topics
will develop your plan using different color schemes, media, and        on a daily basis with some projects spanning a number of days
materials. Glass will not be used on the projects.                      before completion. Students will be placed in groups and assigned
                                                                        specific staff members throughout the session. This program will
Ages 11-14                                                              be housed in a specific location on campus and does not involve
07/26-07/30     9:00 am-12:00 pm     LKD0080-007       $215.00          the students moving from building to building like the InZone
                                                                        students. Students staying on campus during the lunch period will
Young Architects: Modern Design                                         be walked by staff members to the designated lunch area.Kids
                                                                        are supervised during lunch and walked back to class if taking
Focusing on modern architectural design as inspiration, you will
                                                                        afternoon classes. New activities all summer long.
build a three-dimensional scale model of the interior and exterior
of your very own home. This will be a great opportunity to develop      Ages 6-8
spatial sensitivity while learning to work with scales and measure-     06/14-06/18    9:00 am-12:00 pm     LKD0182-027     $175.00
ments. You will develop your plan using different color schemes,        06/14-06/18    1:00 pm-4:00 pm      LKD0182-028     $175.00
media, and materials.                                                   06/21-06/25    9:00 am-12:00 pm     LKD0182-029     $175.00
                                                                        06/21-06/25    1:00 pm-4:00 pm      LKD0182-030     $175.00
Ages 8-11
                                                                        06/28-07/02    9:00 am-12:00 pm     LKD0182-031     $175.00
07/19-07/23     9:00 am-12:00 pm     LKD0079-004       $215.00
                                                                        06/28-07/02    1:00 pm-4:00 pm      LKD0182-032     $175.00
                                                                        07/06-07/09    9:00 am-12:00 pm     LKD0182-033     $139.00
Young Architects: Villa Victoria                                        07/06-07/09    1:00 pm-4:00 pm      LKD0182-034     $139.00
In this architectural class, you will design very colorful and exotic   07/12-07/16    9:00 am-12:00 pm     LKD0182-035     $175.00
houses as youlearn how to turn the organic tradition into a mother      07/12-07/16    1:00 pm-4:00 pm      LKD0182-036     $175.00
accent in your interior and exterior/outdoor space. You will gain       07/19-07/23    9:00 am-12:00 pm     LKD0182-037     $175.00
new skills while building modern and exotic houses that willincor-      07/19-07/23    1:00 pm-4:00 pm      LKD0182-038     $175.00
porate the beauty of tropical flora and South African traditional       07/26-07/30    9:00 am-12:00 pm     LKD0182-039     $175.00
patterns.                                                               07/26-07/30    1:00 pm-4:00 pm      LKD0182-040     $175.00
                                                                        08/02-08/06    9:00 am-12:00 pm     LKD0182-041     $175.00
Ages 8-11
                                                                        08/02-08/06    1:00 pm-4:00 pm      LKD0182-042     $175.00
08/02-08/06     9:00 am-12:00 pm     LKD0173-005       $215.00
                                                                        08/09-08/13    9:00 am-12:00 pm     LKD0182-043     $175.00
                                                                        08/09-08/13    1:00 pm-4:00 pm      LKD0182-044     $175.00

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