GENEVA: Pushing the Limit of Generalizability for Event Argument Extraction with 100+ Event Types

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GENEVA: Pushing the Limit of Generalizability for Event Argument
                                                           Extraction with 100+ Event Types
                                                             Tanmay Parekh † I-Hung Hsu ‡ Kuan-Hao Huang †
                                                                       Kai-Wei Chang † Nanyun Peng †
                                                        Computer Science Department, University of California, Los Angeles
                                                           Information Science Institute, University of Southern California
                                                    {tparekh, khhuang, kwchang, violetpeng}

                                             Numerous events occur worldwide and are
                                             documented in news, social media, and vari-
arXiv:2205.12505v1 [cs.CL] 25 May 2022

                                             ous online platforms in raw text. Extracting
                                             useful and succinct information about these
                                             events is crucial to various downstream appli-
                                             cations. Event Argument Extraction (EAE)
                                             deals with the task of extracting event-specific    Figure 1: An illustration of the task of Event Argument
                                             information from natural language text. In or-      Extraction for the Leadership event type. The task aims
                                             der to cater to new events and domains in a         at extracting event-specific roles like Leader and Gov-
                                             realistic low-data setting, there is a growing      erned from the input sentence.
                                             urgency for EAE models to be generalizable.
                                             Consequentially, there is a necessity for bench-
                                             marking setups to evaluate the generalizability     trigger. An event argument is a word phrase that
                                             of EAE models. But most existing benchmark-         mentions an event-specific attribute or participant
                                             ing datasets like ACE and ERE have limited          and is labeled with a specific argument role. The
                                             coverage in terms of events and cannot ade-
                                                                                                 task of EAE aims at identifying event arguments
                                             quately evaluate the generalizability of EAE
                                             models. To alleviate this issue, we introduce       in event mentions and classifying them into argu-
                                             a new dataset GENEVA covering a diverse             ment roles using event type and trigger as the input.
                                             range of 115 events and 187 argument roles.         We provide an illustration of this task for the event
                                             Using this dataset, we create four benchmark-       of Leadership in Figure 1 where the event trigger
                                             ing test suites to assess the model’s general-      is highlighted in blue. Here, EAE models are ex-
                                             ization capability from different perspectives.     pected to extract the argument roles of Leader as
                                             We benchmark various representative models
                                                                                                 King Hammurabi and Governed as Babylon from
                                             on these test suites and compare their general-
                                             izability relatively. Finally, we propose a new
                                                                                                 the sentence. Overall, EAE has been fundamen-
                                             model SCAD that outperforms the previous            tal to a wide range of applications like building
                                             models and serves as a strong benchmark for         knowledge graphs (Zhang et al., 2020), question
                                             these test suites.                                  answering (Berant et al., 2014), and various other
                                                                                                 NLP applications (Hogenboom et al., 2016; Yang
                                         1   Introduction                                        et al., 2019b).
                                         Event Argument Extraction (EAE) aims at extract-           Practically, there are a wide range of new events
                                         ing structured information of event-specific argu-      in various domains like political, bio-medical, etc
                                         ment roles from natural language text. It is fun-       being documented in social media and news articles
                                         damental for the task of Event Extraction and has       all over the world. EAE models can be elemental
                                         been well-studied in the domain of Information          in swiftly extracting structured information about
                                         Extraction (IE) (Sundheim, 1992; Grishman and           these events. But since these events are new, there
                                         Sundheim, 1996).                                        is limited or no annotated EAE data available for
                                            An event is a specific occurrence involving mul-     them. Furthermore, annotating data for these new
                                         tiple participants and is labeled with a pre-defined    events can be resource-heavy and expensive in na-
                                         event type. An event mention is a sentence in which     ture. This motivates the need for EAE models to
                                         the event is described, while the word phrase which     be generalizable and perform well in these realistic
                                         evokes the event in the event mention is called event   low-data settings. In turn, this underlines the ne-
cessity for benchmarking setups covering a diverse       DEGREE with automated heuristics. We establish
range of events to test the robustness and generaliz-    the superior generalizability of SCAD, as it outper-
ability of EAE models in low-data settings.              forms other baseline models on the benchmarking
   Most existing EAE datasets have good amounts          test suites.
of data, but cover only a limited number of event           To sum up, we make the following contributions:
types and argument roles. The standard bench-
                                                          (1) We introduce a new dataset GENEVA for the
marking dataset of ACE (Doddington et al., 2004)
                                                              task of EAE, covering a wide range of diverse
cover about 33 event types and 22 argument roles1 ,
                                                              events and argument roles. We set up four
whereas ERE (Song et al., 2015) covers 38 event
                                                              realistic low-data benchmarking test suites us-
types and 21 argument roles. Thus, these datasets
                                                              ing this dataset to evaluate the generalizability
can not adequately evaluate the generalizability of
                                                              of EAE models.
EAE models on a wide-range of diverse events.
Motivated similarly, Wang et al. (2020) introduced        (2) We evaluate various representative state-of-
a human-labeled dataset MAVEN spanning a mas-                 the-art EAE models on our test suites. We
sive 168 event types. But the applicability of this           introduce a new model SCAD which outper-
dataset is limited to the task of Event Detection             forms the previous baselines and sets a new
(ED) and it can’t be utilized for benchmarking EAE            benchmark for these test suites.
   Towards this end, we introduce a new dataset          2   Related Work
GENEVA (Generalizability BENchmarking                    Event Extraction Datasets ACE (Doddington
dataset for EVent Argument Extraction) for the           et al., 2004) is one of the earliest and most used
task of EAE covering a broad range of 115 events         datasets for benchmarking EAE model perfor-
and 187 argument roles. We utilize an existing           mance. The ACE event schema is further simplified
semantic role labeling dataset FrameNet (Baker           and extended to ERE (Song et al., 2015). ERE was
et al., 1998) and perform selective filtering and        later used to create various TAC KBP Challenges
merging to create the GENEVA dataset. In order           (Ellis et al., 2014, 2015; Getman et al., 2017). But
to evaluate the generalizability of EAE models in        these datasets cover only a limited amount of event
realistic settings, we present four benchmarking         types and argument roles, and thus, can’t be utilized
test suites using this dataset: (1) low-resource, (2)    to adequately evaluate the generalizability of EAE
few-shot, (3) zero-shot, and (4) cross-type transfer.    models. Recently, MAVEN (Wang et al., 2020) in-
Low-resource and few-shot setups test the model’s        troduced a massive dataset spanning a wide range
ability to learn from limited training data. On the      of event types. But the applicability of this dataset
other hand, zero-shot and cross-type transfer test       is limited to the task of Event Detection (ED) and
suites assess the model’s capability to generalize       can’t be used for EAE. DocEE (Anonymous, 2022)
to unseen events and argument roles.                     is recently introduced large-scale dataset aimed at
   Furthermore, we conduct a thorough evalua-            document-level event extraction. Contrastively, our
tion of the generalizability of different represen-      work focuses on sentence-level EAE in the realistic
tative EAE models by benchmarking them on our            low-data setting.
test suites. Traditional approaches for EAE are             In our work, we introduce a new dataset
classification-based, but these approaches do not        GENEVA covering a broad range of diverse event
perform well in the low-data settings and cannot         types and argument roles for the task of EAE. We
generalize in the zero-shot setting (Liu et al., 2020;   create various low-data benchmarking test suites to
Hsu et al., 2022). Recently, DEGREE (Hsu et al.,         better evaluate the generalizability of EAE models.
2022) which is a generative approach, has shown
robust performance in the low-data setting. How-         Event Argument Extraction Models Tradition-
ever, DEGREE requires manual human annotation            ally, EAE has been formulated as a classifica-
per new event type and thus, can not scale to a large    tion problem (Nguyen et al., 2016). Previous
number of event types and argument roles. To alle-       classification-based approaches methods have uti-
viate this issue, we introduce a new model SCAD          lized pipelined approaches (Yang et al., 2019a;
(SCaled and Automated DEGREE) - which refines            Wadden et al., 2019) as well as incorporating global
                                                         features for joint inference (Li et al., 2013; Yang
       Following the OneIE preprocessing steps.          and Mitchell, 2016; Lin et al., 2020). However,
these traditional approaches are data-hungry and          Frame                Frame Elements
do not generalize well in the low-data setting (Liu
                                                                        Agent, Entity, Dependent state,
et al., 2020; Hsu et al., 2022). To improve the
                                                                        Depictive, Duration, Frequency,
generalizability, some works have explored bet-          Visiting
                                                                       Iterations, Manner, Means, Time,
ter usage of label semantics by formulating EAE
                                                                        Normal location, Purpose, Place
as a Question-Answering (QA) task (Liu et al.,
2020; Li et al., 2020; Du and Cardie, 2020). Re-                          Area, Path, Source, Goal,
cent approaches have explored the use of genera-                      Mode of Transportation, Traveler,
tive models for classification and structured predic-                  Direction, Baggage, Depictive,
tion for better generalizability (Schick and Schütze,                   Descriptor, Distance, Means,
2021a,b). TANL (Paolini et al., 2021) treats EAE as                  Duration, Manner, Frequency, Time,
a translation between augmented languages. Bart-                       Iterations, Period of iterations,
Gen (Li et al., 2021) is another generative approach                   Purpose, Result, Travel Means,
that focuses on document-level EAE. DEGREE                           Co-participant, Explanation, Speed
(Hsu et al., 2022) is a recently introduced state-of-
the-art generative model which has shown better         Table 1: An illustration of the complex frame struc-
performance in the low-data regime.                     ture for two different frames from the FrameNet dataset.
                                                        Frame elements in the same color are merged into a
   Due to the limitation of prior benchmarking
                                                        single argument role, while frame elements in gray are
datasets, these models have not been evaluated for      filtered out.
generalizability on a diverse range of events. In our
work, we benchmark various classes of previous
models on a bunch of different test suites created      (Aguilar et al., 2014). Contrastingly, its applicabil-
using our dataset GENEVA. Furthermore, we pro-          ity to EAE has been limited. This is primarily be-
pose a new model SCAD, which is a refined version       cause FrameNet is a semantic role labeling dataset
of DEGREE. It outperforms previous models and           and it prioritizes lexicographic and linguistic com-
serves as a strong baseline for future works.           pleteness (Aguilar et al., 2014). On the other hand,
                                                        event extraction is a higher-level task and requires
3     GENEVA Dataset                                    extracting distinct and succinct information. This
                                                        difference leads to two major challenges in using
Annotating data for EAE for a diverse set of events
                                                        FrameNet for EAE: (1) FrameNet frames are too
is a resource-heavy and expensive process. Thus,
                                                        fine-grained and many times indistinguishable from
we utilize an existing dataset FrameNet to create a
                                                        the aspect of event extraction, and (2) FrameNet
wide-coverage dataset for EAE.
                                                        frames have a complex and intricate structure com-
3.1    Framenet for EAE                                 prising of a wide range of frame elements.
                                                           We provide an example of these challenges in
FrameNet (Baker et al., 1998) is primarily a se-        Table 1 for two distinct frames from Framenet -
mantic role-labeling dataset annotated by expert        Visiting and Travel. From the perspective of EAE,
linguists (Gildea and Jurafsky, 2000). The annota-      these frames are quite similar and can be merged
tion schema follows the theory of Frame Semantics       into a singular event. Furthermore, we observe
(Fillmore et al., 1976; Fillmore and Baker, 2010)       the wide range of frame elements that these two
and it comprises of 1200+ semantic frames. The          frames have. However, from a practical standpoint,
definition for a frame is rather loose and can be       many of the frame elements are rarely used (e.g.
understood as the holistic background that unites       Periods of iteration) while some of them are quite
similar words2 . For each frame, there are annota-      generic (eg. Manner). Only a partial portion of
tions for frame-specific semantic roles (also called    these arguments are indeed appropriate for EAE.
frame elements) and words that evoke the frame
(labeled as lexical units).                             3.2   Creation of GENEVA
   FrameNet can be utilized for Event Extraction        In order to overcome the challenges described in
by mapping frames as events, lexical units as event     the above section, we perform several operations
triggers and frame elements as argument roles           on FrameNet and transform it into our proposed
  2                 dataset GENEVA. The first operation includes the
slp3/19.pdf                                             selection of frames and creating the event schema.
#Event       #Arg       #Event         #Arg       Avg. Event      Avg. Arg
   Dataset        #Sentences
                                   Types      Types      Mentions     Mentions       Mentions       Mentions
   ACE                  18,927         33        22         5,055         6,040          153.18         274.55
   ERE                  17,108         38        21         7,284        10,479          191.68            499
   GENEVA                3,673        115       187         7,576        11,163           65.88           59.7

Table 2: Statistics for the different datasets for Event Argument Extraction. The third and fourth columns indicate
the unique number of event types and argument roles. The fifth and sixth column are the number of event and
argument mentions in the dataset. The last two columns indicate the average number of mentions per event and
argument role.

The second operation involves formalizing the ar-          3.3   Data Analysis
gument roles for each event. We describe each of
                                                           In this section, we show how GENEVA is different
these operations in more detail below.
                                                           from previous datasets like ACE/ERE and is more
Event Schema Creation In order to overcome                 realistic to benchmark EAE models in the low-data
the first challenge of using FrameNet, we define a         setting. Towards this end, we provide various data
more coarse-grained event scheme using the origi-          analyses to support these claims.
nal FrameNet frame schema. For consistency pur-               The major statistics for GENEVA are shown in
poses, we follow the event schema generation pro-          Table 2 along with its comparison with the other
cess as described by MAVEN (Wang et al., 2020).            standard EAE benchmarking datasets like ACE
This involves recursive selection and merging of           and ERE. We observe that GENEVA has far lesser
frames using frame relations to combine similar            sentences compared to ACE/ERE datasets. On
frames into a single event (e.g. Visiting and Travel).     the other hand, it has thrice the number of event
We further filter out frames thst are not relevant to      types and 8 times the number of argument roles
EAE (e.g. Accuracy). We set a minimum data re-             relative to ACE/ERE. Furthermore, the number of
quirement to 5 event mentions and remove frames            event and argument role mentions is more than
that do not meet that criteria (e.g. Lighting). Fi-        the previous datasets. Naturally, the average num-
nally, we create an event schema comprising of             ber of mentions per event and argument role (re-
115 events for our dataset GENEVA, covering up             fer to the last two columns in Table 2) is much
to 36% of the original FrameNet dataset. We orga-          lesser for GENEVA. These statistics clearly show
nize our events into the hierarchical event schema         how GENEVA is more diverse than the previous
devised by MAVEN (shown in Appendix A).                    datasets while also being more challenging.
                                                              We show the distribution of event mentions per
Formalizing Argument Roles We tackle the
                                                           event type for GENEVA in Figure 2. We observe
second challenge of FrameNet by simplifying the
                                                           a highly skewed distribution with 44 event types
frame element structure via selective filtering and
                                                           having less than 25 event mentions. Furthermore,
merging. As shown in Figure 1, many frame el-
                                                           93 event types have less than 100 event mentions.
ements are rarely used in event mentions, while
                                                           We believe that this resembles a more practical
some are quite generic in nature. We filter out such
                                                           scenario where there is a wide range of events with
frame elements by only considering the core frame
                                                           limited event mentions while a few events have a
elements or the event-specific argument roles. We
                                                           large number of mentions.
highlight the filtered out non-core frame elements
                                                              Due to the high number of event types and ar-
in gray in Table 1. Furthermore, various frame
                                                           gument roles, GENEVA is also a dense dataset
elements are similar in nature but distinctively la-
                                                           with an average of 2 events and 3 arguments per
beled in FrameNet (e.g. Agent in Visiting frame
                                                           sentence (can be deduced from Table 2). To an-
and Traveler in Travel frame). In order to facili-
                                                           alyze this further, we plot the distribution of ar-
tate better overlap of argument roles across events
                                                           gument roles per sentence3 for ACE, ERE, and
and reduce redundancy, we manually merge vari-
                                                           GENEVA in Figure 3. We observe that more than
ous such frame elements (highlighted by different
colors in Table 1). The event schema in GENEVA                 3
                                                                 We remove sentences with zero event mentions in the
finally comprises of 187 unique argument roles.            distribution for ACE and ERE.
LR/FS          ZR      CTT

                                                                                              # Test Sentences            928     1,784      3,339
 Number of event types

                                                                                          Table 3: Data statistics of the number of test sentences
                                                                                          for the different benchmarking test suites.

                                                                                          Limited Training Data This first data setting
                             10                                                           aims at mimicking the realistic scenario when there
                                                                                          are fewer annotations available for the target events.
                                  0       100        200       300   400   500    600     This evaluates the model’s ability to learn from
                                                Number of event mentions                  limited training data. We present two test suites
Figure 2: Distribution of event types by the number of                                    for this setting: (1) Low resource (LR) and (2)
event mentions in GENEVA.                                                                 Few-shot (FS). For the low resource test suite, we
                                                                                          create small training data by randomly sampling
                                                                                          n event mentions4 . We record the model perfor-
                             40                                                           mance across a spectrum from extremely low re-
                                                                                 GENEVA   source (n = 1) to moderately resource (n = 1200).
                             35                                                  ACE
 Percentage of data (in %)

                                                                                 ERE      On the other hand, for the few-shot test suite, we
                                                                                          create training data by sampling n event mentions
                             25                                                           uniformly across all events. This sampling strategy
                             20                                                           avoids biases towards events with higher training
                             15                                                           data and assesses the model’s ability to perform
                             10                                                           well uniformly across events. We study the model
                             5                                                            performance from one-shot (n = 1) to five-shot
                             0                                                            (n = 5) for this test suite.
                                      0          1         2         3     4      5+
                                      Number of argument roles per sentence
                                                                                          No Training Data The second data setting fo-
Figure 3: Argument roles per sentence as percentage of                                    cuses on the extreme yet practical scenario when
data for ACE, ERE and GENEVA datasets.                                                    there is no annotation available for the target events.
                                                                                          These scenarios test the model’s capability to gener-
                                                                                          alize to unseen events and argument roles. For this
25% of the sentences have zero argument mentions                                          data setting, we propose two test suites: (1) Zero-
for ACE. ERE has a high proportion of sentences                                           shot (ZS) and (2) Cross-type Transfer (CTT). For
(> 65%) with 1-2 argument roles. On the other                                             the zero-shot test suite, we simulate a real-world
hand, GENEVA is denser dataset with almost 50%                                            setup by choosing the top 10 events in terms of data
of sentences with 3 or more arguments and more                                            availability as part of the training corpus and the
than 20% of sentences with 5 or more arguments.                                           remaining 105 events for the testing corpus. Intend-
   Overall, we show how GENEVA is distinctively                                           ing to study the impact of event diversity on the
different and more diverse than the previous bench-                                       zero-shot model performance, we create three train-
marking datasets. Furthermore, the realistic distri-                                      ing datasets by sampling a fixed 450 sentences5 for
bution of events and argument roles makes it an                                           m events from the larger training corpus. We vary
ideal testbench for evaluating the generalizability                                       m from a single most-frequent event to 10 events.
of EAE models.                                                                            The final test suite of cross-type transfer evaluates
                                                                                          generalizability in terms of model’s transfer learn-
3.4                           Benchmarking Test Suites                                        4
                                                                                                Due to a high variation in the number of the event men-
                                                                                          tions per sentence, a fixed number of sampled sentences from
With a focus on the evaluation of the generalizabil-                                      the training data could have a varied number of event mentions.
ity of the EAE models, we fabricate four bench-                                           In order to discount this variability, we create the sampled
marking test suites clubbed into two higher-level                                         training data such that each of them has a fixed number of n
                                                                                          event mentions.
data settings. We describe each of these data set-                                            5
                                                                                                Fixing the training data size removes the confounding
tings in more detail below.                                                               variable of data size for the study.
ing strength. Adhering to the hierarchical event                                                                       Output Text
schema (refer to Appendix A), we curate a training
dataset comprising of events of a single abstrac-
tion type (e.g. Scenario), while the test dataset
                                                                                   Encoder                           Decoder
comprises of events of all other abstraction types.
   We report the test data statistics for each bench-                     Passage      [SEP]     Prompt

marking suite in Table 3. For each of the test suites                                               Passage
involving sampling, we sample 5 different datasets6                                 Louise has a job of an engineer at Google.

and report the average model performance to ac-                                                     Prompt
                                                                    Event Type
count for the sampling variation. We believe that                   Description
                                                                                      The event is related to employment, jobs or paid work.

these different test suites can adequately evaluate                Query Trigger                   The event trigger word is job.
the generalizability of the EAE models in various                  EAE Template     Some person works at some organization as some position.

realistic scenarios.                                                                              Output Text
                                                                                       Louise works at Google as engineer.

4       Methodology
                                                                  Figure 4: Model diagram for the DEGREE model
In our work, we propose a new model SCAD,                         shown in the top half. On the bottom half, there is an
which builds atop an existing generative EAE                      illustration of a manually created prompt for the event
model DEGREE. In this section, we first briefly                   type Employment.
introduce the original DEGREE model and then
discuss our refinements to the model.                                                               Prompt
                                                                    Event Type
                                                                                                  The event type is employment.
4.1      DEGREE                                                    Query Trigger                   The event trigger word is job.
                                                                                      The employer is some employer. The employee is some
DEGREE (Hsu et al., 2022) is a recent state-of-                    EAE Template
                                                                                            employee. The position is some position.

the-art EAE model and has shown superior per-                                                     Output Text
formance in the low-data setting. DEGREE7 is a                       The employer is Google. The employee is Louise. The position is engineer.

generative model which utilizes natural sentence
templates as part of prompts to extract argument                  Figure 5: An illustration of an automatically generated
roles. It modifies the structured output into a nat-              prompt by the SCAD model for the event type Employ-
ural text sentence to better leverage the language
modeling pre-training objective, and this funda-
mentally helps the model generalize faster. It is es-             for the creation of templates and event descriptions
sentially an encoder-decoder architecture that uses               for every event type. This would not be scalable as
a passage-prompt combination as input to generate                 GENEVA has 115 event types and 187 argument
an output natural text (as shown in the top half of               roles. Thus, there is a need to automate the manual
Figure 4). The argument roles are then extracted                  human effort to scale up DEGREE to a broad range
from this generated output text. The input prompt                 of new events.
comprises of three components - (1) Event Type De-
scription which provides a definition of the given                4.2     SCAD
event type, (2) Query Trigger which indicates the                 SCAD exploits the same working principle of us-
trigger word for the event, and (3) EAE Template                  ing natural language prompts as DEGREE, while
which is a natural sentence combining the different               scaling up the model via automated heuristics. DE-
argument roles of the event. We provide an illus-                 GREE majorly has two manual components in the
tration of each of these three components in the                  prompt - (1) Event Type Description and (2) EAE
bottom half of Figure 4.                                          Template. We describe the automation of these
   Despite the superior performance of DEGREE                     components by SCAD in more detail below.
in the low-data setting, it can not be evaluated on
the GENEVA benchmarks directly. This is mainly                    4.2.1     Automating Event Type Description
because DEGREE requires manual human effort                       Event type description is a natural language sen-
    6                                                             tence describing the event type. In order to auto-
     We release all the datasets for reproducibility and future
benchmarking.                                                     mate, we propose two simple heuristics - (1) No
     For our work, we consider the EAE version of DEGREE.         description, and (2) Event Type Mention. The first
one completely removes the event type description      5     Experimental Setup
from the prompt. The second heuristic creates a
                                                       In this section, we discuss the various baseline mod-
natural language while only mentioning the event
                                                       els and the evaluation metrics for our experiments.
type. We use the second heuristic as part of the
SCAD model and show an illustration of the same        5.1    Baseline Models
in Figure 5.
                                                       We aim to evaluate the generalizability of various
4.2.2 Automating EAE Template                          recent representative models on our benchmark-
EAE template generation in DEGREE can be split         ing test suites, including models like (1) DyGIE++
into two subtasks, which we describe in further        (Wadden et al., 2019), a traditional classification
detail below.                                          based model utilizing multi-sentence BERT en-
                                                       codings and span graph propagation. (2) OneIE
Argument Role Mapping This subtask deals               (Lin et al., 2020), a multi-tasking objective based
with mapping the argument role with some pro-          model utilizing global features for optimization.
noun or placeholder phrase. For example, the ar-       (3) QAEE (Du and Cardie, 2020), one of the re-
gument role Target is mapped to "some facility,        cent models utilizing label semantics by framing
someone, or some organization" in Figure 4. The        EAE as a machine reading comprehension task. We
model learns to replace these placeholders with        generate question queries of the form "What is {arg-
the event argument from the passage. But map-          name}?" for scaling up QAEE to the wide range of
ping each unique argument role to its correspond-      argument roles. We also benchmark our proposed
ing placeholder requires commonsense knowledge,        model SCAD with these various baseline models.
rendering this subtask manual in nature.               Furthermore, we explore the impact of pre-training
   For automating this mapping, we experiment          these different models on a previous EAE dataset
with two simple heuristics - (a) Default mapping,      like ACE and report the model performance.
and (b) Self mapping. Default mapping maps each
argument role to a default placeholder of some-        5.2    Evaluation Metrics
thing. Whereas, self mapping maps each argument        Following the traditional evaluation for EAE tasks,
role to a placeholder some {arg-name}, where {arg-     we report the micro-F1 scores for argument clas-
name} is the argument role. For example, the argu-     sification. To encourage better generalizable per-
ment role Target would be mapped to some target.       formance across the wide range of events, we also
SCAD utilizes self mapping for automating this         use macro-F1 score that reports the average of F1
subtask and an illustration is provided in Figure 5.   scores for each event. For the limited data setting,
Template Generation The second subtask in-             we record the model performance in form of a per-
volves generating a natural sentence combining the     formance curve, wherein we plot the F1 scores
placeholder phrases from role mapping (example         against the number of training instances.
shown in Figure 4). Since each event is associated
                                                       6     Results and Analysis
with a different set of argument roles, generating
a natural language sentence encompassing all dif-      Similar to the benchmarking setups discussed in
ferent argument role mappings would be a tedious       Section 3.4, we organize the main experimental
and manual task.                                       results into limited training data and no training
   In order to automate this subtask, we create an     data settings. Later we show an analysis of macro-
event-agnostic template comprising of argument-        F1 score performance of the different models and
specific mini-sentences. For each argument in the      finally provide an ablation study for the SCAD
event, we generate a mini-sentence of the form         model.
"The {arg-name} is {arg-map}." where {arg-name}
and {arg-map} is the argument role and its map-        6.1    Limited Training Data Results
ping respectively. For example, the mini-sentence      Limited training data setting comprises of the low
for argument role Target with self mapping would       resource and the few-shot test suites. We present
be "The target is some target". The final event-       the results for the model performance in terms of
agnostic template used in SCAD is a concatena-         micro-F1 scores for these test suites in Figure 6
tion of the argument sentences, as can be seen in      and Figure 7 respectively. When trained on com-
Figure 5.                                              plete training data (rightmost point in Figure 6), we
Micro-F1 for Argument Classification   Pretrained SCAD        Pretrained QAEE         SCAD   QAEE      DyGIE++                                                    Pretrained SCAD         Pretrained QAEE    SCAD       QAEE

                                                                                                                     Micro-F1 for Argument Classification
                                         80.00                                                                                                              40.00

                                         60.00                                                                                                              30.00

                                         40.00                                                                                                              20.00

                                         20.00                                                                                                              10.00

                                          0.00                                                                                                               0.00
                                                 1             10                 100             1000                                                                    2             4              6              8           10

                                                           # Training Event Mentions (log-scale)                                                                                      # Events in Training Data

Figure 6: Model performance in micro-F1 scores                                                                     Figure 8: Model performance in micro-F1 scores
against the number of training event mentions (log-                                                                across different number of training event types (while
scale) for the low-resource test suite.                                                                            keeping the amount of data constant) for the zero-shot
                                                                                                                   test suite.
                                         Pretrained SCAD        Pretrained QAEE         SCAD   QAEE      DyGIE++

                                                                                                                                                                       SCAD                 +PT         QAEE              +PT
  Micro-F1 for Argument Classification


                                                                                                                                                            CTT               27.26      33.09                7.83        16.29

                                                                                                                   Table 4: Model performance in micro-F1 scores for the
                                         20.00                                                                     cross-type transfer (CTT) test suite. Here, +PT indi-
                                                                                                                   cates model performance when the model is pre-trained
                                                                                                                   on the ACE dataset.
                                                 0         1            2               3        4            5

                                                           # Training Event Mentions per Event
                                                                                                                   training the model on the ACE dataset improves
Figure 7: Model performance in micro-F1 scores                                                                     the model performance (compared to training from
against the number of training event mentions per event                                                            scratch), especially when the training data size is
for the few-shot test suite.                                                                                       low. But the zero-shot performance (leftmost point
                                                                                                                   in both figures) is rather limiting with 12.83 for
                                                                                                                   SCAD and 6.32 for QAEE. Thus, it’s not trivial to
observe that DyGIE++ performs the best with an                                                                     transfer significant model performance from ACE
F1-score of 66.62, while SCAD and QAEE follow                                                                      to GENEVA . This indicates how GENEVA is
closely. On the other hand, OneIE achieves a poor                                                                  distinctively more challenging than the standard
F1-score of 38.84 which can be attributed to its                                                                   ACE dataset.
model design and the inability to deal with over-
lapping argument roles. Due to this inferior per-                                                                  6.2                                       No Training Data Results
formance, we do not compare OneIE to the model                                                                     This data setting includes the zero-shot and the
performance curves in the figures.                                                                                 cross-type transfer test suites. Traditional models
   Across all sampling scenarios in the low resource                                                               like DyGIE++ and OneIE cannot support unseen
and few-shot test suites, we observe that the SCAD                                                                 events or argument roles and thus, we do not in-
model outperforms all other models significantly.                                                                  clude them in the experiments for this data setting.
This holds true when the models are trained from                                                                      We show the model performance for SCAD
scratch (the solid lines) as well as when the models                                                               and QAEE in the zero-shot test suite in Figure 8.
are fine-tuned from their ACE pre-trained versions                                                                 Similar to the limited data setting, SCAD outper-
(the dashed lines). This demonstrates the superior                                                                 forms the other models and establishes its better
generalizability of SCAD (and generally genera-                                                                    generalizability. We further observe performance
tive approaches) over the other approaches. On the                                                                 gains for all models as we increase the number of
other hand, DyGIE++ which is a traditional clas-                                                                   events in the training data (while keeping the train-
sification approach performs well only in the high                                                                 ing data size constant). On the other hand, these
data setting and exhibits poor performance in the                                                                  gains reduce as the number of training events in-
low-data setting.                                                                                                  creases. Thus, we conclude that event diversity
   From both the figures, we observe that pre-                                                                     helps improve zero-shot performance but provides
Model         LR       FS      ZS     CTT          7   Conclusion and Future Work
      DyGIE++     -4.56    1.02        -       -         In this paper, we introduce a new EAE dataset
      QAEE        -4.31   -3.28    -2.69   -0.64         GENEVA comprising of a wide range of diverse
      SCAD        -2.36   -1.45    -0.62    -0.1         event types and argument roles. We demonstrate
                                                         the distinctiveness and the realistic nature of our
Table 5: Average difference between the macro-F1 and     dataset compared to previous datasets via several
micro-F1 scores for the models in the different bench-   data analyses. Utilizing our dataset, we develop
marking test suites. LR = low resource, FS = few-shot,   four benchmarking test suites in limited and no
ZS = zero-shot, and CTT = cross-type transfer.
                                                         training data settings to extensively evaluate the
                                                         generalizability of EAE models. We benchmark
marginally reducing gains.                               various representative EAE models on these test
                                                         suites and compare their generalizability. Further-
   We present the results for the cross-type transfer
                                                         more, we introduce our new model SCAD which
test-suite in Table 4. We observe that the SCAD
                                                         shows superior generalization across all different
shows great transfer capabilities as it outperforms
                                                         test suites and serves as a strong baseline. In the
the QAEE model by a significant margin. The train-
                                                         future, we aim to expand this dataset to include
ing data for this test suite comprises of all data for
                                                         more diverse event types and argument roles. We
9 events from the Scenario abstraction type (refer
                                                         also intend to improve the automated heuristics for
to Appendix A). Despite having a good amount of
                                                         SCAD and in turn, enhance the generalizability
event diversity, we observe that the model perfor-
mance is poorer for this test suite than the zero-
shot test suite with similar number of events. This
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Response          Containing            Testing
   Attack            Check                 Social_event
   Terrorism         Motion_directional    Wearing
   Building          Bearing_arms          Research
   Creating          Hold                  Defending
   Removing          Reveal_secret         Manufacturing
   Communication     Self_motion           Hostile_encounter
   Telling           Theft                 Know
   Statement         Departing             Legality
   Using             Adducing              Traveling                            Catastrophe
   Emptying          Arranging             Criminal_investigation               Resolve_problem
   Practice          Filling               Arrest                               Process_end
   Arriving          Come_together         Judgment_communication               Confronting_problem
   Motion            Perception_active     Placing                              Rite
   Scrutiny          Create_artwork        Education_teaching                   Achieve
   Killing           Writing               Connect                              Process_start
   Action            Choosing              Committing_crime                     Emergency
   Ingestion                                                                    Competition

    Request                                                                        Giving
    Assistance                                                                     Sending
    Collaboration                                                                  Bringing
    Deciding                                                                       Getting
    Commitment                                                                     Receiving
    Coming_to_believe                                                              Cost
    Revenge                                                                        Exchange
    Sign_agreement                 Cause_to_make_progress       Destroying         Commerce_buy
    Protest                        Cause_to_amalgamate          Expansion          Commerce_sell
    Convincing                     Preventing_or_letting        Damaging           Supply
    Ratification                   Participation                Influence          Commerce_pay
    Labeling                       Coming_to_be                 Cure               Earnings_and_losses
    Quarreling                     Causation                    Presence
    Agree_or_refuse_to_act         Employment                   Dispersal
    Supporting                     Cause_change_of_position     Hindering
                                   _on_a_scale                  GetReady
                                   Control                      Openness
                                   Bodily_harm                  Recovering
                                   Becoming                     Conquering
                                   Change_of_leadership         Change
                                   Becoming_a_member            Death

Figure 9: The organization of event types into a hierarchical structure adhering to event schema provided by


                                                           Reso Expaniding


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                                                                 O oblem


                                                                                      AdDispetRead e ection
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                                           Exc ainin ty                                                                  A ua uer
                                                                                                                            Q onq ring
                                         Recehangeg                                                                           C inde ng
                                    Convin iving                                                                               H mptyi gether
                                                                                                                                E me_to y
                                        Wearcining                                                                              Co ergenc
                                                     g                                                                           Emld
                       Coming_to_b Cost                                                                                          Ho aring_arms
                     Earnings_and_losses el  ie ve                                                                                Be vering
                                                                                                                                  Reco _investigation
                                       Check                                                                                      Criminal
                                        Death                                                                                                                   Statement
                                  Revenge                                                                                                                  Manufacturing
                                          ctive                                                                                                           Action
                       Perceptionl__asecret                                                                                                              Using
                            Revea _scale                                                                                                                Arrivin
                                      a                                                                                                               Causa g
                           ion_on_ tion
          a n ge _ of_posit Participarophe                                                                                                           Cre tion
       ch                        Catasepartingip                                                                                                  Preseating
                                       D ersh g                                                                                                  As nce
                                       _lea ndin                                                                                               Hos sistance
                             n g e_of Defe robleming                                                                                        Su tile_
                         Cha                    _p ell e                                                                                  Bui pply encou
                                          ting T hang ion                                                                              C ld                    nter
                                   fr o n               C cat                                                                      Scr omm ing
                              Con                         ni                                                                     Ge uti uni
                                                                  Sig De rin tin ing

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                                                                                          Tra duca k make


                                                                Coll Givment g

                                                                                            E ac o_
                                                                            e n

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                                                                                               Att ause_t

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                                                                                                    Se on

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                                                                                                      Moti earch t

                                                                                                        Res ymen







   Figure 10: Circular bar plot for the various event types present in the GENEVA dataset. The height of each bar is
   proportional to the number of event mentions for that event (height is in log-scale). Bars colored in red are the set
   of overlapping event types mapped from the ACE dataset.
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