Page created by Darryl Schmidt
Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies:
                Proceedings of the International Conference “Dialogue 2020”

                Moscow, June 17–20, 2020

                GRAMEVAL 2020 SHARED TASK:

                Lyashevskaya O. N. (
                National Research University Higher School of Economics;
                V. V. Vinogradov Russian Language Institute of RAS,
                Moscow, Russia

                Shavrina T. O. (
                National Research University Higher School of Economics;
                Sberbank, Moscow, Russia

                Trofimov I. V. (,
                Vlasova N. A. (
                A. K. Ailamazyan Program Systems Institute of RAS,
                Pereslavl‑Zalessky, Russia

                The paper presents the results of GramEval 2020, a shared task on Rus-
                sian morphological and syntactic processing. The objective is to process
                Russian texts starting from provided tokens to parts of speech (pos), gram-
                matical features, lemmas, and labeled dependency trees. To encourage
                the multi-domain processing, five genres of Modern Russian are selected
                as test data: news, social media and electronic communication, wiki-texts,
                fiction, poetry; Middle Russian texts are used as the sixth test set. The data
                annotation follows the Universal Dependencies scheme. Unlike in many
                similar tasks, the collection of existing resources, the annotation of which
                is not perfectly harmonized, is provided for training, so the variability in an-
                notations is a further source of difficulties. The main metric is the average
                accuracy of pos, features, and lemma tagging, and LAS.
                     In this report, the organizers of GramEval 2020 overview the task, train-
                ing and test data, evaluation methodology, submission routine, and par-
                ticipating systems. The approaches proposed by the participating systems
                and their results are reported and analyzed.
                Key words: morphological tagging, dependency parsing, lemmatization,
                NLP evaluation, GramEval shared task, Russian

                DOI: 10.28995/2075-7182-2020-19-553-569

1   The publication was partly prepared within the framework of the Academic Fund Program
    at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE University) in 2020
    and within the framework of the Russian Academic Excellence Project «5-100».

Lyashevskaya O. N., Shavrina T. O., Trofimov I. V., Vlasova N. A.

                 GRAMEVAL 2020: ДОРОЖКА
                 ПО АВТОМАТИЧЕСКОМУ
                 РУССКИХ ТЕКСТОВ

                Ляшевская O. Н. (
                НИУ Высшая Школа Экономики; Институт русского
                языка им. В. В. Виноградова РАН, Москва, Россия

                Шаврина Т. О. (
                НИУ Высшая Школа Экономики; Сбербанк, Москва, Россия

                Трофимов И. В. (,
                Власова Н. А. (
                Институт программных систем им. А. К. Айламазяна РАН,
                Переславль-Залесский, Россия

                GramEval 2020 — дорожка по оценке методов и технических решений для
                полного морфологического и синтаксического анализа текстов на рус-
                ском языке. В 2020 году доминантой была выбрана жанровая репрезента-
                тивность текстового материала. Для оценки подходов к автоматическому
                анализу текста был подготовлен тестовый набор данных, охватывающий
                пять жанров современного языка: новости, сообщения из социальных
                сетей и электронную коммуникацую, энциклопедические статьи, художе-
                ственную литературу, поэзию, а также исторические тексты 17 века.
                    Текстовый материал для обучения и тестирования предостав-
                лялся в формате Универсальных Зависимостей (Universal Dependen-
                cies) версии 2.5. Входной формат содержал информацию о границах
                предложений и токенов. Задачей систем-участников было определить
                часть речи, грамматические признаки и лемму каждого токена, а также
                построить дерево зависимостей каждого предложения с типизацией
                синтаксических отношений.
                    В ходе мероприятия участники имели возможность получать
                оценки качества своих решений благодаря платформе CodaLab. Авто-
                матически предоставлялась детализация оценок по уровням разметки
                и текстовым регистрам, информация о частотных ошибках. Оконча-
                тельный рейтинг систем составлялся на основе четырёх показателей:
                качества определения части речи, грамматических признаков, леммы
                и построения дерева зависимостей (LAS).
                    В данной статье организаторы GramEval 2020 рассматривают ос-
                новные вопросы, связанные с организацией дорожки, а также полу-
                ченные участниками результаты. Затрагиваются темы методологии
                оценки, подготовки обучающих и тестовых данных. Приводится кра-
                ткое описание подходов участников и анализ допущенных ошибок.

                 Ключевые слова: морфологический анализ, синтаксический парсинг,
                 парсинг зависимостей, лемматизация, оценка систем автоматической
                 обработки текста, дорожка GramEval, русский язык

GramEval 2020 Shared Task: Russian Full Morphology and Universal Dependencies Parsing

1. Introduction
      Russian grammar has a rich history of theoretical and applied modelling. Start-
ing with the work of A.Zaliznyak [12], the grammatical description has reached a new
level, making it possible to build automatic systems of morphological analysis.
      Since then, technologies in Russian NLP have made significant advances thanks
to data from search engines [7], [1], as well as to shared tasks based on texts from
various sources. Since 2010, automatic morphological tagging has become a tradi-
tional task for Russian and international researchers.
      In 2010, for the first time, a shared task was held for automatic Russian part-
of-speech tagging, lemmatization, and morphological analysis, including the subtask
of annotating the rare words [5]. The participants achieved 98% accuracy on lemma-
tization and 97.3% accuracy on the part-of-speech tags.
      At the MorphoRuEval 2017 shared task [8], a 97.11% accuracy in all morphologi-
cal features and 96.91% accuracy in lemmatization were achieved on a balanced set
of data from various sources (news, social networks, fiction, etc.).
      From 2016 to 2019, morphology also became the main focus of the multilin-
gual competition SIGMORPHON, where for the Russian language [4] a leading result
of 94.4% accuracy on word inflexion in context was obtained.
      Syntactic parsing was the focus of the Ru-Eval 2012 shared task [11]. The orga-
nizers conducted a survey of existing automatic approaches and resources and pro-
vided data in a conditional dependency format. In 2017, with the advent the Univer-
sal Dependencies (UD) initiative [6], shared tasks on multilingual parsing, including
Russian, became possible, combining academic and industrial development systems
under a common track. CoNLL shared tasks 2017–2018 [13], [14] has set the task
of complete grammatical annotation, from row text to syntax: for the Russian lan-
guage, the quality of 92.48% accuracy LAS (labelled attachment score) on the ma-
terials of UD-SynTagRus and 72.24% accuracy LAS on the materials of social media
was achieved. It became apparent that the quality of annotation should be evaluated
on balanced datasets representing various styles and registers of writing.
      In the above works, morphology and syntax are considered as independent tasks
and evaluated separately; in most cases, systems that solve these problems are de-
signed in such a way that they mark data independently at 3 levels—1) morphology
2) lemmatization 3) syntax, or at 2 independent levels—1) morphology and lemma-
tization and 2) syntax. Meanwhile, the relation among all three levels of the gram-
matical annotation is obvious: for example, an error in determining part of speech
can lead to a lemmatization error and/or to an incorrect identification of syntactic
      We believe that the moment has come when the simultaneous intersection
of the following factors allows us to create benchmark competitions in the general
grammatical annotation of Russian texts, in which the overall level of annotation
would be simultaneously assessed by various sources of Russian texts in all their

Lyashevskaya O. N., Shavrina T. O., Trofimov I. V., Vlasova N. A.

     1.	The development of deep learning, including universal language models, ca-
         pable, according to some studies, of independently learning ideas about the
         semantic, lexical, and syntactic levels of the language [3],
     2.	Accumulation of big data from various sources,
     3.	The presence of a standardized format for morphological and syntactic an-
         notation—UD 2.0.

     The results of this initiative are presented in this article. Continuing the tradi-
tion of the previous independent shared tasks for Russian, we propose the new format
of the NLP competitions—evaluating the joint models by their generalizing ability
on the whole variety of language data of differing periods and sources.

2. Data
      The data was provided in the UD 2.0, CONLL-U format, with respect to some
variability in various data sources and their annotation methods, which will be de-
scribed later.
      The task of the GramEval 2020 organizers was to provide the most diverse
training and test samples, taking into account the benefits of parsing quality im-
provements for industry, NLP research, digital humanties and theoretical linguis-
tic research. For this reason, the main training sample with manual annotation in-
cluded the most normative segments—news and fiction—as well as texts of social
media, wiki, poetry, and texts of the 17th. century. Poetry was considered, since
lexicon, morphemic and syntactic patterns, and word order is considered more vari-
able in verses than in prosaic texts. As for the 17th. century data, the native speakers
of Russian have almost no difficulties understanding such texts. Since it is assumed
that modern processing systems are a closer match to human performance, it was
interesting to take a diachronic look at the Russian NLP evaluation. An equally im-
portant factor was the availability of materials for all six registers in the UD format
for training.

2.1. Training data
    As training data, existing open datasets were collected from various sources:
UD repository, MorphoRuEval, and RNC historical corpora collections.

  • UD SynTagRus v2.5 (1.1M tokens, fiction, news, wiki, nonfiction). Annotation:
    automatic (ETAP3), human correction in native SynTagRus, then re-tokenized
    and converted automatically to UD 2.x. Enhanced dependencies removed. Since
    the treebank was not fully valid for the UD v2.5 scheme, a version with semi-
    manual corrections was also provided.
  • UD Russian GSD v2.5 (96K tokens, wiki). Annotation: automatic (Google Stan-
    ford Dependencies) converted and manually checked.
  • UD Russian Taiga: samples extracted from the Taiga Corpus and Morpho-
    RuEval-2017 text collections (mostly social media and poetry, 39K tokens). An-
    notation: manual.

GramEval 2020 Shared Task: Russian Full Morphology and Universal Dependencies Parsing

  • MorphoRuEval test 2017: news (, 5K tokens), fiction (magazines.gorky.
    media, 7K tokens) and social media (VK, 5K tokens). Morphological annotation
    done during the previous shared task annotations was manually changed to get
    better agreement with the current UD standards; syntax was annotated manu-
    ally from scratch.
  • RNC 17th c.: texts from the Middle Russian corpus (business & law, letters,
    Church Slavic, hybrid texts, 39K tokens). Annotation: manual, no lemmatization.
    In addition, 4M tokens were provided with manual morphological and automatic
    syntactic annotation.

2.2. Supporting data
     Additional data were provided ‘as is’ with fully automatic annotation:

  • Twitter: UDPipe pipeline (tokenization, morphology, syntax). Corpus of Russian
    tweets with sentiment annotation from
  • Wikipedia: UDPipe pipeline (tokenization, morphology, syntax). The actual
    dump of Russian Wikipedia, first 100,000 articles
  • Comments from Russian Youtube Trends, April 2019. UDPipe pipeline (tokeniza-
    tion, morphology, syntax).
  • news: symbol unification + UDPipe pipeline (tokenization, morphol-
    ogy, syntax). Lenta Ru news, up to 2018.
  • poetry: symbol unification + UDPipe pipeline (tokenization, morphol-
    ogy, syntax).
  • fiction: symbol unification + UDPipe pipeline (tokenization, morphol-
    ogy, syntax).
  • Fiction Magazines (Taiga): UDPipe pipeline

2.3. Development and test data
      The shared task included two stages: public and private test. At each stage, gold
data was used, prepared specifically for the shared task. All in all, 7 annotators took
part in data labeling at different linguistic levels. After that each sentence was verified
by two supervisors. One of them, a contributor to Russian treebanks in the UD reposi-
tory, checked through all data sets, for better consitency of the annotations. The size
of the development and test sets is given in Table 1.

Table 1: The number of tokens and sources of the development and test sets

 Register Dev set      Dev source              Test set    Test source
 news       1K         MorphoRuEval2017        1K          MorphoRuEval2017
 social     1K         MorphoRuEval2017        1K          MorphoRuEval2017 + Taiga
 wiki       1K         Russian GSD             1K          Wikipedia
 fiction    1K         SynTagRus               1K          Taiga + RNC
 poetry     1K         Taiga                   1K          Taiga + RNC
 17 cent    1K         Middle Russian-RNC      1K          Middle Russian-RNC

Lyashevskaya O. N., Shavrina T. O., Trofimov I. V., Vlasova N. A.

      During the public test, the participants downloaded files for each of the 6 text
registers, in a vertical format. The participants processed the input data with their
systems and submitted the results to the leaderboard, obtaining detailed results for
each source, error statistics, and could compare their result with the gold data.
      During the private test phase, the participants were asked to download one large in-
put file which included 10% test data for all six registers. The gold annotation was kept un-
available to the participants. The private test included news from UD MorphoRuEval2017,
social media from UD MorphoRuEval2017 and Taiga, wiki from Wikipedia, fiction from
Taiga and RNC, poetry from Taiga and RNC, 17th c. from UD MidRussian RNC.

3. Evaluation metrics
     Evaluation procedure is based on the calculation of quality measures in the
tasks of pos-tagging (qPos), morphological features tagging (qFeat), lemmatization
(qLemma), and dependency parsing (qLas). The arithmetic mean of these values was
used as participant’s score (1) on a test set.

			                      Score = mean(qPos, qFeat, qLemma, qLas)                        (1)

     Since separate test sets were created for each register, the composite partici-
pant’s score (2) was calculated as an arithmetic mean for all registers.

		             Overall Score = mean(Scorenews, Scorewiki, Scoresocial,
                                     Scorefiction, Scorepoetry, Score17 c.)             (2)

		             Overall Score = mean(news score, wiki score, social score,
                                     fiction score, poetry score, 17 c. score)          (3)

3.1. Pos-tagging, morphological features, lemmatization and syntax
     Four main metrics—pos accuracy, other morphological features recall (macro-
average over tokens), lemmatization accuracy and labeled attachment score (LAS)
are measured the same way:

  • Metrics are measured for each text source (news, poetry, etc), comparing partici-
    pant submission results and gold markup:
     –– Each predicted token annotation is being compared to the gold one:
         ͇͇ Whether pos is the same as the gold one or not (POS: 1 or 0)
         ͇͇ Sum all the matching features is divided by the number of the gold fea-
            tures (FEAT: continuous from 1 to 0)
         ͇͇ Whether the lemma is the same as the gold one or not (LEMMA: 1 or 0)
         ͇͇ Whether the syntactic head is the same, and if yes, is the relation correct
            (LAS: 1 or 0)
     –– Sums of POS, FEAT, LEMMA, LAS points are being divided by the number
        of tokens in the text source—we get qPos, qFeat, qLemma, qLas quality
  • All the quality on each source is being averaged (summed and divided by number
    of sources) to get overall quality.

GramEval 2020 Shared Task: Russian Full Morphology and Universal Dependencies Parsing

      Besides, when comparing lemmatization, letter capitalization and е/ё choice
is not considered different. When evaluating LAS, full dependency relation (with tags
after “:”) was considered.

3.2. Additional metrics
      In order to achieve compatibility with the universal standard and the experience
of international community, additional metrics not included in the leaderboard were
calculated: F1 metrics for pos, features, and dependency relations, lemmatization,
as well as UAS, MLAS, BLEX metrics according to the CoNLL method2. These metrics
were included to avoid situations in which systems could get high accuracy due to the
rule-based evaluation hacking, for example, excessive addition of extra tags, etc.,
as well as for comparison with the results for the Russian language obtained in the
previous shared tasks [13], [14].

3.3. Token alignment evaluation
     For convenience of participants, the token alignment score was computed. It al-
lows them to control whether the tokenization is corrupted or not. Every sentence
from submission was compared to the corresponding gold one. Each token in a sen-
tence was compared with the gold one. If the tokens were considered equal (see
above), token alignment sum was incremented; sentence alignment score was a token
alignment sum divided by the number of tokens. The participants were given the final
alignment score of mean scores of every sentence.
     During the private test phase, all systems had their alignment score of 100%.

4. System submission platform and routine
     The competition was held on the CodaLab platform3, which allowed participants
to choose the best parameters of their systems and analyze their performance on vari-
ous text sources that were known in advance.
     Each participant could make up to 100 submissions per day.
     Participants were also allowed to use any external data for training their sys-
tems, including non-open sources. But the resulting system itself and the models
should be open source and published on the Github.
     Starting from 18 initial teams, 4 systems have reached the final test phase, one
of which have provided two final submissions. The authors of the final systems rep-
resent different countries (Russia, France), tech companies (Yandex, ABBYY, MTS)
and universities (CEA-LIST: Laboratory for Integration of Systems and Technology,
Moscow State University, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology).


Lyashevskaya O. N., Shavrina T. O., Trofimov I. V., Vlasova N. A.

5. Baseline system

5.1. rnnmorph + UDPipe
      The starting point for the competition was a hybrid system assembled from the RN-
NMorph morphological analyzer [2] and the Parsito syntax module [10] (from UDPipe
[9]). As of 2017, RNNMorph was a top-notch solution for the morphological analysis of the
Russian language [8]. The choice of UDPipe is due to the popularity of this system and
the positive experience of using it as a baseline system at CoNLL competitions [13], [14].
      GramEval participants were given access to the source codes of the hybrid system
with its default settings (without pretraining on the competition data). Besides, at each
phase of the competition, the results of the baseline assessment were published.

5.2. Other milestones
      In addition to the baseline system, we have trained and evaluated several well-
known systems for morphological analysis and dependency parsing. We believe this
is of help to the participants to better understand where their solutions fit in with
other top ranked systems. This will also show how the quality of analysis has changed
over recent years.
      We selected MaltParser, SyntaxNet, UDPipe, StanfordNLP, TurkuNLP and rn-
nmorph for this evaluation. All of them were trained on the same training set. We fol-
lowed the default settings, where possible, assuming that the developers had determined
them in a rational way. Detailed information about the training setup can be found
on the GramEval-2020 website4. Note that MaltParser, SyntaxNet and rnnmorph gen-
erate only part of the markup; these systems were evaluated within their competence.
Note also that MaltParser itself cannot generate morphological features that it needs for
parsing. Therefore, the morphological layers for MaltParser were generated by UDPipe.

6. Results
      Table 2 presents the official leaderboard and tables 3–6 detail the quality of mor-
phological analysis, lemmatization, and parsing for each register, respectively. Besides
that, the latter tables show the results of additional baseline systems (indicated by italics).

               Table 2: GramEval official leaderboard—Overall score

    System                                         Overall Score
    qbic                                           0.91609
    ADVance                                        0.90762
    lima                                           0.87870
    vocative                                       0.85198
    baseline                                       0.80377

4    Default models and parameters for each module.

GramEval 2020 Shared Task: Russian Full Morphology and Universal Dependencies Parsing

                       Table 3: Scores: parts of speech
                         fiction   news       poetry     social    wiki       17 cent
qbic                     0.980     0.966      0.969      0.947     0.927      0.963
ADVance                  0.980     0.965      0.960      0.937     0.921      0.960
lima                     0.976     0.971      0.957      0.937     0.925      0.935
vocative                 0.975     0.965      0.929      0.917     0.909      0.870
Turku                    0.970     0.964      0.951      0.926     0.902      0.870
Stanford                 0.974     0.964      0.944      0.913     0.924      0.896
UDPipe                   0.975     0.967      0.927      0.916     0.906      0.868
SyntaxNet                0.953     0.952      0.906      0.884     0.904      0.866
rnnmorph                 0.970     0.949      0.946      0.928     0.922      0.894

                    Table 4: Scores: grammatical features
                         fiction   news       poetry     social    wiki       17 cent
qbic                     0.987     0.981      0.967      0.947     0.944      0.929
ADVance                  0.986     0.981      0.960      0.959     0.928      0.929
lima                     0.979     0.966      0.956      0.953     0.967      0.896
vocative                 0.948     0.944      0.898      0.900     0.904      0.793
Turku                    0.952     0.962      0.921      0.918     0.921      0.831
Stanford                 0.949     0.957      0.914      0.904     0.923      0.841
UDPipe                   0.946     0.946      0.899      0.899     0.902      0.791
SyntaxNet                0.934     0.926      0.886      0.887     0.872      0.801
rnnmorph                 0.878     0.858      0.857      0.852     0.838      0.825

                        Table 5: Scores: lemmatization
                         fiction   news       poetry     social    wiki       17 cent
qbic                     0.980     0.982      0.953      0.960     0.936      0.783
ADVance                  0.977     0.981      0.952      0.954     0.922      0.797
lima                     0.937     0.950      0.913      0.953     0.923      0.610
vocative                 0.961     0.955      0.939      0.955     0.915      0.582
Turku                    0.974     0.976      0.949      0.956     0.928      0.584
Stanford                 0.973     0.959      0.926      0.952     0.922      0.571
UDPipe                   0.963     0.957      0.912      0.941     0.934      0.579
rnnmorph                 0.950     0.907      0.918      0.928     0.904      0.588
rnnmorph                 0.878     0.858      0.857      0.852     0.838      0.825

                              Table 6: Scores: LAS
                         fiction   news       poetry     social    wiki       17 cent
qbic                     0.896     0.912      0.814      0.807     0.781      0.665
ADVance                  0.869     0.911      0.780      0.784     0.760      0.618
lima                     0.850     0.843      0.725      0.713     0.697      0.546
vocative                 0.826     0.834      0.660      0.659     0.694      0.500
Turku                    0.859     0.877      0.731      0.733     0.711      0.502
Stanford                 0.854     0.873      0.709      0.706     0.703      0.509
UDPipe                   0.811     0.817      0.666      0.644     0.668      0.462
SyntaxNet                0.808     0.802      0.6        0.614     0.645      0.446
MaltParser               0.599     0.553      0.404      0.476     0.436      0.340

Lyashevskaya O. N., Shavrina T. O., Trofimov I. V., Vlasova N. A.

     All final submissions outperformed the baseline approach in morphology, lem-
matization, and parsing. As for the systems’ performance by register, three groups can
be distinguished:

     • fiction and news are the easiest to process (in general, > 95% in pos, features,
       and lemmas, > 83% in syntax);
     • social media, poetry, and wiki texts are more challenging to process (in general,
       −2% to −7% drop at the lexico-grammatical levels and more significant drop
       at the level of syntax, see below);
     • the performance on the diachronic 17th c. data is low, especially at the level
       of syntax. Note, however, that the top-2 systems achieve the 96% quality in pos-
       tagging and the 93% quality in feature tagging.

     As expected, the performance drop is more pronounced in syntax, features, and
lemma processing.
     In the task of parsing, for all systems there is a significant (> 8%) difference
in the quality of analysis on fiction + news, on the one hand, and poetry + social +
wiki, on the other hand, see Table 6 and Figure 1. However, only two participants
managed to surpass the best of additional baseline systems in all registers.

                              Figure 1: LAS across registers

7.     Approaches adopted by the systems
     The participants’ approaches represent a fairly wide variety of modern neural
network approaches—universal BERT transformers, recurrent neural architectures—
LSTM and CRF-LSTM, feedforward layers, word and char embedding sources—BERT,
word2vec and fasttext—therefore, we can say that they are quite indicative from the
point of view of the current level of technology [15]–[18].
     Despite the general statement of the problem, some efforts were also spent
on fitting the scores of systems on specific data—two participants use rule-based

GramEval 2020 Shared Task: Russian Full Morphology and Universal Dependencies Parsing

approaches to adapt the outputs of the systems for 17th c. data, and also use classi-
fiers to detect the most outlying training sources—social media, poetry and historical
data. The resulting architectures are described in Table 7.
      It is noteworthy that the highest quality was shown by a system (qbic) annotating
morphology, syntax, and lemmatization independently. Qualitative differences in the
systems’ performance are discussed in the next section.

 Table 7: Table 7: Architectures of the GramEval 2020 participating systems

 Team       Data                     Architecture                            Embeddings
 qbic       All GramEval data        End-to-End parser: features,            Pretrained
 (1)        except SynTagRus         lemmas, and dependencies are            RuBERT
                                     predicted by joint BERT model with
                                     independent modules. Encoder
                                     is a single-layer LSTM, decoders
                                     are simple feedforward models for
                                     predicting lemmas and features,
                                     as well as a biaffine attention model
                                     for dependencies and their labels
 ADVance    All GramEval data        Classifier of 4 main data sources—      4 separately
 (2)        + poetry Taiga corpus    normative fiction, 17 c., poetry,       trained BERTs
            for embedding training   social.                                 on GramEval
                                     + Morphotagger and parser on            data
                                     BERT, pretrained on SynTagRus 2.5
                                     + 17 c. lemmer on rules
 lima       All GramEval data        Original implementation of Dozat        Pretrained
 (3)                                 & Manning: embedding layer              FastText
                                     + LSTM layer
                                     + feedforward layer. Differs from
                                     the original models in that mor-
                                     phology and syntax are trained
                                     simultaneously in multitask learn-
                                     ing mode
 vocative   GramEval2020 data        Ensemble model:                         Pretrained
 (4)        with rule-based          1) dictionary-based lemmatizer          word2vec
            parser validation        2) LSTM-CRF pos tagger, consider-      wordchar2vector
            for extracting good          ing the context and features
            training samples             + pure CRF pos tagger for sen-
            for pos-tagging and          tences longer than 30 words
            parsing.                     + Russian UDpipe for pos and
            + clean GramEval data        features
            for UDPipe training      3) parser: UDPipe trained
            + own treebank               on GramEval data
            data for pos tagging     4) Rule-based correction for 17 c.
            training                     data

8. Analysis of submitted annotations
    Table 8 and 9 outline the systems’ agreement in full morphology and dependency
markup, respectively. In Table 8, Accuracy / Cohen’s kappa for the combination of pos

Lyashevskaya O. N., Shavrina T. O., Trofimov I. V., Vlasova N. A.

and feature tags are shown. To calculate Cohen’s kappa, the list of categories was de-
termined on the basis of all the observed responses. In Table 9, Accuracy is shown cal-
culated for the combination of syntactic head and dependency relation. Both relation
types and subtypes (labels before and after the colon) were considered.

                   Table 8: Agreement in pos and feature markup

                       qbic               ADVance             lima            vocative
 gold                  0.874 / 0.867      0.803 / 0.791       0.811 / 0.801   0.765 / 0.752
 qbic                                     0.844 / 0.835       0.830 / 0.820   0.781 / 0.769
 ADVance                                                      0.767 / 0.754   0.722 / 0.706
 lima                                                                         0.784 / 0.771

 Table 9: Agreement in the syntactic head and dependency relation markup

                       qbic               ADVance             lima            vocative
 GOLD                  0.813              0.788               0.729           0.697
 qbic                                     0.826               0.769           0.720
 ADVance                                                      0.765           0.711
 lima                                                                         0.706

      One can note a greater cross-system agreement than that between systems and
the gold markup. Indirectly, this suggests that systems make similar mistakes.
      The output data of the competing systems show that the errors in morphological
analysis are mostly the same as in previous competitions for the Russian language.
The errors in lemmatization, pos-tagging and morphological features most often
      In quantitative terms, most errors are associated with uppercase uses and non-
standard spellings. Erroneous pos-tagging and morphological features arise in all the
outputs at the beginning of the sentence, at the beginning of the line in the poetry,
in proper names that share ambiguity with common nouns (Наука, Тигр). Further-
more, the competing systems encounter difficulties while analyzing words with spell-
ing errors, author spelling, hashtags (typical for social networks), abbreviations and
acronyms, for example, in Wikipedia references.
      In lemmatization, systems found it difficult to analyze words with a rare inflec-
tional model (распростертый, огороженный, объемлет, ищет, горю etc.) and
pluralia tantum nouns or plural homonyms (ножницы, окова-оковы, мозг-мозги).
Difficulties in resolving homonymy remain in pos-tagging, cf. быть VERB vs AUX,
что PRON vs. SCONJ vs. PART vs. ADV, и CCONJ vs PART, ADV vs ADJ, DET vs PRON,
uses of words like типа (NOUN vs ADP vs PART), походу (NOUN vs ADV), смотря,
значит (VERB vs ADV). Such errors may also be triggered by low quality markup
in training sets since frequent homonyms are difficult to be spot-checked manually.
In addition, from the point of view of linguistic theory and existing corpus practices,
there are well known cases that can be approached differently and thus tagged incon-
sistently in various training data. These include:

GramEval 2020 Shared Task: Russian Full Morphology and Universal Dependencies Parsing

    • participles vs. verbal adjectives (волнующий, образованный, греющий, начи-
      тан, обязан, etc.),
    • words such as нельзя, надо, пора tagged as VERB vs ADV vs NOUN,
    • inconsistency in lemmatizing the nouns ending with -ие/-ье (e.g. безумие—без-
      умье) and adjectives ending with -ой, -ый (грунтовый—грунтовой).

    In general, we observe that the systems do well with the morphological feature
ambiguity. There are relatively few errors due to the paradigm syncretism (eg. со-
бытия Case=Acc Number=Plus vs. события Case=Gen Number=Sing). The most
common errors in morphological features are as follows:
  • animacy in adjectives, pronouns and numerals (systems add animacy not only
    for those word forms where difficulties in analysis are possible); this feature is of-
    ten mistakenly identified if the word is uppercase and / or comes first in the
  • features of the verb быть (all systems add aspect);
  • gender: the competing systems attribute gender to adjectives in the plural,
    make mistakes in determining the gender of proper names, there are also er-
    rors with the gender of common nouns in indirect cases (even though the lemma
    is defined correctly);
  • case: some systems systematically add case to short adjectives and participles
    in the predicative position;
  • aspect. Errors arise in biaspectual verbs (подвизается, минует, etc.);
  • voice: all systems mark finite verb forms ended with -ся as passive (Pass) rather
    than middle (Mid);
  • degree in adjectives and adverbs: the participants often do not tag superlative
    (Sup) and comparative (Cmp) degree.

      Table 10 presents top-20 mismatches in the dependency relation labeling5, with
occurrences (N) calculated over all systems. For the most part, these are mismatches
between flat syntactic relations, clause and phrase joining relations, verb-argument
relations, and modifier relations mixed with either other modifiers or argument rela-
tions. The common source of errors is register-specific tokens and constructions such
as ‘==’, ‘*’, ‘***’, ‘&quot’ punctuation marks in wiki and social media texts, attachment
of interjunctions (discourse) incorrectly predicted as parataxis, the list rela-
tions common to the wiki biographies also predicted as parataxis. It can be seen
that the best system is accurate in predicting the punct relations, which is problem-
atic to the other three systems. At the same time, it is low-sensitive to the fixed, dis-
course, parataxis, vocative, compound, and list relations.
      All systems tend to mix indirect objects (iobj) in the instrumental case with
oblique (obl). This and a large number of other core argument relation mismatches can
probably be attributed to argument relations incorrectly represented in UD‑Syntagrus,
the main training dataset for Russian parsers. The alluvial confusion plot (Figure
2) demonstrates that in many cases, the systems make errors in argument relations

5   For the definition of relations see the UD site

Lyashevskaya O. N., Shavrina T. O., Trofimov I. V., Vlasova N. A.

differently. However, we find that, relative to the 2012 shared task, the core argument
relation labeling has improved significantly and such errors are rare in all systems.
      The 17th c. dataset, on which all systems demonstrated low scores, require sepa-
rate attention. In these texts, archaic endings and orthography are main factors that no-
ticeably affect the system’s performance in pos and lemma analysis. No more than one
system was able to analyse words such as такова, всяково, топерь, акроме, окияно,
козною for pos and двесте, детеи, земнаго, плаваючя, звер , итить, шездесят for
lemmas correctly. Register-specific training efforts were justified when analysing the
close-class words such as аз, and который. Unlike in other registers, nominal phrases
were challenging for parsing due to time-specific syntactic patterns in named entities
(e.g. mixed genitive-possessive construction in на Романове отца их помесье, com-
pound in Иль мурзою) and the long chains of genitive groups with inverse word order.

          Table 10: Most frequent mismatches in dependency relations

 N               gold             predicted        N                 gold        predicted
 74              punct            discourse        19                obj         nsubj
 49              parataxis        appos            18                amod        nummod
 42              iobj             obl              18                punct       parataxis
 40              list             parataxis        17                obj         obl
 38              parataxis        conj             16                conj        parataxis
 32              discourse        parataxis        15                appos       nmod
 24              amod             appos            15                discourse   advmod
 24              nmod             appos            15                mark        advmod
 23              obl              nmod             15                xcomp       obl
 20              nsubj            obj              14                appos       parataxis

             Figure 2: Core argument and nominal modifier relations
                 incorrectly predicted by either of top-2 systems

GramEval 2020 Shared Task: Russian Full Morphology and Universal Dependencies Parsing

9. Conclusion
     During GramEval shared task we have introduced a new approach to full mor-
phology and dependency parsing evaluation for Russian:

    • testing and training procedures were carried out on greater variability of text
      sources—considering temporary, stylistic and genre variation
    • the public and private test phases were organized on an open platform, expand-
      ing the capabilities of participants and allowing them to become more familiar
      with the overall performance of their systems on different data;
    • new training data was prepared, both with automatic annotation and with both
      automatic and expert assessment of the data;
    • the competition guidelines provide compatibility with the UD standard, as well
      as at the level of additional metrics—compatibility with the CoNLL competitions;
    • as the result of the competition, a comparison of different parsing strategies was
      obtained, and a new state-of-the-art method for full Russian morphological pars-
      ing of Russian.

      The competition leaderboard is now permanent at the CodaLab, and we welcome
researchers and developers to submit their systems to the leaderboard and compare
their results with other approaches.
      All materials of GramEval 2020 including supplementary tables and figures for
this paper are available at the shared task repository6. As the collection represents the
vast variety of genres, registers, corpora, annotation practices, with new development
and test data checked manually, we hope that the output GramEval 2020 will stay
practical and relevant for the NLP community.

10. Acknowledgements
     The authors would like to thank the participants of GramEval 2020 for helpful
comments and valuable suggestions. We are grateful to all members of the community
who contributed to the data preparation and evaluation, scripts, and setting up the
GramEval 2020 CodaLab page, and especially to Vera Davydova, Aleksey Dorkin, Ma-
ria Ermolova, Aleksandra Konovalova, Kristina Litvintseva, Elizaveta Nosova, Anna
Safaryan, Dmitry Sichinava, and Elena Suleymanova.


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                      Figure 3: Systems’ scores by register

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