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                          HPC COMPANY DOCUMENT

                TRANSPORT REVIEW GROUP 2020 Q4
                        MEETING NOTE
                            Revision                      01
                            Date of Issue                 Refer to EDRMS
                            Document No.                  H P C- N NB P E A- XX - 00 0- MO M- 100 04
                            Status                        S2 - FIT FOR INFORMATION
                            Next Review Date              N ext R ev i ew D a t e *
                            Owner & Approver              This should be in line with the Approver on PVA*
                            Technical Reviewer            This should be in line with the Verifier on PVA*
                            Author                        This should be in line with the Preparer on PVA*

                                   © Copyright 2019 NNB Generation Company (HPC) Limited. All rights reserved.

NNB Generation Company (HPC) Limited Registered in England and Wales. Registered No. 6937084 Registered Office: 90 Whitfield Street, London, W1T 4EZ
© Copyright 2019 NNB Generation Company (HPC) Limited. All rights reserved.

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                      Name: Rachel Lister
Prepared by:          Title: HPC Transport Planning Lead                                             Date: Refer to EDRMS

                      Name: Andrew Goodchild
Verified by:          Title: HPC Lead Planner                                                        Date: Refer to EDRMS

                      Name: Rachel Lister
Approved by:          Title: HPC Transport Planning Lead                                             Date: Refer to EDRMS


Revision        Purpose         Amendment                                  By                        Date
01              S2   -  FIT FOR Includes comments from                     Rachel Lister             11/02/2021
                INFORMATION     the TRG.

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NNB Generation Company (HPC) Limited Registered in England and Wales. Registered No. 6937084 Registered Office: 90 Whitfield Street, London, W1T 4EZ
© Copyright 2019 NNB Generation Company (HPC) Limited. All rights reserved.

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 Meeting Note
Project Title and Ref:
                  Ref:     HPC Transport Review Group 2020 Q4 Portfolio Name:
                                                                        Name: Site Nuclear Compliance

Attendees:                 Andrew Goodchild (AG) – NNB Genco HPC                           Lisa McCaffrey (LM) – Highways England
                           Andy Coupe (AC) – Somerset County Council (Chair)               Rachel Lister (RL) – NNB Genco HPC (Transport
                           Andy Wagstaff (AW) – NNB Genco HPC                              Coordinator Role)
                           Brian Buckingham (BB) – NNB Genco HPC                           Richard Gorst (RG) – Somerset County Council
                           John Burton (JB) – Somerset West and Taunton Council            Stuart Houlet (SH) – Sedgemoor District Council

Apologies:                                                             Meeting Held        Monday 25th January 2021 via MS Teams

Actions from Meeting – 19/10/20

 Action     Minute     Actions                                                                     Status         Who         By
 Ref        Ref                                                                                                               when
   1                   Response to Concrete Deliveries Letter                                      Completed      RL / AG     25/01/20
   2                   Prepare presentation for Transport Forum and circulate to AC/AH             Completed        RL        30/10/20

Actions from Meeting – 25/01/21

 Action     Minute     Actions                                                                      Status      Who          By when
 Ref        Ref
   1                   Reflect current challenges in the CWTP summary text in the next                              RL       19/04/21
                       Quarterly Report.
    2                  Liaise with Bus Service Provider to see availability of data for next                       AW        26/03/21
                       Quarterly Report
    3                  Issue updated TRG Report                                                                    RL        01/02/21
    4                  Confirm journey origins from Wales (Appendix B Graphs)                                    BB / RL     19/04/21
    5                  Joint Authorities to review TRG Note on Concrete Materials                                  AC          TBC
                       Delivered via Temporary Jetty                                                             (Lead)
    6                  Prepare a Summary Note for the forecast construction traffic                                BB        26/04/21
                       (including reflection on 6-12 month programme)
    7                  Prepare presentation for Transport Forum and circulate to AC/AH                              RL       26/02/21

Meeting Note – 25/0

NNB Generation Company (HPC) Limited Registered in England and Wales. Registered No. 6937084 Registered Office: 90 Whitfield Street, London, W1T 4EZ
© Copyright 2019 NNB Generation Company (HPC) Limited. All rights reserved.

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 Agenda      Actions/Comments                                                                                      Who      By when
    1        Introduction and Previous Meeting Note

             The Chairman (AC) of the Transport Review Group (TRG) opened the meeting.

             The Group agreed the meeting note from the 19 October 2020 for accuracies.

             The actions from the last meeting, Action 1 and 2 have been completed with a response to
             the Authorities provided on the 20 January 2021.

             The ongoing actions from the Transport Review Group in July 2020 have been closed out.
             A meeting took place in November 2020 to discuss the Corridor Improvement Schemes
             and Travel Demand Behaviour programme. The Bridgwater Highways Schemes are included
             on the Agenda.

     2       Transport Quarterly Report – 2020 Q4
             NNB Generation Company (HPC) Ltd (NNB Genco HPC Ltd) implement the Construction
             Workforce Travel Plan, Construction Traffic Management Plan and Traffic Incident
             Management Plan until the end of the Construction Period as part of the Development
             Consent Order (DCO).

             NNB Genco HPC Ltd undertake monitoring of the implementation of these plans and set out
             if these are being achieved and / or are reasonably likely to be achieved.

             RL presented the Quarterly Report for October to December 2020 (Q4).

             Construction Workforce Travel Plan Report
             Overall, the performance on the mode share targets continue to vary due to the challenges
             in relation to COVID-19 and the requirement to achieve social distancing.

             The differences above or below targets are generally not considered to be significant at this
             stage and HPC will continue to monitor these to see how these change as the workforce
             increases. However, the car share targets remain challenging and even more so with car
             sharing not being promoted due to the current restrictions in place, meaning there was an
             absence of confidence that the car share targets would be achieved by construction peak. It
             was noted that car sharing has been a specific point of discussion in relation to the workforce
             uplift, and that HPC will develop and propose appropriate measures to further increase car
             sharing in the amendments to the CWTP which would be presented as part of the Transport
             Topic Paper.

             This will be reflected in the summary text provided in the next Quarterly Report.

             ACTION 1: Reflect current challenges in the CWTP summary text in the next Quarterly                     RL      19/04/21

             The Final Mode Journey to Work Peak Construction Targets (Table 1) were discussed and
             remain within 5% of mode share splits last Quarter.

             The Direct Bus services (bus stops along key bus routes) continue to be on hold in order to
             meet the COVID-19 restrictions. Direct Bus services from Bridgwater and Taunton Bus Station
             were introduced during the Quarter and are included within the Direct Bus numbers as bus
             passengers walk to board the bus at these locations.

NNB Generation Company (HPC) Limited Registered in England and Wales. Registered No. 6937084 Registered Office: 90 Whitfield Street, London, W1T 4EZ
© Copyright 2019 NNB Generation Company (HPC) Limited. All rights reserved.

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 Agenda      Actions/Comments                                                                                      Who      By when
             The survey methodology for the mode share data was provided. The data gathered for the
             Quarterly Report is also compared with the data from the Workforce Survey. The Mode Share
             survey provides a snap shot in time (generally between 05:00-11:00) and the Workforce
             Survey includes workers travelling over the 24 hours. The comparison is generally very similar
             meaning that the Mode Share survey is reflective of travel to HPC.

             HPC is also looking to undertake surveys over a longer survey period which will be undertaken
             by observed manual counts and use of cameras.

             In addition, HPC is planning to undertake a compliance assessment in 2021 to review the
             mode share survey methodology and numbers provided. The Transport Review Group have
             been invited to participate in this review and SCC representatives have been nominated and
             will be contacted in due course to discuss scope, method etc.

             The travel mode share targets for the Associated Development sites were summarised.

             Table 2a and 2b showed that the mode shares for the Park and Rides were within 5% of the
             last Quarter. It was noted that the number of car passengers was not recorded at Quantock
             Lakes Park and Ride for this Quarter. It was also noted that the low number of sustainable
             modes for Quantock Lakes in Quarter 3 was due to the change in undertaking the mode
             share survey to support the current Government guidelines and therefore the surveyor was
             at Quantock Lakes for a short timescale rather than a number of hours for the previous

             It was highlighted that only a limited number of workers are walking to the Park and Ride
             sites such as J23 and J24, despite the proximity of some residential areas in particular around
             J24. In response it was noted there are not many residential properties within a 10 minute
             walking distance and the winter season can also reduce willingness to walk. It is positive to
             observe that car sharing is still taking place with those within the same household / bubble
             to minimise car borne movements. The mode share to board the bus will be compared to
             the latest Workforce Survey results. What the result did highlight was the challenge that
             would exist to reintroduce active travel behaviours once restrictions associated with COVID-
             19 were relaxed and driving to P&R sites would need to be more carefully controlled.

             Table 3b was updated following a previous question regarding the number of staff trips who
             travelled by sustainable modes.

             Table 4 saw a positive increase in the number of guests who were walking or cycling for non-
             work trips from 32.7% (Quarter 3) to 49.7% (Quarter 4).

             The cycle and motorcycle parking utilisation saw changes within 20% between Quarter 3
             and 4. These changes can be expected with the season and weather changes although the
             actual number difference is relatively low for example with 16 less bicycles parked at HPC.

             The HPC Car share scheme remains on hold and not promoted due to Covid restrictions. The
             responses in the latest Workforce Survey questions relating to car sharing will be required
             and considered as part of the proposed HPC Car Share scheme going forward.

             Table 9 shows that generally the bus passenger numbers are within 5% of last Quarter. This
             is with the exception of J24 Secure Bus which increased from 5% to 11%. This is thought to
             be due to more secure bus services available than normal bus services from J24 Park and Ride

NNB Generation Company (HPC) Limited Registered in England and Wales. Registered No. 6937084 Registered Office: 90 Whitfield Street, London, W1T 4EZ
© Copyright 2019 NNB Generation Company (HPC) Limited. All rights reserved.

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 Agenda      Actions/Comments                                                                                      Who      By when
             and bus passengers preferring to go through security checks at the Park and Ride instead of
             HPC so they can travel direct to their point of work on a Secure Bus.

             The bus passenger arrival and departure times are showing in line with the current main shift
             of 06:30-07:00 and 17:30-18:00. The bus services take approximately 40 minutes to then
             travel to J23 and J24 Park and Ride avoiding the general PM peak periods. It was noted that
             there is preliminary work on the potential impact of J23 as part of the Workforce Uplift

             The Passenger Counting System proposed to count the bus passenger patronage and
             become a tool to help improve future bus route / service planning is progressing. The system
             is now linked to a single source supplier (Exeros) which includes providing additional safety
             equipment. The installation and training commenced at the end of 2020. The counting
             equipment is now installed on all Yutong 2018 coaches (33 in total) and on the double
             deckers (35 in total). The single deckers are next to be demonstrated and installed. The team
             are due to receive the first data sets shortly and will analyse the data by park and ride / bus
             stop location and time to start understanding better how passengers travel and improve the
             bus services. The data is proving to be around 97% accurate.

             It is anticipated that some of the data from the Passenger Counting System will be available
             for the next Quarterly Report.
                                                                                                                    AW       26/03/21
             ACTION 2: Liaise with Bus Service Provider to see availability of data for next Quarterly Report
             (March 2021 data)

             AW provided an update on identifying central pick up locations in Weston Super Mare,
             Burnham on Sea and Highbridge. There are site visits taking place at Burnham on Sea and
             Weston Super Mare to review potential central locations for new Walk and Ride Services to

             The HPC Workforce Survey was undertaken for two weeks from the 19 October 2020. The
             survey included the same transport related questions as previous surveys and will be
             presented to the Socio Economic Advisory Group (SEAG) and a summary of the transport
             related responses will be provided at the next Transport Review Group.

             Table 20 and 21 for fly parking has been updated following discussion with the Bus Provider
             Team. This update will be included in an updated Quarterly Report to be circulated with the
             Meeting Notes.                                                                                          RL      01/02/21

             ACTION 3: Issue updated TRG Report

             Construction Traffic Management Plan Report
             The number of actual HGV deliveries during the Quarter was 6,347. On average this was
             83 HGV deliveries a day and an average of 7 local deliveries a day. The total number of
             Actual Movements (two-way) is being checked with the Freight Management Team.

             HGV movements were within the limits for the average and maximum HGV movements,
             HGV routes and time periods.

             There were 29 breaches in total, which represents 0.23% of total HGV movements.

NNB Generation Company (HPC) Limited Registered in England and Wales. Registered No. 6937084 Registered Office: 90 Whitfield Street, London, W1T 4EZ
© Copyright 2019 NNB Generation Company (HPC) Limited. All rights reserved.

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 Agenda      Actions/Comments                                                                                      Who      By when
             There were 3 breaches relating to time restrictions and the remaining 26 breaches relating
             to the HGV route. The HGV route breaches generally involved travelling through Bridgwater
             and then onto the J24 route, using Wylds Road and using the incorrect turning at the
             Cannington Bypass Roundabout.

             All HGV drivers who were involved in these breaches have received a Driver Strike.

             The following measures have been implemented to compliment the new DMS Service
             Provider position:

                  •    Multimedia Screen for Driver Inductions – for new drivers, drivers who has not
                       been to HPC for 30 days and drivers who are booked on one of the two routes they
                       have not travelled on before. A full brief of site rules, including the Construction
                       Traffic Management Plan and Traffic Incident Management Plan compliance and a
                       detailed run through of their route using maps and images is conducted on the
                       multimedia screen at the FMF.
                  •    Site Radios - Each Operative now has access to their own radio at the FMF,
                       including the compliance officer. This aids with ensuring all drivers that need it are
                  •    Route Signage - A Route Survey has been conducted and deemed that the
                       necessary signage required is already in place.
                  •    Vehicle Checklist - Vehicle checklist now in place for load safety. All drivers that
                       are briefed at the FMF have their vehicle and load checked plus an additional
                       random 10% of vehicles. This is in addition to all vehicles being visually checked
                       upon arrival to the FMF.

             It was highlighted how important the vehicle checklists have been towards making
             improvements to load safety and HGVs on the local highway network.

             The scheduled forecasted movements were queried and BB confirmed that it is expected that
             not all bookings will take place in reality, similar to what has been experienced in the previous
             Quarters to date.

             The journey origins from Wales included in the graphs in Appendix B were queried as the
             number appeared high from Wales. BB confirmed these are predominately rebar.                           BB /     19/04/21
             ACTION 4: Confirm journey origins from Wales (Appendix B Graphs)

             Post Meeting Note:
             The numbers coming from Wales also include a large number of rebar deliveries which is
             delivered by a company called Express, so do not feature in the Appendix B Origin graph for
             Hanson deliveries.

             The reason the Whatley deliveries are low during the Quarter is because, Whatley has only
             been providing one type of product for the last few months to just one area on site. The
             orders for this product has vastly reduced in line with the construction programme.

             The volumes are also higher from Wales as the Dry Cement Powders are delivered by Hanson
             from Wales and these are currently not sourced from anywhere else

             Traffic Incident Management Plan Report
             The Traffic Incident Management Plan was not implemented during the Quarter.

NNB Generation Company (HPC) Limited Registered in England and Wales. Registered No. 6937084 Registered Office: 90 Whitfield Street, London, W1T 4EZ
© Copyright 2019 NNB Generation Company (HPC) Limited. All rights reserved.

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 Agenda      Actions/Comments                                                                                      Who      By when

     3       Proposed Mitigation Measures

             CTMP Non-Compliance – Concrete Materials Delivered via Temporary Jetty
             To support the TRG Note circulated with the TRG papers on the 12 October 2020 which the
             Transport Review Group acknowledged, another TRG Note was issued on 20 January 2021
             focused on answering the Joint Authorities questions raised in the Summer 2020.

             The Joint Authorities will review Note and reflect on the detail following the meeting. They
             will consider in particular the concrete numbers regarding DCO v forecast, percentage of
             dust materials and practical issues of getting materials via the Jetty and other material

             ACTION 5: Joint Authorities to review TRG Note on Concrete Materials Delivered via                     AC          TBC
             Temporary Jetty

     4       Socio-Economic Advisory Group (SEAG) Update
             The SEAG meeting takes place on the 26 January 2021.

     5       Change Monitoring
             A.2 - CWTP Change Log
             No updates noted.

             B.3 - CTMP Change Log
             No updates noted.

             C.1 - TIMP Change Log
             No updates noted.

             HPC Travel Plan and Park and Ride Summary 2020/21
             Note that planning permission was approved to continue use of Quantock Lakes Park and
             Ride until September 2021 and use of the additional parking spaces at J23 Park and Ride is
             part of the Workforce Uplift discussions.

             Bristol Road / Wylds Road
             The joint authorities will respond following completion of the workforce uplift work.

             Workforce Uplift
             A useful workshop took place at the end of 2020 with the authorities and further
             correspondence has been received. NNB Genco HPC Ltd anticipate providing responses to
             these within two weeks and the draft Topic Paper will be available next month.

     6       Progress with Technical Approvals and Associated Development Scheme Delivery

             Cannington P&R – Article 20 completed and now suitable for adoption with SCC issuing
             the Final Certificate.
              Post meeting note: Certificate issued to Lucy Burge 28.01.21

             J23 P&R – SCC visited J23 and carried out an inspection.
             Post meeting note: an updated defects list was issued to Gary Kelly Harris EDF 28.01.21

NNB Generation Company (HPC) Limited Registered in England and Wales. Registered No. 6937084 Registered Office: 90 Whitfield Street, London, W1T 4EZ
© Copyright 2019 NNB Generation Company (HPC) Limited. All rights reserved.

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 Agenda      Actions/Comments                                                                                      Who      By when
             Hinkley Campus – The scope is being agreed and NNB Genco HPC Ltd are planning to
             instruct a contractor by end of January 2021.
             Post meeting note: Meeting scheduled 08.03.21 between EDF/SCC/Contractor.

             Sedgemoor Campus - NNB Genco HPC Ltd contractors are due to undertake the works in
             mid February 2021 and then SCC will be able to issue the Final Certificate upon satisfactory
             Post meeting note: Roadspace for this work has been booked 08.03.21-19.03.21.

             Southern Roundabout – SCC identified snagging works and are awaiting confirmation on
             when these will take place.
             In addition to the above, NNB Genco HPC Ltd are looking to make changes to replicate the
             design in place for the North Roundabout. A designer is currently being appointment and
             will liaise with SCC to progress which includes reviewing the s278. A draft variation has been
             shared with NNB Genco HPC Ltd for review.

             Emergency Access Road – Works have been completed, a defects inspection undertaken
             and the RSA 3 is being arranged.

             M5 Signalisation – SCC and HE are liaising to conclude the transfer of funds.
             Post meeting note: Invoice issued 27.01.21 action with HE.

             Combwich Wharf – AIL Reception Facility
             Following the receipt of the necessary approvals, work continues on the refurbishment of
             Combwich Wharf. Current focus is the installation of piles on the Abnormal Loads Quay.
             Repairs to the marine infrastructure within the pill area are due to continue until February
             2021. These repairs will remove the current local Notice to Mariners that have put certain
             ladders out of commission in the wharf due to safety concerns.

             SDC's Pre Application response to the Operational Noise Monitoring Scheme, which is
             needed to discharge DCO Requirement C19, has been received. We are considering any
             necessary changes, and will be submitted the Scheme formally shortly. Requirement C19
             must be discharged prior to the commencement of operational deliveries. The first
             operational marine deliveries to the wharf are planned in March 2021.Construction activities
             to finalise the wharf refurbishment will continue throughout 2021, after the first operational
             deliveries have been received

     7       Looking Forwards
             HPC Update:
             Existing Covid-19 protection measures remain in place and continue to work well. Members
             of the team who are able to work home are still being encouraged to do so. In early January
             an extensive testing programme started which doubles capacity for random and targeted
             testing across the entire workforce.

             HPC still met the majority of its milestones set at the beginning of 2020 despite the site being
             reorganised to meet social distancing requirements, and it met the target date, set four years
             ago, to complete the base for unit two (J0) on time.

             The last goals completed at the end of the year were:
                  •    U1 HR Reactor Building Internal Structure Engineering Completed which was
                       a huge collaborative effort from teams both in France and in the UK and lessons
                       learnt from other EPR projects were an important factor and enabled the team to

NNB Generation Company (HPC) Limited Registered in England and Wales. Registered No. 6937084 Registered Office: 90 Whitfield Street, London, W1T 4EZ
© Copyright 2019 NNB Generation Company (HPC) Limited. All rights reserved.

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 Agenda      Actions/Comments                                                                                      Who      By when
                       make improvements based on things worked in practice using the construction

                  •    ADG Main Feedwater Tank manufactured ready for delivery to Site from Vessco
                       factory in South Wales with partners GE. The ADG plays a key role in the secondary
                       circuit. The function of this large tank is to collect and degas the water coming from
                       the steam turbine condensers, before being fed back to the steam generator
                       located inside the reactor building.

             Recent updates on Site Activity include:
                 •   Steel Containment Ring Lift - Big Carl lifted the first of three massive
                     prefabricated steel rings which form the reinforced cylinder around the nuclear
                     reactor, into place on Reactor 1. This was put in during a night lift and timed to
                     take advantage of lighter winds during a four-day operation.
                 •   Unit 1 Reactor Building – The core catcher slab was lifted into place on Reactor
                     1. This is a safety feature that in an extreme emergency scenario will prevent
                     contamination escaping from the containment building.
                 •   Tunnels for the Water Cooling System - HPC Marine Works team completed
                     excavations for first Intake Tunnel which was undertaken by Mary, first Tunnel
                     Boring Machine (TBM). This was the end of the TBM’s 3.5km journey to complete
                     intake tunnel 1. Around 340,000 tonnes of material has been excavated and all of
                     which will be reused on site

             Construction Workforce Travel:
             There are currently around 4,700-800 workers a day.

             HPC Bus Service
                •    Taunton Walk and Ride bus service (from Castle Street) commenced in October
                •    Bus services recommenced from Taunton Gateway J25 P&R on the 12th October
                •    Locations for a Burnham on Sea and Weston Super Mare central bus service are
                     being considered with a view to implement ASAP.

             Construction Traffic:
                •    The main focus for Q1 will be supporting the heat sink works and commencing of
                     outfall tunnelling work (with the majority coming from the laydown in Filton).
                •    Critical components will be delivered into storage facilities along with the
                     refurbishment works at Combwich Wharf. The pre fabricated domes will also
                     come via Avonmouth and then Combwich Wharf later in the year.
                •    NNB Genco HPC Ltd are continuing to work with SCC and WSP on the
                     construction programme to strengthen the concrete structures on the C182 for
                     delivery of the works by NNB Genco HPC Ltd. The works are due to be completed
                     by Summer 2020.

             ACTION 6: Prepare a Summary Note for the forecast construction traffic (including                       BB      26/04/21
             reflection on 6-12 month programme)

             Marine Update:
             No further update.

NNB Generation Company (HPC) Limited Registered in England and Wales. Registered No. 6937084 Registered Office: 90 Whitfield Street, London, W1T 4EZ
© Copyright 2019 NNB Generation Company (HPC) Limited. All rights reserved.

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 Agenda      Actions/Comments                                                                                      Who      By when

             Somerset County Council:
                •   The group were informed that Travel Demand Management programme is on
                    hold as it is not the right time to encourage travel demand and behaviour in line
                    with Governments restrictions.
                •   SCC has re tendered for schools programme ready to move forward when the
                    schools reopen. The communications led approach will also re commence when
                    restrictions ease.

                  •    Corridor Improvement Schemes – this year will be focused around delivery of
                       Bristol Road Schemes (Dunball to Bridgwater Docks). These are with SCC
                       contractors and SCC are working through land issues. SCC are also in
                       conversations with SDC regarding Government funding towards the HPC schemes
                       such as Halesleigh Road which can then be delivered over the next few months.

                  •    The Variable message signs that used funding from the HPC HGV Increase project
                       are installed and operating around Bridgwater.

             Sedgemoor District Council:
             A report is being presented to the Executive Board to borrow funding for the Dunball
             improvements scheme.

             Somerset West and Taunton Council:
             No update for the Group.

             Highways England:
             The HE shared the PARAMICS model with NNB Genco HPC Ltd and their consultants Mott
             MacDonald for the HPC workforce uplift work.

             HE are reviewing proposals for Dunball improvements and funding opportunities.

     8       Transport Forum Update
             The last Transport Forum took place on the 26th November 2020 and a summary of the
             Transport Review Group Quarterly Report 2020 Q2 and Q3 was presented.

             A summary of the Transport Review Group Quarterly Report 2020 Q4 will be presented to
             the Transport Forum to update the Group on progress. The next Transport Forum is Thursday
             18th March 2021.

             ACTION 7: Prepare presentation for Transport Forum and circulate to AC comments.                        RL      26/02/21

     9       Next Meeting
             Transport Review Group 2021 Q1 – Monday 26th April 2020 at 10:00 (MS Teams)

NNB Generation Company (HPC) Limited Registered in England and Wales. Registered No. 6937084 Registered Office: 90 Whitfield Street, London, W1T 4EZ
© Copyright 2019 NNB Generation Company (HPC) Limited. All rights reserved.

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