In no va tion Modular vs. traditional - Jan Snel

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In no va tion Modular vs. traditional - Jan Snel
The most flexible magazine ever!

Modular vs.
If the end result is the same, then the
journey towards it becomes interesting

More current than ever
                                                       JNSNL - Nº 9, October 2016

Not an obligation but a state of mind                    8 713818 000362 >
In no va tion Modular vs. traditional - Jan Snel
Snel contents

in this issue...                                                                                  The circle is getting rounder and rounder
                                               Snel in pictures                                                                                                                                                Buy, use, throw away. Buy, use, throw away ... The old linear economy has run its course.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               More and more people and businesses are embracing the circular economy. This is taking
                                               22   After-school care, Kruibeke (B)
                                                                                                                                                                                                               us towards an era in which renewable energy, the recycling of raw materials, the sharing of
                                               23   Oleon, Oelegem (B)
                                                                                                                                                                                                               solutions and retaining the value of materials will be put first. It will come as no surprise to
                                               24   Bayards Aluminium Constr., Heijningen
                                                                                                                                                                                                               you that all this is getting us excited.
                                               26   DuPont de Nemours, Mechelen (B)
                                               27   Fire station, Falck Fire Services, Delfzijl                                                                                                                For many years, we at Jan Snel have been supplying flexible buildings that can be used
                                               28   Doc-Direkt, Winschoten                                                                                                                                     again and again. Our units stay in place for as long as they are needed, after which they are
                                               30   Ajax (De Toekomst), Amsterdam                                                                                                                              collected and prepared for their next purpose. This circular approach is practical, sustainable
                                               32   Sint-Hiëronymus, Sint-Niklaas (B)                                                                                                                          and efficient, and it creates a constant flow of unique, temporary buildings. Once again this

                                               33   Genzyme Flanders, Geel (B)                                                                                                                                 issue of JNSNL is brimming with examples!

                                               34   De Nessevliet, Oud Verlaat
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Our units are not bound to a function, time or industry. Sometimes we may be building a
                                               36   De 2-stroom, Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht
                                                                                                                                                                                                               new wing on a hospital (pg. 52), and at other times it might be a school that can withstand
                                               38   UniQure, Amsterdam
                                                                                                                                                                                                               earthquakes (pg. 46). Increasingly, our units are travelling across the borders and nowadays
                                               40   Wij Teams, Hoogkerk
                                                                                                                                                                                                               they can even be found as far away as Australia.

                                                                                                                                                                                                               The buzz of circular initiatives is all around us and we feel hugely energised by it all. Take,
                                               Snel dictionary
                                                                                                                                                                                                               for example, the way architect Thomas Rau so consciously deals with the life cycle of the
 in•no•va•tion         free•dom   em•ploy•ee   05   Innovation                                                                                                                                                 products that he uses and the way he is always looking for new ways of getting the most out
                                               13   Freedom                                                                                                                                                    of them. We are greatly inspired when we see that an architect is so committed to recycling
                                               45   Employee                                                                                                                                                   and the re-use of space. Even real estate is becoming more and more liberated from old

                                               Snel other
                                                                                                                                                                                                               All this only makes us even more ambitious to reach our own sustainability targets, which we
                                               06   Snel Flexibles                                                                                                                                             have set out in a sustainability report. For instance, we are aiming to recycle 90% of materials
                                               10   Snel Transport                                                                                                                                             within four years. It is very specific and measurable, so rest assured that you will be able to
                                               14   Snel International                                                                                                                                         hold us to our promises.

                                               16   Snel boy: Dirk-Jan
                                                                                                                                                                                                               In this issue of JNSNL, you can read more about our vision on sustainability. More than
                                               18   The latest developments
                                                                                                                                                                                                               anything, however, we want to inspire you with some great examples of the circular economy
                                               20   Modular vs. traditional
                                                                                                                                                                                                               in which we have been proudly leading the way for years. You can be absolutely certain that
                                               42   Sustainability is better for everyone
                                                                                                                                                                                                               we will continue to do so!
                                                                                                                      Het meest flexibele magazine ooit!

                                                    Exchange of words
                                               46   Earthquake-resistant construction
                                               48   Sint-Paulus School, Drongen (B)               Modulair vs.
                                                                                                  Als het eindresultaat hetzelfde is,
                                                                                                  wordt de weg ernaartoe interessant
                                                                                                                                                                                         On the cover:         Harry and Jacqueline van Zandwijk

                                                    Snel internal: new K3000 module               bestendig
                                                                                                  Actueler dan ooit
                                                                                                                                                           JNSNL - nr. 9, oktober 2016
                                                                                                                                                                                         De 2-stroom,
                                                    Centre for Nuclear Medicine                                                                                                          Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht
                                                                                                  Geen moetje, maar een ‘state of mind’                      8 713818 000362 >

02          magazine                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         magazine       03
In no va tion Modular vs. traditional - Jan Snel
Snel in figures

  The figures

       We are putting up a 2,000 m² school building in
       20 working days on site

                          In our warehouse, we have over
                          6,000 items in stock
                                                                                This is our word of the year for 2016.
                                                                                Leading the way is a constant challenge.

In order to maintain a high level of quality,                                   It is not an obligation but a state of mind.
                                                                                Seeing opportunities and daring to grab

we arrange 12 toolbox meetings a year                                           them. Innovation is a broad concept
                                                                                covering products, processes, engineering,
                                                                                markets and partnerships. By focusing on
                                                                                innovation, we maintain the impetus and
                       AT PEAK TIMES, WE USE 22 TONS OF STEEL PER DAY           we stay ahead of the field.

    23% of our production staff have been with us for
    less than 5 years, 32% between 5 and 12½ years, 24%
    between 12½ and 25 years and 21% for 25 years or more

   The total age of the staff in our production department is 3,519 years

  04        magazine
In no va tion Modular vs. traditional - Jan Snel
Snel flexibles

                                          Paper sofa
                                          A flexible couch that very much resembles
                                          an old-fashioned paper streamer (the
                                          accordion type). You pull it out and you
                                          have yourself a love seat, a two-seater or a
                                          circular sofa. Made from sturdy cardboard
                                          but really comfortable and sustainable.
                                          It can even be used as garden furniture,
                                          although we think it might not be such a
                                          great success in a Dutch garden.

At Jan Snel, we love flexibility in all
shapes and sizes. For example, there
are countless innovative products
that are at least as flexible as our
solutions. Let us introduce you to just
a few of the flexible gadgets that we
have spotted.

                                                                                          magazine   07
In no va tion Modular vs. traditional - Jan Snel
Snel flexibles                                                  Snel flexibles

Flexibles                                  Flexibles
                                           Flexible light cable
City Nomad                                 We are all familiar with the Ivy plant.
Meet Nomad, a modern-day wallet for        You know the one; it climbs up and
the modern city nomad. Featuring lots of   curls through everything. The reason
compartments for bank passes (because      why they chose the name for this lamp
money is more and more often of the        is pretty obvious. The eight-metre long
plastic variety), and built-in telephone   cable has a flexible part that can easily
charger and RFID blocker so you can        be hung over things or shaped into a
never make an unintentional contactless    word or symbol. The small LED lamp at
payment. If that isn’t flexible, then we   the end of it shines a warm white light
don’t know what is.                        to illuminate your own creation.

08               magazine                                          magazine       09
In no va tion Modular vs. traditional - Jan Snel
Snel Transport

                                                                                                                                  to the Jan Snel Group and that appeals to       were. After a couple of productive talks we
                                                                                                                                  me. I also like the family business culture     reached an agreement.”
                                                                                                                                  that is so prevalent here.”
                                                                                                                                                                                  What is your background? In
                                                                                                                                  What makes your job so interesting?             practice, a lot of people at Jan Snel
                                                                                                                                  “I am given the freedom to change things        have been through considerable
                                                                                                                                  and make improvements. My focus is              growth. Was this also the case for
                                                                                                                                  on the future. I get the opportunity to         you?
                                                                                                                                  tackle things and see them through. The         “Yes, when I was sixteen, I started working
                                                                                                                                  conditions of my job position are clear, but    as a commercial vehicle mechanic. I got
                                                                                                                                  I also have the management’s confidence         my truckdriver’s and planner’s diploma and
                                                                                                                                  to determine how I fulfil them. Besides,        decided to take things further in logistics.
                                                                                                                                  this job is also a step forward for me. The     I went from driving to planning and was
                                                                                                                                  long-term challenge for me is to succeed
                                                                                                                                  Jos Voorbij as head of Jan Snel Transport.
                                                                                                                                                                                  always getting encouraged by my parents.
                                                                                                                                                                                  I became head planner, operational
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 “	I’ve found my
                                                                                                                                  I am keen to learn, curious, ambitious and      manager, and I spent time living in Sweden       place here.”
                                                                                                                                  determined to live up to expectations.”         where I worked for Van Maanen Transport,
                                                                                                                                                                                  Barneveld. After they went bankrupt,           the future and I would like to bring about
                                                                                                                                  How was the introduction to Harry               their staff and business relations asked me    some changes. This leads to the occasional
                                                                                                                                  and Jacqueline?                                 what was going to happen next. I got in        discussion, but that is no problem. We
                                                                                                                                  “I had a long chat with them and am full        touch with a fellow haulier in Barneveld       respect each other, learn from each other
                                                                                                                                  of admiration for their entrepreneurship        and they took over the staff and the           and form a united front towards the rest of

                                                      Glimpse into the
                                                                                                                                  and enthusiasm. They are the figureheads        business relations as well as me. I started    the organisation.

                                                                                                                                  of the organisation, both internally and        working as the Commercial/Operations
                                                                                                                                  externally. They work hard at making the        Manager. Again, I was determined to            The transport industry has just
                                                                                                                                  business succeed while safeguarding the         further my development, especially in          managed to scramble back out of a
                                                                                                                                  family atmosphere. They know all the staff,     terms of its breadth. This job enabled me      deep hole. Is it plain sailing now?
                                                                                                                                  make sure anyone moving house receives          to do just that. I’ve found my place here;     “We have indeed been through some
                                                                                                                                  a bouquet and they enquire about people’s       I‘ve managed to achieve what I’d always        tough years. It isn’t all plain sailing yet
                                                                                                                                  families. I think what they do is marvellous.   wanted: to be at the head of an ambitious      though. Now, there are new challenges
                                                                                                                                  My motto is: take everyone seriously. Harry     logistics organisation.”                       that we have to face, such as the influx of
                                                                                                                                  and Jacqueline do this like no-one else I’ve                                                   new drivers. We have already made plans
                                                                                                                                  ever met. Workers can knock on their door       You are Deputy Head alongside                  for this though (read more about these
                                                                                                                                  at any time, knowing they will be listened      Jos Voorbij. How does the division             plans on pg. 55 of this JNSNL).”
Since February, there has been    How are you enjoying your new                  What made you choose Jan Snel                    to.”                                            of duties work and what is your
a new Deputy Head at Jan Snel     job?                                           Transport?                                                                                       partnership like?                              What else are you going to tackle?
Transport. Since that time he     “From day one onwards, I have felt             “Well, it’s because it isn’t any old transport   Did you already know the                        “We already knew one another, so our           “There is plenty to do. I want to take a
has not stood still. Fired by     right at home in the organisation. There       company. It is broader than that. Obviously      company?                                        introduction went smoothly. We spar well       lead in our business and the focus is on
passion, focus and enthusiasm,    had already been communication in the          we work closely with Jan Snel Flexible           “My father worked here as a driver for          together even though our backgrounds are       the long term, so we are tackling things
he got down to business.          company about my arrival, for instance in      Building Solutions and that was something        more than thirty years. During my working       different. Jos has an extensive knowledge      step by step. The development of the new
Simeon Roodenburg took some       the staff magazines the Snelbinder and the     I found interesting. Together, we examine        life, I worked with Jan Snel Transport and      when it comes to transporting recycling        articulated lorry is one of the first things
time out for an interview in      JNSNL Special. It worked. People knew that     how we are able to accomplish Jan Snel’s         had regular contact with Jos Voorbij (head      materials as well as laws and regulations.     and the introduction of the new on-board
which he answered the questions   I would be starting here and that was really   targets as a whole. We think about new           of Jan Snel Transport). So I already knew       He also knows Jan Snel Transport’s             computers is another. There is a lot more
we asked him.                     great. It also underlines the warmth you       transport solutions, on a national and inter-    how things worked at Jan Snel. When I           customers inside and out. I also have my       lying ahead, but we can discuss that in
                                  get at this family business which makes you    national level. As well as being a transport     heard that Jan Snel Jr was leaving, I very      knowledge, experience and goals with Jan       another interview.”
                                  feel so welcome.”                              company, we are also logistics consultants       cheekily called to find out what the plans      Snel Transport. I concentrate strongly on

10          magazine                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        magazine       11
In no va tion Modular vs. traditional - Jan Snel
Snel Transport

            Successful overtaking manoeuvre
           We are also seeing growth at Jan Snel Transport. The crisis in the transport industry has
           now made way for optimism and increasing volumes, so the time has come to concentrate
            investments on building a leading position in the sector with efficiency and sustaina-
            bility as the key words. The Head of Jan Snel Transport, Jos Voorbij and Deputy Head
                                         Simeon Roodenburg explain:

                                                                                               New on-board computers
                                                                                               Besides a perfect fleet of vehicles, good
                                                                                               communication between Planning and

                                                                                               drivers is crucial. “Here too, we have
                                                                                               developed an innovative system that
                                                                                               matches our current strategy,” says
                                                                                               Simeon. “After looking at different
                                                                                               systems, we invested in new on-board
                                                                                               computers that enable our drivers to stay
                                                                                               in close touch with Planning, and operate
                                                                                               in such a way that fuel consumption is as
                                                                                               efficient as possible. The system includes
                                                                                               driving style evaluation, track & trace and
                                                                                               a handy navigation function, and commu-        365 days, 24/7. Whether it concerns the
“We have made two key investments over          to share ideas with us to come up with         nicates with Planning. It is a step towards    world in general or our own domain in
the past six months,” says Jos. “Due in         the new articulated vehicle. The biggest       complete fleet management. The system          particular: freedom is a basic human need.
part to changing requirements at Jan Snel       way it differs from existing lorries is that   allows us to guide the driver better and       For clients, freedom means having the
Flexible Building Solutions and efficient       the new articulated lorry can transport        enables us to inform our customers more        unlimited possibility of making their own
transport, we developed a new type of lorry,    two student flats at a time instead of one.    completely and accurately about delivery       choices in terms of design, materials and
two of which have since been purchased.         It goes without saying that this means         times, etc. Our lorries will probably start    finishing. After being provided with excel-
The reason behind this is the success of Jan    huge cost savings. In addition, it is also     using this new system from November            lent advice by our professionals, of course.
Snel’s student accommodation. Through           great news as far as sustainability and CO2    onwards.”                                      100% customisation. More, not less.
projects like Ravel Residence and the recent    emissions are concerned. We are going for
construction of 461 student flats in Vaals,     maximisation on all fronts: for example, our   These innovations show that the company
we have examined how we might transport         drivers undergo training that teaches them     is ready for a new phase. “This investment
units of this kind as efficiently and sustai-   to drive these new vehicles as economically    was also necessary in the area of com-
nably as possible. We certainly didn’t rush     as possible. Two of these new articulated      munications. We shall indirectly reap the
into anything. Along with colleagues who        vehicles went into service at the beginning    benefits of these investments, since we are
work with us in any way whatsoever – for        of September. With a Service Level Agree-      using them to build specifically towards
example, forklift truck drivers, the head of    ment (SLA) and by formulating KPIs, we         sustainability. We are keen to continue to
production, lorry drivers and planners – we     are introducing a new way of collaborating     lead the way in transporting products for
formulated the requirements. Then we            with our suppliers. It helps us keep each      recycling. Our new lorries and on-board
found the most suitable companies for           other on our toes so we can continue to        computers are certainly a step in the right
the job. The company that was awarded           improve.”                                      direction.”
the contract was also the one that wanted

12                magazine
In no va tion Modular vs. traditional - Jan Snel
Snel international

                           Jan Snel
across the border

          Jan Snel is not only doing well at home; our fame
            is growing abroad too. The success of our newly
         developed products, including the Blast Resistant
                  Module (BRM), is creating more and more
                opportunities across all of our divisions and
         solutions. Monique Los, European Sales Manager,
        tells us about the partnership models, our step-by-
                           step approach and our prospects.

            “The renting of our Blast-Resistant Modules has been a great
        success. These temporary buildings have been specially developed
               to protect workers at hazardous sites in the petrochemical
               industry in areas where the risk of explosions is high. It is a
           product that has won us attention throughout Europe. Thanks
               to the success of the BRM, we hold regular meetings with
           customers to talk about supplying this type of accommodation
                                                                                 The power of local
                                                                                 Besides Germany, Jan Snel now also
                                                                                                                                    “ Not only does                            are we able to offer customers optimal
                                                                                                                                                                                  service on both straightforward and complex
        for use during special projects or Turnarounds. It frequently turns      operates in England and Spain. Monique:              involving local busi-                       technical issues.”
           out that besides the BRM, they also require other buildings for       “Here we work with our partner in renting
         temporary or permanent use. Our customers are often surprised           out our BRM to the industry. We also work
                                                                                                                                      nesses engender a                           Careful now
          to find out that besides our highly specialised buildings, we can      with subcontractors and partners who are             better mutual under-                        As far as growth abroad is concerned, we
           also provide them with an extensive and complete package of           actually based in those countries. Together                                                      are not into being over-hasty. Monique: “We
         temporary and permanent accommodation. We are also getting              with these parties, we can ensure that all           standing with our                           are growing quickly at the moment, but we
          asked more and more frequently whether we can look after the           turnkey projects are completed as promised           clients, it also has its                    are taking things one step at a time. This
         whole package: from furniture right up to fully-fitted temporary        and our local partners/subcontractors are                                                        means thinking carefully before making final
        or permanent residential buildings for workers. They benefit from        ideally placed to provide our clients with           practical benefits.”.”                      decisions regarding our strategy. We remain
         having a single supplier and a single point of contact for all their    excellent, rapid service. Not only does                                                          calm, in control and we do not let ourselves
         accommodations, including the complete interior. It gives us the        involving local businesses engender a better mutual understanding        get carried away. At the moment, we have an excellent basis and
           opportunity to demonstrate our qualities abroad. We currently         with our clients, it also has its practical benefits. The customer has   great projects, and we are working really well with local companies
             operate mainly in the chemical and petrochemical industries.        a local point of contact who is able to provide any assistance in        and partners. We are also busy making continual improvements to
             As more and more people use our solutions, we are building          the same language. This way of working creates the right sense of        our products, such as the BRM. Above all, we keep on listening to
                                                  awareness of our brand.”       collaboration among our partners and subcontractors. Only together       our clients and focusing on our own targets.”

                                                                                                                                                                                                           magazine      15
In no va tion Modular vs. traditional - Jan Snel
Snel boy                                                                                                                                                                                                           Snel boy

                                                                                                              This is Dirk-Jan                                                                        Team player

                                                                                     “My career started in the middle of the          Better
                                                                                     financial crisis. I graduated in HBO - level     Working at Jan Snel is different from
                                                                                     Construction at Amsterdam University in          working at a firm of architects. As far as
                                                                                     2010. I started at a small firm of architects,   I’m concerned, it’s better! I am given a
                                                                                     but after six months they no longer had          lot of freedom with my designs; the fact
                                                                                     a place for me. Then I landed a job as a         that we work with a modular system
                                                                                     draughtsman with Jan Snel on a second-           takes nothing away from that. These
                                                                                     ment basis. Now we are six years down            days, so many things are possible that you
                                                                                     the line and I have grown in my job. For         have a lot of flexibility and many of the
                                                                                     example, in 2010 I started on projects like      projects are custom-built. In my work as a
                                                                                     drawing a porter’s lodge, but these days         draughtsman, I also get a lot of freedom
                                                                                     I design hotels and schools. I am proud of       and more and more jobs involve me
                                                                                     a project in Loppersum where I designed          being responsible for the way a building
                                                                                     and drafted earthquake-resistant tem-            functions and looks.                           of pride when you achieve something
                                                                                     porary accommodation for two primary                                                            together. We are all down-to-earth go-
                                                                                     schools and a childcare centre.                                                                 getters who keep our feet on the ground
                                                                                     It involved 3,500 m² in total. Knowing           “	They pay                                    and our eyes on the prize. As for me, I am
                                                                                     that somewhere in the Netherlands there             attention to you,                           a team player who is glad to say YES to
                                                                                     is now a whole school that I designed,                                                          my colleagues.
                                                                                     and that its users are really happy with it,        your career and
                                                                                     is a great feeling.
                                                                                                                                         your development.”                          Rush hour
                                                                                                                                                                                     When I am at home, I leave work far
                                                                                     Variety                                                                                         behind. I live alone and enjoy football.
                                                                                     The job is highly varied. I am handed            Team                                           I’m a team player on the pitch too and
                                                                                     assignments to design buildings and I also       The great thing about working at Jan Snel      although I’m a striker, I like to pass the
                                                                                     produce drawings for planning permission         is that you don’t feel as though you’re just   ball to others so that they can score too.
                                                                                     requests, I make detailed drawings of            a number. They pay attention to you, your      The game is all about who has the biggest
                                                                                     interiors and/or exteriors and I develop         career and your development. We work           chance rather than who has the biggest
                                                                                     entire buildings. Among other things, I          as a small team, which is nice because we      ego.

           Snel boy
                                                 Dirk-Jan Ruiter                     produce floor plans, façades and building        are familiar with each other’s strong points
                                                                                     cross sections based on the schedule of          and that improves our collaboration. It is     Room for growth
                                                Marital status In a relationship     requirements and regulations. We also            busy, but there is always enough time to       As far as I’m concerned, Jan Snel has got
                                                Position Draughtsman                 work regularly with an architect on a            hand in good work. Speed never comes at        everything a young graduate could wish
                                                With Jan Snel since 2010             collegial basis so we can ensure that the        the expense of quality. The no-nonsense        for. Room to implement your own ideas,
              Each issue, a member of           Education HBO - level Construction   design can be implemented using our              culture in the company as well as in our       room to grow and room to score. Together
           Jan Snel’s staff tells their story   Hobby Football                       building systems.                                team is tangible. It gives you a sense         with your team.”

                                                                                                                                                                                                              magazine      17
In no va tion Modular vs. traditional - Jan Snel
Snel developments                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Snel developments

the latest                                                                                                                          Briljantlaan Utrecht
                                                                                                                                    Utrecht is the student city par excel-

                                                                                                                                    lence. In 2017, the Briljantlaan is where a
                                                                                                                                    permanent, six-storey building designed
                                                                                                                                    by architect Jillis Krinkel will rise up. This
                                                                                                                                    building also has a very contemporary look;
Master of housing
                                                                                                                                    the extraordinary façade and the structure
In the past, students used to live     The construction of these student flats is     students a year come to study. Here we        of the building give it the appearance of
in digs. You would live in what was    not one of a kind. We increasingly build       are building two complexes that house         a ship’s bow. There will be space for 232
often an ancient student house         flexible homes that can be linked and          a total of 461 student flats for I Love       flats, with the ground floor intended to
where you’d share a shower, toilet     stacked in a practical way. They have          Vols. The first complex has now been          provide space for catering businesses or a
and telephone. How different it        multipurpose functions, they can be built      completed and the second one will             gym.                                                                               A modern building with 232 flats on the Briljantlaan in Utrecht
all is nowadays. At least, it is if    quickly and they are suitable as both          open its doors in mid-2017. Besides very
you get to live in one of Jan Snel’s   temporary and permanent residences. In         well-equipped flats, the building features    Rent subsidy                                     At home and abroad                               looking at how we can get the most out
student flats. Then you get a whole    terms of student housing, last year we built   various meeting areas. The architecture       It is of course fantastic for students; a        The popularity of this type of student           of the system. For instance, Briljantlaan has
flat to yourself, complete with        Ravel Residence and AmstelHome.                is by MH1 Architects in Maastricht. They      completely self-contained flat with all mod      accommodation is really taking off. There        a storey more than Ravel Residence and
shower and your own kitchen. The                                                      designed the extraordinary façade with its    cons. A significant incidental benefit of this   is also a great deal of interest being shown     AmstelHome. We are also investigating
success of this concept is conque-     Katzensprung in Vaals                          Eternit cladding in partnership with Studio   type of housing is that due to the self-         in student cities abroad. Whilst being           the possibility of larger or connectable
ring student cities at home and        Another project is Katzensprung in Vaals.      Job.                                          contained nature of the flats, they qualify      busy constructing these homes, we are            homes. Setting out a successful concept
abroad. There are two new com-         This town in just 3.5 kilometres from                                                        for rent subsidies. This can keep the total      continuing to examine how we might               is great, but we would not be Jan Snel if
plexes scheduled for construction.     Aachen, the city with one of Europe’s                                                        costs quite low.                                 develop them even further, for example for       we didn’t continue to look for possible
Would you like to have a look?         largest universities where 40,000-45,000                                                                                                      other target groups. However, we are also        improvements.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Katzensprung Student complex in Vaals
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 with a total of 461 student flats.

18           magazine                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           magazine       19
Snel tells                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Snel tells

                                 Modular vs. Traditional
                                                                                                           See the brochure at           If the end result is the same, then the                                a flexible building in half the time and almost 20% cheaper. A
                                                                                                  or            journey towards it becomes interesting                                 building that meets the current Building Decree and therefore all
                                                                                                        request the brochure via:        Traditional building feels familiar, but we cannot carry on building   the conditions to remain permanently in place, but one that offers
   ‘If I had asked people                                                                                  in the same way we used to 80 years ago. Compare our modular           much more freedom to be modified over time to be relocated or
                                                                                                                                         building system objectively with traditional constructions and you     removed if necessary. The ground can be cleared in no time so it
what they wanted, they would                                                                                                             will be amazed at the similarities and differences. We can erect       is ready for its next purpose.

  have said faster horses.’
                             Henry Ford                                                                                                                                    Concrete piles                                                        Concrete elements
                                                                                                                                                                           It’s not the materials we use                                         We manufacture all elements
                                                                                                                                                                           that are innovative; it’s the way                                     of the building under controlled
                                                                                                                                                                           we build that is innovative.                                          conditions in our factory in
                                                                                                                                                                           Our buildings are supported                                           Montfoort. This benefits the rate
                                                                                                                                                                           by concrete piles and concrete                                        and quality of construction.
            This statement sums up in a nutshell what Jan Snel thinks about the discussion on
             modular versus traditional building. People cannot want what does not yet exist.
            That is why they need inventors like Henry Ford who introduce something new that                                                                               Main load bearing                                                     Controlled conditions
            is initially received with scepticism but later embraced. Jan Snel embraces flexible                                                                           structure for each module                                             We manufacture all elements
                          building and it is high time the rest of the world did so too.                                                                                   Our buildings’ strong main load                                       of the building under controlled
                                                                                                                                                                           bearing structure consists of an                                      conditions in our factory in
                                                                                                                                                                           independent structure for each                                        Montfoort. This benefits the rate
                                                                                                                                                                           module. The rooms that we                                             and quality of construction.
There’s more than one way to skin a cat                                                                                                                                    place inside are made to a size
How much is 4 + 3? And 5 + 2? The answer is the same           The new way of building has started                                                                         that enables them to be hoisted,
but it is reached by different methods. This is exactly the    If we were to hold on to existing mind-sets and practices, nothing                                          transported and stacked.
same with flexible building. Let’s take a closer look at the   would change. We would just carry on looking for the metapho-
outcome.                                                       rical faster horses. Jan Snel proves that the future lies with flexible
                                                               building. We have done this, for instance, with Ravel Residence                                             Prefab concrete floors                                                Full compliance with the
                                                               – Europe’s largest modular building: 28,000 m², 800 student flats,                                          The concrete floors leave our                                         current Building Decree
                                                               five storeys, completed in 325 calendar days and intended to                                                factory fitted with all pipelines                                     There is no difference in quality
                                                               stand for twelve years. Then there is AmstelHome: 17,000 m², five                                           and connections. These form                                           or durability; it just takes half
                                                               storeys and 520 student flats.                                                                              the basis of the rooms, which                                         the amount of time and is on
                                                               Where does the future lie? Are we going to continue betting                                                 we also construct in Montfoort                                        average 20% cheaper than
                                                               on old horses or shall we choose new solutions with more                                                    before sending them ready-                                            traditional construction.
                                                               horsepower?                                                                                                 made to the building site.

20             magazine                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         magazine       21
Snel in pictures                                                  Snel in pictures

childhood joy
600 m of


 After-school care, Kruibeke (B)                 Oleon, Oelegem (B)

The onset of the summer holidays marked         The Belgian company Oleon is Europe’s
the start of this project. Within eight         most important player in the oleochemical
weeks, Jan Snel had demolished the              industry: processing organic raw materials
existing building and put up an entirely        (vegetable oils and animal fats) into semi-
new building to house the after-school          finished products. It was for this market
care facility. The building contains 32         leader that we built a permanent building
KOMA HL3 type modules with façade               in 2.5 months. The building is 325 m2 and
cladding. Thanks to the permanent cha-          is home to two multifunctional spaces, four
racter of this building, it meets all Belgian   offices, a conference room, a rinsing area, a
standards relating to energy consumption,       stock room, a cold room and a hot kitchen.
fire resistance and child-friendliness. The     The building has an interior stairway that
whole interior has been adapted to the          connects the two storeys. We constructed
size of its mini-occupants.                     this building using the Movix system.

22                magazine                                              magazine        23
Snel in pictures

flash & unusual
Quick as a

 Bayards Aluminium Constructies,

We needed no more than three weeks
to complete four offices, a lobby and
sanitary facilities. 144 m², split between
two storeys, featuring an exterior alumi-
nium stairway. An unusual feature is the
steel cladding, the sand cement floor, the
ceiling and the marble that was installed
on site. The system used is K1500 and
the building is kept cool in the summer by
retractable awnings.

24               magazine
Snel in pictures                                                  Snel in pictures

                                                Safety first
Bon appétit

                                                  Fire station, Falck Fire Services, Delfzijl

                                                 At Chemie Park Delfzijl, safety is para-
                                                 mount. Jan Snel has signed a fifteen-year
  DuPont de Nemours, Mechelen (B)                contract for the design, funding and
                                                 maintenance of a new fire station. The
 For plastics manufacturer DuPont de             site of the operations is Poort 3. The fire
 Nemours in Mechelen, we have built a            station will house five crews of five people,
 canteen of more than 200 m².                    various vehicles and support services such
 This canteen provides space for 60              as the breathing apparatus workshop.
 employees. In addition to a large dining        Thanks to its favourable location, the
 area, the building contains a small office      fire station will also house the Security
 space and the essential sanitary facilities.    department. Access to the public highway
 This permanent, single-storey building was      will possibly be the first step towards a
 completed in just two weeks using the           public-private collaboration between the
 KOMA RF30 system.                               company fire brigade and the government.

 26               magazine                                                magazine        27
Snel in pictures


 Doc-Direkt, Winschoten

The home of the Winschoten branch of
Doc-Direkt was in need of a thorough
renovation. To make this possible, the
workers and operations would need to be
housed in temporary accommodations on
the same site during the refurbishment. On
24 April 2016, we drove in the first pile for
the foundations. We are putting up 110
units in total (Movix and K1500). There are
fifteen offices, two toilet blocks, a pantry
and four large workrooms. Aspects that
are particular to this project include the
reinforced floor that we installed here and
there and the time frame within which this
accommodation was ready for use: we
completed the job in five weeks.

28                magazine
Snel in pictures

and sport
 Ajax (De Toekomst), Amsterdam

AFC Ajax commissioned Jan Snel to
construct a building on De Toekomst (The
Future) Sports Park at the Arena where 120
Dutch and overseas players would be able
to pursue their studies. As soon as youth
players move up to secondary school, they
take part in the Ajax study programme.
This means that after training they are able
to do their homework under supervision.
The 1,000 m2 building was constructed
using the Movix system and contains a
kitchen, study rooms, classrooms, toilets,
offices, a dormitory and an Ajax TV room.
The building was completed in just three
months, it will remain standing for several
years and it can be relocated if necessary.

                        magazine       31
Snel in pictures                                              Snel in pictures

                                             under one roof
psychiatric centre


  Sint-Hiëronymus, Sint-Niklaas (B)           Genzyme Flanders, Geel (B)

 In just six weeks, we completed a new,      On the grounds of the pharmaceutical
 permanent building on the site of a         company Genzyme, we were com-
 psychiatric centre at Sint-Niklaas. It      missioned by Genzyme, PM Group,
 contains twelve rooms, each with its        Daalderop, Bilfinger and STS to build a
 own toilet and shower room, connected       small village in three months. The various,
 by a central corridor. Each room comes      mostly two-storey buildings contain
 equipped with its own camera call system.   offices, sanitary facilities, changing rooms,
 In collaboration with Deceuninck we also    conference rooms and canteens. In total,
 directly handled the exterior cladding,     we completed 3,528 m2 of new buildings
 enabling us to complete a fully fitted      using the KOMA HL and K1500 RF 60
 permanent building in a short time.         systems.

 32                magazine                                          magazine       33
Snel in pictures

school building
Red brick
  De Nessevliet, Oud Verlaat

 We were commissioned by ‘De Vier
 Windstreken’ foundation to construct a
 complete school building in seven weeks
 using our Movix system to supplement
 their existing classrooms. The building is
 permanent and contains two classrooms,
 four toilet areas, a technical area and a
 hall with stairs. The project presented us
 with specific challenges; due to the tight
 space on the building site we even had to
 build a complete bridge over the water so
 we could access it. The building is finished
 with masonry featuring distinctive string

                         magazine      35
Snel in pictures

year, new school
New academic
  De 2-stroom children’s centre,

 After the demolition of the old school
 building, only twelve weeks were needed
 for the completion of the new children’s
 centre, ‘De 2-stroom’. The project was
 scheduled so that the children would be
 able to start in the new school building
 immediately after the summer holidays.
 Comprising 1,100 m2 in total, the school
 premises include eight classrooms and
 accommodate primary school, after-school
 care and a pre-school playgroup. This
 permanent building has a masonry façade.

                        magazine      37
Snel in pictures

& brains

 UniQure, Amsterdam

Biotech company UniQure has a new
laboratory with offices. We used our
Movix system to construct a semi-
permanent yet fully-fledged building.
Of course, the building complies with
all current regulations covering labora-
tory safety. The 865 m2 block contains
fourteen laboratories, ten offices, two
conference rooms, storage rooms, toilet
blocks, a shower, pantries, a server room,
broom cupboards, technical areas and an
outdoor storage shelter for the various
gas bottles. Worthy of note is that the
different laboratories feature fifteen-fold
and five-fold ventilation. What is striking
about the exterior are the prominent,
orange-coloured window-frames.

38               magazine
Snel in pictures

 Wij Teams, Hoogkerk

Satisfied users are the reason we exist. A
great example of this is the construction of
Hoogkerk council’s WIJ Teams temporary
offices and meeting rooms in Groningen.
These teams provide assistance and
support to people who have problems
they are unable to resolve themselves.
The teams are made up of both volunteers
and professionals. The 900 m2 building
that will remain standing for three years
contains various consultancy rooms,
conference rooms, a lounge, meeting
areas, sanitary facilities, pantries and

                         magazine          41
Snel tells



                                                                                                                                                                                                                   re u

                                                                                                             Sustainability begins with our products.              training and we are an official training                productivity, collaboration, reputation
                                                                                                             Our flexible building concept means we                company for the business sector. We                     and innovation. All these elements are
                                                                                                             are able to meet fluctuating demand                   also offer people with poor job prospects               reflected in our everyday processes; from
                                                                                                             for temporary or permanent space. Our                 the opportunity of gaining some work                    being awarded a contract right up to and
                                                                                                             buildings are durable and can be reused               experience.                                             including completion and aftercare. We
                                                                                                             without any problems. That is sustainability                                                                  set out our objectives and a strategy for
                                                                                                             in a nutshell. Refit or relocate? Child’s play.             Planet                                            achieving our sustainability goals. We
                                                                                                             We are able to respond rapidly to changing            Flexible building is sustainable. Our                   draw up a strategy roadmap to help us
                                                                                                             requirements and applications. After all,             permanent and semi-permanent buildings                  unburden the customer, optimise profit
                                                                                                             why put up a building that is only suitable           last longer. We transform them and give                 and monitor our results. The outcome of
                                                                                                             for a single purpose? With one of our                 them a new purpose. Bearing repurposing                 all our efforts is a system that we use to
                                                                                                             permanent or semi-permanent buildings                 in mind is a key principle when designing               test our objectives, which enables us to
                                                                                                             you can make modifications depending                  new buildings if we are to ensure that                  steer towards improvement, monitoring
                                                                                                             on the required function, whether it is a             they are going to be future-proof. Building             progress and assessing results.
                                                                                                             school, hospital or office. We have noticed           flexibly is building with prefabricated
                                                                                                             that, in the construction industry, the               elements. It means there is less activity at            Future
                                                                                                             demand for our way of building is on the              the building site, so fewer vehicle move-               Sustainable entrepreneurship means
                                                                                                             increase due, for example, to changes in              ments are required and there are fewer                  examining what we can do better today
                                                                                                             our society or continuing new insights.               dust emissions. We manage our waste                     and tomorrow. It means we have control
                                                                                                             Flexible building is where the future lies            efficiently on our own site and recycle                 over the future and that we always lead
                                                                                                             and we are leading the way.                           whenever possible. Most of the material                 the way. What is certain is that, at Jan
                                                                                                                                                                   we use comes from responsible sources                   Snel, sustainability is no one-day wonder

            Sustainability is better                                                                              People: attention to courtesy
                                                                                                             People are our capital. They make the
                                                                                                                                                                   and we pay a great deal of attention to
                                                                                                                                                                   the smart fuel consumption of our lorries
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           or marketing term, but a solid basis for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           the success which will allow us to make a

                                for everyone
                                                                                                             difference and we are grateful to them for            as well as implementing energy- and                     difference.
                                                                                                             it. We also take social entrepreneurship              water-saving measures.
                                                                                                             very seriously. We attach great importance                                                                                  vrslg      If you would like to
                                                                                                             to courtesy and stick to the principle that                 Profit                                                                     know more about
 Sustainability. We are pioneers when it comes to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Thanks to our       if people feel good about themselves, they            Our CSR targets contribute to our com-                                           sustainability, our
 flexible building concept, sustainability is part of our DNA, and we manage to guarantee it at all levels   will perform better. What’s more, we are              pany’s profits. The skill is in maintaining a                                    CSR report can
 by running our business while paying attention to people, the planet and profit. As happens with many       active in the area of health and safety in            balance between people, the planet and                                Flexibel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    be found online

things, however, we never used to talk about it very much; at least until now. We are eager to talk to you   the workplace; we encourage participation             profit. Profit is an economic benefit – as
           about our sustainability ambitions and the objectives we have already accomplished.               in courses, development and continual                 are commitment, quality, employment,                                             publicaties.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      magazine     43
Snel in conversation

      Two people, one theme. In this section, two people shed light on one subject. This time we have been talking to
      Rick Dika, a Calculator at Jan Snel, and Jacob Travaille, Engineering/Technical Consultant at TPM Drachten. They
                    discuss the success of ‘medical modular systems’, the new standard in medical construction.

      Exchange of words
                                 Rick Dika                                                             Jacob Travaille
                                 “Medical modular                                                “During our joint projects, I
                                 construction is on the rise.                                    supervise the construction

                                 We don’t mean temporary                                         process. I match the client’s
                                 ward buildings, but high-                                       wishes and requirements
                                 tech units that house                                           to the options Jan Snel
                                 entire sterilisation rooms or                                   can provide. We have been
                                 operating theatres, or units                                    working together for around
                                 in which complex examina-                                       5 years. My experience in the
tions can be carried out. A number of years ago we started           medical sector means I am very familiar with building,
out with a mobile operating theatre in our warehouse at              refurbishing or renovating hospitals.
Montfoort. We have since moved on from the learning
process and are now able to commit fully to the units.               The medical world has been converted when it comes to modern              The most important capital in the
                                                                     construction. It is great that modular construction has become            organisation. We cherish everyone:
The strength of the medical modular units is that they are of        so popular, even in this conservative sector. If it were up to            the experienced generation that hand
a particularly high quality. Our designs can easily compete          me, I would opt for modular construction for every suitable               down their knowledge, and the younger
with ‘normal’ operating theatres, except they can be built in        construction project in the medical sector. The reasons for this are      generation bursting with plans, ambitions
a fraction of the time. The units have a well                                       speed, flexible interiors and possibilities in terms       and new ideas. To a significant extent, our
                                                                                    of reuse.
thought out design and a high-quality finish,                                                                                                  products are thought up by human minds
and they are equipped with all the systems that                                                                                                and created by human hands. This is the
                                                                                    Reliability is key with this kind of project, which is
you will also find in a conventional operating                                                                                                 reason why we are so proud of all 263 of
theatre. We prefabricate the units in Montfoort                                     why all units meet the most stringent standards.           our colleagues at Jan Snel and Jan Snel
before transporting them to the required                                            We have put up temporary sterilisation units               Transport.
location. Medical modular construction is ideal                                     (CSA) in the car park of the Heilig Hart Regional
during refurbishments as well as when supplementing existing         Hospital in Tienen, Belgium. The unit then left for Switzerland.
capacity. The possibilities in the area of exterior cladding are     Miele Germany asked us to build a modular CSA, which has been
so extensive and versatile that a new building can seamlessly        shipped to Australia. Other countries have also showed interest.
merge into an existing one.
                                                                     Unusual is the Centre for Nuclear Medicine in Goes. After
Of course, a lot of expertise is needed in the construction of       2 months of preparation, the centre was completed in just 4
this kind of highly specialised units. Although to some extent       months. We are also planning a new operating theatre complex
we have our own home-grown expertise, when necessary we              in Goes, which will contain 5 universal and 1 interventions
can call on people from outside Jan Snel. Jacob Travaille is one     operating theatre. We will complete this project at the end of
such specialist.”                                                    2016, which is unprecedented in healthcare.”

44                  magazine
Snel tells                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Snel tells

Earthquake-resistant construction
There are developments that we                 important characteristics? They              recently commissioned by the                a temporary site. It holds 14 classrooms
would never have predicted ten                 absorb shocks from any quakes to             Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij           covering an area totalling 2,106 m2.
years ago, such as earthquake-                 prevent them from collapsing.                (NAM) to build two temporary schools
resistant construction. However,               The units consist of a rigid construction.   to resist earthquakes in the Groningen      Zuidwolde: transition year
the soil conditions in Europe are              Using expertise gained abroad, our           towns of Bedum and Zuidwolde                The temporary school in Zuidwolde has
changing and governments and                   special team designed a system of sliding    (municipality of Bedum).                    been standing for 1.5 years to bridge the
companies are amending their                   rubber and steel blocks that absorbs the                                                 period during which renovations were
construction policies accordingly.             lateral movements of an earthquake           Bedum: home to several schools              being carried out at the current site.
The demand for buildings that                  like a sort of horizontal shock absorber.    In Bedum itself, we spent just fifteen      This involved 16 units and four class-
are literally shock-resistant is               Building to Richter guidelines. We were      weeks building a temporary school which     rooms which came to a total of 288 m2.
growing in the Netherlands too.                                                             over the coming years will house various    Since this project was carried out
And Jan Snel wouldn’t be Jan Snel
if we didn’t have a fitting solution
                                               “ Building to                               primary schools. In the meantime, the
                                                                                            school buildings were thoroughly
                                                                                                                                        simultaneously, it took only seven weeks
                                                                                                                                        to complete.
to meet it.                                       Richter                                   renovated, adapted to meet the latest

We have several types of units that are able
                                                  guidelines”                               building standards or completely rebuilt.
                                                                                            It goes without saying that the school is
                                                                                                                                        Shock-proof partnership
                                                                                                                                        The partnership extends beyond the
                                                                                                                                                                                         this region. There are also plans for shock-
                                                                                                                                                                                         resistant banks, sports facilities and homes.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          project will be completed in mid-December.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Other projects are likely to follow shortly.
to resist earthquakes. What are their most                                                  earthquake-resistant and is located on      schools in Bedum, Zuidwolde and a recently       Our three-year partnership with NAM was          At Jan Snel, we are proud to be able to
                                                                                                                                        completed children’s facility in the municipa-   confirmed in a framework agreement.              contribute to safe housing, workplaces and
                                                                                                                                        lity of Loppersum. There are other plans to      The next project is the construction of a        educational establishments in this region.
                                                                                                                                        build more earthquake-resistant schools in       school in Middelstum. It is expected that this

46               magazine                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           magazine       47
Snel tells                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Snel tells

De Broeders van Liefde
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          care, social economy and child day-care
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          centres fall within the scope of their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          activities. The Broeders van Liefde is a

love flexibility and speed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          professional organisation whose services
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          include a Building Services department that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          takes care of the infrastructure of all the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          institutions. They put the provision of flexible
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          accommodation at the Sint-Paulus School
The Sint-Paulus free primary school’s building in the Belgian town of Drongen is dated and needs to undergo a                                                                                                                             out to tender and Jan Snel came out on top.
thorough renovation. This will be done gradually over a period that will partly depend on the current subsidy
applications. What is certain is that the refurbishment will last several years, during which time additional                                                                                                                             Thinking in terms of options
accommodation is required. Jan Snel builds four classrooms in five weeks and even manages to complete them                                                                                                                                Mrs Jocqué has happy memories of the
before the summer holidays.                                                                                                                                                                                                               times she was in contact with Jan Snel: “It
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          was a really nice firm to work with. The
Relocating before the holidays
Mrs Jocqué, head of the Sint-Paulus
                                              facilities, a fire alarm system and four heat
                                              pumps. Mrs Jocqué: “These units don’t             “	These units                                                                                                                            Building Services architects carried out the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          main work and we did the rest locally. Jan
School, is delighted that Jan Snel met the
deadline. She explains:
                                              feel like a temporary solution at all. They
                                              are perfectly finished inside and out. All of        don’t feel like                             very well known in Belgium. Founded by     50 schools for regular and special primary
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Snel came up with a range of options, with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          the way we wanted to use the classrooms
“We couldn’t afford any delay because
the renovation of the main building was
                                              the facilities are present; the classrooms
                                              have a pleasant overall appearance and
                                                                                                   a temporary                                 a Ghent priest in 1807, the Broeders van
                                                                                                                                               Liefde currently operate in 31 countries
                                                                                                                                                                                          and secondary education, together with 15
                                                                                                                                                                                          psychiatric hospitals and 15 orthopaedic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          prevailing. I can only hope that the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          refurbishment we have ahead of us runs
scheduled to begin immediately after the
summer holidays and I didn’t want to
                                              a high level of comfort. I was personally
                                              involved in the design of the interior and
                                                                                                   solution at                                 and in Belgium alone they run more than    centres. In addition, elderly care, addiction   just as smoothly.”

have to move four classes in the midst of     shared my ideas on the positioning of                all. They are
demolition work. Now, everything was          windows, doors and even the location
finished and ready for use before all the     of the power sockets. Everything can be
teachers and staff headed off to their
holiday destinations.” At Jan Snel, we are
                                              flexibly arranged, so now the classrooms
                                              have everything we wished for.”                      finished
fully aware that there are innumerable
reasons to push ahead with the develop-       Continually changing uses                            inside and
ment of accommodations, whether it is for
temporary or permanent use. We stepped
                                              The four classrooms will gradually be used
                                              for different purposes. First of all, they will
up our efforts and managed to complete        accommodate remedial classes for children
the classrooms so they would be ready for     in need of more individual attention or
use on time.                                  an extra challenge. They work in small
                                              groups outside the regular class and will
New K3000 units                               be able to work in Jan Snel’s units over the
The new classrooms were constructed           coming time. When another part of the
entirely on-site using K3000 units. These     main building is being renovated, the pupils
units have been further developed with        affected will move to the flexible classrooms.
improvements to the versatile concrete
floors and a ceiling height which has been    Broeders van Liefde
raised to 2.50 metres (or 2.60 metres         You may be wondering how a primary
without a suspended ceiling system). The      school in a remote Belgian village ended
primary school in Drongen is the very first   up getting in touch with Jan Snel. Well,
project constructed using K3000 units.        it went like this: the school is part of the
The classrooms are equipped with sanitary     Broeders van Liefde foundation which is           Mrs Jocqué, headmistress Sint-Paulus Stchool

48               magazine
Snel internal                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Snel internal

                                    New K3000:
       Down-to-earth type with possibilities                                                                                                                                                                        07 So far, we have made 2,500 frames for the K3000

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    units. They are stored in building system form at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    various sites. When they come back from being rented
                                             The demand for more luxurious units is on the rise. What’s more, we intend to continue                                                                                 out, they can be used to make another complete unit.
                                             developing and, as such, we are always looking for ways of improving our products. The most
                                             recent example of this is the new K3000 system, a down-to-earth member of our rental fleet
                                             which offers everything you need. This unit can be used anywhere where short-term additional
                                             space is required: healthcare, education, offices or industry. At the same time, the K3000
                                             system has so many great features that it is also excellent for use in permanent applications.

Scene:             ort
          n Montfo
 Mission:             ization
            et modern                        01 Units are starting to look more like permanent
 Rental fle                                                                                                                                        06 At the moment, we design and build the units at our
                                             or semi-permanent buildings. This is what we have
                                             been working towards with the K3000. As such, it                                                     Montfoort and Hulst sites. In time, we shall replace all current
                                             can be fitted with a selection of outer walls ranging                                                units with new K3000 system. This will be done gradually in a
                                             from rebating to masonry work.                                                                       process that will take years.

                                                                     02 The new concrete floor has been developed by Jan Snel                                                                                                05 The K3000 has an insulation

                                                                     under guidance from Delft University of Technology. The                                                                                                 rating that exceeds current
                                                                     loading capacity of the floor has been optimised for its                                                                                                requirements and has a
                                                                     purpose and it meets all fire safety and insulation standards.                                                                                          performance-enhancing effect.

            03 From now on, the new K3000 system will only have inner walls. This will                                                        04 The ceiling has been raised by ten centimetres to 2.60 metres

           make the units easier to connect to larger buildings. The exterior wall is added                                                   (without a suspended ceiling system). Despite this new height,
           later as a customised shell. This means we can make savings on the relatively                                                      the units can still easily be transported two at a time on a lorry.
           expensive ‘outer walls’ that often serve no purpose as outer walls.

     50                  magazine                                                                                                                                                                                                                               magazine   51
Snel innovations                                                                                                                                                                                                              Snel innovations

                                                                                                                                     Outsourcing care buildings,                     for healthcare? Which functionalities belong there and which
                                                                                                                                     including equipment                             technology will make it all possible? It was around this that we
                                                                                                                                     “Throughout the country, hospitals are          set up the building and the building technology. Jan Snel’s Movix
                                                                                                                                     undergoing transformations; meanwhile           system is perfectly suited to this type of construction because it
                                                                                                                                     a lot of attention is being paid to the way     does not restrict us to fixed container sizes, and it is a high-quality
                                                                                                                                     in which they handle their facilities and       solution offering an excellent price to quality ratio.”
                                                                                                                                     buildings.” Talking is Sjaak van der Pouw,
                                                                                                             Sjaak van der Pouw      Enterprise Services & Business Innovation
                                                                                                                                     Director at Siemens Healthineers – the
                                                                                                             healthcare branch of the global concern. “We and our partners
                                                                                                             are capable of building, managing and maintaining a smart and
                                                                                                             sustainable hospital infrastructure. As such, we offer a complete
                                                                                                             service while hospitals are able to focus on the medical process
                                                                                                             surrounding the patients. Furthermore, a close collaboration in
                                                                                                             all aspects of the relationship is of major importance. We are not
                                                                                                             a construction company ourselves; instead, we get our expertise
                                                                                                             from our partner network. In Goes, working with Jan Snel has been
                                                                                                             highly enjoyable.”

                                                                                                             No more room for nuclear medicine                                       Financially ground-breaking too
                                                                                                             In Zeeland, the Admiraal De Ruyter Hospital is well-known. It is        To make the short-term construction process financially feasible
                                                                                                             spread across four sites: Vlissingen, Goes, Middelburg and Zierikzee.   as well, Siemens Healthineers signed a user agreement with the
                                                                                                             Owing to the refurbishment and rebuilding of the main site in Vlis-     hospital. The hospital is leasing the building and all systems for a
                                                                                                             singen, there is no more room for nuclear medicine. This particular     period of ten years which means it does not have to make a capital
                                                                                                             medicine discipline is concerned with the imaging that is crucial to    investment itself and can therefore use its money in other ways.
                                                                                                             proper diagnosis of conditions such as cancer, cardiovascular disea-    Consequently, the inhabitants of Zeeland were able to keep their
                                                                                                             ses and problems with muscles, bones or joints. Siemens Healthi-        nuclear imaging facility instead of being forced to drive dozens
                                                                                                             neers proposed constructing a new centre alongside the existing         of kilometres to hospitals outside the province for a scan. The
                                                                                                             hospital in Goes. Time was of the essence because the nuclear           centre is now fully operational and the patients and doctors are all
                                                                                                             medicine department would be moving from Vlissingen forever             exceptionally enthusiastic about it.
                                                                                                             within four months. At the same time, the new Centre for Nuclear
                                                                                                             Medicine would have to meet the most stringent quality standards.       The future is speed and flexibility
                                                                                                             This combination of speed and quality is music to Jan Snel’s ears.      This development is being closely followed throughout the country:

In collaboration with Siemens Healthineers,                                                                  Lean & mean: bringing all specialists together
                                                                                                                                                                                     is this the way forward in dealing with healthcare premises and
                                                                                                                                                                                     facilities? Zeeland says yes, because a new order has already been

Jan Snel builds Centre for                                                                                   In designing the centre, Siemens Healthineers has opted for a
                                                                                                             whole new approach. Sjaak van der Pouw: “The traditional way
                                                                                                                                                                                     placed for the construction of a new operation complex. It will
                                                                                                                                                                                     use the same methods and the flexible solutions provided by Jan

Nuclear Medicine in Goes                                                                                     is: a sit down with an architect and many sketch designs and
                                                                                                             numerous consultants later, tender for a construction company
                                                                                                                                                                                     Snel. Sjaak van der Pouw: “Jan Snel’s way of working seamlessly
                                                                                                                                                                                     matches our philosophy: first we say what we are going to do,
                                                                                                             while hardly looking at the integration of the subsectors. We have      then we do what we say. This no-nonsense attitude appeals to
Dutch healthcare is under pressure. Budgets are tight, whereas the demand for care is only going to          brought together all the knowledge and expertise of Siemens             the imagination. Before embarking on the construction of the
increase over the coming years. In order to safeguard the quality of healthcare, hospitals are looking for   Healthineers, Jan Snel, Engie (systems) and the medical and             new Centre for Nuclear Medicine together, Harry van Zandwijk of
fresh solutions such as outsourcing part of their amenities. For instance, the Admiral de Ruyter Hospital    technical specialists from the hospital. Together, we examined the      Jan Snel said to me: “We will do it for the agreed price and you
in Goes found a partner in Siemens Healthineers who would completely take on the construction and            optimal workflow of patients and staff as well as making intelligent    will get a free ‘no-moaning’ warranty thrown in.” He has kept his
management of a new Centre for Nuclear Medicine. There was an additional challenge: the building had         choices with regard to management and maintenance. However,             word to this day. Together, we will be able to give healthcare in the
to be operational in 16 weeks. In turn, Siemens found a reliable partner in Jan Snel.                        we based everything on the medical process: what is the demand          Netherlands a considerable boost.”

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