Innovation and reform in central government - Reform, 45 Great Peter Street, London SW1P 3LT Tuesday 25 March

Innovation and reform in central government - Reform, 45 Great Peter Street, London SW1P 3LT Tuesday 25 March
Innovation and reform in
central government

Roundtable seminar with Paul Maltby, Director of Open Data and
Government Innovation at the Cabinet Office

Reform, 45 Great Peter Street, London SW1P 3LT
Tuesday 25 March
Innovation and reform in central government - Reform, 45 Great Peter Street, London SW1P 3LT Tuesday 25 March
Reform is an independent, non-party think tank
whose mission is to set out a better way to deliver
public services and economic prosperity. Reform is a
registered charity, the Reform Research Trust, charity
no. 1103739. This publication is the property of the
Reform Research Trust.
We believe that by reforming the public sector,
increasing investment and extending choice, high
quality services can be made available for everyone.
Our vision is of a Britain with 21st Century healthcare,
high standards in schools, a modern and efficient
transport system, safe streets, and a free, dynamic
and competitive economy.

The roundtable seminar was financially
supported by Tata Consultancy Services:

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           SW1P 3LT

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Innovation and reform in central government - Reform, 45 Great Peter Street, London SW1P 3LT Tuesday 25 March
Innovation and reform in central government

Reform comment

                     Richard Harries,
                     Deputy Director, Reform

The 2014 Budget confirmed what many suspected             including identifying what decisions they face that
– that the pressure on public finances will certainly     could be informed by it, as well as the wider benefit
continue for this Parliament and, in all likelihood for   of making their own data available in an appropriate
years to come. This means successful public service       format. This requires permission from the individual
reform remains a top priority for UK central              or the provider, which in itself requires assurance
government. With less money to spend, new and             that this proves no risk to their security. To
innovative ways of delivering public services have to     encourage data sharing the public and industry
be found; the potential of technology and data must       must be reassured that their data is controlled but
be harnessed to deliver these efficiencies. In February   also offered incentives to do so. We often share
the Government awarded £1.5 million to projects that      data about ourselves with retailers in order to get
unlock data from public bodies, and in April’s Budget     better deals. The Government must communicate
the Chancellor announced a further £42 million            similar service “deals” that the public will be able to
investment in the Alan Turing Institute for Data          access if their data is shared.
Science, to strengthen the UK’s aim to be a world              Innovation and reform remain vital to this
leader in the analysis and application of big data.       Government if it is to continue to deliver effective
      Of course, data is only useful to the               public services. To succeed, it must harness the
Government – or the public – if it supports them in       ongoing pressure on public finances to drive a
making a decision. Moreover, raw data holds little        change in the culture of the civil service and the
value to the majority of the population who have yet      wider public – with stronger leadership from the top
to grasp its full potential in their day-to-day lives.    and greater acceptance of the risks and benefits of
A technological cultural change is happening, but         innovation.
there is more the Government can do to speed it up.
The skills of the civil service must be improved so
that the opportunities for innovation in our public
services, and the wider economic benefits this
brings, are better understood. Equally important is
the need to foster a culture that accepts a certain
level of risk in order to test new and innovative
approaches to public service delivery. This cultural
change requires leadership and permission from
Ministers and Senior Civil Servants, with explicit
reassurance that not only is it acceptable to take
risks in search of better solutions, but that such
behaviour will be visibly rewarded.
      To ensure such reforms deliver the required
savings, cultural change and wider permissions
cannot be driven from the top-down. The public will
only engage with the data and reform agenda if
people understand how it is relevant to them,

Innovation and reform in central government - Reform, 45 Great Peter Street, London SW1P 3LT Tuesday 25 March
Innovation and reform in central government

    Tata Consultancy Services
                         Damien Venkatasamy,
                         Director of Public Sector,
                         Tata Consultancy Services

    In March this year, the Office for Budget                        Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) has witnessed
    Responsibility (OBR) reported that public sector net       a number of industries shift towards digital models
    debt as a proportion of GDP would rise in 2015-16,         of working. For example, digitisation has now
    not fall, corroborating its earlier forecasts. It has      completely revolutionised how the retail and
    since been suggested that the Government’s fiscal          financial service sectors operate. However, those
    programme is deferring the pain of the crisis,             transformations have been borne out of competitive
    making next Parliament a “dumping ground” for              pressure, rather than budgetary constraint.
    problems deemed too difficult to resolve in this one.      Business has to deliver more for less in order to
          So will innovation and public service reform         maintain margins and competitive advantage.
    happen? All three main parties appear to recognise               Digitisation requires putting the consumer at
    that public sector budgets will be hit to an even          the heart of the transaction process. It requires an
    greater extent next Parliament than this, in order to      organisation to consider how technology can make
    meet the current Government’s borrowing targets.           a difference to the consumer from the front to back
    The question is whether the executive is enabled to        office. For that reason, digitisation offers huge
    innovate around tighter public finances.                   financial returns. For example, TCS digitisation
          It is clear that the Government faces a choice       projects in the public sector have been focused on
    of either offering fewer public services, or innovating    removing redundant steps in transaction processes
    to deliver more for less. In the immediate term,           to both improve the customer experience and
    central government has put emphasis on innovation          deliver financial savings.
    as a means to deliver better public services in                  Innovation requires a nexus of digitisation,
    periods of austerity. The Cabinet Office’s Digital         mobilisation, big data and analytics. Digitisation has
    Strategy and associated initiatives reinforce the          the power to improve overall citizen experience of
    ambition that technology will release innovation           government services, but citizens should also be
    across government and the public sector.                   mobilised through access from a variety of different
          Innovation involves taking risks and embracing       devices. Additionally, interpreting big data sets
    the potential for failure. Yet this process of trial and   through the use of analytics can provide valuable
    error is not normally associated with the public           insights into government-citizen interactions.
    sector mind-set. In some cases, civil servants are         Government needs to consider all these topics in
    under greater pressure than their private sector           collaboration to transform public services.
    counterparts to deliver value for money, as they           Integrating each new technological channel with
    manage public accounts. The increasingly                   pre-existing ones, such as paper correspondence
    popularised role of Select Committees through the          and telephone, will be essential.
    media has also increased public scrutiny of the                  Open data is not just about exposing vast
    executive.                                                 waves of information to the electorate. The real
          But the civil service should be enabled to take      power of open data is an intelligent analysis of
    some risks without the reproach of Parliament. This        centrally-held information explicated in terminology
    presents a real challenge. If the challenge is             that the electorate can understand. For example,
    overcome, innovation from new technologies can be          while the creation of the OBR has brought welcome
    released into the public sector.                           transparency to budgetary forecasts, the OBR’s

Innovation and reform in central government - Reform, 45 Great Peter Street, London SW1P 3LT Tuesday 25 March
Innovation and reform in central government

publications are still intractable to those without the
economic knowledge to interpret their models. Truly
open data should aid democracy, enabling citizens
to make better informed decisions and increasing
the transparency and accountability of government.
      Sharing information across departmental
boundaries is another crucial aspect to achieving
open data. Yet cultural resistance to sharing
information is holding back innovation. Government
should embrace the opportunity to create a much
more holistic view of citizens and the services they
receive. Not least, good data sharing mechanisms
enable the detection of fraud and leakage in the
whole system.
      There is huge opportunity for technology to
enable public service reform and alleviate pressure
within current budgetary constraints. Cultural
change is the biggest barrier to transforming
government in this way. However, if negative
attitudes towards central government reform can be
overcome, the vision of a highly innovative public
sector can be achieved.

Innovation and reform in central government - Reform, 45 Great Peter Street, London SW1P 3LT Tuesday 25 March
Innovation and reform in central government


    Patrick Barbour         Haidee Bell          Peter Campbell          Alice Chadwick           Kerry Chapman          Clare Fraser
    Chairman, Barbour       Programme Manager,   Director of Corporate   Creative Economy         Regional Director,     Researcher,
    Logic Ltd.              Creative Economy,    Affairs, The Business   Open Data, NESTA         Industry Marketing     Reform
                            NESTA                Services Association                             UK & Europe, Tata
                                                                                                  Consultancy Services

    Tim Harper              Richard Harries      George Leahy            Rob Mallows              Paul Maltby            Tony O’Connor
    Economic Adviser,       Deputy Director,     Deputy Director,        Senior Policy Advisor,   Director, Open Data    CBE
    Spending and Policy     Reform               Innovation Policy,      Confederation of         and Government         Senior Analytical
    Analysis, Department                         Department of Health    British Industry         Innovation, Cabinet    Strategist,
    for Business                                                                                  Office                 Department of
    Innovation and Skills                                                                                                Health

    Heather Savory          Katy Sawyer          Sonia Sodha             Ricky Taylor             Damien Venkatasamy     Weijer Vermeer
    Chair, Open Data        Researcher, Reform   Head of Public          Strategic Analysis       Director of Public     Spokesman and
    User Group                                   Services & Consumer     Team, Department         Sector, Tata           Political Attaché,
                                                 Rights, Which?          for Communities and      Consultancy Services   Embassy of the
                                                                         Local Government                                Kingdom of the

    Claire Vigier
    Policy Analyist,
    French Embassy in
    the UK

Innovation and reform in central government - Reform, 45 Great Peter Street, London SW1P 3LT Tuesday 25 March
Innovation and reform in central government

Edited transcript

Paul Maltby, Director, Open Data and
Government Innovation, Cabinet
                                             the next Parliament”.
                                                    He said that there is a “sense of
                                                                                          You need more than
Office began by highlighting the role of     government innovation and open               the resources that
the Government Innovation Group in           government data that sits somewhat           government alone can
identifying both “the boundaries of          awkwardly with people’s collective sense
government and where the edge of             of what government is and what               bring to bear.
government is,” in order to “draw in         government does,” but that the role of
some of the new tools and techniques,        the Group “is much more about the tools
and ways of thinking about the business      and techniques” rather than specifying       broader government machine, particularly
of government from the outside world         outcomes.                                    on the policy and operations side”. The
into the mainstream of government.” He              He stressed the importance of         second area was “the need for a different
also spoke of the Group’s role “and, in      “thinking about how to involve and           civil service mind-set in a world that is
the opposite direction, to be able to try    activate citizens within the public policy   necessarily more distributed, in part
and activate those individuals, charities,   problem section…you need more than           because of technology and the way in
social enterprises and businesses just       the resources that government alone can      which that has affected our lives.”
outside who are also interested in similar   bring to bear,” and identified two areas            With regard to digital he said “it’s
sorts of questions”. He also noted that      for the discussion. The first was how        clearly centre stage in the commercial
the “need is going to continue through       digital and data can be “brought into the    world in a different sort of way from

Paul Maltby

Innovation and reform in central government

    where we are in government… there are
    too many times when I’ve been working
    in a policy environment and the core skill
    brought to bear is essentially one of
    rhetoric and knowledge of where power
    lies… and then analysis brought in after
    the framing decisions are made.” He
    suggested that there are “three areas
    within this world of data and its potential
    transformational impact on how
    government is working. The first is on
    open data… to take data that is in the
    government machine, opening it up,
    making it machine readable, reducing all
    of the restrictions on re-use”.
           The second is “around data sharing
    within government… to be able to
    observe the patterns of what happens on
    things like social mobility or different
    categories of the business sector, is         Patrick Barbour

    There are too many                            access to a range of these sort of tools
                                                  and techniques, making sure we’re
                                                                                                offers or innovating.” He described one
                                                                                                of the challenges to innovation as risk:
    times when I’ve been                          acquiring the greater range of views into     “More often than not it involves a degree
    working in a policy                           a greater range of expertise into the         of trial and error… It’s not culturally
                                                  policy making process... It’s also about      ingrained within civil servants to take
    environment and the                           using different analytical tools and          risks, to want to try something and be
    core skill brought to                         techniques. So I mentioned the data           prepared to fail.” As a result of spending
                                                  side, but also behavioural insights or        public money there is “an increased
    bear is essentially one                       systems thinking or wellbeing policy….        amount of scrutiny from parliament itself,
    of rhetoric and                               And then an agile methodology in terms        and some of the committees… And then
    knowledge of where                            of implementing the ideas.”
                                                         He concluded with the thought: “I
                                                                                                last but by no means least, there is the
                                                                                                media.” Leading on from this he posed
    power lies.                                   think there is really interesting potential   the question: “how can the civil service
                                                  beyond the question of the IT and the         find a way of taking some of the risks,
                                                  other services that we’re providing, that     trial and error, in a way that enables them
                                                  something actually goes deeper into how       to move forward without being pulled up
    potentially very powerful”. He observed       we think about what it is that we do, the     in front of the Public Accounts
    that an underdeveloped area in this was       way in which we frame it around the user      Committee or facing headlines in The
    “the use of different types of data, the      experience, the way in which we’re            Daily Mail?”
    unstructured data, the speed at which         prepared to think differently.” He asked             He observed that in industry the
    some of that data is both available and       the audience to share “the ideas that you     “shift to the digital model…has been
    redundant, and to be able to make use of      have about where we should be taking          borne out of competitive pressures rather
    that within the government machine.” He       things next, the opportunities that we        than budgetary constraint. But it’s the
    added that it was important to “bring         haven’t explored, and also explain a bit      same thing. They’ve got to deliver more
    those patterns together to use the scarce     more about how we’re working with             with less in order to maintain margins
    resources that we have in a different way     others in government to do these things.”     and a competitive advantage”. He also
    and to use predictive analytics machine              Damien Venkatasamy, Director of        commented that “digitisation, is as much
    learning in that space.”                      Public Services at Tata Consultancy           about putting the customer at the heart
           The third area was open policy         Services (TCS) responded by agreeing          of the whole transaction and looking at
    making: “what we mean by open policy          with the enduring importance of the topic     how technology from the back office to
    making is fourfold. First of all a mind-set   and commented that “government faces          the front office can really make the
    that is willing to use new tools and          a choice, really, of either doing less in     customer, or in this case the citizen, the
    techniques… then to be able to have           terms of the range of public services it      fulcrum of how the service is delivered”.

Innovation and reform in central government

                                                                                               new. So I think there is a bottom-up
                                                                                               network approach to this. There is also a
                                                                                               top-down permissions thing, and I
                                                                                               cannot overstate the importance of that.”
                                                                                                      He explained the importance of the
                                                                                               ministerial role in “encouraging innovation
                                                                                               and reform”, but that it is equally
                                                                                               important to “find a methodology that
                                                                                               enables us to fail in more appropriate
                                                                                               ways. So it’s tried and proven…
                                                                                               Somehow the idea that it’s less risky to
                                                                                               fail quickly and appropriately in a
                                                                                               relatively controlled way I think is not true.
                                                                                               I think it’s similar with the open policy
                                                                                               mind-set, to be able to go out and say
                                                                                               actually we’re only going to make this
                                                                                               happen if we can have a proper dialogue
                                                                                               with people who are fearful of it, people
                                                                                               who disagree with it, and people who are
Sonia Sodha                                                                                    a bit neutral.”

Therefore we need to look at “how we
can remove redundant steps from the
                                              more holistic view of citizens and the
                                              services they’re delivering to citizens as
                                                                                               Government has a real
process and make this easier from the         well as detecting fraud and leakage in the       opportunity to create a
citizen’s perspective.”                       system if they were able to share                much more holistic view
       He identified that the real            information more effectively and
opportunities were not only around            efficiently between departments. And I           of citizens and the
digitisation but also “mobility – people      don’t think that’s so much a                     services they’re
being able to access government               technological issue there or barrier to
services from various different devices…      that. I think it’s much more about the
                                                                                               delivering to citizens.
Big data and analytics – how to bring all     mind-set and the culture.”
of those things together to improve the               Patrick Barbour, Chairman,
customer experience rather than just          Barbour Logic Ltd. then posed the
looking at any one of them in isolation…      question: “the Civil Service’s own reform               Sonia Sodha, Head of Public
And it’s also how do you integrate these      plan talks about this culture of caution         Services & Consumer Rights, Which?
new digital technological channels with       and slow moving, focused on processes            offered some reflections on Which?’s
your pre-existing ones to bridge all of       and not outcomes, bureaucratic,                  work: Firstly, “we’re taking the decision to
those consumer behaviours.”                   hierarchical and resistant to change.            invest in developing free-to-use advice
       To conclude he turned to open          How do you achieve a culture change?”            sites for consumers off the back of some
data and made two observations. The                   Paul Maltby agreed that this was         of this data that’s coming out of
first was that “it’s pretty inaccessible to   “a really good question… Sometimes               government, to help them hold their
the majority of the electorate…I think the    there are good reasons for people to be          public services accountable and to make
real power of open data is doing some         cautious. But I think we’ve got that out of      decisions about public services.” She
kind of intelligent analysis of that and      kilter. And I think their Civil Service reform   noted though, that “It’s not just about
putting it in terminology that the            plan is appropriately straightforward            putting the information out there…it
electorate can actually understand and        about that.” He continued: “As you’ll see,       takes a lot of investment …[so that] it’s
really use the power of open data to          as in any large organisation, you will find      really user friendly, that really helps real
increase democracy, transparency and          those who want to innovate. What my              people in their real-world lives to interact
accountability for the government.”           teams do when they do it well – like the         with some of this information.”
       The final concluding observation       people working on social investment, the                Her second point was that “I think
was that there is “some cultural              guys working on open policy making – is          culture change actually is really important
resistance to sharing information across      that they will be in touch at various            all the way through. And if anything it’s
departmental boundaries. Government           different levels with those people who are       not just about the central civil service…
has a real opportunity to create a much       willing to innovate and try something else       we’ve had quite different experiences

Innovation and reform in central government

    actually in terms of professional            error space the public are generally           them, and then publicise bring
    cultures…some professions actually see       supportive of the idea of maybe linking        the public confidence with it; because
    us as a threat to them and they’ve got       tax records and benefit records and you itself could actually put data
    involved in the politics of government and   could start to investigate it because          sharing back rather than forward.” He
    data and have lobbied quite strongly         that’s trying to catch people. But actually    identified three areas in the health space
    against some of this stuff being released.   when you’re starting to try and find           that data could be used in: the first was
    Or actually some professions have really     innovations around other public sector         “the classic research element – the more
    embraced it and said this actually gives     areas, like health records – and I don’t       information you have, the more data you
    us the power to go out there and tell        need to draw too much attention to care.       have”. The second was “the targeted
    particular services they need to be          data – there is a real risk that if we don’t   services approach – where you can have
    focusing on X, Y, Z which is what users      get public confidence we won’t be able         your dedicated healthcare”. The third
    are really interested in.”                   to use the data in a way which will            area that he suggested was to collect
           Tony O’Connor CBE, Senior             improve policy or the quality of services.     the data and “provide it to the service
    Analytical Strategist, Department of         And this is where we need to identify          providers in a way that they are
    Health commented that he thought the         those demonstrator projects which              developing and learning and
    culture “is changing slowly” but that “the   actually show innovation and the system        understanding in real time, from a
    problem is of course we touch on some        can change and deliver something               larger data set which they weren’t aware
    legal issues. And unlike in the commercial   different.”                                    of, so they can start to link together
    sector, quite often we’re talking about             He noted that it was necessary to       different attributes.”
    data about you. And that’s when people       “free up some resources in order to get               He concluded with the observation
    start to get nervous. In the fraud and       those demonstrator projects, identify          that “Data is not information, information

    Heather Savory, Damian Venkatasamy and Richard Harries

Innovation and reform in central government

is not insight, insights aren’t solutions and   SMEs rather than the same four massive
actually we need to work our way down           providers. There is a huge amount of
                                                                                                How do you create
that spectrum, because in government            opportunity there, and that is still            those safe
there are plenty of problems, and actually
we’re looking for solutions. Just putting
                                                something we’re chasing down.” He
                                                noted that “What I think is interesting is
                                                                                                environments that has
the data out there doesn’t get us there.”       one of the untapped spaces where you            the confidence of
       Peter Campbell, Director of              have a degree of user voice or choice           ministers to actually
Corporate Affairs, The Business                 when interacting with a public service…
Services Association commented that             and actually the things that are there are      allow you to take an
“more could be done in terms of the             quite clunky…so I think there are still         experiment?
public sector markets and the use of            loads of things we could do.” He also
data when a public service is provided by       added “there are obviously political
an organisation that is not governmental”       choices about what we think
and noted that “in many cases when the          government’s role should be in this             without trying to engage too much first is
private sector provides a service, there is     space, and I’m sure that that would vary        one of the ways you can get things done
already more data, in terms of KPIs and         according to different political parties.       much more quickly than the current
similar. When the public sector provides        But I’m somewhat wary of government             design in public services.”
a service, if the same amount of                going out and making lots of things.                    George Leahy, Deputy Director,
information was available for potential         Sometimes – but I’m not sure that that’s        Innovation Policy, Department of
                                                our main role.”                                 Health commented that: “Innovation in
                                                       Heather Savory, Chair, Open              all forms comes in from different
                                                Data User Group commented that “the             directions. Sometimes you do need to go
There is almost too                             more data you think about being                 out, find the customer, find out what’s
much trying to ask the                          available, the more the opportunity in
                                                both the public sector and for private
                                                                                                motivating them and design things
                                                                                                around them. Sometimes somebody is
public what they want                           sector companies. The real point about          going have an idea and somebody needs
when they don’t                                 innovation is you cannot anticipate what        to be able to test it, try it, fail, let it fail,
                                                people are going to do and we should            improve it, develop it, and nobody paid
understand what the                             not try, the platform just needs to be          for it anyway so it doesn’t really matter.
opportunities are.                              there.” She added that “the availability of     That comes back to Paul’s points, really,
                                                data and technology is fantastic but it         and I think actually three things at the
                                                does not substitute for the need to think,      beginning that he mentioned around risk
                                                the need to analyse, and the need to add        taking and public money and the scrutiny
private sector, social enterprise or            value to actually deliver things of benefit.”   in the media and the politics…those
voluntary sector providers, then that           She also addressed the view of the              three points are completely interlinked…
would unleash a great deal of                   citizen: “the point that we need to get         how do you create those safe
innovation.” He asked “is the view within       across to the citizen is it is still their      environments that has the confidence of
government that there has been this kind        choice. It is about designing products          ministers to actually allow you to take an
of big data dump and now it’s up to             and services which they can choose to           experiment?”
everyone else to sort the data out; or          be part of or not. You’ve got to allow                  Tim Harper, Economic Adviser,
that we’ve reached a limit of the data          people this opt out”.                           Spending and Policy Analysis,
that can be released because of                        Finally she added “I just caution        Department for Business Innovation
ownership; or that there are further ideas      everybody against trying to over-engage         and Skills (BIS) offered some insights
and progress that can be made on                with the public. Look at real technical         into the approach that BIS is taking:
making sure that cost and output in             innovation. Look at the mobile phone.           “Rather than just roll out programmes
terms of public services is more readily        Nobody ever wanted that; somebody               and say this is what we’re going to do,
available, so that potential providers can      designed it. Look at the tablet computer.       it’s really started piloting and looking at
show what innovation they could bring to        Nobody ever wanted that; somebody               examples, seeing if it works, and then
the table?”                                     designed it. I think that same mind-set         waiting. There is a culture of waiting for
      Paul Maltby responded that                needs to be applied to the design of new        the feedback to come in, then analysing
contracts are “going to go through              public services. There is almost too much       it and moving forward.” He also
another iteration” of scrutiny “but also        trying to ask the public what they want         mentioned the importance of “getting
you’re freeing up a market, as colleagues       when they don’t understand what the             evaluation data to see where we can get
at Government Digital Services have             opportunities are…. But getting your            the evidence from things that have gone
done, opening that world to innovative          alpha testing of a new product out there        on to inform the future.”

Innovation and reform in central government

        Haidee Bell, Programme
 Manager, Creative Economy, NESTA
 directed a question to Paul: “I wonder
 what your ambitions might be for local
        Paul Maltby responded: “Local
 authorities are one of the big priorities to
 make the shift on… what we’ve got to do
 is to encourage that agenda around open
 data, not just about expenses and
 accountability type data but on to the
 possibilities.” He offered examples from
 Manchester (Future Everything) and
 Leeds (Data Mill) as organisations that
 say “this is how we can help you and
 your citizens, rather than these are a set
 of things you must do because the
 government told you to do them.”
        Kerry Chapman, Regional
 Director, Industry Marketing UK &
 Europe, Tata Consultancy Services,
 added: “Local government is quite              Katy Sawyer, Rob Mallows and Tim Harper
 interesting because if you look at it, it’s
 more like a private sector situation in that
 one local authority doesn’t like to share                                                   benefit for us, it actually has huge export
 with another local authority because           If we are ahead of the                       potential too. So that’s where I think the
 they’re looking for investment, housing to     game in how we can                           government can support in terms of
 develop, etc. So they’re almost like                                                        giving life to some of these ideas not just
 competitors in the banking world,
                                                use digital and data, not                    in terms of the UK but globally.”
 whereas in government departments              just as a benefit for us,                           Heather Savory added: “Business
 they’re in the business of doing
 government centrally.”
                                                it actually has huge                         also needs to help government. The
                                                                                             issues around the procurement of public
        He also shared the results of a         export potential too.                        services are changing. So the rules are
 recent survey that found “across local                                                      going to be changed such that there is a
 and public leaders’ networks people                                                         presumption to have any data which is
 want training… The next thing they want                                                     collected available as open data up front.
 is they want sharing – they want the data      there is certainly a competition across      So that’s first of all because we’ve got
 to be shared across government… And            Europe to be the leading city that’s doing   difficulties at the moment with legacy
 the third thing is they want is leadership     great stuff and showing its impact from      systems. So getting that data out, there
 and drive – they want to know what             open data. There is a huge potential in      are contractual things that need to
 they’re going to do with it and why they       there to try to win that. So maybe it        change…But also in terms of openness
 should do it.” He observed that these          doesn’t need to follow the GDS and the       and joint procurement, business has got
 findings are “similar to what we see in the    open data central model, but actually to     to be prepared to have a little bit more of
 private sector…in the private sector you       try to build its own local capabilities.”    a social conscience and be prepared to
 can build it, and what’s the question?                Rob Mallows, Senior Policy            open up its own figures because you get
 And that’s really what it comes down to        Advisor, Confederation of British            this response: ‘well, we can’t possibly
 when you look at data and open data.           Industry commented that there “is a          have open contracting because how can
 You can provide it, but why do you need        tremendous sort of wellspring of ideas,      we possibly be competitive in our
 to provide it?”                                whether it’s from the public sector or       industry?’ Well, most sectors know
        Haidee Bell added that “There           through data from the private sector”        exactly what their competitors are doing
 may be more innovation that can happen         and that this provided “a huge export        in the real world.”
 at the local level…there is this in-built      potential because economies all across              Rob Mallows agreed with this and
 competition that many of them want to          the world are facing the same challenges.    said: “We have put out a set of principles
 be the first to get there. We work across      If we are ahead of the game in how we        very much responding to what you’re
 Europe on a couple of programmes, and          can use digital and data, not just as a      saying in terms of building in right from

Innovation and reform in central government

the get-go the principle about                getting that taxonomy right so we’re          Business has got to be
transparency around the contract data,        using the same language.”
around access to data, around the FOI               Sonia Sodha responded that              prepared to have a little
agenda…There is absolutely a                  “actually when you step back and look at      bit more of a social
recognition from us, and I think from our     what some local authorities are doing,
members as well, that they have to come       there is a real disconnect between these
                                                                                            conscience and be
part of the way as well, and I think we are   mountains of data and what services are       prepared to open up its
very much committed to transparency in
                                              being offered. So I think it’s just a point
                                              about capability and what central
                                                                                            own figures.
      Tony O’Connor raised a concern          government and other intermediaries can
“that we’ve got a solution and we’re still    do that isn’t just letting a thousand
looking for the problem. And it’s actually    flowers bloom that encourages that            infrastructure of government and the
making sure that we know what we’re           uptake.”                                      public sector.” She added that it “needs
going to try to solve.” He also added that          Paul Maltby then posed the              data available of a good enough
there “is a risk of scope creep that we all   question: “What are the areas that should     standard, but also with commitment that
come here thinking about what our             have happened by now but haven’t?”            it gets refreshed and updated on a
version of what big data or transparency            Heather Savory responded that           known basis.”
is. And I think there is a call for the       “For me, I think it’s about within the next          Damien Venkatasamy offered an
potential of using analytics in a different   twelve months gaining critical mass… in       additional response that he “would have
way in order to improve services. But it’s    terms of the training…and underlying IT       expected a much wider range of services

Richard Harries, Tony O’Connor and Haidee Bell

Innovation and reform in central government

 to be available online and for that service   Some will pass a new law. Some will tax      Different cultures have
 request to be fulfilled online in one         someone. The sort of in-built, long-term
 transaction.” He agreed that, in the          movement. But seeing those [civil            emerged because each
 experience of TCS, “the real challenge        servants] address this question of ‘how      department has got its
 from a technological standpoint has been      do you bring some of these new tools
 the legacy environment that we’ve             and techniques into the way in which we
                                                                                            own preferred way of
 inherited, the quality of the data, making    do our business’ is something that           doing things. Some will
 sense of that in a digital delivery model…
 a big challenge and a cost.”
                                               actually makes me hopeful. There is a set
                                               of people there who are actually deeply
                                                                                            regulate. Some will pass
        Patrick Barbour asked “In how          powerful individuals within the system       a new law. Some will tax
 many of the 16 departments of                 who are grappling with this in a practical   someone.
 government is the permanent secretary a       sense and they’re getting their sense of
 real champion?”                               corporate reward by bringing those
        Paul Maltby responded “different       things on.”
 cultures have emerged because each
 department has got its own preferred
 way of doing things. Some will regulate.

 Paul Maltby

Reform                  T 020 7799 6699
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                         SW1P 3LT

ISBN 978-1-909505-32-2
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