Iron Ore Source of the world's most useful metal

Page created by Tim Greene
Iron Ore Source of the world's most useful metal
Capability brochure   December 2012

Iron Ore
Source of the world’s
most useful metal
Iron Ore Source of the world's most useful metal
Capability brochure                           December 2012
    Iron Ore

    Our iron ore business
    Rio Tinto is a leading international business involved in each stage of metal and mineral
    production. The Group combines Rio Tinto plc, which is listed on the London Stock
    Exchange, and Rio Tinto Limited, which is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange.

    We are the only iron ore producer
    with a truly global production and
    growth platform, with operations
    and projects across four continents.

Iron Ore Source of the world's most useful metal
Capability brochure                                          December 2012
                            Iron Ore

                                                                                                                                     of raw
                                                                                                                                     iron ore.

Cover image                 Our global iron ore business is an important part of         Our integrated iron ore operations – including mines,
Skyscrapers and             our asset portfolio. We are the only iron ore producer       rail, ports and related infrastructure – are designed to
infrastructure.             with a truly global production and growth platform, with     respond rapidly to changes in demand. We’re expanding
Demonstrating an            operations and projects across four continents, building     our operations in Western Australia to epic proportions
end product of iron ore     communities and legacies worldwide.                          while introducing next generation technologies to
and the use of steel in                                                                  deliver greater efficiency, lower production costs and
infrastructure.             We’re also the second largest supplier to the world’s        improved health, safety and environmental performance.
                            iron ore trade. Iron is a key ingredient in the production
Our Pilbara operations      of steel – an essential part of modern living from           Through these global projects, expansions and
include the largest         buildings to cars, machinery to appliances. Vital to         innovations, we are further extending our leading
privately owned rail        the modern world, it is also crucial to the growth of        role in the global iron ore sector.
network in Australia some   developing regions like Asia and India.
1,500 kilometres long.
                            Our major operations are in Western Australia and
                            Canada and we’re investing in new projects in west           Iron is a key ingredient in the
                            Africa and India. From these locations, we are well
                            positioned to take advantage of demand for iron ore
                                                                                         production of steel – an essential part
                            in both developed and developing regions. We also            of modern living from buildings to cars,
                            operate an ocean freight business, Rio Tinto Marine,         machinery to appliances.
                            which services our global operations.

Iron Ore Source of the world's most useful metal
Capability brochure                           December 2012
    Iron Ore

    Iron ore
    We find and extract iron ore from beneath the surface rock;
    crush and sort the ore; then ship direct to customers or to
    smelters where they extract iron metal from the ore.

                                                  We produce a range of lump and fines products from
                                                  our Western Australian operations for use in integrated
                                                  steelworks as sinter plant feed or direct blast furnace
                                                  feed. Our Canadian operations produce concentrate for
                                                  sinter plant feed and iron ore pellets for direct reduction
                                                  processes and blast furnace operations.

                                                  Most of the iron ore we sell is smelted by our customers
                                                  in blast furnaces. Fuel, iron ore and flux are continuously
                                                  supplied through the top of the furnace, so that chemical
                                                  reactions take place throughout the furnace as material
                                                  moves downwards. The end products are usually molten
                                                  metal and slag phases tapped from the bottom, and
                                                  gases exiting from the top of the furnace.

                                                  Our HIsmelt® process (Rio Tinto: 60 per cent) is a
                                                  cleaner, low cost and more efficient alternative to the
                                                  traditional blast furnace. The world’s first commercial
                                                  direct smelting process, it produces premium quality
                                                  pig iron directly from iron ore, with no slag. The process
                                                  allows iron ore fines with significant impurities to be
                                                  used, and cheaper, non coking coal instead of coke.
                                                  HIsmelt® licences are available to steel producers
                                                  throughout the world.

Iron Ore Source of the world's most useful metal
Capability brochure                                           December 2012
                          Iron Ore

                                                                                                                                   Steel cog, bolt and
                                                                                                                                   drill bits demonstrate
                                                                                                                                   an end use of steel.

Left                      Glossary of terms and processes                               Direct reduction: High grade iron ore (as pellets, lump
Autonomous haul trucks    Lump ore: Consists of coarse particles, with a specified      and sometimes fines) is heated below its melting point
have been deployed at     lower size limit in the range of 10mm to 6.3mm.               in the presence of the reducing agents (H2 and CO) from
two fully operational                                                                   processed natural gas/syngas/coal to remove the oxygen
autonomous pits and       Fines ore: Consists entirely of small particles, with a       from the ore. The aim is to obtain a product with the
we expect about 150       specified upper size limit in the range of 10mm to 6.3mm.     highest proportion of “metallised” iron as possible.
driverless trucks to be
in operation across our   Processed ores: Treated by physical or chemical               Using iron
Pilbara mines by the
                          processes to make them more suitable for subsequent           Iron is the most useful metal in the world. It is used
end of 2015.
                          production of iron and steel making.                          in a variety of forms and in a multitude of applications
                                                                                        in everyday life.
                          Concentrates: Processed ores in which the iron content
                          has been raised.                                              Cast iron is partly refined iron containing up to five
                                                                                        per cent carbon. It is very hard, but brittle and is ideal
                          Agglomerates: Processed ores formed into a coherent           for moulded parts like car engine blocks.
                          piece substantially larger than the original particles.
                                                                                        Steel is the most common form of iron. It contains
                          Sintering: A process that turns iron ore fines into           around one per cent carbon and has thousands of uses.
                          agglomerates through combustion at high temperatures.
                                                                                        Stainless steel contains chromium, making it very
                          Pelletising: A process that turns iron ore fines (generally   rust resistant. Stainless steel is ideal for vehicle parts,
                          finer than 100µm) into spherical agglomerates by balling      hospital equipment and cooking utensils.
                          the fines with various additives, followed by hot or cold
                          bonding induration.                                           Tool steel is extremely hard, heat-treated steel that
                                                                                        is used in metalworking tools.
                          Blast furnace: Fuel, iron ore and flux (limestone) are
                          continuously supplied through the top of the furnace,
                          while air is blown into the lower section, so chemical
                          reactions occur throughout the furnace as material
                          moves downward. End products are usually molten
                          metal and slag phases tapped from the bottom and
                          gases exiting from the top.

Iron is the most useful metal in the world.
It is used in a variety of forms and in a
multitude of applications in everyday life.

Iron Ore Source of the world's most useful metal
We produce 237 million tonnes of iron
    ore each year from our Pilbara operations.
    We’re currently undergoing a major
    expansion programme to increase this to
    290 million tonnes per year by 2013 and
    then 360 million tonnes per year in 2015.

Iron Ore Source of the world's most useful metal
Capability brochure                                         December 2012
                         Iron Ore

                         Our iron ore operations
                         Our major operations are in the Pilbara region of Western Australia where we
                         own and operate 14 mines, three ports and 1,500 kilometres of railway – all from
                         our Operations Centre some 1,500 kilometres away in Perth.

Left                     Pilbara operations, Western Australia                       Other innovations include autonomous haul trucks,
Our Cape Lambert         We produce 237 million tonnes of iron ore each year from    trialled at our West Angelas mine since 2010 and
port in the Pilbara      our Pilbara operations and we’re currently undergoing       recently deployed at Yandicoogina mine – by 2015 the
is undergoing major      a major expansion programme to increase this to 290         fleet will grow beyond 150. And we’re using technology
expansion works          million tonnes per year by 2013 and then 360 million        to increase the automation of our train operations, with
to support our           tonnes per year in 2015. This represents the largest        the first phase of the AutoHaulTM project being installed
Pilbara-wide growth      integrated mining project in Australian history and will    by 2014 – this implementation will create the first long
to 360 million tonnes.   mean, when we reach our end goal, we’ll be producing        distance, heavy haul system of its kind in the world and
                         almost one million tonnes of iron ore each day.             will be a key enabler of our expansion programme.

                         Our Pilbara growth programme includes further               We’re also implementing remote controlled drills to
                         development of existing mines and the establishment         enable drill-and-blast extraction of ore, tele-operated
                         of new mines, as well as the expansion of port and rail     shiploading at our ports and ore sorting technology
                         infrastructure to get our products to market.               among many more projects.

                         In particular, development activity that has been           These initiatives, and others, will help reduce our
                         approved and underway includes:                             environmental footprint and operating costs, provide
                         • Cape Lambert port and rail                                greater efficiency and offer our staff more flexible
                         • Hope Downs 4 mine                                         working conditions and career options.
                         • Western Turner Syncline mine
                         • Brockman 4 mine phase two                                 Iron Ore Company of Canada
                         • Marandoo mine extension                                   Iron Ore Company of Canada (IOC) has been Canada’s
                         • Nammuldi mine extension                                   leading supplier of iron ore for more than 50 years.
                         • Wickham town expansion                                    Iron ore is mined in Labrador City, in the province of
                         • Other infrastructure, such as power, water and           Newfoundland and Labrador, and then processed to
                            gas networks.                                            produce iron ore concentrate and pellets, which are
                                                                                     railed to the port at Sept-Iles, Quebec, then exported to
                         As a business we don’t just mine ore, we lead in            major North American, European and Asian steelmakers.
                         technology and innovation for our industry, we own
                         property, pastoral stations and provide utilities and       IOC is also the subject of expansion activity, with the first
                         facilities to a number of towns in the Pilbara.             phase of expansion lifting capacity to 22 million tonnes
                                                                                     per annum, and the second phase to 23.3 million tonnes
                         Our purpose-built Operations Centre in Perth is the         on a pathway to 26 million tonnes.
                         primary control centre for our Pilbara network. Home
                         to more than 200 controllers and schedulers, and            Rio Tinto Marine
                         another 230 employees in related functions, it provides     As the largest shipping user in the Rio Tinto group, Iron
                         complete system visibility and integration, allowing more   Ore is also responsible for Rio Tinto Marine, which owns
                         efficient decision-making and control. It is one part of    and charters vessels for the transport of Rio Tinto’s bulk
                         our Mine of the Future™ programme – introducing new         products, including iron ore.
                         and improved ways of mining through automation and
                         remote operation.

Iron Ore Source of the world's most useful metal
Capability brochure                                             December 2012
                           Iron Ore

                           Our iron ore projects
                           In addition to the expansions in Western Australia and Canada,
                           we have an exciting portfolio of projects in Africa and Asia.

Right                      Simandou, Guinea
Our Simandou mining        Simandou is a world class iron-ore mining project
project is estimated as    located in Guinea, West Africa, in one of the best
capable of producing up    undeveloped major iron ore provinces in the world.
to 95 million tonnes per   The project will consist of a mine, approximately
year once complete.        670 kilometre trans-Guinean railway and a port south
                           of Conakry. At full production, Simandou will export up
                           to 95 million tonnes per year of high-grade sinter fines.
                           The first shipment of ore is expected by mid-2015.

                           The mining concession and project is a joint-venture held
                           by Rio Tinto, with a majority interest, Chinalco’s subsidiary
                           Chalco and the International Finance Corporation, a
                           member of World Bank Group. The Republic of Guinea
                           will have the right to take a stake in the mine and in
                           the project infrastructure (rail and port).

                           When the mine goes into full production, Simandou
                           will be the largest integrated iron ore mine and
                           infrastructure project ever developed in Africa and
                           will generate sustainable social and economic gains
                           and growth for Guinea.

                           Orissa, India
                           Rio Tinto has a joint venture with the state owned
                           Orissa Mining Corporation, which is seeking to develop
                           iron ore leases in Orissa – one of the key iron ore
                           regions of the world.

                           With expectations of significant infrastructure and
                           industrial development in India in the medium and
                           long term, Rio Tinto is keen to contribute to the
                           development of the Indian iron ore sector.

Iron Ore Source of the world's most useful metal
Iron Ore Source of the world's most useful metal
Capability brochure   December 2012
    Iron Ore

Capability brochure                            December 2012
                             Iron Ore

                             Iron ore operations and projects

Left                         Iron ore operations†                           Iron ore projects†
                              1 	Pilbara operations                        3 Orissa (51%)
Steel bridge – illustrates
an end use of iron ore             Hamersley Iron mines                         Simandou (majority interest in joint venture)

and its contribution to            Brockman 2
                                                                             Locations on the map are indicative. Operations and projects are wholly
the basic infrastructure           Brockman 4                               owned unless otherwise shown.
of modern life.                    Channar (60%)
                                   Eastern Range (54%)
                             	Hope Downs 1 and 4 (50% joint venture)
                                   Mt Tom Price
                                   Western Turner Syncline

                                  Robe River mines (53%)
                                  Mesa A/Warramboo
                                  Mesa J
                                  West Angelas

                             2   	Iron Ore Company of Canada (58.7%)




Rio Tinto plc                    Rio Tinto Limited
2 Eastbourne Terrace             120 Collins Street
London W2 6LG                    Melbourne, Victoria 3000
United Kingdom                   Australia

T +44 (0)20 7781 2000            T +61 (0)3 9283 3333

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Iron Ore
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