Japan's New Robot Strategy - (METI) April 2018 Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Government of Japan

Page created by Clarence Robles
Japan's New Robot Strategy - (METI) April 2018 Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Government of Japan
Japan’s New Robot Strategy

              April 2018

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
          Government of Japan
Japan's New Robot Strategy - (METI) April 2018 Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Government of Japan
Japan’s New Robot Strategy
 a) Overview
 b) SMEs and Service sector
 c) Nursing care
 d)World Robot Summit

Japan's New Robot Strategy - (METI) April 2018 Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Government of Japan
Japan’s New Robot Strategy
 a) Overview
 b) SMEs and Service sector
 c) Nursing care
 d)World Robot Summit

Japan's New Robot Strategy - (METI) April 2018 Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Government of Japan
OECD Ministerial Council Meeting
       - Keynote Speech by Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

l The low level of productivity within the service sector is an issue faced in common the world over.
  The further improvements to and spread of robotics technology will surely be a significant trump
  card, solving such challenges at a single stroke.
l At manufacturing plants as well, robots hold the promise of dramatically increasing the productivity
  of the production line.

l We will create a “new Industrial Revolution” through the use of robots. I will swiftly formulate a
  master plan for this and incorporate it into my growth strategy.
l In Japan, we have already begun to utilize robots in a variety of fields including nursing care. I
  intend for Japan to be a pioneer at the global level, becoming a showcase for the use of robots.

Japan's New Robot Strategy - (METI) April 2018 Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Government of Japan
Background and Attitude regarding “Robot Revolution”
l Prime Minster Shinzo Abe held the first meeting of the Robot Revolution Realization
  Council at the Prime Minister’s Office in September 2014.
l After six meetings, the “New Robot Strategy" was formulated and released in February

Japan's New Robot Strategy - (METI) April 2018 Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Government of Japan
Japan Will Become the Showcase for the World’s Leading Robotics -
New Robot Strategy                                                          Diffusion of Robots into Every Corner of Daily Life -
  l Robot Revolution Intensive Five Years Implementation Period started in fiscal year 2015, and the
    following initiatives have been promoted:
    Ø    Government and private sector investment in projects related to robots for 100 billion yen
    Ø    Expand robot market scale to 2.4 trillion yen (annually) (the current market scale is 650 billion yen)
    Ø    Construct a new robot test field in Fukushima (provide an area for testing field robots and drones
    Ø    Facilitate innovation and accelerate public implementation through organizing the World Robot Summit
    Ø    Reduce Costs for initial introduction of robots by 20% and double the number of human resources for assisting
         introduction of robots to 30,000 by year of 2020.

• Select best 100 practices related to use of robots in                            • Reduce and eliminate any risks of care workers to cause
  the service field                                                                  backaches and the like due to heavy workload such as
                                                                                     transferring elderly with arms. Support to allieviate care worker’s
• Develop and increase sophistication of brain (AI),                                 heavy workload
  eyes (sensors) and fingers (control) of robots
                                                                                   • System reform for nursing care insurance.
• Improve labor productivity by 2% or more, and                                      More flexile nursing care insurance system to reflect needs of
   strengthen competitiveness of domestic locations                                  introducing new types of devices and robotics to eldery care,
• Expand market scale of system integrator (SIer) projects                         • Expand the number of cases to 100 or more where robot support
                                                                                      medical care

  Achieve implementation of automatic driving                                      • Utilize intelligent construction technology for 30% which
 tractors to actual cultivation by 2020                                              contributes to improvement of productivity and saving labor
                                                                                   • Introduce robots to 20% of inspection and repair of critical/aging
• Introduce 20 or more types of new robots of which                                  infrastructure
  contribute to labor savings                                                      • Achieve for unmanned construction efficiency comparable with
                                                                                     manned construction in harsh environment such as all sorts of
                                                                                     disaster sites, landslides, and volcanic hazardous sites.

 Towards realization of a “robot barrier-free society”: revise 10 relevant regulations in
cooperation with Regulatory Reform Council (Prepare and set rules on radio waves which are used for robots, robotization of visual
inspections (infrastructure safety and security), provide rules related to airborne robots, and so forth)

 Enhance development of human resources for system integrators
(Implementation of on-the-job training (OJT) through demonstration projects, and so forth)                                                                6
Japan's New Robot Strategy - (METI) April 2018 Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Government of Japan
Japan’s New Robot Strategy
 a) Overview
 b) SMEs and Service sector
 c) Nursing care
 d)World Robot Summit

Japan's New Robot Strategy - (METI) April 2018 Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Government of Japan
Robot Introduction Demonstration Project
 l Introduction of robots is to be implemented in such segments of the manufacturing and service sectors where they are not yet utilized
   in order to achieve improvements in productivity by creating actual examples. Also, feasibility studies (FS) of introducing robots will be
   conducted to show cost-effectiveness.

 l In these projects the service providers (system integrators) are to be integral in supporting the utilization of robots and system

           Introducing robots to the process of pouring bread                          Introducing robots to the manufacture process of
 Case 1                                                                     Case 3
           dough into a bread pan                                                      coils for micro motors
Company :ECO GREEN SAITAMA CO., LTD. (Hiki-Gun, Saitama)                   Company : NAMIKI PRECISION JEWEL CO., LTD.(Kuroishi-Shi, Aomori)
System Integrator : FUKUSHIMA INDUSTRIES CORP.(Saitama-Shi, Saitama)       System Integrator: THK INTECHS CO., LTD. (Nerima-Ku, Tokyo)

l A parallel link robot alleviates part of the required handwork (the       l Applying twin-armed robot and automaRon machines to sensiRve work
  soKened dough can be nimbly grasped by the robot)                           processes with tweezers to assemble a few millimeters of micro paXern
                                                                              coils instead of using convenRonal hand work by human workers
           Introducing robots to processing enameled                                   Introducing robots to the process of arranging raw
 Case 2                                                                     Case 4
           metal wares of Nanbu Ironware                                               gyoza into a package
Company : OIGEN (Ohshu-Shi, Iwate)                                          Company : RINGER HUT CO., LTD. (Shinagawa-Ku, Tokyo)
System Integrator : KAWASAKI TRADING CO., LTD. (Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo)          System Integrator : SUNBIT KK (Fukuoka-Shi, Fukuoka)

                                                                            l A system is introduced to restaurants in which gyoza, molded by a gyoza
l A mulR-jointed robot applies enameled metal to a Nanbu Ironware             molding machine, are arranged in a tray by a twin-armed robot, and then
  teapot and then removes unneeded metal pieces.                              sold in the restaurants.                                                  8
Japan's New Robot Strategy - (METI) April 2018 Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Government of Japan
Japan’s New Robot Strategy
 a) Overview
 b) SMEs and Service sector
 c) Nursing care
 d)World Robot Summit

Japan's New Robot Strategy - (METI) April 2018 Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Government of Japan
System for Accelerating Development/Introduction of Care Robot Equipment
                                                                   ・Request for
  Private sector companies・             Development of                                                             Verification at nursing care
                                                                 monitor study, etc.      Nursing care site                  site, etc.
  Research insRtutes, etc.
  ○Take advantage of high level of engineering                                           ○From early stages of development, carry out
    capabilities in Japan and support development of               ・EvaluaRon of           verification (monitor study, evaluation) regarding
    equipment based on specific needs of the elderly               prototypes, etc.        conveyance of care site needs and prototype
    and nursing care sites                                                                 equipment
                                       【Led by METI】                                                                      【Led by MHLW】
                                                 Provide opportunity for exchange of opinions between
                                                      development work site and nursing care site

 Key areas of focus in nursing care where robot technology is used (revised by METI/MHLW on Feb. 3, 2014)
 Key areas of focus sRpulated by METI and MHLW for development support (since FY2013)
 ○PaPent transfer assistance                           ○Toilet assistance
   ・Wearable device uses robot technology to                                     ・Toilet with adjustable posiRoning uses robot
    provide power assist to caregiver                                             technology for excrement disposal
                                                                           ○ProtecPon of paPent with demenPa
   ・Non-wearable device uses robot
    technology to provide a power assist to                                      ・Device pla_orm for nursing care facility
    caregiver for movement picking up paRent                                      uses such robot technology as sensors and
                                                                                  an external transmission funcRon
 ○Mobility assistance
   ・Walking support device that uses robot                                       ・ Device pla_orm for home nursing care
    technology to safely transport objects to support                             uses robot technology such as fall detecRon
    elderly and others when going outside                                         sensors and external transmission devices

   ・Walking support device uses robot technology to                            ○Bathing assistance
    assist elderly and others with indoor mobility,                               ・Device using robot technology to support
    standing up, or si`ng down, parRcularly to or                                  a series of movements when ge`ng in or
    from the toilet or helping maintain appropriate
                                                                                   out of the bath
    posture when using the toilet.
Robotic Nursing Equipment Introduction Promotion Project
                                                               2 billion yen (Budget for the Fiscal Year of 2016)

 Case1     Wearable transfer aids                                       Case 3     Monitoring systems
 Company CYBERDYNE Inc. “HAL for Care Support (Lumbar)”                  Company Noritsu Precision Co., Ltd. “Neos+Care”

 l Mitigates risks for backache of caregivers by reducing loads on       l Using image processing technology, the system detects and
   their lower back during the assistance to elderly or disabled           identifies patient movements (sitting up, getting out of bed and
   people such as the transferring care aid                                wandering about) in real-time.

 Case 2    Non-wearable transfer aids                                   Case 4     Mobility aids

 Company Panasonic Corporation "Resyone"                                 Company RT.WORKS co., ltd. “Robot Assist Walker RT.1”

 l Only one care giver is required to support safe and simple            l Mitigates risks for falling down by automatically operated cart
   transfer between bed and wheelchair, thus lightening the load           along with user’s movement (e.g. brakes when users walk
   for care givers                                                         downhill)
Priority Areas to which Robot Technology is to be Introduced in Nursing Care
                                                                                                          Note: Items in red are newly designated priority areas and items.

 Patient Transfer Assistance              Mobility Assistance                Toilet Assistance                    Monitoring and                      Bathing Assistance
                                                                                                               Communication systems

                                     ・ Walking assist devices using    ・ Adjustable positioning toilets
・ Wearable devices using                                                                                    ・ Monitoring system platforms   ・ Devices using robot technology
                                      robot technology to assist         using robot technology for
  robot technology to                                                                                         with sensors and external       to assist care receivers in the
                                      elderly and others in walking      excrement disposal
  provide power assistance                                                                                    communication functions using   series of motions when getting
                                      outdoors and to safely carry
  to caregivers                                                                                               robot technology for nursing    in and out of a bathtub
                                                                                                              care facilities

                                                                                                                                                   Nursing Care Service
                                     ・ Walking assist devices using
・ Non-wearable devices using                                                                           ・ Monitoring system platforms
                                      robot technology to assist elderly ・Devices using robot
  robot technology to provide                                                                            with fall detection sensors and
                                      and others in moving indoors,       technology predicting the
  power assistance to caregivers                                                                         external communication
                                      standing up and sitting down;       evacuation timing of elderly
  in picking up elderly and others                                                                       functions using robot
                                      particularly assisting them in      and others and guiding
                                                                          them to a toilet at the        technology for home nursing
                                      getting to and from a toilet and
                                                                          appropriate timing             care
                                      supporting their posture in the
                                                                                                                                                 ・Devices using robot
                                                                                                                                                  technology collecting and
                                                                                                                                                  accumulating information
                                                                                                                                                  involving nursing care
                                                                                                                                                  services, including watching,
                                     ・Wearable mobility assistance    ・Devices using robot                                                        mobility assistance and
                                      devices using robot              technology to assist elderly          ・Life assistance devices using       toilet assistance, thereby
                                      technology to assist elderly     and others in the series of             robot technology for               allowing caregivers to utilize
                                      and others in walking            motions for removing and                communication with elderly         such information to provide
                                      outdoors, preventing falls       putting on clothes below the            and others .                       elderly and others with
                                      and assisting motion             waist in a toilet                                                          required support.
Japan’s New Robot Strategy
 a) Overview
 b) SMEs and Service sector
 c) Nursing care
 d)World Robot Summit


          The World Robot Summit (WRS) is a combination of robot competition and trade show that brings together the best
          and latest in robotics technologies from around the world in the hopes of realizing a world where robots and humans
                                                         live and work together.

                                                       WRS will feature two events:
          World Robot Challenge, in which robots compete with one another, and World Robot Expo, where the latest robotic
          technologies will be exhibited. Robot Excellence from around the world will come together in one location with the
           aim to implement robotics in real daily life/society/industry and accelerate the research and development of robots.
                                                           Implementation of robots in actual
                                                                                                      Realization of a world where robots and
                 Acceleration of R&D of robots               society, including daily lives of
                                                                                                          humans live and work together
                                                            individuals and industrial sectors

            By combining robot challenges (WRC) and exhibition (WRE), the WRS will bring together and showcase Robot Excellence from
            around the world. WRS shall

                                                            Provide opportunities for ordinary
              Encourage scientists and engineers to       people to connect with researchers and       Raise awareness, interest, expectation,
              interact with each other and stimulate     industry experts and learn directly from      and understanding of ordinary people
                        each other’s R&D                   them about the latest studies and use                 toward robotics
                                                               cases in the field of robotics

           ●Factors that will be Examined

                                                         Applicability of robots in actual society,
             Physical and intellectual functionalities                                                Ordinary people's increased accessibility
                                                         including daily lives of individuals and
                            of robots                                                                        and acceptance of robots
                                                                    industrial sectors

Robotics for Happiness
                   Efficiency. Safety. Collaboration.
             Engineers and scientists throughout the world
                are entrusting the dreams of humanity
                        to the future of robots.​

              While they may seem to be in competition,
               these minds actually work in solidarity.
                One person's ideas inspire another's,
                     and one person's technology
                makes another's technology possible.

                 Robotics is like another form of life
                  with which we share this planet,
               and itʼs growing little by little every day.

                 The goal of this challenge is simple:
                      The welfare of humanity.
               That each and every person in this world
                   can share their lives with robots
                 and find happiness like never before.

                      In 2018, and again in 2020,
                  the worldʼs engineers and scientists
                          will gather in Japan.

                      They will come to discuss
                 the new future being created today,
                and to create new forms of Happiness.

                  World Robot Summit 2018 & 2020
                       Robotics for Happiness                 15
World Robot Summit (WRS)

                        World Robot Challenge (WRC)                        World Robot Expo (WRE)

                     Competition Categories:                The Expo portion of WRS includes display and
                     • Industrial Robotics                  demonstration of real-world applications of
                     • Service Robotics                     robotics from around the world.
                     • Disaster Robotics
                     • Students/Youth

            Symposium / Workshop Program                                    Side Events

                    Symposium / Workshop                                     Side Events

          International Forums by academia, presentations           Various side events are planned.
           and workshops by companies supporting WRS          (e.g. participatory and experiential events)
                            are planned.

World Robot Challenge 2018                                                           Details here: hTp://www.worldrobotsummit.org/en/
     l         A total of 9 challenges in 4 categories. ※1
     l         Total amount of prize money for the World Robot Challenge 2018 will exceed 100 million yen. ※2

         Category                             Challenge                                                                     Challenge Summary                                                                                   Prize

                                                                                                                                                                                             21 million yen
Industrial Robotics   Assembly Challenge                                        Belt-drive unit assembly, Task board and Kitting                                                               1st Place: 15 million yen, 2nd Place: 5 million yen, 3rd Place: 1 million
                                                                                1.Bring Me
                      Partner Robot Challenge                                   Go get an object from a designated room.
                      (House Support Challenge)                                                                                                                                              14 million yen
                                                                                2. Tidy Up Here Test
                      Real Space League                                                                                                                                                        1st Place: 10 million yen, 2nd Place: 3 million yen, 3rd Place: 1 million
                                                                                Tidy up the objects to the original positions in a room.
                      HSR(Toyota Motor Corporation) as the standard robot                                                                                                                    yen
                                                                                3. Demonstration
                      platform                                                  Demonstrate the concept of future partner robots which make humans comfortable and happy.
                                                                                1. Handyman
                                                                                The robot demonstrates navigation tasks, human-robot interaction task, etc.
                                                                                2. Interactive Cleanup
                      Partner Robot Challenge                                   The robot observes human gesture to understand the target object and the trash can.                          14 million yen
                      (House Support Challenge)
                                                                                3. Human Navigation                                                                                            1st Place: 10 million yen, 2nd Place: 3 million yen, 3rd Place: 1 million
                      Virtual Space League                                      The robot generates a linguistic instruction for a real user to find a target object in an unknown virtual   yen
                      HSR(Toyota Motor Corporation) as the standard robot       environment.
Service Robotics      platform                                                  4.Open Task
                                                                                The participants demonstrate human-robot interaction tasks by using the simulator and make
                                                                                presentations on those tasks.
                                                                                                                                                                                             13.9 million yen (Additional 1 million yen to the best team among the 1st-
                                                                                                                                                                                             place teams)
                                                                                                                                                                                             Stocking and Disposing Tasks
                                                                                1. Stocking and Disposing Tasks
                                                                                                                                                                                               1st Place: 3 million yen, 2nd Place: 1 million yen, 3rd Place: 0.3 million
                                                                                Self-stocking of products such as onigiri rice balls, bento lunch boxes, etc., and removing expired foods
                      Future Convenience Store Challenge                        2. Customer Interaction Task
                                                                                                                                                                                             Customer Interaction Task
                      (Automation of Retail Work Challenge)                     Proposing and demonstrating customer services in the near future
                                                                                                                                                                                               1st Place: 3 million yen, 2nd Place: 1 million yen, 3rd Place: 0.3 million
                                                                                3. Toilet Cleaning Task
                                                                                Cleaning toilet seat, toilet floor and wall
                                                                                                                                                                                             Toilet Cleaning Task
                                                                                                                                                                                               1st Place: 3 million yen, 2nd Place:1 million yen, 3rd Place: 0.3 million

                                                                                Daily Inspection/Maintenance: Visually recognize and adjust the valves etc. installed at specified position.
                                                                                Fault Detection: Measure fault sound and/or vibration of pipes of which positions are not specified, and     14 million yen
                      Plant Disaster Prevention Challenge                       report the measurement results.                                                                                1st Place: 10 million yen, 2nd Place: 3 million yen, 3rd Place: 1 million
                                                                                Diagnosis: For a large structure, e.g., tank and chimney, diagnose the health of the structure.              yen
                                                                                Disaster Response: Respond to the accident occurred during the inspection.
Disaster Robotics
                                                                                                                                                                                             14 million yen
                                                                                6 tasks: Traversing obstacles, Vehicle inspection, Vehicle inspection using tools and rescue, Secure the       1st Place: 10 million yen, 2nd Place: 3 million yen, 3rd Place: 1 million
                      Tunnel Disaster Response and Recovery Challenge           route, Fire extinguish, Shoring and Breaching.
                                                                                Assessing standard performance levels (e.g. mobility, sensing, information collection, wireless              14 million yen
                      Standard Disaster Robotics Challenge                      communication, remote control, on-site deployment, durability, etc.) required in disaster prevention and       1st Place: 10 million yen, 2nd Place: 3 million yen, 3rd Place: 1 million
                                                                                responses.                                                                                                   yen
                                                                                1. Skill Challenge
                      School Robot Challenge                                    2. Open Demonstration
                      Pepper(SoftBank Group Corp.) as the standard robot        Participating teams will demonstrate a robot
                      platform                                                  3. Technical Interview
Junior                                                                          Participating teams will have an interview with a panel of judges                                            N/A※3

                                                                                Setting tasks such as picking and placing an object at home and making robots to perform those tasks.
                      Home Robot Challenge                                      Skill Challenge, Open Demonstration, Technical Interview.

  ※1 With regards to competition details in 2020, stated details are all present assumptions and the final details will be confirmed by referring to the progress of technology and the results of pre-competition held in 2018.
  ※2 There will be no winners if no participating teams can accomplish a certain level of performance.
  ※3 The winners will be given prize instead of prize money.

        World Robot Summit 2018                                   World Robot Summit 2020
        TOKYO                                                     AICHI/FUKUSHIMA
        @Tokyo Big Sight                                          @Aichi International Exhibition Centre
                                                                   /Robot Test Field located in Fukushima Pref.
        October 17-21                                             August and October

        2018                                              2019                                           2020
        *Held alongside Japan Robot Week 2018                              【Tentative】
        10/17-10/21 @Tokyo Big Sight                                       *Held alongside RoboCup Asia-Pacific Open
                                                                           and Japan Robot Week 2020

        World Robot Summit 2018                                   World Robot Summit 2020
        TOKYO                                                     AICHI/FUKUSHIMA
        Name     World Robot Summit 2018                          Name      World Robot Summit 2020

        Venue    Tokyo Big Sight East 7/8 Halls                   Venue     Aichi International Exhibition Centre

        Schedule October 17-21, 2018                              Schedule Early October 2020 for one week
                 *Held alongside Japan Robot Week 2018                      * Held alongside RoboCup Asia-Pacific Open
                                                                              and Japan Robot Week 2020 (tentative).
        Host     Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
                 /New Energy Industrial Technology Development    Two of the challenges under the Disaster Robotics Category
                 Organization (NEDO)                              are scheduled as follow:

                                                                  Venue    Robot Test Field located in Fukushima Prefecture
                                                                  Schedule Mid-August 2020 for about 3 days

                                                                  Host      Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
                                                                            /New Energy Industrial Technology Development
                                                                            Organization (NEDO)                            18
Chairperson                                           Executive Committee Members
  The Advisory Board of   Takeo Kanade                                          Hiroaki Kitano

the Executive Committee   U. A. and Helen Whitaker
                          University Professor, Carnegie
                                                                                Founder, the RoboCup Federation / President and CEO, Sony
                                                                                Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. / Professor, Okinawa
                                                                                Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University
 for World Robot Summit
                          Mellon University

                          Executive Committee Members
                          Chieko Asakawa                                          Executive Committee Members
                                                                                  Mayumi Oda
                          IBM Fellow / IBM Distinguished Service Professor,
                          Carnegie Mellon University                              Okami (inn manageress), Kagaya Co., Ltd.

                          Executive Committee Members
                          Thomas Bauernhansl                                    Executive Committee Members
                                                                                Gill Pratt
                          Director, Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing
                          Engineering and Automation IPA/                       CEO, Toyota Research Institute, Inc. / Executive Technical Advisor,
                          Director, Institute of Industrial Manufacturing and   Toyota Motor Corporation (former Defense Advanced Research
                          Management (IFF), University of Stuttgart             Projects Agency (DARPA) Program Manager)

                          Executive Committee Members
                          Henrik Christensen
                                                                                Executive Committee Members
                          Professor, Computer Science, Dept. of Computer        Takako Suwa
                          Science and Engineering / Director, Institute of
                          Contextual Robotics, University of California, San    President, Daiya Seiki Co., LTD.

                          Executive Committee Members
                          Ryoji Chubachi                                        Executive Committee Members
                                                                                Yangsheng Xu
                          President, National Institute of Advanced
                          Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)              President, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen

                          Executive Committee Members
                          Katsushi Ikeuchi                                      Executive Committee Members
                                                                                Naoko Yamazaki
                          Emeritus Professor, the University of Tokyo /
                          Principal Researcher, Microsoft Research Asia         Astronaut
Support Character
•   As a result of public offering, Doraemon has been chosen as the support
    character for the World Robot Summit.

      Reasons for selection:
      For the summit aiming to promote a world where robots and humans successfully live and work
      together, Doraemon was deemed to be the most appropriate character as a symbol of “cooperation”.
      As a bridge between humans and robots, Doraemon will support this summit.

WRS2018 Sponsors                                               As of April, 2018

                        Global Partner

                        Official Partner

         Gold Partner                      Silver Partner


                                                            As of April, 2018
World Robot Summit 2018                                     World Robot Summit 2020
TOKYO                                                       AICHI/FUKUSHIMA
@Tokyo Big Sight                                            @Aichi International Exhibition Centre                               Whoʼs next…?
                                                             /Robot Test Field located in Fukushima Pref.
October 17-21                                               August and October

2018                                              2019                                            2020                                  2024
*Held alongside Japan Robot Week 2018                     【Tentative】
10/17-10/21 @Tokyo Big Sight                              *Held alongside RoboCup Asia-Pacific Open
                                                          and Japan Robot Week 2020                                     Olympic and Paralympic games
                                                                                                                            in Tokyo
World Robot Summit 2018                                    World Robot Summit 2020
TOKYO                                                      AICHI/FUKUSHIMA
Name     World Robot Summit 2018                           Name      World Robot Summit 2020

Venue    Tokyo Big Sight East 7/8 Halls                    Venue     Aichi International Exhibition Centre

Schedule October 17-21, 2018                               Schedule Early October 2020 for one week
         *Held alongside Japan Robot Week 2018                       * Held alongside RoboCup Asia-Pacific Open
                                                                       and Japan Robot Week 2020 (tentative).
Host     Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
         /New Energy Industrial Technology Development     Two of the challenges under the Disaster Robotics Category
         Organization (NEDO)                               are scheduled as follow:

                                                           Venue    Robot Test Field located in Fukushima Prefecture
                                                           Schedule Mid-August 2020 for about 3 days

                                                           Host      Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
                                                                     /New Energy Industrial Technology Development
                                                                     Organization (NEDO)
Summary: Toward the Realization of Robot Revolution
Focus on strategic areas and formulate a workable plan (“New Robot Strategy”)
 l Clarify the image of Robot Revolution to be realized by 2020 and specify the strategic areas
 l Employing all policies & measures toward the realization of Robot Revolution (R&D, introduction
   demonstration, regulatory reform, standardization, international strategy)

Steadily advance the New Robot Strategy centering on the Robot Revolution Initiative

 l Promoting initiatives beyond the walls of various stakeholders through strong cooperation among
   industry, academia and government.
 l Establish an ecosystem which connects closely among robot manufactures, system integrators
   and robot users.

  utilizing WRS as an innovation vehicle, with the aim to implement robotics in
  real daily life/society/industry and accelerate the research and development
  of robots

Fukushima Robot Test Field

Fukushima Robot Test Field (RTF)
•     A test site for field robots and drones will open in Fukushima Pref. from FY2018.
•     It will serve as a major demonstration test site for field robots and drones for delivery,
      disaster response and infrastructure inspection, etc.

                                                     Drone Area                        ROV1, AUV2 and
                                                                                      Unmanned Ship Area
                                                                                  1 Remotely Operated underwater Vehicle
     City                                                                            2 Autonomous Underwater Vehicle

                                    Basic Development
                   13 km

                                                                             Infrastructure Inspection
                                        Fukushima                           & Disaster Response Area
    Namie Town
Facilities in the RTF
•    Facilities for testing infrastructure inspection (industrial plants, bridges,
     tunnels) and disaster response (earthquakes, floods, etc.) will be installed.

    Airfield with Safety Net    Fukushima Robot Test Field                 Water Tank

        Industrial Plant                                                  Flooded Town

            Bridge             Tunnel           Disaster-affected City   Road with Debris

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