Long-term risks of metal contaminants in drinking water: a critical appraisal of guideline values for arsenic and vanadium

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354   Ann Ist Super Sanità 2012 | Vol. 48, No. 4: 354-361
                                                                  DOI: 10.4415/ANN_12_04_03

                                                                  Long-term risks of metal contaminants
Health risks from water and new challenges for the future

                                                                  in drinking water: a critical appraisal
                                                                  of guideline values for arsenic and vanadium
                                                                  Riccardo Crebelli and Paola Leopardi
                                                                  Dipartimento di Ambiente e Connessa Prevenzione Primaria, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, Italy

                                                                  Abstract. Metal contaminants in drinking water represent a relevant health issue in several areas of
                                                                  the world. In Italy, because of the geological features of the territory, high arsenic and vanadium are
                                                                  frequently reported in ground waters in concentrations above current guideline values. The implica-
                                                                  tions for public health of the presence of contaminants above their legal limit are directly related to
                                                                  the biological basis of the guideline value. In the case of arsenic there are still major uncertainties
                                                                  in the mechanism of carcinogenesis which prevent a precise evaluation of long-term risks. Thus, the
                                                                  guideline value endorsed in the European Community (10 μg/L) has to be considered as a pragmatic
                                                                  tool rather than a quality objective, bearing in mind that “every effort should be made to keep con-
                                                                  centrations as low as reasonably possible” (WHO, 2011). A reverse situation holds for vanadium, for
                                                                  which a strict national limit (50 μg/L) was previously proposed in consideration of data gaps, and for
                                                                  which new evidence indicated a less stringent health-based limit.
                                                                  Key words: drinking water, chemical hazards, guideline values, arsenic, vanadium.

                                                                  Riassunto (Rischi a lungo termine associati alla presenza di metalli nell’acqua potabile: una disamina su-
                                                                  gli attuali valori limite di arsenico e vanadio). La presenza di contaminanti inorganici nell’acqua potabi-
                                                                  le rappresenta un importante problema sanitario in varie aree del mondo. In Italia, alte concentrazioni
                                                                  di arsenico e vanadio, dovute alle caratteristiche geologiche del territorio, sono state segnalate in acque
                                                                  sotterranee usate per l’approvvigionamento idrico. Le conseguenze di ordine sanitario della presenza
                                                                  di contaminanti nell’acqua a concentrazioni superiori al limite legale dipendono direttamente dalle
                                                                  basi biologiche su cui poggia il valore stesso. Nel caso dell’arsenico, le incertezze tuttora esistenti sul
                                                                  meccanismo d’azione impediscono una stima precisa del rischio a basse dosi, per cui appare opportu-
                                                                  no considerare il valore corrente come un obiettivo minimo, tenendo presente la necessità di ridurre
                                                                  l’esposizione umana al valore più basso realizzabile. Al contrario, nel caso del vanadio una rivaluta-
                                                                  zione sulla base di nuove evidenze scientifiche può indicare un valore limite meno stringente di quello
                                                                  precedentemente indicato a livello nazionale sulla base di conoscenze incomplete.
                                                                  Parole chiave: acqua potabile, rischio chimico, valori guida, arsenico, vanadio.

                                                                    INTRODUCTION                                                     of most significant advances of public health in last
                                                                    Drinking water quality has a heavy impact on hu-                 century. Chemical risk factors, however, may assume
                                                                  man health. A recent assessment of major health risk               greater relevance in developed countries, where water
                                                                  factors attributed over two million deaths to unsafe               supply is characterized by high standards of microbio-
                                                                  water, which represents the leading environmental risk             logical safety. Among chemical factors, regulated [2]
                                                                  factor on a global scale [1]. The geographic distribu-             and newly emerging [3] disinfection by-products have
                                                                  tion of mortality and burden of diseases related to                received major consideration as potential genotoxic
                                                                  water quality shows substantial differences between                and carcinogenic hazards. In addition to disinfection
                                                                  high-, middle- and low-income countries. Overall,                  by-products, improvements in analytical techniques al-
                                                                  more than 99% of death attributed to unsafe water oc-              low to identify a number of organic micropollutants
                                                                  cur in developing countries, where children represent              (e.g. plasticizers, drugs, persistent organic pollutants),
                                                                  the most susceptible age group [1]. The geographic and             which represent a new challenge for the assessment
                                                                  demographic patterns of risk highlight the prevailing              and management of health risk associated with drink-
                                                                  role played by microbiological quality in determin-                ing water [4]. However, it is inorganic contaminants of
                                                                  ing water safety. Indeed, the presence of pathogens                geological origin which still raise the greatest concern,
                                                                  is still the most critical factor in determining water             especially in selected geographical areas. In Italy, ar-
                                                                  quality [2], despite water disinfection represented one            senic and vanadium have received major consideration

                                                                    Address for correspondence: Riccardo Crebelli, Dipartimento di Ambiente e Connessa Prevenzione Primaria, Istituto Superiore
                                                                    di Sanità, Viale Regina Elena 299, 00161 Rome, Italy. E-mail: riccardo.crebelli@iss.it.
Metal contaminants in drinking water       355

for their biological activity and potential health impact,   of methylation of inorganic arsenic by liver As3mt

                                                                                                                             Health risks from water and new challenges for the future
as well as for the frequent occurrence in groundwater        [5], and by the rate of transport of arsenic metabo-
at levels above their parametric values. In this paper       lites across liver cell membrane by specific hepatic
the biological basis of the European guideline values        transporters. Major qualitative and quantitative in-
for arsenic and vanadium in drinking water, and the          ter-species differences in arsenic methylation capac-
implications for public health of the derogation from        ity have been reported: higher activity has been ob-
these limits, are briefly discussed.                         served in dog, rat and monkey compared to rabbit,
                                                             mouse and humans, ascribed to the higher As3mt
                                                             expression in those species [5]. Within the human
  ARSENIC                                                    species, the differential expression of As3mt asso-
  Basic aspects of chemistry, occurrence and bio-            ciated with the AS3MT gene polymorphism plays
logical activity of arsenic compounds, with special          a key role in determining the inter-individual varia-
reference to carcinogenesis, are briefly summarized          tion in the susceptibility to arsenic induced toxicity
in the following subchapters. More detailed infor-           and carcinogenicity [10].
mation can be retrieved from recently published re-
views on arsenic exposure, toxicology and mode of              Effects in humans
action [5-7].                                                  There is a strong body of evidence linking arsenic
                                                             intake with a variety of health problems, from acute
  Chemistry, occurrence and human exposure                   toxicity to chronic diseases [2]. The World Health
  Arsenic (As) is a metalloid widely present in the          Organization – International Agency for Research on
earth’s crust. The most common oxidation states              Cancer (WHO-IARC) classifies arsenic as a known
are +3 (As+3 or arsenite) and +5 (As+5 or arsenate).         (Group 1) human carcinogen [2]. The main adverse
Trivalent arsenicals are generally more toxic than           effects reported to be associated with long term inges-
pentavalent ones, due to their reactivity with sulphur       tion of inorganic arsenic in humans are skin lesions,
containing compounds and the generation of reac-             cancer, developmental toxicity, neurotoxicity, cardio-
tive oxygen species (ROS). Both arsenic compounds            vascular diseases, abnormal glucose metabolism, and
can be found in inorganic and organic forms, the             diabetes. Neurotoxicity is mainly reported with acute
latter with lower or no toxicity. Concentrations of          exposure from deliberate poisoning or suicide, or at
arsenic in groundwater, frequently the main source           high concentrations in drinking water.
of drinking water, are usually less than 10 µg/L, but          Of the various sources of arsenic in the environ-
they can reach 5000 µg/L in some areas [8, 9]. Lower         ment, long-term exposure to arsenic in drinking
concentrations of arsenic are generally found in sur-        water is likely to pose the greatest threat to human
face waters. Essentially all arsenic in drinking water       health, and the occurrence of arsenic in drinking
is present as inorganic As (mainly As+5).                    water has been recognized as a major public health
  Diet is the main sources of exposure to arsenic            concern in several regions of the world over the past
compounds for the general population, with fish and          decades [2]. Most evidence linking arsenic in drink-
seafood, cereals and cereal products as main contrib-        ing water with elevated cancer risk of internal or-
utors. Recently the European Food Safety Authority           gans comes from ecological studies in populations
(EFSA) has estimated that in Europe average con-             in Taiwan, Argentina, and Chile with high arsenic
sumer intake of inorganic arsenic range from 0.13            exposures from underground wells. Dose-related in-
to 0.56 µg/kg b.w./day (lower and upper bound) [9].          creases in the incidence of lung, urinary bladder and
Drinking water may represent the major contribu-             kidney cancers were consistently reported in popula-
tor to dietary exposure to inorganic arsenic in areas        tion groups drinking water with arsenic concentra-
with high natural levels of arsenic in groundwater.          tions above 150-200 μg/L [2, 8, 9]. At lower levels of
This is a major source of exposure worldwide, given          exposure (< 100 μg/L), the available evidence is less
that an estimated 160 million people live in regions         robust and complicated by possible misclassification
with naturally elevated levels of arsenic in drinking        of study subjects, due to the difficulty in estimating
water due to the presence of arsenic-rich geological         past exposure, and by the limited size of most stud-
formations and/or anthropogenic activities [2].              ies which make the interpretation of results more
                                                             challenging [11].
  Metabolism and toxicokinetics
  In humans inorganic arsenic is rapidly absorbed              Mode of action in carcinogenesis
after ingestion, and subject to biotransformation              Although the carcinogenicity of arsenic in humans
which includes the reduction of pentavalent arse-            has been known for more than 100 years, there is no
nate to trivalent arsenite, requiring reduced glutath-       definitive understanding of its mechanism of action
ione as electron donor, and the oxidative methyla-           for this effect. This gap in knowledge is partly due to
tion of arsenite by As+3-methyltransferase (As3mt)           the lack, for a number of years, of an animal model
using S-adenosyl-methionine (SAM) as methyl                  for carcinogenicity, as well as to the complex geno-
group donor. Methylation of inorganic arsenic fa-            toxic profile and biotransformation of arsenic, and
cilitates its excretion from the body. Arsenic toxicity      to the multiplicity of effects of arsenic compounds
in mammalian species largely depends on the rate             in biological systems.
356   Riccardo Crebelli and Paola Leopardi

                                                                    Modes of action in arsenic-induced carcinogenic-       ground. The lowest calculated BMDL0.5 value
Health risks from water and new challenges for the future

                                                                  ity have been extensively discussed in several recent    (lower 95% percentile of BMD0.5) was 3.0 μg/kg b.w.
                                                                  reviews [6, 7, 12-16]. Briefly, induction of genetic     for increased incidence of lung cancer [19]. JECFA
                                                                  damage, oxidative damage, epigenetic alterations,        stated that, as the new BMDL0.5 was in the same re-
                                                                  interference with DNA damage repair or cancer            gion of the previous PTWI, this was withdrawn. It
                                                                  related gene proteins, have been considered as po-       is noted, however, that BMDL and PTWI (or PTDI)
                                                                  tential mechanisms, not mutually exclusive, under-       have a different toxicological significance, given that
                                                                  lying arsenic carcinogenicity. Even though the spe-      BMDL is associated with a low, but not negligible,
                                                                  cific role of each of the proposed mechanism has         excess cancer risk.
                                                                  not yet been disentangled, it is noteworthy that for       In the United States, the Environmental Protection
                                                                  all of them, including the induction of genetic dam-     Agency (US EPA), based on large drinking water
                                                                  age, a threshold mechanism can be anticipated. As        studies in the Taiwan population in which a dose-
                                                                  discussed later, this consideration is pivotal in risk   related increase of skin lesion was reported, using
                                                                  characterization, when risk at low doses has to be       the Armitage-Doll linearized multistage model es-
                                                                  extrapolated from high dose studies.                     timated for skin cancer an oral slope factor of 1.5 x
                                                                    Concerning genetic damage, in particular, no di-       10-3 for 1 μg/kg b.w./day [20]. From this slope fac-
                                                                  rect binding or interaction of arsenic with DNA          tor, the risk of skin cancer associated to an arsenic
                                                                  is observed. Thus, DNA damage observed in vitro          concentration of 10 μg/L is calculated to be 5 x 10-4
                                                                  and in vivo following exposure to inorganic arsenic      for an adult weighing 70 kg and consuming 2 L of
                                                                  (mainly arsenite) is attributed to indirect mecha-       water/day.
                                                                  nisms such as oxidative stress mediated by increased       Other quantitative estimates of cancer risk have been
                                                                  levels of reactive oxygen species and reactive nitro-    formulated by the US National Research Council
                                                                  gen species, and to the interference of arsenic with     [21], Health Canada [22] and, more recently, by the
                                                                  DNA repair and DNA damage response. The latter           European Food Safety Authority [9]. In its opinion on
                                                                  mechanism is also proposed to be involved in the         arsenic in food, EFSA modelled dose-response data
                                                                  distinct co-mutagenic and co-carcinogenic activity       from several epidemiological studies to determine the
                                                                  of arsenic [9].                                          benchmark dose associated with a 1% extra risk of
                                                                                                                           developing lung, bladder, and skin cancer. A range of
                                                                    Risk characterization                                  BMDL1 was identified, from 0.3 to 8 μg/kg b.w./day,
                                                                    Several agencies have formulated quantitative es-      the lowest value being for lung cancer. Considering the
                                                                  timates of cancer risk for arsenic in drinking water.    estimated dietary exposure to arsenic in Europe, calcu-
                                                                  Data from epidemiological studies in areas with          lated through an extensive survey of arsenic concen-
                                                                  high levels of arsenic contamination in well water       trations in food commodities, EFSA concluded that
                                                                  were used in most cases.                                 there was no or little margin of exposure and that a
                                                                    The WHO/FAO Joint Expert Committee on Food             risk for consumer could not be excluded, and recom-
                                                                  Additives (JECFA) first derived a provisional maxi-      mended that dietary exposure to inorganic arsenic be
                                                                  mum tolerable daily intake (PTDI) for inorganic          reduced [9].
                                                                  arsenic of 2 μg/kg b.w. Based on the results from
                                                                  a small study in Nova Scotia, in its twenty-seventh        Guideline value for drinking water
                                                                  meeting JECFA concluded that “On the basis of the          In Europe, quality standards for water intend-
                                                                  data available the Committee could arrive at only an     ed for human consumption are established by the
                                                                  estimate of 0.002 mg/kg b.w. as a provisional maxi-      Drinking Water Directive 98/83/EC [23]. With the
                                                                  mum tolerable daily intake for ingested inorganic ar-    purpose to protect human health, the Directive sets
                                                                  senic.” This conclusion was based on the evidence of     maximum values, not to be exceeded, for a series of
                                                                  general toxicity (arsenicism) associated with water      chemical parameters (Annex I, part B.), based on the
                                                                  supplies containing arsenic concentrations ≥1 mg/        World Health Organisation’s Guidelines for drinking
                                                                  L [17]. Arsenic was again considered by JECFA at         water quality and the opinion of the Commission’s
                                                                  its 33rd meeting, when the previous evaluation was       Scientific Advisory Committees. The guideline value
                                                                  confirmed and a provisional tolerable weekly intake      for arsenic set out in Directive 98/83/EC is 10 μg/L,
                                                                  (PTWI) of 15 μg/kg b.w. for inorganic arsenic es-        the same value indicated in the WHO Guidelines in
                                                                  tablished, “with the clear understanding that the mar-   1993 [24]. Such value was derived by WHO from the
                                                                  gin between the PTWI and intakes reported to have        previously established JECFA PTWI of 15 μg/kg
                                                                  toxic effects in epidemiological studies was narrow”     b.w., allocating 20% of the PTWI to the consump-
                                                                  [18]. The PTWI of 15 μg/kg b.w. originally set by        tion of drinking water [24].
                                                                  JECFA was later criticized by the EFSA [9], and            At present, the adequacy of the guideline value in-
                                                                  withdrawn by JECFA in 2011 [19]. In this recent          dicated in the Drinking Water Directive to “protect
                                                                  JECFA opinion, data from a large prospective study       human health from the adverse effects of any contami-
                                                                  in north-eastern Taiwan residents, for whom arsenic      nation”, as stipulated in Article 1, can be debated. In
                                                                  concentration in drinking water was known, were          fact, even though the guideline value of 10 μg/L was
                                                                  modelled to calculate the benchmark dose (BMD0.5)        reiterated by WHO in 2011 [25], a cautionary note
                                                                  associated with 0.5% increase of cancer over back-       has been introduced in the last edition of Guidelines
Metal contaminants in drinking water       357

for drinking water quality. When discussing the basis     it is the lack of a comprehension of the mechanism

                                                                                                                          Health risks from water and new challenges for the future
for deriving the guideline value for arsenic, WHO         of carcinogenicity which does not allow to develop,
noted that there was an overwhelming evidence of          and apply, biologically-based models for low dose
the causal relationship between consumption of el-        response extrapolation, providing guidance to opt
evated levels of arsenic through drinking water and       between threshold or non-threshold mechanisms
the development of cancer at several sites, while         and to choose among the multiplicity of existing
there was considerable uncertainty over the mecha-        low dose extrapolation models. For the time being it
nism of carcinogenicity and the shape of the dose-        can be convenient to consider the current guideline
response curve at low intakes, and that the guideline     value as a pragmatic tool for risk management, and
value of 10 μg/L was provisionally retained “in view      to keep in mind that at such concentration level the
of the significant uncertainties surrounding the risk     margin of exposure (viz. the distance from the effec-
assessment for arsenic carcinogenicity, the practi-       tive concentration) may be small or even absent, as
cal quantification limit in the region of 1-10 μg/litre   suggested by the EFSA [9], and that given the exist-
and the practical difficulties in removing arsenic from   ing uncertainties human exposure to arsenic should
drinking-water”. Thus, the guideline value pragmati-      be as low as reasonably achievable [25].
cally indicated by WHO is not to be interpreted as
a quality objective, given that, as stated in the same
document, “every effort should be made to keep con-         VANADIUM
centrations [of arsenic in drinking water] as low as        Chemistry, occurrence and human exposure
reasonably possible” [25]. The latter consideration         Vanadium is a trace element widely distributed in
calls into question the possibility to grant tempo-       the earth’s crust at an average concentration of ap-
rary derogations to the guideline value, as requested     proximately 100 mg/kg. Vanadium exists in different
– and obtained – by Italy in previous years.              oxidation states, the most common being +3, +4,
  Temporary derogation from the guideline values          and +5. Pentavalent vanadium is chemically most
listed in Annex I can in fact be granted to Member        stable, and it represents the most toxic form [27].
States, provided that water supply cannot be main-          Food is the main source of exposure to vanadium
tained in any other reasonable way and that such          for the general population, with an estimated die-
derogation does not constitute a potential danger to      tary intake of the order of few tens of micrograms
human health (Article 9). In Italy, due to the dif-       per person per day [28]. Drinking water contributes
fuse presence of sedimentary deposits deriving from       to a lesser extent, as concentrations of vanadium
volcanic rocks, groundwater used for drinking water       in drinking water generally do not exceed few mi-
supply is frequently contaminated by arsenic con-         crograms per liter. However, considerably higher
centrations above the guideline value. For this rea-      concentrations (above 100 μg/L) are recorded in
son, a derogation up to 50 μg/L was allowed in 2002-      some water supplies, notably in groundwater from
2008, lowered to 20 μg/L for the period 2010-2012.        volcanic areas as consequence of the leaching from
Recently, following a request of the EU Directorate       vanadium rich rocks [29].
General for Health and Consumers, the Scientific
Committee on Health and Environmental Risks                 Toxicokinetics and biological activity
(SCHER) has adopted an opinion on the potential             The absorption rate of vanadium compounds af-
danger to human health from the derogation on             ter ingestion depends on their solubility and chemi-
some parameters of the Drinking Water Directive           cal nature. In general, however, vanadium is poorly
98/83/EC [26]. Concerning arsenic, the SCHER              absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and mainly
noted that recent meta-analyses of epidemiological        eliminated in faeces. Once absorbed, vanadium is
data indicated a more than proportional decrease of       rapidly transported by blood circulation to various
cancer risk at low doses, supported by mechanistic        tissues: the highest concentrations are initially found
considerations on the lack of DNA reactivity, and         in kidneys, liver, and lungs, while muscles and bone
that no unambiguous evidence of excess risk was           represent long-term storage sites. Pentavalent vana-
available for exposure at
358   Riccardo Crebelli and Paola Leopardi

                                                                  tered vanadium compounds (sodium and ammoni-              made. Therefore EFSA concluded that a UL could
Health risks from water and new challenges for the future

                                                                  um metavanadate, sodium orthovanadate, vanadyl            not be established, even though noted that the nor-
                                                                  sulphate) have been reported to produce adverse ef-       mal human daily intake of vanadium was at least
                                                                  fects in kidney, spleen and lungs of rodents, to raise    three orders of magnitude lower than the lowest dose
                                                                  blood pressure in rats, and to elicit reproductive        reported to produce adverse effects in rats [31].
                                                                  and developmental toxicity in rats and mice [31]. In        A different approach was adopted overseas, where
                                                                  humans, mild toxic effects (gastrointestinal discom-      reference values were mainly based on human data.
                                                                  fort) have been reported in subject taking high vana-     In this respect, the Agency for Toxic Substances and
                                                                  dium doses as food supplements [31]. Only limited         Disease Registry (ATSDR) derived an intermediate-
                                                                  oral carcinogenicity studies in rodents are available,    duration oral MRL (minimal risk level) of 10 μg va-
                                                                  from which no conclusion can be drawn. Similarly,         nadium/kg/day, based on a NOAEL for hematologi-
                                                                  no conclusion on oral carcinogenicity can be drawn        cal and blood pressure effects in humans exposed to
                                                                  from a NTP inhalational study with vanadium pen-          vanadyl sulfate for 12 weeks [35]. A daily intake of 7
                                                                  toxide [32].                                              μg/kg b.w. was derived by the EPA as reference dose
                                                                     A number of studies have been performed to in-         (RfD), viz. the daily exposure level without appreci-
                                                                  vestigate the genotoxic potential of vanadium com-        able risk over a lifetime, based on gastrointestinal
                                                                  pounds. As these studies have particular relevance        disturbance (intestinal cramping and diarrhoea) ob-
                                                                  for risk assessment, also in consideration of the lack    served in human studies [36].
                                                                  of adequate carcinogenicity studies, they are briefly
                                                                  illustrated herein. Overall, the available results in-      Guideline value for drinking water
                                                                  dicate that both pentavalent and tetravalent vana-          As mentioned above, drinking water is not a major
                                                                  dium are clearly genotoxic in test systems in vitro,      source of exposure to vanadium compounds world-
                                                                  where induction of DNA strand breaks, chromo-             wide. Thus, so far vanadium has not specifically been
                                                                  some damage and altered chromosome segregation            considered by WHO in its Drinking water guidelines,
                                                                  were observed [31]. Based on current knowledge of         and no guideline value is indicated in the European
                                                                  chemistry of vanadium compounds, these effects            Drinking Water Directive (98/83/EC). Yet, elevated
                                                                  are attributed to indirect mechanisms, such as the        concentrations of vanadium in drinking water have
                                                                  generation of reactive oxygen species through a           been detected in some regions, which call at least for
                                                                  Fenton-like reaction rather than to a direct inter-       a local regulation. In Italy, the Superior Council of
                                                                  action with DNA [31]. Consequently, the relevance         Health in 1995 indicated as a limit value of vana-
                                                                  of these in vitro findings to the in vivo situation is    dium in drinking water the concentration of 50 μg/L
                                                                  not established. The genotoxic hazard posed by the        [37]. This recommendation was based on an early
                                                                  oral intake of pentavalent and tetravalent vanadium       US EPA Health Advisory, taking into account the
                                                                  was further investigated in mouse studies specifi-        limitations of the toxicological database available
                                                                  cally designed to characterize the hazard of vana-        at that time. To fill this data gap further laboratory
                                                                  dium in drinking water [33, 34]. These studies dem-       studies, and an epidemiological survey of popula-
                                                                  onstrated that, following repeated administration         tions resident in areas with high vanadium in drink-
                                                                  through drinking water, only pentavalent vanadium         ing water, were recommended [37].
                                                                  (vanadate) is able to elicit some genotoxicity in vivo,     In view of the inability to respect the 50 μg/L limit
                                                                  and that this effect is restricted to high dose levels.   by water distribution systems serving large popula-
                                                                  Assuming a threshold mechanisms, as supported by          tion groups, especially in the Etnean area in Sicily,
                                                                  mechanistic considerations on the genotoxicity of         and of the lack of evidence of overt toxicity, the
                                                                  vanadium compounds [31], in view of the wide mar-         limit value was provisionally raised by the Superior
                                                                  gin between the minimum concentrations of vanad-          Council to 120 μg/L in 2000. This decision was
                                                                  ate genotoxic in vivo under experimental conditions       based on a positive opinion of the Istituto Superiore
                                                                  and the levels of vanadium compounds occurring            di Sanità, in which however uncertainties on the ge-
                                                                  in drinking water, the authors concluded that vana-       notoxic hazard of oral vanadium were noted and
                                                                  dium in drinking water does not raise a genotoxic         further experimental studies recommended. In the
                                                                  concern [33, 34].                                         framework of the activities ensuing from these rec-
                                                                                                                            ommendations, the oral genotoxicity studies quoted
                                                                    Previous evaluations                                    above [33, 34] were carried out. Based on the results
                                                                    A detailed evaluation of available toxicological        obtained, it can be concluded that oral vanadium
                                                                  data on vanadium compounds was performed by               does not represent a genotoxic hazard, and conse-
                                                                  the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) with            quently that an acceptable human exposure level
                                                                  the aim of establishing a tolerable upper intake level    can be set using a threshold approach.
                                                                  (UL) of vanadium [31]. However, EFSA noted that             As mentioned above, EFSA failed to establish
                                                                  the available subchronic and developmental oral           a UL for vanadium, because of the difficulty in
                                                                  toxicity studies in rats did not allow the derivation     identifying the pivotal study to be used as point of
                                                                  of a no-observed-adverse-effects level (NOAEL),           departure, and because of lack of information on
                                                                  and that no adequate evaluation of the carcinogenic       carcinogenicity [31]. Concerning the latter, based
                                                                  potential of vanadium by oral exposure could be           on the result of the in vivo studies mentioned above
Metal contaminants in drinking water                359

[33, 34], it can be ruled out that vanadium can act               and drinking 2 L water per day, was derived from

                                                                                                                                             Health risks from water and new challenges for the future
as a genotoxic carcinogen. Thus, no carcinogenic                  a lowest observed adverse effect level (LOAEL) of
threat is expected for low dose vanadium in drink-                1.5 mg/kg b.w., applying a further safety factor of
ing water, as non-genotoxic carcinogenicity, which                3 to the 100 default value, and allocating 20 μg of
in principle cannot be ruled in the absence of long               vanadium to food intake. It is noteworthy that this
term studies, in any case is only elicited at high,               concentration limit, derived from experiments on
toxic doses. Concerning the selection of the piv-                 sodium metavanadate, the most toxic form, include
otal study, a critical weight was given by EFSA to                all vanadium compounds, including the least toxic
early subchronic toxicity and reproduction toxicity               as tetravalent vanadium. This adds a further mar-
studies, performed in one laboratory only, reporting              gin to the default safety factors incorporated in hu-
adverse effects in rats at doses as low as 0.8 mg/kg              man risk assessment. This additional factor, related
b.w. [38, 39]. Yet, a closer view to these publications           to vanadium speciation, is particularly relevant for
highlights severe limitations in data reporting and               drinking water, where only a fraction of total va-
interpretation which casts doubts on their relevance              nadium is in the highest oxidation status [27]. It is
for risk characterization. Concerning the subchron-               advisable that this, or another common guideline
ic toxicity study [38], according to the author “...              value, be soon endorsed at the Community level.
concentrations of 5, 10 and 50 ppm (NaVO3) were
generally well tolerated during the 3-month period …
there were mild histological changes in spleen, lungs               CONCLUSIONS
and kidneys of all the treated animals, more evident                Metal contaminants in drinking water still represent
in the animals receiving the highest concentration of             a relevant health issue in several areas of the world.
NaVO3.”. In the absence of any other information                  In particular, the presence of high arsenic and vana-
on severity and incidence of the lesions detected, no             dium in groundwater, usually linked to the geological
reliable NOAEL can be derived from this study. The                characteristics of the territory, is a challenging task
same group later reported a decreased body weight                 for risk managers, especially when alternative sources
gain in rat pups nursed by vanadium-treated moth-                 of water for human consumption are not available. In
ers [39]. Even though this finding was interpreted                these circumstances the definition of sound, biologi-
as a possible evidence of developmental toxicity, it              cally-based guideline values acquires major relevance,
can be noted that such conclusion lacks of biologi-               as guideline values may represent the key tool for
cal plausibility, because based on the limited uptake             the efficient management of environmental threats,
of oral vanadium and its toxicokinetics [27], no or               in principle allowing the best protection of human
at most trace amounts of the element are expected                 health with the minimum waste of material resources.
in mother’s milk. Thus, both studies have to be con-              As discussed in this report, at present internationally
sidered “not reliable” according to Klimisch criteria             agreed guideline values for arsenic and vanadium in
[40], and not to be taken into account for human                  drinking water are not available, or subject to con-
risk assessment.                                                  siderable debate. A re-assessment of the existing limit
  Despite the difficulties highlighted in the EFSA                values, or the definition of new ones, based on state-
opinion, in view of the high levels of vanadium                   of-the art science can thus be considered a priority
present in some groundwater serving important                     issue in the environmental health agenda.
water supplies, and of the difficulties in removing
efficiently vanadium from drinking water, there is
a practical need for a biologically-based guideline               Conflict of interest statement
value for this element. In this respect, in order to              No financial interest is declared. The authors were co-authors
manage a few critic local situations occurring in                 of two of the publications quoted [33, 34], performed within a
                                                                  scientific cooperation between Istituto Superiore di Sanità and
different areas of the national territory, the Italian            Azienda Consortile Servizi Etnei (A.CO.S.ET) in the framework
Ministry of Health has recently proposed a new                    of an ad hoc action plane coordinated by the Ministry of Health
parametric value of 140 μg/L [41], derived from                   (2000-2004) .
a chronic toxicity study in rats receiving sodium
metavanadate drinking water during a lifetime [42].               Submitted on invitation.
The limit value, referred to an adult weighing 60 kg              Accepted on 24 September 2012.

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