Lynx Design System A highly integrated, production-ready IC development platform

Page created by Karl Patterson
Lynx Design System A highly integrated, production-ready IC development platform

Lynx Design System
A highly integrated, production-ready IC development platform

                                                                          Lynx Design System
The Lynx Design System is a highly
integrated, production-ready, chip
implementation platform that is                                                  Management Cockpit

architected for rapid, “out-of-the-box”
deployment to one or multiple project
                                                                             Production Flow
sites. It combines an open, tape-out
proven RTL-to-GDSII design flow,                    Ready
GUI-based runtime automation,                       System                                                      Foundry-
design metrics capture and reporting                                                                             System
and a subsystem that automates
the configuration of pre-validated
                                                                          Advanced methodologies
foundry data. The Lynx Design
System takes full advantage of the
comprehensive Synopsys Galaxy™
                                                                                   Runtime Manager
Implementation Platform, but is
flexible to readily accommodate
internal or third–party tools.

                                          Key benefits
                                           Production-proven design flow incorporates the latest methodologies to deliver
                                           fast and predictable results
                                           Open environment supports multiple third-party tools, libraries and foundries
                                           Validated IP, libraries and foundry technology data accelerate project start
                                           GUI-based runtime environment simplifies flow configuration, execution
                                           and monitoring
                                           Process-specific tape-out checks and settings improve the quality of
                                           foundry handoff
                                           Web-based Management Cockpit delivers on-demand visibility into key design
                                           metrics and trends to enable project transparency at all levels
                                           Evaluate multiple design scenarios in parallel through the Runtime Manager and
                                           view the results in a simple dashboard matrix in the Management Cockpit
Lynx Design System A highly integrated, production-ready IC development platform
integrate third-party tools if necessary.           low power optimization and analysis,
             Design environment            For example, designers can configure                full-chip hierarchical design, etc., that
                                           Synopsys tools such as DC Ultra™,                   span multiple tools. The Lynx Design
         Automation and utilities
                                           Design Compiler ® Graphical and                     System includes built-in support for

      Technology node optimization
                                           TetraMAX ATPG for synthesis and
                                                                                               concurrent modeling analysis and sign-
                                           design-for-test. For design planning,               off throughout the flow including static
      Hierarchical RTL-to-GDSII flow       designers can configure the flow for                  timing analysis (STA), formal verification,
                                           multiple voltage domains or virtual                 automatic test pattern generation (ATPG)
    ARM-Synopsys implementation RMs
                                           flat design. Signal integrity avoidance,             and reliability analysis such as EM and
                                           DFM and design-for-yield (DFY)                      IR drop for power and signal nets.
     Built-in advanced methodologies
                                           optimizations can be done for the place             Embedded in Lynx are the best
                                           and route step. Multi-corner multi-mode             design practices from the ARM-
     DC RM      DP RM     ICC RM
                                           (MCMM) sign-off and advanced formal                 Synopsys implementation Reference
                                           verification can be done for the chip                Methodologies (iRM) using ARM
                                           finishing step.                                      physical IP optimized for ARM
      Figure 2: Lynx’s Production Flow.
                                           In addition to tool configuration,                   processors. The iRM streamlines
                                           the Production Flow’s modular                       the procedures used by designers
Advanced, RTL-to-GDSII
                                           architecture enables users to easily                to target ARM processors to their
design flow and sub-flows
                                           configure horizontal methodologies                   chosen technology nodes by delivering
The Production Flow (Figure 2)
                                           such as UPF-compliant MCMM for                      a comprehensive solution proven
embedded in the Lynx Design System
is built on a leading-edge design flow
that is tape-out proven on over a 100
designs in a wide range of applications.
It is in use from older nodes to 32/28nm
manufacturing processes. This
complete, hierarchical RTL-to-GDSII
implementation flow includes:

 Synopsys Galaxy Implementation
 Platform Reference Methodologies
 ARM-Synopsys iRM’s optimized for
 power, performance and area
 Over 45 optimized methodologies
 built-in, from power management to
 Full chip hierarchical RTL-to-GDSII
 Tested with multiple foundries,
 libraries and technology nodes
 Over 60 tape-out specific checks
 Over 50 design metrics automatically
 Support for job distribution and data
 Multi-site/multi-user support enabled
 Fully supported and regularly updated
 for latest methods

The Lynx Design System allows
designers to configure and customize
tool capabilities and methodologies
based on their project needs and
                                                            Figure 3: Drag and drop interface for creating and modifying flows.

Lynx Design System                                                                                                                         2
Lynx Design System A highly integrated, production-ready IC development platform
by ARM and Synopsys to enable                  a customized flow. It also includes                 The Runtime Manager includes other
outstanding performance and energy             the ability to graphically execute                  productivity-enhancing features such
efficiency. Additionally, the Lynx              and monitor the flow(s) as a design                 as a command-line interface and
Design System incorporates Synopsys            progresses through the entire RTL-to-               color-coded ‘Running/Completed/
tool methodologies, such as Design             GDSII process, or subsets of the flow.              Error’ task status monitoring as shown
Compiler and IC Compiler reference             With the Runtime Manager, creating a                in Figure 4. This intuitive visualization
methodologies, allowing designers to           new flow or modifying existing flows is             capability quickly highlights errors as
get their designs into production as           accomplished using intuitive drag and               the design progresses through the flow.
quickly and efficiently as possible.           drop operations in the flow diagrams, as            Once a problem is identified, debug is
The Production Flow in Lynx is                 shown in Figure 3. Flat or hierarchical             easier as designers can inspect report
continuously updated to support                flows for a single block or for an                  and log files within the GUI and launch
the latest tool releases and design            entire chip are defined by connecting               tools to view or edit the design in the
methodologies, ensuring designers are          various tasks together based on their               correct context.
taking maximum advantage of their EDA          dependencies. Parallel task execution
                                                                                                   Management Cockpit delivers
tool investment.                               and design exploration involving multiple
                                                                                                   greater project visibility and
                                               invocations of the same task or flow
Runtime Manager for easy                                                                           higher predictability
                                               with different parameters are also easily
flow configuration, execution                                                                      The browser-based Management
                                               specified. Once defined, these flows
and monitoring                                                                                     Cockpit provides designers and
                                               can then be executed and their status
The Lynx Design System includes an                                                                 managers platform-independent,
                                               monitored from within the Runtime
intuitive and easy-to-use GUI which                                                                ‘on-demand’ access to quality-of-
                                               Manager. These designs tasks can be
enables rapid configuration of the                                                                 results (QoR) and resource-related
                                               distributed across a compute farm using
encapsulated methodologies into                                                                    project metrics. Over 50 metrics are
                                               industry-standard job distribution tools.
                                                                                                   automatically acquired in a database

                            Figure 4: Flow execution status is identified through our color-coded status monitoring.

Lynx Design System                                                                                                                             3
Lynx Design System A highly integrated, production-ready IC development platform
Figure 5: Management Cockpit reports.

by the Lynx Design System during flow       Through an intuitive user interface,         Accelerating project start
execution, and additional user-defined      managers and designers can easily            and tape-out with Foundry-
metrics can be defined. Examples of         create custom reports such as:               Ready System
metrics pre-configured for capture in        Dashboards that show key project
                                            ``                                           Mismatched, incorrect, or incomplete
Lynx include:                                 metrics such as frequency, area            technology and library files can
 Chip/block area, width and height
``                                            and power                                  negatively impact project schedule
 Cell utilization
``                                           Trend analyses of design progress and
                                            ``                                           and designer productivity. The risk is
 Number of instances and logic gates
``                                            comparison to target goals                 especially high at newer process nodes,
 Number of clock and voltage domains
``                                           Current design status summary
                                            ``                                           where technology data is constantly
 Number of HVT, LVT and RVT cells
``                                           Block level comparisons of QoR results
                                            ``                                           changing. Lynx’s Foundry-Ready
 Min/Max Worst-case Negative Slack
``                                           Summary of tools and tool versions
                                            ``                                           System helps address these early
  (WNS)                                       used in the flow                           design impediments by providing tools
 Min/Max Total Negative Slack (TNS)
``                                                                                       to validate technology and foundry
                                            The Management Cockpit provides
 Clock skew and clock latency
``                                                                                       data in Lynx’s Production Flow. The
                                            a web-accessible tool for project
 Total, leakage and dynamic power
``                                                                                       Foundry-Ready System includes scripts
                                            leads, design management and senior
 DRC and LVS errors
``                                                                                       and documentation necessary to
                                            executives to share a consistent,
 ATPG fault coverage
``                                                                                       pre-test libraries and technology files
                                            accurate and real-time view of their
 Run time, memory usage and CPU
``                                                                                       and configure them for proper design
                                            project status. This critical data enables
  usage by task                                                                          flow execution.
                                            informed and timely decisions to be
The Management Cockpit’s reporting          made as necessary through the course         Upon initial Lynx deployment, Synopsys
GUI facilitates access to all captured      of the program to optimize use of            will show you how to configure the
project metrics and enables users to        resources and achieve desired goals.         Foundry-Ready System for your specific
specify their design targets to simplify                                                 technology node, enabling you to:
the checking of design status (Figure 5).

Lynx Design System                                                                                                                 4
Set up scripts for your specific library/
``                                                              Other common Lynx Design System
  libraries                                                     customizations include:
 Set up scripts for your specific foundry
``                                                               Integration of internally developed
  technology files                                                 methodologies and processes for
 Create/Update technology-specific
``                                                                 specialized flows and handoff points
  flow scripts                                                   Automatic tracking of additional custom
The Foundry-Ready System also                                      metrics (e.g. number of IP instances,
improves tape-out quality with                                     handoff dates, milestones, etc.)
embedded foundry “tape-in” criteria.                             Additional tape-out process checks
It integrates process-specific                                     (e.g. critical area analysis that
methodologies such as metal fill and                               calculates die yield probabilities)
via optimization and representative                              Integrating Lynx’s Production Flow into
settings like on-chip variation (OCV) into                         customer’s design infrastructure
the design flow. Through a combination
of automated checks, documented                                 Conclusion
guidelines and post-GDSII reports, the                          The Lynx Design System is a highly
Foundry-Ready System helps facilitate                           integrated, production-ready SoC
first-time-right, manufacturing-ready                           development platform delivering a
design submissions.                                             streamlined path to tape-out. Based on
                                                                proven flows, it eases new technology
Open architecture facilitates                                   adoption and enables designers to work
integration with your specific                                  smarter and faster, delivering higher
design environment                                              productivity and project predictability.
The Lynx Design System’s modular                                For more information, visit
architecture enables it to be customized              
to a variety of end-user design
environments. For example, steps in
the production flow are partitioned at
key logical handoff points (synthesis,
design planning, place and route, etc.)
which make it easy for customers to
plug-in custom “sub-flows” as needed.
While Lynx’s Production Flow is tuned
to deliver superior quality of results with
the Synopsys Galaxy Implementation
Platform, it can readily incorporate
internal or other vendors’ tools into
the design flow by updating standard
and well understood TCL scripts
and makefiles.

                        Synopsys, Inc.  700 East Middlefield Road  Mountain View, CA 94043 

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