Media Kit 2019 EPP Elektronik Produktion + Prüftechnik | EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test - Konradin Service

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Media Kit 2019 EPP Elektronik Produktion + Prüftechnik | EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test - Konradin Service
EPP Elektronik Produktion + Prüftechnik | EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test   Media Kit 2019

                                                                                               Trade Magazine   4
                                                                                                      Website 22
                                                                                                   Newsletter 28
                                                                                                      Extras 30
                                                                                              Lead Generation 33

                                                                                             Konradin Industrie 44
Media Kit 2019 EPP Elektronik Produktion + Prüftechnik | EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test - Konradin Service
Media Brand

           Websites                                                                                                 EPP-NEWS (weekly) and
                                                                                                                 EPP-EUROPE-News (fortnightly)
 is the dedicated                                                                          provide Product and Industry
           German-speaking portal and                                                                                 Highlights succinctly
 is the European                                                                               and concisely for the
         trade portal in English language,                                                                          10,000/6,500 recipients.
        both exclusively serve the interests                                                                              from page 28
           of Electronics manufacturing.
                    from page 22
                                                                                   Trade Magazine
                                                                                Investment decision-makers in
                                                                                 electronics production within
                                                                                  German-speaking countries
                                                                                appreciate EPP as the magazine
                                                                                   for successful Electronics
      Social Media                                                                        production.
                                                Print international                          Page 4

                                                Distribution EMEA – English-
                                               language – in EPP quality with
                                                speed-read précis in German,                                      All issues also
                                                 French and Russian. For the                                      made available
                                                 highest level of acceptance                                         digitally.
                                                     amongst the target
                                                           Page 4

Media Kit 2019 EPP Elektronik Produktion + Prüftechnik | EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test - Konradin Service
“EPP provides the latest
                                                                                                                       news, trends and inno-
                                                                                                                       vations within the entire
                                                                                                                       sphere of manufacturing
                                                                                            Video                      of electrical components.
                                                                                                                       These important techni-
                                                                                     Professional video production     cal developments, expert
                                                                                      on site or during trade fairs,
            Events                                                                      always with the expert
                                                                                                                       knowledge and background
                                                                                             support of our            information are presented
7th EPP InnovationFORUM Germany –                                                            editorial staff.          to our readers in a clear,
for years one of the most important                                                              Page 30               reliable and succinct format.
          industry meetings.                                                                                           The platform for experts
               Page 36
                                                                                                                       from experts – you‘re right
 2nd expert forum LED meets SMT –                                                                                      here!“
      exclusive focus on LED in
SMT manufacturing. In cooperation
         with OSRAM Opto
                                                Lead Generation                        Webinar                         Doris Jetter
          Semiconductors.                           You will receive
               Page 37                           qualified contacts with
                                                 specific interest in your
                                                  subject (adhering to
                           Retargeting                 EU-DSGVO).
                                                      from page 33
                                      Page 22                                      We present your topics
                                                                                to your specific target group
                                                 Native                              using an intelligent
                                                                                 combination of advertising
                                                 Advertising                       formats – tailor-made,
                                                                                         budget and
                 The job portal                                                         goal-oriented.
                                                      Page 24
                of the Konradin
                 Media Group.
                    Page 42

Media Kit 2019 EPP Elektronik Produktion + Prüftechnik | EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test - Konradin Service
Editorial Concept

EPP Elektronik Produktion + Prüftechnik                    EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test              Editorial
– Clear structure and competent content                    – The international edition
                                                                                                                               Doris Jetter
                              EPP Elektronik Produktion                               With selected
                              + Prüftechnik distinguis-                               applications, technical                  Phone
                              hes itself as a specialist                              articles, exclusive                      +49 7021 53609
                              magazine for the                                        interviews and product                   doris.jetter@
                              electronics industry, with                              launches, the EPP              
                              a close journal/reader                                  EUROPE issues show
                              bond while incorporating                                readers what to look for
                              a high proportion of                                    in modern electronics                    Online editorial
                              specialist articles                                     manufacturing and                        Charlene Hesse
                              alongside exclusive                                     which products and
                              interview on practical,                                 solutions should be                      Phone
                              user-related topics. The                                considered.                              +49 711 7594-428
                              respected editorial                                                                              charlene.hesse@
                              standards of specialist                                                                
reporting, high credibility and optimised, modern          • EPP EUROPE is published in English.
layout, all combined to make EPP an unparalleled           • Unique in the market: Also includes summaries in
sourced of information.                                      German, Russian and French, enhancing the value                   Assistant Editor
                                                             for readers who want a quick overview of the                      Birgit Niebel
EPP is the indispensable advertising medium for              articles in their own language.
electronics manufacturing.                                                                                                     Phone
                                                           Readers are investment decision makers working in                   +49 711 7594-349
Highlights include these main topics:                      the electronics manufacturing industry (OEM and                     birgit.niebel@
• Production of assemblies                                 EMS providers) with manufacturing structures typical      
• Packaging                                                for the EMEA region. Distribution covers the whole of
• Test + quality assurance                                 Europe, as well as North Africa and the Middle East,
• Smart Factory as theme issue in August                   from senior management to leaders within the
                                                           industry sector.
The reader draws further benefit from the supplemen-
tary info boxes arranged throughout the sections.          The topics provide an effective
Stay professionally informed and up to date                and eye-catching environment for your ad.
EPP readers are reliably informed about important
technical developments. Specialist know-how and
expertise are presented centre-stage. For intensive use
by the reader/user, information is prepared in a
media-friendly format.
Media Kit 2019 EPP Elektronik Produktion + Prüftechnik | EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test - Konradin Service
Trade Magazine
            1 Portrait

01 Title:                EPP Elektronik Produktion + Prüftechnik

02 In brief:             With 43 years in the industry, EPP Elektronik Produktion   10 Publishing house:      Konradin-Verlag Robert Kohlhammer GmbH
                         Prüftechnik together with the sister brand EPP EUROPE                                Ernst-Mey-Straße 8, 70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen
                         is today the market-leading information platform within
                         the field of Electronics production in Germany and         11 Publisher:             Katja Kohlhammer
                                                                                    12 Advertising:           Andreas Hugel, Sales Director
                         EPP is the trade magazine for the German-speaking
                         market with the highest circulation in the fields of       13 Editorial:             Doris Jetter, Editor-in-Chief
                         technical management/plant management and

03 Target group:         Investment decision-makers and professionals within        14 Pagination analysis 2017 = 7 issues
                         their own electronics manufacturing facilities (OEM/EMS)      Total number of pages:                                 672 pages    = 100.0%
                         who are up-to-date with the latest technology in
                         electronics manufacturing and testing, in addition to         Editorial section:                                     480 pages    =      71.4%
                         developers/designers with a focus on Design for               Advertising section:                                   192 pages    =      28.6%
                         Manufacturing/Testing.                                         also comprising:
                                                                                        loose inserts:                                          9 pieces
04 Frequency:            7 issues per year

05 Format:               DIN A4                                                     15 Content analysis of editorial section 2017:            480 pages    = 100.0%

06 Year:                 44th year 2019                                                Technical articles and product information:            325 pages    =      67.6%
                                                                                       concerning the topics
07 Subscription price:   Annual subscription:                                           Printed circuit boards and components                 234 pages
                         Germany 85.40 €                                                Chip packaging + assembly                              15 pages
                         Abroad       85.40 €                                           Testing, quality assurance                             76 pages
                         Free delivery to qualified recipients only                    Editorial/content                                       15 pages    =       3.2%
                                                                                       News & highlights                                      140 pages    =      29.2%
08 Organ:                —

09 Memberships:          bvik Bundesverband Industrie Kommunikation e.V.

Media Kit 2019 EPP Elektronik Produktion + Prüftechnik | EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test - Konradin Service
Trade Magazine
         2 Circulation and Distribution Analysis

01 Audited by:                                                                             3.1 Circulation by postcode regions:
                                                                                               Percentage of actual circulation
02 Circulation analysis:    Average copies
                            (July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018)

   Print run:                        9,200                                                                                                     PLZ 2

   Actual circulation:               9,148             of them abroad:               59    Postcode 2                                                                  Schwerin        PLZ 1     Postcode 1
                                                                                           7.4% =                                                                                                    4.3% =
   Sold copies:                      1,344             of them abroad:               11    672 copies                                                                              Berlin        391 copies
   • Subscriptions:                     92             of them for members:           –                                    PLZ 4
                                                                                                                                                                 Magdeburg           Potsdam
   • Retail sale:                        –                                                 Postcode 4                                                                                            Postcode 3
                                                                                                                        Osnabrück               Hannover
   • Other sales:                    1,252                                                 10.7% =                                                                                                   9.3% =
                                                                                                                                                      PLZ 3
                                                                                           973 copies                      Dortmund
                                                                                                                                                                                                 845 copies
   Free copies:                      7,804                                                                 Düsseldorf                                                                Dresden
   Residual/archive copies:             52                                                 Postcode 5                                                         Erfurt                             Postcode 0
                                                                                                                                                                             PLZ 0
                                                                                           10.7% =                      Köln                                                                           5.9 =
                                                                                           973 copies              PLZ 5            Frankfurt                                                    536 copies
                                                                                                                                                              PLZ 9

03 Geographical analysis:                              Share of total distributed copies   Postcode 6                          Mainz                                                             Postcode 9
   Economic area                                                         %       Copies    10.3% =               Saarbrücken         PLZ 6                                                           9.7% =
                                                                                           936 copies                                                                                            882 copies
   Germany                                                         99.4          9,089                                                  Stuttgart
   Abroad                                                           0.6             59     Postcode 7                                                                                            Postcode 8
                                                                                                                                    PLZ 7
    comprising                                                                             18.6% =                                                       PLZ 8
                                                                                                                                                                                                   13.1% =
    Austria/Switzerland                                            65.3              38    1,691 copies                                                           München                      1,190 copies
    Great Britain                                                   7.9               5
    Scandinavia                                                     8.2               5
    Benelux (B, NL, L)                                             10.0               6
    Asia                                                            2.9               2    Summary of the survey method:
                                                                                           1. Method: File-based recipient-structure analysis – total circulation
    North and South America                                         3.8               2    2. Population: Actual circulation
    other foreign countries                                         1.9               1    3. Sample: Total circulation
                                                                                           4. Target persons of the study: Recipients of the magazine
   Actual circulation                                             100.0          9,148     5. Study period: June/July 2018
                                                                                           6. Survey completed by: Konradin Media Group

Media Kit 2019 EPP Elektronik Produktion + Prüftechnik | EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test - Konradin Service
Trade Magazine
           2 Circulation and Distribution Analysis EPP EUROPE

Circulation analysis
Copies per issue, annual average (07/17–06/18)
Actual circulation: 18,000                                                             Russia, Belarus, Ukraine
                                                                                         10.1% = 1,818 copies

Scandinavia                                                                           Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia
8.3% = 1,494 copies                                                                           3.9% = 702 copies

GB/IE                                                                                                  Poland
19.3% = 3,474 copies                                                                        8.1% =1,458 copies

BeNeLux                                                                                 Czech Republic, Slovakia
6.0% = 1,080 copies                                                                        6.6% = 1,188 copies

Germany                                                                                    Switzerland, Austria
6.3% = 1,134 copies                                                                          1.7% = 306 copies

France                                                                   Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary
4.3% = 774 copies                                                                        8.9% = 1,602 copies

Spain/Portugal                                                                 Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Bosnia-
2.8% = 504 copies                                                           Herzegovina, Albania, Montenegro
                                                                                             3.0% = 540 copies
Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco
1.5% = 270 copies                                                                                          Italy
                                                                                              2.7% = 486 copies
North and South America
4.2% = 756 copies                                                                                Greece, Turkey
                                                                                              0.6% = 108 copies
South Africa
0.6% = 108 copies                                                                                  Middle East
                                                                                             1.1% = 198 copies
Summary of the survey method:
1. Method: File-based recipient-structure analysis – total circulation
2. Population: Actual circulation
3. Sample: Actual circulation
4. Target persons of the study: Recipients of the magazine
5. Study period: June/July 2017
6. Survey completed by: Konradin Media Group                                                                    7
Media Kit 2019 EPP Elektronik Produktion + Prüftechnik | EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test - Konradin Service
Trade Magazine
         3 Readership Analysis

1.1 Industries/industrial sectors: recipient groups                     Share of readers
    Industry code acc. to classification of industrial sectors 2008      %     Approx.     1.2 Company size:                              Share of readers
                                                                                                                                           %     Approx.
     C.26.1   Prod. of electronic components and PCBs                   7.7        704
     C.26.2   Prod. of computers and peripheral equipment               3.9        357                1 – 49 employees                   38.1      3,485
                                                                                                    50.00 99 employees                   10.6        970
     C.26.3   Prod. of equipment and facilities of                                               100.00 199 employees                    17.0      1,555
              telecommunications technology                             3.5        320           200.00 499 employees                    11.8      1,079
     C.26.4   Prod. of consumer electronics devices                     2.1        192         500 and more employees                    22.5      2,058
     C.26.5   Prod. of measuring and control equipment                 31.8      2,909
                                                                                              Actual circulation                        100.0      9,148
     C.26.6   Prod. of irradiation, electromedical and
              electrotherapeutic equipment                              1.9        174
     C.26.7   Prod. of optical and photographic instruments
              and equipment                                             4.1        375     1.3 Position in company                        Share of readers
     C.27     Prod. of electrical equipment                            26.8      2,452                                                     %      Approx.
     C.28     Mechanical engineering                                    6.5        595        Corporate management                       23.5       2,150
     C.29.31 Prod. of electrical and electronic equipment                                     1st management level                       15.4       1,409
             for motor vehicles                                         5.0        457        2nd management level                       38.3       3,504
     C.30     Other vehicle construction                                6.7        613        Employees, skilled workers, specialists    22.8       2,086

     Actual circulation                                               100.0      9,148        Actual circulation                        100.0       9,148

                                                                                           1.4 Job function                               Share of readers
                                                                                                                                           %      Approx.

                                                                                              Company management                         17.6       1,610
                                                                                              Technical management/plant management      25.5       2,516
                                                                                              Research & development                      1.4         128
                                                                                              Design engineering, engineering            10.6         970
                                                                                              Production, manufacturing, assembly        26.2       2,397
                                                                                              Testing/quality assurance                  15.0       1,372
                                                                                              Purchasing                                  1.7         156

                                                                                              Actual circulation                        100.0       9,148

Trade Magazine
         3 Readership Analysis EPP EUROPE

1.1 Industries/industrial sectors: recipient groups                     Share of readers   1.2 Company size:                              Share of readers
    Industry code acc. to classification of industrial sectors 2008      %     Approx.                                                     %     Approx.

     C.26.1   Prod. of electronic components and PCBs                  10.5      1,890                1 – 49 employees                   25.1      4,518
     C.26.2   Prod. of computers and peripheral equipment               4.3        774               50 – 99 employees                   11.6      2,088
                                                                                                   100 – 199 employees                   17.8      3,204
     C.26.3   Prod. of equipment and facilities of                                                 200 – 499 employees                   12.4      2,232
              telecommunications technology                             5.0        900         500 and more employees                    33.1      5,958
     C.26.4   Prod. of consumer electronics devices                     4.2        756
     C.26.5   Prod. of measuring and control equipment                 25.3      4,554        Actual circulation                        100.0     18,000
     C.26.6   Prod. of irradiation, electromedical and
              electrotherapeutic equipment                              1.5        270
     C.26.7   Prod. of optical and photographic instruments                                1.3 Position in company                        Share of readers
              and equipment                                             4.3        774                                                     %      Approx.
     C.27     Prod. of electrical equipment                            26.2      4,716
                                                                                              Corporate management                       20.3       3,654
     C.28     Mechanical engineering                                    4.6        828        1st management level                       18.3       3,294
     C.29.31 Prod. of electrical and electronic equipment                                     2nd management level                       38.5       6,930
             for motor vehicles                                         7.8      1,404        Employees, skilled workers, specialists    22.9       4,122
     C.30     Other vehicle construction                                6.3      1,134
                                                                                              Actual circulation                        100.0      18,000
     Actual circulation                                               100.0     18,000

                                                                                           1.4 Job function                               Share of readers
                                                                                                                                           %      Approx.

                                                                                              Company management                         17.4       3,132
                                                                                              Technical management/plant management      28.2       5,076
                                                                                              Research & development                      1.1         198
                                                                                              Design engineering, engineering             9.6       1,728
                                                                                              Production, manufacturing, assembly        26.9       4,842
                                                                                              Testing/quality assurance                  15.4       2,772
                                                                                              Purchasing                                  1.4         252

                                                                                              Actual circulation                        100.0      18,000

Trade Magazine
         Editorial Programme

PCB & board assembly                                                                     Rework: Repair work stations and processes, reballing, hand soldering tools,
                                                                                         materials, solder fume extraction, heat management | In issues 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 10
Dispensing/dosing: nderfill and curing, housings,
wrapping, handling, materials | In issues 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 10                              Screen/paste printing: solder paste application and adhesives,
                                                                                         squeegees, screens, stencils, tension frames | In issues 1-2, 5-6, 7-8, 10
Selektiv/Conformal Coating: Surface treatment, curing and drying
In issues 1-2, 5-6, 7-8, 10, 11                                                          Traceability/logistics: Marking/RFID, laser technology, scanners, lettering, labels,
                                                                                         barcodes, production and fitting logistics, supply chain management, packaging,
Assembly: Production processes (SMD, THT), printed electronics, LED, component           transportation, portfolio management, logistics | In issues 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9, 11
preparation and feed, process optimisation, Obsolescence Management, quality
management | In issues 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9                                             Chip-packaging & assembly

EMS/contract manufacturing: Outsourcing and competitive strategies, printed              Die and wire bonding: Bonding systems and wires, packaging, micro-positioning,
circuit boards, assemblies, consulting, prototyping                                      testing bondability, shear force and bond strength, embedded technologies
In issues 3-4, 7-8, 11                                                                   In issues 1-2, 5-6, 7-8, 9, 10

Production automation: Board handling, loading and unloading, software, MES,             Hybrid and multi-chip production: Thick-layer technology, LTTC, hybrid printing,
production control, lean management, RF technologies, Cleanroom                          thick-layer pastes, substrates/ceramics, lighting, etching, vacuum technology,
In issues 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 10, 11                                                          micro-assembly, laser | In issues 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 11

Future technologies: Smart Factory, Industry 4.0, robotics, 3D printing, networking,     3D system integration: 3D WLP, 3D chip system, stacking, laser, 3D-MID
Internet of Things (IoT), M2M communication, Big data, Cyber physical systems,           In issues 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9, 11
Smart grid, Al, E-Mobility, autonomous driving | In issues 3-4, 7-8, 10, 11
                                                                                         Test & quality assurance
Cable processing: Tools and systems for cutting, stripping, feeding, contacting/
assembling of wiring and cable harnesses | In issues 5-6, 7-8                            Workplace equipment: Furniture, tables, built-in appliances, lighting, EMC/ESD
                                                                                         In issues 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 11
Soldering: Reflow, vapor phase, selective, wave, flow agents, process analysis, therm.
section production, AVT, recycling of Altlotrecycling, efficiency                          Electrical assembly testing: Board testers (MDA, in-circuit test, function, combina-
In issues 1-2, 5-6, 7-8, 9, 11                                                           tion, flying probe, boundary scan), VXI test platforms, test pens and adapters
                                                                                         In issues 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9, 10
Depanelling: Automatic, semi-automatic and manual machines, aids, processes
(laser, etching, milling …) | In issues 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 10                                Optical/X-ray inspection: AOI, AXI, SPI, CT, image processing, microscopy,
                                                                                         visual control, optical means of measurement | In issues 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 10, 11
Cleaning technology: Processes for cleaning and drying, substrates, cleaning agents,
recycling, environmental protection, laser | In issues 1-2, 5-6, 7-8, 9, 11              Reliability testing: shock and temperature testing, controlled climate cabinets,
                                                                                         environmental simulation, wear and life-span testing | In issues 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 11

Trade Magazine
        Editorial Schedule 2019

Issue                   Focus                                                                                                               Fairs/Events

1-2/2019                Show preview:
                                              Assembly & PCB production
                                              Selective/conformal coating, assembly,
                                                                                             Test & quality assurance
                                                                                             Workplace equipment,
Publication date:                             soldering, cleaning technology, screen/paste   Optical/X-ray inspection
25.02.2019              7 EPP
                                              printing                                                                                      7th EPP InnovationsFORUM
                                                                                                                            1,000 copies
Advertising deadline:   InnovationsFORUM                                                                                                    Germany
01.02.2019              Germany               Chip packaging & assembly                                                                     Böblingen, 13.03.
Editorial deadline:                           Die and wire bonding, 3D system integration                                                   IPC EXPO APEX,
04.01.2019                                                                                                                                  San Diego 29.01.-31.01.
                                                                                                                                            Munich, 20.03.-21.03.

3-4/2019                Trade fair issue:
                                              Assembly & PCB production
                                              Dispensing/dosing, assembly, EMS/contract
                                                                                             Test & quality assurance
                                                                                             Workplace equipment,
                                                                                                                                            Nuremberg , 07.05.-
Publication date:                             manufacturing, production automation,          electrical assembly testing,                   09.05.
25.04.2019              Follow-up:            future technologies, depanelling, rework,      optical/X-ray inspection,                      INTERSOLAR EUROPE,
Advertising deadline:   7th InnovationFORUM   traceability/logistics                         reliability testing                            Munich, 15.05.-17.05.
01.04.2019              Germany                                                                                                                     +
Editorial deadline:                           Chip packaging & assembly                                                                     Additional distribution
04.03.2019                                    Die and wire bonding, hybrid and multi-chip                                                   at the SMTconnect 2019:
                                              production, 3D system integration                                                             + 1,000 copies

EPP                     Trend:
                                              Future technologies
                                              • IoT/Industry 4.0
                                                                                             Optimised soldering process
                                                                                             • Wave
                                                                                                                                            Additional distribution
                                                                                                                                            at the SMTconnect 2019:
EUROPE                  Automation            • Robotics/augmented reality                   • Reflow                                       + 1,000 copies
April 2019                                    • E-Mobility                                   • Selective

Publication date:                             Chip packaging & assembly                      Optimum screen printing
17.04.2019                                    • Die and wire bonding                         • Stencils
Advertising deadline:                         • Multichip production                         • Paste
26.03.2019                                    • 3D system integration                        • Printers
Editorial deadline:
26.02.2019                                    Assembly & PCB production                      Test & quality assurance
                                              • Cleaning                                     • AOI/AXI/SPI
                                              • Depanelling                                  • Microscopy
                                              • Cable processing                             • Pre- or post-reflow

Trade Magazine
        Editorial Schedule 2019

Issue                   Focus                                                                                                                         Fairs

5-6/2019                Follow-up:
                                                   Assembly & PCB production
                                                   Dispensing/dosing, selective/conformal
                                                                                                     Chip packaging & assembly
                                                                                                     Die and wire bonding, Hybrid and multi-chip
                                                                                                                                                      Laser World of Photonics,
                                                                                                                                                      Munich, 24.06.-27.06.
Publication date:                                  coating, assembly, production automation,         production, 3D system integration
19.06.2019                                         cable processing‚ soldering, depanelling,
Advertising deadline:                              cleaning technology, rework, screen/paste         Test & quality assurance
23.05.2019                                         printing, traceability/logistics                  Workplace equipment,
Editorial deadline:                                                                                  electrical assembly testing,
24.04.2019                                                                                           optical/X-ray inspection,
                                                                                                     reliability testing

7-8/2019                Theme issue future technologies
                        Annually, in August, EPP dedicates a complete edition to a highly topical subject.
Publication date:
                        2019: future technologies – 3D printing, Big Data, Industry 4.0, Smart Factory, E-Mobility, … – See price chart on page 19 for prices
Advertising deadline:
30.07.2019                                         Assembly & PCB production                         Test & quality assurance
Editorial deadline:                                Dispensing/dosing, selective/conformal            Workplace equipment,
02.07.2019                                         coating, assembly, EMS/contract manufactu-        electrical assembly testing,
                                                   ring, production automation, future               optical/X-ray inspection,
                                                   technologies, cable processing‚ soldering,        reliability testing
                                                   depanelling, cleaning technology, rework,
                                                   screen/paste printing, traceability/logistics     Theme issue future technologies
                                                                                                     3D printing, Big Data, Industry 4.0, Smart
                                                   Chip packaging & assembly                         Factory, E-Mobility, …
                                                   Die and wire bonding, Hybrid and multi-chip
                                                   production, 3D system integration

9/2019                  Focus:
                        LED production
                                                   Assembly & PCB production
                                                   Assembly, soldering, cleaning technology,
                                                                                                     Test & quality assurance:
                                                                                                     Electrical assembly testing
Publication date:                                  traceability/logistics
Advertising deadline:                              Chip packaging & assembly
21.08.2019                                         Die and wire bonding, 3D system integration
Editorial deadline:

Trade Magazine
        Editorial Schedule 2019

Issue                   Focus                                                                                                Fairs/Events

10/2019                 Focus:
                                              Assembly & PCB production
                                              Dispensing/dosing, selective/conformal
                                                                                             Test & quality assurance
                                                                                             Electrical assembly testing,
Publication date:                             coating, assembly, production automation,      optical/X-ray inspection        2nd Fachforum
07.10.2019                                    future technologies, depanelling, rework,                                      LED meets SMT
Advertising deadline:                         screen/paste printing                                                          Regensburg, 24.10.
12.09.2019                                                                                                                   Bondexpo,
Editorial deadline:                           Chip packaging & assembly                                                      Stuttgart, 07.10.-10.10.
15.08.2019                                    Die and wire bonding
                                                                                                                             Stuttgart, 07.10.-10.10.
                                                                               Including                                     parts2clean,
                                                                              supplement                                     Stuttgart, 22.10.-24.10.
EPP                     Trend:
                        Technologies of the
                                              Rapid component supply
                                              • Feeder solutions
                                                                                             Chip packaging & assembly
                                                                                             • Die and wire bonding
                                                                                                                             Additional distribution
                                                                                                                             at productronica 2019:
EUROPE                  future                • Component configuration                      • Hybrid production             + 1,000 copies
Nov. 2019                                     • Manual, semi-automatic, inline               • 3D system integration

Publication date:                             Efficient automation                           Assembly & PCB production
28.10.2019                                    • Smart Factory/Industry 4.0                   • Selective/conformal coating
Advertising deadline:                         • M2M communication                            • Cable processing
02.10.2019                                    • Autonomous driving                           • Rework
Editorial deadline:
04.09.2019                                    Test & quality systems                         Optimised soldering process
                                              • Reliability testing                          • Wave
                                              • X-Ray Test                                   • Reflow
                                              • Boardtester (Flying probe/Boundary scan)     • Selective

11/2019                 Trade fair issue:
                                              Assembly & PCB production
                                              Selective/conformal coating, EMS/contract
                                                                                             Test & quality assurance
                                                                                             Workplace equipment,
                                                                                                                             productronica, Munich,
Publication date:                             manufacturing, production automation,          optical/X-ray inspection,       + 2.000 Exemplare
05.11.2019              Focus:                future technologies, soldering, cleaning       reliability testing
Advertising deadline:   Manufacturing         technology, traceability/logistics                                             IT2industry@
10.10.2019              automation                                                                                           productronica, Munich,
Editorial deadline:                           Chip packaging & assembly:                                                     12.11.-15.11.
11.09.2019                                    Hybrid/multi-chip production, 3D system                                        Semicon Europe,
                                              integration                                                                    Munich, 12.11.-15.11.
Trade Magazine
         Trade Show Planner (Details in the editorial schedule on pages 12–13)


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Selected fairs in other industrial media of the

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Konradin Media Group


2nd Fachforum LED meets SMT
24.10.2019, Regensburg

7th EPP-InnovationsFORUM Germany
13.03.2019, Böblingen

Motek | Bondexpo
                                                     10     10                   10   10    26   10           3
07.10.2019 - 10.10.2019, Stuttgart

Intersolar Europe
15.05.2019 - 17.05.2019, Munich

29.01.2019 - 31.01.2019, San Diego

                                                                                 S3   11         S7
12.11.2019 - 15.11.2019, Munich

                                                            6                         5-6   16        6   3
24.06.2019 - 27.06.2019, Munich

20.03.2019 - 21.03.2019, Munich

                                                     11                               11
12.11.2019 - 15.11.2019, Munich

Semicon Europa
12.11.2019 - 15.11.2019 Munich

smtconnect (formerly smt hybrid packaging)
07.05.2019 - 09.05.2019, Nuremberg

Trade Magazine
         Rate Card No. 42 Page 1 of 6 (Prices valid as of 01.10.2018, in €, plus VAT)

                      Magazine format: DIN A4, 210 mm wide x 297 mm high                Your contact:
                      Untrimmed: 216 mm wide x 303 mm high                                                Advice, booking:
                                                                                                          see contacts on page 47
                      Type area:                                                                          Your quick link to us: Phone +49 711 7594-552
                      188 mm wide x 270 mm high
                      4 columns, each 44 mm wide                                                          Order confirmation, invoices, vouchers, data delivery and technical
                      Printing and binding: Web offset, saddle stitching                                  Order management
                                                                                                          Josephine Linseisen, Phone +49 711 7594-315
                      Charges: No discount on colour or bleed surcharges

Position: Price for guaranteed position (from 1/4 page),
10% surcharge on respective b/w price                                                   Data delivery: Use our advertisement portal for data
Colour: Print colours (CMYK) in accordance with ISO 2846-1, see rate card for colour
surcharges                                                                              Conditions: Prior to digital transfer of advertising artwork, the publisher must
                                                                                        receive the corresponding advertisement booking. The order and copy deadlines are
Formats: See table on page 16ff                                                         specified in the editorial schedule. A full-size print-out is required for checking the
                                                                                        supplied advertisement, or a contract proof or press proof in the case of a colour
Series discount: For orders within any 12 months (insertion year)                       advertisement.
                                                                                        Advertising must be seen as distinct from the editorial section and, as such, a
3 ads                  6 ads                  9 ads                 12 ads              booked advertising format (ad, bound insert, loose insert, etc.) may contain only the
                                                                                        offer of one advertiser.
5%                     10%                    15%                   20%
                                                                                        In the case of advertising specials or special formats, specific positioning and/or
                                                                                        technical specifications may also apply. See page 19 for further information or visit:

Classified ads                                Basic rate                                Payment conditions: 2% discount for direct debit, advance payment and payment
                                                                                        within 10 days of invoice date, otherwise payment in full no later than 30 days from
Recommendation ads                            1 col., 44 mm wide, per mm b/w     7,20
                                                                                        invoice date. VAT no.: DE 811 236 132
Classified ads                                1 col., 44 mm wide, per mm b/w     6,20
                                                                                        Bank account: Baden-Württembergische Bank, BIC: SOLADEST600,
Job market                                    see page 42 et seq.
                                                                                        IBAN: DE28 6005 0101 0002 6238 87
Premium company profile (online)              per year                       2,950.00
more on page 26                                                                         Our general terms and conditions are available online at
  Combination of print business card          per year                         660.00   We would be happy to send you a copy on request.
Print business card without premium profile   per year                       1,320.00

Trade Magazine
         Rate Card No. 42 Page 2 of 6 (Prices valid as of 01.10.2018, in €, plus VAT)

Ads: Standard formats
 Formats                       Basic               2-colour                  3-colour                 4-colour           Bleed       Format: width x height in mm
                               rates                                                                                     surcharge   Trim: add 3 mm to each side
                               b/w          Colour       Total rate   Colour      Total rate   Colour       Total rate
                                            surcharge    2c           surcharge   3c           surcharge    4c                                              Type area    Trimmed

 1/1 page                       4,260.00       395.00     4,655.00      785.00     5,045.00       970.00     5,230.00      213.00                            188 x 270    210 x 297

 Juniorpage                     2,520.00       320.00     2,840.00      620.00     3,140.00       775.00     3,295.00      126.00                    3col    140 x 190   151 x 205

 1/2 page                       2,200.00       320.00     2,520.00      620.00     2,820.00       775.00     2,975.00      110.00             land. 4col     188 x 133   210 x 150
                                                                                                                                              port. 2col      92 x 270   103 x 297

 1/3 page                       1,870.00       320.00     2,190.00      620.00     2,490.00       775.00     2,645.00        93.50            land. 4col     188 x 88    210 x 105
                                                                                                                                              port.           60 x 270    71 x 297

 1/4 page                       1,190.00       275.00     1,465.00      555.00     1,745.00       670.00     1,860.00        59.50            land. 4col     188 x 65    210 x 82
                                                                                                                                                    2col      92 x 133   103 x 150
                                                                                                                                              port. 1col      44 x 270    55 x 297

 1/8 page                         635.00       275.00       910.00      555.00     1,190.00       670.00     1,305.00                         land. 4col     188 x 32             not
                                                                                                                                                    2col      92 x 65         possible
                                                                                                                                              port. 1col      44 x 133

No discounting is applied to surcharges. For special formats and ad specials, please see overleaf. For more information and technical details, visit

Trade Magazine
         Rate Card No. 42 Page 3 of 6 (Prices valid as of 01.10.2018, in €, plus VAT)

Ads: Special formats and positions
 Formats                     Basic              2-colour                 3-colour                 4-colour           Bleed        Format: width x height in mm
                             rates                                                                                   surcharge    Trim: add 3 mm to each side
                             b/w          Surcharge   Total rate   Surcharge   Total rate   Surcharge   Total rate
                                                         2c                       3c                       4c                                         Type area    Trimmed

 2nd and 4th                 4,550.00       395.00    4,945.00       785.00    5,335.00       970.00    5,520.00       227.50                          188 x 270   210 x 297
 cover page
 1/3 page                    2,120.00       320.00    2,440.00       620.00    2,740.00       775.00    2,895.00       106.00                           60 x 270    71 x 297
 next to editorial

 1/2 page                    2,620.00       320.00    2,940.00       620.00    3,240.00       775.00    3,395.00       131.00                           92 x 270   103 x 297
 next to table of contents

 Panoramic spread                                                                                                                      Spread over 2 pages
 2 x 1/4 page                2,600.00                                                         670.00    3,270.00                       including gutter.           420 x 82
 2 x 1/3 page                3,800.00                                                         775.00    4,575.00                       Positioned at the foot      420 x 105
 2 x 1/2 page                4,550.00                                                         775.00    5,325.00                       of the page.                420 x 150

 Ad in editorial sect.        per mm                               plus colour surcharge     4-colour                            Max. height 50 mm, minimum
 44 mm wide                     22.00                                                         250.00                             height 20 mm, surrounded by       44 x spec.
 60 mm wide                     31.00                                                         250.00                             editorial on at least 3 sides,    60 x spec.
                                                                                                                                 Position: in News & Highlights

 Business cards              Only Print                                                      per year   1,320.00                                         60 x 82

                             Print + premium company profile (Online)                        per year   3,610.00

Trade Magazine
        Rate Card No. 42 Page 4 of 6 (Prices valid as of 01.10.2018, in €, plus VAT)

Ad Specials
                          Specifications                            Prices                   Further options /                  Quantities/formats:
                                                                                             technical notes                    width x height in mm

 Belly band
 105 mm high             Single-sided printing incl. production,
                          handling not included
                                                                         125.00 per thsd.
                                                                                             Paper: 200 g matt art paper, 2 x
                                                                                             fold grooves with adhesive dot
                                                                                                                                                              465 x 105
                                                                                                                                                              9,400 cop.
                                                                                                                                plus 3 mm bleed
 Cover flap                                                                                                                     Format:                        105 x 297
                         105 mm wide, attached on left-hand
                          side with title logo featured on front
                                                                                7,700.00     Front partially, back fully
                                                                                             printable. Advertising space       plus 3 mm bleed
                                                                                             approx. 0.8 pages.
 Bound insert             1 leaf = 2 pages 135 – 180 gsm                        5,740.00     Front page marked.                 Insert format:                 210 x 297
                          2 leaves = 4 pages 80 – 18 gsm                        9,200.00     Other formats and weights on       Delivery: untrimmed            216 x 305
                                                                                             request, with sample.
                                                                                                                                Quantity:                     9,900 cop.

 Loose insert             With insert note in magazine.                 250.00 per thsd.     Other formats and weights on       Max. format of insert:        200 x 290
 up to 25 g               Partial allocation by first digit of        Min. run 3,000 cop.    request, with sample.              Quantity:                     9,400 cop.
                          postcode is possible.
 Tip-on                                                                   61.00 per thsd.                                       Quantity:                    10,200 cop.
 Postcard                Postcard
                          Automatic gluing                               37.00 per thsd.*    Manual gluing (pin-point           Must accompany all copies
                          Minimum size of carrier ad: 1/1 page             plus carrier ad   accuracy) 74.00 per thsd.*         Circulation:                  9,200 cop.

                                                                                                                                  *no agency commission on technical costs

                                                                                                                                More on
                                                                                                                                ad specials:

Trade Magazine
         Rate Card No. 42 Page 5 of 6 (Prices valid as of 01.10.2018, in €, plus VAT)

Special issues
                EPP EUROPE – International edition                                                           Theme issue future solutions

                Quantity: 18,000 copies – 2 x per year                                                       EPP 7-8/2019
                Ads: Standard formats                                                                        Ads: Standard formats

 Formats                  Total rate   Format: width x height in mm                          Theme issue − Formats and prices
                          4c           Trim: add 3 mm to each side

                                                             Type area    Trimmed             Basic package: 1/1 page, 4-colour                                       2,900.00

 1/1 page                  5,775.00                           188 x 270   210 x 297
                                                                                                        or              or

 Juniorpage                3,715.00                   3col    140 x 190   151 x 205           Company         Display        Profile
                                                                                              profile         Ad             ad

                                                                                              Premium package: 2/1 pages, 4-colour                                    4,200.00
 1/2 page                  3,325.00             land. 4col    188 x 133   210 x 150
                                                port.          92 x 270   103 x 297

 1/3 page                  2,645.00             land. 4col    188 x 88    210 x 105
                                                port.          60 x 270    71 x 297
                                                                                              Company profile and display ad

 1/4 page                  2,010.00             land. 4col    188 x 65    210 x 82
                                                      2col     92 x 133   103 x 150         Company profile: Structured according to fixed layout specifications for headings,
                                                port. 1col     44 x 270    55 x 297         text volume, image quantity/formats, logo, contact details, e.g. URL, telephone,
                                                                                            e-mail, QR code or link. Details on request.

Total rates 4c. Further ad formats and prices on request. More information in the Editorial Schedule starting on page 11.
Trade Magazine
                      Rate Card page 6 of 6 | Technical Requirements for Ad Specials

                                                                                                                                                                                          fold (gutter)
Prior to order acceptance and confirmation, it is necessary to submit a binding                          Bound inserts:                                                                                             5 mm
sample, or at least a dummy sample with size and weight specifications. The final                        Possible with perfect binding.
positioning depends on the technical possibilities. Materials other than paper are                       Delivery untrimmed

                                                                                                                                                    305 mm untrimmed
only available on request.

                                                                                                                                                     297 mm trimmed
                                                                                                         Trim layout diagram:
                              Postcards:                                                                                                                                       213 mm                     210 mm
                                                                                                                                                                              untrimmed                   trimmed
                              Automatic gluing with variable height is only possible when the
                              adhesive edge is parallel to the magazine binding with a
 adhesive edge

                              minimum clearance of 1 cm and a maximum clearance of 7 cm.
                              A minimum space of 30 mm to the adjacent edge must be                                                                                                                                 3 mm
                              allocated.                                                                                                                                  3 mm
                              In all other cases, including an oblique placement, gluing costs                                                                                             426 mm
                 70 mm        for manual gluing are charged.
                              Advertising media including product, CDs/DVDs etc.:                                                                                      fold (spine)              fold
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    5 mm
                              Machine gluing is only possible with parallel adhesive edge to the
 Insertion direction
Insertion  direction
                              magazine binding and at least 40 mm distance from the binding                                               6-sides
                              with variable height. A minimum space of 30 mm to the adjacent

                                                                                                                           305 mm uncut
                                                                                                                            297 mm cut
                              edge must be allocated. Gluing costs upon request.
                              Position deviations of 1-2 mm for glued-on products are due to technical
                              reasons and cannot be excluded.                                                                                 213 mm                                  206 mm              195 mm
Belly bands:
In the layout, folds (variable magazine thickness) and rear overlapping must be taken                                                         210 mm                                  206 mm              195 mm
into consideration. The belly band is produced at Konradin.                                                                                     cut
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    3 mm
                                                                                                                                          3 mm
                                                                                                                                                                               uncut 614 mm
                                                                                  105 mm

                 127.5 mm               210 mm                    127.5 mm
                                                                                                         Delivery note for ad specials: For “EPP”, issue (no.),
                                                                                                         Euro-pallet dimensions: 80 x 120 cm (max. height 110 cm)
                                        465 mm                                                           Delivery address for bound inserts and tip-ons: at advertiser’s expense to:
                                       untrimmed                                                         Konradin Druck GmbH, Kohlhammerstraße 15, 70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen,
                                                                                                         Germany. Delivery times: Mon. to Fri., 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Bound inserts and loose inserts:                                                                         Delivery address for loose inserts EPP: at advertiser’s expense to:
They must be delivered in such a manner that no further treatment or processing will be                  Beck Servicepack GmbH, Raiffeisenstraße 25, 70794 Filderstadt, Germany.
required. The front is to be clearly marked. Multi-page bound or loose inserts must be                   Delivery times: Mon. to Fri. 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
folded appropriately and be closed towards the collar, i.e. in the direction of insertion.               Delivery address for loose inserts EPP Europe: at advertiser’s expense to:
Complications and additional folding and gluing work will need to be charged                             Lettershopservice GmbH, Steinbeisstraße 16, 70736 Fellbach, Germany.
separately, as appropriate. Inserts must be in one piece and will be inserted loosely.                   Delivery times: Mon. to Thu. 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Fri. 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Trade Magazine – Special Issue
         productronica Guide (Prices valid as of 01.10.2018, in €, plus VAT)

Special issue                                                                                                                                           Note:
productronica guide –                                                                  Special Issue − Packages and prices
the ultimate trade fair companion!                                                     Logo package | max. 8 logos bookable per hall                                 200.00
                                                                                       • Logo JPEG, 300 dpi, CMYK, incl. arrow pointing to your stand
                                    Produced in a compact and handy DIN A5             • Color highlighting of
                                    format, EPP presents the definitive productroni-     – your company name in exhibitors' A-Z
                                    ca guide 2019. The bilingual content, in both        – your stand in the hall plan
                                    German and English, speaks directly to all trade
                                                                                       Content premium package | max. 2 logos bookable per hall                     1,500.00
                                    fair visitors.
                                                                                       • 1/1 page advertorial
                                    Comprehensive hall plans, a complete list of all
                                    exhibitors in addition to exclusive visitor and    Classic package | max. 1 logo bookable per hall                              2,000.00
                                    event tips, combine to provide the essential       • 1/1 page ad
                                    resource for every attendee.                       • Format: 148 x 210 mm, 3 mm bleed on all sides
                                                                                       • Positioning: C2, C3 C4
                                    EPP also assures maximum coverage thanks to
                                    exclusive distribution:                            Title package | max. 1 logo bookable
                                    • Full supplement to EPP Oktober 2019              • Cover ad
                                    • Full supplement to EPP Europe November           • Format: 148 x 210 mm, 3 mm trim on all sides
                    Total             2019                                             • Positioning: Cover page
                circulation         • Distributed by hostesses at Munich Central
                  30,000              Station

Spotlight your participation in the fair guide!                                        Trade fair bonus – free additional benefits:
The number of advertising spaces is carefully limited to guarantee optimal
advertising efficacy. A maximum of 5 logos and 2 content-premium places                  The productronica guide is also available online in digital format and is
can be booked per hall.                                                                promoted accordingly in all Newsletter issues of both EPP
                                                                                       and EPP Europe from October 7, 2019.
Publication date:             07.10.2019

Advertising deadline:         09.09.2019                                               Technical details can be downloaded from:

 | (Prices valid as of 01.10.2018, in €, plus VAT)
the portals for electronics production in D/A/CH or EMEA                                    Increase Reach through Retargeting
                                                                                            With this option, you can also reach your precise target audience on the Google
                                                                                            Display Network via high-reach news and consumer portals. You will have the
                                                                                            opportunity to present your advertising message to your target group for a
                                                                responsive                  substantially longer period of time.
                                                                web design                  Choose your topic-specific audience and adopt advance retargeting options to
                                                                                            extend your reach with display ad impressions!

                                                                                            The target group Marketing process

                                                                                                                           €                  AD

                                                                                                                                           AD    AD and
                                                                                                   Integrate       Marketing of the       Campaign           Present on
Target group:                                                                                    pixels on the      target group            setup            websites of
The core target group consists of technical and general managers, from senior management            website                                                 Google Display
and plant management, to production and quality management in companies with their                                                                            Networks
own electronics production. It also includes design and development engineers, along with   Your advantages:
engineers involved in systems integration, planning/project planning, etc.                  • Low wastage, thanks to targeted reach for users with a specific interest in the
In brief:
The latest news covering the entire electronics production industry. It is concisely and    • Control of your advertising investment through precise evaluation of audience
clearly presented and its content is expertly researched. The years of expertise and          reach.
detailed market knowledge of the EPP editorial team guarantees high-quality content         • Increase your brand awareness and image through recurring presence on
focused on every facet of electronics production. White papers, webinars, videos              high-reach portals.
(applications or statements) alongside all important dates of the Industry, combine to
make the portals even more useful.                                                          Price on request.
                                                                                            Any questions? We are happy to help!
Advertising formats and prices: See next page for standard formats, additional
advertising formats on request. Also supply the corresponding advertising materials for
display on mobile devices. More information and technical details at
Advertising format             Position on                          Desktop                  Mobile           Mobile          Mobile                               Price
 on all pages*                  desktop and tablet                   Size in pixels (w x h)   Tablet           Smartphone      Smartphone                       per week
                                                                                                               Positioning     Size in pixels (w x h)
 Leaderboard/                                                        728 x 90 or              scaled                           Mobile content ad                   370.00
 Large Leaderboard                                                   970 x 90 or                                               6:1
 also expandable possible                                            728 x 300 expandable                                      300 x 50

 Skyscraper/                                                         120 x 600 or             scaled                           Mobile content ad                   370.00
 Wide Skyscraper                                                     160 x 600 (wide)                                          6:1
                                                                                                                               300 x 50

 Sticky Skyscraper/                                                  120 x 600 or             scaled                           Mobile content ad                   370.00
 Sticky Wide Skyscraper                                              160 x 600 (wide)                                          6:1
                                                                                                                               300 x 50
                                                    
 Hockeystick or                                                      728/970 x 90 and         scaled                           Mobile content ad                   770.00
 wallpaper with                                                      120/160 x 600                                             4:1
 background colour                                                                                                             300 x 75
 (specify HEX Code)
 Frame Ad                                                            120 x 600 and            hockeystick                      Mobile content ad                   940.00
 (the skyscrapers connect to                                         1.125 x 90 and           scaled                           4:1
 the left and right of the                                           120 x 600                                                 300 x 75
 Billboard                                                           970 x 250                scaled                           Mobile content ad                   480.00
                                                                                                                               300 x 75

 Medium Rectangle                                                    300 x 250                1:1                              Mobile medium rectangle             320.00
 or                                                                                                                            1:1
 Video Ad                                                                                                                      300 x 250

*Does not apply to selected theme pages and company profiles.
Size and position in pictures illustrative. Displayed in rotation.                                                               Additional ad formats:
Submission of data: 7 days before start of campaign by e-mail to                                  Native advertising, see page 24
File formats: GIF, JPG, HTML5 (responsive), redirect. Max. file size 80KB. Please create HTTPS-compatible HTML5 and redirect     Premium company profile, see page 26
files. File format for video ad: MPEG4 (file size max. 30 MB). For the advertisement formats Frame Ad, Wallpaper, Sticky
Skyscraper and Expandable Leaderboard, please request our technical specifications via e-mail to:
                                                                                            Media Kit 2019 | EPP/EPP EUROPE – Website:      23
         Native Advertising (Prices valid as of 01.10.2018, in €, plus VAT)

Native advertising will raise your company’s profile and gain new sales prospects

Konradin Industrie’s native advertising options will convey your messages to your        Your benefits:
target audience - convincingly, effectively and packed with a high information           • With your content, you offer the reader/user real benefits and added value.
                                                                                         • Well-researched editorial articles on websites covering relevant topics.
In combination with traditional forms of advertising, native advertising will help you   • Benefit from the high credibility and professional competence of our media
to sustainably consolidate and enhance your competence for specific topics in your         brands.
relevant target groups.
                                                                                         • Your native advertising content cannot be blocked by ad blockers.

Sponsored article                                                                        Theme page

Theme:                                                                                    Partner pages are the ideal environment to present yourself to your target group
You provide the text, which is reviewed by our professional editorial staff and may       as a competent partner with a long-term perspective on a selected topic.
be edited, from case to case. In order to increase the credibility and the usefulness
of the submitted content, we recommend you refrain from using advertising copy            You determine the topic and to what extent we can support you, in terms of the
within the text.                                                                          content. Content - thus setting specific thematic focal points!
                                                                                          Your products or services will find the perfect editorial environment within the
Time frame:                                                                               Konradin Industrie topic pages!
Sponsored articles will be published for four weeks, unless otherwise agreed.
A start is possible anytime. After expiry of the four weeks, the sponsored
article is still available in the archive.

One image (694 x 456 pixels) is mandatory, up to 3 additional images are possible
(images without watermark or similar).

Integration as article (teaser) within the editorial part of the start page.

 Sponsored article – Services and prices (minimum lead time 4 weeks)                       Theme page – Services and prices (minimum lead time 8 weeks)
 Sponsored article (will be marked as “advertisement”)
 •• up to max. 6,000 characters (DOC) incl. spaces
                                                                                           Themes: Exclusively decided by yourself.
 •• plus 1 teaser image and a maximum of 2-3 additional images (150 dpi, JPG)
                                                                                           Possible formats: contributions, articles, texts, PDF, video, pictures, etc.
 •• plus links within the text
                                                                                           Positioning: Displayed in the navigation section                               5,300.00
                                                                                           Time frame: 3 months
 Package price per website                                                     3,700.00


                                                                                           The price will depend on the content to be presented, banners, placement and
                                                                                           integration within Konradin websites, in addition to the promotion and runtime.
                                                                                           The integration of partner downloads (e.g. Whitepaper, Webcast) upon
                                                                                           registration or the integration of a social media feed is optional.

                                                                                           All of these components can be individually changed in the PREMIUM Theme
                                                                                           Page and are defined upon request.

                                                                                                    Media Kit 2019 | EPP/EPP EUROPE – Website: Native Advertising                25
        Premium Company Profile (Prices valid as of 01.10.2018, in €, plus VAT)

Premium company profile
                                                                                  Your online presence at and 12 additional Konradin Industrie websites
                                                                                  •   Data and contact
                                                                                  •   Own header image
                                                                                  •   Logo
                                                                                  •   A description of your company
                                                                                  •   Published articles with Konradin Industrie
                                                                                  •   Downloads: your videos, webinars, white papers with Konradin Industrie*
                                                                                  •   Max. 3 additional download offers (optional with registration)*
                                                                                  •   Link to your social media account
                                                                                  •   Integration of your RSS feed on the page

                                                                                      Premium company profile                                             Price/year

                                                                                      Premium company profile at and
                                                                                      12 additional websites of Konradin Industrie
                                                                                      Start possible anytime

                          Raise your company’s profile and promote your               Basic price for 1 year                                                2,950.00
                          services with a premium company profile in the
                          network of Konradin Industrie.
                                                                                      *Leads on demand, per lead                                                 70.00
          on all
    Konradin Industrie    We generate traffic through extensive promotion in            Additional 3 download offers                                              300.00
        websites          print, online and the newsletters within our network.
                                                                                      Extension by additional 12 months                                     2,300.00

                                                                                      Combination of company profile online with business card                    in print for a special price (see next page)                                                       Details: Please request our check list.   
                                                                                  Data submission: via e-mail to

Trade magazine
          Business Card (Prices valid as of 01.10.2018, in €, plus VAT)

Your print business card includes                                                                                                                      Print price/year,
• 1 year presence                                               Print business card             Category / start with                                  Category and trade magazine
• in the trade magazine of your choice
                                                                Trade magazine                  In combination with company profile Premium (online)      2,950.00      only print
• in the relevant category*
                                                                                                Partner for robotics and factory automation /
                                                                Automationspraxis                                                                         + 990.00       1,980.00
                                                                                                10 issues
                                                                Beschaffung aktuell             Purchasing partner / 10 issues                            + 990.00       1,980.00
                                                                cav – Prozesstechnik für die
                                                                                                Partner for the chemical industry / 12 issues             + 990.00       1,980.00
                                                                dei – Prozesstechnik für die
                                                                                                Partner for the food industry / 10 issues                 + 990.00       1,980.00
                                                                elektro AUTOMATION              Partner for automation technology / 8 issues              + 990.00       1,980.00
                                                                EPP Elektronik Produktion &
                                                                                                Partner for electronics manufacturing / 7 issues          + 660.00       1,320.00
                                                                                                Partner for the industry / monthly, issues:
                                                                Industrieanzeiger                                                                         + 990.00       1,980.00
                                                                                                1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 23, 27, 31, 34
                                                                KEM Konstruktion                Partner for engineering / 9 issues                        + 990.00       1,980.00
                                                                mav Innovation in der
                                                                                                Partner for the production industry / 10 issues           + 990.00       1,980.00
                                                                spanenden Fertigung
                                                                medizin&technik                 Partner for medical technology / 6 issues                 + 660.00       1,320.00
                                                                phpro – Prozesstechnik für
                                                                                                Partner for the pharma industry / 5 issues                + 660.00       1,320.00
                                                                die Pharmaindustrie
                                                                QUALITY ENGINEERING             Partner for quality assurance / 4 issues                  + 660.00       1,320.00
*Categories for print (examples):
Assembly • Selective/conformal coating • EMS/contract           Sicherheitsbeauftragter         Partner for occupational safety / 10 issues               + 990.00       1,980.00
manufacturing • Production automation • Soldering • Cable
processing • Depanelling • Cleaning technology • Rework •       Sicherheitsingenieur            Partner for occupational safety / 12 issues               + 990.00       1,980.00
Screen/paste printing • Traceability/logistics • Die and wire
bonding • Dispensing/dosing • Hybrid-/multi-chip module         Start possible with any issue
production • 3D system integration • Workplace equipment •
Assembly testing • Optical/X-ray inspection • Reliability                                       Business card 60 mm wide x 82 mm high, logo, four-coloured
                                                                Format                          2 lines for company name and web address, 14 lines of text, approx.
Categories might be modified by Konradin                                                        50 characters incl. spaces. Positioning in your category of choice*

         EPP-News | EPP-EUROPE-News (Prices valid as of 01.10.2018, in €, plus VAT)

                                                                                        Ad format*/position                       Size in pixels (w x h)          Prices**
                                                                                        Leaderboard                               728 x 90***                   1,200.00
                                                                                        above header

                                                                                        Text/image ad                             Image: 200 x 150,               610.00
                                                                                                                                  text: 300 char.
                                                                                                                                  (incl. spaces)

                                                                                        Fullbanner                                468 x 60***                     610.00
                                                                                                                                  590 x 100***
                                                             web design

Title: EPP-News,                                                                        Medium Rectangle                          300 x 250                       610.00

In brief:
EPP-News and EPP-EUROPE-News offer interesting and varied news from the world
of electronics production. It contains industry reports, technology trends, applica-
tions, interviews, references to events and knowledgeable tips and advice.             * Size and position in picture illustrative.
                                                                                       **Price per issue/ad
Frequency:                                                                             ***Display on mobile devices: scaled to a width of 300 pixels
EPP-News: Weekly, every Wednesday, prior to SMT + productronica twice a week on
Tuesdays + Thursdays.                                                                  Data delivery:
EPP-EUROPE-News: biweekly, Tuesdays                                                    7 days prior to start of campaign via e-mail to:
                                                                                       Formats: GIF, JPG (DOC additionally for text/image ad), tracking code is possible,
Distribution:                                                                          tracking pixels are not built in (file size max. 60KB).
EPP-News: 10,000 personally named and qualified addresses.                             With animated GIF files, only the first frame
EPP-EUROPE-News: 6,500 personally named and qualified addresses.                       is displayed in the e-mail.

Target group:                                                                          To view the current newsletter and subscribe, please
Subscribers are qualified, named recipients who want to stay informed about the        go to: and
latest news on electronics production.                                        or scan QR codes

         Editors’ Special Newsletter (Prices valid as of 01.10.2018, in €, plus VAT)

                                                                                          Ad format*/position                       Size in pixels (w x h)            Price
                                                                                          1 x Leaderboard                           728 x 90**
                                                                                          above header

                                                                                          3 x Text/image ad                         Image: 200 x 100,
                                                                                                                                    text: 300 char.
                                                                                                                                    (incl. spaces)

                                                                                          3 x Fullbanner                            468 x 60**
                                                              web design                  or

                                                                                          3 x Medium Rectangle                      300 x 250
Your benefits:
• We present your topic to the market
• You benefit from a strong media brand
• Your advertising message receives the complete attention of the subscribers,
  all of the ad placements are exclusively at your disposal                               maximum of 4 positions                                                  4,500.00
• Attractive pricing
                                                                                         * Size and position in picture illustrative.
                                                                                         **Display on mobile devices: scaled to a width of 300 pixels
The Editors’ Special Newsletter is presented with the same look&feel of the regular
online newsletters. You will determine the subject focus and date of distribution.
Our editorial staff will carefully research the contents of the co-ordinated topic. If
                                                                                         Data delivery:
desired, your press releases can also be integrated into the newsletter. Finally, the
                                                                                         7 days prior to start of campaign via e-mail to:
editors compile the completed Editors’ Special Newsletter, incorporating your
                                                                                         Formats: GIF, JPG (DOC additionally for text/image ad), tracking code is possible,
exclusive banner advertising content.
                                                                                         tracking pixels are not built in (file size max. 60KB).
                                                                                         With animated GIF files, only the first frame is displayed in the e-mail.
Recipients: 10,000 recipients of EPP-News; 6,500 recipients of EPP-EUROPE-News

Send dates: on request

Availability: on request
         Video (Prices valid as of 01.10.2018, in €, plus VAT)
                                                                                                 pictures say
Your company                                              At the trade fair                                         At the trade fair
Application video                                         Video statement                                           VideoWall sponsoring
Combine your application report in print with a multi-    Put your trade fair highlights in the spotlight! We’ll    Our editors conduct exclusive video interviews with
media video. We will manage the production for you!       shoot an exclusive and professional video on your         reputable business partners from market-leading
Possible contents: interview with manufacturers and       stand, as a combination of company statement and          companies in the “TV Studio” located on the Konradin
users, production overview, machinery in operation        technology/product presentation.                          Stand.
including detailed shots.

                                   Example videos                                            Example videos                                          Example videos

                                                                                                                                                    As exclusive sponsor,
 Benefits and prices                                       Benefits and prices                                       Benefits and prices            benefit from your
 (at least 6 weeks lead time)                              (at least 4 weeks lead time)                              (at least 6 weeks lead time)   high-profile presence
                                                                                                                                                    on the sponsor wall…
 Briefing, treatment, filming on site (1 day),             Briefing before the fair, filming with you at the         Your sponsor logo visible
 professional voice-over, editing, cutting and             booth (1 hour maximum), professional voice-over,          on the VideoWall and           • Ideal for image and
 post-production sound studio, incl. a correction run.     editing, cutting and post-production sound studio,        in every video opening           brand building.
 Video (HD quality, length
         Address Quality – Individual Target Group Approach

Konradin Industrie offers quality addresses
in your target groups and target industries
                                                                                          Investment volume in relation to company size
                                                                                          (Example: mechanical engineering, industrial sector code 28)
Through extensive measures for address qualification, Konradin Industrie has a
detailed perspective of the essential core industries.                                    90% of investments are made in companies with more than 100 employees.*

This includes:                                                                            Number of                                                                    Investments
                                                                                          companies                Investment volume rises with increasing             in million euros
• Nutrition and food industry                                                                                                  company size
                                                                                           2500                                                                        2000
• Chemical industry
• Pharmaceutical industry                                                                  2000
• Metal production and processing                                                          1500
• Manufacture of metal products                                                                                                                                        1000
• Electrical engineering/electronics
• Precision engineering/optics/metrology                                                    500
• Mechanical and plant engineering                                                             0                                                          0
• Vehicle manufacturing                                                                            under 50 50-99        100-249 250-499 500-999 1,000 and more
• Medical technology                                                                               empl.    empl.        empl.   empl.   empl.   employees

                                                                                          Although there are significantly more small companies than large companies, the
This knowledge is utilised by Konradin Industrie to convey your advertising messages to   volume of investment is growing disproportionately as the operating size increases.
the right people in the right companies. The strategy applies equally, whether in the     With Konradin, within these larger high-investment companies, you are guaranteed
EPP magazine, the EPP-News newsletter, bespoke mailing or when it comes to                to reach the relevant investment decision-makers at all management levels.
generating leads for your sales team.
                                                                                          We would be delighted to provide you with detailed information for your specific
With EPP, you have a presence in the right companies.                                     target group.
                                                                                          Please contact us.
                                                                                          Contact: Andreas Hugel, phone +49 711 7594-472,

                                                                                          * Source: Federal Statistical Office, technical series 4, series 4.2.1, 2014

        Address Rental | Mailing (Prices valid as of 01.10.2018, in €, plus VAT)

Address rental
Take advantage of our professional addresses to attract new customers               Communicate successfully with professional print and e-mailings.
for your company.                                                                   Just get in touch.
Select addresses for your mailings from our qualified database
using criteria such as:
                                                                                      Tip: E-mailings are perfect for invitations to roadshows, open houses and events,
Region • Industry • Company size • Function • Position                                trade fairs, webinars, webcasts, product launches and much more.

                                                                                    Print mailing – Lettershop
We manage your e-mailings to interested
and potential customers, including                                                  We manage your complete
dispatch and reporting.                                                             designed print-mailing
Multiple shots lead to higher success                                               service via our Lettershop
rates.                                                                              – from print to dispatch.

 E-mailing − Benefits and prices (at least 6 weeks lead time)                        Print mailing − services and prices (at least 6 weeks lead time)
 Handling:                                                                           Handling:
 1 e-mailing, 1 draft (correction), 1 selection,                          750.00     1 selection by industry and function                                  effort-based
 use of the existing template,                                                       Creation, handling, postage, dispatch
 dispatch, reporting                                                                 Address rental
                                                                                                                                                 from 0.55 per address
 Address rental                                                                      Minimum order value € 1,100.00 = 2,000 addresses
                                                            from 0.75 per address
 Minimum order value € 750.00 = 1,000 addresses
                                                                                     No agency commission on price
 Multiple shots:
 1 reminder with same content, same template,
                                                                 Handling 110.00    Detailed information on request.
 same address selection
                                                            per address from 0.40
 No agency commission on price
Detailed information on request.

Lead Generation (Prices valid as of 01.10.2018, in €, plus VAT)

A professional partner for qualified leads

Why lead generation?                                                              What is a ‘lead’?                             Factors for successful
                                                                                                                                lead generation:
Prospective customers initially look for   with the (desired) provider, he will   You will receive qualified contacts with
solutions to their problems and not for    remain unrecognised.                   a concrete interest in your specific          • Topicality of the subject
products!                                                                         topic. You can then use these valuable        • Relevance of the topic for the
                                           Conclusion:                            contact details for your marketing or           target group
Information is increasingly being          The prospective customer, thus the     sales communication in accordance             • Users and exclusivity of the
researched via the Web, at the             potential buyer, must be addressed     with EU-DSGVO (General Data                     information presented
individually appropriate time within       through different TouchPoints – in     Protection Regulation).                       • Size of the defined target group
the customer journey. Until the            terms of both time and content.
prospect comes into direct contact

How does lead generation work with Konradin Industrie?

                                                        Scope of services         MQL or SQL?
                                                     Konradin lead campaign
                                                                                  Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL) is a lead with interest in your product or service.
                                                                                  You can reach MQLs with the online tools Webinar and Whitepaper (see the
   Awareness                                                                      following pages).
                                                                                  Sales Qualified Lead (SQL) is a contact that has developed into a genuine prospective
                              MQL                       From MQL to SQL           buyer through their own activities and with the support of marketing.
                                                        through lead nurturing
     Consid-                                            via marketing             You can reach SQLs with Konradin Industrie through tailor-made campaigns that we
     eration                   SQL                      automation                develop mutually with you. You will benefit from our professional campaign
                                                                                  management. Marketing automation and nurturing processes, as well as the entire
                                                                                  portfolio of Konradin media channels, will be adopted to fulfil the objectives of your
                          Opportunity                                             campaign. In addition, our team of experienced editors will assist you with content
                           Customer                                               Any questions? We are happy to help!

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