Mid North Region Plan - A volume of the South Australian Planning Strategy - May 2011 - Home SA.GOV.AU

Mid North Region Plan - A volume of the South Australian Planning Strategy - May 2011 - Home SA.GOV.AU
Mid North Region Plan
A volume of the South Australian Planning Strategy

May 2011
Mid North Region Plan - A volume of the South Australian Planning Strategy - May 2011 - Home SA.GOV.AU
Mid North Region Plan - A volume of the South Australian Planning Strategy - May 2011 - Home SA.GOV.AU
Mid North Region Plan
A volume of the South Australian Planning Strategy

                  This document is the Mid North Region Plan.
                  The document has been prepared by the South Australian
                  Government, through the Department of Planning and Local
                  Government, as a volume of the South Australian Planning
                  Strategy pursuant to section 22 of the Development Act 1993
                  and is subject to change.

                  For further information
                  Please visit www.dplg.sa.gov.au or telephone the Department
                  of Planning and Local Government on 08 8303 0600.

                  While every reasonable effort has been made to ensure that this document
                  is correct at the time of publication, the Minister for Urban Development,
                  Planning and the City of Adelaide, the State of South Australia, its agencies,
                  instrumentalities, employees and contractors disclaim any and all liability to
                  any person in respect to anything or the consequence of anything done or
                  omitted to be done in reliance upon the whole or any part of this document.

                  © Government of South Australia. Published 2011. All rights reserved.

                  ISBN 978-0-7590-0138-1
                  FIS 23121

Mid North Region Plan - A volume of the South Australian Planning Strategy - May 2011 - Home SA.GOV.AU
Mid North Region Plan - A volume of the South Australian Planning Strategy - May 2011 - Home SA.GOV.AU
Minister for Urban
Pl anning and the
Cit y of Adel aide

South Australia’s Mid North is a diverse region, with some of the state’s
most appealing tourist destinations and an economy underpinned by
primary production and processing. The region is known for the wines of
the Clare Valley, the rich history of towns like Burra, the agriculture that
drives centres like Crystal Brooke and Peterborough, and the industry of
Port Pirie. The region is crossed by South Australia’s major freight and
tourism routes and, importantly, it is home for around 40,000 people.
The Mid North Region Plan is designed to make sure this beautiful
region remains a great place to live, work and visit for many years to
come. This plan is one of seven regional volumes in the South Australian
Planning Strategy. Based on a presumption of steady economic growth,
the plans indicate where new housing, industry and commercial activity
should be best located – and not located. The plan outlines the different
roles and functions of towns and addresses important issues, such as
the way industrial, commercial and residential areas connect and impact
on each other.
As with all of the regional plans, the challenge is to balance changes in
the economy and population with the need to protect the region’s natural
and historical features. These include unique ecosystems, landscapes
and the built environment of towns. The plan identifies the potential
effects of growth on these features and sets out land-use principles and
policies for development that will support their protection. Ultimately, the
plan is about helping the Mid North to continue to grow and develop in a
way which preserves everything the community values about the region.
The Mid North Region Plan was produced as a result of close
collaboration between the State Government, local councils, regional
development and natural resources management boards, local industry
and the community. The result is a document which points the way to a
future of well-managed growth, protected natural and industry assets,
and strong communities.

Hon John Rau MP
Deputy Premier
Minister for Urban Development, Planning and the City of Adelaide

Mid North Region Plan - A volume of the South Australian Planning Strategy - May 2011 - Home SA.GOV.AU
Mid North Region Plan - A volume of the South Australian Planning Strategy - May 2011 - Home SA.GOV.AU
Table of Contents

Chapter A	OVERVIEW  .                       .              .          .         .         .          .              .                   .                   .               .              .               .               .                   .                   .               .                .                   .                   .                   .               .              . 1
               Background                  .          .          .         .         .         .          .              .                   .               .              .          .              .               .               .                  .               .               .               .                   .                   .               .              .          .    2
               The role of the South Australian Planning Strategy  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  2
               The objectives of the regional volumes   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           4
               Alignment with state government policies  .                                                                                                        .              .              .               .               .                   .               .               .               .               .                  .               .              .              .          4
               How the regional volumes will work at regional and local government levels  .   .   .   .   .  5
               Consideration of Commonwealth environmental matters  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  6
               Planning for change in regional South Australia  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  6

Chapter B	THE CONTEXT FOR THE PLAN  .                                                                                              .                   .               .              .               .               .                   .                   .               .                .                   .                   .                   .               .              .     9
               The Mid North region at a glance  .                                                                       .                   .               .              .          .              .               .               .                  .               .               .               .                   .                   .               .              .          . 10
               Key goals for the Mid North region  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           11

Chapter C	THE VISION FOR THE MID NORTH REGION  .                                                                                                                                                           .               .                   .                   .               .                .                   .                   .                   .               .              13
               An integrated approach  .                                             .         .          .              .                   .               .              .          .              .               .               .                  .               .               .               .                   .                   .               .              .          . 14

Chapter D      PRINCIPLES AND POLICIES  .                                                                           .                   .                   .               .              .               .               .                   .                   .               .                .                   .                   .                   .               .              17
               Environment and culture  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  20
               Economic development  .                                               .         .          .              .                   .               .              .          .              .               .               .                  .               .               .               .                   .                   .               .              .          . 32
               Population and settlements  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           42

Chapter E	INFRASTRUCTURE AND SERVICE PROVISION  .                                                                                                                                                                          .                   .                   .               .                .                   .                   .                   .               .              51

APPENDICES      .    .      .    .    .          .              .          .         .          .              .              .                   .               .              .               .               .                   .                   .               .                .                   .                   .                   .               .              . 55
               Appendix 1            How the Plan was developed  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  56
               Appendix 2            Information about the Mid North region  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  58
               Appendix 3            Contribution of the Plan to South Australia’s Strategic Plan targets   .   .   . 66
               Appendix 4            Related reports, strategies and plans   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 68

GLOSSARY	       .    .      .    .    .          .              .          .         .          .              .              .                   .               .              .               .               .                   .                   .               .                .                   .                   .                   .               .              . 71

List of maps
               A1        Planning regions covered in the South Australian Planning Strategy  .   .   .   .   .   .  3
               C1 An integrated vision for the Mid North region  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 15
               D1 Environment and culture   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 21
               D2 Economic development  .                                                            .              .              .               .              .              .              .               .               .                   .               .               .               .               .                  .               .              .              . 33
               D3 Population and settlements   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 43

Mid North Region Plan - A volume of the South Australian Planning Strategy - May 2011 - Home SA.GOV.AU
Mid North Region Plan - A volume of the South Australian Planning Strategy - May 2011 - Home SA.GOV.AU

Chapter A

Mid North Region Plan - A volume of the South Australian Planning Strategy - May 2011 - Home SA.GOV.AU

                                                                        Chapter A

                     Background                                         The role of the South                                can plan for the provision of

                                                                                                                             services and infrastructure, such
                     The Mid North Region Plan (the                     Australian Planning                                  as transport, health, schools,
                     Plan) guides future land use and                   Strategy                                             and aged care and community
                     development in the region. It                                                                           facilities.
                     has been prepared by the South                     The Mid North Region Plan is one
                                                                                                                             At a local level, the regional
                     Australian Government, through the                 of seven regional volumes that,
                                                                                                                             volumes provide guidance
                     Department of Planning and Local                   together with The 30-Year Plan for
                                                                                                                             and resources for councils as
                     Government, in collaboration with                  Greater Adelaide, make up the
                                                                                                                             they undertake their Strategic
                     the Mid North, Southern Flinders                   South Australian Planning Strategy.
                                                                                                                             Management Plans and review and
                     Ranges and Northern Regional                       The regions covered in the regional
                                                                                                                             amend their Development Plans.
                     Development Boards1, the Northern                  volumes of the Planning Strategy
                                                                                                                             Development Plans contain the
                     and Yorke Natural Resources                        are: Eyre and Western, Far North,
                                                                                                                             zones, maps and explicit rules that
                     Management Board, other state                      Kangaroo Island2, Limestone
                                                                                                                             specify what can and cannot be
                     government agencies and the                        Coast, Murray and Mallee, Yorke
                                                                                                                             done with land in a council area.
                     seven councils of the region:                      and Mid North (refer to Map A1).
                                                                                                                             Councils must ensure that their
                     ƒƒ Clare and Gilbert Valleys Council               While the Yorke and Mid North                        Development Plans are consistent
                                                                        regions are currently covered in                     with the land-use policies and
                     ƒƒ District Council of Mount
                                                                        the Planning Strategy as separate                    directions of the relevant regional
                                                                        volumes, they eventually will be                     volume. The regional volumes also
                     ƒƒ District Council of Orroroo                     combined into one volume.                            guide amendments to Development
                        Carrieton                                                                                            Plans in unincorporated (out of
                                                                        In the regional volumes the state
                     ƒƒ District Council of Peterborough                government gives direction on                        council) areas, as undertaken by
                                                                        land use and development for the                     the Minister for Urban Development,
                     ƒƒ Northern Areas Council
                                                                        period 2010–2036. They set out                       Planning and the City of Adelaide
                     ƒƒ Port Pirie Regional Council                                                                          (the Minister).
                                                                        how the government proposes to
                     ƒƒ Regional Council of Goyder.                     balance population and economic                      The Structure Plans for the state’s
                                                                        growth with the need to preserve                     major regional cities, including
                     Submissions received from
                                                                        the environment and protect the                      Mount Gambier, Port Augusta, Port
                     industry, interest groups and
                                                                        heritage, history and character of                   Lincoln, Port Pirie and Whyalla,
                     local communities during the
                                                                        regional communities. They also                      flow from the regional volumes.
                     two-month public consultation
                                                                        outline where people are likely to
                     period in 2008 have contributed to                                                                      The South Australian Planning
                                                                        live and the projected make-up
                     improving and finalising the Plan.                                                                      Strategy is a requirement of
                                                                        of the population so that state
                     For more information about the                                                                          section 22 of the Development Act
                                                                        and local government agencies
                     Mid North Region Plan and how                                                                           1993. The Minister is responsible
                     it was developed, please see                                                                            for its preparation on behalf of
                     Appendix 1.                                                                                             the state government and for
                                                                                                                             reporting to the South Australian
                                                                        2   Kangaroo Island is part of the Fleurieu and
                                                                            Kangaroo Island SA Government Administrative     Parliament annually on its
                     1   The Mid North, Southern Flinders Ranges and
                                                                            Region but for planning purposes it is covered
                                                                            in a separate regional volume of the South
                                                                                                                             implementation. Each volume of
                         Northern Regional Development Boards became        Australian Planning Strategy. The Fleurieu       the strategy must be reviewed at
                         Regional Development Australia Yorke and Mid       Peninsula is covered in The 30-Year Plan for
                         North in 2009–10.                                  Greater Adelaide.                                least every five years.

Planning regions covered in the South Australian Planning Strategy   Map A1

The objectives of the                          Alignment with state                           Strategic Infrastructure Plan for

                                                                                                                   South Australia (2005–06) by
                     regional volumes                               government policies                            identifying the infrastructure
                                                                                                                   priorities needed to support
                     To maximise the state’s                        The regional volumes of the South
                                                                                                                   economic and population growth.
                     opportunities and respond to its               Australian Planning Strategy
                                                                                                                   Third, they tie in with the Housing
                     challenges, the regional volumes               provide a link between broad,
                                                                                                                   Plan for South Australia (2005),
                     of the South Australian Planning               statewide planning aims and
                                                                                                                   Water for Good—A Plan to Ensure
                     Strategy have three interlocking               local, council-specific planning
                                                                                                                   our Water Future to 2050 (2009),
                     objectives. They are to:                       needs, and they work in tandem
                                                                                                                   the Economic Statement (2009),
                     ƒƒ maintain and improve liveability            with key state policies, leading to
                                                                                                                   the State Natural Resources
                                                                    a consistent approach to land use
                     ƒƒ increase competitiveness                                                                   Management Plan (2006), the
                                                                    and development across the state.
                                                                                                                   regional natural resources
                     ƒƒ drive sustainability and                    Firstly, the volumes support the               management plans (2009)
                        resilience to climate change.               achievement of a range of social,              and South Australia’s Waste
                                                                    economic and environmental                     Strategy (2005).
                     Figure A1 shows how these three                targets in South Australia’s Strategic
                     objectives interrelate.                        Plan. Second, they feed into the

                     Figure A1 – Objectives of the regional volumes of the South Australian Planning Strategy

                                              Liveability                                                  Competitiveness
                              A country lifestyle that is relaxed and has a strong                          Attracts jobs and investment
                                              sense of community                                             Retains people in the region
                               Has adequate and equitable access to services                       Attracts and welcomes people from different
                                   A vibrant arts, cultural and sporting life                                  backgrounds and places
                                   Housing and cost of living is affordable                      Scenic landscapes with an intrinsic sense of place
                                                                                             Attractive to a diverse range of businesses and industries
                              Best elements of the past and present are evident
                                         in town design and form                                  Maximises competitive advantage in renewable
                                                                                                                  and clean energy

                                                                        Sustainability and
                                                                    climate change resilience
                                                           Pattern of settlements is deliberately re-engineered towards
                                                               greater sustainability and climate change resilience
                                                           Adaptation means the region responds to the risk of climate
                                                           change and massively improves water and energy efficiency
                                                                  Preserves and restores the natural environment

Figure A2 – The Mid North Region Plan’s relationship with key state government policies

                                          South Australia’s Strategic Plan

          Growing            Improving           Attaining            Fostering             Building             Expanding
         prosperity          wellbeing         sustainability       creativity and        communities           opportunity

                                         S P A T I A L            S T R A T E G Y
  SASP OBJECTIVES                                                                                              SASP OBJECTIVES

                                               Mid North Region Plan
  STATE POLICY INITIATIVES                                                                              STATE POLICY INITIATIVES
                                                    Port Pirie Structure Plan

              Water for Good –                           State Natural              Strategic
                                     Greenhouse                                                      Skills Strategy
              A Plan to Ensure                             Resource              Infrastructure
                                      Strategy                                                              for
              our Water Future                           Management                 Plan for
                                                                                                    South Australia
                  to 2050                                     Plan              South Australia

                          Information,          Population            Economic               Planning
                         Communication            Policy              Statement               Reform
                         and Technology

Relationship to South                      How the regional                               stakeholders such as regional
Australia’s Strategic Plan                 volumes will work
                                                                                          development and natural
                                                                                          resources management boards.
Figure A2 shows the relationship
of the regional volumes with South
                                           at regional and local                          The collaborative process will
                                                                                          feature regional forums, which
Australia’s Strategic Plan (SASP)          government levels                              will bring councils and relevant
and its targets, as well as the links                                                     bodies together each year to
to several state policy initiatives.       While the regional volumes will
                                           primarily operate at a regional                agree on long-term land-use
See Appendix 3 for further                 level, local government will play a            and infrastructure priorities,
information about SASP principles          pivotal role in their implementation,          appropriate targets, and the need
and targets.                               in collaboration with DPLG, other              to focus their respective resources
                                           state government agencies and                  on implementing the priorities.

Consideration of                     Planning for change in                 cent share of the state’s total

                                                                                                 population (Target 5.9). Based on
                     Commonwealth                         regional South Australia               the all-of-state population target
                     environmental matters                The regional volumes of the South
                                                                                                 developed for The 30-Year Plan
                                                                                                 for Greater Adelaide, this would
                                                          Australian Planning Strategy set
                     The regions encompass many                                                  equate to about 99,000 additional
                                                          out land-use policies to manage
                     matters of National Environmental                                           people taking up residence in
                                                          the changes that are forecast
                     Significance (NES) that are                                                 regional areas, resulting in a
                                                          to occur across the regions. Of
                     protected under the Commonwealth                                            regional population of 396,000
                                                          particular concern are changes in
                     Environment Protection and                                                  people by 2036.
                                                          population and climate, which are
                     Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
                                                          having, and will continue to have,     Table A1 breaks down this
                     (EPBC Act). These matters include:
                                                          significant impact on the demand       population target by region and
                     ƒƒ nationally listed species and     for services and infrastructure, the   indicates the past population
                        ecological communities            natural environment, the character     growth rates (1996–2008). Each
                                                          of communities and the economic        region requires an average annual
                     ƒƒ migratory species
                                                          prosperity of the regions.             growth rate of 1.03 per cent to
                     ƒƒ wetlands of international                                                achieve its population target
                        importance under the Ramsar                                              increase and maintain its 2008
                        Convention (Ramsar-listed
                                                          Regional population change
                                                                                                 share of the estimated resident
                        wetlands)                         The state government believes          population (ERP).
                                                          that sustainable population growth
                     ƒƒ national and World Heritage                                              While overall population numbers
                                                          is essential to maintain healthy
                        items/areas.                                                             in regional areas have remained
                                                          communities and a labour force
                                                                                                 relatively static during the
                     Councils’ decision making            that can support our economy.
                                                                                                 past decade, there have been
                     processes and development            While much of the state’s
                                                                                                 significant changes in where
                     controls should provide for early    population growth is expected to
                                                                                                 people are choosing to live.
                     consideration of matters of NES      occur in Greater Adelaide, regional
                     and recognition that actions         areas are targeted to grow as well.    Numbers have declined in the
                     that may potentially have a                                                 more sparsely populated areas,
                                                          The make-up of the state’s
                     significant impact on matters of                                            particularly those in the Far North,
                                                          population is also changing
                     NES will require a referral to the                                          and in settlements with less than
                                                          dramatically—it is ageing at
                     Commonwealth Department of                                                  1000 people (with the exception
                                                          a faster rate than the other
                     the Environment, Water, Heritage                                            of coastal communities). Changes
                                                          Australian states and this will
                     and the Arts under the auspices                                             to population distribution are
                                                          bring significant challenges for
                     of the EPBC Act.                                                            being driven by the restructuring
                                                          planning, particularly in terms of
                                                                                                 of farming enterprises, resulting
                                                          the type and location of housing
                                                                                                 in larger and fewer agricultural
                                                          and its proximity to services.
                                                                                                 properties; the interstate and
                                                          South Australia’s Strategic Plan       intrastate migration of people
                                                          (SASP) calls for regional South        seeking a regional lifestyle; and
                                                          Australia to maintain an 18 per        changing industry demands.

Table A1 – Population trends and targets by region 1996–2036

                                                                        SASP T5.9 Target—Maintain regional
                           Population trends
                                                                        SA’s share (18%) of state population a
                                           Average                            Population                                     Population
                                                         Share of 2008                              Population
                                           annual                               target in                                      growth
                                                           regional                                   increase
 Region                 ERP in 2008b     growth rate                             2036d                                        2008–36
                                                          populationc                                2008–36
                                         1996–2008                             (based on                                      (persons
                                                              (%)                                    (persons)
                                             (%)                              2008 share)                                     per year)

 Eyre and Western          58,072            0.19              19.54             77,385                 19,313                     715

 Murray and Mallee         70,125            0.23              23.60            93,446                  23,321                    864

 Far North                28,460            –0.46               9.58             37,925                  9465                      351

 Limestone Coast          65,402             0.35              22.01             87,152                 21,750                    806

 Yorke and
                           75,112            0.15              25.28            100,092                24,980                      925
 Mid Northe

 Total                    297,171            0.17              100.00           396,000                98,829                     3660

Generally, towns with more                The demographic profile of the                  Notes to Table A1:

than 1000 people have grown;              regions also has been changing,                 a The regional population targets are aspirational,
several of these towns have had           with an ageing population and                      based on the all-of-state population target
                                                                                             developed for The 30-Year Plan for Greater
the fastest rates of population           generally declining numbers of                     Adelaide. The timeframes cited are uncertain and
                                                                                             the growth targets will be amended as the results
growth in the state. Larger centres       young people.                                      of more recent demographic analyses become
such as Port Lincoln, Murray              However, increasing economic

Bridge and Mount Gambier have             investment in the regions and the               b ERP (estimated resident population). Australian
continued to expand, while in Port        expansion and diversification of
                                                                                             Bureau of Statistics, Regional population growth,
                                                                                             Australia, cat. no. 3218.0, ABS, Canberra, Apr. 2009.
Pirie, Port Augusta and Whyalla           primary industries, aquaculture,                c Department of the Premier and Cabinet,
the population has stabilised and         mining and the services that
                                                                                             South Australia’s Strategic Plan, DPC,
                                                                                             Government of South Australia, Adelaide,
shown some improvement after a            support tourism and older                          2007, .
sustained period of decline.              populations are expected to attract             d South Australia’s population is expected to reach
                                                                                             2.2 million by 2036. Department of Planning and
                                          and maintain more young people                     Local Government, The 30-Year Plan for Greater
                                                                                             Adelaide: Background Technical Report, DPLG,
                                          and people from overseas. This will                Government of South Australia, Adelaide, 2009,
                                          contribute to the achievement of                   p. 16, .

                                          the SASP population growth target.              e The Mid North’s ERP in 2008 was 41,653. The
                                                                                             population target for 2036 is 55,440, which equates
                                                                                             to a population increase of 13,787 people.

To achieve the SASP workforce          In recent years, state and local          Our understanding of climate

                     targets, the South Australian          governments and regional                  change and its ramifications is
                     Government, through the                communities have improved water           evolving rapidly. It is critical that
                     Department of Further Education,       security through augmentation             policies and decisions are based
                     Employment, Science and                of supply, the introduction of            on the best current information,
                     Technology, is working with            permanent water conservation,             and are able to be adjusted in
                     industry to develop workforce          and measures such as wastewater           the future if required.
                     action plans in the mining,            re-use and stormwater harvesting.
                     defence, construction, health, and     Increased housing density,                Managing change
                     advanced manufacturing sectors.        improved water efficiency of
                     As well, industry skills boards are    buildings and the incorporation           South Australia’s regions face the
                     developing workforce development       of water-sensitive urban design           challenge of managing the impacts
                     plans to address the demand for        (WSUD) principles in the                  of climate change and population
                     labour and skills in industries that   development process will lead to          growth to protect viable primary
                     have lost workers to mining.           more efficient water consumption          production industries and the
                                                            in regional towns.                        natural resources upon which they
                     Any potential impacts on natural                                                 depend. This challenge has been
                     resources, the environment,            State and local governments are           compounded by reduced rainfall
                     biodiversity and the character of      developing regional demand                during several drought years.
                     communities as a result of these       and supply plans, to be in place          During this time rural communities
                     changing population patterns and       by 2014, as outlined in Water             have again shown their resilience
                     related development will need to       for Good—A Plan to Ensure our             and capacity to manage in both
                     be carefully managed.                  Water Future to 2050, as well             good and bad years.
                                                            as investigating how regional
                                                                                                      Local councils, regional and
                     Climate change                         communities can diversify their
                                                                                                      economic development boards,
                                                            water supply sources.
                     The potential effects of climate                                                 natural resources management
                     change on the regions range from       In addition, state and local              boards and the state government
                     threats to water supply, increased     governments continue to investigate       have been working with the
                     risk of bushfire and greater           ways to organise land use such            community, local groups and
                     fragmentation of native habitats to    that it supports renewable and            industry to develop effective
                     increased pressure on health care      clean energy technologies. These          strategies for specific sectors
                     services from more vulnerable          opportunities will give South             (for example, primary industries
                     people.                                Australia a competitive advantage         and tourism) and specific parts of
                                                            in a carbon-constrained economy.          the region (for example, individual
                     The state government believes          Investment in infrastructure will be
                     it is critical to intervene now to                                               towns and council areas) that
                                                            critical to realise such opportunities.   will lead to a sustainable future
                     help the regions prepare for
                     and adapt to long-term climate         These initiatives will extend the         for the regions.
                     change. Securing water and             life and reliability of our water and     They recognise that population
                     energy supplies is fundamental         energy supplies and allow the             and economic growth must be
                     to economic, social and                population and the economy to             balanced with protection of the
                     environmental wellbeing in the         grow without placing unsustainable        environment, including biodiversity,
                     face of such change.                   demands on our natural resources.         and retention of the regions’ unique
                                                                                                      qualities for the benefit of future
                                                                                                      generations and to attract and
                                                                                                      retain skilled workers.

Chapter B

                                                                                                   FOR THE PL AN

                                                                                                   Chapter B

                                       The Mid North region                                        ƒƒ is crossed by South Australia’s         `` Jamestown, which is

                                                                                                      major freight and tourism                  an important centre
                                       at a glance                                                    routes, which link the region              for Australian livestock
                                                                                                      to Adelaide in the south; the              production and sales
                                       The Mid North region:
                                                                                                      Flinders Ranges, the outback,
                                       ƒƒ covers about 23,000 square                                                                          `` Crystal Brook, Gladstone
                                                                                                      Queensland and the Northern
                                          kilometres, stretching from the                                                                        and Eudunda, which
                                                                                                      Territory in the north; and the
                                          Clare and Gilbert valleys in                                                                           support productive
                                                                                                      Riverland, Murray Bridge,
                                          the south, west to Port Pirie on                                                                       grains and agribusiness
                                                                                                      Broken Hill and New South
                                          the Spencer Gulf, north to the                                                                         industries
                                                                                                      Wales to the east
                                          Southern Flinders Ranges, and                                                                       `` the Southern Flinders
                                          north-east to the pastoral lands                         ƒƒ has a regional economy
                                                                                                                                                 Ranges, which is one
                                          beyond Goyder’s Line 3                                      underpinned by primary
                                                                                                                                                 of the most popular
                                                                                                      production and processing,
                                       ƒƒ had a population of 40,096                                                                             nature-based and
                                                                                                      light industry and tourism
                                          people at the 2006 Census4                                                                             active adventure tourism
                                                                                                      activities, which reflect the
                                                                                                                                                 destinations in the state,
                                       ƒƒ has a major commercial and                                  region’s variations in climate
                                                                                                                                                 with strong horticulture
                                          service centre, Port Pirie,                                 and landscapes. Highlights of
                                                                                                                                                 and forestry industries.
                                          which contains 33 per cent of                               the region’s economy are:
                                          the population; four important                                `` the world’s largest           See Appendix 2 for detailed
                                          towns—Clare, Peterborough,                                       integrated lead-zinc-         information about the Mid North
                                          Jamestown and Crystal Brook                                      silver smelter, which is      region, including its population
                                          —which contain 20 per cent                                       located in Port Pirie and     distribution, economy and
                                          of the population; 15 smaller                                    linked to mining activities   infrastructure.
                                          towns, which contain 16 per                                      throughout Australia
                                          cent of the population; and
                                          other settlements and areas,                                  `` the fertile soils,
                                          which contain 31 per cent of                                     internationally recognised
                                          the population                                                   quality wines and verdant
                                                                                                           landscapes of the Clare
                                                                                                           Valley, which has attracted
                                                                                                           steady population growth
                                                                                                        `` the towns along the Burra
                                                                                                           to Hawker road into the
                                                                                                           Flinders Ranges, which
                                                                                                           are rich in railway, mining
                                                                                                           and pastoral heritage, as
                                       3   Goyder’s Line originated in 1865 when the then
                                           Surveyor-General of South Australia, George                     well as mineral resources
                                           Goyder, drew a line of reliable rainfall to delineate           and an emerging wind
                                           cropping country south of the line from extensive
                                           grazing land to the north.                                      farm industry
                                       4   Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2006 Census of
                                           Population and Housing, ABS, Canberra, 2007.

Key goals for the                     ƒƒ Encouraging the creation of           Population and settlements
                                         biodiversity corridors to support
Mid North region                         native flora and fauna
                                                                               ƒƒ Valuing the region’s strong
                                                                                  sense of community spirit
The following goals were identified   ƒƒ Ensuring development is
                                                                               ƒƒ Discouraging residential
as critical to the region’s future       appropriately located, and not in
                                                                                  development outside towns
during consultation with local           areas that may adversely affect
government, industry groups and          scenic landscapes.                    ƒƒ Catering for the needs of
communities. The goals, which                                                     an ageing population by
are key drivers for the Mid North                                                 developing a range of housing
Region Plan, are grouped under
                                      Economic development                        alternatives around existing
four themes:                          ƒƒ Attracting and retaining a highly        health and community services
                                         skilled and flexible workforce
ƒƒ environment and culture                                                     ƒƒ Maintaining town character and
                                         to ensure a stronger economic
ƒƒ economic development                  base                                     heritage and promoting towns
                                                                                  and settlements with distinctive
ƒƒ population and settlements         ƒƒ Developing an integrated plan            built heritage and historical
                                         to guide the expansion of                importance to the state,
ƒƒ infrastructure and services
                                         tourism, building on the region’s        including Aboriginal heritage
                                         character and natural assets             and importance
                                      ƒƒ Encouraging the development
Environment and culture                                                        ƒƒ Ensuring an adequate supply
                                         of wind farms in appropriate             of residential land for future
ƒƒ Reducing the reliance on              locations and the training               development, including
   groundwater by developing             of people in the region to               maximising the use of surplus
   strategies to re-use stormwater       undertake their operation and            farmhouses resulting from farm
   and wastewater                        maintenance                              amalgamations
ƒƒ Planning for the impacts of        ƒƒ Attracting industry to the            ƒƒ Providing greater employment
   climate change on the region’s        region, particularly where there         opportunities and challenges
   environment, particularly low-        is infrastructure capacity for           to retain young people in the
   lying coastal areas vulnerable        growth (for example, electricity,        region.
   to rising sea levels and storm        gas, roads, rail and shipping
   surges, and on agricultural           infrastructure)
   production, infrastructure and
   the regional economy               ƒƒ Continuing to foster the
                                         development and diversification
ƒƒ Ensuring development                  of primary industries, including
   protects and preserves the            viticulture
   region’s environmental assets,
   including native vegetation        ƒƒ Supporting the sustainable
   (within and outside national and      adaptation of primary industries
   conservation parks); coastal          to climate change
   and marine habitats; and water     ƒƒ Positioning the region to
   resources                             capitalise on the opportunities
                                         arising from the expansion of
                                         mining activities across the state.
Infrastructure and services          ƒƒ Maximising economic

                                       provision                               benefits by making the best
                                                                               use of existing and planned
                                       ƒƒ Improving the capacity of water      infrastructure
                                          and sewer infrastructure to
                                          support population growth and     ƒƒ Extending and upgrading
                                          the expansion of tourism and         access to broadband and
                                          industry                             mobile phone services across
                                                                               the entire region to support
                                       ƒƒ Expanding local electricity          industry and expand distance
                                          generation through renewable         education opportunities
                                          energy sources, such as
                                          wind farms and gas-fired          ƒƒ Implementing a waste
                                          peak demand plants, which            management strategy,
                                          will provide greater capacity        including a central solid waste
                                          for economic activity. This          disposal site
                                          will require expansion of the     ƒƒ Considering opportunities
                                          transmission infrastructure to       for establishing community
                                          service this growth                  sporting hubs, including the
                                       ƒƒ Improving the information            shared use of school facilities
                                          and communication                 ƒƒ Supporting the development
                                          technology (ICT) networks,           and maintenance of social and
                                          particularly broadband, to:          community facilities, including
                                          foster education, training and       sporting, education, health and
                                          professional development             other facilities to service the
                                          opportunities; enhance health        local population.
                                          delivery; and support industry
                                       ƒƒ Planning for the expansion of
                                          the transmission infrastructure
                                          required to meet increased
                                          electricity generation


Chapter C

                                                                                      MID NORTH REGION

                                                                                      Chapter C

                                                An integrated approach                The Plan allows for communities         The aims of the vision are to:
Chapter C THE vision for the MID north region

                                                                                      to develop and grow, and                ƒƒ manage the region’s population,
                                                The Mid North Region Plan is a        encourages initiatives that help           with a focus on Port Pirie,
                                                coordinated and integrated vision     retain the special qualities of the        Clare, Burra, Crystal Brook,
                                                for land use and development          Mid North while fostering vibrant          Jamestown, Peterborough and
                                                across the region. It responds to     and distinctive towns that support         Booleroo Centre
                                                the opportunities and challenges      a range of lifestyles. It supports
                                                facing the region and identifies      activities that benefit the local and   ƒƒ increase industrial investment,
                                                the planning priorities, principles   regional economy, provide local            focusing on the Port Pirie to
                                                and policies necessary to achieve     employment and attract people              Peterborough corridor
                                                the vision (refer to Map C1).         to the region. It recognises the        ƒƒ manage growth to protect
                                                                                      region’s variations in geographical        natural and industry assets,
                                                                                      features, economic strengths and           especially to the south of Burra
                                                                                      community aspirations, and seeks           and Clare
                                                                                      to make the most of the different
                                                                                      opportunities each presents. It         ƒƒ strengthen towns
                                                                                      seeks to balance the needs of           ƒƒ increase active, nature-based
                                                                                      people today with those of future          tourism, particularly in the
                                                                                      generations.                               Laura to Quorn corridor
                                                                                                                              ƒƒ retain built heritage and link it
                                                                                                                                 with tourism, particularly along
                                                                                                                                 the Clare and Burra to Hawker
                                                                                                                              ƒƒ enhance development of
                                                                                                                                 renewable energy
                                                                                                                              ƒƒ promote/expand the region’s
                                                                                                                                 viticulture industry.

An integrated vision for the Mid North region   Map C1

principles and

Chapter D

principles and

                                                                           Chapter D

                                    This chapter outlines the              Under each theme the Plan                               While the policies and specific
Chapter D Principles and policies

                                    principles and the policies that are   identifies:                                             targets of the Mid North Region
                                    required to realise the vision for     ƒƒ planning-related priorities for                      Plan may change over time, the
                                    the Mid North region. These are           councils (and the Minister                           principles will be a constant
                                    set out under three themes:               in out-of-council areas) to                          driving force for future generations
                                    ƒƒ environment and culture                consider when developing                             to ensure that the region has
                                                                              Strategic Management Plans                           a world-leading approach to
                                    ƒƒ economic development                                                                        competitiveness, liveability,
                                                                              and updating Development
                                    ƒƒ population and settlements.            Plans5                                               sustainability and resilience to
                                                                                                                                   climate change.
                                                                           ƒƒ principles to guide land-use
                                                                                                                                   The contributions of these
                                                                              planning and development
                                                                                                                                   principles to South Australia’s
                                                                           ƒƒ planning-related policies that                       Strategic Plan are described
                                                                              provide ongoing direction to                         in Appendix 3.
                                                                              councils (and which must be
                                                                              reflected in their Development

                                                                           5   These priorities were identified during workshops
                                                                               with local councils in 2007 and 2008.

The principles are:
1   Recognise, protect and          7    Reinforce the region as a
    restore the region’s                 preferred tourism destination
    environmental assets
                                    8    Provide and protect serviced
2   Protect people, property             and well-sited industrial land
    and the environment from             to meet projected demand
    exposure to hazards
                                    9    Ensure commercial
3   Identify and protect places          development is well sited and
    of heritage and cultural             designed to support the role
    significance, and desired            and function of towns
    town character
                                    10 Strategically plan and manage
4   Create the conditions for the      town growth
    region to adapt and become
                                    11   Design towns to provide
    resilient to the impacts of
                                         safe, healthy, accessible and
    climate change
                                         appealing environments
5   Protect and build on
                                    12 Provide land for a supply
    the region’s strategic
                                       of diverse, affordable and
                                       sustainable housing to meet
6   Retain and strengthen the          the needs of current and
    economic potential of              future residents and visitors.
    primary production land

environment and culture

                                    Overview                                 Environment Protection Authority       Priorities for councils
Chapter D Principles and policies

                                                                             policies, codes of practice and
                                    The Mid North's environmental                                                   ƒƒ Incorporate information from
                                                                             guidelines; the Living Coast
                                    and cultural assets, underpinned                                                   environmental studies (for
                                                                             Strategy for South Australia (2004);
                                    by a range of existing plans,                                                      example, on biodiversity, the
                                                                             Coast Protection Board Policy
                                    strategies and agreements,                                                         effects of climate change
                                                                             Document (2002); No Species
                                    are essential to the region's                                                      and dry-land salinity) into
                                                                             Loss—A Nature Conservation
                                    development. Settlements and                                                       the review and update of
                                                                             Strategy for South Australia 2007–
                                    industry are inextricably linked                                                   Development Plans, including
                                                                             2017; Tackling Climate Change:
                                    to climate and water resources,                                                    the identification of areas of
                                                                             South Australia’s Greenhouse
                                    as well as land- and water-                                                        high biodiversity value
                                                                             Strategy 2007–2020; Wetlands
                                    dependent ecosystems. As well,                                                  ƒƒ Maintain local heritage registers
                                                                             Strategy for South Australia (2003);
                                    heritage sites and structures of                                                   and identify heritage-listed sites
                                                                             Marine Planning Framework
                                    significance provide an essential                                                  in Development Plans
                                                                             for South Australia; and Marine
                                    sense of identity and connection
                                                                             Protected Areas program.               ƒƒ Further improve understanding
                                    with place.
                                                                             The Mid North Region Plan seeks           of the impacts of climate
                                    The design, siting and                                                             change on natural resources
                                                                             to ensure that future land-use
                                    management of development                                                          and habitats to inform
                                                                             directions complement these
                                    must prevent adverse impacts                                                       future strategic planning for
                                                                             documents. It contains land-use
                                    on environmental and cultural                                                      development and land use
                                                                             principles and policies to guide
                                    assets and minimise the exposure
                                                                             future development in a manner         ƒƒ Incorporate the recommendations
                                    of people, property and the
                                                                             that:                                     of the Port Pirie tenby10 project6
                                    environment to danger from
                                    hazards such as floods and               ƒƒ protects biodiversity and areas        into local strategic planning and
                                    bushfires. It is also important             of environmental sensitivity,          Development Plans
                                    to achieve sustainable levels of            including coastal areas             ƒƒ Investigate the sustainable
                                    demand for water and energy,             ƒƒ supports the management of             limits of water use, and use
                                    particularly in light of the projected      the region’s natural resources         this information to inform
                                    impacts of climate change.                                                         Development Plans
                                                                             ƒƒ prepares the region for the
                                    Several state government policies,                                              ƒƒ Develop a flood risk mitigation
                                                                                impacts of climate change
                                    guidelines and plans provide                                                       plan for Port Pirie, taking into
                                    guidance on environmental                ƒƒ ensures that development               account the impacts of climate
                                    management of the region,                   appropriately responds to              change, such as rising sea
                                    including the Northern and Yorke            hazards and risks                      levels and extreme rainfall and
                                    Regional Natural Resources                                                         rainfall run-off events.
                                                                             ƒƒ helps preserve the region’s
                                    Management Plan (2009);
                                                                                heritage, including Aboriginal
                                                                                                                    6   The tenby10 project aimed to reduce the blood
                                                                                                                        lead levels in Port Pirie's children: the goal was
                                                                                                                        for at least 95 per cent children aged 0 to 4 to
                                                                                                                        have a blood lead level below ten micrograms per
                                                                                                                        decilitre of blood by the end of 2010. At the time
                                                                                                                        of publication the project was being reviewed.

Environment and culture   Map D1

Principle 1                           Policies                               Coastal, estuarine and
Chapter D Principles and policies

                                                                          1.1   Protect the quality and          marine environments
                                    Recognise, protect and                      function of water ecosystems     Good management of coastal
                                    restore the region’s                        by preventing the adverse        areas and the marine environment
                                    environmental assets                        impacts of land use and          is essential for the survival of a
                                                                                development such as the          range of species, including some
                                                                                overuse of resources,
                                    Water                                       erosion, land degradation
                                                                                                                 unique to the region.
                                    The region has several water                and pollution.                   The Upper Spencer Gulf is vitally
                                    ecosystems, ranging from                                                     important to the overall health of
                                                                          1.2   Apply water-sensitive urban      the local marine environment. The
                                    watercourses to mangrove swamps
                                                                                design principles (see Box       Gulf’s wetland system is included
                                    and tidal estuaries on the coast.
                                                                                1) and appropriate buffers       in A Directory of Important
                                    The main water catchments include
                                                                                to ensure development            Wetlands in Australia7, acts as
                                    Willochra Creek, Mambray Coast,
                                                                                does not affect natural          a fish nursery, and provides
                                    Broughton River, Light River, Burra
                                                                                watercourses and drainage        physical protection from coastal
                                    Creek and Wakefield River.
                                                                                patterns.                        waters.
                                    The two main watercourses are
                                    the Broughton and Wakefield           1.3   Encourage water harvesting       Of all the coastal areas of the
                                    rivers. Both are characterised              initiatives where ecologically   Northern and Yorke Peninsula
                                    by highly variable flow, with               appropriate.                     coast, the extensive salt marsh
                                    ephemeral channels, permanent         1.4   Pursue water-use efficiency      areas at the head of the Gulf
                                    spring-fed pools and some                   through the built form at both   have the highest priority for
                                    continuously flowing sections.              house and town level by          conservation.8 Salt marsh
                                    The Clare Valley Prescribed Water           using water-sensitive urban      complexes are home to important
                                    Resources Area is the only such             design techniques.               fish nursery habitats, and are
                                    prescribed area in the region.                                               also particularly vulnerable to sea
                                                                                                                 level rise. Land will be required to
                                    Rising groundwater levels in some
                                                                                                                 support these nurseries as tide
                                    cleared areas have resulted in
                                                                                                                 levels rise.
                                    dry-land salinity.
                                    Land-use and development
                                    decisions must support the
                                    ongoing health of water-
                                    dependent ecosystems.

                                                                                                                 7   Environment Australia, A Directory of Important
                                                                                                                     Wetlands in Australia, Third Edition, Environment
                                                                                                                     Australia, Canberra, 2001.
                                                                                                                 8   Department for Environment and Heritage,
                                                                                                                     Conservation Assessment of the Northern and
                                                                                                                     Yorke Coast, DEH, Adelaide, 2007.

Major wetland areas, which                         Marine plans have been                   put into operation to encompass
include mangroves, seagrass and                    developed to ensure that future          multiple uses and activities.
salt marsh habitat, are found in                   development and use of the               These marine plans and parks will
coastal areas, particularly south                  marine environment is sustainable.       complement planning strategies
of Port Pirie. The grey mangroves                  Marine parks and aquatic reserve         and need to be taken into account
(Avicennia marina) in this region                  areas have recently been declared        in the review and updating of
form what is considered to be one                  and specific zoning plans will be        Development Plans.
of the largest undisturbed stands
of the species remaining in South                  Box 1—Water-sensitive urban design (WSUD)
Good management of coastal
areas and the marine environment                      WSUD techniques help to improve water quality and quantity,
is essential for the survival of                      and reduce flood risk in urban areas, while enhancing biodiversity.
a range of species, including                         They can be incorporated into development projects across a
some unique to the region. A                          range of types and scales, including homes, streets, parking
key objective of the State NRM                        areas, subdivisions and multi-units, commercial and industrial
Plan is that by 2015 there will be                    developments, and public land. The techniques include:
no further net loss of wetland or
estuary extent or condition than                      ƒƒ permeable paving of footpaths, common areas and parking
that experienced in 2006, when                           spaces above underground water storage facilities
the NRM plan was released.                            ƒƒ water efficient fittings and appliances
Aboriginal sites and objects                          ƒƒ maintaining fixtures (for example, stopping leaks and drips
near the coast, in dunes and                             from plumbing and taps)
in the waters are protected by
                                                      ƒƒ green roofs and living walls (that is, plantings on roofs and
                                                         down walls)
The Department for Environment
                                                      ƒƒ appropriate landscaping (for example, efficient irrigation,
and Heritage (DEH) 9 is developing
                                                         mulching, wind and sun protection, minimising lawn area
management frameworks and
                                                         and selection of suitable plants)
guidelines that will help to ensure
that future development and use                       ƒƒ wetlands to capture and treat run-off water
of the marine environment is                          ƒƒ the capture and storage of rainwater and stormwater for
sustainable. They will complement                        residential re-use, or to irrigate parks, sporting fields and
the Planning Strategy and need                           other open space
to be considered when reviewing
and updating Development Plans.                       ƒƒ the capture, treatment and re-use of wastewater.

                                                      More information about WSUD principles and techniques can be
                                                      found in the WSUD Technical Manual for Greater Adelaide, available
                                                      at . Although the manual
                                                      focuses on Greater Adelaide, many WSUD techniques can be applied
9   DEH became the Department of Environment and
    Natural Resources (DENR) in June 2010.            in the Mid North Region.

Policies                              Box 2—What is a coastal zone?
Chapter D Principles and policies

                                    1.5   Protect coastal, marine
                                          and estuarine areas of
                                          conservation, landscape and        Coastal zones in Development Plans incorporate:
                                          environmental significance         ƒƒ coastal features and habitats that are highly sensitive to the
                                          by limiting development               direct impacts of development, including coastal dunes, coastal
                                          in these areas. In limited            wetlands, samphire (tidal marsh), mangrove areas and estuaries
                                          circumstances, development
                                          may require such a location        ƒƒ important coastal geological features and other natural features
                                          (for example, a development           of scientific, educational, heritage or cultural importance
                                          of state significance), in         ƒƒ buffers separating development from sensitive coastal habitats
                                          which case the social and             or important marine fauna sites
                                          economic benefits must be
                                                                             ƒƒ areas where exposure to coastal hazards (such as seawater
                                          demonstrated to outweigh
                                                                                flooding or erosion) has not been addressed (for example, by a
                                          the environmental and
                                                                                seawall or a strategy to protect development)
                                          amenity impacts.
                                                                             ƒƒ coast protection measures such as erosion buffer areas, seawalls
                                    1.6   Protect coastal features and          and levee banks
                                          biodiversity by establishing
                                          coastal zones (see Box 2)          ƒƒ high-quality coastal landscapes and land of rural character that
                                          that incorporate:                     provides a backdrop to the coast.

                                          `` habitats that are highly        Areas not required to be in a coastal zone include: conservation
                                             sensitive to the direct         areas that do not have coastal sensitive features and habitats;
                                             impacts of development          landscapes that provide a backdrop to the coast but do not include
                                                                             coastal features; areas where exposure to coastal hazards has been
                                          `` important geological and/
                                                                             addressed; and farming or primary production land.
                                             or natural features of
                                             scientific, educational or      Source: Eyre Peninsula Local Government Association, Eyre Peninsula Coastal Development
                                             cultural importance             Strategy, 2007.

                                          `` landscapes of very high
                                             scenic quality.
                                    1.7   Integrate into Development
                                                                               `` marine parks under the                              `` relevant provisions of the
                                          Plans coastal management
                                                                                  Marine Parks Act 2007                                  River Murray Act 2003
                                          requirements, including:
                                                                               `` aquatic reserve areas                               `` relevant provisions of
                                          `` coast protection policies
                                                                                  under the Fisheries                                    the Natural Resources
                                             under the Coast Protection
                                                                                  Management Act 2007                                    Management Act 2004.
                                             Act 1972

Land biodiversity                       Box 3 – Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act

The Mid North region consists of
predominantly land-based habitats,
which are mainly woodlands and                Applicants for and proponents of development may be responsible
tussock grasslands.                           for forwarding development proposals to the Commonwealth
                                              Environment Minister. The Minister is responsible for determining if
The Northern Agricultural Districts
                                              the action is a controlled action under the Environment Protection
Biodiversity Plan (DEH, 2001)
                                              and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Commonwealth), and
identifies threatened habitat areas
                                              subject to assessment and approval processes under the Act.
that have been extensively cleared
of vegetation and are poorly
conserved, such as the Mid North
grasslands. Unless protected and
restored, some plant and animal         Policies                                        `` areas of environmental
species in this area are threatened                                                        significance, including
                                        1.8     Improve development
with extinction. Targeted restoration                                                      habitat areas and lands that
                                                certainty and transparency
and retention of the remnant                                                               have human uses, such
                                                by introducing a clear
vegetation are critical to maintain                                                        as primary production, but
                                                hierarchy of environmental
biodiversity in the Mid North.                                                             also support biodiversity
                                                areas to be protected,
The retention and management                    and incorporate the                        because the uses are of
of native vegetation and habitats               protection of these areas                  relatively low environmental
on private and public land are                  into Development Plans.                    impact. Higher impact land
important to reverse the negative               The three categories in the                uses in these areas should
effects of grazing and other                    hierarchy, which will be                   be avoided. If development
human activities. These effects                 managed through Structure                  cannot be avoided, the
include poorer soils, higher rates              Plans and Development                      impacts will be minimised
of erosion and habitat loss, and                Plans, are:                                and offsets provided
the introduction of pest plants,                                                        `` areas designated for
animals and pathogens.                          `` areas of high environmental
                                                   significance, including                 human use, where
To protect the region’s biodiversity,              protected public lands                  human use is the
ecological investigations and                      (such as National Parks                 principal consideration.
impact assessments should                          and Conservation Parks),                Development is to
be undertaken in areas that                        private/public lands under              be consistent with
are proposed for rezoning or                       a Heritage Agreement, and               Development Plans and
development.                                       land containing high-value              existing legislation.
Some developments may also                         native vegetation. These
require assessment by the                          areas will be protected
Commonwealth (see Box 3).                          from development unless
                                                   a specific regulatory
                                                   exemption applies

1.9    Recognise areas of high          Scenic landscapes                       Policies
Chapter D Principles and policies

                                           biodiversity value, and locate                                           1.12 Acknowledge, protect and
                                                                            Attention must be given to
                                           and design development to                                                     manage areas of significant
                                                                            the planning and design of
                                           prevent the loss, degradation                                                 landscape and amenity
                                                                            development to ensure that
                                           and fragmentation of native                                                   value, including landscapes
                                                                            significant landscapes and their
                                           vegetation, and any loss                                                      that form attractive
                                                                            associated views—both from the
                                           of species and ecological                                                     backgrounds and entrances
                                                                            land and the sea—are retained.
                                           communities.                                                                  to towns and tourist
                                                                            The incremental approval
                                    1.10 Provide for environmental          of individual developments,                  developments.
                                         connections to link areas of       including minor additions and           1.13   Avoid development in areas
                                         high biodiversity value and        maintenance activities, has                    with significant landscapes
                                         create buffers as a means of       resulted in the degradation of                 that can be viewed from
                                         managing the interface with        scenic resources in the past. It is            tourist routes, walking trails,
                                         conservation areas.                important that Development Plan                the beach and the sea,
                                                                            updates reassess landscapes
                                    1.11   Avoid any adverse impact                                                        unless the development
                                                                            and associated views and devise                requires such a location (for
                                           on biodiversity, where
                                                                            measures to ensure their protection.           example, a development
                                           possible. If such impact
                                           is unavoidable, it should        The region is defined by its                   of state significance), in
                                           be minimised and offset.         landscapes, from the rugged                    which case the scale, height,
                                           A comprehensive offset           mountains and Conservation Parks               design and siting
                                           scheme, based on existing        of the Southern Flinders Ranges                of buildings must:
                                           offset provisions and drawing    eastward to rolling hills and rustic
                                                                                                                           `` protect views to, from
                                           on models such as bio-           plains. The landscapes are an
                                                                                                                              and along the ocean and
                                           banking, will be developed       essential part of Aboriginal culture,
                                                                                                                              scenic coastal areas
                                           to provide for a net gain to     and are also highly valued by locals
                                           biodiversity through flexible    and visitors.                                  `` minimise the alteration
                                           offsets. Offsets could be        Particular attention needs to be                  of natural landforms
                                           made across regions or           given to retaining the significant             `` be visually compatible
                                           by funding designated            landscapes of the Southern                        with the character of
                                           rehabilitation programs.         Flinders Ranges and the Clare                     surrounding areas
                                                                            wine region when planning and
                                                                            designing development.                         `` restore and enhance
                                                                                                                              visual quality in degraded
                                                                            The concern for scenic landscapes                 areas, where feasible.
                                                                            should be balanced with the
                                                                            appropriate development of
                                                                            renewable energy via wind farms.

1.14 Avoid adverse impacts         Principle 2                             Policies
     of development on                                                     2.1   Design and plan development
     landscapes through site       Protect people, property                      to prevent the creation of
     selection and design that     and the environment from                      hazards and to avoid naturally
     reduces the height or bulk
     of structures. (Note that     exposure to hazards                           occurring hazards.
     landscape screening to                                                2.2   Decrease the risk of loss
     mitigate the visual impacts   Hazards can occur naturally or                of life and property from
     of development is not a       result from development activity.             extreme bushfires by
     substitute for re-siting or   Inappropriately located or                    creating buffers around
     re-design).                   designed development and land                 new growth areas that are
                                   uses can increase the exposure                adjacent to native bushland.
                                   to and impact of hazards,
                                   including flooding, erosion,            2.3   Develop other policies to
                                   disturbance of acid sulfate soils,            minimise the impact of
                                   bushfires, salinity, landslides, site         extreme bushfires in line
                                   contamination, and water, air and             with the findings of the 2009
                                   noise pollution. The impacts of               Victorian Bushfires Royal
                                   climate change, such as sea level             Commission.
                                   rise and extreme weather events,        2.4   Develop partnerships and
                                   are likely to increase the risk of            agreements between state
                                   hazards. Better development                   and local government
                                   planning and control measures                 (particularly with emergency
                                   can contribute to reducing                    services agencies) to
                                   risks and hazards, but cannot                 address identified risks and
                                   eliminate them.                               hazards and protect the
                                                                                 health and wellbeing of
                                                                                 the community.

2.5   Integrate policies, standards         `` protect human health                `` Adaptation—designing
Chapter D Principles and policies

                                          and actions on adaptation                and the environment                    buildings and
                                          to climate change,                       where contamination                    infrastructure to minimise
                                          disaster risk reduction and              has occurred                           risk in the long term
                                          hazard avoidance into
                                                                                `` adopt appropriate                   `` Avoidance—avoiding
                                          Strategic Management
                                                                                   processes and methods                  permanent development
                                          Plans, Development Plan
                                                                                   when remediating                       in and adjacent to areas
                                          policies and development
                                                                                   contaminated land and                  at unacceptable risk from
                                          assessment processes using
                                                                                   ensure its suitability for             hazards.
                                          best practice models to:
                                                                                   the proposed zoning
                                                                                                                 2.7   Identify and rehabilitate
                                          `` reduce the social,
                                                                                `` address risk, hazard and            areas and sites where land
                                             environmental and
                                                                                   emergency management                is contaminated as part of
                                             economic impacts arising
                                                                                   for new and existing                development processes.
                                             from extreme events
                                                                                   urban areas.
                                                                                                                 2.8   Ensure new development
                                          `` achieve more consistent
                                                                          2.6   Protect people, property               is appropriately sited to
                                             and rigorous decision-
                                                                                and the environment                    minimise the risk to people
                                             making for long-term
                                                                                from exposure to hazards               and property from landfill
                                             land-use planning aimed
                                                                                (including coastal flooding,           gas emissions. Continue
                                             at reducing emergency
                                                                                erosion, dune drift and                to monitor emissions from
                                             and hazard risks
                                                                                acid sulfate soils) by                 landfill sites to ensure
                                          `` enhance protection of              designing and planning for             development is not placed
                                             critical infrastructure            development in accordance              at unnecessary risk.
                                                                                with the following principles:
                                          `` develop building
                                             standards and urban                `` Protection—establishing
                                             design approaches                     works to protect existing
                                             that create resilient                 development or facilitate
                                             environments for the                  major development
                                             future                                (including stormwater
                                                                                   discharge management
                                          `` reduce risks and protect
                                                                                   to accommodate higher
                                             natural areas and
                                                                                   tide levels)

Principle 3                             The Aboriginal Affairs and             Policies
                                        Reconciliation Division (AARD) of      3.1   Protect and conserve places
Identify and protect places             the state government maintains               of heritage and cultural value,
of heritage and cultural                a register of Aboriginal sites               including national, state and
                                        and objects. Although the list is
significance, and desired               not comprehensive, all sites are
                                                                                     local registered sites.
town character                          protected under the Aboriginal         3.2   Identify the desired
                                        Heritage Act 1988, which prohibits           character for towns and
Heritage and cultural buildings and     any damage, disturbance or                   parts of towns, and ensure
places give the region a distinct       interference with the sites, objects         that the design of buildings
character that is linked to its role    or remains without authorisation             and public places, such as
in South Australian history. These      from the Minister for Aboriginal             streetscapes and entrances,
sites enliven history, engender a       Affairs and Reconciliation.                  supports the desired
sense of identity, and allow people                                                  character.
                                        Aboriginal people and the
to associate themselves with the        AARD should be involved early          3.3   Identify and protect sites
past, which can help guide us in the    in planning and development                  that have Aboriginal cultural
future. It is essential that heritage   processes to assist in identifying           significance and seek
places be identified, protected,        and protecting sites of cultural             guidance from Aboriginal
managed and preserved to retain         significance and for guidance                people and the Aboriginal
their heritage value.                   in relation to native title and              Affairs and Reconciliation
Non-Aboriginal heritage places          Indigenous Land Use Agreement                Division in relation to native
of national and state significance      (ILUA) requirements.                         title and ILUA requirements.
are generally readily identified
because they are registered under
various Acts. The community
should be involved in determining
the desired character of places of
local and heritage significance.

Principle 4                           Energy supply is limited in many     Policies
Chapter D Principles and policies

                                                                          parts of the region. Building        4.1   Promote carbon sequestration
                                    Create the conditions for             design and innovative local                and greenhouse gas
                                    the region to adapt and               solutions (for example, solar,             mitigation through land-use
                                                                          wind and co-generation) can
                                    become resilient to the               make the best use of energy
                                                                                                                     management practices
                                                                                                                     (for example, reintroducing
                                    impacts of climate change             supplies. There are opportunities          vegetation and restoring
                                                                          to further develop wind farms              habitat), taking into account
                                    Reduced rainfall in recent years is   in several locations across the            climate and soil suitability
                                    affecting the region’s agricultural   central and southern parts of the          and species characteristics.
                                    and horticultural activities, as      region, which would facilitate the
                                    well as the recharge of aquifers,     achievement of SASP targets          4.2   Provide buffer areas
                                    and also may affect the tourism       related to renewable energy                of sufficient width to
                                    industry. It is predicted that the    development.                               separate development
                                    trend of diminished rainfall will                                                from the foreshore and
                                                                          The increase of industrial,
                                    continue.                                                                        coastal features and to
                                                                          residential and tourism-related
                                                                                                                     accommodate long-term
                                    There are opportunities to make       development will place further
                                                                                                                     physical coastal processes.
                                    positive, long-lasting changes to     pressure on both energy and
                                    the region’s water management.        water supplies. It is important      4.3   Provide the opportunity
                                    Economically and technologically      that Development Plan policy               for town- and settlement-
                                    feasible measures are readily         supports the natural resources             level energy efficiency
                                    available to provide the water        management regime under the                through the promotion of
                                    needed for the future. A well-        Natural Resources Management               alternative energy supplies
                                    managed water supply includes         Act 2004. Raising awareness                (for example, embedded
                                    water-efficient technologies and      among residents and visitors               generation).
                                    approaches that can save or           about the need to manage
                                                                                                               4.4 Provide for the development
                                    reduce water consumption. While       demand for water and energy is
                                                                                                                   of alternative and innovative
                                    not yet mandated for country          also essential to achieving South
                                                                                                                   energy generation (for
                                    areas, WSUD principles should         Australia’s water and energy
                                                                                                                   example, wind, solar, marine,
                                    be incorporated into all new          efficiency targets (see box 4).
                                                                                                                   biomass and geothermal
                                    development. It is envisaged that
                                                                                                                   technologies) and water
                                    by 2013 South Australia will have
                                                                                                                   supply facilities, as well as
                                    developed and implemented
                                                                                                                   guidance on environmental
                                    the best regulatory approach
                                                                                                                   assessment requirements.
                                    to mandate WSUD, as well as

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