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Page created by Debbie Mcguire
1-866-355-9399   www.dmv.wv.gov/msp
For information concerning scheduling the Rider Education classes
for the West Virginia Motorcycle Safety Program contact:            MOTORCYCLES MAKE SENSE –
                          State Program Provider                    SO DOES PROFESSIONAL TRAINING
                          Toll-free 1-866-355-9399
                                                                        Motorcycles are inexpensive to operate, fun to ride and easy to park.
                                                                    Unfortunately, many riders never learn critical skills needed to ride safely.

                                                                         Professional training for beginning and experienced riders prepares them for
                                                                    real-world traffic situations. Motorcycle Safety Foundation RiderCoursesSM teach
                                                                    and improve such skills as:

                                                                    • Effective turning                         • Braking maneuvers                         • Protective apparel selection
                                                                    • Obstacle avoidance                        • Traffic strategies                        • Maintenance

                                                                                                              For the basic or experienced
                                                                                                                RiderCourse nearest you,
                                                                                                               call toll free: 866.355.9399

                                                                         The Motorcycle                                                                        motorcycles. The infor-
                                                                    Safety Foundation’s (MSF)                                                                  mation has been com-
                                                                    purpose is to improve the                                                                  piled from publications, in-
                                                                    safety of motorcyclists on the nation’s                                   terviews and observations of
                                                                    streets and highways. In an attempt to                                    individuals and organizations familiar with
                                                                    reduce motorcycle crashes and injuries,                                   the use of motorcycles, accessories,
                                                                    the Foundation has programs in rider                                      and training. Because there are many
                                                                    education, licensing improvement,                                         differences in product design, riding
                                                                    public information and statistics.                                        styles, federal, state and local laws,
                                                                    These programs are designed for both                                      there may be organizations and indi-
                                                                    motorcyclists and motorists. A                                            viduals who hold differing opinions.
                                                                    national not-for-profit organization, the                                 Consult your local regulatory agencies
                                                                    MSF is sponsored by BMW, Ducati,                                          for information concerning the opera-
                                                                    Harley-Davidson, Honda, Kawasaki,                                         tion of motorcycles in your area.
                                                                    KTM, Piaggio/Vespa, Suzuki, Victory                                       Although the MSF will continue to
                                                                    and Yamaha.                                                               research, field test and publish
                                                                         The information contained in this                                    responsible viewpoints on the sub-
                                                                    publication is offered for the benefit of                                 ject, it disclaims any liability for
                                                                    those who have an interest in riding                                      the views expressed herein.

                                                                                                                Printing and distribution courtesy of
                                                                                             Motorcycle Safety Foundation
                                                                                    2 Jenner Street, Suite 150, Irvine, CA 92618-3806
                                                                            Second Revision ................... December 1978                     Seventh Revision ..................September 1992
                                                                            Third Revision ....................... February 1981                  Eighth Revision ....................... January 1999
                                                                            Fourth Revision....................... January 1983                   Ninth Revision ............................ March 2000
                                                                            Fifth Revision .......................... October 1987                Tenth Revision ......................... January 2002
                                                                            Sixth Revision ............................... April 1991             Eleventh Revision ...........................July 2002
                                                                                                                                                  Twelfth Revision ............................ May 2004
                                                                                                                              Printed in the USA 000254
About This Book                                                                            CONTENTS

                                                                                                            PREPARING                                     HANDLING DANGEROUS SURFACES ..27
                                                                                                             TO RIDE                                       Uneven Surfaces and Obstacles .......27
                                                                                                                                                           Slippery Surfaces ..............................28
      Operating a motorcycle safely in       These revisions reflect:                      WEAR THE RIGHT GEAR ....................4                       Railroad Tracks, Trolley Tracks
traffic requires special skills and                                                         Helmet Use .........................................4            and Pavement Seams ....................29
                                              • The latest finding of motorcycle-           Helmet Selection .................................4
knowledge. The Motorcycle Safety                safety research.                                                                                           Grooves and Gratings .......................29
                                                                                            Eye and Face Protection .....................5
Foundation (MSF) has made this manual
                                                                                            Clothing ..............................................6      MECHANICAL PROBLEMS ..................30
                                              • Comments and guidance provided
available to help novice motorcyclists                                                                                                                     Tire Failure .......................................30
reduce their risk of having a crash. The
                                                by the motorcycling, licensing and         KNOW YOUR MOTORCYCLE ...............6                           Stuck Throttle ...................................30
                                                traffic safety communities.                 The Right Motorcycle for You ...........6                      Wobble ..............................................30
manual conveys essential safe riding
                                              • Expanded alcohol and drug                   Borrowing and Lending ......................7                  Chain Problems ................................31
information and has been designed for                                                       Get Familiar with the
use in safe licensing programs. While           information.                                                                                               Engine Seizure ..................................31
                                                                                             Motorcycle Controls ........................7
designed for the novice, all motorcyclists         In promoting improved licensing          Check Your Motorcycle ......................8                 ANIMALS .............................................31
can benefit from the information this        programs, the MSF works closely with          KNOW YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES .........9                          FLYING OBJECTS ................................32
manual contains.                             state licensing agencies. The Foundation                                                                     GETTING OFF THE ROAD ..................32
      The original “Motorcycle Operator      has helped more than half the states in the                RIDE WITHIN                                       CARRYING PASSENGERS
Manual” was developed by the National        nation adopt the “Motorcycle Operator                     YOUR ABILITIES                                      AND CARGO .....................................32
Public Services Research Institute           Manual” for use in their licensing            BASIC VEHICLE CONTROL ................10                        Equipment .........................................32
                                             systems.                                        Body Position ...................................10           Instructing Passengers ......................33
(NPSRI) under contract to the National
                                                                                             Shifting Gears ...................................10          Riding With Passengers ....................33
Highway Traffic Safety Administration             Improved licensing, along with                                                                           Carrying Loads .................................33
                                                                                             Braking .............................................11
(NHTSA) and within the terms of a            high-quality motorcycle rider education         Turning ..............................................11     GROUP RIDING ...................................34
cooperative agreement between NHTSA          and increased public awareness, has the
                                                                                           KEEPING YOUR DISTANCE ................12                        Keep the Group Small ......................34
and the MSF. The manual and related          potential to reduce crashes. Staff at the                                                                     Keep the Group Together .................34
                                                                                             Lane Positions ...................................12
tests were used in a multi-year study of     Foundation are available to assist state,                                                                     Keep Your Distance ..........................34
                                                                                             Following Another Vehicle ...............13
improved motorcycle operator licensing       private and governmental agencies in            Being Followed .................................14
procedures, conducted by the California      efforts to improve motorcycle safety.           Passing and Being Passed .................14                            BEING IN SHAPE
Department of Motor Vehicles under                                                           Lane Sharing .....................................16                       TO RIDE
contract to NHTSA.                                                                           Merging Cars ....................................16          WHY THIS INFORMATION IS
      The purpose of this manual is to                                                       Cars Alongside ..................................16           IMPORTANT ......................................36
educate the reader to help avoid crashes                                                   SEE ......................................................17   ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS IN
while safely operating a motorcycle. For                                                   INTERSECTIONS ..................................18             MOTORCYCLE OPERATION ...............36
this edition, the MSF has updated and                                                        Blind Intersections ............................19           ALCOHOL IN THE BODY .....................37
expanded the content of the original              Tim Buche                                  Passing Parked Cars .........................20               Blood Alcohol
manual.                                                                                      Parking at the Roadside ....................20                  Concentration .................................37
                                                                                           INCREASING CONSPICUITY ................21                      ALCOHOL AND THE LAW ...................38
                                                 Motorcycle Safety Foundation
                                                                                             Clothing ............................................21       Consequences of
                                                                                             Headlight ..........................................21          Conviction ......................................38
                                                                                             Signals ..............................................21     MINIMIZE THE RISKS .........................38
                                                                                             Brake Light ........................................22       STEP IN TO PROTECT FRIENDS .........39
                                                                                             Using Your Mirrors ...........................22
                                                                                                                                                          FATIGUE ..............................................39
                                                                                             Head Checks .....................................23
                                                                                             Horn ..................................................23                   EARNING
                                                                                             Riding at Night .................................24                       YOUR LICENSE
                                                                                           CRASH AVOIDANCE ............................24                   Knowledge Test ................................40
                                                                                            Quick Stops .......................................24           On-Motorcycle Skill Test ..................41
                                                                                            Swerving or Turning Quickly ...........25
                                                                                            Cornering ..........................................26

42                                                                                                                                                                                                             3
PREPARING TO RIDE                                                                 ON-MOTORCYCLE SKILL TEST                 • Stop, turn and swerve quickly.
                          What you do before you start a trip goes a long way toward                         Basic vehicle control and           • Make critical decisions and carry
                      determining whether or not you’ll get where you want to go safely.                crash-avoidance skills are included in     them out.
                      Before taking off on any trip, a safe rider makes a point to:                     on-motorcycle tests to determine              Examiners may score on
                      1. Wear the right gear.                                                           your ability to handle normal and        factors related to safety such as:
                                                                                                        hazardous traffic situations.            • Selecting safe speeds to perform
                      2. Become familiar with the motorcycle.
                                                                                                             You may be tested for your            maneuvers.
                      3. Check the motorcycle equipment.                                                ability to:                              • Choosing the correct path and
                      4. Be a responsible rider.                                                        • Know your motorcycle and your            staying within boundaries.
                                                                                                          riding limits.                         • Completing normal and quick
                      WEAR THE RIGHT GEAR                      • An approved helmet lets you see        • Accelerate, brake and turn               stops.
                          When you ride, your gear is             as far to the sides as necessary. A     safely.                                • Completing normal and quick
                      “right” if it protects you. In any          study of more than 900 motorcycle     • See, be seen and communicate             turns or swerves.
                      crash, you have a far better chance of      crashes, where 40% of the riders        with others.
                      avoiding serious injury if you wear:        wore helmets, did not find even
                                                                                                        • Adjust speed and position to the

                                                                  one case in which a helmet kept a
                      • An approved helmet.                       rider from spotting danger.
                                                                                                          traffic situation.
                      • Face or eye protection.                • Most crashes happen on short
                      • Protective clothing.                      trips (less than five miles
                                                                  long), just a few minutes after
                      HELMET USE                                  starting out.
                           Crashes can occur —                 • Most rider d  seirM
                                                                                   tos riding slower
                      particularly among untrained,               than 30 mph when a crash
                      beginning riders. And one out of            occurs. At these speeds, helmets
                      every five motorcycle crashes results       can cut both the number and the
                      in head or neck injuries. Head              severity of head injuries by half.
                      injuries are just as severe as neck            No matter what the speed,
                      injuries — and far more common.          helmeted riders are three times more
                      Crash analyses show that head and        likely to survive head injuries than
                      neck injuries account for a majority     those not wearing helmets at the time
                      of serious and fatal injuries to         of the crash.
                      motorcyclists. Research also shows
                                                                                                           To receive a motorcycle license with full privileges, most
                      that, with few exceptions, head and
                      neck injuries are reduced by properly
                                                               HELMET SELECTION                            states require that maneuvers be performed as designed;
                      wearing an approved helmet.                   There are two primary types of         On-motorcycle skill tests are not designed for sidecars or three-wheeled
                                                               helmets, providing two different
                           Some riders don’t wear helmets                                                  vehicles. Those vehicles maneuver differently than a two-wheeled
                                                               levels of coverage: three-quarter and
                      because they think helmets will limit                                                motorcycle. Depending on the state, a driver examiner may follow you
                                                               full face.
                      their view to the sides. Others wear                                                 on a car test-route. Restrictions (sidecar, three-wheeled vehicle) may
                      helmets only on long trips or when            Whichever style you choose, you        be added until completion of a two-wheeled motorcycle test.
                      riding at high speeds. Here are some     can get the most protection by
                      facts to consider:                       making sure that the helmet:

                                                                                                            Diagrams and drawings used in this manual are for reference only
                                                                                                        and are not to correct scale for size of vehicles and distances.

                      4                                                                                                                                                               41
EARNING YOUR LICENSE                                                                  HELMETS

                                                                                                                                                                                                HELMET USE
                             Safe riding requires knowledge and skill. Licensing tests are the best
                       measurement of the skills necessary to operate safely in traffic. Assessing your
                       own skills is not enough. People often overestimate their own abilities. It’s
                       even harder for friends and relatives to be totally honest about your skills.
                       Licensing exams are designed to be scored more objectively.
                             To earn your license, you must pass a knowledge test and an on-cycle skill
                       test. Knowledge test questions are based on information, practices and ideas
                       from this manual. They require that you know and understand road rules and
                       safe riding practices. An on-cycle skill test will either be conducted in an actual
                       traffic environment or in a controlled, off-street area.

                                                                                                             • Meets U.S. Department of                      Goggles protect your eyes,
                                                                   4. If a tire goes flat while riding and     Transportation (DOT) and state           though they won’t protect the rest of
                       KNOWLEDGE TEST                                                                          standards. Helmets with a label          your face like a faceshield does. A
                       (Sample Questions)                          you must stop, it is usually best to:
                                                                                                               from the Snell Memorial                  windshield is not a substitute for a

                                                                                                                                                                                                EYE AND FACE PROTECTION

                       1. It is MOST important to flash            A. Relax on the handlegrips.                Foundation give you an added             faceshield or goggles. Most
                       your brake light when:                      B. Shift your weight toward the good        assurance of quality.                    windshields will not protect your
                                                                      tire.                                                                             eyes from the wind. Neither will
                       A. Someone is following too closely.
                                                                   C. Brake on the good tire and steer to    • Fits snugly, all the way around.
                       B. You will be slowing suddenly.                                                                                                 eyeglasses or sunglasses. Glasses
                                                                      the side of the road.                  • Has no obvious defects such
                       C. There is a stop sign ahead.                                                                                                   won’t keep your eyes from watering,
                                                                   D. Use both brakes and stop quickly.        as cracks, loose padding or
                       D. Your signals are not working.                                                                                                 and they might blow off when you
                                                                                                               frayed straps.
                                                                   5. The car below is waiting to enter                                                 turn your head while riding.
                       2. The FRONT brake supplies how                                                            Whatever helmet you decide
                                                                   the intersection. It is best to:                                                          To be effective, eye or
                       much of the potential stopping                                                        on, keep it securely fastened on your
                                                                   A. Make eye contact with the driver.                                                 faceshield protection must:
                       power?                                                                                head when you ride. Otherwise, if
                                                                   B. Reduce speed and be ready to           you are involved in a crash, it’s likely   • Be free of scratches.
                       A. About one-quarter.
                                                                      react.                                 to fly off your head before it gets a      • Be resistant to penetration.
                       B. About one-half.
                                                                   C. Maintain speed and position.           chance to protect you.
                       C. About three-quarters.
                                                                   D. Maintain speed and move right.                                                    • Give a clear view to either side.
                       D. All of the stopping power.                                                                                                    • Fasten securely, so it does not
                       3. To swerve correctly:                                                               EYE AND FACE PROTECTION                      blow off.
                       A. Shift your weight quickly.                                                              A plastic shatter-resistant           • Permit air to pass through, to
                       B. Turn the handlebars quickly.                                                       faceshield can help protect your             reduce fogging.
                       C. Press the handlegrip in the                                                        whole face in a crash. It also             • Permit enough room for
                          direction of the turn.                                                             protects you from wind, dust, dirt,          eyeglasses or sunglasses, if
                       D. Press the handlegrip in the                                                        rain, insects and pebbles thrown up          needed.
                          opposite direction of the turn.                                                    from cars ahead. These problems                 Tinted eye protection should
                                                                                                             are distracting and can be painful.        not be worn at night or any other
                                                                                                             If you have to deal with them, you         time when little light is available.
                                                                                                             can’t devote your full attention to
                       Answers to Test Yourself (previous pages)
                                                                                                             the road.
                         1-C,    2-D,    3-D,     4-A,    5-B,     _____________________________________
                         6-C,    7-D     8-D,     9-C,    10-C,    Answers to above Knowledge Test:
                         11-D, 12-A, 13-A, 14-C                      1-B,   2-C, 3-C,     4-C,    5-B

                       40                                                                                                                                                                   5
CLOTHING               CLOTHING                                  KNOW YOUR                                     one of the first things affected by              It helps to enlist support from

                                                                 MOTORCYCLE                                    alcohol. Even if you have tried to drink   others when you decide to step in.
                             The right clothing protects you
                                                                                                               in moderation, you may not realize to      The more people on your side, the
                       in a collision. It also provides              There are plenty of things on the         what extent your skills have suffered      easier it is to be firm and the harder
                       comfort, as well as protection from       highway that can cause you trouble.           from alcohol’s fatiguing effects.          it is for the rider to resist. While
                       heat, cold, debris and hot and moving     Your motorcycle should not be one of                                                     you may not be thanked at the
                       parts of the motorcycle.                  them. To make sure that your                       Or Don’t Ride — If you haven’t
                                                                                                                                                          time, you will never have to say,
                                                                                                               controlled your drinking, you must
                       • Jacket and pants should cover           motorcycle won’t let you down:                                                           “If only I had ...”
                                                                                                               control your riding.
                          arms and legs completely. They         • Read the owner’s manual first.
                          should fit snugly enough to keep                                                     • Leave the motorcycle —                   FATIGUE
                                                                 • Start with the right motorcycle for           so you won’t be tempted to ride.               Riding a motorcycle is more
                          from flapping in the wind, yet           you.                                          Arrange another way to get home.         tiring than driving a car. On a long
                          loosely enough to move freely.
                          Leather offers the most protection.    • Be familiar with the motorcycle             • Wait — If you exceed your                trip, you’ll tire sooner than you
                          Sturdy synthetic material provides       controls.                                     limit, wait until your system            would in a car. Avoid riding when
                                                                 • Check the motorcycle before                   eliminates the alcohol and its           tired. Fatigue can affect your control
                          a lot of protection as well.
                                                                                                                 fatiguing effects.                       of the motorcycle.
                          Wear a jacket even in warm               every ride.
                          weather to prevent dehydration.        • Keep it in safe riding condition            STEP IN TO                                 • Protect yourself from the

                          Many are designed to protect             between rides.                                                                            elements — Wind, cold, and rain
                                                                                                               PROTECT FRIENDS                               make you tire quickly. Dress
                          without getting you overheated,
                                                                 • Avoid add-ons and modifications                   People who have had too much            warmly. A windshield is worth its
                          even on summer days.
                                                                   that make your motorcycle                   to drink are unable to make a                 cost if you plan to ride long
                       • Boots or shoes should be high and         harder to handle.                           responsible decision. It is up to others      distances.
                          sturdy enough to cover your ankles                                                   to step in and keep them from taking
                                                                                                                                                          • Limit your distance — Experi-
                          and give them support. Soles                                                         too great a risk. No one wants to do
                                                                 THE RIGHT MOTORCYCLE                          this — it’s uncomfortable,                    enced riders seldom try to ride
                          should be made of hard, durable,
                                                                 FOR YOU                                       embarrassing and thankless. You are           more than about six hours a day.
                          slip-resistant material. Keep heels
                          short so they do not catch on rough         First, make sure your motorcycle         rarely thanked for your efforts at the     • Take frequent rest breaks —
                          surfaces. Tuck in laces so they        is right for you. It should “fit” you.        time. But the alternatives are often          Stop and get off the motorcycle at
                          won’t catch on your motorcycle.        Your feet should reach the ground             worse.                                        least every two hours.
                                                                 while you are seated on the                         There are several ways to keep       • Don’t drink or use drugs —
                       • Gloves allow a better grip and
                                                                 motorcycle.                                   friends from hurting themselves:              Artificial stimulants often result in
                          help protect your hands in a crash.
                                                                                                               • Arrange a safe ride — Provide               extreme fatigue or depression
                          Your gloves should be made of
                                                                                                                  alternative ways for them to               when they start to wear off. Riders
                          leather or similar durable material.                                                                                               are unable to concentrate on the
                                                                                                                  get home.
                             In cold or wet weather, your                                                                                                    task at hand.
                                                                                                               • Slow the pace of drinking —
                       clothes should keep you warm and
                                                                                                                  Involve them in other activities.
                       dry, as well as protect you from
                       injury. You cannot control a                                                            • Keep them there — Use any
                                                                  1                      Test Yourself            excuse to keep them from getting         14                         Test Yourself
                       motorcycle well if you are numb.
                                                                                                                  on their motorcycle. Serve them          If you wait one hour per each drink for
                       Riding for long periods in cold            A plastic shatter-resistant face                                                         the alcohol to be eliminated from your
                                                                                                                  food and coffee to pass the time.
                       weather can cause severe chill and                                                         Explain your concerns for their
                                                                                                                                                           body before riding:
                       fatigue. A winter jacket should resist     A. Is not neccessary if you have a                                                       A. You cannot be arrested for drinking
                                                                     windshield.                                  risks of getting arrested or hurt
                       wind and fit snugly at the neck,                                                                                                       and riding.
                                                                  B. Only protects your eyes.                     or hurting someone else. Take
                       wrists and waist. Good-quality                                                                                                      B. Your riding skills will not be affected.
                                                                  C. Helps protect your whole face.               their key, if you can.
                       rainsuits designed for motorcycle                                                                                                   C. Side effects from the drinking may
                                                                  D. Does not protect your face as well        • Get friends involved — Use peer              still remain.
                       riding resist tearing apart or                as goggles.                                  pressure from a group of friends         D. You will be okay as long as you ride
                       ballooning up at high speeds.                                        Answer - page 40      to intervene.                               slowly.
                                                                                                                                                                                        Answer - page 40

                       6                                                                                                                                                                              39
A person drinking:                   that judges must impose them.                 At minimum, your street-legal              are licensed and know how to ride

                                                                                                                                                                                                       KNOW YOUR MOTORCYCLE
                                                                     If you are convicted of riding       motorcycle should have:                        before allowing them out into traffic.
                      • 8 drinks in 4 hours would have at
                        least four drinks remaining in their    under the influence of alcohol or         • Headlight, taillight and                          No matter how experienced you
                        system.                                 drugs, you may receive any of the           brakelight.                                  may be, ride extra carefully on any
                                                                following penalties:                                                                     motorcycle that’s new or unfamiliar
                      • 7 drinks in 3 hours would have at                                                 • Front and rear brakes.
                        least four drinks remaining in their    • License Suspension —                                                                   to you. More than half of all crashes
                                                                  Mandatory suspension for                • Turn signals.
                        system.                                                                                                                          occur on motorcycles ridden by the
                                                                  conviction, arrest or refusal to        • Horn.                                        operator for less than six months.
                           There are times when a larger
                                                                  submit to a breath test.
                      person may not accumulate as high a                                                 • Two mirrors.
                      concentration of alcohol for each drink   • Fines — Severe fines are another                                                       GET FAMILIAR WITH THE
                      consumed. They have more blood              aspect of a conviction, usually
                                                                  levied with a license suspension.       BORROWING AND LENDING                          MOTORCYCLE CONTROLS
                      and other bodily fluids. But because                                                                                                    Make sure you are completely
                      of individual differences it is better    • Community Service — Performing               Borrowers and lenders of
                                                                                                          motorcycles, beware. Crashes are               familiar with the motorcycle before
                      not to take the chance that abilities       tasks such as picking up litter
                                                                                                          fairly common among beginning                  you take it out on the street. Be sure
                      and judgment have not been affected.        along the highway, washing cars in
                                                                  the motor-vehicle pool or working                                                      to review the owner’s manual. This is
                      Whether or not you are legally                                                      riders — especially in the first
                                                                                                                                                         particularly important if you are

                      intoxicated is not the real issue.          at an emergency ward.                   months of riding. Riding an
                      Impairment of judgment and skills                                                   unfamiliar motorcycle adds to the              riding a borrowed motorcycle.
                                                                • Costs — Additional lawyer’s fees
                      begins well below the legal limit.          to pay, lost work time spent in         problem. If you borrow a motorcycle,                If you are going to use an
                                                                  court or alcohol-education              get familiar with it in a controlled           unfamiliar motorcycle:
                      ALCOHOL AND THE LAW                          programs, public transportation        area. And if you lend your
                           In West Virginia, a person with a      costs (while your license is            motorcycle to friends, make sure they
                      BAC of .08% or above is considered          suspended) and the added
                      intoxicated; in other states the legal      psychological costs of being
                      limit is between .05% and .10%. It          tagged a “drunk driver.”                MOTORCYCLE CONTROLS
                      doesn’t matter how sober you may                                                                           Light Switch (high/low)      Engine Cut-Off
                      look or act. The breath or urine test     MINIMIZE THE RISKS                                                      Choke (varies)        Switch
                      is what usually determines whether             Your ability to judge how well                                     Turn-Signal           Electric
                      you are riding legally or illegally.      you are riding is affected first.                                       Switch                Start
                                                                                                                                               Ignition Key
                           Your chances of being stopped        Although you may be performing                                                 (varies)
                      for riding under the influence of         more and more poorly, you think you
                      alcohol are increasing. Law               are doing better and better. The result
                      enforcement is being stepped up           is that you ride confidently, taking
                      across the country in response to the     greater and greater risks. Minimize             Horn Button
                      senseless deaths and injuries caused                                                                                                                              Throttle
                                                                the risks of drinking and riding by
                      by drinking drivers and riders.
                                                                taking steps before you drink.
                      CONSEQUENCES OF                           Control your drinking or control                Clutch Lever                                                   Front Brake Lever
                                                                your riding.
                      CONVICTION                                                                                               & Odometer
                          Years ago, first offenders had a      DON’T DRINK                                                                                            (if equipped)
                      good chance of getting off with a              Don’t Drink — Once you start,
                      small fine and participation in           your resistance becomes weaker.                           Fuel Supply Valve
                      alcohol-abuse classes. Today the laws                                                               (if equipped)
                                                                                                                                                                          Rear Brake Pedal
                      of most states impose stiff penalties          Setting a limit or pacing yourself
                                                                                                                    Gear-Change Lever
                      on drinking operators. And those          are poor alternatives at best. Your                                                                            Kick Starter
                      penalties are mandatory, meaning          ability to exercise good judgment is                                                                           (if equipped)

                      38                                                                                                                                                                           7
• Make all the checks you would           • Brake Light — Try both brake                ALCOHOL IN THE BODY                           Other factors also contribute to

                                                                                                                                                                                                        BLOOD ALOCHOL CONCENTRATION
                          on your own motorcycle.                    controls, and make sure each one                                                    the way alcohol affects your system.
                                                                     turns on the brake light.                      Alcohol enters the bloodstream       Your sex, physical condition and
                        • Find out where everything is,                                                         quickly. Unlike most foods and
                          particularly the turn signals, horn,          Once you have mounted the                                                        food intake are just a few that may
                                                                                                                beverages, it does not need to be        cause your BAC level to be even
                          headlight switch, fuel-supply           motorcycle, complete the following            digested. Within minutes after being
                          valve and engine cut-off switch.        checks before starting out:                                                            higher. But the full effects of these
                                                                                                                consumed, it reaches the brain and       are not completely known. Alcohol
                          Find and operate these items            • Clutch and Throttle — Make                  begins to affect the drinker. The
                          without having to look for them.                                                                                               may still accumulate in your body
                                                                     sure they work smoothly. The               major effect alcohol has is to slow      even if you are drinking at a rate of
                        • Know the gear pattern. Work the            throttle should snap back when             down and impair bodily functions —       one drink per hour. Abilities and
                          throttle, clutch and brakes a few          you let go. The clutch should feel         both mental and physical. Whatever       judgment can be affected by that
                          times before you start riding. All         tight and smooth.                          you do, you do less well after           one drink.
                          controls react a little differently.    • Mirrors — Clean and adjust both             consuming alcohol.
                                                                                                                                                              A 12-ounce can of beer, a mixed
                        • Ride very cautiously and be                mirrors before starting. It’s
                                                                                                                                                         drink with one shot of liquor and a 5-
                          aware of surroundings. Accelerate          difficult to ride with one hand            BLOOD ALCOHOL                            ounce glass of wine all contain the
                          gently, take turns more slowly and         while you try to adjust a mirror.          CONCENTRATION                            same amount of alcohol.
                          leave extra room for stopping.             Adjust each mirror so you can see
                                                                     the lane behind and as much as                  Blood Alcohol Concentration or           The faster you drink, the more
                                                                     possible of the lane next to you.          BAC is the amount of alcohol in          alcohol accumulates in your body. If
                        CHECK YOUR MOTORCYCLE                                                                   relation to blood in the body.           you drink two drinks in an hour, at
                                                                     When properly adjusted, a mirror
                              A motorcycle needs more                may show the edge of your arm or           Generally, alcohol can be eliminated     the end of that hour, at least one drink
                        frequent attention than a car. A minor       shoulder—but it’s the road behind          in the body at the rate of almost one    will remain in your bloodstream.
                        technical failure in a car seldom leads      and to the side that’s most                drink per hour. But a variety of other
                                                                                                                                                              Without taking into account any
                        to anything more than an                     important.                                 factors may also influence the level
                                                                                                                                                         of the other factors, the formula
                        inconvenience for the driver.                                                           of alcohol retained. The more alcohol
                                                                  • Brakes — Try the front and rear                                                      below illustrates the LEAST amount
                              If something’s wrong with the                                                     in your blood, the greater the degree
                                                                     brake levers one at a time. Make                                                    of drinks remaining in the
                        motorcycle, you’ll want to find out                                                     of impairment.
                                                                     sure each one feels firm and holds                                                  bloodstream:
                        about it before you get in traffic.          the motorcycle when the brake is                Three factors play a major part
                        Make a complete check of your                fully applied.                             in determining BAC:                      Total             # hours           drinks
                        motorcycle before every ride.                                                                                                    drinks     LESS   since last EQUALS left
                                                                  • Horn — Try the horn. Make sure              • The amount of alcohol you              consumed          drink             in body
                              Before mounting the motorcycle,        it works.                                    consume.                               ________    -     ________     =    ________
                        make the following checks:                      In addition to the checks you           • How fast you drink.
                        • Tires — Check the air pressure,         should make before every trip, check          • Your body weight.
                           general wear and tread.                the following items at least once a
                        • Fluids — Oil and fluid levels. At a     week: Wheels, cables, fasteners and           ALCOHOL CONCENTRATION
                           minimum, check hydraulic fluids        fluid levels. Follow your owner’s
                           and coolants weekly. Look under        manual to get recommendations.
                           the motorcycle for signs of an oil
                           or gas leak.                            2                      Test Yourself
                        • Headlights and Taillight —               More than half of all crashes:
                           Check them both. Test your switch       A. Occur at speeds greater than
                           to make sure both high and low             35 mph.
                           beams are working.                      B. Happen at night.
                                                                   C. Are caused by worn tires.
                        • Turn Signals — Turn on both
                                                                   D. Involve riders who have ridden
                           right and left turn signals. Make          their motorcycles less than six
                           sure all lights are working                months.
                                                                                             Answer - page 40

                        8                                                                                                                                                                       37
BEING IN SHAPE TO RIDE   BEING IN SHAPE TO RIDE                                                               KNOW YOUR                                    • Be visible — wear proper

                                                                                                                                                                                                     KNOW YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES
                                                                                                              RESPONSIBILITIES                                clothing, use your headlight, ride
                              Riding a motorcycle is a demanding and complex task. Skilled riders pay                                                         in the best lane position to see and
                         attention to the riding environment and to operating the motorcycle,                      “Accident” implies an                      be seen.
                         identifying potential hazards, making good judgments and executing decisions         unforeseen event that occurs without
                                                                                                                                                           • Communicate your intentions —
                         quickly and skillfully. Your ability to perform and respond to changing road         anyone’s fault or negligence. Most
                                                                                                                                                              use the proper signals, brake light
                         and traffic conditions is influenced by how fit and alert you are. Alcohol and       often in traffic, that is not the case. In
                                                                                                                                                              and lane position.
                         other drugs, more than any other factor, degrade your ability to think clearly       fact, most people involved in a crash
                         and to ride safely. As little as one drink can have a significant effect on your     can usually claim some responsibility        • Maintain an adequate space
                         performance.                                                                         for what takes place.                           cushion — following, being
                                                                                                                                                              followed, lane sharing, passing
                              Let’s look at the risks involved in riding after drinking or using drugs.            Consider a situation where
                                                                                                                                                              and being passed.
                         What to do to protect yourself and your fellow riders is also examined.              someone decides to try to squeeze
                                                                                                              through an intersection on a yellow          • Scan your path of travel 12
                                                                       By becoming knowledgeable              light turning red. Your light turns             seconds ahead.
                         WHY THIS INFORMATION
                                                                   about the effects of alcohol and other     green. You pull into the intersection        • Identify and separate multiple
                         IS IMPORTANT
                                                                   drugs you will see that riding and         without checking for possible                   hazards.
                              Alcohol is a major contributor to    substance abuse don’t mix. Take            latecomers. That is all it takes for the

                         motorcycle crashes, particularly fatal                                                                                            • Be prepared to act — remain
                                                                   positive steps to protect yourself and     two of you to tangle. It was the                alert and know how to carry out
                         crashes. Studies show that 40% to         prevent others from injuring
                         45% of all riders killed in motorcycle                                               driver’s responsibility to stop. And it         proper crash-avoidance skills.
                                                                   themselves.                                was your responsibility to look
                         crashes had been drinking. Only one-                                                                                                   Blame doesn’t matter when
                                                                                                              before pulling out. Neither of you
                         third of those riders had a blood         ALCOHOL AND OTHER                                                                       someone is injured in a crash. There
                         alcohol concentration above legal                                                    held up your end of the deal. Just
                                                                   DRUGS IN MOTORCYCLE                                                                     is rarely a single cause of any crash.
                         limits. The rest had only a few drinks                                               because someone else is the first to
                                                                   OPERATION                                                                               The ability to ride aware, make
                         in their systems — enough to impair                                                  start the chain of events leading to a
                                                                                                                                                           critical decisions and carry them out
                         riding skills. In the past, drug levels        No one is immune to the effects       crash, it doesn’t leave any of us free
                                                                                                                                                           separates responsible riders from all
                         have been harder to distinguish or        of alcohol or drugs. Friends may brag      of responsibility.
                                                                                                                                                           the rest. Remember, it is up to you to
                         have not been separated from              about their ability to hold their liquor        As a rider you can’t be sure that
                                                                   or perform better on drugs, but                                                         keep from being the cause of, or an
                         drinking violations for the traffic                                                  other operators will see you or yield
                                                                   alcohol or drugs make them less able                                                    unprepared participant in, any crash.
                         records. But riding “under the                                                       the right of way. To lessen your
                         influence” of either alcohol or drugs     to think clearly and perform physical
                                                                   tasks skillfully. Judgment and the         chances of a crash occurring:
                         poses physical and legal hazards for
                         every rider.                              decision-making processes needed
                              Drinking and drug use is as big a    for vehicle operation are affected
                         problem among motorcyclists as it is      long before legal limitations are
                         among automobile drivers. Motor-          reached.
                         cyclists, however, are more likely to          Many over-the-counter,
                         be killed or severely injured in a        prescription and illegal drugs have
                         crash. Injuries occur in 90% of           side effects that increase the risk of
                         motorcycle crashes and 33% of             riding. It is difficult to accurately
                         automobile crashes that involve           measure the involvement of
                         abuse of substances. On a yearly          particular drugs in motorcycle
                         basis, 2,100 motorcyclists are killed     crashes. But we do know what effects
                         and about 50,000 seriously injured in     various drugs have on the process
                         this same type of crash. These            involved in riding a motorcycle. We
                         statistics are too overwhelming to        also know that the combined effects
                         ignore.                                   of alcohol and other drugs are more
                                                                   dangerous than either is alone.
                         36                                                                                                                                                                     9
RIDE WITHIN YOUR ABILITIES                                                         cushion. The leader rides in the left        open up room for the next rider.
                                                                                                    side of the lane, while the second              Some people suggest that the
                     This manual cannot teach you how to control direction, speed or balance.       rider stays one second behind in          leader should move to the right side
                 That’s something you can learn only through practice. But control begins with      the right side of the lane.
                 knowing your abilities and riding within them, along with knowing and                                                        after passing a vehicle. This is not a
                                                                                                        A third rider maintains in the left   good idea. It encourages the second
                 obeying the rules of the road.
                                                                                                  position, two seconds behind the first      rider to pass and cut back in before
                                                                                                  rider. The fourth rider would keep a        there is a large enough space cushion
                                                                                                  two-second distance behind the              in front of the passed vehicle. It’s
                                                                                                  second rider. This formation keeps          simpler and safer to wait until there
                                                                                                  the group close and permits each            is enough room ahead of the passed
                                                                                                  rider a safe distance from others           vehicle to allow each rider to move
                                                                                                  ahead, behind and to the sides.             into the same position held before
                 BASIC VEHICLE                            too much throttle. Also, adjust the                                                 the pass.
                                                          handlebars so your hands are even       • Passing in Formation — Riders
                 CONTROL                                                                             in a staggered formation should          Single-File Formation — It is best
                                                          with or below your elbows. This                                                        to move into a single-file formation
                                                                                                     pass one at a time.
                                                          permits you to use the proper muscles                                                  when riding curves, turning,
                 BODY POSITION                            for precision steering.                 • First, the lead rider should pull
                                                                                                                                                 entering or leaving a highway.

                      To control a motorcycle well:                                                  out and pass when it is safe. After
                                                          • Knees — Keep your knees against
                                                                                                     passing, the leader should return to
                 • Posture — Sit so you can use your        the gas tank to help you keep your       the left position and continue            13                      Test Yourself
                   arms to steer the motorcycle rather      balance as the motorcycle turns.         riding at passing speed to open           When riding in a group,
                   than to hold yourself up.              • Feet — Keep your feet firmly on          room for the next rider.                  inexperienced riders should
                 • Seat — Sit far enough forward so         the footrests to maintain balance.    • After the first rider passes               position themselves:
                   that arms are slightly bent when         Don’t drag your feet. If your foot       safely, the second rider should           A. Just behind the leader.
                   you hold the handlegrips. Bending        catches on something, you could          move up to the left position and          B. In front of the group.
                   your arms permits you to press on        be injured and it could affect your      watch for a safe chance to pass.          C. At the tail end of the group.
                   the handlebars without having to         control of the motorcycle. Keep          After passing, this rider should          D. Beside the leader.
                   stretch.                                 your feet near the controls so you       return to the right position and
                                                                                                                                                                          Answer - page 40

                 • Hands — Hold the handlegrips             can get to them fast if needed.
                   firmly to keep your grip over            Also, don’t let your toes point       GROUP PASSING (STAGE 1)                       GROUP PASSING (STAGE 2)
                   rough surfaces. Start with your          downward — they may get caught
                   right wrist flat. This will help you     between the road and the footrests.
                   keep from accidentally using
                                                          SHIFTING GEARS

                 HOLDING HANDLEBARS                            There is more to shifting gears
                                                          than simply getting the motorcycle to
                                      RIGHT               pick up speed smoothly. Learning to
                                                          use the gears when downshifting,
                                                          turning or starting on hills is
                                                          important for safe motorcycle
                                                               Shift down through the gears
                                                          with the clutch as you slow or stop.
                                                          Remain in first gear while you are
                      WRONG                               stopped so that you can move out
                                                          quickly if you need to.

                 10                                                                                                                                                                     35
• Secure the Load — Fasten the               down a little to stay with the               Make certain you are riding            Also, using the front brake

GROUP RIDING     load securely with elastic cords           tailender.                             slowly enough when you shift into a          incorrectly on a slippery surface
                 (bungee cords or nets). Elastic          • Know the Route — Make sure             lower gear. If not, the motorcycle will      may be hazardous. Use caution
                 cords with more than one                   everyone knows the route. Then,        lurch, and the rear wheel may skid.          and squeeze the brake lever, never
                 attachment point per side are more         if someone is separated they won’t     When riding downhill or shifting into        grab.
                 secure. A tight load won’t catch in        have to hurry to keep from getting     first gear you may need to use the         • Some motorcycles have
                 the wheel or chain, causing it to          lost or taking a wrong turn. Plan      brakes to slow enough before                 integrated braking systems that
                 lock up and skid. Rope tends to            frequent stops on long rides.          downshifting safely. Work toward a           activate the front and rear brakes
                 stretch and knots come loose,                                                     smooth, even clutch release,                 together when applying the rear
                 permitting the load to shift or fall.    KEEP YOUR DISTANCE                       especially when downshifting.                brake pedal. (Consult the owner’s
               • Check the Load — Stop and                     Maintain close ranks but at the          It is best to change gears before       manual for a detailed explanation
                 check the load every so often to         same time keep a safe distance to        entering a turn. However, sometimes          on the operation and effective use
                 make sure it has not worked loose        allow each rider in the group time       shifting while in the turn is necessary.     of these systems.)
                 or moved.                                and space to react to hazards. A close   If so, remember to do so smoothly. A
                                                          group takes up less space on the         sudden change in power to the rear
               GROUP RIDING                               highway, is easier to see and is less    wheel can cause a skid.                          Riders often try to take curves or
                    If you ride with others, do it in a   likely to be separated. However, it                                                 turns too fast. When they can’t hold

               way that promotes safety and doesn’t       must be done properly.                   BRAKING                                    the turn, they end up crossing into
               interfere with the flow of traffic.        Don’t Pair Up — Never operate                                                       another lane of traffic or going off the
                                                                                                         Your motorcycle has two brakes:
                                                             directly alongside another rider.                                                road. Or, they overreact and brake too
               KEEP THE GROUP SMALL                                                                one each for the front and rear wheel.
                                                             There is no place to go if you have                                              hard, causing a skid and loss of
                                                                                                   Use both of them at the same time.
                    Small groups make it easier and          to avoid a car or something on the                                               control. Approach turns and curves
                                                                                                   The front brake is more powerful and
               safer for car drivers who need to get         road. To talk, wait until you are                                                with caution.
                                                                                                   can provide at least three-quarters
               around them. A small number isn’t             both stopped.                         of your total stopping power. The          Use four steps for better control:
               separated as easily by traffic or red      Staggered Formation — This is the        front brake is safe to use if you use      • SLOW
               lights. Riders won’t always be                best way to keep ranks close yet      it properly.
               hurrying to catch up. If your group is                                                                                         • LOOK
                                                             maintain an adequate space
               larger than four or five riders, divide                                                   Remember:                            • PRESS
               it up into two or more smaller groups.                                              • Use both brakes every time you           • ROLL
                                                          STAGGERED FORMATION                         slow or stop. Using both brakes for
               KEEP THE GROUP TOGETHER                                                                even “normal” stops will permit         • SLOW — Reduce speed before
                                                                                                      you to develop the proper habit or         the turn by closing the throttle and,
               • Plan — The leader should look
                                                                                                      skill of using both brakes properly     if necessary, applying both brakes.
                 ahead for changes and signal early
                 so “the word gets back” in plenty                                                    in an emergency. Squeeze the front      • LOOK — Look through the turn
                 of time. Start lane changes early to                                                 brake and press down on the rear.          to where you want to go. Turn just
                 permit everyone to complete the                                                      Grabbing at the front brake or             your head, not your shoulders, and
                 change.                                                                              jamming down on the rear can               keep your eyes level with the
                                                                                                      cause the brakes to lock, resulting        horizon.
               • Put Beginners Up Front — Place
                 inexperienced riders just behind                                                     in control problems.                    • PRESS — To turn, the motorcycle
                 the leader. That way the more                                                     • If you know the technique, using            must lean. To lean the motor-
                 experienced riders can watch them                                                    both brakes in a turn is possible,         cycle, press on the handlegrip in
                 from the back.                                                                       although it should be done very            the direction of the turn. Press
               • Follow Those Behind — Let the                                                        carefully. When leaning the                left — lean left — go left. Press
                 tailender set the pace. Use your                                                     motorcycle some of the traction is         right — lean right — go right.
                 mirrors to keep an eye on the                                                        used for cornering. Less traction is       Higher speeds and/or tighter
                 person behind. If a rider falls                                                      available for stopping. A skid can         turns require the motorcycle to
                 behind, everyone should slow                                                         occur if you apply too much brake.         lean more.

               34                                                                                                                                                                  11
• ROLL — Roll on the throttle               3                     Test Yourself         INSTRUCTING PASSENGERS                        • Ride a little slower, especially

                                                                                                                                                                                                 CARRYING PASSENGERS
                   through the turn to stabilize the         When riding, you should:                                                                     when taking curves, corners or
                   suspension. Maintain steady speed                                                          Even if your passenger is a
                                                             A. Turn your head and shoulders to                                                           bumps.
                   or accelerate gradually through the          look through turns.                      motorcycle rider, provide complete
                                                                                                         instructions before you start. Tell           • Start slowing earlier as you
                   turn. This will help keep the             B. Keep your arms straight.                                                                  approach a stop.
                   motorcycle stable.                        C. Keep your knees away from the            your passenger to:
                                                                gas tank.                                • Get on the motorcycle only after            • Open up a larger cushion of
                      In normal turns, the rider and the                                                                                                  space ahead and to the sides.
                                                             D. Turn just your head and eyes to             you have started the engine.
                 motorcycle should lean together at             look where you are going.                                                              • Wait for larger gaps to cross,
                 the same angle.                                                      Answer - page 40   • Sit as far forward as possible
                                                                                                                                                          enter or merge in traffic.
                                                                                                            without crowding you.
                                                                                                                                                            Warn your passenger of special
                 NORMAL TURNS                               KEEPING YOUR                                 • Hold firmly to your waist, hips
                                                                                                                                                       conditions — when you will pull out,
                                                            DISTANCE                                        or belt, or the bike’s passenger
                                                                                                                                                       stop quickly, turn sharply or ride over
                                                                 The best protection you can have                                                      a bump. Turn your head slightly to
                                                            is distance — a “cushion of space” —         • Keep both feet on the footrests,            make yourself understood, but keep
                                                            all around your motorcycle. If                  even when stopped.                         your eyes on the road ahead.
                                                            someone else makes a mistake,                • Keep legs away from the

                                                            distance permits you:                           muffler(s), chains or moving parts.        CARRYING LOADS
                                                            • Time to react.                             • Stay directly behind you, leaning                Most motorcycles are not
                                                            • Space to maneuver.                            as you lean.                               designed to carry much cargo. Small
                                                                                                         • Avoid unnecessary talk or motion.           loads can be carried safely if
                                                            LANE POSITIONS                                                                             positioned and fastened properly.
                                                                                                              Also, tell your passenger to
                                                                 In some ways the size of the            tighten his or her hold when you:             • Keep the Load Low — Fasten
                                                            motorcycle can work to your advan-                                                           loads securely, or put them in
                                                                                                         • Approach surface problems.                    saddlebags. Piling loads against a
                                                            tage. Each traffic lane gives a
                                                            motorcycle three paths of travel, as         • Are about to start from a stop.               sissybar or frame on the back of
                      In slow tight turns, counterbalance
                                                            indicated in the illustration.               • Warn that you will make a                     the seat raises the motorcycle’s
                 by leaning the motorcycle only and
                                                                                                            sudden move.                                 center of gravity and disturbs its
                 keeping your body straight.                     Your lane position should:
                                                            • Increase your ability to see and be                                                      • Keep the Load Forward — Place
                 SLOW, TIGHT TURNS                             seen.                                     RIDING WITH PASSENGERS
                                                                                                                                                         the load over, or in front of, the
                                                            • Avoid others’ blind spots.                      Your motorcycle will respond               rear axle. Tankbags keep loads
                                                                                                         more slowly with a passenger on                 forward, but use caution when
                                                            • Avoid surface hazards.
                                                                                                         board. The heavier your passenger,              loading hard or sharp objects.
                                                            • Protect your lane from other               the longer it will take to slow down            Make sure the tankbag does not
                                                               drivers.                                  and speed up — especially on a light            interfere with handlebars or
                                                            • Communicate your intentions.               motorcycle.                                     controls. Mounting loads behind
                                                            • Avoid wind blast from other                                                                the rear axle can affect how the
                                                               vehicles.                                 12                      Test Yourself           motorcycle turns and brakes. It can
                                                            • Provide an escape route.                    Passengers should:
                                                                                                                                                         also cause a wobble.
                                                                 Select the appropriate path to           A. Lean as you lean.                         • Distribute the Load Evenly —
                                                            maximize your space cushion and               B. Hold on to the motorcycle seat.             Load saddlebags with about the
                                                            make yourself more easily seen by             C. Sit as far back as possible.                same weight. An uneven load can
                                                            others on the road.                           D. Never hold onto you.                        cause the motorcycle to drift to
                                                                                                                                    Answer - page 40
                                                                                                                                                         one side.

                 12                                                                                                                                                                        33
FLYING OBJECTS         FLYING OBJECTS                           CARRYING PASSENGERS                     LANE POSITIONS
                            From time to time riders are        AND CARGO
                       struck by insects, cigarettes thrown          Only experienced riders should
                       from cars or pebbles kicked up by the    carry passengers or large loads. The
                       tires of the vehicle ahead. If you are   extra weight changes the way the
                       wearing face protection, it might get    motorcycle handles, balances, speeds
                       smeared or cracked, making it            up and slows down. Before taking a
                       difficult to see. Without face           passenger or a heavy load on the
                       protection, an object could hit you in   street, practice away from traffic.
                       the eye, face or mouth. Whatever
                       happens, keep your eyes on the road      EQUIPMENT
                       and your hands on the handlebars.
                                                                     To carry passengers safely:
                       When safe, pull off the road and
                       repair the damage.                       • Equip and adjust your
                                                                  motorcycle to carry passengers.            In general, there is no single      FOLLOWING ANOTHER
                                                                                                        best position for riders to be seen      VEHICLE
                       GETTING OFF THE ROAD                     • Instruct the passenger before you


                                                                                                        and to maintain a space cushion
                                                                  start.                                                                              “Following too closely” could
                            If you need to leave the road to                                            around the motorcycle. No portion
                                                                • Adjust your riding technique for                                               be a factor in crashes involving
                       check the motorcycle (or just to rest                                            of the lane need be avoided —
                                                                  the added weight.                                                              motorcyclists. In traffic, motorcycles
                       for a while), be sure you:                                                       including the center.
                                                                                                                                                 need as much distance to stop as
                       • Check the roadside — Make sure              Equipment should include:               Position yourself in the portion    cars. Normally, a minimum of two
                         the surface of the roadside is firm    • A proper seat — large enough          of the lane where you are most likely    seconds distance should be
                         enough to ride on. If it is soft         to hold both of you without           to be seen and you can maintain a        maintained behind the vehicle ahead.
                         grass, loose sand or if you’re just      crowding. You should not sit          space cushion around you. Change              To gauge your following
                         not sure about it, slow way down         any farther forward than you          position as traffic situations change.   distance:
                         before you turn onto it.                 usually do.                           Ride in path 2 or 3 if vehicles and
                                                                                                                                                 • Pick out a marker, such as a
                                                                • Footrests — for the passenger.        other potential problems are on your
                       • Signal — Drivers behind might                                                                                             pavement marking or lamppost, on
                                                                  Firm footing prevents your            left only. Remain in path 1 or 2 if
                         not expect you to slow down. Give                                                                                         or near the road ahead.
                                                                  passenger from falling off and        hazards are on your right only. If
                         a clear signal that you will be                                                                                         • When the rear bumper of the
                                                                  pulling you off, too.                 vehicles are being operated on both
                         slowing down and changing                                                                                                 vehicle ahead passes the marker,
                                                                                                        sides of you, the center of the lane,
                         direction. Check your mirror and       • Protective equipment — the                                                       count off the seconds: “one-
                                                                                                        path 2, is usually your best option.
                         make a head check before you take        same protective gear

                                                                                                                                                   thousand-one, one-thousand-two.”
                         any action.                              recommended for operators.                 The oily strip in the center
                                                                                                        portion that collects drippings from     • If you reach the marker before
                       • Pull off the road — Get as far off          Adjust the suspension to handle                                               you reach “two,” you are
                                                                                                        cars is usually no more than two feet
                         the road as you can. It can be very    the additional weight. You will                                                    following too closely.
                                                                                                        wide. Unless the road is wet, the
                         hard to spot a motorcycle by the       probably need to add a few pounds of                                                  A two-second following distance
                                                                                                        average center strip permits adequate
                         side of the road. You don’t want       pressure to the tires if you carry a                                             leaves a minimum amount of space to
                                                                                                        traction to ride on safely. You can
                         someone else pulling off at the        passenger. (Check your owner’s                                                   stop or swerve if the driver ahead
                                                                                                        operate to the left or right of the
                         same place you are.                    manual for appropriate settings.)                                                stops suddenly. It also permits a
                                                                                                        grease strip and still be within the
                       • Park carefully — Loose and             While your passenger sits on the seat                                            better view of potholes and other
                                                                                                        center portion of the traffic lane.
                         sloped shoulders can make setting      with you, adjust the mirror and                                                  hazards in the road.
                                                                                                        Avoid riding on big buildups of oil
                         the side or center stand difficult.    headlight according to the change in                                                  A larger cushion of space is
                                                                                                        and grease usually found at busy
                                                                the motorcycle’s angle.                                                          needed if your motorcycle will take
                                                                                                        intersections or toll booths.
                                                                                                                                                 longer than normal to stop. If the

                       32                                                                                                                                                           13
FOLLOWING                                                                              Trying to “accelerate out of a             ENGINE SEIZURE
                                                                                                     wobble” will only make the                         When the engine “locks” or
                                                                                                     motorcycle more unstable. Instead:            “freezes” it is usually low on oil. The
                                                                                                     • Grip the handlebars firmly, but             engine’s moving parts can’t move
                                                                                                       don’t fight the wobble.                     smoothly against each other, and the
                                                                                                     • Close the throttle gradually to             engine overheats. The first sign may
                                                                                                       slow down. Do not apply the                 be a loss of engine power or a change
                                                                                                       brakes; braking could make the              in the engine’s sound. Squeeze the
                                                                                                       wobble worse.                               clutch lever to disengage the engine
                                                                                                                                                   from the rear wheel. Pull off the road
                                                                                                     • Move your weight as far forward             and stop. Check the oil. If needed, oil
                                                                                                       and down as possible.                       should be added as soon as possible
                                                                                                     • Pull off the road as soon as you            or the engine will seize. When this
                                                                                                       can to fix the problem.                     happens, the effect is the same as a
                 pavement is slippery, if you cannot       drivers ahead and to prevent lane                                                       locked rear wheel. Let the engine
                 see through the vehicle ahead, or if      sharing by others.                        10                      Test Yourself         cool before restarting.

                 traffic is heavy and someone may                                                     If your motorcycle starts to wobble:
                 squeeze in front of you, open up a                                                   A. Accelerate out of the wobble.
                                                           BEING FOLLOWED                                                                          ANIMALS
                 three-second or more following                                                       B. Use the brakes gradually.
                                                                Speeding up to lose someone                                                             Naturally, you should do
                 distance.                                                                            C. Grip the handlebars firmly and
                                                           following too closely only ends up             close the throttle gradually.            everything you safely can to avoid
                      Keep well behind the vehicle         with someone tailgating you at a           D. Downshift.                                hitting an animal. If you are in traffic,
                 ahead even when you are stopped.          higher speed.                                                        Answer - page 40
                                                                                                                                                   however, remain in your lane. Hitting
                 This will make it easier to get out
                                                                A better way to handle tailgaters                                                  something small is less dangerous to
                 of the way if someone bears down on
                                                           is to get them in front of you. When      CHAIN PROBLEMS                                you than hitting something big —
                 you from behind. It will also give you
                                                           someone is following too closely,             A chain that slips or breaks while        like a car.
                 a cushion of space if the vehicle
                                                           change lanes and let them pass. If        you’re riding could lock the rear                  Motorcycles seem to attract
                 ahead starts to back up for some
                                                           you can’t do this, slow down and          wheel and cause your cycle to skid.           dogs. If you are chased, downshift
                                                           open up extra space ahead of you to       Chain slippage or breakage can be             and approach the animal slowly. As
                      When behind a car, ride where        allow room for both you and the           avoided by proper maintenance.                you approach it, accelerate away and
                 the driver can see you in the rearview    tailgater to stop. This will also         • Slippage — If the chain slips               leave the animal behind. Don’t kick
                 mirror. Riding in the center portion      encourage them to pass. If they don’t       when you try to speed up quickly            at an animal. Keep control of your
                 of the lane should put your image         pass, you will have given yourself          or ride uphill, pull off the road.          motorcycle and look to where you
                 in the middle of the rearview mirror      and the tailgater more time and space       Check the chain and sprockets.              want to go.
                 — where a driver is most likely to        to react in case an emergency does          Tightening the chain may help. If                For larger animals (deer, elk,
                 see you.                                  develop ahead.                              the problem is a worn or stretched          cattle) brake and prepare to stop —
                      Riding at the far side of a lane                                                 chain or worn or bent sprockets,            they are unpredictable.
                 may permit a driver to see you in a       PASSING AND BEING PASSED                    replace the chain, the sprockets or
                 sideview mirror. But remember that                                                    both before riding again.
                 most drivers don’t look at their
                                                               Passing and being passed by                                                          11                       Test Yourself
                                                           another vehicle is not much different     • Breakage — You’ll notice an                  If you are chased by a dog:
                 sideview mirrors nearly as often as
                                                           than with a car. However, visibility is     instant loss of power to the rear            A. Kick it away.
                 they check the rearview mirror. If the
                                                           more critical. Be sure other drivers        wheel. Close the throttle and brake          B. Stop until the animal loses interest.
                 traffic situation allows, the center
                                                           see you, and that you see potential         to a stop.                                   C. Swerve around the animal.
                 portion of the lane is usually the best
                                                           hazards.                                                                                 D. Approach the animal slowly, then
                 place for you to be seen by the
                                                                                                                                                        speed up.
                                                                                                                                                                               Answer - page 40

                 14                                                                                                                                                                          31
MECHANICAL PROBLEMS   MECHANICAL                                   STUCK THROTTLE                               PASSING                                   stay in the center portion of your

                      PROBLEMS                                          Twist the throttle back and forth       1. Ride in the left portion of the        lane. Riding any closer to them could
                                                                                                                     lane at a safe following distance    put you in a hazardous situation.
                                                                   several times. If the throttle cable is
                           You can find yourself in an                                                               to increase your line of sight and        Avoid being hit by:
                                                                   stuck, this may free it. If the throttle
                      emergency the moment something                                                                 make you more visible. Signal
                                                                   stays stuck, immediately operate the                                                   • The other vehicle — A slight
                      goes wrong with your motorcycle. In                                                            and check for oncoming traffic.         mistake by you or the passing
                                                                   engine cut-off switch and pull in the
                      dealing with any mechanical                                                                    Use your mirrors and turn your          driver could cause a sideswipe.
                                                                   clutch at the same time. This will
                      problem, take into account the road                                                            head to look for traffic behind.
                                                                   remove power from the rear wheel,                                                      • Extended mirrors — Some
                      and traffic conditions you face. Here                                                     2. When safe, move into the left lane
                                                                   though engine sound may not                                                               drivers forget that their mirrors
                      are some guidelines that can help you                                                          and accelerate. Select a lane           hang out farther than their fenders.
                                                                   immediately decline. Once the
                      handle mechanical problems safely.                                                             position that doesn’t crowd the
                                                                   motorcycle is “under control,” pull                                                    • Objects thrown from windows
                                                                                                                     car you are passing and pro-
                                                                   off and stop.                                                                             — Even if the driver knows you’re
                      TIRE FAILURE                                                                                   vides space to avoid hazards in
                                                                        After you have stopped, check                                                        there, a passenger may not see you
                                                                                                                     your lane.
                            You will seldom hear a tire go                                                                                                   and might toss something on you
                                                                   the throttle cable carefully to find the     3. Ride through the blind spot as
                      flat. If the motorcycle starts handling                                                                                                or the road ahead of you.
                                                                   source of the trouble. Make certain               quickly as possible.
                      differently, it may be a tire failure.       the throttle works freely before you                                                   • Blasts of wind from larger

                                                                                                                                                                                                    BEING PASSED
                      This can be dangerous. You must be                                                        4. Signal again, and complete mirror         vehicles — They can affect your
                                                                   start to ride again.                              and headchecks before returning
                      able to tell from the way the                                                                                                          control. You have more room for
                                                                                                                     to your original lane and then          error if you are in the middle
                      motorcycle reacts. If one of your tires                                                        cancel the signal.
                      suddenly loses air, react quickly to
                                                                   WOBBLE                                                                                    portion when hit by this blast
                                                                        A “wobble” occurs when the                   Remember, passes must be                than if you are on either side of
                      keep your balance. Pull off and check
                                                                   front wheel and handlebars suddenly          completed within posted speed limits,        the lane.
                      the tires.                                                                                and only where permitted. Know your
                                                                   start to shake from side to side at any                                                     Do not move into the portion
                            If the front tire goes flat, the                                                    signs and road markings!
                                                                   speed. Most wobbles can be traced to                                                   of the lane farthest from the
                      steering will feel “heavy.” A                                                             BEING PASSED                              passing vehicle. It might invite the
                                                                   improper loading, unsuitable
                      front-wheel flat is particularly                                                              When you are being passed from        other driver to cut back into your lane
                                                                   accessories or incorrect tire pressure.
                      hazardous because it affects your                                                         behind or by an oncoming vehicle,         too early.
                                                                   If you are carrying a heavy load,
                      steering. You have to steer well to
                                                                   lighten it. If you can’t, shift it. Center
                      keep your balance.
                                                                   the weight lower and farther forward         PASSING                                   BEING PASSED
                            If the rear tire goes flat, the back   on the motorcycle. Make sure tire
                      of the motorcycle may jerk or sway           pressure, spring pre-load, air shocks
                      from side to side.                           and dampers are at the settings
                            If either tire goes flat               recommended for that much weight.
                      while riding:                                Make sure windshields and fairings
                      • Hold handlegrips firmly, ease off          are mounted properly.
                         the throttle, and keep a straight              Check for poorly adjusted
                         course.                                   steering; worn steering parts; a front
                      • If braking is required, however,           wheel that is bent, misaligned, or out
                         gradually apply the brake of the          of balance; loose wheel bearings or
                         tire that isn’t flat, if you are sure     spokes; and worn swingarm bearings.
                         which one it is.                          If none of these is determined to be
                                                                   the cause, have the motorcycle
                      • When the motorcycle slows, edge
                                                                   checked out thoroughly by a
                         to the side of the road, squeeze the
                                                                   qualified professional.
                         clutch and stop.

                      30                                                                                                                                                                      15
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