Neuromuscular efficiency in fibromyalgia is improved by hyperbaric oxygen therapy: looking inside muscles by means of surface electromyography - Core

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Neuromuscular efficiency in fibromyalgia is improved by hyperbaric oxygen therapy: looking inside muscles by means of surface electromyography - Core
Neuromuscular efficiency in fibromyalgia is improved
           by hyperbaric oxygen therapy: looking inside muscles
                  by means of surface electromyography
               R. Casale1, G. Boccia2, Z. Symeonidou1,3, F. Atzeni4, A. Batticciotto5,
                      F. Salaffi6, P. Sarzi-Puttini5, P.R. Brustio2, A. Rainoldi2

  Habilita Hospitals & Research               ABSTRACT                                     thus suggesting that muscle fatigue is
Rehabilitation Unit, Zingonia, Bergamo;       Objective. Neuromuscular efficiency          not primarily a muscular problem, as
  NeuroMuscularFunction/Research              (NME) is impaired in fibromyalgia (FM).      also demonstrated by other authors
Group, School of Exercise & Sport             Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is          with different methods.
Sciences, Department of Medical
Sciences, University of Turin;
                                              a medical treatment using 100% of oxy-
                                              gen through an oxygen mask. HBOT in          Introduction
  Department of Physical and
Rehabilitation Medicine, General              FM induces changes in cortical excita-       Although its aetiology and efficacious
Hospital of Attica “KAT”, Athens, Greece;     bility and a secondary reduction in pain     treatment are still unclear, FM is a ma-
 Rheumatology Unit, University of Messina;    and muscle fatigue. However, there are       jor problem for all National Health Ser-
  Rheumatology Unit, University Hospital      still no direct data indicating changes      vices as many epidemiological studies
Luigi Sacco, Milan;                           in muscle fatigue. The aim of this study     have shown that affects a large number
  Polytechnic University of Marche,                                                        of people all over the world. A recent
C. Urbani Hospital, Jesi, Ancona, Italy.
                                              was to assess whether the reduction in
                                              muscle fatigue so far attributed to a cen-   review of its prevalence in Europe has
Roberto Casale, MD, PhD                                                                    found that it affects 2.3% of the popula-
Gennaro Boccia, PhD
                                              tral effect of HBOT can be directly de-
Zaira Symeonidou, MD                          tected by means of non-invasive sEMG         tion as a whole and up to 3.9% of fe-
Fabiola Atzeni, MD, PhD                       as a change in NME.                          males, and the trend is similar in North
Alberto Batticciotto, MD, PhD                 Methods. The study was an observa-           America (1.9%, 2.9% of females),
Fausto Salaffi, MD, PhD                       tional longitudinal study on changes in      South America (1.12%, 2.45% of fe-
Piercarlo Sarzi-Puttini, MD                   NME induced by 20 sessions of HBOT           males), and Asia (1.64%, 3.24% of fe-
Paolo Riccardo Brustio, PhD                   at 2.4 atmosphere, in 22 patients with       males) (1).
Alberto Rainoldi, MS, PhD                                                                  The main somatic symptoms of fibro-
                                              FM (3M; 19F) (age 49.8±9.5; height
Please address correspondence to:             164.7±7.5; weight 63.8±12.7). sEMG           myalgia are diffuse musculoskeletal
Roberto Casale, MD, PhD,                                                                   pain, stiffness and fatigue, all of which
Habilita Hospitals & Research
                                              was recorded in single differential
Rehabilitation Hospitals,                     configuration from the biceps brachii        are related to the muscle system and
Advanced Technology & Pain                    muscle during the 30-second fatigu-          its functioning. Various attempts have
Rehabilitation Units,                         ing contractions using linear arrays of      been made to find specific alterations in
Via Bologna 1,                                eight adhesive electrodes.                   muscle fibres using light microscopy,
24040 Zingonia (BG), Italy.                   Results. Evaluations made before             histochemistry, electron microscopy,
E-mail:             and immediately after the first session      and ultrastructural techniques, and the
Received on August 9, 2018; accepted in       showed that maximal strength did not         published results agree in suggesting
revised form on January 28, 2019.             change (T0 49±20 N, T1 49±19 N,              local muscle hypoxia as a possible
Clin Exp Rheumatol 2019; 37 (Suppl. 116):     p=0.792), thus suggesting that HBOT          cause of the development of both spe-
S75-S80.                                      did not induce muscle fatigue or po-         cific and non-specific biopsy findings
© Copyright Clinical and                      tentiation. After 20 sessions of HBOT,       (for a short review see ref. 2).
Experimental Rheumatology 2019.               NME increased from 1.6±1.1 to 2.1±0.8        Neuromuscular efficiency has been
                                              (p=0.050), whereas maximal strength,         studied in conditions such as chronic
Key words: fibromyalgia, surface                                                           heart failure (3) or hypoxia exposure
                                              EMG amplitude and muscle fibre CV
electromyography, hyperbaric oxygen                                                        (4) using multi-channel surface EMG
                                              did not change.
therapy, muscle fatigue                                                                    (sEMG). Neuromuscular efficiency can
                                              Conclusion. HBOT did not improve
                                              muscle strength or change muscle fibre       be defined as the ability of the nervous
                                              content, but improved the ability of the     system to recruit muscles and muscle
                                              central motor command to generate            fibres appropriately in order to produce
                                              the same effort (MVC) with fewer re-         a given effect, which is impaired in pa-
                                              cruited fibres. Our sEMG findings un-        tients with fibromyalgia (5), thus rais-
                                              derlined a modified central mechanism        ing the question as to whether fatigue is
Competing interests: none declared.           related to fibre type recruitment order,     more centrally mediated than a clinical

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Neuromuscular efficiency in fibromyalgia is improved by hyperbaric oxygen therapy: looking inside muscles by means of surface electromyography - Core
Fibromyalgia and hyperbaric oxygen therapy / R. Casale et al.

epiphenomenon of local muscle hypoxia.       Department of Rheumatology, Univer-         30 mg/daily), five patients were treated
The complexity of the syndrome is also       sity Hospital Luigi Sacco, Milan, did       with pregabalin (mean dose 75 mg/
reflected by the fact that pharmacologi-     not consent to participate in the study     daily), four patients were treated with
cal (6), non-pharmacological (7) and         mainly because the length of the pro-       amitriptyline (mean dose 50 mg/daily).
cognitive behavioural treatments (8) do      tocol and logistical problems (distance     The sEMG experimental protocol
not seem to be predictably efficacious.      from the hospital).                         was carried out by two neurophysiol-
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT)             Patients with 1) inflammatory causes        ogy technicians supervised by a trained
is a medical treatment that enhances         of pain; or muscle pain caused by con-      neurologist (RC) who was blinded to
the body’s natural healing process by        ditions such as vitamin D deficiency        the treatment. The data were analysed
means of the inhalation of 100% oxy-         2) alcohol/drug abuse or dependence;        by AR,GB. All of the participants gave
gen through an oxygen mask in which          3) significant difficulty in maintaining    their written informed consent before
atmospheric pressure is increased and        attention or understanding clinimetric      taking part in the study, and the protocol
controlled. It has been used for a wide      evaluation instructions; 4) any clinical    was approved by the Scientific Techni-
variety of conditions usually as part of     condition that may interfere with the       cal Committee of Habilita (no. 6/2016).
planned overall medical care, and has        assessment; 5) pregnant women or po-
led to promising results in the treat-       tentially childbearing women not using      EMG protocol
ment of a number of painful orthopedic       an adequate method of birth control;        The subjects were familiarised with the
and rheumatological conditions (9),          and 6) any of the following medical         sEMG device by being asked to make
headache, complex regional pain syn-         conditions that preclude safe HBOT          ten sub-maximal isometric contractions
drome, and FM (10, 11).                      treatment: a) severe cognitive impair-      at 90° of elbow flexion (0°=full exten-
HOBT was proposed for FM on the hy-          ment; b) current mood episodes, claus-      sion), and were then asked to make two
pothesis that it could act centrally by      trophobia or seizure disorder; c) active    maximal voluntary contraction (MVCs)
inducing changes in cortical excitability    or severe pulmonary disease, previous       separated by three minutes rest in or-
(12), on the basis of single-photon emis-    thoracic surgery or pneumothorax; d)        der to avoid any cumulative effects.
sion computed tomography (SPECT)             a history of severe heart disease; e)       If the MVCs differed from each other
findings that FM patients show abnor-        chronic or acute sinusitis/otitis media     by more than 5%, a third MVC was
mally high levels of activity in the so-     or major eardrum trauma; and f) a his-      required. Each attempted MVC lasted
matosensory cortex, but reduced ac-          tory of bleomycin-including chemo-          3–5 seconds, during which the sub-
tivity in the frontal, cingulate, medial     therapy or current chemotherapy were        jects were given strong verbal encour-
temporal, and cerebellar cortices (13).      excluded from the study.                    agement to maximise their effort, and
Eftari et al. showed that HBOT normal-       The remaining 28 were sent to the Hy-       received visual feedback generated by
ised cortical excitability in a group of     perbaric Unit, Habilita Hospitals & Re-     signal acquisition software. The great-
FM patients, and inferred a secondary        search, Zingonia (Bergamo) to be as-        est MVC was used to calculate sub-
reduction in pain and muscle fatigue on      sessed by an expert for their eligibility   maximal loads.
the grounds that the change temporally       for HBOT, and three were considered         Three minutes after the last MVC, the
correlated with a clinical improvement       ineligible because of the presence of       subjects were involved in two isometric
on symptoms (12). However, there are         a clinical contraindication to the treat-   contractions at respectively 30% and
still no direct data indicating changes in   ment (14).                                  60% of the torque exerted during the
muscle fatigue.                              Finally, of the 25 patients enrolled in     MVC separated by a 5-minute interval.
The primary aim of this study was to         the study, two dropped out because          They received visual feedback about
assess whether the reduction in muscle       of the side effects of HBOT (15, 16),       the actual torque exerted, and were
fatigue so far attributed to a central ef-   and one who was unwilling to continue       instructed to maintain constant the tar-
fect of HOBT can be directly detected        the study because of unforeseen fam-        get elbow flexion torque at 90° for 30
by means of non-invasive sEMG of the         ily problems. The study was therefore       seconds. They were also provided with
biceps brachii muscle as a change in         completed by 22 patients (3 males and       standardised encouragement to keep
neuromuscular efficiency before and          19 females) (mean age 50.6, min 28          the exerted torque as stable as possible.
after treatments repeated over time in       max 64 years; mean height 164.7, min
a group of patients with fibromyalgia.       164 max 175 cm; mean weight 66.9,           EMG measurements
                                             mean 45 max 95 kg). All the patients        The myoelectrical signals were re-
Methods                                      received analgesic treatment (paraceta-     corded in single differential configura-
Patients                                     mol, tramadol) at stable doses before       tion from the long head of the biceps
Twelve of an initially unselected group      the enrollment in the study protocol.       brachii muscle during the 30-second
of 40 female patients with a confirmed       All the patients were in controlled re-     fatiguing contractions using linear ar-
diagnosis of fibromyalgia made by            habilitation therapy, but no one was        rays of eight adhesive electrodes sepa-
two experts (SP, FA) on the basis of         practicing heavy physical activity at       rated by an inter-electrode distance of
the 1990 and 2010 American College           the moment of enrollment. Ten patients      5 mm (OT Bioelettronica, Turin, Italy).
of Rheumatology (ACR) criteria at the        were receiving duloxetine (mean dose        Before the arrays were positioned, the

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Fibromyalgia and hyperbaric oxygen therapy / R. Casale et al.

skin was slightly abraded with paste          parameters are not exceeded (< 22%).         computed using non-overlapping signal
and cleaned with water in accordance          Delivery times: therapies are normally       epochs of 0.5 seconds and were aver-
with the skin preparation recommenda-         divided into 3 periods of oxygen breath-     aged among all of the accepted channels.
tions of the Surface Electromyography         ing of 20–25 minutes. Taking into ac-        The data were analysed using custom-
for the Non-invasive Assessment of            count the times necessary for compres-       written software in MATLAB R2014a
Muscles (SENIAM) project (17).                sion, decompression, oxygen respiration      (Mathworks, Natick, MA, USA).
The optimal position and orientation          and pauses between the aforementioned        The maximum torque of each MVC
of the array was sought on the basis of       periods, the indicative duration of an or-   was determined, and the instant at
visual inspection of the sEMG signals.        dinary therapy was 91 minutes.               which it occurred was used to calculate
The sites showing the clear propagation       O2 dispensation control: the mask is         the EMG variables. In the case of fa-
of muscle fibre action potentials and the     provided of a specific analysis system       tiguing contractions, it has been dem-
main innervation zones were identified        able to measure the percentage of oxy-       onstrated that linear regression is the
using a dry linear array of 16 electrodes     gen present in the mask and available        best model for fitting EMG data during
separated by an inter-electrode distance      for the patient.                             sub-maximal isometric contractions
of 5 mm (OT Bioelettronica). The adhe-        Although oxygen is delivered to the          (21), and so linear regressions were
sive electrode arrays were then placed        patient in pure 100% form, there are         used to calculate the rate of change in
parallel to the muscle fibres proximal to     always minimum leakages in the con-          the EMG variables (calculated as the
the innervation zone in which the unidi-      tact between the mask and the face of        percentage ratio between the change in
rectional propagation of the motor units      the patient (the oxygen comes out and        the EMG estimate in one second and
(MU) action potentials was detected. In       the ambient air enters) with a real per-     the initial value, and expressed as %/s).
order to ensure correct electrode-skin        centage of oxygen in the mask reduced        Neuromuscolar efficency (NME) was
contact, the electrode cavities were          to an average of 95%. Below this per-        calculated as the ratio between force
filled with 20-30 μl of conductive paste      centage signals are activated, alerting      and muscle fibre CV (22).
(Spes-Medica, Battipaglia, Italy), and        the personnel within the chamber to
the arrays were fixed using an extensible     check the current situation (mask not        Statistical analysis
dressing (Fixomull®, Beiersdorf, D).          positioned, uncooperative patient, etc.)     The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was
The sEMG signals were amplified, sam-         This monitoring takes place in real          used to assess the normality of data
pled at 2048 Hz, bandpass filtered (3         time and with each patient’s control         distribution and, if the data were not
dB bandwidth, 20-450 Hz, 12 dB/oct            step every 3–4 minutes.                      normally distributed, they were log-
slope on each side), and converted to                                                      transformed before statistical analysis
digital data using a 16-bit A/D converter     Data analysis                                and back-transformed to obtain de-
(EMG-USB2+, OT Bioelettronica).               The sEMG signals were visually in-           scriptive statistics. Student’s t-tests
Samples were visualised during acquisi-       spected in order to select the best chan-    for independent samples were used to
tion, and then stored on a personal com-      nels to use for variable estimates. The      compare maximal force and the EMG
puter using OT BioLab software (v. 1.8,       muscle fibre conduction velocity (CV)        values at T0 vs. T1 (acute effects) and
OT Bioelettronica) for further analysis.      of the sEMG signals were computed            pre- vs. post HBOT treatment (cumu-
                                              off-line among all the selected chan-        lative effects). The statistical analyses
HBOT                                          nels using numerical algorithms (18)         were made using SPSS statistics soft-
Treatments were done using a hyperbaric       and non-overlapping signal epochs of         ware (version 20.0, IBM Corporation,
chamber GAMMA, GALEAZZI S.p.A.                0.5 seconds. CV was computed as e/d,         Somers, NY, USA), and a p-value of
n° 510/88, ISPESL n° SP 78-88. capac-         where e is the inter-electrode distance
Fibromyalgia and hyperbaric oxygen therapy / R. Casale et al.

Fig. 1. Mean mechanical and electromyographical (EMG) values recorded during MVC (Maximum Voluntary Contractor); average rectified EMG ampli-
tude; NME (i.e. the ratio between force and ARV); and muscle fibre CV. *p=0.050.

                                                                                                           tabolism, reduces apoptosis, alleviates
                                                                                                           oxidative stress, and increases neurotro-
                                                                                                           phin and nitric oxide levels by enhanc-
                                                                                                           ing mitochondrial function in neurons
                                                                                                           and glial cells, and it may even promote
                                                                                                           the neurogenesis of endogenous neural
                                                                                                           stem cells (27, 28).
Fig. 2. Mean (SD) rate of change in EMG variables during the fatiguing contraction (30 seconds at 60% of   On the basis of these premises and MNF
maximal force): muscle fibre CV; mean power spectra frequency of the EMG signal (MNF); fractal dimen-      findings of altered cortical activity in
sion of the EMG signal (FD). There were not statistically significant differences between PRE vs. POST.    FM patients, two Israeli groups (10-12)
                                                                                                           have evaluated the efficacy of HBOT
p=0.695), but average rectified value                 of memory loss. All of these symptoms                in improving fibromyalgia symptoms
(ARV) decreased from 77±48 μV to                      and signs are related to region-specific             by rectifying the typically altered brain
72±51 μV (p=0.024).                                   anatomical changes in grey matter                    functions. Both groups suggest that the
                                                      volume, central sensitisation with de-               clinical improvement is due to a pri-
EMG results pre- vs. post-MCV                         creased functional connectivity in the               mary improvement in central functions
(cumulative effects: T1-T20)                          descending pain-modulating system,                   that is only secondarily reflected on
The mechanical and EMG variables                      and increased activity in the so-called              muscle fatigue and pain.
recorded during the MVC are shown                     pain matrix (24). It is therefore a com-             The aim of this study was to look direct-
in Figure 1. There was no difference                  plex and heterogeneous clinical condi-               ly at muscle in order to assess whether
in maximal strength, EMG amplitude                    tion that always reduced the patients’               the rearranged cortical activity induced
or muscle fibre CV before and after                   quality of life and leads to increasing              by HBOT can really improve neuromus-
the intervention (p>0.3), but NME                     physical, functional and emotional dis-              cular efficiency and therefore muscle
(i.e. the ratio between EMG amplitude                 ability.                                             function. To this end, sEMG was used
and force) increased from 1.6±1.1 to                  Its complexity is also reflected in the              as a widely accepted and reproducible
2.1±0.8 (p=0.050).                                    substantial lack of efficacious phar-                means of evaluating muscle fatigue be-
The rate of change in the EMG varia-                  macological and non-pharmacological                  cause its variables correlate with acute
bles (used as indices of the myoelectric              treatments, whether they are used alone              alterations in motor unit recruitment
manifestation of fatigue) are shown in                or in combination (6, 23). A wide range              strategies and/or chronic changes in the
Figure 2. None of these variables were                of non-pharmacological treatments                    number or size of muscle fibre types that
affected by the intervention (p>0.3).                 have been tried, including various                   reflect muscle biopsy findings and can
                                                      types of exercise, cognitive-behav-                  be used to foresee the mechanical and
Discussion                                            ioural therapy, physiotherapy, physical              functional impairments observed in bio-
FM is a major cause of chronic wide-                  therapy including transcutaneous elec-               mechanical and clinical studies, includ-
spread pain, and its general population               trical nerve stimulation, LASER treat-               ing neuromuscular efficiency and the
prevalence of 2.3% makes it a consid-                 ment of trigger points, heat and cold,               early development of fatigue (18, 22).
erable burden on National Health Ser-                 balneotherapy and acupuncture (7, 25).               We have previously used sEMG to ob-
vices because of the delays in making                 HBOT has also been suggested because,                serve altered neuromuscular efficiency
a correct diagnosis (23) and very late                under normal circumstances, oxygen is                in FM patients (5), whose muscles
referrals for rehabilitation. The most                transported throughout the body only by              simply work inefficiently rather than
disabling aspects of the syndrome are                 red blood cells, whereas HBOT allows                 showing any specific alteration capable
pain and fatigue, but there may also be               oxygen to be carried into all body fluids,           of explaining pain and muscle fatigue,
various combinations of other symp-                   plasma, lymph, bone and central nerv-                and these seems to be related to a fail-
toms, the most frequent of which are                  ous system fluids, and areas where blood             ure in central control due to an altera-
non-refreshing sleep, mood disturbanc-                circulation is diminished or blocked                 tion in suprasegmental control. These
es, cognitive impairment, and a sense                 (26). In vitro, HBOT increases cell me-              conclusions are supported by the find-

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ings of the present study showing the         among the authors that a treatment du-                 tigue during exposure to hypobaric hypoxia
                                                                                                     for 12 days. Muscle Nerve 2004; 30: 618-25.
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                                                                                                  5. CASALE R, SARZI-PUTTINI P, ATZENI F, GAZ-
tests: i.e. patients with FM are affect-      our local situation because the patients               ZONI M, BUSKILA D, RAINOLDI A: Central
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is mainly due to altered central motor        from all over Italy. We therefore de-                  face electromyography study. BMC Muscu-
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                                                                                                     W: Efficacy, acceptability and safety of cog-
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In terms of the acute effects of HBOT         mentally important not only because the                analysis of randomized controlled trials. Eur
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In other words, HBOT did not improve                                                                 Clinical correlate of brain SPECT perfusion
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the same effort (MVC) with fewer re-          tals & Research, Zingonia: they are so                 Medicine: recommendations for accepted
cruited fibres. Our sEMG findings un-         many that it is not possible to mention                and non-accepted clinical indications and
                                              them all. Our special thanks to Ugo Pani               practice of hyperbaric oxygen treatment.
derlined a modified central mechanism
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Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 2019                                                                                                  S-79
Fibromyalgia and hyperbaric oxygen therapy / R. Casale et al.

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