New record of Cepa apeca (Diptera, Syrphidae, Eristalinae, Merodontini) in the Andean-Amazonian region of Colombia and expansion of its geographic ...

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New record of Cepa apeca (Diptera, Syrphidae, Eristalinae, Merodontini) in the Andean-Amazonian region of Colombia and expansion of its geographic ...


New record of Cepa apeca (Diptera, Syrphidae,
Eristalinae, Merodontini) in the Andean-Amazonian
region of Colombia and expansion of its geographic
Henry Mauricio PARADA-MARIN1* ; Augusto L. MONTOYA2; Yardany RAMOS-PASTRANA1,2
  Universidad de la Amazonía, Grupo de Investigación en Entomología – GIEUA, Laboratorio de Entomología, Florencia, Caquetá, Colombia
  Universidad de Antioquia, Instituto de Biología, Grupo de Entomología – GEAU, Medellín, Colombia
  Corresponding author:;

Flower flies of the genus Cepa are endemic to the Neotropical region and Cepa apeca is currently known only from Costa
Rica. Here we report the first record of C. apeca in Colombia based on a single female collected using a canopy trap in a dense
secondary forest in a mountainous ecosystem in the locality of Vereda San Francisco, municipality of Florencia-Caquetá, at
an altitude of 643 m.a.s.l. This finding constitutes the first record of the genus Cepa in Colombia and expands the geographic
range of Cepa apeca by approximately 1,500 km (straight line) southwards to South America. Our finding represents the
southernmost occurrence of the species and contributes to the incipient knowledge on the Diptera diversity in the Colombian
Andean-Amazonian region.
KEYWORDS: Amazon foothills, flower flies, geographical records, Neotropical

Nuevo registro de Cepa apeca (Diptera, Syrphidae, Eristalinae,
Merodontini) en la región Andino-Amazónica de Colombia, con expansión
de su rango geográfico
Las moscas de las flores del género Cepa son endémicas de la región Neotropical y Cepa apeca solo se conoce actualmente
en Costa Rica. Aquí reportamos el primer registro de C. apeca en Colombia, basado en una sola hembra recolectada usando
una trampa de dosel en un bosque denso secundario en un ecosistema montañoso en la localidad de Vereda San Francisco,
município de Florencia-Caquetá, a una altitud de 643 m.s.n.m. Este hallazgo constituye el primer registro del género Cepa en
Colombia y amplía el rango geográfico de Cepa apeca en aproximadamente 1.500 km (en línea recta) hacia el sur en Sudamérica.
Nuestro hallazgo representa la ocurrencia más austral de la especie y contribuye al conocimiento incipiente sobre la diversidad
de dípteros en la región Andino-Amazonica colombiana.
PALABRAS CLAVE: moscas de las flores, Neotropical, piedemonte amazónico, registro geográfico

    Syrphidae, also known as flower flies, occur in all                          337 species belonging to 57 genera (Montoya et al. 2012;
biogeographic regions except Antarctica (Thompson et al.                         Montoya 2016).
2010). The family includes about 6,100 species distributed                           Larvae of the subfamily Eristalinae are mainly saprophagous,
in 210 genera (Thompson et al. 2010; Miranda et al. 2020).                       playing a key role in the decomposition and recycling of
The highest species richness is found in the Neotropics, with                    organic matter, thus providing ecosystem services in different
                                                                                 links of the trophic chain (Thompson et al. 2010). Adults are
approximately 1,560 species (120 genera), but this number
                                                                                 important pollinators of a great variety of floral species in
could be considerably higher due to the lack of studies in                       natural and agricultural habitats (Branquart and Hemptinne
various areas of South America (Thompson et al. 2010).                           2000; Ssymank et al. 2008). Due to their specific ecological
The Colombian Syrphidae fauna is currently composed of                           functions associated with habitats and food resources for

CITE AS: Parada-Marin, H.M.; Montoya, A.L.; Ramos-Pastrana, Y. 2021. New record of Cepa apeca (Diptera, Syrphidae, Eristalinae, Merodontini) in the
Andean-Amazonian region of Colombia and expansion of its geographic range. Acta Amazonica 51: 162-165.

                             162          VOL. 51(2) 2021: 162 - 165
New record of Cepa apeca (Diptera, Syrphidae, Eristalinae, Merodontini) in the Andean-Amazonian region of Colombia and expansion of its geographic ...
AMAZONICA                                     PARADA-MARIN et al. New record of Cepa apeca in Colombia

larval development, as well as tolerance to specific degrees of                         representing the first record of C. apeca for the country and
anthropic disturbance, these flies are considered as indicators                         South America. One specimen was recorded during a study
of environmental quality (Sommaggio 1999; Thompson                                      conducted in the municipality of Florencia, Caquetá, located
1999).                                                                                  in the Colombian Andean-Amazonian region (1º37´03”N,
    Cepa Thompson & Vockeroth, 1999 (Eristalinae:                                       75º37´03”W). The area is characterized by a mean annual
Merodontini) is an endemic Neotropical genus of small                                   rainfall of 3,840 mm, with a dry season from September to
and robust flies of around 6 mm in length, with a distinctly                            February, and a rainy period from March to August (IGAC
metallic coloration and punctuated body pattern, concave                                2010).
face, a not greatly pronounced frontal prominence (see Figure                                Continuous samplings were carried out for six months,
2 in Thompson 2007), with an elongated basoflagellomere that                            from October to December 2016, and from January to March
is more than twice as long as the scape and pedicel together, a                         2017 in the 16 municipalities of Caquetá, in different types of
short scape and the vein M1 directed towards the apex of the                            habitats using Malaise and canopy traps (Rafael and Gorayeb
wing (Thompson 1999; 2007; Thompson et al. 2010; Miranda                                1982), mainly in secondary forests at ground and canopy level.
2017). Cepa is very rare in collections, with nine known                                     All collected specimens were brought to the Entomology
specimens belonging to four described species, exclusively                              Laboratory of Universidad de la Amazonía, where the specimen
known from female specimens: Cepa alex Thompson, 1999                                   of C. apeca was sorted, sexed, and identified to genus level
(Brazil and Paraguay); Cepa apeca Thompson, 2007 (Costa                                 using the keys proposed by Thompson (2007), Thompson et
Rica); Cepa margarita Thompson, 1999 (Brazil) and Cepa                                  al. (2010), and Miranda (2017). The species was identified
simonettii Barahona-Segovia, 2019 (Chile) (Thompson 2007;                               with the keys of Thompson (2007) and Barahona-Segovia and
Barahona-Segovia and Barceló 2019). The knowledge of the                                Barceló (2019). Morphological chracteristics were observed
biology and ecology of adults and immatures is still incipient.                         with an Olympus SZ2-ILST stereomicroscope. Terminology
Individuals of Cepa were collected in lowland areas of tropical                         follows Cumming and Wood (2017). The specimen of Cepa
and subtropical forests, as well as temperate forests (Thompson                         apeca was deposited in the Entomological Collection of
1999; 2007; Thompson et al. 2010; Barahona-Segovia and                                  Universidad de la Amazonía (LEUA) in Florencia, Caquetá,
Barceló 2019).                                                                          Colombia.
    Cepa apeca is presently known from one adult female                                      The specimen was photographed (Figure 1) using a
collected in Costa Rica (Thompson 2007). Here we report                                 camera LEICA DFC450 attached to a stereomicroscope
the species from a mountainous ecosystem in Colombia, thus                              Leica M205A. The photographs were created from a series of

Figure 1. Adult female of Cepa apeca (LEUA-1148). A – left lateral view; B – dorsal view; C – frontal view. Scale bar = 2 mm. This figure is in color in the electronic version.

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AMAZONICA                                   PARADA-MARIN et al. New record of Cepa apeca in Colombia

images taken at different focal depths and assembled using                          pilose laterally and narrowly along apical margin; 4th and
the HeliconFocus Pro (version 6.7.1) stacking software. The                         5th terga white pilose (Figure 1a). Sternites black, with short
distribution map (Figure 2) was composed using Shorthouse                           greyish pile, in addition to two lines of golden pile running
(2010).                                                                             throughout the middle from base to the apex of the abdomen.
Cepa apeca Thompson, 2007                                                               Geographical distribution. The species Cepa apeca is known
                                                                                    from Central America, in the Costa Rican seasonal moist
     New distributional record. Colombia, Caquetá,
                                                                                    forest ecoregion at 49 m.a.s.l. (Guanacaste, Parque Nacional
Florencia, Vereda San Francisco, 643 m.a.s.l., 1♀, 15-iii-
                                                                                    Guanacaste, Los Almendros) (Thompson 2007). The new
2017 – 29-iii-2017, Y. Ramos-Pastrana, Trampa suspensa
                                                                                    distributional record for the species is in the Napo moist forest
                                                                                    ecoregion at 647 m.a.s.l. on the Colombian Amazon foothills
     Diagnosis. Female. Length. Body: 8.7 mm (Figure 1a);                           in South America (Caquetá, Florencia, Vereda San Francisco;
Wing: 6.2 mm (Figure 1b). Head dull greenish-blue black,                            Figure 2). The species Cepa alex is known from the Alto Paraná
shiny except brownish-white pollinose on ventral 2/3 of                             Atlantic forests and humid chaco ecoregions at 76 and 479
occiput; face, gena, frons except medially, and ventral 1/2                         m.a.s.l. in Brazil and Paraguay, respectively. Cepa margarita
of occiput white pilose; rest of head black pilose; antenna                         is present in the Serra do Mar coastal forests ecoregion at 768
brownish-orange except basoflagellomere brown on                                    m.a.s.l. in Brazil, while Cepa simonettii is known from the
dorsoapical 3/4, black pilose (Figure 1c). Thorax subshiny,                         Valdivian temperate forests ecoregion in Chile at 47 m.a.s.l.,
greenish-blue black, black pilose except for some white                             and it has been restricted to the Valdivian evergreen forest
pile along the apicoposterior corner of anterior flattened                          hotspot, an ecosystem with Nothofagus trees and hygrophilous
anepisternum and anepimeron; katepimeron golden pilose;                             vegetation (Barahona-Segovia and Barceló 2019).
halter black, plumule brown; calypter white (Figure 1a, b).
                                                                                        Cepa apeca is readily distinguished from other related
Legs black, black pilose, femora brown with bluish metallic
                                                                                    species by its distinctive overall metallic dark greenish-blue
reflections, tibia, and tarsi brownish, coxae and trochanters
                                                                                    coloration, dark brown antenna (except orange basoventral
brown, golden pilose (Figure 1a). Wing hyaline except bare on
                                                                                    1/3), pilose apicoposterior corner of anterior flattened
cell C, anterior 1/2 cell R, basal 1/3 cell R2+3, basal 1/4 cell R4+5,
                                                                                    anepisternum and katepimeron, hyaline wing (except for the
cell BM, basal 1/5 cell Cul, anterobasal 3/4 cell CuP, anterior
                                                                                    brownish antero-apical 1/4), wing cells c, r and bm without
to vein A2 on the anal lobe, basomedial 1/3 of alula; crossvein
                                                                                    microtrichia, crossvein r-m at the end level of the subcostal
r-m basal to end of vein sc; 3rd and 4th costal sections equal
                                                                                    cell, and the 3rd and 4th costal sections equal in length
length (Figure 1a, b). black to dark greenish-blue, subshiny,
                                                                                    (Thompson 2007).
except brownish-black pollinose on 1st and basomedial 1/3 of
2nd tergum; 1st tergum white pilose; 2nd tergum black pilose                            The expansion of the geographic distribution of Cepa
except white pilose basolateral and narrowly along the anterior                     apeca by approximately 1,500 km (in a straight line) to
margin to medial 1/4; 3rd tergum black pilose except white                          the southeast, represents its southernmost known point of
                                                                                    occurrence in South America, in the Andean-Amazonian
                                                                                    region of Colombia. From this perspective, it seems to be
                                                                                    that Cepa is a widely distributed yet uncommon genus in the
                                                                                    lowland Neotropical group, which is now extended to the
                                                                                    mountain foothills habitat by our record.
                                                                                        The diversity of Syrphidae in Colombia and the Andean
                                                                                    Amazon is largely unknown and understudied (Montoya
                                                                                    2016), mainly due to limitations in infrastructure and the
                                                                                    political instability in the region (Montoya et al. 2012). Our
                                                                                    record increases the known Colombian Syrphid-fauna to 58
                                                                                    genera and 338 species, highlighting the need to explore new
                                                                                    areas with huge potential to find rare groups such as Cepa.
                                                                                    Further surveys are likely to reveal a wider distribution and
                                                                                    abundance of this species in the Colombian mountainous

                                                                                       To Universidad de la Amazonia and Ministerio de Ciencia
Figure 2. Geographical distribution of Cepa apeca. This figure is in color in the   Tecnología e Innovación of Colombia, project “Taxonomía
electronic version.                                                                 de Pipunculidae (Diptera: Insecta) de Colombia” (code

                               164          VOL. 51(2) 2021: 162 - 165
AMAZONICA                               PARADA-MARIN et al. New record of Cepa apeca in Colombia

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Dr. Victor Hugo Gonzalez Betancourt for suggestions on a                           Distribution. Neotropical Entomology, 41: 46-56.
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Guevara for photographing the specimen and editing the                               de copas de árvores. Acta Amazonica, 12: 222–236.
images. To Laboratorio de Colecciones Entomológicas of                           Shorthouse, D.P. 2010. SimpleMappr, a web-enabled tool to produce
Universidad de Antioquia for their support.                                         publication-quality point maps. (
                                                                                    Accessed on 31 Aug 2020.
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               This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use,
               distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

                           165          VOL. 51(2) 2021: 162 - 165
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