Page created by Oscar West
Februar y 2019


The torrid end to 2018 appears to have
been all but erased from investors’
                                            “We see modest upside and suggest portfolios
collective memory, with equity               should be a mix of key cyclicals ...with some
markets racing ahead in the new year.
                                             defensive flavour such as property and
In the February edition of the
Ords Monthly, we examine where
                                             infrastructure trusts.”
markets can go from here against
what can only be described as an
                                            A tough retail banking environment,       Going ashore, we reiterate our Buy
unsettled outlook.
                                            and the subsequent pressure on net        recommendation on Qube Holdings
Politically, the Brexit debacle, a likely   interest margins, was the key driver,     after its Patrick stevedoring division
deadlock in Washington between the          reinforcing our preference for the        joined key rivals in imposing
White House and Congress – and the          more business-focused banks. See          dramatically higher infrastructure
risk of another extended US                 page 4 for our review.                    surcharges on users of its container
government shutdown – and a                                                           terminal facilities in the east coast
potential new federal government            The December-quarter result from          capitals of Sydney, Melbourne
in Australia are the key issues.            James Hardie Industries fell short        and Brisbane.
                                            of our estimates, principally due to
Economically, US conflicts with China       soft trading conditions in its key        This move shows the industry is
and the EU over trade, spill-over                                                     moving towards a more rational
                                            US market.
effects from Brexit, a slowdown in                                                    structure with an eye on stronger
China’s domestic economy and data           A modest upgrade to full-year             financial returns. We also see upside
showing Australian consumers are            guidance, however, along with the         for Qube from the continued
keeping their hands firmly in their         new CEO’s strategy and the                development of the Moorebank
pockets will be at the top of mind.         company’s broader prospects, keep         logistics hub. See page 7 for our view.
                                            us positive on the building materials
We see modest upside, however, and                                                    Alliance Aviation has a new major
                                            maker. Page 5 lays out the
suggest portfolios should be a mix of                                                 shareholder, with Qantas Airways
                                            foundations for our view.                 snatching a 19.9% stake in the contract
key cyclicals – overweight materials,
                                            Shipbuilder Austal, which counts the      aviation operator. Alliance Aviation
industrials and energy sectors – with
                                            US Navy and the world’s largest ferry     services Virgin Australia, the major
some defensive flavour such as
                                            operators among its clients, raised its   domestic rival to Qantas, with a
property and infrastructure trusts.
                                            revenue guidance for fiscal 2019 by a     long-term strategic partnership, via a
See our Investment Strategy note
                                                                                      combination of wet leasing and regular
starting on page 2 for our thoughts         strong 36%, buoyed by military
                                                                                      passenger services, particularly in
and some suggested stocks for 2019.         contract wins in the December quarter.
                                                                                      Queensland. Regulatory obstacles to
Commonwealth Bank leads off our             We also highlight the pending             any ascent up the share register loom in
corporate coverage in this edition,         opportunities from the replacement        the form of the competition regulator,
with the nation’s largest bank turning      cycle for global high-speed ferries.      however, implying there will be no fast
in a soft first-half result.                Come aboard on page 6.                    moves. See page 8.

                               RACING START

                               Markets have started 2019 at a gallop      The most recent data on retail sales,
                               – the MSCI World Index is up 8.9% and      and business and consumer
                               the S&P/ASX 200 Index has gained           confidence, reinforces our view.
                               7.9% at time of writing. This is despite
                                                                          The RBA made some concessions to
                               December’s turbulence and a laundry
                                                                          recent economic developments in its
                               list of troubles includes faltering
                                                                          commentary post the February
                               economic data, a record-long US
                                                                          meeting – where it left the cash rate
                               government shutdown (albeit open at
                                                                          unchanged at 1.50% for the thirtieth
                               present) and an unsettled political
                               situation across much of the globe.        straight month.

                               Even against this uncertain backdrop,      On the day after, however, central
                               Ord Minnett sees some modest room          bank governor Philip Lowe made a
                               for this run to continue and our           surprisingly dovish speech, saying
                               S&P/ASX 200 Index target range of          the probabilities of a rise or fall in
                               5900–6200 still implies potential          interest rates now "…appear to be
                               single-digit upside at the top end. We     more evenly balanced" – a significant
                               suggest portfolio positioning should       turn away from long-running
                               be selectively cyclical – overweight in    commentary that the next move in
                               the materials, industrials and energy      rates was likely to be up.
                               sectors – with a defensive hue –           From a corporate earnings
                               overweight in the property trusts,         perspective, our team expects a
                               and infrastructure trusts such as          modest EPS rise of 2.7% in 2019 for
                               Sydney Airport, along with                 the S&P/ASX 200 Index, versus a
                               Newcrest Mining.                           consensus growth rate of 4.5%.
                               Meanwhile, the long shadow cast by         Global earnings growth looks set to
                               the Royal Commission, potentially a        outpace Australia in 2019, with
                               new federal government and an
                                                                          developed markets expected to book
                               indebted household sector sees us
                                                                          growth of 7.1%. The consensus
                               maintain our underweight bias on
                                                                          forecast for the US is 7.3% earnings
                               the consumer discretionary and
                                                                          growth in 2019.
                               financials sectors.
                                                                          Looking to stock-specific choices to
                               Looking at the bigger picture, we
                                                                          play 2019, we examine our analysts’
                               expect the domestic economy to
                                                                          most differentiated ideas – a group
                               grow at an annualised rate of 2.8% in
                                                                          of stocks where their views stand
                               2019. Despite an expected boost
Investment Strategy                                                       out from the consensus view. Table 1
                               from a lower Australian dollar, fiscal
Racing start               2                                              provides a list of the key metrics for
                               improvement, and better
Commonwealth Bank                                                         these stocks.
                               transmission of terms-of-trade
At the margin              4   income, we expect the Reserve Bank
                               of Australia (RBA) to keep its
                                                                          Aristocrat Leisure
James Hardies Industries
                               benchmark rate at 1.50% until 2020.        This company has strong recurring
Lean gains                 5
                                                                          revenues and has been consistently
Austal                         The recovery in domestic demand in         gaining market share in its key US
Ferry timetable            6   particular has only been visible after     gaming operations, growing well in
Qube Holdings
                               significant upward revisions to            a flat market.
                               consumption, and has required the
Paying the freight         7                                              Aristocrat has significantly
                               saving rate to plumb new depths for
Alliance Aviation              the cycle. This makes us sceptical.        increased its digital exposure (26%
Flying high                8   that momentum can be sustained.            of first-half fiscal 2018 earnings, up

from 13% in fiscal 2017) and                 Brambles                                      Reliance Worldwide
continues to develop titles for both
                                             Investor concerns surrounding its             The plumbing parts supplier holds
land-based and digital platforms.
                                             CHEP USA business are overdone.               leading positions across its key
Further digital growth and capital           There was certainly a slowdown in             categories and has a proven track
management opportunities are                 fiscal 2017 revenue growth, which             record of delivering revenue
available.                                   extended into fiscal 2018. In our             growth, with future earnings set to
                                             view, the factors driving this are            be driven by continued penetration
Coupling this with strong execution
                                             largely cyclical, and will revert to a        of its disruptive, SharkBite-branded,
skills and the scarcity of earnings
                                             stronger growth rate with the                 brass push-to-connect (PTC) fittings
growth in the broader market
                                             passage of time.                              and accessories.
generally, and despite a challenging
and structural slot machine                  Pallets remain an essential part of           We believe Reliance offers an
expenditure decline, we see the              the fast-moving consumer goods                attractive investment proposition,
risk/reward equation attractive at           supply chain and, within that,                with high-quality growth
the moment.                                  pooling continues to stack up as              underpinned by its PTC products,
                                             the best economic solution for                channel expansion strategy and
ANZ Bank                                     Brambles' customers.                          M&A agenda.
Our Accumulate recommendation
on ANZ reflects an above-peer                BlueScope Steel                               Treasury Wine Estates
earnings growth outlook due to               The global steel maker has completed          The major wine producer continues
ongoing cost savings and capital             a major restructuring over recent             to execute extremely well, applying
management.                                  years, including closing half its             fast-moving consumer-goods
                                             Australian manufacturing capacity.            thinking to the wine industry. It is
We also see ANZ as likely to
                                                                                           also well placed to access the
continue delivering improved                 BlueScope is a key choice as we see it
                                                                                           structural growth drivers of Asian
returns in its institutional division        generating material free cash flow
                                                                                           wine demand, especially China, with
off a low base, reflecting further           through the cycle, even at levels that
                                                                                           recent customs issues appearing to
capital efficiency and an improved           would be unprofitable for its peers. Its
                                                                                           moderate and the growth in luxury
operating environment for                    focus on high value-added products –
                                                                                           and so-called masstige wine
institutional businesses in                  some sold at fixed prices – and US
Australia and Asia.                          spreads that remain unusually high
                                             also underpin our view.                       These attributes provide very strong
We also expect the bank to adjust
                                                                                           earnings growth on a multi-year
its overly conservative settings in          In addition, while lower hot-rolled
                                                                                           basis, despite near-term forecasts
the Australian retail division over          coil prices hurt BlueScope’s
                                                                                           assuming some disruption from the
the coming 12 months, implying               commodity steelmaking operations,
                                                                                           changes in the US distribution
better revenue momentum relative             lower substrate prices could lead to
                                                                                           network, which, once complete, will
to fiscal 2018.                              margin expansion for its building
                                                                                           provide further growth potential.
                                             products businesses.

Table 1: Six choices for 2019
                                                       Market      Target     Price     Implied price   Price-earnings     Dividend
Company                        Code    Recomm.       cap ($bn)   price ($)      ($)       upside (%)           ratio (x)   yield (%)
Aristocrat Leisure             ALL     Buy                 16       32.45     25.63               21               19.0          2.3
ANZ Bank                       ANZ     Accumulate          77       32.10     26.41               18               11.6          6.1
BlueScope Steel                BSL     Accumulate           7       19.80     12.46               37                5.8          1.3
Brambles                       BXB     Buy                 18       12.55     11.08               12               27.4          1.9
Reliance Worldwide             RWC     Accumulate           4        5.70      4.89               14               22.4          2.0
Treasury Wine Estates          TWE     Accumulate          12       20.00     16.25               19               26.6          2.5
Source: OML Research, IRESS, Factset


Sector: Financials Recomm: Hold Risk rating: Medium Share price: $72.60

 Year to June                            2018A          2019E          2020E         Commonwealth Bank (CBA) share price

 Profit after tax ($m)                     8,915          9,338         9,706             80

 Earnings per share ($)                     4.96           5.13           5.44
 Price/earnings (x)                          14.6          14.1           13.3

 Dividend ($)                               4.31           4.31           4.31            70

 Dividend yield (%)                           5.9            5.9           5.9
 Franking (%)                                100            100            100              Feb 18   Apr 18   Jun 18   Aug 18   Oct 18   Dec 18   Feb 19

Source: Company reports, Ord Minnett Research. Profits are on a normalised basis.    Source: IRESS

Commonwealth Bank delivered a                           was disclosed and the CTI ratio                       benefits already appear to be in the
slightly weaker-than-expected first-                    excluding one-offs for the first half of              price with the stock trading at a 22%
half fiscal 2019 result due to soft                     fiscal 2019 was already at 40.4%.                     P/E premium to the other major banks
revenue trends and an increase in bad                                                                         versus the five-year average of 14%.
                                                        CEO Matt Comyn also flagged an
and doubtful debts. A fully franked
                                                        absolute reduction in ‘core’ costs, but               We have reduced our cash EPS
interim dividend of $2.00 per share
                                                        again no time frame was given and                     forecasts by 1–2% following this
was declared, the same as a year ago.
                                                        there was no firm quantification of                   report, mostly reflecting the
The result came just days after the
                                                        what core costs were in the first half.               narrowing of net interest margins.
Royal Commission released its
final report into the financial                         This commentary is concerning                         CBA looks expensive versus the other
services industry.                                      given it suggests revenue pressures                   banks, although we acknowledge its
                                                        are unlikely to abate, but also                       sector-leading deposit position and
Cash net profit from continuing
                                                        pleasing in that CBA appears to be                    capital management potential.
operations of $4.676 billion and
                                                        meeting this challenge head-on.
revenue of $12.411 billion both                                                                               Overall, we prefer banks with a
came in 1% below our forecasts.                         The capital position was better than                  relatively larger exposure to business
                                                        we had expected, with most of the                     banking rather than retail lending,
CBA’s soft first-half performance
                                                        improvement likely to be permanent.                   where we see no imminent easing of
mostly reflected significant margin
                                                                                                              competitive pressures. Given this
pressure in retail – the retail banking                 This suggests capital returns to
                                                                                                              view, National Australia Bank and
net interest margin has now fallen                      shareholders could be larger and
                                                                                                              ANZ Bank remain our preferred
17 basis points in the past 12 months                   sooner than forecast, although these
                                                                                                              choices in this sector of the market.
(11 basis points over the half). See
Figure 1 for the most recent moves.                     Figure 1: Half-by-half movement in CBA retail net interest margin
The difficult trading environment is                    2.80%
not expected to turn around any time
soon, and the strong returns on equity
still earned by the major banks in retail               2.70%
banking are likely to fall from here.

Given the challenging top line, CBA                                                                                             2.60%
has stepped up its cost-cutting                         2.60%
rhetoric, albeit with vague language.

It is now targeting a sub-40% cost-to-                  2.50%
income ratio (CTI) but no time frame                                         1H18                        2H18                    1H19
                                                        Source: Ord MInnett Research, CBA

Sector: Building Materials Recomm: Accumulate Risk rating: Higher Share price: $16.43

 Year to March                           2018A          2019E          2020E        James Hardie Industries (JHX) share price

 Profit after tax ($m)                       376            416            498           25

 Earnings per share ($)                     0.85           0.94           1.13
 Price/earnings (x)                          19.3           17.4          14.6

 Dividend ($)                               0.52           0.56           0.67           17

 Dividend yield (%)                           3.1            3.4           4.1
 Franking (%)                                    -             -              -           Feb 18    Apr 18   Jun 18   Aug 18   Oct 18   Dec 18   Feb 19

Source: Company reports, Ord Minnett Research. Profits are on a normalised basis.   Source: IRESS

James Hardie Industries posted a                       North American fibre cement                           These cost-saving initiatives are
third-quarter fiscal 2019 net profit of                volume growth was below our                           already under way in James Hardie's
US$65.9 million, some 7.1% short of                    estimate in the quarter, but the                      Asia Pacific business and will be
Ord Minnett’s forecast. At the                         company pointed to a soft market                      introduced progressively in the US.
operating level, earnings before                       rather than market share slippage.                    We assume any benefit will be
interest and tax of US$90.6 million                    Management noted, however, that                       reinvested in marketing or R&D to
also came in 7.6% short of                             market conditions in December and                     support volume growth and primary
                                                       January were better than had been                     demand growth.
our projection.
                                                       expected back in November.
                                                                                                             Our estimates post the result
On the positive side, fiscal 2019                      James Hardie expects modest or
                                                                                                             are broadly unchanged, leaving
group net profit guidance was                          low-single digit market growth in
                                                                                                             potential upside to management’s
narrowed to US$295–315 million                         the final quarter of fiscal 2019 and
                                                                                                             financial targets. Besides the
from US$280–320 million                                for fiscal 2020, which is line with
                                                                                                             previously mentioned US targets,
previously, representing a                             our expectations.
                                                                                                             the company is also aiming for
2% upgrade at the midpoint.                            A key driver of the stock’s multiple                  compound annual revenue growth
New CEO Jack Truong presented a                        derating over the past year has been                  expected of 8–12% over fiscal
strategic update highlighting that                     underwhelming market-share gains                      2020–22 in Europe and primary
                                                       in North America. Management                          demand growth of 3–5% for the
cultural and organisational shifts were
                                                       homed in on the issue, attributing                    Asia Pacific region.
under way inside the company.
                                                       the shortfall versus targets partially
James Hardie is the dominant player                                                                          We see James Hardie as being
                                                       to less business from existing
in the fibre cement market in the US,                                                                        well-placed to continue penetrating
                                                       clients. The company will restructure
accounting for circa 90% category                                                                            the cladding market in the US,
                                                       its sales force with incentives to limit
share (James Hardie versus other fibre                                                                       which delivers circa 70% of the
                                                       this impact, while also rewarding
cement manufacturers) and around                                                                             company's total revenue.
                                                       new business wins.
19% market share (fibre cement versus                                                                        The medium- to longer-term
the broader siding market).                            James Hardie is targeting primary
                                                                                                             opportunity will come from its
                                                       demand growth in North America of
The move to cross-functional                                                                                 Fermacell acquisition, if it can drive
                                                       3–5% in fiscal 2020 and 6%
frameworks and a focus on so-called                                                                          fibre cement sales in Europe and
                                                       thereafter, and is also aiming for
                                                                                                             reach its targeted €1 billion of sales
lean manufacturing principles should                   cost cuts of $100 million by fiscal
                                                                                                             at typical margins within 10 years.
drive a more predictable operational                   2022 from utilising lean
and financial performance.                             manufacturing principles.


 Sector: Aerospace & Defence Recomm: Accumulate Risk rating: Higher Share price: $2.13

      Year to June                            2018A            2019E      2020E      Austal (ASB) share price
      Profit after tax ($m)                        39             52          62

      Earnings per share ($)                      0.11           0.15       0.18

      Price/earnings (x)                          19.0           14.4       12.1

      Dividend ($)                                0.05           0.06       0.08        1.80

      Dividend yield (%)                           2.3            2.8        3.8
      Franking (%)                                     -            -           -          Feb 18    Apr 18   Jun 18   Aug 18   Oct 18   Dec 18   Feb 19

 Source: Company reports, Ord Minnett Research. Profits are on a normalised basis.   Source: IRESS

Austal designs and builds                                      construct four littoral combat ships           The expansion will allow the
customised aluminium military and                              and two expeditionary fast vessels             company to capitalise on a forecast
commercial vessels, with a customer                            in the past four months.                       significant replacement cycle for
base that includes major ferry                                                                                large high-speed ferries expected
                                                               We estimate the construction value
operators and defence forces.                                                                                 over the next five years.
                                                               of these six vessels at US$2.5 billion,
The company recently upgraded its                              underwriting Austal’s shipbuilding             The expected life for such ferries –
fiscal 2019 revenue, driven by                                 capacity in the US until 2023.                 globally operating high-speed
significant contract wins, particularly                        Importantly, the company confirmed             vessels with a length of 70 metres
towards the back end of 2018.                                  it continues to expect shipbuilding            or more – is around 25 years.
Management now expects full-year                               margins of 7–8% in its US business.
                                                                                                              Such vessels can operate to their
revenue of $1.9 billion, up from
                                                               Austal has also won a contract for             twenty-fifth year but often the
$1.3–1.4 billion previously.
                                                               the construction of a 94-metre                 economics of running the older
Austal also guided to earnings                                 catamaran and potentially two                  vessels – repairs and maintenance,
before interest and tax guidance of                            Cape Class patrol boats for the                technology improvements in newer
$39–41million for the first half of                            government of Trinidad and Tobago.             boats and rival services – often
fiscal 2019, 12% ahead of                                                                                     make doing so a poor choice.
                                                               Austal has meaningfully expanded its
Ord Minnett’s previous forecast.
                                                               ship-building capabilities in the Asia         Given global interest rates remain
Much of the revenue uplift was                                 Pacific region over the past two years         low, the decision to purchase a new
driven by its US ship-building                                 – opening new yards in China (via a            vessel is often the best commercial
operations, based in Mobile,                                   joint venture) and Vietnam, and                choice. Figure 2 below shows the
Louisiana, with the company                                    extending the operations of its yards in       potential opportunity.
winning US defence contracts to                                Western Australia and the Philippines.

Figure 2: Global high-speed ferry (>70 metres) market
                 14                                                                                                                Expected life
                 12                                                                                                                  25 years
No. of vessels

                                                                  Looming replacement cycle
                      1   2   3   4   5   6   7    8       9   10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
                                                                           Vessel age in years
 Source: Fast Ferry International, Shippax.


Sector: Marine Ports & Services Recomm: Buy Risk rating: Higher Share price: $2.79

 Year to June                            2018A          2019E          2020E         Qube Holdings (QUB) share price

 Profit after tax ($m)                       107            119            158            2.90

 Earnings per share ($)                     0.07           0.07           0.10
 Price/earnings (x)                          41.6           37.7          28.5

 Dividend ($)                               0.08           0.06           0.07            2.30

 Dividend yield (%)                           2.7            2.0           2.6
                                                                                            Feb 18   Apr 18   Jun 18   Aug 18   Oct 18   Dec 18   Feb 19
 Franking (%)                                100            100            100

Source: Company reports, Ord Minnett Research. Profits are on a normalised basis.   Source: IRESS

The Patrick stevdedoring division                       relate to property and property-                      infrastructure surcharges should
of Qube Holdings has followed its                       related costs (including rent, land                   generate additional annual revenue
competitors in raising infrastructure                   tax and council rates); and                           of circa $57 million, a 9.9% increase
charges on terminal users at its                        maintenance, operational costs                        on Patrick's fiscal 2018 total revenue.
Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane                          associated with providing Patrick’s
                                                                                                              We have upgraded our fiscal 2019
facilities, the third such rise in                      landside interface operations.
                                                                                                              net profit estimate by 1.5% and fiscal
18 months.
                                                        Patrick’s announcement follows                        2020 by 5.6% to account for the
Ord Minnett views this as a pleasing                    Victoria International Container                      latest increase in charges and the
development, as it demonstrates                         Terminal’s decision last week to                      latest trends in containerised trade.
the stevedoring industry is                             increase its charges from $48 to $85
                                                                                                              At first glance, this stock appears to
becoming more focused on                                per full container at Webb Dock in
                                                                                                              be relatively expensive, based on its
improving financial returns.                            Melbourne, as well as DP World
                                                                                                              above-market valuation metrics.
                                                        Australia’s increase last September
Patrick will lift its infrastructure
                                                        of about 70%, which came into effect                  In our view, however, this fails to
surcharges by 74–89% on full
                                                        on 1 January 2019. In our view,                       capture the longer-term earnings
containers that enter or leave its
                                                        these increases are an example of                     contribution from Patrick and the
terminals, effective 4 March. The
                                                        an increasingly rational industry.                    transformational Moorebank
new rates represent an increase of
                                                                                                              logistics facility – which will link
$35.00 to $82.50 per container at its                   It is worth noting that Patrick’s
                                                                                                              Port Botany direct to rail terminals
East Swanson dock in Melbourne;                         surcharges will be higher than
                                                                                                              and warehouses on a 243-hectare
a rise of $36.40 to $77.50 per                          DP World’s at Port Botany – $77.50
                                                                                                              site situated between the M5 and
container at Port Botany in Sydney;                     per full container versus $63.80 –
                                                                                                              M7 motorways.
and an increase of $33.25 to $71.50                     and at Fisherman Islands – $71.50
per container at Fisherman Islands                      per full container versus $65.15 – but                We see significant latent value in
in Brisbane.                                            lower at East Swanson Dock – $82.50                   Qube, but investors will need to
                                                        per full container versus $85.30.                     be patient to realise the
According to the stevedore, these
                                                                                                              investment reward.
surcharges recover a portion of the                     Based on full containers
costs that relate to capital                            representing around 80% of the total
investment and commitments made                         containers handled by Patrick at its
to dedicated infrastructure that                        East Swanson Dock, and 70% at
services Patrick’s landside interface                   Port Botany and Fisherman Islands,
operations; charges above CPI that                      we estimate the increased port


Sector: Airlines Recomm: Buy Risk: Higher Price: $2.48                                                                                                              Ord Minnett Head Office
                                                                                                                                                                    Level 8, 255 George Street
Alliance Aviation (AQZ) has found                                      initially objected, before later
                                                                                                                                                                    Sydney NSW 2000
itself a new major shareholder in the                                  approving, the Virgin/Alliance
                                                                                                                                                                    Tel: (02) 8216 6300
form of Qantas Airways, with the                                       strategic partnership.                                                                       ords.com.au
Flying Kangaroo taking a 19.9%
                                                                       The regulatory process can also be a                                                         National Offices
stake in the fly-in/fly-out and Virgin
                                                                       long and complicated road, with the                                                          Adelaide
contract operator.
                                                                       commission taking 15 months to first                                                         Level 5, 100 Pirie Street
Alliance services Virgin Australia,                                    reject, and then approve, the Virgin/                                                        Adelaide SA 5000
the major domestic rival to Qantas,                                    Alliance partnership that was first                                                          Tel: (08) 8203 2500
with a long-term strategic                                             announced in February 2016.                                                                  Brisbane
partnership, via a combination of                                                                                                                                   Level 31, 10 Eagle Street
                                                                       We would not necessarily expect such
wet leasing and regular passenger                                                                                                                                   Brisbane QLD 4000
                                                                       a long decision process from the
services, particularly in Queensland.                                                                                                                               Tel: (07) 3214 5555
                                                                       regulator this time around but, in our
Qantas said it wanted to take a                                        view, if Qantas were to seek                                                                 Buderim, Sunshine Coast
                                                                                                                                                                    1/99 Burnett Street
majority position on Alliance's                                        commission approval – and there is no
                                                                                                                                                                    Buderim QLD 4556
register in the longer term, but there                                 indication of when that might occur
                                                                                                                                                                    Tel: (07) 5430 4444
are plenty of hurdles to jump before                                   – it would certainly be a matter of
Qantas CEO Alan Joyce can bring                                        months before the commission                                                                 Canberra
his plans to fruition.                                                 completed its review.                                                                        101 Northbourne Avenue
                                                                                                                                                                    Canberra ACT 2600
The key obstacle is approval from                                      In the meantime, Qantas says it is                                                           Tel: (02) 6206 1700
the competition regulator, without                                     supportive of business as usual at                                                           Gold Coast
which we see Qantas as precluded                                       Alliance, which we interpret to mean                                                         Level 7, 50 Appel Street
from making any takeover bid. Such                                     Alliance can continue to supply                                                              Surfers Paradise QLD 4217
approval from the Australian                                           services to Virgin, and Qantas is not                                                        Tel: (07) 5557 3333
Competition and Consumer                                               seeking board representation – both                                                          Mackay
Commission is far from a foregone                                      of which should help its case with the                                                       45 Gordon Street
conclusion, given the commission                                       competition regulator.                                                                       Mackay QLD 4740
                                                                                                                                                                    Tel: (07) 4969 4888
                                                                       For the full report, please contact your
                                                                       Ord Minnett adviser.                                                                         Melbourne
                                                                                                                                                                    Level 7, 161 Collins Street
Regulatory Disclosure: Ord Minnett is the trading brand of Ord Minnett Limited ABN 86 002 733 048, holder of AFS Licence Number 237121, and ASX                     Melbourne VIC 3000
Market Participants of ASX and Chi-X. Ord Minnett Limited and/or its associated entities, directors and/or its employees may have a material interest in, and       Tel: (03) 9608 4111
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