Parsing videos of actions with segmental grammars

Parsing videos of actions with segmental grammars
Parsing videos of actions with segmental grammars

                        Hamed Pirsiavash                                         Deva Ramanan
                Massachusetts Institute of Technology                     University of California, Irvine

                        Abstract                                    sequences. Importantly, we describe methods for learning
                                                                    grammars from partially-labelled data. We assume training
   Real-world videos of human activities exhibit temporal           videos are provided with action labels, and describe a max-
structure at various scales; long videos are typically com-         margin learning algorithm for latently inferring subaction
posed out of multiple action instances, where each instance         structure.
is itself composed of sub-actions with variable durations               Evaluation: Most datasets for activity recognition con-
and orderings. Temporal grammars can presumably model               sist of pre-segmented clips. We have constructed a dataset
such hierarchical structure, but are computationally diffi-         of continuous temporal streams from YouTube sports clips.
cult to apply for long video streams. We describe sim-              Our 5-hour video dataset contains continuous video streams
ple grammars that capture hierarchical temporal structure           with multiple types of actions with subaction structure. We
while admitting inference with a finite-state-machine. This         will make this available to the community to spur further
makes parsing linear time, constant storage, and naturally          research.
online. We train grammar parameters using a latent struc-
tural SVM, where latent subactions are learned automati-            2. Related Work
cally. We illustrate the effectiveness of our approach over
common baselines on a new half-million frame dataset of                 We refer the reader to the recent surveys of [20, 1] for
continuous YouTube videos.                                          a complete treatment of the large body of related work on
                                                                    action recognition. We focus on methods most related to
                                                                    our approach.
1. Introduction                                                         Spacetime templates: Many approaches to action
                                                                    recognition are based on spatiotemporal templates [11,
    We focus on the task of action classification and segmen-       13, 21] defined on various features including optical flow
tation in continuous, real-world video streams. Much past           [19, 4, 24] and bag-of-feature histograms built on space-
work on action recognition focuses on classification of pre-        time “words” [31, 16]. We use bag-of-word features as our
segmented clips. However, this ignores the complexity of            data models.
processing video streams with an unknown number of ac-                  Latent temporal structure: Inspired by [16, 28], we
tion instances, each with variable durations and start/end          model action templates as compositions of subactions. For
times. Moreover, actions themselves exhibit internal tem-           example, we learn that some weightlifting actions should be
poral structure. For example, a ‘making tea’ action takes           modeled as yanking subactions followed by a pressing
several minutes and requires multiple sub-actions such as           subaction (Fig. 1). However, most past work evaluates such
heating water, preparing tea leaves, steeping the tea, and          models on single-action video clips. Our work differs in
pouring into a cup. Each sub-action can vary in duration            that we use grammars to compose multiple action instances
and sometimes temporal ordering.                                    together to yield a globally-optimal video parse.
    Our work: In this work, we develop algorithms that re-              Action segmentation: To process long video streams
port back hierarchical parses of long video streams at mul-         with multiple actions, one must address a temporal segmen-
tiple temporal scales (Fig. 1). Our algorithms are based on         tation problem. Historically, this is most often done with a
grammars that compose videos out of action segments, and            hidden markov model (HMM). Early approaches date back
recursively compose actions out of subaction segments. We           to finite state machine models [33, 17], while more recent
describe specialized grammars that can be parsed in an on-          work has explored discriminative variants such as CRFs
line fashion with a finite state machine. Our algorithms            [32]. There exists a large body of literature on extensions to
scale linearly with the length of a video and operate with          HMMs in which states generate variable-length sequences;
bounded memory, crucial for processing streaming video              these are sometimes called hierarchical HMMs [5, 30, 17]

Parsing videos of actions with segmental grammars
SS                                                                            Production rules:

                                                               SS                                                                                                           S!S                                              ICCV
                                                                                                                                                                            S ! SA
****                              SS           BB                                                                                                                                                                            #****
                                            ICCV  2011Submission
                                                                                                                                 AA                                         S ! SB
                           bgbg      yank
                                        yankpause    press
                                             pause press                               bgbg                               yank
                                                                                                                         yank         press
                                                                                                                                    press               bgbg               “Snatch” action rule
                                                                                                                                                                           (2 latent subactions)
108                                                                                                                                                                                                                            162
                                                                                                                                                                           “Clean and jerk” action rule
109                                                                                                                                                                                                                            163
                                                                                                                                                                           (3 latent subactions)
110                                                                                                                                                                           B!                                               164
111                                                                                                                                                                                                                            165
112           Figure 1. On the left, we show a hierarchical parse of a video segmented into actions (Snatch, Clean-and-Jerk) and sub-actions (yank, pause,                                                                     166
              press, background). Actions are represented by non-terminal symbols (N,C) while subaction and background segments are represented by                                                                             167
113                                                                                                                            SS SS                                                                                          167
              terminal symbols (colored blocks). We show the associated grammar on the right.
114                                                                                                                                                                                                                            168
                                                                                                                                                                                 SS        SS
115                                                                                                                                                                                                                            169
               or semi-Markov / segmental HMMs [8, 23]. Most related                                                   A general CFG contains rules ofSthe                         S form   SS α → β, where
116                                                                                                                                                                                                                            170
               to our work are [25, 6], who use a semi-Markov model to                                             α is any nonterminal and β is any string of terminals and
117                                                                                                                                                                                                                            171
               segment video streams into actions. Our grammars do so                                              nonterminals. We write nV for the number of non-terminal
118                                                                                                                                                                                                                            172
               while simultaneously parsing actions into subactions.                                               symbols, and nR for the number of rules. One can show
119                                                                                                                                                                                                                            173
                    Grammars: Much prior work has explored context-                                                that any CFG can be written in CNF form by adding new
120                                                                                                                                                                                                                            174
               free-grammars (CFGs) for gesture and event recognition                                              rules with “dummy” nonterminals.
121                                                                                                                                                                                                                            175
               [7, 15, 22, 26]. Attribute grammars [10] and interval log-                                              Given a sequence w1 , . . . , wN , the CYK algorithm is a
122                                                                                                                                                                                                                            176
               ics [29, 12, 2] generalize CFGs to include context-sensitive                                        O(nR N 3 ) dynamic programming algorithm for computing
123                                                                                                                                                                                                                            177
        Figure constraints,
          Figure  1.1.AAsample
                            sample typically
                                     video       withtoto
                                               parsed    the   cost and
                                                           actions    ofandmore    expensive
                                                                            subactions.             infer- are
                                                                                            Subactions             the best-scoring
                                                                                                                 color-coded       ononthe       parse [14].
                                                                                                                                                time-line      whileThe
                                                                                                                                                              while       black
                                                                                                                                                                       black   algorithm
                                                                                                                                                                                represents              compute a
124                                                                                                                                                                                                                            178
          Givena avideo
        Given             Because
                      videoand           of
                               anda agrammar this
                                        grammar(shownburden,      much
                                                      (shownononthe         prior
                                                                     theright),     work
                                                                           right),our         applies
                                                                                    ourlinear-time        a
                                                                                          linear-timeparser        table
                                                                                                          parserproduces     of
                                                                                                                  producesa avalid partial     parses,
                                                                                                                                             segementationintoof   size
                                                                                                                                                                           O(n      N
                                                                                                                                                                                  V and
                                                                                                                                                                                           ).  subactions. explicitly
125                                                                                                                                                                                                                            179
               grammar on a sparse set of primitive actions detected in a                                          computes the best parse of each possible segment and each
126       eling
        eling    ofofactions
                         actionsare   are   HMMs,
                                          HMMs,           spurred
                                                        spurred        inpart
                                                                            partby byscale
                                                                                                 suc-the                                                                                                                       180
               pre-processing           stage.     This     makesininference          their    suc-                possible symbol label for that Abstract                  segment.
                                                                                                                                                                             Abstractsymbol The key quantity
127       cessful
        cessful       application
                    application        totospeech
                                             speech      recognition.
                                                       recognition.          Earlyapproaches
                                                                                      approaches                                                                             Terminal                                          181
               number        of detections         rather     than theEarly  length     of the video.              which is iteratively computed isTerminal                   π[X, i, j], the score of the
128                                                                                                                                                                          Data
                                                                                                                                                                            Data                                               182
        date      back
                back      totofinite
                     describe    finite   statemachine
                                     hierarchical   machine
                                                        grammars  models
                                                                models         [32,
                                                                                model  18],
                                                                                     18],      whileand
                                                                                           actions                 best parse of the segment starting at frame i, ending at frame
129       more
        more       recentwork
                 recent        work     has
                                      has    exploreddiscriminative
                                                            discriminative         variants     such                                                                                                                           183
               subactions         with    aexplored
                                             finite-state      machine. This      variants
                                                                                         allowssuch  us to         j, and labeled as symbol X ∈ V .
130     asasCRFs
              CRFs       [31].process
                       [31].       Previous
                                 Previous         work
                                               work        hasin
                                                         has     used
                                                               used       semi-Markov
                                                                       semi-Markov              mod-our
                                                                                              mod-                                                                                                                             184
               efficiently                   all   frames          a video      directly using                         In the CYK algorithm, we first initialize the “bottom”
131       elstogrammar.
        els    toeither
                                                         dependenciesbetween   betweenactionsactions                                                                                                                           185
                                                                                                                   row of the table, which represents the best parse of each
132       [23,27,
        [23,      27,9]9]ororcompositional
                                                            dependenciesbetween   betweensub-    sub-                                                                                                                          186
                                                                                                                     CFG                       segment:CFG
                                                                                                                                           Segmental              CFG Segmental   SegmentalRG         RG
133     actions3. Grammar
          actions      withinananaction
                     within               model
                                        action     [17,26].
                                                 [17,     26]. Our Ourhierarchical
                                                                           hierarchicalmodel  model            Figure2.2.Context-free
                                                                                                             Figure           Context-freegrammars  grammars(CFGs)    (CFGs)use   usefixed-length
                                                                                                                                                                                        fixed-lengthtermi-   termi-            187
134       allowsusustotosimultaneously
        allows                simultaneouslycapture    captureboth bothdependencies
                                                                           dependencieswith      with          nalsthat
                                                                                                             nals    that   model
                                                                                                                       π[X,       i, ai]asingle
                                                                                                                                          =singlemax  dataelement.
                                                                                                                                                   data       element.
                                                                                                                                                                s(r, i)We    Weshowfor ananiexample
                                                                                                                                                                                  show         =example      Nparse(1)
                                                                                                                                                                                                    1 . . .parse               188
135     a asingle
            single  Our    primary contribution is a segmental regular grammar tree
                      grammar.                                                                                 treeononthe       left.Regular
                                                                                                                          theleft.            r∈{X→w}
                                                                                                                                         Regular       grammars(RGs)
                                                                                                                                                     grammars            (RGs)are area arestricted
                                                                                                                                                                                           restrictedtype  typeofof            189
136            of actions, described in Section 3.4. To derive it , we first CFGs                              CFGsformed
                                                                                                                       formedbybya a“one-sided”
                                                                                                                                              “one-sided”grammar.  grammar.We      Weintroduce
                                                                                                                                                                                         introducesegmen-segmen-               190
               review Much the    CYK      parsing                                                                     We canCFGs        now and  populate          the “second”            rowshownof the        table,
137            CFGs:
            CFGs:            Much       prior
                                      prior      workalgorithm
                                               work        hasexplored
                                                         has            for general
                                                                 explored        CFGsfor
                                                                               CFGs        CFGs
                                                                                                 ges-[14], taltalvariants
                                                                                                                   variantsofofCFGs           and RGs   RGs(SCFGs(SCFGsand     andSRGs),
                                                                                                                                                                                    SRGs),shown            ininthethe          191
               as  it forms      the  basis    for   our   efficient    parsing     algorithm.        One    middlewhich
                                                                                                               middle   andand  represents
                                                                                                                                 right,      that
                                                                                                                                           that    the     optimal
                                                                                                                                                  generate                parses
                                                                                                                                                                 variable-length     of   2-frame
                                                                                                                                                                                         terminals        segments.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         oror   seg-
138       tureand
        ture     andevent
                                  recognition[10,    [10,15,15,21,21,24].
                                                                                Attributegram- gram-                                                                                                                           192
               notable      aspect     of our     grammar                                                          ForVariable-length
                                                                                                             ments.       aVariable-length
                                                                                                                               l-frame segment,      terminals
                                                                                                                                                   terminals   weallowwill us
                                                                                                                                                                      allow   look    at   all features
                                                                                                                                                                                       extract    possible
                                                                                                                                                                                                   featuresde-      −1
139       mars
        mars       [13]and
                 [13]       and    interval
                                 interval       logics
                                              logics       [28]is
                                                         [28]       that it generates
                                                                 generalize         CFGstovariable-
                                                                                   CFGs        toin-
                                                                                                   in-                                                                                                                         193
               length      segments instead             of single        tokens;                             fined splits
                                                                                                               fined  over
                                                                                                                    over      and
                                                                                                                             thethe   all
                                                                                                                                   entire   possible
                                                                                                                                             segment        n (such
                                                                                                                                                            (such  production
                                                                                                                                                                     asas   the
                                                                                                                                                                          the        rules
                                                                                                                                                                               temporal         that   could
                                                                                                                                                                                              length).       SRGs
                                                                                                                                                                                                           SRGs     gen-
                                                                                           derive  ex-this
140       clude
        clude       context-sensitive
                  context-sensitive             constraints
                                              constraints        atatthe
                                                                       the  cost          more   ex-                                                                                                                           194
               feature,      we    first  describe       a  simple     modification          to  a  CYK are        erate     this convenient
                                                                                                                    particularly     segment.
                                                                                                                                       convenientfor   Each       onerecognition
                                                                                                                                                               action      can   be scored
                                                                                                                                                                           recognition      because
                                                                                                                                                                                          because  bytheylooking
                                                                                                                                                                                                          theyen- en- at
141       pensiveinference.
        pensive        inference.BecauseBecauseofofthis    thisburden,
                                                                 burden,much  muchpriorpriorworkwork           codelower
                                                                                                                      long-termentries      in   the
                                                                                                                                        hierarchical     table,
                                                                                                                                                             temporalwhich      have
                                                                                                                                                                            structure,    already
                                                                                                                                                                                           butstill     been
                                                                                                                                                                                                       allow       com-
               parser     for   handling                                                                     code   long-term         hierarchical        temporal        structure,    but                     for
142       applies
        applies     a agrammar
                          grammar       ononasuch
                                              asparse  production
                                                  sparse   set           rules. actions
                                                                       primitive      actionsde-   de-         efficient
                                                                                                             efficient      linear-time
                                                                                                                                 We then
                                                                                                                         linear-time          parsing.
                                                                                                                                                take the max, and update the entry for the
143       tected
        tected    ininContext-free
               3.1.    a apre-processing
                            pre-processing          stage.This
                                               grammars       Thismakes
                                                                                 inferencescale scale              current                  segment. We formally describe the algorithm
144       with    the   number        of  detections        rather
        with the number of detections rather than the length of the   than    the  length      of  the       3.3.Grammar
                                                                                                                   Grammar       l-longmodelmodel                                                                              198
                                                                                                                   in Alg. 1 and visualize the core loop in Fig. 2.
145       video.A
        video.      OnOnweighted
                           the      otherCFGhand,
                                          hand,   inourChomsky
                                                       ourlinear-time  Normal
                                                             linear-time      parserForm
                                                                                parser   allow(CNF)
                                                                                           allow  usus is        WeWewillwilldescribe
                                                                                                                                  describeour     ourgrammar
                                                                                                                                                         grammarasasa aspecial   specialcase caseofofa aCFG. CFG.
146       to   specified
              densely          by:
        to densely process all frames in a video. This allows us toto
                             process     all  frames      in  a  video.      This   allows      us                 3.2.
                                                                                                               Grammars,   Segmentaland    in      context-free
                                                                                                                                                particular         CFGs,     grammars
                                                                                                                                                                               are   well     studied       topics
                                                                                                             Grammars, and in particular CFGs, are well studied topics
147       detect1.low-level
        detect       low-level
                       V is a finite  actions
                                    actions     of(and
                                           set (and        subactions)
                                                     non-terminal             whiletaking
                                                                          symbols       takingad-  ad-         andcovered
                                                                                                             and     covered          inclassic
                                                                                                                                           classic      texts  ononnatural
                                                                                                                                                                        natural     language          [14]. We   We
 148      vantageofofhigh-level
                                            contextualcues    cuesfromfromour  ourgrammar.
                                                                                    grammar.                           In thisin     section,      we texts
                                                                                                                                                          describe                language
                                                                                                                                                                          an extension             [14].
                                                                                                                                                                                               to CYK-parsing                  202
148     vantage                                                                                                review
                                                                                                             review        the    CYK       parsing        algorithm         for  CFGs        as  it  forms      theter-      202
149              2. Σ is a set of terminal symbols                                                                 thatthe      CYKfor
                                                                                                                           allows         parsing       algorithm
                                                                                                                                               production           rulesforthatCFGs       as it forms
                                                                                                                                                                                    generate         multiple  the
                                                                                                               basis   for
                                                                                                             basisminals.      our
                                                                                                                     for ourThough    parsing
                                                                                                                                    parsingour      algorithm.
                                                                                                                                                       extension        One
                                                                                                                                                                      One       noteable
                                                                                                                                                                              noteable aspect
                                                                                                                                                                          is somewhat           aspect      of
                                                                                                                                                                                                         of our
                                                                                                                                                                                               straightforward,  our
150            Markovmodels:
            Markov            models:There  Thereexistsexistsa alarge
                                                                   largebody bodyofofliterature
                                                                                          literature                                                                                                                           204
                 3.    R    is  a set   of  rules     of  the   form     X    →    Y  Z    or  X    →    w     grammar
                                                                                                                   we   have  isisnotthat
                                                                                                                                   that    ititgenerates
                                                                                                                                         seen    generates
                                                                                                                                                  it derived         variable-length
                                                                                                                                                                    in  the   literature        segments
                                                                                                                                                                                              and    include   in-in-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   it for
151     ononextensions
               extensionstotoHMMs     HMMsininwhich    whichstatesstatesgenerate
                                                                                          variable-                                                                                                                            205
                       for    X,  Y,   Z   ∈   V     and    w   ∈   Σ.     Each    rule    r  ∈    R   has     stead    of    single
                                                                                                                      of single tokens;    tokens;
                                                                                                                                              We     laterto   derive
                                                                                                                                                       to derive
                                                                                                                                                              show      thatthis   feature,
                                                                                                                                                                                 feature, we firstwe    first    de-
152       length sequences;
        length        sequences; these    these are  are sometimes
                                                            sometimes called   called variable-
                                                                                          variable-                                                                                                                            206
                       an associated                                                                           scribe
                                                                                                      it at scribe     a asimple
                                                                                                                             simple        modification
                                                                                                                                         modification            totoa aCYKCYK      parserfor
                                                                                                                                                                                  parser         forhandling
153       lengthHMMs
        length        HMMs               20],score
                                 [4,                    s(r, i, k,models
                                              semi-Markov             j)   for instantiating
                                                                       models      [11,22,
                                                                                  [11,      22,26],
                                                                                                 26],              rules     are     crucial      for capturing             constraints         on   the    duration           207
                       boundary        points     i, j  with   a  transition      point    of  k.              such   production
                                                                                                                       segments.            rules
                                                                                                                                            Consider  (Fig.     2).
                                                                                                                                                    (Fig. a2).set of CNF rules augmented with
154     ororsegmental
               segmentalHMMs      HMMs[6].    [6]. MostMostrelated
                                                                 relatedtotoususare    arehierar-
                                                                                              hierar-                                                                                                                          208
155      chicalsemi-Markov
        chical   semi-Markovmodels  modelsandandhierarchical
                                                                        (HH-                                      3.1.Context-Free
                                                                                                                 3.1.  Context-FreeGrammars
                                                                                                                                    Grammars                                                                                   209
156      MMs)[5,
        MMs)     [5,29,
                          18]. HHMMsHHMMsare   arerecursive
                                                                       where                                                                                                                                                   210
                                                                       model.                                       AAweighted
157     each                                                                                                                                                                                                                   211
                                                                                                                 specified  by:
158      [5,29]
        [5,  29]both
                                                              complexityasasa a                                                                                                                                                212
159      CFG,though
        CFG,    though[16]
                                                                  algorithms                                                                                                                                                   213
                                                                                                                    1.1.VVisisa afinite
160      obtainedby
        obtained   byexpanding
                       expandingsuch   suchmodels
                                                               HMMwithwithanan                                                                                                                                                 214
Parsing videos of actions with segmental grammars
X                            X

1   for l = 2 : N do
2        for i = 1 : N − l + 1 do                                                        Y           Z              w1w2...........w(j-i+1)
3             j = i + l − 1;
4             π[X, i, j] =                                                           i       k           j      i                         j
                 max      s(r, i, k, j) + π[Y, i, k] + π[Z, k + 1, j];    Figure 2. To compute the score of segmenting and labeling frames
                r∈{X→Y Z}
                k∈{i...j−1}                                               i to j as symbol X, CYK searches over all production rules
5         end                                                             (X → Y Z) and split points k that could derive X (left). Our seg-
6   end                                                                   mental CYK parser augments the above search by also consider-
 Algorithm 1: CYK parsing. The parser iterates over                       ing derivations that directly score the observed terminals/features
 segments of length l, and start positions of each seg-                   (right).
 ment i. For each of such N 2 segments, the parser                        regular grammars [3], which consist of restricted rules with
 searches over all rules (at most nR ) and split points (at               a single non-terminal followed by any number of terminals
 most N ) which could derive it (Fig. 2). This makes the                  on the right-hand side:
 overall algorithm O(nR N 3 ). For each of the N 2 ta-
 ble entries, one must store the score of the nV possible                                        X → Y w,       X→w                           (4)
 symbols, making storage O(nV N 2 ).
                                                                          Such grammars cannot model recursively-defined lan-
those that allow nonterminals to generate a k-long segment                guages, such as strings of nested parentheses [14]. How-
of terminals:                                                             ever, they can be parsed with finite state machines by re-
                                                                          ducing them to first-order conditional Markov models with
            X → w1:k          where w1:k = w1 . . . wk              (2)
                                                                          the following steps: add dummy nonterminals to convert
Each of the above rules has an associated score s(X →                     production rules to CNF (if they are not already), define
w, i, j) for placing a (k = j − i + 1)-element segment                    a markov state for each non-terminal symbol, and finally
starting at position i and ending at j. We call such a CFG                define a transition from states Y to X for each production
a segmental-CFG (SCFG). SCFGs can be seen as a type                       rule. Such grammars can be parsed with a standard Viterbi
of CFG where the number of rules scales with N , compli-                  decoder in O(nR N ), where nR (the number of transitions)
cating inference. An alternative approach would be to en-                 is upper bounded by n2V [5]. Hence regular grammars natu-
code segment length k as an attribute in an attribute gram-               rally take advantage of sparse Markov transition matrices.
mar. However, the resulting constraints on production rules                   Regular grammars are widely used to specify regular ex-
are context sensitive, and so are no longer parsable with                 pressions used in pattern matching [14]. We describe a reg-
CYK [27].                                                                 ular grammar for parsing weightlifting videos in Fig. 1. For
   We show that, with a simple modification, CYK can                      example, a clean-and-jerk action (B) is defined by a “string”
accept rules of the form (2), keeping the algorithm at                    of yank, pause, and press terminals. The regular gram-
O(nR N 3 ) without any increase in complexity. Replace                    mar is expressed in CNF form in Fig. 4. Though such long-
Line 4 of CYK with the following two lines:                               range constraints can be expressed in a Markov model with
                                                                          augmented states (corresponding to dummy nonterminals)
 v=         max        s(r, i, k, j) + π[Y, i, k] + π[Z, k + 1, j]        and sparse transitions, production rules with regular expres-
       r∈{X→Y Z}
                                                                          sions are a more concise representation.
                                                                          3.4. Segmental regular grammars
 π[X, i, j] =          max           v, s(r, i, j)                  (3)
                   r∈{X→w1:k }
                    k=(j−i+1)                                               We define a segmental RGs (SRGs) to be a RG with pro-
                                                                          duction rules that generate arbitrary length sequences of ter-
   For each table entry, we search over derivations as before             minals:
(equivalent to Line 4 of CYK), but now we also search over                                X → Y w1:k ,        X → w1:k               (5)
segmental terminal derivations from the lowest layer. We
need check for only (k = j − i + 1)-long terminal deriva-                 Note that SRGs can be converted to RGs by adding dummy
tions, of which there exist at most nR . This means that one              nonterminals. However, we show that one can devise a
can parse a segmental CFG in O(nR N 3 ).                                  parser that directly handles the segmental rules above. Our
                                                                          SRG parser can either be seen as a special case of segmental
3.3. Regular grammars
                                                                          CYK parsing or an extension of Viterbi decoding.
   CYK parsing may be difficult to apply to long videos                      Restricted CYK: Assume scores can be written as
since computation and storage grows super-linearly with the               s(X → Y w, i, j), where i is the start and j is the end of
length of the video. Chomsky describes a special case of                  the (k = j − i + 1)-element segment. Assume that seg-
context-free-grammars known as finite-state grammars or                   ments can be at most L elements long. SRGs can be parsed
Parsing videos of actions with segmental grammars
1. Introduction
                                                                                                   Massachusetts Institute of Technology         Uni
                                                                                                 1. Introduction
                                                                                                      a          S!C
                                                                                     1. IntroductionS!           S!D
                                                                                                    S!C          C!E
                                                                                        a           S!D          D!F
             Maximum segment-length                                                  S!             C!E          E!F
                                                                                     S!C            D!F          F !S
                                                                                     S!D            E!F
                                  Possible                           Figure 4. The C SRG!E rule-set F
                                                                                                      ! to
                                                                                                         S generate the actual parse shown
                                                                     in Fig. 1, where!SFis the sentence symbol
                                                                                     D                           References
                                                                                                                     corresponding to the
                                                   time                                 ! FC-F are abstract symbols, and colored boxes
                                                                     full parse till Enow,
                                                                                     F !S
                                                                     are variable length            References
                                                                                            terminals representing yank, pause, and press
                             t   (current frame)                     subactions. A black box is the background terminal. To write
Figure 3. We visualize a run of our SRG parser from Alg. 2. We       the grammar References
                                                                                     in CNF form, we introduce symbols C and D cor-
label symbols with the terminal color used to derive them, and use   responding to parses ending in a completed “snatch” (SA) and
blue arrows to denote argmax pointers from Line 2 of Alg. 2. In      “clean-and-jerk” (SB) actions respectively, and E and F corre-
the text, we show that our parser can be seen as a special case of   sponding to parses ending in incomplete actions. Each subaction is
CYK and Viterbi decoding for sparse semi-Markov models.              parametrized by a data model α (visualized with different colors)
                                                                     and its ideal temporal length β (visualized with boxes of different
in O(nR N L), where nR is the number of rules in the un-             lengths), as in (7).
derlying non-segmental grammar. The algorithm is similar
to CYK except that we need to maintain only the first col-              Parse tree: We can recover the optimal parse tree by
umn of table entries π[X, i, j] for a fixed i = 1. We write          storing the argmax pointers from Line 2 of the algorithm.
this as π[X, j], the score of the best parse from position 1         Let R[X, j] and K[X, j] point to argmax rule r and offset
to j, given that the symbol at j is X. For notational sim-           k. We can represent a parse tree with a collection of (r, j)
plicity, let us define an empty symbol {} which allows us            pairs obtained by backtracking through R and K, initializ-
to write both rules from (5) using a single form. Initialize         ing with the highest-scoring symbol at the last frame. We
π[{}, 1] = 0 and π[{}, j] = −∞ for j > 1:                            visualize these backtracked argmax pointers as blue arrows
                                                                     in Fig. 3. We encode a parse-tree as
1   for j = 1 : N do
        π[X, j] =    max           π[Y, j −k]+s(r, j −k+1, j)                       P = {(rm , jm ) : m = 1 . . . M }
2                  r∈{X→Y w}
                                                                     where M refers to the number of distinct segments in the
3  end                                                               parse, jm is the last frame of the mth segment, rm is the
 Algorithm 2: Our SRG parser, which is visualized in                 rule id whose right-hand-side instanced that segment.
 Fig.3. The inner loop searches for best derivation of X
 that transitions from a previous nonterminal Y , at some            4. Model structure
 position j − k (after which the k remaining elements
 are segmented into X). At each iteration, the algorithm                We model all actions with production rules of the form:
 searches over L possible transition points and nR pos-                                          A → xyz
 sible rules for transitioning at that point, making overall
 computation O(nR N L).                                              where A is an action and x, y, z are variable-length subac-
                                                                     tions. We select the optimal number of subactions through               1
    Online parsing: If we interpret j as indexing time,              cross-validation, but find 3 to work fairly consistently. Our
the algorithm is naturally online. At any point, we can              SRG grammar is of the form:
compute the score of the best parse found until now with
maxX π[X, j]. Storage for online parsing is O(nV L) – in-                      S → b,      S → SAb,        S → SBb,        ...
dependent of N – because we only need to store table en-
tries for the past L timesteps. This makes it scalable to long       where S is a valid parse and b is a variable-length back-
(even streaming) data. We visualize a run of our parser in           ground terminal. The background may have a large vari-
Fig. 3.                                                              ation, so we can introduce multiple background terminals
    Sparse markov decoding: Just as RGs can be written as            (multiple mixtures) and let the parser choose the best one.
Markov models with sparse transition between states, SRGs            In practice, we find that a single background terminal works
can be written as semi-Markov models with sparse transi-             fairly well. Note that segment-level production rules are
tions between segment labels. Define a Markov segment la-            crucial since they capture global features within segments
bel corresponding to each nonterminal symbol, and define             like the duration of segments.
the score of rule s(X → Y w1:k , j) is the score of transi-             Given a data sequence D and a candidate parse P =
tioning from segment label Y into segment label X, where             {(rm , jm )}, we can write its score under our weighted SRG
frames from j − k + 1 to j are labeled with X [23]. SRGs             grammar as                  M
are useful because they make use of concise regular expres-                        S(D, P ) =        s(D, rm , im , jm )      (6)
sions to encode long-range constraints between segments.                                         m=1
Parsing videos of actions with segmental grammars
where im = jm−1 + 1 and we explicitly denote the depen-           to learn weights w for the data model α, temporal model
dence of each segment’s score s(rm , im , jm ) on data D. To      β, and rule compositions γ. The weights should score cor-
further describe our particular data model, let us define xm      rect parses highly and incorrect parses poorly; we do this by
to be the terminal on the right-hand-side of rule rm :            defining a structured prediction learning function

s(D, rm , im , jm ) = αxm · φ(D, im , jm ) + βrm · ψ(km ) + γrm                   1       X
                                                                    arg min         w·w+C   ξn             s.t. ∀n, ∀Hn (8)
                                                           (7)          w,ξn ≥0   2       n
    To describe the parameters of our model, we will use an        w · Φ(Dn , Pn ) − w · Φ(Dn , Hn ) ≥ loss(Pn , Hn ) − ξn
illustrative example of a grammar defined for weightlifting
actions, shown in Fig. 1 and defined in Fig. 4. Terminal
                                                                     The above linear constraints state that, for each training
symbols correspond to subactions, while abstract symbols
                                                                  video Dn , the true parse Pn should outscore a hypothesized
correspond to actions. A “clean-and-jerk” action is defined
                                                                  parse Hn by some amount given by loss(Pn , Hn ). We ex-
by a yank, pause, and press subaction, while a “snatch” ac-
                                                                  periment with different loss functions. Many approaches
tion is defined by a yank and press.
                                                                  use a Hamming loss, which simply counts up the number of
    Data model: The first term is a data term that ex-
                                                                  frames with incorrect symbol labels. We also considered a
tracts features from segment spanning frames im to jm ,
                                                                  simpler 0-1 loss that defines a candidate parse as incorrect
and scores them with a model tuned for subaction (termi-
                                                                  if none of its transitions are near ground-truth transitions.
nal) xm . We compute a bag-of-features descriptor φ for
                                                                  Finally, we allow these constraints to be loosely satisfied
each segment, where a feature is a space-time visual word
                                                                  using slack variables. The above is equivalent to a struc-
[31, 28]. We can interpret αxm as a model tuned for par-
                                                                  tural SVM, for which many well-tooled solvers exist [9].
ticular subactions; for example, the model for xm = yank
                                                                  The main computational step in learning requires solving a
will be tuned for spacetime words that fire on crouching
                                                                  “loss-augmented” inference problem, where for each train-
poses. Note that α is symbol-specific xm rather than rule-
                                                                  ing example, one finds the worst-offending parse:
specific rm ; this allows different rules to share data models
for equivalent symbols. For example, the “clean-and-jerk”
                                                                           Hn∗ = max w · Φ(Dn , H) + loss(Pn , H)          (9)
and “snatch” actions in Fig. 4 share the same subaction data                       H
    Temporal model: The second term is analogous to               Our loss functions can be absorbed into the data term of (7),
a temporal “prior” that favors particular segment lengths         implying that our efficient SRG parser can be used to find
k = jm − im + 1 for a subaction. β is rule-specific rm            such an offensive parse.
and not symbol-specific xm . This allows a yank subaction            Latent learning of subactions: Specifying a full parse
to have different priors for its length depending on which        tree in learning can be expensive or ambiguous. In our sce-
action  it was                                                    nario, we are given video streams with action labels for each
             instanced. Specifically, we define ψ(km ) =
             . This means that the parameters βrm can be in-      frame, without any subaction labels. We denote the action

 km km
terpreted as the rest position and rigidity of a spring that      labels for video n as An . In this setting, we automatically
defines the ideal length of a segment. In our experimen-          estimate subactions with a latent structural SVM [34]. We
tal results, we show that such temporal terms are vital to        use the CCCP algorithm [35] by iterating between the fol-
ensuring good segmentation accuracy. Furthermore, such            lowing:
constraints are difficult to encode by a standard HMM.
    Rule model: The last term γrm is a scalar “prior” or           1. Given a model w, infer a parse Pn for each video n
bias that favors the use of certain rules over others. This           consistent with An .
may encode the fact that “clean-and-jerk”s are more likely
to occur than “snatch” actions, for example.                       2. Given a set of full parses {Pn }, learn a model w by
                                                                      solving the QP of (8) with an action-specific loss.
5. Learning
                                                                  Step 1 is implemented by modifying the loss function (9)
   Our model from (7) is linear in the model parameters           to penalize non-consistent parses with an infinite loss. This
w = {α, β, γ}, allowing us to write the score of a parse as a     loss also can be absorbed into the data term. In Step 2,
linear function S(D, P ) = w · Φ(D, P ). Though we learn          we define an action-specific loss(An , H) that penalizes dis-
subactions in a latent framework, we initially describe the       agreement of action transitions rather than subaction tran-
fully-supervised scenario for ease of exposition.                 sitions. Though data models, temporal priors, and rule
   Fully-supervised learning: Assume we are given train-          weights are fully learned, we must still specify the produc-
ing data of videos with ground-truth parses {Dn , Pn } and        tion rules themselves. Additionally, we must specify a start-
a manually-specified set of production rules Γ. We wish           ing state for the above iteration. Both are described below.
Parsing videos of actions with segmental grammars
Initialization: Our grammar can encode rules between
action categories. However, in our experiments, we ana-
lyze videos that contain instances of a single action cat-
egory. For simplicity, we learn separate grammars for
each action category using the following generic rule set:
{S → b, S → SAb, A → xyz}. We initialize the iterations
by segmenting each action instance A (in the training set)
into a fixed number of equally-sized subactions xyz. We
                                                                 Figure 5. Our Continuous Olympics action dataset contains video
use cross-validation to select the optimal number of sub-        streams of 8 different actions (“weightlifting”, “javelin”, “long-
actions per action class, though we find 3 to work fairly        jump”, “vault”, “bowling”, “diving”, “hammer-throw”, “tennis”)
consistently. The final inferred subaction labels (latently      collected from YouTube. There is large variety in view point,
estimated on both training and testing data) can be quite        scale, duration, and the number of action instances in each video.
non-uniform, as shown in Fig. 6 and 7. Our latent learning
                                                                 think of our parser as returning candidate action-segment
scheme is similar to the work of [28], except that we learn
                                                                 “detections”. A detection is considered a true positive if the
rules for globally parsing a video stream with multiple ac-
                                                                 overlap (union/intersection) between it and the ground-truth
tions rather than a single isolated action.
                                                                 action segment is more than a predefined threshold. We use
                                                                 a default of 40%, as we found it consistent with visual in-
6. Experiments
                                                                 spection. We also evaluate other thresholds.
    Lack of data: Popular action benchmarks such as the             Baselines: We saw poor performance for simplistic
MED challenge in TRECVID consist of short video clips            baselines such as a scanning window template and single-
with single actions, and so are not appropriate for evaluating   frame HMM. We compare against the recent state-of-the-
our method. Previous action segmentation methods are of-         art model of [28], who learn an action-specific subaction
ten evaluated on artificially-constructed videos, obtained by    model with 3 subactions. Actions are modeled using a
concatenating together pre-segmented video clips [6, 25].        semi-Markov model, where states correspond to latently-
This is clearly limiting. Moreover, we are not aware of          inferred subactions. However, it is not clear how to use
any benchmark video dataset consisting of continuous un-         this model to detect multiple actions in a single video. We
scripted human actions, outside of surveillance footage [1]      apply it in a scanning window fashion, and output a set
and wearable camera recordings [18].                             of non-overlapping action segments with NMS. This pro-
    Continuous Olympics Dataset: To address this defi-           duces reasonable frame labels (36% correct), but struggles
ciency, we have collected our own dataset inspired by [16],      at segment detection (2% AP). This indicates the difficulty
which introduced a dataset of amateur and realistic (but pre-    of segment detection. We also compare to the segmental
segmented) YouTube video clips of 16 different Olympic           action model of [25], which uses a semi-Markov model to
sports. We have collected continuous videos of a subset of       process an entire video, where states correspond to action /
8 actions from YouTube. Our Continuous Olympics dataset          background labels with priors over temporal duration. Such
contains almost 5 hours or half a million frames of such re-     models were also explored in [6], when trained with alterna-
alistic video footage. Each video contains an average of 6       tive objective functions. Algorithmically, such models cor-
action instances, each annotated with start/end frame labels.    respond to a “one-level” version of our grammar without
Fig. 5 illustrates a sample frame of each action. We will re-    subactions. They directly produce a global parse without
lease this dataset to spur further research in real-world ac-    requiring NMS, but do not reason about subactions. This
tion parsing. We use a 50-50 train/test split in our experi-     improves accuracy to 15% AP.
ments.                                                              Our model: Our final model can be seen as a combi-
    Evaluation: We assume we are given a video of a known        nation of [28] and [25] that makes use of an augmented
action category, and then run our action-specific grammar        state space (defined by our production rules) to reason about
to parse the video into actions and subactions. Because          both actions and subactions. Our final accuracy is 22% AP.
we do not have groundtruth subaction labels, we evaluate         Because our parser is algorithmically equivalent to a semi-
only action label accuracy. We show qualitative results in       Markov model with sparse transitions, it is essentially as
Fig. 6 and 7, and include parsed videos in our supple-           fast as both baselines. We also compare to a version of
mentary material. We refer the reader to figure captions         our model with no length prior on the duration of a sub-
for a detailed analysis. Given a candidate parsing of a se-      action. This drastically drops performance from 22% to 8%.
quence, we quantitatively evaluate it (Fig. 8) in two ways.      Finally, we use a segmental CYK parser (3) to parse our
Per frame: We count the number of frames with matching           SRG, which produces identical results (as excepted). How-
candidates and ground truth action labels. Action detec-         ever, our parser take roughly .7 ms/frame (similar to our
tion: Similar to PASCAL evaluation of object detection, we       baselines), while CYK takes roughly 2.3 sec/frame (1000X
Parsing videos of actions with segmental grammars
Figure 6. A test video containing ‘javelin throw” actions. The bottom timeline shows ground-truth action labels (in gray), while the top
timeline shows inferred action and sub-action labels. The learned grammar infers three subactions loosely corresponding to running,
release, and throwing. The release sub-action is short and is not always visible in the figure. Our grammar model is able to enforce the
presence of such short but crucial sub-actions.

Figure 7. A test video containing ‘diving” actions, where ground-truth action labels are shown in gray. We latently infer 2 subactions
loosely correspond to initial bending and jumping. Some misalignment errors are due to ambiguities in the ground-truth labeling of
action boundaries. Overall, our parser produces a reasonable estimated count of action instances (though the first two action instances are
over-merged into one action segment.)
slower). Note that CYK can handle more general CFGs.                    actions and between subactions. We introduce parsing al-
    Analysis: Our subaction model performs best on actions              gorithms that are linear-time, constant memory, and on-
with clear structure, such as weightlifting, pole-vaulting,             line, and so quite practical for long-scale videos. We also
and diving. Sometimes subactions can be semantically in-                described max-margin algorithms for inferring latent sub-
terpretable, but this need not be case as the structure is la-          actions form partially-labeled training data. To illustrate
tently inferred. Overall, our model is reasonably successful            our approach, we introduced a novel dataset of continuous
at labeling frames (62% accuracy) but still finds segment de-           actions and demonstrated encouraging performance over a
tection challenging (22% AP). Reducing the overlap thresh-              number of standard baseline approaches.
old (for labeling an action segment as correct) from 40% to                Acknowledgements: Funding for this research was pro-
10% increases AP from 22% to 43%. Ground-truth labeling                 vided by NSF Grant 0954083, ONR-MURI Grant N00014-
of action boundaries can be ambiguous, and so lower over-               10-1-0933, and the Intel Science and Technology Center -
lap thresholds are reasonable for evaluation. Moreover, low             Visual Computing.
thresholds still score the ability to count the number of ac-           References
tion instances in a video. Our results suggest that our parser
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Parsing videos of actions with segmental grammars
Segment Detection (average precision)/ Frame Labeling (% frames)                                     Segment Detection (AP)
    Action           Subactions        our model        Segmental     our model                    0.4                  Subaction scan-win [28]
    name                 [28]       (no length prior) actions [25]                                                      Our model w/o prior
                                                                                                                        Segmental actions [25]
    weightlifting    0.20 / 0.51       0.13 / 0.74       0.27 / 0.6    0.53 / 0.6                                       Our model
    javelin          0.006 / 0.54      0.11 / 0.64      0.36 / 0.59 0.36 / 0.65
    long-jump          0 / 0.26        0.02 / 0.46      0.10 / 0.54 0.10 / 0.71
    vault              0 / 0.28        0.12 / 0.49      0.06 / 0.34 0.11 / 0.69                    0.2

    bowling          0.007 / 0.39      0.08 / 0.45      0.21 / 0.51 0.25 / 0.54
    diving             0 / 0.48        0.10 / 0.53      0.02 / 0.45 0.08 / 0.62                    0.1
    hammer-throw 0.006 / 0.25          0.04 / 0.36      0.16 / 0.29 0.23 / 0.63
    tennis             0 / 0.15        0.01 / 0.37        0 / 0.37    0.08 / 0.52
    Average         0.027 / 0.36      0.076 / 0.51      0.15 / 0.46 0.22 / 0.62                     0
                                                                                                         0.1      0.2   0.3      0.4      0.5
Figure 8. We compare our approach to various baselines, evaluating both action segment detection and frame labeling accuracy. On the left
table, we use a segment overlap threshold of 40%, but examine performance for different thresholds on the right figure. Please see text for
a discussion, but overall, our approach significantly outperforms past approaches based on subaction models [28] and segmental actions
[25] because our grammar simultaneously captures both types of constraints.
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Parsing videos of actions with segmental grammars Parsing videos of actions with segmental grammars
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