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MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY, Feb. 1994, p. 1402-1409                                                                       Vol. 14, No. 2
Copyright X 1994, American Society for Microbiology

         Purification of an Oligo(dG). Oligo(dC)-Binding Sea Urchin
            Nuclear Protein, suGF1: a Family of G-String Factors
              Involved in Gene Regulation during Development
                                      JANET HAPGOOD* AND DANIELLE PAT'ITERTONt
                              Research Centre for Molecular Biology, Department of Biochemistry,
                                   University of Cape Town, Rondebosch 7700, South Africa
                        Received 7 June 1993/Returned for modification 24 August 1993/Accepted 15 November 1993

            Contiguous deoxyguanosine residues (G strings) have been implicated in regulation of gene expression in
         several organisms via the binding of G-string factors. Regulation of expression of the chicken adult 13-globin

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         gene may involve the interplay between binding of an erythrocyte-specific G-string factor, BGP1, and the
         stability of a positioned nucleosome (C. D. Lewis, S. P. Clark, G. Felsenfeld, and H. Gould, Genes Dev.
         2:863-873, 1988). We have purified a 59.5-kDa nuclear protein (suGF1) from sea urchin embryos by DNA
         affinity chromatography. suGF1 has high binding affinity and specificity for oligo(dG) oligo(dC). The identity

         of the purified protein was confirmed by renaturation of sequence-specific DNA-binding activity from a sodium
         dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel slice and by Southwestern (DNA-protein) blotting. suGF1 binds in vitro to
         a G,, string present in the H1-H4 intergenic region of a sea urchin early histone gene battery. This suGFl DNA
         recoguition site occurs within a homopurine-homopyrimidine stretch previously shown to be incorporated into
         a positioned nucleosome core in vitro. DNase I footprinting shows that suGF1 protects the same base pairs on
         the promoter of the chicken PA-globin gene as does BGP1. We show that a G-string cis-regulatory element of
         a sea urchin cell lineage-specific gene LpS1 (M. Xiang, S.-Y. Lu, M. Musso, G. Karsenty, and W. H. Klein,
         Development 113:1345-1355, 1991) also represents a high-affinity recognition site for suGFl. suGFl may be a
         member of a family of G-string factors involved in the regulation of expression of unrelated genes during
         development of a number of different organisms.

   G strings of 10 bp and longer are frequently found in the                  structures such as triple helices in vitro, the formation of
noncoding regions of unrelated genes (4, 19). In addition,                    which depends critically on the degree of superhelical stress
G-string-binding factors have been detected in a number of                    of the DNA, the length of the homopurine stretch, and the
different tissues from various organisms (8, 19, 22, 38). The                 chemical environment (21, 36). Several authors have pro-
promoter of the chicken adult 3-globin gene contains a G                      posed that G strings may function in vivo as a conforma-
string of 16 to 18 Gs (22, 28). There is strong evidence that                 tional switch which is modulated in some way by G-string-
regulation of expression of this gene involves a complex                      binding proteins (4, 19, 20, 24).
interplay between binding of a G-string factor, DNA confor-                     A similar role has been proposed for G-rich regions which
mation, and displacement of a positioned nucleosome at the                    occur within pur. pyr stretches upstream of several house-
G string (22). A G6 string has also been implicated in                        keeping genes such as the c-Ki-ras, epidermal growth factor
regulation of gene expression during sea urchin development                   receptor, and c-myc genes (6, 12, 14, 23, 29). These pur- pyr
via binding of a G-string factor to a cis-regulatory element                  regions are S1 nuclease sensitive in vitro and bind to factors
present in the promoter of a cell lineage-specific gene LpS13                 containing multiple copies of the sequence GGGNGGG in
(38). This sea urchin G-string factor may be related to a                     their DNA recognition sites. In some cases, alterations in
putative mammalian transcription factor, IF1, implicated in                   chromatin structure correlating with the state of expression
the coordinate regulation of expression of the (xl (I) and a2                 of these genes have been mapped to the pur. pyr regions in
(I) collagen genes during embryonic development via binding                   nuclei.
to G7 strings present in both promoters (17, 38). Interest-                     These observations raise several unresolved issues. G
ingly, a G7 string occurs within a purine-rich region of the                  strings may play a role in gene regulation during develop-
chicken ct2(I) collagen gene promoter which is hypersensi-                    ment via families of G-string factors with related functions.
tive to Si nuclease and DNase I in chromatin in a tissue-                     The structural and functional relationships among various
specific fashion (24).                                                        G-string factors as well as factors binding to G-rich se-
   G strings have in common with homopurine-homopyrimi-                       quences within pur- pyr stretches need to be examined,
dine (pur. pyr) stretches the ability to form unusual DNA
                                                                              considering the parallels that can be drawn between their
                                                                              proposed biological roles and the similarities in their DNA
                                                                              recognition sites. The biological significance of unusual
    Corresponding author. Present address: Regulatory Peptides                DNA structures, their possible interaction with G-string and
Research Unit, Department of Chemical Pathology, Medical                      G-rich factors, and the dependency of this putative interac-
School, University of Cape Town, Observatory 7925, South Africa.              tion on the length of the polypurine tract need to be
Phone: (021) 406 6354. Fax: (021) 406 6153. Electronic mail address:
JANET@chempath.uct.ac.za.                                                     investigated. It is possible that the generation of nuclease-
  t Present address: Laboratory of Molecular Embryology, Na-                  hypersensitive sites at pur. pyr stretches of developmen-
tional Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National              tally regulated genes is a shared function of a family of
Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892.                                     G-string factors and may involve the stability of positioned
VOL. 14, 1994                                       G-STRING FACTORS IN DEVELOPMENTAL GENE REGULATION                         1403

nucleosomes (32). Purification of G-string factors and a             0.2 mM EDTA-0.2 mM EGTA (ethylene glycol-bis(,B-ami-
detailed analysis of their interaction with DNA and chroma-          noethyl ether)-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid)-10 mM 1-mer-
tin should enable some of these questions to be addressed            captoethanol-0.1 mM phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride. The
experimentally.                                                      suspension was rolled for 2 h to allow swelling of the cell
   As a first step towards this goal, we have focused our            membranes. The 4-h embryos were pushed twice through
attention on an early histone gene battery of the sea urchin         two layers of 50-pm-pore-size nylon mesh, whereas later-
Psammechinus milians. A G1I string is present in the H1-H4           stage embryos were homogenized with 15 strokes of a tight
intergenic region of this developmentally regulated, coordi-         Dounce homogenizer. Crude nuclei were pelleted by centrif-
nately expressed gene battery (11). Nuclease-hypersensitive          ugation (4,000 x g, 1 min) and washed once with Hex-A
regions are present in the intergenic spacers when the genes         buffer. The pellet was resuspended in a minimum-volume
are expressed, while the shutdown of expression correlates           Hex-A buffer and made up to 1.8 M sucrose by adding the
with the presence of well defined spaced nucleosomes (37).           required volume of 2.3 M sucrose in buffer A. The homoge-
A nucleosome has been shown to be positioned in vitro on             neous suspension was centrifuged at 30,000 x g for 45 min.
the H1-H4 intergenic region of the P. miliaris gene battery          Nuclei were washed once with Hex-A buffer and processed
(27, 30). Within the positioning sequences lies the unusual          immediately for nuclear extracts by ammonium sulfate ex-
sequence (GA)16(G)11, which forms an unusual DNA struc-              traction (2). Nuclear extract (typically 10 mg of protein per

                                                                                                                                     Downloaded from http://mcb.asm.org/ on May 16, 2021 by guest
ture in vitro (10, 26, 31, 33). In this article, we report on the   ml) was stored in aliquots at -70°C in buffer C (20 mM
purification of a nuclear G-string factor, suGF1, from em-           HEPES [N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N'-2-ethanesulfonic
bryos of the sea urchin Parechinus angulosus and the in              acid] [pH 8], 2 mM MgCl2, 0.2 mM EDTA, 20% [vol/vol]
vitro interaction of suGF1 with G strings and G-rich DNA.           glycerol, 1 mM dithiothreitol, 0.5 mM phenylmethylsulfonyl
                                                                    fluoride, 100 mM KCl). Nuclei from unfertilized oocytes
                MATERIALS AND METHODS                               were prepared as described for 4-h embryos. Sperm nuclei
                                                                    were prepared as described previously (35).
  Plasmids, DNA fragments, and oligonucleotides. A 335-bp              Purification of suGFl. A poly(dG) poly(dC) affinity ma-
EcoRI-HindIII fragment (probe 1) containing the G1l string          trix and a binding-site (BS) affinity matrix were synthesized
of the H1-H4 intergenic region of the major early histone           by cyanogen bromide coupling of poly(dG) poly(dC) or
gene battery of P. miliaris was prepared from pHP2 (1, 26).         concatemers (average, 10-mers) of oligo His-wt, respec-
PstI-AvaI (101-bp) and HindIII-BamHI (605-bp) fragments             tively, to Sepharose CL-4B resin (15). Column chromatog-
containing a G18 string upstream of the chicken 3A_globin           raphy was performed at 4°C in buffer C (see above) contain-
gene were prepared from p3A650.1, which had been con-               ing various concentrations of KCl. Bound proteins were
structed by cloning a 575-bp PvuII fragment from pBlEH1             eluted from the columns with a stepwise increase in ionic
into the HincII site of pUC9 (28). The following oligodeox-         strength. Nuclear extract from 18 liters of 14-h embryo
yribonucleotides (oligos) were synthesized, purified, and           cultures was applied to a phosphocellulose P11 column
annealed by standard procedures (1): His-wt, GATCAGAG               (radius, 2.2 cm; bed volume, 180 ml; flow rate, 1 ml/min) in
AGGGGGGGGGGGAGGGAGAATT; His-mutl, GATCA                             buffer C containing 100 mM KCl. Pooled active fractions
GAGAGGGGGGGCCCCAGGGAGAATT; His-mut2, GAT                            eluted at 500 mM KCl from the P11 purification step were
CAGAGAGGGAGGGGAGGGAGGGGAATT; His-mut3,                              diluted to a final KCI concentration of 350 mM in buffer C
GATCAGAGAGGGGTAGGGGGAGGGAGAATT; His-                                and incubated with poly(dI-dC) (pdIdC) (Boehringer Mann-
mut4, GATCAGAGAGGGGCCCCGGGAGGGAGAATT;                               heim) (2 ,g/ml). The solution was applied to the poly(dG).
His-mutS, GATCAGAGACCCCGGGGGGGAGGGAGAA                              poly(dC) affinity column (60 p,g of DNA per ml) (radius, 4.75
TT; His-mut6, GATCAGAGAGGGTGGGGAGGGTGGG                             cm; bed volume, 9 ml; flow rate, 0.5 ml/min) preequilibrated
GAATT; His-mut7, GATCAGAGAGGGTGGGGTGGGTG                            in the same buffer. Pooled active fractions eluted at 700 mM
GGGAATT; LpS-wt, GATCTClTTCGCATGGGGGGCGTG                           KCl were diluted to 350 mM KCl and incubated with pdIdC
GTCTG; LpS-mutl, GATCTC'ITCGCATAGATCTCGTG                           (30 ,g/ml). This solution was divided into eight aliquots and
GTCTG; LpS-mut2, GATCTCTTCGCATGGGCGGGGTG                            loaded onto separate 1-ml BS affinity columns (44 pg of
GTCTG; and Random, GATCTTCTGCACTCTCACCGG                            DNA per ml) (packed in Econo-Pac 1ODG columns [Bio-
TACTGGACT (the Watson strand is given). The double-                 Rad]; flow-rate, 0.33 ml/min). The active fractions eluted at
stranded oligos contained 5' overhangs of GATC. DNA was             650 mM KCl were pooled, diluted to 350 mM KCl, and
3' end labeled with [a-32P]dCTP by the Kienow fill-in reac-         incubated with 10 p,g of pdIdC per ml, and the process was
tion (1) to result in specific activities of 25,000 to 65,000       repeated as for the first pass over the BS affinity columns,
dpm/ng.                                                             this time using four 1-ml BS affinity columns. Purified suGF1
   Preparation of sea urchin embryo nuclear extracts. Syn-          eluted at 650 mM KCl was concentrated at least 10-fold by
chronized cultures (4% [vol/vol] eggs) were grown in filtered       ultrafiltration in P-10 Centricon devices (Amicon). Buffer C
seawater containing 100 mg of penicillin and 50 mg of               was supplemented with 0.01 and 0.02% (vol/vol) Nonidet
streptomycin per liter on a rotary shaker at 180 rpm at 21°C        P-40 for the first and second passes over the BS affinity
for the appropriate period. All subsequent steps were per-          columns, respectively. suGF1 was stored in aliquots at
formed at 4°C. Four-, 9-, 14-, and 24-h cultures were grown,        -70°C in buffer C. Protein concentrations were determined
corresponding to prehatching (128 cells)-, hatching-blastula-,      by the micro-bicinchoninic acid method (39).
late blastula-to-early gastrula-, and late-gastrula-stage em-          Renaturation of suGFl from SDS-polyacrylamide gels. So-
bryos, respectively. Four-hour cultures were grown after            dium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
removal of the fertilization membrane (35). Cultures were           (SDS-PAGE) was performed by the Laemmli method essen-
allowed to settle, centrifuged (4,000 x g, 1 min), washed           tially as described elsewhere (1). Samples were trichloroace-
twice with 0.5 M KCl and twice with buffer A containing 1 M         tic acid precipitated, resuspended in SDS sample buffer,
hexylene glycol (buffer Hex-A), and resuspended in the              neutralized with NaOH, boiled, and loaded onto 7 or 10%
same buffer. Buffer A was 15 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8)-65 mM               (acrylamide/bisacrylamide ratio, 30:0.5) SDS-polyacryl-
KCl-15 mM NaCl-0.15 mM spermine-0.5 mM spermidine-                  amide gels. Silver staining was by the nonammoniacal
1404     HAPGOOD AND PATTERTON                                                                                                                 MOL. CELL. BIOL.

                                                 TABLE 1. Enrichment for the purification of suGF1a
                             Vol      suGF1       Total      Protein    Total amt        SSp   t'            Yield                             Enrichment
       Fraction               ol)
                                                 (103 U)     (
                                                                        of protein
                                                                                         (U/,ug)  Step"               Totale           Step'            Totalg
Nuclear extract             41.0      384.0       15,744    8.03        329                 47.8     100             100          1                     1
Phosphocellulose P11       370.0       33.9       12,543    0.0601       22.2              564        79.7 (80)       79.7 (80) 11.8 (9.8)             11.8 (9.8)
Poly(dG) poly(dC)           26.2      322.0        8,436    0.00310       0.0812       103,871        67.3 (59)       53.6 (47) 184 (152)           2,173 (1,490)
  affinity matrix
BS affinity matrix
  lst pass                   40.6     161.0        6,537    0.00135        0.0548      119,259        77.5 (66)      41.5 (31)        1.15 (1.5)    2,495 (2,234)
  2nd pass                   20.0     230.0        4,600    0.00141        0.0282      163,121        70.4           29.2             1.37          3,413
 a The data are from one complete purification. Calculations for a second, independent purification are shown in parentheses.
 bMeasured in binding units (U).
 One unit is defined as the amount of suGF1 needed to shift 0.01 ng of probe 1 in an EMSA.
 c Obtained by dividing the binding activity (in units per microliter) by the protein concentration (in micrograms per microliter).
 dPercentage of the total activity of the previous step.
   Percentage of the total activity of the nuclear extract.

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 f Ratio of the specific activity to that for the previous step.
 g Ratio of the specific activity to that for the nuclear extract.

method (1). Proteins were sized on three independent silver-                         60 min. Thereafter, cleavage products were extracted with
stained gels by fitting polynomials to the distances migrated                        organic solvents, ethanol precipitated, and subjected to
by molecular weight standards (SDS-6H; Sigma) versus the                             electrophoresis on 6% polyacrylamide sequencing gels to-
log molecular weight by the least-squares method.                                    gether with Maxam and Gilbert G-sequencing standards (1).
   Recovery and renaturation of suGF1 (1 ,ug) after SDS-
10% PAGE was essentially as described previously (3).                                                          RESULTS
Protein recovered from the gel slice was suspended in 100 RI
of 20 mM HEPES (pH 8)-0.1 mM EDTA-1 mM dithiothre-                                     Sea urchin embryos contain a 59.5-kDa oligo(dG). oli-
itol-6 M guanidinium-HCl-1 mM MgCl2 and renatured by                                 go(dC)-binding nuclear protein. We performed protein-DNA
passing the sample over a 1-ml Bio-Gel P-6 (Bio-Rad) gel                             binding studies using nuclear extracts prepared from 14-h
filtration column equilibrated in 10 mM HEPES (pH 8)-0.1%                            embryos of P. angulosus and DNA fragments from a histone
(vol/vol) Nonidet P-40-1 mM dithiothreitol-100 mM KCl-                               gene battery. By using as a radiolabeled probe, a fragment
10% (vol/vol) glycerol-60 Rg of bovine serum albumin (BSA)                           prepared from the H1-H4 intergenic region of P. miliaris
per ml-5 ,uM ZnCl2.                                                                  (probe 1), nuclear factor-DNA complexes Bi and B2 were
   EMSA. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSAs)                               detected by EMSAs (data not shown, but see Fig. 4).
were carried out essentially as described elsewhere (1). A                           Poly(dG) poly(dC) competed efficiently for factor binding
radiolabeled DNA probe (0.5 to 1 ng) was incubated with                              with probe 1 (80% competition with a 20-fold weight excess
various amounts of nuclear extract for 30 min at 4°C in                              competitor), whereas poly(dA-dC). poly(dG-dT), poly(dA-
EMSA incubation buffer (16 mM HEPES [pH 8], 150 mM                                   dG) poly(dC-dT), and poly(dA-dT) poly(dA-dT) did not
KCl, 16% [vol/vol] glycerol, 1.6 mM MgCl2, 0.8 mM dithio-                            compete at all under the same conditions with a 500-fold
threitol, 0.4 mM phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, 1 mM                                 weight excess competitor (data not shown). These results
EDTA, 0.5 jig of pdldC; Boehringer) in a total volume of 25                          established that sea urchin embryos contain an oligo(dG).
,ul. EMSAs with partially purified and purified suGF1 were                           oligo(dC) DNA-binding nuclear protein(s), to which we refer
performed in EMSA buffer containing 250 mM KCI and                                   as sea urchin G-string factor 1 (suGF1). To further examine
supplemented with 0.01% Nonidet P-40 and 1.5 jig of BSA.                             the sequence specificity of the suGF1-DNA interaction,
Electrophoresis was at 4°C for 4 to 8 h at 30 mA per gel or                          EMSAs were performed with nuclear extracts and probe 1
overnight at 20 mA per gel in TGE (50 mM Tris-HCl [pH                                containing the sequence (GA)16(G)11 in the presence of
8.4], 380 mM glycine [Merck], 2 mM EDTA). Four-percent                               various unlabeled double-stranded DNA oligonucleotide
nondenaturing polyacrylamide gels (acrylamide/bisacryla-                             competitors (see Materials and Methods). The His-wt oligo,
mide ratio, 29:1) were preelectrophoresed at 30 mA for 2 h.                          which contains the wild-type histone H1-H4 G1l string
The electrophoresis buffer was changed, and the EMSA                                 exhibited 50% competition at a fivefold molar excess. We
incubation mixtures were loaded directly onto the gels. Gels                         synthesized oligos His-mutl to His-mut7, which are all G
were dried and subjected to autoradiography. Quantitation                            rich but contain interruptions in the His-wt G string. Oligos
of suGF1 activity by EMSA was performed by excision of                               His-mutl to His-mut7 all competed for complex Bi and B2
protein-DNA complexes from the wet gel after autoradiog-                             formation with high affinity and specificity (5- to 12.5-fold
raphy, followed by liquid scintillation counting.                                    molar excess for 50% competition). Oligo Random showed
    DNase I footprinting. An appropriate end-labeled DNA                             no competition at a 100-fold molar excess. suGF1 did not
fragment (1 ng) was incubated with protein in EMSA buffer                            bind either the Watson or the Crick strand of the single-
for 30 min at 4°C in a total volume of 50 jil. The sample was                        stranded oligos. These results show that suGF1 binds with
adjusted to 15 mM MgCl2 and 15 mM CaCl2, and 3 ,ul of                                high affinity and specificity to G-rich DNA containing the
DNase I (grade I; Boehringer) (final concentration, 1 to 10                          sequence GGGNGGG.
 ,ug/ml) was added. The reaction was allowed to proceed at                              suGF1 was purified from 14-h sea urchin nuclear extracts
4°C for 1 min, and was followed by the addition of 8.4 ,ul of                        by ion exchange chromatography and site-specific DNA
stop solution A (0.7 mg of proteinase K per ml, 0.12 M                               affinity chromatography (Table 1). The first DNA affinity
 EDTA, 1% [wt/vol] SDS), mixing, and incubation at 37°C for                          matrix contained poly(dG) poly(dC) as a ligand, while the
VOL. 14, 1994                                                                            G-STRING FACTORS IN DEVELOPMENTAL GENE REGULATION                             1405

                         1NW' (k Da)                                                                                                     Cli]d             -1
                                                                                                                                              (., }) NI.

                            66    -.
                            h66   -fl3L
                                                                   _-+ suGFl

                            45 -

                            _9 -
                                                                                                                                                 * m-
                                                                                                                                                 ..ww t_SAl
                                                                                                                            '4.;   (
                                                                                                                                   A          1 _0

                                                  l. .

                lane                M          2  3   4 5 6
                Purification               NE NE PI IAf'finitv                                                                     (
                step                                           2

                                                                                                                                                                               Downloaded from http://mcb.asm.org/ on May 16, 2021 by guest
  FIG. 1. Protein profile of successive suGF1 purification steps.                                                                  AI
Nuclear extract (NE) (7 ,ul in lane 1 and 4 pul in lane 2); P11 pooled
active fractions (P11) (0.3 ml in lane 3); and 0.5 ml (lane 4), 0.9 ml
(lane 5), and 1.3 ml (lane 6) of pooled active fractions from the
poly(dG) * poly(dC) and first- and second-pass BS affinity columns,                                                       -:; (I
                                                                                                                                   .1.    -

respectively, were trichloroacetic acid precipitated and subjected to
SDS-10% PAGE and silver staining. Sizes (in thousands) of molec-
ular weight (MW) markers (lane M) are indicated on the left.
                                                                                                      FIG. 3. DNase I footprint with nuclear extracts and purified
                                                                                                    suGF1 over the G string of the H1-H4 fragment. Probe 1, end
                                                                                                    labeled on the Watson strand, was incubated without (lanes 4 and 5)
second matrix (BS affinity matrix) contained concatamers of                                         or with 6.5 p.g of 9-h nuclear extract (NE) (lane 3) or 6 ng of purified
a suGF1 site-specific oligo (His-wt) covalently coupled to                                          suGF1 (P) (lane 2) in EMSA buffer containing 175 mM KCI. Lane 1,
Sepharose CL-4B. The final purification step showed coelu-                                          a G-sequencing standard (G). The DNase I footprint is indicated by
tion of suGFl DNA-binding activity and a single band of 59.5                                        a bracket on the right, and the corresponding sequence is given on
kDa (standard deviation, 0.3 kDa) upon SDS-PAGE and                                                 the left (the numbering is relative to the main mRNA cap site [11]).
silver staining (data not shown and Fig. 1). The 59.5-kDa
protein generated the characteristic complexes Bi and B2 on
EMSA after excision of the band from the SDS-polyacryl-                                             strand, covering the sequence (GA)2(G)11A(G)3AG. A single
amide gel followed by renaturation (Fig. 2). Southwestern                                           DNase I footprint was also detected on the Crick strand at
(DNA-protein) blotting of the purified protein and probing                                          the same position (data not shown). We present elsewhere a
with the radiolabeled His-wt oligo in the presence of specific                                      detailed analysis of the purified suGF1-DNA interaction in
and nonspecific DNA competitors directly confirmed the                                              the H1-H4 intergenic region by methylation interference and
identity of the 59.5-kDa protein as suGF1 (data not shown).                                         footprinting with chemical and enzymatic probes (25).
  Purified suGF1 produced a DNase I footprint on the                                                   suGFl is implicated as a transcription factor. A G6 string in
H1-H4 G string identical to that produced by the impure                                             the promoter of the Lytechinus pictus cell lineage-specific
protein in nuclear extracts (Fig. 3). A single DNase I                                              gene LpSl,B has been shown to be a positive cis-regulatory
footprint was detected from -317 to -345 bp on the Watson                                           element (38). We synthesized 28-bp oligos containing the
                                                                                                    wild-type G string and flanking sequences from the L. pictus
                                                                                                    LpSl promoter (LpS-wt oligo) as well as oligos containing
                                                                                                    changes at the G string (see Materials and Methods). In
                                                                                                    EMSAs, the LpS-wt oligo competed well with probe 1 for
                                                                                                    binding to purified suGF1 (2.5-fold molar excess of oligo
                                                                                                    LpS-wt compared with equimolar oligo His-wt for 50%
                                                                                                    competition) (data not shown). LpS-mutl, which has the six
                                                                                                    Gs replaced with the sequence AGATAT, showed no com-
                 katec                        2   3      4             -8        9       1l         petition with a 100-fold molar excess) (data not shown).
                 C011tttCti0Tt         -     S    S      NS   NS   -   S     S   NS      NS         Mutating only the G string as in oligo LpS-mutl has been
           Foldtu        excr-s              l0 to 10         `0       10I   (       (   5
                                                                                                    previously shown to abolish cis activity in functional assays
   FIG. 2. Recovery of suGF1 sequence-specific DNA-binding ac-                                      (38). Changing the sequence G6C to the Spl site GGGCGGG
tivity from the 59.5-kDa SDS-PAGE band. Fractions recovered                                         as in the LpS-mut2 oligo resulted in a fivefold decrease in
from the denatured and renatured 59.5-kDa protein band by gel                                       suGF1 binding. EMSAs using the His-wt or the LpS-wt oligo
filtration were assayed for binding to probe 1 by EMSA. Aliquots (6                                 as a probe resulted in identical complexes with P. angulosus
,ul each) of the pooled active fractions eluted from the gel filtration                             nuclear extracts and purified suGF1 (complexes Cl and C2
column in the void volume (lanes 1 to 5) or 0.2 A.l of purified suGF1                               [Fig. 4]). We found the same developmental distribution of
of the same preparation that was initially loaded onto the SDS gel
(lanes 6 to 10) was incubated with end-labeled probe 1 and a                                        complexes Cl and C2 for the embryonic stages examined
competitor oligo in a modified EMSA buffer containing 0.025%                                        with the His-wt oligo as the probe as that for the LpS-wt
Nonidet P-40, 175 mM KCI, 60 ,ug of BSA per ml, and 1.2 puM ZnCl2                                   oligo (Fig. 4). By using gene fragment probe 1, complexes Bi
for 30 min at 4°C. The fold molar excesses of specific (S) (oligo                                   and B2 were detected by EMSA in 4-, 9-, 14-, and 24-hour
His-wt) and nonspecific (NS) (oligo Random) DNAs over probe 1                                       embryos as well as sperm nuclear extracts, whereas oocyte
are indicated. F, free probe 1; Bi and B2, suGF1-DNA complexes.                                     nuclear extracts exhibited only complex B2 (data not
1406      HAPGOOD AND PATTERTON                                                                                                     MOL. CELL. BIOL.

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   FIG. 4. Developmental distribution in P. angulosus extracts of                  FIG. 5. DNase I footprint with nuclear extracts over the pA_
G-string factors binding to the H1-H4 and LpS1 recognition sites.               globin G string. Chicken pA_globin fragments end labeled on either
EMSAs were performed in the absence of protein (lanes 4 and 10) or              the Watson (PstI-AvaI fragment) (lanes 1 to 6) or the Crick (HindIII-
in the presence of nuclear extracts (4 ,ug of protein) from 4- (lanes 5         BamHI fragment) (lanes 7 to 15) strand were incubated in the
and 11), 9- (lanes 6 and 12), 14- (lanes 7 and 13), and 24-h (lanes 8 and       absence (lanes 1, 2, and 11 to 13) or presence of 16 ,ug (lane 4), 32 p.g
14) embryos or purified suGF1 (0.6 ng) (lanes 9, 15, and 16), using             (lanes 3, 7, and 8), or 48 ,ug (lanes 9 and 10) of the 9-h embryo
the end-labeled His-wt oligo (lanes 4 to 9) or LpS-wt oligo (lanes 10           nuclear extract protein. G-sequencing standards are shown in lanes
to 16) as a probe. Lane 16, a shorter exposure of lane 15. For                  5, 6, 14, and 15. The DNase I concentrations were 3 p,g/pl (lanes 1
comparative purposes, the results of EMSAs with gene fragment                   to 4, 7 to 10, and 13) or 1.5 p.g/p.l (lanes 11 and 12). The base pair
probe 1 in the absence of protein (lane 1) and in the presence of pure          positions of each strand (relative to the main mRNA cap site) are
suGF1 (0.1 ng) (lane 2) or 14-h nuclear extract (0.4 pLg) (lane 3) are          indicated. Solid boxes, DNase I footprint; open box, weaker pro-
shown on the same gel. F, free probe; Cl and C2, suGF1-oligo                    tection.
complexes; Bi and B2, suGF1-probe 1 complexes. Half a nanogram
of probe 1 (20,000 cpm), the His-wt probe (18,000 cpm), or the
LpS-wt probe (45,000 cpm) was used per incubation. Note that the                translational frame occupied by an in vitro-positioned nucle-
apparent minor difference between relative suGF1 binding activities             osome (27) reveals that the suGF1 recognition site lies
for 14-h extracts with the two oligo probes (compare lanes 7 and 13)            entirely within and close to the dyad of the positioned
was not observed in several repeat experiments.                                 nucleosome. The binding site for BGP1 on the PA-globin
                                                                                promoter also occurs within an in vitro-positioned nucleo-
                                                                                some, although in this case the G string occurs near the
shown). We have consistently observed that EMSAs using                          border of the positioned nucleosome, where the DNA-
short oligos (about 30 bp) as probes result in more slowly                      histone interactions may be relatively weak (18). These
migrating and less well resolved doublets (Cl and C2 [Fig.                      results are summarized in Fig. 6. On the basis of these data,
4]) with suGF1 than those obtained with longer DNA frag-                        we propose that suGF1 may be functionally and structurally
ments (Bi and B2 [Fig. 4]). The slower-mobility doublets are                    related to BGP1.
most likely due to charge effects. The sequence specificity of
purified suGF1 for DNA sequences containing the LpS1
promoter G string and mutations thereof is the same as that                                             DISCUSSION
determined for a previously identified ectoderm G-string                          Biochemical and DNA-binding properties of suGF1. We
factor (38). This factor was detected in nuclear extracts from                  have purified an oligo(dG) oligo(dC)-binding protein
the ectoderm as well as the gastrula and blastula stages of L.                  (suGF1) to near homogeneity from sea urchin embryos by
pictus embryos as a slow-mobility doublet in EMSAs with                         sequence-specific DNA affinity chromatography. From sil-
gene fragments containing the LpS1 G string (38). Our data                      ver-stained gels, the purity of the final preparation is esti-
strongly suggest that suGF1 is the P. angulosus homolog of                      mated to be at least 85%. Our results strongly suggest that
the L. pictus ectoderm G-string factor.                                         the same protein (suGF1) is involved in two sequence-
   suGFl may be related to a chicken G-string factor. A                         specific protein-DNA complexes resolved by EMSA. Bi and
chicken G-string factor, BGP1, has been shown to bind in                        B2 in the same relative proportions were reproducibly
vitro to a G string upstream of the chicken 3A-globin gene (7,                  detected by EMSAs with nuclear extracts and with purified
22, 28). Competitive EMSAs showed that suGF1 in 9-h sea                         suGF1 as well as after renaturation of DNA-binding activity
urchin nuclear extracts binds to 3A-globin G-string-contain-                    from a single protein band (59.5 kDa) on an SDS-polyacryl-
ing DNA fragments with a relative affinity similar to that                      amide gel. We could not detect any difference between the
with which it binds to the sea urchin histone gene fragment                     DNA-binding specificity of Bi and that of B2 by EMSA
 (data not shown). suGF1 binding resulted in a footprint on                     using several DNA competitors. No evidence could be found
 the 3A-globin gene fragment (Fig. 5) that was virtually                        for differential phosphorylation or RNA association for the
 identical to that obtained with BGP1. A comparison of the                      proteins in Bi and B2 (data not shown). The cause of the
 DNA base pairs protected in the DNase I footprint by suGF1                     presence of the two complexes in EMSA is, however, not
 on the H1-H4 gene fragment with the previously determined                      known.
VOL. 14, 1994                                               G-STRING FACTORS IN DEVELOPMENTAL GENE REGULATION                      1407

   A            sea   urchin H1-H4                                      nuclear extracts containing suGF1 over the G string in the
                                                                        BA-globin promoter is indistinguishable from that obtained on
   -410                                          -370
                                                                        this gene fragment with chicken erythrocyte nuclear extracts
                                                                        (7, 28). There are indications that BGP1 and suGF1 may differ
                                                                        in some respects. While BGP1 was shown to have a minimum
       -350                                        -310                 requirement for seven Gs for sequence-specific DNA binding
                                                                        (4), we have found that suGF1 can recognize the sequence
                                          ~~~~~*                        G6C. It is not possible with the available data to deduce
          -290                 -270
                                                                        whether these results reflect a difference between the DNA-
    GTTAA TGAACTTTTC ATCTCATCGA CTGCGCGTGT ATA"    GGATGA TTATAAGCTT    binding specificities of BGP1 and suGF1. BGP1 was shown to
                                                                        require the presence of Zn2+ for DNA binding (22), whereas
                                                                        we were unable to show a Zn2+ requirement for suGF1 (25).
                                                                        This may reflect differences between the structures of the two
   B            chicken E_A-globin                                      proteins or may reflect differences between the experimental
                                                                           While BGP1 appears to be a tissue- and developmental-

                                                                                                                                           Downloaded from http://mcb.asm.org/ on May 16, 2021 by guest
   -220                                                 *   **   -166

    ATAGAGCTGC AGAG CTGGGA ATCGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGGG GCGGGTGGTG GTGTGGC     stage-specific chicken factor (22), suGF1 may have a more
    TATCTCGACG TCAC LGACCCT TAGCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCC CGCCCACCAC CACACCG    general distribution in the sea urchin embryo. We were
                                                                        unable to detect any qualitative differences by EMSA or
                             -140                             -110      DNase I footprinting between suGF1 DNA-binding activities
    GTG CCTAGACCCG TGGAACQGGA CTCGGGGTOG GACTACGQCG CAAGGGA-GG GGCCC    for different embryonic stages. Quantitation of G-string
                                                                        binding activity by EMSA revealed that the variation be-
    GTGCC AAGGCTGG GCCCCTCCGG AGATGCAGCC ATTGCCG        G TGCCCGGGGA    tween different batches of extract of the same developmental
    CACOG TTCCQACCCC CGGGGAGGCC TCTACGTCGG TTA CQCCC   c  ACGGCCCCT     stage was as great as the variation between different stages
                                                                        (two- to fourfold). Accurate comparative quantitation of
  FIG. 6. Summary of suGF1 and BGP1 DNase I protection and              suGF1 expression, concentration, and activity at different
nucleosome positioning over sea urchin H1-H4 (A) and chicken            developmental stages can most likely be assessed only by
 3A-globin (B) genes. The footprints obtained by others with BGP1
are indicated (small asterisks) above (Watson strand) and below
                                                                        cDNA or antibody probes and functional assays other than
(Crick strand) the sequence. The footprints obtained by us with         DNA binding.
suGF1 are indicated by solid (strong protection) and dashed (weak          suGF1 is most likely the P. angulosus homolog of the L.
protection) lines above (Watson strand) and below (Crick strand) the    pictus ectoderm G-string factor, on the basis of their indis-
sequences. The borders of a positioned nucleosome (brackets) and        tinguishable DNA target site specificities and the distribu-
the position of the dyad (large asterisk) are indicated. Base pair      tions of DNA-binding activity with the His-wt and LpS-wt
numbering is relative to the cap site.                                  oligos for the different embryonic stages we examined. In
                                                                        addition, we report elsewhere that the optimal ionic strength
                                                                        for DNA binding and the insensitivity of binding to exoge-
  Although the EMSA competition results do not allow us to              nous EDTA is the same for suGF1 (25) as that reported for
define precisely the minimum requirements for specific DNA              the ectoderm G-string factor (38).
binding of suGF1, several deductions can be made. All the                  A possible biological role for suGFl and G-string factors
competition results, except that with the LpS-wt oligo, are             involving alterations in chromatin structure. We have shown
consistent with a requirement for specific binding of at least          that suGF1 has a DNA-binding specificity similar to those of
two triplets of Gs interrupted by a single base pair. How-              several factors which recognize G-rich sequences within the
ever, the LpS-wt oligo containing the sequence (G)6C is also            context of pur. pyr stretches upstream of genes (6, 9, 12, 24,
a specific high-affinity binding site for suGF1, showing that           29, 34). In addition, several of these factors have been
suGF1 can bind to a G string of as few as six Gs. Tentative             implicated in gene regulation via alterations in chromatin
consensus sites may be defined as GGGNGGG or GGGGG                      structure within the pur- pyr region (see the introduction).
GC, although it is possible that G-rich flanking regions are            While the role of G strings in sea urchin histone gene
also necessary and that further degeneracy within the con-              regulation has not been directly investigated in functional
sensus sequences is allowed.                                            studies, there is evidence for a role of G strings in transcrip-
   The size and/or DNA-binding properties of suGF1 distin-              tional regulation of several unrelated genes in the sea urchin
guish it from several factors shown to bind to G-rich recog-            embryo (38). Several lines of evidence indicate that suGFl
nition sites. Factors Spl (16), CTCF (23), and H4TF-1 (5)               may be involved in regulation of expression of the sea urchin
have DNA recognition sites that are similar to those of suGF1            histone gene battery by a mechanism similar to that pro-
but have been shown to be proteins larger than 100 kDa.                 posed for BGP1 and chicken 3A'-globin gene eXpression (22).
Other factors implicated in human c-myc gene regulation                 Alterations in chromatin structure in the A -globin gene
appear to differ from suGFl in that they do not result in a              have been mapped to the G-string region and correlate with
DNase I footprint on their G-rich recognition site (factor PuF          the tissue-specific expression of the gene (13). Major alter-
[29]) or are associated with RNA (factor NSE [6]). The                   ations in chromatin structure have been found to correlate
biochemical and DNA-binding properties of suGF1 are re-                 with the developmental temporal expression pattern of the
markably similar to those of BGP1, the chicken factor impli-             sea urchin early histone genes (37). However, a detailed
cated in PA-globin gene expression (4, 22). BGP1 has been                analysis of the developmental change in chromatin structure
partially purified from chicken erythrocyte nuclear extracts             at the G string in the H1-H4 intergenic region of the P.
(22). The molecular weights of BGP1 and suGF1 differ only by            miliaris gene battery has not been done. We have no direct
approximately 7 kDa, although it should be noted that it is not          evidence for a biological role for suGF1 or the H1-H4 G
known which of several bands in the 66- to 67-kDa region is              string. This is also the case for BGP1 and the pA_globin G
BGP1 (22). The DNase I footprint obtained with sea urchin                string. Deletion of the G string has no effect on transcription
1408       HAPGOOD AND PATI7ERTON                                                                                             MOL. CELL. BIOL.

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