Rationale and Design of the National Neuropsychology Network

Page created by Leon Patterson
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society (2022), 28, 1–11
               Copyright © INS. Published by Cambridge University Press, 2021.

               Rationale and Design of the National Neuropsychology Network

               David W. Loring1,2   Russell M. Bauer3,4, Lucia Cavanagh5, Daniel L. Drane1,2, Kristen D. Enriquez5, Steven P. Reise6,
               KuoChung Shih , Laura Glass Umfleet7 , Dustin Wahlstrom8, Fiona Whelan5, Keith F. Widaman9
                                                                                                                and Robert M. Bilder5,
               for the NNN Study Group*
                Department of Neurology, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA 30329, USA
                Department of Pediatrics, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA 30322, USA
                Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32610, USA
                Brain Rehabilitation Research Center, Malcom Randall VAMC, Gainesville, FL 32610, USA
                Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90024, USA
                Department of Psychology, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA
                Department of Neurology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI 53226, USA
                Pearson Clinical Assessment, San Antonio, TX 78259, USA
                Graduate School of Education, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521, USA

               (RECEIVED August 3, 2020; FINAL      REVISION   December 9, 2020; ACCEPTED January 13, 2021; FIRST PUBLISHED ONLINE March 4, 2021)

               Objective. The National Neuropsychology Network (NNN) is a multicenter clinical research initiative funded by the
               National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH; R01 MH118514) to facilitate neuropsychology’s transition to contemporary
               psychometric assessment methods with resultant improvement in test validation and assessment efficiency. Method:
               The NNN includes four clinical research sites (Emory University; Medical College of Wisconsin; University of
               California, Los Angeles (UCLA); University of Florida) and Pearson Clinical Assessment. Pearson Q-interactive (Q-i) is
               used for data capture for Pearson published tests; web-based data capture tools programmed by UCLA, which serves as
               the Coordinating Center, are employed for remaining measures. Results: NNN is acquiring item-level data from 500–
               10,000 patients across 47 widely used Neuropsychology (NP) tests and sharing these data via the NIMH Data Archive.
               Modern psychometric methods (e.g., item response theory) will specify the constructs measured by different tests and
               determine their positive/negative predictive power regarding diagnostic outcomes and relationships to other clinical,
               historical, and demographic factors. The Structured History Protocol for NP (SHiP-NP) helps standardize acquisition of
               relevant history and self-report data. Conclusions: NNN is a proof-of-principle collaboration: by addressing logistical
               challenges, NNN aims to engage other clinics to create a national and ultimately an international network. The mature
               NNN will provide mechanisms for data aggregation enabling shared analysis and collaborative research. NNN promises
               ultimately to enable robust diagnostic inferences about neuropsychological test patterns and to promote the validation of
               novel adaptive assessment strategies that will be more efficient, more precise, and more sensitive to clinical contexts and
               individual/cultural differences.
               Keywords: Collaborative neuropsychology, Psychological tests, Clinical decision-making, Modern psychometric methods

               INTRODUCTION                                                                             Boake, 2000). Transition to newer methods that leverage
                                                                                                        the multiple advantages of computer-assisted testing has been
               Neuropsychological practice typically involves manual admin-
                                                                                                        limited despite a recognized need for method modernization
               istration of paper and pencil tests using methods and techniques
                                                                                                        (Marcopulos & Lojek, 2019) and despite the interest in
               developed during the mid-20th century, with some tests having
                                                                                                        computer-assisted testing associated with telehealth spawned
               historical roots in the 19th century (Bilder & Reise, 2019;
                                                                                                        by COVID-19 pandemic (Bilder et al., 2020a, 2020b; Hewitt,
                                                                                                        Rodgin, Loring, Pritchard, & Jacobson, 2020; Postal et al.,
                   Correspondence and reprint requests to: D.W. Loring, Emory Brain                     2020). Many computerized neuropsychological tests were
               Health Center, 12 Executive Park, Atlanta, GA 30329, USA. E-mail:
               dloring@emory.edu                                                                        designed to generate results comparable to their paper and
                   *NNN Study Group Members: Russell M. Bauer, Robert M. Bilder,                        pencil counterparts and are direct adaptions of those measures
               Lucia Cavanagh, Daniel L. Drane, Kristen Enriquez, Felicia C. Goldstein,                 (e.g., Wisconsin Card Sorting Test). Although multiple
               Jude Henry. Kelsey C. Hewitt, David W. Loring, Stephen P. Reise, Kuo
               Chung Shih, Catherine Sugar, Sean Turner, Laura Glass Umfleet, Dustin                    assessment protocols have been developed specifically for com-
               Wahlstrom, Keith F. Widaman, Patricia Walshaw, Fiona Whelan.                             puterized testing (e.g., CNS Vital Signs, Cogstate, CANTAB),
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2                                                                                                                                                D.W. Loring et al.

           most of these procedures do not fully satisfy published standards                        Manly, Smith, Seeman, & Lachman, 2017). Such analyses will
           for computerized testing (Bauer et al., 2012). More importantly,                         determine empirically if items and tests function similarly
           newer measures have not been optimized by applying advanced                              across different groups, and thus suggest ways to revise mea-
           psychometric techniques to enhance test validity, increase effi-                         sures and propose new methods that would address these
           ciency, guide differential diagnoses, or suggest appropriate                             biases.
           recommendations.                                                                             Although the need for neuropsychological test moderniza-
               Neuropsychology is criticized because of its lengthy test-                           tion has long been recognized, clinicians are comfortable with
           ing sessions (Teng & Manly, 2005), which particularly dis-                               existing measures and often reluctant to embrace new assess-
           advantage patients at-risk for fatigue (e.g., Parkinson’s                                ment methods. Consequently, NNN adopted an incremental
           disease, multiple sclerosis). Lengthy assessment protocols                               approach to influence test usage starting with the “usual sus-
           further limit neuropsychology access because fewer patients                              pects” (Curtiz, 1942) to characterize how legacy measures
           can be tested each day, and long appointment wait times pre-                             perform in tightly characterized clinical environments, and
           clude timely evaluations which detracts from efficient patient                           then based on initial analyses, make recommendations for test
           management. Clinical test validation has also been con-                                  modification and novel assessment method development.
           strained by diagnostic criteria variability and selection biases                         The initial NNN database thus includes standard neuro-
           associated with samples of convenience in which the base                                 psychological measures that are currently in widespread
           rates of performance patterns are unknown (Pawlowski,                                    use (Rabin et al., 2016). Although most Neuropsychology
           Segabinazi, Wagner, & Bandeira, 2013). Thus, many “rules                                 (NP) tests have either some psychometric or clinical valida-
           of thumb” for diagnostic decision-making are insufficiently                              tion, few data exist on how tests perform when combined with
           validated across the spectrum of clinical conditions that                                other cognitive measures. The analytic approach used by
           may be referred for neuropsychological evaluation (Chaytor &                             NNN will address: a) how do neuropsychological test find-
           Schmitter-Edgecombe, 2003; Duff, Suhrie, Dalley, Anderson,                               ings, individually and in combination, provide unique infor-
           & Hoffman, 2019; Hoogland et al., 2018; Raspall et al., 2005).                           mation to establish an accurate post-assessment diagnosis
               The National Neuropsychology Network (NNN) is a mul-                                 (i.e., new information not present with pre-examination/
           ticenter clinical research initiative funded by the National                             referral diagnosis but which influences final diagnostic char-
           Institute of Mental Health (NIMH; R01 MH118514). NNN                                     acterization); and b) what specific test items within estab-
           was designed to facilitate neuropsychology’s transition to                               lished measures are especially informative (or not) in this
           contemporary psychometric assessment methods with result-                                process. Following successful item-level analyses of existing
           ant improvement in clinical test validation. Although pre-                               neuropsychological measures, we will gradually implement
           vious collaborations have been successful in generating                                  cross-network data collection from a limited number of novel
           important clinical research findings (e.g., Bozeman                                      or experimental tests that have been developed using voice,
           Epilepsy Consortium; Loring, 2010), the absence of indepen-                              video, and other unique formats. As additional sites are added
           dent funding does not permit infrastructure development                                  to NNN, rapid collection of validation data for newly fash-
           essential for uniform data acquisition and quality control                               ioned measures will be facilitated through the participation
           nor support expertise in advanced psychometrics and test                                 of multiple clinical sites.
           construction. The NIMH is supporting a 5-year award                                          NNN has three specific aims: (1) establish network infra-
           (2019–2024) to achieve these objectives using the Multiple                               structure; (2) data collection and deposit; and (3) data analy-
           Program Director/Principal Investigator (PI) option (overall                             ses (see Supplemental Material for grant proposal specific
           PI: Robert M. Bilder; Clinical Site PIs: Russell M. Bauer,                               aims). Creating appropriate network infrastructure is critical
           Daniel L. Drane, David W. Loring, Laura Glass Umfleet;                                   not only for project execution but also to provide the founda-
           Non-clinical Site PI: Dustin Wahlstrom).                                                 tion for NNN expansion to new clinical sites that will permit
               The NNN collects item-level data on multiple neuro-                                  data capture from larger and more diverse clinical settings.
           psychological measures to identify the most informative                                  Included in infrastructure development is implementation
           items that characterize relevant neurocognitive constructs.                              of the Pearson Q-interactive (Q-i) system across existing
           Item-level analysis enables more efficient assessment methods                            NNN sites, and design and development of point-of-testing
           to be developed by applying modern psychometric analyses                                 digital response capture of individual item responses for
           that either eliminate redundancies or specify adaptive strategies                        non-Q-i measures. Item-level data including response times
           to efficiently answer diagnostic questions. Derived results are                          are contributed to the NIMH Data Archive (NDA) and will
           then used to establish robust estimates of positive and negative                         comprise the largest single source of NP data at the item-
           predictive within relevant neurobehavioral domains and will                              level, broadly facilitating data analyses beyond the bounda-
           also be rigorously characterized psychometrically and sub-                               ries of the NNN project.
           jected to robust clinical validation to establish their incremental                          The NDA was developed by NIMH to promote open
           diagnostic validity over conventional approaches. NNN data                               access and promote data sharing to accelerate scientific
           will also be analyzed using differential item functioning and                            progress (see https://nda.nih.gov/about/about-us.html).
           differential test function to characterize and reduce inequities                         Originally developed to support autism research, the NDA in-
           due to racial, ethnic, linguistic, and economic factors that may                         tegrates several existing data repositories including the
           influence neuropsychological test performance (Zahodne,                                  National Database for Autism Research (NDAR), the

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National Neuropsychology Network                                                                                                                                         3

               Research Domain Criteria Database (RdoCdb), the National                                 Observational Responses). Agreements to program data-
               Database for Clinical Trials related to Mental Illness (NDCT),                           entry applications have been executed with test publishers
               and the NIH Pediatric MRI Repository (PedsMRI). By plac-                                 permitting appropriate per-use royalty payment for clinical test
               ing data in the NDA, NNN data are available to researchers                               usage. Pearson Clinical Assessment is providing Q-i use for the
               worldwide facilitating additional independent analyses of                                NNN initiative as part of the research collaboration with sup-
               archived NNN material. Many papers already have emanated                                 port from NIMH. Neuropsychological tests included in NNN
               from archival NDA data (e.g., Human Connectome Project,                                  are listed in Table 1.
               ABCD datasets) and we anticipate that NNN data will con-
               tribute to a similar trajectory of archival data analysis.
                                                                                                        STRUCTURED HISTORY PROTOCOL FOR
                                                                                                        NEUROPSYCHOLOGY AND OTHER
               NNN NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL TEST                                                              COMMON DATA ELEMENTS
                                                                                                        The Structured History Protocol for Neuropsychology
               Data are obtained from the most frequently administered                                  (SHiP-NP) is a standardized history protocol developed to
               neuropsychological tests and are representative of national                              harmonize clinical data collection across NNN sites including
               assessment trends (Rabin, Paolillo, & Barr, 2016). The clini-                            demographics, medication use, and medical/psychiatric
               cal sites (Emory University, Medical College of Wisconsin,                               history to facilitate data analysis. Demographic data elements
               University of Florida, and UCLA) were selected since they                                are based on the PhenX Toolkit project (Hamilton et al., 2011),
               represent geographic diversity, are nationally recognized pro-                           which developed consensus measures for “Phenotypes and
               grams, involve multiple board-certified clinical faculty, and                            eXposures” that include age, race, ethnicity, sex, gender,
               have established track records of collaborative clinical                                 marital status, educational attainment, annual family income,
               research. Several NNN investigators have also been involved                              and child-reported parental educational attainment. Medical
               in formal test development initiatives, learning the difficult                           history, family history, and concomitant medications are
               lesson that funding, infrastructure, and dedicated/protected                             recorded based on the NINDS Common Data Elements
               research time are essential elements for project success.                                (CDE) conventions (Grinnon et al., 2012), and medications
               These institutions provide neuropsychology training at the                               associated with increased risks for adverse cognitive effects
               practicum, internship, doctoral, and postdoctoral levels and                             (e.g., narcotics, benzodiazepines, anticholinergics, sedatives/
               are well-positioned to influence practices and expectations                              hypnotics, and selected anti-seizure medications) are high-
               of emerging neuropsychologists. Clinical sites are expected                              lighted. The SHiP-NP includes a standardized assessment
               to enroll more than 10,000 participants spanning diverse                                 of potential influences on neuropsychological performance
               neuropsychiatric and neurologic diseases/syndromes and to                                including developmental history, academic performance,
               compile item-level data on 500þ clinical cases for nearly                                legal and military history, mental health treatment, and social
               50 common neuropsychological measures during its 5-year                                  health determinants (e.g., financial strain). Appropriate
               NIMH funding period.                                                                     follow-up questions are available for specific medical condi-
                   The NNN established a formal collaborative relationship                              tions (e.g., epilepsy, traumatic brain injury, stroke, cancer) to
               with Pearson Clinical Assessment, the publisher of many                                  characterize symptom presentation, duration, and treatment
               of the most widely used NP tests (Rabin et al., 2016). The                               history. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, novel coro-
               NNN leadership plan includes Pearson in all project discus-                              navirus exposure and associated distress queries were added
               sions although Pearson does not have voting rights in the gov-                           that were obtained from the Montreal Behavioral Medicine
               erning board, which consists of leaders of the four clinical                             Centre (https://mbmc-cmcm.ca/covid19/; Lavoie & Bacon,
               sites and an independent external advisor (Robert Heaton).                               2020). Additional clinical CDEs are linked to the SHiP-NP
               The Pearson Q-i platform captures item-level responses on                                (see section below: Clinical Interview).
               Pearson tests including measures of general cognition                                        The SHiP-NP is designed for online completion prior to
               (Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition, WAIS-                                 the clinical appointment via a secure website hosted by
               IV), memory (Wechsler Memory Scale-Fourth Edition;                                       SI-Stat, although a paper and pencil SHiP-NP version can
               California Verbal Learning Test-Third Edition), executive                                be used by patients without internet access. The SHiP-NP
               function (Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System), and                                   relies on branching logic and forced response options to
               brief neuropsychological assessment screening (Repeatable                                gather relevant information while minimizing overall assess-
               Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status).                                ment burden. SHiP-NP data are collected and stored securely
               The Q-i platform employs iPads for both stimulus presenta-                               on a secure UCLA Si-Stat server without Protected Health
               tion and examiner recording of responses.                                                Information (PHI), which is available only to patients and
                   Because non-Pearson tests (e.g., Boston Naming Test)                                 their clinicians. The SHiP-NP generates patient data sheets
               lacked a point-of-testing data entry platform, the UCLA                                  and narrative history text files that can be modified for each
               Semel Institute Biostatistics Core (SI-Stat) developed web-                              clinical site and which are easily integrated into clinical
               based data capture applications for these measures                                       reports. For patients unwilling or unable to complete the
               (SAILOR - System for Acquisition of Item Level and                                       SHiP-NP, NNN sites collect a minimal demographic dataset

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4                                                                                                                                                D.W. Loring et al.

                         Table 1. Measures being obtained as part of the National Neuropsychology Network

                         Battery or domain                                       Test
                         Achievement                                             Wechsler Individual Achievement Test Second Edition
                         D-KEFS                                                  Color-Word Interference Test
                         D-KEFS                                                  Design Fluency Test
                         D-KEFS                                                  Trail Making Test
                         D-KEFS                                                  Verbal Fluency Test
                         Executive                                               Symbol Digit Modalities Test
                         Executive                                               Wisconsin Card Sorting Test
                         General                                                 ACS-Test of Premorbid Function
                         General                                                 Montreal Cognitive Assessment
                         General                                                 Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status*
                         General                                                 SHiP-NP (PhenX Toolkit)
                         Language                                                Boston Naming Test
                         Language                                                Columbia Auditory Naming Test
                         Language                                                Emory Semantic Fluency Paradigm
                         Memory                                                  California Verbal Learning Test-3 Standard Form
                         Memory                                                  California Verbal Learning Test Alternate Form
                         Memory                                                  California Verbal Learning Test Brief Form
                         Memory                                                  Brief Visual Memory Test-Revised
                         Memory                                                  Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-Revised
                         Memory                                                  Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test
                         Memory                                                  Rey Complex Figure Test
                         Motor                                                   Finger Tapping Test
                         Motor                                                   Grooved Pegboard Test
                         PVT                                                     Medical Symptom Validity Test
                         PVT                                                     Test of Memory Malingering
                         PVT                                                     Word Memory Test
                         Symptom                                                 Beck Anxiety Inventory
                         Symptom                                                 Beck Depression Inventory-II
                         Visuospatial                                            Facial Recognition Test
                         Visuospatial                                            Judgment of Line Orientation
                         WAIS-IV                                                 Arithmetic
                         WAIS-IV                                                 Block Design
                         WAIS-IV                                                 Coding
                         WAIS-IV                                                 Comprehension
                         WAIS-IV                                                 Digit Span
                         WAIS-IV                                                 Information
                         WAIS-IV                                                 Letter-Number Sequencing
                         WAIS-IV                                                 Matrix Reasoning
                         WAIS-IV                                                 Picture Completion
                         WAIS-IV                                                 Similarities
                         WAIS-IV                                                 Symbol Search
                         WAIS-IV                                                 Visual Puzzles
                         WAIS-IV                                                 Vocabulary
                         WMS-IV                                                  Design Memory I
                         WMS-IV                                                  Design Memory I – Older Adults
                         WMS-IV                                                  Design Memory II
                         WMS-IV                                                  Design Memory II – Older Adults
                         WMS-IV                                                  Logical Memory I
                         WMS-IV                                                  Logical Memory I – Older Adults
                         WMS-IV                                                  Logical Memory II
                         WMS-IV                                                  Logical Memory II – Older Adults
                         WMS-IV                                                  Verbal Paired Associates I
                         WMS-IV                                                  Verbal Paired Associates I – Older Adults
                         WMS-IV                                                  Verbal Paired Associates II
                         WMS-IV                                                  Verbal Paired Associates II – Older Adults
                         WMS-IV                                                  Visual Reproduction
                         WMS-IV                                                  Visual Reproduction – Older Adults

                         *Selected RBANS subtests administered after TeleNP implementation due to COVID-19 pandemic.

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National Neuropsychology Network                                                                                                                                         5

               including age, gender, education, and handedness, with secon-                            across our network to reach 10,000 cases total in the database.
               dary questions documenting marital status, employment, and                               Soon after starting enrollment on 31 July, 2019, we reached
               languages spoken other than English. The first 135 patients                              this weekly enrollment target. We experienced a sudden drop
               completing the SHiP-NP spent approximately 22 min complet-                               in recruitment in March 2020 at the onset of the COVID-19
               ing the form (Mdn = 22.4 min; range = 4.4–56.0 min).                                     pandemic, but our clinics have subsequently developed new
                                                                                                        models of practice and we have again returned to target
                                                                                                        recruitment levels, expecting to further increase recruitment
               MILESTONES ACHIEVED DURING THE                                                           (see Supplemental Figures 1a and 1b). Participant character-
               INITIAL PROJECT PERIOD                                                                   istics are provided in Supplemental Table 1.
               The initial project months (March 2019–August 2019) were
               dedicated to logistical problem-solving associated with col-
                                                                                                        TRAINING AND QUALITY CONTROL
               laboration across sites using different models of clinical ser-
               vice delivery and addressed training and quality control, data                           Each site has a quality control officer, and each person per-
               capture, and options for obtaining participants’ consent.                                forming NNN assessments is certified at both the test admin-
               Although NNN uses the SMART IRB National IRB reliance                                    istration and Q-i assessment interface levels. The NNN has a
               system, it was still necessary to obtain agreement from site                             library of training materials, with support from Pearson
               IRBs prior to beginning subject enrollment. The Q-i platform                             Clinical Assessment for Q-i training tools, and the NNN
               allows individual item data capture for Pearson tests; how-                              maintains a database documenting training outcomes for all
               ever, it was necessary during project start-up to develop indi-                          personnel involved in data collection.
               vidual item data capture for non-Q-i measures and to establish
               appropriate mechanisms for data transfer to the NDA.
                                                                                                        DATA ACQUISITION, STORAGE,
                                                                                                        AND TRANSFER
                                                                                                        NNN protocols transmit only data without PHI to Pearson
               UCLA serves as the IRB of Record, with all participating                                 Clinical Assessment, and data received back from Pearson
               sites relying on the SMART IRB agreement (NIH’s                                          or SI-Stat are based upon assigned study ID. Thus, each site
               National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences                                     is responsible for creating linking tables to connect NNN
               (NCATS) Streamlined, Multi-site, Accelerated Resource                                    study number to other identifiers in their own clinical records.
               for Trials (SMART) IRB Reliance Platform). Future NNN                                    Q-i data transmitted to Pearson Clinical Assessments are
               sites will be able to sign on to SMART IRB and join this                                 tagged based upon site-specific logins with deidentified
               agreement, and if ineligible for SMART IRB, an alternative                               patient data, which are also how data are transferred and
               appropriate IRB agreement will be negotiated. This process                               stored in the Pearson database and subsequently shared with
               coordinates, collects, and verifies information including:                               the NDA. Pearson executes their usual workflow to score the
               (a) local context; (b) site variations in areas such as recruiting,                      obtained information, creating data files for the sending site
               informed consent, HIPAA, populations; (c) conflict of inter-                             as is their usual reporting standard on Q-i. In parallel, Pearson
               est disclosure and management; (d) completion of ancillary                               sends complete data, including all trial timing and individual
               reviews; (e) training and qualifications of study team; (f) con-                         response selection variables, to the NDA. The test results and
               tinuing review or closure information; and (g) reportable                                normative information generated by Pearson are provided
               events such as protocol deviations or adverse reactions. In                              back to the clinic sites in an Excel spreadsheet which facili-
               response to the 2020 COVID-19 outbreak and the emergence                                 tates preparation of the formal clinical report, a process that
               of telehealth, NNN was first granted IRB approval to obtain                              typically takes less than 30 min after data transmission to
               verbal informed consent for study participation. Given the                               Pearson. UCLA Si-Stat is responsible for data aggregation
               negligible risks to patients of participation in the NNN, that                           with non-Q-i measures and for transfer to the NDA. We con-
               clinical practice remains unchanged, and that no PHI is                                  tinue to resolve issues related to the highly specific data ele-
               included, we applied and received approval for a waiver of                               ments that are enabled by the Q-i outputs, which include not
               informed consent from the UCLA IRB. With consent waiver,                                 only item-by-item scores and timings but also individual
               participants are assigned a random number (i.e., pseudo-                                 examiner annotations as image files (e.g., locations of each
               GUID) to identify subjects as distinct study participants                                block in individual block designs). The complete data dic-
               but which avoids use of PHI for data sharing with Pearson                                tionary will be accessible on our website and from the NDA.
               Clinical Assessment, UCLA, and the NDA.

                                                                                                        CLINICAL INTERVIEW
                                                                                                        The NNN has adopted conventions for data collection for
               All adult English-speaking patients referred for neuropsycho-                            contemporary diagnostic and clinical status information
               logical evaluation are considered potential NNN participants.                            while allowing individual clinicians to conduct inter-
               We initially aimed to enroll approximately 50 cases weekly                               views following their current practices. While diagnostic

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6                                                                                                                                                D.W. Loring et al.

           assessments will vary, specification of both pre-assessment                              DATA ANALYSES
           and post-assessment diagnoses follows ICD-10-CM and is
                                                                                                    Initial NNN analyses will apply item response theory (IRT) to
           harmonized with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
                                                                                                    define more precisely the constructs measured by each test
           Mental Disorders, 5th Edition (DSM-5) codes for psychiatric
                                                                                                    and how these constructs can be assessed more efficiently.
           disorders. The same online platform developed for the SHiP-
                                                                                                    Most IRT models are expected to be unidimensional, although
           NP is used to acquire other CDEs including multiple dimen-
                                                                                                    multidimensional IRT (mIRT) models will be explored as
           sional self-report rating scales. These CDEs were recom-
                                                                                                    appropriate. Following dimensionality determination, effi-
           mended by an NIMH workgroup (Barch et al., 2016) and
                                                                                                    ciency optimization will be explored by specifying fixed short
           include the DSM-5 Level 1 Cross-Cutting Symptom
                                                                                                    forms, computerized adaptive tests (CATs), or multidimen-
           measure, a 23-item self-report that assesses 13 domains
                                                                                                    sional adaptive tests. IRT application has led to efficiency
           (depression, irritability, anxiety, mania, somatic symptoms,
                                                                                                    gains of 50–95% relative to conventional method for many
           suicidality, psychotic symptoms, insomnia, memory prob-
                                                                                                    measures (Choi, Reise, Pilkonis, Hays, & Cella, 2010;
           lems, compulsions, derealization/depersonalization, person-
                                                                                                    Gibbons et al., 2008; Moore et al., 2015). IRT can also char-
           ality functioning, and substance use disorders) (Available
                                                                                                    acterize the same construct using different item sets, which is
           at: https://www.psychiatry.org/psychiatrists/practice/dsm/
                                                                                                    particularly useful in longitudinal assessments to ensure that
           educational-resources/assessment-measures). Participants
                                                                                                    inclusion of a newly derived measure is back-compatible with
           who screen positive on the Level 1 assessment also receive
                                                                                                    earlier test versions that may have been used in previous test-
           the relevant DSM-5 Level 2 measures, which include the
                                                                                                    ing, and to enable repeated measurement without using previ-
           Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information
                                                                                                    ously exposed items.
           System (PROMIS) short-forms for Depression, Anxiety,
                                                                                                        As a proof of principle demonstration that modern psycho-
           Anger, and Sleep Problems and self-report ratings of
                                                                                                    metric methods applied to existing measures can improve test
           Mania, Substance Use, Repetitive Thoughts and Behaviors,
                                                                                                    efficiency, we applied IRT to WAIS-IV Matrix Reasoning
           and Somatic Symptoms. Finally, there is a Clinician-Rated
                                                                                                    (MR) data in a group of 549 NNN participants (Reise
           Dimensions of Psychosis Symptom Severity because this
                                                                                                    et al., 2021). The mean MR raw score was 15.4 (SD = 5.6)
           domain was determined to be unreliable by self-report.
                                                                                                    and the mean MR scaled score was 9.9 (SD = 3.2), similar
           Many patients with neurologic referral diagnoses are not
                                                                                                    to the standardization sample. The first five MR items were
           expected to screen positive on the Level 1 assessment,
                                                                                                    completed without error by 97% of the subjects, adding little
           although this screening will permit detailed characterization
                                                                                                    to the measurement of the MR latent trait. The most difficult
           of psychiatric comorbidities in chronic neurologic diseases
                                                                                                    MR items also contributed little information at ability levels
           such as epilepsy or multiple sclerosis or degenerative condi-
                                                                                                    greater than 1.5 SD above the test mean. Finally, there was
           tions such as Alzheimer’s disease or Parkinson’s disease.
                                                                                                    considerable overlap in item information across the remain-
                                                                                                    ing MR items suggesting that a short form or adaptive version
                                                                                                    of MR could provide results with precision comparable to the
                                                                                                    full MR subtest. Using the standard administration start and
           FUNCTIONING AND DISABILITY                                                               stop rules, more than half of our sample (282/549 or 51%)
           Disability ratings are provided by the 36-item self- and                                 were administered 23/26 MR items to obtain their total score.
           informant-reported World Health Organization Disability                                  In contrast, a simulated CAT with only 10 MR items was
           Assessment Schedule 2.0 (WHO-DAS 2.0; available at:                                      almost perfectly correlated with the ability level estimated
           https://www.who.int/classifications/icf/whodasdownloads/                                 from the entire 26-item test (r = .99). This represents more
           en/), which are also incorporated as part of the SHiP-NP/CDE                             than a doubling of assessment efficiency.
           online platform. The WHODAS 2.0 follows the theoretical                                      These analyses can be further extended using the nominal
           framework of the International Classification of Functioning,                            or graded response models. In brief, the traditional analyses
           Disability and Health (ICF), permitting it to be used worldwide                          of the MR responses use dichotomization, considering only
           across all health conditions. Additional ratings of current func-                        whether each item was completed correctly or incorrectly.
           tioning and quality of life for non-overlapping domains are                              But because each response is chosen from a multiple-choice
           gathered using validated short forms of the Quality of Life in                           array that includes five response options, each distractor can
           Neurological Disorder (Neuro-QoL) battery (Cella et al., 2012),                          be considered independently as an indicator of ability on
           comprising a total of 65 additional items for Emotional and                              either the primary latent trait or on other factors that might
           Behavioral Dyscontrol; Fatigue; Lower Extremity Function –                               be identified following data analysis. In the nominal response
           Mobility; Positive Affect and Well-Being; Satisfaction with                              model, each response is considered independently, while in
           Social Roles and Activities; Sleep Disturbance; Stigma; and                              the graded response model, the response alternatives can
           Upper Extremity Function – Fine Motor, Activities of Daily                               be ranked on an ordinal scale from those that are “closest”
           Living (ADL). These are all programmed in the SHiP-NP/                                   to those that are most “distant” from the correct choice.
           CDE web application, with data collected either prior to each                            For example, selection of a “close” response option that
           participant’s visit via their own web-enabled devices or on site                         matches on some but not all item dimensions might be more
           using one of the sites’ iPads or other data entry devices.                               frequent among those with higher ability, while selection of a

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National Neuropsychology Network                                                                                                                                         7

               “distant” option that does not follow the expected dimensions                            research projects (e.g., as in genomics and population
               might be more frequent among those with lower ability or                                 behavioral health).
               who may be following an unusual response strategy. This
               approach to response analysis may have special value in per-
               formance validity testing in which selection of particularly                             CLINICAL VALIDATION OF
               “distant” choices might reveal a marked deviation from the                               NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL PROCEDURES
               best estimates of that individual’s true abilities suggesting
                                                                                                        By employing adaptive assessment techniques, assessment
               possible intentional response deficit exaggeration. Indeed,
                                                                                                        protocols may eventually be personalized according to refer-
               this method examining the relationship of individual
                                                                                                        ral diagnoses and patient performance patterns in which both
               responses to estimates of true ability (i.e., person-fit statistics)
                                                                                                        item and test selection maximize the predictive power by
               should allow the design of empirically derived embedded per-
                                                                                                        sequentially selecting the most informative next item within
               formance validity tests for many measures.
                                                                                                        a test and the most informative next test within a battery.
                   As part of quality control, data analyses will exam mea-
                                                                                                        When specific test findings are obtained, prior probability
               surement invariance in an IRT framework to determine
                                                                                                        estimates are updated, and the next most informative measure
               whether putatively identical tests behave comparably across
                                                                                                        is selected. This process continues until desired levels of pre-
               sites, diagnostic boundaries, and groups defined by demo-
                                                                                                        cision are obtained with respect to the outcomes of interest.
               graphic characteristics. These analyses will establish to what
                                                                                                        With adaptive testing, assessment protocols are not adminis-
               extent data can be combined for subsequent analyses and to
                                                                                                        tered in the same pre-determined sequence, but rather change
               what extent unique scoring and interpretation may be indi-
                                                                                                        to the specific clinical context and adjust dynamically accord-
               cated for different groups defined by age, sex, education,
                                                                                                        ing to task performance.
               racial/ethnic, linguistic, or cultural backgrounds. Novel meth-
                                                                                                            The combination of tests, administration order, and all
               ods for variable harmonization developed for the Whole
                                                                                                        available sources of information are included to establish
               Genome Sequencing in Psychiatric Disorders consortium
                                                                                                        the best combination for accurate prediction, whether it will
               (U01 MH105578) will be employed to combine data that
                                                                                                        be post-assessment diagnosis or risk of adverse treatment out-
               were acquired using different instruments in different sam-
                                                                                                        come. These analyses will generally use multinomial logistic
               ples (with no overlap of items across samples and no patient
                                                                                                        regression (MLR) models if there are more than two catego-
               receiving both instruments) (Mansolf et al., 2020). This
                                                                                                        ries, or logistic regression for cases with only two classes.
               method analyzes the goodness-of-fit of correlations among
               variables to determine if two different variables are suffi-
               ciently similar to include in pooled analyses. Items are
                                                                                                        Mild and Major Neurocognitive Disorder
               selected that best match items in another test based on the
               strengths of their correlations with all the other items in their                        A common neuropsychological referral question is whether
               respective test. When the loss function asymptotes, this proc-                           there is cognitive decline that exceeds that expected with nor-
               ess stops yielding the items that are considered equivalent                              mal aging, and if so, whether the pattern is consistent with a
               across datasets.                                                                         specific underlying etiology. Following DSM-5 nomencla-
                   Data analyses will include both confirmatory and explor-                             ture, three classes of neurocognitive function are character-
               atory factor analytic approaches. The degree to which alter-                             ized for all patients: No Neurocognitive Disorder (No
               nate models may be more appropriate to our clinical samples,                             NCD), Mild NCD, or Major NCD. This classification is
               or specified using different tests, will be rigorously explored                          applied for all NNN participants, not simply those referred
               and analyses will determine to what extent the additional tests                          due to age-related cognitive or memory concerns. This
               measures add to or modify that structure. Alternate models                               approach reflects the growing recognition that consistent
               using confirmatory factor analysis will establish how various                            application of cognitive taxonomies for all clinical conditions
               models differ with respect to efficiency (i.e., assessment time)                         is necessary to better characterize and enable comparison
               by determining the degree to which goodness of fit deterio-                              across disease entities (e.g., presence of single vs. multi-
               rates with fewer variables or by substituting short-form test                            domain impairments, natural history of disease, relationship
               scores for long-form results. This permits the creation of                               to sociodemographic and psychological variables; Norman
               short-form tests, new short-form batteries, and CATs to                                  et al., 2021).
               increase efficiency to measure the same constructs or arrive                                 The characterization of all diagnostic referrals will also
               at the same diagnostic conclusions. We will also characterize                            help address the relationship of mild NCD and psychopathol-
               short-form use across different clinical diagnostic referrals                            ogy. For example, the DSM-5 diagnosis of Mild NCD has
               since, for example, a short-form assessment of confrontation                             been associated with more “anergia” and “observed slow-
               naming may be appropriate in patients with referral diagnoses                            ness” while the Petersen Mild Cognitive Impairment criteria
               of multiple sclerosis but not for epilepsy patients referred for                         have been more associated with neuro-vegetative symptoms
               surgical evaluation. Thus, NNN will provide the evidence                                 and dysphoric mood (Lopez-Anton et al., 2015). Thus, there
               base that enables multidimensional adaptive testing to maxi-                             remains a major gap in understanding precisely how quanti-
               mize diagnostic information while minimizing burden to                                   tative neurocognitive evidence, evidence of disruption in
               patients and facilitating new large-scale collaborative                                  instrumental activities of daily living, and evidence of

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8                                                                                                                                                D.W. Loring et al.

           non-cognitive psychopathology (particularly mood and anxi-                               associated with proper nouns than common nouns as
           ety symptoms) all contribute to the ultimate diagnosis of Mild                           assessed with both category-related visual confrontation
           and Major NCD.                                                                           naming tasks and verbal semantic fluency measures; Abel
              MLR analyses will include estimated premorbid ability,                                et al., 2015; Drane et al., 2013; Drane & Pedersen, 2019).
           neuropsychological performance in multiple discrete                                         Epilepsy patients will also be examined as an initial group
           domains, psychopathology symptom ratings from the DSM-5                                  to evaluate possible reduction in test administration length.
           and PROMIS measures, and level of everyday functioning as                                The BNT is sensitive to seizure onset lateralization in TLE
           measured by the WHODAS 2.0 and Neuro-QOL. Although                                       patients and may be superior in diagnostic sensitivity than
           this classification system does not assist in establishing diag-                         material-specific performance discrepancies of verbal learn-
           nostic specificity regarding the presumed etiology of cognitive                          ing and memory (Busch, Frazier, Iampietro, Chapin, &
           impairment, it provides a classification nosology to facilitate                          Kubu, 2008). In the standard administration, presentation
           cross disease comparison that includes the important IADL                                begins with item 30 although anecdotal clinical evidence sug-
           component. The results will identify the relationship among                              gests that earlier items are sensitive to both seizure onset lat-
           premorbid, objective neurocognitive, and psychopathological                              erality effects and may demonstrate post-operative decline
           features that contribute to impairment of everyday functioning                           following open resection of the anterior temporal lobe. In
           and are associated with different dementia outcomes. The                                 addition, there are also likely BNT stimuli that are unfamiliar
           NNN final sample is anticipated to have sufficient sample size                           to younger patients compared to when the test was initially
           to characterize prediction of Alzheimer’s disease, vascular                              published in 1978 (e.g., yoke, compass) making IRT analysis
           cognitive impairment, Parkinson’s disease dementia, dementia                             a particularly valuable approach to improve BNT validity and
           with Lewy bodies, and mixed dementia syndromes.                                          improve testing efficiency.

           Epilepsy Lateralization                                                                  Psychiatric Contributions to Cognitive Function
           Epilepsy surgery candidates will be analyzed to characterize
                                                                                                    and Disability
           the diagnostic sensitivity of neuropsychological findings to                             Comorbid psychiatric disorders frequently complicate neuro-
           confirm seizure onset lateralization and localization, particu-                          logical disease and diagnosis. Depression is both a risk factor
           larly in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. The primary                               for and a prodromal feature of dementia (Brzezińska et al.,
           approach will examine epilepsy patients who are candidates                               2020). Similarly, depression is common in temporal lobe epi-
           for surgical resection/ablation of the temporal lobe deter-                              lepsy and is related to outcomes following temporal lobe
           mined to be left hemisphere language dominant, although                                  resection with evidence suggesting a bidirectional relation-
           patients with mixed or right cerebral language dominance                                 ship between factors (Hermann, Loring, & Wilson, 2017).
           provide a special subset to explore hypotheses related to cer-                           Complex effects of anxiety on cognitive test performance
           ebral “crowding” and other features of potential cerebral reor-                          are also present (Mella et al., 2020). There is limited informa-
           ganization (; Strauss, Satz, & Wada, 1990). Some data                                    tion, however, on the disorders as either comorbid conditions
           suggest greater risk of decline with atypical (particularly                              or complications of neurologic disease. Increased accuracy in
           bilateral) language lateralization since language functions                              identifying treatable mental disorders may have a marked
           tend to be complimentary across hemispheres rather than                                  impact on future incidence of neurocognitive dysfunction
           “redundant” processes (Drane & Pedersen, 2019).                                          and disability. NNN will examine these relationships using
               The surgical decision is informed from ictal and interictal                          appropriate diagnostic categorization and offer a unique
           EEGs, PET, and MRI, and surgery provides the gold standard                               and valuable resource for testing diverse hypotheses about
           for criterion classification. Neuropsychological data typically                          those NP features that distinguish comorbid psychiatric diag-
           are considered confirmatory, and when neuropsychologi-                                   noses in neurological contexts.
           cal results are inconsistent with EEG and imaging, patients                                 In addition to categorical diagnoses, the NNN will provide
           are considered at increased risk for adverse post-surgical cog-                          one of the largest consistent collections of dimensional psy-
           nitive outcome. NNN analyses will examine neuropsycho-                                   chiatric symptoms collected contemporaneously with neuro-
           logical predictors of seizure onset using logistic regression                            psychological assessments and clinical interviews following
           models and examine positive/negative predictive power of                                 structured history-taking. This enables analyses of covaria-
           each test and test combinations to classify patients into the                            tion among cognitive and psychiatric symptom indicators
           four seizure groups – left temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), right                           not previously possible. NNN will characterize robust assess-
           TLE, bilateral TLE, and extra-temporal seizure onset for seiz-                           ments of symptoms assessed by DSM-5 Level 1 measures,
           ure free patients following surgery. Predictors will include                             with many subjects also assessed with DSM-5 Level 2 char-
           verbal and nonverbal learning and memory tests, selected lan-                            acteristics. These data will reveal the degree to which symp-
           guage measures, and site-specific measures that we can exam-                             toms of depression, anxiety, or psychosis either influence
           ine using our variable harmonization strategies. Secondary                               neuropsychological function or are at least comorbid factors,
           analysis will involve finer-grain localization of seizure onset                          informing treatment options designed to maximize cognitive
           based upon more precise regional differences in structure–                               outcome. These models will determine how neuropsycho-
           function relationships (e.g., the temporal pole is more                                  logical measures covary with psychiatric symptoms, and

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National Neuropsychology Network                                                                                                                                         9

               the degree to which those relations are observed consistently                            field can benefit from both back-compatibility with estab-
               across different syndromes and levels of ability. While we are                           lished standards and future-directed extensions that will be
               currently recording ICD-10-CM/DSM-5 diagnostic informa-                                  more efficient and possess greater utility than the current
               tion, our long-term strategy is agnostic about the validity of                           methods. The new methods may include the application of
               these diagnostic taxonomies, and we are eager to determine if                            virtual and augmented reality, “the internet of things,” vide-
               alternative systems for dimensional or categorical representa-                           ography, wearables, and eye tracking, among other current
               tion of neuropsychiatric syndromes (e.g., the Research                                   and anticipated innovations – all of which may enhance eco-
               Domains Criteria (RDoC; Cuthbert et al., 2013; Cuthbert,                                 logical validity relative to current methods. New assessment
               2020) or Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology                                        methods combined with multimodal neuroimaging or electro-
               (HiTOP; Kotov et al., 2017)) may possess greater validity                                physiological techniques (e.g., cortico-cortical evoked poten-
               and provide deeper insights into our understanding of neuro-                             tials in the context of stereoelectroencephalography) and
               cognitive disorders. Finally, the NNN dataset will provide a                             advanced computational processing (e.g., artificial intelli-
               unique opportunity to examine models in which NP measures                                gence) may further hold the promise of moving assessments
               are mediators or moderators of relations between psychiatric                             beyond neuropsychological “domains” (e.g., motor, visuo-
               symptoms and everyday functioning. These models will explore                             perceptual, and language processes such as word retrieval)
               how neuropsychiatric syndromes exert their effects through                               to a deeper understanding of complex neural circuits (e.g.,
               neurocognitive features and, more importantly, if psychiatric                            distributed neural processing, connectivity metrics) (Fox &
               symptoms have direct effects on outcomes. These analyses will                            Friston, 2012; Gonzalez-Castillo & Bandettini, 2015).
               generate evidence-based hypotheses about the relationship of                             These developments will ultimately be needed if we hope
               psychiatric symptoms to real-world functioning, the role of neu-                         to understand major unanswered questions such as those that
               rocognitive assessment in the understanding of these effects,                            center on the complexities of memory (e.g., how novel infor-
               and the degree to which effective treatments for mental illness                          mation is integrated into a sense of autobiographical self and
               can yield major benefits in disability reduction.                                        integrated semantic knowledge over time and space), con-
                                                                                                        sciousness and its distortions (e.g., déjà vu, jamais vu, redu-
                                                                                                        plicative paramnesia), socio-emotional functions, and default
               SUMMARY                                                                                  mode processing.
                                                                                                            To facilitate engagement of the larger neuropsychology
               The NNN will provide a major resource to advance under-                                  community, neuropsychologists are encouraged to register
               standing of neurocognitive function through refined neuro-                               at the NNN website https://www.sistat.ucla.edu/NNNWeb/
               cognitive assessment. NNN is designed to establish a                                     index.html, by providing their name, email address, phone
               strong foundation capable of engaging neuropsychologists                                 number, and organization with which interested person is
               across a variety of practices. By contributing neuropsycho-                              affiliated. The NNN will provide registered members of
               logical findings to the NDA, we aim to stimulate develop-                                the neuropsychology community with progress updates, invi-
               ment of the next generation of evidence-based assessments.                               tations to provide feedback on new initiatives, and access to
               The NNN will provide foundational data to establish incre-                               data, assessment tools, and algorithms developed by the
               mental validity of current, reconfigured, and ultimately novel                           NNN. We also hope soon to be able to extend registration
               neuropsychological measures for characterizing our emerg-                                of clinical patients with the NNN so that the network can
               ing understanding of functional systems in the brain and                                 grow beyond the current proof-of-concept to include multiple
               real-world outcomes. We hope the ultimate result will be                                 sites that can contribute data and benefit from sharing novel
               marked improvements in our ability to assess brain functions,                            normative and clinical validity data that are rapidly being
               leading to both improved understanding and treatment of                                  aggregated by the network nationwide. The mature NNN will
               neuropsychological impairment and mental illness in the                                  help assure that clinical neuropsychology evolves to include
               USA. By enhancing the efficiency of assessment and directly                              the most accessible, efficient, and valid methods for the
               addressing the problems of measurement invariance that have                              assessment of brain–behavior relations.
               long plagued neuropsychological assessment, we anticipate
               that NNN will promote the development of methods that
               improve access globally and reduce current inequities in                                 SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL
               neuropsychological service delivery.
                   Our vision is to create a platform that has a foundation                             To view supplementary material for this article, please visit
               forged from “classic” NP tests with widespread use in the                                https://doi.org/10.1017/S1355617721000199
               NP community, and to build upon this foundation a new
               generation of tasks that may incorporate a range of current
               technologies to explore modern theories of brain structure–
               function relationships. By supplementing current test bat-                               Partial support for development of the SHiP-NP was provided
               teries with additional procedures to examine concurrent                                  by a grant from the National Academy of Neuropsychology
               and predictive validity of newer measures, we believe the                                (NAN) to Lucia Cavanagh.

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10                                                                                                                                               D.W. Loring et al.

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