Run and profile Arm NN on the Raspberry Pi - Tutorial Version 21.08 Non-Confidential

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Run and profile Arm NN on the Raspberry Pi - Tutorial Version 21.08 Non-Confidential
Run and profile Arm NN on the Raspberry Pi
Version 21.08


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Run and profile Arm NN on the Raspberry Pi Tutorial                                         Document ID: 102640_2108_01_en
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Run and profile Arm NN on the Raspberry Pi
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1 Introduction....................................................................................................................................................... 6
1.1 Conventions......................................................................................................................................................6
1.2 Additional reading........................................................................................................................................... 7
1.3 Feedback........................................................................................................................................................... 7
1.4 Other information........................................................................................................................................... 8

2 Overview............................................................................................................................................................ 9
2.1 Before you begin............................................................................................................................................ 9

3 Overview of running Ubuntu Linux on the Raspberry Pi....................................................................10
3.1 Run Ubuntu Linux on the Raspberry Pi..................................................................................................10

4 Overview of building the Arm NN software stack............................................................................... 11
4.1 Build the Arm NN software stack............................................................................................................11

5 MNIST Draw...................................................................................................................................................12
5.1 Set up MNIST Draw.................................................................................................................................... 12
5.2 Machine learning model............................................................................................................................. 13
5.3 MNIST demo application............................................................................................................................14

6 Streamline........................................................................................................................................................ 15
6.1 Run the MNIST inference.......................................................................................................................... 15
6.2 Use Streamline to connect and profile the application....................................................................... 16
6.3 Automate the launch and capture........................................................................................................... 17

7 Related information...................................................................................................................................... 19

8 Next steps....................................................................................................................................................... 20

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             1 Introduction

             1.1 Conventions
             The following subsections describe conventions used in Arm documents.

             The Arm Glossary is a list of terms used in Arm documentation, together with definitions for
             those terms. The Arm Glossary does not contain terms that are industry standard unless the Arm
             meaning differs from the generally accepted meaning.

             See the Arm® Glossary for more information:

             Typographic conventions
             Arm documentation uses typographical conventions to convey specific meaning.

Convention                         Use
italic                             Introduces special terminology, denotes cross-references, and citations.
bold                               Highlights interface elements, such as menu names. Denotes signal names. Also used for terms in
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Convention                         Use
                                   This represents an important piece of information that needs your attention.

                                   This represents a useful tip that might make it easier, better or faster to perform a task.

                                   This is a reminder of something important that relates to the information you are reading.

             1.2 Additional reading
             This document contains information that is specific to this product. See the following documents
             for other relevant information:

Table 1-2: Arm publications
Document Name                                    Document ID                                     Licensee only
None                                             -                                               -

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             Arm also welcomes general suggestions for additions and improvements.

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1.4 Other information
See the Arm website for other relevant information.

•   Arm® Developer.
•   Arm® Documentation.
•   Technical Support
•   Arm® Glossary.

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2 Overview
Arm NN is an inference engine for CPUs, GPUs, and NPUs. Arm NN bridges the gap between
existing neural network frameworks and the underlying hardware IP. It enables efficient translation
of existing neural network frameworks, such as TensorFlow Lite (TFLite). This guide explains how
to create Linux applications which load TFLite trained neural network models, run them on a
Raspberry Pi, and profile application performance with Arm Streamline. The Raspberry Pi 3 Model
B features a Cortex-A53, while the Raspberry Pi 4 Model B features a Cortex-A72. We can install
Ubuntu Linux on these boards and use them for development. This guide shows you how to set
up a Raspberry Pi with Ubuntu Linux for running applications using Arm NN. This guide also shows
you how to use Arm Streamline for Machine Learning (ML) application profiling. The following is the

1. Set up Linux on the Raspberry Pi.
2. Build the Arm NN software stack.
3. Build and run the example ML applications.
4. Use Streamline for performance analysis.

2.1 Before you begin
In addition to your Raspberry Pi and appropriate power supply, you must also be able to read a
microSD card on your computer. You can also optionally use an HDMI monitor, HDMI cable, and
a USB keyboard during this guide. If you want to avoid the extra clutter, you can also access the
Raspberry Pi using SSH.

Duration: You need about 1.5-2 hours to complete the instructions in this guide. This time duration
excludes the library install time.

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                                                                          Overview of running Ubuntu Linux on the Raspberry Pi

3 Overview of running Ubuntu Linux on the
  Raspberry Pi
Installing Ubuntu Linux on the Raspberry Pi is simple and involves downloading the image and
flashing it to the SD card of the Raspberry Pi.

3.1 Run Ubuntu Linux on the Raspberry Pi
The steps in this section cover installing Ubuntu Linux on the Raspberry Pi.

About this task

               The sudo apt upgrade -y command in step two can take approximately 20
               minutes after a fresh installation.

1. Use the How to install Ubuntu Server on your Raspberry Pi tutorial to install a 64-bit Ubuntu
   Linux distribution on you Raspberry Pi. This Ubuntu tutorial is the best place to find instructions
   for your operating system and Raspberry Pi version. Using this guide, install a 64-bit Ubuntu
   Linux distribution onto your Raspberry Pi. Arm has tested Ubuntu Server 20.04 on a Raspberry
   Pi 3 Model B.
2. Enter the following commands to ensure that you have the necessary libraries installed:
      $ sudo apt update
      $ sudo apt upgrade -y
      $ sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends make build-essential libssl-dev
       zlib1g-dev     libbz2-dev libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev wget curl llvm libn\
      curses5-dev xz-utils tk-dev        libxml2-dev libxmlsec1-dev libffi-dev liblz\
      ma-dev libhdf5-103 libhdf5-dev python3-pip

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                                                                                Overview of building the Arm NN software stack

4 Overview of building the Arm NN
  software stack
Building the Arm NN software stack can take a few hours. Build the software stack with enough
time in advance.

4.1 Build the Arm NN software stack
The steps in this section cover building the Arm NN software stack.

1. Clone the Tool-Solutions repo, which contains all the example code and the Arm NN build
      $ git clone

2. Enter the following commands to build the Arm NN stack.
      $ cd Tool-Solutions/ml-tool-examples/build-armnn/
      $ ./

   This build script downloads and compiles all the software that Arm NN requires. This download
   and compilation takes a few hours to complete. Arm recommends you do it in advance, or build
   on another machine and copy the build over. For example, you can build on a graviton1, if you
   have access to such a machine.
3. Enter the following commands to set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the appropriate armnn install
      $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/home/ubuntu/armnn-devenv/armnn/build"

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                                                                                                               MNIST Draw

5 MNIST Draw
MNIST Draw is a fun, single-page website that enables you to hand-draw and classify digits
between zero and nine using machine learning. This guide uses a machine learning model trained
against the MNIST dataset for classification.

The project is a modified version of mnist-draw, which uses the Arm NN SDK to perform
inferences on an Arm Cortex-A CPU. The application runs on the Raspberry Pi and can be accessed
over a network using a browser.

5.1 Set up MNIST Draw
The steps in this section cover setting up MNIST Draw.

1. Navigate to the MNIST Draw code example, using the following commands:
      #Go to the repository
      $ cd $HOME/Tool-Solutions/ml-tool-examples/mnist-draw
      #Build the armnn-draw application
      $make -C armnn-draw
      $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

      #Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH for Arm NN (if not already done)
      #This is also helpful to put in $HOME/.bashrc for future use
      $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/armnn-devenv/armnn/build

      #Start python server
      $ python3 -m http.server --cgi 8000

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                                                                                                               MNIST Draw

2. Open a browser on any machine which can access the Raspberry Pi, and go to http://ip-
   The following image is an example of the interface of the website:

    Figure 5-1: Writing a number in MNIST draw

3. Using the mouse, draw a digit between zero and nine on the empty canvas and hit the predict
   button to process the drawing. MNIST Draw indicates any errors during processing with
   a warning icon and prints them to the console. Common errors include not compiling the
   application in armnn-draw/ and not using python3.

MNIST Draw displays results as a bar graph, in which each classification label receives a score
between 0.0 and 1.0 from the machine learning model. Clear the canvas with the Clear button to
draw and process other digits.

5.2 Machine learning model
For more information about how the web application translates the digit drawn into an image file
processed by Arm NN, refer to the Python script in the cgi-bin/ directory path.

A convolutional neural network (CNN) is defined within the model/ directory, and is used by
the program in armnn-draw/ which incorporates the Arm NN SDK. This model is configured for
MNIST data inputs. The default model is optimized_mnist.tflite.

Using this model, let us try something that includes more than one image. In this example
application, we use a larger set of MNIST images, and show inference on the CPU.

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                                                                                                               MNIST Draw

5.3 MNIST demo application
The MNIST demo application uses a TensorFlow Lite neural network that is trained for MNIST. The
demo application also uses Arm NN for inference on Arm Cortex-A or Mali.

There are two example applications, one with the simple neural network and one with a better
neural network. Look at the C++ files for each version. mnist_tf_convol.cpp is the better
neural network and mnist_tf_simple.cpp is the simple single-layer network. Both applications
read a TensorFlow Lite model. Models are stored in the model/ directory in tflite binary
format. The MNIST data is stored in the data/ directory in a simple format that is designed for
storing vectors. This directory contains the MNIST test data and labels.

Build the applications using make. Use the following commands:

 $ cd $HOME/Tools-Solutions/ml-tool-examples/mnist-demo
 $ make

The make command builds both applications.

The purpose of these examples is to demonstrate how to use Arm NN to load and execute
TensorFlow Lite models in a C++ application.

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6 Streamline
Streamline is a performance analyzer for software running on Arm processors. You can download
and install the software from Arm Developer. There are thirty-day trials available for people
without a license.

Before profiling the application with Streamline, let's look at the code in the mnist-demo
application. Open either mnist_tf_convol.cpp or mnist_tf_simple.cpp.

               After Import the TensorFlow Lite graph, the code is common regardless of the
               framework that you started with.

Here are the sections of code to look at:
•   Load and parse the MNIST data

    The helper function in mnist_loader.hpp scans the file in the dataset and returns a
    MnistImage struct with two fields: the label and an array of pixel values.
•   Import the TensorFlow Lite graph

    You can import a TensorFlow Lite graph from a .tflite file. Importing a graph consists of
    binding the input and output points of the model graph. You can find these points by visualizing
    the model in TensorBoard.
•   Optimize for a specific compute device

    Arm NN supports optimization for both CPU and GPU devices, however the Raspberry Pi only
    supports CPU acceleration for mnist-demo.

    It is easy to specify the device when creating the execution runtime context in the code.
•   Run the graph

    Running the inference on the chosen compute device is performed through the
    EnqueueWorkload() function of the context object.

The result of the inference can be read directly from the output array and compared to the
MnistImage label that we read from the data file.

6.1 Run the MNIST inference
The steps in this section cover building the Arm NN software stack.

    Enter the following commands to run the application:
 # Optimisation modes: 0 for CpuRef, 1 for CpuAcc, 2 for GpuAcc
 # Input size: 1 to 2000 (number of images to predict)
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 $ ./mnist_tf_convol 1 10

Next steps
Try different program configurations and compare the execution times. For example, enter the
following commands:

 $ time ./mnist_tf_convol 0 10 # 10 images on unoptimised CPU device
 $ time ./mnist_tf_convol 1 100 # 100 images on optimised CPU device

6.2 Use Streamline to connect and profile the application
The steps in this section cover profiling with Streamline.

1. Start gatord on the Raspberry Pi. After building all the software, the gatord daemon is available
   in the home directory. Run the gatord daemon using sudo to receive access to all hardware
   counters. Use the --app option to specify a command during a capture. The following example
   code runs the gatord daemon:
      $ sudo $HOME/gatord --app ./mnist_tf_convol 1 100

2. Connect Streamline to the target board
    a. Run Streamline on another device and under Pick Target Device Type choose the TCP
       (Advanced) option.
    b. Enter the IP address of the Raspberry Pi under Enter the Target Details. If the Raspberry Pi
       already shows up as an existing target, choose it from there.

    Figure 6-1: Streamline view

3. Click Start a capture to start a capture in Streamline
4. Ensure that the application we want to profile is running correctly. The application binary is
   compiled as covered in the previous steps. If the application we want to profile is running
   correctly, you see output that resembles the following example output:
      Optimisation mode: CpuAcc
      #1 | Predicted: 7 Actual: 7

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      #100 | Predicted: 9 Actual: 9
      Prediction accuracy: 100%

5. Observe the results with Streamline
    •    Review the CPU workload, the correlation between the phases of execution, the functions
         called, and the correlation between the functions and the kernels.
    •    Ensure you click the Heat Map along the bottom and change it to Compute Library to see
         the ML information.

6.3 Automate the launch and capture
The steps in this section cover how to automate the launch and capture in Streamline.

1. Run the following command on the target device:
      $ sudo ~/gatord -a

2. Automate the launch and capture. Use the Streamline Capture & Analysis Options dialog to
   specify a working directory and a command to run.

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3. Click the Stop on Exit checkbox to stop the capture when the run is over.
   The following screenshot shows how to set up an automated capture:

    Figure 6-2: Streamline Configure Application dialog

    The following screenshot is an example capture obtained from Streamline:

    Figure 6-3: Streamline example capture data

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                                                                                                          Related information

7 Related information
Here are some resources:

•   Arm Community - ask development questions and find articles and blogs on specific topics
    from Arm experts.
•   Arm NN SDK
•   MNIST Draw
•   Raspberry Pi
•   Streamline download
•   Streamline Performance Analyzer
•   Streamline 30-day trial

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                                                                                                                 Next steps

8 Next steps
This guide has described how to set up Linux on the Raspberry Pi, build the Arm NN software
stack, run ML examples, and use Streamline for performance analysis. You can use what you have
learned in this guide to begin writing your own applications using Arm NN.

To explore related areas, look at our how to guides on other ML frameworks. To ask questions and
get help, visit the Machine Learning Forum on Arm Community.

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