Page created by Victor Shaw

                          HANDS ON   INDIVIDUAL TRAINING COURSES


JUMO Campus 2021
Sabine Häcker
                                     Head of Trade Fair, Training, and
                                     Event Management
                                     Phone: +49 661 6003-2865

                             Dear Reader: Welcome to JUMO Campus!
                   "Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching."

True to this motto, life has taught us many new things in re-                                     Webinars
cent months: we had to change habitual behavior, discover                                         Furthermore, we continue to offer our free webinars which
new paths, and develop new strategies. We at JUMO Campus                                          provide a first glimpse of a selected subject area in just under
have also adapted our training program to the new conditions                                      an hour. The focus here is on our product innovations. Ac-
– because the health of our employees and customers has                                           cordingly, new dates will be announced during the year. We'll
top priority for JUMO:                                                                            be happy to keep you up to date – simply sign up for our news-
All training rooms have been adapted so that distance and                                         JUMO Campus portal
hygiene rules are observed at all times. If the number of reg-                                    In our JUMO Campus portal you will find our complete range
istrations exceeds the room capacities, the participants will                                     of training courses in a clearly laid out manner. Thanks to
be divided into 2 groups. However, our high demands on the                                        various filter and search functions you can easily find rele-
quality of our seminars "from the practitioner for the prac-                                      vant training options for your product or subject area. Visit us
titioner" remain unchanged. This is why we are very pleased                                       at
to receive your positive feedback: the average rating we re-
ceived from our participants was A+!                                                              All details about our product range can be found on the fol-
                                                                                                  lowing pages. We look forward to meeting you soon in person
Exclusive training courses and exclusive webinars                                                 or online at JUMO Campus.
Alternatively, we can conduct all our seminars as exclusive
training courses for you – either on-site at your company or                                      Yours sincerely,
simply online. All participants need is a PC or notebook with
Internet access and headset or, alternatively, a telephone.
Your advantage: no travel expenses are involved so that all                                       Sabine Häcker
associated risks and costs are eliminated. Contact us – we                                        Head of Trade Fair, Training, and Event Management
will be happy to make you an individual offer for your require-

E-learning and technical literature
In addition, we offer over 100 e-learning courses, webinar
recordings, and technical literature that deal with the entire
subject of measuring and control technology for you to study
on your own.

 *Hinweis: Im Text wird – aus Gründen der besseren Lesbarkeit und ohne jede Diskriminierungs-
absicht – ausschließlich die männliche Form verwendet. Damit sind alle Geschlechter einbezogen.

Temperatur Flüssigkeits-   Druck   Füllstand Durchfluss   Feuchte          Regeln   Registrieren Automatisieren Überwachen

                                                      Table of contents

                                                      Preface                                                           2

                                                      Overview of training courses                                  4–5

                                                      Our trainers                                                      6

                                                      Seminars                                                     7 – 26

                                                                    Temperature                                         7
                                                                    Liquid analysis                                 8–9
                                                                        Pressure and level                            10
                                                                    Flow                                              11
                                                                    Control                                      12 – 16
                                                                    Recording                                    17 – 19
                                                                    Automation                                   20 – 24
                                                                 Comprehensive topics                            25 – 26

                                                      Webinars                                                    27 – 31

                                                      Technical literature                                            32

                                                      E-learning                                                  33 – 34

                                                      Your contacts at JUMO Campus                                    35


                                                  Wissen erleben!

Overview of training courses in 2021

    Seminar          Electrical temperature measurement for practitioners                                 Upon request     p. 7

         Liquid analysis
    Seminar          Analytical measurement technology for practitioners                                  Upon request     p. 8
    Seminar          JUMO AQUIS touch S/P – modular multichannel measuring devices for liquid analysis    Upon request     p. 9
    Webinar          Use of the conductive four-electrode conductivity sensor                             Feb. 23, 2021    p. 27
                     JUMO BlackLine CR 4P
    Webinar          Application of the JUMO digiLine O-DO S10 oxygen sensor                              Apr. 27., 2021   p. 27
    Webinar          JUMO digiLine CR/Ci with analog outputs and switching outputs                        May 04, 2021     p. 27
    Webinar          JUMO AQUIS touch as controller                                                       June 17, 2021    p. 27

              Pressure and level
    Seminar          Pressure and level measurement technology                                            Upon request     p. 10

    Seminar          Flow measurement technology                                                          Upon request     p. 11

    Seminar          Control technology for practitioners                                                 Upon request     p. 12
    Seminar          3 days in compact form: Measuring. Controlling. Recording.                           Upon request     p. 13
    Seminar          Control parameters and optimization of controllers                                   Upon request     p. 14
    Seminar          Configuration and operation of JUMO compact controllers                              Upon request     p. 15
    Seminar          JUMO DICON touch – two-channel/four-channel process and program controller with      Upon request     p. 16
                     paperless recorder
    Webinar          JUMO controller as a program controller                                              June 16, 2021    p. 28

    Seminar          JUMO paperless recorder for recording process data according to FDA 21 CFR Part 11   Upon request     p. 17
    Seminar          Data recording and data evaluation with JUMO paperless recorders                     Upon request     p. 18
    Seminar          Safe handling of measurement data from JUMO devices with recording function          Upon request     p. 19

                                                 Wissen erleben!

Seminar           JUMO variTRON 500 – basic course                                                            Upon request     p. 20
Seminar           JUMO variTRON 500 – advanced course                                                         Upon request     p. 21
Seminar           Thyristor power controller from the JUMO TYA 200 series                                     Upon request     p. 22
Seminar           Measuring, control, and automation system – JUMO mTRON T and CODESYS V3.5                   Upon request     p. 23
Seminar           Plant visualization software JUMO SVS3000                                                   Upon request     p. 24
Webinar           JUMO variTRON 500 – new modules                                                             Feb. 25, 2021    p. 28
Webinar           JUMO IPC 300 power converter – control of electrical loads without affecting the mains      Apr. 29, 2021    p. 28
                                                                                                              Sept. 09, 2021
Webinar           Intrinsic safety assessment for the JUMO dTRANS T06 Ex transmitter                          May 05, 2021     p. 28
Webinar           Practical information for using the JUMO Ex-i isolating switch amplifier                    May 06, 2021     p. 28
Webinar           JUMO variTRON 500 – part 1: central processing unit for automation systems                  Aug. 31, 2021    p. 29
Webinar           JUMO variTRON 500 – part 2: configuration program                                           Sept. 01, 2021   p. 29
Webinar           JUMO variTRON 500 – part 3: configuration example CODESYS and application of                Sept. 07, 2021   p. 29
                  JUMO Web Cockpit
Webinar           JUMO variTRON 500 – part 4: CODESYS WebVisu using an example                                Sept. 08, 2021   p. 29

     Comprehensive topics
Seminar           Functional safety in Europe pertaining to Safety Integrity Level and Performance Level      Upon request     p. 25
Seminar           Program creation in ST code: expansion of JUMO diraTRON, JUMO diraVIEW, and                 Upon request     p. 26
                  JUMO LOGOSCREEN 601/700 to include PLC functionality
Webinar           Basic principles for programming in the ST editor                                           Feb. 17, 2021    p. 30
Webinar           Special features when using the ST editor for the compact controller and indicator series   Feb. 18, 2021    p. 30
                  JUMO diraTRON and JUMO diraVIEW
Webinar           JUMO Cloud and JUMO smartWARE SCADA                                                         Apr. 28, 2021    p. 30
                                                                                                              Sept. 29, 2021
Webinar           Selection of intrinsically safe sensor technology (i) in dust applications                  June 15, 2021    p. 30

Webinar           News about temperature probe pairs and probes in the heat and cold meter industry           Oct. 28, 2021    p. 31
Webinar           Silo temperature monitoring with JUMO – variants, design, and visualization                 Nov. 03, 2021    p. 31

                                 Wissen erleben!

Our trainers

    Manfred Schleicher   Maximilian Wenderoth        Daniel Bott       Thomas Diel

    Martin Eppinger          Tobias Firle          Matthias Garbsch   Andreas Kraus

    Reinhard Manns          Martin Müller             Nico Müller     Ulrike Storm

    Joachim Vollmer         Manfred Walter          Michael Wiener


        Electrical temperature measurement for practitioners

Contents                                                       Objectives
Temperature is one of the most important measurands in all     After the seminar, participants will be able to safely use RTD
areas of technology. The seminar covers the basic principles   temperature probes and thermocouples.
for the use of RTD temperature probes and thermocouples
in industrial applications.                                    Target group
                                                               Employees working regularly with electrical temperature
„„   The temperature concept
                                                               measurement and who are responsible for the correct
     – Development of temperature measurement:
                                                               selection as well as the best possible use of temperature
       from thermoscope to platinum chip sensor
„„   Functionality and application of RTD temperature
     – Basic principles, tolerance classes, connection types
                                                               Basic technical knowledge.
„„   Operating principle and application of thermocouples
     – Thermoelectric effect, possible temperature com-
       pensation, short circuit assessment, galvanic isola-
       tion, standardized thermocouples, max. operating
       temperature, tolerance classes, ceramic protection
       tubes, drift behavior, compensating cables, and ther-
       movoltage-free plug connectors
„„   Overview of electrical thermometers
     – Head thermometers and terminal heads, transmitters
       and signal isolators, measuring insert and construc-
       tion of thermometers without measuring insert,
       sheath elements, different types of electrical ther
„„   Information about electric thermometers
     – Heat conduction error, transition function, extension
       tubes, protection tubes, screw-in and welding sleeves    Course:             JK 900010
„„   Extensive workshops for the startup of measuring           Duration:           1 day
     chains with RTD temperature probes and thermo-             Fee:                Upon request
     couples                                                    Dates:              Upon request
                                                                Trainer:            Manfred Schleicher
                                                                Follow-up           None
              INQUIRE HERE!                                     course:



        Analytical measurement technology for the practitioner

Contents                                                           Objectives
The seminar provides the basic principles of measurement           After the seminar, the participants will be able to start up
parameters in analytical measurement technology. Using             the corresponding measurement technology and to service
concrete examples the setup of measuring chains and their          the systems.
startup is carried out. The parameters pH value, redox po-
tential, and electrolytic conductivity are covered.                Target group
                                                                   Employees planning, installing, or maintaining measuring
„„   General and practical contents on the measuring princi-
                                                                   chains with electrochemical sensors.
„„   Measurement technology information (setup and correct
     maintenance of sensors, wiring, configuration of the
                                                                   Expertise in the field of electrical engineering and/or chem-
     transmitters, etc.)
„„   Basic distinctive features of sensors with regard to appli-
     cation areas in liquid analysis
„„   Possible applications of modern transmitters and con-
     trollers as well as intelligent sensors
„„   Extensive workshops for the startup of measuring chains
     including calibration

                                                                    Course:            JK 201080
                                                                    Duration:          1 day
                                                                    Fee:               Upon request
                                                                    Dates:             Upon request
                                                                    Trainers:          Manfred Schleicher
                                                                                       Ulrike Storm
                                                                    Follow-up          JUMO AQUIS touch S/P – modular mul-
                                                                    courses:           tichannel measuring devices for liquid
                                                                                       analysis, p. 9
                                                                                       Control technology for practitioners, p. 12
                                                                                       Control parameters and optimization of
                                                                                       controllers, p. 14
                                                                                       Safe handling of measurement data
                                                                                       from JUMO devices with recording
             INQUIRE HERE!                                                             function, p. 19

                             Liquid analysis


        JUMO AQUIS touch S/P – modular multichannel measuring
        devices for liquid analysis

Contents                                                          Objectives
The seminar provides the necessary basic principles and           After the seminar the participants will know the most im-
knowledge for the startup and operation of the modular            portant functions of the JUMO AQUIS touch S/P and will be
multichannel measuring devices for liquid analysis.               able to start up as well as operate the device safely for mea-
                                                                  suring analytical measurands.
„„   Brief overview of the measurement parameters pH value,
     conductive and inductive conductivity, as well as the dis-
                                                                  Target group
     infection measurands (e.g. free chlorine)
                                                                  Employees who are responsible for startup and operation
„„   Hardware and display options
                                                                  of the JUMO AQUIS touch S/P or who would like to get an
„„   Calibration logbooks, alarm and event lists, web server      overview of the device.
„„   Control and recording function
„„   Further options with the multichannel measuring device       Requirements
                                                                  Basic knowledge for determining analytical measurement
„„   Connection of JUMO digiLine sensors to the JUMO AQUIS
                                                                  parameters and/or participation in the "Analytical measure-
     touch S/P
                                                                  ment technology for practitioners" seminar.
„„   Practical session
     – Startup of measuring chains for pH value
       and conductivity measurement (conductive and
       inductive) including calibration
     – Configuration and operation of a two-state controller
       based on the example of a wastewater neutralization

                                                                   Course:             JK 202580
                                                                   Duration:           1 day
                                                                   Fee:                Upon request
                                                                   Dates:              Upon request
                                                                   Trainers:           Reinhard Manns
                                                                                       Manfred Schleicher
                                                                   Follow-up           Analytical measurement technology for
                                                                   courses:            the practitioner, p. 8
                                                                                       Control technology for practitioners, p. 12
                                                                                       Control parameters and optimization of
            INQUIRE HERE!                                                              controllers, p. 14

                           Liquid analysis


               Pressure and level measurement technology

Contents                                                         Objectives
The seminar provides important basic principles about electri-   After the seminar the participants will be able to select,
cal pressure measurement technology as well as hydrostatic       start up, and check electrical pressure measuring devices.
level measurement.
                                                                 Target group
„„   Operation, structure, and features of the most import-
                                                                 Employees working regularly with the measurands pres-
     ant sensor types
                                                                 sure, differential pressure, or level and who are responsible
„„   Technical features of pressure transmitters and level
                                                                 for the correct selection or the best possible operation of
                                                                 the measuring devices.
„„   Understanding data sheet and accuracy specifications
„„   Application-oriented selection of pressure transmitters
„„   Level measurement at open and pressurized containers
                                                                 Basic technical knowledge.
„„   Extensive workshops for the startup of pressure trans-

                                                                  Course:            JK 400010
                                                                  Duration:          1 day
                                                                  Fee:               Upon request
                                                                  Dates:             Upon request
                                                                  Trainers:          Maximilian Wenderoth
                                                                                     Joachim Vollmer
                                                                  Follow-up          None
               INQUIRE HERE!                                      courses:

                                 Pressure         Level


        Flow measurement technology

Contents                                                         Objectives
The seminar provides the physical basic principles of differ-    After the seminar the participants will be able to assign the
ent measurement methods as well as the layout and startup        measurement methods offered by JUMO to the requirements
of the devices.                                                  of the measuring point, to start up the respective devices, and
                                                                 to carry out a safe measured value recording.
„„   Physical basic principles
     – Flow types
                                                                 Target group
     – Flow calculation
                                                                 Employees in the area of plant engineering, maintenance,
„„   Structure and operating principle of the measuring
                                                                 planning, or similar who are responsible for the startup and
     devices and methods
                                                                 maintenance of these measurement methods or who are
     – Electromagnetic flowmeters
                                                                 planning the dimensioning of measuring points.
     – Differential pressure method
     – Paddle-wheel flow sensors
„„   Dimensioning and accuracy                                   Basic technical knowledge.
     – Layout of the device size
„„   Connection types and signal evaluation
     – Impulse frequency output
     – Analog output types
„„   Extensive workshops for startup and measurement data

                                                                  Course:             JK 400020
                                                                  Duration:           1 day
                                                                  Fee:                Upon request
                                                                  Dates:              Upon request
                                                                  Trainer:            Maximilian Wenderoth
                                                                  Follow-up           None
            INQUIRE HERE!                                         courses:



         Control technology for practitioners

Contents                                                         Objectives
The seminar provides the basic principles of control tech-       After the seminar the participants will be able to select a
nology in a practical manner. Included are extensive work-       controller that suits their control process and to configure,
shops, which fill more than half of the seminar time             operate, and optimize this controller.

„„   Basic principles of control technology
                                                                 Target group
„„   Types of control processes
                                                                 Employees involved with startup, maintenance, and repair
„„   The PID controller with continuous output and its control   who require practical information on control technology.
     parameters Pb, rt, and dt                                   Engineers and technicians involved in plant planning. All
„„   Influence on the control response by Pb, rt, and dt         employees who would like to refresh their knowledge of
„„   Optimization methods                                        control technology.

„„   Working with two-state, three-state, modulating, and
     position controllers
                                                                 Basic knowledge in the field of automation technology.
„„   Control loop structures (cascade control, disturbance
     feedforward control, etc.) and other controller functions
„„   Extensive workshops about:
     – Ratio control
     – Controllers with direct control direction
     – Optimization of a controller for disturbance behavior
     – Processes without self-regulation and processes with
       exclusive delay time
     – Operation of non-linear processes
     – Split-range operation

                                                                  Course:              JK 700010
                                                                  Duration:            4 days
                                                                  Fee:                 Upon request
                                                                  Dates:               Upon request
                                                                  Trainers:            Manfred Schleicher
                                                                                       Maximilian Wenderoth
                                                                  Follow-up            Configuration and operation of JUMO
            INQUIRE HERE!                                         course:              compact controllers, p. 15



         3 days in compact form: Measuring. Controlling. Recording.

Contents                                                          Objectives
The seminar provides the basic principles and further infor-      After the seminar, the participants have a solid grasp of the
mation on the most important measurands – temperature and         measurement and control technology field as well as mea-
pressure – as well as on their control, data acquisition, and     surement data recording. They will be able to install the de-
data management with the proven JUMO products.                    vices as well as to configure and handle typical applications.

„„   General information
                                                                  Target group
     – Input and output signals for measurement, control, and
                                                                  Beginners in the field of measurement and control tech-
       recording technology
„„   RTD temperature probes and thermocouples
                                                                  Experienced employees responsible for the installation and
     – Basic principles and general information for application
                                                                  startup of RTD temperature probes, thermocouples, tem-
„„   Pressure transmitters
                                                                  perature transmitters, pressure transmitters, controllers,
     – Basic principles and general information for application
                                                                  and paperless recorders.
„„   Transmitters
     – Startup of two-wire, three-wire, and four-wire             Requirements
       transmitters                                               Technical training.
„„   Compact controllers
     – Configuration and operation of the devices
     – Optimization of PID controllers (continuous controller
       and two-state controller)
„„   Interfaces
     – Connection of JUMO device technology to Ethernet
       and serial interface
„„   Paperless recorders
                                                                   Course:              JK 700080
     – Configuration of data recording
                                                                   Duration:            3 days
     – Evaluation of measurement data using evaluation
                                                                   Fee:                 Upon request
       software PCA3000
                                                                   Dates:               Upon request
     – Transfer of registered measurement data via USB flash
                                                                   Trainers:            Manfred Schleicher
       drive as well as via interface with the JUMO PCC com-
                                                                                        Maximilian Wenderoth
       munication software
                                                                   Follow-up            Electrical temperature measurement, p. 7
„„   Practical session                                             courses:             Pressure and level measurement tech-
     – Holding numerous workshops                                                       nology, p. 10
     – Startup of exemplary sensor and device technology                                Control technology for practitioners, p. 12
                                                                                        Configuration and operation of
                                                                                        JUMO compact controllers, p. 15
                                                                                        Data recording and evaluation with
                                                                                        JUMO paperless recorders, p. 18
            INQUIRE HERE!                                                               Safe handling of measurement data, p. 19



         Control parameters and optimization of controllers

Contents                                                        Objectives
The seminar provides compact and concise information            After the seminar the participants will know the mode of
about the operation mode of the controller components P, I,     operation of PID controllers and the influence on the control
and D. The participants learn how to classify applications as   response when changing the parameters Pb, rt, and dt. The
well as processes and to define suitable parameters.            participants will generally be able to implement controller
„„   The closed control loop (mode of operation, devices, and
                                                                Target group
„„   The controller components P, I, and D
                                                                Employees involved with startup, maintenance, and servic-
„„   Influence on the control response by control parameters    ing who would like to acquire information about the opera-
     Pb, rt, and dt                                             tion mode of the controller components P, I, and D.
„„   Autotuning in JUMO controllers
„„   Distinctive features of the two-state controller           Requirements
                                                                Basic knowledge in the field of automation technology.
„„   Practical session: workshop for manual optimization
     of PID controllers (continuous controller and two-state
     for an unknown control process

Please note
For technicians and students from the field of control
and automation technology we offer this seminar free of
charge in Fulda upon request. Feel free to contact us at

                                                                   Course:            JK 700025
                                                                   Duration:          1 day
                                                                   Fee:               Upon request
                                                                   Dates:             Upon request
                                                                   Trainers:          Manfred Schleicher
                                                                                      Maximilian Wenderoth
                                                                   Follow-up          Configuration and operation of JUMO
             INQUIRE HERE!                                         course:            compact controllers, p. 15



          Configuration and operation of JUMO compact controllers

Contents                                                         Objectives
This seminar provides basic knowledge about JUMO com-            After the seminar the participants will know the most im-
pact controllers with only a minimum of theoretical input.       portant functions of the controllers, will be able to operate
The following topics will be covered in the seminar through      the devices, and can set up typical configurations.
product introductions and practical workshops:
                                                                 Target group
„„   Mounting and connection
                                                                 Employees who are responsible for startup and oper-
„„   Configuration of the devices as two-state and continuous
                                                                 ation of JUMO compact controllers (JUMO diraTRON,
     controllers using the device front or the configuration
                                                                 JUMO dTRON 300, JUMO DICON touch, and JUMO IMAGO
„„   General information about the configuration programs
     (connection assistant, device manager, diagnostic possi-    Requirements
     bilities, etc.)                                             Basic technical knowledge and knowledge in the field of au-
„„   Manual and automatic mode as well as autotuning             tomation technology.
„„   "JUMO startup" function to record the control response
„„   Important functions (limit value monitoring, binary func-
     tions, ramp function, math and timer function, etc.)
„„   Level concept and user level
„„   Working with texts
„„   Practical session: extensive workshops on the device

                                                                  Course:            JK 703500
                                                                  Duration:          1 day
                                                                  Fee:               Upon request
                                                                  Dates:             Upon request
                                                                  Trainers:          Manfred Schleicher
                                                                                     Maximilian Wenderoth
                                                                  Follow-up          Control technology for practitioners, p. 12
                                                                  courses:           Control parameters and optimization of
                                                                                     controllers, p. 14
                                                                                     Program creation in ST code: expansion
                                                                                     of JUMO diraTRON, JUMO diraVIEW,
                                                                                     and JUMO LOGOSCREEN 700 to include
              INQUIRE HERE!                                                          PLC functionality, p. 26



        JUMO DICON touch – two-channel/four-channel process and
        program controller with paperless recorder

Contents                                                       Objectives
The seminar provides basic principles and information on       After the seminar the participants will know the main func-
the configuration and startup of JUMO DICON touch.             tions of the JUMO DICON touch and will be able to operate
                                                               the device according to plant-specific requirements. In ad-
„„   Function overview JUMO DICON touch
                                                               dition, the participants will be able to configure control and
„„   Hardware and display options
                                                               monitoring functions.
„„   Configuration of the controller using the setup program
     and device front                                          Target group
„„   Startup of the controller as two-state controller and     Employees who are responsible for startup and operation of
     continuous controller                                     the JUMO DICON touch or who would like to get an overview
„„   Autotuning                                                of the device.

„„   Program controller and recording function
„„   Process screens
                                                               Basic knowledge in the field of automation and control tech-
„„   Timer and math function                                   nology.
„„   Limit value monitoring function
„„   Practical session: extensive workshops on the device

                                                                Course:             JK 703571
                                                                Duration:           1 day
                                                                Fee:                Upon request
                                                                Dates:              Upon request
                                                                Trainer:            Manfred Schleicher
                                                                Follow-up           Control technology for practitioners, p. 12
                                                                courses:            Control parameters and optimization of
                    HERE!                                                           controllers, p. 14



        JUMO paperless recorder for recording process data according to
        FDA 21 CFR Part 11

Contents                                                       Objectives
The seminar provides central basic principles and informa-     After the seminar the participants will be able to administer
tion on the startup of paperless recorders and the relevant    the system and to configure the paperless recorders for typical
software components:                                           applications. Time-controlled communication via Ethernet can
                                                               be set up using the communication software and the data of an
„„   Explanation of the safety concept for the whole
                                                               archive can be evaluated.
„„   Installation of the PC software components
                                                               Target group
„„   Creating user lists and device rights files via the PC    Employees who are responsible for startup, operation, and
     Security Manager software PCS                             maintenance of paperless recorders. Engineers as well as
„„   Configuration of the paperless recorder using the         technicians who are responsible for planning plants with
     setup software                                            documentation requirements and who are responsible for
„„   Electronic signatures on the device and on the PC         their optimal deployment.

„„   Working with the PC evaluation software PCA3000
„„   Connection of the devices via RS485 and Ethernet inter-
                                                               Basic technical knowledge.
     face, time-controlled data query with the PCA communi-
     cation software PCC
„„   Traceability according to FDA 21 CFR Part 11 and intro-
     duction of the PC Audit Trail Manager software PCAT
„„   Practical session: extensive workshops on the device as
     well as with the software components

                                                                  Course:           JK 706560
                                                                  Duration:         1 day
                                                                  Fee:              Upon request
                                                                  Dates:            Upon request
                                                                  Trainers:         Manfred Schleicher
                                                                                    Manfred Walter
                                                                  Follow-up         None
                      HERE!                                       courses:



         Data recording and data evaluation with
         JUMO paperless recorders

Contents                                                        Objectives
The seminar provides central basic principles for startup and   After the seminar the participants will be able to configure and
efficient use of the paperless recorder series JUMO LOGO-       operate the JUMO paperless recorders for typical applications.
SCREEN as well as the relevant software components:             They can transfer and archive recording data securely via data
                                                                carrier or Ethernet as well as carry out a secure evaluation
„„   Mounting and connection
                                                                with the PCA3000 software.
„„   Functionality of the paperless recorders
„„   Configuration of the devices for typical applications      Target group
„„   Operation                                                  Employees who are responsible for starting up JUMO pa-
„„   General information about the configuration programs       perless recorders of the type JUMO LOGOSCREEN 601/700
     (connection assistant, device manager, diagnostic possi-   or who are responsible for evaluating the recorded mea-
     bilities, etc.)                                            surement data. Engineers as well as technicians who are
                                                                responsible for planning plants with documentation re-
„„   Evaluation of measurement data using the JUMO PC
                                                                quirements and who are responsible for their optimal im-
     evaluation software PCA3000
„„   Connection of the devices via Ethernet
„„   Time-controlled data request with the JUMO PCA com-        Requirements
     munication software PCC                                    Basic technical knowledge and knowledge in the field of au-
„„   Practical session: extensive workshops on the device as    tomation technology.
     well as with the software components

                                                                 Course:             JK 706580
                                                                 Duration:           1 day
                                                                 Fee:                Upon request
                                                                 Dates:              Upon request
                                                                 Trainer:            Manfred Schleicher
                                                                 Follow-up           None
                      HERE!                                      courses:



        Safe handling of measurement data from JUMO devices
        with recording function

Contents                                                       Objectives
The seminar provides central basic principles and informa-     After the seminar the participants will be able to safely han-
tion on the transfer, archiving, and measurement data eval-    dle the PC evaluation software PCA3000 and the PCA com-
uation of the following JUMO products:                         munication software PCC.
JUMO IMAGO 500, JUMO AQUIS touch S/P, JUMO mTRON T.            Target group
                                                               Employees who are responsible for setting up data storage
„„   Setup of the software components before the first load-
                                                               and archiving for JUMO devices with recording function and/
     ing of registered data via USB flash drive or interface
                                                               or who are responsible for evaluating data (network admin-
„„   Safe handling of archives
                                                               istrators, QM employees, etc.).
„„   Evaluation possibilities
„„   Data backup                                               Requirements
„„   Connection of the devices to Ethernet                     Basic technical knowledge.

„„   Setting up a time-controlled data transfer
                                                               Please note
     with the PCC communication software
                                                               The configuration of the devices is not part of this seminar.
„„   Use of the web server
„„   Basic principles about data output on forms and use of
     standard forms
„„   Practical session: extensive workshops with the evalua-
     tion and communication software

                                                                Course:             JK 706500
                                                                Duration:           1 day
                                                                Fee:                Upon request
                                                                Dates:              Upon request
                                                                Trainer:            Manfred Schleicher
                                                                Follow-up           None
                     HERE!                                      courses:



        JUMO variTRON 500 – basic course

Contents                                                       Objectives
The seminar provides the necessary information for suc-        After the seminar, the participants will be able to create
cessful startup of JUMO variTRON 500.                          simple projects independently and to supervise existing
                                                               projects together with JUMO Engineering.
„„   Introduction of JUMO variTRON 500, the connection
     modules, and web panels
                                                               Target group
„„   Overview of the JUMO variTRON 500 tools:
                                                               Employees who maintain JUMO variTRON systems or would
     – JUMO smartWARE Setup for JUMO variTRON 500
                                                               like to put them into operation.
     – CODESYS V3.5
     – JUMO Web Cockpit
     – Node-RED                                                Basic technical knowledge.
„„   Functional range of the connection modules and their
„„   Creation of a project:
     – Configuration of a continuous control with additional
     – Creation of a visualization in CODESYS
     – System access via JUMO Web Cockpit

                                                                Course:            JK 705002
                                                                Duration:          2 days
                                                                Fee:               Upon request
                                                                Dates:             Upon request
                                                                Trainers:          Michael Wiener
                                                                                   Thomas Diel
                                                                                   Manfred Schleicher
                                                                Follow-up          JUMO variTRON 500 – advanced
                     HERE!                                      course:            course, p. 21



        JUMO variTRON 500 – advanced course

Contents                                                  Objectives
The seminar provides in-depth information about the ap-   After the seminar, the participants will be able to create
plication of CODESYS and provides basic knowledge about   simple projects independently and to supervise existing
Node-RED.                                                 projects together with JUMO Engineering.

                                                          Target group
     – Programming in CFC and ST code
                                                          Employees who would like to create simple PLC programs
     – Data types and conversion
                                                          or would like an overview of the Node-RED application in
     – Naming of variables and functions                  connection with JUMO variTRON 500.
     – Import and export of programs and functions
     – Cross-reference list                               Requirements
                                                          Practical experience with the configuration of JUMO var-
     – Customized user functions and function blocks
                                                          iTRON 500 or participation in the basic course.
     – Practical exercises
„„   Node-RED
     – First steps in Node-RED
     – Visual representation of the program sequence
     – Application creation with Node-RED
          – Nodes
          – Import and export of the program code
     – Online library of Node-RED
     – Practical exercises

                                                            Course:           705003
                                                            Duration:         1 day
                                                            Fee:              Upon request
                                                            Dates:            Upon request
                                                            Trainers:         Michael Wiener
                                                                              Thomas Diel
                                                                              Manfred Schleicher
                                                            Follow-up         None
                    HERE!                                   courses:



        Thyristor power controller from the JUMO TYA 200 series

Contents                                                        Objectives
The seminar provides the basic principles about the correct     After the seminar the participants will be able to correctly
device parameterization with different load types. Practical    dimension thyristor power controllers, to connect them, and
exercises help deepen knowledge from the theoretical part.      to start them up.

„„   Load connection
                                                                Target group
     – Selection of the correct size
                                                                Engineers and technicians who are responsible for the im-
     – 1-phase and 3-phase load
                                                                plementation of plants with electrical heating. Employees
„„   Load types                                                 who are responsible for startup and operation of JUMO TYA
     – Adaptation of the power controller to different types    200 thyristor power controllers.
       of loads: IR emitters, MoSi2, and SiC heating elements
     – Smooth operation of heating elements, (e.g. through      Requirements
       R control)                                               Electrotechnical education.
„„   Functionalities of the power controllers
     – Phase-angle operation and burst-firing operation
     – Soft start and current limiting
     – Load and partial load failure monitoring
     – Firing pulse inhibit
     – Half-wave control
     – Use of power controllers with interface and
       switch-on sequence
     – Use of α-start for transformer loads
     – Reduction of energy costs through
       load optimization
     – Subordinate control loops: stabilization of the
       output value due to U2, I2, and P control.                Course:            JK 709000
                                                                 Duration:          1 day
„„   Practical session
     – Workshop for startup of actuators                         Fee:               Upon request
                                                                 Dates:             Upon request
                                                                 Trainers:          Andreas Kraus
                                                                                    Manfred Schleicher
                                                                 Follow-up          None
            INQUIRE HERE!                                        courses:



        Measuring, control, and automation system – JUMO mTRON T and
        CODESYS V3.5

Contents                                                          Objectives
The seminar provides the necessary information for suc-           After the seminar the participants will be able to start up the
cessful startup of JUMO mTRON T including the extension           system including the PLC extension.
                                                                  Target group
„„   System overview, installation, and wiring
                                                                  Employees who are starting up JUMO mTRON T for the first
„„   Configuration of the recording function, the controller      time. Engineers and technicians who are responsible for
     function, and the program generator                          the planning of plants with JUMO mTRON T and who are
„„   Detailed information on the multifunction panel 840 and      responsible for the optimal use of the system.
     the multichannel controller module
„„   Important functionalities of the system (limit monitoring,   Requirements
     user administration, email transmission, etc.)               Basic technical knowledge.
„„   Extensive configuration examples
„„   Refresher training on programming in CFC (Continuous
     Function Chart) and in ST code (structured text)
„„   Procedure in CODESYS for extending the system with
     PLC functionality
„„   Data types and declaration of variables, communication
     between PLC and JUMO mTRON T
„„   Information about the user interface of CODESYS V3.5
„„   JUMO functions in CODESYS
„„   Tips and tricks in handling the software
„„   Extensive workshops:

                                                                   Course:             JK 705000-2
                                                                   Duration:           3 days
                                                                   Fee:                Upon request
                                                                   Dates:              Upon request
                                                                   Trainers:           Manfred Schleicher
                                                                                       Thomas Diel
                                                                   Follow-up           None
                    HERE!                                          courses:



        Plant visualization software JUMO SVS3000

Contents                                                      Objectives
The seminar provides information about the functionality      After the seminar the participants will be able to operate
and menu structure as well as the operation and the config-   JUMO SVS3000 as well as to configure and parameterize the
uration of JUMO SVS3000.                                      applications on their own.

„„   Practical information about digital interfaces
                                                              Target group
     (serial interfaces and Ethernet)
                                                              All employees who would like to operate JUMO devices cen-
„„   General information about data management
                                                              trally via a PC using the JUMO SVS3000 and who want to
„„   Setting up data recording                                visualize or process variables.
„„   Creating group screens and trends
„„   Working in the operating level                           Requirements
                                                              Basic technical knowledge.
„„   Configuration of the batch reporting
„„   Searching for archived batch reports
„„   Math and timetable functions
„„   Practical session: extensive workshops

                                                                 Course:          JK 700755
                                                                 Duration:        1 day
                                                                 Fee:             Upon request
                                                                 Dates:           Upon request
                                                                 Trainers:        Manfred Schleicher
                                                                                  Thomas Diel
                                                                 Follow-up        None
                    HERE!                                        courses:



        Functional safety in Europe pertaining to Safety Integrity Level
        and Performance Level

Contents                                                        Objectives
The seminar provides an introduction about the simple start     After the seminar the participants will have an overview of
into functional safety through application-oriented practical   functional safety and can
information when dealing with the standards.
                                                                „„   Create risk assessments
„„   What does functional safety mean?                          „„   Retrace calculations
„„   Standards, definitions, values                             „„   Establish SIL structures
„„   Differences between SIL and PL                             „„   Compile documentations
„„   Manufacturer specifications
„„   System structures                                          Target group
                                                                Employees who want to get an initial overview of the func-
„„   Risk assessment and the tools
                                                                tional safety requirements in plant and mechanical engi-
„„   Security structures
„„   Case study of a safety chain
„„   SIL ratings according to standards                         Requirements
„„   Certificates and safety manual                             Basic technical knowledge.

„„   System applications and their different approaches with
     structures and calculations
„„   General information and examples for practical use
„„   Exchange of experience

                                                                 Course:              JK 989020
                                                                 Duration:            1 day
                                                                 Fee:                 Upon request
                                                                 Dates:               Upon request
                                                                 Trainer:             Matthias Garbsch
                                                                 Follow-up            None
            INQUIRE HERE!
             ANMELDUNG                                           courses:


        Program creation in ST code: expansion of JUMO diraTRON,
        JUMO diraVIEW, and JUMO LOGOSCREEN 601/700 to include
        PLC functionality
Contents                                                         Objectives
The indicators, controllers, and paperless recorders have a      After the seminar the participants are able to add PLC func-
wide range of functions which can be set via the configuration   tionality to the automation components.
program. Extensive extensions are possible in the program-
ming language ST code (structured text) in the ST editor. The    Target group
seminar demonstrates the extension through the PLC func-         Employees who would like to add PLC functionality to
tionality.                                                       JUMO diraVIEW or JUMO diraTRON and JUMO LOGO-
                                                                 SCREEN 601/700.
„„   Linking input and output variables in the
     configuration program for the ST editor
„„   Brief overview of the ST editor
                                                                 Basic technical knowledge. First experiences with the de-
„„   Procedure for creating the program                          vices would be optimal.
„„   Arithmetic, numerical, and logical functions
„„   Statistics and comparison functions
„„   Date and time functions
„„   Conversions
„„   Instructions (If, For, While, etc.)
„„   Text display controls from the PLC
„„   Variables declaration
„„   Changing control parameters from the PLC
„„   Practical session: workshops on the above topics

                                                                  Course:            JK 701521
                                                                  Duration:          1 day
                                                                  Fee:               Upon request
                                                                  Dates:             Upon request
                                                                  Trainer:           Manfred Schleicher
                                                                  Follow-up          None
                     HERE!                                        courses:


The following section provides an overview of our free JUMO webinars.

Essentially, a webinar is an online seminar. All participants and lecturers enter a virtual seminar room. The trainer splits their
screen to enable all participants to see their presentation. At the same time, all participants are connected using the integrated
audio conference, enabling them to listen to the trainer. In addition, they can turn on their webcam to enable all participants to
see them. The participants can also ask questions during the webinar.

Key advantages for you:
JUMO webinars are free of charge. Also, you can participate comfortably from your work station without traveling at all. All you
need is a computer with Internet access and a telephone or headset for your computer.

 XX All webinars at a glance

        Liquid analysis
 Use of the conductive four-electrode conductivity sensor
 JUMO BlackLine CR 4P                                                                                  Dates
 The webinar shows the special features of measurement with four-electrode conductivity sensors        Tues., Feb. 23, 2021
 using the JUMO BlackLine CR 4P as an example:                                                         Time: 3:00 – 3:30 PM
     • Brief introduction of the sensor                                                                Trainer: Manfred Schleicher
     • Information about the transmitter configuration
     • Demonstration of startup
 Target group: employees who put into operation and maintain measuring chains with four-electrode      ÄÄ Sign up here
 conductivity sensors.

 Application of the JUMO digiLine O-DO S10 oxygen sensor
 The webinar provides an overview of the oxygen sensor and demonstrates the startup of a mea-          Dates
 surement chain:                                                                                       Tues., Apr. 27, 2021
     • Brief introduction of the sensors                                                               Time: 3:00 – 3:30 PM
     • Startup of the measuring chain                                                                  Trainer: Manfred Schleicher
     • Maintenance information
 Target group: employees who start up and maintain measuring chains with the oxygen sensor.
                                                                                                       ÄÄ Sign up here

 JUMO digiLine CR/Ci with analog outputs and switching outputs
 The webinar presents the handling of the transmitters with conductive and inductive conductivity      Dates
 sensors:                                                                                              Tues., May 04, 2021
     • Brief overview of the different versions                                                        Time: 3:00 – 3:30 PM
     • Connection to the evaluation units                                                              Trainer: Manfred Schleicher
     • Configuration and calibration via DSM (Digital Sensor Management)
     • Configuration and calibration using the device front (for versions with display)
 Target group: employees who start up and maintain the transmitters.                                   ÄÄ Sign up here

 JUMO AQUIS touch as controller
 The AQUIS touch contains four controller channels which can be used for example for the control in    Dates
 neutralization or disinfection plants. The webinar provides the most important information on how     Thurs., June 17, 2021
 to use the functionality:                                                                             Time: 3:00 – 4:00 PM
     • Setting up a two-point controller for neutralization and its operation                          Trainer: Manfred Schleicher
     • Configuration of further controller structures (from continuous to positioner)
     • Pulse length output and pulse frequency output
     • Hand and hold operation
                                                                                                       ÄÄ Sign up hereTENLO      S
                                                                                                            JETZT KOS
     • Feedforward control
     • Operation of the controller via binary signals                                                       AEEN! M DE
                                                                                                                   E L
                                                                                                 SIGN UP FOR FR
     • Further possibilities with the controller function
 Target group: employees who would like to use the controller function of the AQUIS touch.

JUMO controller as a program controller
In JUMO controllers there are a generator available with the help of which program controllers          Dates
can be implemented. The webinar provides the essential information for the configuration of the         Wed., June. 16, 2021
functionality:                                                                                          Time: 3:00 – 4:00 PM
 • Activation of the generator and creation of programs                                                 Trainer: Manfred Schleicher
 • Start of a program with lead time or with real time clock
 • Basic status, manual mode, automatic mode and hold of programs
 • Application of the tolerance band, working with several control parameter sets
                                                                                                        ÄÄ Sign up here
Target group: employees who want to operate JUMO controllers such as JUMO dTRON,
DICON touch or IMAGO 500 as program controllers.

JUMO variTRON 500 – new modules
The webinar presents the new modules for JUMO variTRON 500 and their features:                          Dates
 • Router module 1-port                                                                                 Thurs., Feb. 25, 2021
 • Router module 2-port                                                                                 Time: 3:00 – 3:15 PM
 • Router module 3-port                                                                                 Trainer: Manfred Schleicher
 • 32-channel digital input/output module
Target group: employees who want to get to know the new modules for JUMO variTRON 500.
                                                                                                        ÄÄ Sign up here

JUMO IPC 300 power converter – control of electrical loads without affecting
the mains                                                                                               Dates
The webinar explains the differences between conventional thyristor power controllers and the           Thurs., Apr. 29, 2021
JUMO IPC 300:                                                                                           Thurs., Sept. 09, 2021
 • The technology of the IPC 300                                                                        Time: 3:00 – 4:00 PM
 • Control of difficult electrical loads                                                                Trainer:Andreas Kraus
 • Effects of harmonic harmonics and distortion reactive power
 • Cost reduction through elimination of distortion reactive power
Target group: employees from the field of electrical design and project planning, from the industrial   ÄÄ Sign up here
furnace construction industry, and technical managers of hardening plants.

Intrinsic safety assessment for the JUMO dTRANS T06 Ex transmitter
The webinar covers the JUMO dTRANS T06 Ex transmitter:                                                  Dates
 • Brief introduction of the transmitter                                                                Wed., May 05, 2021
 • Assessment of the intrinsic safety                                                                   Time: 3:00 – 3:30 PM
 • Examples                                                                                             Trainer: Manfred Schleicher
Target group: employees who want to use the JUMO dTRANS T06 Ex.

                                                                                                        ÄÄ Sign up here

Practical information for using the JUMO Ex-i isolating switch amplifier
The webinar covers the isolating switch amplifier and its application range:                            Dates
 • Introduction of the isolating switch amplifier                                                       Thurs., May 06, 2021
 • Information on startup with a float switch of the NESOS series                                       Time: 3:00 – 3:30 PM
Target group: employees who want to use the isolating switch amplifier.                                 Trainer: Manfred Schleicher

                                                                                                        ÄÄ Sign up here

                                                                                                 SIGN UP FOR FREE!

 JUMO variTRON 500 – part 1: central processing unit for automation systems
 The webinar provides a first impression of JUMO variTRON 500 and presents the different options:     Dates
     • Product properties                                                                             Tues., Aug. 31, 2021
     • Configuration                                                                                  Time: 3:00 – 3:45 PM
     • Application creation                                                                           Trainer: Michael Wiener
     • JUMO Web Cockpit
     • JUMO variTRON 500 as a complete system
     • Areas of application                                                                           ÄÄ Sign up here
 Target group: employees who want to get an overview of JUMO variTRON 500.

 JUMO variTRON 500 – part 2: configuration program
 The webinar demonstrates the handling of the JUMO variTRON 500 configuration program:                Dates
     • Establishment of the connection to JUMO variTRON 500                                           Wed., Sept. 1, 2021
     • The hardware assistant                                                                         Time: 3:00 – 4:00 PM
     • Configuration examples                                                                         Trainer: Manfred Schleicher
     • Linking variables in CODESYS
     • Activation of the controller module in CODESYS
 Target group: employees who want to start up JUMO variTRON 500 or who need an introduction to        ÄÄ Sign up here
 system handling.

 JUMO variTRON 500 – part 3: configuration example CODESYS and application
 of JUMO Web Cockpit                                                                                  Dates
 Using an example, the webinar demonstrates important steps in CODESYS and shows the options          Tues., Sept. 07, 2021
 with JUMO Web Cockpit:                                                                               Time: 3:00 – 4:00 PM
     • Mapping and linking of variables                                                               Trainer: Manfred Schleicher
     • Activation of the controller module
     • Monitoring and forcing variables
     • Logging in with download                                                                       ÄÄ Sign up here
     • JUMO Web Cockpit
 Target group: employees who want to start up JUMO variTRON 500 or who need an introduction to
 system handling.

 JUMO variTRON 500 – part 4 – CODESYS WebVisu using an example
 The webinar uses an example to demonstrate how to set up WebVisu in CODESYS:                         Dates
     • Creation of the visualization manager, a visualization, and an image collection                Wed., Sept. 08, 2021
     • Inserting images into a visualization                                                          Time: 3:00 – 4:00 PM
     • Display of an analog variable as bar graph and as numerical value                              Trainer: Manfred Schleicher
     • Use of tooltips
     • Defining an analog variable via a numeric value
     • Input and output of a binary variable                                                          ÄÄ Sign up here
     • Creating another visualization and navigation between visualizations
 Target group: employees who want to visualize JUMO variTRON 500 via a browser.

                                                                                                SIGN UP FOR FREE!

     Comprehensive topics
Basic principles for programming in the ST editor
The webinar provides the basic principles for programming in the ST editor:                          Dates
 • Principle procedure for programming                                                               Wed., Feb. 17, 2021
 • Mathematical and logical functions                                                                Time: 3:00 – 4:00 PM
 • Function modules                                                                                  Trainer: Manfred Schleicher
 • Statistics
 • IF instruction                                                                                    ÄÄ Sign up here
Target group: employees who would like to extend JUMO devices such as the JUMO diraTRON,
JUMO diraVIEW, JUMO LOGOSCREEN 601/700 with PLC functionality and who would like to acquire
the basic principles of the ST code programming language.

Special features when using the ST editor for the compact controller and indi-
cator series JUMO diraTRON and JUMO diraVIEW                                                         Dates
The webinar presents programming examples and thereby shows the options when using the com-          Thurs., Feb. 18, 2021
pact controllers and indicators:                                                                     Time: 3:00 – 4:00 PM
 • Influence on the setpoint value                                                                   Trainer: Manfred Schleicher
 • Control of a display
 • Activate controller after positive edge for a certain time                                        ÄÄ Sign up here
 • Switch controller on and off with positive edge
 • Text display
Target group: employees who want to add PLC functionality to the controllers and indicators. For
a better understanding the webinar "Basic principles of programming in the ST editor" should be
watched before participation.

The webinar provides an insight into the world of the JUMO Cloud and JUMO smartWARE SCADA:           Dates
 • Difference between JUMO Cloud and JUMO smartWARE SCADA                                            Wed., Apr. 28, 2021
 • Basic principles and special features of the software                                             Wed., Sept. 29, 2021
 • Use cases and applications                                                                        Time: 3:00 – 4:00 PM
 • Demonstration in the life system                                                                  Trainers:   Nico Müller,
Target group: employees who would like to gain an initial insight into the world of the JUMO Cloud               Martin Müller
                                                                                                     ÄÄ Sign up here

Selection of intrinsically safe sensor technology (i) in dust applications
The webinar shows how to determine the conditions for use for applications in zones 20/21 and 22     Dates
from the ATEX marking and the type examination certificate:                                          Tues., June 15, 2021
 • Basic information on dust applications                                                            Time: 3:00 – 3:30 PM
 • Examples for the handling of the marking and the type examination certificate for:                Trainer: Manfred Schleicher
   −− JUMO PROCESStemp
   −− JUMO dTRANS p20                                                                                ÄÄ Sign up here
Target group: employees who want to select JUMO sensor technology for potentially explosive at-
mospheres - caused by dust.

                                                                                              SIGN UP FOR FREE!

 News about temperature probe pairs and probes in the heat and
 cold meter industry                                                                                   Dates
 New requirements and applications emerge constantly in the "measuring devices for thermal             Thurs., Oct. 28, 2021
 energy" field. These must be taken into account when developing temperature sensors. New tech-        Time: 10:00 – 11:00 PM
 nologies and standardized requirements as well as new information on existing products and their            3:00 – 5:00 PM
 application are presented. The advantages that JUMO can offer and where the development will go
                                                                                                       Trainers: Daniel Bott,
 in the coming years are described.
                                                                                                                 Tobias Firle
     • New normative and legal requirements
     • Available constructions of temperature sensors
                                                                                                       ÄÄ Sign up here
     • Overview of the type examination certificates
     • New JUMO products
     • Identification marking of temperature probe pairs
 Target group: employees who deal with products in the industry. Interested parties are also

 Silo temperature monitoring with JUMO – variants, design, and visualization
 Silo temperature monitoring is an important part of quality assurance during grain storage. In ad-    Date
 dition to respiration losses, beetle and mold infestations can occur. When the critical temperature   Wed., Nov. 03, 2021
 is exceeded, appropriate measures can greatly reduce losses and also mycotoxin contamination of       Time: 3:00 – 4:00 PM
 grain. At the same time, explosion protection must also be taken into account in this case.
                                                                                                       Trainer: Martin Eppinger
     • Exceeding of the optimum storage temperature and the consequences
     • Multipoint temperature probe in different variants
                                                                                                       ÄÄ Sign up here
     • Explosion protection – application in zone 20
     • Visualization options:
      −− JUMO diraVIEW
      −− JUMO DICON touch
      −− JUMO variTRON 500
      −− JUMO Cloud
      −− JUMO smartWARE SCADA
     • Creation of a warehouse report with the paperless recorder or recorder function
 Target group: employees who want to configure and start silo temperature monitoring or who want
 to get an overview of the different versions.

                                                                                               SIGN UP FOR FREE!

                                                 Technical literature

Technical literature
Up-to-date technical knowledge for beginners and practitioners
With our extensive range of technical literature in the field of measurement and control technology we offer insights into the
basic principles for beginners as well as useful information for more experienced users.

The technical literature is clearly laid out and the content is presented in a simple and understandable manner through prac-
tical examples and illustrations. The individual topics are presented in a structured style and can for the most part be applied
to products of other manufacturers.

The authors possess decades of experience as well as comprehensive knowledge in their area of expertise. This is one of the
reasons why our technical literature has received a distinctive place in the range of teaching materials at various technology
institutes and universities.

Our technical literature is available as paperback books and can be ordered directly on our website. Alternatively you can down-
load the PDF file free of charge at

 XX All technical literature at a glance

 • Measurement uncertainty of a temperature measuring chain (FAS 625)

        Liquid analysis
 •   Information on high-purity water (FAS 614)
 •   Information on conductivity measurement (FAS 624)
 •   Information on redox voltage measurement (FAS 615)
 •   Information on pH measurement (FAS 622)
 •   Information on measuring ammonia in water (FAS 631)
 •   Information on the amperometric measurement of free chlorine, chlorine dioxide and ozone in water (FAS 619)
 •   Information on the measurement of hydrogen peroxide and peracetic acid (FAS 628)

 • Control Engineering – Basic principles and tips for practitioners (FAS 525)

 • SCR power controllers – Basic principles and tips for professionals (FAS 620)

        Comprehensive topics
 • Functional Safety – Safety Integrity Level (FAS 630)
 • Explosion Protection in Europe – Electrical equipment, fundamentals, guidelines, standards (FAS 547)



The following section provides an overview of our free JUMO e-learning courses and webinar recordings.
For example, you can have a typical startup of JUMO devices demonstrated in a succinct and simple manner through an e-learn-
ing course. Or use videos for a quick introduction to fundamental topics such as individual measurands.

If you want to go into greater depth with a topic we recommend our webinar recordings, which are also free of charge: within
about an hour you will gain a deeper insight into various topics dealing with measurement and control technology or into JUMO
device technology.

Key advantages for you:
You can always access our free e-learning courses from anywhere. That way, you have all the flexibility you need to suit your

Our product range is being expanded continuously – all e-learning courses can be found at

 XX Selected e-learning courses and webinar recordings at a glance

 •   Startup of RTD temperature probes (e-learning)
 •   Startup of thermocouples (e-learning)
 •   Plastic sensor technology with JUMO plastoSENS T (webinar recording)
 •   Practical information on dial thermometers and an overview of the JUMO product portfolio (webinar recording)

        Liquid analysis
 •   pH measurement (e-learning)
 •   Redox potential measurement (e-learning)
 •   Measuring the electrolytic conductivity (e-learning)
 •   Startup of JUMO digiLine sensor technology with the JUMO AQUIS touch (e-learning)
 •   Basic principles of chlorine measurement and the use of measurement technology (webinar recording)
 •   Basic principles of measuring dissolved oxygen and the use of measurement technology (webinar recording)
 •   Basic principles of turbidity measurement and the use of measurement technology (webinar recording)
 •   Leakage monitoring of ammonia in cooling circuits with the ammonia-sensitive sensor (webinar recording)

             Pressure and level
 • Introduction to electronic pressure measurement technology (webinar recording)
 • Hydrostatic level measurement (webinar recording)
 • Point level and level measurement with JUMO NESOS (webinar recording)

 • Industrial flow measurement technology (webinar recording)
 • Flow measurement with the JUMO flowTRANS MAG (webinar recording)
 • Flow measurement according to the differential pressure method (webinar recording)

 • Introduction to humidity measurement – basic principles and measurement methods (webinar recording)


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