Page created by Bertha Bradley

                                              Tel: 013-754-1600

  Thursday April 29, 2021

Nsikazi – your voice, your people                                  express
Page 3         Pageants aim to elevate the youth

 Mbekezeli Mbuli                             additional charge of robbery. A search      farm near Mabola. The police must
                                             for the suspects was immediately            bring these senseless murderers
   MBOMBELA - The provincial                 sanctioned. The motive for the killing      to face the law. We are also calling
 police have launched a frantic hunt for     is unknown at this stage,” said police      on communities who may have
 suspects following an incident in which     spokesperson, Col Donald Mdhluli.           information regarding the case to come
 two people, a 56-year-old mother and           The two victims were identified by        forward and assist the police.”
 her 34-year-old son, were murdered          the family as Annamarie Botha and              He made an appeal to all to work
 during a robbery.                           Ruan Brits.                                 together to stop farm killings. “We
   The incident occurred on the Valley          The Mpumalanga MEC for safety and        need to come together and band
 Farm between Karino and Magugu on           security, Vusi Shongwe, made an appeal      as a unity if we are to win
 Saturday.                                   to the communities at large to work         this battle against farm
   According to the report, emergency        with the police to bring the suspects to    killings,” Shongwe said.
 services received a complaint at around     justice.                                       He sent his condolences
 18:30 about the incident and upon their        He called on the police to work around   to the affected families. He
 arrival, the mother and son were found      the clock and double their efforts to       called for calm, saying that the
 lying motionless.                           apprehend the suspects.                     police should be given space to pursue
   “The two seemed to have been hit             The Mpumalanga MEC for                   this case and all other cases that affect
 with an object and unfortunately were       community safety, security and liaison,     farming communities.
 certified dead on the scene. The police      Vusi Shongwe, condemned the incident.          Shongwe once again appealed to all
 opened a murder case and preliminary        “What is worrying is that the incident      farm owners, dwellers and workers to
 investigation revealed that several items   happened shortly after the killing of       live peacefully together and to be united
 were stolen from the house, hence the       two farm dwellers on the Pampoenkraal       against crime.

                                                                                                                                      The Mpumalanga MEC
                                                                                                                                     for safety and security,
                                                                                                                                              Vusi Shongwe.
2         LOWVELDER EXPRESS - NEWS                                                                                                                                                           Thursday April 29, 2021

Police dedication
sees justice done
                                                              Aunt and uncle allegedly
on a large scale                                              sexually abuse nieces
  MBOMBELA - The acting                                      Thobile Mlangeni                                     allegedly subjected to rape as well as gross
provincial commissioner of the                                                                                    human violations. According to allegations,
SAPS, Maj Gen Thulani Phahla, has                              BUSHBUCKRIDGE - The Mozambican                     the girls were literally kept as slaves at their
commended the sterling work done                             consul for Mpumalanga and Limpopo is                 aunt and uncle’s house at Shatale in the
by the police officers in the various                        shocked at the news of two Mozambican                Bushbuckridge Local Municipality.
districts within the province, where                         minors reportedly raped by their uncle in               Mdhluli said the aunt would force the girls
their operations yielded positive                            Bushbuckridge.                                       each night to sleep with her husband. “She
results.                                                       “We learned of this case through the               would allegedly often excuse herself from
  These mandatory police operations                          media. We are already in contact with the            the bedroom and when the girls refused to
conducted between Monday April 19                            relevant authorities in order to locate the          obey, they would be severely assaulted and
and Sunday April 25 saw a total of                           family in Mozambique and to obtain all the           starved. When the elder girl narrated the
655 suspects being arrested and                              information that will allow us to evaluate           ordeal, she said one night she hid herself
charged for offenses such as murder,                         the consular assistance to be given as well.         inside a wardrobe out of fear and for those
assault with the intent to cause                             We strongly condemn such incidents,” said            few hours, she was at least safe. However,
grievous bodily harm, common assault,                        Eugenio Langa, a Mozambican consul based             her freedom was short-lived as she was
kidnapping, drunk driving, attempted                         in Mbombela.                                         severely assaulted the next morning, and
murder and rape.                                               On Monday a senior local government                sadly no one came to her rescue.”
  Some of the suspects have already                          official (49) and his wife (36) appeared                The girls also alleged their family
appeared in court, while others are                          in the Bushbuckridge Magistrate's Court              members in Mozambique were not
expected to appear throughout the                            on charges of rape involving two minors              aware of their ordeal. Their aunt allegedly
week in various courthouses.                                 aged between 13 and 15. According to Col             personally monitored every phone call they
  “The work done by the members                              Donald Mdhluli, the couple were arrested on          made back home.
over the past week is appreciated, more                      April 23.                                               The minors only managed to escape from
so as we forge ahead on our quest to                           Reports suggest that between 2019 and              the suspects' home on April 23 while the
combat crime. I want to thank them                           2020, the two girls, cousins, were reportedly        suspects were away.
for enforcing the law and ensuring that                      lured from Mozambique by their aunt under               “They then got a chance to sneak out of
communities feel safe and protected,”                        false pretences that they were going to              the house and reported the matter to a good
said Phahla.                                                 receive a better education in South Africa.          Samaritan who in turn alerted the police.
                                                             When they arrived in the country, they were          Preliminary investigations have revealed
                                                                                                                  that the girls were illegally brought into the
                                                                                                                  country without proper documentations,
                                                                                                                  hence an additional charge of contravention
                                                                                                                  of the Immigration Act was added. The
                                                                                                                  suspects are also facing a charge of human
                                                                                                                  trafficking as well as conspiracy to commit
                                                                                                                  crime,” added Mdhluli.
                                                                                                                     The police, in collaboration with
                                                                                                                  the Department of Social Development,
                                                                                                                  removed the children to a place of
                                                                                                                  safety where they will receive all the                Eugenio Langa, the Mozambican consul for
                                                                                                                  necessary care.                                       Mpumalanga and Limpopo.

                                                                                                                  Traffic cop allegedly holds
                                                                                                                  licence disc ransom for R1 500
                                                                                                                  Thobile Mlangeni

                                                                                                                    KABOKWENI - A local traffic inspector
                                                                                                                  was arrested by the Hawks Serious
                                                                                                                  Corruption Investigation Unit last Friday in
                                                                                                                  connection with corruption.
                                                                                                                    Nkosinathi Emmanuel Masina (39)
                                                                                                                                          appeared in the
                                                                                                                                          Magistrate’s Court
                                                                                                                                          on April 26. He was
                                                                                                                                          released on
                                                                                                                                          R1 000 bail. The              Nkosinathi Emmanuel Masina.
                                                                                                                                          case was transferred
                                                                                                                                          to the Nelspruit              demanded a R1 500 bribe to return a licence
                                                                                                                                          Commercial Crime              disc of a certain company’s truck. “It is
                                                                                                                                          Court, and he is              alleged that on January 30 a truck driver
                                                                                                                                          expected to appear            was stopped by the traffic officials along the
                                                                                                                                          on May 12.                    Badplaas/Barberton Road.
                                                                                                                                            He was arrested                “The truck was loaded with people in
                                                                                                                                          after he had                  the back. It is further alleged that Masina
                                                                                                                                                                        searched the truck and told the complainant
                                                                                                                                                                        he was not allowed to load people in the
                                                                                                                                                                        back. He then allegedly removed the disc
                                                                                                                                                                        and demanded R1 500 for its return.
                                                                                                                                                                           “The complainant did not have money at
                                                                                                                                                                        the time and the traffic officer decided to
                                                                                                                                                                        strike the truck from the road. He promised
                                                                                                                                                                        him that he would get the disc back when he
                                                                                                                                                                        brought the money.

                                                                                                                                                                           “The matter was reported to the Hawks
                                                                                                                                                                        Serious Corruption Investigation Unit, which
                                                                                                                                                                        led to Masina’s arrest on Friday,” said the
                                                                                                                                                                        spokesperson for the Hawks, Capt Dineo

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Thursday April 29, 2021                                                                                                                     NEWS - LOWVELDER EXPRESS                  3

Pageants aim to elevate the youth Murder suspect
 Joseph Ntimba ka Masiah                                                                                                                    hands himself
                                                                                                                                            over to police
 Mr Bushbuckridge and Miss Plus-size
 Bushbuckridge were crowned during
 a glittering ceremony that took place
 in the Latter Rain Christian Church at                                                                                                     Thobile Mlangeni
 Thulamahashe at the beginning of the
 month.                                                                                                                                       NKOMAZI - The murder case against
    Mpho Mofokeng took over from                                                                                                            Colani Mkhabela (23) has been postponed
 the famous aspiring actor, Abednico                                                                                                        to May 3 for formal bail application.
 Mabaso, also known as Gadaafi, after                                                                                                         Mkhabela briefly appeared in the
 being crowned Mr Bushbuckridge, while                                                                                                      Nkomazi Magistrate’s Court on April 26.
 Hendrietta Nyathi won the new Miss Plus-                                                                                                     Two people were shot and killed in an
 size Bushbuckridge crown.                                                                                                                  incident that occurred in KaMaqhekeza
    According to the event’s co-organiser,                                                                                                  near Komatipoort on April 22. According
 Potego Sekome, the Mr Bushbuckridge                                                                                                        to the police, Mkhabela handed himself
 pageant caters for young men aged                                                                                                          over as the one who had killed the victims.
 between 16 and 30 from any village                                                                                                           He apparently told them a scuffle had
 within the Bushbuckridge region. “We                                                                                                       broken out between two groups that
 live in times in which most empowerment                                                                                                    culminated into a physical fight. He said he
 initiatives are aimed at women. This leaves                                                                                                then snatched a firearm from another man,
 a gap in which young men are neglected                                                                                                     shot the two victims and fled the scene. He
 and left incapable of coexisting with these                                                                                                surrendered himself as well as the firearm
 empowered women. The aim of the                                                                                                            to the authorities at Tonga Police Station a
 Mr Bushbuckridge competition is to                                                                                                         day later.
 focus on grooming these young men and                                                                                                        The acting provincial commissioner
 empower them to become role models for                                                                                                     of the police, Maj Gen Thulani Phahla,
 other young men in their communities,”                                                                                                     condemned the incident. He encouraged
 she said.                                                                                                                                  members of the community to use other
    Sekome said the Miss Plus-size                                                                                                          peaceful ways to settle disagreements.
 Bushbuckridge pageant aimed to challenge                                                                                                     “We urge members of the public not to
 societal perceptions that women have to                                                                                                    take the law in their own hands. Resolve
 be slim in order to look attractive. “As                                                                                                   matters in a lawful manner rather than
 for the plus-size pageant competition, it                                                                                                  resorting to violence which often results in
 caters for fuller-figured young women                                                                                                      the loss of life,” he concluded.
                                               Dumisani Mathebula, Hendrieta Nyathi, Mpho Mofokeng and Potego Sekome.
 aged 16 to 30, and they also have to be of
 the Bushbuckridge region. We give these       Mpumalanga. It is organised by Nghazi,           and look forward to engage in various
                                                                                                                                                           No to gender-based
 young women an opportunity to become          which was founded by multitalented radio         community projects. Regarding prizes,
 the best versions of themselves. By doing     personality and master of ceremonies,            we have had a few companies extending
 so, they in turn become an inspiration to     Dumisani “DD” Mathebula. Mathebula said          a helping hand in giving something to our                        violence
 other women of similar body shapes, to        they were happy with the judges’ choices,        winners.
 accept and love themselves.”
    Both pageants took place on the
                                               and also aim to work with all the titleholders
                                               on their special programmes designed to
                                                                                                  “We would appreciate any form of
                                                                                                contribution going forward, to assist us
                                                                                                                                                          Break the silence
 same day and they were attended by            empower them during their reign. “Both           in our quest to empower the youth of                      Phone GRIP: 083-310-1321
 several people from various areas across      winners are excited about what lies ahead,       Bushbuckridge,” he concluded.
4          LOWVELDER EXPRESS - NEWS                                                                                                                                                   Thursday April 29, 2021

Minister blames interchange delays on locals
                                              Bridget Mpande and Neo Machaba

                                      KARINO - Transport minister Fikile
                                    Mbalula has attributed the delays on the Karino
                                    Interchange to communities that wanted to be
                                    involved in the project.
                                      He said this during his inspection and
                                    monitoring visit at the construction site on
                                    Friday. The visit was done in partnership with
                                         the South African National Roads Agency
                                           (Sanral) and Trans African Concessions
                                                    The aim of the visit was to
                                                    monitor and inspect the progress
                                                     on major infrastructure project
                                                      upgrades along the N4 in
                                                           “The main delays were
                                                        caused by communities and
                                                         people who were seeking to
                                                         be part of the programme.
                                                          The project is now
                                                          progressing, we are on track
                                                          and it will be completed in                          Construction is currently under way.
                                                          November,” he explained.
                                                                            of TRAC, said, “The N4 and R514 intersection
                                                            “The interchange forms                                                                           project has to be injected back into the affected
                                                                            had become a nightmare, handling high traffic
                                                          part of the government’s                                                                           communities. The initial six per cent targeted
                                                                            volumes, especially during peak hours. The
                                                          road infrastructure projects                                                                       labour set at the tender phase has been exceeded
                                                                            intersection also became notorious for the
                                                         which are delivered through                                                                         to 7,19 per cent, meaning that total expenditure
                                                         Sanral.            severity of its accidents over the years.”                                       on targeted labour is now over R17 million.
                                                                                According to Van Niekerk, the upgrading
                                                          “The project has brought
                                                      about job creation andof the Karino intersection to an interchange
                                                     empowered the local andis deemed a next phase as part of the original
                                                                            Nelspruit Northern Ring Road project completed
                                                   surrounding SMMEs with skills
                                                                            in 2010.
                                                 development and subcontracting
                                                opportunities,” he said. MbalulaThe interchange is the most important link
                                                                            between Mbombela and KaNyamazane and will
                                               added that the interchange will
                                                                            provide a direct link from the R514 route to the
                                               resolve a lot of things such as
Fikile Mbalula inspects proceedings at the                                  N4 national road.
                                               congestion and backlog. Alex van
Karino Interchange.                                                             The R514 also provides access to the KMI
                                               Niekerk, the chief executive officer
                                                                        447788R          Van Niekerk added that a total
                          ,19,7$7,2172 5(*,67(5 21 7+( 6833/,(56'$7$           of 54 local subcontractors and over
                                                                                      300 local community members are
                          %$6($6$6(59,&(3529,'(52)7+(0380$/$1*$               currently employed on-site. A portion
                          3529,1&,$/ /(*,6/$785( )25  ),1$1&,$/           of the expenditure incurred on the                                     Safety first at the construction site.
Thursday April 29, 2021   LOWVELDER EXPRESS        5
6     LOWVELDER EXPRESS - COMMUNITY                                                                                                                                Thursday April 29, 2021

      Family of children who died in fire
      supported by community’s kindness
          Thobile Mlangeni                               murder has yet to be arrested.
                                                            “Rumours say he was seen at night
             MASOYI - Locals and private                 around Mganduzweni and Mshadza. We
          organisations around Masoyi and                wish the police would make an arrest
          Mbombela showed kindness when they             quickly, so that the family may get some
          unanimously helped the grieving family         closure. He must be arrested, prosecuted
          of the two cousins who had tragically          and jailed for his act and the pain he has
          died in a housefire last week.                 caused the family,” she said.
             The cousins, Noxolo Mlotshwa (7)               Mhaule added that the mothers of the
          and Mandisa Maseko (9), were laid to           two victims, Delsile (42) and Elizabeth
          rest in Jerusalem Cemetery on Saturday         (37), were still traumatised and needed         Jacob Hlatshwayo, Isabel Ngomane and Lerato Mashua.

                                                                                                         Hard work opens doors
          morning. Days prior to their funeral,          counselling. “They are trying to be strong,
          locals donated food parcels, a tent and        but as an elder I can see that they are
          water. One of the major contributors was       not okay. We would appreciate some
          financial service provider, Old Mutual,        form of counselling for the whole family,”

                                                                                                         for bursary student
          and Lowveld Media in Mbombela.                 she said.
             Old Mutual’s branch manager,                   The incident happened on April 17. The
          Sibongile Mkhonto, said, “It felt good         cousins had an early bath and went straight
          when we contributed where we can               to their room to sleep, earlier than they
          and where there was a need. It was like        normally would have done.
          ploughing on fertile soil; however, I             At about 19:30 the children’s mothers        Bridget Mpande                                 drop out. When I received the call I was
          felt it was not enough. As a business we       decided to chase away several cattle that                                                      already in Gauteng and my family had
          have a social responsibility to plough         had been roaming around the yard. On               MBOMBELA - A dream has come true            made a suggestion that I return home. I
          back into the community we serve               their way back, they could smell something      for a 23-year-old local who has not let her    was going to pack my bags and go home
          without expecting any profit in return.        like fire. They could see the blaze and         background define her.                         since I did not have money. The university
          Making a difference to the needy is more       realised the flames were coming from the           Isabel Ngomane is a mechanical              had allowed me to register without funds
          important,” she said.                          back of their RDP house.                        engineering trainee at Sembcorp                because of my good matric results.
             The victim’s grandmother, Grace                The house was engulfed in smoke. They        Silulumanzi. She is one of the hard-working       “The organisation sponsored my tuition
          Mhaule, thanked all organisations who          called for help and neighbours came in          students who received an education bursary     fees, registration fees, accommodation
          had helped to give her granddaughters          their numbers to try to put out the fire, but   through the water provider.                    fees, stationery and I received a monthly
          a dignified funeral. She added that the        the blaze was just too much.                       These bursaries are awarded by Sembcorp     stipend. They would also visit me to check
          family was still not at ease, as the suspect      The two children were declared dead on       Silulumanzi to learners in the concession      on how I was surviving in the big city. I
          in connection with the alleged arson and       the scene by a pathologist.                     area who excel in matric and wish to further   had never been out of Mpumalanga until I
                                                                                                         a career in the water sector.                  matriculated,” she said.
                                                                                                            Ngomane studied mechanical engineering         The public relations officer at Sembcorp
                                                                                                         at the University of Johannesburg. She         Silulumanzi, Lerato Mashua. said the
                                                                                                         said this opportunity is one of the greatest   aim is to give back to the community
                                                                                                         highlights of her life so far and she wants    while empowering young, hard-working
                                                                                                         to encourage grade 12 learners to work         learners.
                                                                                                         hard. “My mother is a single parent and           “The bursary scheme was officially
                                                                                                         we depended on her pension. If I had not       launched by the organisation in 2016 to
                                                                                                         qualified for the bursary, I was going to      assist students.”
Thursday April 29, 2021 		                                                                                                                                                                                      COMMUNITY - LOWVELDER EXPRESS                                       7

Pupils are thrilled to receive new wheelchairs
Neo Machaba                                                                customised wheelchairs, courtesy of                                     (11) and Ashwin Mnisi (12), were                                       her gratitude to every organisation that
                                                                           the provincial Department of Education                                  elated to receive their new wheelchairs                                had played a role.
  KABOKWENI - It was a life-                                               in partnership with Standard Bank and                                   last Thursday.                                                           “I am very grateful to the school,
changing moment when two learners of                                       Uplands College.                                                          Filled with excitement, Lebogang’s                                   Uplands and Standard Bank for giving
Cophetsheni Primary School received                                          The two pupils, Lebogang Tshabane                                     mother, Nomazwi Mokoena, expressed                                     my daughter such a great gift. Things
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          are now going to be easier for her to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          go around like other children.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Speaking on behalf of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Department of Education, MEC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Bonakele Majuba said they were
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          also grateful that these electric
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          wheelchairs would make life easier for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          the two learners, making them much
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          more mobile.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            “We are grateful to Standard Bank
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          for taking care of our pupils with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          special needs and for adding so much

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ‘We are grateful
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     to be able to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    play a part in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   changing lives’

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          value to the delivery of education
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          in the province. Standard Bank
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          has through their financial support
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          demonstrated that they have the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          interest of our learners at heart.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             “We also want to thank Uplands
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          for filling in the gap to ensure that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          the special needs of these learners are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          met,” said Majuba.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Lizzy Mohale of Standard Bank
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          said, “Being in the hearts of our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          communities is what we want and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          strive for. We will continue to look
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          for more ways to partner with our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          communities and we are grateful to
The two learners, Lebogang Tshabane and Ashwin Mnisi, flanked by their parents, teachers and representatives of Standard Bank and the                                                                                     be able to play a part in changing the
Department of Education.                                                                                                                                                                                                  lives of these two children.”

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8 			                  Thursday April 29, 2021
Thursday April 29, 2021 		   LOWVELDER EXPRESS   9
 10 			                                                                                                                                                                  Thursday April 29, 2021

From one taxi to a transport
empire, he’s come a long road  We’ve got mail

Marinette Potgieter                               is to strengthen broad-based black economic
                                                  empowerment in the transport sector.
                                                                                                 Bullying must always
                                                                                                 be nipped in the bud
                                                     “Generally, empowerment initiatives
   HAZYVIEW - Millions of South Africans          tend to benefit only a handful of highly
have to travel great distances to get to work     visible black organisations or individuals,”
every day. One man saw this and decided to        states its website.
turn public transport into his legacy.               “This has led to concentration of
   In 2001 Thubane Myboet Elia bought his         economic power among relatively few             Harold Lekhuleni writes                      to comply with the requirements of the
first taxi. He started transporting workers       black businessmen and women. Economic                                                        Department of Basic Education.
from rural areas around Hazyview to their         empowerment and wealth creation has                                                             There are pieces of papers that are pasted
workplaces in town. Steadily, he acquired         only been extended to include previously
                                                                                                    Martin Luther King Jr warned us when       in classes and even in the offices of the
                                                                                                 he said, “We need to learn to live together   principals. It is unfortunate that in many
more taxis until he owned one of the most         disadvantaged individuals at grassroots        as brothers or perish together as fools”.
reliable fleets in the province.                  levels and on a broad base in relatively few      This is a profound statement that we
                                                                                                                                               instances, these documents are not translated
   Twenty years later, Myboet’s Transport         instances, raising questions surrounding                                                     into a living tool that would monitor and
                                                                                                 need to heed, lest we perish as a society.    regulate learners' behaviour.
owns 79 luxury coaches, 20 minibuses              the true authenticity of numerous BEE          Bullying is a behaviour of a person who
and employs about 100 staff members,              transactions.”                                                                                  It is high time that the code of conduct
                                                                                                 hurts or frightens someone small or less      should be made into a living document in
transporting thousands of workers and                To see Myboet’s Transport routes and        powerful. This is an anti-social behaviour
schoolchildren all over the country               tariffs, visit its Facebook page or website                                                  schools. All pupils should be made to comply
                                                                                                 that has bedeviled our communities and        with all the aspects of the school code.
every day.                                                  our schools in particular.
   “I’ve worked hard and got a few lucky                                                                                                       Schools should ensure that all the aspects
                                                                                                    This kind of behaviour gradually           of the code are implemented to the letter
breaks along the way,” Elia said.                                                                crept into our community and as a result
   “We now have permits to drive anywhere                                                                                                      and spirit. Any deviation of these aspects,
                                                                                                 it is developing into a cancer that is        especially those pertaining to bullying,
in South Africa.”                                                                                destroying the moral fibre of our society.
   In 2005, after receiving a transporting                                                                                                     should be dealt with accordingly. The
                                                                                                 If this situation is not addressed, most
contract from EDCON (Edgars Group), Elia                                                         of our schools will make the daily news
                                                                                                                                               vulnerable and the downtrodden should be
made the leap from taxis to buses.                                                                                                             protected at all times. Most of the bullies are
                                                                                                 headlines for the wrong reasons.              like elephants that derive pleasure when they
   Myboet’s Transport started transporting                                                          The recent bullying incident that
workers from Sand River and Mkhuhlu                                                                                                            tread upon the ants.
                                                                                                 happened at Mbilwi Secondary School              Discipline and moral education which
to Hazyview and Kiepersol. Since then,                                                           in Limpopo should serve as a lesson and
government and private entity contracts                                                                                                        azre encapsulated in the life orientation
                                                                                                 a wake-up call to the country and to our      programme should be enhanced. These
started pouring in. According to its website,                                                    schools. The death of Lufono Mavhungag
Myboet’s Transport was awarded a contract                                                                                                      should not just be lessons that are taught
                                                                                                 should be a reminder to all of us that this   in classes, they should serve as behaviour
from the Department of Roads and Transport
between 2011 and 2017, to transport pupils.
                                                                                                 anti-social behaviour should be nipped in     modification programme, especially to those
                                                                                                 the bud before it develops roots!             who exhibit deviant behaviour. Teachers who
   This contract raked in R650 000 per                                                              Many schools have a code of conduct.
month for the company.                                                                                                                         are assigned the duty to execute this task
                                                                                                 In many instances, these remain cosmetic      should have a passion for this area. We need
   Eskom has also been a client of Myboet                                                        documents which are compiled by schools
and has brought in more than R3,4 million                                                                                                      to act decisively and nip bullying in the bud!
for the company.
   The businessman that he is, Elia puts most
of the money generated from the business
back into growing it. One of his main aims         Myboet boss, Thubane Myboet Elia.              Reliable water supply key to
                                                                                                  enjoying the fruits of freedom
                                                                                                  Themba Khoza writes:                          to the required protocols. One of
                                                                                                                                                these included ensuring reliable water
                                                                                                     Water is life and central to               supply to all communities. Tanks
                                                                                                  all aspects of it. Everything,                were installed and regularly filled to
                                                                                                  the economy, socioeconomic                    ensure people have access to clean
                                                                                                  development, livestock, the                   water closer to their households, to
                                                                                                  environment and mainly human lives            regularly wash their hands and keep
                                                                                                  depend on water. Water is basically           the virus at bay. This helped to ease
                                                                                                  central to a better life for all.             the burden on communities in relation
                                                                                                     April is Freedom Month and on              to water supply.
                                                                                                  April 27, everyone celebrated the                The water supply interventions
                                                                                                  advent of democracy in South Africa.          show that much still needs to be done
                                                                                                  Freedom Day is a special day on               to ensure access to reliable water
                                                                                                  which we must all celebrate a better          supply for some of our communities.
                                                                                                  life for all. After all, what is freedom      Government continues to roll out
                                                                                                  without the source of life, water?            major water supply projects, and it
                                                                                                     In the beginning of the lockdown,          is now up to the people to monitor
                                                                                                  as a measure to curb the spread               the implementation of these projects.
                                                                                                  of Covid-19, the government                   Communities also need to protect
                                                                                                  implemented major interventions to            water infrastructure against theft and
                                                                                                  help communities to cope and adhere           vandalism to ensure that everyone
                                                                                                                                                enjoys reliable water supply, and the

                                                                                                                                                country moves towards the attainment
                                                                                                                                                of Sustainable Development Goal 6.
                                                                                                                                                We all need to pull together to enjoy
                                                                                                                                                the fruits of freedom.
                                                                                                                                                   For the economy to be back on its
                                                                                                                                                feet, it requires reliable water supply.
         Introducing GEPF Self-Service and App that will                                                                                           Enjoying the fruits of our freedom
                                                                                                                                                also means access to clean, potable
         help you save time and effort.                                                                                                         water. This then calls on all of
                                                                                                                                                us to prevent the pollution of our
         Members will be able to:                                                                                                               water resources to ensure those
                                                                                                                                                downstream also enjoy clean water.
         • Access their benefit statements         •   Trace any benefit claims                                                                   We must all remember that we all live
         • Access proof of payments               •   Update contact information                                                                downstream and we will never like
                                                                                                                                                those upstream to pollute and give us
         • Access tax certificates                 •   Nominate beneficiaries                                                                     polluted water.
                                                                                                                                                   We can all enjoy our freedom by
         Visit to access self-service or download the App at Google                                                                  joining hands and working together
         Play Store or Apple App Store.                                                                                                         to ensure that everyone has access to
                                                                                                                                                clean and sustainable water supply.

                                                                                                                                                 Email your letter to
                                                                                                                                                 Letters must be limited to 200 words and the editor
                                                                                                                                                 reserves the right to edit it. A writer may use a
                                                                                                                                                 pseudonym, but their full name, address and number
                                                                                                                                                 must accompany the letter.
Thursday April 29, 2021 		                                                                                                          COMMUNITY - LOWVELDER EXPRESS                  11

                                             Locals clean up gogo’s yard and house
                                             Thobile Mlangeni                              Khethekile Nkosi.                              clear the yard and even clean her house,”
                                                                                             According to the management of the           explained Thokozani Mathabela, a local
                                               KANYAMAZANE - A local organisation,         foundation, they were concerned when they      youth.
                                             the Khulumanathi Foundation, surprised        saw Nkosi’s yard overgrown with shrubs and        Lethukuthula Nkosi added that they grew
                                             a pensioner with a birthday party and a       plants. They said the situation was not safe   up knowing Gogo Nkosi as they used to
                                             thorough cleaning of her premises.            for an elder person. “She could have been      play with her own children. Gogo Nkosi was
                                               Elders of the area attended the             bitten by snakes or have criminals hiding at   also surprised with a birthday cake, gifts
                                             84th birthday celebration of Gogo             her place at any time. Hence we decided to     and songs sang for her by children of the
                                                                                                                                             Gogo Nkosi said, “I am so glad for the
                                                                                                                                          gesture showed to me by the foundation and
The overgrown yard at Gogo Nkosi’s.
                                                                                                                                          the community. It means they still care for
                                                                                                                                          elders of my age. They brought peace in
                                                                                                                                          my life regardless of my living conditions,”
                                                                                                                                          she said.
                                                                                                                                             Nkosi told Lowvelder Express that the
                                                                                                                                          Department of Human Settlements seemed
                                                                                                                                          to have forgotten about her plight. Her house
                                                                                                                                          is one of 2 130 that were damaged by the
                                                                                                                                          heavy storm in May 2018. Although the
                                                                                                                                          Department of Human Settlements managed
                                                                                                                                          to fix many of the houses, Nkosi’s house
                                                                                                                                          was left untouched after she had refused
                                                                                                                                          to have a smaller-sized house built for her.
                                                                                                                                          Last Friday she told this newspaper that
Thokozani Mathabela, Gogo Khethekile                                                                                                      she needed the department to build her a
Nkosi, Zodwa Manzini and Lethukuthula                                                                                                     house equal to her old and leaking RDP
Nkosi at Gogo Nkosi’s damaged house.                                                                                                      house. “What would I do with all the house
                                                                                                                                          content if they build me a smaller house?
                                                                                                                                          They should rather fix my current house,”
                                                                                                                                          she said.
                                                                                                                                             Two years ago, the department said Gogo
                                                                                                                                          Nkosi’s case was being attended to.
                                                                                                                                             In a response to a previous media inquiry
                                                                                                                                          of October 8, 2019 on Nkosi’s house, Freddy
                                                                                                                                          Ngobe, the spokesperson for the department,
                                                                                                                                          said, “The rehabilitation of the project
                                                                                                                                          involved a lot of administrative processes,
                                                                                                                                          community and stakeholder engagements.
                                                                                                                                          It must be stated that Gogo Nkosi’s case
                                                                                                                                          and others in similar condition are
Members of the foundation clearing at Gogo                                                                                                receiving priority and they will have their
Nkosi’s house.                               Locals at Gogo Khethekile Nkosi’s birthday.                                                  houses soon.”
12      LOWVELDER EXPRESS - COMMUNITY                                                                                                                             Thursday April 29, 2021

Youth league member                                                                                                                 Ipid to investigate
                                                                                                                                    alleged assault case
demands equal rights                                                                                                                Thobile Mlangeni              accused of rape.
                                                                                                                                                                     The now 27-year-old
Thobile Mlangeni                                 homosexual, he said, “I didn’t sail through                                           MASOYI - The               claimed he could not
                                                 life. I had to fight for acceptance, not for                                       Independent Police            have children of his
   KABOKWENI - Eugene Bafana Manana              myself but for everyone who had been seen                                          Investigative Directorate     own due to the alleged
is one person who never shies away from          to be different because of their sexuality. To                                     (Ipid) is investigating the   injuries he had suffered
raising his voice against issues affecting the   the LGBTQIA+ I say: Always know that                                               local police in connection    on that day. He alleged
country’s youth.                                 they don’t hate us, but fear what we may                                           with the assault case that    he was assaulted with
   He recently called on the police to play      become.”                                                                           allegedly occurred in the     the butt of a gun and had
their part to protect young girls and women         Manana is a gender activist at                                                  station’s holding cells 11    his genitals grabbed. He
in KaBokweni. This comes after the sad           the forefront of supporting and                                                    years ago.                    alleged the police only
death and discovery of the lifeless body         empowering young women,                                                               The spokesperson           stopped assaulting him
of Michele Nomqhele Maseko of the                especially in the political and                                                    for Ipid, Ndileka Cola,       after seeing that he had
Mangozeni Trust.                                 business spaces that are hostile                                                   confirmed the directorate     soiled himself and was
   Manana had recently been selected to be       to women and queer people.                                                         had recently received         unconscious. He said he
part of the ANC Youth League national task       He holds very strong views                                                         the victim’s case. “I         had begged to be taken
team. He has played leading roles in the         of the development of young                                                        can confirm that Ipid is      to hospital, but nobody
Embrace Diversity Movement since 2020            people and their inclusion in all                                                  investigating the assault     listened to his cries.
and the Congress of South African Students       spheres of government. He is                                                       allegations. The process         On the following
(Cosas) since 2017, and was re-elected in        a student pursuing his national                                                    is still in the beginning     morning he was taken
2020. He had also been a district treasurer      diploma in administrative                                                          stages,” she said.            to the KaBokweni
for the Young Communist League                   management with the                                                                   A community member         Magistrate’s Court,
since 2017.                                      University of South Africa.                                                        wanted the local SAPS         where the he was
   Manana fought tooth and nail for human           He said he felt the desire to                                                   to be investigated and        apparently told by the
rights and acceptance of homosexuality.          fight for the rights and well-                                                     prosecuted for the            investigating officer to
He is an advocate of the lesbian, gay,           being of students in the country,                                                  injuries he had allegedly     stay strong and to walk
bisexual, trans, queer, intersex and asexual     so he joined Cosas and had                                                         suffered in the holding       properly so that the
(LGBTQIA+) community.                            been in its leading structures                                                     cells on January 30,          magistrate would not
   Reflecting on his own encounters as a         for a couple of years.                  Eugene Manana after speaking at Nomqhele
                                                                                        Maseko’s memorial service.                  2010, after he had been       notice anything wrong.

    Silulumanzi hereby invites the most Acceptable Bidders for the supply and delivery
    of the following items on a period of 24 months:

    Bid documents will be ready for collection from Silulumanzi’s cashiers during
    working hours from Monday, 10 May 2021, at Silulumanzi Offices, 16 Nel Street,
    Nelspruit. A non-refundable Bid deposit of R500-00 payable in cash, or debit, and
    credit cards only, will be accepted.

    A compulsory briefing session will be conducted at Silulumanzi Head Office,
    Mbombela, 1200, on 28 May 2021 at 10h00 am.

    Completed Bids sealed in an envelope marked: Bid No: STO/04/2021, and name of
    the Bidder, shall be deposited in the Bid box provided at the Offices of Silulumanzi,
    Ground Floor, Bateleur Building, 16 Nel Street, the closing date, Friday, 11 June
    2021 @ 11h00 am.

    Only Acceptable Bids who meet the following requirements will be

    •    Fast moving stock must be delivered within 3 working days from receipt of
         authorized purchase order.
    •    Must be a BEE Level 2 or Level 1.
    •    Supplier will always keep stock to cater for emergencies and standby.
    •    Supplier must be able to provide afterhours service for emergencies and
         standby 7 days a week including public holidays.
    •    Stock supplied to comply with required quality standards (SANS).
    •    Has the necessary financial capability to execute the project.

    Bids must be submitted in whole on the bid documentation according to the
    Bidder’s nature of business and each applicable schedule has to be completed in

    All Bids will be Evaluated according to the Preferential Procurement System:
    The 80/20 preference point system shall be applicable.

    Bidders will be required to obtain a minimum of 60 points out of 100 for
    functionality to be evaluated further on Price and BEE.

    No late Bids will be accepted. Silulumanzi is not obliged to accept the lowest or any Bid
    and reserves the right to accept any Bid, part of any Bid, or more than one Bid.
    Contact person:             Samuel Thobela
    Telephone No:               013-752-6839

    Employer:                   Silulumanzi

                                P.O. Box 12753,
Thursday April 29, 2021                                                                             COMMUNITY - LOWVELDER EXPRESS   13

Phola roads after the strike.

Phola residents are up in
arms, demand clean water
Thobile Mlangeni                                  of four.
                                                     She said only those who could afford it,
  PHOLA - Protests and pickets demanding          bought clean water from a local delivery
clean water service delivery around Phola,        truck for R250 per JoJo tank. “Some of us
Nsikazi, and surrounding areas have become        depend on only the child grants and the
a norm.                                           small businesses we run in our yards. When
  The locals recently blockaded the entrance      we have some money, we buy water from
to this village with debris and burning tyres     those who own boreholes at R2 per 20-litre
to demand clean drinking water.                   container,” she said. Sambo added that
  “The strike comes after almost four             whenever she had water, she used it very
weeks of having no clean water from               sparingly, in such a way that she forced her
the municipality’s water delivery trucks.         children to use only two liters per child for
The situation was so dire that we had to          bathing.
walk long distances to fetch water from              Her sentiments were echoed by Marble
unprotected natural streams. We had no            Maseko, who had said in previous years they
choice but to share the water with our            usually gotten clean water from their taps
animals,” explained Tina Sambo, a mother          each morning around 05:00. “What angers
                                                  the community more is that each time we
                                                  have community meetings, no one explains
                                                  what the real problem is. We just hope that
                                                  after this strike the councillor will engage
                                                  the municipality and deliver clean water
                                                  in time.”
                                                     Malenia Mokoena, a learner from a
                                                  local school, said being without water was
                                                  tremendously affecting the children's school
                                                  performance, as they would spend most of
                                                  their afternoons on their way to and from
                                                  streams to fetch water instead of doing
                                                  their homework. “Even on weekends when
                                                  we receive small amounts of water from
                                                  our stands' pipes, we would spend most of
                                                  our time doing laundry that had piled up
                                                    during the days of being without water.
                                                      Our plea is for government to prioritise
                                                       the education of learners from rural
                                                        schools by providing us with services
                                                         like water, so that we can have time to
                                                          study,” she said.
                                                             Locals told Lowvelder Express
                                                           that being without water was
                                                            also affecting their day-to-day
                                                             businesses, including car washes
                                                                and bricklayers. “Without
                                                                  water, we cannot do much
                                                                   to help our families. The
                                                                   situation badly affects our
                                                                         way of life, as most of
                                                                          us are unemployed and
                                                                          live by running our
                                                                          small businesses," said
                                                                        Enoch Shongwe, a local

Tina Sambo has to ration a two-litre jug of water for each child’s bath.
CORONA                   If you are mildly               with mild symptoms.                             0800-029-999
                                                                                                            sick, keep                  Call the hotline on

                                                                                                       yourself hydrated                                                  If you display any signs of the Covid-19 virus, don’t
                                                                                                       and stay at home                                                     go to the doctor/pharmacist or nurse and infect
  14 			                                                                                                 and rest. If you                                                      everybody in the practice.Thursday
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Call the hotline
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    April 29, 2021
                                                                                                         are concerned

Poets word their way to higher education
                                                                                                            about your
                                                                        Covid-19              • Wash your
                                                                         Hotline:           hands often with                                CORONA
                                                                                            soap and water
Mbekezeli Mbuli                                           his siblings’ school fees, groceries for the                      stationery with myGet  the facts,fees.
                                                                                                                                                publication    joinNine
                                                                                                                                                                    the Corona whatsapp service
                                                                              his very own •your
                                                                                             Avoid touching

                                                                                                                                                   060 012 3456
                                                          family and buying                 cell phone
                                                                                                 eyes, nose
                                                                                                                            of my poems were published in the Avbob
  MBOMBELA - Two Mpumalanga teens                         with his winnings. This ambitious youthor mouth with              poetry library, each one earning R300. Now
                                                                   If youondisplay
are creating a unique identity for themselves has his sights set    any signs of
                                                                                studying science
                                                                                               unwashedin the
                                                                                                           hands            I have invested my prize, saving for my
as poets in their communities.                    USA one day. the Covid-19                                                 tertiary education,” he said.
                                                                                                 • Avoid close
  Both were 16 when they made history                              virus, don’t
                                                     “I started writing       poetry go before entering
                                                                                                  contact with                                        Simply add to whatsapp and type “Hi”.
as the youngest-ever winners of their             my teens and ittoisthevery  doctor/
                                                                                    helpful. I neededpeople                                              You will be prompted from there
respective language categories in the third       a way to express pharmacist
                                                                         my emotions  or     andwho ideas
                                                                                                       are sick
                                                                 nurse and infect
Avbob Poetry Competition last year.               safely,” said Sibahle.
                                                                 everybody in the
  When the exceptional news of this                  “Even today, Ipractice.
                                                                         was working very hard in                                          CORONA
accolade and the R10 000 prize money              class, so I took a break to write a couple                                                                      How it spreads:
arrived, Pristine Siyabonga Mtsweni’s father of poems. I’ve met              a lot of other poets,
                                                                        CORONA                                                                                    • Through the air by coughing and
thought they were being                                                          which helped me form                                                             sneezing.
                                                                                                                                                                  • Close personal contact.
pranked.                                                                         relationships ThetoDepartment
  As a grade 10 learner at        ‘I started writing poetry                      myself and to   of Health
                                                                                                                                                                  • Touching an object or surface with the
                                                                                                                                                                  virus on it,then touching your
                                                                                                  launched a                                                      mouth, nose or eyes
Mabusabesala Secondary
School, Pristine won
                                  and   it is very  helpful.    I
                                                                Know       themyself
                                                                                  facts as Iwhatsapp
                                                                                                am.” service
                                                                      South AfricanPristine’swhere
the isiNdebele prize and          needed a way to express          citizens returning
                                                                     from high-risk
                                                                                              info regarding the
                                                                                                Coronavirus is
Sibahle Thwala, then a
grade 11 learner, won the         my   emotions     and                          said
                                                                    countries will  be his son was doing
                                                                  subjected to testing
                                                                                 well since winning the
                                                                   and self-isolation
siSwati category.                 ideas safely’                     or quarantinecompetition,
                                                                     return to South
                                                                                    on       060-012-3456
                                                                                                  and he
  Lowvelder Express                                                              still writes with
                                                                    Africa. If you are
                                                                                                         add to
                                                                   concerned “When
                                                                                 about          whatsapp
                                                                                          he told    me   heand
followed their progress                                                                            type “Hi”.
                                                                 your symptoms, call
a year later, eager to hear how their poetry      was entering thethecompetition
                                                                          hotline on       with a poem
was progressing. Both are writing about                             0800-029-999.
                                                  about his late mother,          I said, 'Good luck'.
the society they live in, taking time out         Then came the announcement and I thought                                                 Prevention:
from busy soccer schedules to reflect on          a joker was calling. Soon I saw it was                                         Public gatherings of more than
their world.                                      something very big.”                                                            100 people are prohibited. If
                                                                                                                                 you are concerned about your
  Sibahle is the fifth of six children born to       Like his fellow teen poet, Pristine                                          symptoms, call the hotline on
his single mother, Thembayena Sibonisiwe.                          CORONA
                                                  invested his winnings            in education. “I                                      0800-029-999.
He took great pride in helping to pay for         bought study guides, dictionaries and                                     Pristine Siyabonga Mtsweni.                          Sibahle Thwala.
                                                             KNOW THE FACTS:
                                                              Coronavirus has “high infectivity but low
                                                              mortality”. Mortality rate ranges between

                                                                                                                                                    Covid-19 Hotline: 0800-029-999
                                                             2-3%. Risk of death is only higher in older
                                                              people (above an age of 60 years) and

                                                             people with pre-existing health conditions.

                                                                                                                                                         If you display any signs of the Covid-19 virus, don’t go to the
                                                                                                                                                       doctor/pharmacist or nurse and infect everybody in the practice.
                                                                                                                                                                                Call the hotline.

                                                                               Covid-19 Hotline: 0800-029-999

                                                                                  If you display any signs of the Covid-19 virus, don’t go to the doctor/pharmacist or nurse and infect
                                                                                                        everybody in the practice, call the hotline. Call the hotline.

                                                                                                                                       2021 REGISTRATION STILL OPEN

Thursday April 29, 2021 		                                                                                                       COMMUNITY - LOWVELDER EXPRESS            15

  Nkululeko Circuit selects schools sport committee
  Thobile Mlangeni
    MATSULU - Schools in the
  Nkululeko Circuit look forward to
  starting tournaments after a long time
  without any sporting activities due to the
  Covid-19 pandemic.
    Last week, 10 educators from various
  schools in the circuit were elected to be
  members of the 2021 Nkululeko Sport
  Committee. School sport veteran and
  deputy chairperson of South African
  Schools Football Association in the
  region, Nkosana Mhlongo of Tikhontele
  Secondary, returned to his position as
  chairperson of the circuit.
    Mhlongo invites learners to participate
  in all sporting codes at their schools, as
  some may make a living from sport.
    “As educators we are there to help
  identify and nurture their talent with
  the hope that they will be identified by
  upper structures and their dreams made
  true,” he said.
    On May 22, teachers of the Nkululeko
  Circuit, the KaNyamazane Circuit and
  the Malelane Circuit, and traffic officers
  of the Nkomazi Local Municipality are
  set to compete in a friendly game at
  Schoemansdal sports ground.
    The circuit’s secretary, SD Mamba,
  said sponsorships was still needed
  to support school tournaments in
  the circuit.
    Other members of the committee
  included the deputy chairperson,
  Siphiwe Maseko of Funindlela
  Secondary, and teachers of Tsandzanani
  Primary, Louisville Combined,
  Takheleni Primary, Lethakuthula
  Primary, Sehlulile Primary and               Nomthandazo Sambo, Nkosana Mhlongo, Majaha Khumalo, Lindiwe Mjoli, Siboniso Mamba, Thulie Ndazamo, Siphiwe Maseko, Letta
  Masitakhe Secondary.                         Mvuleni and Nkosinathi Mamba.
Download the PixzAR APP
                                                                                                                                                         AVAILABLE on
                                                                                                                                                       ANDROID and APPLE

 Thursday April 29, 2021

Matsulu tennis clinics bring this
sport’s A game to local children              Mbekezeli Mbuli

                                                 The game of tennis is rapidly growing and
                                              taking centre stage in Mpumalanga.
                                                 Previously regarded as a “white” sport,
                                              tennis is gaining popularity in townships
                                              with young people showing great interest.
                                                 At the forefront is the Mpumalanga
                                              Tennis Association, which has been holding
                                              coaching clinics throughout the province,
                                              targeting mostly townships and rural areas.
                                                 Just this past weekend, this association
                                              hosted clinics at Matsulu in which over
                                              60 children participated.
                                                 The association’s PRO, Sabelo Mathebula,
                                              said the clinics were a big hit, which proved
                                              that young people are keen on taking on
                                              this particular sport. “There was a void,
                                              but things are changing now and we want
Children partake in tennis exercises during   to make sure that we close that gap and
the coaching clinics in Matsulu.              make tennis popular; not just for the black
                                              communities, but everyone across all racial
                                              lines,” said Mathebula.
                                                 “Last week we had a national coach,
                                              Patrick Tsunke, the head coach at the Arthur
                                              Ashe Tennis Centre in Soweto, deployed by
                                              Tennis South Africa (TSA). He came with
                                              his team of coaches. The programme in
                                              Matsulu gave us an opportunity to promote
                                              the national schools tournament, called the
                                              BNP Paribas RCS Rising Star Tennis, which        Coach Patrick Tsunke give attendees a few pointers.
                                              is a great initiative by TSA to get schools
                                              involved in tennis,” he continued.               programme, we are discovering great talent    government to support our programme, and
                                                 He said because of the current Covid-19       that requires all stakeholders to cooperate   they can start by engaging us whenever they
                                              situation, only a few kids will be part of the   and provide meaningful support. It is         have programmes or ideas, so that we can
                                              tournament this year.                            about time we change the status quo,” said    make input that will contribute to the growth
                                                 “It is really embarrassing that in national   Mathebula.                                    of tennis.
                                              schools tournaments our kids in township           He said they will create school               “We really need the support of circuit
                                              schools are just there to add numbers and        tournaments and leagues this year as a        managers and school principals as we want
                                              are not competitive. We are slowly changing      platform to give the kids more match time,    to give school kids an opportunity to learn
                                              this. Other provinces will now have to           because it is only as they play that their    tennis. Using schools provides a good and
                                              respect Mpumalanga and expect great              standard will improve.                        more organised platform to run a programme
                                              competition. Through our development               “We want to urge our provincial             successfully,” he concluded.

  Taekwando is not just a job, but a lifetime passion
  Joseph Ntimba ka Masiah                                                                  International in Africa. I have
                                                  ‘Martial arts is more than               instructors who work with me in
    Job Magagula, a local martial artist,                                                  Bushbuckridge, Nkomazi, Gauteng and
  said he started to learn about this sport       the art of self-defence                  the Free State. I also have instructors
  in 1984 when his late brother, Sandile          and physical fitness, it is              who I assist in Mozambique, Botswana,
  Magagula, had introduced him to                                                          Lesotho and Zambia.”
  Elmon Khoza who facilitated training            a way of life’                              He urged the public and private
  in Zwelisha.                                                                             sectors to invest in martial arts as it
    Originally from Mashishing and                                                         keeps young people from committing
  now stationed at Msogwaba in Pienaar                                                     crime and abusing alcohol and drugs.
  Trust, the taekwondo black belt holder      who was a fourth-degree black belt of        “When we remove children from
  grew up being bullied both at home          Jodokwan taekwondo.                          the street we cut the budget of the
  and at school, so he had to acquire a         “In 2013 I became part of the              Department of Correctional Services
  way to defend himself.                      Taekwondo International South                and lessen the job of the SAPS. Those
    “Martial arts is more than the art of     African team that went to                    kids are not likely to commit a crime
  self-defence and physical fitness. It’s a    represent our country at the World           and there will be no gender-based
  way of life. Its philosophy has made me     Championship in England,”                    violence as this sport’s philosophy
  a better person,” he said.                  Magagula said.                               teaches respect.
    Magagula qualified to be a first              In 2020 Magagula was inducted                 “We also promote a healthy living
  black belt holder of Wado-ryu               in the Hall of Fame as the Esteemed          lifestyle and by doing that we cut the
  karate in Msogwaba under Sensei             Modern Warrior by Action Martial             budget of the Department of Health,”
  Simon Shabalala in 1992. In 1999 he         Arts magazine in New Jersey, USA.            he said.
  became the first black chairperson           “In 2020 I was also the first guest              Magagula said they are planning
  of the Lowveld Karate Association           from Africa to be interviewed for The        to take competitors to the Arnold
  in Nelspruit and was elected as             Motivated Martial Artist podcast in          Classic Africa competition in Gauteng
  an additional member of the                 London. They nicknamed me ‘The               in October as they are members of
  Karate Association of South Africa          Lion of Africa’.”                            Martial Arts South Africa. “However,
  Transformation Commission. In                 Magagula currently teaches                 we need sponsorship for transport and
  2000 he took taekwondo lessons in           taekwondo in Mbombela and White              accommodation to take our children to
  Mbombela under Master Peter Botha           River. “I am head of Taekwondo               that event.”                                              Job Magagula.
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