Page created by Carrie Rodriguez
          JOBS REPORT
                                        APRIL 2021

        PREPARED FOR                                         SUBMITTED BY
South African PV Industry Association                          Ruan Fourie
    Eastgate Office Park, Block A                    Energy Economist | Energy Industry
   South Boulevard Road | Bruma                      Energy Centre | Smart Places | CSIR
 Johannesburg | 2198 | South Africa                            PO Box 395,
      Office: +27(0)11 553 7264                               Pretoria | 0001

                        LITERATURE REVIEW

                        ISSUING ORGANISATION: ......................................................................... Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)
                        ISSUING          CONTROL
                                ORGANISATION: .......................................................................... Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)
                                                                                                                         Energy Centre
                        		                                                                                    Energy Centre
                                                                                                              Smart Places
                                                                                                              PO BoxPlaces
                        		                                                                                                             PO  Box 395
                                                                                                                                        Pretoria 0001

                        ISSUING ORGANISATION: ......................................................................... Council for    Pretoria  0001
                                                                                                                                                    Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)
                            ISSUING ORGANISATION: ......................................................................... Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)
                                                                                                                                        Energy Centre
                                                                                                                                            Energy Centre
                        Contract Name: ................................................................................................ Smart
                                                                                                                                               Places AGREEMENT
                        CONTRACT NAME:.......................................................................................... CONSULTING Smart Places
                                                                                                                                        PO       SOLAR
                                                                                                                                           Box 395       PV INDUSTRY JOBS REPORT
                        		                                                                                                                  PO Box
                                                                                                                                       SAPVIA        395 PV INDUSTRY JOBS REPORT
                                                                                                                                        Pretoria 0001
                                                                                                                                            Pretoria 0001
                        Contact Details:                                                                                                SAPVIA
                        CONTACT DETAILS:........................................................................................ SAPVIA Eastgate Office Park, Block A

                        Contract Name: ................................................................................................ Eastgate  OfficeAGREEMENT
                                                                                                                                        South Boulevard
                                                                                                                                        CONSULTING        Park,
                                                                                                                                                           Road,Block A
                        		 Contract Name: ................................................................................................
                                                                                                                                                           Road,  Bruma
                                                                                                                                                  SOLAR PV INDUSTRY JOBS REPORT
                        		                                                                                                                   SAPVIA SOLAR PV INDUSTRY JOBS REPORT

                        Contact Details:                                                                                                2198
                                                                                                                                        South Africa
                        		 Contact Details:                                                                                             SouthSAPVIA
                                                                                                                                                   Office 553
                                                                                                                                                                Block A
                                                                                                                                        Office:        Office
                                                                                                                                                +27(0)11  553 Park, Block A
                                                                                                                                        South Boulevard    Road,  Bruma
                                                                                                                                             South Boulevard Road, Bruma
                                                                                                                                        South Africa
                                                                                                                                             South Africa
                        APPROVED BY:
                        APPROVED         BY:                                                                                            Office: +27(0)11 553 7264
                                                                                                                                             Office: +27(0)11 553 7264

                         Responsibility                                                     Name
                                                                                            Name                                      Signature

                        APPROVED BY:
                          APPROVED BY:
                         Project Leader
                         Project Leader                                                     Ruan Fourie
                                                                                            Ruan Fourie

                         Responsibility                                                      Name                                     Signature
                            Responsibility                                                      Name                                      Signature

                         Project Leader                                                     Ruan Fourie
                         Research  Group
                             Project     leader (Energy Systems)
                                     Leader                                                 Crescent Mushwana
                                                                                            Crescent Fourie

                         Research Group leaders (Energy Systems)

                         Research Group leader (Energy Systems)    Crescent Mushwana
                         Centre Manager
                            Research                               Dr.Brian
                                     Group leader (Energy Systems) Dr Clinton Carter-Brown
                                                                       Dr Brian North

                         Centre Manager                                                     Dr. Clinton Carter-Brown
                         Centre representative
                             Centre  Manager
                                 Manager                                                    Frank
                                                                                            Dr.  Dr.Spencer
                                                                                                Clinton      Carter-Brown

                         Client representative                                              Frank Spencer
                         Client     representative
                                representative                                                  Frank
                                                                                            Frank     Spencer


TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     LIST OF TABLES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Table 1: Stages that influence solar PV employment [12].......................................................................................................................................... 20
1. Introduction.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................8         Table 2: Involved FTE jobs for the commissioning of a 1MWp PV facility in 2010 [9].................................................................................. 20
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Table 3: Total full time direct jobs as per model results [9]........................................................................................................................................ 21
2. The Jobs Definition Conundrum................................................................................................................................................................................8
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Table 4: Solar PV value chain employment factor summary from survey responses [13]........................................................................... 21
      2.1. Background..................................................................................................................................................................................................................8
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Table 5: Job creation from several renewable energy technologies..................................................................................................................... 22
             2.1.1. Green jobs as defined by the International Labour Organisation (ILO)...................................................................................8
      2.2. Job-years/full time equivalent (FTE) jobs.................................................................................................................................................... 9
      2.3. Direct, indirect and induced jobs....................................................................................................................................................................10

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        LIST OF FIGURES
      2.4. Jobs per standardised unit output..................................................................................................................................................................11

3. Global Solar PV Jobs Overview.................................................................................................................................................................................11
      3.1. Renewable Energy and Jobs – Annual Review 2018/2019 (IRENA)...................................................................................................11
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Figure 1: Global Solar PV Installed Capacity [1]................................................................................................................................................................ 18
      3.2. Forecasting job creation from renewable energy deployment through a value-chain approach
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Figure 2: South African Solar PV Installed Capacity (GW) [1]................................................................................................................................... 18
      (University of Zaragoza)............................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Figure 3: Direct, Indirect and Induced Jobs[9]................................................................................................................................................................. 19
      3.3. Job creation potential and skill requirements (Masdar Institute of Science and Technology)............................................ 12
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Figure 4: Global Employment by renewable energy technologies (IRENA, 2018; IRENA, 2019)............................................................. 19

4. Solar PV Jobs Global Leading Markets (Case Studies)................................................................................................................................. 13                                                        Figure 5: 2019 Chinese solar PV Jobs.................................................................................................................................................................................. 22

      4.1. Background............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13           Figure 6: Estimates of total and average number of FTE jobs created along the South African PV

      4.2. Regional off grid solar prospects................................................................................................................................................................... 13                                   industry value chain (2007, 2010, and 2020)................................................................................................................................................................ 23

      4.3. China........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13    Figure 7: Forecasted Cumulative job years created during the construction phase in wind and solar PV

      4.4. Brazil........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14   between the year 2018 and 2030........................................................................................................................................................................................... 23

      4.5. United States........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14            Figure 8: Forecasted evolution of net employment in the power sector by the different technologies

      4.6. India............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 14      (direct jobs)...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................24

      4.7. Japan........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14

5. South African Solar PV Jobs Overview................................................................................................................................................................ 14
      5.1. Photovoltaic Electricity: Localisation study................................................................................................................................................ 15
      5.2. Co-benefits job creation through renewable
      energy in South Africa................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS
      5.3. South African employment potential estimation.................................................................................................................................... 16                                                   CIM             Construction, Installation and Manufacturing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  CSIR            Council for Scientific and Industrial Research                                                                    IRENA International Renewable Energy Agency
6. Conclusions....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17          DBSA            Development Bank of Southern Africa                                                                               MW              Megawatt
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  DEFF            Department of Environmental Affairs,                                                                              NREL            National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Figures and Tables................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 18                             Fisheries and Forestry                                                                                            O&M             Operations and Maintenance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  DMRE            Department of Mineral Resources                                                                                   PAYG            Pay-as-you-go
References............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25                                                                                                                                        PV              Photovoltaic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  and Energy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  DRE             Decentralised Renewable Energy                                                                                    RE              Renewable Energy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  EPC             Engineering, Procurement and Construction                                                                         REI4P           Renewable Energy Independent Power
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  GW              Gigawatt                                                                                                                          Producers Procurement Program
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  GWh             Gigawatt hour                                                                                                     SAPVIA South African Photovoltaic Industry
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  IO              Input-Output                                                                                                                      Association
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  IPPO            Independent Power Producers Office                                                                                SHS             Solar Home System
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ILO             International Labour Organisation                                                                                 SSEG            Small-Scale Embedded Generation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    UCT             University of Cape Town
1 INTRODUCTION                                               The literature reviewed in the report identifies the          plays a critical role in greening the economy, especially   2.2. JOB-YEARS/FULL TIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) JOBS
                                                             number of jobs created as well as the chosen metric           in terms of innovation and job creation opportunities.
Global installed renewable energy (RE) power                 used to report said job numbers.                              Moreover, job creation opportunities are central in the     The reporting of job numbers in a standardised format
generation capacity grew more than 170 GW in 2019                                                                          South African low carbon and climate-resilient growth       is required due to the variable duration of different
(mostly solar PV) to 2 532 GW [1]. For the fifth year in     The literature review concludes with recommendations          path. The creation of green jobs is an important part of    job opportunities created in the solar PV value chain.
a row, net additions of RE power generation capacity         on what the best metrics are to report real job numbers       adopting solar PV and other RE technologies, it is also     Construction, installation and manufacturing (CIM)
clearly outpaced net installations of fossil fuel and        as well as highlighting the results of the countries that     a key component of the Just Energy Transition. The          jobs generally fall within one year while operation
nuclear power generation capacity combined. Global           report annual job numbers in the solar PV domain.             South African Department of Environment, Forestry           and maintenance (O&M) jobs span the lifetime of
solar PV installations grew from 481 GW in 2018 to 579                                                                     and Fisheries (DEFF) identified four areas that can         the plant and O&M jobs are generally lower than CIM
GW in 2019, an increase of 98 GW [1], see Figure 1.                                                                        create and promote green jobs [2]:[2]                       jobs in the RE sector. Furthermore, some O&M jobs
                                                             2 THE JOBS DEFINITION CONUNDRUM                                                                                           tend to periodically employ individuals which leads to
China was the global leader in new solar PV technology                                                                     n Development and growth of new green sectors and           underreporting of job numbers. Defining the different
installations followed by the United States, India and       2.1 BACKGROUND                                                  industries;                                               metrics currently used when reporting job numbers
Japan. Solar PV is clearly the global leader in new RE                                                                                                                                 is critically important when undertaking a study that
power sector generation development contributing             The impact of RE jobs in South Africa is a complex            n Retrofitting industrial efficiency processes and clean    aims to collect and forecast job numbers for a specific
57,5% of total new RE generation capacity additions.         issue that is highly contested by various groups in the         production technologies in existing sectors and           technology.
                                                             country. It is essential to reach a common understanding        industries;
In contrast, South Africa has seen inconsistent growth       of how jobs numbers are reported, although there are                                                                      The terms job-years or full-time equivalent (FTE) are
over the last decade due to policy uncertainty, see          several studies conducted on this topic. These studies        n Growing existing GE sectors such as renewable             often used loosely and are often misinterpreted as
Figure 2 for South African solar PV installed capacity       are investigated in this report and analyses work               energy, waste recycling and biodiversity;                 meaning the number of persons employed. The section
evolution.                                                   completed by the International Renewable Energy                                                                           that follows provides an elaboration into job-years and
                                                             Agency (IRENA), International Labour Organisation             n Incentivising and accelerating private and public-        FTE metrics and how they are derived.
The inconsistent procurement of solar PV has seen            (ILO), University of Zaragoza, CSIR and the University          sector investment in restoring critical ecosystem
variability in employment creation in the sector as          of Cape Town (UCT).                                             services and land productivity, water conservation,       FULL TIME EQUIVALENT (FTE)
local companies struggle to invest in a market with                                                                          wetland rehabilitation and fire management.
inconsistent demand for solar PV. Understanding the          The uncertainty associated with selecting a consistent                                                                    According to the ILO definition [4], an FTE job, “is a
reason and implications of this variability in the market    jobs metric to use creates confusion when reporting and       These are some of the areas that can contribute to          unit to measure employed persons in a way that makes
requires a brief overview of the market itself.              engaging stakeholders on the number of jobs created by        creating green jobs as identified by DEFF. Small and        them comparable although they may work a different
                                                             a technology in the South African power sector. A wide        Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have a significant role to        number of hours per week”.
The solar PV market is divided in two market segments:       range of definitions of employment generated by energy        play in the country’s development objectives due to
utility and embedded generation. The latter spans            sector activities have been proposed and a variety of         the economic impact they have in the South African          The FTE unit is obtained by comparing an employee's
residential, commercial and industrial applications and is   methods have been used to construct such estimates.           Gross Domestic Product (GDP). SMEs created about            average number of hours worked to the average
often referred to as small scale embedded generation         This study provides a comparison of how different             14% of employment opportunities which translates to         number of hours of a full-time worker. A full-time
(SSEG), while the former mostly covers large utility scale   countries or studies are using employment figures or          approximately 42% economic contribution towards the         worker is therefore counted as one FTE, while a part-
ground mounted installations feeding power directly          how they arrive at certain estimates of jobs created by a     GDP[2]. The prospects of SMEs in creating jobs in the       time worker gets a score in proportion to the hours he
into the grid. Recent times have seen the introduction       specific technology deployment such as solar PV.              energy value chain is minimal since most of them do not     or she works.
of ground mounted installations in the commercial and                                                                      have the technical capacity in technologies like solar
industrial space.                                            This section focuses on describing various approaches         and wind [2]. Efforts to increase the labour absorption     This is a good way of measuring employment and is used
                                                             used in estimating employment created in the RE               in various economic sectors (with the green economy         to express the size of the workforce of an enterprise,
Job creation is a significant component of the socio-        sector. The section will outline the following concepts:      receiving particular attention) have been undertaken        activity or country. This metrics proves useful in cross
economic effects related to RE development in South                                                                        since 2011.                                                 value chain jobs assessments as part time employees
Africa. The deployment of solar PV, in the utility and       n Job-years/full time equivalent (FTE) jobs                                                                               can be standardised to annual FTE job numbers.
SSEG markets has created jobs for the South African          n Direct, indirect and induced jobs                           The green economy is complex, extremely diverse and
economy as a whole.                                          n Jobs per standardised unit output                           rapidly growing in many of its segments, particularly       JOB-YEAR
                                                                                                                           in an economy such as South Africa’s. The country
The likely continued contribution of the solar PV            2.1.1 GREEN JOBS AS DEFINED BY THE INTERNATIONAL              will essentially be dealing with the progressive and        The CSIR was unable to source a document from a
industry in creating new jobs supports public policy         LABOUR ORGANISATION (ILO)                                     simultaneous introduction of technologies that are          reputable organisation that defines job-year apart from
and the allocation towards solar PV generation in                                                                          either being improved, developed or commercialised.         a document released by the United States Executive
the country’s Integrated Resource Plan (IRP). This           Green jobs are defined as jobs that help reduce the           The economic merit of many of these technologies may        Office of the President Council of Economic Advisers.
literature review will cover the following aspects of jobs   overall negative environmental impact, in the long run        only be fully established in years to come, opening up      This document defines a job-year as one job for one
emanating from the solar PV sector:                          leading to environmentally, economically and socially         opportunities for the establishment of infant industries    year [5].
                                                             sustainable enterprises and economies. Green jobs are         over time [3]. According to [3], the green economy
n Analyzing the jobs definition conundrum                    decent jobs, which protect and restore ecosystems             sector has the potential to create approximately 98 000     The lack of a reputable referenced document that
n Global solar PV jobs research overview                     through reducing energy consumption and resources             new direct jobs on average in the short term, almost        clearly defines what a job year is, creates uncertainty
n Case Studies – solar PV jobs research overview in          utilised, thus limiting the production carbon footprint and   255 000 in the medium term and around                       around the metric itself and whether it would be
  various countries                                          waste [2]. The Skills for Green Jobs: South Africa study      462 000 employment opportunities in the formal              prudent to use this metric in an analysis undertaken in
n South African solar PV jobs research overview              by ILO [2] shows that the private sector stakeholder          economy in the long term.                                   the rest of this study.

    8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    9
The CSIR outlined its understanding on what a job-year       jobs, especially O&M jobs, which makes the number             by a project, and they do not account for the ripple             Another approach is to assess employment per unit
is based on how this metric has been used in reporting       appear inflated if the basis for the definitions and          effect that a project development like solar PV has on           of capacity such as megawatt (MW), but a distinction
jobs numbers in other reports. A job-year refers to a job    calculations are not understood.                              the rest of the economy. Within the solar PV market,             must be made between the nameplate capacity of
that exists for a consecutive 40 hour per week for an                                                                      direct jobs are those created by firms that are directly         the plant (peak MW) and the expected capacity
undisturbed period of 12 months.                             The World Bank references another report [8]                  focused on solar PV project execution: solar developers,         utilization of the plant (average MW). Because of the
                                                             published in Energy Policy journal which suggests that        engineering, procurement and construction (EPC)                  large variation in capacity factors between alternative
The concept of job-years becomes important when              in order to compare different projects with different         firms, and solar PV component manufacturers.                     technologies, the number of jobs created to produce a
accounting for jobs created during the construction          lifetimes, it is best to divide the total number of job-                                                                       given number of GWh per year may vary substantially
phase (18 to 24-month period) and O&M (20 years)             years created by the lifetime of the project to arrive        In contrast, indirect jobs are created by businesses that        between technologies, while the cost for the same
phases of a typical lifetime of a solar PV (or other power   at an annual equivalent. This means that the sector           are in the second tier of the solar PV industry value            annual GWh will increase with reducing capacity factor
generation) project. This enables comparison of jobs on      would then report on jobs per annum, rather than total        chain, such as suppliers of materials for manufacturing          of a plant. Employment would not decrease as the
a like for like basis. This metric format allows the user    job-years over the lifetime of the project, which can be      (such as glass), electricity suppliers, and public officers      capacity factor of a specific plant reduces over time and
to specify how many people are employed in a specific        misinterpreted. It should be noted that no single metric      who deal with administration and finance. Figure 3               as such the jobs/installed capacity would be a method
year, which requires appropriate treatment of full-time      is likely to capture all the nuance of the job volumes and    illustrates the examples of direct, indirect and induced         for compensating for this inaccuracy. Therefore, for
and part-time jobs and the duration of activities that       timing created over a project lifetime. Furthermore, the      effects of the solar PV industry.                                the purposes of this analysis, the metric that is most
are time-bounded.                                            comparison metric numbers observed from different                                                                              suitable is FTE jobs/MW/annum.
                                                             sources can only be meaningful to the extent that the         Furthermore, it should be noted that indirect and
While others may argue that this is the best way to          same definitions and philosophies have been applied in        induced jobs are normally sustained or supported                 The South African RE market has not tracked real
account for jobs created and supported by the industry       calculating the numbers.                                      jobs. This means that, for instance, for a logistics             job creation in a standardised method that is publicly
others lean more towards accounting for jobs per                                                                           company to secure business in the solar PV sector                available apart from the IPPO process. This information
energy concept without splitting the construction and        2.3. DIRECT, INDIRECT AND INDUCED JOBS                        for transportation of equipment and materials to site,           is unfortunately not broken down to each value chain
O&M jobs.                                                                                                                  they sustain their business and they manage to keep              segment and the methodology by which this data is
                                                             In addition to job-years and FTEs, there is the concept       the people employed. These may not be new jobs                   collected has also not been shared.
EXAMPLES OF JOB-YEAR CALCULATIONS                            of direct, indirect and induced jobs [6]. This is explained   created specifically for the solar PV industry but rather
                                                             further in the context of solar PV projects.                  sustained jobs which enables the economy to maintain
If a job exists for 3 months employing one person, it is                                                                   jobs that would have otherwise been lost if the logistics        3. GLOBAL SOLAR PV JOBS
a quarter of a job-year, and therefore it would take four    n Direct jobs are jobs created by the direct suppliers        company did not have a pipeline of business to keep              OVERVIEW
3-month-long jobs to make one job-year or FTE. If a job        of solar PV projects (e.g. design, development,             people employed.
exists for two years, it counts as two job-years.              management,        construction/installation,   and                                                                          3.1. RENEWABLE ENERGY AND JOBS – ANNUAL
                                                               maintenance phase of the project).                          While the method for defining different forms of jobs            REVIEW 2018/2019 (IRENA)
So, in a 3-month example, if a road maintenance contract                                                                   creation are mostly aligned across the globe to direct,
(for example) employs 100 people on a 3-month                n Indirect jobs are jobs within the value chain of the        indirect and induced effects, reporting is dependent on          The IRENA annual review does not quote the metric
contract, that contract is actually creating 25 job-years,     direct suppliers to the project (e.g. the construction      the ability of the industry to track and report on their         used to report job number nor the employment ratios1
whereas a two-year project employing 100 people for a          equipment manufacturers). The total employment              numbers in such a manner. Further limitations include            used in calculating final figures. Technologies such as
full period of 2 years is actually creating 200 job-years.     created as the solar PV sector expands its outputs          the fact that it is difficult to track indirect and especially   solar PV have a direct impact on jobs created through
So even though both projects were employing 100                in order to supply the inputs required for the output       induced job impacts as many of these business do not             the production and installation of the solar cells and
people each, the actual number of job-years created is         of the solar PV sector. For example, the manufacture        relate their activity to a specific technology.                  panels. The falling costs of RE technologies continue
225.                                                           of glass or aluminium frames to supply solar PV                                                                              to drive the deployment of solar PV. According to the
                                                               manufacturer creates indirect employment.                   2.4. JOBS PER STANDARDISED UNIT OUTPUT                           IRENA Annual Review, international RE employment
DIFFERENT APPROACHES TO BUILDING UP JOBS METRICS                                                                                                                                            reached 10.9 million jobs in 2017, a 5.3% increase
                                                             n Induced jobs are created as a result of workers             When reporting and comparing jobs numbers in                     compared with the previous year [10]. The jobs created
According to World Bank (2011) [6] the time dimension          (directly and indirectly employed by the project            the energy value chain, it is important to make sure             in 2018 increased by 7% on 2016 levels, reaching a
of a job has to be fully articulated before aggregating        value chains) spending earnings within the economy.         that job numbers across technologies/value chains                record high of 11 million jobs.
employment created from different parts of a project or        These may include the jobs created or sustained             use the same output metric. The previous 2 sections
policy. A job is usually defined in terms of the number        in the hospitality sector in the Northern Cape as           summarised metric options that provide a starting                The international solar PV sector had 3.4 million jobs in
of job-years attached to the employment. This depends          workers require accommodation, food and transport           point on reporting job numbers. The issue with these             2017, representing a total installation of 94 GW, which is
on how much time in each year a job is paid for (how           for the duration of the construction of solar plants.       metrics are that they do not allow for easy comparisons          a 23% increase from the previous year. Figure 4 shows
long in a year does the person get paid for), and for how                                                                  to be drawn across technology options with varying               that in 2018 the jobs created in the solar PV sector
many years the job exists. Part-time jobs are converted      The industry reports job numbers based on the industry        outputs and installed capacities.                                grew to 3.6 million. The IRENA reports do not provide
to FTEs and then scaled by the number of years for           codes specified by StatsSA for specific projects at a                                                                          a metric used in reporting this information, which could
which that particular job is required (e.g. construction     site. However, the job numbers collected in this way          In order to compare different technologies, or even              be attributed to the misaligned approaches of large
for a few years, maintenance for several years).             do not account for the indirect and induced jobs.             value chain segments of technologies, one requires a             amounts of data that they are collecting across the
                                                             Therefore, in order to account for indirect and induced       unit output measurement. One potential approach is               globe.
Some studies have calculated the total number of job-        jobs, additional information has to be collected from         that the technologies are compared on employment
years created over the lifetime of the project, which was    the industries impacted the new power generation              (average job-years/FTE) per unit of energy output
the method initially used by the Independent Power           project/facility. The job numbers reported by industry        which would be defined as gigawatt-hours (GWh) of                1
                                                                                                                                                                                             Employment ratio refers to the proportion of jobs created per unit of
Producers Office (IPPO) report [7] when reporting on         are assumed to be only representing new jobs created          electricity generated per year.                                  installed power throughout the solar PV value chain

   10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                11
Many countries derive socio-economic benefits from           For example, construction and installation, and                                  Lastly, the study shows that a variable that needs to be                           sector created jobs in distributed off-grid installations.
RE, but most of the employment benefits remain               dismantling, creates more jobs, but for a shorter period                         considered is the degree of development in the solar                               Information remains relatively scarce on the full
highly concentrated in countries such as China, Brazil,      of time. Most stable jobs are generated in categories 1, 2                       PV sector and above all the maturity of the technology                             employment impacts of off-grid renewable projects.
the United States, India, Germany and Japan with             and 4, however, they are mainly located where the actual                         considered from the industrial development prospects.
these countries having significant proportions of the        manufacturing takes place. However, construction and                             The study used a learning rate to artificially increase the                        However, a total of 130 million off-grid solar lanterns,
manufacturing of solar energy components.                    O&M employment opportunities are not dependent on                                number of real jobs created over time.                                             SHS, and other products had been sold worldwide by
                                                             the component manufacturing location.                                                                                                                               2017. Over 40 companies that participated in the survey
These benefits are created across the solar PV value                                                                                                                                                                             conducted by [16] projected off-grid solar employment
chain. The overall employment numbers in 2018                The Zaragoza study continues by developing specific                              4. SOLAR PV JOBS3 GLOBAL LEADING                                                   in parts of Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia at
increased in China and India, while South Africa, the        metrics for a 1MWp facility across the PV value chain.                           MARKETS (CASE STUDIES)                                                             372 000 FTE jobs. Almost 56% of these jobs are in rural
United States, Japan and the European Union lost jobs        The metrics used in their assessment is Jobs/MW                                                                                                                     areas and 27% are occupied by women. This estimate
in the RE sector. The main causes for these decreases        as seen in Table 2. The study added another layer of                             4.1. BACKGROUND                                                                    is comprised of sales and distribution, installation and
can be attributed to political and policy changes within     complexity by including the professional level2 of the                                                                                                              maintenance, and customer support. According to
these nations. The employment outlook is shaped by           type of job.                                                                     The case studies in this section have been primarily                               IRENA (2019), “Power for All” launched an annual jobs
a wide range of technical, economic and policy-driven                                                                                         adopted from the IRENA Renewable Energy and Jobs                                   census on the decentralised renewable energy (DRE)
factors.                                                     The study concludes by using these metrics to calculate                          Annual Review [10] with supplementary sources from                                 sector in low-energy access countries.
                                                             the number of jobs created by the Spanish PV industry                            other reports . The case studies below will provide
Furthermore, the analysis takes an overall technology        between 2001 and 2010 based on the MW installed.                                 insights into the number of jobs created as well as                                This census involves a wide range of solar technologies.
view in reporting the number of jobs created and does        Results can be seen in Table 3 above. Results were                               recent trends in various nations, however, it will not                             Originally the project focused on Kenya, India and
not delineate between different parts of the technology      aggregated to differentiate between manufacturing,                               speak to the metrics used as IRENA does not define the                             Nigeria, however, the geographic scope will broaden to
value chains. This extends from component design             installation and O&M jobs and provides a breakdown of                            metric they employ nor the methodology in gathering                                10 countries in 2019 and 25 in 2020. The study examines
and manufacturing by O&M through to assembling,              jobs created across the PV value chain that cannot be                            said information in their studies. This is indicative of a                         approximately 150 DRE businesses and conducts focus
installation and commissioning/monitoring. As such           viewed in the IRENA reports.                                                     global challenge in quantifying job numbers in the RE                              group discussions with stakeholders from government,
the CSIR continued its literature review with the aim                                                                                         sector.                                                                            skills development and training sector, civil society,
of identifying methods used internationally to capture       3.3. JOB CREATION POTENTIAL & SKILLS                                                                                                                                finance, and industry.
and report on real job numbers collected across the          REQUIREMENTS                                                                     4.2. REGIONAL OFF GRID SOLAR PROSPECTS
value chain of solar PV.                                                                                                                                                                                                         The research analysis, which is still pending, is set
                                                             The Masdar Institute of Science and Technology in the                            Solar PV will continue to play an important role in                                to yield valuable insights on total DRE employment
3.2. FORECASTING JOB CREATION FROM                           United Arab Emirates conducted a similar study [13]                              improving energy access. The global renewable off-                                 permanency of jobs, levels of compensation, current
RENEWABLE ENERGY DEPLOYMENT THROUGH A                        to that of the University of Zaragoza with the aim of                            grid capacity more than doubled in the past decade to                              skills demand, recruitment challenges, and gender and
VALUE-CHAIN APPROACH                                         quantifying job creation potential of RE across their                            8.8 GW in 2018; off-grid solar PV expanded 10-fold to                              youth representation.
                                                             respective value chains. This study builds on the “jobs                          2.9 GW [10]. In South Asia, public sector programmes
In 2013, the team at the University of Zaragoza in Spain     per unit measure of energy” principle by conducting                              have had a strong role in improving energy access. On                              The study maps areas of indirect employment impacts
identified the same issue outlined in the previous section   interviews and surveys with key industry stakeholders to                         the contrary, private sector “Pay-as-you-go” (PAYG)                                in upstream activities such as equipment suppliers, or
and set out to develop a methodology to capture real         obtain the required metrics across different technology                          business models are common in Sub-Saharan Africa.                                  service providers such as training and education [10].
data across the RE technologies value chains. The            value chains.                                                                    Investment in private off-grid projects grew from $10
method proposed is based on the collection, critical                                                                                          million in 2010 to $511.5 million in 2018, accounting for                          4.3. CHINA
analysis and presentation of the results obtained            This study, at the start, applied a high-level approach                          a cumulative investment of $ 1.7 billion over that period.
using primary information sources. The main focus for        which provides simplicity that is not provided by classic                                                                                                           China remains the clear leader in renewable energy
reviewing this literature is to draw insights from the       input-output (IO) models when estimating job impacts,                            Businesses operating under the PAYG model played a                                 employment worldwide, accounting for 39% of the
methodology rather than the results as the data is dated.    since analytical models generally ignore jobs that are                           significant role in growing jobs created in developing                             world’s total RE jobs. Overall, a drop in solar PV from
                                                             less indirectly associated with an industry.                                     countries. A recent case study known as “BBOXX’s”                                  2.216 million jobs to 2.194 million has been recorded in
The study states that quantifying total jobs involved in                                                                                      in the Democratic Republic of Congo’s “Energie pour                                2019. This is due to a notice by the government of China
the deployment of solar PV and other RE technologies         As such the results are likely to under-report overall                           Tous” rural electrification initiative intended to provide                         that it was suspending advantageous arrangements
can give varying results as technology deployment            employment impacts [14]. Such more concise models                                energy access through solar home systems (SHS) and                                 for utility-scale solar, imposing a cap on subsidised
differs across off-grid, grid-connected, ground or           often use employment factors illustrated in Table 4 from                         mini-grids to 2.5 million people by 2020 projected                                 distributed solar, and reducing feed-in-tariffs in
rooftop-mounted PV [12].                                     interviews or questionnaires from industry partners to                           nearly 10 000 jobs that could be created through solar                             response to continuous growth in solar subsidies.
                                                             link RE technology diffusion employment estimations.                             PV deployment.                                                                     Subsidies had grown largely because the authority
These differences are caused by varying labour               Interview specifics are used to develop job intensities                                                                                                             that approves solar farms was delegated to the local
intensity of each stage in the solar PV value chain for      or employment factors, defined as the number of jobs                             According to [15], approximately 80% of global                                     level in 2013, making policy coordination difficult. China
different applications and scale. Jobs and employment        derived from a certain RE technology investment or                               investments in off-grid solar PV projects were in Sub-                             installed 43 GW of solar PV in 2018, which is an 18%
characteristics are different depending on the nature of     capacity. The metrics listed in the table below differ in                        Saharan Africa, while 15% in South Asia and 5% in Latin                            decline as compared to 2017. Rooftop solar PV saw
the projects.                                                their energy units and employment type grouping as                               America. A group of key participating firms, including                             gains, although utility-scale deployment dropped
                                                             the survey allowed respondents to reply on their own                             Zola, M-KOPA, d.light, Mobisol, BBOXX, and others,                                 significantly.
Table 1 shows the various categories of jobs created         chosen energy unit.                                                              secured two-thirds of the total investment. The solar PV
across the solar PV value chain and provides details                                                                                                                                                                             Largely, the production of solar PV modules grew
regarding their stability, level of specialisation and       2
                                                               The authors do not provide a detailed description of what professional level   3
                                                                                                                                               The solar PV jobs consulted in this literature include utility-scale as well as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 by 21% in 2018 to 87 GW, however, significant
volumes.                                                     jobs entail                                                                      distributed solar system                                                           overcapacities in the supply chain led to some factory

    12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              13
closures and layoffs. Offsetting lower domestic sales to      4.6. INDIA                                                  of 18 Strategic Infrastructure Projects that is intended    have a higher installed capacity. The payback period
a large extent, exports rose by 30%, to 41 GW, during                                                                     to transform the economic landscape of South Africa,        of rooftop systems is between 5 and 7 years. The
2018. PV exports to emerging markets are being                India’s employment in grid-connected solar PV, as           create a significant number of new jobs, strengthen the     construction and installation of solar PV systems for
promoted through China’s newly unveiled International         estimated by IRENA using employment factors,                delivery of basic services to the people of South Africa    commercial and industrial applications is estimated to
Investment Alliance for Renewable Energy. Chinese PV          increased to 115 000 jobs in 2018, a gain of more than      and support the integration of African economies.           create between 5.3 and 8.0 FTE jobs per MW.
manufacturers are also increasing their global footprint,     20 000 additional jobs over 2017. Jobs in off-grid solar
with production facilities in close to 20 countries [10].     applications cannot be calculated with precision since      The section below will provide a high level assessment      Comparing these metrics to those on a utility scale it
The solar PV employment numbers created in China are          jobs are quantified by employment factors and some          of the amount of jobs that solar PV created in SA           can be seen that the number of jobs per MW increase
shown in Figure 5.                                            off-grid systems are small in size therefore it is not      according to a different research reports.                  as time progresses. Grid-tied and autonomous off-
                                                              always feasible to use employment factors. Moreover,                                                                    grid PV systems that deploy batteries through hybrid
4.4. BRAZIL                                                   the indirect jobs for off-grid solar systems are diverse    5.1. SOLAR PV ELECTRICITY: LOCALISATION STUDY               systems are used for household PV systems.
                                                              throughout the world.
IRENA Renewable Energy and Jobs Annual Review of                                                                          The South African Photovoltaic Industry Association         Most of these applications are found in rural areas.
2019 reported that Brazil is increasing activities in solar   However, the jobs creation may well double total solar PV   (SAPVIA) in collaboration with South Africa’s Trade,        The adoption of PV systems in South Africa has been
PV, installing 828 MW of large-scale capacity and 318         employment. Seven of India’s top 10 module suppliers        Industry and Competition (the DITC) and the World           dominated by applications in rural households, however,
MW of distributed capacity during 2018. In operation          are Chinese firms. Indian manufacturers cannot compete      Wildlife Fund for Nature commissioned a research            in the past few years the recent amendments of the
since mid-2018, the country’s 399 MW Pirapora solar           on cost due to a number of factors such as incentives       study into the localisation potential of solar PV and       Electricity Act of 2006 has increased residential and
complex in Minas Gerais is one of Latin America’s larger      that the Chinese companies receive for manufacturing,       the strategy needed to support a large scale roll-out in    commercial solar PV systems adoption[19]. Moreover,
domestic modules users (Power Technology, 2018).              cheap labour costs, technology development knowhow          South Africa in 2012/2013. The reports content is based     the application of solar PV systems in industrial sector
IRENA’s employment factor calculations suggest that           and automated production. Imports, principally from         on a much earlier report completed in 2006 using 2001       and mining areas has increased significantly.
Brazil presently has close to 15 600 jobs in solar PV,        China and Malaysia, but increasingly also from Thailand,    data.
mostly in construction and installation. According            Vietnam, and Singapore, dominate the Indian market.                                                                     The jobs created during the installation of residential
to [10], the industry group Associação Brasileira de          In the fiscal year 2018, domestic manufacturers had a       A detailed breakdown of the methodology employed            solar PV systems differ depending on whether it is a
Energia Solar Fotovoltaica, will likely install about 1 GW    market share of just 7% [18].                               during the study is not represented in the report which     rooftop or a mono pole grounded solar PV system.
of capacity during 2019, and 15 000 new jobs could be                                                                     makes it difficult to compare the results of the study to   Rooftop systems have been adopted predominantly,
created from this initiative.                                 4.7. JAPAN                                                  other research pieces.                                      and they are projected to create between 6.1 and 9.2
                                                                                                                                                                                      FTE jobs per MW (i.e. 7.7 FTE jobs per MW on average)
4.5. UNITED STATES                                            Japan’s solar PV installations reached a cumulative 55.5    5.1.1 UTILITY MARKET                                        during construction and installation [19]. Most solar
                                                              GW in 2018, the second-largest installations after China.                                                               PV systems for households are being installed on
According to the IRENA Renewable Energy and Jobs              The pace of new installations declined for the third        According to this 2017 study completed on the Solar         rooftops; however, ground mounting or mono pole
Annual Review of 2019, in the US solar PV experienced         year in a row. The reasons for slowdown in solar PV         PV market in South Africa [19], the utility market is       systems can also be installed, nevertheless, their cost is
a second successive year of job losses, down to 242           installations were lower feed-in-tariffs, land shortages    projected to lead in terms of installed capacities in the   approximately 5-10% more expensive.
300 [10]. This was due to the uncertainty surrounding         and grid constraints. Close to 300 solar firms have         near to medium-term and is anticipated to procure 1.1
US import tariff policy that resulted in several utility-     declared bankruptcy since 2015, with the number rising      GW between 2017-2020. Construction of utility-scale         Solar PV modules and inverters are among the top three
scale projects being delayed. The policy amendments           year on year.                                               projects are expected to create 5.83 FTE jobs per MW        biggest cost items for household solar PV systems.
in California and Massachusetts also reduced solar                                                                        per annum, and this can be strengthened through             Table 5 shows that solar PV technology can create up
PV activities. Once the uncertainty over tariffs was          According to [11] in Japan employment is estimated to       improved local content policy. Additionally, O&M are        to 17 times more FTE jobs per average MW over the
lifted, new projects started construction and project         be approximately 250 000 jobs, a reduction of 22 000        expected to create 0.35 FTE jobs per MW over the            life of the facility during the establishment phase [19]
announcements surged.                                         from 2017. A new driver is expected to be activated by      lifetime of the facility. PV components like inverters,     than wind power or solar thermal technologies. At the
                                                              the larger installations and more jobs may come from        mounting hardware and modules account for the               operational phase, solar PV impact on employment is
Also, the Chinese government’s decision in May 2018           the government’s “Zero Energy Homes” policy, which          biggest expenditure of the total project cost.              smaller since it requires minimal operation supervision
to cut domestic solar incentives which support the            requires all new buildings to integrate solar PV and                                                                    and maintenance. Furthermore, employment created
domestic Chinese solar PV industry had the effect of          energy efficiency technologies by 2030. This initiative     Continuous job creation opportunities are dependent         during production and installation of solar PV
reducing global demand for modules as Chinese solar           is specific to Japan.                                       on market certainty and government commitments              technology has the potential to create employment
prices decreased; the resulting over-supply lowered                                                                       to continue procuring solar PV. The FTE/MW figures          in other sectors that are not in the value chain. These
prices worldwide and counteracted the impact of the                                                                       mentioned in this study is based on theoretical modelling   may include the financial services sector and security
tariffs [17]. Two-thirds of these jobs are in installations   5. SOUTH AFRICAN SOLAR PV JOBS                              framework which provides context of metrics that can        services, among others.
and project development, mainly in the residential            OVERVIEW                                                    be expected but does not provide a methodology for
areas. Manufacturing accounts for 14% of solar PV jobs                                                                    collecting and reporting on real jobs data.                 Figure 6 shows that 3.5 FTE jobs/MW and 1.2 FTE
created in the solar PV sector [10]. Domestic US module       The Department of Minerals Resources and Energy                                                                         jobs/MW can be created by the supply and services
production has been volatile over the years, and most of      (DMRE) Renewable Energy Independent Power                   5.1.2 COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL MARKET AND SMALL            value chain segments respectively. Solar PV panels
the solar PV technology is imported. Uncertainty about        Producers Procurement Programme (REI4P) was                 RESIDENTIAL MARKETS                                         suppliers that provide the link between producers and
the US tariff policy hindered investments in the utility-     established at the end of 2010 as one of the South                                                                      installers benefit from solar PV projects by achieving
scale solar PV projects. The US example illustrates           African government’s urgent interventions to enhance        The commercial and industrial market share increased        approximately 2.9 FTE jobs/MW [19]. The ability of
the negative effect that policy uncertainty and rapid         South Africa’s power generation capacity. The South         rapidly in the past few years in South Africa, with         South Africa to realise employment opportunities
changes can have on solar PV job creation potential.          African government adopted a framework consisting           rooftop applications accounting for the largest number      created through the development of the local solar PV
                                                                                                                          of installations, although ground-mounted plants            energy capacity is dependent on the country’s industry

   14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    15
and market structure. This especially relates to the         The study further developed a net employment impacts         year to be considered fully employed. However, should        n The concept of job categories of direct, indirect and
jobs created during the first few stages of the value        analysis that reported direct FTE jobs only utilising a      the crew build only one plant, the employment creation         induced jobs is critical. Study results need to be clear
chain, i.e. Research and Development (R&D), supply,          SATIMCGE model that calculated economic gains and            would be reflected as 2.5 jobs created.                        as to which of these categories have been included.
and production that are generally concentrated in the        losses across all sectors and quantified job gains and                                                                      Comparing total numbers will be misleading if
global solar PV production hubs.                             losses in the power sector. The analysis differs from the                                                                   studies are not consistently including the same
                                                             gross assessment as only direct FTE jobs are reported        6. CONCLUSIONS                                                 job categories. This should be considered when
Therefore, the realisation of employment potential           from the modelling exercise.                                                                                                developing the value chain that the data collection
associated with the first few stages of the value chain                                                                   The literature review has explored job creation                wants to explore as this can be a method to exclude
in any given country would be subject to numerous            Figure 8 indicates that in the medium term, coal             reporting by reviewing:                                        induced jobs which are extremely difficult to collect
factors, including localisation capabilities. Installation   continues to play an important role in the power                                                                            and quantify
of solar PV also creates employment opportunities for        sector as a major employer, but this decreases over          n Job creation defining reports,
the local labour force.                                      time as coal-fired power plants are decommissioned           n Global reports that share best practice for reporting      n Surveying of companies within the technologies
                                                             and replaced with other emerging technologies, most            on jobs numbers,                                             value chain can be hampered by how said companies
5.2. CO-BENEFITS JOB CREATION THROUGH                        notably solar PV and wind.                                   n Cases studies on nations that create substantial             choose to track their employment generation figures.
RENEWABLE ENERGY IN SOUTH AFRICA                                                                                            amounts of solar PV jobs and,                                Surveying for direct, indirect and induced effects
                                                             5.3. SOUTH AFRICAN EMPLOYMENT POTENTIAL                      n A review of South African reports that pertain to RE         when companies choose to track their employees
The Co-benefit of climate change mitigation study [20]       ESTIMATION                                                     job creation numbers                                         based on their payroll could create a lower response
conducted a detailed theoretical modelling exercise                                                                                                                                      rate to surveys. To mitigate these negative effects, it
to calculate the number of jobs being created in the         The study analysis by TIPS in 2011 shows that over 15                                                                       is suggested to use simpler metrics that align best
RE space within South Africa. This study analyses the        years (where the short term refers to 2011 and 2012; the     This review has highlighted the following key points           with how companies track their employment and
employment impacts of different plans for expanding          medium-term refers to the subsequent five-year period          listed below:                                                generation figures and capture direct and indirect
electricity generation in South Africa’s power sector;       up to and including the year 2017; and the long term                                                                        effects in the value chain breakdown itself.
this was carried out in the context of the Co-benefits       refers to the subsequent eight-year period up to and         n Jobs created vary substantially between the asset
project with the aim of assessing the co-benefits of         including the year 2025) employment opportunities              construction and O&M phases. Reporting of jobs in          n The fact that the majority of the jobs in solar PV are
a low-carbon energy transition in the country. It is         that will be created from the adoption of the green            a particular timeframe (such as in a particular year)        created in the initial construction phase requires a
important to note that the studies compared power            economy will continue to increase. The projection of           needs to be assessed in relation to the portfolio of         continuous rollout of annual solar PV installations to
sector modelling scenarios and not technologies              employment potential was based on the expected                 projects and the cycle of implementation.                    sustain the existing construction jobs. This will allow
specifically.                                                number of jobs per year (on a non-cumulative basis).                                                                        the creation of a sustainable industry and an industry
                                                                                                                          n The concept of FTEs is critical. Substantial                 that will replenish itself every 20-25 years when a
As such, PV specific information is limited in the review    Therefore, for construction employment to be                   differences will arise when reporting on the number          solar PV facility reaches end of life and needs to be
of this study as the growth in jobs takes into account       sustained from one year to the next, the construction          of people employed versus FTEs. A lack of clarity on         replaced.
all technologies being deployed. Furthermore, job            activity would need to be sustained, while an increase         these specifics is likely to result in large differences
numbers are reported in job years and cover direct,          in employment would have to be associated with a               in reported numbers and will render comparison of
indirect and induced job impacts.                            higher level of construction activity [3]. This means that     numbers largely invalid.
                                                             for green jobs to be sustained for a long period, policy
Four scenarios for the future development of the             certainty is required so that the deployment of RE is        n As mentioned above, proportionally more jobs are
electricity sector in South Africa were analysed: Council    predictably undertaken.                                        created in the construction phase as compared to
for Scientific and Industrial Research Least Cost planning                                                                  O&M for solar PV. The concept of an average FTEs
scenario (CSIR_LC); Department of Environmental              Nonetheless, external opportunities, whether in the            employed per annum over the lifetime of the plant
Affairs Rapid Decarbonisation scenario (DEA_RD);             rest of Africa or elsewhere, could sustain employment          (or total FTEs over all years) is valid but will result
draft Integrated Resource Plan 2016 (IRP 2016); and          levels through initiatives such as local manufacturing         in a substantially different number as compared to
draft Integrated Resource Plan Policy Adjusted scenario      of energy components. The lifespan of the facilities/          looking at jobs in any particular year.
2018 (IRP 2018) collect real job information. Gross          equipment was, where necessary, taken into account
employment research utilising IJEDI to determine gross       in the employment calculations as it has replacement         n The FTE metric alone does not provide the necessary
job impacts focused on all scenarios except the DEA          implications.                                                  flexibility to compare job creation potential
rapid decarbonisation scenario.                                                                                             across technologies nor value chain segments. A
                                                             Employment estimates for O&M activities, in turn,              standardized unit of output is required to create
Figure 7 shows the cumulative job years created by           capture the number of people needed to operate the             a metric that mitigates against technologies
both wind power and solar PV technologies for each           plants already constructed and commissioned, implying          differences in capacity factors and provides the
of the scenarios analysed during the period 2018 –           that the workers employed in year one would still be           ability to forecast future job creation potential as
2030. More jobs are created in the wind sector under         employed in year two and so on [3]. This means that            more MW’s are deployed.
the CSIR_LC and IRP 2018_PA scenarios. This can be           an increase in the number of plants will also increase
attributed to the larger shares of wind power capacities     the quantum of employment associated with O&M
added in comparison to solar PV in both scenarios over       requirements.
the analysed time horizon. The figures attributed to
solar PV are relatively high but includes induced job        The jobs are also calculated on an FTE basis. For
creation which cannot be easily quantified in terms of       instance, if a crew of ten people can build a plant in
real jobs.                                                   three months, it would have to build four plants per

   16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     17
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