Partners for generations to come - New developments 2019 - Viessmann

Partners for generations to come - New developments 2019 - Viessmann
Partners for
generations to come.

               New developments 2019
Partners for generations to come - New developments 2019 - Viessmann
2 / 3           OV E R V IE W OF T HE K E Y NE W DE V E L OPMEN T S F OR 2 019

                               Next generation of Viessmann wall mounted gas boilers
                               Ultimate reliability and maximum efficiency – these are the qualities system
                               users expect of a Viessmann gas condensing boiler system. Our latest
                               generation of appliances also sets standards in usability and design. The new
                               Vitodens 2xx gas condensing boiler systems make the working day easier
                               for heating contractors in many ways. Difficulties such as commissioning in
                               uncomfortable positions are a thing of the past.
                                                                                                                  Pages 8 – 21

                               New electronic platform – futureproof for digital services
        20 °C                  The latest electronic platform heralds a new era of operation and control.
                               It enables end-to-end, digital networked communication between heating
                               systems and trade partners (Vitoguide) and/or system users (ViCare). The
                               electronic platform requires far fewer components than previous control units
                               thanks to its modular design. This simplifies design, installation and servicing,
                               and reduces the number of spare parts.
                                                                                                                  Pages 14 – 15

                               Inverter technology for brine/water heat pumps as the most efficient
                               solution for new build
                               The new generation of Vitocal 333-G compact appliances is the most efficient
                               solution for new build thanks to the advanced inverter technology within the
                               brine/water heat pumps. The refrigerant circuit, with output-dependent control,
                               matches the heating output of the heat pump to the relevant heat demand of
                                                                                                                  Pages 24 – 25
                               the building.

                               Attractively priced heat pump solution for the housing industry and
                               commercial applications
                               The new Vitocal 200-G Pro heat pump up to 100 kW is an attractively
                               priced solution for conventional heating applications. It meets many of
                               the requirements arising in residential and commercial buildings – for new
                               build and modernisation projects alike. These appliances are standardised,
                               enabling quick and comprehensive system design, as well as transparent
                                                                                                                  Pages 30 – 31
                               cost calculation parameters.

                               Fuel cell heating appliances for modernisation and retrofitting
                               The Vitovalor PT2 fuel cell heating appliance has already established a proven
                               track record as a reliable energy system during its five years on the market.
                               It generates heat and power at the same time and is designed especially
                               for new build and comprehensive modernisation in detached houses. The
                               Vitovalor PA2 is based on the Vitovalor PT2 fuel cell module and is specially
                               designed to extend existing heating systems in detached houses and
                               apartment buildings.
                                                                                                                  Pages 36 – 39

                               Extension of the CHP output range for industrial applications
                               With the new Vitobloc 200 ID-1000 CHP unit, Viessmann is expanding its
                               range of products for combined heat and power generation to
                               1000 kWel/1069 kW th. The CHP unit is specially designed for use in the
                               chemical, food processing and metalworking industries, and for municipal
                               public utility companies.

                                                                                                                  Pages 42 – 43
Partners for generations to come - New developments 2019 - Viessmann
Platform services
                                    Heat pump integration into the wibutler smart home platform
                                    wibutler connects smart home products from different manufacturers using
                                    an intuitive platform so that they can be controlled via the wibutler app. Vitocal
                                    2xx/3xx heat pumps are now compatible with wibutler and further products
                                    are being prepared. The continued connection to Vitoguide leaves system
                                    diagnosis, monitoring and customer support in the hands of the trade partner.

                                                                                                                         Pages 44 – 45

               Digital services
                                    New intuitive commissioning with the ViStart app
                                    Once the heat generator has been installed, commissioning is simplicity
                                    itself with the ViStart app. It automatically establishes a direct link to the
                                    heat generator. Once the network name and password have been entered,
                                    the dashboard is shown, where further information can be input, such as the
21 °

                                    date and time, heating circuit names, etc. There is no longer any need for an
                                    Optolink interface.
                                                                                                                         Pages 48 – 49

               Other services
   Effizienz    Balance   Premium
                                    The System Adviser and Quote Assist tools simplify selection, design
                                    and ordering
                                    The System Adviser provides guidance and enables quick and reliable system
                                    selection on the basis of just a few individual input figures.
                                    The new Quote Assist tool reduces configuration of a complete heating
                                    system to just a few clicks. The result is a thorough and technically sound

                                                                                                                         Pages 58 – 59

                                    ViShare – Viessmann's Energy Community
                                    In ViShare, the Viessmann Energy Community, private electricity producers
                                    and consumers team up to form a smart network, in order to share in the use
                                    of 100 percent of the sustainable energy that they have jointly generated.
                                    Members are part of a smart energy community, with 100 percent of their
                                    energy requirements supplied from renewable sources, making them
                                    independent of large fossil fuel power stations.
                                                                                                                         Pages 62 – 63
Partners for generations to come - New developments 2019 - Viessmann
4 / 5             FORE WORD

Maximilian Viessmann                 Prof Dr Martin Viessmann
Co-CEO and Member of the Executive   Chairman of the Viessmann Group and
Board of the Viessmann Group         Member of the Executive Board
Partners for generations to come - New developments 2019 - Viessmann
As a long-standing partner, you are used to finding out
about our new products either from the Viessmann stand
at the ISH, or from brochures such as this.

We are proud to confirm that the next-generation
Vitodens, the fuel cell as an add-on solution and even
our wibutler smart home platform, are just some of the
incredibly exciting new developments you will be able to
offer your customers very soon. This brochure presents all
of these and more.

But there is another fundamental area that we are
passionate about – partnership. We are all aware from our
many conversations with each other that our industry is
facing major challenges. Three in particular that crop up
time and again are digitisation, the energy transition and
skills shortages.

How can we work together to turn these into opportunities?
This will be a central theme of this ISH, and beyond. Join us
in shaping a new era of professional cooperation, in keeping
with this year's trade fair motto:

Partners for generations to come.
Partners for generations to come - New developments 2019 - Viessmann
6 / 7

Our integrated offer

           Other services                                                                                                ...

           Digital services                                                                                              ...
                                                      ViCare app           ViStart app    Vitoguide

           Platform services                                                                                             ...

           Products/systems                                                                                              ...

Our integrated offer is characterised by    Platform services: This is where             Digital services: Your support of
a seamless combination of products          we join the dots. Let a thermostat           our products enables you to offer the
(hardware), platforms (operating            communicate with our heating                 benefits that you and your customers
systems), digital services and other        appliances to create the perfect             expect from digital services:
services. It shows how our products –       personal ambience for your customers         Vitoguide "Monitoring and Control"
for example boilers – and the operating     with the lowest possible energy              for contractors and ViStart for simple
systems on which they run work              demand. Or, go one step further and          on-site servicing; individual room
in tandem with system users and             integrate our products into the wibutler     control with ViCare for the system
professional services, such as ViCare or    OS, which is similar to the Apple iOS!       user, or control of the heating system
Vitoguide.                                                                               via Alexa.
                                            From DHW heating to cooking with a
Products, platform services, digital        Thermomix – this is what connection          Other services: We round off the
services, other services                    units that enable complex system             overall picture by combining everything
                                            behaviour have to offer, in all areas of     in one complete package, as with
Products: We have been delivering           the home.                                    ViShare, for example. This is the
particularly efficient and clean heating                                                 perfect product for system users –
systems for oil, gas and biomass, as        In short, your customers would like to       green power at a flat rate.
well as solar thermal systems and           have hot water and warm rooms – at all
heat pumps, for decades. Our product        times – without any manual regulation.       We also offer heating contractors a
range is complemented by electric           Without having to bother about blinds,       heating calculator as an online tool
DHW and room heating systems,               ventilation or thermostats. Everything       for simple market activities, which
providing the user with everything          should simply work and temperature           saves a considerable amount of time
from a single source: efficient energy      fluctuations should deviate as little as      and facilitates the installation of new
systems for generating and storing          possible from the required temperature.      systems. After all, that’s what gives a
power on site, as well as the intelligent   Customers now also expect to be able         business the edge.
utilisation of this power for heating,      to make an online booking for the next
cooling and ventilation. This has been      service of their heating appliance. And
the basis for our business success for      you want access to information on the
more than 100 years, and remains so         current operating parameters and which
to this day.                                maintenance kit you need to take with
Partners for generations to come - New developments 2019 - Viessmann

         Products/systems                                                Platform services
         H E AT I N G                                                    HOME ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM

08       Next generation of wall mounted gas boilers                44   Heat pump integration into the wibutler smart home
12       MatriX-Plus burner

14       New electronic platform

16       Overview of Vitodens 2xx gas condensing boilers
                                                                         Digital services
18       Vitodens 200-W gas condensing boiler or gas
         condensing combi boiler
                                                                         D I G I TA L S E R V I C E S F O R T R A D E PA R T N E R S
18       Vitodens 222-W gas condensing storage combi boiler
                                                                    46   Overview of digital services
20       Vitodens 222-F gas condensing storage combi boiler
         with 100 litre loading cylinder or 130 litre DHW           48   ViStart app – the simplest way to commission
         cylinder with internal indirect coil                            a system

21       Vitodens 242-F gas condensing storage combi boiler with    50   Vitoguide – service centre with new functions
         integral 170 litre DHW cylinder with solar indirect coil

22       Overview of Vitocal heat pumps                                  DIGI TA L S E R V I C E S F O R E N D U S E R S

24       Vitocal 333-G compact brine/water heat pump with           52   ViCare Smart Climate solutions
         DHW cylinder
                                                                    54   GridBox – innovative energy monitoring
26       Vitocal 222-G compact brine/water heat pump with
         DHW cylinder

28       Vitocal 262-A DHW heat pump wall module

30       Vitocal 200-G Pro brine/water heat pump                         Other services
32       Vitocal 350-G Pro brine/water heat pump
                                                                         O T H E R S E R V I C E S F O R T R A D E PA R T N E R S

         V E N T I L AT I O N                                       56   Overview of other services

34       Vitovent 100-D decentralised mechanical ventilation unit   58   System Adviser – provides guidance and enables
                                                                         simple selection in new build and modernisation
         P O W E R G E N E R AT I O N / S T O R A G E
                                                                    59   Quote Assist – online tool for configuring individual
36       Overview of efficient systems for heat and power                heating systems

38       Applications of Vitovalor PT2 / Vitovalor PA2 fuel cells   60   Vitodesk 300 BIM planning suite
                                                                         Building Information Modelling (BIM)
40       Vitovalor PA2 fuel cell for modernisation

42       Vitobloc 200 CHP unit, type EM-430-SCR                          OTHER SERVICES FOR END USERS

43       Vitobloc 200 CHP unit, type ID-1000                        62   ViShare – Viessmann's Energy Community
Partners for generations to come - New developments 2019 - Viessmann
8 / 9   NE W DE V E L OPMEN T S 2 019
        N E X T G E N E R AT I O N O F W A L L M O U N T E D G A S B O I L E R S

                                                                                   New design – timeless, modern, functional
                                                                                   The new wall mounted gas boiler range is
                                                                                   characterised by high quality, advanced appliances.
                                                                                   The new product design with its matt white
                                                                                   surface blends harmoniously into modern living
Partners for generations to come - New developments 2019 - Viessmann
Next generation of Viessmann
wall mounted gas boilers

 Beautifully simple – simply beautiful
 What constitutes really good design? Appearances
 can be deceptive. At the end of the day, good design
 is primarily about one thing: practicality. Practical too,
 for those people who use it every day. So, we asked
 them what they thought. Heating contractors and
 system users let us know how they would improve
 Viessmann heating systems. The result: never has a
 gas condensing boiler system been simpler to install,
 operate or service. And the styling is spot on as well:
 the next generation of Viessmann heating systems.
Partners for generations to come - New developments 2019 - Viessmann
1 0 / 11   NE W DE V E L OPMEN T S 2 019
           N E X T G E N E R AT I O N O F W A L L M O U N T E D G A S B O I L E R S

                                                                                        Easy to sell

                                                                                        Ultimate reliability and maximum
                                                                                        efficiency – these are the qualities
                                                                                        customers expect of a Viessmann gas
                                                                                        condensing boiler system. However,
                                                                                        the new appliance generation also sets
                                                                                        standards in usability and design –
                                                                                        which in turn provides you with unique
                                                                                        selling points.

                                                                                                Out of the basement,
                                                                                                into the home
                                                                                        The new matt white Vitopearlwhite
                                                                                        powder coating is one of a kind on the
                                                                                        market and blends harmoniously into
                                                                                        any modern living environment. The
                                                                                        improved thickness of the sheet metal
                                                                                        ensures greater stability and a longer
                                                                                        service life.

                                                                                                 Ultimate operating
                                                                                                 convenience with a
                                                   Vitodens 200-W
                                                                                                 modern touchscreen
                                                   Wall mounted gas condensing boiler
                                                                                        The new 7" colour touchscreen
                                                                                        delivers the highest level of operating
                                                                                        convenience. For example, users can
                                                                                        check their energy cockpit to see
                                                                                        their consumption and solar yields at
                                                                                        any time. The appliance can also be
                                                                                        conveniently controlled via app. As an
                                                                                        alternative to the colour touchscreen, a
                                                                                        programming unit with a 3.5" display is
                                                                                        also available in some countries.

                                                                                                 Ultimate efficiency
                                                                                                 and reliability
                                                                                        The newly developed MatriX-Plus
                                                                                        burner is even more reliable and
                                                                                        efficient than its predecessor model.
                                                                                        The automatic Lambda Pro Plus
                                                                                        combustion controller always ensures
                                                                                        full output, even given fluctuating gas
                                                                                        qualities and operating conditions.
           Vitodens 242-F
           Gas condensing storage combi boiler with integral
           DHW cylinder, prepared for direct connection to a                                     Greater security,
           solar thermal system
                                                                                                 greater convenience
                                                                                        With the ViCare app and integral WiFi,
                                                                                        heating contractors can offer their
                                                                                        customers convenience and security
                                                                                        at the highest level. If faults arise, the
                                                                                        contractor is already alerted before the
                                                                                        apartment even gets cold.
Easy to install

The new Vitodens range makes
the working day easier for heating
contractors in many ways.
Difficulties such as commissioning in
uncomfortable positions are a thing
of the past. It also offers additional
benefits such as standardised
connection boxes and an intuitive
commissioning assistant.

        Information at eye level
The display can be positioned in
different ways according to the
physical circumstances. It can be
moved upwards with ease. All of the
information while commissioning the
                                                                                       Vitodens 222-F
system is then conveniently at eye
                                                                                       Gas condensing storage combi boiler with
level.                                                                                 enamelled DHW cylinder

         Intuitive commissioning
All settings can be easily adjusted on
the touchscreen with the enhanced
commissioning assistant. Or you
can use our new ViStart app on your
smartphone or tablet. No internet
connection is required for this.

        Internet inside
"Gas, water, WiFi" – it's worth            Easy to service
remembering this triad. After all, it is
important to connect any system to
the internet so that you can offer your    You've completed commissioning, and                 Now even easier
customers the best service in the          before you know it, a service is due.               to clean
future as well. Using the integral         With the new appliance generation,          The heat cell with the proven stainless
WiFi module and ViCare app, the            you become a long term partner to           steel Inox-Radial heat exchanger and
process is completed in just a few         your customer and can easily monitor        newly developed MatriX-Plus burner
minutes together with the system           the system to ensure reliable and           is a guarantee of top quality, energy
user. Only then is the installation        efficient operation using the remote        efficiency and durability – and can now
complete.                                  diagnosis option.                           be very easily cleaned.

                                                    50 percent fewer                            An eye on everything at
                                                    spare parts                                 all times
                                           The modularity of the new wall              Thanks to the online connection,
                                           mounted gas boilers and range               potential faults can be identified early
                                           of accessories simplifies design,            on, via remote maintenance as well.
                                           installation and servicing. The result is   You are assisted by sensors, individual
                                           fewer spare parts and reduced product       fault messages and standardised fault
                                           range complexity.                           codes. This means you can develop
                                                                                       a solution, change settings and order
                                                                                       spare parts right from your office. You
                                                                                       then have everything you need with
                                                                                       you when you visit the customer and
                                                                                       there are no surprises awaiting you at
                                                                                       the system.
12 / 13   T H E N E W H E AT C E L L
          W I T H M AT R I X - P L U S B U R N E R

                   MatriX-Plus burner – highly efficient and at
                   the heart of the new Vitodens generation

                   "Nothing is so good that it cannot be improved."
                   In keeping with this principle, Viessmann has been improving proven
                   technology and adapting to the needs of the market for more than 100 years.

                            More compact, efficient, economical
                   The newly developed MatriX-Plus burner is at the heart of the new generation
                   of gas condensing boilers. Highest modulation level with maximum flame
                   stability – for notably reduced fuel consumption.
Fewer spare parts,
         lower costs                       AUTOMATIC GAS TYPE                    AUTOMATIC ALTITUDE                      COMBUSTION
                                           CHANGEOVER                            ADJUSTMENT                              CONTROLLER
The MatriX-Plus burner only needs
one burner gauze assembly and one          + Easy commissioning                  + Easy commissioning                    + Easy commissioning
                                                                                 + Superior convenience                  + Low emissions
ignition electrode for all outputs.                                                                                      + High efficiency
Previously, with spherical burners,
contractors had to stock three
spherical burners and three different
electrodes due to varying radii. The
benefit of the new generation: fewer,
standardised spare parts – and                                                Lambda Pro Plus
therefore lower costs.                                                        + PLUS Feature

        Lambda Pro Plus
        combustion controller              MODULATION 1:17                        AUTOMATIC FLUE GAS                     ADAPTIVE PARTIAL LOAD
                                                                                  LENGTH ADJUSTMENT
The fully automatic Lambda Pro Plus
combustion controller is another                                                  + Easy commissioning
                                           + Higher efficiency                                                           + Very robust
technical innovation from Viessmann.       + Reduced cycling                      + Superior convenience
                                                                                                                         + Exceptional flame stability
It automatically adapts to the gas
types and flue system and ensures
consistently clean and efficient
combustion. It also includes automatic
                                         Lambda Pro Plus
flue gas path and altitude adjustment.
                                         The gas combination valve manages fully automatic matching to the gas types and ensures clean and efficient

B E N E F I T S AT A G L A N C E                                                                                         Inox-Radial heat exchanger
                                                                                                                         The proven Inox-Radial heat
                                                                                                                         exchanger is also used for
+   Durable and efficient thanks to                                                                                      the new heat cell around the
                                                                                                                         MatriX-Plus burner.
    stainless steel Inox-Radial heat
+   40 % lower NOx emissions for
    environmentally responsible
+   Maximum modulation level with
    the highest flame stability for
    notably reduced fuel consumption
+   Lower costs due to fewer spare
    parts and reduced complexity
+   Consistently clean and efficient
    combustion through automatic                                                  10 year guarantee
    matching to gas types and the flue
                                                                                  on stainless steel heat
    system                                                                        exchangers for oil or gas
+   Reliable and secure thanks to                                                 condensing boilers up to
                                                                                  150 kW
    development and production
    "made in Germany" by Viessmann                                                For conditions, see
14 / 15             N E W E L E C T R O N I C P L AT F O R M

New 7" colour touchscreen with a glass-like
surface and integral light guide

                                                                                New 3.5" display
                                                                                with integral light guide

                                                                                The light guide is a fluorescent LED
                                                                                light strip that extends across the
                                                                                whole width of the heat generator.
                                                                                It provides the system user with real
                                                                                time information on general operation.

                                                                                        Light guide indicates the
                                                                  Light guide           current operating state
                                                                                The light guide, in Viessmann's
                                                                                signature orange, has various

                  Light guide
                                                                                _    When the heat generator is
                                                                                     switched on, the light guide lights
                                                                                     up and stays on.
                                                                                _    In standby mode, the light guide
                                                                                     pulsates evenly.
                                                                                _    The light strip flashes once
Convenient eye level operation thanks to repositionable display                      to acknowledge a change in
                                                                                     settings via the touchscreen or a
                                                                                _    The light guide flashes if there is
                                                                                     a fault.
New electronic platform –
futureproof for digital services
The latest electronic platform heralds
a new era of operation and control. It
enables end-to-end, digital networked
communication between heating
systems and trade partners (Vitoguide)
and/or system users (ViCare).

        Perfect for Vitodens 2xx
The new Vitodens 200-W/222-W/
222-F/242-F gas condensing boilers
are equipped with the latest electronic

The electronic platform is already set
up today for a comprehensive range        The energy cockpit produces a graphical representation of the energy flows

of digital services, for the benefit
of heating contractors and system
users alike. This guarantees secure,
economical and environmentally
responsible operation with maximum
conservation of resources.

         Considerably fewer
         spare parts
The electronic platform requires far
fewer components than previous
control units thanks to its modular
design. This simplifies design,
installation and servicing. The result
is significantly fewer spare parts and
reduced product range complexity.         Digital pressure indicator for Vitodens 200-W/222-W/222-F/242-F

        Plain text fault messages
A further benefit: instead of fault
codes, the appliance uses plain text
to provide precise information on the
cause of a possible fault.
                                          B E N E F I T S AT A G L A N C E
         Integral pressure sensor
All Vitodens 2xx come with a digital      +   Integral WiFi interface, no Vitoconnect required
pressure sensor. The pressure is          +   Improved fault diagnosis with standardised plain text messages
always visible on the display.            +   New and secure connection of extension modules with PlusBUS
                                          +   Standardised modules reduce the number of different spare parts
                                          +   Wireless, local interface for app/heat generator
                                          +   Easy commissioning using the ViStart app

                                                   The new Vitodens 2xx range
                                                   The next generation of heating systems

               VITODENS 200-W

               Type B2HE
               1.9 to 32 kW

               Type B2KE
               1.9 to 32 kW

               VITODENS 222-W

               Type B2LE
               1.9 to 32 kW
               Integral stainless steel loading cylinder with 46 litre capacity

               VITODENS 222-F

               Type B2TE / B2SE
               1.9 to 32 kW
               Integral 100 litre loading cylinder
               or 130 litre DHW cylinder with internal indirect coil

               VITODENS 242-F

               Type B2UE
               1.9 to 26 kW
               Integral 170 litre DHW cylinder
               with solar indirect coil

               Availability: 08/2019
               Country-specific versions
18 / 19              GAS CONDENSING BOIL ERS

Vitodens 200-W
Convenient eye level operation
thanks to repositionable display (right)
VIT O DEN S 2 0 0 -W
                                                                                                         VIT O DEN S 222 -W
                                                                                                                  1. 9 t o 3 2 k W

The Vitodens 200-W is an intelligent
energy centre that meets the highest
standards of convenient heat supply.
With its advanced, functional design
and matt surface with a clear layout,
it blends effortlessly into any living
environment.                                           7                1

The integral stainless steel loading                              2
cylinder in the Vitodens 222-W, with its
46 litre capacity, is particularly worth
noting. This volume is comparable
to a 150 litre DHW cylinder where
hot water availability is concerned.
The water heated to the required
temperature in the heat exchanger                                                   6
(instantaneous water heater)                                                                5       VITODENS 200-W
continually charges the loading cylinder
                                                                                        3       4   1   MatriX-Plus burner with
and is, therefore, immediately available
for further drawings.                                                                                   Lambda Pro Plus combustion

                                                                                                    2   Inox radial heat exchanger
All system components, such as
                                                                                                    3   Electronic platform
the loading cylinder, expansion
                                                                                                    4   Internet inside
vessel, pumps and safety valves are
                                                                                                    5   Light guide
factory-fitted, reducing the time spent
                                                                                                    6   High efficiency pump
on installation on site.
                                                                                                    7   Expansion vessel (10 litres)

P R O D U C T F E AT U R E S               B E N E F I T S F O R T R A D E PA R T N E R S

_   Standard seasonal efficiency           +   Large water capacity; low cycling frequency, even when little heat is drawn off
    [to DIN]: 98 % (Hs) [gross cv]         +   Durable and efficient thanks to Inox-Radial heat exchanger
_   Modulation range down to 1:17          +   MatriX-Plus burner with a long service life thanks to stainless steel MatriX
_   Output: 1.9 to 32 kW                       perforation
_   Dimensions                             +   Lambda Pro Plus combustion controller for all gas types
    (length x width x height)              +   Quiet operation thanks to low fan speed
    Vitodens 200-W:                        +   Extremely convenient to operate using the 7" colour touchscreen or 3.5" display
    360 x 450 x 700 mm                         screen, plus the ViCare app
    Vitodens 222-W:                        +   Integral WiFi interface for internet connectivity
    480 x 600 x 900 mm                     +   Energy cockpit to visualise energy generation and consumption
_   Weight:                                +   Suitable for integrating a solar thermal system
    42 kg (Vitodens 200-W)
_   Energy efficiency class: A
                                           BENEFITS FOR USERS

                                           +   Especially straightforward intuitive operation and integral WiFi interface
                                           +   High operational reliability thanks to the integral Lambda Pro Plus
                                               combustion controller
                                           +   Greater efficiency and less nitrogen oxide with the new MatriX-Plus burner
                                           +   All consumption at a glance with the energy cockpit
                                           +   Fluorescent light guide means you always know if everything is working properly

Vitotrol 300-E
The new wireless
remote control
20 / 21               GAS CONDENSING STOR AGE COMBI BOIL ERS                                                                      VIT O DEN S 222 - F
                                                                                                                                          1. 9 t o 3 2 k W

                                                                                                                  The Vitodens 222-F intelligently
                                                                                                                  combines efficient gas condensing
                                                                                                                  technology with high DHW
                                                                                                                  convenience and is simple to
                                                                                                                  operate, durable and digital.

                                                                                                                  The advanced energy centre meets
                                                                                                                  the highest standards for an efficient
                                                                                                                  heat supply. And with its 100 litre
                                                                                                                  loading cylinder or 130 litre DHW
                                                                                                                  cylinder with internal indirect coil,
                                                                                                                  the Vitodens 222-F ensures high
                                                                                                                  DHW convenience – in one compact

Vitodens 222-F
Gas condensing storage combi boiler with enamelled loading cylinder (shown) or
DHW cylinder with internal indirect coil

                                                                                                                  P R O D U C T F E AT U R E S

                2                            4                                                                    _   Standard seasonal efficiency
                      1                                                                                               [to DIN]: 98 % (Hs) [gross cv]
                                         5                                                                        _   Modulation range down to 1:17
                                                                                                                  _   Output: 1.9 to 32 kW
                                                                                                                  _   Dimensions
                                                                                                                      (length x width x height)
                                                                                                                      595 x 600 x 1400 mm
                                                                                                                  _   Weight: 100 kg
                             7                                                                                    _   Energy efficiency class: A

                                                            VITODENS 222-F

                                                            1   MatriX-Plus burner with
                                                                                                                  See Vitodens 200-W
                                                                Lambda Pro Plus combustion controller
                                                            2   Inox radial heat exchanger
                  8                                         3   Electronic platform
                                                                                                                  +   High DHW convenience in the
                                                                                                                      smallest of spaces due to the
                                                            4   Internet inside
                                                                                                                      100 litre loading cylinder or
                                                            5   Light guide
                                                                                                                      130 litre DHW cylinder with
                                                            6   Expansion vessel (18 litres)
                                                                                                                      internal indirect coil
                                                            7   High efficiency pump
                                                            8   Enamelled loading cylinder (100 litre capacity)
VIT O DEN S 2 4 2 - F
                                                                                                                        1. 9 t o 2 6 k W

Futureproofing included:
The Vitodens 242-F is an intelligent
energy centre that meets the highest
standards of efficient heat supply and
DHW convenience. And it is prepared
for connection to a solar thermal
system. For combination with energy
saving Vitosol solar collectors, either
now or in the future.

                                                    Vitodens 242-F
                                                    Gas condensing storage combi boiler with integral DHW cylinder, prepared for direct
                                                    connection to a solar thermal system


_   Standard seasonal efficiency
    [to DIN]: 98 % (Hs) [gross cv]                        1
_   Modulation range down to 1:10
_   Output: 1.9 to 26 kW
                                            6             2
_   Dimensions
    (length x width x height)
                                                                 3          4
    595 x 600 x 1800 mm
_   Weight: 151 kg                                                   5
_   Energy efficiency class: A                           7
    (A+ when connected to a
    solar thermal system)

                                                                                            VITODENS 242-F
See Vitodens 200-W
                                                                                             1   MatriX-Plus burner with

                                                                                                 Lambda Pro Plus combustion controller
+   Straightforward integration of
                                                                                             2   Inox radial heat exchanger
    solar heat through integral 170 litre       8                                            3   Electronic platform
    DHW cylinder with solar indirect coil
                                                                                             4   Internet inside
                                                                                             5   Light guide
                                                                                             6   Expansion vessel (18 litres)
                                                                                             7   High efficiency pump
                                                                                             8   Enamelled DHW cylinder

                                                                                                 (170 litre capacity) with solar indirect coil
22 / 23   V I T O C A L H E AT P U M P S

                                           Vitocal 333-G
                                           Compact appliance with advanced inverter

               VITOCAL 333-G

               C O M PA C T B R I N E / WAT E R H E AT P U M P
               WITH DHW CYLINDER

               1.7 to 11.4 kW
               Steel DHW cylinder with Ceraprotect enamel coating:
               220 litre capacity

               VITOCAL 222-G

               C O M PA C T B R I N E / WAT E R H E AT P U M P
               WITH DHW CYLINDER

               5.8 to 10.4 kW
               Steel DHW cylinder with Ceraprotect enamel coating:
               220 litre capacity

               VITOCAL 262-A

               D H W H E AT P U M P WA L L M O D U L E

               Type T2W
               For heating separate DHW cylinders with 160 to 500 litre

               VITOCAL 200-G PRO

               B R I N E / WAT E R H E AT P U M P F O R R E S I D E N T I A L

               80 and 100 kW

               VITOCAL 350-G PRO

               T W O - O R T H R E E - S TA G E L A R G E
               B R I N E / WAT E R H E AT P U M P
               27 to 198 kW

               T W O - O R T H R E E - S TA G E L A R G E
               WAT E R / WAT E R H E AT P U M P
               37 to 274 kW
24 / 25             C O M PA C T B R I N E / W AT E R H E AT P U M P S

                                                       The new generation of Vitocal 333-G         temperature of 60 °C without electrical
                                                       compact appliances is the most              reheating. As an option, a solar indirect
                                                       efficient solution for new build thanks     coil set can be used to integrate a solar
                                                       to the advanced inverter technology         thermal system for DHW heating.
                                                       within the brine/water heat pumps.
                                                                                                   The heat pump combined with a
                                                       The refrigerant circuit, with output-       Vitovent ventilation unit offers a
                                                       dependent control, matches the              particularly high level of comfort and
                                                       heating output of the heat pump to the      operating convenience. The integral
                                                       relevant heat demand of the building.       heat pump control unit, or an optional
                                                       This results in fewer start/stop cycles     remote control unit, can be used
                                                       in the partial load range and higher        for convenient operation of both
                                                       annual efficiency. The Vitocal 333-G        appliances.
                                                       is available in two output sizes with a
                                                       modulation range of 1.7 to 8.6 kW and       On hot summer days, the heat pump
                                                       2.4 to 11.4 kW, making it the perfect       can also cool the rooms. The optional
                                                       choice for new build.                       natural cooling box is required for this
                                                                                                   integral cooling function.
                                                                High efficiency –
                                                                low energy costs                            Straightforward installation,
                                                       Alongside output control, the RCD                    space saving and very low
                                                       (refrigerant cycle diagnostic) system                operating noise
                                                       enables extremely fast and accurate         For easy handling and installation of
                                                       control of the refrigerant circuit via an   the Vitocal 333-G, the new refrigerant
                                                       electronic expansion valve. Energy          circuit module can be simply removed
                                                       saving high efficiency pumps for the        from the heat pump and transported
                                                       brine and heating circuit reduce energy     separately if required, thanks to plug-in
                                                       consumption and costs.                      hydraulic and electrical connectors.
                                                                                                   Thanks to the flexible connection
                                                                High DHW efficiency                concept, the heat pump can also be
          Vitocal 333-G has been certified by
                                                                and a high level of comfort        quickly matched to the installation
                                                       The newly developed 220 litre DHW           situation on site.
                                                       cylinder in the Vitocal 333-G achieves
                                                       a maximum draw-off volume of more           The small footprint of less than 0.5 m2
                                                       than 300 litres (draw-off temperature       and front access to all components
                                                       40 °C) in efficiency class A+(XL profile),   requiring servicing ensure space
The new generation of Vitocal 333-G                    and provides a maximum DHW                  saving installation. With its very quiet
compact appliances in elegant
                                                                                                   operation of 41 dB(A) (sound power
Vitopearlwhite is the most efficient
solution for new build thanks to                                                                   level to ErP at B0/W55), this compact
advanced inverter technology within the
                                                                                                   appliance can also be installed near the
brine/water heat pumps.
                                                                                                   living space, such as in a utility room.

                                                                                                            Online control via the
                                                                                                            ViCare app
                                                                                                   The optional Vitoconnect internet
                                                                                                   interface can be used to control
                                                                                                   the heat pump online via the free
                                                                                                   ViCare app on all common mobile
                                                                                                   devices, no matter where you are.
                                                                                                   The Vitotronic 200 control unit with
                                                                                                   plain text and graphic display offers
                                                                                                   intuitive, menu-guided operation on
                                                                                                   the appliance itself.
VIT O C A L 333 - G
                                                                                                                          1 . 7 t o 11 . 4 k W
                                                                                                         C y l i n d e r c a p ac i t y : 2 2 0 l



Electricity offer for Viessmann
heat pump customers                                                                               VITOCAL 333-G

ViShare, Viessmann's Energy
Community, enables households that                                                                 1   Vitotronic 200 control unit
produce and consume energy to team
                                                                                                       (type WO1C)
up to create a smart network in order to
consume 100 percent of the sustainable
                                                                             3                     2   Steel DHW cylinder with Ceraprotect
energy generated by the community.
                                                                                                       enamel coating, 220 litre capacity
                                                                                                   3   Hydraulic plug-in connectors
                                                             4           5                         4   Condenser
 Tip                                                                                 6             5   Primary and secondary pumps

                                                                                                       (high efficiency circulation pumps)
For more information and
                                                                        7                          6   Scroll compressor with
the tariff calculator, see
pages 62/63 or visit
                                                                                                       output-dependent control
                                                                                                   7   Instantaneous heating water heater

P R O D U C T F E AT U R E S               B E N E F I T S F O R T R A D E PA R T N E R S

_    Compact appliance with inverter       +   Easy handling through removal of the refrigerant circuit module with plug-in
     technology                                connectors
_    Heating outputs: 1.7 to 8.6 kW and    +   Flexible connection concept for easy matching to the installation conditions
     2.4 to 11.4 kW (modulating)           +   All components relevant to maintenance accessible from the front
_    Cylinder capacity: 220 l              +   Simple system connection using matching accessories for ventilation, cooling
_    Flow temperature: up to 65 °C             and solar thermal
_    COP (coefficient of performance)
     to EN 14511 (5/2018): up to 4.8
     (B0/W35)                              BENEFITS FOR USERS
_    SCOP (seasonal coefficient of
     performance) to EN 14825:             +   Very high DHW convenience through DHW temperature of up to 60 °C and
     up to 5.5 (cold climate/low               very high draw-off rate of 300 litres thanks to the new 220 litre DHW cylinder
     temperature application)              +   Very low running costs thanks to optimised DHW efficiency –
_    Sound power level:                        energy efficiency class A+
     33 to 46 dB(A) (B0/W55)               +   Barely audible, even when installed near the living space
_    Energy efficiency class: A+++         +   Compact dimensions and small footprint to maximise available space in the
_    DHW energy efficiency class: A+           building
_    DHW temperature:                      +   High operating convenience – heating, cooling, DHW and ventilation via the
     up to 60 °C without electrical            integral Vitotronic control unit
     reheating                             +   Increased utilisation of power generated on site by photovoltaic systems due
                                               to low output modulation of the heat pump
                                           +   Web-enabled through Vitoconnect (accessory) with ViCare app
26 / 27   C O M PA C T B R I N E / W AT E R H E AT P U M P S

                                                                                               This heat pump is the attractively
                                                                                               priced alternative to the compact
                                                                                               appliances in the 300 series. With its
                                                                                               refrigerant circuits with a fixed heating
                                                                                               output, in three output sizes, and an
                                                                                               electronically controlled expansion
                                                                                               valve, it achieves a COP (coefficient of
                                                                                               performance) of up to 4.8 (to EN 14511
                                                                                               (5/2018) at B0/W35).

                                                                                                        Small footprint
                                                                                               This heat pump's small footprint makes
                                                                                               it particularly suitable where space is
                                                                                               at a premium – the brine circulation
                                                                                               pump, heating circuit pump and 3-way
                                                                                               diverter valve come ready-integrated
                                                                                               inside the compact casing.

                                                                                               For easy handling and installation of
                                                                                               the Vitocal 222-G, the new refrigerant
                                                                                               circuit module can be simply removed
                                                                                               from the heat pump and transported
                                                                                               separately if required, thanks to plug-in
                                                                                               hydraulic and electrical connectors.
                                                                     Vitocal 222-G has been
                                                                     certified by KEYMARK.
                                                                                               The flexible connection concept means
                                                                                               that the heat pump can also be quickly
                                                                                               matched to the installation situation
                                                                                               on site.

                                                                                                        Particularly quiet, therefore
                                                                                                        also suitable for installation
                                                                                                        near the living space
                                                                                               The casing completely protects
                                                                                               the refrigeration module/hydraulic
                                                                                               compartment from the outside
                                                                                               environment and, in conjunction with
                                                                                               the three-dimensional anti-vibration
                                                                                               mounts, minimises operating noise.
                                                                                               These compact heat pumps are some
                                                                                               of the quietest in their category, as
                                                                                               they generate a sound power level of
          Vitocal 222-G
                                                                                               only 46 dB(A) (B0/W55).
          Compact brine/water heat pump with integral DHW cylinder in elegant Vitopearlwhite

                                                                                                        Vitotronic 200 control unit
                                                                                                        with optional app control
                                                 The Vitocal 222-G compact brine/water         The Vitotronic 200 control unit, with
                                                 heat pump is fully equipped with all of       plain text and graphic display, is simple
                                                 the components required for DHW and           and intuitive to use. Settings can
                                                 central heating.                              quickly be changed by following the
                                                                                               user prompts. Control via the internet
                                                 With heating output levels of between         through the ViCare app on a mobile
                                                 5.8 and 10.4 kW, they are ideal               device is also an option.
                                                 for use in detached houses. Flow
                                                 temperatures up to 65 °C also enable
                                                 use with conventional radiators.
VIT O C A L 222 - G
                                                                                                                           5 . 8 to 10. 4 kW
                                                                                                          C y l i n d e r c a p ac i t y : 2 2 0 l



                                                                                         VITOCAL 222-G

                                                                                         1   Vitotronic 200 control unit (type WO1C)
                                                                                         2   Steel DHW cylinder with

Vitotronic 200 control unit display
                                                              3                              Ceraprotect enamel coating,

                                                4                                            220 litre capacity
                                                                                         3   Hydraulic plug-in connectors

                                                                   8                     4   Evaporator
                                                             6             7             5   Primary pump (high efficiency circulation pump)
                                                        5                                6   Scroll compressor with fixed heating output
                                                                                         7   Secondary pump

                                                                                             (high efficiency circulation pump)
                                                                                         8   Instantaneous heating water heater

P R O D U C T F E AT U R E S            B E N E F I T S F O R T R A D E PA R T N E R S

_    Compact appliance with a heating   +   Easy handling through removal of the refrigerant circuit module with plug-in
     output from 5.8 to 10.4 kW             connectors
_    Cylinder capacity: 220 l           +   Flexible connection concept for easy matching to the installation conditions
_    Flow temperature: up to 65 °C      +   All components relevant to maintenance accessible from the front
_    COP (coefficient of performance)   +   Simplified spare part stocking through the use of standard components
     to EN 14511 (5/2018): up to 4.8
     (B0/W35)                           BENEFITS FOR USERS
_    SCOP (seasonal coefficient of
     performance) to EN 14825:          +   Low operating costs due to optimised DHW efficiency –
     up to 5.4 (cold climate/low            energy efficiency class A+
     temperature application)           +   High DHW convenience with 220 l DHW cylinder
_    Sound power level:                 +   Quiet operation, even when installed near the living space
     maximum of 46 dB(A) (B0/W55)       +   Compact dimensions and small footprint to maximise available space in the
_    Energy efficiency class: A++           building
_    DHW energy efficiency class: A+    +   High operating convenience – heating, cooling, DHW and ventilation via the
                                            integral Vitotronic control unit
                                        +   Web-enabled through Vitoconnect (accessory) with ViCare app
28 / 29             D H W H E AT P U M P W A L L M O D U L E

                                                                                                                 The Vitocal 262-A DHW heat pump
                                                                                                                 is now available in three versions.
                                                                                                                 There is a new compact Vitocal 262-A
                                                                                                                 (type T2W) module for wall mounting.
                                                                                                                 It is designed for heating mono or
                                                                                                                 dual mode DHW cylinders with up to
                                                                                                                 500 litre capacity.

                                                                                                                 The Vitocal 262-A is the ideal addition
                                                                                                                 to existing heating systems. Affordable
                                                                                                                 and energy saving, the heat pump
                                                                                                                 provides DHW heating using outdoor
                                                                                                                 air, as well as circulated and extract
                                                                                                                 air in rooms. Typical applications in
                                                                                                                 residential properties and smaller
                                                                                                                 enterprises include, for example,
                                                                                                                 laundry rooms, bakeries and server
                                                                                                                 rooms, where a great deal of heat is
                                                                                                                 regularly generated.

                                                                                                                          Two versions with integral
                                                                                                                          DHW cylinder
                                                                                                                 The Vitocal 262-A is already offered
                                                                                                                 in two floorstanding versions with
                                                                                                                 integral DHW cylinder. Type T2E is
                                                                                                                 for mono mode operation without an
Vitocal 262-A
                                                                                                                 internal indirect coil, and has a 298 litre
The space saving type T2W heat pump wall module (right) is new to the range. It is designed for use in
conjunction with an external heat generator (e.g. Vitodens 300-W, left) and a Vitocell dual mode DHW cylinder.   water capacity.
                                                                                                                 Type T2H is a hybrid appliance for
                                                                                                                 use in conjunction with an external
                                                                                                                 heat generator. It is equipped with an
                                                                                                                 internal indirect coil and a cylinder with
                                                                                                                 291 litre capacity.

                                                                                                                         High DHW convenience
                                                                                                                 For optimum operation of the heat
                                                                                                                 pump and additional heat source, the
                                                                                                                 heat pump control unit automatically
                                                                                                                 selects the most economical and
                                                                                                                 ecological operating mode for
                                                                                                                 maximum DHW convenience. For pure
                                                                                                                 heat pump operation, the maximum
                                                                                                                 DHW temperature is 65 °C. This
                                                                                  heat pump certification
                                                                                                                 guarantees reliable drinking water

                                                                                                                         Operation powered on site
                                                                                                                 In conjunction with a photovoltaic
                                                                                                                 system, power generated on site can
          Vitocrossal 300 gas condensing boiler (left) with Vitocal 262-A                                        be used for economical operation of
          DHW heat pump (type T2H)
                                                                                                                 the Vitocal 262-A.
VIT O C A L 262 -A




                                            VITOCAL 262-A
                                            (type T2W)

                                            1   Highly efficient compressor
                                            2   Large area evaporator for an efficient

                                                heat exchange
                                            3   Quiet fan
                                            4   Control unit

P R O D U C T F E AT U R E S                B E N E F I T S F O R T R A D E PA R T N E R S

_   DHW heat pump                           +    Ideal solution for use in conjunction with existing gas/oil heating systems
    (type T2W) for wall mounting            +    Saves space through compact dimensions and wall mounting
_   For outdoor air, recirculation air or   +    Flexibly adjustable to recirculation air, outdoor air or extract air mode
    extract air mode                        +    Designed for heating mono or dual mode DHW cylinders with up to 500 litre
_   COP (coefficient of performance)             capacity
    to EN 16147 > 3.0 (A20/W20)             +    Quick installation thanks to high level of pre-assembly
_   Dimensions
    (length x width x height):              BENEFITS FOR USERS
    738 x 668 x 464 mm
_   Weight: 44 kg                           +    High DHW convenience with hygienically perfect DHW temperature of up to 65 °C
_   Energy efficiency class: A+             +    Responsible use of fossil fuel resources for DHW heating in existing systems
                                            +    Economical and efficient due to the use of waste heat in the home for DHW heating
                                            +    Protects the building fabric from mould growth thanks to the thermodynamic
                                                 system in extract air or recirculation air mode
                                            +    Low sound emissions (silent mode)
                                            +    Reduced electricity costs when operated with power generated on site by
                                                 photovoltaic systems
                                            +    Intuitive operation
30 / 31             L A R G E B R I N E / W AT E R H E AT P U M P S

                                                                                                    Compact design –
                                                                                                    even suitable for corner
                                                                                           The design with hermetically sealed
                                                                                           scroll compressors requires little space
                                                                                           for installation. And for transportation,
                                                                                           a width of just 850 millimetres is
                                                                                           sufficient. The heat pump is available
                                                                                           with connections on the long side on
                                                                                           both the left and right, which means it
                                                                                           can be installed in various corner areas.

                                                                                                     Pre-assembled electrical
                                                                                           The electrical equipment is already
                                                                                           integrated inside the heat pump
                                                                                           casing. Factory-fitted contactors
                                                                                           for fail-safe primary and secondary
                                                                                           pumps, as well as protection for the
                                                                                           compressors, reduce installation
                                                                                           effort and enable rapid heat pump
                                                                                           installation. Maintenance and
                                                                                           service on the Vitocal 200-G Pro are
                                                                                           accordingly straightforward as well.

                                                                                                   Proven and reliable
                                                                                           The control unit has been adopted
                                                                                           from the Vitocal series for detached
                                                                                           and two-family houses. Here too, the
                                                                                           RCD (refrigerant cycle diagnostic)
                                                                                           system checks efficiency continuously
                                                                                           and ensures reliable function at any
                                                                                           operating point through the interaction
                                                                                           between the EEV (electronic expansion
                                                                                           valve) and the extensive sensor

                                                                                                    Easy to operate Vitotronic
                                              The new Vitocal 200-G Pro heat pump                   control unit with plain text
                                              up to 100 kW is an attractively priced                and graphic display
                                              solution for conventional heating            The Vitotronic 200 regulates up to
                                              applications. With its output, it reliably   three heating circuits and, thanks to
                                              meets many of the requirements               its natural cooling function, ensures
                                              arising in residential and commercial        a pleasant ambience on hot summer
                                              buildings – for new build and                days. An extensive range of monitoring
                                              modernisation projects alike. These          and system optimisation settings can
                                              appliances are standardised, enabling        be adjusted from anywhere, via the
                                              quick and comprehensive system               internet or a smartphone, utilising the
                                              design, as well as transparent cost          Vitocom 300 communication module
Vitocal 200-G Pro with fitted side panels      calculation parameters.                      that is available as an option.
VIT O C A L 2 0 0 - G PR O
                                                                                                                         8 0 and 10 0 kW

VITOCAL 200-G PRO                                  1

1   Vitotronic control unit
2   Control panel
3   Condenser                                                                                                         9
4   HP pressure sensor
5   Filter dryer
6   Sight glass                                                             3
7   Pressure switch
                                                       2                                  7              7
8   Evaporator
9   LP pressure sensor
10 Compressor

11 Electronic expansion valve (EEV)                                                                 10           10




Easy to operate Vitotronic control unit with
plain text and graphic display

P R O D U C T F E AT U R E S                   B E N E F I T S F O R T R A D E PA R T N E R S

_    Large brine/water heat pump               +   Compact dimensions, only 800 mm wide
_    Heating outputs: 80, 100 kW               +   Suitable for corner installation
_    Flow temperature: up to 60 °C             +   Easy access to components simplifies maintenance
_    COP (coefficient of performance)          +   Electronic soft starter system for a lower starting current and less power drawn
     to EN 14511: > 4.5 (B0/W35)                   from the mains
_    Sound power level                         +   Ready to use connection for fail-safe primary and secondary pumps
     (with silencer casing):
     < 70 dB(A) (B0/W55)
_    Dimensions                                BENEFITS FOR USERS
     (length x width x height):
     1753 x 800 x 1457 mm                      +   Low operating costs thanks to high COP (coefficient of performance)
_    Energy efficiency class: A++                  to EN 14511 > 4.5 (B0/W35)
                                               +   Easy to use Vitotronic 200 control unit with plain text and graphic display
                                               +   Low noise and vibration emissions through sound-optimised appliance design
                                               +   Reliable commissioning following function test at the factory
32 / 33   T W O - O R T H R E E - S TA G E L A R G E B R I N E / WAT E R A N D
          W AT E R / W AT E R H E AT P U M P S

                                                                                 The Vitocal 350-G Pro large heat pump
                                                                                 is now also available with extended
                                                                                 outputs: as a two- or three-stage
                                                                                 brine/water version, the heating output
                                                                                 ranges from 27 to 198 kW.

                                                                                 The output range of the water/water
                                                                                 application, similarly available as a
                                                                                 two- or three-stage version, ranges
                                                                                 from 37 to 274 kW. The flow
                                                                                 temperature of 73 °C meets stringent
                                                                                 demands for hygiene in DHW heating.
                                                                                 Even at a brine temperature of –2 °C,
                                                                                 the flow temperature is still 70 °C.

                                                                                 The Vitocal 350-G Pro is the ideal
                                                                                 choice for modernisation projects
                                                                                 (even with radiator heating systems)
                                                                                 and when high DHW temperatures are

                                                                                         New Vitotronic PLC 2.0
                                                                                         for remote control and
                                                                                 The new Vitotronic PLC control unit
                                                                                 (type 2.0) with 7" colour touchscreen
                                                                                 enables straightforward (remote)
                                                                                 operation and maintenance. It
                                                                                 regulates the brine/water operation,
                                                                                 heating water buffer cylinder
                                                                                 temperature and high/low temperature
                                                                                 maintenance as standard. Internet
                                                                                 connectivity means the heat pump can
                                                                                 be easily monitored from anywhere.

                                                                                 As an option, an existing oil/gas boiler
                                                                                 and a DHW cylinder can also be
                                                                                 controlled. As before, four heating/
                                                                                 cooling circuits can still be regulated.
                                                                                 Furthermore, active cooling in addition
                                                                                 to natural cooling now ensures a
                                                                                 comfortable room temperature,
                                                                                 whatever the season.

                            Brine/water heat pump with extended output from
                            27 to 198 kW
VIT O C A L 35 0 - G PR O
                                                                                                                      Brine / water : 2 7 to 19 8 k W
                                                                                                                     Water/ water : 3 7 to 2 74 k W


Large colour touchscreen for the Vitotronic PLC 2.0
control unit, with clear display                                               2



                                                               VITOCAL 350-G PRO

                                                                1   Vitotronic 200 PLC control unit (type 2.0)
                                                                2   Condenser/evaporator
                                                                3   Compressor
                                                                4   Highly attenuating sound insulation

P R O D U C T F E AT U R E S                          B E N E F I T S F O R T R A D E PA R T N E R S

_    Large brine/water and water/water                +   Large output range and optimum partial load characteristics through two- or
     heat pump                                            three-stage design
_    Flow temperature: up to 73 °C                    +   With electronic soft starter as standard
_    Heating outputs:                                 +   Vitotronic PLC with Modbus and BACnet communication interfaces
     Brine/water: 27 to 198 kW                        +   Increased operational reliability through multi-stage design
     Water/water: 37 to 274 kW                        +   Cold water control with waste heat management via geothermal probe or
_    COP (coefficient of performance)                     dry cooler
     to EN 14511: up to 4.4 (B0/W35)                  +   Robust design (industrial design)
_    Dimensions
     Type BW 353.B198
     (length x width x height)                        BENEFITS FOR USERS
     2816 x 911 x 1650 mm
_    Weight: 1678 kg                                  +   Low operating costs thanks to high COP (coefficient of performance) to EN 14511 of
     (type BW 353.B198)                                   up to 4.4 (B0/W35)
_    Energy efficiency class: A++                     +   Viable under partial load conditions due to the use of two or three compressors
                                                          with an equal rating
                                                      +   Low noise and vibration emissions through sound-optimised appliance design
                                                      +   Intuitive operation of the control unit via touchscreen with schematics
                                                      +   Conventional cooling/heating function with heating water buffer cylinder
34 / 35                D E C E N T R A L I S E D M E C H A N I C A L V E N T I L AT I O N

                                                                                                                     The decentralised Vitovent 100-D
                                                                                                                     mechanical ventilation unit is able to
                                                                                                                     provide fresh air to individual rooms, to
                                                                                                                     specific areas within the living space
                                                                                                                     (ventilation zones) or to the entire home.
                                                                                                                     The unit regulates air humidity and
                                                                                                                     provides a pleasant ambience.

                                                                                                                              Quick and simple
                                                                                                                     The Vitovent 100-D does not require
                                                                                                                     ventilation ducts. After drilling a hole
                                                                                                                     measuring 162 mm in diameter, the
                                                                                                                     system can be inserted directly into
                                                                                                                     the exterior wall. This makes the
                                                                                                                     Vitovent 100-D suitable for new
                                                                                                                     build and particularly for modernising
                                                                                                                     apartment buildings. The modernisation
Vitovent 100-D
Decentralised mechanical ventilation unit
                                                                                                                     process frequently involves replacing
                                                                                                                     windows and insulating the building
                                                                                                                     envelope. After this has been done,
                                                                                                                     even older homes become so airtight
                                                                                                                     that the supply of fresh air is no longer
                                                                                                                     sufficient. This results in high humidity
                                                                                                                     levels in the interior, which can lead to
                                                                                                                     harmful mould growth, especially in
                                                                                                                     buildings with insulated exterior walls.
                                                                                                                     The Vitovent 100-D can provide the
                                                                                                                     remedy for this situation. It works with
Detailed planning proposals for
building projects are available at:                                                                                  two units in alternating operation. One
                                                                                                                     appliance is required to draw fresh air
                                                                                                                     into the room, while the other removes
                                                                                                                     the stale air to the outside.

                                                                                                                              Up to 91 percent
                                            Decentralised mechanical ventilation in an
                                                                                                                              heat recovery
                                            apartment building
                                                                                                                     The integral system achieves up to
                                                                                                                     91 percent heat recovery, saving
                                                                                                                     heating energy that would otherwise
                                                                                                                     be lost by conventional airing through
                                                                                                                     open windows. Heat recovery can
                                                                                                                     be disabled in summer. During this
                                                                                                                     season, cool night air can be drawn
                                                                                                                     into the interior.

                                                                                                                             Almost invisible on the
                                                                                                                     Various exterior wall covers are
                                                                                                                     available for the Vitovent 100-D. In
                                                                                                                     addition to a classic white fascia,
                                                                                                                     the accessories include two further
                                                                                                                     stainless steel covers in different
                                            The app for controlling the Vitovent 100-D is expected to be available
                                                                                                                     designs. Alternatively, the air vent can
                                            from the 4th quarter of 2019. It will also work with existing systems.
                                                                                                                     be integrated almost invisibly into the
                                                                                                                     window reveal. This option ensures
                                                                                                                     particularly high sound insulation
                                                                                                                     against outside noise (e.g. traffic).
Control via smartphone
         and voice input
In addition to a central programming
unit, the ventilation system can be
controlled via smartphone using the
new, intelligent Vitovent app (available
from the 4th quarter of 2019). For
up to three zones in the house or
apartment, set values for humidity and
temperature, as well as time programs,
can be defined. Information about the
status of the appliances (e.g. filter
change required) is also displayed. The
Vitovent 100-D can also be controlled
                                           Air vent for Vitovent 100-D in the window reveal
via the app using Amazon Alexa and
Google Assistant.

         Extract air fan
         for interior rooms
In addition to the extract air fans
for rooms with exterior walls,
such as bathrooms and WCs
(Vitovent 100-D E100/E200), the
product range is rounded off with the
new Vitovent 100-D E300. This unit
                                           White exterior wall cover                Stainless steel designer   Stainless steel exterior
effectively ventilates rooms that do
                                                                                    exterior wall cover        wall cover
not have an exterior wall and directs
the air to the outside via an on-site
duct. In combination with a humidity
sensor, it works fully automatically.

                                           B E N E F I T S F O R T R A D E PA R T N E R S

                                           +    Suitable for new build and modernisation projects
                                           +    Requires little space
                                           +    Simple installation through hole drilled in the exterior wall
                                           +    Intuitive, quick commissioning through touch programming unit or app
                                           +    Comprehensive system from a single source

Extract air fan for
interior wet rooms
                                           BENEFITS FOR USERS

                                           +    Unobtrusive appearance due to installation in the window reveal
                                           +    Quiet operation and high sound insulation against outside noise
                                           +    Intuitive, simple control via smartphone
                                           +    Creation of user defined time programs and user profiles (app)
                                           +    Automatic operation possible with humidity, temperature and air quality sensor
36 / 37   E F F I C I E N T S Y S T E M S F O R H E AT A N D P O W E R

                                                                         Vitovalor PA2
                                                                         Fuel cell heating appliance with heating water
                                                                         buffer cylinder, gas condensing peak load boiler
                                                                         and DHW cylinder (from left)

               VITOVALOR PT2

               F U E L C E L L H E AT I N G A P P L I A N C E W I T H G A S C O N D E N S I N G

               0.75 kWel / 0.9 to 30.8 kW th
               Stainless steel DHW cylinder: 220 litre capacity

               VITOVALOR PA2

               F U E L C E L L H E AT I N G A P P L I A N C E

               0.75 kWel, 1.1 kW th

               VITOBLOC 200

               CHP UNIT

               Type EM-430-SCR
               430 kWel, 280 kW th

               VITOBLOC 200

               CHP UNIT

               Type ID-1000
               1000 kWel, 1069 kW th
38 / 39             F U E L C E L L A P P L I C AT I O N A R E A S

          The Vitovalor PA2 and Vitovalor PT2 will be
          available in the elegant Vitopearlwhite design
          as of April 2019.

          Design awards for the
          Vitovalor PT2

                                                                                                                    Vitovalor PT2   Vitovalor PA2

                                                           Quick and simple installation                                 +               +
                                                           For new build and full modernisation (detached houses)        +               –
                                                           Supplements the existing heating system in
                                                           detached houses and apartment buildings
                                                                                                                          –              +
                                                           High level of independence from the public grid               +               +
                                                           Integral gas condensing boiler                                +               –
                                                           Energy cockpit indicates electricity yield
                                                           and consumption of electricity and gas                        +               +
                                                           Convenient operation with ViCare app
                                                           via smartphone                                                +                –
                                                           Subsidy of up to €11,100
                                                           (CHP Act: €1800 plus                                          +               +
                                                           KfW programme 433: €9300)

                                                           Access to the ViShare Energy Community                        +               +
                                                                                                                          VIT OVA L O R PA 2

                Fuel cells for on-site power generation –
                optionally with integral heat generator

        Vitovalor PT2 – the
        combined heat and power
        solution for new build and                                    5                      3
        modernisation projects
The Vitovalor PT2 fuel cell heating
appliance from Viessmann has
been on the market for five years
and has proven itself as a reliable
energy system. It generates heat
and power at the same time and is
designed especially for new build
and comprehensive modernisation in
detached houses.

                                                                                                                                1         2
In addition to the fuel cell module,
the standard unit also contains a gas
condensing boiler with a heating          Renewable energy system with Vitovalor PT2 fuel cell heating appliance, Vitocharge power storage unit and
                                          Vitovolt photovoltaic system, for a high level of independence from public power supply utilities.
output of up to 30.8 kW to cover peak
loads. The DHW cylinder provided has
a capacity of 220 litres.                 SYSTEM COMPONENTS

         Vitovalor PA2 – your own         1   Vitovalor PT2 fuel cell heating appliance                3   Vitovolt photovoltaic system

         power source for retrofit             with DHW cylinder                                        4   Electric charging point

         projects                         2   Vitocharge power storage unit                            5   ViShare Energy Community

The Vitovalor PA2 is based on the fuel
cell module of the Vitovalor PT2. The
fuel cell is designed in particular to
supplement existing heating systems                Service packs guarantee                            that it only starts the fuel cell when
in detached houses and apartment                   a long service life                                sufficiently long runtimes can be
buildings. The heat generated during      The fuel cell has a guaranteed service                      expected, along with corresponding
its operation is efficiently used to      life of 10 years. This corresponds to                       power generation and utilisation on
charge a heating water buffer cylinder.   around 80,000 hours of operation.                           site.
                                          However, this appliance can run for
         Generate your own                up to 20 years, requiring maintenance                       In the energy cockpit, users can
         electricity and become           once every 5 years. After maintenance,                      then also track the current electricity
         less dependent on                operation of the fuel cell is assured for                   yield as well as the consumption of
         the public grid                  a further 5 years.                                          electricity and gas.
The electrical output of the two
appliances is 0.75 kW. This produces      When optimally integrated into an                           For the planning and configuration of
up to 18 kilowatt hours of electricity    energy system, the fuel cell generates                      the Vitovalor system, the Vitovalor
per day, which covers most of a           up to 6000 kWh of electricity per year.                     calculator is available to trade partners
household's needs (consumption of         This corresponds to energy savings of                       in the new System Adviser. Together
between 15 and 20 kWh is normal).         up to €800.                                                 with Quote Assist, individual Vitovalor
The user achieves a degree of                                                                         packs can be calculated quickly and
self-sufficiency of up to 60 percent,             Self-learning                                       easily for each customer
becoming largely independent of                   energy manager                                      (see pages 58/59).
mains electricity and its rising costs.   The integral, self-learning energy
                                          manager responds to the individual
                                          demands of a household. This means
4 0 / 41             F U E L C E L L H E AT I N G A P P L I A N C E
                     F O R M O D E R N I S AT I O N P R O J E C T S

                                                                      The Vitovalor PA2 fuel cell is the ideal
                                                                      addition to an existing heating system.
                                                                      With this proven appliance, users
                                                                      generate their own power, giving them
                                                                      a high degree of self-sufficiency. They
                                                                      become largely independent of the
                                                                      public grid and, therefore, of rising
                                                                      electricity costs.

                                                                              A plus for customer loyalty
                                                                      The Vitovalor PA2 opens up a whole
                                                                      new field of business for trade partners:
                                                                      it enables them to offer customers an
                                                                      innovative means of generating their
                                                                      own power, even if they have already
                                                                      had their heating system modernised.

                                                                               Also suitable for
                                                                               apartment buildings
                                                                      The Vitovalor PA2 supplies sufficient
                                                                      electricity for an annual power demand
                                                                      of up to 6000 kWh. The electrical
                                                                      energy of up to 18 kWh produced in the
                                                                      course of the day covers a large part of
                                                                      the basic requirements of a detached
                                                                      house and is also suitable for supplying
           Vitovalor PA2
                                                                      apartment buildings with electricity.
           Fuel cell as an addition to existing heating systems

                                                                              Using heat generated
                                                                              during operation
                                                                      The heat generated by the fuel cell
                                                                      can be used efficiently for heating. We
                                                                      recommend installing a Vitocell 100-E
                                                                      heating water buffer cylinder, which is
                                                                      available in 600 to 900 litre versions.

                                                                                Low installed height and
                                                                                flexible connection options
                                                                      With an installed height of only
                                                                      1600 mm, the fuel cell can also be
                                                                      installed in rooms with low ceilings.
                                                                      If there is already a Vitodens with a
                                                                      heating output of up to 26 kW in the
                                                                      house, the Vitovalor PA2 does not
                                                                      need its own flue system. Vitodens
The Vitovalor PA2 fuel cell retrofitted in a system
                                                                      200-W and Vitovalor PA2 appliances
with a Vitocrossal 300 gas condensing boiler and
Vitocell heating water buffer cylinder                                built in 2011 or later can be operated in
                                                                      a flue gas cascade.
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