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Spin liquid behavior of a three-dimensional magnetic system Ba3 NiIr2 O9 with S = 1

                                                                    Siddharth Kumar,1 S. K. Panda,2 Manju Mishra Patidar,3 Shashank Kumar Ojha,1 Prithwijit
                                                                    Mandal,1 Gangadhar Das,4 J. W. Freeland,5 V. Ganesan,3 Peter J. Baker,6 and S. Middey1, ∗
                                                                                    Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 560012, India
                                                                           Department of Physics, Bennett University, Greater Noida 201310, Uttar Pradesh, India
                                                                     UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research, University Campus, Khandwa Road, Indore 452017, India
                                                       Chemistry and Physics of Materials Unit, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Jakkur, Bengaluru, 560064 India
                                                                             Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois 60439, USA
                                                                                  ISIS Pulsed Neutron and Muon Source, STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory,
                                                                                             Harwell Campus, Didcot OX11 0QX, United Kingdom
                                                                    The quantum spin liquid (QSL) is an exotic phase of magnetic materials where the spins continue to fluctuate
arXiv:2101.08445v1 [cond-mat.str-el] 21 Jan 2021

                                                                 without any symmetry breaking down to zero temperature. Among the handful reports of QSL with spin S ≥1,
                                                                 examples with magnetic ions on a three-dimensional magnetic lattice are extremely rare since both larger spin
                                                                 and higher dimension tend to suppress quantum fluctuations. In this work, we offer a new strategy to achieve
                                                                 3-D QSL with high spin by utilizing two types of transition metal ions, both are magnetically active but located
                                                                 at crystallographically inequivalent positions. We design a 3-D magnetic system Ba3 NiIr2 O9 consisting of
                                                                 interconnected corner shared NiO6 octahedra and face shared Ir2 O9 dimer, both having triangular arrangements
                                                                 in a-b plane. X-ray absorption spectroscopy measurements confirm the presence of Ni2+ (S=1). Our detailed
                                                                 thermodynamic and magnetic measurements reveal that this compound is a realization of gapless QSL state
                                                                 down to at least 100 mK. Ab-initio calculations find a strong magnetic exchange between Ir and Ni sublattices
                                                                 and in-plane antiferromagnetic coupling between the dimers, resulting in dynamically fluctuating magnetic
                                                                 moments on both the Ir and Ni sublattice.

                                                      Experimental realization and theoretical description of the          investigated recently27–30 . However, the comparable strength
                                                   highly entangled quantum spin liquid phase remain challeng-             of SOC, non-cubic crystal field, Hund’s coupling, and
                                                   ing topics of quantum many-body physics1 . Over the last                superexchange interaction gives rise to a small but finite
                                                   fifteen years, several spin-1/2 systems with two-dimensional            moment on the Ir sublattice. Moreover, interdimer hopping
                                                   frustrated lattice have been reported as probable candidates            results in a spin-orbital liquid phase in Ba3 ZnIr2 O9 28 .
                                                   with QSL behavior2–6 . Since experimental reports of QSL                Replacing the nonmagnetic Zn2+ by an isovalent magnetic
                                                   with either spin (S) ≥ 1 7,8 or three dimensional arrange-              ion such as Ni2+ should provide a unique opportunity to
                                                   ment of spins9–13 are very few, it can be easily anticipated            investigate the magnetic response of a triangular lattice with
                                                   that chances of having a QSL with both higher spin and 3-D              S = 1 in presence of the interconnected Ir sublattice with
                                                   geometry is extremely low14 . Many of the attempts to ob-               fluctuating magnetic moments. If both Ni and Ir moments
                                                   tain spin-1 QSL have been focused on stabilizing Ni within              of Ba3 NiIr2 O9 fluctuate dynamically, then it would offer
                                                   various structural network7,8,14–17 . However, the magnetic             a new route to realize 3-D QSL by involving two different
                                                   behavior of these S = 1 systems at low temperature differs              magnetic ions. Also, it would be a 3-D QSL with a new type
                                                   widely from each other, even in the compounds with sim-                 of structural network as compared to all existing examples
                                                   ilar structural geometry. For example, unlike to the well               with pyrochlore12,14 , hyperkagome9 , and hyper hyperkagome
                                                   known 120◦ spin structure18 , as observed in A3 NiNb2 O9 16 ,           structure10,13 .
                                                   Ba3 NiSb2 O9 shows characteristic spin liquid behavior7,19,20 ,
                                                   whereas NiGa2 S4 hosts a spin nematic phase21 . The inter-
                                                   action of such Ni-based S = 1 triangular lattice with another
                                                   magnetically active sublattice might result in an exotic mag-              In this paper, we report on the electronic and magnetic be-
                                                   netic phase in three-dimensional materials. However, only               havior of Ba3 NiIr2 O9 (BNIO). The phase purity and absence
                                                   very few 3-D compounds with such feasibility exist 22–24 .              of any cationic site disorder have been demonstrated by pow-
                                                                                                                           der X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurement. X-ray absorption
                                                      Six-layered hexagonal (6H) perovskite A3 M M20 O9                    spectroscopy (XAS) experiments have confirmed the desired
                                                   (Fig. 1(a)) with magnetic M and M 0 ions constitutes a                  +2 oxidation state of Ni. Persisting spin fluctuations down
                                                   3-D spin system. Both, M O6 octahedral units and face-                  to 100 mK have been revealed by magnetization, specific
                                                   shared M20 O9 dimers form a triangular lattice in a-b plane             heat and muon spin-rotation (µSR) measurements. We have
                                                   (Fig. 1(b)-(c)) and would become geometrically frustrated               also investigated BNIO by density functional theory calcula-
                                                   in the presence of antiferromagnetic interaction. Moreover,             tions including Hubbard U and SOC within the framework of
                                                   the M -O-M 0 connectivity constitutes a buckled honeycomb               LSDA+U (local spin density approximation + U ) approach.
                                                   lattice (Fig. 1(d)), which could host a Kitaev spin liquid              We have found not only appreciable magnetic exchange be-
                                                   phase in case of spin-1/2 ions with strong spin-orbit coupling          tween Ni and Ir-sublattice but also antiferromagnetic coupling
                                                   (SOC)25,26 . In search of SOC driven elusive nonmagnetic                in the triangular sublattice of Ir. This geometrical frustration
                                                   J = 0 state and excitonic magnetism in d4 system, several               prohibits any long-range magnetic ordering and makes BNIO
                                                   Ba3 M Ir2 O9 compounds with nonmagnetic M 2+ have been                  a rare example of three-dimensional QSL involving S = 1.

FIG. 1. (a) Unit cell of 6H A3 M M 0 O9 without any disorder. (b), & (c) shows the triangular lattice arrangement of M20 O9 dimers, M O6
octahedra, respectively, in a-b plane. (d) M -O-M 0 connectivity forms buckled honeycomb lattice. A, M and M 0 corresponds to Ba, Ni, and
Ir, respectively, for BNIO. Different magnetic exchange pathways (Ji ) are also shown in (a)-(d). (e) Observed and refined powder XRD pattern
of BNIO. (f) XAS spectrum of Ni L3,2 -edge of BNIO along with NiO and NdNiO3 for comparison. The XAS data for NdNiO3 has been
adapted from Ref. 31.

                            RESULTS                                     the sample (inset of Fig.2 (a)), which can be fitted using Mott’s
                                                                        variable range hopping (VRH)35 model in three-dimensions
                                                                        (ρ = ρo exp(To /T )1/4 ) as shown in Fig.2 (a). We also note
   Polycrystalline BNIO was synthesized by solid state syn-             that the insulating behavior of Ba3 ZnIr2 O9 is well described
thesis route. Members of the A3 M M20 O9 series can have site           by VRH in two-dimensions. This difference between two
disorder between face shared, and corner shared octahedra32 .           compounds is a manifestation of electron hopping paths along
It is also well known that structural disorder often jeopar-            the Ni-O-Ir bonds. Our electronic structure calculations (see
dizes QSL behavior, resulting in magnetic order or spin glass           SM34 ) further demonstrate that the insulating state can be ob-
freezing33 . All peaks of the powder XRD pattern of BNIO                tained only by considering both electron correlation and SOC,
(Fig. 1(e)) can be indexed and refined with 6H structure hav-           implying that BNIO is a SOC driven Mott insulator36 .
ing space group P 63 /mmc. The refinement also confirms                    The temperature dependent field cooled and zero-field
that all corner-shared (face-shared) octahderal units are occu-         cooled magnetic susceptibility does not differ from each other
pied by Ni (Ir) without any Ni-Ir site disorder. The structural         and also do not show any anomaly (Fig. 2(b)). This strongly
parameters obtained from the refinement have been listed in             implies absence of any long range magnetic ordering and spin
SM34 . The temperature dependent XRD measurements down                  glass behavior. We have fitted the data by a modified Cuire-
to 15 K also rules out any structural transition. Having con-           Weiss law (χ = χ0 + T −θ  CW
                                                                                                         ) where χ0 , CW and θCW rep-
firmed that both Ni and Ir ions form triangular lattices in a-b                                     CW
                                                                        resents temperature independent susceptibility contribution,
plane without any disorder, we want to verify whether Ni has            Curie constant and Curie temperature, respectively. The fit-
indeed S = 1 state. For this purpose, XAS measurements were             ting, shown as plot of 1/(χ-χ0 ) vs. T in right axis of Fig. 2(b),
carried out31 . The comparison of Ni L3,2 XAS line shape and            results a θCW ∼ -15 K. Negative values of Curie-Weiss tem-
energy position of BNIO, Ni2+ O, and NdNi3+ O3 (Fig. 1(e))              perature signify net antiferromagnetic interaction among the
testifies the desired +2 oxidation of Ni in present case. The           spins of BNIO. The relatively smaller value of θCW is related
octahedral crystal field of Ni2+ (d8 : t62g , e2g ) ensures S = 1 on    to the presence of multiple exchange pathways, which will
Ni sublattice.                                                          be discussed in later part
                                                                                                √ of this paper. The effective mag-
  Electrical measurement demonstrates insulating nature of              netic moment µef f (= 8CW ) is found to be ∼ 3.65 µB from

FIG. 2. (a) Fitting of ρ by 3-D variable range hopping model for BNIO. Inset shows ρ vs. T . (b) χ vs T on left axis and 1/(χ − χ0 ) along
with fitting on right axis. (c) M-H at 2 K.

the fitting. Interestingly, the effective magnetic moment of a         crossover from thermally disordered paramagnet to quantum
similar compound Ba3 NiSb2 O9 , with nonmagnetic Sb5+ was              disordered spin liquid state2,38–40 . The position of this broad
reported to be around 3.54 µB 7 . This gives an estimate of            peak shows negligible shifts with the application of magnetic
g-factor ∼ 2.5, similar to other Ni2+ based systems37 . If we          field (shifts ∼ 1 K for applied field of 12 T).
assume similar value for the present compound,   q the effective          At low temperature, Cm follows power-law behavior Cm =
Ir moment turns out to be 0.9 µB per dimer (= µ2ef f − µ2N i )         γT α (Fig. 3(c)). For zero field, the magnitude of coefficient γ
i.e. 0.64 µB /Ir. This is very similar to the Ir moment (0.5 -         is 45 mJ/mol K2 and the exponent α is 1.0±0.05 within 0.1 K
0.6 µB ) reported for Ba3 MgIr2 O9 29 , though a nonmagnetic J         - 0.6 K range. The value of γ is very similar to other gapless
= 0 state is expected for Ir5+ from a pure ionic picture. Thus,        spin liquid candidates: like Ba3 CuSb2 O9 (43.4 mJ/mol K2 )41 ,
our analysis highlights both Ni2+ and Ir5+ participate in mag-         Ba2 YIrO6 (44 mJ/mol K2 )42 , Ba3 ZnIr2 O9 (25.9 mJ/mol
netism of BNIO compound. The estimated magnetic moments                K2 )28 , Sr2 Cu(Te0.5 W0.5 )O6 (54.2 mJ/mol K2 )43 . Also, the
from our LSDA+U+SOC calculations (shown in SM34 ) are                  linear T behavior with nonzero γ in an insulator comes due to
also in good agreement with our experimental results. Fig. 2           gapless spinon excitations with a Fermi surface and has been
(c) shows M -H done at 2 K between ± 9 T. The absence                  reported in several organic and inorganic spin liquid candi-
of any hysteresis again confirms absence of ferromagnetism             dates7,41,43–47 . Otherwise, any gapped excitation would re-
and spin glass freezing at 2 K. The presence of antiferromag-          sult in an exponential dependence of Cm on T . α becomes
netic interaction without any long range magnetic ordering or          2.6±0.05 within 0.8 K - 2.1 K. Interestingly, the application
spin glass transition strongly indicates that BNIO is a favor-         of an external field destroys the linear T behavior of Cm . For
able candidate of QSL.                                                 µ0 H = 4 T, α becomes 2 for 0.15 K ≤ T ≤ 0.50 K and 2.9
                                                                       for 0.5 K ≤ T ≤ 2.4 K. We note that α is found to be be-
   In order to further investigate the magnetic nature of the          tween 2 to 3 for several spin nematic phase15,48–50 . Further
sample, we have measured specific heat (Cp ) from 100 mK               studies are necessary to investigate the possibility of transi-
to 200 K. Cp not only probes the presence/absence of any               tion from spin liquid to spin nematic phase by the application
long-range magnetic ordering but also provides very crucial            of a magnetic field. The amount of released magnetic entropy
information about the nature of low energy excitation. The             (Sm ) is evaluated by integrating Cm /T w.r.t. T and is shown
absence of any λ-anomaly (Fig. 3(a)) again confirms absence            in Fig. 3(d). For BNIO, the entropy saturates at 6.9 J/mol K
of long-range order and/or any structural transition down to           for zero field measurement, which is only 75% of the total en-
100 mK, consistent with the magnetic measurement and XRD               tropy expected for even a S = 1 system [Rln(2S+1), where
results, respectively. For an insulating compound with mag-            R is universal gas constant]. The retention of a large amount
netic spins, Cp consists of lattice specific heat (Clat ) and mag-     of entropy at low temperature is another signature of the spin-
netic specific heat (Cm ). In absence of any analogous non-            liquid nature of BNIO, which has been reported as well for
magnetic compound, the contribution of Clat has been evalu-            many other QSL7,41,43,44 .
ated by fitting Cp in 30 K - 200 K range by a Debye-Einstein              To have a further understanding of the magnetic behavior
equation with one Debye term and two Einstein terms (de-               at low temperature, we have performed µSR measurements,
tails are in SM34 ) and extrapolating the fitted curve down to         which is a very sensitive local probe to detect a weak mag-
100 mK. A broad peak is observed around 7 K in Cm vs. T                netic field, even of the order of 0.1 Oe51 . Fig. 4(a) shows
plot (Fig. 3(a)). We can not capture this feature by Schottky          asymmetry vs time curves for zero-field (ZF) measurements
anomaly, arising due to energy level splitting (see SM34 ). On         at selected temperatures. Neither any oscillation nor the char-
the other hand, such feature is commonly observed in spin liq-         acteristic 1/3rd recovery of the asymmetry is observed down
uid materials and thus, could be considered as a signature of          to 60 mK, strongly implying the absence of long-range mag-

FIG. 3. (a) Cp vs T curves at various fields. (b) Magnetic specific heat (Cm ) extracted by subtracting lattice contribution. (c) Low temperature
part of Cm plotted in log-log plot. (d) Magnetic entropy for zero field.

netic ordering or spin freezing. For a system with two inter-              the muons stopping at the silver sample holder as we find that
acting spin networks, the local magnetic field, felt by a muon             the relaxation curve from the bare sample holder can also be
at a stopping site is contributed by both magnetic sublattices.            described by a KT function with similar δ. The dynamical
In such cases, the muon relaxation function is generally de-               relaxation, arising due to the presence of a field distribution
scribed by a product of two response functions, representing               (∆H) with a fluctuation rate (ν) is represented by the Keren
local fields from two spin networks52 . However, our such at-              function G(t, ∆H, ν)55 . The presence of two dynamical re-
tempts considering different possible combinations of relax-               laxations implies two inequivalent muon stopping sites, which
ation functions, including a spin glass like relaxation52,53 , did         are likely to be related with the two types of crystallographi-
not provide a satisfactory fitting of the experimental observed            cally inequivalent oxygen in hexagonal Ba3 M Ir2 O9 28,29 . The
data (see SM34 ). This further supports the absence of spin                asymmetry data over a large temperature range (60 mK - 150
glass freezing in present case.                                            K) have been fitted by allowing ν to vary with T and, the
   Interestingly,     similar to the other hexagonal                       extracted values of ν has been shown as a function of T in
Ba3 M Ir2 O9 28,29 , these asymmetry curves consist of one                 Fig. 4(b). The background contribution is different between
fast relaxing, one moderately relaxing, and one hardly                     measurements in dilution refrigerator and helium cryostat and,
relaxing components. We have fitted these curves using a                   has been kept fixed for our analysis within the corresponding
combination of two dynamical relaxation functions with                     temperature range. The inequality ν > γ∆H ( γ = muon gy-
a common fluctuation rate ν and a Kubo-Toyabe function                     romagnetic ratio = 2π×135.5 Mrad s−1 T−1 ) holds for both
(KT)54 ,                                                                   relaxing components as γ∆H1 ∼0.425 MHz and γ∆H2 ∼
                                                                           0.09 MHz for the lowest temperature of our measurement (60
 A(t) = A1 G(t, ∆H1 , ν) + A2 G(t, ∆H2 , ν) + A3 KT (t, δ)                 mK). This justifies the use of dynamical relaxation functions
                                                         (1)               and establishes spin liquid nature of BNIO. We note that the
where A1 , A2 , A3 are amplitudes. The static KT function,                 value of ν (∼ 4 MHz) at low temperature for BNIO is one
corresponding to the hardly relaxing component, accounts for

                                                                         tural dimer. The strong Ir-Ni interaction further testifies three-
                                                                         dimensional nature of BNIO. Most importantly, Ir-Ir exchange
                                                                         in the a-b plane (J4 ) is found to be antiferromagnetic, result-
                                                                         ing in-plane magnetic frustration and explains the origin of the
                                                                         QSL behavior of the present system. However, the presence
                                                                         of strong Ir-Ni and Ni-Ni ferromagnetic exchange reduces the
                                                                         net antiferromagnetic exchange of this system, resulting a rel-
                                                                         atively lower value of negative θCW . We further note that the
                                                                         ferromagnetic Ni-Ni exchange has been observed also in anti-
                                                                         ferromagnetic phase of analogous compound Ba3 NiRu2 O9 23 .

                                                                         TABLE I. Exchange couplings obtained from ab-initio calculations.
                                                                         Exchange pathways have been shown in Fig. 1. AFM and FM refers
                                                                         to antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic interaction, respectively.
                                                                         Exchange Interacting     Number       Magnitude Type |zi Ji /J1 |
                                                                         (Ji )        pair    of neighbor (zi ) (meV)
                                                                         J1           Ir-Ir          1           -8.91   AFM       1
                                                                         J2          Ir-Ni           3           0.96    FM      0.32
                                                                         J3           Ir-Ir          3           0.10     FM     0.03
                                                                         J4           Ir-Ir          6           -0.17   AFM 0.11
                                                                         J5          Ni-Ni           6           0.09    FM      0.06

                                                                            To summarize, our detailed measurements reveal that 6H
                                                                         BNIO containing S=1 hosts a gapless spin liquid phase below
                                                                         2 K. The involvement of Ir5+ and Ni2+ in the magnetic prop-
                                                                         erties of BNIO is revealed by dc magnetic measurements, µSR
                                                                         experiments, and electronic structure calculation. The antifer-
FIG. 4. (a) Asymmetry vs time curves at various temperatures taken       romagnetic interaction between Ir2 O9 dimers in a-b plane fa-
at zero magnetic field and fitted curve (solid line) using equation 1.   cilitates geometrical frustration driven QSL phase of BNIO.
(b) Variation of ν to temperature (shaded area is a guide to the eye).   Since many Ba3 M M20 O9 compounds can be stabilized in 6H
Inset shows variation of ν with applied LF at 100 mK                     structure, we believe this work will lead to the realization of
                                                                         many 3-D QSLs with large spin by judicial choice of M and
                                                                         M 0.
order of magnitude smaller than Ba3 ZnIr2 O9 28 and is likely
to be related with the involvement of large spins on the Ni
sublattice.                                                                                          Method
   µ-SR spectra, recorded at 100 mK in presence of an ap-
plied longitudinal field (LF) have further corroborated QSL
                                                                            Stoichiometric amount of BaCO3 , NiO and Ir metal power
nature of BNIO. In case of relaxation arising from a static
                                                                         were used as starting materials for the solid state synthesis of
internal field distribution with width ∆Hi , an applied LF ∼
                                                                         BNIO. The mixture was heated multiple times at 1175◦ C with
5-10∆Hi would completely suppress the relaxation. From
                                                                         intermediate grindings till the desired phase is formed. Pow-
the analysis of ZF µSR data, we found ∆H1 ∼ 5 Gauss and
                                                                         der XRD was carried out using a lab based Rigaku Smartlab
∆H2 ∼ 1 Gauss. No such decoupling is observed in the
                                                                         diffractometer and also in the Indian beamline (BL-18B) at
present case in measurement up to 200 Gauss (see inset of
                                                                         the Photon Factory, KEK, Japan. The diffraction pattern of
Fig. 4(b) and SM34 ), establishing the dynamic nature of spins
                                                                         the final phase was refined by Reitveild method using FULL-
in BNIO down to atleast 100 mK.
                                                                         PROF57 .
                                                                            XAS spectra of Ni L3,2 -edges were recorded in bulk sen-
                                                                         sitive total fluorescence yield mode in 4-ID-C beam line of
                           DISCUSSION                                    Advanced Photon Source, USA. DC magnetic measurements
                                                                         were carried using a Quantum Design (QD) SQUID magne-
   To understand the underlying mechanism of the observed                tometer. Heat capacity measurements (Cp ) were done in a
QSL state, we estimated the inter-atomic magnetic exchange               dilution refrigerator insert coupled with a 16T QD-PPMS sys-
interactions from the converged LSDA+U +SOC calculations                 tem using relaxation calorimetry. µSR experiments down to
using the formalism of Ref. 56 (see Method section and SM34              60 mK were performed using pulsed muon beam at MuSR
for details). As shown in Table-I, the strongest interaction is          spectrometer of ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, UK. A dilu-
antiferromagnetic, which is between the Ir ions of the struc-            tion fridge was used to record µSR data from 60 mK to 4 K

and a cryostat was used for temperatures above 1.5 K.                      Green’s function technique. A detailed discussion of the im-
   The density functional theory (DFT) calculations have been              plementation of the magnetic force theorem in RSPt is pro-
performed in the local spin-density approximation + Hub-                   vided in Ref. 64. This method is considered to be one of the
bard U (LSDA+U) approach with and without including spin-                  most accurate techniques for the estimation of exchange inter-
orbit coupling (SOC) by means of a full potential linearized               actions and also been successfully employed for many transi-
muffin-tin orbital method (FP-LMTO)58,59 as implemented in                 tion metal compounds65 .
the RSPt code60 . The Brillouin-zone (BZ) integration is car-
ried out by using the thermal smearing method with 10 × 10
× 4 k-mesh. For the charge density and potential angular de-                                         Acknowledgement
composition inside the muffin-tin (MT) spheres, the value of
maximum angular momentum was taken equal to lmax = 8.                         S.M. acknowledges financial support from ISRO-IISc
To describe the electron-electron correlation within LSDA+U                Space Technology Cell and Infosys Foundation, Bangalore.
approach, we have taken U = 6 eV, J =0.8 eV for Ni-d states                S.M. and S.K. acknowledge insightful discussions with Dr.
and U = 2 eV, J =0.6 eV for the Ir-d states. The set of the                Subhro Bhattacharjee, Dr. Yogesh Singh, Dr. Pabitra Biswas.
correlated orbitals located on Ni and Ir sites were obtained               Authors thank the Department of Science and Technology, In-
by projecting the electron density onto the corresponding MT               dia for the financial support, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics
sphere with a certain angular character (so-called “MT-heads”              and Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Re-
projection61 ).                                                            search, India for facilitating the experiments at the Indian
   After obtaining the self-consistent fully converged                     Beamline, Photon Factory, KEK, Japan. The authors also ac-
LSDA+U +SOC calculations, the magnetic force theorem62,63                  knowledge the experimental support from UGC-DAE CSR,
was used to extract the effective inter-site magnetic-                     Indore, staffs of LT & Cryogenics especially Er. P. Saravanan
interaction parameters (Jij ). In this approach the magnetic               for their technical support. This research used resources of the
system is mapped onto the Heisenberg Hamiltonian:                          Advanced Photon Source, a U.S. Department of Energy Office
                                 X                                         of Science User Facility operated by Argonne National Lab-
                        Ĥ = −          Jij S~i · S~j .             (2)    oratory under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357. Experi-
                                 i6=j                                      ments at the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source were supported
                                                                           by a beamtime allocation RB1920396 from the Science and
Further, Jij are extracted in a linear-response manner via                 Technology Facilities Council.

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