The Future of Connectivity
in IoT Deployments
Investing in Germany | A guide for Chinese businesses

The Future of Connectivity in IoT Deployments

IoT & Connectivity		                                    04

Market Overview                                         07

IoT Connectivity Use Cases		                            13

Long Term Implications                                  17

Business Implications                                   18

Summary                                                 19

Investing in Germany | A guide for Chinese businesses

IoT & Connectivity
Like a wildfire racing across the dry prairie, the Internet of
Things (IoT) is expanding rapidly and relentlessly. It sounds
like an incredibly complex, but putting it in simple words, the
Internet of Things (IoT) is nothing but a network that connects
physical objects, such as vehicles, machine tools, street
lights, wearables, wind turbines, people, and other devices,
via connectivity solutions in order to enable communication,
exchange data, and derive actions.

With the underlying goal of having access             things will be in use worldwide by the end
to relevant information in real time (or at           of 2017, up 31 percent from 2016, and
least near real time), IoT sensors trans-             that the number will reach 20.4 billion by
form analog inputs into digital signals and           2020.1 Dell’s CEO estimates that as many
thus create a digital reflection of what              as 70 billion connected devices will exist
is happening in the physical world. This              by 2020.2
setup enables the development of intelli-
gent applications and services and allows             As IoT grows, so do the volumes of data
objects to be sensed and actuated across              produced by some estimates, connected
existing network infrastructures.                     devices will generate 507.5 Zettabytes
Developments in the IoT field happen at a             (ZB) of data per year (42.3 ZB per month)
breathtaking pace, and IoT is the source of           by 2019, up from 134.5 ZB per year (11.2
many promising business opportunities,                ZB per month) in 2014. (a Zettabyte is
which are expected to result in yet unim-             1 trillion Gigabytes). Globally, the data
aginable increases in efficiency, accuracy,           created by IoT devices in 2019 will be 269
and economic benefits across organiza-                times greater than the data being trans-
tions, industries, and markets. Moreover,             mitted to data centers from end-user
IoT leads to new business models, moving              devices and 49 times higher than total
the focus from products to services.                  data center traffic.3 Currently, only 30% of
                                                      the data created in areas like the supply
The number of physical objects that are               chain is leveraged for optimization, but it
connected via the Internet of Things                  is expected that this number will increase
increases at a tearing speed. Gartner,                significantly in the future.
Inc. estimates that 8.4 billion connected

                                                                                Gartner | Press Release Feb 07, 2017
                                                                       | By 2020 there will be 10 web-connected devices per human
                                                                                Deloitte | Tech Trends 2016
The Future of Connectivity in IoT Deployments

                   Looking at this incredible increase in glob-   It is worth mentioning that each connec-
                   al data from IoT devices, several crucial      tivity solution has its own strengths and
                   questions should present themselves to         weaknesses, and obviously, there really
                   IT decision-makers: How can all this data,     is no ‘one size fits all’ approach out there,
                   generated by sensors attached to 'things',     as all connectivity solutions are tailored
                   be transferred efficiently into data-pro-      to specific use cases and fields of applica-
                   cessing applications and turned into smart     tions. Rather, it is important to understand
                   decisions? What connectivity solution is       the variety of options available and the
                   the cheapest/fastest/most reliable one?        factors that influence the decision, such as
                   Which connectivity solution should organi-     network costs, required battery life, data
                   zations choose in order to leverage IoT po-    rates, latency, mobility, range, coverage,
                   tential in their environment and what does     and many other factors that need to be
                   the selection process look like? What data     balanced when it comes to the connec-
                   do companies even transfer, and what can       tivity selection process for a specific IoT
                   be processed locally? How can decisions        application within the company. In addi-
                   be standardized for communication based        tion, requirements for the underlying use
                   on use case requirement mutualisation?         cases of an IoT application are likely to
                                                                  change during its life cycle, as the vol-
                   Due to the seemingly endless variety of        umes or selection of data gathered from
                   IoT applications available, organizations      machines etc. might need to be adjusted
                   struggle when it comes to an appropriate       once patterns have been analyzed.
                   selection process of the right connectiv-
                   ity solution in their specific business use    Taking a safari into the confusing jungle of
                   case. Current connectivity solutions for       connectivity solutions for IoT applications
                   IoT extend from low-range connectivity         in order to make informed decisions and
                   solutions, such as Bluetooth, via familiar     understand the current and future land-
                   technology like cellular connectivity to       scapes might eventually reward organiza-
                   completely new concepts provided by            tions with a cutting-edge advantage in the
                   less-known or new providers and allianc-       Internet of Things.
                   es, such as LoRa or Sigfox.
                                                                  In this paper, Deloitte will present its point
                                                                  of view on the current market of technol-
                                                                  ogies, expected connectivity trends, and
                                                                  relevant IoT connectivity solutions for dif-

Due to the seemingly endless                                      ferent use cases, as well as the impact that
                                                                  different IoT connectivity solutions may

variety of IoT applications available,
                                                                  have on a company’s IoT applications and
                                                                  business success. The paper will focus ex-
                                                                  clusively on common connectivity stand-

organizations struggle when it                                    ards rather than details of different proto-
                                                                  cols and systems. It is therefore the right

comes to an appropriate selection
                                                                  information source for IT decision-makers
                                                                  who currently have little or no knowledge
                                                                  about IoT connectivity and are aiming to

process of the right connectivity                                 gain a broad overview in this area.

solution in their specific business
use case.

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The Future of Connectivity in IoT Deployments

Market Overview
A wide variety of IoT connectivity standards      Connectivity solutions for IoT can be struc-
are already available in the market.              tured into two high-level categories: wireless
                                                  and wired connectivity solutions. From
In general, standards vary in their technical     these two main choices, wireless solutions
specifications, which determine the specific      can be further divided into long-range and
IoT use cases that can be served by any par-      short-range connectivity standards. Long
ticular connectivity solution. Some of these      ranges go up to 200km (HSPA), whereas
specifications are:                               short-range solutions cover a maximum of
                                                  approximately 100m (Bluetooth Low Ener-
•• Frequency                                      gy). Long-range connectivity solutions can
                                                  then be further subdivided into licensed
•• Max data throughput (data rates)               (cellular) and unlicensed standards, known
                                                  as LPWAN (Low Power Wide Area Networks).
•• Latency

•• Battery life in connectivity modules

•• Manufacturing costs of connectivity

•• Maximum data range

•• Coverage

•• Mobility

•• Security

•• Scalability (Mesh Network Availability etc.)

•• Robustness

•• Mobility

The following part will provide a high-level
overview of different connectivity solutions,
potential fields of applications, and technical

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I. Wireless Solutions
1. Short-Range Solutions                              the differences in potential use case are
Short-range IoT connectivity solutions                substantial. A solution that comes with an
transfer data over small physical distances,          even lower range and bandwidth is called
with the distance between the ’thing‘ that            Z-Wave. Transferring data at a frequency
collects data and the gateway that process-           of 900 MHz, the connection is very energy
es it (or sends it over the internet to anoth-        efficient and gives a long battery life in the
er platform) usually less than 150 meters.            connectivity hardware.

A frequently used example that is currently           Typical fields of IoT applications for short-
available is Bluetooth, which uses a fre-             range connectivity solutions are wearables
quency of 2.4GHz to achieve a maximum                 and smart waste management in smart city
throughput of approximately 2 Mbps.                   ecosystems, as the distances between the
Another well-known short-range solution               'things' and the next gateway are usually
is Wi-Fi (at either 2.4 or 5 GHz), which has a        very short. As an example, the city of Vien-
maximum range of only about 50 meters,                na, which received the “Best Smart Project
but transfers data at much higher speeds              2016” award, uses Bluetooth in its smart
of up to 600 Mbps, depending on the Wi-Fi             parking concept.4, 5
standard. However, it should be mentioned
that there are some security issues related           The following table provides a more de-
to the Wi-Fi standard. Comparing Bluetooth            tailed overview of current short-range
and Wi-Fi, it already becomes clear that              connectivity solutions:
even among short-range IoT solutions,

Tab. 1 – Detailed overview of current short-range connectivity solutions

                                         Max.             Max.                                                Power
 Solution            Frequency           Range            Throughput     Latency          Topology            Consumption             Use
 Wi-Fi HaLow
                     Various                                                                                                          Smart lighting,
                     (sub-1 GHz)         1 km             40 Mbps        100 ms           Mesh                Low                     smart HVAC,
                                                                                                                                      security systems

 Bluetooth                                                                                                                            Mobile phones,
                     2.4 GHz             100 m            2 Mbps         6 ms             Point-to-point      Low
 Low Energy                                                                                                                           gaming, wearables

                                                                                                                                      Smart lighting,
 Z-Wave              800-900 MHz         100 m            100 kbps       N/A              Mesh                Low                     thermostats,
                                                                                                                                      locks, sensors

                                                                                                                                      Lighting controls,
 Zigbee              2.4 GHz             100 m            250 kbps       10 ms            Mesh                Low                     smoke and CO2

                                                                                                                                      Commerce, smart-
 NFC                 13.56 MHz           10 cm            424 kbps       100 ms           Point-to-point      Low
                                                                                                                                      phone automation

                                                                                       Wirtschaftswoche | Wettrennen um die Stadt der Zukunft
                                                                                       Der Brutkasten | Payuca: Wiener Smart Parking-Startup startet Testbetrieb
The Future of Connectivity in IoT Deployments

Tab. 2 – Detailed overview of current long-range connectivity solutions

                                             Max.         Max.                                             Power
    Solution           Frequency             Range        Throughput        Latency       Topology         Consumption            Use

    GSM/ GPRS /
                                                          384 kbps          0.15–1 s                       High

    UMTS/ HSPA                                            10 Mbps           0.2–0.4 s                      High
                                                                                                                                  Smart metering, as-
                                                                                                                                  set tracking, sensors
    LTE CAT 1                                             10 Mbps           0.05–0.1 s                     Medium

                                             Up to
    LTE CAT 0          (Depending                         1 Mbps            N/A           Star             Medium
                                             100 km
                       on region)

    EC-GSM-IoT                                            2 Mbps            0.7–2 s                        Medium

    LTE Cat NB1                                                                                                                   Health monitoring,
                                                          250 kbps          1.6–10 s                       Low
    (NB-IoT)                                                                                                                      smart cities, sensors

    LTE Cat M1
                                                          1 Mbps            10–15 ms                       Low

2. Long-Range Solutions                                  At this point it is worth mentioning that         Typical fields of IoT applications for cellular
a) Cellular                                              connectivity costs are sometimes meas-            connectivity solutions are smart meters
Cellular provides solutions for IoT solutions            ured relative to the overall cost of a 'thing',   and retail point-of-sale terminals, as these
that require long-distance data transfers                which explains why some companies might           applications rely on low latency and are
combined with low latency. While cellular                choose to connect an expensive machine            located in areas covered by most cellular
is clearly capable of sending high quanti-               via cellular standard, as the potential cost      companies. An example is Trilliant, a com-
ties of data, especially for standards such              savings from switching to a cheaper con-          pany that focuses on smart energy and
as 4G, the hardware costs, maintenance                   nectivity standard are minimal in relation to     provides several smart metering systems
expenses, monthly costs for rates and data               overall machine costs.                            that use cellular connectivity standards.8
plans, and the power consumption of older
LTE releases will be too high for many IoT               One important advantage to consider               The table above provides a more detailed
applications. However, cellular standards in             is that to implement the new standard,            overview of current cellular connectivity
more recent releases, especially LTE Cat-0,              cellular operators only need to upgrade           solutions:
1, M1, NB1, can provide the low power, low               their network software without also install-
throughput, wireless technology required                 ing new antennas, a cost saving that can
by many modern IoT applications. Moreo-                  be passed on to cellular company clients.6
ver, the lower prices charged by mobile net-             The commercial launch of solutions such
work operators for these standards are an                as LTE Cat M is expected for 2017/20187,
advantage over regular cellular standards.               and it might take some time until the global
                                                         rollout is completed.

  Farnell | Trends in Cellular IoT Part 2
  GSMA | Long Term Evolution for Machines: LTE-M
  Trilliant | CellReader Digital AMI Cellular Solution
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The Future of Connectivity in IoT Deployments

b) LPWAN                                       LoRa’s approach means that even crowd-          Netherlands, WND in South America, and
The term LPWAN is made up out of two           sourced networks are possible, with lower       UK and Engie M2M in Belgium.
sub-terms: Low Power (LP) means that the       cost gateways and a reach of a few kilome-      Typical fields of IoT applications are pre-
hardware power consumption is generally        ters. This is possible because LoRaWAN is       cision farming in urban areas and fleet
very low and therefore can operate on          not a company, but a standard maintained        tracking, as these usually have only limited
small, inexpensive batteries for several       by the non-profit LoRa Alliance. Each of        or no cellular coverage, while high latency is
years. Wide Area Network (WAN) indicates       the companies in the alliance profit in         acceptable.
that the connectivity solution can bridge an   some way from having an open standard
operating range that is typically more than    for IoT applications, and the LoRa Alliance     The following table provides a more de-
10 km in urban areas. It is important to un-   promotes this standard to get the many          tailed overview of LPWAN connectivity
derstand that LPWAN itself is not a connec-    developers and companies on board.              solutions:
tivity standard, but rather an umbrella term   Implementation examples are KPN in the
encompassing various implementations           Netherlands, Orange in France, and Digi-
and protocols that share common connec-        mondo in Germany.
tivity characteristics.
                                               Sigfox, on the other hand, is a single com-
Two examples of LPWAN implementations          pany maintaining a patented, proprietary
are LoRa and Sigfox. While both solutions      technology. They roll out and maintain their
rely on mobile network operators to adopt      own network (sometimes through partner-
the technology and implement it across         ships with network operators). They profit
geographies, they have very different busi-    directly from subscription to their network.
ness models.                                   Implementation examples are AEREA in the

Tab. 3 – Overview of LPWAN connectivity solutions

                                    Max.        Max.                                           Power
 Solution          Frequency        Range       Throughput       Encryption     Topology       Consumption           Use
                                                                                                                     Logistics, utilities,
 LoRaWAN                            15 km       50 kbps          128-bit AES    Star on star   Very low              smart cities,
                   (sub-1 GHz)
                                                                                                                     industrial IoT

                                                                                                                     Asset tracking,
 Sigfox            900 MHz          50 km       10 kbps          N/A            Star           Very low              mHealth,
                                                                                                                     remote monitoring

                                                                                                                     Smart metering,
 Weightless        Various                                       128/256-bit
                                    5 km        10 Mbps (W)                     Star           Very low              asset tracking,
 (W,N,P)           (sub-1 GHz)                                   AES
                                                                                                                     smart cars

                                                                                                                     Agriculture preci-
 Ingenu                             500 km      38 kbps          128-bit AES    Star           Very low              sion, smart grid,
                   (sub-1 GHz)
                                                                                                                     asset tracking

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II. Wired Solutions
Even though wired solutions might seem                 Wired IoT connectivity standards include
outdated at first view, they can turn out              ANSI/CEA-709.1, a protocol initially devel-
to be important connectivity options in                oped by Echelon Corporation and now
the IoT context. Often, wired solutions are            used by the LonWorks solution, and ITU-T
applied when a) the 'thing', for example a             G.9960, which is promoted by the Home-
machine, usually stays at the same location            Grid Forum to detail the specifications of
and there is no need for mobility, and b)     solutions for home networking. Also,
the distance between the sensor and the                PRIME Alliance conceived a specification for
gateway is short.                                      narrow-band powerline communication,
                                                       aiming to drive the evolution of intelligent
These solutions are usually aimed at                   metering solutions.
broadband applications, such as in-home
distribution of IPTV, Internet connectivity,           The following table provides a more de-
and smart grids, where data is transferred             tailed overview of current wired connectiv-
through the existing electrical wires in-              ity solutions:
stalled within the building.

Tab. 4 – Overview of current wired connectivity solutions

                                              Max.             Max.
 Solution             Frequency               Range            Throughput          Encryption         Topology   Use
                                                                                                                 Powerline solution for
 HomePlug                                     100 m            500 Mbps            128-bit AES        Bus        extended wired

                                                                                                                 IPTV, home networks,                                         N/A              1 Gbps              128-bit AES        Multiple
                                                                                                                 smart grid
                                                                                                                 Municipal and highway/
 LonWorks                                     1.5 km           78 kbps             None               Multiple
                                                                                                                 tunnel/ street lighting

                                                                                                                 Smart metering, smart
                                              More than
 PLC PRIME                                                     128 kbps            128-bit AES        Tree       grids, street lighting
                                              100 km

The Future of Connectivity in IoT Deployments

IoT Connectivity
Use Cases
As already mentioned in the introduction,         width however can be small, since data         Other use cases for LPWAN:
every IoT application has unique require-         about moisture levels is typically less than
ments when it comes to selecting the right        a few Mbit. Also, latency does not need to     •• Tracking the location of delivery trucks
connectivity solution. The following section      be high, because conditions change slowly         (Fleet Tracking)
provides an overview of selected use cases,       and updates are required only a few times
which reflect different fields of IoT appli-      an hour. All these connectivity require-       •• Air pollution monitoring
cability and thus represent connectivity          ments can be fulfilled by LPWAN solutions
challenges for different IoT applications.        like LoRaWan or Sigfox. As described in the    •• Home security
                                                  market overview, these connectivity solu-
a) Precision Farming                              tions usually have low-priced hardware and     •• Tank flow monitoring
IoT contains considerable potential for in-       long-range data transfer capabilities, and
creasing efficiency and reliability in farming.   provide good connectivity coverage even        •• Smart cities (Smart Lighting)
Sensors on the soil, for example, can collect     in rural regions. In addition, most farms
data about moisture, temperature, alkalin-        in rural areas today do not have cellular
ity, and potential threats from pests. This       coverage at all, much less 4G/LTE, therefore
data is then transferred over long distances      NB-IoT based on cellular connectivity is
to the farmer’s office, where it serves as        currently not a viable option.
a valuable source of information for fur-
ther activities. If moisture is required, the
farmer now only needs to drive to specific
fields and irrigate them, which saves time
and water. In this area of IoT application,
                                                  IoT contains considerable potential
                                                  for increasing efficiency and relia-
connectivity hardware with low battery
consumption is required. Furthermore,
as fields are usually located in rural areas,
data needs to be transmitted over a long
range to the next base station. The band-
                                                  bility in farming. Sensors on the
                                                  soil, for example, can collect data
                                                  about moisture, temperature,
                                                  alkalinity, and potential threats
                                                  from pests.

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b) Wearables – Health Tracking                        c) Connected Cars –
In today’s performance-oriented society,              Smart Traffic Management
many people have a deep desire to track               Connected cars, or Vehicle-to-Everything
and optimize every part of their lives, a             (V2X) communication, involves communica-
trend that includes fitness and health.               tion among vehicles and between vehicles
Consequently, wearables like smartwatch-              and roadside infrastructure. Real-time
es, fitness bands, and sleep trackers                 communication enables vehicles to deal
allow us to carefully monitor our sleep,              with situations that neither the driver nor
workouts, and heartrates every minute                 the vehicle’s sensors could otherwise
of every day. In most cases, sensors built            identify, enabling more predictive driving.
into the trackers send regular updates to             In-vehicle information-based services
people’s smartphones or laptops. These                increase road safety, improve driver com-
applications have specific requirements               fort, and will enable fully automated driving
for connectivity solutions: First, the data           in the future. While traffic information and
packages transferred are small, usually less          diagnostic data do not generally require
than a few Mbits. Second, the connectivity            low-latency connectivity, other applications
range is typically less than a few meters             depend on reliable vehicle-to-vehicle com-
between a tracker attached to the body                munication with low latency. When aug-
and a smartphone. In addition, the latency            mented with Multi-access Edge Computing
required by this type of IoT application can          (MEC), LTE advanced, NB IoT, and LTE V2X,
be high, as receiving an update about the             LTE can provide a viable and cost-effective
heartrate every few minutes is more than              solution that can accelerate the adoption
enough for most users. To avoid users                 of V2X communications in transport au-
having to charge wearables and smart-                 thorities and the automotive industry. The
phones every few hours, the connectivity              hybrid use of the LTE portfolio will meet au-
solution should enable an energy-efficient            tomotive industry needs on the way to 5G.
data exchange. The most suitable connec-              It provides support for automated driving,
tivity solution for short ranges is Bluetooth.        increased comfort, and improved infotain-
This solution, designed for mobile personal           ment, as well as increasing road safety and
area networks (PANs), is characterized by             traffic efficiency.9
low frequency, low data throughputs, and
a limited connectivity range. The recently
published Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) stand-
ard is designed for low-power data trans-
fers, with implementation expected in 90%
of smartphones by 2018.
                                                      Every IoT application has unique
Other use cases for Bluetooth:                        requirements when it comes to
•• Connected home (Smart Temperature)
                                                      selecting the right connectivity

                                                                                     Nokia White Paper | IoT Connectivity – Understanding the options & choices
The Future of Connectivity in IoT Deployments

d) Health sector –                               a more cost-efficient manner, while contin-
Connected Medical Devices                        uing to use existing mobile networks for
The health sector is increasingly driven by      use cases demanding more throughput
cost efficiencies, result-based compensa-        and latency.
tion for treatments, and patient well-being.
IoT can play an important role in address-       Other use cases for cellular:
ing the changing demands of patients,
professionals, hospitals, and insurers in this   •• Real-time surveillance monitoring
                                                 •• Connected cars
For instance, connecting medical devices
in patients’ homes allows important opera-       As an intermediate summary, we can state
tional data to be gathered, which generates      that different IoT applications require differ-
value in numerous use cases. Through             ent connectivity characteristics.
geo-fencing, device owners can ensure that
the devices in their fleet remain at the des-    Use cases located in rural areas require
ignated location, minimizing the financial       long-range connectivity standards to
damages resulting from loss or theft. Other      connect to base stations far away, while
operational data tell them the status of the     those located near cities and with close
device, enabling preventive maintenance          access to base stations or gateways can
and battery replacement, and minimizing          rely on short-range connectivity solutions.
the number of routine inspections by             Moreover, use cases that rely on a short
mechanics, which not only enables cost           interval between data generation and
savings in the field force, but also reduces     action should focus on deploying solutions
intrusive visits to the patient’s home.          with low latency, such as cellular LTE Rel.8,
                                                 while use cases that do not require im-
Although privacy and cyber security issues       mediate action can accept standards with
need to be addressed, remotely sharing           higher latency, such as Sigfox. High band-
medical data will enable doctors to improve      width standards like LTE Rel. 8 are impor-
their diagnostics, because they have access      tant when the data packages collected by
to a wider range of relevant data, while         sensors and sent by a 'thing' are large. In
patients benefit from a potentially lower        cases where only small data packages need
number of hospital visits.                       to be sent, it is worth considering solutions
                                                 like LoRaWAN. Cost is another considera-
With new low-power wide area (LPWA)              tion, so when the costs of deploying and
technologies like NB-IoT, these use cases        maintaining the connectivity solution are
become more attractive. This is due to their     high relative to the cost of the 'thing', that
enablement of companies to deploy solu-          is, when operating many small sensors
tions transmitting small amounts of data, in     with low hardware value, usually low-cost
hard to reach (indoor) locations, for longer     connectivity solutions such as LTE Cat-M
periods of time (less energy consumption         are appropriate.
means longer battery life), and therefore in

Investing in Germany | A guide for Chinese businesses

The Future of Connectivity in IoT Deployments

Long Term Implications
With the increasing quality of connectivity, more and
more value-generating IoT use cases can be deployed
for the benefit of people and organizations.

NB-IoT already makes it possible to connect         could be offered for more price-sensitive
to more devices, in more difficult to reach         uses cases like tracking bulk containers
areas, and at lower battery consumption,            during road or rail transport. All these
than other connectivity technologies                aspects combined mean that organizations
before it. However, with the deployment             will have access to connectivity technology
of 5G technologies in the near to medium            that enables scaling up of their current
future, a truly big shift in IoT will take place:   proof-of-concept setups.
Key characteristics of 5G enable large-
scale IoT adoption and success to a degree          Mass deployment of 5G-enabled applica-
which is impossible with the current state          tions has a major impact on the architec-
of connectivity technology. Two of those            ture supporting the application. To keep
key characteristics are lower latency and           the right balance between performance
higher throughput. The combination of               and infrastructure costs, applications will
these aspects enables real-life implemen-           need to be able to scale with actual (and
tations of use cases that are currently only        forecasted) demand. Incorporating intel-
possible in small-scale lab environments,           ligence at the edge of the application’s
such as self-driving cars, remote surgery,          network, or even in the connected device
remote construction robots, and real-time           itself, is another way of reducing stress on
AR/VR applications. However, lower laten-           the back-end infrastructure.
cy and higher throughput alone are not
enough for the large-scale adoption of such         A different barrier for cost-efficient mobile
use cases. Two other key aspects enable             IoT use cases is the physical SIM needed
mass adoption of these types of innova-             to connect to cellular networks. Various
tions: support for more simultaneously              developments, such as embedded SIMs
connected devices and a more efficient              and connectivity management platforms,
use of energy. Finally, 5G makes ‘network           allow connected equipment manufacturers
slicing’ possible, a technology that ena-           to switch between networks and providers
bles network operators to create multiple           without physically adjusting the connect-
(virtual) networks within one network. This         ed device (i.e. no change of SIM needed).
means that different priorities, availability,      This enables improvement of connection
latencies, and throughput can be set to             quality and new cost reduction scenarios
meet the requirements of different uses             by dynamically selecting an operator/net-
cases; for instance, mission-critical latency       work based on local signal quality and data
can be provided for applications relating to        costs.
self-driving cars, while de-prioritized traffic

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Business Implications
The dynamic market for IoT applications               by IoT. For example, a vendor of coffee ma-
and connectivity requires an ecosys-                  chines may start offering a usage-based
tem-oriented business mindset to be                   model instead of selling individual ma-
successful. The complex nature of IoT                 chines or subscriptions. In that case, a
applications results in involvement of                consumer would buy a coffee subscription
several specialized parties to realize an             and receive a connected coffee maker that
application: e.g. device and sensor manu-             charges the customer a fixed fee, or even
facturers, software vendors, connectivity             by the cup. The vendor receives usage and
network providers, connectivity man-                  maintenance data to optimize the mainte-
agement providers, cloud (storage and                 nance and coffee bean delivery schedule.
processing) providers, analytics platform             This new business model is made acces-
providers, orchestrators etc. Some players            sible through the application of IoT tech-
will combine various ecosystem functions,             nology. On the other hand, costs can be
but in the end, close collaboration and               reduced with IoT through timely delivery
orchestration will be necessary to realize            of maintenance information. For example,
valuable IoT use cases. Organizations will            having accurate status and maintenance
need to have or develop the capability to             information reduces the chance of an
manage their partnerships effectively and             engineer routinely investigating a device
create trust-based business relationships.            only to find everything is running smooth-
Sharing resources is inevitable in such               ly. Instead, advanced predictive models
ecosystems (e.g. the connectivity network,            can be used based on actual usage and
potentially also various platforms), which            diagnostic data provided by the connect-
further emphasizes the need for trusted               ed machine/device. In that case, operating
and capable partners.                                 costs can be optimized through higher
                                                      uptimes and lower maintenance costs.
When successfully deployed, IoT applica-
tions have the potential to improve com-
panies’ revenue and costs by reinventing
the way in which they do business. On the
                                                      When successfully deployed, IoT
                                                      applications have the potential to
one hand, revenue can be improved by
launching new business models enabled

                                                      improve companies’ revenue and
                                                      costs by reinventing the way in
                                                      which they do business.

The Future of Connectivity in IoT Deployments

The Internet of Things (IoT) is praised by      At Deloitte, we believe that organizations       drivers like hardware. Generally speaking,
experts around the globe as the beginning       should first determine their needs before        short-range and LPWAN solutions require
of the next industrial revolution. If a com-    they can successfully select, plan, and          more CAPEX, whereas cellular results in
pany’s product is not connected and the         deploy the right connectivity solutions.         OPEX. Furthermore, it is important for any
business model does not include a service       An organization’s needs in this case are         organization to ensure future flexibility
component, it is likely to miss substantial     derived directly from the connectivity           and avoid lock-ins and costly changes
opportunities for increasing efficiency         requirements of the IoT applications in          caused by dependence on SIM cards
throughout the value chain, and thus faces      the company’s application landscape. As          already installed.
the risk of falling behind its competition.     already outlined, there are several factors
Companies that invest in setting up a           that need to be weighed and balanced, for        The complexity that comes with the selec-
useful IoT application landscape today,         example the required battery life, network       tion process of IoT connectivity solutions
however, are very likely those who will be      coverage, data range, and latency. Moreo-        might seem intimidating to organizations.
rewarded with a cutting-edge competitive        ver, it should be considered that non-con-       Deloitte is convinced that it takes experi-
advantage tomorrow.                             nectivity requirements of the underlying         ence, knowledge, and expert guidance to
                                                IoT applications inside an organization are      master this task. However, organizations
An important component in designing an          likely to change over time. For example,         should be reminded that investing the
IoT ecosystem in an organization is the         the selection of data that is gathered at        time to carefully evaluate and plan con-
selection of the underlying connectivity        the beginning of an IoT application’s life cy-   nectivity options for the IoT ecosystem
solution that the IoT application uses to       cle might differ significantly from the data     will very likely be rewarded with significant
transfer data from the sensors attached         that is gathered once specific patterns in       cost savings and/or productivity gains
to 'things' to the data-processing appli-       the data have been analyzed. Thus, having        once the right connectivity solution has
cations and derive ‘smart’ decisions or         flexibility in contract designs can turn out     been selected.
insights. The sheer variety of connectivity     to be a great asset in the end. Once the
solutions available today, however, is          requirements are understood, companies
overwhelming for organizations all around       should place a strong focus on clustering
the globe. Different use cases in this white    their different IoT applications by their
paper showed that there really is no ‘one       respective connectivity requirements and
size fits all’ solution, as each of those IoT   select IoT connectivity solutions that pro-
applications fields comes with different        vide unique characteristics to satisfy the
challenges and requirements regarding           demands of each cluster. Incorporating
its connectivity solutions. Therefore, only     this approach in the selection process of
the companies that select the most appro-       IoT connectivity solutions will likely lead to
priate connectivity solutions for their IoT     a more efficient and holistic setup of the
ecosystem can leverage the full potential       organization’s IoT ecosystem.
of IoT.
                                                While choosing the right connectivity
So what can organizations do today in           type(s) for the company’s uses cases,
order to make smarter decisions during          careful consideration needs to be given to
the selection process of IoT connectivity       the different OPEX drivers, such as fixed or
solutions?                                      volume-based fees (for cellular connectiv-
                                                ity), energy consumption and installation,
                                                repair, maintenance fees, and CAPEX

Investing in Germany | A guide for Chinese businesses

Special thanks to the people who con-
tributed to this publication in terms of
researching, providing expertise, and

•• Erik Bookholt
   Senior Consultant
   Consulting Netherlands

•• Bruno Marques Pires
   Senior Consultant
   Consulting Portugal

•• Florian Berg
   Consulting Germany

•• Jan-Hendrik Adolphs
   Senior Consultant
   Consulting Germany

•• Tobias Pascal Heß
   Consulting Germany

•• Andreas Wohlfahrt
   Consulting Germany

The Future of Connectivity in IoT Deployments


Dr. Gunther Wagner                 Andreas Staffen                    Tim Paridaens
Director | Technology Strategy &   Director | Technology Strategy &   Director | Technology
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Deloitte Germany                   Deloitte Germany                   Tel: + 32 (0)497 4868 16
Tel: +49 (0)151 5800 4656          Tel: +49 (0)151 5807 0471     

Helena Lisachuk                    Marc Beijn
Director | Technology              Director | Technology
Deloitte Netherlands               Deloitte Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)68 3339 739            Tel: +31 (0)68 2019 400   

Investing in Germany | A guide for Chinese businesses
The Future of Connectivity in IoT Deployments

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Issue 03/2018
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