THE MOUNT FITNESS CENTRE - PROGRAM AND ACTIVITIES GUIDE Winter 2019 January to April - Mount Saint Vincent University

Page created by Isaac Wells
THE MOUNT FITNESS CENTRE - PROGRAM AND ACTIVITIES GUIDE Winter 2019 January to April - Mount Saint Vincent University
Winter 2019		   		   January to April
THE MOUNT FITNESS CENTRE - PROGRAM AND ACTIVITIES GUIDE Winter 2019 January to April - Mount Saint Vincent University

            G ROUP F I TN ESS C LA SS PA SS
                       10 & 20 CL A S S PA S S OP TI ON S
                            FOR AS LITTLE AS $6.00 A CLASS*

                                $15 SAVINGS ON A 10 CLASS PASS! ONLY $60 HST inc
                               $20 SAVINGS ON A 20 CLASS PASS! ONLY $120 HST inc

     Price valid January 2-31 only. Limit one (1) discounted pass per person.
    Expires 6 months from date of purchase. See page 15 for fees, terms & conditions.

                                                                GROUP FITNESS
                                                                IS MISSING YOU!
                                                                29 classes per week for everyone Ages 18 & up!
                                                                Early mornings, daytimes, evenings and weekends 7 Days a week.

                                                                Classes to meet all your needs & desires!

                                                                                  i n 2 019
    GROUP                                                                    MPOWERED
                                                                             Low Impact-High Intensity classes

                                                                             that build bodies, not break them.
                                                                             30 minutes of stretch and guided

    CLASSES                                                                  relaxation in a dark, quiet studio.
                                                                             S T R O N G 3 0 TM
                                                                             30 minutes of high intensity cardio
                                                                             & strength set to rocking music.
THE MOUNT FITNESS CENTRE - PROGRAM AND ACTIVITIES GUIDE Winter 2019 January to April - Mount Saint Vincent University

What We Offer			                   4    Programs and Clubs		          7-11
Memberships                             Dance & Music			              7-8
                                        African Dance
Group Fitness Classes                   African Drumming
Active Living Programs                  DanceFit
Personal Training                       Zumba Step Fusion
Children’s Programs                     Zumba Toning
Start Your Free Trial                   Mind & Body			                9
                                        Mindfulness Practise
Fitness Centre Orientation              Traditional Yoga
Facilities                              Team Training			9
Locker Rentals & Parking                Body Reboot
                                        Stretch Lab 101
Registration			14                       Martial Arts & Self-Defense   10
                                        Aikido Club
Fitness Centre Registration             Karate Adult
Free Trial                              Self-Defense for Women
Refunds & Withdrawals                   Weight Training			10
                                        Women’s Weight Training
Membership Fees		                  15   Sports Clubs			7
Fitness and Facility Memberships        Pickleball Club
Day Pass                                Badminton Club
Group Fitness Class Passes
Discounts                               Personal Training		           11
Facility Fees
Parking                                 Children’s Programs		         12
Lockers                                 Kids Karate
                                        Bully Proof Workshop
                                        Day Camps			13
Group Fitness Classes		            5    2019 Summer Day Camps
Active Living Programs		           6
Demo & Introductory Classes        6
Summer Day Camps		                 13

THE MOUNT FITNESS CENTRE - PROGRAM AND ACTIVITIES GUIDE Winter 2019 January to April - Mount Saint Vincent University

Memberships                                                      5 Day Free Trial
The Mount Fitness Centre offers membership programs              Try the Mount Fitness Centre for 5 days free! See how we
tailored to fit your lifestyle and wellness needs. All           can help you achieve your wellness goals! Trial includes
Memberships include access to Locker Rentals, Permit             our Group Fitness Classes & Weight Room. Offer valid to
Parking and Discounted Personal Training Sessions. See           new members only. Must be a local resident. Valid for 5
pages 14 & 15 for fees and details.                              consecutive days.

Group Fitness Classes                                            Free Fitness Centre Orientation
Fitness Class Memberships and Day Passes include access          All members receive a free orientation to the Mount Fitness
to 30 plus group fitness classes per week. See page 5 for        Centre. This 20 minute, 1-on-1 session will help get you
schedule and details.                                            started. Book an appointment by calling 902-457-6563.
                                                                 Must be booked a minimum of 1 business day in advance.
Active Living Programs
Active living classes are taught by professional instructors     Locker Rentals
in their field of expertise and include yoga, pilates, dance,    Members may rent a locker in our on-site facilities.
team fitness training, martial arts and more. These              See details on Page 15.
classes are offered separately from our memberships and
additional charges apply.                                        Parking
                                                                 Mount Fitness Centre community members may apply for a
Personal Training                                                Fitness Centre 3, 6 or 12 month parking permit.
Members receive discounts on Personal Training.                  See details on Page 15.
Book a session with one of our certified personal trainers
by calling 902-457-6420. See page 11 for additional

Children’s Programs
The Mount Fitness Centre offers programs and camps
tailored to children. Refer to page 12 and 13 for information.

THE MOUNT FITNESS CENTRE - PROGRAM AND ACTIVITIES GUIDE Winter 2019 January to April - Mount Saint Vincent University
            JANUARY 3 - APRIL 8, 2019
            The classes on this page are included in Fitness Membership and Fitness & Facility Combo Memberships.

      S                        M                        T                        W                       Th                       F                Sa
      (Sunday Classes          Circuit                  Core & More             MPOWERED                 Body Balance             Yoga             Power 45
      start Jan 13)            6:15 to 7:00 am          9:15 to 10:15am         6:15-7:00am              9:15-10:15am             9:15-10:15am     8:00-8:45am
      STRONG 30TM              Recover                  Ballet Body      Recover                         Core & More              Ballet Body      Step ‘N Pump
      10:30-11:00am            7:00-7:20am              12:10 to 12:55pm 7:00-7:20am                     12:10-12:55              12:10-12:55pm    9:00-9:45am
      Recover                  Box & Burn               Recover                 Classic Cardio           Recover                                   Core & Recover
      11:00-11:30am            9:15 to 10:15am          1:00-1:30pm             9:15 to 10:15am          1:00-1:30pm                               9:45-10:15am
                               Yoga             Tabata Fit                      Yoga             Tabata Fit
                               12:10 to 12:55pm 5:15 to 5:45pm                  12:10 to 12:55pm 5:15-5:45pm
                               MPOWERED                 Step Training           Box Fit                  Step ‘N Pump
                               5:10 to 5:50pm           6:15 to 7:00pm          5:10 to 5:55pm           6:15-7:00pm
                               Strength & Sculpt Yoga                           BOSU                     Yoga
                               6:00 to 7:00pm    7:05 to7:50pm                  6:00 to 7:00pm           7:05-7:50pm

      BALLET BODY: Unique approach to muscle toning and endurance-                             POWER 45: This class is a heart-pumping, fat burning workout! You
work muscles you never knew you had! The exercises blend ballet, jazz &                        will combine full-body strength training moves with high intensity cardio
modern dance, as well as pilates. This class is performed barefoot. No                         bursts designed to tone your body, improve your endurance, and enhance
experience is necessary. Class maximum is 20.*                                                 your well-being.
BODY BALANCE: Strength, endurance, posture & balance. This workout                                    RECOVER: 20-30 minutes. The room is dark and quiet. You breathe
improves all of those through low impact cardio, weights, stretching and                       and unwind. Recover provides guided stretches to improve daily function
balance training. Set to fun music this class will make you feel fantastic!                    and prevent injury, as well as relaxation time to release stress and
                                                                                               anxiety. What more could you want to feel rejuvenated and calm?
      BOSU: How do you burn calories, strengthen muscles, improve
balance AND have fun all at the same time? With this BOSU Balance                              STEP ‘N PUMP: An up tempo cardio class using the Reebok STEP.
Trainer workout. Excellent for all levels. Class maximum is 16.*                               Combine it with muscular strength and ab attack for a total body workout.
                                                                                               Recommended for those with some experience.
BOX & BURN: Hit the heart, lungs AND muscles in this multi-level class
combining basic cardio boxing drills and dumbbell endurance training.                                 STEP TRAINING: Want a great cardio workout AND lower body
This workout is an excellent start to your week!                                               toning at the same time? This is the perfect class for anyone interested in
                                                                                               trying step. Using basic athletic training moves with high repetitions, you’ll
BOXFIT: Powerful beats and DJ lighting support & inspire a workout                             get a rush of endorphins in every session.
blending cardio boxing and core strength. Expect muscle definition and
super-charged cardio fitness if you attend regularly. All levels welcome!                      STRENGTH & SCULPT: Why? Because getting stronger can make
                                                                                               you feel healthier and more confident. Each class will include a variety
      CIRCUIT: Play hard, have fun, SWEAT LOTS! That’s the goal of this                        of muscle groups and equipment such as resistance bands, balls,
circuit class combining strength and cardio stations. As a special bonus,                      kettlebells or just body weight. Suitable for everyone!
you get TWO instructors assisting and motivating you to succeed!
                                                                                                      STRONG 30™: 30 minutes. Not just another bootcamp; a
CLASSIC CARDIO: A taste of classic high/low aerobics with a possibility                        revolutionary high-intensity workout where every move is synced to a
of some basic step, dance, or athletic drills thrown in. Challenge your                        beat. Plyometric or explosive moves like high knees and jumping jacks
heart & lungs, burn mega calories, and feel energized!                                         are interchanged with strength moves like lunges, and kickboxing.
CORE & MORE: Abs & back are only the beginning. Core & More gives                              Effective and totally fun!
you a total body workout! Using balls, foam rollers and more creates a                         TABATA FIT: Looking for a challenge? Try this total body system workout
challenging & fun class. With dimmed lights and gentle music both your                         that incorporates high intensity exercise bouts with short rest intervals.
mind and body will thank you!                                                                  Only 30 minutes makes it easy to fit in!
      MPOWERED: LOW impact, HIGH intensity! This MOUNT signature                               YOGA: A must-do class that combines different Yoga styles and
workout is the perfect way to build bodies, not break them. Strength and                       relaxation to improve your strength, flexibility, balance and peace of mind.
cardio intervals set to motivating music so you experience a class like NO                     The perfect break in your day to leave you calm and refreshed.
OTHER! Try kettlebells, the TRX and more. Class maximum is 20.*                                (Different instructors may offer different class structures.)
Classes that have a maximum work on the first come, first served system. Sign up at the desk to confirm your spot (no advance sign ups allowed).
THE MOUNT FITNESS CENTRE - PROGRAM AND ACTIVITIES GUIDE Winter 2019 January to April - Mount Saint Vincent University
        Classes in this schedule are purchased separately and are not included in our membership plans.
        Exception: Pickleball & Badminton are included in the Sport Club Memberships or on a drop-in basis

S                 M                    T                          W                   Th                     F                   Sa
Zumba Step Fusion Pickleball           Aikido Club                Pickleball          Mindfulness Practice Pickleball            Karate Adult
3:30-4:30pm       11:30-1:30pm         4:00-5:30pm                11:30-1:30pm        12:10 -12:55pm       11:30-1:30pm          9:15-10:30am

                  Body Reboot          African Drumming           Body Reboot         Mindfulness Practice Traditional Yoga      Zumba Toning
                  1:05-1:50pm          Beginner 6:00-7:00pm       1:05-1:50pm         1:10-1:55pm          12:05-1:00pm          10:20-11:20am
                                       Intermediate 7:05-8:05pm
                  Stretch Lab 101      POUND                      Aikido Club         Women’s Weight         Body Reboot         African Dance
                  5:00-5:45pm          8:00-8:45pm                4:30-6:00pm         Training               1:05-1:50pm         11:30-12:30pm
                  DanceFit             Badminton                  Traditional Yoga    Karate Adult           Stretch Lab 101
                  7:10-8:00pm          8:00-10:30pm               6:30-8:00pm         7:30-8:45pm            5:00-5:45pm

                  Self-Defense for                                Zumba Toning                               Aikido Club
                  Women                                           7:15-8:15pm                                5:30-7:00pm

    JA NUARY 8 - 15
     A F R I CAN                Z U M B A ST E P             MINDFULNES S                TRIO DANC E                 POUN D:
     D RU M MI N G              FU SION                      & S TRETC H                 DEMO                        ROCKOUT. WORKOUT.
     Tuesday, January 8         Thursday, January 10         Monday, January 14          Monday, January 14          Tuesday, January 15
     6:00-7:00pm                6:15-7:00pm                  5:00-6:00pm                 7:10-8:15pm                 8:00-8:45pm
     Rosaria Room 212           Exercise Studio              Evaristus Room C410         Exercise Studio             Exercise Studio
                                Program Starts               30 minutes of Stretch       A demo class of
                                Sunday, January 20           Lab 101 followed by         African Dance,
                                                             30 minutes of               Dance Fit and
                                                             Mindfulness Practice        Zumba Training

    6                                                       If there are any other program you’re interested in, but it is not listed in our
                                                            FREE INTRO offering please email Melissa,
THE MOUNT FITNESS CENTRE - PROGRAM AND ACTIVITIES GUIDE Winter 2019 January to April - Mount Saint Vincent University

Sport Clubs                                                         Dance and Music Programs
Indoor Pickleball Club                                              African Dance
Join us for Pickleball, one of the fastest growing sports in        Dive into the dances, rhythms and culture of Guinea, in West
North America! It is a combination of tennis, badminton, ping       Africa with accomplished dancers Marielle and Mohamed.
pong and racquet ball. Come give it a try! We have 4 indoor         This class is an invigorating cardio workout which incorporates
courts and equipment is provided. This is a club format with no     fun, fancy footwork and full body movements all set to high
instructors. For ages 18+. Fees include HST.                        energy drum rhythms from Guinea. No experience necessary!
  		        Daily Drop In:              $4.25          $5 HST inc   SPECIAL 4-week introductory program being offered this
		  1 Month Membership:                 $39.13        $45 HST inc   JANUARY ONLY! Don’t miss your chance to try African Dance.
		  3 Month Membership:                 $108.70      $125 HST inc   Free Class: Trio Dance Demo Jan 14        7:10-8:15pm
Winter Session Times                                                Saturdays		          Jan 26 - Feb 16 11:30am-12:30pm
Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays              11:30am-1:30pm
                                                                    					$49.57                                               $57 HST inc

Badminton Club
Come out and join other badminton enthusiasts! It is a great        African Drumming
way to improve your skills while meeting new people, and            Rhythm, energy, teamwork, coordination! Improve these and
having a great time! The club is recreational doubles play and      more in African Drumming with a teacher who brings experience
open to a variety of skill levels. The club welcomes new and        and knowledge of traditional West African rhythms. In a fun and
returning members. Join us to play badminton in a fun and           relaxed environment, you will learn the history of the drum, proper
relaxed atmosphere. For ages 18+.                                   sounds and drumming technique. Drums will be provided if you
Fees include HST.                                                   do not have one.
			        Daily Drop In:               $6.80          $8 HST inc   Beginner African Drumming
		 1 Month Membership:                  $39.13        $45 HST inc   Free Introductory Class        Jan 8          6:00-7:00pm
		 3 Month Membership:                  $108.70      $125 HST inc   Tuesdays		            Jan 15 - Feb 19		       6:00-7:00pm
Winter Session Times                                                Rosaria Student Centre, Room 212
Tuesdays		                                      8:00-10:30pm        			                   w/o Drum        $117.40    $135 HST inc
    Located in the Mount Fitness Centre                             			with Drum                          $91.30     $105 HST inc
                                                                    Intermediate African Drumming
                                                                    Tuesdays		           Jan 15 - Apr 2		       7:05-8:05pm
                                                                    Rosaria Student Centre, Room 212
                                                                    			                  w/o Drum        $234.78 $270 HST inc
                                                                    			with Drum                         $182.60 $210 HST inc

                          For instructor bios visit                                                                                   7
THE MOUNT FITNESS CENTRE - PROGRAM AND ACTIVITIES GUIDE Winter 2019 January to April - Mount Saint Vincent University

DanceFit						                                                              Zumba Step Fusion
Better cardio fitness, huge calorie burn, improved mental and      Get ready to smile your way to healthy with this new twist
emotional wellbeing! What else could you ask for in a workout?     on fitness! This class is half ZUMBA (taking the ‘work’ out of
Learn basic moves from Bollywood, Broadway, Latin, Hip Hop         workout and having a fitness dance party!) AND half classic
and more and leave with a huge smile. This is NOT a class          STEP aerobics. Sweat your way out of any stressful day with
full of complicated moves. Just move, have fun and de-stress.      these guaranteed calorie-burning workouts. Perfect if you
Whether you are a student, a parent, a retiree or anyone else      are new to fitness OR for those who are devoted followers of
you are going to feel the positive effects of dancing!             ZUMBA and STEP. This experienced and motivating instructor
“I love this class. Keep doing what you do. I would do 2 times a   will hook you with her energizing music and moves!
week if I could!” – Current participant                            Maximum= 20 participants

Free Class: Trio Dance Demo		         Jan 14 7:10-8:15pm           Free Introductory Class        Jan 10 6:15-7:00pm
Mondays		             Jan 21 - Mar 25        7:10-8:00pm           Sundays		             Jan 20 - Mar 3  3:30-4:30pm
No Class: Feb 18 and Mar 18                                        No Class Feb 17
					$48.70                                      $56 HST inc       					$33.91                               $39 HST inc

Zumba Toning 					                                                 POUND
Zumba Toning combines body-sculpting techniques and high-          An exhilarating full body workout using Ripstix®, lightly
energy dance moves to build strength and tone targeted areas.      weighted drumsticks. Pound transforms drumming into
The class will involve intervals of cardio mixed with moves        an incredibly effective way of exercising. This unique class
using light dumbbells. Perfect for those who want to party, but    blends cardio, strength training with yoga and pilates-inspired
put extra emphasis on toning to define those muscles!              movements. Designed for all fitness levels the workout is easily
                                                                   modifiable and the welcoming vibe appeals to men and women
Free Class: Trio Dance Demo		        Jan 14 7:10-8:15pm            of all ages.
Wednesdays           Jan 30 - Mar 27        7:15-8:15pm
                                                                   “Pound was awesome! Great way to get out stress by pounding
No Class: Mar 20
                                                                   drumsticks!!” –Former participant
Saturdays		          Feb 2 - Mar 30       10:20-11:20am
No Class: Mar 23                                                   Free Introductory Class        Jan 15   8:00-8:45pm
					$45.22                                      $52 HST inc       Tuesdays		            Jan 29 - Mar 26		 8:00-8:45pm
                                                                   No Class Mar 19
                                                                   					$48.70                                 $56 HST inc

8                           For instructor bios visit

Mind and Body                                                     Team Training
Mindfulness Practice                                              Team Training Programs are designed for a small groups
                                                                  (max. 10-12) and led by certified Personal Trainers. These
Feeling overwhelmed, sometimes anxious, tired of going,           programs offer participants personal fitness assessments
going, going all the time? Meditation has been scientifically     for measurable results and include the use of specialized
shown to help concentration, relieve stress, slow your heart      equipment not available unless working with a Trainer. They
rate & lower blood pressure. This 4 week program will give you    also provide you accountability & support to reach your goals!
tools to achieve all that and more.
“I am amazed by the fact that sitting quietly for only a few
minutes a couple of times a week can make me infinitely                      Stretch Lab 101
more patient with my kids, my spouse and my colleagues.           Do you need more ZEN in your life? Or, have you ever wanted
Somehow things just seem more manageable when I practice          some gentle assistance when trying to stretch out your tight
mindfulness regularly!” –Participant                              muscles? Then, this distinctive program is for you! With TWO
Free Class: Mindfulness & Stretch        Jan 14 5:00-6:00pm       personal trainers at your service and a maximum of 10 people
Thursdays		          Jan 17 - Feb 7           12:10-12:55pm       per class this is excellent value for your dollar! Includes basic
                                                                  flexibility assessments, education on stretching safely, how
Evaristus Hall 4C, Room 410
                                                                  to use tools like foam rollers, yoga straps or massage balls,
OR                                                                hands on assists for a total body stretch and, probably of
Thursdays		          Jan 17 - Feb 7 1:10-1:55pm                   greatest value, a personalized stretch program designed for
Evaristus Hall 4C, Room 410                                       you to takeaway.
     				$34.78                         $40 HST inc               Free Class: Mindfulness & Stretch   Jan 14 5:00-6:00pm
                                                                  Mondays and Fridays Jan 21 - Feb 15        5:00-5:45pm
Traditional Yoga                                                  Mondays in Evaristus Hall 4C, Room 410
                                                                  Fridays in Exercise Studio
Classes consist of postures, breathing exercises, relaxation      					$150 $172.50 HST inc
and yogic wisdom building both flexibility and strength in our    If you like the program but the times do not work please register your
body, breath and mind. The ultimate goal of yoga, (according      interest and preferred times by emailing
to the Yoga Sutra), is to calm the fluctuations of the mind and
turn inward.                                                      Body Reboot
                                                                  Burn fat and build muscle with this heart pumping program!
Wednesday Sessions			                    $130.44 $150 HST inc
                                                                  Body Reboot is designed to give you a MEGA boost on your
Wednesdays		         Jan 16 - Apr 3             6:30-8:00pm       own fitness by combining elements of High-Intensity Interval
Evaristus Hall 4C, Room 410                                       Training (HIIT), Circuit Training and Functional Training. This
Friday Sessions			                       $86.95    $100 HST inc   effective workout method is great for burning fat and building
Fridays		            Jan 18 - Apr 5            12:05-1:00pm       lean muscle. Give your body a reboot in 2019!
                                                                  This program is extremely popular with only a certain number of spots reserved
Evaristus Hall 4C, Room 410                                       for community members so don’t hesitate, book now!

                                                                  3 Times Per Week			                                 $239.13        $275 HST inc
                                                                  2 Times Per Week			                                 $160.86        $185 HST inc
                                                                  Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
                                                                  Jan 28 - Apr 1                                                 1:05-1:50pm
                                                                      No Class: Feb 18

                             For instructor bios visit                                                                                             9

Martial Arts & Self-Defense                                          Self-Defense for Women
Aikido Club                                                          The “Women’s Awareness Survival Program” is a workshop
                                                                     focusing on proven, evidence-based tactics. Learn the crucial
Aikido is a Japanese martial art and a form of practical             self-defense skills of assertiveness, situational awareness and
non-violence. It is performed by blending with the motion of         combat training. Program includes a 60 page PDF resource
the attacker and redirecting the force of the attack, rather         manual.
than opposing it head-on. Aikido requires very little physical
strength. The techniques are completed with various throws or        Mondays		            Jan 14 - Feb 4		 7:00-9:00pm
joint locks. Participate in any or all of the following classes.     Evaristus Hall 4C, Room 410.
                                                                     					$53.91                               $62 HST inc
Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Fridays		              Jan 8 - Apr 5
Tuesdays		           4:00-5:30pm
Wednesdays		         4:30-6:00pm
                                                                     Weight Training
Fridays		 5:30-7:30pm                                                Women’s Weight Training
Evaristus Hall 4C, Room 410
			                         Full Term $121.74   $140 HST inc         Level 1: Beginner
                                                                     Have you ever found yourself a little intimidated by the
                                                                     equipment in the weight room or just wondered how to get
Karate Adult                                                         started? This is your chance to learn proper technique and the
Shotokai is a non-competitive martial art that empowers              best way to incorporate basic exercises into a program.
people to improve themselves through practicing Karate-do.
                                                                     Thursdays		 Jan 17 - Feb 7 7:15-8:00pm
The majority of our practice focuses on distance, timing and
                                                                     					$43.48                    $50 HST inc
striving for personal development. For ages 15 yrs & older
                                                                     Level 2: Intermediate
                                                Jan 10 - Aug 24
                                                                     Do you find yourself doing the same exercises day after day?
Thursdays		          7:30-8:45pm
                                                                     Have you hit a plateau with your muscle training and need
Saturdays		          9:15-10:30am
                                                                     some new ideas? In this 4 week session you will learn to move
No Class: March Break, Easter or Victoria Day                        beyond the basics and add some challenge and variety to your
July and August - One class per week.                                basic strength and endurance program.
					$278.26                                          $320 HST inc
                                                                     Thursdays		      Feb 14 - Mar 14 7:15-8:00pm
                                                                     No Class: Feb 21
                                                                     					$43.48                          $50 HST inc

10                         For instructor bios visit

Feeling sluggish and unhealthy? Bored or unfocused with your workouts?
Our certified fitness trainers will help you fix these problems and more.
Personal Training provides you with expertise, motivation, accountability and variety.
The Mount Fitness Centre Personal Trainers offer you:
•   Basic fitness and wellness assessments to evaluate where
    you are starting
•   Flexibility in scheduling workout sessions
                                                                                  JAN 2 - JAN 25
•   Access to and education on how to use new and exciting
•   Varied skill-sets including knowledge of weight loss,
    bodybuilding, incorporating mindfulness, muscle strength &
    toning, overall health, goal setting, TRX training, yoga/pilates,
    and MUCH MORE!
We offer packages for 1-on-1 and Group Training
                                                                                 TS PRE CAI AILN I N G
with discounts available for Mount Fitness Centre Members.
You’ll feel the difference and see the results!

All sessions are one hour. Sessions are booked by                           50% OFF 5 PARTNER SESSIONS
appointment, 902-457-6420.                                                  Members regularly $150.00 each, NOW $75.00 per
                                                                            person. That’s only $15.00 per session.
To meet our trainers, pick up a Personal Training brochure at the
Mount Fitness Centre Front Desk or visit                        Non Members regularly $185.00 each, NOW $92.50
                                                                            per person. Only $18.50 per session.
Personal Training slots fill-up FAST in January,
so call to reserve your space now!

TRX Training
                                                                            35% OFF 5 1-ON-1 SESSIONS
                                                                            Members regularly $189.00, NOW $140.00.
Need something NEW & INTERESTING to spice up your                           Only $28.00 per session.
                                                                            Non Members regularly $235.75 NOW $175.00.
Book a 30 minute TRX workout with a Personal Trainer for                    Only $35.00 per session.
ONLY $15 HST inc
Must be of good health with no current injuries or conditions.
Call to register your interest: 902-457-6563
Melissa will call you back to book a time.

Karate Junior (ages 7-15 years)
Karate is a fun way to be active and stay fit. Shotokai is a
non-competitive martial art that empowers children to improve
themselves through practicing Karate-do.                                      MARCH BREAK
Beginner Level                                                                 DAY CAMP
Thursdays and Saturdays     Jan 10 - Jun 15
Thursdays		         6:45-7:30pm
Saturdays		         8:30-9:15am
					$169.57                                          $195 HST inc
Intermediate and Advanced Levels
Thursdays and Saturdays       Jan 10 - Jun 15
Thursday		          7:30-8:15pm
Saturday		          9:15-10:00am
No Classes March Break, Easter or Victoria Day
					$169.57 $195 HST inc
                  Additional Siblings Receive a 10% Discount

Bully Proof Workshop (ages 5-12 years)
“Bully Proof” is assertiveness training for school aged children.                 March 18 - 22
These workshops are designed to teach youth and children
how to walk, talk, act, avoid being a target and prepare a                     Registration open NOW!
plan for dealing with bullies. Bully Proof places emphasis on         Theme based camp for children in grades PR to 6
how reporting incidents to parents/teachers is a strength.                as of Sept 2018. Day Camp Sessions are
The program provides life lessons and gives families valuable        7:30am - 5:30pm. Visit for details.
information. Parents/guardians and their children attend this                  Daily Fee       $38.00 HST inc
workshop together.                                                            Weekly Fee       $160.00 HST inc
Sunday, April 28			                           1:00pm-3:00pm            Books, Books and more Books! Have you ever
One Child with Parent/Guardian            $20       $23 HST inc         wondered what it would be like to step inside
Sibling with Parent/Guardian		            $15     $17.25 HST inc     your favorite storybook? Join us for the week while
                                                                        all your favorite classics by Dr. Seuss, Robert
                                                                     Munsch, Roald Dahl, JK Rowling, and Lewis Carroll
                                                                                          come to life!


Summer Day Camp Schedule for 2019
Registration beings February 28, 2019.                                All Summer Day Camp Sessions are 7:30am-5:30pm
Visit for details.                                      with drop off between 7:30-9:00am and pick up
Theme based camps for children entering Grade 1-6 in                  between 4:00-5:30pm.
September 2019. Our camps include Structured Recreational
Programming, based on the weekly theme, which allows our              				              Daily Fee $38 HST inc
campers to be kids! Our activities include a variety of games,        				4-Day Week Fee $132 HST inc
crafts, outdoor adventure, swim trips, etc. Campers will              				5-Day Week Fee $160 HST inc
enhance their imagination, learn through movement/play and               2nd Sibling Receives a 10% Discount
be physically active!                                                      Withdrawal fees apply, see Page 14 for withdrawal and refund policies
Swim trips take place from Week #2 to Week #9. Each child
will swim once per week. We travel on Metro Transit to our
swim location. There are no additional fees for Swim Trip.

Welcome Week				 June 27-28                                           Camp Care					                                              August 6-9
Welcome One… Welcome All! Campers and Leaders will meet,              Sharing is caring, right? We think so! Join us in a week where
greet and roll out the fun with all you favourite games like Gaga     we will all join together to Pay it Forward and help others. We’ll
Ball, Stormy Seas and much more. Can’t wait to see you here!          create some Kindness Rocks, learn the Compliment Sandwich
                                                                      and set a MSVU record for happy vibes.
Passport to Fun				                                       July 2-5
Get ready to take a trip around the world in five days! This          Jurassic Journey			                                     August 12-16
week we will “travel” across the globe and discover worldwide         Be ready for an adventure as we go back in time to when
fun! We will celebrate games and customs that makes our               dinosaurs walked the Earth. We will hunt for fossils and hatch
world uniquely awesome!                                               our very own dinosaur eggs!

Creative Concoctions				                                 July 8-12    Make a Splash			                                        August 19-23
Get your thinking caps on because curiosity, experimentation,         Get ready to make a splash during this wet and wild week of
and imagination are the theme of this week! With sparks of            camp! Enjoy all your favourite water activities; such as water
creativity, we will invent new games and design the unthinkable.      bucket relays, water balloons and more! Let’s have fun and
                                                                      beat the summer heat together!
Superstar Extravanza				                               July 15-19
Lights, Camera, ACTION! Join our star search for the Annual           Under the Big Top			                                    August 26-30
Mount Variety Show, dance the afternoon away at our glow              Come One… Come All! Join us for a week jammed pack with
dance party and attend the RECademy Awards. This week will            Circus Fun! We will jump through hoops, practice juggling and
definitely keep you movin’ and groovin’!                              even learn magic tricks! Let’s not forget about our Annual
                                                                      Camp Carnival, the perfect way to end August.
Mystery Madness				                                    July 22-26
There’s a Mystifying Mount Mystery and we need your help to           There’s no place like Camp		                          September 3-4
solve it. Dive into our top notch detective training with Invisible   A few more days before school starts? Summer may be slowing
Ink Messages and completing the Escape Room Challenge.                down, but camp isn’t! Enjoy the final days of summer with your
Use your super skills to find clues and solve the mystery!            camp friends and camper’s choice!
                                                                      Dates dependent on HRCE Calendar
Games Galore			                                July 29 - August 2
This week all your favourite board and video games come to
life. We will be sure to get you moving with our Life Size Chutes
and Ladders, Pac Man, and much more! Be a good sport and
create the ultimate dream team!

Fitness Centre Registrations                                    Refunds
                                                                For complete refund details, please refer to your receipt or visit
If you have questions or would like to register for a
                                                       To request a refund call 902-457-6152 or email
membership, program, camp, club or other Mount Fitness
Centre activity:

Visit the Mount Fitness Centre Front Desk                       Fitness Centre Membership
Mount Saint Vincent University                                  Membership refunds will be granted within 5 days of purchase.
Rosaria Student Centre, 2nd Floor Room 221
131 Lumpkin Road, Halifax, NS B3M 2J6
                                                                Active Living Programs
                                                                Refunds will be granted within 5 days of the first class.
Call Registration Desk: 902-457-6420
This phone is monitored during regular operating hours and we
return any calls in the order they were received.               Children’s Day Camp
                                                                Withdrawal Policy: Each day camp registration will be subject to
                                                                an Administrative Withdrawal Fee upon EACH Withdrawal Request.
Email or Fax a Registration Form
                                                                - Daily Withdrawal Fee: $5.00 per day requested.
Day Camps & Sport Camps Registration Forms are available
                                                                - Weekly Withdrawal Fee: $25.00 per week requested.
online at:
Completed forms may be submitted electronically:                Camp Refund Policy:
                                                                To cancel your registration and receive a refund (minus the
                                                                Withdrawal Fee) you must request the withdrawal THREE
     Email                                                      WEEKS prior to the day or week of camp that you are requesting
     Program & Membership inquiries:                            withdrawal from.
     Sport & Day Camp registrations & inquiries:                Refund Exceptions                                              Refunds may be granted outside of the required time limitation
                                                                or notice period for the following reasons. Documentation is
                                                                required to verify the claim. Refunds will be processed within
     Fax                                                        2-3 weeks of initial request.

Free Trials                                                         Medical certificate indicating you can no longer participate
                                                                    in physical activity is required.
5-Day Membership Trial
Try the Mount Fitness Centre for 5 days free! See how we can
help you achieve your wellness goals! Trial is 5 consecutive        Work Related Relocation
days and includes our Group Fitness Classes, Conditioning           A transfer or move out of province. A letter from your
Centre and Pickleball. Offer valid to new members only. Must        employer is required to confirm aforementioned facts.
be a local resident.

14		               902-457-6420

Fitness Centre Memberships
                                           1 Month                   3 Month                    6 Month                       1 Year
Fitness Class Membership                   $39.13      $45 HST inc   $108.70 $125 HST inc       $191.30 $220 HST inc          $330.44 $380 HST inc
or Facility Membership
Fitness & Facility Combo Membership        $47.83      $55 HST inc   $130.44 $150 HST inc       $208.70 $240 HST inc          $356.52 $410 HST inc

Day Passes                                                                 Active Living Programs
$8.00 HST inc per person, per day.                                         A Fitness Centre Membership is not required to join an Active
Includes conditioning centre, fitness classes, badminton club,             Living Program. Refer to pages 6-11 for more information on
pickleball club and gymnasium during open gym times.                       program offerings, descriptions and fees.

          Group Fitness Class Passes                                       Discounts
More flexible than purchasing a membership, Group Fitness                  You may be eligible for a discount on your Fitness Class,
Class Passes allow you to attend any of the Group Fitness                  Facility or Combo Membership. We offer discounts to the
classes offered on Page 5.                                                 following community members:
Class Passes expire 6 months after date of purchase.                       Ask for your discount when you register
No additional discounts apply.
                                                                           15 % Mount Alumnae
10 Class Pass		                  $65.22       $75 HST inc                  15 % Families (Immediate Family living at the same residence)
20 Class Pass		                  $121.74      $140 HST inc                 15 % Seniors, age 60+
January Special (until January 31, 2019)
                                                                           15 % Student of another university or college (with ID)
10 Class Pass		                  $52.18       $60 HST inc                  Children’s Programs: Siblings
                                                                           In Karate, Day Camps & selected Sport Camps the first child plays full price
20 Class Pass		                  $104.35      $120 HST inc                 and additional children receive a 10% discount.

All vehicles on campus must display a valid Pay & Display                  Evening Parking
ticket, Mount Saint Vincent University parking permit or Mount             Parking after 4:30pm is free with a valid Evening Parking or
Fitness Centre parking permit.                                             Program Permit. Ask for yours during the registration process.

Daytime Parking Permits
                                                                           Locker Rentals
These permits are valid for daytime parking for 3 hours per
visit, per day.                                                            You are eligible to rent a locker with a facility, fitness class or
                                                                           combo membership. Rentals include a lock and are for 1 year
3 Month		            $8.70       $10 HST inc
                                                                           terms, starting Aug 15.
6 Month		            $17.39 $20 HST inc
1 Year		             $26.09 $30 HST inc                                    8 Month Term:
                                                                           Jan 1 - Aug 15, 2019		               $34.79        $40 HST inc

Media Hub
i   131 Lumpkin Road                 Hours of Operation
    Rosaria Student Centre           *Minimum Hours of Operation
    Mount Saint Vincent University
    Halifax, NS B3M 2J6              Monday             6:30am - 9:30pm
                                     Tuesday            6:30am - 9:30pm
    T 902-457-6420                   Wednesday          6:30am - 9:30pm
    F 902-457-1694                   Thursday           6:30am - 9:30pm
                                     Friday 		          6:30am - 8:00pm
                                     Saturday           7:30am - 5:00pm                      Sunday             8:00am - 9:30pm

    Mount Fitness Centre

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