The Predictive Retailer - Dynamic intelligence and the science of connected customer experiences - Sizmek

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The Predictive Retailer - Dynamic intelligence and the science of connected customer experiences - Sizmek
The Predictive Retailer
Dynamic intelligence and the science of
connected customer experiences
The Predictive Retailer - Dynamic intelligence and the science of connected customer experiences - Sizmek
    New frontiers in shopper science                                             2

    Predictive marketing and trend forecasting                                   6
    through machine learning and artificial intelligence

    Agile operations: Leveraging dynamic intelligence                          16
    to become a predictive enterprise

    Functional integration: Converging digital and                             22
    physical consumer experiences

    Building a predictive retail enterprise and data-driven ecosystem          27

    The connected consumer experience: Leveraging data                         28
    flows to optimize brand connections

    Conclusions                                                                31

    Five strategic imperatives for predictive retail                           32

                                                               © 2017 Sizmek Inc. All rights reserved.
The Predictive Retailer - Dynamic intelligence and the science of connected customer experiences - Sizmek
New frontiers in shopper science

        The impact of the web on retailing is so                                     However, the explosion of data goes both
        profound, it’s hard to remember what life was                                ways. Shoppers are bombarded by ads and
        like before online shopping existed. The global                              offers from increasingly homogenous retail
        retail market will see steady growth over                                    outlets. Retail has become so commoditized
        the next few years, and in 2018, worldwide                                   that customers are faced with the tyranny of
        retail sales will increase 5.5 percent to reach                              choice—typing “red shoes” into the Google
        $28.3 trillion USD.1 Digital technologies                                    search bar returns 280 million Google
        power almost every step of the consumer                                      Shopping hits. Physical retailers that don’t have
        path to purchase. Shopping is no longer just a                               a digital presence cannot compete, and digital
        weekend activity or an errand you run when                                   retailers must have a way to stand out and get
        it’s convenient, but rather a perpetual and                                  shoppers to take notice.
        cyclical journey that can happen 24 hours a                                  This saturation is a marketing challenge in
        day, 7 days a week.                                                          which the traditional “funnel” and “spray
        The amount of customer data generated by                                     and pray” advertising methods no longer
        this around-the-clock shopping activity is a                                 prove successful amidst the ever-increasing
        retailer’s dream come true. The explosion                                    abundance of messages competing for share
        of e-commerce, the advent of mobility, and                                   of wallet and mind. But it’s also a tremendous
        efficiencies driven by programmatic marketing                                challenge to provide a distinctive shopping
        have created a wealth of opportunities for                                   experience. Retail customer service needs
        brands to capture signal-rich audience data.                                 to be at a whole new level. Shoppers expect
                                                                                     no less than instant gratification, real value,
            “ Retail sales worldwide will top $22 trillion this year,” eMarketer,   and exceptional experiences. Nordstrom is
             December 23, 2014
                                                                                     renowned for its above-and-beyond customer

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The Predictive Retailer - Dynamic intelligence and the science of connected customer experiences - Sizmek
service—hand-delivering the perfect pair                                     analyze, and optimize these moments between
            of shoes or taking returns on products it                                    the brand and consumer.
            doesn’t even carry. Today, that tier of service
                                                                                         At the intersection of these advances in
            is the baseline, and retailers are constantly
                                                                                         digital commerce, consumer connectivity,
            pushing the envelope with touches such as
                                                                                         and big data, is the rise of machine learning
            Zappos’ surprise upgrades to VIP services and
                                                                                         and artificial intelligence (AI)—which enables
            Amazon’s same-day delivery.
                                                                                         marketers to not only more accurately predict
            “In a world where the assortment is endless,                                 the context in which a customer would be
            and price and convenience factors have been                                  most receptive to a message to make a final
            exhausted or are no longer a competitive                                     purchase decision, but also empowers retailers
            advantage . . . consumers are going to want                                  to automate and transform customer service
            real interaction,” said Cal Bouchard, senior                                 experiences altogether. Savvy retailers are
            director of e-commerce at The North Face, a                                  already employing artificial intelligence to
            brand that is pioneering the use of advanced                                 create distinctive and transformative shopping
            technology to create exceptional customer                                    experiences. The Amazon Echo, a hands-free,
            experiences. “So I think technology that can                                 voice-controlled digital assistant, lets you do
            further interactions, help brands and retailers                              everything from play your favorite music tracks
            tell stories, and make consumers feel special                                to reorder toilet paper using Amazon Alexa
            will be the key.”          2
                                                                                         AI technology. At The North Face, an IBM
                                                                                         Watson-enabled search engine helps you find
            That enormous volume of transactional data
EXPONENTIAL GROWTH OF COMPUTING                                                          the perfect jacket by analyzing the weather,
            being generated by shoppers is the key to
                                                                                         your activity level, your gender, and whether
            retailers creating distinctive, personalized
                                                                                         you’re in a remote or urban location, just from
            shopping experiences for their customers.
                                                                                         a few pieces of information you provide. Macy’s
            In the future, successful retailers will be
                                                                                         is developing Macy’s On Call, its own intelligent
            those that can use this data (anonymously
                                                                                         shopping service based on Watson technology.
            or pseudonymously, to protect privacy) to
            enable smarter investment decisions that                                     IBM, Apple, Microsoft, and other major
            capture mindshare and influence omnichannel                                  technology players are making their AI
            purchase decisions. Retailers must use this                                  technology available to businesses, including
            data to create value for audiences throughout                                retailers, via third-party application
            the entire path to purchase. However, the                                    programming interfaces (APIs). Within a few
            human mind alone can no longer process all                                   years’ time, AI will be everywhere. But the real
            the digitized transactional moments that are                                 power of AI is not just in using it reactively
            now generated in real time—let alone govern,                                 to provide valuable information and great
                                                                                         experiences based on customer input. Data
                “ AI and virtual reality may propel future of retail,” Computerworld,   management platforms must become decision
                 February 4, 2016
                                                                                         management platforms. The most successful
                                                                                         retailers are those that will be able to share

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The Predictive Retailer - Dynamic intelligence and the science of connected customer experiences - Sizmek
AI modeling and machine learning intelligence     real-time visibility and actionable intelligence
    across systems to be truly predictive and         available from the IoT is becoming a reality.
    responsive in real time. They will discover and   Digital technologies are not only creating
    fulfill customer needs that are not always on     wholly new capabilities—automation, for
    the surface by putting millions of actions        example, enabled by embedded analytics—but
    and data points into context. These predictive    are changing the role of employees, redefining
    retailers will be the market leaders of           how retailers operate their stores at scale.
    the future.
                                                      Big ideas around connected customer
    As retailers become more skilled at harnessing    platforms continue to pave the path to
    big data to build predictive intelligence         purchase in more interesting ways, fostering
    capabilities, they will learn to create more      innovation in experience optimization as well as
    personalized customer experiences and             retail operations. For example, we are moving
    drive operational efficiencies throughout         from a retail landscape where digital and
    their organization as a result. Predictive        physical retailers compete for market share to
    technologies can be useful across many            an era where physical and digital experiences
    different applications—powering product           converge to provide one holistic shopping
    recommendation systems, providing product         experience. Apple has long been an example of
    assortment and planogram analytics with the       a retailer that strives to blur the line between
    help of in-store spatial recognition systems,     a physical and digital shopping experience.
    using information from shopper radio frequency    Luxury retailer Burberry is successfully
    identification (RFID) and beacons to customize    merging the more practical aspects of digital
    digital and physical shopping experiences, and    shopping with the sensory physical shopping
    automating mundane retail tasks by combining      experience—so critical to luxury shopping—
    advanced technologies in drone delivery           with online profiles, global purchase history,
    services, mobile payments, checkout optimizers,   and in-store technology, fueling a more
    and connected supply chain platforms.             personalized, efficient, and fulfilling store visit.
    As these technologies are streamlined to          Meijer and other grocery chains are making
    function seamlessly on a unified platform,        shopping more convenient for customers with
    retail marketers will capture unique attributes   digital ordering, auto list creation, and pick-
    per device that will allow them to provide        up and delivery services—a combination of
    opportunities to message to individual devices    services that lets shoppers spend as much or as
    more meaningfully and be more predictive          little time in the store as they wish.
    about what customers want to do next.
                                                      These smart retailers understand that while
    The Internet of Things (IoT) is fueling the       digital engagements can be convenient, so
    next wave of connected, technology-enabled        can dropping by the store on your way home.
    disruption. IoT-driven developments offer         Shopping in the future doesn’t mean the
    retailers the chance to harness new levels        elimination of physical stores, but rather the
    of connectedness. The promise of increased        convergence of digital and physical in the way
                                                      that best suits the individual, to make shopping
                                                      easier, more satisfying, and more relevant.
                                                                       © 2017 Sizmek Inc. All rights reserved.
Predictive retailers make this new kind            The fundamental shift in shopper science
    of shopping experience look easy: it isn’t.        technologies is propelled by self-learning
    Sophisticated practitioners use a multitude of     systems that get better at tasks over time.
    wireless and integrated systems to combine         Imagine a recommendation engine that
    existing operations with digital touchpoints       knows not only which clothing styles you
    to focus on customer centricity, supply chain      like, but which ones will fit you best and
    resilience, and in-store operational efficiency.   which colors work on you, and recommends
    Harnessing effective connected retail              clothing knowing that you’ve gone up or
    applications starts with the integration of data   down in size—just like the best and most
    across disparate systems. This integration         trusted salesperson or personal shopper
    offers a wide array of applications that can       you know. Automation workflows that
    sense, connect, correlate, and automate            enable these kinds of breakthroughs are
    operational and logistical processes while
                                                       being elevated by technologies powered by
    gathering keen customer intelligence that
                                                       machine learning and artificial intelligence.
    can infer future purchase behaviors. Business
                                                       AI is already disrupting countless industries
    leaders recognize the need to leverage
                                                       by eliminating menial tasks, enabling more
    customer data through connected platforms
                                                       accurate personalization standards that drive
    in ways that make their organizations smarter,
                                                       brand value, and creating more resonant
    more efficient, and poised for growth and
                                                       experiences that can both amplify and
                                                       optimize the entire customer journey.
    In short, there are three significant macro-
                                                       Intelligent and connected customer
    trends in retailing that will completely disrupt
                                                       experiences are all centered around a
    the industry, by using amplified connections
                                                       framework in which AI in the future will
    to push the boundaries of what’s possible in
                                                       separate the signal from the noise; determine
    business efficiency and customer service and
                                                       what will make a message more resonant;
    adding tremendous value to the retail industry
                                                       identify what products are important to
    and the shopping experience:
                                                       specific audiences at both individual and
    • Predictive marketing and trend forecasting
                                                       household levels; know exactly where to place
      through machine learning and artificial
                                                       a product on the shelf in a specific aisle; and
                                                       figure out how to make delivery processes so
    • Agile operations: Leveraging dynamic            seamless that anything beyond the touch of a
      intelligence to become a predictive              single button will seem like overexertion. It will
      enterprise                                       change not just retail, but all customer-facing

    • Functional integration: Converging digital      industries, and lead to implications around how

      and physical consumer experiences                we connect with brands and each other.

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Predictive marketing and trend forecasting
through machine learning and artificial intelligence

          Digital transformation in retail and beyond                            interactions and web connectivity are flowing
                                                                                 through modern technology platforms at a
          With the widespread adoption of the web
                                                                                 lightning-fast rate.
          comes a combinatorial explosion of big data—
          an unprecedented volume and intersection of                            What does technology transformation mean
          attributes with which we can drive business                            to retailers? How can they use it to thrive, not
          growth and uncover insights and connections                            just survive? More data and more channels
          that previously remained in the dark. How do                           mean being able to predict and inform
          you harness, govern, and derive meaning from                           future outcomes. There are more digital
          this explosion of data?                                                and physical paths to purchase. However,
                                                                                 data fragmentation makes identifying and
          “Machine learning is the automation of
                                                                                 understanding these paths a huge challenge.
          discovery—computers learning by themselves
                                                                                 Retailers must evaluate every customer
          by generalizing from data instead of having
                                                                                 interaction at the level of the touchpoint
          to be programmed by us,” AI expert Pedro
                                                                                 or impression, understanding all there is to
          Domingos said in a 2015 interview. “It’s like
                                                                                 know about the moment in which a message
          the scientific method on steroids: formulate
                                                                                 can be made relevant and resonant for a
          hypotheses, test them against the data, refine
                                                                                 customer. The age of programmatic media
          them—except computers can do it millions of
                                                                                 buying has created an environment rich with
          times faster than humans.” 31
                                                                                 these types of stage-gate signals, which now
          Machine learning and AI are already beginning                          enable understanding the intersection of
          to power the next generation of innovations,                           physical and digital experiences. The state of
          including autonomous cars, personal                                    data collection for decision-making enhances
          assistants, simulation sciences, fuel and                              experiences because customer interaction
          microbe production, and medical diagnostics.                           today is a conversation. It’s no longer about
          Countless bits of data captured from digital                           preparing to respond. It’s about listening,
              “ A Q&A with Pedro Domingos: Author of ‘The Master Algorithm,’”   asking, answering—it’s a two-way interaction
              UW Today, September 17, 2015
                                                                                 that creates deeper connections between the
                                                                                 brand and client.

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Programmatic marketing delivers an                  data reporting, digital data is both unique
    explosion of data                                   to the individual and longitudinal, making it
                                                        possible to understand and target the exact
    What is programmatic marketing, and what
                                                        person, over time, across locations. Consumer
    part does it play in predictive retail? At
                                                        segmentation models that once drove all
    the start of the millennium, we had digital
                                                        marketing efforts now serve as a first filter,
    advertising networks. These networks
                                                        augmented with digital knowledge and applied
    evolved into ad exchanges, in which display
                                                        to the unique engagement.
    impressions could be funneled through a
    central inventory system. Demand-side               All of these moments, in aggregate, inform
    platforms could connect and bid on each             retailers as they devise ways to automate
    individual opportunity to show someone an           processes, shorten purchase cycles, predict
    ad prior to that person’s browser loading.          trends, and personalize customer experiences.
    Along with this evolution, an influx of data        Programmatic technology can enable
    captured from programmatic campaigns                businesses to not only automate the process of
    ignited a series of shifts at the intersection of   collecting and modeling customer engagement
    digital marketing, e-commerce, and customer         data, but also automate decision-making and
    experience, which created the opportunity for       the sharing of intelligence with other systems—
    programmatic marketing.                             all in real time. With self-learning algorithms,
                                                        these automated real-time decisions become
    With programmatic technology, retailers
                                                        more accurate with each iteration. Upwards
    and consumer brands can capture audience
                                                        of trillions of daily customer interactions
    intelligence through integrated moments.
                                                        means that programmatic technology today
    We can already measure some transactional
                                                        is an extremely comprehensive capability
    moments—a single interaction on a website
                                                        that leverages the increasing connectivity
    or instances of “showrooming” (that is,
                                                        of digital technologies to drive actions and
    browsing for a product at a physical store
                                                        improve results, provides an infrastructure for
    and then purchasing the product online
                                                        operational agility that creates unparalleled
    from a competitor). But the transactional
                                                        efficiencies, and reveals predictive insights
    data available to retailers is becoming more
                                                        with intelligence that flows bidirectionally
    sophisticated with new technology: in-store
                                                        across systems.
    behavior monitored by a connected device,
    digital signage displays that influence purchase    Paving the path to purchase starts with the
    patterns, automatic checkout via RFID or            collection and integration of data, combining
    mobile wallet solutions, and autonomous             a broad variety of attributes from media and
    customer service representatives that can           marketing observations to track demand,
    match you with the right size or offer style        sentiment, and brand affinity, while combining
    suggestions. Unlike most point of sale (POS)        these elements with product-specific tags and
                                                        logistical proxies.

                                                                          © 2017 Sizmek Inc. All rights reserved.
The critical piece here is integration. There’s                    As customers are increasingly becoming the
    vast potential for new connections, and the                        masters of their own digital universe, with the
    ensuing data that companies can harness for                        ability and growing expectation to personalize
    performance and insight is what will drive                         these journeys in new ways—thanks to
    innovation. The rich data sets that will result                    emerging technologies such as wearables
    from these connections make possible a new                         and augmented reality—these complexities
    level of predictive intelligence and agility in                    will prove challenging. More journeys, many
    business. However, growth and innovation in                        of which are more personalized, don’t lend
    the digital sphere also stimulate new complexity.                  themselves well to the old way of marketing.

    The maze of shopping journeys                                      Companies need a new way to gain an
                                                                       understanding of these more nonlinear,
    To illustrate the new complexity of this                           unconventional shopper journeys and what
    digital transformation, consider how the                           influences audiences to make a purchase.
    shopping journey has evolved over time. Cisco
                                                                       If retailers want to synthesize this complex
    conducted research in which it evaluated the
                                                                       array of shopper marketing channels,
    variety of shopping journeys, from the brick-
                                                                       they need to make a pragmatic shift from
    and-mortar days through the age of Amazon
                                                                       traditional segmentation approaches to
    and other e-commerce platforms, and looking
                                                                       refined predictive solutions. The first step
    forward into the IoT era. With each shift came
                                                                       is to understand the range of paths to
    a combinatorial explosion of complexity.
                                                                       purchase and the most common avenues to
    According to Cisco: “Shopper interactions in                       the destination. However, being predictive
    the past added up to a total of three linear                       also means understanding every individual
    shopping-journey options: in-store, through                        touchpoint along each of those paths.
    a catalog, or prompted by print or broadcast-
                                                                       Every one of those individual moments contains
    media advertising. The advent of e-commerce
                                                                       vital contextual data that can inform how to
    expanded this number to approximately 40.
                                                                       influence that shopper’s behavior within that
    Now, IoT promises more than 800 unique
                                                                       unique instance. The result is that the retailer
    variations of possible shopping journeys.”42
                                                                       can make a decision that suits the precise
    Managing this complexity has become                                context of a shopper—where she is, her goals,
    increasingly difficult, even impossible, for                       and even factors like inventory or the weather at
    retailers using legacy marketing approaches,                       the time. The key is to be able to serve the right
    broad audience segmentation, and dated                             message as the single opportunity becomes
    targeting strategies. And the number and                           available. Programmatic infrastructure enables
    complexity of shopping journeys is not about                       this. Brands can dynamically deliver on specific
    to slow down, but will continue to multiply.                       needs, or even predict needs that the customer
        “ Winning the new digital consumer with hyper-relevance:      doesn’t realize she has.
        In retail insight currency and context is king,” Cisco, 2015

                                                                                        © 2017 Sizmek Inc. All rights reserved.
The variety of journeys available to shoppers is
    growing exponentally
       Store        Both   Non-store

                                  PRODUCT                                                                            PRODUCT
                                  RESEARCH                     PURCHASE                  RECEIVE                     SUPPORT


                                                                   Staffed                     In-store                  In-store
                                                                  checkout                     pickup                  associate


                                        Catalog                    Phone                       Home                       Call
                                                                  payment                     delivery                   center

                                                                   Staffed                     In-store
                                                                  checkout                     pickup                     Call


    Journeys                                                                                                             Email
                                                                    PC                         Home
                                                                  payment                     delivery




                                                                                              In-store                 Interactive
                                                                                               pickup                     kiosk
                                         Digital                   Staffed
                                        signage                   checkout

                                                                                              Deliver                    Retail

                                                                                              to car                   mobile app

                                         Print/                     Self-
                                       broadcast                  checkout

    Journeys                                                                              Drive-thru
         ...and growing                                            Mobile
                                         Retail                    device
                                       mobile app                 payment
                                                                                              Secure                      Call
                                                                                              locker                     center
                                          Web                       PC
                                         search                   payment

                                                                                              delivery                   Email



                                                    Source: Cisco Consulting Services, 2015

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                                                                                                       Maximizing opportunities at individual
                                                                                                       touchpoints while leveraging real-time
                                                                     PROGRAMMATIC                           data and machine learning
                                                                  Marketers learned to buy single
                                                                impressions in real time through the
                                                                    transformed infrastructure

                          DIGITAL MARKETING
                      The “spray and pray” model of simply
                      moving what worked in “terrestrial” to
                              the digital ecosystem

                                                               ADVANCED AUTOMATION
                                                                                                              Source: Sizmek Institute research

     Predictive marketing: From personalization                                                automated optimizations to occur. Marketers
     to moment maximization                                                                    no longer need to manually throttle inventory
                                                                                               or shift media budgets to the highest
     In today’s world, there are two major
                                                                                               performing tactics. The science of prediction
     value drivers for any business solution:
                                                                                               emerged when individual impressions were
     performance and insights that drive more
                                                                                               valued against respective outcomes—and
     performance. In retail, optimal performance
                                                                                               consequently, each moment could then be
     results from offering value at a shopper’s
                                                                                               evaluated based on its likelihood to deliver
     critical moment of need and resonating with
                                                                                               a specific result. This works very well, as AI
     the customer in a way that impacts their
                                                                                               predictive models inherently apply contextual
     decision. Immediate action requires more
                                                                                               and behavioral attributes along with millions
     than real-time reflexes—true immediacy
                                                                                               of other features to expose the most relevant
     requires companies to think predictively.
                                                                                               message to a consumer.
     As more impression opportunities became
                                                                                               The most successful companies will be those
     available, more data attributes and variants
                                                                                               that can predict relevance and resonance
     could be utilized in real time to make a
                                                                                               within a specific moment in time to present
     targeting decision. But this approach still uses
                                                                                               someone with the optimal message.
     programmatic marketing from a segment view
                                                                                               Companies can then deliver meaningful and
     of the world rather than an outcome-based
                                                                                               personalized experiences by anticipating
     view. As programmatic continues to transform
                                                                                               ways to drive efficiencies, offer savings, and
     the digital advertising industry, and marketers
                                                                                               deepen brand engagement with a customer
     focus more on business outcomes than on
                                                                                               throughout the shopping lifecycle.
     targeting tactics, artificial intelligence allows

                                                                                                                      © 2017 Sizmek Inc. All rights reserved.
Relevance and resonance—                               By applying analytics, a retailer could see
     beyond personalization                                 that a particular shopper in a store buys
     A common error marketers commit is mistaking           many automotive products and could infer
     personalization for relevance and resonance.           an enthusiasm or aptitude toward cars. That
     We’ve all gotten a personalized email, where           is interesting information, and a coupon for
     a retailer addresses us by name. That’s not            Castrol Oil may or may not be useful. But
     enough to impress today’s savvy shoppers. But          imagine that a shopper is in a store and sensors
     even an email suggesting clothing related to           determine that his shopping cart is traveling 20
     lifestyle or special events may not catch the          percent faster than average. That customer is
     attention of a person who is, at that moment,          in a hurry. He doesn’t need a coupon. He needs
     in a home improvement store shopping for a             to find the fastest way through the store. In the
     yard project. That customer is a very specific         real-time context of that moment, automatic
     shopper around whom there is a whole other             processes that help the shopper check out and
     opportunity to engage on a personal level—in a         get out quickly are more relevant and resonant.
     way that fulfills immediate needs and leverages
                                                            Personalization can be a significant factor in
     what is top of mind for that person.
                                                            deepening brand engagement. However, the
     Relevance and resonance arise when a                   deeper context of relevance in the moment and
     retailer knows what you need—sometimes                 a more memorable, resonant experience are
     before you know it yourself—and enables you            what build customer loyalty and relationships.
     to accomplish what you want to do at that              Creating the opportunities to achieve this level
     moment—whether that is maximizing loyalty              of precision starts with predictive intelligence
     points, getting through a checkout line quickly        through data and analytics.
     to catch a flight, or obtaining help from a
                                                            Data will soon connect the store and the
     qualified customer service rep.
                                                            home, through which personal preferences
     Geo-location in a city or even in a store, the         and convenience will continue to be optimized.
     browsing history of a smartphone, or interaction       Relevance and resonance will exist wherever
     data from a Bluetooth beacon can all help              shopper experiences can be accessed and
     a retailer make the right decision on what             specific customer demand can be met.
     message to provide that customer—without
                                                            The building blocks of dynamic
     using any personal data about the individual
                                                            customer intelligence
     holding the device. Whereas personalization is
     explicit, retailers’ efforts to create relevance and   Many retailers already engage in data-driven
     resonance may be virtually imperceptible to the        marketing—how does that become predictive
     customer. Yet it’s enough to enable the retailer       customer intelligence? Twenty years ago,
     to create an experience that is more efficient,        every retailer planned around a static shopper
     cost-effective, and satisfying—that resonates and      persona, using planograms, assortment, price,
     creates a connection.                                  and promotions—all very broad action options
                                                            that were often based on outdated information.
                                                            With predictive intelligence, retailers can

                                                                            © 2017 Sizmek Inc. All rights reserved.
look at customers in a more dynamic way.                                    business intelligence tools, a data management
     According to Rama Ramakrishnan, chief data                                  platform, a marketing automation platform, and
     officer for Demandware, “The key value stems                                campaign management systems. When trying
     from the way predictive models look at both                                 to unlock and understand a customer journey
     product affinities and customers with similar                               that is nonlinear and complex, broad audience
     preferences. This allows retailers to present                               targeting segmentation won’t get the job
     individual customers with new products or                                   done. However, creating data architecture is
     promotions they normally wouldn’t have                                      a good start, because customer segmentation
     considered or been aware of—but which data                                  forces you to think about what is similar and
     science predicts they will actually enjoy. The                              what is different about the composition of
     result: vastly enhanced new opportunities for
                                                                                 your customers. The key is to always improve
     personalized product discovery.”53
                                                                                 these audience characteristics over time. This
     Traditionally, business intelligence (BI) and                               is why an agile and iterative analytics cadence
     customer intelligence (CI) relied on data                                   results in better insights and more optimal
     delayed by days or weeks that was not tied to                               performance. The segmentation in an audience
     any individual. In the 1980s and 1990s, insight                             data architecture is based on sophisticated
     that informed product development, location                                 modeling of real-time moments.64
     investments, and other similar initiatives took
     months to gather, requiring manual market                                   Redefining segmentation
     research, focus groups, and other time-                                     Predictive marketers of the future will still
     intensive activities.                                                       use some core segmentation strategies to

     Future success lies in dynamic intelligence:                                organize audience data. But more advanced
     real-time, individual-level, in-the-moment data                             use cases will continue to drive efficiencies in
     that allows for direct action. Immediate digital                            performance and insight.
     data that is properly collected and managed                                 For instance, AI-powered systems can
     lets you spot signals in a much faster, more                                syndicate segments back and forth, improving
     complete, more actionable way. Dynamic                                      audience definitions, refining clusters at an
     intelligence has several key features.                                      attribute level, and in turn making them richer,
                                                                                 based on more fundamental features.
     Creating an audience data architecture

     An audience data architecture, or customer                                  Leveraging propensity models
     taxonomy, refers to how you organize your                                   Predictive marketing moves away from broad
     data in a centralized system. In the case of                                segmentation and toward using probabilities
     predictive marketing, the system is most likely a                           to make more informed messaging decisions
     marketing stack—a combination of a customer                                 that amplify the customer journey. Propensity
     resource management (CRM) system,                                           models (also called likelihood models) are core
         “ Predictive Intelligence—The Next Stage in Retail Personalization,”
                                                                                 tenets of predictive intelligence and analytics.

         Multichannel Merchant, April 20, 2016
                                                                                 These models make educated estimations
                                                                                      evin, Dominique, “The definitive guide to predictive analytics for
                                                                                     retail marketers,” 2015

                                                                                                             © 2017 Sizmek Inc. All rights reserved.
about a customer’s future behavior—this is         products to achieve maximum margins. And
     because a customer’s previous interactions,        in another scenario, the system could use
     such as browsing behavior, previous purchases,     predictive modeling to help executives decide
     and interests, as well as metadata about their     whether or not to open a retail store in an
     devices and thousands of other variants, in        up and coming part of town. City planning
     aggregate paint a holistic picture of the entire   and urbanization data can be integrated
     customer journey. Propensity models can            with census data to deepen reporting and
     be used not only to maximize moments of            understand how that store can achieve steady
     influence, but also to provide a snapshot of a     profitable growth.
     business’s most valuable customers.
                                                        This type of forecasting most certainly applies

     Trend forecasting: Advanced                        to making decisions on what future products
     recommendation systems                             retailers will put on their shelves both
     Future use cases for recommendation systems        physically and virtually. Being able to combine
     are abundant. The key is in the data pass          data sets from pertinent sources will enable
     back and syndication capabilities of retail        innovative retailers to forecast future trends
     information systems once they are connected        as they begin to emerge in product categories,
     through APIs. These are the foundational           so they can make more accurate investments
     connections that will power the Internet of        at wholesale prices, saving millions of dollars
     Things in retail. These connections are the        before markets catch on and drive up prices.
     pipes through which signal-rich data can inform    This will be critical, because this inherent data
     how to engage and influence customers; enable      will not only give retailers insights on what
     marketers to deliver specific information,         they should stock up on in the short term but
     convenience, and resonant experiences; and         also what types of products to start investing
     find early triggers for wise investments or        in before those products saturate the market—
     logistic decisions.                                providing strong ROI potential. As a result,
                                                        retailers that implement this competitive
     In the future, achieving granular purchase-
                                                        advantage will not only be perceived as
     based insights will be as simple as presenting
                                                        bleeding-edge innovators in the latest and
     the system with the data inputs and desired
                                                        greatest products, but will also be more agile
     outputs or business objectives. In one
                                                        operationally. They will have critical insights to
     instance, the system can recommend the top
                                                        steer their businesses in the right direction.
     three creative assets for a site to display that
     will increase conversion rates for specific        Gearing up for connected and predictive
     lifetime-value customers. In another example,      customer platforms

     the system could recommend how to bundle           Gearing up for connected and predictive
                                                        customer platforms

                                                                        © 2017 Sizmek Inc. All rights reserved.
Example: Category Cluster DNA

                                                                                                                                                     CLUSTER 1: SWEATERS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       CLUSTER 2: ACTIVE WEAR

      6.0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       0.8

      5.0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       0.6

      4.0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       0.4




                         CLASSIC SPORTSWEAR
                                                                   COLD WEATHER
                                                                                  YOUNG CONTEMPORARY
                                                                                                                                                     FASHION ACCESSORIES
                                                                                                                                                                           DAY DRESSES
                                                                                                                                                                                         SPECIAL SIZES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 HARD HOME
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        SOFT HOME
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           EVENING DRESSES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             KIDS HOME
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         CLASSIC SPORTSWEAR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        YOUNG CONTEMPORARY

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       YO U N G C O N T E M P O R A R Y




                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      C O L D W E AT H E R



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    WATC H E S


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           CLASSIC OUTERWEAR



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       FA S H I O N A C C E S O R I E S



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              SPECIAL SIZES




                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          D AY D R E S S E S

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               S W E AT E R S


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         SOFT HOME


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               I N T I M AT E S

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  KIDS HOME

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              HARD HOME


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      EVENING DRESSES

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        YO U N G C O N T E M P O R A R Y


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   CLASSIC SPORTSWEAR



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     B OY ’ S



      Common audience clusters in retail71                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • Category-based audiences group customers based
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  on what types of products they tend to buy. People in
      • Conversion-based audiences are perhaps the most                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          one customer segment may tend to buy only shoes,
            critical audience clusters. By analyzing at scale                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     whereas those in another customer segment may
            the conversions that took place over time against                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     buy different types of active wear products, or kids’
            the impression opportunities and ad exposures                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         clothes, or jewelry.
            leading up to incremental purchasers, retailers can
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            • Brand-based audiences tell you what brands
            not only optimize to the business outcomes they
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  people are most likely to buy. This can be relevant
            wish to achieve, but also learn about what variants
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  when marketing within a brand, but can also offer
            are most influential across the customer journey—
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  broader insights into related brands that may
            which leads to a discussion that moves beyond
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  resonate. These clusters begin to reveal what
            broad segmentation and into predictive modeling.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  brand loyalty looks like in the form of share of
      • Life-stage, psychographic audiences and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  requirements or share of wallet. Similar customers
            interactions group audiences based on interactive                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     are often segmented based on heavy, medium,
            triggers, or how shoppers behave while shopping.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      or light buyers. These groupings can inform more
            Do they use the website or the call center? Are they                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  sophisticated targeting strategies that provide
            thrifty shoppers or big spenders? How frequently do                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   insights about audience affinity.
            they buy? How much do they spend? These smaller
            triggers, in aggregate, may present information about
            the life stage and mindset of a customer.

          Levin, 2015

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                © 2017 Sizmek Inc. All rights reserved.
Predictive marketing through analytics and           an individual and as a unique engagement
     modeling has huge potential for retailers, but to    opportunity.
     be effective, it must be intrinsically mapped to
                                                          What’s more, core insights from data
     business and marketing objectives. According
                                                          clusters can help the retailers design an agile
     to Dominique Levin, it’s imperative to directly
                                                          companywide framework that can improve
     integrate the predictive analytics platform
                                                          operational efficiencies, drive more impactful
     with marketing execution systems such as
                                                          ROI, and continue to deepen customer
     marketing automation platforms, websites,
                                                          experiences in meaningful and
     call centers, apps, POS systems, and advanced
                                                          measurable ways.
     business intelligence tools.85Taking this a step
                                                          Predictive intelligence through digital
     further means complete integration with
                                                          innovation is not only transforming the
     data management systems and programmatic
                                                          way brands engage with audiences to drive
     platforms. The key is to start with one integrated
                                                          purchases. It is also disrupting the way
     and actionable model that can drive effective
                                                          retailers do business. One of the biggest
     results while generating recommendations,
                                                          ways intelligent decision-making platforms
     rather than experimenting with all explored
                                                          can inform how businesses strategize and
     models without an actionable plan.
                                                          take action is by drastically improving
     The newest predictive intelligence technologies
                                                          operational agility, both in terms of customer
     allow retailers to scale insights and improve the
                                                          service and internal processes.
     relevancy of recommendations that come out
     of individual models, even for those consumers
     who have had relatively little interaction with
     the brand. Armed with predictive intelligence,
     retailers can now look at each customer as
         Levin, 2015

                                                                         © 2017 Sizmek Inc. All rights reserved.
Agile operations
Leveraging dynamic intelligence to become a predictive enterprise

           To achieve peak operational agility,               can help achieve efficiencies in brick-and-
           businesses need systems that enable                mortar stores as well. Across the board,
           retailers to execute seamless data                 processes can be improved and automated,
           integration, granular audience insight, and        eliminating manual tasks, operations, and
           real-time activation. From a user experience       legacy systems that cannot keep up with
           perspective, the right solution architecture       the influx of brand channels, shortening
           creates a business intelligence platform that      attention spans, and increasing information.
           can help maximize customer moments based           Retailers can respond with nimbler solutions
           on resonance and relevance. On the back            that leverage business intelligence and
           end, this same solution architecture can also      customer data in broader ways.
           help sustain long-term innovation and steady,      However, one of the more significant
           profitable growth for retailers.                   improvements that comes with digital
           With this system in place, retailers can realize   efficiency and operational agility lies in
           a number of efficiencies—for example, in           innovation. An intelligent digital platform
           customer service. According to the Cisco           enables businesses to test, learn, and tweak,
           study, customers value efficiency, savings, and    giving them the freedom to build initial proof of
           engagement. Retailers have addressed digital       concept solutions and improve them through
           demand by creating more channels, but an           rapid iteration. In other words, retailers
           influx of channels doesn’t necessarily equate      gain permission to try new concepts—and
           to more value or a more cohesive, seamless         fail—without significant consequence. With
           path to purchase. To achieve a more long-          this environment of constant, recursive
           term effect that gives customers the things        iteration, retailers can quickly optimize value
           they value most, retailers need to be more         for audiences and achieve significant returns
           innovative and deliberate in their approach—       when experiences or services gain traction
           and operational efficiency is critical to making   in market. Each of these promising solutions
           that shift.                                        can bring significant returns to retailers. And
                                                              each one starts with solid information through
           Certainly, digital shopping platforms can
                                                              which behavioral proxies can be mapped to the
           significantly offset operational costs and
                                                              individual user level.
           create efficiencies. But digital innovations

                                                                              © 2017 Sizmek Inc. All rights reserved.
Leveraging untapped data to serve                   customer based on purchase history. Retailers
     customers more efficiently                          can seamlessly integrate people, processes,
                                                         data, and experiences—to the benefit of the
     With retailers, as with most businesses,
                                                         retailer and the shopper.
     having “enough” data is not the issue. Most
     organizations have mountains of valuable            What a retailer should not expect is a
     data—much more than they ever use. They             perfectly linear process through the traditional
     simply lack the ability to exploit it. This “dark   marketing funnel. With customer journeys,
     data” could potentially lead to insight, but it     one size does not fit all. Retailers must
     instead lies untapped. To derive insights from      employ a holistic perspective that takes into
     all data, dark and otherwise, you first need the    account that most customer journeys are
     means to capture it.                                nonlinear, with channels, options, and means
                                                         to reach audiences that are exponential. Once
     Next-generation technologies such as
                                                         devices are connected—including the Internet
     wearable computing devices, augmented
                                                         of Things (e.g., shelves, shopping carts,
     reality, and connected home technology are
                                                         displays)—processes can become dynamic,
     reaching a tipping point and stand to become
                                                         automated, and capable of driving competitive
     significant for the retail industry. Consumers
                                                         advantage. But this kind of performance starts
     are increasingly ready to adopt these
                                                         with building a central integrated business
     technologies—including a more converged
                                                         intelligence and audience hub where retail
     digital environment that leverages both
                                                         stores can harness, govern, and analyze data,
     in-store and anytime shopping—to make
                                                         and syndicate decisions to increase business
     shopping experiences more meaningful and
                                                         agility and begin to predict customer needs.
     efficient. Again, these opportunities create
                                                         This hub serves as the foundation for the
     a foundation for being a more data-driven
                                                         retail store of the future.
     enterprise, but this capability needs to be
     harnessed intelligently.                            This future store may be an amplified
                                                         showroom that helps audiences become
     The contextually aware retailer can set and
                                                         smarter shoppers—a responsive environment
     automate dynamic processes, while deploying
                                                         that enables micro-personalization at
     resources accordingly to heighten consumer
                                                         scale. These stores will become emotional
     emotions at pivotal moments of decision or
                                                         destinations that drive deeper interactions,
     at other critical points along the shopping
                                                         where every store associate is a shopper
     journey. For example, a store associate can
                                                         advocate. Technology will drive value and
     receive an automatic prompt to lower a price
                                                         remove roadblocks to meeting customer
     for a customer who tends to shop sales, or a
                                                         needs. This highly personalized sensory
     platform can serve up a particularly compelling
                                                         environment will be powered with tools that
     ad that is more likely to grab an individual
                                                         connect business processes with right-sized
                                                         customer experiences.

                                                                          © 2017 Sizmek Inc. All rights reserved.
Connected retail, big opportunity                   purchase paths and operational processes
                                                         that can be too complex for humans to
     According to the Cisco (2015) study,
                                                         execute at the speed and scale required to
     retailers believe it’s possible to fully
                                                         achieve optimal results. This is why real-time
     automate up to 50 percent of their existing
                                                         data pass back and syndicated decisions are
     manual operational processes. However,
                                                         critical for success.
     many operational processes are embedded
     in business applications such as enterprise         In another example, online retailers gain
     resource planning (ERP) systems. As a               key insights from the rich data created by
     result, retailers lack true visibility into their   the “clickstream” as consumers browse,
     operational environments.                           research, and purchase products online,
                                                         registering their likes, dislikes, and interests.
     In retail organizations, future value will come
                                                         Online retailers then use this data to gain
     from real-time analysis and activation of data
                                                         a better understanding of each shopper’s
     from connected sources—many of which
                                                         journey. Retailers can now, in effect, bring
     were previously unconnected. POS systems,
                                                         this clickstream into the physical world and
     tracking devices using barcodes or RFID tags,
                                                         gain real-time insight into constantly evolving
     and GPS-enabled fleet logistics will talk to a
                                                         micro-segments within their customer base.
     new generation of data sources, such as shelf-
     edge labels, equipment and device sensors,          Incremental lift models can then be created
     smart digital signage, and beacons. And all of      to drive penetration and purchase frequency.
     these will communicate bidirectionally with the     These models, based on third-party attribution
     enterprise-at-large.                                reports, inform brands and retailers how to
                                                         tactically buy impressions via programmatic
     Forward-thinking retailers understand the
                                                         exchanges. Ideally, campaigns should use
     need for having predictive and programmatic
                                                         product-specific attributes (PSAs) and ad
     systems that can automate decisions in real
                                                         campaign impressions, creating test and
     time. Analytics are too often constrained by a
                                                         control groups within a sampling engine. Using
     nightly batch-processing model for store data.
                                                         the attribution reports, advertisers can develop
     For instance, with a traditional data warehouse
                                                         an uplift curve and incremental purchase
     model, it might take days or weeks to transmit
                                                         projections, which can then be mapped to
     all the data back to a central repository, sort
                                                         incremental offline sales. The goal for evolution
     out what is relevant, and extract insights that
                                                         would ultimately be to assess offline sales and
     improve operations or customer interactions.
                                                         all the attributes and variant combinations that
     By that time, of course, the customer has left
                                                         drive lift.
     the store, and the opportunity to add value is
     gone. Digital platforms propelled by machine
     learning and artificial intelligence automate

                                                                          © 2017 Sizmek Inc. All rights reserved.
Customer insight informs the                       to examine interactions between associates
     store of the future                                and customers, category-level conversion,
                                                        dwell times, customer traffic heat maps, and
     Customer data is a powerful asset for
                                                        paths to purchase. This information, combined
     today’s retailer, made even more powerful
                                                        with existing transactional and other data, is
     by device and channel connectivity. With the
                                                        allowing management to answer questions
     advent of data collection and analysis, we’ve
                                                        that go far beyond store operations alone—
     been able to measure what types of brand
                                                        things like conversion by product category.
     messages influence lift in purchases. But now
                                                        These insights will help management shape the
     data, in communication with other systems
                                                        complete customer journey, not just in stores
     including the IoT, can tell us in real time and
                                                        but online as well.
     with increasing accuracy how to develop an
     optimal store configuration, where to place        As online and in-store experiences converge,
     products on shelves, and what future store         all data taken in aggregate, from the one-click
     locations and investments will achieve the         purchase to in-store browsing patterns, can
     greatest returns for the company.                  help trigger the right real-time decisions to
                                                        help increase value and performance across
     But the considerable worth of data doesn’t
                                                        all channels. Decisions and data in physical
     lie only in customer service—it’s also a
                                                        locations should inform data and decisions in
     precious commodity in business operations.
                                                        digital e-commerce platforms, and vice versa.
     In-store data can influence staff optimization,
                                                        The power lies in combining this intelligence to
     planogram compliance, and loss prevention,
                                                        create a unified view of the customer.
     among other operational concerns. How
     many employees will a location need on Black       Behind the scenes: Implementing the
     Friday if the weather is clear, as opposed to if   connected supply chain
     it’s snowing? What’s going to be the hottest
                                                        Connected devices and products provide
     product this year? What are the most logical
                                                        retailers with the opportunity to help
     product bundles to help move merchandise
                                                        optimize operations in the face of a more
     more quickly? What’s the optimal store traffic
                                                        complex supply chain, increasingly important
     flow to prevent long lines and altercations?
                                                        digital channels, and a more demanding
     How do you more effectively prevent theft
                                                        customer. RFID technologies can improve
     with heightened crowds and chaos? Customer
                                                        the precision of inventory tracking. Data
     data, store performance data, and even
                                                        visualization technologies make it easier for
     external data such as weather and construction
                                                        employees to gauge inventory performance
     reports can help retailers predict the answers
                                                        across the supply chain. Data visualization
     to these questions more accurately than ever.
                                                        also applies to customers, allowing them to
     One large office supply company deployed           track any order through the production and
     sensors and cameras throughout the store           distribution process.

                                                                        © 2017 Sizmek Inc. All rights reserved.
Optimizing supply chains offers significant         transparency with customers, who increasingly
     potential to generate greater value in              want to know where their food comes from.
     retail, whether through leveraging scale in         Barilla piloted track-and-trace technology on
     negotiating with suppliers, improving efficiency    a limited number of its pastas and sauces. By
     and productivity in warehouses, reducing the        scanning a QR code on the package for these
     need for stock checks, automating resupply, or      products, consumers can now see information
     improving collaboration and communication           on everything from where the ingredients
     with suppliers.                                     for that particular batch were grown to a
                                                         detailed view of the item’s journey through
     For example, when one large retailer
                                                         the production process. The new tracking
     overhauled warehouse operations, improving
                                                         process provided significant marketing value
     efficiency and safety was a high priority. In the
                                                         and added increased compliance and quality
     previous warehouse layout, the poor timing
                                                         control capabilities, because the ability to trace
     of key deliveries and lack of communication
                                                         foods through the whole chain of production
     among staff created major bottlenecks—and a
                                                         is critical to meeting increasingly strict
     high risk of workplace accidents.
                                                         international standards on food safety, quality,
     First, management used Wi-Fi data to track
                                                         and origin.
     handheld scanners and forklift trucks in the
                                                         According to Accenture, the “Industrial
     warehouse, which enabled managers to see
                                                         Internet” describes how companies are
     exactly where and when the bottlenecks
                                                         leveraging cloud, mobile, big data, and
     and safety hazards occurred. Then the
                                                         other technologies to improve operational
     company optimized traffic routes through
                                                         efficiencies, foster innovation, and more tightly
     the warehouse, specifying exactly where
                                                         integrate the digital and physical aspects of
     drivers should go—and in which direction—as
                                                         their businesses.91The combination of the
     they picked items for an order. Workers no
                                                         Industrial Internet and IoT devices could
     longer had to spend time making decisions on
                                                         add more than $14 trillion USD to the global
     where to go, and in what sequence, to fulfill a
                                                         economy by 2030.102
     given order. After implementing this system,
     the company saw a substantial increase in           These technologies hold much future promise.
     the number of orders filled per shift and           Retailers could potentially use web-enabled
     a reduction in the risk of collisions on the        smart tags to raise or lower pricing in real time,
     warehouse floor.                                    depending on product supply and demand.
                                                         Kroger is now testing smart-shelf technology
     In another example, Italian pasta producer
                                                         in its grocery stores, where shelves display
     Barilla needed to improve visibility across its
                                                         dynamic digital price tags and, soon, sync with a
     entire production chain, from field to finished
                                                         shopper’s mobile application to help them find
     product. This higher visibility would not only
                                                         items on shelves or remind customers about
     improve food safety, but would increase
                                                         add-on purchases, such as baby wipes when
                                                             “Industrial internet insights report,” Accenture, 2015
                                                              Accenture, 2015

                                                                                     © 2017 Sizmek Inc. All rights reserved.
buying diapers. Digital tags already help store   information on products than ever before,
     employees more efficiently tag and price items,   increasing satisfaction and reducing the
     freeing them up to spend more time interacting    number of returned purchases. Territorial
     with customers.                                   coverage evolution will enhance digital

     Other IoT devices can be integrated within        channels, enable intelligent remote advice,

     the supply chain to further improve store         and migrate transactional activity to the

     operations and help reduce cost. IoT-enabled      channels that will maximize purchases. As

     sensors can monitor lighting and temperature      a result, products become more widely

     controls and adjust settings to improve           available to customers in those respective

     customer comfort and support more cost-           channels. This next wave of platforms will

     effective energy usage.                           also support alternative means for payment
                                                       and transactions, increasing convenience.
     Agile, predictive, and personalized marketing
                                                       Retailers will be able to assess customers
     The interactions that flow across the retailer    across all channels to define very targeted
     ecosystem are owned data for the enterprise,      moments in which customers will be
     and the number of these interactions keeps        responsive. As this capability accelerates,
     growing. Insights come from the patterns that     retailers will be able to forecast demand more
     emerge from these first-party touchpoints,        accurately with advanced analytics, creating
     which increasingly help retailers blend           niche experiences for micro-segments with
     physical and digital experiences to deepen        as many messages as there are individual
     engagement while driving efficiencies.            personas. Brands that can offer a modular,
                                                       features-driven, just-for-me customer product,
     Retailers that can optimize their physical
                                                       while at the same time practicing minimum
     footprint while boosting sales effectiveness
                                                       viable distribution methodologies that reflect
     can also optimize operating costs, drive
                                                       agile product development processes, will lead
     commercial performance improvement, and
                                                       the market, winning the hearts, minds, and
     deliver higher quality service. As patterns
                                                       wallets of a new group of cherished loyalists.
     emerge from data that help personalize
     experiences at the user level, retailers will
     also begin to differentiate shop formats
     and new discrete service models, moving
     away from a one-size-fits-all approach for
     marketing. Data streams that move across
     devices and channels will enable right-
     sizing of customers while providing better

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