This ornament has a pocket to hold a gift card. After the gift card has been used, the bauble can decorate trees for years to come.

Page created by Josephine Reese
This ornament has a pocket to hold a gift card. After the gift card has been used, the bauble can decorate trees for years to come.

                          PROJECT: Sweet Snowman Ornament
             This ornament has a pocket to hold a gift card. After the gift card has
                  been used, the bauble can decorate trees for years to come.
                                    DESIGNER: Kathleen Berlew (

     FABRICS are from the WoolFelt collection by National Nonwovens (

                              Pattern may be downloaded for personal use only. No electronic or printed reproduction permitted          1
                          without the prior written consent of Meredith Corporation. ©Meredith Corporation 2021. All rights reserved.

  Finished size: 4×5"                                  From gold felt, cut:                                                appliqué, and pull it through loop to
                                                       n 1 of Pattern H                                                    make knot. Pull tight, then trim to
                                                       From red plaid, cut:                                                1 ⁄ 2" to make fringe. Repeat to make
  MATERIALS                                            n 16—21 ⁄ 2×41 ⁄ 2" rectangles
  o 9×12" rectangle light blue wool
                                                                                                                           six fringes total.
    felt (foundation, backing, gift card               From red felt, cut:
                                                       n 1 of Pattern I                                               5) To make tassel on hat, cut three
                                                                                                                         11 ⁄ 2"-long strands of red floss. Fold
  o 4" square white wool felt (snowman)
                                                       APPLIQUÉ AND EMBROIDER                                            strands in half to make a bundle,
  o 3" square blue wool felt (scarf, hat)              SNOWMAN                                                           then tie bundle in center with two
  o 1" square gold wool felt (nose)                    Use two strands of embroidery floss                               6"-long strands of red floss, leaving
  o 1" square red wool felt (bird)                     in matching colors to stitch appliqués                            tails. Thread tails on needle and sew
                                                       and embroider unless otherwise stated.                            them to top of hat, securing tassel.
  o Freezer paper                                                                                                        Add two small straight stitches to
                                                       (Refer to “Embroidery Stitches,” page 7,
  o 5×6" rectangle white tissue paper                  for stitch instructions.)                                         anchor tassel in place.
  o Embroidery floss: white, blue, gold,
    red, light blue, brown, black
                                                       1) Referring to Appliqué Placement                             ASSEMBLE ORNAMENT
  o 3—1⁄4"-diameter buttons: black
                                                          Diagram, position felt A–I pieces                           1) Center light blue felt 23 ⁄4×33 ⁄4"
  o 5×6" rectangle cardboard                              on a light blue felt ornament piece,                           rectangle on remaining light blue
  o 9" length of 1⁄8"-wide ribbon: red                    making sure pieces overlap as                                  ornament piece; pin. Using light
    (hanger)                                              marked on pattern pieces. Sew in                               blue floss and a backstitch, sew a
                                                          place in alphabetical order using                              scant 1 ⁄8" along side and bottom
                                                          matching floss and a backstitch.                               edges of rectangle to attach pocket
  CUT FABRICS                                                                                                            and make back panel (Diagram 2).
  Cut pieces in the following order.                   2) Trace Full-Size Embroidery Pattern
  Patterns are on pages 4–5.                              onto white tissue paper 5×6"                                2) Layer front and back panels, wrong
     To make templates of patterns, see                   rectangle.                                                     sides together. Fold 9"-long red
  “Make & Use Templates” on page 6.                                                                                      ribbon in half and slip cut ends into
  To use freezer paper to cut appliqué                 3) Pin traced tissue paper to Step 1                              top edge of unit. Using white floss
  shapes, complete the following steps.                   unit. Using brown floss, split-stitch                          and a running stitch, sew around
                                                          along lines for arms through felt and                          top and side edges. Insert cardboard
  1) Lay freezer paper, shiny side down,                  tissue paper. Using black floss and                            5×6" rectangle at bottom, then
     over patterns. Use a pencil to trace                 a backstitch, embroider snowman’s                              continue using running stitches to
     each pattern the number of times                     eyes and mouth and bird’s eye.                                 close and complete ornament.
     indicated in cutting instructions,                   Using white floss and straight
     leaving 1 ⁄4" between tracings. Cut                  stitches, embroider snowflake
     out freezer-paper shapes roughly 1 ⁄8"               spokes and add French knots to
     outside traced lines.                                end of each. Gently tear away
                                                          tissue paper. Sew on buttons using
  2) Using a hot dry iron, press each                     black floss to make front panel.
     freezer-paper shape, shiny side
     down, onto designated wool felt; let              4) To make fringe on scarf, cut two
     cool. Cut out wool felt shapes on                    5"-long strands of red floss and fold
     drawn lines. Peel off freezer paper.                 them together. Thread the four cut
                                                          ends through a needle. Starting
  From light blue felt, cut:                              from front of Step 3 unit, insert
  n 2 of Ornament Pattern                                 needle at A, on stitch line of scarf
  n 1—23 ⁄4×33 ⁄4" rectangle                              bottom (Diagram 1). Slowly pull
  From white felt, cut:                                   needle through to back, holding
  n 1 each of pattern A–C                                 folded loop against front so it
  From blue felt, cut:                                    doesn’t slip through. Bring needle
  n 1 each of patterns D–G                                up at B, 1 ⁄8" from edge of scarf

                                   Pattern may be downloaded for personal use only. No electronic or printed reproduction permitted                                2
                               without the prior written consent of Meredith Corporation. ©Meredith Corporation 2021. All rights reserved.





                                                                            3⁄ 8"

                                                APPLIQUÉ PLACEMENT DIAGRAM

                                                                                                                                1⁄ 8"


                  DIAGRAM 1
                                                                                                                   DIAGRAM 2

                      Pattern may be downloaded for personal use only. No electronic or printed reproduction permitted                  3
                  without the prior written consent of Meredith Corporation. ©Meredith Corporation 2021. All rights reserved.

                                       GIFT GUIDE: ORNAMENT & GIFT CARD HOLDER
                                             FULL-SIZE EMBROIDERY PATTERN

                                        GIFT GUIDE: ORNAMENT & GIFT CARD HOLDER
                                                    ORNAMENT PATTERN

                                         This box should
                                                                  When printing a downloadable
                                          measure 1 ".
                                                                  PDF, set Page Scaling preference
                                                                  to None to print patterns at 100%.
                                                                  Do not use Shrink to Fit or Fit to
                                                                  Printable Area.

                      Pattern may be downloaded for personal use only. No electronic or printed reproduction permitted          4
                  without the prior written consent of Meredith Corporation. ©Meredith Corporation 2021. All rights reserved.

                               1 INCH
                                                                                                  PATTERN F

                                                                             PATTERN G

                                                                  & GIFT CARD
                                               H                    HOLDER
                                                                   PATTERN C

                                                                                                PATTERN D

                                         I               ORNAMENT
                                                         & GIFT CARD
                                                          PATTERN B


                                                        GIFT GUIDE:
                                                 ORNAMENT & GIFT CARD HOLDER
                                                         PATTERN A

                                                                                                 This box should
                                                                                                                             When printing a downloadable
                                                                                                  measure 1 ".
                                                                                                                             PDF, set Page Scaling preference
                                                                                                                             to None to print patterns at 100%.
                                                                                                          1"                 Do not use Shrink to Fit or Fit to
                                                                                                                             Printable Area.

                      Pattern may be downloaded for personal use only. No electronic or printed reproduction permitted                                            5
                  without the prior written consent of Meredith Corporation. ©Meredith Corporation 2021. All rights reserved.

  MAKE TEMPLATES                                     USE TEMPLATES
  A template is a pattern made from                  To mark on fabric, use a pencil, white
  extra-sturdy material so you can trace             dressmaker’s pencil, chalk, or a special
  around it many times without wearing               fabric marker that makes a thin,
  away the edges. Acrylic templates for              accurate line. Do not use a ballpoint or
  many common shapes are available                   ink pen; it may bleed if washed. Test all
  at quilt shops. Or you can make your               marking tools on a fabric scrap before
  own by duplicating printed patterns on             using them.
                                                                                                                                           DIAGRAM 1
  template plastic.                                      To make pieces for hand piecing or
      To make permanent templates,                   appliqué, place a template facedown
  purchase easy-to-cut template                      on the wrong side of the fabric and
  plastic, available at quilt shops and              trace. Then reposition the template at
  crafts supply stores. Lay the plastic              least 1 ⁄2" away from the previous tracing
  over a printed pattern. Trace the                  (Diagram 1), trace again, and repeat.
  pattern onto the plastic using a ruler             The lines you trace on the fabric are
  and a permanent marker to ensure                   sewing lines. Mark cutting lines 1 ⁄4" away                                                B
  straight lines, accurate corners, and              from the sewing lines, or estimate the
  permanency.                                        distance by eye when cutting out the
      For hand piecing and appliqué, make            pieces with scissors. For hand piecing,
  templates the exact size finished pieces           add a 1 ⁄4" seam allowance; for hand                                                  DIAGRAM 2
  will be (without seam allowances). For             appliqué, add a 3⁄ 16" seam allowance.
  piecing, this means tracing the patterns’              Because templates used to make
  dashed lines.                                      pieces for machine piecing have seam
      For machine piecing, make templates            allowances included, you can use
  that include seam allowances by tracing            common tracing lines for efficient
  the patterns’ solid and dashed lines onto          cutting. Place a template facedown on
  the template plastic.                              the wrong side of the fabric and trace.
      For easy reference, mark each                  Then reposition the template without
  template with its letter designation,              a space between it and the previous
  grain line (if noted on the pattern), and          tracing (Diagram 2); trace again and
  block name. Cut out the traced shapes              repeat. Using a rotary cutter and ruler,
  on their outside lines. Verify each                cut pieces out, cutting precisely on the
  template’s shape and size by placing it            drawn lines.
  over its printed pattern. Templates must
  be accurate; errors, however small, will
  compound many times as you assemble
  a quilt. To check templates’ accuracy,
  make a test block before cutting the
  fabric pieces for an entire quilt.

                                 Pattern may be downloaded for personal use only. No electronic or printed reproduction permitted                          6
                             without the prior written consent of Meredith Corporation. ©Meredith Corporation 2021. All rights reserved.
FG                                                    H            F                                                 B
                                                                                                                 A       C
                                                                                                                                                                                A               C
             PROJECT BROUGHT     TO YOU BY:
                        STAR STITCH DIAGRAM                                                             PINWHEEL STITCH DIAGRAM
                                                                                                           STEM STITCH DIAGRAM                                                CROSS-STITCH DIAGRAM

                                                 C     E
                        C                                                                                                                                                                                                  C
         A               B
                 BACKSTITCH                      F D                                                                                                                                   C
                 Start from back of fabric, and pull
                                                                                                            C    D
     B           needle up at A (Backstitch Diagram).                                                                        B                                                     B
                 Insert it back into fabric at B, and bring                                                                                                                                                            D
                 it up at C. Push it down again at D, with
AGRAM            no gaps between     stitches,
                               FISH BONE       and DIAGRAM
                                           STITCH  continue                                                 SPLIT STITCH DIAGRAM
                 in same manner.                                                                           BACKSTITCH DIAGRAM                                             STRAIGHT STITCH DIAGRAM

                 FRENCH KNOT
                 Bring needle through at A, the point
                 where knot is desired (French Knot                                                                                              B
                 Diagram). Wrap floss around needle                                           B         C
                                                                                                        D           BF            C
                                                                                                                               DB B                               A         B       C            D
                 twice without twisting
                                 B       it. Insert tip of                                                                       C                                B        D        F             C
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      B FG
                                                                                                        C       G            E A C  A                                                                 B
                 needle into fabricAat B, 1 ⁄ 16" away from A.                                 A       B                                                                               E         D            C       A
                                                                                                            A                                                              C                          A
                 Gently push wraps down needle to meet                                                                                                            A
                                  FRENCH KNOT DIAGRAM                                                WHIPSTITCH DIAGRAM                                                    RUNNING STITCH DIAGRAM
                 fabric. Pull needle and trailing floss
                          WOVEN SPIDER WEB STITCH DIAGRAM                                          COUCHING  STITCH DIAGRAM
                                                                                                    FRENCH KNOT  DIAGRAM                                                     WHIPSTITCH  DIAGRAM
                 through fabric slowly and smoothly.                                             WRAPPED BACKSTITCH DIAGRAM                                                INVISIBLE STITCH DIAGRAM

                 RUNNING STITCH                                                                                                                                                     A
                 Bring needle up from back of fabric at
                                            A                                                                                            A                                                       E                E        A       G
             B   A, and insert A    C into fabric
                               it back            atC
                                                      B;                                                    A                                                                       G                         C
                 pull needle up againB                                                             A       C B           A               C                                                     A C B
                                     B at C, and insert it B                                                                             B                                D
         C                  B     DC                    C                                                                                                                           B          FC
                 back into fabric at D (RunningB Stitch A                                    A          B BC
                                                                                                           C A
                                     A             C                                                                             E                                                                                H                F
                 Diagram). AContinue   in same Amanner,                                                     B
                                  C                                                                                                                                                 C
                                                                                                                D                                                                   B
         D       loading several stitches on needle at
                                                                                                               A C B                                                         D
IAGRAM           a time.         BLANKET  STITCH
                                    WHIPSTITCH   DIAGRAM
                                               DIAGRAM                                                 LAZY DAISYSTITCH
                                                                                                        RUNNING   STITCHDIAGRAM
                                                                                                                        DIAGRAM                                          FEATHER  STITCH
                                                                                                                                                                           STAR STITCH   DIAGRAM
RAM                               CHAIN STITCH DIAGRAM                                                    SEED STITCH DIAGRAM
                                                                                                       BLANKET STITCH DIAGRAM                                          LAZY DAISY STITCH DIAGRAM
                                                                                                        OUTLINE STITCH DIAGRAM                                            STEM STITCH DIAGRAM

                 SPLIT STITCH
                 Pull needle up at A, make a short                                                                                   D                                    A
                 straight stitch, and go back into fabric                                                                                                                                        C        E
 C               at B (Split Stitch Diagram). Push                                                                       BE                      A                     B                            F D
OB                                    A
                 needle up at C, piercing
                                        B    through center                                                 DG                           C
                                                                                                                                                                                                B     B
                                               B                                                               C
                 of first straight stitch;Athen
                                              C make a                                                                                           B                              D
                                                                                                           D   F B                           B       A
                 straight stitch,       C                                                                                                                                                             C
                            A    Band go back into fabric                                                   A
                                                                                                              A C
                                                                                                                 C                                                                                   A
                 at D. Continue in same D manner.                                                                                                                            A       C
DIAGRAM                          STEM
                               LAZY    STITCH
                                 WHIPSTITCH   DIAGRAM
                                          STITCH DIAGRAM
                                             DIAGRAM                                                     CROSS-STITCH
                                                                                                        SPLIT     STITCH
                                                                                                              STITCH    DIAGRAM
                                                                                                                      DIAGRAM                                                SATIN
                                                                                                                                                                          FISH BONESTITCH  DIAGRAM
                                                                                                                                                                                      STITCH DIAGRAM
                                                                                                         STEM STITCH DIAGRAM                                               CROSS-STITCH DIAGRAM
                 STRAGHT STITCH
                 Pull needle up at A (Straight Stitch
                 Diagram). Push it back down at B, and                                                                                           C
                 bring it up at C. Push it down at D, and                                                       C                                                                                                         C
                 continue in same Cmanner.                                                                                                                        AA                   C                      A                        B
                                      D          B                                                                                                                                         B
                                    D  A             B                                                      CB D                                                               C                                          C
                                                                                                                                 B           D
                                                                                                                A            B                                                  B
                                    A            C                                                                            A                                                D                                          D

AGRAM                              BACKSTITCH DIAGRAM
                                   CROSS-STITCH DIAGRAM                                                STRAIGHT  STITCH
                                                                                                         SATIN STITCH   DIAGRAM
                                                                                                                      DIAGRAM                                           FLY STITCH
                                                                                                                                                                  WOVEN SPIDER  WEBDIAGRAM
                                                                                                                                                                                    STITCH DIAGRAM
                                                                                                        BACKSTITCH DIAGRAM                                          STRAIGHT STITCH DIAGRAM

                                                                    C       A
                              A C
                                         C               Pattern mayBbe downloaded for personal use only. No electronic or printed reproduction
                                                                                                                                         A      permitted                                                                      7
                                             B                C prior written consent of Meredith Corporation. ©Meredith CorporationB2021. All rights reserved.
                                                     without the                               A                             A              B                                     KM                              O
                                                                                                       C                                                                      GI
                                                                                                                 B           C           C B                                   B
                                     B                                                                                                                                    CE                                                   B
                                                                                                            C   E        D                       C                           CF JL C NP                           B        C
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