Page created by Kevin Wheeler
     SCOTT C. FORBES, MICHAEL D. KENNEDY,                            AND   GORDON J. BELL
     Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada

     ABSTRACT                                                                  various activities with (2,6) or without (1,4,11) accompanying
     Forbes, SC, Kennedy, MD, and Bell, GJ. Time-motion analysis,
                                                                               physiological measurements in a variety of sports including
                                                                               hockey, rugby, water polo, synchronized swimming, wheel-
     heart rate, and physiological characteristics of international
                                                                               chair basketball, and soccer. Time-motion analysis can be
     canoe polo athletes. J Strength Cond Res 27(10): 2816–
                                                                               completed through observation (4); however, gold standard
     2822, 2013—To evaluate the time international canoe polo play-
                                                                               analysis involves video capture and recording of the sport
     ers spend performing various game activities, measure heart rate
                                                                               being played in its competitive environment. The main depen-
     (HR) responses during games, and describe the physiological               dent variables derived from time-motion analysis include seg-
     profile of elite players. Eight national canoe polo players were          menting a game into activities to estimate time spent
     videotaped and wore HR monitors during 3 games at a World                 performing those activities, determine the physiological stress
     Championship and underwent fitness testing. The mean age,                 imposed throughout the game, and to measure the frequency
     height, and weight were 25 6 1 years, 1.82 6 0.04 m, and                  of the different types of movements performed. This allows
     81.9 6 10.9 kg, respectively. Time-motion analysis of 3 games             sport scientists to best determine the “characteristics” of the
     indicated that the players spent 29 6 3% of the game slow and             game itself. This type of quantification is extremely important
     moderate forward paddling, 28 6 5% contesting, 27 6 5% rest-              for sport enhancement and has important implications for the
     ing and gliding, 7 6 1% turning, 5 6 1% backward paddling, 2 6            development of more appropriate training programs and
     1% sprinting, and 2 6 1% dribbling. Sixty-nine (620)% of the              monitoring to optimize physical preparations for competition.
     game time was played at an HR intensity above the HR that                    Canoe polo is an emerging sport and is growing in popularity
     corresponded to the ventilatory threshold (VT) that was determined        (2). The International Canoe Federation first sanctioned canoe
                       _ O2 test. Peak oxygen uptake and VT were 3.3 6         polo in 1989 and the first World Championships were held in
     during the peak V
                                                                               1994. There were 23 countries competing in the men’s division
     0.3 and 2.2 6 0.3 L$min21, respectively, on a modified Monark
                                                                               at the most recent International Canoe Federation World
     arm crank ergometer. Arm crank peak 5-second anaerobic power
                                                                               Championships in 2012. Canoe polo is a competitive ball sport
     was 379 W. The majority of the time spent during international
                                                                               played on water, in a defined pitch (35 m in length by 25 m
     canoe polo games involved slow-to-moderate forward paddling,              wide), between 2 teams of 5 players, each in a kayak. In addition,
     contesting for the ball, and resting and gliding. Canoe polo games        each team has up to 3 players behind the goal line who can
     are played at a high intensity indicated by the HR responses, and         substitute in at any time. The object of the game is to score by
     the physiological characteristics suggest that these athletes had         throwing a water polo ball into the opponent’s net (measuring
     high levels of upper body aerobic and anaerobic fitness levels.           1.0 by 1.5 m) that is suspended 2 m above the water. A player
                                                                               acts as a goalie to defend the goal with their paddle. During
     KEY WORDS exercise, kayak, match analysis
                                                                               game play, the ball is passed among the players by hand or with
                                                                               some use of the paddle or thrown out of reach from the player

                                                                               and then regaining possession; however, the player may only
                 ime-motion analysis is considered a useful tool to            have the ball in their possession for a maximum of 5 seconds.
                 systematically determine the physiological demands            The game is 20 minutes in length consisting of two 10-minute
                 of a sport. Specifically, time-motion analysis has            halves separated by 3 minutes and begins with a sprint start to
                 been used to determine the time spent performing              gain possession of the ball at the center line (19).
                                                                                  The growth of canoe polo and the introduction of the
     Address correspondence to Scott C. Forbes, scforbes@ualberta.ca.          world championships have led to an increased competitive-
     27(10)/2816–2822                                                          ness in the game resulting in a need for a scientific evaluation
     Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research                             and a measure of the physiological stress imposed on players
     Ó 2013 National Strength and Conditioning Association                     during competition (2). The quantification (e.g., frequency
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        and duration) of common movements (e.g., sprinting, slow          required to complete a physical activity readiness question-
        paddling, resting and gliding, backward paddling, turning,        naire. Each participant read and signed an informed consent
        and dribbling) and assessment of the physical demands (e.         document approved by a University Research Ethics Board.
        g., heart rates [HRs]) of canoe polo will have important          Procedures
        implications for the development of more appropriate and          Time-Motion Analysis. Three preliminary (e.g., round robin
        specific training regimes, and allow coaches to better mon-       format) games at a World Championships were filmed. A
        itor programs through sport-specific fitness assessments to       commercially available digital video camera was used from
        optimize physical preparations for competitions. Recently,        a raised vantage that allowed coverage of the entire pitch.
        Alves et al. (2) examined the anthropometric and physiolog-       Suunto T6 HR monitors (Finland) were worn by each player
        ical characteristics of international canoe polo athletes and     (n = 8) during the games, and the HR was recorded to
        evaluated preliminary time-motion analysis data (work-to-         memory and downloaded. Video analysis was performed
        rest ratios and sprints times) during a single simulated game.    using Dartfish 5.0 software (Switzerland). To distinguish
        Previous research in soccer has shown differences in time-        the number of activity types, 7 different movement catego-
        motion analysis and physiological demands between simu-           ries were selected through observation by the investigators
        lated compared with official international matches (16).          and an expert judge who had extensive playing and interna-
        Therefore, the purpose of this investigation is to extend pre-    tional coaching experience in the sport. The following 7
        vious literature and to (a) evaluate the frequency and the        movement categories and definitions were agreed upon:
        time elite canoe polo players spend performing various activ-
        ities during official international games; (b) measure individ-   Sprinting: Propelling of a player in a kayak across the pitch
        ual HR response during these official games; and (c) assess       quickly in a forward direction with a high stroke rate (max-
        the physiological capabilities of the players. It was hypoth-     imal effort, visible splash).
        esized based on expert opinion of coaches and players that        Slow/Moderate Forward Paddling: Propelling of a player in
        the game of canoe polo would consist primarily of intermit-       a kayak across the pitch in a forward direction with
        tent forward paddling and contesting for position (e.g., chal-    a slow-to-moderate stroke rate.
        lenging for position). In addition, because of the intermittent   Backwards Paddling: Propelling of a player in a kayak across
        nature of canoe polo, it was hypothesized that elite canoe        the pitch in a backward direction.
        polo players would demonstrate high muscular endurance            Turning: Propelling of a player to turn or rotate the kayak or
        and a well-developed anaerobic and aerobic energy systems.        change direction.
                                                                          Dribbling: Propelling of a player in a kayak across the pitch
        METHODS                                                           while handling the ball.
        Experimental Approach to the Problem                              Contesting: Defensive or offensive challenging for position
        A descriptive experimental design was selected to examine         while in the kayak (with or without the ball).
        activity type and time spent performing each movement             Resting/Gliding: Resting in the kayak with no movement or
        using time-motion analysis. Time-motion analysis involves         any movement across the pitch without paddling.
        quantification (frequency and duration) of common move-
        ments from video downloaded to specialized software
                                                                             To further assess the physical demands, these movements
        (Dartfish 5.0 software, Switzerland). The movements were
                                                                          were separated into 2 intensity ratings; low-to-moderate
        selected based on expert opinion and the dependent
                                                                          intensity movements included slow and moderate forward
        variables were frequency, total time, and % time in each
                                                                          paddling, backward paddling, turning, dribbling, and resting
        movement category. The additional dependent variable of
                                                                          and gliding. High-intensity movements included sprinting
        the HR was measured during the same games and used to
                                                                          and contesting.
        indicate the intensity and cardiovascular demands of inter-
                                                                             Independent to the 7 movement categories, the amount of
        national competition. As well, standardized physiological
                                                                          time spent in the starting sprint, offensive play, defensive
        fitness assessments were completed. The fitness assessment
                                                                          play, and transition phases of the game and total number of
        evaluated muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility,
                                                                          shots and passes were recorded.
        and aerobic and anaerobic power of each player.
                                                                             The videotapes were coded for the entire length of the
        Subjects                                                          game, excluding the 3-minute half time. Data were analyzed
        A convenient sample of 8 male canoe polo athletes, all            for the total game and separated into halves. The analysis
        currently competing at the international level, participated in   included movements during whistle stops and movements
        this study. Data collection for physical assessment occurred      during substitution. The same individual, who had experience
        after the 2008 World Championships. The mean age, body            playing canoe polo, completed all the time-motion analyses.
        weight, height, percent body fat, and years experience in the
        sport were 25 6 1 years, 81.9 6 10.9 kg, 1.82 6 0.04 m, 9.9 6     Physiological Testing. After the World Championships, each
        1.7%, and 6.2 6 3.9 years, respectively. All the subjects were    subject completed a battery of standardized anthropometric

                                                                                             VOLUME 27 | NUMBER 10 | OCTOBER 2013 |   2817

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Time-Motion Analysis of Canoe Polo

     and fitness tests, which included height, weight, skinfolds, sit     was averaged for the highest 5-second interval, and average
     and reach flexibility, hand grip dynamometry, curl-ups, arm          power throughout the 30-second test was determined by vid-
     crank Wingate 30-second anaerobic power test, and arm crank          eotaping the test and counting the number of revolutions over
     peak oxygen uptake protocol (peak V     _ O2). All fitness assess-   the appropriate time interval. Power output was determined
     ments used standardized published protocols as indicated in          from the following formula:
     each section. During the time of the study, all the subjects were
                                                                          Power Output ðWÞ
     encouraged to undertake their normal training and diet. They                                                                  
     were instructed to be adequately hydrated and not to eat 2               9:81 m$s22 3Resistance in kgs Flywheel revolutions32:5 m
     hours before the fitness assessment. One subject was injured                                      TimeðsÞ
     during the last day of the World Championships and was
     unable to complete the physiological assessment (n = 7).                A continuous, incremental arm crank protocol (13,22)
                                                                          using a calibrated metabolic measurement system (True
     Anthropometric Testing. Height (meters) was measured with            One 2400, ParvoMedics, UT, USA) was used to determine
     a wall-mounted device (Tanita, Arlington, IL, USA) to the            peak oxygen consumption (peak V_ O2). The arm crank pro-
     nearest 0.01 m without shoes and with each subject standing          tocol consisted of a crank rate of 70 rpm, initial loading of
     erect against a wall. Body mass (kilograms) was measured to          35 W, and subsequent increases of 35 W every 2 minutes
     the nearest 0.1 kg using a balance beam scale (HealthoMeter,         until volitional exhaustion (13,22). The HR was recorded
     Bridgeview, IL, USA). Percent body fat was calculated by             continuously during the test using an HR monitor (Polar
     summing the mean of 2 skinfolds (Harpenden, United                   T31, Finland). The main criterion for achieving a peak V_ O2
     Kingdom) from 6 different anatomical sites (midtricep, chest,        was a plateau in the oxygen consumption (a change of ,100
     iliac crest, subscapular, abdominal, and front thigh) and            ml$min21) with an increase in power output accompanied
     entering these values in the following formula: % BF = sum           by either a respiratory exchange ratio of .1.10 or an age
     of 6 3 0.097 + 3.64 (31).                                            predicted or known maximum HR during arm cranking, or
                                                                          volitional exhaustion at cessation of exercise (3). The venti-
     Fitness Testing. Trunk forward flexion (i.e., sit and reach) using   latory threshold (VT) was determined as the point at which
     a Wells-Dillion (30) flexometer (Fitsystems Inc., Canada) and        CO2 production and minute ventilation (VE) deviated from
     combined grip strength of the right and left hands using             linearity as compared with the rate of rise in oxygen uptake
     a hand dynamometer (Almedic Dynamometer: 100 kg,                     as the work rate was increased (29). The VT was identified
     Japan) was measured as the highest score of 2 trials accord-         on a respiratory gas exchange record by one the investiga-
     ing to the Canadian Physical Activity and Lifestyle Appraisal        tors and agreement was reached with a second independent
     protocol (10). Abdominal muscular endurance was assessed             observer. Test-retest reliability has been previously estab-
     using a modified curl-up protocol that controlled tempo at           lished for this latter protocol (intraclass correlation coeffi-
     a rate of 25 curl-ups per minute using a standardized pro-           cient = 0.97 for absolute peak V_ O2 and 0.91 for relative
     tocol as previously reported by our laboratory (24).                 peak V_ O2) (13).
        Anaerobic power was determined during a 30-second                 Statistical Analyses
     Wingate test (18) at maximal effort on an arm crank ergometer        All the results are expressed as mean 6 SD. To assess the reli-
     (Monark, Model 881, Sweden) modified to accommodate cali-            ability, the movement patterns of 8 players were analyzed by an
     brated weights to provide resistance to the friction belt around     investigator for one-half of a game on 2 separate occasions (intra-
     a flywheel. Frictional resistance for the ergometer wheel was        rater) and by an independent investigator (interrater). The typical
     set as 0.065 kg$kg21 of the body weight (6). The ergometer           error of measurement (TE; within subject SD) was calculated
     was secured to a table 76 cm in height. During the test, the seat    from the trials for duration and relative percentage variables as
     height was adjusted to ensure that the joint center of rotation      described by Hopkins (17). In addition, the differences and the
     for the shoulder was at the same height as the axis of rotation      relationship of the movement times between the trials were
     for the crank arm. The distance between the axis of the shoul-       assessed with a paired t-test and a Pearson correlation coeffi-
     der and crank was adjusted to ensure full arm extension. The         cient, respectively. Statistical significance was set at p # 0.05.
     participants cranked the ergometer and were allowed to move
     their whole upper body to ensure maximal performance dur-            RESULTS
     ing the test. Each subject was allocated a 5-minute warm-up          Reliability
     on the arm crank ergometer at 60 rpm with 1 kg of resistance         Test-retest reliability was assessed on separate days (;7 days
     (;25 W). Five seconds before data collection, they were in-          apart). The intrarater and interrater TEs for total movement
     structed to increase the crank rate to a maximum to ensure the       times of the video analysis were 5.7 and 2.1 seconds, respec-
     highest power and force production at the beginning of the           tively. The intrarater TE for movement time ranged from 1.9 to
     test and to continue cranking at a maximal rate for the dura-        8.0 seconds and 0.3–1.0% for the relative percentages for each
     tion of the 30-second test. The subjects were consistently           movement category (sprinting: 2.4 seconds and 0.4%; backward
     encouraged verbally throughout the test. Peak power output           paddling: 2.0 seconds and 0.3%; contesting: 5.0 seconds and
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             TABLE 1. Percentage of time, amount of time, and frequency of each movement during 3 international canoe polo
             games (n = 8).

                                            Slow and                                                                                     Resting and
                                         moderate forward       Sprinting    Backward         Turning       Contesting     Dribbling       gliding

             Total time (%)                   29   6   3         2   6   1      5   6   1     7    6   1     28   6   5     2   6   1     27     6   5
             Total time (s)                  383   6   14       26   6   3     66   6   5    92    6   3    370   6   17   26   6   10   356     6   22
             Total frequency (n)              47   6   9        12   6   2      9   6   3    35    6   13    31   6   11    3   6   5     55     6   10
             1 Half time (%)                  30   6   3         3   6   1      4   6   1     8    6   7     27   6   4     3   6   1     25     6   4
             1 Half time (s)                 192   6   12       19   6   4     26   6   5    51    6   3    173   6   18   19   6   8    160     6   18
             1 Half frequency (n)             24   6   6         6   6   2      5   6   2    18    6   7     16   6   6     2   6   3     28     6   7
             2 Half time (%)                  28   6   3         2   6   1      5   6   1     7    6   1     28   6   6     1   6   1     28     6   6
             2 Half time (s)                 190   6   5        14   6   2     34   6   5    48    6   4    190   6   19    7   6   7    190     6   24
             2 Half frequency (n)             23   6   4         6   6   2      4   6   2    17    6   7     15   6   6     2   6   3     27     6   7
                     % = percent; n = number of movements.

        0.7%; slow and moderate forward paddling: 2.4 seconds and                   majority of the time was spent in low-to-moderate (70 6
        0.7%; resting and gliding: 8.0 seconds and 1.0%; turning: 1.9               4%) intensity movements, whereas 30 6 3% was spent per-
        seconds and 0.3%; and dribbling 2.0 seconds and 0.3%). The                  forming high-intensity activities. Fifty percent (615) of the
        interrater TE for movement time ranged from 2.6 to 12.7 sec-                game time was spent in offense, 30 6 11% in defense, 19 6
        onds and 0.3–2.9% (sprinting: 3.8 seconds and 0.7%; backward                5% in transition, and 1 6 0.2% performing the sprint start in
        paddling: 2.6 seconds and 2.0%; contesting: 10.8 seconds and                the first half of the games and 29 6 12% in offense, 51 6 8%
        1.5%; slow and moderate forward paddling: 5.0 seconds and                   in defense, 20 6 6% in transition activities, and 1.0 6 0.2% of
        2.9%; resting and gliding: 12.7 seconds and 1.0%; turning: 5.5              the game performing the sprint start in the second half of the
        seconds and 0.3%; and dribbling 5.9 seconds and 0.3%). Further-             games. The total number of whistle stops and time spent for
        more, there was no significant difference (p . 0.05) between                each whistle stop in the first and second halves was 10 6 2
        trials for any movement time (p . 0.05), and the Pearson cor-               stops, 14 6 10 seconds, and 18 6 6 stops, 19 6 19 seconds,
        relation coefficients ranged from r = 0.88 to 0.99 for intrarater           respectively. The number of passes and shots were 45 6 22
        and r = 0.74–0.98 for interrater assessments of all movements.              passes and 4 6 2 shots in the first half and 23 6 10 passes
                                                                                    and 4 6 1 shots in the second half of the games.
        Time-Motion Analysis
        Time-motion analysis of 3 games indicated that the players                  Heart Rate Response
        spent the majority of their time forward paddling, contesting,              The mean HRs during the first half and second half of the
        and resting and gliding, as shown in Table 1. In addition, the              games were 157 6 16 and 159 6 14 b$min21. Sixty-nine

             TABLE 2. Fitness profile of the canoe polo players (n = 7).

                                         Anaerobic                     Sit and
                               Anaerobic   mean      Grip               reach                            V_ O2max                    VT %
             Subject           peak 5-s    30-s    strength           flexibility        V_ O2max       (ml$kg21$   VT       VT HR of V_ O2
             number             PO (W) PO (W)        (kg)                (cm)           (L$min21)         min21) (L$min21) (b$min21) max

             1           369      282      133        50.5        3.02       32.1       2.39     162      79
             2           381      287      112        24.2        2.95       39.9       2.14     142      73
             3           392      312      117        32.7        3.78       44.8       2.54     150      67
             4           428      289      118        23.7        3.42       38.5       2.54     155      74
             5           303      236       94        14.7        2.93       43.4       1.74     127      60
             6           341      287      138        26          3.03       38.6       2.05     149      69
             7           427      329      121        38.8        3.63       37         2.27     131      62
             Mean 6 SD 377 6 45 289 6 29 119 6 14 30.1 6 11.7 3.25 6 0.35 39.2 6 4.2 2.2 6 0.3 142 6 11 68 6 6
                     PO = power output; V_ O2max = maximal oxygen uptake; VT = ventilatory threshold; HR = heart rate.

                                                                                                            VOLUME 27 | NUMBER 10 | OCTOBER 2013 |        2819

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Time-Motion Analysis of Canoe Polo

     (622)% of the first half and 68 6 29% of the second half of          implicated to be because of accumulated fatigue. As a result, it
     the games were played at a mean HR intensity that was                is possible that players may be less apt to make a high-intensity
     above the HR that occurred at VT.                                    move to improve position later in a game because of fatigue. In
                                                                          addition, understanding fatigue during competition has impor-
     Physiological Profile
                                                                          tant implications for tactical and strategic changes during
     The individual fitness scores for each player is shown
                                                                          a competition and may have an impact on the outcome of
     in Table 2. The VT occurred at a V_ O2 of 2.2 6 0.3 L$min21
                                                                          a game.
     and was 69.1 6 6.8% of peak V_ O2. Curls-ups were 31 6 15
                                                                             In addition, the amount of time spent in the offensive and
                                                                          defensive zone varied depending on the competition and
                                                                          competitiveness of the team being observed, the style and
     DISCUSSION                                                           strategy used in the game and the interaction of these factors
     Canoe polo was initially sanctioned in 1989 by the Interna-          in consideration of the opposing teams during game play.
     tional Canoe Federation, and the first World Championships           Interestingly, the amount of time spent in the offense and
     were held in 1994. Currently, there has only been 1 study            defense zones between the first and second halves demon-
     examining the demands of canoe polo in a simulated game;             strated a greater amount of time spent in the offense zone in
     however, there has been no systematic analysis of specific           the first half and subsequently a greater amount of time spent
     movements in official international canoe polo games. This           in the defensive zone in the second half of the games. These
     study has quantified a range of physical and technical               data are supported by the difference in the number of passes
     variables to examine the physical demands of canoe polo              made in the first and second halves (45 vs. 23); however,
     at the elite level. This information provides a foundation           there were equal numbers of shots in both halves of the 3
     for development of more specific fitness assessments and             games analyzed. This data may further suggest accumulated
     training programs.                                                   fatigue during a game or a required change in tactical
        The major purpose of this article was to identify the amount      strategy between the first and second halves.
     of time spent during various movements in canoe polo. This              As indicated by the time-motion analysis, canoe polo is an
     information has implications for more specific training and          intermittent sport and providing HR responses during game
     development of sport-specific fitness assessments. The time-         play provides a valid and useful global measure of physio-
     motion analysis data clearly indicate that international level       logical strain (12). The high HR response in all the players
     canoe polo consists of high-intensity, intermittent exercise         across each game suggests that elite canoe polo game play is
     imposing both anaerobic and aerobic demands. The major               associated with a very high level of physical exertion. Alves
     findings of this study demonstrated that the predominant             et al. (2) found a mean HR of 146 6 11 b$min21 during
     movements were slow-to-moderate forward paddling (29%),              a simulated game; however, in this study during official
     contesting for position (28%), and resting and gliding (27%),        games at the world championships, the average HR was
     while sprinting, backward paddling, turning, and dribbling           approximately 12 b$min21 higher. The intensity was at
     contributed to the remaining 16%. Sprinting and contesting are       a level that elicited a HR that exceeded their VT HR for
     associated with higher intensity anaerobic work and were             a considerable portion of the game (69 6 20% of the game).
     interspersed with less intensive activities such as resting and      Bloxham et al. (6) examined the HR response during an
     gliding. The proportion of most of these movements was               international wheelchair basketball game in paraplegic ath-
     similar between the first and second halves of the games,            letes and found that 24% of the first half and only 18% of the
     although there was less resting and gliding (25 vs. 28%) and         second half was played above the HR that corresponded to
     more forward paddling (30 vs. 28%) in the first half compared        the VT. Lythe and Kilding (20) examined elite field hockey
     with that in the second half. With respect to time, the players      players and showed that players were .75% of the HRmax
     rested and glided 30 seconds more and forward paddled 2              for 90% of the match. Similarly, water polo players achieved
     seconds less in the second half of the games. These differences      86–95% of the HRmax during game play (27). Interestingly,
     are relatively small and may translate into 1 less set play in the   in this study, all the players exceeded their peak HR
     second half compared with the first half. This is consistent with    achieved the arm crank V_ O2 protocol. This finding can be
     previous literature in other team sports that commonly report        explained by the idea that on-water paddling involves
     similar percent differences between first and second halves          a greater amount of active lower body musculature com-
     (20,21,25). However, in the case of a soccer match where             pared with that exercise on an arm crank ergometer
     halves are 45 minutes, a 3% difference in high-intensity forward     (7,9,13). As a result, it is possible that the greater lower body
     running (25) translates into a 1-minute and 21-second differ-        muscle involvement during on-water paddling elicited
     ence between halves. The sport most related to canoe polo is         a higher peak HR response and previous research compar-
     water polo and descriptive information for intensity of swim-        ing the arm crank ergometer to kayak ergometry has dem-
     ming per quarter played revealed a 3% decrease in moderate           onstrated a significantly higher peak V_ O2 and HR on the
     intensity movement and a 5.5% decrease in high-intensity             kayak ergometer in a laboratory setting (13). Furthermore,
     movement from the first to fourth quarter (28) and has been          arm cranking is a small muscle mass upper body activity that
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        reduces total cardiovascular stress (i.e., peak HR and peak        and aerobic energy systems. Training should be divided
        V_ O2) during maximal exercise compared with upright lower         among the movement categories so that forward paddling
        body exercise. In addition, premature fatigue may occur in         and contesting comprises in excess of 56% of training time
        upper body arm cranking because of the decreased ability to        with the remaining time focusing on all the other move-
        extract and use oxygen compared with the lower body, thus          ments (i.e., sprinting, turning, backwards paddling, and
        reducing the total cardiovascular stress including the HR          dribbling). This information may also be useful for the
        response (8). Finally, it is likely that the motivation and        development of a sport-specific field test that would be
        game-related effort and stress also contributed to the increased   important for training monitoring. For example, this study
        peak HR response from the competition.                             suggests that a field test should incorporate repeated forward
            Physiological profiling provides further evidence of the       sprints and contesting interspersed with slow easy paddling.
        demands of the sport (e.g., training adaptations) and              Future research is required to examine the reliability and
        knowing the characteristics of elite international players is      validity of such a field test. Furthermore, training must
        important to evaluate fitness standards. Forbes and Chilibeck      consist of activities that stress the cardiovascular system, as
        (13) reported a peak V_ O2 of 44.2 ml$kg21$min21 during arm        the average HR response was 158 b$min21, and 69% of the
        crank ergometry in trained sprint kayakers, whereas Blox-          game was above the VT. These cardiovascular demands
        ham et al. (6) reported a peak V_ O2 of 37.6 ml$kg21$min21 in      were higher than those achieved in a simulated match, sug-
        wheelchair athletes involved in international basketball,          gesting that training beyond simulated matches is required
        which is also a high-intensity intermittent sport. These           for preparation at an international level. In addition, it is
        results are comparable with the peak V_ O2 results of              recommended that further research be conducted to evalu-
        39.2 ml$kg21$min21 found in this investigation. These val-         ate how a difference in playing style or position influences
        ues are notably higher than the mean values reported pre-          the physiological demand of the sport of canoe polo in play-
        viously in a systematic review for upper body work (26),           ers of both international and club levels.
        suggesting that aerobic fitness of canoe polo players is an
        integral component to the sport. In addition, the VT may           ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
        also be used as an indicator of aerobic fitness because it         This research was funded by the Sport Science Association of
        indicates an exercise intensity up to which exercise may be        Alberta through the Alberta Sport, Recreation, Parks,
        performed without rapid accumulation of blood lactate as           and Wildlife Foundation. The authors declared no conflicts of
        a marker of accelerated anaerobic metabolic contribution           interest. There are no professional and financial relationships
        (5). In this study, VT was achieved at 69% of peak V_ O2           between the authors and companies and manufactures. The
        and was similar to that in international level wheelchair bas-     results of this study do not constitute endorsement by the
        ketball players (6). In addition, the anaerobic and musculo-       authors or the National Strength and Conditioning Association.
        skeletal assessment demonstrated a high level of overall
        fitness (6,14); however, grip strength and curl-up results were    REFERENCES
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