Time of mangrove crabs Scylla paramamosain final premolt stadia (D4) to reach ecdysis of the male and female growth under different salinity

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EurAsian Journal of BioSciences
                 Eurasia J Biosci 14, 7889-7897 (2020)

                 Time of mangrove crabs Scylla paramamosain final
                 premolt stadia (D4) to reach ecdysis of the male and
                 female growth under different salinity
                 Haryo Triajie1,2, Sri Andayani3*, Uun Yanuhar3, Arning Wilujeng Ekawati3
                  Postgraduate Student of Doctoral Program, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Brawijaya University,
                 Malang, Indonesia
                   Faculty of Agricultural Trunojoyo Madura University, Bangkalan, Indonesia
                   Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia
                 *Corresponding author: yanik@ub.ac.id

                     Final premolt stadia (D4) of male and female mangrove crab Scylla paramamosain as experimental
                     animals subjected to different salinity treatments, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 ppt, respectively, were
                     used to assess the impact of salinity on molting success and growth rate. A single ANOVA factor was
                     used to detect the effects on male and female individuals. The findings showed that water salinity
                     significantly influenced the time required to achieve ecdysis in both males and females but did not
                     impact their survival. Treatments of salinity above 10 ppt to 35 ppt for male crabs with the fastest
                     time of 0.54 day at 10 ppt than the lower one, 5 ppt (control), with the longest time 16.56 days.
                     Besides, salinity treatment of 10, 25, and 35 ppt for females did not have a substantially different
                     effect than 5, 15, 20, and 30 ppt for ecdysis. The shortest time female crabs reached ecdysis at 10
                     ppt salinity was 1.67 days, and the longest time was 15 ppt, 11.66 days. The shortest time to enter
                     the ecdysis of mangrove crabs S. paramamosain of both sexes was observed at a salinity of 10 ppt.

                     Keyword: salinity, molting rate, growth, Scylla. paramamosain

                     Haryo Triajie, Sri Andayani, Uun Yanuhar, Arning Wilujeng Ekawati (2020) Time of mangrove crabs
                     Scylla paramamosain final premolt stadia (D4) to reach ecdysis of the male and female growth
                     under different salinity. Eurasia J Biosci 14: 7889-7897.

                     © 2020 Triajie et al.
                     This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.

    Mud crabs Scylla paramamosain is a euryhaline                       2018), pH, oxygen (Mangum et al., 1985), and
species that lives primarily in mangrove forests, with                  available food (Zhan et al., 2020) affect either the
mangrove roots as their primary habitat in the estuary                  molting or molting rate cycle (Lemos & Weissman,
(Rahman et al., 2017). Seasonal changes can cause                       2021). Includes salinity (Mu et al., 2005; Gong et coll.,
water salinity to change gradually (Komiyama et al.,                    2015), pH, oxygen (Mangum et al.,1985), and food
2020).                                                                  availability (Zhan et al., 2021). The distribution of
    Arthropods and crustaceans molt at various times                    water salinity in the intertidal region also influences
during their lives (Chang & Mykles, 2011). Molting is                   the species (Kneib, 1984). Crustaceans that live in
primarily affected by ecdysteroids (Chang, 1995; Diez                   this region need a salinity stress control tolerance
& Lovrich, 2013; Luquet & Marin, 2004; Luquet, 2012;                    mechanism (Pequeux, 1995). Besides, the coastal
Katayama & Nagasawa, 2013; Jasmani et al., 2010),                       region is known to provide various requirements for
also known as molting controlling hormone, which                        survival, development, and breeding, mainly aquatic
controls crustacean growth and reproduction (Tarrant                    organisms food. Crustacean growth requires energy
et al., 2014), hormones and glands (Chang & Mykle                       and unique hormones sensitive to natural stress
(Murphy et al., 2020).                                                  (Stueckle et al, 2009). The pollutant-like stress
    Internal factors, including the growth stage,                       decreases the molting power (Zeng et al., 2020).
reproductive maturity, and degenerative condition                           Studies on the effect of salinity on survival and
influencing the molting frequency and production of                     molting are expected growth for crustaceans and
size, osmoregulation, and bioenergy in aquatic                          arthropods. Every stage of the molting cycle is
organisms and biological processes such as stress,                      significant since they are typically more sensitive in
competency, and survival of arthropods are present
(Jaffer et al., 2020; Schwedes & Carney, 2012).                                                        Received: September 2020
Moreover, environmental parameters such as                                                             Accepted: November 2020
temperature (Coleman et al., 2020; Huchin et al.,                                                        Printed: December 2020

EurAsian Journal of BioSciences 14: 7889-7897 (2020)                                                               Triajie et al.

this process to the setting (Kinne, 1971). Previous               thick from the bottom of the 15 L-tank and 2 L of water.
studies have shown temperature, salinity, and famine              The salinity treatments were 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and
effects on larval survival and growth (Mia & Shah,                35 ppt under the 24-hour recirculation system.
2010; Jantrarotai & Pripanapong, 2002; Nurdiani &                 Observations were made every hour for 3 weeks.
Zeng, 2007); (Verslycke et al., 2004); (Misbah et al.                 Media And Seawater
2017). Studies are carried out on the salinity effect                 The seawater for this experiment was drawn
(Parado-Estepa and Quinitio, 2011) of the larvae and              directly from the Southern Sea of Malang, East Java.
seed production of S. serrata. The larval growth of               Low salinity water was produced by diluting it with
various stone-crub species (Ong & Costlow, 1970;                  freshwater, while high salinity water was produced by
Mia & Shokita, 1997; Waiho et al., 2018). (Hill, 1975).           applying salt to the filter tank (Qi et al., 2020; Su,
A salinity less than 2 pp and above 60 ppt will live for          Feng, & Ma, 2010). Squid and shrimp feed was
four months (Hill, 1979). The salinity in water between           imported from the local market and administered
25- 26 ppt influences shrimp growth (Gabriela et al.,             twice daily at doses up to 5% of body weight. Once a
2007; Brown & Bert, 1993; Waiho et al., 2018;                     week, samples of ammonia, nitrate, and phosphate
Davenport & Wong, 1987), and the molting interval of              were taken in each tank to establish concentrations of
crustacean youth and larval stadia (Shentu & Ding,                4 ppm, 1 ppm, and 20 ppm, respectively, while water
2015), but there is very little knowledge on the                  pH and temperature were routinely measured in the
saltiness effect. This study aimed to find the best               morning and afternoon for 7.9-8.3 and 22-25.50C
salinity to speed up the molding process of                           Determination of Tolerance Time Interval
S.paramamosain, which is designed for soft carapace               ToSalinity
production in the pond.                                               Male and female crabs were isolated and
                                                                  acclimated for 24 hours at a salinity of 5 parts per
   MATERIALS AND METHOD                                           million and a temperature of 25˚c. During the
    Animal                                                        acclimatization period, feedings of up to 5% of body
    The crabs used in this study have weights                     weight were given twice a day. Each of the seven
between 70-90 ± 5.0 g; carapace width (CW) 7.0-8.0                salinity concentrations (5 – 35 ppt, with a 5ppt
± 0.8 cm and comes from the mangrove forest area of               increase) was treated with three replications. The
Pulokerto village, Kraton sub-district, Pasuruan                  water temperature in the culture tanks was held about
regency, East Java. Previously, these crabs were                  22-22 ° c by aerating them 24 hours.
kept in ponds with a salinity of 5 ppt until the final                Data analysis
premolt phase (D4), which is usually shown in orange              Every hour after the crabs were placed in the culture
on the edge of the swimming legs (Jiang et al., 2020;             media, observations on time measurements (day)
                                                                  were performed. The following is how growth was
Ostrensky et al., 2015).
                                                                  measured using the mean specific growth rate SGR=
    Experiment                                                    [(Loge W2 – Loge W1) /T2-T1] x 100. Where, T1 and
    This research was conducted in May-July 2019 at               T2 are days of the experiment and W2= weight of crab
the Mangrove Study Center in Pulokerto, Kraton                    at time T2, W1 = weight of crab at time T1
District, Pasuruan Regency, East Java. It used a non-
factorial Complete Randomized Design of seven
treatments and three replications for each. Each tank
consisted of 3 individuals, the total number of crabs                RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
used being 126 samples, 63 males and 63 females.
The crabs were raised by sex separately. Previously,                 RESULT
the tanks had been loaded with sea sand about 3 cm

   Table 1.Total time proportion to reach ecdysisof the end premoltphase(D4) under different salinity
stress and crab body weight at the end D4 phase and ecdysis
    Salinity                         Time                  SGR
                   Sex                                                            Initial (D4) weight (g)   Ecdysis weight (g)
     (ppt)                          (days)                  (g)

       5           Male                16.56 ± 1.28d                0.001±0.00           87.33 ±9.50bc       98.67±11.33ab

                  Female               8.65 ± 1.21bc                0.003± 0.00          84.33± 9.29aa        99.67±2.08aa

       10          Male                0.54 ± 0.02a                 0.017±0.05           98.33± 25.32c       118.00± 31.67c

                  Female               1.67 ± 0.96a                 0.025±0.02           71.67± 4.73aa       87.00± 11.14aa

       15          Male                2.87 ± 1.50ab                0.011± 0.03           72.00± 4.36a       88.00± 16.00a

                  Female               11.66 ± 3.19c                0.004±0.00           76.67± 4.51aa       93.33± 3.06aa
       20          Male                4.65 ± 1.46ab                0.006± 0.01           90.67±5.03bc      106.33± 15.67bc

EurAsian Journal of BioSciences 14: 7889-7897 (2020)                                                                   Triajie et al.

                     Female                  10.16 ± 2.12c                    0.005±0.00         71.00± 2.65aa    93.00± 9.17aa

       25             Male                  14.06 ± 6.56cd                    0.003± 0.00        79.67± 7.57ab   94.67± 15.00ab

                     Female                  3.60 ± 1.50ab                    0.053±0.06         75.33± 11.06a   99.33± 23.44aa

       30             Male                  12.00 ± 1.55bcd                   0.002±0.00         71.00± 1.00a     87.33± 13.00a

                     Female                  9.66 ± 5.14c                     0.005±0.00         79.33± 8.33aa   99.33± 16.80aa

       35             Male                  6.33 ± 4.17abc                    0.005±0.00         80.67± 7.57ab   96.67± 12.67ab

                     Female                  4.23 ± 3.64ab                    0.015±0.01        76.00± 11.70aa   100.00± 20.22aa
Note: the same alphabet indicates a non-significant effect (p >0.05).
                                                                           (P> 0.05). Females and males had the maximum
    The results of the variance analysis showed that                       SGR at a salinity of 10 ppt of 0.017g and 0.025 g,
there was a significant effect of salinity on the time                     respectively. According to the variance study, salinity
needed to achieve ecdysis from phase D4 (late                              affected Initial (D4) weight in both males and females.
premolt) in both males and females (P0.05). The smallest ecdysis in
    Table 2. This indicates that there is no salinity                      males and females has a salinity of 5 ppt for males of
effect on End D4 (P>0.05). The smallest End D4 for                         8.03 g and 5 ppt for females of 8.57 g.
males is at a salinity of 30 ppt at 6.87 g, the largest
End D4 at a salinity of 10 ppt at 7.50 g. While the
smallest End D4 in females has a salinity of 35 ppt of
7.33 g, the largest End D4 has a salinity of 25 ppt of
7.50. The findings of ANOVA showed no effect of

EurAsian Journal of BioSciences 14: 7889-7897 (2020)                                                   Triajie et al.

DISCUSSION                                                       Ecological management soft carapace
    Relationship between salinity, molting, and              mangrove crab culture technology in the
survivorship of mangrove crab                                floating cage
    Salinity is an essential parameter in regulating             Various efforts have been made in various
mangrove crab growth and survival, as each marine            countries to date for the growth of Scylla sp
organism needs a particular salinity to develop and          cultivation, science, functional industry, and culture
survive. The research on the survival and molting            technique centered on ecological conditions
impact of water salinity reflect crustaceans and             (Paterson and Mann 2011; Marichamy &
arthropod growth in each molting cycle, as they are          Rajapackiam 2001; Shelley & Lovatelli 2011; Quinitio
typically sensitive to environmental parameters (Nur         2017; Ganesh et al. 2015; Wei, 2020)
Syafaat et al., 2020; Kinne, 1971).                              In mangrove crab seeding and production, either
    Effect of salinity on osmoregulation                     soft shell or hard shell, such as S. paramamosain(Ut
                                                             et al., 2007), S. olivacea (Ye et al. 2011), S.
                                                             serrataand,     S.   paramamosainin       Bangladesh,
    Mangrove crabs have a good response-ability to
                                                             Philippines, and Vietnam (Grubert et al. 2012;
salinity changes (Davenport & Wong, 1987), quick
                                                             Mahmud & Mamun, 2012; Petersen et al. 2013),
metabolic response to high and low salinity (Liu et al.,
                                                             swimming blue crab in Mississippi (Tavares, et al.,
2021; Estepa & Quinitio, 2011), and physiological
                                                             2018b) could potentially contribute to a management
adaptability to temperature and salinity changes,
                                                             plan for softshell mangrove crab production as a goal
which is particularly important in mangrove areas
                                                             by the development of a culture ecosystem
(Zeng et al., 2020; Alberts-Hubatsch et al., 2016).
                                                             development program.
    Mud crabs can withstand a wide range of water
salinity (Wei, 2020; Kasry, 2008). The adults can
survive in salinities as low as 15 ppt and as high as
30 ppt, while S. Serratazoea cannot survive in                  CONCLUSION
salinities as low as 14 ppt(Bir et al., 2020; Hill, 1974).             Water salinity is greatly affected by the
    According to Verslycke and Janssen (2003), water         duration of time to meet mangrove crab ecdysis of
salinity has a significant effect on crab metabolism,        male and female S. paramaminosain at 10 ppt
influencing energy expenditure levels (Wang et al.,          salinity; however, it did not significantly impact the
2021). The amount of energy expended can be                  introductory growth rate (Specific Growth Rate/SGR).
affected by changes in the conditions of the
atmosphere, including salinity. The energy is used to           ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
match the body's liquid concentration to its
                                                             We would like to acknowledge the Minister of
atmosphere circumstances as the water salinity
                                                             Science, Technology and Higher Education of the
increases. The shell changes in crabs are induced by
                                                             Republic of Indonesia for the Dissertation Research
this element. The crustacean will respond to several
                                                             Grant 055/SP2H/LT/DRPM/2019, 11 March 2019. We
environmental factors during the molting phase,
                                                             would like to acknowledge the Study and Community
including photoperiod(Quackenbush& Herrnkind,
                                                             Service Institution of the Brawijaya University of
1983), salinity fluctuation on the intermolt period and
                                                             Malang for promoting well-functioning research.
growth of Fenneropenaeus chinensis (Mu et al.,
2005), temperature(Baylon et al. 2001; Baylon 2010;
Waiho et al., 2018; Baylon, 2013) and accessible food
(Wang et al., 2021) which affect the intermoltormolt
rate. Parado & Quinitio (2011) stated that, depending
on the availability and environmental quality of food,
women with 18 times would live for 2-3 years with 17-
20 molting times, from juvenile to adult (Asmat-Ullah
et al., 2021). Crab development will hit 20% to 30% of
the original size, and the increase in weight is
between 3% and 44%. Large juveniles and adults
may adjust and withstand the vast salinity and
temperature spectrum to the euryhaline environment.
(Davenport & Wong, 1987). Adults could live on the
1-42 ppt salinity range and remain alive on 2-56 ppt
of salinity in the estuary but die on a salinity range of
64.9 ppt (Wei, 2020; Rahi et al., 2020; Hill, 1979).

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