Town Administrator's Report - Fall 2021

Page created by George Bennett
Town Administrator's Report - Fall 2021
Town Administrator’s Report
                                             Fall 2021

       Town of Parker        Tel: 303.841.0353
       20120 E. Mainstreet   Fax: 303.805.3153
       Parker, CO 80138
Town Administrator's Report - Fall 2021
Department Updates

Community Events                                                                         2021
Bike to Work Day
The Town of Parker welcomed the
                                          virtual map of all registered porches
                                          once the entry deadline has passed          COMMUNITY
return of Bike to Work Day on Sept.
22! The Town and Kaiser Permanente
                                          for all Parker residents to see and
                                          vote for their favorites via the
teamed up with DRCOG’s Way to             Town’s Facebook page. Prizes will
Go program for our annual Bike to         be awarded to the top three vote         Community Survey
Work Day Breakfast Station. More          recipients. For contest details and      The Town’s 2021 Community
than 125 cyclists came by our station     rules, and to submit your entry, visit   Survey results have been
and received a customized Town of       received and will be shared with
Parker Bike to Work Day T-shirt.                                                   the community in late October.
                                          Hometown Holiday Events                  The survey is conducted every
                                                                                   three years to gauge resident
Parker Fall Fest                          Usher in the holidays Thanksgiving
                                          weekend in downtown Parker.              satisfaction with Town services
The Town held the inaugural
                                          We are excited to bring back our         and amenities, as well as to ask
Parker Fall Fest Sept. 25 to Oct. 2.
                                          cherished tradition of the Mayor’s       a select number of timely policy
Community members were invited
                                          Holiday Lighting on Friday, Nov.         questions. For more information,
to take a selfie/photo at the seasonal
                                          26 and continue some of the              please visit
décor station at O’Brien Park, visit
                                          Town’s newest holiday celebrations       CommunitySurvey.
with Sam the Xfinity Scarecrow
and prowl for pumpkins with a             during Hometown Holiday Kick-off
community scavenger hunt. Those           Weekend Nov. 27 and 28!                  Town Videos
who found on of the five golden                                                    Check out the latest additions to
pumpkins and 15 orange pumpkins           North Pole Pass Returns                  our educational video series on
hidden throughout Parker and              The North Pole Pass returns on           the Town’s YouTube channel at
submitted a selfie were entered           Nov. 27 and 28 to create holiday
into a prize drawing. We received         memories! A pre-purchased pass           TownofParkerCO.
more than 500 drawing entries from        will include a pony ride, visit to
200+ unique participants, including       a petting zoo, chance to learn           Town Sponsorship and
families with young kids, teens, older    secrets of the North Pole from           Events Budget
adults and even Parker’s fur babies.      one of Santa’s elves while playing       Communications Department
                                          reindeer games, milk and cookie          staff has been working hard and is
Halloween Porch Parade Series             refreshments, and most importantly,      on track to meet our Town event
Parker residents can unleash their        time with the big guy himself! Kids      sponsorship and revenue budget,
creativity, bring a smile (or a scare)    can share their Christmas wish list      which helps make our great slate
to their friends and neighbors and        with Santa and Mrs. Claus and hear       of community events possible!
WIN PRIZES by decorating their            a story read by Jolly Ole St. Nick.      Staff was able to provide fun
front porches, yards, windows, doors,     Passes went on sale at 10 a.m. on        and engaging activities in 2021
patios or balconies for Halloween.        Oct. 11. For information on the Town     despite the lingering pandemic
Residents in the 80134 or 80138 ZIP       of Parker’s holiday activities and       concerns. In addition, we retained
codes are invited to submit their         events, and to purchase tickets,         many of the Town’s high level
spooky setups into the contest by         visit              sponsors and brought in new
8 a.m. on Oct. 25. There will be a        HometownHolidays.                        sponsors this year.

Town Administrator’s Report – Fall 2021                                                                                 2
Town Administrator's Report - Fall 2021
Communications - cont’d
3rd Quarter Digital Marketing Report
Social Media                                                                  Follow the Town of Parker (@TownofParkerCO) and
The following statistics were collected from the Town of                      Parker Parks and Recreation (@ParkerRec) with the same
Parker’s and Parker Parks and Recreation’s Facebook, Twitter                  username on each platform.
and Instagram accounts between July 1 and Sept. 30.
                                                                              Website Statistics
Account Followers                                                             The following statistics demonstrate activity for the Town
    Town Facebook: 19,639 to 21,188; +8%                                      of Parker ( and Parker Parks and
    Town Twitter: 4,617 to 4,704; +2%                                         Recreation ( website between
    Town Instagram: 7,088 to 7,223; +2%                                       July 1 and Sept. 30.
    Parks and Recreation Facebook: 8,910 to 9,651; +7%
    Parks and Recreation Twitter: 2,081 to 2,112; +0.5%                       Website Visits
    Parks and Recreation Instagram: 2,421 to 2,484; +3%                            Town of Parker: 102,492
                                                                                   Parks and Recreation: 157,997
Post Engagement
(number of likes, comments, shares, link clicks)                              Page Views
    Town Social Media Accounts: 47,305                                             Town of Parker: 163,485
    Parks and Recreation Social Media Accounts: 11,397                             Parks and Recreation: 228,791

Post Impressions (number of views)
    Town Social Media Accounts: 1,050,607
    Parks and Recreation Social Media Accounts: 225,777

            Town Facebook:                                       Town Facebook:                               Parks and Recreation Facebook:
    8,043 impressions; 1,701 reactions,                 10,645 impressions; 1,634 reactions,                 23,270 impressions; 825 reactions,
          comments and shares                                  comments and shares                                 comments and shares
  7 Places You Might Not Know About in Parker:      Thank you to everyone who joined us at Fireworks     Goodbye to summer. Hello to an awesome T-shirt
  Hidden spots, historic plots and unique jaunts,    on the Fourth Presented by Xfinity! It was such a    and delicious Flippin’ Flapjacks! Don’t miss out
  how many of these Parker locations were you       blast to gather as a community in celebration once   on the So Long to Summer 5K/10K on Sept. 18 at
                    aware of?                                              again.                                    Salisbury Park in Parker!

      Parks and Recreation Facebook:                               Town Instagram:                             Parks and Recreation Instagram:
     11,020 impressions; 988 reactions,                               353 likes                                           115 likes
           comments and shares                       On Colorado First Responder Appreciation Day,        Flower power! This Therapeutic Recreation group
The ducks are out and waiting for you! Ten ducks     we thank the Parker Police Department and all       really knows how to get the creative juices flowing
 have been hidden along the Cherry Creek Trail       first responders, for everything they do to keep                with arts and crafts night.
 between Mainstreet and the Recreation Center.                our community safe and healthy.

Town Administrator’s Report – Fall 2021                                                                                                                   3
Town Administrator's Report - Fall 2021
Building Division
                                                                                   3rd Quarter Statistics
                                                                                   Q3 Single-Family Permits: 218
                                                                                     $82,990,867 Q3 valuation
                                                                                     539 total in 2021
                                                                                     $205,439,762 total valuation
                                                                                     251 / $90,608,725 End Q3 2020

                                                                                   Q3 Multi-Family Permits: 0
                                                                                     $0 Q3 valuation
                                                                                     0 apartment units in 2021
                                                                                     0 condo units
                                                                                     9 townhome units
                                                                                     $55,000 total valuation

Community Development                                                                ----------------------
                                                                                     14 / $33,895,415 End Q3 2020

                                                                                   Q3 Other Permits: 765
Planning Division Updates                                                            $6,387,647Q3 valuation
LDO Modernization Project                 work tasks and special projects that       ----------------------
The Town continues to work on the         the Planning and Building Divisions        2,155 total in 2021
Land Development Ordinance (LDO)          desire to accomplish for the year.         $16,826,171 total valuation
Modernization project. The current        Many of the special projects are long-     ----------------------
LDO was originally adopted at the         term, multi-year projects that include     2,705 / $22,559,843 End Q3 2020
time of the Town’s incorporation in       community outreach and may be
1981 from Douglas County zoning,          carried over from previous years until   Q3 Commercial Permits (New): 6
and while updated significantly           completed - while other projects are       $23,873,574 Q3 valuation
over the years, is in need of a           added to the annual work program to        ----------------------
comprehensive update. This project        ensure seamless, continued planning        12 total in 2021
began in Q4 of 2018 and is slated to      of our community. Challenges such          $30,097,416 total valuation
be complete in a year.                    as changes in funding or staffing may      ----------------------
                                          delay completion or the start of a         24 / $26,048,359 End Q3 2020
Drafts are occurring in three             project. Visit
installments called ‘modules’. Staff      CDWorkPlan for more information.         Q3 Commercial Permits
and the consultant are currently                                                   (Remodel): 219
working on a draft of Module 2 –          Open Space, Trails and                     $4,450,125 Q3 valuation
Development Standards. A public           Greenways Master Plan Update               ----------------------
draft of Module 2 will be available       Beginning this winter, the Community       654 total in 2021
on the project website late later this    Development Department will                $8,572,446 total valuation
year.                                     embark on an update of the Open            ----------------------
                                          Space Trails and Greenways                 575 / $16,246,353 End Q3 2020
The updated LDO will facilitate           Master Plan. This Plan reflects the
a more transparent, modern and            community vision that open space         Q3 Total Permits: 1,208
efficient approach to how the             and trails go beyond community             ----------------------
Town manages future growth and            amenities and are interwoven into the      3,369 total in 2021
development by better aligning            places we live work and play.              ----------------------
the LDO with the vision, goals and                                                   3,569 / End Q3 2020
policies of the Parker 2035 Master        The Plan was last updated in 2010
                                                                                   Q3 Total Permits Valuation:
Plan and other adopted planning           and since then, there have been
documents. Other benefits of this         many changes in the Town. The plan
project include adoption of best          amendment will update the existing
                                                                                    $265,440,920 2021
practices in zoning and a more            conditions map and use these maps
                                                                                    Total Valuation
efficient, easier-to-use regulation.      and data to evaluate the trails and
Visit for        opens space system to determine
                                                                                    $189,358,695 / End Q3 2020
more information.                         missing trail links and important
                                                                                    Total Valuation
                                          opens space connections. Visit
2021 Community Development       for
                                                                                   Q3 Inspections: 10,578
                                          more information.
Work Program                                                                        ----------------------
The annual Community Development                                                    29,480 total in 2021
Work Program is now available for                                                   ----------------------
review on the Town’s website. The                                                   23,139 / End Q3 2020
Work Program identifies on-going

Town Administrator’s Report – Fall 2021                                                                                4
Town Administrator's Report - Fall 2021
Community Development - con't
Development Review - Project Updates
Development Projects of Interest - Under Review
See the Development Tour Map at for information on all projects in Town.
Project Description                                                          Project Type            Case #

Newlin Crossing                                                              Sketch Plan             SUB20-041
* NE corner of Chambers Road and Mainstreet                                  Preliminary Plan        SUB20-042
* 290 single-family lots along with parks and open space

Compark Village South                                                        Site Plan               SP21-118
* W of Chambers Road on future Belford Avenue
* 300 multifamily homes with parks and landscaping

Olde Town/Senderos Creek North                                               Final Plat              SUB21-064
* S of Mainstreet, E of Jordan Road                                          Site Plan               SP21-023
* 122 townhomes along with parks

Olde Town/Senderos Creek Office and Commercial                               Site Plan               SP19-131
* S of Mainstreet, E of Jordan Road
* Two 24,761 sq. ft. two-story commercial/office buildings

Lincoln Professional Park (Peaslee) Commercial                               Subdivision and         SUB21-055
* SE corner of Lincoln Avenue and Dransfeldt Road                            Preliminary Site Plan   SP21-107
* Future commercial uses

Clarke Commercial, Oralabs Addition                                          Site Plan               SP20-111
* N of Plaza Drive, E of Twenty Mile Road
* 27,174 sq. ft. addition to existing Oralabs facility

Kime Ranch Annexation and Zoning                                             Annexation              ANX21-005
* N of Mainstreet at Willow Park Drive                                       Zoning                  Z21-007
* 150 single family home lots with parks and open space                      Sketch Plan             SUB21-053
                                                                             Preliminary Plan        SUB21-054

Anthology North                                                              Sketch Plan             SUB20-005
* S of Hess Road, W of Motsenbocker Road                                     Preliminary Plan        SUB20-006
* 496 lots, future development tracts, parks and open space on 1,099 acres

Townhomes at Pine Drive                                                      Sketch Plan             SUB20-043
* NE corner of Pine Drive and Summerset Lane                                 Preliminary Plan        SUB20-044
* 85 attached townhome lots, along with parks, trails and open space

Looking Glass (Hess Ranch) Segment 2A                                        Sketch Plan             SUB20-010
* SW of Crowfoot Valley Road and Stroh Road                                  Preliminary Plan        SUB20-011
* 905 residential lots, future development and commercial tracts,
  parks and open space on 342.86 acres

   Project Focus: Compark Village
   South Multifamily Homes
   Currently under review west of Chambers
   Road and south of E-470 is a multifamily
   home neighborhood with parks,
   landscaping and open space. The project
   proposes 300 new multifamily homes
   with over 9 acres of landscaped area and

Town Administrator’s Report – Fall 2021                                                                          5
Town Administrator's Report - Fall 2021
Community Development - con't
Major Administrative Approvals - 3rd Quarter 2021
Proposal                                                      Applicant               Case #           Approval Date

Mark Six Business Amendment 2, Lot 2                          Tahoe Land Services     SP18-066         July 13
* At the end of Clarke Road east of Dransfeldt Road
* 18,466 sq. ft. flex office building

Parker and Pine Filing No. 2m Potes 1-3                       Kimley Horn             SP20-084         Aug. 19
* W of Parker Road south of Pine Lane
* 170 unit multifamily housing

Parkglenn Filing No. 2, Block 2                               Masterworks LLC         SP18-119         Sept. 20
* SE corner of Parker Road and Parkglenn Drive
* Removal of existing gas station, replace with a new
  coffee shop. Carwash to remain and be remodeled.

Trails at Crowfoot Filing No. 16                              E5X Management          SUB20-040        Sept. 20
* NW corner of Bayou Gulch Road and North Pinery Parkway
* Final Plat to create lots for 42 duplex units

Parker and Pine Filing No. 1, Lot 2                           Murphy USA              SP20-019         Sept. 27
* W of Parker Road south of Pine Lane
* Convenience store with gas

  Development Review Submittals - 3rd Quarter                Development Review Submittals* - Year Total

                                                           * Figure is the annual projection for the year 2021

  Development Review Approvals - 3rd Quarter

                                                           See the Development Tour Map at
                                                           Development for information on all projects in Town.

Town Administrator’s Report – Fall 2021                                                                            6
Town Administrator's Report - Fall 2021
                                                                                   • More than 3,000 participants
                                                                                     attended this year’s Honey
                                                                                     Stop on Aug. 1, held in
                                                                                     conjunction with the Parker
                                                                                     Farmers Market. Two new
                                                                                     events this year included
                                                                                     Story Time and a competitive
                                                                                     Jepar-Bee (like Jeopardy)
                                                                                     game, where the winner won
                                                                                     prizes that included honey
                                                                                     from local vendors. Students
                                                                                     from Legend High School’s
                                                                                     Special Education (SPED)
                                                                                     class helped with art prep for
                                                                                     the festival, while Legend High
                                                                                     School Honor Society students

Cultural Department                                                                  manned the art booth and
                                                                                     an educational activity
                                                                                     during the event. Parker Arts
Box Office Highlights                     Education                                  Volunteers, along with a few
                                                                                     of our Cultural Commissioners,
• Little Shop of Horrors, our first       • Parker Arts ran 58 individual            managed the crowds.
  mainstage theatrical musical since        enrichment summer camps with
  the easing of COVID-19 restrictions,      local and national educational         • More than 150 people took
  ran for 18 performances in June/          vendors, serving a total of 1,009        part in this year’s Parker
  July and was enthusiastically             kids. As compared to the 407 kids        Quest, the theme of which
  received by audiences eager to            served in 2020 amid the COVID-19         was local railroad history.
  enjoy live theater again after more       pandemic, it appears that families       An anonymous donation
  than 16 months. The show received         are willing to be out and engaged        allowed us to have a train
  positive reviews from patrons and         with the community.                      ride for participants after
  several local publications.                                                        they completed the Quest.
                                          • On Pointe School of Dance ended
                                                                                     Lutheran High School’s Honor
• The big news is that “we are back”        summer by opening fall classes.
                                                                                     Society and Parker Arts
  and rebuilding our audiences              While the number of fall classes
                                                                                     Volunteers helped manage
  steadily. Parker Arts will definitely     average around 45, registration is
                                                                                     games in the plaza. Mayor
  sell out at least a couple of             up by 60% as compared to 2020
                                                                                     Toborg played the character
  performances in fourth quarter.           and 6% as compared to 2019.
                                                                                     of Mayor O’Brien, and various
                                          • Parker Arts commenced marketing          other costumed characters
Development                                 efforts to schools and teachers          were along the route as well.
• The beginning of the 2021-2022            to share information regarding           The Herzog Home and The
  season has been successful and            the 2021/2022 Student Matinee            Rhode House tied as this
  our members and patrons continue          Series. Over 800 teachers at 106         year’s favorite stops.
  to be thankful that we live in a          schools from Douglas County,
  community that has such easy              Cherry Creek, El Paso, Elbert,         • Parker Arts attended 10
  access to the arts.                       Denver, Littleton, and Aurora            farmers markets between
                                            were reached via individual mail,        Southlands, Parker and
• Parker Arts Members enjoyed a             email, and through their district        Castle Rock and promoted
  personal question and answer              communications departments.              our Discovery Park Concert
  session with John Driskell Hopkins                                                 Series, 10 Year Anniversary
  of The John Driskell Hopkins Band                                                  Celebration, and summer and
  (and Zac Brown Band) before his         Facility Rentals                           fall camps and classes. As
  Sept. 16 PACE Center performance,       • This quarter, we booked our              partners of the Parker Artists
  as well as a fun members-only             first full facility wedding rental,      Guild, we also attended Art in
  bath soap and body scrub making           including a ceremony in Ruth             the Park.
  event this month. Many are looking        Memorial Chapel, cocktail hour
  forward to the monthly member             in The Schoolhouse Plaza, dinner       • Concert goers were thrilled to
  events leading up to the holidays.        in the event room with buffet            have us back during the month
                                            set up in the meeting room, and          of August for our Discovery
• We’re proud to announce that we           dancing, desserts, and drinks in The     Park Concert Series and can’t
  welcomed Fika Coffee House as a           Schoolhouse theater/lobby area.          wait until next year for us to
  new sponsor to the PACE Center.                                                    offer them in June and July.

Town Administrator’s Report – Fall 2021                                                                                7
Town Administrator's Report - Fall 2021
Economic Development                                                                Upcoming Business
Better Days Ahead                                                                   Cybersecurity Summit for Small
We continue to live in very turbulent                                               Businesses
times. The outlook of our business                                                  • Oct. 28, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
districts throughout the region and
                                                                                    • All Virtual -- Tracks include:
country remain extremely uncertain.
                                                                                      * Governance, Risk and
Current predictions from Cushman
                                                                                        Compliance Cybersecurity
and Wakefield suggest the return to
office will begin in the first quarter
of 2022 for the U.S. with many                                                       * Key Notes for the experts
companies continuing to have their                                                  • Learn more and register at
employees work remotely or hybrid                                           
                                                                                    Veterans Small Business
Businesses are challenged with
a workforce shortages, supply                                                       Conference
chain disruptions, cost of materials      reported the highest rate of 6.8          • Nov. 4, 8 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
cost going up, higher than normal         percent. Retail sales in Metro Denver
                                                                                    • The premier business training
inflation that continues to impact        rose 23.4 percent between June
                                                                                      event for veteran entrepreneurs
many sectors including retail,            2020 and 2021. All seven counties
                                                                                      In Person
hospitality, real estate development,     in Metro Denver reported over-the-
construction and manufacturing to         year increases in retail sales. Douglas   • Pinery at the Hill, Colorado
name a few.                               County reported the largest increase        Springs
                                          of 45.4 percent, followed by Denver       • Learn more and register at
Good news, Colorado ranked No.            County (+26.4 percent) and Adams  
7 in the U.S. for best health care        County (+24.2 percent). Broomfield
systems when compared with                County reported the most modest
the 50 states and the District of         increase of 11.5 percent.                 Veteran-Owned
Columbia according to WalletHub.
Employment in Metro Denver                As we move forward and hopefully          Business Directory
increased 6.2 percent between July        move past the pandemic sooner             • Support our local veteran-owned
2020 and 2021, rising by 100,300          rather than later, we must remain           businesses!
jobs.                                     optimistic and continue to support
                                                                                    • Learn more at
                                          our local economy and businesses so
Unemployment in Metro Denver              they can survive, thrive and make for
decreased 2 percentage points             a brighter future. The Town of Parker
over-the-year to 5.9 percent in           champions entrepreneurs, small to
July. All seven counties in Metro         large, and emerging businesses by
Denver reported over the-year             connecting them to resources to
decreases in the unemployment rate.       help foster sustainability and growth.
Douglas County reported the lowest
unemployment rate of 4.6 percent in
July, while Adams County

Town Administrator’s Report – Fall 2021                                                                                 8
Town Administrator's Report - Fall 2021
Economic Development - con't
Conquering Risk                                              Colorado Employee Ownership Office
This past month, Americas SBDC held its annual national      Employee-owned businesses
conference virtually. The theme was "Conquering Risk",       promote a higher quality of life for
and one presenter, author Emily McHugh, International        employee-owners including higher
Trade Consultant for the Florida SBDC, made the              wages, less turnover, access to
observation that "the biggest risk of all is INERTIA."       better benefits, and job security. For the business owner,
Why? In today's changing business environment, not           they get the benefit of a more engaged workforce, a
even stagnation is safe. Moving forward is a risk worth      guaranteed succession plan, and a way to attract and
embracing. The consultants and staff of the Aurora-          retain top talent.
South Metro Small Business Development Center took
in a wealth of information and are ready to share their      Find more information in the Colorado Economic
knowledge and expertise with you.                            Development and International Trade Programs and
                                                             Funding 's Introduction to Employee Ownership Toolkit at
Request an appointment today at                    

                                                             Economic Development and
Business Idea Lab
Do you want to start a business?
                                                             International Trade Programs and
We can help! Rocky Mountain                                  Funding
MicroFinance Institute (RMMFI)                               We work with statewide partners to create a positive
is accepting applications for our                            business climate that encourages dynamic economic
next cohort of Business Idea Lab in Aurora. Business Idea    development and sustainable job growth.
Lab helps entrepreneurs turn their business dream into a
fully-formed business idea. This 5-session program covers    For more information:
the basics of business ownership and what personal           Programs-and-Funding.
characteristics and commitment it takes to become a
successful entrepreneur. Idea Lab sets entrepreneurs
up for success in the next step of RMMFI programming,        Parker Business Revolving Loan Fund
Business Launch Boot Camp, and seed loans are available      The Colorado Enterprise Fund (CEF), in partnership with
upon completion of the program. Applications are due         the Town of Parker, has created the Parker Business
October 13.                                                  Revolving Loan Fund to provide access to capital
                                                             and business coaching for start-up and existing small
Learn more and sign up at:          businesses in the Town of Parker that are unable to
                                                             secure traditional bank financing.
United States Patent and                                     Small businesses and start-ups in Parker can apply
Trademark Office                                             for a loan for start-up expenses, equipment, inventory
Several Intellectual Property                                purchases, operations, relocations or property
                                                             improvements. Loans can also be used to purchase a
(IP) events start in October and                             business or franchise. To be eligible for loans, businesses
each one will be presented in                                must have gross revenues of less than $2 million per year
Spanish, followed by an English                              and have their primary office or operations located in
equivalent. Take a look at all                               Parker. Interested applicants can fill out a loan inquiry
these and more information-                                  form.
packed sessions, including The Path to a Patent series and
the Trademark Basics Boot Camp series.                       For more information about the Parker Business
USPTO-hosted events are free of charge.                      Loan Fund, contact the Colorado Enterprise Fund at
                                                             303.860.0242 or Parker Economic Development at
Visit for more information.                    303.805.6200.

Digital and Physical Storefronts
By all accounts, consumer spending is up. So why aren’t
small shops and restaurants always reaping the benefits?
Well, one of the reasons is their digital doorways are
closed shut! As we create welcoming and interactive
environments within physical spaces, it’s equally as
important to do the same online.

Learn more at

Town Administrator’s Report – Fall 2021                                                                                    9
Town Administrator's Report - Fall 2021
Engineering and Public Works
Traffic and Sidewalk Projects
North Parker Road Operational             Parker Road Sidewalk - East Side
Improvements                              Connection Project
• Traffic and multi-modal operational     • Installation of a multi-use trail/
  improvements on Parker Road               sidewalk on the east side of Parker
  between Lincoln Ave and E-470             Road from Sulphur Gulch Trail to
Preliminary design work is complete.        just south of Parker Square Drive
Intergovernmental agreements to             with a pedestrian bridge over
commit State, Federal and County            Sulphur Gulch                         Parker Road Sidewalk
funding project were brought Town         Design is underway. The Town            Project - South (pictured above)
Council and approved in summer            received approval for partial State     • Installation of a multi-use trail/
2021.                                     multi-modal funding. Project bidding      sidewalk on the west side of Parker
                                          is anticipated to occur in late 2022,     Road between Twenty Mile Road
Responsive Signal System                  with construction to take place in        and Hess Road, along with a spur to
Expansion                                 2023.                                     the Cherry Creek Trail
• Installation of seven new count                                                 Construction is underway with an
                                          Downtown Circulation
  stations and monitoring equipment,                                              anticipated November completion
  as well as creation of new              Improvements (map on next page)         date. The Town has received approval
  Traffic Responsive control signal       • Pedestrian safety and circulation     for partial State multi-modal funding.
  programming                               improvements on Victorian Drive       An intergovernmental agreement was
Design is underway and an                   and Mainstreet, including a traffic   approved by Town Council in October
intergovernmental agreement with            signal at the Mainstreet/Victorian    2020 to solidify State funding.
CDOT was approved by Town Council           Drive (west) intersection
during summer 2021 to secure joint        The construction contract was           Pikes Peak Drive Sidewalks
funding on the project. Pending           awarded by Town Council in summer       • Widening of sidewalks on Pikes
approval of the design by CDOT, the       2021. Construction will be underway       Peak Drive between Sulphur Gulch
project will be bid out in late 2021      this fall and is anticipated to be        bridge and Mainstreet.
with full operation by summer 2022.       completed by late spring 2022.
                                                                                  Design is underway with construction
                                                                                  tentatively scheduled for 2023.
Motsenbocker Road/French                  Mainstreet North Sidewalks
Creek Avenue Traffic Signal               • Widening of sidewalks on the
• Installation of a mast arm traffic        north side of Mainstreet between
  signal at the Motsenbocker Road/          Victorian Drive and the east          Recreation Projects
  French Creek Ave. intersection            property line of Town & Country       Jordan Road Undercrossing
                                            Village Townhomes                     Project
Design on the project is progressing.
Pending approval of the 2022 budget,      Design is underway with construction    • Construction of an under-crossing
the project is anticipated to be          tentatively scheduled for summer          along the East-West Regional Trail
constructed in 2022.                      2022.                                     at Jordan Road
                                                                                  This project is substantially complete.

Town Administrator’s Report – Fall 2021                                                                                10
Engineering and Public Works - con't
Roadway Projects
Cottonwood Drive Widening                 Lincoln Avenue Widening
• Jordan Road to Cottonwood Way           • Widening of Lincoln Avenue from
Construction is underway with               four to six lanes between Keystone
traffic switched to the new Cherry          Boulevard and Parker Road
Creek bridge (south of the existing       Design of the project is underway
bridge). With the traffic switched,       with construction tentatively
upgrades to the existing bridge and       forecasted for 2024/2025
reconstruction of the old roadway are
underway. Construction operations         Twenty-Mile Road/Mainstreet
are continuing with a target of           Turn Lanes
opening the entire roadway to the
four-lane configuration by the end        • Addition of a second left turn
of 2021, but work will remain to be         lane eastbound on Mainstreet at
completed in the spring of 2022. The        Twenty-Mile Road, adding a right
overall project is anticipated to be        turn lane southbound on Twenty-        Southwest Parker Road/
completed in late spring of 2022.           Mile at Mainstreet and adding a left   Mainstreet Improvements
                                            turn lane on Twenty-Mile Road at
                                                                                   (map above)
                                            Stage Run
Jordan Road/Newlin Gulch                                                           • Widening of turn lane at the
Improvements                              Design is underway and construction
                                                                                     southwest corner of Parker Road/
                                          is tentatively scheduled for spring/
• Widening of Jordan Road and                                                        Mainstreet
                                          summer 2022.
  the Newlin Gulch bridge between                                                  The project is underway and
  Lincoln Avenue and Rockbrook                                                     expected to be completed by
                                          Motsenbocker/Hess Intersection
  Boulevard and addition of sidewalk                                               November.
  on the west side of Jordan Road         Improvements (map below)
  between Village Center Drive and        • Improvements at the
  Stonegate Parkway                         Motsenbocker/Hess intersection
Design of the project is currently          and widening south
on hold pending budget allocation         The construction contract was
in 2022. Construction is tentatively      awarded by Town Council in summer
scheduled for 2024/2025.                  2021 with construction anticipated to
                                          begin in October. Work is anticipated
                                          to be completed in late spring 2022.

Town Administrator’s Report – Fall 2021                                                                                 11
Engineering and Public Works - con't
Stormwater Projects
                                                                                     Annual Roadway
Cherry Creek at KOA                       Brandy Gulch at Looking Glass
• Channel and bank stabilization from     • Channel and bank stabilization from
  McCabe Meadows Trailhead Parking          the confluence point with Lemon          Roadway Resurfacing
  lot to a point approximately 1,000        Gulch to a point along Brandy Gulch      • Roto-milling and resurfacing
  feet north                                approximately 2,700 feet west              Twenty Mile Road from
This project has been substantially       This project is under construction with      Mainstreet to Lincoln,
completed and is currently under          substantial completion anticipated           Lincoln Meadows Pkwy from
revegetation monitoring.                  by the end of the summer of 2021.            Lincoln to Dransfeldt, and
                                          Additional revegetation efforts will be      Mainstreet from Riva Ridge
                                          employed as necessary in the spring          to east Town boundary
Lemon Gulch at Meadowlark
                                          and beyond until permit close-out is       This project is substantially
• Channel and bank stabilization          achieved.                                  complete. Close-out work is
  from Crowfoot Valley Road to the
                                                                                     still being performed.
  Meadowlark property boundary
                                          Cherry Creek at Dransfeldt
This project has been substantially                                                  Concrete Repair
                                          • Channel and bank stabilization from
completed and is currently under
                                            PSCo transmission lines to a point       • Misc. sidewalk, concrete
revegetation monitoring.
                                            approximately 2,500 feet south             pavement and curb and
                                          This project is within the preliminary       gutter repairs
Lemon Gulch at Looking Glass
                                          design phase. Final design is              This project began in May and
• Channel and bank stabilization          anticipated for 2021 with construction     is 75% complete.
  from the Looking Glass property         anticipated to begin in summer 2022.
  boundary west of Crowfoot Valley
  Road to a point along Lemon Gulch                                                  Parking Lot Maintenance
  approximately 4,000 feet southwest                                                 • Concrete repairs and
                                          Jordan Tributary at Bradbury                 asphalt preservation, Parker
This project is under construction with   Ranch
substantial completion anticipated by                                                  Police Department, Town
fourth quarter 2021.                      • Channel and bank stabilization             Recreation Center, Dog Park
                                            from an existing stormwater pond         The Police Department
West Stroh Gulch at                         immediately upstream of Mainstreet       parking lot work is complete.
                                            to a point along Jordan Tributary        Close-out work is still being
Anthology North
                                            approximately 3,600 feet north           performed.
• Channel and bank stabilization
                                          This project is within the final
  from an existing drop structure
  immediately upstream of French
                                          design and permitting phase with           Asphalt Rejuvenation
                                          construction anticipated to begin in
  Creek Loop to a point along West                                                   • Application of asphalt
                                          first/second quarter 2022.
  Stroh Gulch approximately 5,100                                                      rejuvenator to surface
  feet southwest                                                                       to extend pavement life,
                                          Cottonwood Meadows Tributary                 Cottonwood Highlands and
This project is under final design
                                          • Channel and bank stabilization             Salisbury Heights
and permitting with construction
anticipated for first/second quarter        from an existing stormwater pond         This project is complete.
2022.                                       immediately upstream of Jordan           Retainage will be released to
                                            Road to the confluence with Cherry       the vendor in October.
                                            Creek approximately 1,200 feet east
Green Acres Tributary at Compark
Village South                             This project is within the final           Townwide Pavement
                                          design and permitting phase with           Preservation
• Channel and bank stabilization          construction anticipated to begin in
  from a Culvert under E-470 to a                                                    • Microsurfacing, slurry seal
                                          second/third quarter 2022.
  point along Green Acres Tributary                                                    and chip seal on local,
  approximately 4,200 feet southwest                                                   collector and arterial streets
                                          Cimarron Middle School Pond
This project is under construction                                                   This project began in May
                                          • Structure retrofits and
with completion anticipated for                                                      and is 90% complete. Minor
                                            improvements to a regional
fourth quarter 2021. Temporary                                                       slurry seal work remains to be
                                            stormwater pond adjacent to
and structural stabilization shall                                                   completed in October.
                                            Cimarron Middle School
be implemented upon substantial
completion. Full stabilization,           This project is within the final design/
including seeding and plantings, will     permitting phase and is anticipated to
be installed in early spring 2022.        begin in fourth quarter 2021.

Town Administrator’s Report – Fall 2021                                                                                 12
                                                                                    This time of year, Parks
                                                                                    staff is still heavily into
                                                                                    daily maintenance and prep
                                                                                    endeavors, as well as routine
                                                                                    inspections and repairs, as
                                                                                    needed. One of the Division's
                                                                                    larger accomplishments of
                                                                                    the third quarter, outside of
                                                                                    the daily functions, was laser
                                                                                    grading Salisbury ballfields 1
                                                                                    and 4, as well as the Tallman
                                                                                    Meadow ballfield. Staff tries to
                                                                                    regrade two to three fields each
                                                                                    year to keep them safe and in
                                                                                    tip-top playing condition.

Parks and Recreation
Special Events                             Sports
• National Park and Recreation             The Sports Division recently
  Month (July) – This program of           welcomed Emma Polzer and Alfredo
  the National Recreation and Park         Negrin as full-time Recreation Sports
  Association helps raise awareness        Coordinators.
  of the vital impact that parks and
  recreation has on communities            Aquatics
  across the U.S. Activities included
  the very popular Duck Hunt on the        During the annual maintenance
                                           closure at the Parker Recreation
                                                                                    Forestry/Open Space
  Cherry Creek Trail and the “My Park                                               Forestry/Open Space
  and Recreation Story” campaign,          Center, the therapy pool was
                                           completely drained and the pool shell    staff continued its normal
  which highlighted stories of how                                                  maintenance functions in
  the community is stronger, more          scrubbed. This is also when all annual
                                           maintenance took place, including:       the third quarter, including
  vibrant and more resilient because                                                open space mowing, trail
  of Parker Parks and Recreation.          repainting depth markers, cleaning
                                           the bottom of the activity pool,         maintenance, tree work and
                                                                                    Integrated Pest Management
• Kids’ TRY-athlon (July 17) – Boys        cleaning all pool filtration systems
                                                                                    practices. Additionally,
  and girls of all ability levels showed   and chemical storage, repairing and
                                           repainting the diving board, inventory   they completed in-house
  their skills in swimming, biking                                                  installation of additional soft-
  and running. The new location at         of equipment, and painting of most of
                                           the walls in the aquatic center.         surface trail (pictured above)
  H2O’Brien Pool hosted 180 kids.                                                   and conducted oversight
                                                                                    of this year’s concrete trail
• H2O Glow Swim (Aug. 6) –                 Fitness and Wellness                     replacement contract.
  Families lit up the night with an
  after-hours, glow-in-the-dark pool       A contract amendment with United
                                           HealthCare was completed to
  party at H2O’Brien Pool. About
                                           expand upon the RenewActive              Therapeutic
  125 participants joined us for this
  inaugural event.                         program and offer the OnePass            Recreation/Active
                                           option to their participants. It’s
                                                                                    Aging Adults
• Princess Ball (Sept. 10) – Held          much like SilverSneakers, where
                                                                                    With the assistance from the
  at the PACE Center, 136 princes          the participants receive a free basic
                                           Recreation Membership and the            Parks Division, TR staff was
  and princesses danced the night
                                           facility is reimbursed monthly based     able to provide support for the
  away and enjoyed crafts and
                                           on participant usage.                    Parker Senior Center Reopening
  refreshments with friends and
                                                                                    event on Sept. 23. By providing
  special guest princesses.
                                                                                    canopies, tables and chairs, the
                                           Facilities                               Senior Center didn’t have to
• So Long to Summer 5K/10K                                                          worry about moving the lunch
                                           The Facilities Division recently
  (Sept. 18) – Nearly 200 registrants                                               location. The event allowed
                                           welcomed Michael Harwerth,
  enjoyed the end of another summer                                                 staff to promote Parker Parks
                                           Recreation Supervisor–Facilities,
  with a workout with family and                                                    and Recreation programs to
                                           Jessica Skiera, Day Camp Director,
  friends and rewarded themselves                                                   more than 200 community
                                           and Allie Burk, Assistant Day Camp
  with delicious pancakes at the end.                                               attendees.

Town Administrator’s Report – Fall 2021                                                                                13
Parks and Recreation - con't
                                          By the Numbers - 3rd Quarter
                                                         Day Camp                                       Parks
                                                               173                                       473
                                              Families served through the Summer           Working hours for trash service
                                              2021 Fieldhouse Day Camp program.           (emptying cans, picking up litter).

                                                             140%                                         54
                                                  Increase in After School Care           New tree replacements planted by
                                                   participants from August to                       contractors.

                 Sports                                                                                  785
                                                                                          Employee hours of mowing the 38
                   270                                                                   acres of irrigated turf and 39 acres of
      Responses to our pickleball                                                               native park mow areas.
  participant survey that will be used
    to add programming and make
 modifications to courts and systems
                                                                                          Event set-ups/teardowns for Town
 for an improved players' experience.
                                                                                                and third party events.

               Aquatics                                                                                  175
                                                                                          Athletic field preps for Town and
                    123                                                                   third-party games or field rentals.
  Registrants for the inaugural H2O
 Glow Swim event at H2O’Brien Pool.
                                                Forestry/Open Space                                     6 to 7
                                                                                         Miles walked each time staff strings
             Kids' Zone                                        43                           and repaints an athletic field.
                                                       Dead tree removals.
   Mini summer camps, including                                                                           40
 cooking, science and sports camps.
                                                             2,000                          Repairs of vandalism damage.
                                               Dog waste bags restocked per week
  Each camp was at capacity with a
                                              at USMC David M. Sonka Dog Park, on
             waiting list!
                                                           average.                                    2,000
                                                                                          Square feet of sod replacement for
                                                                                          turf repairs at O’Brien and Tallman
               Facilities                                       26                                   Meadow Parks.
                                                  Miles of trail shoulder mowed
                   449                                  throughout Town.
 Memberships sold in third quarter,                                                                      273
along with 614 10- or 20-Visit Passes.                           8                        Plants and shrubs planted at Town
                                                 Miles of dedicated ‘Horse Trail’         Hall, Old Town Hall and Railbender
                                                mowed along Cherry Creek Trail.
                 35,621                                                                                  Park.
  Visits to H2O’Brien Pool during the
              2021 season.                                     6+                                         47
                                                Truck beds full of garbage bags          Corn stalks, as well as 12 straw bales
                     37                        and debris picked up following the         and 37 pumpkins, placed around
Birthday parties at the Fieldhouse or            Mayor’s Day of Service event.                   Town for Fall décor.
Recreation Center from July through
            September.                                       4,716
                                                Linear feet of yellow lane-divider
                                              center lines painted along the trails at
Therapeutic Recreation/                                    blind corners.
  Active Aging Adults
                      3                                      6,706
                                                Square feet (838.25 linear feet) of
  Capacity outings for the Summer
                                                 damaged concrete trail surface
Field Trip program. Trips included the
 zoo, movie theater and Boondocks.                  replaced during this year.

Town Administrator’s Report – Fall 2021                                                                                         14
Department Updates

Parker Police
Public Safety Updates                                                              New Officers Sworn-In
Stolen Vehicle Recovered and              Shooting Suspect Arrested                (pictured above)
Suspects Arrested                         Officers arrested Antonio Meraz-         Officer Martin (L) and Officer
Parker Officers located a stolen          Loya, suspected of a shooting            Naro (R) were sworn in as
vehicle in the parking lot of a Parker    on Dransfeldt Road, on July 13.          the newest members of the
home improvement store. Officers          Parker Detectives recommended            Parker Police Department in
saw three suspects run from the           the filing of eight charges against      August. Officer Martin recently
back of the business and took two         Meraz-Loya, including Attempted          graduated from the police
into custody immediately. The third       First Degree Murder. The Parker          academy and is a veteran of
suspect was in a nearby building          Police Department appreciates the        the United States Marine Corps.
and arrested by Officers with the         assistance of the Douglas County         Officer Naro joins us from the
assistance of the Douglas County          Sheriff's Office Impact Unit and Erie    Montrose Police Department.
Sheriff's Office K-9 Unit. Two            Police Department in the arrest of the   Officers Martin and Naro will
suspects were arrested on suspicion       suspect.                                 now enter our Police Training
of auto theft, and the third had                                                   Officer program as they prepare
outstanding warrants.                     Missing Teen Found                       to serve Parker residents.
                                          Parker Detectives spent countless
K-9 Team Locates Firearm                  hours searching for a runaway
(pictured below)                          teen who was gone for nearly two
Parker Officers arrested a suspect in     months. She was located safe and
the Ironstone Apartment complex in        returned to her family in September.
August. The individual left a loaded      The community responded helping
gun on a porch or patio of one of the     us share her photos to more than
apartments but couldn't remember          46,000 people.
which one. K-9 Officer Cashman and
K-9 Rico were
able to locate
the firearm,
it from the                                                                        Officer Britton Receives Award
community.                                                                         (pictured above)
                                                                                   Officer Dan Britton received the
                                                                                   2021 Respect for Law Award
                                                                                   from the Denver Tech Center
                                                                                   Optimist Club at their annual
                                                                                   Respect for Law dinner. Dan
                                                                                   is the School Resource Officer
                                                                                   at Legend High School. He
                                                                                   was honored for his work as
                                                                                   a school resource officer and
                                                                                   his involvement in the unified
                                                                                   sports program.

Town Administrator’s Report – Fall 2021                                                                               15
Parker Police - con't
Community Outreach and Programs
Cops N Special Olympics (pictured top right)
We can't think of a better way to spend a Sunday
morning than playing softball against our friends on the
Special Olympics Colorado Parker Power softball team.
Commander Peters, Commander Coleman, Sergeant
Schivinski, Sergeant Holmes, Officer Faulkner, Officer
Holmes, Officer Kelsay and Dispatcher Deb Daily
represented the Parker Police Department. The afternoon
concluded with a picnic and trophy presentation. A
perfect event to end summer!

Teen Police Academy (pictured middle right)
Skidding patrol vehicles, barking K-9s and the SWAT team
were a few of the highlights of our Teen Police Academy.
More than 40 Parker teens learned about the department
and its programs, officers, and staff who serve Parker

Citizen’s Academy
More than 20 Parker residents are learning about the
Parker Police Department at the fall Citizen's Police
Academy. The virtual academy allows residents to learn
about police department programs from their homes.
They were able to tour police vehicles and meet mounted
patrol at the PD. They will experience firing the weapons
PPD officers use at range day.

Copsicles in the Park (pictured below)
Parker Officers spent time out in the heat with young
people at Railbender Skatepark. Officers passed out more
than 150 ice-cold treats on July 7 and July 21 to help the
kids beat the heat and spark conversations.

Town Administrator’s Report – Fall 2021                      16
Municipal Court                                            Town Clerk's Office
Teen Court Update                                          Statistics – 3rd Quarter 2021
New Teen Court Judges (pictured below)                      Community Event Permits
Parker Teen Court recently appointed three new teen         •   2017 Total – 68
judges for the program. Municipal Court Judge Kevin
Sidel swore in (pictured left to right) Olivia Lombard,
                                                            •   2018 Total – 60
Lakshmi Ganapaneni and Nandhana Vivek to serve the          •   2019 Total – 74
court.                                                      •   2020 Total – 51 (27 withdrawn due to COVID-19)
                                                            •   2021 YTD – 52

                                                            Special Events Permits Processed
                                                            (Events with Liquor)
                                                            •   2017 Total – 33
                                                            •   2018 Total – 31
                                                            •   2019 Total – 23
                                                            •   2020 Total – 9 (6 withdrawn due to COVID-19)
                                                            •   2021 YTD – 23

                                                            Active Liquor Licenses
                                                            •   2017 – 97
                                                            •   2018 – 107
                                                            •   2019 – 117
Teen Court is a community-based intervention /
                                                            •   2020 Total – 117
prevention program designed to provide an alternative       •   2021 – 124
response to the juvenile justice system for first-time,
nonviolent, misdemeanor juvenile offenders, in which        Open Records Requests
community youth determine appropriate sanctions for the
offender.                                                   •   2017 Total – 120
                                                            •   2018 Total – 119
The program's mission is to reduce juvenile crime by        •   2019 Total – 187
expanding the quality of youth and juvenile justice         •   2020 Total – 194
through positive peer influence and to strive to achieve
                                                            •   2021 YTD – 164
results that exceed the expectations of our community.

                                                            Peddlers and Solicitors Permits
                                                            •   2017 Total – 30
                                                            •   2018 Total – 18
                                                            •   2019 Total – 21
                                                            •   2020 Total – 18
                                                            •   2021 YTD – 13

Town Administrator’s Report – Fall 2021                                                                        17
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