Transportation October 2018 - Local Development Plan - Fermanagh & Omagh District Council

Page created by Gerald Cannon
Transportation October 2018 - Local Development Plan - Fermanagh & Omagh District Council
Local Development Plan
October 2018
1.0   Introduction

1.1   This background paper has been prepared to draw together the evidence
      base that has been used to inform the preparation of the Fermanagh and
      Omagh Local Development Plan (LDP) 2030. It is one of a suite of topic-
      based background papers that should be read alongside the LDP to
      understand the rational and justification for the policies proposed within the
      draft Plan Strategy.
1.2   It is an update of Position Paper prepared as the baseline evidence for the
      Preferred Options Paper (POP) in October 2016 and which identified the key
      issues that need to be addressed by the LDP.
1.3   The movement of people and the efficient distribution of goods and services
      are essential to the functioning of any area. Good communications are
      important to the local economy and to attract inward investment. Good
      transport links also connect people socially and provide access to leisure and
      recreational opportunities. Transportation is therefore a key component of any
      land use plan. Whilst transport planning is a function that will remain primarily
      with the Department for Infrastructure (DfI), it will be important that the new
      Local Development Plan integrates transportation with land use. Off street
      parking is now a local government responsibility and must also be afforded
      greater weight in the preparation of the new plan. As part of the plan, it will
      also be important to look closely at how greater encouragement can be given
      to more sustainable forms of transport such as buses, cycle ways and

2.0   Regional Policy Context
2.1   Since the Fermanagh and Omagh Area Plans were adopted, there has been
      a major change to the policy context - with greater priority given to the
      development of regionally important infrastructure, complemented with
      increasing emphasis on sustainable modes of transport. This is reflected in
      the Regional Development Strategy, Regional Transport Plan, supporting
      documents, and various Planning Policy statements.

      The Regional Development Strategy (RDS)
2.2   The RDS 2035 contains a Spatial Framework and Strategic Planning
      Guidelines based on focusing development in gateways, hubs and clusters,
      and prioritising the improvement of the main transport corridors that form the
      regional transportation network. The RDS identifies Omagh and Enniskillen as
      main hubs. It recognises the geographical separation of the two main towns
      and whilst it states that hubs should not compete for scarce resources it
      recognises that due to the remoteness of Enniskillen and Omagh they have
      less potential to cluster.

2.3   Policy RG2 aims to deliver a balanced approach to transport infrastructure in
      order to remain competitive in the global market by promoting transport which
      balances the needs of our environment, society and economy. This focuses
      on managing the use of our road and air space and using our network in a
      better, smarter way. This will be developed further by improving connectivity,
      maximising the potential of the Regional Strategic Transport Network, using
      road space and railways more efficiently, improving social inclusion,
      managing the movement of freight, improving access to our cities and towns
      and improving safety by adopting a ‘safe systems’ approach to road safety.

      The Regional Transportation Strategy (RTS) 2002-2012
2.4   The Regional Transportation Strategy (RTS), set out a vision “to have a
      modern, sustainable, safe transportation system which benefits society, the
      economy and the environment and which actively contributes to social
      inclusion and everyone’s quality of life”. This vision is still appropriate for the
      DRD’s new approach to regional transportation which will refocus and
      rebalance our transport priorities and present a fresh direction for
      transportation with sustainability at its core.
2.5   The RTS covers a 10-year period from 2002 to 2012 and is now being
      delivered through three transport plans:
      1. The Belfast Metropolitan Area Transport Plan 2004;
      2. Regional Strategic Transport Network Transport Plan 2015; and
      3. The Sub-Regional Transport Plan 2015 (covers the remainder of Northern
      The latter two plans are the most relevant to Fermanagh and Omagh District.
      These contain the detailed programmes of major schemes and transport
      initiatives that the DfI wants to carry out to achieve the RTS objectives and
      targets. These Transport Plans link with relevant Development Plans and thus
      provide Northern Ireland with an integrated approach to transportation and
      land use planning. The RTS also gave a commitment that an Accessible
      Transport Strategy for NI would be developed and this was published in 2005.
2.6   In 2012, the DfI (formerly DRD) published its new strategic document
      ‘Ensuring a Sustainable Transport Future – a New Approach to Regional
      Transportation’ which sets out how regional transportation will be developed
      beyond 2015 when the current transport plans reach their conclusion. Unlike
      the RTS, the new approach does not include details of schemes or projects
      but rather it lists three High Level Aims for transportation along with twelve
      supporting Strategic Objectives. These cover the economy, society and the
      environment and are linked to the eight aims of the RDS. Its aim is to provide
      a transportation network that supports economic growth while meeting the
      needs of all in our society and reducing environmental impacts. It shows how
      strategic transportation developments can be assessed to allow informed
      decision making on future transportation investment. The Department will

continue to implement the current transport plans until their planned expiry
      and a new Delivery Plan is published.

      Transport Plans/Transport Studies
2.7   Implementation of the RTS in the Council areas will be through the Regional
      Strategic Transport Network Transport Plan (RSTNTP) and the Sub
      Regional Transport Plan (SRTP). The RSTNTP, published in March 2005,
      contains proposals for the maintenance, management and development of the
      Regional Strategic Transport Network (RSTN). The proposals include
      schemes for the improvement of transport infrastructure and improvements to
      public transport services. These schemes are summarised, by mode, in
      Appendix 1 including those from the SRTP which were informed by Local
      Transport Studies for Enniskillen and Omagh. Key future proposals in the plan
      area are featured under section 4.0 of this paper.

      Regional Planning Policy Statements
2.8   The SPPS provides the policy basis, alongside PPS 13 Transportation and
      Land Use, for considering planning proposals until such times that the
      Fermanagh and Omagh District Council has an adopted its own Plan
      Strategy. The SPPS does not represent a significant change to transportation
      policy but helps to shorten and simplify the guidance for councils. There are
      seven policy objectives identified for transportation and land-use planning
      within the SPPS which are:
            •      promote sustainable patterns of development which reduce the
                   need for motorised transport, encourages active travel, and
                   facilitate travel by public transport in preference to the private
            •      ensure accessibility for all, with the needs of people with
                   disabilities and others whose mobility is impaired given
                   particular consideration;
            •      promote the provision of adequate facilities for cyclists in new
            •      promote parking policies that will assist in reducing reliance on
                   the private car and help tackle growing congestion;
            •      protect routes required for new transport schemes including
                   disused transport routes with potential for future reuse;
            •      restrict the number of new accesses and control the level of use
                   of existing accesses onto Protected Routes; and
            •      promote road safety, in particular for pedestrians, cyclists and
                   other vulnerable road users.

2.9    The SPPS states that the preparation of a Local Development Plan (LDP)
       provides the opportunity to assess the transport needs, problems and
       opportunities within the plan area and to ensure that appropriate consideration
       is given to transportation issues in the allocation of land for future
       development. Preparation of a local transport study will assist in this process.
       Councils should take account of the Regional Transportation Strategy and
       transport plans. Transportation issues to be addressed in the LDP include:
             •      Land use allocations and associated transport infrastructure;
             •      New Transport Schemes, Walking and Cycling;
             •      Disused Transport Routes;
             •      Car Parking;
             •      Protected Routes.
2.10   PPS13 Transportation and Land Use is shaped by the following RDS strategic
             •      To develop a Regional Strategic Transport Network, based on
                    key transport corridors, to enhance the accessibility to regional
                    facilities and services (SPG-TRAN 1)
             •      To extend travel choice for all sections of the community by
                    enhancing public transport (SPG-TRAN 2)
             •      To integrate land use and transportation (SPG-TRAN 3)
             •      To change the regional travel culture and contribute to healthier
                    lifestyles (SPG-TRAN 4)
             •      To develop and enhance the Metropolitan Transport Corridor
                    Network; to improve public transport service in the Belfast
                    Metropolitan Area; to manage travel demand within the Belfast
                    Metropolitan Area (SPG-BMA 3-5)
             •      To create an accessible countryside with a responsive transport
                    network that meets the needs of the rural community (SPG-
       The primary objective of the PPS is to guide the integration of transportation
       and land use, particularly through the preparation of development plans and
       transport plans by promoting road safety, limiting access to protected routes,
       providing adequate parking provision and promoting a shift to sustainable
       transport modes. The relation between this PPS and other parts of the land
       use and transportation planning system is illustrated in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1

2.11   PPS 3 Access, Movement and Parking sets out the planning policies for
       vehicular and pedestrian access, transport assessment, the protection of
       transport routes and parking. It forms an important element in the integration
       of transport and land use planning. Development Control Advice Note 15
       (DCAN15) sets out and explains those standards contained in PPS 3 and is a
       material consideration for planning applications and appeals.

3.0    Transportation across the Council Area
3.1    Fermanagh and Omagh District has a comprehensive network of transport
       infrastructure and services. There is an extensive network of roads ranging
       from major strategic routes to minor rural roads. There is an extensive
       footpath system in most designated settlements. Elements of the National
       Cycle Network pass through the area. Public transport provision consists of a
       network of urban and rural bus services including inter-urban express routes.
       The following section outlines the main features of our existing transportation
       Road Network
3.2    Transportation in the Council area is primarily provided by the road network.
       Both Enniskillen and Omagh towns lie along Key Transport Corridors, the A4
       and A5 respectively which provides links to Derry/Londonderry, Belfast and
       Dublin (Figure 2). Enniskillen is also linked to the Republic of Ireland via the
       N3 at County Donegal, the N16 (Sligo), N87 and N3 at County Cavan, and the
       N54 at County Monaghan.

Figure 2

3.3   In Fermanagh, the A32, A34, A46 and A509 are also ‘A’ classified routes, as
      well as the A505 and again the A32 route in the Omagh area. All ‘A’ classified
      routes are single carriage. There are no motorway or dual carriageway
      sections within the Council area. The remainder of the road network
      comprises both ‘B’ class and minor roads – both classified and
      unclassified. The road network in the Fermanagh and Omagh area accounts
      for a significant proportion of Northern Ireland road network which reflects the
      large geographical spread of the council area (Table 1).

      Table 1 – Road Network Distances
                              Northern    Fermanagh km    Omagh km     Fermanagh &
                             Ireland km      (% of NI)     (% of NI)    Omagh km
                                                                         (% of NI)

      Road Length             25,507.20       2,071.40     1,897.80      3,969.20
                                               (8.12)       (7.44)        (15.56)

      Motorway/dual            114.90/          0.6          NA            0.6
      carriage way
                               210.20                                     (1.95)
      ‘A’ Road (single        2079.20         223.40        77.90         301.3
                                              (10.74)       (3.74)        (14.49)

      ‘B’ Road                2093.80         236.70        228.20        464.9
                                              (11.30)       (10.89)       (22.20)

      ‘C’ Road                4724.90         433.80        447.20         881
                                               (9.39)       (9.46)        (18.64)

      Unclassified            15,474.20       1177.50      1144.50         2322

(7.6)          (7.39)          (15)

      Source: NINIS 2014 (NISRA)

      Protected Routes
3.4   There are a number of Protected Routes designated within both the
      Fermanagh and Omagh Districts, which extend onwards across several other
      Council areas and to the border with the Republic of Ireland (Table 2).
      Protected Routes are identified in the Development Plan for information only.
      Designation of protected routes is not within the remit of the Local
      Development Plan.

      Table 2 Protected Routes within Fermanagh and Omagh District
          District         Protected                      Road Details
                              A4        Dungannon - Enniskillen – Border at Belcoo
                                        (Sligo, N16)
                              A32       Enniskillen – Omagh (via Irvinestown)
                              A34       Maguiresbridge – Border (Monaghan, N54)
      Fermanagh and           A46       Enniskillen – Border at Belleek (Donegal, N3)
         Omagh                A509      Enniskillen – Border at Aghalane (Cavan, N3)
                               A5       Derry/Londonderry – Omagh – Border at
                                        Aughnacloy (Monaghan, N2)
                              A505      Omagh – Cookstown
                              A32       Omagh – Enniskillen
      Source: DRD Transport NI Schedule of Protected Routes (Revised Nov 2013)

      Modes of travel and public responsibilities

3.5   There are a various public and private bodies involved in providing transport
      infrastructure and services throughout Northern Ireland. Transport NI,
      previously known as DRD Roads Service, are the sole Road Authority in
      Northern Ireland. Transport NI is responsible for public roads, footways,
      bridges and street lights and operates within the policy context set by DfI,
      whose strategic objectives are to maintain, manage and develop NI’s
      transportation network. DfI is responsible for formulation the Regional
      Transport Strategy, whilst Transport NI is responsible for its implementation.

3.6   The main modes of travel used are private car, public transport, walking and
      cycling. According to a DRD/NISRA Travel Survey (TSNI) 2011-2013
      travelling by car constituted just over four fifths (81%) of the total distance
      travelled, public transport (Ulsterbus, Metro, Other Bus, Northern Ireland
      Railways and Black Taxi) accounted for 7% of total distance travelled and
      walking 3%.

Private Car
3.7    In the period 2011-2013 the car was the most commonly used main mode of
       transport for both men (71%) and women (75%) in NI. With an absence of
       railways and nearly 85% of Fermanagh / Omagh households owning a private
       vehicle (Table 3), road travel is set to remain the dominant mode of
       transportation over the Plan period.

       Table 3: Percentage of Households Owning One or More Private
         Car Ownership       Fermanagh/ Omagh           Northern Ireland
        No Car/Van                 16.5%                     22.7%
        1 Car/Van                 39.24%                     41.38%
        2 Car/Van                  31.6%                     27.04%
        3 Car/Van                  8.55%                     6.29%
        4+ Car/Van                 4.11%                     2.58%
       Source: Census 2011

3.8    The Census 2011 shows that of the 46,160 residents in employment in the
       Fermanagh and Omagh Local Government District (LGD), 75.89% travelled to
       work by car/van (this includes those driving (61.44%), travelling as a
       passenger (4.2%) or as part of a car pool (10.25%)). Figures also show that
       21.15% of those travelling to work by car from the Fermanagh area travel a
       distance of between 10 and 20km, compared to 19.76% in the Omagh area.
       The percentage of those from the Omagh area travelling 40-60kms by car to
       work is 4.52%, with 2.16% of those travelling from the Fermanagh Area
       travelling the same distance.
3.9    It is notable that when considering distance travelled, those living in the
       Belfast area travelled an average of 4,024 miles per year which is around one
       third less than the 6,037miles and 6,262 miles for those living in the East of
       Northern Ireland and the West of Northern Ireland respectively (TSNI). The
       Census 2011 found that the majority of those travelling to work by car in the
       Belfast area (36%) travel a distance of 2-5km compared to only 10.7% and
       12.98% of those travelling to work in Fermanagh and Omagh respectively.
       These statistics clearly emphasise the greater reliance on the private car as a
       mode of transport and the longer distances travelled by people living in
       Fermanagh and Omagh.

       Public Transport
3.10   Public bus services for Fermanagh and Omagh are provided primarily by
       Translink/Ulsterbus. There are 3 main Ulsterbus Station/Depots in the
       Fermanagh/Omagh District, offering a variety of facilities, and several Sub-
Depots located throughout the District. Regular services operate to the main
       towns and villages though many are limited to school time requirements.
       Some services operate only for part of the route whilst others operate on
       specified days only and in some instances for selected parts of the year.
       Within the urban areas, there are several services within both Enniskillen and
       Omagh. Express (Goldliner) services run to destinations within Northern
       Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Detail of these services are listed in
       Appendix 2.
3.11   With nearly one in five households in Fermanagh / Omagh not owning a
       private vehicle, the availability of public transport is a key service particularly
       for those who are elderly or economically or socially disadvantaged. It is also
       an essential service for children who rely on buses to travel to school.

       Table 4: Mode of Travel to Work
          Mode of Travel       Fermanagh /          Northern Ireland
                               Omagh District
        Work at home               15.55%                11.25%
        Car/Van driver             54.02%                51.54%
        Car/Van                     6.01%                 6.15%
        Bus                           6.27%               8.44%
        Rail                          0.96%               1.53%
        Walk                          5.69%               8.86%
        Cycle                         0.44%               0.77%
        Taxi                          0.82%               1.40%
        Motorcycle                    0.15%               0.38%
        Car Pool                      9.26%               9.13%
        Other                         0.74%               0.55%
       Source: Census 2011 - Key Statistics

3.12   The Census 2011 shows that of the 46,160 residents in employment in the
       Fermanagh and Omagh District, just over 5% travelled to work using public
       transport (bus/rail). The figures for the daytime population, which comprises
       all usual residents aged 16-74 who are either in employment or full-time
       students in the area, or are neither in employment nor full-time students and
       live in the area, show a slightly increased usage of public transport of just over
       7% (Table 4).
3.13   These figures highlight that whilst there is a need for public transport it is
       underutilised. The TSNI found that 60% of those travelling to work by car said
       that their journey was not possible by public transport with 25% citing both
       poor connections and too far/long journey time by public transport as reasons
       for not using public transport. A high number of rural dwellers in the
       Fermanagh and Omagh Council area are likely to fall into this category.
3.14   Translink recently held a public consultation to assess service provision in
       light of the budget settlement for 2015-16. It is expected that there will be

significant reductions in service delivery as well as other efficiency savings
       which are likely to impact on current services within Fermanagh and Omagh.

       Walking and Cycling
3.15   A key theme of government at all levels is to promote a modal shift from
       private car usage to walking and cycling, which in turn will have clear benefits
       in relation to reducing congestion, vehicle emissions and improving health. At
       local level, Transport NI is responsible for implementation of the infrastructure
       to encourage walking and cycling along the public highway. Other
       Departments also play a role, for example, the Department of Education has
       been involved in encouraging “Safer Routes to School” and the Department of
       Health, Social Services and Public Safety has helped establish “Highways to
3.16   Fermanagh and Omagh District Council through the activities of the
       Recreation Department and as part of its town centre initiatives and other
       environmental improvements, also play a key role. In addition, organisations
       such as Sustrans, an independent charity, which works with Transport NI,
       local authorities and other organisations are active in promoting cycling
       infrastructure, particularly the National Cycle Network.
3.17   Walking is facilitated throughout the urban areas of Enniskillen and Omagh by
       the footways along the road network. Some of these are designated as
       ‘Highways to Health’. Additionally several dedicated, recreational walkways,
       mainly along the river corridors, facilitate pedestrian movement in both towns.
       Census 2011 reports that only 5.66% and 5.7% of those travelling to work in
       Fermanagh and Omagh respectively do so on foot. Of these, 67% in
       Fermanagh and 64% in Omagh walk a distance of less than 5km.
3.18   Sustrans’ main scheme in Omagh is Connect2 shared walking and cycling
       path. Phase 2 is currently completed with the third and final phase due for
       completion in July 2015. Once complete, the riverside walk will run adjacent
       to the Strule River from Clonmore Gardens to the town centre, giving the
       route a total distance of 2.4km. This should link with the proposed schools
       campus as well as other development of the St Lucia and Lisanelly grounds.

3.19   With the development of the Northern Ireland Cycling Strategy (June 2000)
       and the staged implementation of the National Cycle Network (NCN),
       significant progress has being made towards improved facilities for cyclists in
       Northern Ireland. The Bicycle Strategy (August 2015) aims to increase the
       number of people choosing to travel by bicycle – particularly for the many
       shorter everyday journeys. In Local Development Plans, setting aside for the
       building of good quality, connected on and off-road walking and cycling routes
       through residential areas, which link to town centres and services, can help
       achieve this. Detail of National Cycle Network within the Fermanagh and
       Omagh area is set out in Appendix 3.
3.20   The developing Strategic Plan for Greenways (Department for Infrastructure)
       will see the development of the primary greenway network as a key feature in
FODC and will broadly follow the line of the old GNR railway between
       Portadown and Strabane through Omagh to the north of the council area, and
       between Clones and Belcoo through Enniskillen to the south of the Council
       area. A secondary network in FODC is also envisaged involving the lines
       between Enniskillen, Omagh and Pettigo and between Enniskillen and
       Fivemiletown. This network can contribute to encouraging not only active
       travel but also the promotion of health and wellbeing through more active
       lifestyles, recreation and leisure.

       Car Parking
3.21   The main areas of public car parking are located within the District and local
       towns, as well as within some villages in Fermanagh. These comprise mainly
       pay-and-display and free-parking formats (See Appendix 4 for details).

       Table 5: Summary of Car Parking provision in the Fermanagh and
       Omagh District
                     Town                   No. of Car Park Spaces
                  Enniskillen                         1,697
                     Omagh                            1,443
                     Fintona                           84
                   Dromore                             75

                 Carrickmore                           24
                  Lisnaskea                            157
                  Irvinestown                          65
                     Village                No. of Car Park Spaces
                 Ballinmallard                         75
                     Belleek                           30
                      Kesh                             30
                Maguiresbridge                         22
                     Tempo                             29
       Source: Fermanagh and Omagh Council Updated September 2018

3.22   Until 31st March 2015, Transport NI were responsible for car parking including
       ticketing, enforcement, maintenance and tariff setting. Transport NI
       implemented proposals to maximise the utilisation of the existing off street
       parking provision in the main towns and devised parking strategies to provide
       convenient short stay car parking close to each town centre with longer stay
       free parking located further out. Where practical, parking has also been
proposed convenient to bus stations to encourage public transport use by
       commuters. From the 1st April 2015, off-street parking became the
       responsibility of the Fermanagh and Omagh Council.
3.23   On street parking is managed by Transport NI and a parking strategy has
       been implemented to make best use of the on street parking provision in the
       main towns by providing restricted waiting parking close to each town centre
       with longer duration unrestricted parking further away from the town centre.
       There are a number of Park & Ride and Park & Share car parks in both
       Districts (see Appendix 5). It should be noted that some of the facilities are
       more formal arrangements than others.
3.24   It should also be noted that there are a number of other ‘publicly available’ car
       parks that are privately owned – though primarily for customer use. In
       Enniskillen, these include ASDA, Lidl, Dunnes Stores, Tesco, Erneside,
       Brewster Park, and at Enniskillen Omniplex. In Omagh, these include Dunnes
       Stores, Asda, Lidl, Great Northern Retail Park, St Patrick’s Park, and at the
       Grange on Lisanelly Avenue.

       Taxi Services
3.25 Taxi services provide an important and expanding transport service throughout
     most areas of Fermanagh and Omagh particularly in the main towns.

       Disused Transport Routes
3.26   The remnants of the former railway network (closed in the 1950’s and 1960’s)
       are evident in the Fermanagh and Omagh District through disused rail track
       beds, many of which still retain features such as stone bridges, embankments
       and cuttings. There are several voluntary initiatives to lobby to bring rail
       transport back to the north-west, though there are no firm proposals or
       feasibility studies presently. Disused transport routes offer the opportunity for
       transport or recreational purposes.
       Community Transport
3.27   Community Transport is a term covering a wide range of solutions usually
       developed to cover a specifically identified transport need, typically run by the
       local community for local neighbourhoods on a not-for-profit basis. Community
       transport provides the connectivity needed to get otherwise isolated or
       excluded groups of people to a range of destinations, and helps to develop
       sustainable communities. It is often provided through minibuses and volunteer
       car schemes.
3.28   The Rural Transport Fund (RTF) is administered by DfI (formerly DRD) since
       November 1998. Its primary objective is to support transport services
       designed to give people in rural areas improved access to work, education,
       healthcare, shopping and recreational activities and by so doing assists in
       reducing their social isolation. RTF provides a Rural Bus Subsidy annually to
       support socially necessary but uneconomic bus services in the rural area (e.g.
the Sperrin Rambler) as well as providing revenue and capital funding for the
       Rural Community Transport Partnerships (RCTPs), managed by the
       Community Transport Association (CTA).
3.29   RCTP’s are set up and managed by volunteers on a non-profit basis and may
       take different forms, reflecting their local nature. They encourage volunteers
       to use their own cars as part of social car schemes or to drive minibuses.
       RTCPs have effectively become the primary source of accessible transport for
       many older people and people with disabilities living in rural areas. Other
       community transport initiatives include Fermanagh Community Transport and
       Easilink Community Transport in the Omagh area.
3.30   As CTA is supported by DfI, there is potential that the level of funding
       provided by central government may be reduced due to budget constraints.
       CTA Northern Ireland generates additional finance to support its core services
       in Northern Ireland from its social enterprise activities and fund-raising to help
       make a difference for members.

       Enniskillen Airport
3.31   Enniskillen Airport is located three miles North of Enniskillen town. It has been
       in existence for over sixty years (since the Second World War) and is one of
       only five licensed airports in Northern Ireland, and one of the only two in the
       west of Northern Ireland.
3.32   In addition to offering landing facilities for commercial light aircraft and
       helicopters, there are several flight schools based at the airport which can
       offer lessons in Microlights, Light Aircraft and Helicopters.
3.33   Enniskillen Airport provides substantial opportunities for the economic
       development of Fermanagh and the surrounding cross-border region. The
       infrastructure at the airport includes substantial workspace provision currently
       fully occupied for the purpose of aircraft maintenance.

4.0    Key Future Transportation Proposals/Initiatives
4.1    The most significant highway transportation schemes in the plan area as
       proposed in the RSTN TP (see Appendix 1) are as follows:
          •   A5 dual carriageway (Aughnacloy –Derry/Londonderry) – currently on
              hold pending legal challenge
          •   A4 Enniskillen Southern Bypass – at forward planning stage with
              Transport NI
          •   A5/B48 Strathroy Link Road - currently under construction due for
              completion summer 2019

•   A32 Omagh to Enniskillen Improvement Strategy – two of the 8
              schemes identified have been completed with the remaining either at
              forward planning stage with Transport NI or subject to availability of
              funds and successful completion of statutory processes.
4.2   The Irish Cross Border Area Network (ICBAN) identified the A5/N2 between
      Derry/Londonderry, Aughnacloy and onwards to Dublin and the A4/N16
      between Sligo and Ballygawley as priority transport corridors in a study
      undertaken for the Regional Strategic Framework for the Central Border
      Region (2013-2027). These two transport corridors are viewed as priorities to
      realising the Border Area’s goal of sustainable and balanced economic
      development. Both the dualling of the A5 between Derry/Londonderry and
      Ballygawley and the provision of a bypass for Enniskillen were classed as
      priority 1 projects.

      Walking and Cycling
4.3   A number of primary and secondary walking routes within Enniskillen and
      Omagh are identified in the SRTP (refer to Appendix 1). New cycle routes are
      also proposed as follows:
          •   John Street/James Street, Omagh
          •   Great Northern Road, Omagh
      These are intended to enhance network connectivity and improve integration
      between walking and cycling.
4.4   The Bicycle Strategy for Northern Ireland (published in August 2015) sets out
      plans to make NI a cycling community over the next 25 years. In promoting
      the bicycle as an attractive mode of transport, the Strategy aims to help those
      who choose to cycle by:
      •       Having high quality infrastructure which promotes greater priority for
              the bicycle;
      •       Providing secure cycle parking where it is required;
      •       Developing bicycle hubs;
      •       Promoting the ‘Cycle to work’ scheme to employers;
      •       Promoting e-bikes;
      •       Public bike hire schemes.
      It plans to develop specific interventions particular to both the urban and rural
      contexts and to measure their impact through the use of pilot schemes. For
      example, it is proposed that in the rural area to pilot the use of greenways with
      suggested routes being old railway beds or banks.

      Public Transport

4.5   There are no specific proposals for public transport schemes at present.
      However, Translink have undertaken public consultation process on 16th
      March 2015 to assess the implications for the existing bus and rail networks
      as a consequence of the recent budget settlements for 2015-2016. The
      revised bus timetables as shown on the appendices (updated September
      2018) indicates that there is a reduction of bus services across the district with
      some Saturday services being removed altogether compared to 2015.

      Car Parking
4.6   From 1st April 2015, off-street parking became the responsibility of Fermanagh
      and Omagh District Council whilst on-street parking has remained the
      responsibility of the DfI. There are currently no major/strategic proposals for
      parking in the council area.

      Enniskillen Airport
4.7   There are plans to expand the workspace provision at the airport to include a
      major unit that is purpose-built for the maintenance of larger aircraft.

5.0   Conclusion
5.1   Based on the current transport situation and different modes of travel and
      responsibilities for their provision, it is apparent that in order to conform to
      Regional Policy, the new Local Development Plan needs to promote a modal
      shift to more sustainable forms of transport. This could be best achieved by
      not only creating additional cycle and walkways but by distributing and zoning
      open spaces to create green areas, as well as increasing permeability within
      new housing developments. Identifying safe routes for schools, particularly in
      light of the relocation of several schools to the Strule Shared Education
      Campus, could in turn result in the prioritisation of public highway
      improvements by DfI e.g. Pelican Crossings and footways.
5.2   However, the ability to achieve such a modal shift is limited and any
      successes will be primarily achieved in the two main towns. For the rural
      dweller, particularly in the remoter parts of the district, the private car will
      remain the primary form of transport. As such, complementary measures
      should be introduced in the plan which are aimed at reducing the need to
      travel long distances in order to access shops, recreation facilities and public
      services within the district.
5.3   Therefore, in preparing the Local Development Plan (LDP) for Fermanagh
      and Omagh, it is important to assess the transport needs, problems and
      opportunities within the plan area and to ensure that appropriate consideration
      is given to transportation issues in the allocation of land for future
      development. Consideration should also be given to the Regional
      Transportation Strategy and the relevant Transport Plans. This will ensure
      that the LDP and Transport Plans have a complementary role to play in
promoting greater integration of transportation and land use planning. The
      SPPS seeks to secure this improved integration with land-use planning,
      consistent with the RDS; and to facilitate safe and efficient access, movement
      and parking.
5.4   The local transport studies carried out as part of the SRTP go some way to
      detailing transport issues, problems and opportunities in the two main towns
      in the Council area. Consultation will be required with Transport NI when
      considering land use allocations and future development sites. This will allow
      for a detailed assessment of the impact of proposed development on the
      highway network and the possibility of providing suitable access.
5.5   It should also be noted that in the current climate of austerity with budget
      reviews and potential budget cuts, there may be some impact on the timing of
      the delivery of some of the major road schemes. Cuts to funding also have
      significant implications for public transport, particularly community transport
      and the impact this will have on the more economically disadvantaged and
      vulnerable in our society. Furthermore, as DfI will continue to make decisions
      and take responsibility of transportation services across Northern Ireland, the
      council’s role in relation to transportation will be inevitably restricted.
5.6   This paper has provided an overview of transportation provision within
      Fermanagh and Omagh and in moving forward, it will be important to ensure
      that the new Local Development Plan meets the needs of all road users
      whether they are living in the area, working in the area or visiting it or have
      businesses in the area and require better connectivity within the district and
      beyond, and between the two main hubs. To meet transportation needs, the
      Local Development Plan should therefore include measures to:
         •   promote/improve connectivity, particularly in rural areas;
         •   promote more sustainable transport modes including walking, cycling
             and public transport;
         •   protect road users and improve road safety for car users, public
             transport, cyclists and walkers.

Appendix 1 – Transport Plans/Transport Studies

Appendix 2 - Bus Services

Appendix 3 – National Cycle Network

Appendix 4 – Existing Car Parks in the Fermanagh and
Omagh District Council Area

Appendix 5 – Park and Ride/Park and Share in the Fermanagh
and Omagh District Council Area

1.0   Regional Strategic Transport Network Transport Plan 2015 (RTSN TP)
1.1   The purpose of the RSTN TP is to plan the maintenance, management and
      development of the NI Strategic Transport Network up to the end of 2015. It
      presents the skeletal framework of the RDS connecting all the main centres of
      economic and social activity and the major transport hubs. It contains
      proposals including enhanced public transport infrastructure, improved rail
      and bus services, 5 Key Transport Corridors, new, improved park and share
      facilities as well as enhanced walking and cycling provision to help reduce
      reliance on the private car. The measures in the plan fall into the following
      categories (1) walk/cycle, (2) bus, (3) rail, and (4) highway.
1.2   The majority of measures promoting walking and cycling will be contained
      within the BMTP and SRTP. There are also appropriate ranges of measures
      that will be implemented along the RSTN. These include Traffic Calming (e.g.
      gateway features, Making it Easier to Walk (e.g.) new cycling facilities. The
      provision of walking and cycling schemes is led by the DRD Roads Service
      through its Local Transport and Safety Measures (LTSM) programme. The
      RSTN TP envisages an investment of £7.4m for walking and cycling initiatives
      over the plan period. To date, only a few schemes have been taken forward.
1.3   Under the RSTN TP a review of inter-urban bus and coach services is
      proposed to provide a minimum of hourly services on KTC’s that do not have
      rail services. The aim is to reduce the average age of buses and coaches
      and provide higher standards of comfort and accessibility. Private operators
      will also be encouraged. The SRTP will take forward improvements to bus
      stations. Bus stations will also benefit from highway improvements
      throughout the RSTN. The RSTN TP envisages an investment of £81.4m in
      bus initiatives over the plan period. Rail initiatives do not impact on
      Fermanagh Measures and additional park and share sites to promote higher
      car occupancy and improved access to public transport. Further measures
      are proposed to enhance the existing level of traffic information provided.
1.5   The Key Transport Corridors directly impacting on Fermanagh/Omagh District
      include the Western Corridor – running north-south and linking Donegal,
      Londonderry, Omagh (A5) and Dublin; and, the South Western Corridor –
      running east-west and linking Belfast, Tyrone, the Fermanagh Lakeland and
      important cross-border routes e.g. Enniskillen-Sligo. The corridors are
      supported by other important trunk roads such as the Enniskillen to Omagh
      (A32) and the Omagh to Cookstown (A505) trunk roads.
1.6   The RSTN TP addresses how to enhance accessibility to the main gateways
      and cross border links. It contains a list of Strategic Road Improvements
      (SRIs), each with a cost exceeding £1m. The purpose of SRIs is to deal with
      bottlenecks causing congestion through increased capacity and to alleviate
      town centres from through traffic using bypasses. It also contains a list of
      Widened Carriageway Schemes and Park and Share sites. The following
      tables identify SRIs in the Fermanagh and Omagh Council area for the period
      2015-2017. Proposals for all these schemes will be taken through the DRD
      statutory process, independently of Local Development Plans.

Table 1: Strategic Road Improvement Schemes Identified in
              the Fermanagh and Omagh Council Area 2015/ 2017
   Settlement                        Scheme                          Status

    Omagh         Derry Road to Strathroy Link                  Under construction

                  B48 Mountjoy Road/ Gortin Road Strategy       In programme

                  A5 Curr Road/Tullyrush Road improvement       complete

                  B122 Tattyreagh Road/Drumragh Road
                  improvement                                   complete

                  C667 Brookmount Road - Footway                not implemented

                  C625 Old Mountfield Road - Footway            not implemented

                  C627 Deverney Road - Footway                  complete

                  B158 Donaghanie Road - Footway                complete

                  A32 Clanabogan Road Footway - Footway         complete

                  C625 Knocknamoe Bungalows - Footway           complete

                  B4 Donaghanie - Cycle Track                   complete

    Fintona       B46 Dromore Road /Main Street Fintona-
                  Footway                                       complete

    Dromore       B84 Dooish Road /Priestown Road
                  improvement                                   complete

                  C665 Camderry Road,Dromore - Footway          in programme

    Beragh        C629 Dervaghroy Road Beragh Footway           complete

  Sixmilecross    C627 Cloughfin Road/C633 Whitebridge Road
                  improvement                                   in programme

     Gortin       B48 Glenpark Road, Carriageway improvements   not implemented

Newtownsaville C657 Newtownsaville Road/ Killadroy Road
               improvement                                      complete

  Enniskillen     A4 Sligo Road - Cycle track                   complete

                  A4 Dublin Road, Enniskillen -road widening    complete

                  A4 Wellington Road Strategy - road
                  improvement schemes                           not implemented

                  A4 Sligo Road/Rossorry Road improvement       in programme

A509 Derrylin Road(Derryhawlaght)
                         improvements                                    not implemented

                         A509 DerrylinRoad( Montiagh) improvements       not implemented

                         A4 Sligo Road - Cycle track                     complete

                         A4 Dublin Road, Enniskillen -road widening      complete

                         A4 Belfast Road (Dolans Ring) improvement       not implemented

              Lack       Kilsmullen Road - footway                       complete

      Ballinamallard     B46 Ballinamallard Road - Cycletrack            complete

          Belleek        U8448 Rosscor Road - Footway                    not implemented

          Donagh         B36 Dernawilt Road/Tattycam Road
                         improvement                                     complete

         Teemore         C431 Teemore Road - Footway                     complete

         Lisnaskea       A34 Maguiresebridge Road -
                         Footway/footbridge                              not implemented

      Newtownbutler      A3 Clones Road /DerryGoas Road improvement      not implemented

                         B143 Magheraveely Road - footway                complete
      Source: Transport NI, Strategic Road Improvements- updated September 2018.

1.7   The Strategic Roads Improvements (SRIs) are managed under three
          •    The Construction Programme which contains those schemes which
               have completed the statutory procedures (where applicable) and for
               which funding has been confirmed.
          •    The Preparation Pool which allows high priority schemes to be taken
               through the statutory procedures, including acquisition of land, in
               advance of funding being confirmed. Subsequent progression into the
               Construction Programme is dependent on the level of funding available
               at that time.
          •    The Forward Planning Schedule which contains a number of schemes,
               which together with those in the Preparation Pool, could be started
               within the next 10 years or so, subject to satisfactory economic and
               other appraisals, availability of funding and satisfactory progression
               through the statutory procedures.

1.8   A number of the schemes identified in Fermanagh and Omagh Council area
      have been completed or are currently under construction however Transport
NI have indicated that there are a number ‘in Planning’ (Table 2), including the
      A5 dual carriageway. These schemes are to be taken through the statutory
      procedures and will advance on confirmation of funding.
      Table 2: Major SRI schemes currently ‘In Planning’

       Road       Road          Improvements                 Status             Scheme
        No.     Description


       A5/B48 Strathroy         Single             Currently under              £7m
              Road Link         carriageway        construction (due for
                                                   completion summer 2019)

       A5       Aughnacloy Dual                    Deferred due to legal        £800M -
                (Border) –  Carriageway            process                      £850M

       A32      Omagh-          On-line and off-   Drumskinny and
                Dromore-        line               Shannaragh realignment
                Irvinstown-     improvements       delivered (~£10m).
                Enniskillen                        Development work on
                                                   realignments at
                                                   Cornamuck (~£6m) and
                                                   Kilgortnaleague (~£6m)
                                                   ongoing. Delivery subject
                                                   to future budgetary

       A4       Enniskillen     Single             Preferred alignment to be    £25m-
                Southern        carriageway        announced in March 2015.     £30m
                Bypass                             Delivery subject to future
                                                   budgetary settlements

      Updated September 2018.

      A5 Western Transport Corridor
1.9   The A5 Western Transport Corridor is one of the five key Transport Corridors
      in Northern Ireland and the proposed upgrade to a dual carriageway between
      New Buildings and Aughnacloy will help to reduce the number of collisions by
      providing improved cross sections, forward visibility and alignments as well as
      separating strategic and local traffic. Following a Public Inquiry in 2016, the
      Planning Appeals Commission report was received on 25 May 2017.
      However, a legal challenge to DfIs ‘Decision to Proceed’ was received in
      December 2017. This has delayed construction, and in particular the

construction of Phase 1A (New Buildings to north of Strabane), which was
       due to commence early 2018.
1.10   There are currently 3 ‘Future schemes’ within the Fermanagh and Omagh
       Districts. These schemes are expected to be implemented within the next ten
       years or so, and are subject to statutory procedures, available funding etc.
       (Table 3). Proposals for all these schemes will be taken through the DRD
       statutory process, independently of the Local Development Plan.

                Table 3: Current ‘Future Schemes’ within Fermanagh and Omagh
           Road        Road Description                            Description
           A4     Enniskillen Southern Bypass       Provide 3.2km of 2+1 single carriageway
                                                    to bypass Enniskillen from A509/A4 Sligo
                                                    Road to A4 Belfast Road.
           A4     Wellington Road, Enniskillen      Provide 2 lanes in each direction
           A4     Western Transport Corridor        Provide Dual Carriageway from
                                                    Ballygawley to Border at Belcoo (N16 to
                                                    Sligo) via Enniskillen
       Source: Regional Strategic Transport Network Transport Plan (2015)

       A4 Enniskillen Southern Bypass
1.11   The A4 at Enniskillen forms part of the South Western Key Transport Corridor
       which provides access between the East and the Fermanagh Lakelands and
       cross-border regions. The proposed scheme will consist of a 2+1 single
       carriageway. The key benefits of the proposed scheme are:
       •        Reduced traffic congestion in Enniskillen
       •        Provision of a transport link connecting the A4 Dublin Road to the A4
                Sligo Road
       •        Facilitation of a more efficient movement of traffic in and around
                Enniskillen as well as a high degree of port-related traffic on the route
       •        Improved access to industrial areas and Derrylin Road
       •        Reduction in noise and air pollution.

2.0    Sub-Regional Transport Plan (SRTP)
2.1    The Sub-Regional Transport Plan (SRTP) also takes forward the strategic
       initiatives of the Regional Transportation Strategy (RTS) for Northern Ireland
       2002-2012. The SRTP relates to local measures in the 29 largest towns and
       cities outside the Belfast Metropolitan Area and, to a lesser extent, to the
       smaller settlements and the open countryside. In line with the RTS, the SRTP
       notes the highway linkages with the Regional Strategic Transport Network
       and identifies separate packages of measures by mode of transport for
       walking and cycling, bus, rail and highways for the period 2002-2015.
2.2   Local Transport Studies - Traffic conditions in each of the 29 towns and
      cities in the SRTP area have been examined by Local Transport Studies.
      Each Local Transport Study has gathered data from a range of sources
      including traffic surveys in each of the towns, including Enniskillen and
      Omagh. Each study has determined current traffic conditions and any
      associated problems whilst also estimating traffic conditions in 10 years’ time,
      where possible in conjunction with the Development Plan process.
2.3   The Local Transport Studies provide information to confirm local strategies,
      initiatives, schemes and proposals that will contribute to the SRTP. These
      studies assess the capacity and quality of the overall transport network and
      the transportation needs for the Plan area. They also provide a basis upon
      which potential development land can be accessible by all modes and
      therefore inform land use zonings.
2.4   These Local Transport Studies contribute to the Technical Supplements
      which were prepared for individual Council areas, and are presented in two
      sections. Section A, provides a Northern Ireland overview and an explanation
      of the features common to towns and cities; and section B, provides detail of
      each town and city individually.
2.5   The technical content of the supplement is presented in Section B in the
      format of tables and accompanying Blueprint maps for each town. The
      content of the maps and much of the information presented in the Technical
      Supplement has been derived directly from Local transport Studies. There are
      3 proposed Transport Blueprints included within each of the Technical
      Supplements for the Fermanagh and Omagh Districts: Highway Blueprint,
      Walking Blueprint and Cycling Blueprint.
2.6   Highways Blueprint – showing a number of local highway proposals, which
      include schemes dependent on appropriate levels of funding secured from
      developers e.g. Dublin Road to Scarffes Entry and Glencam Road Link.
      Highway measures include construction of new highways or an increase in
      existing highway capacity. The highway proposals located in Omagh and
      Enniskillen towns are summarised in Tables 4 & 5.

      Table 4: Enniskillen Local Transport Study: Highway Blueprint
                  Proposed Highway                Proposed Highway Schemes
             Schemes (From SRTP)                       (From RSTN TP)

                      None                    Cherrymount Link Road (complete)
                                              Henry Street (Complete)
      Source: Sub-Regional Transport Plan 2015 – Technical Supplement for Fermanagh District

      Table 5: Omagh Local Transport Study: Highway Blueprint
              Proposed Highway                    Proposed Highway Schemes
             Schemes (From SRTP)                       (From RSTN TP)
       Derry Road to Strathroy Road Link      Great Northern Road (Bypass -
(over Strule River) Under         Phase 3, complete)
          Strathroy to Gortin Road Link        Crevenagh Road Link (complete)
                Glencam Road Link              Mountjoy Road (complete)
            Mountjoy Road (complete)
          Dublin Road to Scarffes Entry
         Winters Lane to Crevenagh Road
                  Link (complete)
       Source: Sub-Regional Transport Plan 2015 – Technical Supplement for Omagh District

2.7    There are also proposals within Enniskillen for certain Junction Improvements,
       including upgrading or modifying to accommodate additional or changed
       traffic movements, and Proposed Linking of Traffic Signals to increase
       capacity through a series of neighbouring junctions.

2.8    Walking Blueprint – In each of the towns, there are proposals for a
       continuous pedestrian network which will be designed and maintained to an
       appropriate standard. The pedestrian network will include links from the town
       centre to the bus stations where required. The aim is to provide footways
       which make it easy for children’s buggies and people with mobility aids to
       pass easily. There should be more crossing facilities at locations where
       people normally wish to cross.

2.9    Each Walking Blueprint distinguishes between the primary and secondary
       walking networks. The primary network includes the radial routes together
       with the main roads through the town centre. The secondary network
       comprises the lower trafficked local roads which accommodate movement
       within the residential areas or serving as feeder routes from these areas into
       the strategic network. The SRTP proposes to provide enhancements to this
       network to ensure a high standard pedestrian provision.

2.10   The Walking Blueprints for Enniskillen and Omagh identifies / proposes routes
       within the town centres as being Primary Walking Routes while most of the
       main routes radiating out from the town centre are to be Secondary Walking
2.11   Potential Additional Walking Routes have been identified in the Blueprints.
       These are links that are considered desirable to enhance network connectivity
       but are not affordable within the proposed RTS funding (Tables 6 & 7).

       Table 6: Enniskillen Local Transport Study: Walking Blueprint
            Proposed           Proposed Secondary             Potential Additional
Primary Walking             Walking Routes               Walking Routes
           Routes                                             (Not in RTS funding)
       Paget Lane             Cornagrade Road              Loughshore Road
       Paget Square           Anne Street                  Derrygonnelly Road

       High Street            The Brook                    Rossorry Church Road

       Middleton Street       Willoughby Place             Coleshill Road

       Cross Street           Derrygonnelly Road           Sligo Road

       Water Street           Henry Street                 Broadmeadow Public Jetty (off Wellington
       Eden Street            Sligo Road
                                                           Quay Pass
       The Diamond            Castle Street
                                                           Derrychara Link
       Townhall Street        Wellington Road
                                                           Derrychara Road to Algeo Drive
       East Bridge Street     Wesley Street
                                                           Fairview Avenue
       Church Street          Frith’s Pass
                                                           Dublin Road/Belfast Road
       Darling Street         Belmore Street
                                                           Castlecoole Road
       Hall’s Lane            Gaol Square
                                                           Killynure Park
                              Dublin Road
                                                           Tempo Road
                              Tempo Road
                                                           Chanterhill Road across to Tempo Road
                              Irvinestown Road
                                                           Chanterhill Road
                              Hollyhill Link Road
                                                           Cooper Crescent

                                                           Drumclay Link

                                                           Irvinestown Road

                                                           Cherrymount Road

                                                           Lower Chanterhill Road

                                                           Coa Road

                                                           Cornagrade Road

      Source: Sub-Regional Transport Plan 2015 – Technical Supplement for Fermanagh District

Table 7: Omagh Local Transport Study: Walking Blueprint
         Proposed Primary         Proposed Secondary             Potential Additional

Walking Routes             Walking Routes               Walking Routes
                                                                (Not in RTS funding)
        Drumragh Avenue          Mountjoy Road              Derry Road
        Sedan Avenue             Old Mountfield Road        Great Northern Road
        McConnell’s Place        Killyclogher Road          Scarffes Entry
        Abbey Street             Hospital Road              Kevlin Avenue
        Castle Street            Crevenagh Road             Johnston Park
        George’s Street          Irishtown Road             Festival Park
        Church Street            Dublin Road                Irishtown Road
        James Street             Dromore Road               Crevenagh Road
        John Street              Tamlaght Road              Hospital Road
        High Street              Brook Street               Killyclogher Road
        Bridge Street            Brookmount Road            Old Mountfield Road
        Market Street            Derry Road
        Campsie Road
        Dublin Road
        Mountjoy Road
       Source: Sub-Regional Transport Plan 2015 – Technical Supplement for Omagh District

2.12    Cycling Blueprint - Identifies facilities where it is considered that they are
       most needed and most likely to be well used. The provision of continuous
       cycle networks is considered most beneficial in towns with significant numbers
       of existing cyclists, or where large student populations and/or flat cycling
       conditions exist. Cycle routes may be on-road cycle lanes, shared
       footways/cycleways or off-road paths. Each Cycling Blueprint presents
       existing and proposed cycling facilities within the town (Tables 9-12).

       Table 8: Enniskillen Local Transport Study: Cycling Blueprint –

Existing National Cycle Network/Cycle Routes

  Existing National Cycle Network (On Road)
  Coa Road, Lower Chanterhill Road, Lakeview Park, Algeo Drive, Cappog
  Road, Old Rossorry Road, Sligo Road, The Castle Bridge, Paget Lane,
  across Wellington Road, Eden Street, High Street, Townhall Street , East
  Bridge Street, Belmore Street, Market Street, Cross Street, Middleton

  Existing National Cycle Network (Traffic Free)
  Queen Elizabeth Road, Irvinestown Road, Castle Coole to Dublin Road,
  Dublin Road, Crest Road, adjacent to Ardhowen Theatre to Dublin Road,
  from Lakeview Park across to Broadmeadow Public Jetty, Broadmeadow
  Public Jetty to Castle Bridge, Broadmeadow Public Jetty to Bus Centre
  on Wellington Road, Henry Street, Sligo Road

  Existing Other
  Tempo Road, around Racecourse Lough, Hillview Road, Cornagrade
  Road, Corban Avenue, Loughview Drive, Derrin Park, Derrin Road, The
  Brook/Brook Terrace, Rossorry Church Road, Belfast/Dublin Road

Source: Sub-Regional Transport Plan 2015 – Technical Supplement for Fermanagh District

Table 9: Enniskillen Local Transport Study: Cycling Blueprint –
   Proposed National Cycle Network/Cycle Routes
 Proposed National Cycle Network (On Road)
 Proposed National Cycle Network (Traffic Free)
 Proposed Cycle Routes
 Cherrymount Link Road (complete)
 Potential Additional Cycle Routes (Not in RTS funding)
 Tempo Road, Wickham Place, Dublin Road/Gaol Square, Queen Elizabeth
 Road, Queen Street, Anne Street, Erne/West Bridge, Cornagrade Road

Source: Sub-Regional Transport Plan 2015 – Technical Supplement for Fermanagh District

Table 10: Omagh Local Transport Study: Cycling Blueprint – Existing
National Cycle Network/Cycle Routes
 Existing National Cycle Network (On Road)
 Arleston Road/Arleston Park, Donaghanie Road
 Existing National Cycle Network (Traffic Free)
 Gortin Road, Mountjoy Road, Old Mountfield Road, along Omagh Leisure
 Centre, along Camowen River from Omagh Leisure Centre to Arleston
 Park, Retreat Close, along Camowen River from Retreat Close to
 Donaghanie Road
 Existing Other
 Killyclogher Road, Crevenagh Road, Clanabogan Road, Dromore Road
 Great Northern Road, along Camowen River from Drumragh Avenue to
 Omagh Leisure Centre, from Camowen River to Old Mountfield
 Road/Arleston Road
Source: Sub-Regional Transport Plan 2015 – Technical Supplement for Omagh District

Table 11: Omagh Local Transport Study: Cycling Blueprint – Proposed
National Cycle Network/Cycle Routes in Omagh Town
 Proposed National Cycle Network (On Road)
 Proposed National Cycle Network (Traffic Free)
 Proposed Cycle Routes
 John Street/James Street, Great Northern Road (subway) through
 Festival Park to link with Townview Ave, Dublin Road
 Potential Additional Cycle Routes (Not in RTS funding)
 Strathroy Road, from Strathroy Road across Strule River to link with
 Derry Road, Derry Road, Mountjoy Road/Bridge Street, Great Northern
 Road, Winters Lane, Hospital Road, Killyclogher Road, Campsie
 Road/Lower Market Street
Source: Sub-Regional Transport Plan 2015 – Technical Supplement for Omagh District

Appendix 2: Bus Services

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