Trendsetters: Transformational Investment Practices of Advanced Investors - WHITE PAPER MARCH 2021

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Trendsetters: Transformational Investment Practices of Advanced Investors - WHITE PAPER MARCH 2021
Transformational Investment
Practices of Advanced Investors
MARCH 2021
Trendsetters: Transformational Investment Practices of Advanced Investors - WHITE PAPER MARCH 2021
Cover: Getty/Eoneren
     Inside: Getty/xijian, Getty/Francesco Scatena, Getty/stanley45, Getty/borchee,
     Getty/Byronsdad, Getty/Think4photop, Getty/peshkov, Getty/MF3d

3    Foreword

4    Preface

5    Executive summary

7    Key takeaway 1: Integrating trends into strategic decision-making

11   Key takeaway 2: Benchmarking approaches relative to peers

14   Key takeaway 3: Allocating to investment products and innovation

18   Key takeaway 4: Making progress through engagement and industry collaboration

21   Key takeaway 5: Quantifying and assessing the trends

25   Conclusion

26   Climate change self-assessment workshop

29   Contributors

30   Endnotes

     © 2021 World Economic Forum. All rights
     reserved. No part of this publication may
     be reproduced or transmitted in any form
     or by any means, including photocopying
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                                                   Trendsetters: Transformational Investment Practices of Advanced Investors   2
Trendsetters: Transformational Investment Practices of Advanced Investors - WHITE PAPER MARCH 2021
March 2021   Trendsetters:
             Transformational Investment Practices of Advanced Investors

             The world is transforming at an unprecedented
             rate, and to an unparalleled extent. The global
             investment community is in a period of great risk
             and great opportunity.

                                          Chow Kiat Lim,
                                          Chief Executive Officer,
                                          GIC, Singapore

             This White Paper builds on the strong foundation                the right vision, governance and implementation
             of the preceding World Economic Forum paper on                  structure. This is a framework that should then
             transformational investment that enumerated and                 serve us well for every trend and transformational
             explained the most challenging global trends facing             journey ahead.
             our economy, environment and society today. In
             this next phase, we survey how asset owners have                Above all else, it is clear to me that these global
             responded to these systemic risks, reflect on shared            trends are bigger than any of us. The best way
             experiences to date and consider the way forward.               forward will likely exceed our individual imaginations
                                                                             and derive instead from our combined wisdom. It
             The insights from the survey are profound. The                  is only when we come together with a long-term
             breadth and depth of perspective, the extent                    perspective, share best ideas as this initiative has
             of integration of global trends into investment                 tried to do, and co-create ever better solutions, that
             processes, and the solutions and engagement                     we as a global investment community can succeed
             plans that have been put in place make one thing                – and succeed sustainably – in the years to come.
             clear: the global investment community is moving
             forward on these trends.                                        I would like to express my appreciation to the World
                                                                             Economic Forum and Mercer for their excellent
             At the same time, it is apparent that we are moving             work, and to the Steering Committee for their
             at different speeds, and find ourselves at different            invaluable insights and guidance. I sincerely hope
             stages of the journey. We are forging new paths                 that every reader of this paper will find its contents
             as there are no established roadmaps. This White                informative, practical and also inspiring when
             Paper highlights the importance of putting in place             navigating all global trends ahead.

                                                          Trendsetters: Transformational Investment Practices of Advanced Investors   3
Trendsetters: Transformational Investment Practices of Advanced Investors - WHITE PAPER MARCH 2021
                                                                                         Maha Eltobgy,
                           Richard Nuzum,
                                                                                         Head, Shaping the Future
                           President, Investments and
                                                                                         of Investing; Member of the
                           Retirement, Mercer (MMC),
                                                                                         Executive Committee, World
                                                                                         Economic Forum LLC

Institutional investors need to address evolving            The importance of having a coordinated
global systemic trends (e.g. climate change,                approach and taking action has never been
geopolitics and low/negative real long-term                 more evident. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic
interest rates) within both their own organizations         serves as a reminder of the critical importance
and their portfolios. The World Economic Forum’s            of understanding complex and interconnected
multistakeholder platform has collaborated with             systemic risks and having processes to address
Mercer to develop insights to benefit the global            them. Our understanding of investors’ current
asset owner community. Findings from meetings               best practice approaches to addressing these
with asset owners who have advanced far down                global trends has been developed through several
the path in addressing such trends will positively          hundred interviews, an asset owner survey, and
influence global investment practices, supporting           virtual events with chief executive officers, chief
asset owners in their organizational development            investment officers, chief risk officers, heads of
and helping them identify transformational                  strategy and heads of environmental, social and
investment opportunities associated with                    governance (ESG) over the past two years.
these trends.
                                                            Produced as part of the World Economic Forum
Our initial White Paper, “Transformational                  Platform on Shaping the Future of Investing, this
Investment: Converting Global Systemic Risks                paper presents actions, initiatives and investment
into Sustainable Returns”, identified the key global        opportunities which asset owners can draw from
systemic trends and a governance framework to               to pursue forward-looking practices that address
address them. This follow-up paper progresses               today’s most challenging global systemic trends.
to solutions, revealing the emerging best practice          We would like to thank the asset owners, investment
vision, governance and implementation processes             managers, policy-makers, academics and other
that asset owners use to address the trends.                experts who have contributed to this work.

                                         Trendsetters: Transformational Investment Practices of Advanced Investors     4
Trendsetters: Transformational Investment Practices of Advanced Investors - WHITE PAPER MARCH 2021
Executive summary
This White Paper builds on findings in the                        –    How asset owners engage with stakeholders to
“Transformational Investment: Converting                               effect regulatory, policy and company-specific
Global Systemic Risks into Sustainable Returns”                        change (takeaway 4)
White Paper, which focuses on the investment
opportunities and risks of today’s most challenging               –    How asset owners use data and tools to improve
global trends. Based on further engagement with                        investment decision-making (takeaway 5)
global asset owners and asset managers, this
paper addresses:                                                  The paper summarizes the actions taken by asset
                                                                  owners to integrate the trends into their investment
–   How asset owners adapt decision-making to                     and risk management processes. It synthesizes
    capture global systemic trends (takeaway 1)                   the findings into a self-assessment framework that
                                                                  investors can use to improve their readiness in dealing
–   What differentiates an asset owner’s level                    with systemic challenges. It also presents investment
    of advancement in addressing the trends                       solutions and opportunities that accelerate the
    (takeaway 2)                                                  industry’s ability to address the trends (click here
                                                                  for the “Climate change self-assessment workshop”
–   What new and tested solutions exist (takeaway 3)              chart and click here for additional exhibits).

Global systemic trends that matter most to investors

       Climate change*: Risks (e.g. physical and transition) and opportunities (e.g. renewable energy)
       associated with climate change

       Low and negative real long-term interest rates: Return and monetary policy implications for
       investors and stakeholders

       Technological evolution: Risks (e.g. cyberattacks and data fraud) and opportunities
       (e.g. venture capital and productivity) associated with technological change

       Demographic shifts: Implications of ageing populations, changing consumer preferences
       and migration

       Geopolitics: Implications of global inequality, populism, protectionism and threats to free trade

       Water security: Environment, human health and economic implications of declining quality or
       quantity of fresh water
*This initiative’s asset owner survey ranked climate change as the most relevant trend from an investment perspective. As such,
this paper’s case studies focus on climate change.

                                              Trendsetters: Transformational Investment Practices of Advanced Investors           5
Trendsetters: Transformational Investment Practices of Advanced Investors - WHITE PAPER MARCH 2021
Key takeaways:

1. Advanced asset owners have put in the effort             Report findings informed by:
   required to integrate the global systemic                – Survey results from over 30 influential
   trends into their strategic decision-making                asset owners (e.g. sovereign wealth funds,
   processes, adapting their vision, governance and           pension funds, insurers, endowments,
   implementation practices.                                  foundations) representing over $3.4 trillion
                                                              in aggregate assets
2. Many asset owners are not aware of how they
   compare to peers with respect to integrating the         –   Over 160 interviews with asset owners,
   trends. They are not able to assess their practices          investment managers, data providers, academia
   relative to industry-leading approaches without a            and government agencies, including more than
   benchmark of peer organizational practices.                  80 interviews with global asset owners

3. When advanced asset owners do not find                   –   Multiple World Economic Forum-led
   investment products in the market that address               industry events with asset owners and
   these trends, they innovate and explore new                  investment managers
   investment approaches.
                                                            –   Steering committee contributions from GIC
4. Advanced asset owners commit to engaging                     Private Limited (GIC), Ontario Municipal
   with investee companies and to sharing with                  Employees Retirement System (OMERS),
   the broader community so that the industry                   OPSEU Pension Trust (OPTrust), Swiss Federal
   evolves and business practices improve.                      Pension Fund PUBLICA (PUBLICA) and Zurich
                                                                Insurance Group
5. Advanced asset owners understand how to
   quantify and assess the implications of changing
   regulations, policies and data availability on these
   trends, and incorporate these assessments in
   their investment decision-making.

Investors’ progress in integrating the trends varies         5. Culture of innovation: Development of new
greatly. Wider awareness of the more advanced                   expertise, questioning of existing norms and
practices should benefit the global community.                  exploration of emerging investment themes
By profiling current practices as “developing” and              and processes
“advanced”, this paper provides asset owners
with a self-assessment benchmark, enabling                   6. Willingness to collaborate: Commitment to
them to compare their vision, governance and                    share best practices with peers and stakeholders
implementation practices to peers. Throughout this              so that the industry evolves more quickly,
work, organizations generally under- or overrated               positively affecting regulations and policies
advancement relative to peers, illustrating the
need for a benchmarking framework that identifies            Global systemic trends and challenging issues,
competency gaps and helps investors to catch up              such as climate change and social injustice, require
with more advanced practices.                                international partnership. COVID-19 highlighted
                                                             the power of international collaboration as vaccine
Traits of advanced asset owners include:                     approval came in under 12 months. Similarly,
1. Diversity of thought: Cognitive diversity that            investors’ increased attention to reporting on
    draws on varied experiences and specialized              metrics that address business ethics, human rights,
    expertise to access insightful perspectives              diversity and worker safety, among others, will
                                                             improve transparency and industry responsiveness.
2. Accurate self-assessment: An ability and                  Meaningful data will assist investors when
   willingness to draw from internal and external            establishing, implementing and tracking strategies
   stakeholders to understand and address                    to capture these opportunities.
   organizational shortcomings
                                                             This White Paper provides asset owners with ways to
3. Commitment to strategic vision: A shared                  better address the global systemic trends and pursue
   belief that taking action today on factors that           higher risk-adjusted returns. It also provides insight
   affect the portfolio over the long term will result       into investment products that asset owners either use
   in enhanced risk-adjusted returns                         already or are considering in order to take advantage
                                                             of opportunities associated with each trend. For
4. Commitment to transparency: Clear                         example, approximately one-third of asset owners
   communication to stakeholders from the board              surveyed are considering allocations to sustainable
   and senior leadership regarding beliefs, vision           agriculture and investments through women- and
   and objectives so that stakeholders align and             minority-owned organizations, demonstrating that
   contribute towards goal fulfilment                        substantial demand for innovative solutions exists.

                                          Trendsetters: Transformational Investment Practices of Advanced Investors   6
Trendsetters: Transformational Investment Practices of Advanced Investors - WHITE PAPER MARCH 2021
Key takeaway 1
Advanced asset owners have put in the
effort required to integrate the global systemic
trends into their strategic decision-making
processes, adapting their vision, governance
and implementation practices.

                   Trendsetters: Transformational Investment Practices of Advanced Investors   7
Asset owners differ in how they integrate                     these differences, the research identified
                            the global systemic trends into their target                  “developing” versus “advanced” investor
                            portfolios (i.e. the strategic portfolio that                 practices across the vision, governance and
                            incorporates an asset owner’s beliefs, objectives,            implementation processes used by asset
                            long-term strategy and constraints). By capturing             owners (Figure 1).

      FIGURE 1:             Defining current trend approaches

                                                        Beliefs, Objectives and
                                                         Long-term Strategy

       Objectives                                                                              Current                      Global Trend
     and Constraints                                                                         Approaches                    Considerations

    Liability & Liquidity                                                                                                  Climate Change
       Requirements                                                                           Advanced                    Low Interest Rates
    Return Requirement                                               Target                                                 Tech Evolution
       Time Horizon                                                 Portfolio                                            Demographic Shifts
      Risk Tolerance                                                                          Developing                     Geopolitics
                                                                                                                            Water Security
       Resources &

                                                        Strategy Implementation

                                                Existing Products           Product Innovations

                                                          Supporting Policy Actions

Sources: World Economic Forum and Mercer

                            The World Economic Forum and Mercer’s asset                   PUBLICA: Implementing a climate-efficient
                            owner survey on how asset owners set their target             public equity index
                            portfolios indicated that most investors combine
                            objective-driven inputs and opportunistic strategy            PUBLICA, a Swiss public pension fund with
                            considerations (such as PUBLICA; see the box to               CHF 42 billion in assets (as of 31 December
                            the right). The balance varies by trend, however.             2020), annually determines portfolio risk exposure
                            For example, more than 60% of participants used               severity based on potential macroeconomic,
                            a combined approach to address climate change                 social, geopolitical, ecological and technological
                            while only 45% used it to address geopolitics.                impact. PUBLICA identifies and prioritizes one or
                            Indeed, 35% used solely an objective-aligned                  two systemic risks each year for intensive study to
                            approach to manage the risks associated with                  determine portfolio economic consequences. The
                            geopolitics, partially due to the lack of investment          analysis concludes with recommendations for the
                            opportunities that solve for geopolitics, which limits        Investment Committee. In 2018, for example, the
                            more opportunistic approaches.                                asset management team identified climate inaction
                                                                                          as a major risk, which resulted in the construction
                            Some asset owners draw on their objectives                    and implementation of a climate-efficient public
                            and beliefs to set target strategic exposures. For            equity index for 100% of PUBLICA’s equity
                            instance, the Environment Agency (UK) Pension                 exposure. The index leverages a range of climate
                            Fund aims to invest 15% of total assets in solutions          scenarios to underweight companies with negative
                            that address low carbon, energy efficiency and                climate exposure and overweight companies that
                            other climate opportunities.1 Other asset owners              have business models or technologies that reduce
                            integrate trend considerations on a one-off,                  greenhouse gas emissions or are best prepared
                            tactical basis – for instance, making opportunistic           to address climate risk. PUBLICA is applying a
                            allocations to renewable energy infrastructure when           similar framework to public bonds.
                            a fund offers compelling risk-adjusted returns.

                                                                       Trendsetters: Transformational Investment Practices of Advanced Investors   8
GIC: Bringing together diverse perspectives, deep expertise and dedicated capital to
            combat climate change

            As Singapore’s sovereign wealth fund, GIC’s                     incorporates traditional factors and how climate
            mandate is to preserve and enhance the                          change would affect the portfolio in the future.
            international purchasing power of the reserves                  To integrate climate’s effects, GIC conducts
            under its management over the long term. GIC                    scenario analysis stress tests and uses tools
            believes that climate change materially affects                 to understand companies’ value at risk due to
            all asset classes and should be approached                      climate-related factors. GIC is building databases
            both defensively and offensively. To get initial                to assess climate implications beyond companies
            buy-in from leadership, GIC collaborated with                   by understanding countries’ climate policies and
            thought leaders, specialized agencies and                       future commitments to a lower-carbon economy.
            scientists to enhance senior stakeholders’
            understanding of climate change. To get buy-                    GIC has the capital to invest into a flexible
            in from the investment teams, GIC hosted                        mandate that proactively allocates to sustainable
            internal workshops and identified compelling                    opportunities such as renewable energy, energy
            risk/return implications related to incorporating               efficiency, sustainable agriculture, agriculture
            climate change. Separately but concurrently                     technology, green hydrogen, electric mobility
            at the national level, education and buy-in was                 and other initiatives that contribute to carbon
            also supported by the Singapore government’s                    reduction. GIC believes that future product
            commitment to spending S$100 billion on                         innovation can result from asset owners
            climate change protection measures.                             investing together and/or directly, sharing
                                                                            research and collaborating on the development
            From an asset allocation perspective, GIC                       of frameworks (such as those outlined in this
            considers the portfolio’s return distribution, which            research) to address complex systemic trends.

            Through more than 160 interviews with members of                 evolved their practices across public and private
            the investment community over the past two years,2               investments, successfully integrating relevant trends
            the organizational practices that address the trends             into their decision-making and portfolio construction
            through vision, governance and implementation                    processes. “Developing” generally represents asset
            were identified (Figure 2). This research differentiates         owners that are just beginning to address the global
            between “developing” and “advanced” investors                    trends or do not yet have a robust and systematic
            based on their transformational progress to date,                approach. Most asset owners today are still
            while also defining the governance steps that assist             evolving, selectively considering the pros and cons
            progress. “Advanced” generally represents asset                  of developing specific processes to address the
            owners that already have invested substantial                    trends. Consideration of investors’ varying ranges
            time and resources to develop and maintain                       of advancement helps investors identify where they
            an investment approach that converts a global                    are on their journeys and how they compare to
            trend into systematic implementation. They have                  advanced peers.

FIGURE 2:   Transforming trends into sustainable returns

            Generating sustainable returns from global trends requires:

                           Vision                                Governance                            Implementation
                    Trend alignment with                       Internal stakeholder                   Execution by expert
                       vision/mandate                                 buy-in                              resources

                Understand              Collaborate                  Design                  Invest                  Monitor

            the overall impact on   with similarly situated   governance, policies,   to manage the            and revisit; apply
            the funding entity,     organizations that are    delegation and          portfolio’s exposure     lessons to improve
            objectives and          concerned about the       accountabilities for    to the global systemic   policies and
            beneficiaries           same risks and            material systemic       risks and proactively    processes
                                    opportunities             trends                  allocate to trends

            Sources: World Economic Forum and Mercer

                                                         Trendsetters: Transformational Investment Practices of Advanced Investors   9
Implementing the trends

                            Application of organizational practices varies by              reasons. For technological evolution, more than
                            asset owner and the level of trend relevance to each           80% of asset owners perceived it as linked to return
                            organization. In the survey, asset owners ranked               enhancement while, in contrast, 60% of investors
                            the trends from most to least relevant (i.e. climate           address geopolitics to manage risk of loss.
                            change, low/negative interest rates, technological
                            evolution, demographic shifts, geopolitics and water           Figure 3 displays a variety of trend-linked investments
                            security), but a wide variation exists. For example,           that asset owners access through funds, co-
                            low/negative interest rates are more relevant to               investments or directly. For example, asset owners
                            liability-constrained investors (e.g. defined benefit          are investing into low-carbon indices, sustainable
                            pension plans) than to real growth mandates.                   protein and green property to address climate
                            The survey results also highlighted differences in             change, and cybersecurity and robotic funds to
                            how the asset owner community perceives the                    address technological evolution. Product evolution
                            trends from risk and opportunity perspectives.                 has accelerated as asset owners engage managers
                            A large portion of participants referenced that                to align with the Sustainable Development Goals
                            they address climate change (55%), low/negative                (SDGs).3 Additional policy actions, such as global
                            interest rates (57%) and demographic shifts (43%)              carbon pricing, subsidies or reporting transparency,
                            for both return enhancement and loss reduction                 should accelerate innovation.

      FIGURE 3:             Investment products that address the trends

Trends addressed:

      Multiple                             Demographic Shifts                    Technological Evolution               Water Security

      Geopolitics                          Climate Change                        Low and Negative
                                                                                 Interest Rates

Equity                                     Cybersecurity                         Sustainable                     Credit
      Sustainable Funds                    Robotics                                                                    ESG-linked Loans
                                                                                 Social Infrastructure
      Sustainable Agriculture              Elderly Care                          (i.e. Hospitals and                   Green Bonds
      Enterprise Software                  Education                                                                   Transition Bonds
      and Artificial Intelligence                                                Affordable Housing
                                           China A-shares,                                                             Catastrophe Bonds
      Blockchain                           Regional Asia                         Women- and/or
                                                                                                                       Blue Bonds
      Ocean Management                     Asia Growth Private
                                                                                 managed                               Microfinance
                                                                                 Digital Infrastructure                Women and/or
                                    Real Assets                                                                        Minority-owned/
      Sustainable Protein                                                                                              managed
                                           Energy Efficiency
      Sharing Economy                                                                                                  Multi-asset Credit
                                           Land Conservation
      Women- and/or                                                                                                    Distressed Debt
                                                                                 Inflation-linked Bonds
      Minority-owned/                      Developed Market
      managed                              Infrastructure                        Inflation Swaps
                                                                                                                 Nominal Bonds
      Frontier Markets in                  Emerging Market
      Africa                               Infrastructure                                                              Carbon Intensity &
                                                                           Liquid Alts
                                                                                                                       ESG-analysed Country
      Energy Transition                    Renewable Energy                      Fintech                               Selection
                                           Green Property                        Global Macro Funds
      Circular Economy
                                           Water Utilities, including            Digital Currency
      Low Carbon Indices                   Wastewater Recycling
                                           and Retrofitting                      Traditional Currency
      Water Funds

Sources: World Economic Forum and Mercer

                                                                        Trendsetters: Transformational Investment Practices of Advanced Investors   10
Key takeaway 2
Many asset owners are not aware of how
they compare to peers with respect to
integrating the trends. They are not able
to assess their practices relative to industry-
leading approaches without a benchmark of
peer organizational practices.

                  Trendsetters: Transformational Investment Practices of Advanced Investors   11
Figure 4 illustrates the important variables                   at a minimum, that the vision and supporting mission
            across asset owners’ vision, governance and                    statements and objectives capture the relevance
            implementation pillars that differentiate investors’           of climate considerations. The effort required to do
            progress today. Reference to these factors                     this is multifaceted and organizationally intensive
            helps asset owners to self-assess their level of               since it involves reflection on mission, beliefs and
            advancement with respect to a particular trend.                values, buy-in from stakeholders and leadership, and
            Taking climate action as an example, most                      assessment of the challenges of how to integrate
            organizations currently reside at the “developing”             climate considerations into fiduciary duties and
            stage. Advancing from this level typically requires,           investment outcomes.

FIGURE 4:   Approach differences

                                                                            Developing                           Advanced

                Mission, Beliefs, Values                                         Generic                         Comprehensive

                Leadership Buy-in                                              Emerging                          Established

                Competitive Advantage                                          Unaware                           Aware


                Accountability by Stakeholders/Leadership                          None                          Aligned

                Policy and Procedures                                            Generic                         Integrated

                Research Capability (including staff)                           Learning                         Expert


                Strategic/Scenario Analysis                                        Basic                         Trend-adjusted

                Target Metrics/Benchmarks                                        Limited                         Robust

                Portfolio Integration                                       Stand-alone                          Fully integrated

                Engagement                                                  Price-driven                         Affect change

                Measurement/Monitoring                                           Limited                         Robust

            Sources: World Economic Forum and Mercer

            This assessment framework can be used to                       –   Modelling and analysing climate-related
            increase organizational awareness about where                      factors’ impact on valuations and economic
            obvious gaps exist, and allows asset owners                        opportunities when developing strategic asset
            to benchmark progress relative to peers across                     allocation and making investments
            vision, governance and implementation (click
            here for the “Climate change self-assessment                   –   Aligning incentives through standardized reporting
            workshop” chart and click here for additional                      on applicable metrics/key performance indicators
            exhibits). Taking climate action as an example,                    (KPIs) to internal and external stakeholders
            characteristics of advanced asset owners include:
                                                                           –   Integrating the chief sustainability officer or head
            –    Assessing competitive advantage relative                      of ESG fully with the investment team across the
                 to peers in allocating to emerging solutions                  sourcing, due diligence, value creation (i.e. engage
                 targeted at a low-carbon economy, capturing                   to affect change) and monitoring processes
                 investments’ physical and transition risks,
                 and anticipating structural changes and                   –   Monitoring and reporting regularly on transition
                 the impacts of climate-related regulations                    and physical risks to internal and external
                 on investments                                                stakeholders

                                                        Trendsetters: Transformational Investment Practices of Advanced Investors   12
–   Benchmarking overall programme progress                   States on climate considerations) or have limited
    against transition milestones (e.g. decarbonization       awareness of the trends’ relevance to their core
    at the portfolio level, carbon budgets by                 mandates. Organizational culture, complexity and cost
    investment team), objectives and policies                 considerations represent other common impediments
                                                              that advanced asset owners have overcome.
–   Allocating capital proactively to solutions that
    address climate change, e.g. renewable energy             Portfolio integration relates to systematically
    infrastructure, sustainable agriculture, green            allocating to relevant trends in the investment
    property and green bonds                                  decision-making process. Aside from water security
                                                              and geopolitics, a growing number of trend-aligned
Large asset owners are remarkably diverse by                  sub-strategies are available in the market that meet
mandate, size, structure and legislative restrictions,        required risk-adjusted return targets and enable
and their vision reflects this diversity. In many             investors to both mitigate risk and proactively
cases, beneficiaries can influence priorities of the          invest in opportunities that address the trends. For
leadership teams, as long as this does not impede             example, multi-asset credit and infrastructure debt
delivery of target returns. For example, a UK                 investments act as diversifiers to traditional bond
endowment developed its divestment policy due                 exposure due to low/negative interest rates, and
to student protests about the university’s exposure           elderly care investments benefit from, and help to
to fossil fuels. Additionally, the asset owner survey         address, ageing populations. A large opportunity
found that more than 80% of vision or mission                 still exists, however, for investors to make more
frameworks address climate change in some form,               trend-related investments and for investment
and that importance to stakeholders, for instance             managers to launch additional products.
feedback from beneficiaries, was a driver of this.
                                                              Asset owners cannot manage what they cannot
With respect to governance, establishing                      measure. Lack of measurement standardization
leadership and employee accountability is required            inhibits investors’ ability to manage trend-linked
along with supporting principles and directives               risks and opportunities at the investment and
reflected in investment policies and procedures.              portfolio levels. Organizations that work with
Using climate change as an example, developing                data providers, economists, data scientists and
organizations may have a responsible investment               investment teams have improved measurement
policy statement, but advanced investors have                 for trend-related exposures. Advanced asset
translated policies into procedures, amended their            owners are aware of key hurdles that impede
benchmarks and integrated climate considerations              measurement and monitoring of these exposures,
into their investment committee decision processes            and have adapted internal measurement processes
and materials. Staff understand how to implement              to adjust for the transition period until metric
climate considerations, with performance                      capture improves.
evaluations including applicable metrics via
remuneration policy.                                          Asset owners also are hiring chief sustainability
                                                              officers and/or chief innovation officers to improve
Implementation varies substantially based on each             understanding, measurement and monitoring
trend, even though trend-related scenario analysis            of climate change impacts and relevance to
and stress tests are commonly used for most                   investments. Asset owner size generally is not an
trends. Some asset owners are very specialized                impediment, as smaller asset owners with limited
and track portfolios against trend-linked target              resources outsource trend-related governance
metrics, such as per annum decarbonization,                   and implementation to industry experts. For
when accounting for different investment teams’               instance, a £5 billion pension fund uses a
carbon budgets. Others either perceive specific               consultant to source investment managers that
trends as less relevant (e.g. low yields matter less          allocate capital to private and public market
to growth investors), anticipate legal hurdles (e.g.          opportunities targeted at investments that solve
fiduciary liability challenges, especially in the United      for a lower-carbon economy.

                                           Trendsetters: Transformational Investment Practices of Advanced Investors   13
Key takeaway 3
When advanced asset owners do not find
investment products in the market that address
these trends, they innovate and explore new
investment approaches.

                 Trendsetters: Transformational Investment Practices of Advanced Investors   14
The asset owner survey highlighted trend-linked                   scalability, proof of concept and
                             products that investors are already allocating to                 supportive policy intervention
                             and those they are considering, but these are
                             not sufficient to meet all institutional investors’         –     Energy efficiency (more than 60%),
                             needs. Advanced asset owners innovate, creating                   likely given investable public and
                             organizational structures and investment approaches               private market opportunities linked
                             that enable access to compelling opportunities, often             to the transition to a lower-carbon
                             before they become mainstream.                                    economy and continued technological
                             Investors are allocating capital to some of the
                             following popular trend-linked solutions (Figure 5):        –     Multi-asset credit (58%) and distressed
                                                                                               debt (52%) given their abilities to help
                             –   Renewable energy infrastructure (more                         address low/negative real long-term
                                 than 70% of participants), likely due to its                  interest rates

         FIGURE 5:           The most common investment products that address the trends

  % of respondents           Multiple               Climate                 Low and                  Technological           Demographic
        (n=31)               Trends                 Change                  Negative Rates           Evolution               Shifts


                             Developed Market


          61%                Energy Efficiency      Green Property

          58%                                       Energy Transition       Multi-asset Credit

                                                                                                                             China A-shares

          52%                                                               Distressed Debt

                                                                                                                             Asia Growth
                             Global Macro                                                            Cybersecurity           Private Equity
          48%                                       Water Utilities
                             Funds                                                                   (Private Equity)        Public

                             and Artificial
                             Emerging Market

                             Fintech (Public

Sources: World Economic Forum and Mercer

                                                                      Trendsetters: Transformational Investment Practices of Advanced Investors   15
Due to the low and negative interest rate                         The asset owner survey identified trend-linked
                               environment, many asset owners are willing to                     investments under current use and consideration,
                               explore more complex investment approaches to                     highlighting strategies in highest demand
                               increase returns, such as private and emerging                    (Figure 6):
                               market debt and leverage facilities. Investors also
                               use gold and other alternatives for value storage,                –     Almost one-third of participants are considering
                               such as cryptocurrencies. One Canadian pension                          allocations to sustainable agriculture, such as
                               fund considers interest rate and climate change                         AgTech venture capital, and land conservation
                               interrelationships; for example, it now invests in low-                 (e.g. conservation easement)
                               carbon infrastructure and green bonds that replace
                               traditional fixed income.                                         –     One-third are assessing private market
                                                                                                       allocations to women- and minority-owned
                               Other popular strategies include infrastructure                         organizations and managed funds, and more
                               investments in developed markets, green property,                       than one-fourth to microfinance
                               energy transition strategies and digital infrastructure
                               (e.g. data centres and connections, cloud and                     –     Over one-fourth are considering allocations to
                               hosting businesses). To benefit from technological                      green bonds and blue bonds, such as ocean
                               evolution, one Australian superannuation fund                           conservation and sustainable fisheries
                               investigated alternatives to venture capital
                               by investing in “old-world” companies which
                               intentionally adopt new technologies that create
                               legacy business disruption and simultaneously
                               increase market share.

       FIGURE 6:               Trend-related investments allocated to and under consideration



50%                                                                                                                                 23%
                                                                                             23%           26%         32%
                                                        23%      32%                                                                              52%
                         26%           32%
20%                                                                                                                                 39%
        29%                                                                                  35%           32%
                                                                               26%                                     29%
                         10%                                     10%
         3%                            6%
      Blue Bonds   Microfinance      Land             Low       Women-/        Elderly      Circular      Green     Sustainable   Sustainable   Affordable
                                  Conservation      Carbon Minority-managed     Care       Economy        Bonds     Agriculture     Private      Housing
                                                    Indices   Firms/Funds                                                           Equity

   Currently Allocated         Considering Allocation

Sources: World Economic Forum and Mercer

                               Index providers play an important role in future                  Many asset owners recognize the need to allocate
                               allocations. They influence capital flows, which                  capital to fulfil the requirements of both investors
                               in turn affect valuations, tracking error and                     and societal needs. Unfortunately, numerous
                               concentration limits. Index providers have                        investment opportunities, such as African
                               innovated to support investors with sustainability-               infrastructure projects, are not pursued due to
                               based solutions, especially as investors focus on                 negative prior experiences, foreign exchange or
                               benchmarks structured for purpose rather than                     political risk, or asset owner-specific restrictions
                               capitalization (see the HSBC overleaf box). For                   against investing into certain countries. Survey
                               example, some providers created indices aligned                   responses indicated African infrastructure exposure
                               with the EU Paris-aligned Benchmark (PAB) and                     across only 25% of asset owners, despite the
                               EU Climate Transition Benchmarks that help to                     opportunity this provides to address multiple trends,
                               measure transition and physical risk mitigation                   such as climate change, demographic shifts, water
                               efforts, as well as to capture opportunities that may             security, technological evolution and geopolitics.
                               benefit from regulatory and policy-related tailwinds.             Similarly, despite water risks materially affecting

                                                                              Trendsetters: Transformational Investment Practices of Advanced Investors      16
HSBC Bank UK: A defined contribution pension scheme benchmark evolves into a global
climate-balanced index

In 2017, the HSBC Bank UK Pension Scheme transitioned its defined contribution (DC) scheme’s
default option from a passive global equity mandate to one with a climate tilt to achieve better risk-
adjusted returns, protection against climate change risks, and a clear ESG engagement policy within
a passive mandate. The DC scheme’s benchmark became the FTSE All-World ex Controversial
Weapons (CW) Climate Balanced Factor Index, an index based on the FTSE All-World equities index.
It excludes the FTSE All-World’s CW index and tilts weights towards certain smart beta factors: value,
quality, low volatility and size. From there, carbon efficiency/emissions, fossil fuel reserves and green
revenues are incorporated.4

human health, world hunger, agriculture and political       In response to the scale-related hurdles, some
stability, viable projects that meet institutional          investors, such as OPTrust, establish focused
investors’ risk/return requirements remain limited.         teams to address innovation and sustainable
                                                            investing through incubation portfolios.5 To
To address the financing gap, the Multilateral              successfully implement such an approach, the
Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) and the                  organizations typically have separate pools of
International Finance Corporation (IFC) offer               capital outside of the traditional benchmarked
products that help to limit risk exposure for               programme with separate governance as well as
investors allocating to new geographies. Many               incentives incorporated into strategic objectives.
asset owners, however, require additional
protections (for instance, government absorption of         To address another common hurdle – new
first loss capital), higher expected returns, increased     strategies with limited performance history
transparency and more issuances by blue-chip                and proof of concept – a large Asian sovereign
investment banks. Investments that include                  wealth fund invests small amounts in emerging
undiversifiable risk without clear payoff potential will    themes, such as plant-based protein in 2016 or
remain underinvested, stated a chief information            e-commerce in China in 2010. This “seeding”
officer from an Australian superannuation fund,             approach enhances internal research and
even with additional protections such as MIGA and           education about the concept and improves the
IFC; the fund’s ability to hedge risk or to generate        fund’s ability to execute when a burgeoning
compensatory return are baseline requirements.              business or strategy becomes a major investment
                                                            opportunity. If the seeding fails, losses are limited.
The financing gap also exists because emerging
trend-linked solutions often are not scalable and           The research found that asset owners
require substantial time and resources to assess.           successfully access strategies to capture
Such opportunities also can lack the                        returns and mitigate risks for many of the
track records and proof of concept that most                trends, though significant opportunity exists
asset owners typically prefer. For example, an              for asset managers and index providers to
Australian superannuation fund executive and                innovate and evolve products further. Along
several other large asset owners explained in               with incubation portfolios and seeding
interviews that size can create a competitive               approaches, investors also pursue investment
disadvantage. Due diligence costs on small                  objectives by engaging companies directly or
exposures with limited total return contribution            through industry initiatives.
impede the pursuit of innovative opportunities
when compared to larger deals.

These challenges apply to some trends (e.g.
geopolitics, water security) more than others, such
as low/negative rates, demographic shifts and
technological evolution. The latter have numerous
examples of investment strategies that improve
returns or diversify risk. For example:

–   Robotics exchange-traded funds (ETFs) to gain
    exposure to advances in artificial intelligence,
    3D printing, automation and space exploration

–   Asia growth private equity to benefit from
    the region’s changing healthcare and
    consumption preferences

–   Elderly care infrastructure and real estate
    aligned to ageing populations

                                         Trendsetters: Transformational Investment Practices of Advanced Investors   17
Key takeaway 4
Advanced asset owners commit to engaging
with investee companies and to sharing with the
broader community so that the industry evolves
and business practices improve.

                 Trendsetters: Transformational Investment Practices of Advanced Investors   18
What good          When scalable investment solutions are not                  stranded assets total return swap. The swap allowed
is a net zero         available, or if asset owners lack the expertise            WWF-US to hold a long position in the S&P 500 and
portfolio when        or ability to allocate to strategies aligned to these       sell cash flows from potentially stranded assets (e.g.
                      trends, many still find ways to address them                coal and oil sands indices) to its counterparty.7 Other
the world burns
                      directly or indirectly. Engagement and divestment           investors take short positions in companies that are
around you?”
                      examples include:                                           not adequately addressing sustainability issues and
Andrew Fisher,                                                                    the transition to a lower-carbon economy.
Head of Portfolio     –   Exclusion-oriented investing or theme-
Strategy, Sunsuper,       based ETFs                                              Alternatives to negative screening are also
Australia                                                                         developing. The Transition Pathway Initiative,
                      –   Assessing physical and transition risk exposures        co-founded by the Church of England’s National
                          to underweight companies adversely affected             Investing Bodies and the Environment Agency
                          by climate change                                       Pension Fund (UK), assesses a company’s
                                                                                  preparedness for a low-carbon economy by
                      –   Overweighting companies with business models            tracking corporate management of emissions,
                          that reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions              and evaluates how companies’ expected future
                          and proactively address climate risk                    carbon performance compares to international
                                                                                  targets and national pledges made through the
                      –   Engaging with underlying companies to                   Paris Climate Agreement. This publicly available
                          promote change                                          data helps investors to determine the best-
                                                                                  prepared companies within a given sector and to
                      Asset owners surveyed strongly prefer                       differentiate between the good and bad actors.
                      engagement and selective trend-related strategy
                      investments over divestment and negative                    Surveyed asset owners have approximately two-
                      screening. When the latter are used, asset owners           thirds of their portfolio exposure in liquid assets and
                      typically divest from companies with high carbon            the remainder in illiquid holdings, making integration
                      emissions, limited ability to transition or high            of the trends via both public and private market
                      stranded asset risk. Some investors choose to               securities important. Approaches commonly used
                      decarbonize their portfolios because they wish              by asset owners for climate change include:
                      to support the PAB with assets invested in line
                      with Paris Climate Agreement goals. Andra AP-               –   Dependency on public markets for scale
                      fonden (AP2), one of Sweden’s national funds that               and familiarity with engagement and
                      supports state pensions, has adjusted holdings                  stewardship principles
                      in global equities and corporate bonds to ensure
                      consistency with the PAB. AP2 will not invest in            –   Increased support for shareholder resolutions
                      companies that exceed certain revenue levels                    that require better corporate disclosures, e.g.
                      from coal (1%), oil (10%) and gas (50%), or from                commitment to report scope 1 and 2 emissions
                      utility companies using fossil fuels (50%). AP2’s
                      approach removed approximately 250 companies                –   Shareholder activism to improve reporting and
                      from the portfolio.6                                            measurement by listed companies

                      Stranded asset total return swaps represent another         –   Leveraging private market traits: long-
                      form of divestment. For example, Bob Litterman,                 termism and promoting sustainability via
                      Investment Committee Chair of World Wildlife Fund               access to management and representation
                      in the United States (WWF-US), created the WWF                  on corporate boards

                                                               Trendsetters: Transformational Investment Practices of Advanced Investors   19
In order to align fiduciaries with greenhouse gas emission reduction goals,
            changing consumer preferences and technological advances will move us in the right
            direction, but alignment of public policy (higher regulatory standards or some form of
            carbon pricing) will be a powerful accelerant. Investors must incorporate these into
            investment decisions to the degree they are material, which will vary across sectors
            and time. Of course, these are not mutually exclusive, but I think a useful paradigm
            for how investors and public policy should work together in a fiduciary-safe manner
            to advance societal goals.”

            Donald Raymond, Chief Investment Strategist, Qatar Investment Authority, Qatar

            More than 90% of survey respondents believed                 expanding global community committed to
            that further regulatory and policy action would              addressing global challenges. For example, Figure 7
            accelerate action to address climate change.                 includes a selection of asset owner relevant industry
            Asset owners expect policy intervention to                   organizations that engage with stakeholders to:
            affect corporate operating costs and asset
            values due to changing taxes, subsidies and                  –    Reduce emissions
            regulations. In anticipation, asset owners may
            use the Paris Agreement Capital Transition                   –    Become better educated on climate change
            Assessment (PACTA)8 or refer to the Global                        and related corporate actions
            Investors for Sustainable Development Alliance
            (GISD).9 Interventions can include financial                 –    Incorporate ESG issues into investment
            incentives to reward companies that create                        analysis and the decision-making process
            sustainable stakeholder value or subsidies to
            encourage alignment with the Paris Climate                   –    Improve diversity in the investment
            Agreement and SDGs.                                               management sector

            In addition to policy action, asset owner                    –    Enhance engagement with central banks
            engagement with peers, investment managers,
            data providers, multistakeholder platforms                   –    Accelerate the integration of financial risks into
            and corporations has flourished into an                           their processes

FIGURE 7:   Asset owner relevant industry organizations

                                            Global Investor             Investor Leadership
                                                                                                          Net-Zero Asset
              Climate Action 100+         Coalition on Climate                Network
                                                                                                          Owner Alliance
                                                 Change                         (ILN)

               The Central Banks
                                                                                                        World Resources
                and Supervisors                                                 Portfolio
                                             One Planet                                                 Institute/Science
                   Network for                                               Decarbonization
                                           Sovereign Wealth                                               Based Targets
                  Greening the                                                  Coalition
                                                Funds                                                        Initiative
                Financial System                                                 (PDC)

                                                                              Principles for
                   The Geneva                                                 Responsible
                                          The Investor Agenda
                   Association                                                 Investment

            Source: World Economic Forum and Mercer

            Developing asset owners can benefit from peer collaboration and outputs of these organizations as they
            enhance their vision, governance and implementation approaches.

                                                      Trendsetters: Transformational Investment Practices of Advanced Investors    20
Key takeaway 5
Advanced asset owners understand how to
quantify and assess the implications of changing
regulations, policies and data availability on these
trends, and incorporate these assessments in
their investment decision-making.

                   Trendsetters: Transformational Investment Practices of Advanced Investors   21
Quantifying the impact of these trends (e.g.                The “E” (i.e. “environment” for climate change,
flooding, migration, ageing populations) can                natural resources, water security, and pollution
affect corporate valuations. Clear measurement,             and waste) and “G” (i.e. “governance” for anti-
standards and benchmarks strengthen investors’              corruption, risk management, shareholder rights
abilities to act as responsible stewards of capital,        and tax transparency) in ESG are not the only
and to affect change by creating accountability             material considerations. Advanced asset owners
through company engagement. Although the                    also increasingly focus on the “S” (i.e. “social”
standards and tools used for measurement and                for diversity and inclusion, workplace safety,
monitoring are evolving rapidly, many investors             income inequality, job reskilling, modern slavery,
lament that substantial improvement from current            child labour, physical and mental health). There
practices is required to understand portfolio-              is pressure for asset managers and companies
related risks and opportunities and to align                to address inadequate policies and social-related
portfolios with their organization’s objectives.            benchmarks that now exist. For example, the
                                                            World Benchmarking Alliance developed a series
Advances at data providers have increased access            of guidelines that rank and measure over 2,000
to information. Inadequate standardization and data         companies based on contributions to the SDGs.12
quality, however, create challenges in measuring            Social-related benchmarks include:
and monitoring non-traditional investment metrics.
For example, ESG measurement is particularly                –   Gender – How corporations drive and promote
difficult in private markets and in geographies with            gender equality and women’s empowerment
varied regulatory standards. A CFA Society survey               across their entire value chain
in 2019 showed that only 21% of asset owners
integrate ESG across portfolios despite the potential       –   Corporate human rights – Company policies,
benefit from evaluating ESG factors across all asset            processes, and practices used to systematize
classes.10 Advanced asset owners who determine                  human rights approaches across the workforce
how to incorporate ESG analysis into their                      and responsiveness to allegations
investment processes should be able to secure an
information advantage.                                      –   Digital inclusion – How corporations advance a
                                                                more inclusive digital economy and society
Regulatory advances around the globe and
resulting frameworks and standards should                   These improvements in measurement advance
support asset owners. For instance, the Task                global efforts to address social and demographic
Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures              trends. The investment industry must still solve
(TCFD) framework helps investors understand the             broader ESG measurement challenges, however,
impacts of climate change on their investments.             especially because many asset owners already
Meanwhile, standards from the Sustainability                operate in jurisdictions that recognize ESG as a
Accounting Standards Board (SASB) identify                  material fiduciary consideration.
financially material sustainability issues by industry.
Lastly, the World Economic Forum’s Stakeholder              Pension funds in the United Kingdom are required
Capitalism Metrics improve consistency and                  to report financially material ESG and climate
comparability of information reported by                    change risk.13 Meanwhile, in Australia, participants
companies, increase corporate ESG reporting, and            sued a superannuation fund for lack of transparency
encourage solutions for non-financial reporting.11          in accounting for climate change and for not
When fully adopted, these disclosures will help             illustrating such analysis.14 The participants won
investors understand financial and operating                the suit and set a precedent; Australian schemes
impacts of global systemic trends. In addition,             now need to clarify how they are addressing
once standardized SASB scores are readily                   climate change. Investors currently under more
available for most companies, comparability and             ambiguous interpretations regarding ESG fiduciary
investor analysis will improve.                             consideration (e.g. United States) can potentially

   Corporate value is ultimately driven by the abstract combination of organizational
and human capital that enables agile navigation of a broad range of plausible future
states. For long-term investors, due diligence on this capability cannot be found in
quarterly earnings reports alone. It requires assessment of far less tangible markers
of corporate capability.

In my view, central to this is a firm’s ethical heartbeat – it frames the way decisions
under stress will be taken. And its reflection can be found in how precisely purpose is
articulated; how transparently that aligns to identifiers of organizational and individual-
employee success; whether there is any appreciation of systems-risk or of stakeholders
as advocates; how decision-making is distributed; and the extent to which failure is
able to be tolerated as an inevitable part of innovation.”

Alison Tarditi, Chief Investment Officer, Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation, Australia

                                         Trendsetters: Transformational Investment Practices of Advanced Investors   22
benefit by anticipating the implications of future           public media and stakeholder sources daily in 20
regulatory changes and leveraging perspectives               languages across 96 ESG factors aligned with
from markets that already recognize ESG factors as           international standards and frameworks.15
material to fiduciary considerations.
                                                             As another example, Wellington Management’s
Some investors complement traditional ESG                    new climate exposure risk assessment (CERA)
analyses with information from data analytic                 tool helps investors across its platform as well as
providers that rely on artificial intelligence and data      climate research advisory partners CalPERS and
science to obtain an outside-in perspective of               Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan better understand
corporate violations or to measure climate-related           companies’ physical climate risks, e.g. extreme
risks around the globe. This information enables             heat, drought, wildfires, hurricanes, flooding and
asset owners to engage with portfolio companies              water access. The CERA tool leverages data
and proactively address areas of concern. For                science and quantitative models to analyse the
example, RepRisk assesses ESG risks related                  impact of climate change on global capital market
to 165,000 public and private companies and                  segments. The tool was developed in collaboration
40,000 infrastructure projects through its use               with Woodwell Climate Research Center, a leading
of artificial intelligence, machine learning and             climate change think tank that partners with global
human intelligence. It screens more than 100,000             private and public organizations.

                                          Trendsetters: Transformational Investment Practices of Advanced Investors   23
The asset owner survey identified common tools                   extent. Many asset owners referenced drawing from
                                used for investment and risk analysis (Figure 8).                the climate scenarios highlighted by the TCFD to
                                Across all trends, the most common included                      conduct scenario analysis for climate change.16
                                identifying trend-specific investment products,
                                macroeconomic risk analysis, sectoral analysis                   By assessing material risk factors and drawing from
                                and scenario testing. Other tools surveyed were                  the industry’s tools, frameworks and standards,
                                only highly applicable to one or two of the trends,              investors have the ability to better understand and
                                such as ESG measurement for climate action                       monitor their investments. Advanced asset owners
                                and water security or geographical assessments                   draw from best practices and emerging tools to
                                for geopolitics.                                                 position their portfolios for evolving markets and
                                                                                                 regulatory environments. The resources enhance
                                Despite the relatively large number of climate                   their understanding of their portfolios and enable
                                change-linked mitigation and adaptation investment               advanced investors to be more agile when
                                solutions available in the market, the asset owners              responding to unforeseen events, such as the
                                surveyed currently access these only to a moderate               COVID-19 pandemic.

          FIGURE 8:             Usage of investment, monitoring and risk measurement approaches

                                Climate              Low and              Technological         Demographic          Geopolitics          Water
                                Change               Negative Real        Evolution             Shifts                                    Security
                                                     Interest Rates

  Use of Investment
                                       2.7                  1.8                  2.0                  2.7                   3.3                  3.3

  Macroeconomic Risk
                                       2.8                  1.6                  3.1                  2.2                   1.9                  3.8

  Sectoral Analysis
                                       1.9                  2.9                  1.9                  2.7                   2.7                  2.8

  Scenario Testing
                                       2.2                  1.8                  3.6                  2.9                   2.6                  3.5

                                       2.8                  2.5                  3.0                  2.9                   1.5                  2.9

  Engagement on
  Targeted Community                   2.0                  3.5                  3.2                  3.4                   3.0                  2.9

  Engagement with
                                       1.7                  3.9                  3.3                  3.4                   3.2                  3.0
  Investee Companies

  Assessment of
                                       2.0                  3.8                  2.8                  3.1                   3.0                  3.6
  Transition Risks

  ESG Measurement
                                       1.5                  4.6                  2.9                  3.3                   3.5                  2.2
  and Monitoring

  Demographic Data
                                       4.3                  3.5                  3.5                  1.9                   3.7                  4.3

  Negative Screening
                                       2.8                  4.6                  4.4                  4.7                   3.8                  3.8

     High Usage (1.0-2.4)             Moderate Usage (2.5-3.5)              Limited/No Usage (3.6-5.0)

Results are rounded to the nearest tenth. Based upon a Mercer and World Economic Forum survey of 30 global asset owners with more than $3.4 trillion assets
under management (October 2020).

Sources: World Economic Forum and Mercer

                                                                             Trendsetters: Transformational Investment Practices of Advanced Investors        24
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