Use the Predict-O-Gram Strategy to Increase Student' Reading Comprehension

Page created by Jeffrey Gross
ELT-Lectura: Studies and Perspectives in English Language Teaching
                  Volume 8 Nomor 1, February 2021
                  ISSN (Print): 2336-8560, ISSN (ONLINE): 2550-0724

         Use the Predict-O-Gram Strategy to Increase Student’ Reading
                               Ratna Nery1, Nyayu Yayu Suryani2
            Universitas Islam Ogan Komering Ilir Kayuagung, Palembang, Indonesia
       Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Siti Khadijah Palembang, South Sumatra, Indonesia

The objective was to find out the students who were taught using the Predict-O-Gram strategy
differed significantly from those who were not. The research was perfomed. The methodology
used in the present study was a quasi-experimental. The total sample of the research was 54
students, which devided into two groups, namely experimental group (class VIII. B) and a
control group (class VIII. C), each of them consisted of 27 students. To gather the data, the
written exam was used in the design of multiplw choices. Before giving test, thye test was
tried non-sampled students of the 8th year students of MT Subulussalam Kayuagung class VIII.
A for the purpose of determining whether the test was valid and reliable for the non-sample.
The resulting data were analyzed by t-test and the calculation was made with SPSS (Statistical
Package for Social Science) version 20. It was found that the reading performance of students
taught by Predict-O-Gram strategy and those who were not differed significantly based on the
results of an independent sample t-test.
Keywords: Predict-O-Gram strategy, Reading comprehension

1.   INTRODUCTION                                complex structured texts, their grammar
       Reading is also an exciting skill for     information problems. They are highly reliant
students, as reading is one of the language      on their teachers in this situation and have no
abilities learning by students. According to     opportunity of engaging actively in learning.
Samo (2018), Reading is reflected primarily      To this end, lecturers should engage in a
as a complex meaning-oriented interaction,       suitable education strategy to deal with these
where are the students expected to acquire the   problems.
non-linear interpretation of a text. Reading           Furthermore, reading comprehension is
exercises,     therefore,   gives    students    very important for students, but students still
opportunities to learn the language and then     have difficulties to understand what they
build words,texts and paragraph .In addition,    have read. According to Klingner, Vaughn,
reading needs comprehension           making     and Boardman (2015), the difficulties that
connections as they read and make meaning        students faced with reading are often less
of the text.                                     read-interested in reading, they are also under
      Haryati (2014) explains that reading       motivated, and they have an insufficient
comprehension is a method in which readers       history and vocabulary to connect new
engage in an exchange of ideas with an           concepts and connect them with previous
author through writing. It could be concluded    learning. In addition, according to Oktavia
that reading is the way to understand the        (2013) The difficulties faced by the students
content of the text while reading it.            in reading are as follows. First, when the
                                                 teacher asked them to describe the
      Some of the challenges students face in    information in the document, the key idea,
reading is understanding. When reading new       specifics and supporting details of the text
discourses such as economic, political or        were not known to most of them.. Next, the
legal texts, students are deficient in new       teacher does not have an appropriate strategy
vocabulary. Furthermore, as they fulfill         in teaching reading. Thirdly, they lacked
ELT- Lectura, Vol 8, No 1, February 2021

vocabulary. It could be concluded that              words to predict how those words will be
reading is difficult to comprehend by the           used in the upcoming text. According to
students because the students have low              Fitriyani (2013), Predict-O-Gram strategy,
motivation, lack of vocabulary, and the             the students can be helped to know the text
students did not understand about the reading       quickly through the combination of
text.                                               vocabulary, phrase, place from the text that
                                                    they already predict. Then, making
      Based on primary research in MTs
                                                    predictions engages learners and links them
Subulussalam Kayuagung, the writer found
                                                    to the text by asking them what they believe
some problems related to the reading activity
                                                    could happen throughout the story.
of the eighth grade students. Based on the
teacher's interview at MTs Subulussalam                   Duguay and Artzi (2012), Predict o
Kayuagung, 80% of 75 the students had               gram helps students to use learning
difficulty reading the text. It happened            techniques such as estimation and self
because they did not understand the elements        surveillance. Predict o gram is therefore a
of the text paragraph, such as; topic, main         successful way of motivating students to
ideas, vocabulary is also a significant             predict how to develop their prior knowledge
problem for the students. They could not            of the story. In summary, the author
comprehend and get the information because          concludes that the Predict-O-Gram strategy
they did not know the meaning of the text           provides an opportunity for students to share
and did not understand what the text told           their prediction about the story. This strategy
about.                                              makes it possible not only to increase the
                                                    reading ability of students, but also to
       According to the above statement,
                                                    improve their vocabulary.
reading is very essential and required for
students. In reading skill, students are                  In this research, the researchers aimed
required to understand different types of text.     to Find out whether or not there was a
Based on the KTSP (2006), the standard              significant different in the achievement of
reading proficiency in undergraduate high           reading comprehension between the students
school is to understand the meaning of              taught using Predict-O-Gram Strategy and
simplicity, short essay in the form of              those who were not taught.
narration in the environment. Narrative text is
the text that tells something imaginative to        2.   METHOD
entertain the reader. According to Arberti                 The researcher used quasi-experimental
(2014) Narrative text is a text used as a           design. Quasi-experimental design involves
means to learn about reading comprehension          assignment, but not randomization of
in order to entertain readers or listeners. The     participants to groups. In fact, experience
narrative relates to something that has already     cannot artificially create groups for the
occurred in the past, so a series of events is      experiment (Creswell, 2012). The researchers
usually the underlying structure.                   conducted the research at MTs. Subulussalam
Depending on the preceding problems, the            Kayuagung, in class VIII. It used two classes,
teacher should use appropriate methods to           that are: class VIII.B consist of 27 students
help learners understand what they have been        and class VIII.C consist of 27 students. In
reading and improve their reading                   this case, experimental class was class that
comprehension. One strategy that can be used        got a treatment, that is giving Predict-O-
is a Predict-O-Gram strategy. The strategy          Gram strategy and control class was not
introduces stories to the student in a way that     given Predict-O-Gram strategy. Both classes
will strengthen their ability to understand         were applied pre-test before teaching,
what they are going to read and develop their       learning activity and posttest after teaching
ability to use story elements to increase           activity. Post-test and pre-test results were
understanding.                                      compared and calculated to determine the
      Predict-O-Gram   orients   student            efficiency of using the Predict-O-Gram
discussion around a narrow selection of             strategy in the reading process.

|ELT-Lectura: Studies and Perspectives in English Language Teaching
Copyright© 2021 Ratna Nery, Nyayu Yayu Suryani

       In collecting data, the researchers used     Ho: There was no significant different
test, observation, and documentation. The test      between students who are taught with
was given to the students in the form of            Predict-O-Gram and those who are not, in
multiple choice test, that is the students asked    reading comprehension.
to write given twice for pre-test and post-test.    Ha: Among students who were taught using
The observation was made on the application         the Predict-O-Gram strategy and those who
of meetings, learning activities, and the           were not, there was a substantial difference in
implementation of Predict-O-Gram strategy.          reading comprehension efficiency.
The collected data in the documentation used              From the result of the pre-test in the
to view the data includes, student data,            experimental group, it was found that the
various media literacy data, and the design of      lowest score was 38.0, the highest score was
the follow-up activities of the literacy            82.0, the mean score was 60.22, and the
activities undertaken by students. The data         standard deviation was 11.69. Meanwhile, in
collected was analysed by reducing the data,        the post-test, the lowest score was 60.0, the
displaying it, and then concluding the data as      highest score was 94.0 and the average score
a response to the formulation of the problem        was 80.00 with the SD 6.90.
                                                          From the result of the pre-test in the
      In the instrument test, the researchers       control group, it was found that the lowest
used validity and reliability. Validity was         score was 28.0, the highest score was 70.0,
used to measure the data. While reliability         the mean sore was 49.55, and the standard
refers to the extent to which test score are        deviation was 11.88. During this time, in the
free measurement errors. The researchers            posttest, the lowest score was 40.0, the
used face and content validity.                     highest score was 74.0 and the average score
      In technique analysis data the                was 57.51 with the standard deviation of
researchers, used t-test formula. Before            8.87.
applying t-test value in examining of
hypotheses, the researchers done by test of                On the normality of the data, Shapiro-
normality and homogeneity to know whether           Wilk test was used. This test was testing to
or not the experimental class and regulated         see if the observed data fit a normal
class data are typically distributed.               distribution. Based on the result normality
                                                    test in the pre-test, it showed p value of the
3.   FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION                        Shapiro-Wilk pre-test of the experimental
                                                    group was 0.887 > 0.05. The distribution of
       The researchers conducted the research
                                                    the information was therefore normal.
at MTs. Subulussalam Kayuagung, in class
                                                    Meanwhile, it showed p value of the Shapiro-
VIII. It used two classes, that are: class
                                                    Wilk post-test of the experimental group was
VIII.B consist of 27 students and class VIII.C
                                                    0.268 > 0.05. It meant that the distribution of
consist of 27 students. In this case,
                                                    the data was normal.
experimental class was class that got a
treatment, that is giving Predict-O-Gram                   On the normality of the data, Shapiro-
strategy and control class was not given            Wilk test was used. This test was testing to
Predict-O-Gram strategy. Both classes were          see if the observed data fit a normal
applied pre-test before teaching, learning          distribution. Based on the test normality
activity and posttest after teaching activity.      result in the pre-test, he showed that the
Posttest and pre-test results were compared         Shapiro-Wilk p-value in the pre-test in the
and calculated for the effectiveness of using       control group was 0.145 > 0.05. The
the Predict-O-Gram strategy in the reading          distribution of the information was therefore
process. Below are the results of the               normal. Meanwhile, it showed p value of the
effectiveness tests that were conducted. In the     Shapiro-Wilk in post-test of the control group
meantime, these assumptions are summarized          was 0.150 > 0.05. It meant that the
as follows:                                         distribution of the data was normal.

|ELT-Lectura: Studies and Perspectives in English Language Teaching
Copyright© 2021 Ratna Nery, Nyayu Yayu Suryani

      To know the homogeneity of the test,          reading text given during the treatment. This
Levene Statistic was used. The calculation          strategy could develop students’ thinking
homogeneity of variance data in experimental        about a topic before the students start to read,
and control group found that the sign (0.135)       since they predicted vocabulary that the
was higher than p-value (0.05). It may be           teacher given from the text.
concluded that the experimental and control               Based on the statistic result for matched
group data were homogenous. The following           samples in the control group, the resulting t
table presents the outcome of homogeneity of        (5.84) was found to be greater than the t-table
variance which was calculated using SPSS            (2.0555). It meant that the students in the
version 20.                                         control group haven't progressed after
       The result of the homogeneity of the         teaching reading using an explanation. The
test using Levene’s test method. Levene score       students in the control group did not have
shown in line based on Mean was 2.306 with          improvement in their reading comprehension
a p value (Significance) was 0.135. Since the       achievement because the students were asked
p value was higher than 0.05. It meant that         by the teacher to read the text and to find the
there was the sameness of variant in each           meaning of the words.
group. It meant that the test was                          From the independent sample t-test
homogeneous. Since the data distribution of         result, the mean difference between the
the test was considered normal and                  experimental and control groups was found to
homogeneous.                                        be 22.48; t-obtained was 10.39. As t-obtained
       Based on the result of group statistics      (10.39) was above the t - table (2.0066) and p
of independent samples t-test, the value of t-      value (0.000) was lower than avalue (0.05).
obtained was 10.39 at the significant level         This implies that the null hypothesis (Ho)

opportunity to the students to present their        significant   difference   in         reading
prediction about the story, and this strategy       comprehension achievement.
improve student’s ability in reading and
increase students’ vocabulary.                      REFERENCES
                                                    Arberti, Y. (2014). Improving reading
4.   CONCLUSION                                         comprehension on narrative texts by
                                                        using story grammar strategy at grade
      The objective of the study was To find            VIII of SMP N 1 Pondok Kelapa
out whether there was a significant difference          Bengkulu Tengah. Faculty of Teacher
in the achievement of reading comprehension             Training and Education, University of
between the students who were taught using              Bengkulu.          Retrieved         from:
Predict-O-Gram Strategy and those who were    
not.The methodology used in the present                 I%2CII-14-yem.FK.pdf.
study was quasi-experimental. The sample of         Annie,Duguay        and   Lauren,Artzi.
the study was 54 students, which divided into          (2012).Differentiated Story    Map
                                                       PredictO Grams. New York : Harper
two groups, namely experimental group
(class VIII.B) and a control group (class
                                                    Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research:
VIII.C), each of them consisted of 27
                                                        planning, conducting, and evaluating
students. For data collection, the written              quantitative and qualitative research
examination was used in the form of multiple            (Fourth Edition). Boston: Pearson
choices. Before giving the test, the test was           Education, Inc.
tried out to non sample students of the eighth      Fitriyani, S. (2013). Teaching reading by
grade students of MTs Subulussalam                       combining        predict-o-gram     with
Kayuagung class VIII. A in order to know                 discussion web strategies at senior high
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was calculated by using SPSS (Statistical               (2015). Teaching reading comprehension
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It was observed on the basis of the paired t-           comprehension by combining the partner
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