User Guide for Arbitrators and Mediators

User Guide for Arbitrators and Mediators
      User Guide for Arbitrators and Mediators

 December 2021

 These materials are for training and instructional purposes only. No part of this publication may
 be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means—
 electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise—without prior written
 permission from FINRA.

© 2021 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. All rights reserved.
User Guide for Arbitrators and Mediators
FINRA Dispute Resolution Portal                                                                                               User Guide

Table of Contents
Welcome to the FINRA DR Portal ....................................................................................................... 3
   Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 3
   Portal Access ................................................................................................................................... 3
   Compatible Browsers ...................................................................................................................... 4
   Spam Filters .................................................................................................................................... 4
   Pop-Up Blockers.............................................................................................................................. 4
   Completing PDF Forms ................................................................................................................... 4
   Portal Registration Process ............................................................................................................. 5
DR Portal Functionality ....................................................................................................................... 6
   Home .............................................................................................................................................. 6
   Reminders ....................................................................................................................................... 7
   Arbitration Cases and Mediation Cases .......................................................................................... 8
   Messages ........................................................................................................................................ 8
   Profile Update ................................................................................................................................. 9
   Viewing Case Details ....................................................................................................................... 9
       Special Proceeding .................................................................................................................... 10
   Messages ...................................................................................................................................... 10
   Details ........................................................................................................................................... 11
   Hearings ........................................................................................................................................ 11
   Scheduling ..................................................................................................................................... 12
   Payments ...................................................................................................................................... 14
   Documents .................................................................................................................................... 14
   Drafts & Submissions .................................................................................................................... 15
   Sharing Draft Submissions ............................................................................................................ 19
   Submitting an Arbitrator Experience Survey ................................................................................ 20
   Rejected Forms ............................................................................................................................. 20
   Award Review ............................................................................................................................... 21
   Viewing Your Disclosure Report ................................................................................................... 23
   Viewing and Updating Your Neutral Profile.................................................................................. 23
   Neutral Profile Update .................................................................................................................. 23
       Personal Information ................................................................................................................ 25

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       Contacts and Honorarium......................................................................................................... 26
       Business Background ................................................................................................................ 27
       Employment History ................................................................................................................. 28
       Educational History ................................................................................................................... 28
       Training ..................................................................................................................................... 29
       Arbitrator Classifications (action required for arbitrators) ...................................................... 29
       Statutory Discrimination Qualifications .................................................................................... 29
       Securities Disputes Experience ................................................................................................. 29
       Conflicts/Disclosures (action required for all neutrals) ............................................................ 29
       Accommodations ...................................................................................................................... 30
       Review and Submit ................................................................................................................... 31
Log Out of Portal ............................................................................................................................... 32
Additional Help ................................................................................................................................. 32
   Appendix A: Completing PDF Forms ............................................................................................. 33
Appendix B: Creating a DR Portal Account ....................................................................................... 36

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User Guide for Arbitrators and Mediators
FINRA Dispute Resolution Portal                                                      User Guide

Welcome to the FINRA DR Portal

FINRA Dispute Resolution Services developed this user guide to help neutrals become familiar
with the Dispute Resolution Portal (DR Portal). The DR Portal is a web-based system that allows
neutrals to log into a secure section of our website for self-service access to update their profile
and view assigned case information.

The DR Portal has two parts: the DR Neutral Portal is for FINRA neutrals (arbitrators and
mediators) serving on the FINRA Dispute Resolution Services roster, and the DR Party Portal is for
arbitration and mediation case participants. This user guide describes the DR Neutral Portal. A
separate user guide is available that explains the use of the DR Party Portal for case participants.

If you happen to be both a FINRA neutral and a participant to a case, you can register the same
User ID to access both sides of the DR Portal. Registered neutrals who are also case participants
may access the party portal by clicking on the link “Go to Party Portal” found near the top of the
homepage once you are logged in. Likewise, case participants may access the neutral side of the
DR Portal by clicking on the link “Go to Neutral Portal” from the homepage.

Portal Access
Neutrals can access the DR portal from after completing the initial registration step.
Neutrals can also create a “favorite” or “bookmark” in their browser for easy access to the DR
Portal. We recommend that you create the bookmark AFTER you successfully log into the portal.
Do not bookmark the “login” page prior to logging into the portal, as this may lead to problems
logging in.

 Note: you can NOT use your FINRA Gateway account to access the DR Portal. You must
 create a separate account using the self-registration procedures described below. If you
 attempt to log into the DR Portal using a Firm account, you will receive the following error

 You only need one account to access all of your cases; you do not need to create a new
 account for each case.

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A direct link to the DR Portal login screen can be found on the home page:

Compatible Browsers
The DR Portal is compatible with recent versions of the following browsers: Microsoft Edge,
Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari. Microsoft Internet Explorer is no longer supported.

Spam Filters
You will receive automated emails coming from “” when you are invited to
register for a case or when activity occurs on your case that requires your attention. In order to
prevent your spam filter from blocking these emails, we suggest that you add this email address
to the “safe senders” list in your spam filter software.

 Note: FINRA will not complete spam filter forms that may be sent by your spam filter
 software. You must add the “” email address to your spam filter safe
 sender list to receive emails coming from the DR Portal.

Pop-Up Blockers
Some features of the portal open extra tabs in your browser or pop-up windows. We suggest that
you add * to your browser’s list of Trusted Sites and to your pop-up blocker’s exception
list. You may also disable your pop-up blocker.

Completing PDF Forms
Some case processing forms, such as the Order on Request for Permanent Injunction, have not
yet been incorporated into the “Drafts & Submissions” tab of the portal. These can still be found
on the “Forms and Tools” page of the website at
mediation/forms-tools. These are Adobe Acrobat PDF forms that contain blank fields for you to
enter information. See Appendix A for more information about installing Adobe Acrobat Reader
on your computer and using PDF forms.

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Portal Registration Process
If you are not already registered for the DR Portal, you will need to receive an invitation from
FINRA Dispute Resolution Services containing a personalized link to register. Click on the link in
the invitation email (or copy and paste it into your browser) to start the process:

 Note: If you already created an account that you intended to use for the DR Portal, you can
 skip these steps and just log into the portal with your existing account when you use the
 personalized link in your invitation email. See Appendix B for more information about
 creating a DR Portal account.

1. Once the FINRA "Welcome to Dispute Resolution Services" page is displayed, click on "Create
   Account Here" and follow the steps to create a new account.

2. You will receive an email with a temporary password. Follow the steps to create a
   personalized password.

3. Select and supply answers to the security questions.

4. The system will ask you for the last 4 digits of your Social Security number or your assigned
   FINRA Neutral ID.

5. Click the link that appears on the screen and view your profile.

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   DR Portal Functionality

   On the FINRA DR Portal Homepage, you will see a menu of options across the top heading bar:

 Home displays your current and upcoming arbitration and mediation cases, as well as FINRA DRS
  announcements and recent reminders and notifications regarding your cases.
 Arbitration Cases displays all arbitration cases you have ever been assigned to.
 Mediation Cases displays all mediation cases you have ever been assigned to.
 Messages displays the messages that have been sent to you regarding activity on your cases being
  handled through the DR Portal.
 Profile Update is where you can view and update your profile and disclosure information.

   There are also quick access links to:

                           View or Update My Profile – takes you to the same place as the Profile
                           menu on top.
                           View My Arbitrator Disclosure Report – this is the same report provided
                           to arbitration parties during arbitrator selection.
                           View My Arbitrator List Statistics – shows you how often your name is
                           appearing on arbitrator ranking lists.
                           View My Historical Cases – creates a report listing the names of the
                           parties for every case you have ever been on, to assist you when checking
                           for conflicts.
                           View My Mediator Disclosure Report – this is the same report provided
                           to mediation parties during mediator selection.
                           Change My Password – if you want to update your password.
                           Change My Email Address – if you need to change your email address.
                           Manage My Portal Preferences – lets you select how you would like to
                           receive automated reminders.

                           As well as links to resources like the FINRA Learning Management
                           System, Arbitration Awards Online, the Forms and Tools page on the
                  website, and a link to download Adobe Acrobat Reader for
                           viewing PDF documents and completing PDF forms.

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The Home page allows neutrals to view information about their currently assigned cases. The
Home page provides a display of open arbitration and mediation cases, as well as a list of the
upcoming arbitration hearings and mediation sessions that neutrals are scheduled to attend.

The Home page also displays announcements (in the orange banners near the top of the page)
regarding the DR Portal or relevant FINRA Dispute Resolution Services activity and reminders for
upcoming activity on your cases (in the blue box). See “Reminders” below for more information.

Clicking on any of the green plus signs (such as the one next to the name of the DR staff person
assigned to your case) will expand the view to show more details. Clicking on it again will hide the

You receive automated reminders for upcoming events on your cases. You can control how you
receive reminders using the “Manage My Portal Preferences” quick access link on the left-hand
menu. You cannot disable the reminders completely, but you can choose to receive these
reminders only by portal message so as not to affect your email inbox. These portal message
reminders will be automatically moved to your archived messages after 30 days.

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Arbitration Cases and Mediation Cases
These home page menus take you to a page that lists all of your cases. The view defaults to
showing your open and inactive cases.

You can click on “View Closed Cases” or “View All Cases” to change what is displayed in the list.
You can also click on the column headings to change the sort order of the list.

You can see every case on which you have served, regardless of whether the case resulted in an
award. Clicking on the Case Name for any of these listed cases—open or closed—will display a
detailed case view of the selected case.

This menu option takes you to a page showing the messages that have been sent to you regarding
activity across all of your cases being handled through the DR Portal. You also receive these
messages as email alerts. The number in orange indicates the number of unread messages. The
view defaults to showing all received messages that you have not already archived. Unread
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messages are displayed in bold type. You can limit the view to just your unread messages by
clicking on “View Unread Messages.” You can also filter the messages to show just those relating
to certain message types that have been sent to you. Select “Award Review”, “Documents”,
“Download Documents” or “Scheduling” in the Message Type Filter drop-down menu.

To archive messages, click on the checkbox to the left of the message to select them (or click on
“Select All” to select all messages), and then click on the Archive Selected Messages button. To
view your archived messages, click on the Go to Archived Messages button.

In addition, any announcements or reminders that you deleted from the Home page (by clicking
on the X next to it) can be found on the Archived Messages page.

Profile Update
This menu option lets you view the details of your neutral profile. See “Viewing and Updating
Your Neutral Profile” later in this Guide for a complete description of this feature.

Viewing Case Details
By clicking on a case name listed on the Home page, Arbitration Case page or Mediation Case
page, you can see the Case Abstract along with a row of tabs providing additional information
about the case: “Messages”, “Details”, “Hearings”, “Scheduling”, “Payments”, “Documents”,
“Drafts & Submissions”, and “Award Review”.

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Special Proceeding
This heading tag indicates if the parties have chosen “special proceeding” to present the case.
Special proceedings differ from regular hearings because:
     An arbitrator will hear the case by telephone conference call unless all parties agree as to
        another method of appearance.
     Claimants, collectively, and respondents, collectively, each have two hours to present
        their cases and one-half hour for rebuttal and closing statements.
     The hearing will be completed in one day with no more than two hearing sessions.
     The parties may not question opposing parties' witnesses.
     The parties may not call an opposing party as a witness.
    For detailed information about Special Proceedings, please see: Code of Arbitration Procedure
    Rule 12800(c) (Customer Code) and Rule 13800(c) (Industry Code).

The Messages tab shows the messages you have received from FINRA regarding this case. The
number in blue indicates the number of unread messages. The view defaults to showing all
received messages for this case that you have not already archived. Unread messages are

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displayed in bold type. You can limit the view to just your unread messages by clicking on “View
Unread Messages.”

To archive messages, click on the checkbox to the left of the message to select them (or click on
the checkbox to the left of the Date heading to select all messages), and then click on the Archive
Selected Messages button.

To view your archived messages, click on the Go to Archived Messages button. You can return
archived messages back to your current message page by selecting the archived messages (using
the small checkbox to the left of each message) and clicking on Unarchive Selected Messages

You can view the names of your co-arbitrators, as well as the names of the parties and their
representatives. By clicking on the representatives’ names, you can see their contact information.

The Hearings tab shows the hearings that are scheduled or have already been held for the case.
You can also view the address and phone number for a hearing location. The Hearings page also
provides information about which arbitrators and FINRA staff attended a particular hearing. Click

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on the green plus sign to see details about the location, call in number for a conference call, or
Zoom meeting information for a video conference. If it does not expand when you click on it (the
green plus just becomes a minus), then there is no information to display under that heading.

The “Hearing Purpose” and “Hearing Instructions” may be displayed underneath each hearing.
Also, the “Hearing Format” column indicates whether the hearing is being held by teleconference,
video conference, or in person and whether this hearing needs to be recorded.

If the hearing will be held by Zoom video conference, you can expand the “Zoom Meeting”
section to see the Zoom details, including a button to take you straight to the meeting, and a link
to download the Zoom meeting details to your personal calendar.

The “Scheduling” tab provides a collaborative tool that allows the party representatives and
neutrals to find mutually agreeable dates for scheduling (or rescheduling) arbitration hearings or
mediation sessions.

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When a hearing or session needs to be scheduled or rescheduled, FINRA will propose a range of
dates by creating a “scheduling poll.” When FINRA displays a poll on the DR Portal, each of the
required attendees will receive an email notification telling them to log into the DR Portal to
complete the poll by providing their availability.

Click on the Poll ID to open the poll.

For each date, enter your availability. You can also enter a comment in the box by clicking on the
green plus sign, entering your comment, and then clicking on Done.

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Once you are finished, click on Submit at the bottom of the poll. Your entries and comments will
be immediately viewable by all other attendees on the case, as well as by FINRA staff.

You can come back to the poll to make changes and update your comments to try and reach
consensus on acceptable dates, all without having to speak in person. Click on Submit after you
make changes so that other attendees can see your latest updates.

Note that the process is the same for mediation Scheduling Polls.

The “Payments” tab shows all payments you have earned for a case as well as check dates and
check numbers. If you do not see information in the Payments section for a hearing you
participated in, the system will advise you to allow time to process the payment and to check back
in a few days.

The “Documents” tab shows a list of documents contained in the case file that have been made
available for viewing through the portal. This would include documents you submitted as well as
documents published by FINRA staff to the portal. Case parties cannot send documents directly to
neutrals through the portal. Only FINRA staff can make case documents viewable on the Neutral

If there are multiple documents contained in a Subject, you will see a “+ Document List” link,
which you can click to open the list of documents. There is also an “Expand All” link in the

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Documents column heading. Clicking this link will display the list of documents contained in all of
the Subjects on the page.

There is also a “Download All” button that will create a single PDF containing all of the documents
contained in the Subject, complete with a cover page listing the documents contained within, and
a separator page between each individual document. When using the Download All button, a
message is sent to you with a link to retrieve the compiled list of documents. This link expires
after three days. To avoid confusion, these Download Document messages are now automatically
deleted after three days, since the link contained in them will no longer work. After that, you will
need to click on the Download All button again to get a new link.

 Note: all documents in the DR Portal are saved as Adobe PDF files. Make sure you have the
 latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer to avoid problems
 opening the files. You MUST disable your pop-up blocker to view the documents.

Drafts & Submissions
You can submit PDF documents to FINRA through the portal. The PDF forms you use regularly
have been converted into interactive forms that can be completed directly in the portal.

After selecting the case you are working on, click the red Submit Documents button in the upper
right-hand corner to submit documents through the portal rather than faxing or emailing the
document. This will take you to the Drafts & Submissions tab in the case.

To complete a form or submit case-related documents to FINRA, follow these steps:

    1. Press the Submit Documents button or click on the Drafts & Submissions tab in the case.
    2. Select a Submission Type by clicking on the drop-down menu. These interactive forms can
       be submitted directly from the portal, rather than using a fill-in PDF version of those
       forms. “Neutral Case Submission” can be used for all other types of case documents you
       need to send to FINRA (such as the fill-in PDF forms we have not yet converted).
    3. Press the red Start button to begin a new submission. The form for the selected
       submission type will be displayed.
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    4. Answer the questions as required found in each of the blue bands. The first band is open
       to start. Click on the subsequent bands to open them, as needed.

    5. Some forms have an Attachments section. Press the red Add Document button to attach
       a PDF document from your computer to the form.

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    6. Select the “Attachment Type” from the dropdown menu that describes the document you
       are submitting.

    7. Press the Choose File button to select the PDF on your computer to submit. Find the file,
       and double-click on it to select it. Enter a brief description of the document in the
       Description field.
    8. Press the Add Document button. Your document is added to the list of attached
       documents you wish to send to FINRA.

 Note: You can add more than one document to this form by repeating these steps.

    9. To finalize your submission, you must press the Submit button.

NEW! Most forms now have a Preview Full Draft button located at the top of the form. Pressing
this button opens up the entire form for you to review prior to submitting to FINRA. This makes it
easier to see everything you have entered (rather than having to open each section of the form
one at a time). You cannot submit the form while you are previewing it. Press the Close Preview
button to return to edit mode and to Submit the form.

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After you press Submit, you should receive a confirmation on your screen that your form was
submitted successfully. You will also receive a confirmation email.

After a few seconds, you will be returned to the Drafts & Submissions tab and see your submitted
form in your list, with a Tracking Number and a status of Submitted. You can also click on your
attachments to verify what you sent.

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If you are not yet ready to submit your documents, you can press the Save Draft button. This will
save an in-progress draft of this form in your “Drafts & Submissions” tab that you can return to
later by clicking on the Tracking Number, or you can delete the draft by clicking on the Delete

Sharing Draft Submissions
A new Share button has been added to the Drafts & Submissions tab, located next to each of your
draft forms. When you press this button, your draft form will be visible on the other panelists’
portals on this case in the “Shared Draft Submissions” section of this page. The other panelists will
receive an email notifying them that you have shared a draft form with them. The Share button
will change to Unshare that you can press to stop sharing your draft form.

Other panelists cannot edit your draft form, they can only view it. If they have comments about
your draft, they will have to communicate with you directly. If you make additional edits to your
draft and save them, the other panelists will have to refresh their browser page to see your latest

To view a draft form being shared with you by another panelist on this case, click on the Tracking
Number in the “Shared Draft Submissions” section. You can also click on any attachments to see
the current documents that are attached to the draft form.

To exit this view, click on “Back to Drafts & Submissions” at the top of the page.

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Submitting an Arbitrator Experience Survey
The Arbitrator Experience Survey replaces the Arbitrator Experience Survey form that was on the website. To submit this form, follow these steps:

    1. Choose “Arbitrator Experience Survey” on the Submission Type dropdown, and then press
       the red Start button. The form will be displayed.
    2. Complete all sections of the form, and then press the Submit button. The form will be
       submitted to FINRA DR. You will be automatically returned to the Drafts & Submissions
    3. If you wish to view your submitted survey, you can click on the Tracking Number next to
       the submitted form. This will open a PDF document of your submission.

Rejected Forms
All of the “order” forms have an additional feature: The ability for a form to be sent back to the
portal by FINRA staff when there is missing information or staff requires clarification. You will
receive an email from staff notifying you that the form was returned and noting the problem they
are having. You can find the form in the Drafts & Submissions folder of the case with a status of
“Rejected”. Just select the Tracking Number to go into the form. Your previous entries will still be
there. Just make whatever changes are needed and press the Submit button again.

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Award Review
The “Award Review” tab allows you to review and electronically “sign” the award directly
through the portal.

When the award draft has been prepared, you will receive an email notifying you that the award
is ready for your review and signature. Like other notification emails you receive, it will contain a
link to the Award Review tab of the associated case in the portal.

Press the View Award Draft button to open the award PDF in your browser.

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If the award is completely accurate, click on the affirmation checkbox, type your full name in the
Signature box, then press the Sign Award button. A message will pop up asking if you are sure you
want to sign the award. Click Yes if you are sure, or No if you want to go back. You will see a
confirmation message.

Note that you CAN change your mind and remove your signature from the award. Press the
Remove Signature button to remove your signature. You can change your mind until FINRA staff
finalizes the award, which they will do shortly after they see that all panelists have signed the

Alternatively, if you note any errors or omissions in the award draft, you can indicate that and
then contact the FINRA staff assigned to your case so that it can be resolved. Check the second
box and then press the Return for Correction button.

 Note: You MUST contact FINRA DR immediately and explain the issue with the award.

At the bottom of the page, you can see the current award review status of all panel members.

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Viewing Your Disclosure Report
                      If you would like to see your current disclosure report before making
                      updates, click on “View My Arbitrator Disclosure Report” or “View My
                      Mediator Disclosure Report” found on the left-hand menu. You will see a
                      PDF version of your current disclosure report. You can also choose to print
                      the report by selecting print from your browser menu.

 Note: You cannot directly edit your disclosure report. To make changes, you submit updates
 to your profile, and then FINRA staff process your submission to update your disclosure

Viewing and Updating Your Neutral Profile
You can view and submit changes to your profile information through the portal. To view your

Click on “Profile Update” in the heading bar. The View Profile page will open on the Personal
Information tab. Click on any of the headings in the left-hand menu to view the specific
information in your profile.

Neutral Profile Update
Neutrals can make updates to their disclosure reports through the Portal.

 Note: If you submitted an update that has not yet been processed by FINRA staff, you must
 wait at least two business days before trying to submit another update through the DR
 Portal. If you need to submit your update sooner, you can send it by email to

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                                   To update your profile, do the following:

                                   1. Click on the red Update Profile button.

                                   This takes you to the DR Neutral Profile Update Form page.

 NEW: This form now opens in the same browser tab as the portal. If you want to exit the
 form before submitting changes (or after you submit), click on the “Back to DR Portal” link.

2. The Profile Update form will begin with Personal Information, however, you may skip to a
specific section either by clicking “Next” at the bottom of the page, or by clicking on the section
name that you want to jump to in the left-hand menu.

You do not need to complete each section or go in sequential order. However, you must review
and affirm your responses in the Employment History, Arbitrator Classifications (if you are an
arbitrator) and Conflicts/Disclosures sections each time you submit an update form.

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Some of the profile information is for viewing only and cannot be updated directly. The system
will identify what information you can and cannot modify.

Please read the specific update instructions on the top of each page. All questions with a red
asterisk (*) are required.

3. Once you have made your changes, go to the “Review and Submit” section at the end of the
form and press the “Submit” button.

4. After you have submitted your updates, click on the “Back to DR Portal” link at the top right of
the form to return to the portal Home page.

Personal Information
The following information is part of your personal information section. You may update some of
this information. Any sections that are view only are indicated below.

    •   Neutral ID (view only)
    •   Title
    •   First Name
    •   CRD Number (view only; you must call FINRA if there is a change to your CRD number)
    •   Are you an attorney?
    •   Preferred method of communication
    •   Login name to DR Portal (view only)
    •   Arbitration specific question: willing to serve as chairperson
    •   Mediator specific questions: style, mediation by phone, etc.

Personal information can be updated by entering text in the free text fields and using the drop-
down options.

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Contacts and Honorarium
You can update your address and change which address should be the preferred address.

Email Address
Please note that you cannot change your email address by submitting a change directly on the
Profile Update form. Your email address is tied to your DR Portal login. Therefore, you can only
change your email address by updating your account information. Do this separately from the
Profile Update form, as follows:

    1. On the DR Portal Homepage, you can select the “Change My Email Address” quick link
       menu option to change your email address.
    2. You may also use the link on the Email Address section of the update form.

    3. Enter your new Primary Email address and click “Save.”
    4. Then click on Dispute Resolution Portal under “my applications”.

Click anywhere on the address line to edit it.

You can also delete any outdated addresses by using the “delete” button.

To add a new address, click the “Add New” button and enter the required fields. Be sure to
designate at least one address as your preferred address. Do not enter the same address more
than once.

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You can make similar changes to your telephone and fax numbers.

Honorarium/Mediator Payment
You may change where you would like your honorarium to be sent. You may also choose to waive
the honorarium at any time. Be sure to answer the required questions about honorarium.

Business Background
You may edit your business background by typing in new text and deleting outdated information.
You can make changes directly into your existing business background. You should not leave this
section blank.

You will not be able to attach documents. However, you will be able to cut and paste text from a
document into the business background section. We ask that you do not delete any notations
entered by FINRA staff in this section.

You should review your new business background for any typos and spelling errors. Once you
submit your new business background, FINRA staff will review and—barring obvious mistakes—
will process the new background directly into your profile.

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Employment History
You will only be able to add new employment information and edit existing entries. You will not
be able to delete any previous employment information.

You must check the box affirming that the answers you provided in this section are accurate each
time you submit an update form.

FINRA will continue to use the same rules when it comes to employment information. You cannot
have an unexplained gap of more than 30 days in between employment. The system will not
automatically flag your entry if it contains an unexplained gap of more than 30 days, so you must
carefully review it to ensure that there are no gaps.

Retired or Unemployed
If you are retired or unemployed, please indicate this by entering an end date for your last
employment and adding a new entry for your time of retirement or unemployment.

    •   In the list of your employment entries, click on an entry to edit it.
    •   Make your changes and click on the “Update Row” button (e.g., add an End Date for the
        date you retired.)
    •   Then, click on the “Add New” button to add a new entry for the start of your retirement.
        Enter “Unemployed” for the Firm Name and Position, and “Full-Time” for the Type.

Educational History
You will only be able to add new education information and edit existing entries. You will not be
able to delete any previous education information. This works the same way as all grids on this
form; click on a row to edit it, then click on “Add New” to add a new entry.

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You will only be able to add new training information and edit existing entries. You will not be
able to delete any previous training information.

You will have the option to classify training as either arbitration training, mediation training, or
other training.

You should enter the name of the course under the “Details” field, then click “Add Row” to add
the entry.

Arbitrator Classifications (action required for arbitrators)
To ensure that arbitrators are properly classified as “public” or “non-public,” FINRA will ask you to
affirm your classification. On your first visit to the update section of the portal, you will be
required to answer a series of questions related to your classification.

On subsequent visits, you will be required to affirm your previous answers to these classification
questions—if further modification is not necessary. However, you will not need to re-answer the
same questions each time you make an update to your profile.

If you provide responses that raise a question about your classification, you will receive a message
to contact FINRA.

Statutory Discrimination Qualifications
In order to serve as the chairperson on statutory discrimination cases, you must qualify under
Rule 13802 of the Code of Arbitration Procedure. If you are interested in serving in this capacity,
you may answer the questions in this section of the update form. You must also provide a
summary of your qualifications in this area of law.

Staff will review your responses to make sure that you qualify under the Code of Arbitration
Procedure before making this update to your profile.

Securities Disputes Experience
You may add new securities disputes expertise to your profile. These skills are listed on your
disclosure report that parties review during the arbitrator selection process. For example, if you
have a particular expertise in breach of contract disputes or auction rate securities, you can add
this information.

You will also need to provide a written explanation justifying your expertise. The form will require
you to enter text, explaining your expertise. Staff will review this information before adding it to
your profile. In some cases, staff may contact you for additional information.

Conflicts/Disclosures (action required for all neutrals)
This section captures information that you provided in the Legal/Regulatory and
Conflicts/Disclosures sections of the arbitrator application. For example, you may update or add
information about your brokerage accounts, litigation (including non-securities related lawsuits),
publications (including publications that appear only online), professional licenses, service as an

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expert witness, service on boards of directors, disclosures related to your spouse or immediate
family member (definition for immediate family member is part of the definition for “public
arbitrator,”), etc. This section captures any and all disclosures that may not fit neatly into another
section of your disclosure profile. As an arbitrator you are under a continuing duty to update
information initially provided in the application and provide new disclosures as they arise. When
in doubt, disclose. Failure to disclose may result in vacated awards which undermine the
efficiency and finality of our process. Failure to disclose may also result in removal from the

You will not be able to delete any previous entries to this section. The only edits you may make to
a previous conflict/disclosure is to designate that it is no longer active. You may provide a written
explanation to describe any changes that you submit.

You must check the box affirming that the answers you provided in this section are accurate each
time you submit an update form.

Please let us know if you have any special accommodations when serving as a neutral.

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Review and Submit

Check for Errors Button
Before you submit your update form, click on the Check for Errors button to see if you have any
unresolved entries in your form.

Error Message
If you have any errors in your submission, the system will show you a message with the sections
in which you have errors. The sections with errors will appear immediately before the colon; they
will correlate with the sections that appear in the left hand navigation menu of the form. You
must correct the errors before the system accepts your update form.

To help remember what errors need to be fixed, you can select the “Print” button to print out the
error message.

You must check the box affirming that the information in your profile is true and complete to the
best of your knowledge.

When you submit the form successfully, you will receive a confirmation email with a tracking
number to reference in case you have questions about your submission. You should also print out
a copy of the form you submitted. You can then close the tab in your browser.

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When Will the Updates Appear in Your Profile?
If you are currently serving on a case, FINRA will endeavor to make the update to your profile
within one business day. If you are not currently serving on a case, FINRA will try to make the
update within three to five business days. Therefore, you will not immediately see the updates in
the DR Portal.

If you recently submitted an update through the Portal and we have not processed the form yet,
you will not be able to submit a new update through the Portal. If it is urgent, you can send it by
email to .

Log Out of Portal
When you are done with your session in the DR Portal, be sure to log out by clicking on the Sign
Out link in the top right corner.

Once you click the Sign Out link you will receive confirmation that your logout was successful.

Additional Help
If you have any questions about the DR Portal, please contact Neutral Management Staff toll free
at (855) 209-1620 or in New York at (212) 858-3999. If your account is locked, call the Gateway
Call Center at (301) 590-6500. If you are having a technical problem other than your account
being locked and need immediate assistance, please call (800) 700-7065.

 Note: If you become locked out of your account, after one hour your account will unlock and
 you can try your password again. If it still does not work, contact the Gateway Call Center.

If you would like to provide feedback regarding the DR Portal or make any suggestions for
possible future enhancements, please send an email to We
appreciate your thoughtful comments and suggestions.

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Appendix A: Completing PDF Forms
Some case processing forms, such as the Order on Request for Permanent Injunction, have not
yet been incorporated into the “Drafts & Submissions” tab of the portal. These can still be found
on the “Forms and Tools” page of the website at
mediation/forms-tools. These are Adobe Acrobat PDF forms that contain blank fields for you to
enter information. For these forms to work properly, you MUST use the free Adobe Acrobat
Reader program on your computer. This is ESPECIALLY true for Apple Mac computers. Mac
computers come with a program called “Preview” that allows you to view and edit PDF forms, but
it does not let you save your work consistently and will cause you difficulties. You should
download Adobe Acrobat Reader from

You should disable the optional offers if you do not want them, then click on “Download Acrobat
Reader” and follow the instructions.

Once installed, you should make sure that your computer defaults to opening PDF documents
using Acrobat Reader. Run Acrobat Reader and it should ask you if you want it to be the default
program for viewing PDF files. Select Yes. You can find more information about making Adobe
Reader the default PDF viewing program here:

To complete a PDF form found on the website, perform the following steps:

1. Go to the Arbitration and Mediation page
2. Go to the Forms and Tools page.

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3. Find the form you are looking for (e.g., the Order on Request for Permanent Injunction).

4. Click on the form link, and then click on the red “Download Now” button. On some browsers,
   the form might just open immediately.
5. Depending on your computer configuration, the form will likely open in your browser.
6. DO NOT begin typing in the form. Most browsers do not let you fill out PDF forms properly
   (even though they look like they do). Instead, click on the Save icon (or right-click and choose
   “Save As…”) and save the blank PDF form on your computer. Remember where you saved the
   blank form on your computer.

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7.  Close your browser.
8.  Open Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer, and choose the File – Open menu option.
9.  Find the saved PDF form on your computer, click on it, and click on the Open button.
10. Fill out the PDF form, entering all of the required information.
11. When you are finished, choose the File – Save menu option to save your changes. Then exit
    out of Adobe Acrobat.
12. Follow the steps under “Drafts and Submissions” on page 14 to submit this form through the
    DR Portal to FINRA Dispute Resolution Services.

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Appendix B: Creating a DR Portal Account

    1. Click on “Create Account Here” to create a new account.

    2. Enter the registration information. You can make up your own User ID (letters and
       numbers only; an email address cannot be used as your User ID). The email address that
       you provide in the “Primary Email” field in this initial registration form should be the
       email address that you provide with any case-related submissions to FINRA.

         Note: you cannot use a FINRA Gateway account on the DR Portal. You must create a
         separate account. If you attempt to log into the DR Portal with a Firm account, you
         will receive the following error message:

         You only need one account to access all cases to which you are invited. You should
         NOT create a new account for each case you receive, and your account should use
         your unique email address. Do not use a “group mailbox” email address when
         creating an account.
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         Note: If you later need to update your email address, you will need to make this
         change by updating your account information using the “Change my Email” quick link
         menu option on the Homepage of the DR Portal. This change cannot be made by
         FINRA staff.

    3. You will receive a “Registration Confirmation” with your User ID. Be sure to write down
       your User ID and/or print this screen. Once written down, close all of your browser

    4. You will receive an email with a temporary password. Click on the words “this link” in the
       email to change your password.

    5. On the “Welcome to Dispute Resolution” page, enter your user ID and temporary
       password and click “I agree.”

    6. You will be prompted to change your password. Once you change your password, click

         Note: As a security measure, FINRA passwords automatically expire after a set period
         of time. When this occurs, you will be asked to change your password when you are
         logging in. You cannot select a password that you used previously.

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